Admissions To Communion & Baptisms, 1747-1775
Extracted From
Early Annals Of Newington
Comprising The First Records Of
The Newington Ecclesiastical Society
And of the Congregational Church Conneced Therewith;
With Documents & Papers Relating to
The Early History of the Parish
Transcribed & Edited by Roger Welles
Clerk of the Society & Church
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

THE FIRST RECORDS OF THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IN NEWINGTON, CONTAINING Admissions to Communion, Baptisms, Those who Acknowledged the Baptismal Covenant, Church Votes and Proceedings, Marriages and Deaths, From November 11, 1747, to January 16, 1805, AS KEPT BY REV. JOSHUA BELDEN, PASTOR.
Feb. 9, 1752. Stephen Deming and his wife were admitted to full communion.
April 26. Louis (Lois), the wife of Phinehas Andrus, being recommended from Stepney, was accepted to communion with this church. At the same time Abigail, the wife of John Frary, recommended from East Guilford, was accepted to communion.
June 28. Mary, the wife of Daniel Kilborn, recommended from Killingworth, was accepted to communion.
Nov. 26. Penelope, the wife of John Camp, was admitted to full communion.
April 1, 1753. David Goodrich was admitted to full communion. At the same time Henry Kircuna, with his wife, recommended from New Cambridge, were received again to communion.
June 1, 1755. Prudence, the wife of Timothy Kilborn, and Happy Kilborn were admitted to full com.
At the same time Mr. David Webster, with his wife, recommended from Glassenbury, were admitted to church privileges.
Aug. 3. Peletiah Buck, jr., and his wife, were admitted to full communion.
Dec. 4. Mercy Lamb was admitted to full communion.
June 6, 1756. Jemima Lamb to full communion.
Jan. 16, 1757. Abigail, the wife of David Woolcut, recommended from Guilford, was accepted to church privileges.
Dec. 3, 1758. Sarah, the wife of Thomas Francis, recommended from East Middletown, was accepted to church privileges.
April 6, 1760. Sarah Wells, admitted to full communion. May 3, 1761.
Mr. Simon Backus, to full communion.
July 4, 1762. Thomas Francis, to full communion.
March 6, 1763. Thomas Wright, to full communion.
May 1. Henry Kircum, jun., to full communion.
July 3. Martha, the wife of Ensign Chas. Hurlbut, admitted to full communion.
May 6, 1764. Caleb Andrus admitted to full communion.
July. 5, 1767. . Mr. Zadock Hun, to full communion.
May 7, 1769. Eunice Woolcot, to full communion.
Sept. 3. Dorothy, the wife of Luther Latimer, received to communion.
At the same time Hannah, wife of David Woolcut, jun., recommended from Windsor, was accepted to stated com.
Nov. 5. Joseph Churchil and his wife were admitted to full communion.
At the same time James Wells was admitted to communion.
April 29, 1770. Martha Wells and Eunice Lusk admitted into communion.
July 1. Elijah Wells and Mary Lusk were admitted to full communion.
Nov. 1. Gamaliel Deming and Rebecca, his wife, Cloe Wells and Absalom Wells were admitted to communion.
July 28, 1771. Ashbel Seymour was admitted to full communion.
Jan. 6, 1772. Elias Francis and his wife were received to full communion.
March 1. Capt. Charles Churchill and his wife received to full communion.
At the same time Lucy Camp was admitted to full communion.
Nov. 1. Jessie Churchill and Sarah, his wife, recommended from New Cambridge, admitted to communion.
Dec. 13, 1772. Hannah Fairchild, admitted to communion and baptised.
Jan. 3, 1773. Louis Latimer, received to full communion.
April, 1774. Fitch Hurlbut and Jemima, his wife, received to communion.
June 25. Mary, wife of Joseph Stoddord, and Dinah, wife of Enoch Stoddord, received into the church.
March 5, 1775. Honor Belden, recommended from the first church in Norwich, was accepted to stated com.
July 7, 1776. Hannah, wife of Martin Kellogg, jr., recommended from Caanan, received to stated communion.
Sept. 1. Lydia Fox and Lydia Buck, admitted to communion.
April 20, 1777. Robert Welles, jr., and Abigail, his wife, Mary Belden and Martha Belden were admitted to full communion.
May 4. Elisha Stoddord and Hannah, wife of Jonathan Curtis, were received to communion.
June 22. Daniel Willard, jun., renewed covenant and was received into full com.
June 29. Lemuel Hurlbut and Tabitha, his wife, received to full communion.
Feb. 15, 1778. William Richards renewed covenant and was received to full com.
Aug. 9. Sarah, wife of Jedediah Mills was admitted to church communion.
April 2, 1780. Levi Hurlbut and Martha, his wife, and Mercy, the wife of Saml. Churchill, were admitted to church com.
May 7. Elizabeth, wife of Bernard Romans, admitted to church com.
The same day Love, the wife of James Lusk, recommended from Suffield, received to communion.
July 2. Jernima Kellogg, admitted to full com.
July 23. Amos Buck, and Abigail, his wife, admitted to church com.
Oct. 29. Justus Francis, received to church com.
Feb. 25, 1781. Thankfull Seymour, admitted to church com.
May 6. Tabitha, wife of Elias, Andrus received to communion, recommended from East Windsor.
Oct. 14. Mable, wife of Amos Andrus Webster, recommended from Worthington Church, received to stated communion.
May 4, 1783. Capt. Robert Welles, received to church com.
Oct. 5. Elizabeth, wife of George Woolcutt, received to church com.
Jan. 4, 1784. Anne Deming was admitted to church communion.
Feb. 20, 1785. Ephraim Peterson and his wife, recommended from the church at Piermont, were admitted to church communion, and privately.
May 1. Octavia and Rhoda Belden admitted to church communion.
Sept. 4. Abel Andrus admitted to full communion.
Feb. 19, 1786. Sarah, wife of Oswell Rockwell, admitted to church com.
March 5. Abigail, wife of James Welles, recommended from Bristol, was received to stated com.
At the same time, also, Elizabeth, wife of Simon Welles, recommended from East Guilford.
June 25. Obediah Smith admitted to church com.
1781 or 1782. Dorothy, the wife of Elisha Stoddord, was admitted to full communion, but not being entered at the time the exact date is forgotten.
March 4, 1787. Lois, wife of Justus Francis, recommended from N. Britain, admitted to stated communion.
Sept. 2. Rhoda, wife of Abel Andrus, recommended from West Hartford, received to stated com.
Sept. 16. Mary, wife of David Stoddord, admitted to church communion.
Nov. 4. Isabel comwell, recommended from New Britain, received to communion.
Nov. 1, 1789. Silas Churchill, admitted to church com.
Jan. 24, 1790. Judith, wife of John Hurlbut, and Hannah, wife of Abijah Wright, admitted to church com.
Nov. 7. Eleazur Merrill and his wife recommended from West Hartford, were received to com.
Sept. 4, 1791. Elizabeth, wife of Roger Francis, recommended from New Britain, was received to stated com.
Oct. 16. Lt. Sam'l. Hurlbut was admitted to church com.
Jan. 8, 1792. Waitstill Dickinson and his wife admitted to full com.
At the same time Elizabeth, wife of Ephraim Deming, was admitted etc.
Feb. 26. Simon Welles was admitted to church com.
Aug. 26. Jerusha Seymour, admitted to full com.
May 4, 1794. Rose, negro woman, recommended from Durham, admitted to church com.
Sept. 6, 1795. Elizabeth, wife of Elias Seymour, Honor, wife of Ashbel Seymour, and Abigail Hubbard were admitted to full com.
Oct. 25. Admitted to church communion, Martha Fox and Mary Atwood, the last baptized at the same time.
July 3, 1796. Janna Deming and his wife, and Josiah Francis and his wife were received to full com.
Nov. 6. Widow Mercy Griswold and Abigail, the wife of Josiah Griswold, recommended from West Hartford, were admitted to church com.
May 7, 1797. Levi Welles and his wife and Alma Welles were received to full com. And Sarah, the wife of Lemuel Holmes admitted (on a letter received from Stepney).
July 2. Honor, wife of Jonathan Blin, Lucy Welles and Lucy Gaylord were admitted to full communion.
July 1, 1798. Eleazur Brown and Anne, his wife, recommended from the Church in New London, were received to com.
July 14, 1799. Hannah Andrus and Clary Welles were admitted to full communion with the church.
Also Eleazur Merrill and his wife received again, recommended from New Britain, where they have resided some time.
Sept. 1. Erastus Seymour, admitted to com.
Nov. 3. Mary Kellogg, 2d, admitted to com.
March 2, 1800. Silva, wife of Michel Wright and Anne Camp were admitted to full com.
Sept. 7. Levi Deming, Ashbel Seymour, jr., Mary Lowry and Jemima Kellogg were admitted to full com.
Nov. 2. Prudence Merril admitted to full communion.
March 1, 1801. Joshua Belden, jur., and Dorothy, his wife, admitted to full communion.
May 3. Francis Coslet was admitted to full com.
Dec. 20. Oledine Andrus admitted to com., and baptized. Same time, Eunice Seymour received to church com.
March 14, 1802. David Lowry and his wife received to com.
April 17, 1803. Roger Hurlbut received to com.
Oct. 30. Anne Andrus admitted to com. and baptized.
Nov. 6. Lydia Andrus received to com.
Nov. 4, 1804. Esther Latimer admitted to com.
Dec. 23. Anne, the wife of Elizur Andrus, and Louis, wife of Fitch Andrus, were admitted to communion.
Admissions, total, 169
Feb. 17, 1805. Absalom Welles and Lorania, his wife, were rece'ed to church com.
January 16, 1805: Members, -51
Nov. 15, 1747. Elizabeth, d. of Josiah Kilborn.
Dec. 6th. Abigail, d. of Stephen Deming.
Dec. 13. Abraham, s. of Elisha Warren.
Dec. 27. Bela, s. of Benj. Goodrich, and Elizur, s. of Benajah Andrus.
Jan. 24, 1747-8. Epaphras, s. of Thomas Stoddord.
Jan. 31. Ashbel, son of Beavil Seymore, Theodore, s. of Israel Bordman, and Rhoda, d. of Solomon Deming.
Feb. 14. Jeames, s. of William Wells, and Oliver, son of Jonathan Churchil.
Mar. 6. Cloe, d. of Wm. Andrus. At same time, John, s. of John Lusk, and Daniel, son of Hezekiah Deming.
May 1. Hannah, d. of Samuel Hun, and Elias, son of Josiah Francis.
May 29. Eunice, d. of David Woolcot.
July 10. Eliphalet, s. of Eliphalet Whittlesey, jr., and Abigail, d. of Zebulon Robbins, per Mr. William Burnham.
Nov. 2. Solomon, son of Amos Hurlbut.
Nov. 27, 1748. Timothy, son of Timothy Kilborn, and Patience, d. of Mary Barns, once Mary Woolcot.
Dec. 4. Asa, s. of Solomon Deming.
Dec. 18. Benjamin, s. of George Kilborn.
Dec. 25. Hannah, d. of Daniel Willard, and Lucy, d. of Phineas Cole.
Jan. 1, 1748-9. Honor, daugh. of Wid. Hannah Whaples.
Jan. 12. Hannah, d. of Charles Churchil.
Jan. 15. Sarah, d. of Sam'l Hun.
Feb. 19. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Hurlbut.
Mar. 6. Jeames, s. of Thos. Stanley, jr., in the mother's right.
April 2. Lucy, d. of John Camp.
April 9. Abigail, dau. of Capt. Robert Wells, and Amos, s. of Samuel Buck, per Mr. James Lockwood.
April 23. Anne, dau. of Martin Kellogg, jr.
May 21. Josiah, son of Elijah Andrus, Benajah, son of Israel Bordman, and Aron, s. of Sam'l Richards, all per Mr. Daniel Russell.
May 28. Esther, d. of Stedman Young.
June 18, 1749. Thankful!, d. of Gideon Hun.
July 9. Reuben, son or Judah Wright.
Oct. 8. Sarah, d. of Robt. Woodruff.
Oct. 29. Martha, d. of William Wells. At the same time, baptized, Elias, son of Josiah Wright, and Timothy, son of Timothy Goodrich.
Dec. 3. Hannah, dau. of Elisha Warren.
Jan. 17, 1749-50. Louis, dau. of Timothy Judd.
Mar. 25, 1750. Rhoda, dau. of Benjamin Goodrich.
April 22. Thankful, d. of Beavil Seymore.
May 20. Silas, son of Benajah Andrus. At the same time, baptized, Eunice, dau. of John Lusk.
June 24. Abel, s. of Josiah Hinsdil.
July 8. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Deming.
Aug. 12. Lydia, d. of Thomas Stoddord.
Aug. 19. David, s. of Eliphelet Whittlesey. At the same time, baptized, Martha, d. of Phineas Cole.
Aug. 26. Elijah, son of Oliver Atwood. At the same time, baptized, Lemuel, s. of Amos Hurlbut.
Nov. 11. Justus, son of Josiah Francis, per James Lockwood.
Nov. 25. William, s. of Daniel Willard.
Dec. 9. Rosannah Deming, d. of Stephen Deming.
Dec. 16. William, son of Elijah Burnham.
Dec. 23. Sarah, d. of Stephen Kellogg.
Jan. 20, 1751. Martha, dau. of Joshua Belding. At the same time, baptized, Jonathan, s. of Ezra Balding.
Feb. 3. Hannah, d. of Ephraim Blin.
Mar. 3. Eliphalet, s. of Samuel Richards.
Mar. 17. Hannah, d. of Thomas Robbins.
Mar. 24. Seth, s. of Noah Stanley. At the same time, baptized, Elizur, s. of Janna Deming.
Mar. 31. Ruth, d. of Jos. Andrus.
April 10. John, son of Charles Hurlbut.
April 14. Ruth, dau. of Robert Woodruff.
Aug. 18. Elisha, s. of Ebenezer Smith, jr.
Sept. 22. Asel, son of Judah Wright. At the same time, baptized, Mary, d. of John Peirce.
Nov. 24. Ann, dau. of Zebulon Goodrich. At the same time baptized, Kate, d. of Stephen Lee.
Dec. 15. Mary, d. of Sam'!. Hun.
Dec. 29. Abigail, d. of Zebulon Stoddord.
Jan. 5, 1752. Hannah, d. of Elisha Warren.
Jan. 12. Justice, son of Josiah Wright.
Jan. 26. Anne, d. of Joshua Belding. At the same time, baptized, Melicent, d. of Zebulon Goodrich.
Feb. 2. Samuel, s. of Jno. Lusk.
Feb. 16. William, s. of Joseph Hinsdil.
Mar. 29. Robert, s. of William Lusk.
April 5. Lot, s. of Thos. Stanley, jun.
April 12. Elias, son of Janna Deming, per Mr. Dan'l Russell.
May 3. Eunice, dau. of Gideon Hunn.
May 10. Levi, s. of Oliver Atwood, Hannah, dau. of Amos Hurlbut, and Timothy, son of Timothy Kilborn.
June 7. Levi, s. of Chas. Churchill.
July 5. Nathaniel, s. of Stedman Youngs.
July 12. Elizabeth, d. of Steph. Kellogg.
July 26. Rosil, s. of Bevil Seymore.
Aug. 2. Elijah, son of Gideon Griswould.
Aug. 23. Joseph, s. of Joseph Hurlbut.
September, N. S. begins.
Oct. 7. Mary, dau. of Gamaliel Deming.
Oct. 21. Elijah, s. of Elijah Andrus.
Oct. 29. Hanna, d. of Ephraim Blin.
Nov. 12. Keturah, d. of Phineas Andrus.
Dec. 10. John, s. of Jno. Peirce, and Mary, d. of John Frary, upon his wife's right.
Feb. 18, 1753. Elias, s. of Jos. Andrus.
Mar. 4. Frances, d. of Ebenezer Smith, jun.
April 8. Daniel, son of Daniel Willard. At the same time, baptized, Lucina, d. of Josiah Francis.
April 29. John, son of Elijah Stoddord.
May 20. Asaph, s. of Eliphelet Whittlesey.
June 17. Appleton, s. of Capt. Robert Wells, per Mr. James Lockwood.
Aug. 12. Abigail, d. of Joshua Belding.
Sept. 21. Abigail, dau. of Caleb Webster.
Sept. 23. Mary, dau. of Charles Churchil.
Oct. 14. Martha, dau. of Elijah Kircum.
Oct. 21. Louis, d. of Bevil Seymour.
Oct. 28. Sylvia, dau. of Noah Stanley.
Jan. 6, 1854. Daniel, s. of Janna Deming.
Jan. 20. Samuel, s. of Zebulon Stoddord.
Jan. 27. Sylvia, dau. of Stephen Deming. At the same time, baptized, Samuel, s. of Gideon Griswould.
Mar. 3. Mary, d. of Mr. David Webster.
Mar. 24. Hulda, dau. of Josiah Atwood, jr.
April 21. Lydia, dau. of John Richard.
May 5. Samuel, s. of Jonathan Whaples.
June 23. Simon, son of William Wells, and Solomon, s. of Josiah Wright, per Mr. J. Lockwood.
June. 28. Mable, dau. of Darius Stevens, privately.
Aug. 25. John, s. of Benjamin Goodrich.
Sept. 29. Abigail, d. of Solomon Deming.
Nov. 10. Rhoda, d. of Thomas Stoddord, Seth, s. of Timothy' Kiiborn, Rebecca, d. of Gamaliel Deming, and Rosil, son of! Ephraim Blin.
Dec. 22. Elijah, son of William Lusk.
Jan. 26, 1755. Samuel, son of Israel Bordman.
Feb. 2. Josiah, s. of Amos Hurlbut.
Feb. 23. Eunice, dau. of Caleb Woolcott.
Mar. 2. Solomon, son of Joel Jones, in the mother's right.
Mar. 16. Eleanor, d. of Martin Kellogg.
Mar. 30. Abigail, d. of Ebenezur Smith, jr.
April 20. John, s. of Oliver Atwood.
May 4. Charles, son of Charles Churchil, and Chester, son of Stephen Kellogg.
July 13. Elijah, son of Zebulon Goodrich.
Aug. 31. Mary, dau. of Elijah Stoddord.
Sept. 6. Seth, s. of David Lusk.
Sept. 18. Dorothy, d. of Eliphalet Whittlesey. At the same time, baptized, Jonathan, s. of Nathaniel Kircum.
Sept. 21. Rose, d. of Elijah Andrus, and Lydia, d. of Peletiah Buck, jr.
Nov. 2. Thomas, son of Janna Deming.
Nov. 13. William, s. of Samuel Richards.
Dec. 7. James, son of Josiah Francis, and Sarah, d. of James Lusk.
Dec. 14. Mary, dau. of Joshua Belding.
Dec. 28. Elizur, s. of Jonathan Whaples.
Jan. 9, 1756. George, s. of Josiah Atwood.
Jan. 25. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Andrus.
Feb. 22. Josiah, son of Josiah Kilborn.
April 4. Eli, s. of Jos. Hurlbut.
April 25. Joseph, s of Jonathan Curtice, in the mother's right.
July 18. Ruth, d. of Noah Stanley. and Elijah, son of John Richards.
Aug. 1. Rhoda, d. of Capt. Robert Wells.
Sept. 19. Leonard, s. of Steph. Deming.
Nov. 7. Sarah, dau. of Zebulon Stoddord.
Nov. 21. Elizabeth, d. of Josiah Wright, and Isaac, son of Joel Jones, in the mother's right.
Jan. 23, 1757. Silas, s. of Eph. Blin.
Feb. 6. David, s. of Mr. David Webster, Asa, s. of Beli Blin, and Rhoda, d. of Mary Hurlbut.
Mar. 20. David, s. of Benjamin Goodrich, and Louis, d. of Jas. Blin.
April 3. Levi, s. of Wm. Lusk.
April 10. Samuel, s. of Charles Churchil.
May 22. Cloe, d. of Nathaniel Kircum.
June 5. Lydia, d. of Datil Willard.
Aug. 1. Cloe, dau. of Peletiah Buck, jr.
Aug. 14. Appleton, s. of Phinehas Andrus.
Aug. 28. Happy, dau. of Louis Kilborn.
Sept. 4. Jemima, d. of Martin Kellogg.
Oct. 2. Sarah, d. of Joshua Belding.
Oct. 9. Rhoda, d. of Josiah Atwood, jr.
Nov. 6. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wright.
Nov. 13. Asa, s. of Josiah Francis.
Jan. 1, 1758. Mable, d. of Elijah Stoddord.
Jan. 15. Elisha, s. of Capt. Elephelet Whittlesey.
Mar. 5. Anne, d. of Janna Deming, and Sarah, d, of Gamaliel Deming.
Mar. 26. Hannah, d. of Jonathan Curtis, in the mother's right.
April 9. Stephen, s. of Stephen Kellogg, per Mr. Clark.
June 18. Uli, s. of Jos. Hurlbut.
Oct. 8. William, s. of Beli Blin.
Oct. 22. Amos, s. of Amos Hurlbut.
Dec. 31. Hannah, d. of Charles Churchil.
Jan. 7, 1759. Abigail, d. of Josiah Wright, per Mr. Smalley.
Feb. 10. Sarah, d. of Jonathan Blin, and Abijah, s. of Thomas Wright.
Mar. 18. Samuel, son of Henry Kircum, jr.
April 15. Samuel, s. of Samuel Buck.
May 20. Elizabeth, d. of Waitstill Deming.
June 3. Rebecca, dau. of Israel Bordman.
July 8. Anne, d. of Joshua Belding, the 2d of that name, and Sylvia, d. of Stephen Deming, his 2d of the same name.
July 15. William, son of Joel Jones, in the mother's right.
Aug. 19. Esther, d. of Zebulon Stoddord.
Oct. 21. Miles, s. of Miles Andrus, in the mother's right.
Nov. 11. Anne, dau. of Amos Hurlbut.
Nov. 25. Sarah, dau. of William Andrus, and Simon, s. of Timothy Kilborn.
Jan. 20, 1760. Anne, d. of Solomon Stoddord.
Mar. 6. Titus, s. of Jos. Deming.
April 13. Eunice, dau. of Janna Deming.
May 11. Rhoda, dau. of Josiah Atwood, per Mr. Russell.
May 18. James, s. of Jas. Blin.
May 25. Simeon, son of Stephen Kellogg.
July 6. Esther, dau. of Joseph Hurlbut.
July 20. Nathaniel, s. of Elijah Kircum.
Oct. 5. Elizabeth, d. of Elijah Stoddord, per Mr. Smally.
Oct. 12. Roger, s. of Capt. Elephalet Whittlesey.
Oct. 26. Allin, s. of Josiah Francis, and Hannah, dau. of John Russel.
Nov. 23. Sarah, Olive, and Stephen Churchil, grand children to Ensign Sam'l Churchil, and on his and his wife's account, and John, s. of Henry Kircum, jun.
Dec. 28. Stephen, son of Amos Hurlbut.
Jan. 25, 1761. Irene, d. of Miles Andrus.
Feb. 15. Asa, s. of Thos. Wright.
Mar. 1. Ephraim, s. of Waitstill Deming, and Jonathan, son of Bela Blin.
April 5. Joseph, son of Justus Woolcutt.
April 19. Miles, s. of Jonathan Curtis, in the mother's right.
May 3. Isaac, s. of Sam'! Buck.
July 19. Simeon, s. of Stephen Kellogg.
July 26. My seventh daughter, afterwards called Martha.
Sept. 27. Robert, s. of Robert Wells, jr.
Oct. 11. Hannah, d. of Ebenezer Dickinson.
Dec. 2. Privately, Orrin, son of Elijah Kircum, being like to die.
Jan. 3, 1762. Louis, d. a John Squires, in the mother's right.
Jan. 10. Hannah, dau. of Justus Woolcut, per Mr. Smalley.
Jan. 17. Ruth, d. of Amos Hurlbut.
Feb. 28. Martin, s. of Gamaliel Deming.
Mar. 28. Sarah, dau. of Martin Whittlesey.
April 18. Silvia, d. of William Andrus.
May 16. John, s. of Janna Deming.
May 23. Mehitable, d. of Miles Andrus.
Aug. 29. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Wright.
Sept. 19. Anne, d. of Benjamin Andrus.
Oct. 3. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Blin.
Dec. 12. Nancy, d. of Frances Deming.
Jan. 16, 1763. John, s. of Thos. Wright.
Jan. 30. Ruth, d. of Joseph Andrus, jr., per Mr. Smally.
Mar. 27. Elisha, s. of Jas. Blin, and Mary, d. of Wm. Wells, jr.
April 6. Fast Day. Ezekiel, s. of Waitstill Deming, and Rosil, s. of Hezekiah Francis.
April 24. Prudence, d. of Sam'l Woolcut.
May 1. Roger, son of Josiah Francis.
June 12. Martin, son of Amos Hurlbut.
July 3. Elizabeth, d. of Elijah Stoddord, and Anne, d. of Jonathan Stoddord.
July 24. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas Andrus, and Justus, son of Justus Woolcutt.
Sept 11. Leonard, s. of Stephen Deming.
Oct. 30. Octavia, dau. of Joshua Belding.
Dec. 25. Robert, son of Francis Deming.
Jan. 8, 1764. Abigail, dau. of Robert Wells, jr.
April 8. Seth, s. of Bela Blin.
April 22. Luther Latimer and Levi Steel.
May 20. John, s. of Sherman Bordman, Eunice, d. of Henry Kircum, and Lavinia, dau. of William Wells, jr.
May 27. Cinthia, d. of Stephen Kellogg.
June 3. Samuel Johnson, son of Samuel Andrus, in the mother's right.
July 1. Clorinda, dau. of Miles Andrus.
Aug. 5. Solomon, son of Capt. Charles Churchil.
Aug. 19. Mary, d. of Jonathan Wright, per Mr. Smalley.
Sept. 9. Pamela, d. of Joseph Andrus, jr., and Mehitable, d. of Elias Hurlbut.
Sept. 30. Nabby, d. of Timothy Kilborn.
Oct. 7. Hezekiah, s. of Hez. Atwood.
Oct. 21. Hosea, s. of Hez. Francis.
Jan. 13, 1765. Seabury, dau. of Justus Woolcutt.
Jan. 27. Lorania, d. of Benjamin Andrus.
Feb. 27. Sylvester, s. of Gamaliel Deming.
Mar. 17. Nathan Wright.
Mar. 31. Uni, s. of James Blin.
April 14. Phinehas, s. of Christopher Hurlbut, and Lydia, d. of Nathan Wright.
April 28. Cloe, dau. of Janna Deming, and Barzillai, son of Mary Welles.
May 12. Amos, s. of Abel Andrus.
May 19. Frederick, s. of Waitstill Deming.
June 23. Michael, s. of Thomas Wright.
July 28. Seabury, d. of Jonathan Stoddord.
Aug., 25. Hannah, d. of Lemuel Whittlesey.
Oct. 20. Cinthia, d. of William Andrus.
Dec. 1. Unni, s. of Unni Robbins.
Jan. 19, 1766. Lucy, d. of Jonathan Blin.
Mar. 2. Abigail, dau. of Henry Kircum.
Mar. 16, Absolom, s. of Robert Wells, jr.
Mar. 30. Barzillai, s. of Francis Deming.
May 18. Hannah, dau,. of Bela Blin.
June 1. Rhoda, dau. of Joshua Belding.
July 6. Rosetta, dau. of John Squires, in the mother's right.
July 20. Christopher, s. of Christopher Hurlbut.
Aug. 17. Elijah, son of Elijah Stoddord, Phebe, dau. of Miles Andrus, and Thomas and Selah, twin sons of Hez. Francis.
Sept. 14. Elenor, dau. of Elias Hurlbut.
Sept. 28. Phinehas, s. of Hez. Atwood, and Orrin, s. of Ebenezer Dickinson.
Oct. 12. Ruth, dau. of Abel Andrus.
Oct. 19. Timothy, son of Samuel Andrus.
Nov. 2. Norman, son of Justus Woolcut.
Dec. 7. Joseph, son of Joseph Andrus, jr.
Feb. 1, 1767. Prudence, dau. of Unni Robbins.
Feb. 22. Enos, s. of Wm. Welles, jun.
Mar. 22. Lucretia, d. of Waitstill Deming.
Mar. 29. Thankfull, d. of Benj. Andrus.
April 19. Joseph, s. of Stephen Kellogg, per Mr. ------.
May 10. Honour, dau. of Janna Deming.
July 26. Lucina, d. of Gamaliel Deming.
Sept. 6. Jeny, dau. of Jonathan Stoddord, and Step., Lieut. Kellogg's Negro man.
Sept. 20. Selah, s. of Dr. Sam'l Richards.
Nov. 1. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wright.
Dec. 13. Roger, s. of Lemuel Whittlesy.
Dec. 27. Roger, s. of Levi Hurlbut.
Mar. 18, 1768. Gemaliel, son of Sherman Bordman, privately.
Mar. 27. Sarah, twin d. of Sherman Bordman.
April 3. My tenth child, Joshua.
May 8. Jason, son of Miles Andrus.
July 17. Simon, s. of Bela Blin.
Aug. 14. Rosetta, dau. of John Squires, and Rosetta, his wife.
Sept. 11. Gideon, son of Christopher Hurlbut, and Whitely Hun, s. Samuel.Andrus.
Oct. 2. John, s. of Elijah Stoddord.
Dec. 30. Martin, s. of Unni Robbins.
Mar. 29, 1771. Thode, son of Samuel Andrus.
May 19. William, s. of Christopher Hurlbut.
May 26. Levi, son of Eli Stoddord, and John, s. of Jas. Camp.
June 16. John, s. of Jno. Squires, in the mother's right.
July 21. Elizabeth, d. of John Kelley, in the mother's right.
July 28. Allin, son of Abel Aug. 4. Ebenezur, s. of Ebenezur Dickinson.
Sept. 22. Roger, s. of Waitstill Deming, and Jerusha, dau. -of Elias Seymour.
Oct. 27. Louis Latimer. Rec'd to full communion.
Feb. 9, 1772. Samuel, s. of Bela Blin.
Mar. 29. Esther, dau. of Luther Latimer.
Feb. 19. Rhoda, d. of William Andrus.
April 16. Silas, s. of Capt. Chas. Churchil, Sarah, dau. of Josiah Francis, and Jared, s. of Abel Andrus.
May 7. Selah, son of Waitstill Deming.
June 4. Hannah, dau. of Robert Welles, jr.
June 29. -----, dau. of Jemima Hun, privately.
Aug. 20. Mary, d. of Margaret Kelly, alias Kilb---.
Sept. 10. Joseph, s. of Francis Deming.
Oct. 1. Amanda, d. of Hezekiali Francis.
Nov. 5. Uzziel, son of Luther Latimer. and Charles, son of Justus Woolcutt, in the mother's right.
Mar. 11, 1770. Rhoda, dau. of Gamaliel Deming.
Mar. 25. Dorothy, d. of Lemuel Whittlesey, and Frederick, s. of Asa Andrus, on the mother's account.
April 15. Sarah, dau. of Henry Kircum, Benajah, s. of Miles Andrus, and Martha, dau. of Elias Hurlbut.
April 29. Anne, d. of Mr. Jos. Camp.
May 13. Hannah, d. of David Woolcut,. jr.. in the mother's right, and Gideon, s. of Eunice Lusk.
July 29. Honor, d. of Jonathan Stoddord.
Aug. 6. Gad, s. of Janna Deming.
Oct. 21. Mary, dau. of Francis Deming.
Oct. 28. Rhoda, d. of Sherman Bordman.
Dec. 2. Roger, son of Justus Woolcut, in the mother's right.
Dec. 5. An infant of Asa Andrus, privately, in the mother's right.
May 17. Lydia, dau. of David Woolcutt, jr., in the mother's right.
May 24. Lydia, dau. of Thomas Wright.
May 31. David, s. of Elias Seymour.
June 28. Lemuel, s. of William Andrus, and Rachel, twin dau. of Elias Francis; his twin son, Elias, baptized privately June 24, died the 25th.
July 5. Lemuel, son of Lemuel Whittlesey.
July 26. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan Stoddord, per Mr. Clark.
Aug. 9. Adonijah, son of Hezekiah Francis.
Aug. 16. Samuel, son of John Graham, and Lucy, d. of David and Lucy Lowry.
Sept. 6. Samuel, s. of Jas. Camp.
Sept. 20. James, son of James.
Nov. 6. Abigail, dau. of James Welles Camp.
Oct. 4. Levi, s. of Janna Deming.
Dec. 11. Seth Hun, s. of Elias Francis.
Nov. 1. Ithamer, son of Jesse Churchil, and Lucy, his wife.
Jan. 22, 1775. Seth, s. of Levi Hurlbut, per Mr. Marvin.
Nov. 22. Levi, s. of Levi Hurlbut.
April 16. Cloe, dau. of Asa Andrus, in the mother's right.
Dec. 13. Hannah Fairchild, received to full communion. At the same time, baptized, Roxillana, d. of Eli Stoddord.
April 30. Chauncey, s. of Lem'l. Whittlesey, and Abigail, dau. of Uni Robbins.
May 28. Chester, son of Elijah Wells.
Jan, 31, 1773. Phebe, d. of Elias Hurlbut.
April 11. Dorothy, d. of Gamaliel Deming.
May 2. Pegg, d. of Step., Negro of Lieut. Kellogg.
May 9. Anne, d. of Mr. Joseph Camp.
June 13. Lyman, s. of Waitstill Deming, and Clara, d. of John Graham.
June 20. Martin Blin, s. of Benajah Bordman.
June 27. Elizabeth, d. of Levi Churchil.
July 25. Jemima, d. of Samuel Andrus.
Feb. 6, 1774. Hannah, dau. of Abel Andrus, and Elizabeth, d. of David Woolcutt, jr.
Feb. 20. Hannah, d. of Martin Kellogg, jr.
April 24. Nancy, dau. of Elias Seymour.
June 12. Hannah, dau. of Hez.1 Francis.
June 26. Mary, wife of Joseph Stoddord, and Dinah, wife of Enoch Stoddord, and received into the church, and Solomon in the mother's right.
July 26. Elizur, son of Elizur Deming, privately, died the night after.
Oct. 2. Lucy, d. of Jas. Welles.
Oct. 23. Hannah, dau. of Bela Blin of Canaan.
June 18. Absalom, son of Elias Hurlbut, and Elishaba, dau. of Enos Hun.
June 25. Titus, s. of Miles Andrus, and Mary, dau. of John Graham.
July 23. Joseph and Zebulon, sons of Joseph Stoddord. in the mother's right, per Mr. Perkins.
July 30. Eleanor, d. of Mr. Jos. Camp.
Aug. 13. Mary, d. of Eli Stoddord.
Sept. 24. Olive, d. of Jonathan Stoddord.
Dec. 3. Elizabeth, dau. of Elias Seymour.
Jan. 7, 1776. David, s. of David Woolcutt, jun.
Jan. 14. Lydia, dau. of Lemuel Churchil.
April 22. D. of Luther Latimer, privately, being sick.
June 30. Mary, dau. of Martin Kellogg. jr.
Sept. 1. Cloe, d. of Lydia Buck.
Sept. 28. Hannah, d. of Lemuel Hurlbut, at the point of death.
Oct. 20. Nathaniel Cady, son of Jesse Churchill.
Nov. 10. Son of Elias Francis, per Mr. Smalley.
Feb. 16, 1777. Hezekiah, s. of Hez. Francis.
April 6. Clary, d. of Jas. Welles.
April 27. James, son of Elizur Deming, per Mr. Perkins.
July 6. Cloe, d. of Elisha Stcddord.
Aug. 3. Hannah, dau. of John Graham.
Sept. 7. Abigail, d. of Jas. Blin, and Hannah, d. of Lem'l Hurlbut.
Sept. 14. Sarah, dau. of Elijah Welles, and Moses, s. of James Camp.
Nov. 2. Levi, s. of Levi Hurlbut.
Dec. 28. Ashbel, son of Ashbel Seymour.
Jan. 4, 1778. Chauncey, son of Lemuel Whittlesey.
Feb. 22. Hezekiah, s. of Joshua Belding.
May 18. Leonard Chester Hubbard, grandson of Steph. Deming, per Mr. Smalley.
Aug. 2. Adonijah, son of Hez. Francis, and Sarah, d. of Jos. Camp.
Sept. 13. Betsy and Sally, ds. of Jedediah Mills, and Sarah, his wife, in the mother's right, per Mr. Smalley.
Dec. 6. Mary, dau. of David Lowry, and Austin, s. of James Welles.
Jan. 17, 1779. Lemuel, son of Lemuel Hurlbut, and Noble, s. of Levi Churchil.
April 4. Theode, s. of Elias Seymour.
May 2. David, s. of Enos Hun. and Jemima, d. of Martin Kellogg, Jr.
May 23. Sarah, d. of John Graham.
June 6. Nancy, d. of Jas. Blin.
July 18. Erastus, son of Ashbel Seymour.
Sept. 12. Jemima, dau. of Elias Hurlbut.
Sept. 19. Orin, s. of Ebenezer Dickinson.
Sept. 26. Mary, dau. of James Camp.
Oct. 10. William, son of James Mitchell, in the mother's right, and Juliet, d. of Jedediah Mills, in the mother's right.
Oct. 17. Asaph, son of Lemuel Whittlesey.
Oct. 31. Enos, s. of Elias Deming, in the mother's right.
Dec. 17. Chester, son of Samuel Churchil, privately, in the mother's right.
Feb. 13, 1780. Elisha, son of Elisha Stoddord.
Feb. 27. Samuel, s. of Benajah Bordman.
May 28. Hubert, s. of Bernard Romans, in the mother's right.
July 21. A child of Justus Francis, privately, on profession and promise of public covenant.
Oct. 1 Alma, d. of Elijah Welles.
Oct. 22. Mary and Persis, ds. of Joseph Stoddord, in the mother's right, and William, son of Lemuel Hurlbut, and Tabitha, his wife.
Dec. 24. Appleton Andrus, s. of Justus Francis.
Feb. 25, 1781. Dolle, dau. of Amous Buck.
April 8. Beulah, child of James Welles.
April 22. Lydia, d. of Samuel Prat, in the mother's right.
May 6. Anne, d. of Elizur Deming.
May 13. William, son of Elias Deming, in the mother's right.
May 20. Lydia, d. of Abel Andrus, per Mr. Perkins.
May 27. Rebecca, dau. of Enos Hun, and Eunice, dau. of Elias Seymour.
June 17. Wealthy, dau. of John Graham.
July 8. Joseph, s. of Jos. Camp, and Candace, d. of Jos. Stoddord, in the mother's right.
Aug. 5. Barzillai, son of Levi Hurlbut.
Aug. 26. Martin, son of Martin Kellogg, jr.
Sept. 2. Stephen, son of James Mitchell, in the mother's right.
Sept. 16. Abigail Belden, dau. of James Lusk, per Mr. Smalley, in the mother's right.
Oct. 14. Amos Andrus, son of Amos Webster, in the mother's right.
Oct. 28. Mercy, dau. of Lemuel Hurlbut.
Nov. 20. Clarissa, dau. of Elias Andrus, privately, in the mother's right.
April 14, 1782. Jedediah Welles, son of Jedediah Mills, in the mother's right.
April 21. Asaph, s. of Lemuel Whittlesy, per Mr. Perkins.
May 5. Trueman, s. of Hezekiah Francis.
July 4. Elizabeth, dau. of Elizabeth. widow of James Camp.
Sept. 22. Naomi, d. of William Andrus.
Oct. 20. Bevil, son of Ashbel Seymour, and Abigail, his wife, and Elizur, s. of Elizur Deming.
Nov. 24. Simeon, son of Elisha Stoddord.
Jan. 19, 1783. Mary Anne, d. of Samuel Churchill, in the mother's right.
April 6. A child of Amos Buck, privately, being sick.
July 6. Lydia, dau. of Elijah Welles.
July 27. Origen, son of James Welles.
Aug. 31. Prudence, d. of Lem'l Hurlbut.
Oct. 5. Samuel, son of Samuel Pratt, and Hannah, his wife, on her account.
Oct. 26. George, William Nott, Elizabeth, and Sarah, children of Geo. Woolcut, in the mother's right.
Nov. 2. Daniel, son of Amos Webster, in the mother's right.
Jan. 10, 1784. An infant of Elias Hurlbut, privately, being like to die.
Jan. 11. Rachel, dau. of Elias Seymour.
Feb. 15. Daniel, son of Daniel Willard, jr.
Feb. 22. Daniel, son of James Mitchel. per Mr. Fen, in the mother's right.
March 28. Keturah Andrus, d. of Justus Francis.
May 9. Larena, d. of Martin Kellogg, jr., in the mother's right.
June 20. James, son of Joseph Camp, and Joseph, s. of Joseph Stoddord, in the mother's right.
Oct. 17. Sylvester, son of Levi Hurlbut, and Leister Chauncey, son of Enos Hun.
Oct. 24. Polly, d. of Unni Robbins.
Feb. 6, 1785. John Churchil and Rebecca Mekins, children of Benajah Bordman, bro't down from Arlington.
Feb. 20. Betty, d. of Ephraim Paterson.
Feb. 27. Harriet, d. of Lemuel Hurlbut, and Harriet, dau. of Jedediah Mills, in the mother's right.
April 3. John Atwood, son of Amos Buck.
May 1. Olive, d. of Capt. Jonathan Stoddord.
June 12. John, son of Samuel Churchill. in the mother's right.
Aug. 21. Silvester, s. of James Lusk, in the mother's right, per Mr. Fenn.
Nov. 6. Erastus, son of Amos Webster, in the mother's right.
Jan. 29, 1786. Martha, dau. of Elias Deming, on the mother's account.
Feb. 19. Joseph, son of Oswell Rockwell, in the mother's right.
Mar. 5. Charles Belden, son of Levi Churchill.
April 27. Rachel, dau. of Zadok Hindale, in the mother's right.
April 16. Elias, s. of Elias Seymore.
May 8. Gaylord, son of James Welles.
May 21. Prudence. d. of Sam'l Pratt, on the mother's account, amd Samuel. s. of Joseph Stoddord, in the mother's right.
July 20. Lydia, dau. of David Stoddord, offered by the mother.
Aug. 10. Lucy, d. of Elias Deming, in mother's right.
June 11. Samuel, s. of Lemuel Hurlbut, per Mr. Fen.
Sept. 21. Love, d. of Jas. Lusk, in the mother's right.
July 2. Polly, Harry Blin, and Sarah, 3 children of Obadiah Smith.
Sept. 28. Leonard, son of Amos Webster, in the mother's right.
Dec. 14. Ebenezur, son of Obediah Smith.
July 30. William, s. of James Wells.
April 5, 1789. Mary, d. of Col. Roger Welles, in the mother's right.
Aug. 13. Hannah, d. of Ephraim Paterson.
Aug. 27. Nancy, dau. of Elizur Deming.
May 3. Harvy, son of Justus Francis.
Oct. 15. Allin, s. of Dea. Elisha Stoddord and Dorothy, his wife.
Aug. 16. Martin, s. of Lemuel Hurlbut, per Mr. Marsh.
Dec. 22. Mathew, s. of Ichabod Patterson, privately, being dangerously sick.
Oct. 25. Martin, son of Ashbel Seymour, per Mr. Fenn.
Dec. 18. An infant of Abijah Wright, privately, on the mother's engagement
Mar. 4, 1787. Asaph, s. of Daniel Willard, jr.
Mar. 11. Octavia, twin dau. of Levi Churchill.
Feb. 28, 1790. Fanny, dau. of Simon Welles, in the mother's right.
May 20. Alma, d. of Jos. Camp, and Rachel. d. of Elijah Welles.
May 9. Lucy, Mary, Billy and John, children of Jno. Hurlbut, in the nother's right, as per Mr. Finn.
Sept. 23. Charles, son of Levi Hurlbut, and at the same time, Thadeus, s., and Olive and Sally, ds., of David Stoddord, on mother's account.
May 23. Alma, dau. of Ozwell Rockwell, in the mother's right.
Oct. 7. Hezekiah, son of Elias and Seymour, and Chancy, son of Amos Buck, presented by the mother.
June 6. Charlotte, Lucy, and Kate, ds. of Abijah Wright, on his wife's account.
July 25. Lucy, dau. of Obediah Smith.
Nov. 11. Archibald, s. of Simon Welles, in the mother's right.
Aug. 1. Lucy, d. of Jos. Camp.
Dec. 9. Sarah, dau. of Lemuel Hurlbut.
Sept. 26. Roger, s. of Col. Roger Welles, in the mother's right.
Dec. 30. Josiah Belden, son of Samuel Churchill, in the mother's right.
Nov. 7. Allen, s. of John Hurlbut. in the mother's right.
Nov. 21. Jedediah, s. of Elias Deming, per Mr. Marsh, in the mother's right.
Jan. 27, 1788. Martin, s. of Capt. Roger Welles, in the mother's right, and Daniel, s. of Ozwell Rockwell, in the mother's right.
Jan. 16, 1791. Charles, son of Levi Hurlbut, and Anson, s. of Justus Francis, per Mr. Smally.
Feb. 6. Thankful, dau. of Elias Seymour.
May 8. Prudence, d. of Martin Kellogg, jr.
May 22. Charles, s. of Samuel Churchill.
Nov. 24. Fanny, dau. of Simon Welles.
Jan. 29, 1792. Ira, Hannah and Alva, child'n of Waitstill Dickinson.
Feb. 5. Oliver, son of Ephraim Deming.
Feb. 26. Honor, dau. of Ashbel Seymour, and Lydia, dau. of Amos Webster.
June 10. Justus, son of Ozwell Rockwell.
July 29. Anne and Cinthia, twin ds. of Elijah Welles.
Aug. 26. Rhoda, dau. of Daniel Willard.
Sept. 2. Sophronia, dau. of Dea. James Welles.
Sept. 23. Jesse and Octavia, children of Widow Mary Stoddord.
Sept. 30. Charles, son of Roger Francis.
Nov. 15. Privately, Samuel and Mercy, twin children of Sam'l Churchill, one ill, not like to live.
Feb. 3, 1793. Laura, d. of Eph. Deming.
April 21. George Whitfield, s. of Simon Welles, per Mr. Smalley.
May 12. Esther, dau. of David Stoddord.
July 14. Charlotte, dau. of Col. Welles, per Mr. Fen.
Aug. 11. Newman, s. of Justus Francis.
Oct. 6. Chauncy, son of John Hurlbut.
Mar. 9. Mable, d. of Amos A. Webster.
June 1. Lecta, dau. of Martin Kellogg.
Aug. 31. Lydia, dau. of Elias Deming.
Sept. 21. Amzi, son of Roger Francis.
Aug. 19, 1795. Jerusha, dau. of Ephraim Deming.
Oct. 25. Mary Atwood, adult person.
Nov. 13. Lucy and Susana, ds. of Roswell Fox.
Jan. 11, 1796. Alfred, son of Justus Francis.
Feb. 15. Sarah, dau. of Jemima Welles, relict of Gen. Roger Welles; posthumous child.
May 22. Cloe, dau. of Amos A. Webster, and Mary, d. of Roswell Fox, presented by his wife.
July 10. Charlotte, d. of Sam'l Churchill, and Robert, son of Oz well Rockwell, per Mr. Fen.
Nov. 13. Florella, d. of Josiah Griswold.
May 7, 1797. Hiram, s. of John Hurlbut.
May 7. Eleazur and Mary, s. and d. of Lem'l Holmes, privately, the mother, in whose right they were baptized, not able to present them publicly.
June 4. Mary, dau. of Ephraim Deming.
June 11. Lydia, Levi, and Horace, children of Levi Welles, and Hannah, his wife.
July 30. Sally, Lucy, Erastus, and Polly, children of Jonathan Blin, in the mother's right, per Mr. Smalley.
Nov. 4. Privately, Betsy, dau. of Roger Francis; died a few hours after.
Mar. 4, 1798. Cyrus, son of Justus Francis.
May 27. Hannah, dau. of Levi Welles, per Mr. Smalley.
June 3. Hannah, d. of Samuel Churchill.
Sept. 23. A child of Roswell Fox, per Mr. PERKINS
Nov. 29. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan BLIN
19 May 1799, Nathan, son of Oswell ROCKWELL
6 Oct Cyrus, son of Amos A. WEBSTER
5 Jan 1800, Silas, Caroline, Benjamin, Hannah, Sophia & Mary, children of Levi CHURCHILL
31 Jan, Mary, dau. of Michael WRIGHT, privately, dangerously ill
15 Mar, Laura, dau. of Justus FRANCIS
11 Apr, Salome, dau. of Lucy GAYLORD
8 Jun, Cinthia & Thomas, children of Michael WRIGHT & Silvia, his wife
15 Jun, Fanny, dau. of Josiah GRISWOLD
1 Mar 1801, Lemuel Whittlesy, son of Jooshua BELDEN, Jr., & Dorothy, his wife
28 Jun, Sarah Rachel, Mary Goodrich & Smith, children of Frances COSLET
26 Jul, Lucy, dau. of Samuel CHURCHILL
11 Oct, Joseph, son of Dr. Jos. LINDE, & Martha, his wife & my daughter, of Hartford
20 Dec, Oledine ANDRUS, rec'd into the church
1 Aug 1802, Thomas, son of Michael WRIGHT
8 Aug, Sabra, dau. of Jonathan BLIN
22 Aug, Robert, son of Josiah GRISWOLD
27 Feb 1803, Erastus, son of Justus FRANCIS
31 Jul, Mary, Cinthia & Samuel Smith, children of Rober HURLBUT
10 Dec, Privately, the first child of Ashbel SEYMOUR, Jr., it being dangerously sick, per Mr. CLEAVELAND
25 Nov 1804, Chancy, son of Joshua BELDEN, Jr.
From 11 Nov 1747 to 16 Jan 1805 -
Baptisms, 622
Admissions to Communion, 169
Deaths, 443
Marriages, 326
Nov. 22, 1747. Stephen Deming, owned the covenant.
Dec. 6. Benijah Andrus, owned the covenant.
Dec. 13. Elisha Warren, with his wife and Israel Bordman, owned the covenant.
Jan. 31, 1747-8. Solomon Deming, with his wife, owned the covenant.
Feb. 14. Josiah Francis. with his wife, and Jonathan Churchil, with his wife, and Lydia Francis, owned the covenant.
July 24. Sarah Kircum owned the covenant.
Nov. 27. Mary, the wife of Moses Barnes, owned the covenant.
Dec. 18. Charles Churchill and widow Hannah Whaples owned the covenant.
Feb. 7, 1750. Ann, the wife of Samuel Steel, owned the covenant.
Feb. 7. Mary Smith and Mary Goodrich, owned the covenant.
Dec. 16. Stephen Kellogg and his wife, owned the covenant.
March 24, 1751. Anne, the wife of Janna Deming, owned the covenant.
April 14. Ebenezur Smith, jun., with his wife and Pelatiah Buck, owned the covenant.
May 26. Joseph Crowfoot owned the covenant at Kensington.
Sept. 22. John Peirce owned the covenant.
Feb. 2, 1752. Mary, the wife of John Peirce, owned the covenant.
Aug. 2. Gamaliel Deming and his wife. owned the covenant.
March 4, 1753. Elijah Stoddord and his wife, owned the covenant.
Oct. 14. Elijah Kircum, owned the covenant.
Jan. 27, 1754. Gideon Griswould, owned the covenant.
May 5. Jonathan Whaples and his wife, owned the covenant.
Sept. 15. Elias Hart and his wife owned the covenant at N. Britain.
May 18, 1755. Sarah Kellogg owned the covenant.
May 25. Jemima Lamb, owned the covenant.
July 6. Cloe Rylie, owned the covenant.
July 27. Elijah Smith and Jacob Brandigee owned the covenant at N. Britain.
At the same time and place, William Horton entered into covenant and was baptized.
Aug. 3. Nathaniel Kircum and Rosetta, his wife, owned the covenant.
Aug. 17. David Lusk and Prudence, his wife, owned the covenant.
Sept. 19. Appleton Burnham and his wife, and John Coleman and his wife, owned the covenant at Kensington.
Oct. 19. James Lusk and Sarah, his wife, owned the covenant.
Dec. 7. Josiah Kilborn and his wife, owned the covenant.
April 25, 1756. Sarah Welles, owned the covenant.
May 2. Lydia Deming, owned the covenant.
Jan. 30, 1757. Beli Blin and his wife, and Mary Hurlbut owned the covenant.
Feb. 13. James Blin and his wife owned the covenant.
April 10. Hannah Deming, owned the covenant.
July 24. Thomas Wright and his wife, owned the covenant.
Jan. 15, 1758. Josiah Willard, owned the covenant.
March 12. Elisha Stoddord, owned the covenant.
April 16. Mary Wells and Seabury Andrus owned the covenant.
April 23. Rebecca and Jemima Hun, owned the covenant.
May 14. Theode Seymour, owned the covenant.
May 21. Jonathan Wright and Jonathan Stoddord owned the covenant.
May 28. Sarah Deming and Mary Camp owned the covenant.
June 4. Ginea, negro, owned his baptismal covenant.
Dec. 24. Sarah the wife of Amos Hurlbut, Sarah, the wife of Jonathan Blin, and Mary Whaples owned the covenant.
Feb. 25, 1759. Henry Kircum, jr., and his wife owned the covenant.
April 29, Waitstill Deming and his wife owned the covenant.
June 17. Silence Wright, owned the covenant.
July 15. Mary Seymour and Mercy Stoddord owned the covenant.
Aug. 12. Rebecca Stoddord, owned the covenant.
Oct. 21. Phebe, wife of Miles Andrus, owned the covenant.
Dec. 9. John Russell and his wife, owned the covenant.
Jan. 20, 1760. Solomon Stoddord, owned the covenant.
April 6. Margaret Kilborn, owned the covenant.
May 25. Miles Andrus, owned the covenant.
Aug. 3. Robert Wells, jr., and his wife, owned the covenant.
March 29, 1761. Justus Woolcut and his wife, owned the covenant.
Feb. 28, 1762. Martin Whittlesy, owned the covenant.
July 18. Benjamin Andrus and his wife, owned the covenant.
Nov. 21. Francis Deming, owned the covenant.
Jan. 9, 1763. Joseph Andrus, jr., and Asenath (?) his wife owned the covenant.
March 13. William Wells, jr, owned the covenant.
March 20. Hez. Francis and his wife, owned the covenant.
April 10. Samuel Woolcut and his wife, owned the covenant.
April 8, 1764. Sherman Bordman and his wife, owned the covenant.
April 22. Luther Latimer and Levi Steel entered into covenant and were baptized.
June 3. Mary the wife of Sam'l Andrus, owned the covenant.
Aug. 26. Hez. Atwood, owned the covenant.
Sept. 9. Elias Hurlbut and Patience, his wife, owned the covenant.
March 31, 1765. Christopher Hurlbut and Mary, his wife, owned the covenant.
April 28. Mary Andrus, Elias Wells, owned the covenant.
May 12. Abel Andrus and his wife, owned the covenant.
Aug. 25. Lemuel Whittlesy and his wife, owned the covenant.
Nov. 17. Unni Robbins and his wife, owned the covenant.
Sept. 28, 1766. Sam'l Andrus, owned the covenant.
Dec. 27, 1767. Levi Hurlbut and his wife, owned the covenant.
May 8, 1768. Levi Andrus, owned the covenant.
July 24. John Squire, owned the covenant.
Feb. 4, 1770. Cloe, wife of Asa Andrus, owned the covenant.
April 15. Mr. Joseph Camp and his wife, owned the covenant.
May 19, 1771. James Camp and his wife, owned the covenant.
Some time in the winter past Eli Stoddord and his wife owned the covenant.
Sept. 8. Elias Seymour and his wife owned the covenant.
Oct. 27. Louis Latimer entered into covenant and was baptized.
April 12, 1772. Levi Churchill and his wife owned the covenant.
July 19. John Graham and his wife, owned the covenant.
At the same time David Lowry and his wife, owned the covenant.
March 21, 1773. Benajah Bordman and his wife, owned the covenant.
Jan. 9, 1774. Martin Kellogg, jr., owned the covenant.
May 22. Elizur Deming and his wife, owned the covenant.
Feb. 5, 1775. Enos Hunn and his wife, owned the covenant.