Admissions, Baptisms & Marriages,
1805-1857 & 1857-1874
Extracted From
Early Annals Of Newington
Comprising The First Records Of
The Newington Ecclesiastical Society
And of the Congregational Church Conneced Therewith;
With Documents & Papers Relating to
The Early History of the Parish
Transcribed & Edited by Roger Welles
Clerk of the Society & Church
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

CHURCH RECORDS, 1805-1857.
3 Feb 1805, Admitted to Communion, Lucy, wife of Joab BRACE, by letter from West Hartford
17 Feb, Absalom WELLES & Lorrain, his wife, having stook propounded the usual time, viz. 2 weeks, as also those which follow.
3 Mar, Sally, wife of Levi DEMING
28 Apr, Luther LATIMER
30 Jun, Lucretia, wife of Solomon CHURCHILL
13 Oct, Jennette, wife of John KIRKHAM, Elizabeth, wife of Leonard C. HUBBARD & Lydia CHURCHILL, dau. of Levi CHURCHILL
27 Oct, Irene ANDRUS (wife of Elizur ANDRUS) & Mary SHEPARD
4 Jan 1807, Lemuel WHITTLESEY & Hannah, his wife
1 Mar, Benjamin HOPKINS, per letter from Kensington
1 Mar, John PHILLIPS, by letter from Sangerfield, N.Y.
6 Nov 1808, Nancy SEYMOUR, dau. of Elias SEYMOUR
1 Jan 1809, Josiah WILLARD & Rhoda, his wife, by letter from Wethersfield
5 Mar, Zerviah, wife of Reuben WHAPLES
29 Oct, Rosetta, wife of John SQUIER
1 Jul 1810, Harvey FRANCIS, son of Justus FRANCIS
19 Aug, Mary, wife of Joseph HULET
25 Aug 1811, William KIRKHAM
25 Aug, Lucy, wife of Simeon STODDARD
5 Apr 1812, Candance, wife of Jno. STODDARD
5 Apr, Mary WELLS, dau. of Dea. WELLS
26 Apr, Chloe DEMING
27 May, Thomas, a black man
23 Aug, Prudence KELLOGG, dau. of M. KELLOGG
1 Nov, Mary A. CHURCHILL, dau. of Samuel CHURCHILL
1 Nov, Julia CHURCHILL, dau. of Solomon CHURCHILL
1 Nov, Mercy CHURCHILL, dau. of Samuel CHURCHILL
1 Nov, Lucinda SAGE of Middletown
2 May 1813, Nancy, wife of Elisha WHAPLES
2 May, Abigail, wife of Samuel WHAPLES
27 Feb 1814, Sarah, wife of Elisha WHAPLES, 2d
1 May, Origen WELLS & Sarah, his wife
5 Mar 1815, Elizabeth, wife of Leonard C. HUBBARD by letter from Leyden, N.Y.
7 May, Mary, wife of Martin KELLOGG, Jr.
7 May, Sophronia, wife of Asaph WILLARD
7 May, Charlotte WELLES
5 May 1816, Widow Lucretia WELLS; Lois, wife of Levi HURLBURT; Sophia, wife of William KIRKHAM
5 May, Electa KELLOGG
5 May, Gennette KIRKHAM
5 May, Robert ROCKWELL
5 May, Hiram STODDARD
1 Jan 1818, Ruth BARNES, wife of Martin BARNES, by letter from Bolton
17 Jan 1819, Elias ANDREWS
25 Jul, Henry BLANNOT
19 Sep, Nancy, wife of Sylvester HURLBURT
19 Sep, Abigail KILBOURN
12 Dec, Sylvester HURLBURT
20 Aug 1820, Charlotte CHURCHILL
20 Aug, Elizabeth KILBOURN
6 May 1821, Eunice KILBOURN
6 May, Jonathan STODDARD, Sen.
6 May, Elisha WHAPLES, 1st
6 May, Elisha WHAPLES, 2d
6 May, Daniel WILLARD & Laura, his wife
6 May, William DEMING & Sarah, his wife
6 May, Eunice HUBBARD, wife of Dositheus HUBBARD
6 May, Sarah DOW, wife of Samuel DOW
6 May, Nancy DRINKWATER, wife of Thomas DRINKWATER
6 May, Jedediah DEMING & Mary, his wife
6 May, Alma CAMP
6 May, Horace HOPKINS & Fanny, his wife
6 May, Abel MATSON & Mabel, his wife
6 May, Giles SMITH & Lydia SMITH, his wife
6 May, Josiah W. GRISWOLD & Mary Ann, his wife
6 May, Jeremiah SEYMOUR & Emily, his wife
6 May, Anson WHAPLES & Sarah, his wife
6 May, William McCARTY & Jerusha, his wife
6 May, Lester LUCE & Sophia, his wife
6 May, Benjamin HOPKINS & Harriet, his wife
6 May, Phebe MESSENGER
6 May, Roger WELLES & Electa, his wife
6 May, Aaron TRYON
6 May, Zerah PRESTON
6 May, Elisha WHAPLES, 3d
6 May, Elisha WHAPLES, 4th
6 May, Erastus KILBOURN
6 May, John C. DOW
6 May, Sabra STODDARD
6 May, Sarah DOW
6 May, Huldah SEDGWICK
6 May, Mary S. BRACE
6 May, Martha BRACE
1 Jul, Martha GRAHAM
1 Jul, Huldah SQUIRE
1 Jul, Thomas DRINKWATER
1 Jul, Dositheus HUBBARD
1 Jul, Rebekah TRYON
1 Jul, John WHAPLES
1 Jul, Henry KILBOURN
1 Jul, Joshua BELDEN
1 Jul, Mason BELDEN
1 Jul, Emeline BROWN
30 Aug, Ruth FRANCIS, wife of Justus FRANCIS, by letter from Simsbury
2 Sep, Reuben WHAPPLES
2 Sep, Archibald HALL & Harriet, his wife
2 Sep, Chester CHURCHILL
2 Sep, Erastus LATTIMER
2 Sep, Mary STEEL
4 Nov, Elias SEYMOUR
6 Jan 1822, Beulah STODDARD, wife of Elisha STODDARD
6 Jan, Catherine wELLS, wife of William WELLS
1 Sep, Salome DEMING, by letter from Bristol
6 Jul 1823, Laura WHITTLESEY, wife of Asaph WHITTLESEY
7 May 1826, Prudence, wife of Enos DEMING
7 May, Mary Ann, wife of Lot BECKWITH
7 May, Mary COLE
7 May, Seth Collins BRACE
7 May, Alma, wife of John FULLER, Jr., by letter from Burlington
7 Jan 1827, Timothy STANLEY
7 Jan, Ann WELLS
4 Mar, Sarah, wife of Unni ROBBINS, by letter from Kensington
4 Mar, Elmina, wife of Erastus KILBOURN, by letter from N. Britain
4 Nov, Anna, wife of James BLINN, by letter from Wethersfield
2 Mar 1828, Nancy, wife of Cyrus FRANCIS, by letter from N. Britain
6 Jul, Electa WHITTLESEY, by letter from Stockbridge
2 Nov, Sally, wife of Dea. Levi DEMING, by letter from West Hartford
1 Mar 1829, Fanny, wife of Hiram STODDARD, by letter from East Windsor
3 May, Elisha STODDARD
3 May, Allen STODDARD
3 May, Sarah CHAPMAN
3 May, Eleanor Celia WELLS
3 May, Caroline DEMING
3 May, Rhoda WILLARD
6 Sep, Lucinda D. HALL
6 Sep, Rhoda BROWN
6 Sep, Charlotte KIRKHAM
6 Sep, Mary A. WELLS
6 Sep, Maria HUBBARD
6 Sep, Catherine WELLS
6 Sep, Emily HUBBARD
2 May 1830, Homer CAMP, by letter from New Preston
1 May 1831, Lucretia, wife of Chester CHURCHILL
1 May, Joab BRACE, Jr.
1 May, Samuel BRACE
1 Jan 1832, Augustus WILSON
1 Jan, Daniel H. WILLARD
1 Jan, Marcus W. STODDARD
1 Jan, Albert S. HUNN
1 Jan, William McCARTER
1 Jan, Henry G. TUCKER
1 Jan, William S. DEMING
1 Jan, William F. WILLARD
1 Jan, Levi S. DEMING
1 Jan, Charity TRYON
1 Jan, Harriet ROCKWELL
1 Jan, Electa HAZZARD
1 Jan, Amanda A. WHAPLES
1 Jan, Sarah ABERNETHY
1 Jan, Sarah DEMING
1 Jan, Elizabeth WILLARD
1 Jan, Martha McCARTER
1 Jan, Lucinda WELLS
1 Jan, Mary S. STODDARD
1 Jan, Mary KELLOGG
1 Jan, Mary A. GRISWOLD
1 Jan, Julia A. STODDARD
4 Mar, David HUNN
4 Mar, Lydia SMITH, by letter from Boonville
4 Mar, Charity P. CLARK, by letter from N. Hartford
6 May, Honor STODDARD
6 May, Hannah HUNTER
1 Jul, Delia CAMP
2 Mar 1834, Esther W., wife of Elisha BLINN, by letter from Wethersfield
4 May, Josiah ATWOOD
1 Mar 1835, Henry G. LITTLE
1 Mar, James B. WELLS
1 May 1836, Emily W., wife of Lowrey ROBBINS, by letter from Southington
5 Nov 1837, Mary SLATTER, by letter from West Hartford
6 May 1838, Uzziel LATTIMER
6 May, Lucy ROBINS
6 May, Unni ROBBINS
6 May, Amelia ANDRUS
6 May, Susanna WHAPLES
6 May, Hannah KELSEY
6 May, Seviah H.W. LATTIMER
6 May, Minerva C. RODGERS
6 May, Eliza WELLS
6 May, Sarah M.D. WILLARD
6 May, Mary WELLS
6 May, Harriet ROCKWELL
1 Jul, Elisha BLINN
1 Jul, Edwin WELLES
1 Jul, Jedidiah DEMING, Jr.
1 Jul, Charles K. aTWOOD
1 Jul, Josiah E. ATWOOD
1 Jul, John M. ATWOOD
1 Jul, Martin K. WHITTLESEY
1 Jul, Heman A. WHITTLESEY
1 Jul, Dennis W. DORMAN
1 Jul, Samuel J.M. KELLOGG
1 Jul, Charles KELLOGG
1 Jul, John W. BRACE
1 Jul, Sophronia TUCKER
1 Jul, Mary TUCKER
1 Jul, Emeline G. KILBOURN
1 Jul, Frances N. W. GRISWOLD
1 Jul, Sarah C. WELLS
1 Jul, Susan S. WELLS
1 Jul, Lucy WELLS
1 Jul, Frances G. WELLS
1 Jul, Charlotte J. WELLS
1 Jul, Julia WELLES
1 Jul, Abigail WELLES
1 Jul, Sarah M. WHAPLES
1 Jul, Julia WHAPLES
1 Jul, Eliza J. DAVIS
1 Jul, Mary SEYMOUR
1 Jul, Harriet P. ATWOOD
1 Jul, Elia KILBOURN
4 Nov, Mary BLINN
4 Nov, Ann GAYLORD
4 Nov, Julia CHURCHILL
13 Jan 1839, Lucretia CHURCHILL, by letter from Augusta, Georgia, church
13 Jan, Mary E. BELDEN, wife of J. M. BELDEN, by letter from Glastonbury
28 Apr, Maria RICHARDS, wife of Eliphalet RICHARDS, by letter from Middletown
3 Nov, Maria H. LAMBERTON, wife of Stephen P. LAMBERTON, by letter from Bloomfield
1 Mar 1840, Abigail F. KELLOGG, recommended by letter from Marshall, N.Y.
6 Sep, Solomon CHURCHILL
3 Jan 1841, Sophronia SAUNDERS, by letter from 3d church, East Windsor
3 Jan, John KILBOURN, by letter from Yale College
2 May, Henry L. KELLOGG
2 May, Chauncey DEMING
2 May, Elizabeth C. KIRKHAM
2 May, Abigail, wife of Robert CHAPMAN, by letter from West Avon
4 Jul, Eunice C. LATTIMER
4 Jul, Mary K. ATWOOD
5 Sep, Jemima SIMONS, by letter from Bolton
6 Nov 1842, Philenia WELLS, by letter from Westfield, Ms.
9 Mar 1843, Caroline S. DEMING wife of Levi S. DEMING, by letter from Madison
4 Jun, William WELLS
4 Jun, James BLINN
4 Jun, Sophia L. KIRKHAM
4 Jun, John G. STODDARD
4 Jun, John S. KIRKHAM
4 Jun, George T. DAVIS
4 Jun, Walter WHAPLES
4 Jun, Carlos HUNTLEY
4 Jun, Samuel N. ROCKWELL
4 Jun, Warren D. WHAPLES
4 Jun, Chester W. CARTER
4 Jun, Andrew JACKSON
4 Jun, Nancy A. WHAPLES
4 Jun, Abigail J. KILBOURN
4 Jun, Frances M. JUDD
4 Jun, Julia PIERCE
4 Jun, Charlotte WELLS
4 Jun, Wyllis P. DAVIS
4 Jun, Henry S. KILBOURN
4 Jun, Marilla HUBBARD
4 Jun, Hepzibah DEMING
4 Jun, Aaron & Lucretia DAVIS
4 Jun, Henry & Martha DEMING
4 Jun, Joseph CAMP
4 Jun, Sarah BROWN
4 Jun, Henry & Hannah M. LUCE
4 Jun, Charles STODDARD
2 Nov, Nancy WELLS, by letter from Tolland
4 Jan 1844, Chole S. HUMPHREY, by letter from Vernon, 2d
4 Jan, Harvey STEARNS, by letter from Vernon, 2d
4 Jan, Ann S. STEARNS, by letter from Vernon
4 Jan, Amy WOOD, by letter from Vernon
4 Jan, Sarah SMITH, by letter from Vernon
5 May, Martha C. FULLER, by letter from Franklin
1 Sep, Margaret, wife of William HUBBARD, by letter from Westfield, Mass.
3 Nov, Abner SIMONS, by letter from Worthington, 3d ch., Berlin
3 Nov, Cornelia WHITTLESEY
2 Mar 1845, Cornelia F. DEMING, wife of Ch. DEMING, by letter from Hartford, 4th church
7 Sep, Sophia, wife of Joseph CAMP, by letter from New Haven, Chapel st.
5 Jul 1846, Ely GIFFORD & wife, by letter from Rockville
5 Jul, Charlotte CHURCHILL, by letter from Cheraco, S.C.
4 Jul 1847, Lucinda GAYLORD, by letter from West Hartford
1 Nov 1849, Edwin GAYLORD & his wife, Lucy GAYLORD, from West Hartford
4 Nov, Hugh DAVIES, by letter from Liverpool, Eng., Thos. FAFFLES, D.D.
1 Sep 1850, Sarah Theodosia ROBBINS, dau. of Unni ROBBINS & Sarah
1 Sep, Electa Stanley WELLES, dau. of Roger & Electa WELLS
5 Jan 1851, Lemuel W. CAMP, son of Homer CAMP
6 Jul, Laura Kellogg CAMP, dau. of Homer CAMP
6 Jul, Mary ROBBINS, dau. of Unni ROBBINS
6 Jul, Emily Sophia ROBBINS, dau. of Lowrey ROBBINS
2 May 1852, Caroline A. CAMP, dau. of Homer & Delia CAMP
2 May, Jane McELRATH, by letter from West Hartford
4 Jul, Abigail ROCKWELL, dau. of Robert & Harriet ROCKWELL
4 Jul, Harriet R. DILLINGS, wid. of Nelson D., dau. of Rob. ROCKWELL
2 Jan 1853, Frances Maria LAMBERTON, dau. of Stephen P. LAMBERTON
7 May 1854, Frances S.W. STODDARD, wife of M. W. STODDARD, by letter from Wethersfield
7 May, Sarah Wells STODDARD, wife of Rufus STODDARD, by letter from Wethersfield
2 Jul, Percy RICHARDS, dau. of Francis RICHARDS
3 Sep, May Ann, wife of Geo. T. DAVIS, by letter from Cromwell
31 Dec, Caroline S.R. STODDARD, wife of John G. STODDARD, by letter from Charlemont
4 Jan 1855, Adeline LEWIS, wife of --- LEWIS, by letter from Waterbury [Note: The last entry in Dr. BRACE's handwriting. Those that follow were admitted after he left.]
6 May, John McELRATH & Jane, his wife
28 Jun, Woodford KILBOURN
22 Sep, Mary Abilene DOW
4 Nov, Samuel Chauncey DIX
4 Nov, Henry Elbert LOVELAND
4 Nov, Hiram Hudson STODDARD
4 Nov, Joseph CAMP
4 Nov, Cyrus FRANCIS
4 Nov, Henry Martin ROBBINS
4 Nov, Mrs. Hopy LOVELAND
4 Nov, Martha Urania DOW
4 Nov, Jane Margaret FINNEGAN
4 Nov, Mary Jane STODDARD
4 Nov, Lydia Francis CAMP
4 Nov, Mary Elisabeth BROWN
4 Nov, Julia Maria CADY
4 Nov, Valina Ann FRANCIS
4 Nov, Emeline Elisabeth KILBOURN
4 Nov, Nancy KILBOURN
4 Nov, Sarah THOMPSON
4 Nov, Delia RICHARDS
4 Nov, Mary Ann RICHARDS
4 Nov, Eliza Kilbourn RICHARDS
4 Nov, Mary Ann SEYMOUR
4 Nov, Sarah Jane ROCKWELL
13 Jan 1856,, Daniel Dwight WILLARD
13 Jan, Julia Norton ATWOOD
2 Mar, Franklin Carroll LATTIMER
2 Mar, Thomas Russell BYRNES
2 Mar, Mary K. RICHARDS, wife of Oliver
6 Jul, Celinda Clarissa WIERS
April 28, 1805. Joshua, s. of Fitch Andrus and Lois his wife.
May 5. Ralph, s. of Absalom Wells and Lorrain his wife.
Aug. 18. Julia, Nancy, Chester, and Cynthia, children of Solomon Churchill and Lucretia his wife.
Oct. 27. Irene Andrus and Mary Shepard, adults.
Jan. 5, 1806. John Butler, Jennette, and Lucy, children of John Kirkham. and Jennette his wife.
Jan. 5. Abigail Deming, d. of Leo. C. Hubbard and Elizabeth his wife.
May 18. Jemima, d. of Solomon Churchill and Lucretia his wife.
June 8. Mary Skinner, d. of Joab Brace and Lucy his wife.
June 15. Walter Wells, s. of Ashbel Seymour and Mary his wife.
Sept. 9. Cornelia Susanna Wesley, d. of Joseph Lynde and Martha his wife, per Mr. Belden.
Oct. 26. John Mason, s. of Joshua Belden, Jr., and Dorotha his wife.
Oct. Monerva, child of ---- Peck, at Kensington.
May 31, 1807. -------- s. of Levi Churchill.
Sept. 6. Rhoda, d. of Absalom Wells and Lorrain his wife.
Aug. 28, 1808. Mary, d. of Justus Francis and Lois his wife.
Mar. 26, 1809. Martha, d. of Joab Brace and Lucy his wife.
June 25. Hubertus, s. of John A. Phillips and Honor his wife.
Sept. 3. Thomas Foster, s. of Reuben Whaples and Zerviah his wife.
Sept. 17. Caroline, d. of Levi Deming and Sally his wife.
May 13, 1810. Calvin, William, Daniel, Reuben, and Abigail, children of Reuben Whaples and Zerviah his wife.
July 1. Joseph, s. of Levi Hurlburt and Lois his wife.
Oct. 21. Amelia, Harriet, Mary, and Hiram Hopkins, children of Joseph Hulet and Mary his wife.
Aug. 11, 1811. Seth Collins, s. of Joab Brace and Lucy his wife.
Aug. 25. William Kirkham, adult.
Aug. Lucy, the wife of Simeon Stoddard.
Aug. Almira, d. of John A. Phillips and Honor his wife.
April 19, 1812. Sally Maria, d. of Levi Deming and Sally his wife.
May 10. Martha, d. of Levi Hurlburt and Lois his wife.
May 27. Thomas, a black man.
May 31. George, s. of Reuben Whaples and Zerviah his wife.
June 14. Hiram Edwards, Sabra, Nathan Fenn, Candace, Joseph, and Abigail Honor, children of Jonathan Stoddard and Candace, his wife.
Aug. 23. Abigail, wife of David Hunn.
May 2, 1813. Abigail, wife of Samuel Whaples.
June 27. Newton, William, and Simeon, children of Simeon Stoddard and Lucy his wife, per Mr. Williams.
July 18. Enos Higley, Mary Ann, and Albert Smith, children of David Hunn and Abigail his wife.
Sept. 12. Harriet, Sally, Fanny, Henry, Mary, and Laura, children of Samuel Whaples and Abigail his wife.
Sept. 26. Elisha, Curtis, and James Blinn, children of Elisha Whaples and Nancy his wife.
June 19, 1814. Marcus Willard, s. of Allen Stoddard and Mary his wife.
July 10. Eliza, (adopted,) and Mary Anthony, children of Origen Wells and Sarah his wife.
Aug. 7. Joab, s. of Joab Brace and Lucy his wife.
Aug. Robert and Solomon Welles, children of Elisha Whaples and Sarah his wife.
May 14, 1815. Lucinda, d. of Origen Wells and Sarah his wife.
July 2. Martin and Roger Welles, children of Martin Kellogg, jr., and Mary his wife.
Oct. 15. Abigail, d. of Samuel Whaples and Abigail.his wife.
Feb. 18, 1816. Charlotte, d. of Asaph Willard and Sophronia his wife.
May 5. Sophia, wife of William Kirkham.
May. Henry Laurens, s. of Martin Kellogg, jr., and Mary his wife.
July 7. Mary Sophia, d. of Allen Stoddard and Mary his wife.
Nov. 17. Fidelia, d. of Simeon Stoddard and Lucy his wife.
May 25, 1817. Samuel, s. of Joab Brace and Lucy his wife.
June 22. Jane, d. of William Kirkham and Sophia his wife.
May 17, 1818. James Daniel, s. of Asaph Willard and Sophronia his wife.
May 24. Levi Sage, s. of Levi Deming and Sally his wife.
Aug. 23. Sarah Sage, d. of Elisha Whaples and Sarah his wife.
Nov. 15. Sidney, s. of Allen Stoddard and Mary his wife.
July 25, 1819. Henry Blannot, adult.
Aug. 22. Mary, d. of Martin Kellogg, jr., and Mary his wife.
Sept. 5. Ruth Maria, d. of Martin Barns and Ruth his wife.
Sept. 19. Abigail Kilbourn, adult.
Oct. 17. Sarah Clarina, d. of Origen Welles and Sarah his wife.
Oct. 17. Jane, d. of William Kirkham and Sophia his wife.
Dec. 5. Lucy Ann Sophronia, d. of Asaph Willard and Sophronia his wife.
June 18, 1820. Mary, Henry, Harriet, Edwin Washington, Fanny, and Nancy, children of Henry Blannot and Harriet his wife.
Aug. 6. Harriet, d. of Robert Rockwell and Harriet his wife.
Aug. 20, Sabra Kilbourn, adult.
Aug. Elizabeth Kilbourn, adult.
Sept. 24. Amanda, Emily, Nancy, Samuel Stanley, and Silvester, children of Silvester Hurlburt and Nancy his wife.
Oct. 4. Julia Norton, d. of Martin Welles and Frances his wife.
The following persons were adults: -
May 6, 1821. Elisha Whaples, 1st.
May 6, 1821. Laura Willard, wife of Daniel Willard.
May 6, 1821. Eunice Hubbard, wife of Dositheus Hubbard.
May 6, 1821. Sarah Dow, wife of Samuel Dow.
May 6, 1821. Nancy Drinkwater, wife of Thomas Drinkwater.
May 6, 1821. Mary Deming, wife of Jedidiah Deming.
May 6, 1821. Fanny Hopkins, wife of Horace Hopkins.
May 6, 1821. Giles Smith.
May 6, 1821. Anson Whaples and Sarah his wife.
May 6. William M'Carty.
May 6. Sophia Luce, wife of Lester Luce.
May 6. Harriet Hopkins, wife of Benjamin Hopkins.
May 6. Electa, wife of Roger Welles.
May 6. Aaron Tryon.
May 6. Zerah Preston.
May 6. Erastus Kilbourn.
May 6. John Cheney Dow.
May 6. Sarah Dow.
May 6. Huldah Sedgwick.
July 1. Thomas Drinkwater.
July 1. Rebekah Tryon.
July 1. Henry Kilbourn.
Aug. 5. James, s. of William Kirkham and Sophia his wife.
Aug. 5. Charles Kellogg, s. of Josiah Atwood and Prudence his wife.
Aug. 19. Sarah and William Smith, children of William Deming and Sarah his wife.
Aug. 19. Harriet Amanda, Nancy Maria, and Horace Kilbourn, children of Thomas Drinkwater and Nancy his wife.
Aug. 19. Cornelia, Mary Lusk, and Jedidiah, children of Jedidiah Deming and Mary his wife.
Aug. 19. Frances Norton, Edwin, and Charlotte Jemima, children of Roger Welles and Electa his wife.
Aug. 19. Delia, d. of Benjamin Hopkins and Harriet his wife.
Aug. 19. Henry, s. of Lester Luce and Sophia his wife.
Aug. 26. Susan Sophia, d. of Origen Wells and Sarah his wife.
Sept. 2. Reuben Whaples, Harriet Hall, Erastus Lattimer, adults.
Sept. 2. Rhoda, Daniel, Elizabeth, William Francis, children of Daniel
Sept. 2. Willard and Laura his wife.
Sept. 2. William, Eunice Maria, Emily, Orrin, children of Dositheus Hubbard and Eunice his wife.
Sept. 2. Samuel Russell, s. of Giles Smith and Lydia his wife.
Sept. 2. Henry, Richard, Julia Ann, children of Aaron Tryon and Rebekah his wife.
Sept. 30. Martha and William, children of William McCarty and Jerusha his wife.
Sept. 2. Mary Ann, and Angeline Belden, children of Josiah W. Griswold and Mary Ann his wife.
Oct. 21. Franklin Blin, s. of Henry Blannot and Harriet his wife.
Nov. 4. Samuel Mills, s. of Martin Kellogg, jr., and Mary his wife.
Mar. 31, 1822. Albert Francis, s. of Aaron Tryon and Rebekah his wife.
May 5. Samuel Talmage, Lucinda Deming, Robey Williams, Jonathan Barton, Royal Sereno, and Cornelia Hale, children of Archibald Hall and Harriet his wife.
May 5. Henry Benjamin, George Botsford, and Horace Root, children of Horace Hopkins and Fanny his wife.
May 5. Sarah Maria, and Walter, children of Anson Whaples and Sarah his wife.
May 5. Elizabeth Emery, d. of Robert Rockwell and Harriet his wife.
June 2. Abigail, Catherine, William, Frances Griswold, and John Gaylord, children of William Wells and Catherine his wife.
July 7. George Grannis, s. of Giles Smith and Lydia his wife.
Aug. 11. Chester Wells, s. of William McCarty and Jerusha his wife.
Dec. 29. Rufus, s. of Allen Stoddard and Mary his wife.
April 18, 1823. Joshua, s. of Sylvester Hurlbut and Nancy his wife.
July 6. Elizabeth Cook, d. of William Kirkham and Sophia his wife.
July 6. Julia, d. of Roger Welles and Electa his wife.
July 6. Josiah Elbert, s. of Josiah Atwood and Prudence his wife.
July 20. Henry James, s. of Henry Blannot and Harriet his wife.
Aug. 17. Delia, Lemuel, Laura Kellogg, Hannah, children of Asaph Whittlesey and Laura his wife.
May 23, 1824. Nathan Fenn, s. of Robert Rockwell and Harriet his wife.
June 6. Lucy, d. of Origen Wells and Sarah his wife.
July 6. Hapsebath, d. of Jedidiah Deming and Mary his wife.
Aug. 29. John Whitman, s. of Joab Brace and Lucy his wife.
Aug. 29. Julia, d. of Anson Whaples and Sarah his wife.
Oct. 24. Thomas Robbins, s. of Josiah Atwood and Prudence his wife.
Oct. 24. Emily Eliza, d. of wid. Lydia Parker of New York.
Nov. 21. Edwin Boardman, s. of J. W. Griswold and Mary Anne his wife.
June 12, 1825. Levi Sedgwick, s. of Horace Wells and Pamela his wife.
Sept. 4. Rollin Peck, s. of Horace Hopkins and Fanny his wife.
Sept. 18. Samuel Newton, s. of Robert Rockwell and Harriet his wife.
Sept. 25. Martha Edwards, d. of Henry Blannot and Harriet his wife, per Mr. Robbins.
Oct. 2. Charles, s. of Martin Kellogg, jr., and Mary his wife.
Oct. 2. Joseph Camp, s. of Edwin Gaylord and Lucy his wife.
Oct. 23. Wyllis, s. of Benjamin Hopkins and Harriet his wife.
May 7, 1826. Prudence Deming, Mary Ann Beckwith, Mary Cole, adults.
May 7, 1826. Marilla, d. of Dositheus Hubbard and Eunice his wife.
June 4. John Mitchelson, s. of Josiah Atwood and Prudence his wife.
June 4. Abigail, d. of Roger and Electa Welles.
Aug. 20. John Stoddard, s. of William and Sophia Kirkham.
Aug. 20. Joshua Chauncey, s. of Lester and Sophia Luce.
Dec. 6. Abigail, d. of Josiah W. and Mary Ann Griswold.
Jan. 7, 1827. Anna Wells, adult.
Feb. 11. Samuel, s. of John C. and Laura Dow.
Mar. 27. Hapsebath, d. of Jedidiah Deming.
May 6. Mary Avaline, d. of Erastus and Salome Cunningham.
May 27. Robert Raikes, s. of Robert and Harriet Rockwell.
Aug. 19. Harriet Prudence, d. of Josiah and Prudence Atwood.
Sep. 16. Harriet Eliza, d. of Henry and Huldah Kilbourn.
Sep. 16. Mary Webb, d. of Erastus and Elmina Kilbourn.
Oct. 7. Eunice Cordelia, d. of Erastus and Seviah Lattimer.
May 18, 1828. John Gaylord, s. of Hiram E. and Fanny Stoddard.
May 25. John Belden, s. of Josiah W. and Mary Ann Griswold.
May 25. Lucy Lowrey, d. of Unni and Sarah Robbins.
June 22. James Butler, s. of James and Anna Blinn.
Aug. 10. Nancy Angeline, d. of Elisha and Amanda Whaples.
Oct. 19. Julia, d. of Chester and Lucretia Churchill.
Mar. 16, 1829. Horace, s. of Erastus and Elmina Kilbourn.
May 3. Dorothy Stoddard, adult.
May 3. Eleanor Celia Wells, adult.
May 17. Sophia Leffingwell, d. of William and Sophia Kirkham.
May 24. Henry Sedgwick, s. of Henry and Huldah Kilbourn.
June 21. Sarah Welles, d. of Martin and Mary Kellogg.
July 12. Roger, s. of Roger and Electa Welles.
Sept. 13. Joseph, s. of Robert and Harriet Rockwell.
Oct. 25. Lucy Lowrey, d. of Unni and Sarah Robbins.
June 13, 1830. Mary Kellogg, d. of Josiah and Prudence Atwood.
June 13. Heman Francis, s. of Hiram E. and Fanny Stoddard.
June 20. Lemuel Whittlesey, s. of Homer and Delia Camp.
June 20. Eunice, d. of Anson and Sarah Whaples.
June 27. Jane Eliza, d. of Josiah W. and Mary Ann Griswold.
July 19. Joseph, s. of Samuel and Rhoda Clark.
Aug. 8. Jane Aurelia, d. of Erastus and Seviah Lattimer.
Aug 13. John Churchill, s. of John Dow.
Sept. 5. Loretta, d. of Erastus and Elmina Kilbourn.
May 1, 1831. Lucretia, wife of Chester Churchill.
May 15. Abigail Jane, d. of Henry and Huldah Kilbourn.
July 24. Sarah Jane, d. of Robert and Harriet Rockwell.
Jan. 1, 1832. Augustus Wilson, Henry G. Tucker, Electa. Hazzard, Amanda A. Whaples, Julia A. Stoddard, adults.
May 6. Lot Beckwith, Hannah Hunter, adults.
May 6. William, s. of William and Sophia Kirkham.
May 13. Delia AIM, d. of James and Anna Blinn.
May 27. William Sherman, s. of William and Charity P. Clark.
May 27. Erastus, s. of Erastus and Elmina Kilbourn.
June 10. Julia Norton, d. of Josiah and Prudence Atwood.
June 10. Laura Kellogg, d. of Homer and Delia Camp.
July 15. Francis, s. of Chester and Lucretia Churchill.
July 29. Mary Urania and Martha Eunice, ds. of Anson and Sarah Whaples.
Oct. 7. Warren Day, s. of Elisha and Amanda Whaples.
Nov. 4. Sarah Theodotia, d. of Unni and Sarah Robbins.
Dec. 30. Samuel, s. of Henry and Huldah Kilbourn.
June 23, 1833. Electa Stanley, d. of Roger and Electa.
May 4, 1834. Josiah Atwood, adult.
June 8. Timothy Woodford, s. of Henry and Huldah Kilbourn.
June 8. Lemuel Franklin, s. of William and Charity P. Clark.
June 15. Elisha Burrit, s. of Elisha and Esther Blinn.
June 15. Henry Edwin, s. of James and Anna Blinn.
Aug. 3. Laura Churchill, d. of John C. and Martha Dow.
Aug. 10. Abigail Whaples, d. of Robert and Harriet Rockwell.
Sept. 21. Mary Jane, d. of Hiram E. and Fanny Stoddard.
Nov. 2. Charles Clinton, s. of Erastus and Seviah Lattimer.
Aug. 2, 1835. Chauncey Wright, s. of James and Anna Blinn.
Aug. 2. Franklin, s. of Elisha and Esther Blinn.
Sept. 27. John Wallace, s. of Anson and Sarah Whaples.
Sept. 27. Timothy Woodford, s. of Henry Kilbourn.
Oct. 11. Caroline Anna, d. of Homer and Delia Camp.
Oct. 18. Mary, d. of Unni and Sarah Robbins.
July 31, 1836. Martha Urania, d. of John C. and Martha Dow.
Aug. 14. Agnes Whittlesey, d. of Joshua and Agnes Belden.
Oct. 2. Elizabeth, d. of Rev. S. N., and Martha B. Shepard.
Oct. 9. Sarah Denman, d. of Rev. John and Mary S. B. Todd.
Aug. 27, 1837. Almira Day, d. of Henry and Emeline G. Kilbourn.
Aug. 27. Chauncey Mason, s. of Erastus and Elmira Kilbourn.
Aug. 27. Esther Amelia, d. of Elisha and Esther Blinn.
Oct. 8. Mary, d. of Chester and Lucretia Churchill.
Oct. 22. Hiram Hudson, s. of Hiram E. and Fanny Stoddard.
Nov. 19. Emily Sophia, d. of Lowrey and Emily Robbins.
May 6, 1838. Unni Robbins, Hannah Kelsey, Minerva C. Rodgers, and Mary Wells, adults.
July 1. Elisha Blinn, Sophronia Tucker, Mary Tucker, Eliza Jane Davis, Julia Ann Lucretia Davis, Mary Seymour, adults.
Sept. 9. Nancy, d. of Erastus and Elmina Kilbourn.
Sept. 30. Mary Abilene, d. of John C. and Martha Dow.
Oct. 21. Richard, s. of William and Sophia Kirkham.
Nov. 4. Mary Blinn, adult.
Nov. 11. Daniel Dwight, s. of Daniel H. and Maria S. D. Willard.
Feb. 17, 1839. Emeline Elizabeth, d. of Henry and Emeline G. Kilbourn.
Oct. 27. Fanny Eliza, d. of Hiram E. and Fanny F. Stoddard.
Oct. 27. Henry Martin, s. of Unni and Sarah D. Robbins.
Feb. 1, 1840. Infant of Erastus and Elmina Kilbourn.
Feb. 9. Mary Elizabeth, d. of John M. and Mary E. H. Belden.
April 4. Ellen, d. of William and Sophia Kirkham.
Sept. 20. Shubael Hart, s. of Elisha and Amanda A. Whaples.
Feb. 11, 1841. Walter Lowrey, s. of Lowrey and Emily Robbins.
Mar. 28. Samuel Hart, s. of Henry and Emeline G. Kilbourn.
May 2. Chauncey Deming, adult.
June 20. Charles Levi, s. of Daniel H. and Maria S. D. Willard.
June 27. Mary, d. of Stephen and Sophronia Saunders.
May 22, 1842. John Davis, s. of James and Eliza I. D. Griswold.
May 31. Lucy Frances, d. of James and Anna Blinn.
July 24. Mary Jane, d. of Elisha and Esther Blinn.
Aug. 28. Henry Willis, s. of Willis P. and Mary T. Davis.
Sept. 11. John Newton, s. of Erastus and Elmina Kilbourn.
April 30, 1843. Sarah Adaline, d. of John F. and. Mary A. W. Willard.
June 4. Lucretia Davis, James Blinn, Henry and Martha Deming.
Ju8ne 4. Wyllis Philander Davis, Hannah Maria Luce, Charles Stoddard, Andrew Jackson, Julia Pierce, Carlos Huntley, George Thomas Davis, adults.
July 16. Agnes Whittlesey, d. of John M. and Mary E. H. Belden.
July 16. Burdett Eugene. s. of Daniel H. and Maria S. D. Willard.
Aug. 20. Marcus Lent, s. of Henry and Emeline G. Kilbourn.
Oct. 15. Julia Newell, d. of Lowrey and Emily Robbins.
Nov. 19. George Scranton, s. of Levi S. and Caroline S. Deming.
Nov. 10, 1844. Levi Welles, s. of Elisha and Esther Blinn.
June 8, 1845. Joseph and Lydia Francis, children of Joseph Camp.
July 20. Cornelia Hale, d. of John M. and Mary E. H. Belden.
Mar. 15, 1846. Stephen Dwight, s. of Stephen P. and Maria H. Lamberton.
April 27. Child of Rev. Mr. Keeler.
July 19. Frances Arabella, d. of Lowrey and Emily Robbins.
July 19. Newell Foote, s. of Chauncey Deming.
Aug. 23. DeForest, s. of Daniel H. and Sarah M. D. Willard.
Aug. 23. Edward Levi, s. of Levi S. and Caroline S. Deming.
Aug. 30. Eugene Franklin, s. of Willis P. and Mary T. Davis.
Nov. 15. John Newel, s. of John C. and Martha Dow.
July 4, 1847. Agnes Whittlesey, d. of John M. and Mary E. H. Belden.
Oct. 3. John Franklin, s. of Stephen P. and Maria H. Lamberton.
Oct. 10. Harriet Lavinia, d. of Elisha and Esther Blinn.
Oct. 10. William Albert, s. of William and Margaret T. Hubbard.
Oct. 29, 1848. Mary Deming, d. of William and Cornelia Wells.
Nov. 19. Mary Ellen, d. of Willis P. and Mary T. Davis.
Dec. 17. Clarence Henry, s. of Samuel N. and Eliza H. Rockwell.
Mar. 11, 1849. Henry Marius, s. of Henry and Hannah Maria Luce.
April 1. Joshua, s. of John M. and Mary E. H. Belden.
May 27. Jane Electa, d. of Heman A. and Eunice C. Whittlesey.
July 22. David Lowrey, s. of Lowrey and Emily Robbins.
July 29. Elbert Edwards and Ellen Eunice, children of Erastus and Elmina Kilbourn.
Jan. 13, 1850. Thomas Wilson, s. of Hugh Davies and wife.
Mar. 24. Edward Merton, s. of William F. and Frances G. Willard.
Sept. 1. Catharine Griswold, d. of William and Cornelia Wells.
Oct. 31. Lewis Stephen, s. of William and Margaret T. Hubbard.
June 29, 1851. Martha Elizabeth, d. of Willis P. and Mary T. Davis.
Dec. 14. William, s. of Hugh and Margaret Davies.
Sept. 12, 1852. Caroline Elizabeth, d. of Levi S. and Caroline Deming.
Sept. Abbot, s. of William F. and Frances G. Willard.
Sept. William Gaylord, s. of William and Cornelia Wells.
May 29, 1853. Ellen Amanda, d. of Jedidiah W. and Nancy A. Deming.
June 5. Julia, d. of John M. and Mary E. H. Belden.
June 5. John Wilson, s. of Hugh and Margarette Davies.
Nov. 12. Laura Lewella, d. of John C. and Martha Dow.
May 21, 1854. Mary, d. of John D. and Abigail W. Seymour.
May. Fanny Augusta, d. of Edwin and Lucy L. R. Welles.
June 18. Cornelia Lucretia, d. of Wyllis P. and Mary T. Davis.
July 9. Frederick Wayland, s. of Elisha and Esther Blinn.
Sept. 24. John Hammond. s. of Roger and Harriet Mills.
Oct. 22. Cornelia Augusta, d. of William and Cornelia Wells.
Dec. 31. Marcus Lewis, s. of Marcus W. and Frances S. Stoddard.(The last entry by Dr. Brace.)
Jan. 17, 1855. Elizabeth Caroline, d. of William Nuah Turner and Jane McElrath.
June 24. Rebecca Smalley, d. of Rev. J. S. and E. G. Whittlesey.
June. Eunice Cornelia, d. of Heenan A. and E. C. Whittlesey.
June. Marshall Allen, s. of Rufus and S. W. Stoddard.
June. Edward Laurens, s. of G. T. and M. A. Davis.
Nov. 4. Samuel Chauncey Dix, Henry Elbert Loveland, Cyrus Francis, Jane Margaret Finnegan, Mary Elisabeth Brown, Julia Maria Cady, Valina Ann Francis, Delia Richards, Mary Ann Richards, Eliza Kilbourn Richards, adults.
Mar. 2, 1856. Franklin Carroll Lattimer and Thomas Russell Byrnes, adults.
May 11. Mary Elisabeth, Dwight Nelson, Ella Harriet, and Sarah Adaletta, children of the late Nelson Dillings and Harriet his wife.
July 6. Celinda Clarissa Wiers, adult.
Oct. 5. Roger Welles, s. of John D. and Abigail Seymour.
Jan. 20, 1805. Arthur Andrus, s. of Elizur Andrus, and Mary Ingraham, both of Wethersfield.
April 15. Daniel Webster, s. of Amos A. Webster, and Anne Andrus, d. of Elizur Andrus.
April 22. Elisha Stoddard and Beulah Wells.
May 9. Erastus Seymour and Clara Wells.
May 12. Lyman Brown and Sarah Tryon.
Sept. 5. Abel Penfield and Sally Richards.
Sept. 12. Simeon Stoddard and Lucy Kellogg.
Sept. 18. Asaph Whittlesey and Laura Kellogg.
Nov. 18. Appleton Francis and Charlotte Webster.
Jan. 21, 1806. Samuel S. Goodrich and Lina Kelsey.
Feb. 16. John A. Phillips and Honor Blinn.
Feb. 26. William Deming and Sally Smith.
May 24. Gilbert Chapman and Sabra Winchel.
June 8. Stephen Webster and Hannah Kilbourn.
June 17. John Dow and Lucy Andrus.
July 23. Elisha H. Street and Patty Latimer.
Aug. 12. David Hunn and Abigail Higley.
Aug. 17. Archibald Hall and Harriet Deming.
Nov. 18. Lester Hunn and Caty Goodrich.
April 28, 1807. Daniel Willard and Laura Francis.
May 13. Jacob Bates, jr., and Mary Robbins.
June 18. Joseph D. Kinyon and Sabra Howard.
July 2. Thomas S. Curtis and Lois Blinn.
Aug. 9. Charles Olcott and Sarah Churchill.
Nov. 3. Amos A. Webster and Mary Rice.
Nov. 12. Henry Fox and Zilpah Brown.
Jan. 6, 1808. Epaphras Andrus and Abigail Wells.
Mar. 29. Horace Goodwin and Lydia Andrews.
June 23. Sylvester Hurlburt and Nancy Stanley of Berlin.
June 23. John Pine and Harriet Wetherby of Rocky Hill.
Aug. 30. Josiah Huntington and Rachel Hinsdale of West Hartford.
Sept. 26. Martin Kellogg, jr., and Mary Welles.
Oct. 24. Luman Woodruff and Laura Holmes.
Jan. 4, 1809. Elizur Deming, jr.iand Sally Goodrich.
April 5. Thomas Clark and Arilma Wells.
June 5. James. Phillips and Persis Hopkins.
July 30. Levi Hurlburt and Lois Johnson.
Aug. 20. Emmonds Rudge and Lucy Squire.
Sept. 3. Barzillai Deming and Fanny Barns.
Sept. 23. Abijah Porter and Betsey Wilcox of Worthington.
Sept. 24. Benjamin Pettis and Anna Nott of Worthington.
May 2, 1810. Henry Blannot and. Harriet Blinn.
May 9. Chauncey North and Abigail Griswold.
Oct. 15. Samuel T. Mills and Harriet M. Belden.
Oct. 17. Thomas Drinkwater and Nancy Kilbourn.
Nov. 13. Nathan W. Hale and Jemima Kellogg.
Jan. 24, 1811. Rice Carrington and Abigail Fox.
Mar. 5. Abel Matson of Glastonbury, and Mabel Holmes of Wethersfield.
May 12. William Wells and Catherine Griswold of Wethersfield.
June 23. George Coleman and Prudence May Warner of Wethersfield.
Sept. 9. John Churchill and Laura Wells of Wethersfield.
Sept. 9. Elijah Howard of Greenfield, and Sarah Hurlburt of Wethersfield.
Sept. 29. Ebenezer P. Owen and Sally Blinn of Wethersfield.
Nov. 28. Leonard Webster and Alma Rockwell of Wethersfield.
Jan. 12, 1812. Ebenezer Gillet of Lebanon, and Rocsey Rhodes of Wethersfield.
Jan. 14. John Dodge of North Marlboro, and Lucy Langdon of Danbury.
Feb. 17. Wait Griswold and Elizabeth Blinn of Wethersfield.
Feb. 27. William Dunham and Nancy Peck of Kensington.
Mar. 9. Warner Dunham of Berlin, and Mary Andrews of Wethersfield.
Mar. 10. Amos Andrus and Mille Wells of Wethersfield.
May 26. Allen Stoddard and Mary Wells of Wethersfield.
June 3. Andrew Brown and Elizabeth Holmes of Wethersfield.
Sept. 10. William McCarter and Jerusha Fox of Wethersfield.
Oct. 27. Gideon Gates of Derby, and Lucy Blinn of Wethersfield.
Mar. 16, 1813. Edwin Gaylord of West Hartford, and Lucy Camp of Wethersfield.
Oct. 19. Benoni Hubbard of Windsor, and Abigail Francis of Weathersfield.
Jan. 24, 1814. Solomon Churchill and Chloe Deming of Wethersfield.
May 29. Jeremiah Colton of Long Meadow, and Lucy Lusk of Wethersfield.
Sept. 18. Anson Francis of Wethersfield, and Almira Owen of Ashford.
Oct. 19. Joshua Andrus of Wethersfield, and Prudence Camp of Hartford.
Jan. 17, 1815. Asaph Willard of East Windsor, and Sophronia Wells of Wethersfield.
Jan. 29. Jedidiah Deming and Mary Lusk of Wethersfield.
Mar. 12. Oliver Talcott and Mary Blinn of Wethersfield.
Mar. 23. Henry Fuller of Colchester, and Chloe Webster of Wethersfield.
April 16. Roger Welles and Electa Stanley of Wethersfield.
May 7. Abijah Hubbard of Middletown, and Hannah Brown of Wethersfield.
Oct. 19. George Wells of Wethersfield, and Prudence Deming of West Hartford.
Feb. 4, 1816. Oliver Wells and Abigail Warner of Wethersfield.
Feb. 22. Horace Porter and Mabel Webster of Wethersfield.
Feb. 29. Charles Stedman of Farmington, and Elizabeth Kellogg of Wethersfield.
Mar. 17. Benjamin Hopkins and Harriet Lusk of Wethersfield.
Sept. 16. William Ellis of Berlin, and Lydia Webster of Wethersfield.
Sept. 29. Thompson Kasson of Broad-Alban, and Mary Warner of Wethersfield.
Nov. 20. Grandison Barber of Windsor, and Laura Francis of Wethersfield.
Nov. 27. James Churchill of Wethersfield, and Clarissa Steele of Berlin.
Jan. 16, 1817. Hubbard Wescott and Nancy Hooper of Wethersfield.
Nov. 25. Lester Luce of Tolland, and Sophia Lattimer of Wethersfield.
June 7, 1818. Heman Whittlesey of Stockbridge, and Electa Kellogg of Wethersfield.
Aug. 25. Alfred Francis and Nancy Deming of Wethersfield.
Oct. 14. Jonathan Stoddard and Dorothy Brown of Wethersfield.
Oct. 14. Anson Whaples and Sally Kilbourn of Wethersfield.
Nov. 22. Abram Hills of Berlin, and Lydia Brown of Wethersfield.
Nov. 26. Robert Rockwell and Harriet Whaples of Wethersfield.
Nov. 26. Robert Booth of Berlin, and Sally Whaples of Wethersfield.
Dec. 31. David Crocker and Nancy Warner of Wethersfield.
Feb. 3, 1819. Chester Soper of Winchester, and Charlotte Welles of Wethersfield.
Mar. 15. James Andrews of Burlington, and Lydia Wells of Wethersfield.
June 10. Allen Judd of Berlin, and Harriet E. Johnson of Wethersfield.
June 10. Justus Griswold and Jennette Kirkham of Wethersfield.
June 13. Normon Beckley of Berlin, and Mary Evans of Wethersfield.
Oct. 18. Josiah Atwood of Hartford, and Prudence Kellogg of Wethersfield.
Oct. 27. Ralph Wells and Julia Roberts of Wethersfield.
Feb. 16, 1820. Noadiah Bosworth of Westfield, and Anne Wells of Wethersfield.
April 13. Hiram Goodrich and Susan Crocker of Wethersfield.
April 23. Noah Tryon of Berlin, and Lucinda Westcott of Wethersfield.
Jan. 9, 1821. George Tucker and. Sophronia Blinn of Wethersfield.
Jan. 21. Beriah Green of Pawlet, Vt., and Maria Deming of Middlebury, Vt.
Feb. 11. Jeremiah House of Glastenbury, and Fanny Blinn of Wethersfield.
April 3. Seth Woodruff of Suffield, and Lois Hurlburt of Wethersfield.
Sept. 13. William M'Clintick of Palmer, Mass., and Huldah Case of Wethersfield.
Oct. 8. William Barns of Lee, and Sarah Holmes of Wethersfield.
Oct. 25. Alanson Colton and Lucy Deming of Wethersfield.
Dec. 20. Jason Stevens of Glastenbnry, and Fanny Whaples of Wethersfield.
May 9, 1822. Jeremiah Ward and Abigail Hurlburt of Wethersfield.
June 23. Douglass Woodworth of New London, and Almira Warner of Wethersfield.
Sept. 3. Benjamin Whaples of Wethersfield, and Climena Sanderson of Blandford.
Nov. 21. Cyrus Webster and Cynthia Churchill of Wethersfield.
June 23, 1823. Cyrus Francis and Sabara Blinn of Wethersfield.
Nov. 27. William Blinn and Sally Blinn of Wethersfield.
Nov. 25, 1824. Hiram Kilbourn and Mary Crocker of Wethersfield.
Dec. 9. Erastus Lattimer of Wethersfield, and Seviah Webster of Worthington.
April 3, 1825. Andrew Roulston and Eunice Skinner of Wethersfield.
May 5. Lyman Booth and Keziah Andrews of Berlin.
July 10. Joseph Mather of Berlin, and Hannah Sage of Wethersfield.
July 17. Erastus Francis and Bertha B. Stoddard of Wethersfield.
July 25. Edward Howard of Leyden, and Candace Stoddard of Wethersfield.
Aug. 7. William H. Smith and Marcia North of Berlin.
Aug. 16. Thomas Wells of Tolland, and Nancy Seymour of Wethfield.(?)
Aug. 23. John C. Dow and Laura Churchill of Wethersfield.
Nov. 24. Charles Clark and Elizabeth Beckley.
Mar. 6, 1826. Michael Applebee of Middletown, and Abigail Whaples of Wethersfield.
Mar. 7. Henry Kilbourn and Huldah Sedgwick of Wethersfield.
Sept. 3. Stephen Hazzard of Berlin, and Electa Landers of Wethersfield.
Mar. 11, 1827. Rev. John Todd of Groton, Mass., and Mary S. Brace of Wethersfield.
Mar. 29. Amasa S. Fanning of Lebanon, and Lucinda Sage of Wethersfield.
April 29. Lewis Goodrich of Wethersfield, and Violetia Case of Simsbury.
May 16. Stephen Tando and Betsey Squires of Wethersfield.
Nov. 1. Merit Baldwin of New Hartford, and Rhoda Wells of Wethersfield.
Nov. 29. Philip Camp and Mary Green of Wethersfield.
Feb. 26, 1828. James North sen., and Abi Frances of New Britain.
April 9. James Blinn Whaples and Robey Williams Hall of Wethersfield.
July 3. Dennis Sweet of Farmington, and Caroline Hart of Berlin.
Aug. 18. Winthrop Cinnamon of Hartford, and Elizabeth Green of Wethersfield.
Aug. 27. Samuel Dix and Elizabeth Kilbourn of Wethersfield.
Nov. 19. Homer Camp of Washington, and Delia Whittlesey of Wethersfield.
Nov. 27. Hervey Francis and Abigail Kilbourn of Wethersfield.
Dec. 11. Chester Griswold and Nancy Blinn of Wethersfield.
Feb. 1, 1829. Samuel T. Hall of Wethersfield, and Harriet Hart, of Berlin.
Mar. 2. Horatio Recor and Elizabeth Kilby of New Britain.
April 13. Henry I. Braman of Newport, and Melinda M. Curtis of Wethersfield.
Jan. 11, 1830. Solomon Wadsworth of East Hartford, and Sarah Dow of Wethersfield.
Jan 13. Heman Seymour of Hartford, and Eleanor C. Wells of Wethersfield.
April 8. Absalom Wells and Mary Deming of Wethersfield.
Oct. 7. Oliver Richards, jr., and Mary Kilbourn of Wethersfield.
Dec. 29. Peter Ferrows of Westfield, and Caroline Fox of Wethersfield.
Feb. 2, 1831. Thomas Lee of Berlin, and Laura Whittlesey of Wethersfield.
Mar. 31. Orange C. Butler of Hartford, and Mary Francis of Wethersfield.
May 8. Jason Porter of East Hartford, and Abigail Blin of Wethersfield.
Oct. 27. William Dee and Lucy Green of Wethersfield.
Nov. 2. Andrew Abernethy of New Hartford, and Sarah Beckley of Wethersfield.
Nov. 23. James Hurlbut and Harriet Deming of Wethersfield.
Dec. 7. Amon Judd of Berlin, and Julia A. Austin of Wethersfield.
Feb. 12, 1832. Luther Dart and Mary Clapp of Wethersfield.
April 20. Isaac Bosworth of Buffalo, and Martha A. Clark of Wethersfield.
Aug. 28. Rev. Samuel N. Shepard. of Madison, and Martha Brace.
Oct. 7. John Kent, jr., and Sarah W. Hotchkiss of Berlin.
Oct. 10. John C. Dow and Martha McCarter.
Jan. 14, 1833. Jesse Collins and Elizabeth Amelia Jackson of Winchester.
Jan. 14. John Hanmer and Hannah B. Churchill of Wethersfield.
Jan. 23. Joseph Camp and Lydia Francis of Wethersfield.
April 3. Alvah Dillings and Sarah Griswold of Wethersfield.
May 19. Levi North, jr., of Berlin, and Ann Taylor of Wethersfield.
June 12. Chester Faxon of West Hartford, and Sarah Deming of Wethersfield.
Nov. 6. Elisha Whaples of Wethersfield, and Susanna Thomas of Avon.
Dec. 31. Lorin Cooley of Granville, Mass., and Laura Blinn of Berlin.
April 2, 1834. William Hubbard of Wethersfield, and Martha Hurlbut of Berlin.
May 21. Jedidiah Deming and Anna Wells of Wethersfield.
July 10. Henry Whaples and Hannah Brown.
Sept. 2. Sidney Curtiss of Auburn, N. Y., and Lucinda D. Hall of Wethersfield.
Sept. 30. Stephen P. Lamberton of Simsbury, and Maria E. Hubbard.
Jan. 13, 1835. Justus Griswold and Abigail H. Stoddard of Wethersfield.
Nov. 26. Homer Curtis of Meriden, and Julia Ann Upson of Berlin.
Jan. 17, 1836. Jarvis Doran of New York, and Selina Southworth of Berlin.
Feb. 17. John F. Willard of Wethersfield, and Mary A. Wells.
Mar. 17. Hezekiah Griswold, jr., and Frances N. Welles of Wethersfield.
May 6. William Roberts and Sarah Ann Chapman of Wethersfield.
July 10. Nelson Allen and Lucy Ann Brown of Berlin.
Sept. 11. (At Chatham,) Horace Deming of Glastenbury, and Phebe Scofell of East Haddam, both residents of Chatham.
Oct. 25. Norris Slater of Berlin, and Maria D. Hamlin of Farmington.
Nov. 24. Jesse Holister of Glastenbury, and Lucy M. Rugg of Berlin.
Dec. 19. Henry Deming of Wethersfield, and Martha Avery of Berlin.
May 9, 1837. Daniel H. Willard and Sarah M. Deming of Wethersfield.
Sept. 24. Erastus Deming and Laura Weeks of Wethersfield.
Feb. 21, 1838. Milo Doty of Hartford, and Catherine Wells.
Mar. 31. William B. Booth and Betsey Blinn of Berlin.
May 12. Purmont P. Bradford of Haddam, and Nancy Blinn of Berlin.
April 21, 1840. James B. Griswold and Eliza I. Davis.
May 28. John L. Apgar of Newark, N. J., and Mary Sophia Stoddard.
Oct. 6. Willis P. Davis and Mary Tucker.
Dec. 2. Albert S. Hunn and Minerva C. Rogers.
April 27, 1841. Joseph L. Shepard of Westfield, and Emily Hubbard.
July 4. Leander Smith and Caroline Huntley of Ellington.
Oct. 20. Nelson Dillings of Weathersfield, Vt., and Harriet Rockwell.
Dec. 23. Baldwin Hart of Madison, and Charlotte J. Welles.
Dec. 30. Urbin K. Sanford and Jane Hollow of Wethersfield.
Jan. 2, 1842. Charles K. Stedman of Meriden, and Sarah C. Gaylord of Wethersfield.
Mar. 29. William F. Willard and Frances G. Wells.
May 10. Dumont Carey of Berlin, and Delia Hopkins.
June 3. Jonathan T. Hart and Maria Woodruff of New Britain.
Sept. 4. Daniel Whaples and Sophronia Gladding.
Oct. 26. Robert 0. Joyner of Egremont, Mass., and Sarah C. Wells.
May 21, 1843. John N. Mather of New Britain, and Martha Morgan.
June 21. Edward M. Knight and Ann M. Selden of West Hartford.
June 22. Daniel M. Wolcott of Wethersfield, N. Y., and Lucinda G. Wells.
Aug. 22. Henry Olmsted of East Hartford, and Julia T. Welles.
Jan. 16, 1844. Chauncey Deming and Cornelia Foot.
May 8. William Dee and Harriet Smart.
Nov. 16, 1845. Lowrey Goodrich of Berlin, and Sarah Maria Blinn.
Jan. 1, 1846. William B. Booth of New Britain, and Maria A. Keach of Wethersfield.
Jan. 18. Dunham E. Calkins and Maria A. Calkins.
April 9. Martin Brown and Elizabeth C. Kirkham.
Sept. 3. William Wells and Cornelia Deming.
Sept. 9. Eli I. Smith of Tolland, and Mary Seymour.
Nov. 18. Jedidiah Deming, jr., and Nancy A. Whaples.
Jan. 6, 1847. John Topliff of Westfield, and Sophronia Saunders.
Jan. 21. Heman A. Whittlesey and Eunice C. Lattimer.
Mar. 17. Samuel N. Rockwell and Harriet E. Kilbourn.
April 8. Reuben Beckley of Berlin, and Elizabeth Tucker.
April 20. Samuel K. Camp of Farmington, and Mary Kellogg.
May 12. Ephraim Nelson of North Adams, and Roxana Tuttle of West Hartford.
Aug. 19. Samuel Brace of Newington, and Sarah R. North of New Britain .
Nov. 15, 1848. Horace Bidwell, jr., of Manchester, and Abigail I. Kilbourn.
Mar. 21, 1849. William D. Wilcox of Rocky Hill, and Matilda Saunders.
Mar. 25. Nelson Peters of Wilbraham, Mass., and Laura A. Camp.
July 22, 1850. Francis Shaw of Union Village, N. Y., and Sarah E. Fairfield.
Oct. 23. William B. Clark and Frances M. Culver.
Nov. 17. Nelson Sperry of Newington, and Mary Griswold of Bloomfield.
Jan. 5, 1851. Woodbridge Gilbert of New York City, and Mary Richards.
July 3. Thomas W. Keach of Wethersfield, and Elizabeth H. Bidwell of Hartford.
Sept. 17. William I. Thomas of Quincy, Mass., and Mary Williams.
Feb. 1, 1852. Otis Huntley of Newington, and Maria Welch of Jersey City.
Feb. 22. James Johnson of Albany, and Nancy Whaples.
May 3. Chester C. Webster and Maxilla Richards.
May 19. Geo. W. Catlin of Harwinton, and Manilla Hubbard.
May 19. Thomas B. Briggs of Mayfield, N.Y., and Elizabeth Wells.
May 20. Jason Wright of Wethersfield, and Eliza Philips of Hartford.
Nov. 25. John D. Seymour and Abigail Welles.
Dec. 30. Erastus Francis and Cornelia Stoddard.
Jan. 16, 1853. Edwin Welles and Lucy L. Robbins.
Mar. 27. Ely Franklin and Cornelia Lantmon.
May 25. Jonathan B. Gillette of Meriden, and Lydia M. Brown.
Dec. 14. Charles Stoddard and Hapsebah Deming.
Jan. 1, 1854. John S. Watrous of East Haddam, and Harriet A. Hurlburt of Wethersfield.
Jan. 22. Edward Tando and Mary Ann Matthews.
Sept. 19. Samuel K. Camp of N.Y., and Sarah W. Kellogg.
Nov. 1. Paschal Withey of New Haven, and Lucy Wells.
Dec. 24. Benjamin Benstead and Eliza McNeil.
Mar. 14. Nelson P. Woodruff of North Carolina, and Sarah T. Robbins.