The History of Middlesex County 1635-1885
J. H. Beers & Co., 36 Vesey Street, New York
Pages 174-217



[transcribed by Janece Streig]


The town of Chatham is situated in the northeast corner of the county, and is bounded on the north by Glastonbury, in Hartford county, on the east by Marlborough, in Hartford county, and Colchester, in New London county, on the south by East Haddam and Haddam, and on the west by Middletown and Portland. It is separated from Middletown by the Connecticut River, which washes the southwest corner of the town.

The township was originally a pat of Middletown, the original grant of which extended three miles in breadth east of the river, and in 1673, by virtue of another grant, it was extended three miles in breadth further east.

This tract was incorporated, at the October session of the General Assembly, in 1867, as a town, and named Chatham, after a town of the same name in England, noted for its ship building, a branch of industry in which it was expected it would some day rival its English namesake. At the time of its incorporation it embraced the whole of the ecclesiastical parish of East Middletown, a part of the parish of Middle Haddam, the whole of the parish of East Hampton, and a small portion of the parish of Pine Swamp, alias Westchester. The name of East Middletown Parish was changed to Chatham, and in 1842 it was set off as a separate town by the name of Conway, but at the same session the name was changed to Portland.

The township is about nine miles in length from north to south, about six miles in width on its southern border, and three on its northern. Its surface is very uneven and hilly, and in some parts mountainous. The soil is hard and rocky, and better adapted to grazing than to cultivation.

The Bolton Mountains, or rather a continuation of that range, are situated on the western border of the town. Meshomasic or, in colloquial parlance, Somersic Mountain, one of this range, situated partly in Chatham and part in Glastonbury, is famous for its rattlesnakes with which it has abounded from its discovery to the present day. So numerous were these reptiles at the time of the first settlement that the towns were under the necessity of offering a bounty for their destruction, which was usually "six-pence a tail," to copy the quaint language of the record. The late Dr. CHAPIN, in his "Glastonbury for two hundred years," published in 1853, says that the Indian name of this mountain testifies to the same peculiarity, Me-shom-as sek signifying great rattlesnake. This definition he obtained from "Roger WILLIAMS' Key to the Indian Language," Meshom, great, and sesek or assek, rattlesnake, or an abundance of rattlesnakes. The Hon. J. Hammond TRUMBULL, of Hartford, who is considered the best authority on the Indian language in the United States, in a volume published in 1881, entitled, "Indian names of places in and on the borders of Connecticut, with interpretations of some of them," says that there is no foundation for Dr. CHAPIN's interpretation, but that he can suggest nothing better unless it can, by some steep declivity or deep chasm, be identified with Massawomasog, which denotes a great declivity (literally, down going), and is applicable to a steep ledger, hillside, or high bank, which might easily be found in the vicinity. Of later years these reptiles are not found in any considerable numbers, but occasionally, in a hot, dry season, some have been killed even in the center of near villages.

Bald Hill, famous for its rattlesnakes, trailing arbutus, and peculiar kind of quartzite rock much sought after for scythe stones, is situated in the same locality. Great Hill, or Governor's Ring, so called from the supposition that Governor WINTHROP obtained gold enough to make a ring from its rocks, is the southwestern terminus of this range. The famous Cobalt Mines, of which more will be said in another place, were excavated in the side of this mountain. A good view of Long Island Sound can be obtained from its summit on a clear day, and with the aid of a powerful glass, vessels can be seen sailing up and down upon its waters, some thirty miles away. CLARK's Hill, so called from its having been in the possession of families of that name from the first settlement of East Hampton Parish to the present day, lies to the eastward of Great Hill. A good view of the sound can also be had from this point.

Pocotopaug Lake, northeast of the village of East Hampton and near to Marlborough line, is a beautiful sheet of water, nearly nine miles in circumference, following the circuitous windings of its shore. Its Indian name was always supposed by the inhabitants of the town to mean "clear water," as its waters are very clear and transparent; but Mr. TRUMBULL, in the work before mentioned, says that the meaning of the name is obscure, but the interpretation which seems most probable is "divided pond," Pohqutaepaug, the pond having the appearance of being double, composed of two nearly circular ponds, united by a short narrow strait. This pond was in the line of the old bridle path between providence and Middletown, and travelers were taken across this strait on a raft. This bridle path entered the town just north of the present dwelling house of Morris COLBERT, and passing down the hill in a westerly direction ascended the Bear Swamp ledges through what is now known as the Dugway, and, swinging to the northward of Great or BAKER's Hill, so-called, it came out on the shore of the lake, on MARKHAM's Point, where it crossed to what is now called HINKLEY's Point, then turning to the left and northward of the lake crossed the summit of CLARK's Hill, and thence in a westerly direction toward Middletown. The waters of this lake abounded with pickerel, perch, bullheads, roach, and dace for a number of years after the settlement of the town, but the introduction of black bass, a game fish, into its waters a few years since, has had a tendency to diminish the original denizens, both its size and number. There are no inlets, of any size, to Pocotopaug Lake, it being fed probably by low springs, as rains that do not run off the ground do not affect its height materially. There is a beautiful legend connected with this lake, that an Indian maiden sacrificed herself here by direction of the Great Spirit, and the promise to her was that no person should ever be drowned in its bosom. Taking the legend for what it is worth, it is a well established fact that up to the time of writing, no person, so far as known, has ever been drowned there.

To the east of this lake rises a bare round hill, known as BAKER's Hill, from a family of that name that live near its summit. On the top of this hill a well was dug some 40 feet in depth for some parties in New York, who were intending to build a summer house here, but for some reason failed to do so. This well is now nearly filled with stones and debris dropped in by visitors to this locality. A good view of Colchester, Westchester, Marlborough, Gilead, and East Haddam can be obtained from this point. A chain of ledges skirts along the eastern side of this hill and runs in a northerly direction into the town of Marlborough. At the foot of these ledges lies Bear Swamp, a locality where bears were plenty at the time of the first settlement of the town, and which is almost impenetrable on account of the thick growth of underbrush that covers its face. Bear Swamp Brook, a continuation of what is known further south as Potash Brook, runs through this swamp in a northerly direction into Marlborough where it loses itself in DICKINSON's Stream. Flat Brook, near the eastern border of the town, flows southerly under the Rapallo Viaduct on the Air Line Railroad, and empties into Salmon River near the Colchester line. Salmon River, the two principal sources of which rise in Hebron and Lebanon, flows through the parish of Westchester and across the southwestern corner of the town, separating the parish of East Hampton from Westchester, and the town of East Haddam from Haddam, and empties into the Connecticut near Mount Tom. On either side of this stream rise abrupt hills covered with groves of hemlock, oak, and chestnut. In Connecticut Land Records, Volume 111, page 85, this river is described as the west bound of Jeremy ADAMS' farm in Colchester, in a grant to him from Uncas, in 1662, and is called the Tatamucuntaway. Pine Brook, the only outlet of Pocotopaug Lake, is recorded in Connecticut Land Records, volume I, page 456, as Niuppaquashneag Brook. This word, evidently corrupted, property represents Wunni-appoquasinne-auke and means good flag place or where flags (Appoquasinash, for making mats, etc.) are plenty (TRUMBULL's Indian Names, page 1). This stream flows in a southwesterly direction, furnishing power for the many thriving industries of East Hampton, and empties into Salmon River a few miles from its mouth. Muddy Gutter Brook and Green River flow through the central part of the town in a southerly direction, and empty into Pine Brook. Cobalt Brook, rising near the Cobalt Mine, flows through the village of Middle Haddam and empties into the Connecticut River near the old ship-yard. TAYLOR's Creek, flowing down from Great Hill Meadow, in the east part of Portland, divides the two towns. Glen Falls, where the water flows over a precipice 30 feet in height, is on this stream. Eastward from the Connecticut River, the ground rises, in some places gradually, and in others precipitously for about a mile, the height bearing the name of Hog Hill from the following circumstance. Soon after the settlement of this locality the hogs belonging to the early settlers were suffered to roam at large, under certain restraints. During a severe storm they took refuge in the basement of the first meeting house in Middle Haddam Parish, which stood near the southern extremity of this hill. This house, standing on a side hill, was stoned up underneath, leaving a vacant place under the church, a small aperture being left in the wall for ingress and egress. Some party or parties closed this aperture and imprisoned these animals, who were not discovered until the following Sabbath, when their grunting disclosed their presence, and they were released from their prison. East of this hill, and about a mile distant from summit to summit, rises another to about the same height, known as Chestnut Hill. Through the valley, between these two hills, Green River flows, uninterrupted to its mouth. South of East Hampton village is MILLER's Hill, so called from an early settler of that name, and to the south and east of this are the ranges known as the SMITH Hills. Mill Brook rises between these two hills, and flows southerly to Salmon River. BEVIN Hill, in the western part of East Hampton village, and MOTT Hill, north of the lake, were so called from early settlers of those names. North of Pocotopaug Lake is a stream known as WELLS' Brook, which flows in a southerly direction, and empties into DICKINSON Stream in Marlborough. All the streams described abounded with delicious brook trout at the time of the early settlement, but in many of them they have long since disappeared, and their number greatly diminished in the others.


The first town meeting was held in Chatham on "December ye 7th 1767." The following extract is from the record of this meeting:
          "Upon the Request of Robert STEVENSON in a memorial Laid before this meeting that he might have the previlidge of Erecting a Store house and Wharf upon the Shore near the place Called Indian Hill; after Due Consideration this meeting Granted him Comitee upon his own Cost To View the Circumstances of s'd place and to make Report to the next Meeting the Comitee Chosen for the purpose are Mr. John COOPER Capt. Samll HULL and Mr. Ebnezer WHITE.
          "Whereas Robert STEVENSON in the former part of this meeting Exhibited a memorial to the town of Chatham Requesting that he might have Liberty to Erect a ware house and wharfe in a Certain place in s'd town this meeting appointed him a Comitee To View the Circumstance of s'd place and upon the Report of S'd Comitee this Meeting Voted he might have the priveledge Requested in S'd memorial Provided he Ever maintain a publick road for passing and Repassing Between his Ware house and wharfe when erected.
          "To the inhabitants of the Town of Chatham To be Convined by Legal warning on the 10th Day of Janr. 1785. Gentlemen Whereas a Considerable Number of the inhabitants of this Town who Live at the Extreme part of the Town South of Salmon River and at a Great Distance from the place Where Annual and freemans meetings are attended in s'd Town who have not only To ride Twelve or fourteen miles in and exceeding bad Road to attend s'd meetings but Likewise a very Bad Mad River To ford and many Times is by no means fordable which much need Deprive us of those Priveledge which mankind in General Do injoy to Remidy which we must Earnestly Entreat and Request of s'd Town To pass a vote that they will not oppose us at the General assembly in having all the Lands South of Salmon River in s'd Town with the Inhabitants thereon Living Annexed To Some other Town Where we Can Enjoy our Town Priviledgs Equaly with the rest of mankind in riding about four or five miles in Good roads which will Greatly east the Burdens we Labour under and merit the Harty Thanks of your Humble petitioners Benjamin TROBRIDGE Thomas WILLIAMS Abner BRAINERD Stehen BRAINERD Sam'll ACKLEY Joshua BRAINERD Robert USHER Zephaniah MICHEL Asce MICHEL Lemuel SCOVEL Joshua BRIGGS.
          "The above petition being Laid Before the meeting and after Due Consideration the meeting by major Vote Granted their Request."
          January 19th 1785, it was
          "Voted by this meeting To Chuse a Committee in order to prefer a memorial To the General Assembly To Grant the Liberty of Seting up a Lotery in order to Raise Money for the purpose of Building a Bridge across the Salmon River.
          "The Com'ee chosen and appointed are Doctor Robert USHER Capt. Stephen BRAINERD and Capt. Elijah SMITH."


Representatives.-The following is a list of the representatives for the town of Chatham from 1768 to 1884, inclusive: David SAGE, 1768 M.-1769 M., 1771 M., 1772 M., 1774 O.-1775 O.; Nathaniel FREEMAN, 1768 M., 1779 M.-1771 O.; Ebenezer WHITE, 1759 O.-1770 O., 1771 O.-1774M., 1775 M.-1778 M., 1779 O., 1780 M., 1781 M.-1782 M., 1783 M.-1784 O., 1785 O.-1786 O., 1788 M., 1788 O., 1789 O., 1791 M.; Elisha CORNWELL, 1769, O.; Silas DUNHAM, 1772 O.-1774 O., 1778 O., 1780 O.; John PENFIELD, 1776 M.-1777 M., 1778 M., 1779 M., 1780 O., 1781 M., 1787 M., 1787 O., 1789 M., 1789 O.; Jeremiah BRADFORD, 1778 O.; Joseph KELLOGG, 1779 M.-1780 M.; Chauncey BUCKLEY, 1781 O., 1782 M., 1783 O., 1784 M., 1785 M., 1786 O., 1788 M., 1788 O., 1791 M., 1791 O., 1792 O., 1793 M., 1794 O., 1796 M., 1797 O., 1799 M., 1800 O., 1801 O.; Moses BARTLETT, 1782 O.; James BILL, 1782 O., 1783 M., 1784 O., 1787 M., 1787 O., 1789 M.; 1790 M., 1790 O., 1792 M., 1795 O., 1798 M., 1798 O.; Joseph BLAKE, 1785 M.; Bryan PARMELEE, 1785 O., 1802 M., 1790 O., 1791 O.-1797 M., 1798 O., 1799 M., 1800 O.-1803 M., 1805 M.-1806 M., 1809 O.-1812 M.; Timothy ROGERS, 1793 O., 1794 M.; Joseph SAGE, 1795 M.; Moses COOK 1796 O., 1797 M., 1801 M.; Daniel SHEPARD jr., 1797 O., 1798 M.; Seth OVERTON, 1799 O., 1800 M.; Stephen GRIFFITH, 1799 O., 1814 M.; Robert USHER, 1800 M., 1804 O., 1805 M.; David CLARKE, 1802 O., 1803 M., 1814 O.; Enoch SAGE, 1803 O.-1804 O., 1806 O., 1816 M.-1820; John H. STRONG, 1803 O., 1804 M.; Benjamin HURD, 1805 O., 1806 M., 1809 M., 1810 M., 1810 O., 1812 M., 1812 O., 1817 M., 1817 O., 1819 M.; Nathaniel MARKHAM, 1806 O., 1807 M.; Daniel CHEENEY, 1807 M., 1807 O.; Jonathan BOWERS, 1807 O., 1808 M.; Isaac CONKLING, 1808 M.; Abel PENFIELD, 1808 O., 1809 M., 1812 O.; Jesse HURD, 1808 O., 1813 M.; Constant WELCH, 1809 O.; Jabez COMSTOCK, 1811 M., 1811 O.; Asahel H. STRONG, 1813 M.-1814 M.; David CHURCHILL, 1813 O., 1814 O.; Samuel HALL, 1815 M., 1815 O.; Joseph DART, 1815 M., 1815 O.; Nehemiah GATES, 1816 M., 1816 O., 1818 M., 1818 O., 1820, 1878 1868; George WHITE, 1821; Ira LEE, 1821; Nathaniel MARKHAM jr., 1822, 1824, 1827, 1829, 1831; Guy COOPER, 1822, 1823, 1828, 1829, 1836; Ralph SMITH, 1823, 1825, 1826; Phillip SAGE, 1824, 1825, 1830; Franklin G. COMSTOCK, 1826; Elijah COLTON, 1827; John STEWART jr., 1828, 1830; Joseph HALL, 1831; David WILLIAMS, 1832, 1833; John MARKHAM, 1832; Nathaniel C. SMITH, 1833; Selden COOK, 1834; John MARKHAM jr., 1834, 1836, 1838, 1851; Edward LEWIS, 1837, 1838; Lazarus WATROUS, 1837; William R. SMITH, 1839, 1840; Francis YOUNG, 1839; Braddock STRONG, 1839,1840; Ralph GOODRICH, 1841; Elijah CLARK, 1841, 1842; Cyrus HURD, 1843, 1844; Daniel B. NILES, 1843; Lewis UTLEY, 1844; Hiram MARKHAM, 1845, 1846; William BEVIN, 1845, 1852, 1854; William G. BUELL, 1846, 1847; Charles JACOBS, 1847; Alfred BROOKS, 1848; Nathaniel C. SMITH, 1848, 1849, 1850; Levi BUNCE, 1849, 1850; Amasa CARPENTER, 1851; Martin ROBERTS, 1852; Washington S. ACKLEY, 1853; A. B. CONE, 1853; John STUART, 1854; Elijah CLARK 2d, 1855; Hiram VEAZEY, 1855, 1877; John CARRIER, 1856, 1857, 1860; William VEAZEY, 1856; Henry M. DUNHAM, 1857, 1874; William B. BROWN, 1858, 1859; Henry W. CLARK, 1858; Charles A. BUELL, 1859, 1860, 1864, 1866; Charles A. STRONG, 1861; Jarvis BOIES, 1861; A. N. NILES, 1862; John P. PURPLE, 1862; John W. TRYON, 1863; Charles L. STRONG, 1863; Alexander BAILEY, 1864; Harrison BRAINARD, 1865; Chauncey BEVIN, 1865, 1866; Benjamin B. HOPKINSON, 1867; Stephen A. LOPER, 1868, 1869; Martin L. ROBERTS, 1869; E. A. BRAINERD, 1870; D. B. WEST, 1870; Samuel NORTH, 1871; B. D. HURD, 1871; E. M. SIMPSON, 1872; Sylvester BAILEY, 1872; Robert L. YOUNG, 1873; Abner G. BEVIN, 1873; William H. SHEPHARD, 1874; Clark O. SEARS, 1875, 1876; LEVERETT D. WILLEY, 1875; Elisha N. ACKLEY, 1876; David H. SELDEN, 1877; Hubert E. CARPENTER, 1878, 1879; Frank A. CLARK, 1878; Frederick H. DUNHAM, 1879; Franklin D. STRONG, 1880; John L. WATROUS, 1880; Philo BEVIN, 1881; John H. SELDEN, 1881; Delos D. BROWN, 1882; Nathaniel C. JOHNSON, 1882; Henry P. MARKHAM, 1883; Titus E. ARNOLD, 1883; Henry S. GATES, 1884; Irvin N. TIBBALS, 1884.

Town Clerks.-The following is a list of the town clerks of Chatham from 1767 to 1884: Jonathan PENFIELD, 1767-94; Daniel SHEPARD jr., 1794-1802; Zebulon PENFIELD, 1802-36; Edward A. PENFIELD, 1836-41; John MARKHAM, 1841-42; Nathaniel C. SMITH, 1842-66; Seward WILLEY, 1866-67; Festus E. ADAMS, 1867-69; Charles H. STRONG, 1869-73; William BEVIN, 1873-84.


The original north and south highways, extending the entire length of the town, were situated one mile apart, from the river eastward. Some portions of these old highways are in use now, in different parts of the town, but their original width is nowhere maintained. Quite a number of highways also extended across the township in the opposite direction, but were irregularly laid out to suit the convenience of the settlers. Some of them were mere bridle paths and though traveled considerably, it is probable that none of them were Appian Ways.

The Hebron and Middle Haddam Turnpike was chartered in 1802, with a capital stock of $8,000. It extended from Hebron Meeting House, through Marlborough, and entered the town to the eastward residence of the late Capt. Eleazer VEAZEY, and swinging to the southward of Pocotopaug Lake, terminated at Middle Haddam Landing.

The Colchester & Chatham Turnpike Company was chartered in 1808, with a capital stock of $9,000. It extended from Colchester, through the parish of Westchester, and, entering the town at COMSTOCK's Bridge, it kept a northerly direction over MILLER's Hill, and, leaving the present limits of the town near the Cobalt Manufacturing Company's works, terminated at Middletown ferry. For a short distance it used the highway of the Hebron & Middle Haddam Company, and both companies united in maintaining a toll-gate where the railroad now crosses, near the residence of Capt. M. C. JOHNSON.

The Chatham & Marlborough Turnpike Company, which was chartered in 1809 with a capital of $9,000, and whose highway extended from Middletown ferry to Marlborough, also crossed the northern part of the town, over what is known as MOTT Hill.

All the turnpikes were long since given up by the companies, and the roads are now maintained by the town.

The Air Line Division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad enters the town on an iron bridge 70 feet in height over the pond of the Cobalt Manufacturing Company, and extends by a circuitous route across the town from west to east. It crosses the valley over Cobalt Brook on a fill 80 feet in height, and, entering what is now known as Great Hill Cut, half a mile in length, and from 15 to 60 feet in depth, swings around to the northward over Muddy Gutter Stream on a fill 60 feet high, enters the village of East Hampton, north of the residence of William E. BARTON, and, crossing the main street, between the Free Methodist Church and the store of C. O. SEARS & Co., and Pine Brook, near the residence of D. W. WATROUS, on iron bridges, enters the cut known as BISHOP's Cut, or HALL's Summit, the highest point of the grade in the town, being something over 400 feet above the level of the river. Leaving this cut it swings around to the southward, and enters what is known as Linkpot Cut, of solid rock, 1,800 feet in length, and an average depth of 40 feet. After leaving this cut, it crosses Flat Brook, on the Rapallo Viaduct, an iron structure 1,378½ feet in length and 60 feet high, and winding in and out of numerous cuts and fills, it enters the town of Colchester near the LYMAN Viaduct, an iron structure similar to the Rapallo, but of much greater height. The benefit derived by the building of the road to the manufacturers and citizens of the town, though considerable, is nearly overbalanced by the debt of $112,000 incurred by loaning the town credit to aid in its completion, and thus entailing upon future generations "a burden grievous to be born," which the railroad company will not aid in lifting.


The oldest cemetery in the town is the one on Hog Hill, near where the first meeting house stood. It was first laid out in 1742. Prior to this time the dead were interred either in the old yard, near the quarries, in Portland, or in the one in Maromas District, in Middletown. The oldest headstone is that of Ebenezer BURR, who died September 28th 1743, aged 33.

The oldest cemetery in East Hampton Society is the one near the lake, which was first used for a burying ground in 1743. Mary, the wife of John BEVINS, jr., being, according to the record on the headstone, "the first person laid in this yard." She died September 17th 1743, in the 37th year of her age. The other cemeteries in the town are at Middle Haddam, near the Congregational Church, laid out in 1794; one in Tarsia District, East Hampton, 1776; one north of Pocotopaug Lake, 1787; one in Young Street, 1789; Waterhole, 1793; the SELDEN yard in Middle Haddam, 1825; and the SKINNER yard, in East Hampton, about 1860. Scattered through the town are numerous private cemeteries, and unmarked graves of victims of small-pox and other contagious diseases.


About the year 1762, Dr. John Sebastian STEPHAWNEY a German, opened a cobalt mine at the foot of Great Hill. He employed a number of men for a short time, and made a horizontal opening into the hill. In 1770, he renewed the works, in connection with two other Germans, John KNOOL and Gominus ERKELENS, but in a short time made over the management of the concern to his associates. A large opening was made in the hill, and the superincumbent matter was prevented by stanchions from falling upon the laborers. Many casks of ore were obtained and sent to Europe, but little was known as to its character or value. ERKELENS finally became the principal manager of the concern, and operations were suspended about the year 1787. Nothing more was done there for about 30 years, or until 1818, when Mr. Seth HUNT, from New Hampshire, commenced operations, and continued them about two years. He and his associates, five in number, expended about $20,000, and obtained, as they supposed, 1,000 pounds of cobalt, which proved in England to be nickel containing from three to four parts of cobalt. This proof induced a suspension of operations. In 1844, the mine was again opened, by Professor SHEPARD, author of the "Report on the Geological Survey of Connecticut. He employed a few hands for a short time, but it is not known what discoveries he made. In 1850, Edmund BROWN, with some friends, began operations a few rods eastward from the old excavations. He employed many hands, sunk a shaft 38 feet deep, worked from the shaft some 50 feet, and took from the opening a large amount of ore. They then commenced a tunnel 700 feet east of the shaft, at a ravine, and proceeded with it some 35 feet westerly, with a view of meeting the opening from the shaft, in the meantime putting up stamping works, laboratory, and smelting works. In the course of 15 months, after expending a large amount of money, the company failed, and Mr. BROWN died shortly afterward. Dr. Eugene A. FRANKFORT, a native of France, a graduate of the Medical School of Bonn, and of the Chemical School of Giessen, came to Middle Haddam, in 1857, to test the ores obtained by Mr. BROWN. He practiced a short time as a physician, and then moved to Middletown. Through his influence and report upon the character of the ore obtained, a company was formed, under the name of "The Chatham Cobalt Mining Company," with its principal office in Philadelphia. A large amount of money was expended in mining, but the cobalt could not be separated from the arsenic and nickel with which it was associated, and the works were abandoned, the buildings and furnaces taken down and carried away.


The Middle Haddam post office was established in 1804, and John Hugh PETERS was appointed postmaster. Since his death the postmasters have been John STEWART, John STEWART jr., Henry STEWART, Huntington SELDEN, John CARRIER, Henry HURD, Linus PARMELEE, Josiah ACKLEY, and John A. CARRIER. East Hampton office was established in 1818. The postmasters have been Franklin G. COMSTOCK, David BUELL, William G. BUELL, Noah S. MARKHAM, Joel W. SMITH, and Clark O. SEARS. Westchester office, when first established, was within the limits of the town, being kept by Franklin S. COMSTOCK, near COMSTOCK Bridge. Moses W. COMSTOCK also kept an office known as East Hampton Lake, afterward changed to Chatham, about 1851 or 1852. Cobalt post office was established in 1851. The postmasters have been Charles RICH, Henry W. TIBBALLS, Daniel JUDSON, and Rufus D. TIBBALLS.


Both of the ecclesiastical societies made early arrangement for the support of schools within their respective localities, and committees were appointed from year to year to take charge of educational matters. Of these early schools but little is known, and the names of but a few of the teachers have been recovered. John NORTON jr., William BEVIN, and Joseph Frazier MONTGOMERY were among the early teachers in East Hampton Parish, and later, Elisha NILES and Timothy ROGERS served in that capacity. The town is at present divided into eleven districts for school purposes, and the contributors toward the maintenance of common schools are quite liberal. There is no academy within the limits of the town, and scholars desirous to obtain a more liberal education are obliged to seek it elsewhere.


About 1743, a forge was erected near the outlet of Pocotopaug Lake, but little is known of the amount of business that was done, or how many hands were employed while it continued in operation, which was until 1810. Captain Abijah HALL, an iron worker from Lyne, appears to have been the master workman up to the time of his death, when he was succeeded by his son, Abijah HALL jr. In 1825, a new forge and a scythe factory were built on the site of the old one, and at these business was done for several years, but the buildings are now all taken down and removed. A few rods south of this formerly stood a bell foundry, 38 feet by 22, to which an iron foundry, 40 feet by 20, was attached. This was at first operated by GOFF, ABELL & BUELL, and later by BUELL & VEAZEY, then for a time by Hiram VEAZEY. These buildings have also been taken down.

BEVIN BROTHERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY.-The next factory in order, or the first one, in fact, that is now in active operation, is that the The BEVIN Brothers Manufacturing Company, which stands on the site of the East Hampton Manufacturing Company's works, which were organized in 1830 by Butler N. STRONG, Harry STRONG, Dan. B. NILES, and Alfred WILLIAMS. They carried on a limited business in the manufacture of waffle irons, coffee mills, clock bells, and other metal goods. In 1837, Chauncey and Abner G. BEVIN bought out the firm, and in 1838 admitted their brother Philo as partner, under the name of BEVIN Brothers. They manufacture sleigh, hand, house, cow, sheep, door, and ship bells; also preserve kettles and waffle irons. At first they employed but six hands. As their business increased the old buildings were torn down and new ones erected which cover over an acre of ground. The casting shop, which is the largest, is 35 by 174 feet, one story high; the finishing shop 35 by 165 feet, two stories high. There is an office and nine other out-buildings. From 50 to 75 hands of both sexes are employed throughout the entire year, and the business continues to grow and increase, requiring constant changes to meet the demands of the trade. Soon after the great fire in Chicago, during which the court-house in that city was destroyed, the large bell which hung in that building, being ruined, was purchased by EVERHART & Co., of Chicago, manufacturing jewelers, who shipped a portion of this famous bell to this firm, who cast it into miniature bells to be worn as a relic of the great fire. Many thousands of these little souvenirs were cast for the Chicago firm, who sold them readily at first for $3 each. It may be interesting to know that part of the metal of this court-house bell was from remnants of cannon used in 1832 in the defense of Fort Dearborn at the time of the Indian massacre. In 1868, they took the firm name of "The BEVIN Brothers Manufacturing Company," which they still retain.

THE EUREKA SILK MANUFACTURING COMPANY.-The next factory in the order on the stream is The Eureka Silk Manufacturing Company, which is a branch of the larges concern interested n the silk manufacture in the United States. The buildings were erected in 1880 by the MERRICK & CONANT Manufacturing Company, and were purchased by the present company in 1882. The main building is 50 by 105 feet; dye house, 40 by 75 feet; and store house, 25 by 50 feet. They employ about 80 hands, and consume about 30,000 pounds of silk per annum.

THE MERRICK AND CONANT MANUFACTURING COMPANY was organized in 1880, with a capital of $50,000, which was increased in February 1882, to $100,000. The incorporators were: J. L. MERRICK, H. E. CONANT, J. A. CONANT, BEVIN brothers Manufacturing Company, Chauncey BEVIN, H. H. ABBE, A. G. BEVIN, Philo BEVIN, A. H. CONKLIN, E. G. CONE, E. C. BARTON, and H. D. CHAPMAN. They sold out, in 1882, to the Eureka SILK Manufacturing Company. Their buildings stand on the site of a saw mill and carding works, formerly owned by BUELL & SEARS, and later by BEVIN Brothers, who erected a building which was used by MARKHAM & STRONG, for the manufacture of coffin trimmings, for some years, when they united with parties in Winsted, Conn., formed The STRONG Manufacturing company, and removed the business from town.

THE STARR BROTHERS BELL COMPANY own and occupy the next factory on the stream. They were organized in 1882, under the general law, with a capital stock of $20,000, for the manufacture of bells of various patterns. The main building is of wood, 156 by 30 feet, two stories high; a brick foundry, 126 by 38 feet, one story high; and two other frame buildings, 40 by 30 feet, and 120 by 20 feet. From 25 to 30 hands are employed. These works were built by the firm of J. S. HALL & Co., and by them sold to VEAZEY & WHITE, who carried on the bell business here until 1882, when the above firm purchased the entire works. VEAZEY & WHITE at one time manufactured church bells, which were mounted with a patented contrivance, being a self-acting, rotating, automatic apparatus by which the clapper or tongue did not strike twice in the same place, thus obviating the liability to fracture, which so often occurs in large bells when much used.

THE EAST HAMPTON BELL COMPANY, formed in 1851, by J. N. GOFF, Amiel ABELL, J. S. HALL, D. W. WATROUS, and G. S. GOFF, for the manufacture of sleigh and other bells, occupies the next buildings on the stream, which stand on the site of COOK's ancient grist mill. In 1837, Mr. J. N. GOFF, A. ABELL, and Alfred WILLIAMS commenced the manufacture of waffle irons in a building that stood about 20 rods east of BUELL's Hotel. They subsequently took in Charles A. BUELL as a partner, and removed to the Pocotopaug Stream, where they continued until the above company was formed. In 1854, J. S. HALL sold out to R. S. CLARK, and in 1860 CLARK and WATROUS sold out to the other parties. Three large frame buildings are now used, one 25 by 90 feet, three stories high, one 25 by 25 feet, one story, and an office, 18 by 30 feet. From 30 to 40 hands are employed, and about 190,000 pounds of bell metal, besides other materials, are consumed annually.

GONG BELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY.-The works of the Gong Bell Manufacturing Company adjoin those of the East Hampton Bell Company. The company is a copartnership concern composed of H. H. ABBE, A. H. CONKLIN, E. G. CONE, and E. C. BARTON. They commenced the manufacture of gongs and other varieties of bells, in 1866. New patterns of almost endless variety are continually added to their catalogue, and their goods are sought for by all the leading firms in this county, and in Europe. The following extract from the official reports of the British commission at the exhibition of the world's fair in Philadelphia, in 1876, is a fir and truthful representation of the exhibits made by this company:

"The Gong Bell Manufacturing Company, of East Hampton, Conn., exhibited a case of polished bells for hand, call, and sleigh bells, also a stand of gongs of which several were mounted. The samples were beautifully finished, and excellent in tone and quality. A specialty, called the CONE Globe hand bell, which is constructed by mounting two gongs on a frame with a hammer so arranged as to strike both gongs at the same time, the bells being tuned to accord, produces not only a full, clear tone, but a very musical sound."

Three large frame buildings, besides other smaller buildings, are required for their works. The main building is 50 by 25 feet, three stories high, with a wing 22 by 22 feet, two stories high, and an additional building, 30 by 45 feet. They employ 35 to 40 hands, mostly skilled laborers. Upwards of 50 tons of bell metal, and 40 to 50 tons of iron are consumed annually in the manufacture of these goods. Some 5,000 gross of bell toys, besides large quantities of door, hand, table, call, and sleigh bells, are produced annually. They were the pioneers, in 1872, in the manufacture of revolving chimes on wheels, and they also control some 20 different patents.

THE EAST HAMPTON PLATE COMPANY, established in 1880, is one of the most successful in this line of business. Parties from New York, Philadelphia, and other large cities, find it to be for their interest to send their goods here to be plated. The factory is directly opposite that of the Gong Bell Manufacturing Company, and it was formerly used by the East Hampton Silver Plat Company for the manufacture of coffin trimmings, until they removed to Ridgetown, Ontario. The building is of wood, 30 by 35 feet. Mr. A. D. WILLARD is secretary of the company and general manager.

WATROUS & CO., AND R. WALL 2D.-The next factories are on the bend of the creek, and are occupied by R. Wall 2d and WATROUS & Co. The buildings are of wood, one 200 by 40 feet, one-and-a=half stories high, one 80 by 30 feet, two stories high, and one 80 by 30 feet, one story high. Here formerly stood a saw and grist mill, and one of the buildings on this site was formerly used by Newbury DARLING for the manufacture of scythes, and after he removed from town BOSWORTH & ROBERTS occupied it about one year in the same business. Later, Noah S. MARKHAM manufactured a concave oval shanked hoe of a superior quality of cut steel, in the building until competition by throwing an inferior article upon the market, compelled him to give up the business. Afterward, CLARK & WATROUS carried on the manufacture of sleigh bells here, and later, D. W. WATROUS & Co. manufactured both sleigh bells and coffin trimmings for a number of years. WATROUS & Co. manufactures bells and toys of various kinds and patterns. Mr. WALL also manufactures bells of many varieties, among which is the Russian star saddle gong, of peculiar style and workmanship, beautifully finished, and of elegant design. Hr. HALL deserved great credit for what he has accomplished. He came to this country about 30 years go, from the Emerald Isle, a poor lad, and he is now a successful competitor of some of the oldest manufacturers in his line of business.

NILES, PARMELEE & CO.-The next buildings in order on the stream are those formerly used by NILES, PARMELEE & Co. for the manufacture of bells. They were erected about 1853. Later, they were used by D. B. NILES & Sons for the manufacture of bells and coffin trimmings, and still later by the Albany Casket Company for the manufacture of caskets and coffin trimmings. The buildings are at present unused, but are in good repair.

THE BARTON BELL COMPANY.-The next building on the stream is used by the BARTON Bell company, which was organized in 1881. The incorporators were: O. L. CLARK, A. W. BARTON, and A. G. BARTON. Mr. CLARK is president, and A. W. BARTON secretary and treasurer. Mr. BARTON is a descendant of William BARTON, the pioneer of the bell business in this country. They manufacture bells of elegant form and fine workmanship, and some 25 hands, mostly skilled laborers, are employed. There are some specialties made by this firm, unlike the goods made by any of their competitors, and one of the most elegant and beautiful designs shown in their catalogue is that of "BARTON's New Saddle Gong," which consists of a chime of gong bells mounted with plumes. They also manufacture the Globe bell, patented by William E. BARTON. The building used by this company is of wood, 26 by 80 feet, three stories high, and was erected by the Union Bell Company.

SKINNER'S MILL.-Next beyond the BARTON Bell Company's works is the saw and grist mill of H. SKINNER & Co., size 32 by 85 feet, three stories high, with a wing 45 by 28 feet, two stories high. Beyond this is a small building used by Joseph ARTHUR for smelting metals. It stands on the site of a building used by D. W. and L. S. SEXTON, and afterward by SEXTON, VEAZEY & BROWN, for the manufacture of wrought iron cow bells.

H. B. BROWN & CO.-The works of H. B. BROWN & Co., manufacturers of bolt cutting and nut tapping machinery, are located about a mile beyond SKINNER's saw mill. The business was first established by this firm at New Haven, in 1865, and removed to its present location in 1876, and the property purchased by H. B. BROWN. The original building was erected for a cotton mill, by Henry SKINNER, about 1860. It was 33 by 70 feet, three stories high, and provided with 15-horse water power. It was burned in the spring of 1884, and a new building is in process of erection, of the same size but two stories in height. About 20 hands are employed, mostly skilled laborers. The trade is principally with railroad companies and machine shops. The building stands on the site of ABELL's saw and grist mill.

Beyond this, on the same stream, was the factory of Pine Brook Duck Company, a saw mill, a pistol factory, and a satinet factory, formerly owned by Justin SEXTON & Sons. With this latter a saw mill was connected. HOUSE's paper mill also stands on the same stream.


THE COBALT WATER POWER COMPANY was organized February 20th 1866, with a capital of $2,000. The incorporators were: Harrison BRAINERD, Daniel S. TIBBALLS, William TIBBALLS, David DICKINSON, and Isaac E. WILLS. The first officers were: president, Harrison BRAINERD; secretary, A. B. BAILEY; treasurer, James N. TIBBALLS. The present officers are: president, B. C. CLARK, Boston; secretary and treasurer, F. J. BAILEY. The large reservoir, which supplies the several mills on the stream, was erected in 1866, on the site of the old dam. The company purchased the right from the different parties. The dam is 10 feet high and about 10 rods wide. If the water is used economically in the spring it will keep the mills running the whole year.

THE COBALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY.-One of the largest mills on the stream is that recently occupied by BAILEY & BRAINERD, for the manufacture of coffin trimmings. One of the buildings was probably erected previous to the Revolution, and was owned by Mr. George HUBBARD, the father of Stephen HUBBARD, of Cobalt, who is now about 90 years of age. It was used as a grist mill. The other buildings are of more modern construction and they were used at one time for the manufacture of hoes and exes. The works are now occupied by the Cobalt Manufacturing Company.

BAILEY & MARKHAM.-The grist mill now owned and run by BAILEY & MARKHAM was erected many years ago by John STEWART, and was used by him for the manufacture of oakum. It was subsequently used for working the cobalt ore by BROWN & RISBURG, and at a later period by Samuel W. TAYLOR for smelting brass cinders. It was next used by BRAINERD & COOK for grinding feldspar. In 1860, it was purchased by Alexander BAILEY and changed into a grist mill. In 1878, it was purchased by BAILEY & MARKHAM, the present owners, who continue to occupy it as a grist mill. The old building is 20 by 40 feet, two stories high. The stone building used for storage is 40 by 50 feet, one and hone half stories high. They use water power, about 22 feet fall. Capacity, 75 bushels per day.

J. C. CLARK.-The business of J. C. CLARK, manufacturer of sleigh bells located on the Cobalt Stream, was established here in 1865, under the firm name of WELLS & CLARK Brothers, composed of James J., Cyrus R., Watson W., and J. C. CLARK, and Isaac WELLS, a brother-in-law. The business was continued by them for seven years, when they dissolved partnership, Mr. J. C. CLARK taking the business. He took Mr. P. H. HILLIARD, of Westerly, Rhode Island, as a partner, and continued the business, under the firm name of J. C. CLARK & Co., for one year, when Mr. CLARK purchased his partner's interest. The buildings were erected by WELLS & CLARK Brothers. They are now owned by the Portland Savings Bank. These buildings consist of a casting-room, 16 by 32 feet, two stories high, and a finishing-room, 20 by 40 feet, three stories high. They use water of about 8-horse power, but they are provided with an 8-horse power engine for use when the water is low. They employ about 20 hands, and consume about 150,000 lbs. of bell metal per annum.

THE OAKUM MANUFACTORY OF TIBBALLS COMPANY is located on the Cobalt Stream, about seven-eighths of a mile nearer Middle Haddam landing on the Connecticut River. The business, which is now carried on by the TIBBALLS Brothers, was started by their father, Thaddeus TIBBALLS, in 1828, and with one exception is the only manufactory of the kind in Middlesex county. Daniel, the oldest brother, was first taken into the firm. In 1873, he separated from his brothers and started an oakum manufactory in Boston, Massachusetts. The business is now carried on here by the three brothers, Russell, James, and Dana. The original building, which were of wood, were destroyed by fire in 1870, and were soon after rebuilt in a more substantial manner. There are now two large mills, one of brick, and the other of stone and brick. The brick mill is 30 by 30 feet, three stories high. The stone mill is 30 by 45 feet, three stories high. In addition to this the company have two large frame storehouses, and a large dock and storehouse on the Connecticut River. The large reservoir of the cobalt Water Power Company supplies the mills with 25-horse power. Steam power of 12-horse is used in addition to this when required. The firm employ about 14 hands, and produce about 60 bales, of 50 pounds each, per day. The transportation facilities by water and rail enable this firm to compete successfully with all others in this line of business throughout the country.


A very large business was done at this place, some years ago, in ship building, which was the most important branch of industry. Among the principal ones engages in this were Mr. John Stewart and Mr. Jesse HURD. Owing to the lack of building material in this locality, and the heavy expense incurred in transporting lumber from the east, it became unprofitable, and for some years past very few vessels have been built here. At one time over two hundred men were employed here in this business.

A little house, standing near the STEWARTS' residence, was built previous to the Revolution, by a tailor named Luther WHITMORE, who paid for it but 10s., 6d., in cash. The balance was paid by him in labor and material connected with this business.


WARREN LODGE, No. 51, F. & A. M., was constituted August 1st 1811, by a charter from the Most Worshipful Stephen Titus HOSMER Esq., Grand Mater of the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, upon the petition of David CLARK, Zebulon PENFIELD, Ira LEE, Samuel R. DICKINSON, Edward BOWLES, John PARMELEE, Samuel BROWN, John RICHMOND, Jabez HALL 2d, Sparrow SMITH, Simeon YOUNG, Elisha NILES, Morris MCNARY, Charles L. SMITH, Thomas STEWART, Benjamin HURD, Joseph DART, Horace W. BOWERS, Seth BRANCH, Jeremiah TAYLOR, Samuel TAYLOR, Stephen GRIFFITH, Ralph SMITH, Eliakim UFFORD, John ACKLEY, Jacob HURD, Stephen BRAINERD, John H. STRONG, Joel BRADFORD, Nymphas WRIGHT, Elijah COLTON, Richard CARRIER, Jeremiah PENFIELD, Noah SHEPARD, Elizur GOODRICH, Hezekiah GOODRICH, David STOCKING, Stephen RANNEY, Abel LEWIS, Daniel HALE, Samuel COOK, Seth OVERTON, and Jonathan W. BROWN, praying that they be constituted into a regular lodge, to be holden at the dwelling house of Orrin Alvord, in the parish of East Hampton, and David CLARK was appointed first worshipful master, Joseph DART, senior warden, and John PARMELEE, junior warden. This lodge was holden in various places throughout the town until its charter was revoked, May 13th 1846, by the Grand Lodge. It was restored May 14th 1851, when George W. LEONARD was appointed worshipful master; Joel PATTEN, senior warden; William R. SMITH, junior warden; and has since held regular communications in Portland. Its past masters, before 1846, as far as known to the writer, were: David CLARK, David CHURCHILL, Jesse HURD, David STOCKING, Benjamin HURD, Ebenezer FORCE, Samuel SIMONS, Frederic MORGAN, Bliss WELSH, Warren GATES, Ira LEE, and Nelson C. DANIELS.

ANCHOR LODGE, No. 112, F. & A. M., was instituted August 9th 1871, by William W. LEE, deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, upon the petition of Horatio H. ABBE, Irvin H. ABELL, Jerome L. ALVORD, Edwin R. BAKER, Hiram BARTON, Abner A. BEVIN, Rev. Thomas G. BROWN, Delos D. BROWN, Jacob L. COOK, Horatio N. DARLING jr., David HODGE, Alexander H. MARKHAM, Randolph P. MYERS, William H. NICHOLS, William H. NICHOLS jr., Martin L. ROBERTS, Elias D. ROOT, Clark O. SEARS, Nathaniel C. SMITH, and Warren VEAZEY. Its first officers were publicly installed and were: Horatio H. ABBE, W. M.; Abner A. BEVIN, S. W.; Delos D. BROWN, J. W.; Martin L. ROBERTS, treasurer; Irvin H. ABELL, secretary; Rev. Thomas G. BROWN, chaplain; Edwin R. BAKER, S. D.; William H. NICHOLS, J. D.; Elias D. Root and David HODGE, stewards; William H. NICHOLS jr., tyler. Its past masters have been Horatio H. ABBE, Joseph D. BARTON, William DICKSON jr., and Delos D. BROWN. The lodge has a membership of about forty and is at present officered as follows: Delos D. BROWN, W. M.; Amasa R. DARLING, S. W.; Ellison L. BRAINERD, J. W.; Edwin R. BAKER, treasurer; Irvin H. ABELL, secretary; Rev. Thomas G. BROWN, chaplain; George A. STRONG, S. D.; Hayden L. CLARK, J. D.; David Hodge and Clayton L. SMITH, stewards; Robert A. BECKWITH, tyler.

SONS OF TEMPERANCE.-Pocotopaug Division, No. 57, in East Hampton, and Columbus Division, No. 63, Sons of Temperance, in Middle Haddam, were instituted about the year 1850 and "run well for a season," but owing to their system of benefits, were short lived, although instated for a noble purpose. UNION LEAGUE.-During the rebellion of 1861-5, councils of the Union League were instituted in both societies, but with the collapse of that gigantic measure the object for which they were instituted was accomplished and they became a thing of the past.

LIFE BOAT LODGE, No. 87, I. O. of G. T., was instituted October 14th 1867, by Thomas H. L. TALCOTT, grand secretary of the Order in Connecticut, and it has since kept up its organization with varied seasons of prosperity and adversity. Its object is to promote the cause of total abstinence from all that intoxicates. The officers for the first quarter were: Martin L. ROBERTS, W. C. T.; Stella N. SMITH, W. V. T.; Irvin H. ABELL, secretary; Gertrude A. SMITH, financial secretary; Herman E. RICH, treasurer; Jerome L. ALVORD, chaplain; Henry T. SELLEW, marshal; Agnes A. DICKSON, D. M.; Abbie T. SHEPARD, I. G.; John M. STARR, O. G.; Abbie J. MORGAN, A. S.; Augusta A. MARKHAM, R. H. S.; Martha G. ROBERTS, L. H. S.; Ozmer C. HILLS, P. W. C. T.; Jerome L. ALVORD, lodge deputy. It now numbers about 90 members. The worthy chief templars have been Martin L. ROBERTS, Hermon E. RICH, Lucius H. GOFF, Horatio D. CHAPMAN, James FULLER, Harmenus W. GOFF, Lewis H. MARKHAM, Horatio N. DARLING jr., Frank A. CLARK, Kate J. DICKSON, Robert A. BECKWITH, and Amasa R. DARLING.



The names of but four persons who served in the French and Indian War have been recovered, though doubtless there were many others. These four were: Rev. John NORTON, chaplain; James BILL, Marcus COLE, and Daniel HUBBARD.


Extracts from town treasurer's book, 18th June 1780:
"State of Connecticut to Town of Chatham Dr. to supplying Capt. BRAINERD's Compa'y with provisions and stores to March to Westpoint in an alarm. By orders from Gen'l WARD for twenty days.
To 800 lbs. of Bread, 24 | £9. 12. 0
To one Barrel Pork 6 0. 0
To one Beef Kine 3. 6. 0
To 10 Gal. Rum, at 9 | 4. 10. 0
To man 7 Team to Carry Baggage & Stores for the Company 8 days, at 9 | 3. 12. 0
To the Expense of Team 8 days 2. 8. 0

29. 8. 0
"State of Connecticut to Town of Chatham Dr.:
To a blanket for Dan's BLIS cont'l Sold £1. 8. 0
To Do. & Knapsack for Nath'l ROBERTS Con'l Sold 1. 3. 0
To Do. For Wm. GREY State Soldier
17. 0
To Do. For Stephen ACKLEY State Sold'r
18. 0
1781.-Sept. 6.
To 20 X ½ Gal. Rum for Militia stores in N. London alarm 8. 4. 0.
To a blanket for Jesse Kneeland Cont'l Soldier 1.
4. 0
To 3 lbs. pork at | 10, 5 lbs. wheat flour at | 3 for soldier in N. Haven alarm.
5. 5
To one blanket for Ephraim NORCUTT a state soldier 1. 4. 0
To 20 | Money paid to Joel BACON for his bounty in a tour to West Point 1. 0. 0
To a blanket for Amos RICH in Cont'l service 8 |
1 8.
To a knapsack for Do. 2 | 9 2. 9
To a blanket for Henry GOSLIN a Cont'l Soldier
8. O"

At a town meeting held in Chatham, December 19th 1774, the following was voted:
          "That this Town Do accept and approve of The Doings of the Continental Congress held at Philadelphia in September Last and agree to Keep and observe the Same and Do our uttermost that the Same Shall be punctually Kept and observed according To the True Intent of the Congress and the following Persons are appointed as a Com'tee of observation according to the Eleventh article of Said association with the Powers and authorities therein mentioned (Viz) Eben'r WHITE Esq'r John COOPER Capt. Moses BUSH Charles GOODRICH Capt. John PENFIELD Enoch SMITH Doct'r Jer'h BRADFORD Capt. George STOCKING Capt. Stephen OLMSTED Capt. Abijah HALL & Capt. Silas DUNHAM."
          April 1st 1777, "The Proclamation Issued by his Honor the governor and Counsel of Safety on the 18th of March Last was Taken into Consideration and the following vote Passed Relative To the Matters Therein Contained, viz., Voted that the Inhabitants of this town will with one Consent join with and Support to the Utmost of there power the authority, Selectmen and all informing officers in carrying into Execution the Laws made for Regulating and of fixing the Prices of Certain articles therein mentioned." Also at the same meeting "Voted that a Committee be appointed and Directed To engage in Behalf of the Town To provide necessarys for the families of the Soldiers Belonging thereto who Shall Engage and Go into any of the Continental battalions To be Raised in this State agreeable to the Recommendation of his Honour the Governor and Com'tee of Safety in a proclamation Issued March ye 18: 1777.
          "Voted that Messrs: John COOPER David ROBINSON Charles GOODRICH Moses WILCOX George STOCKING Chauncey BULKLEY John GIDDINS James BILL Bryan PARMELEE Thos COWDERY Thomas WILLIAMS and Joseph DART Be a Committee agreeable to the above Vote and To Execute the Same."
          "At a Town Meeting Held in Chatham by the Inhabitants of said Town * * September ye 30 AD 1777 * * Voted by this meeting that the Soldiers Inlisted into the Continental army Shall Be provided with Necessarys agreeable To he Resove (?) of the Governor and Counsel of Safty Held in Lebenon the 12th of Sep. 1777.
          "Voted that there Should be a Commite Chosen and appointed in Each Parish of sd. Town To procure Said Necessarys above mentioned.
          "Chosen as said Com'tee in the first Society Joseph SAGE Hezekiah GOODRICH Thomas COOPER Lt. Noadiah RUSSEL Capt. Joseph CHURCHEL Elisha SHEPARD Jesse JOHNSON Joshua GOODRICH Nicholas AMES John UFFORD & William DIXON & Jeremiah GOODRICH.
          "In Middlehaddam Elisha TAYLOR Capt Joseph DART Enoch SMITH Josiah STRONG Chancy BULKLEY John GIDDINGS Hershom ROWLEY Benj'n SMITH Hezekiah SEARS Elisha HURLBUT Sam'el YOUNG Lemuel HIGGINS and Jonathan SMITH Jun.
          "In East Hampton John HINKLEY John BATES Benj'n GOGG Elkanah SEARS Isaac KNEELAND Thomas COWDERY Stephen BRAINARD & John CLARK Jr. "Whereas the Town of Chatham Having Twenty nine Bushel and an half of Salt Stored in the Town of Boston voted by this Meeting that Said Salt Shall be Distributed To the Continental Soldiers Belonging To Chatham at the former Stated price.
          "Voted that the Commission officers from Chatham now in the Continential Army their families Shall be Provided for by the Town in the Same form and manner as the Non commission officers and Soldiers are."
          At a Town Meeting held in Chatham, December 6th 1777,
          "David SAGE Esqr. Capt John COOPER Ebenr. WHITE Esqr. David ROBINSON Jesse JOHNSON John SHEPARD Enoch SMITH Thomas SELDON John EDDY Jnr. Capt Joseph DART Chancy BULKLEY Jonathan CLARK Jnr. Thomas COWDERY Capt Abijah HALL James BILL Moses COOK Jonth PARMERLEE Jur. Stephen KNOWLTON and John DIGGINS were Chosen as a Committee of Supplys for he Ensuing year.
          "It being put To vote by the moderator of this meeting Whether this Town would any Longer Provide for the families of the Commission officers Gone into the Contenentall army in the Same manner as the Non-commission officers and Soldiers are provided Voted for in the negative." At a town meeting held in Chatham the 22d of December 1777, it was:
          "Voted that the Commission officers Belonging To this Town now in the Continential Service Shall Be Provided by the Com'tee of Suppleys Chosen in the former Part of this meeting with the Necessary Provision for their families at the Price of Wheat at Two Dolers pr Bushel and any other articles in proportion not Exceeding Twelve Pounds a year Each."
          March 9th 1778 "Voted To Chuse a Com'tee To provide Clothing For the Continental Soldiers in the army agreeable To an act of Assembly Made the Second Thursday of Jan. A D 1778."
          "The persons whose name are hereafter Inserted are Chosen and Appointed for the Com'tee as afore Said viz Lt. Joseph SAGE William DIXON Joseph KELLOGG Capt. Joseph CHURCHEL Jeremiah GOODRICH Jnr Thomas COOPER Chancey BULKLEY Elisha TAYLOR Elisha HURLBUT Josiah STRONG Hez'h SEARS John EDDY jur Amasa DANIELS Sam'll Young Jooth CLARK Jnr Benj'n SMITH Thos SELDING Jacob HURD Capt. Jos DART John GIDDINGS William WRIGHT Stephen HURLBUT Jonathan SMITH Jur Capt. Daniel BRAINERD Warren GREEN Jur Enoch SMITH ye 3d Edward SHEPARD Doct. Jeremiah BRADFORD Reuben STOCKING Jedediah HUBBARD Seth DOANE Josiah PURPLE James BILL John CLARK Jur Oren ALVORD Nathan LEVI Benjamin GOFF Andrew CARRIER Rowland PERCIVAL Thomas WILLIAMS & Sam'll KILBURN.
          December 7th 1788 "Capt Joseph CHURCHEL Doct Jerh BRADFORD and John NORTON are Chosen as a Committee of Supplys for the Ensueing year and each one To provide for sd. Solders families in the Respective Parishes To which they Belong."
          April 19th 1779 "Voted by this meeting That the Town Treasurer if needful By the Instruction of the Selectmen Should Borrow Money in order To Supply the Com'tee of Suplys To provide for the Soldiers Families."
          June 29th 1779 "it being put to vote Whether or not this meeting Appoint a Com'tee to provide Clothing for the Soldiers agreeable To a Late act of Assembly voted in the negative.
          "Voted the select men of the Town Should Class the Inhabitants In as many Classes as there is Soldiers to provide for and Each Class to provide for one.
          "At a Town Meeting Held in Chatham by the Inhabitants of Said Town * * * It being Put To Vote by the moderator Whether or not They would appoint one or more as Deligates To a Meeting or convention To be held at Hartford on Tuesday Next according to the doings of other towns in this State Voted in the Afirmative it being Put To vote Whether They would Chuse and appoint more than one To attend said Convention at Hartford Voted in the Negative." David Sage only was chosen.
          Desember 6th 1779, "Voted by this meeting the Select men of the Town Should be orthorized and impowered To Settle with the Com'tee of Suplys who had the care of the Soldiers families in the year Past in a Just and Equitable way allowing them the Discount of their own money Disbursted from Time to Time and every other way as they shall find to be Just and Right."
          March, 13th 1780, "Voted that the Com'tee of Supplies Each Com'tee man Having the Care of a Soldiers famile the Soldier having Inlisted During the present war Shall have Liberty To Draw out of the Town Treasury the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds he giving a Receipt for the Same and being accountable To the Town Treasurer.
          "Voted that Each Com'tee man having the Care of a Soldiers family the s'd Soldier having inlisted for three years only Shall have Liberty To Draw out of the Town Treasury the Sum of fifty pounds he giving a Receipt and also being accountable To the Town Treasury.
          "Voted further more that if the above s'd Sums be found insufficient the Com'tee man or men Shall have Libirty To Draw out more money from the Town Treasury having first obtained a permit in Writing of the Select men of the Town Specifying the Sum He being accountable To the Treasurer as in the above." June 26th, 1780, "Voted That the Town would Raise a rate or Tax upon the Inhabitance as a bounty To Encourage Soldiers To List To fill the Continentials Army for three years or During the war."
          "Voted To appoint a Com'tee Instantly To Confer and Consult how much To Raise and in what manner To proceed; and To bring in their Report to the meeting.
          "The Comitty Chosen & appointed are (viz) Capt. Abijah HALL, Lieut. David SMITH and Col'l John PENFIELD.
          "Voted by this meeting To Except the Report of said Com'tee Which is Specified in the Next vote.
          "Voted by this meeting that Each Soldier that Shall inlist into the Continentiall army for the Term of three years or During the war as this Town Quota to the number of fourteen shall receive as a premium four bushel and one half of wheet for Each Month that he Shall Continue in Service or an Equivanen in other Specie or money Six pounds of which Sum Shall be paid on their inlisting and Six pounds at the Expiration of the First Twelve Month and Six pound at the End of Every Six Month after Succesively whilst on Service.
          " N B it is to be under stood that s'd men are To pass muster Before they Receive any part of their Bounty and the Treasurer of this town for the Time being is ordered to pay the Same accordingly and is hereby orthorized to hire the Same on the Credit of the Town from time to time as he shall find Necessary. "Voted by this meeting To Raise a rate to pence on the Pound this State money on the present List fourth-with in order to Defray the above Said Charge.
          "Collectors Chosen To Gather the above s'd Rate are Enoch SMITH ye 3d, John WILCOX and Isaac SEARS.
          "Recruting officers Chosen and appointed To inlist Said Soldiers are Capt. Joseph KELLOGG, Capt. Joseph BLAGUE, Capt. Abner STOCKING, Capt. Silas DUNHAM, Capt. Abijah HALL, Capt. Daniel STEWART and Lieut. David SMITH."
          July 6th, 1780, "Voted That the Town would make an allowance in addition to what the assembly hath granted in order to inlist Soldiers into the army. "Voted to appoint a Com'tee immediately To consult and Confer what Sum To Grant for Each Soldier who Shall inlist into the Service, the Com'tee Chosen and appointed for the purpose are Col'n John PENFIELD Capt. Silas DUNHAM & Capt. Elijah SMITH.
          "Voted that Each able Bodyed Effective man that Shall or has inlisted or be attached to Serve in the Continental army till the last day of Decem'r next Shall Receive Six Bushel of wheat pr month or So Much State money as Shall purchase the same Exclusive of all other premiums or Bounties whilst he Continues in Said Service that has inlisted or been attached Since the General assembly Sat in may last not Exceeding Thirty.
          "Voted that Each able Bodied Effective man that Shall or has inlisted or been attached to Serve in the Sate Service for three months from the fifteenth of July instant Shall be intitled To four Bushel of wheat for Each month whilst in Service Exclusive of all other premiums; or so much State money as to purchase the Same at the Time he Returns from Service.
          "Voted that the Commission officers and noncommon officers Shall be intitled to the Same as the Soldiers have.
          "Voted by this meeting To Raise a Rate on the present List of four pence on the pound this State money To Defray the above said Charges."
          "At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Chatham * * * held Novem'r 14th A. D. 1780 for the purpose of Carring Into Execution an act of the General assembly of the State of Connecticut at their Session in October Last intitled an (Ace) for Clothing and Storeing a Quantity of provision for the use of the Continental army and the forces Raised for the Defence of this State.
          "Voted That there be forthwith Raised a Tax of Six pence on the Pound upon the General List of this Town as given in for the year 1779. Exclusive of the Increase of Said List by four-fold assessment To be paid in Good Beef port and Wheat flower a the price mentioned in Said Act and with the same Provss(?) or in Lawfull money at the Hard Kind To be paid on or before the Time limited in Said act for Collecting Said Provisions and John BIDWELL Samuel TAYLOR and Gideon ARNOLD are Chosen To Receive the Salt provided by the State for this Town and also To Receive the provision as they Shall Be brought in and To inspect procure the Cask and put up the Same agreeable To Said Act: To Receive a Copy of Said General List of the Town and Give Dwe Notice That Every person may have an opertunity To bring in his ratable part Either in provision or Lawfull Money by Said Limited Time and also To Receive the money so Brought in of Such person or persons if any Such there be who Chuse To pay in money and to lay out the Same in Procuring Provision for the purpose mentioned in said act and To make Return To the Selectmen of this Town of the names of Such persons as Shall Neglect To pay their Ratable part by said Limited Time: and That the Selectmen Do then proceed to Make up a Bill of Assessment according To said act To be forthwith Paid in Lawfull Money or Bills of Credit of this State as a Penalty on Each Inhabitant of this Town which Shall be so Returned by said Receivers Neglecting and of 6d on the pound on all nonresidents which are Set in Said List and in Like manner Return Neglecting; To be paid in Lawfull money and Said Select men are To Deliver Said Bill of assessment with a proper Warrant annexed Thereto To the Collectors appointed To Collect the Same with their order to pay said assessment when Collected To the Treasurer of the Town; which money shall be by the Selectmen improved in Procuring Provision for the Purposes mentioned in Said act; and John BIDWELL Sam'll Taylor and Gideon ARNOLD are Chosen to Collect sd assessment on the Inhabitants and Tax on the non residents.
          "Voted further by this meeting To Chuse a Committee agreeable To a Late act of Assembly To ascertain the Number of Soldiers already in Service and also To Class the Town if need Be according to Said act the Committee for the purpose are as follows (viz) Colo. John PENFIELD Capt. Joseph BLAGUE Hezekiah GOODRICH Doct. Jerh BRADFORD Capt. Daniel BRAINERD Lieut David SMITH Capt. Elijah COOK Capt. Bryan PARMERLEE and Capt. Stephen BRAINERD.
          December 4th 1780. "Voted by this meeting To appoint a Com:tee agreeable to a Late Act of the General assembly to purchase Cloathing for Chatham's Quoto of Continental Soldiers the Com'tee Chosen and appointed are (viz) Doct'r Thomas WELLES Jer: h GOODRICH jur Capt. Abijah HALL and Capt. Seth DOANE."
          A committee of supplies for soldier's families was also chosen at the same meeting, consisting of "William DIXON Doct'r Thomas WELLER jer. h. GOODRICH jrn. Capt. Daniel STOW Nicholas AMES Capt. Daniel STEWART Jedediah HUBBARD Capt. Abner STOCKING Sam'll ACKLEY Andrew CARRIER Isaac SMITH jur. And Isaac BEVIN.
          "Voted to Chuse and appoint a Com:tee To Class the town into Eight Classes agreeable To a Late Act of the General Assembly in order To Raise our Quoto of State Soldiers To Guard this State.
          "The Com:tee chosen and appointed are as follows (viz) Joseph SAGE Ithemer PELTON Capt. Daniel STEWARD Capt: Elijah SMITH Doct'r Jer:h BRADFORD Capt. Bryan PARMELEE L't James BILL and Capt. Stephen BRAINARD.
          "Voted that the above said Com'tee Should have Liberty the Space of fourteen Days to hire the said Eight men on the credit of the Town.
          "Voted that the said Com'tee Shall have Discretionary Power as they Shall agree Concerning the price to allow each soldier.
          "Voted that if Said Com'tee Do not within the s'd 14 day Succeed I Hiring as above they shall proceed Directly To Class the Town as Directed by act of assembly and make their Return to the Town Clerk."
          At a meting held on January 15th 1781, the inhabitants of Chatham
          "Voted * * To Grant L't Sam'll AKEN as a Bounty out of the Town Treasury the Sum of Twelve pounds this State money upon condition that he undertake to go into the State's Service the Ensueing year.
          "Voted by this meeting To Except of and Confirm the Doings & Returns of the Com'tee who were appointed at Last adjourned meeting To Class the Town.
          "The Doings of S'd Com'tee are Written at Large as follows (viz) at meetig of the Com'tee Chosen by the Town of Chatham on the 2d day of January 1781 To Devise ways and Means To Carry into Execution a Late act of the General Assembly of this State passed the 29th Day of November A. D. 1780 for Raising men for the Defence of Horsneck and other ports of this State Did agree to Give Each able Bodied Effective man who Shall Voluntary Inlist himself into the Service of this State according to the said act: Twelve pounds State money as a bounty to be paid Each soldier before He Shall march and forty Shillingg wages pr month the one Half in provisions to be paid Quarterly at the price Stipulated for Continental Soldiers the other half of s'd Wages to be made Good in L current money of this State the Town having intitled To what Wages the State Shall allow said Soldiers Likewise if any Soldier shall find himself a Blanket Gun Catridge box & Knapsack Shall be entitled to the premium By Law Allowed.
          "Chatham Jan. 8th 1781.
          Com'tee           Elijah SMITH
                    Jeremiah BRADFORD
                    Bryan PARMELEE
                    James BILL
                    Ithamer PELTON
                    Daniel STEWART
                    Joseph SAGE.

"Voted To Raise a Rate of one penny half penny on the pound To be paid in flower and corn agreeable To a Late act of the General Assembly in order to Supply this State's Soldiers
          "Voted by this meeting To Raise a Rate of Six pence on the pound on the present List in order to provide for Soldiers families and other Necessary Charges in the Town for the present year.
          "Gideon HALL Joseph PELTON Enoch SAGE Chancey BULKLEY Capt Daniel BRAINERD Samuel HILL Nehemiah GATES and John MARKHAM are chosen as a Com'tee To Suply the State Soldiers families.
          April 12th 1781. "Whereas a Com'tee in a former meeting in this Town were appointed To Class the Town agreeable to an act of assembly in order To Raise the Town Quota of Contenantal Soldiers voted the Selectmen of the Town To over see that the Deficientcy if any be Should be Settled according to Said act of assembly.
          "Voted the Same Com'tee Chosen in a former Town Meeting To Class the Town in order to Rase the Contenantal Troops Should be a Com'tee To Class in order to Raise the Second Division of State Troops.
          "Voted to appoint a Com'tee to procure Clothing for the Soldiers according to a Late act of the General Assembly the Com'tee Chosen and appointed are Gideon HALL Thomas ROGERS John EDDY jun and Dewey HALL.
          "Voted to give Said Committee Discreationary orders in Purchasing Said Clothing."
          July 5th 1781. "Voted by this meting To Raise four pence on the pound Through the Town for Suply of Beef for the army agreeable To a late act of the General assembly.
          "John BIDWELL Gideon ARNOLD and Enoch SMITH ye 3 are chosen Receivers of provision and Clothing agreeable to a Late act of the General Assembly.
          "Voted by this meeting that the Soldiers in the Town of Chatham Lately Draughted Called the three months Men Shall be paid out of the Town Treasury Considering the publick Bounty and wages they may Receive as to make them Equal or as Good as the Soldiers were Who were Draughtd the Last Sumer."
          December 3d 1781. "Thomas BLISS Gideon HALL Hez'h GOODRICH William DIXSON Elijah STOCKING John BATES and Ralph SMITH were Chosen Committee of Suplies or the Soldiers families for the year Ensueing."
          February 21st 1782, "Eben'r WHITE Esq'r Col'n John PENFIELD were chosen as a Com'tee to represent the Town in Regard To meeting with a Com'tee appointed by the Generall assembly in Respect To Delinquents and Claims To State and Contenential Soldiers.
          "Voted by this meeting To Raise men for Hose Neck Soldiers according To a late act of the assembly and To Do it by the Town.
          "Capt. Joseph SAGE Capt. Joseph KELLOGG Ithamer PELTON Josiah STRONG Chancy BULKLEY Capt. Bryan PARMELEE and L't James BILL are Chosen as a Com'tee To procure this Town's Cota of State Soldiers the one half of which may be paid in Grain at the following prices (viz) Wheat at 6/ pr Bushel Rye at four and corn at three and in the Care of the Town Treasurer To Direct where Such Grain Shall Be Delivered.
          "Collectors Chosen To Gather Said Rate are Amasa DANIELS Thomas COWDERY and Jesse JOHNSON."
          On December 16th 1782, David WHITE, Noah SMITH, Thomas COOPER, Josiah WHITE, Joseph PELTON, Hezekiah SEARS, Capt. Stephen BRAINERD, Isaac BEVIN, and Benjamin SMITH were Chosen a Committee of Supplies for the year ensuing.
          "Voted * * the Com'tee of Supplies Should have Liberty of Drawing Money out of the Town Treasury for year Ensuing by order of the Selectmen To Support the Soldiers' families."
          March 10th 1783, Thomas WILLIAMS was chosen a committee of Supplies for the "present" year.
          "Voted by this meeting the Selectmen of the Town Shall have full power To Settle with Some former Com'tees of Supplies according to their Best Discreation on account of Depreciation of State orders which They Raised in pay for Supporting Soldiers' families."
          "At a Town meeting held in Chatham the 25th of Sept'r 1783 Warned for the purpose of Chusing a Com'tee if found proper to joiyne the Convention which is to Set at Middletown the 30th Septem'r Instant by adjournment in order To Consult about Some Public concerne * * * * it being put to vote by ye moderator whether we would Send a Deligate To Joyn Said Convention at Middletown Voted in the Negative."
          In the Revolution it is probable that if a complete list of persons between the ages of 15 and 50, able to bear arms, could be recovered, the list of those who served would be considerably larger than those who did not. In all probability nearly all served for a longer or shorter period during those trying times. A few names * (Some of these names are also mentioned in the history of Portland, which was then included in the town of Chatham.) of those who saw active service have been recovered from the town records and other sources, and the list as far as it goes is thought to be reliable.

List taken from the town treasurer's book, of soldiers to whom bounties were paid in 1781-82: Sergeant Beriah WHEELER, Hewit ALVORD, Jabez RANNEY, Jesse MORGAN, William GRAY, John WELSH, Stephen ACKLEY, Samuel CASWELL, Stephen ACKLEY jr. Andrew CORNWALL, John FULLER, Richard BEEBE, Randall SHATTUCK, Martin STILES, Ebenezer BROWN, William EXTON, Abishai PENFIELD, Hopkins WEST, James COOK, Elijah GREEN, Ashahel CHENEY, Elijah ABELL, Ichabod BAILEY, Ephraim NORCUTT, Richard STRUCKLAND, David SNOW, John STOCKING, George PELTON, Josiah GOFF, Col. Samuel PENFIELD, Samuel FOX, William NORCUTT, James BAILEY, Daniel BLISS, Jabez HALL, Jesse KNEELAND, Aaron WEST, Joel BACON, Nathaniel ROBERTS, Amos RICH, Isaac JOHNSON, Henry GOSLIN, Reuben PAYNE, George CARRY, John WRIGHT, Ithamar PELTON, Abraham BAILEY, Daniel MILLER, Daniel LEE, Samuel BROWN, Capt. Churchill's son, Sparrow SMITH, Joseph SHEPHERD, Abijah FULLER jr., Stephen GATES, Roland PERCIVAL, Capt. STEWART, Amos RANNEY, Jonah STRICKLAND, Daniel BURTON, Daniel LANE, Ephriam BRIGGS, Joel HOUSE.

According to Middle Haddam church records, Asa BRAINERD died in the camp, December 1775; Gilbert died in the camp, March 1776; Jesse SWADDLE died returning from captivity, December 1776; Josiah ARNOLD died returning from captivity, January 3d 1777; John SMITH died at Milford returning from captivity, January 15th 1777;Elisha TAYLOR jr. died, "returned from captivity last Saturday, January 23d 1777;" Seth DOANE jr. returned from captivity same day as TAYLOR, January 30th 1777; John SNOW died at Milford returning from captivity, some time in January 1777; Jesse HIGGINS jr. died at Danbury of an accidental wound, November 24th 1777; Jonathan COOK jr. died at New York, a prisoner, November 1777; Seth HIGGINS died a prisoner in New YORK, August 1777; Heman HIGGINS, died in the army, December 1778; Nathaniel RICH was killed in the action at Norwalk, July 11th 1779; Jabez ARNOLD jr. died at East Haven, on a tour of the militia, August 9th 1779; Capt. David BROOKS, Nathaniel STOCKING, Jonathan BRAINARD jr., William AKINS, Elisha COOK, Elijah GREEN, James STOCKING, died in New York, June 4th 1782.

From various scources, thought to be reliable. Abel ABELL, Nathaniel CONE, Daniel MORGAN, Elihu HUBBARD, Richard MAYO, jr., Capt. Seth DOANE, Reuben STOCKING, John H. STRONG, Joseph HURD, Benjamin HURD, Jesse HURD, Jacob HURD, Major Jonathan BOWERS, Timothy CLARK, Jacob NORTON, Dolphin, a slave, Joshua FRANK, colored, David CLARK, DANIEL CLARK, Stephen CLARK, Elijah CLARK, died 1777, Amos CLARK, Philo CLARK, Daniel CHURCHILL, Gideon COOK, died August 19th 1776, in New York, in the army; Henry STROWBRIDGE, John TROWBRIDGE, Judah WEST, Ichabod STODDARD, Benjamin COBB, Dr. Amos SKEELS, Dr. Robert USHER, Dr. Elias NORTON, Capt. Silas DUNHAM, Capt. Stephen BRAINERD, Capt. Stephen OLMSTEAD, Stephen OLMSTEAD jr., Daniel JUDD jr., Nathaniel WHITE, Peter PARKER, Capt. Stephen GRIFFITH, Nathaniel ACKLEY, Sylvester SUMMERS, John JOHNSON, Lieut. MARCUS COLE, Abner COLE, Hendrick COLE, Moses COOK, Nehemiah GATES, Soloman BAILEY, Michael SMITH, Samuel YOUNG, Stephen KNOWLTON jr., Ebenezer ROWLEY, John CHURCH, Lemuel SCOVILLE, Nathan SCOVILLE, Rev. Benjamin BOARDMAN, Amasa ARCHER, Ichabod LUCAS, Samuel KILBOURN, Timothy KILBOURN, killed in the battle of Bunker Hill; Othniel BRAINERD, Sela BRAINERD, Philip WHITE, Comfort BEEBE, Eli BIGELOW, John HILL, Elisha NILES, John MARKHAM, Lieut. Titus CARRIER, John NILES, Robert DINGWELL, Joshua GRIFFITH, Joseph DART, Sergeant Thomas HUBBARD, Seth KNOWLES, Abner STOCKING, David STRONG, Richard FLOOD, John RICH, Samuel RICH, Cornelius RICH jr., Lieut. David SMITH.

WAR OF 1812.

The following were soldiers in the war of 1812: Joel ARCHER, Justus BOLLES, Lester BRAINERD, Zechariah W. CALEF, Festus CONE, Patrick DERBY, Lemuel S. GRIFFITH, William HALING, Jesse HUBBARD (died in the army in 1812), Charles MARKHAM, Nathaniel PURPLE, Russell RICH, e. Dunham ROWLEY, Porter SMITH, Moses WEST, Warren WEST, John WILLEY, Elias YOUNG, and Samuel YOUNG.


The first recorded action of the town of Chatham pertaining to the war of the Rebellion, was at a special town meeting held at the South Congregational Church in East Hampton, May 25th 1861, when it was voted:
          "That the town appropriate not to exceed one thousand dollars for the support of the families of persons who have or may enlist in the service of the United States."
          July 28th 1862, a special town meeting was held, and was voted to pay the sum of $100 to each volunteer under "the late call of the president," before the 20th of August following. This action seems to have been taken in an illegal manner, for in response to the petition of 20 legal voters of the town and "as doubts were entertained as to the extend and effect of the Resolution of July 28th," another meeting was held August 9th 1862, and it was:
          "Resolved that the selectmen be instructed to put such construction on the vote of July 28th 1862, as to pay one hundred dollars bounty to every man enlisting in the town of Chatham since the date of said vote until our full quota is made up under the late call for six hundred thousand men * * * and extend the time of enlistment from the 20th inst. to the demands of the Government."
          August 20th 1862, a bounty of $100 was voted to every volunteer who had enlisted previous to July 28th 1862, and the bounty for subsequent enlistments for a service of nine months was fixed as $150.
          To meet the indebtedness incurred by the payment of bounties, the town voted, February 14th 1863, to issue town bonds to the amount of $11,850, the bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent, and none to be sold at less than par value. The sum to be raised was afterward increased to $12,000, and twelve bonds of $1,000 each were issued May 1st 1863, made payable as follows: $4,000 in five years, $4,000 in ten years, and $4,000 in fifteen years. Eleven of these bonds were sold to the Society for Savings, Hartford, Conn., at a premium of 2 ½ percent, and the remaining one, Bond No. 8, was purchased by Sylvester N. WILLIAMS, at 10 percent, premium.
          At an adjourned special town meeting, held at East Hampton, July 28th 1863, the following resolutions were passed:
          "Whereas, under the recent act of congress for calling out the national forces, approved March 3d 1863, some twenty-five or thirty citizens of the town of Chatham are liable to be drafted into the United States service for a term of three years or during the war, thus not only depriving the community of their services, without which the industrial interests of the town must inevitably suffer but the families of the means of support, rendering the same liable to become a town charge-and whereas it is understood that said act is permissory and not mandatory in as much as it allows the person drafted to furnish a substitute or pay the exemption fee-and whereas, in the opinion of this meeting, the fact itself is unjustly discriminating, and that between the rich and poor, the decision of the Sec'y of War in fixing the price of exemption at the maximum allowed by law, to wit, three hundred dollars, needlessly oppressive and burdensome-and whereas it is not the design or belief of this meeting that to comply with the conditions of the law is to defeat the object of the Government-and whereas we firmly believe that the rich and the poor should meet together on equal and common grounds, at least so far as civil and political rights are concerned, not forgetting that the Lord is the make of them all, therefore
          "Resolves 1st-That to provide against the possible contingencies set out in the foregoing preamble and to relieve to some extent those who may be drafted, of the burdens which the law unequally imposes and to furnish the government with means to provide substitutes that the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be and is hereby appropriated to each and every person drafted, whose ratable estate is set in the list at a sum of twelve hundred dollars and the sum of three hundred dollars to each and every person drafted whose ratable estate is set in the list at a less sum than twelve hundred dollars and who fail to secure exemption from disability or other causes, with the understanding that said sums are to be received by the person for whose benefit the same is appropriated as a bounty, with the further condition and understanding that it shall be optional with the drafted whether they will render the service demanded by the Government in person or by substitutes or in the not less legal and honorable method of paying the price of exemption.
          "Resolved 2d-That the money thus appropriated by raised by the issue and sale of town bonds and the Selectmen and town Treasurer are hereby authorized and instructed to issue the same in sums not less than five nor more than ten years to run and in all other to be under the same regulations as those issued, bearing the date, May 1st 1863."

* * * * *
          At a meeting held September 5th 1863, the second resolution was rescinded and the first was amended by striking out the following: "and to furnish the Government with means."
          At the same meeting it was resolved,
          "That the Selectmen be authorized and empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of the town such sum or sums as shall be equal to the sum total required to pay to each person drafted and accepted the sum of three hundred dollars as provided in the first Resolution."
          At a meeting held September 24th 1863, the resolutions passed September 5th were rescinded and the following were passed:
          "Resolved, That the sum of three hundred dollars be appropriated to each person drafted under the late call of the President for 300,000 conscripts, said sum to be used in procuring substitutes or in payment of the exemption fee at the option of the person drafted; said sum to be paid when accepted by the board of enrollment or sworn into the service of the United States.
          "Resolved, That one or more of the Selectmen be instructed to be present at the examination of drafted men from the town of Chatham, and pay to those who elect to serve in person or by substitute the sum of three hundred dollars for each person drafted from said town when accepted by the Board of Enrollment."
          December 21st 1863.-"Resolved, That the sum of eighteen hundred dollars or such part thereof as may be necessary be and the same is hereby appropriated by the town of Chatham to defray the expense of recruiting volunteers to fill the quota of said town under the late call of the President for 300,000 men, provided the fifteen are secured."
          The selectmen were authorized to borrow the necessary funds to carry out the provisions of the above resolution.
          January 6th 1864.-"Voted, That a committee of five consisting of the Selectmen, Abner G. BEVIN, and Newton S. WILLIAMS be authorized to procure substitutes and that they be unlimited and act discretionary in procuring the same."
          At a special meeting called in accordance with an act passed by the Legislature, November 1863, held in East Hampton, January 18th 1864, the former acts of the town, making appropriations for the benefit of drafted men were legalized.
          January 23d 1864.-"Voted, to lay a tax of six mills on a dollar on the levy next to be completed, to defray the expenses incurred by paying the exemption fee for drafted men under the call of the President for 300,000 volunteers."
          At a special meeting, held Aril 4th 1864, the sum of $100 was voted "in favor of Timothy MCCARTY, a volunteer in the service of the United States and credited to the town of Chatham."
          August 9th 1864.-"The following resolutions were presented to the meeting:
          "Whereas, under the call of the President for 500,000 volunteers 36 men are required from the town of Chatham, ten only of whom are known to have been furnished, and whereas a draft is already ordered in such towns and sub-districts or shall not have furnished the number required on the 6th proximo, and whereas in the opinion of this meeting, the desire to avoid a draft is dictated by economy as well as sound judgment, therefore, to encourage enlistments and provide means to secure men to fill the quota of the town so that none shall be forced into the army against their choice, it is
          "Resolved-That the sum of five thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated by the town of Chatham to be known as the Volunteer and Substitute Recruiting fund, provided there shall be added to said fund by voluntary contribution on or before the 5th of September next such sum as shall be equal to the aggregate sum of $25 for each and every person liable to a draft, including their several proportions of the tax hereafter to be laid to pay the sum appropriated by this resolution.

* * * * * * *
          "Resolved, 5th-That should the committee be unable to fill the quota as contemplated in the foregoing Resolutions and a draft take place, that they be instructed to divide the sum remaining in their hands pro rata among those drafted provided that no person shall receive any part thereof who neglects or refuses to pay the twenty-five dollars as provided in the first resolution."
          Committees were appointed to receive the money payed by those enrolled, and to notify those subject to a draft of the action of the meeting.
          August 27th 1864.-"Voted that the committee be instructed to pay every man three hundred dollars who shall furnish a substitute to apply on the late call for 500,000 men.
          "Voted that the committee be instructed to fill the quota of the town by procuring one, two, or three years men."
          September 3d 1864.-"Voted that we appropriate the further sum of two thousand dollars for the purpose of procuring substitutes or volunteers under the late call of the President for 500,000 volunteers or men."
          A committee was appointed to procure bonds for this appropriation.
          A special meeting was held November 26th 1864, "To consider the propriety and expediency of procuring volunteers to apply on the quota of the town in advance of the call which it is believed will soon be made, and if thought best to take measurers to procure the same, and provide the means necessary therefore by tax or otherwise."
          This meeting was adjourned till November 28th when the following action was taken:
          "Voted-That the Selectmen take immediate measurers to have the roll corrected according to the Adjutant General's circular.
          "Voted-To reconsider the vote passed Sept. 3d 1864, appropriating two thousand dollars for the purpose of procuring substitutes or volunteers under the late call of the President for 500,000 volunteers.
          "Voted-That the sum of six thousand dollars in addition to any appropriation heretofore made, be and the same is hereby appropriated by the town of Chatham to be expended in procuring volunteers to apply on the quota of the town in anticipation of future calls.
          "Voted-That the Selectmen be authorized and instructed to borrow the sum of six thousand dollars, pledging the faith and credit of the town therefore, and that the same be used or so much thereof as may be necessary in procuring volunteers.
          "Voted-That the Selectmen be instructed to pay the sum of three hundred dollars to any person enlisting in the town and applying on its quota, and the sum not exceeding three hundred dollars to any person furnishing satisfactory evidence that a volunteer recruit from out of the town has been mustered into the United States service and is credited to the town of Chatham.
* * * * * *
          "Voted,--That the number of men to whom the bounty is offered by limited to twenty and the premium for recruits the sum be fixed at ten dollars per man including expenses."
          The last recorded action concerning the war seems to have been made July 29th 1865, when it was voted to lay a tax of seven mills for the purpose of paying a portion of the war debt.



In October 1738, Henry ADKINS, Richard BENFOY, Ebenezer, Jonathan, and Nathaniel BURR, Edward BILL, Ebenezer DART, James FORSYTH, Ephraim FULLER, Nathaniel GOFF, Benjamin HARRIS, David HURLBUT, David HURLBUT jr., John and Thomas HUBBARD, Josiah JOHNSON, James PELTON, Noah PHELPS, Thomas RICH, Benjamin and Ebenezer SMITH, Samuel, Nathaniel, and John SPENCER, George STOCKING, and John SWADDLE, residing in Middletown East Parish, and Joshua ARNOLD, William JAMES, Abijah, Josiah, Nathan, and Benjamin BRAINERD, William MARKHAM, Alexander PETERSON, Ebenezer SMITH jr., David SMITH, and John STOCKING, residing in Haddam, on a tract of land lying between the Connecticut and Salmon Rivers, petitioned the General Court for an act of incorporation as a parish, and in May 1740, their request was granted, and the parish was incorporated by the name of Middle Haddam. It derived its name from the towns in which it was situated, Middletown and Haddam, or, as some thin, from the fact that the Haddam portion lay between the two rivers mentioned and the two towns, Haddam and East Haddam. Its original extent was nearly seven miles in length, about four in breadth, and its area was about 25 square Miles. The settlers on this tract attended public worship, before this time, with the various churches that were most accessible to them; those in the Haddam part with the churches on the west side of the river, and those north of the Haddam line were attached to the East Middletown Parish, now Portland. In both cases they were subject to very great inconvenience by the condition of the roads and at many times the weather rendered the river impassible. On the 24th of September 1740, a council of churches was convened, for the purpose of institution the church and ordaining their chosen minister, the Rev. Benjamin BOWERS. The Rev. Messrs. Stephen HOSMER, William RUSSELL, Ashbel WOODBRIDGE, Daniel RUSSELL, and Moses BARTLETT performed the solemnities. The confession of faith and covenant were then made and signed by Benjamin BOWERS, Ebenezer SMITH, Samuel SPENCER, Joshua ARNOLD, James BRAINERD jr., Ebenezer DART, Gideon ARNOLD, Thomas RICH, George STOCKING, Thomas HUBBARD, Josiah BRAINERD, Ebenezer SMITH jr., Nathan BRAINERD, and Lemuel DANIELS. Before the close of the year, William BRAINERD, Sarah BRAINERD, Nathaniel ROGERS, Silence ROGERS, Deborah SPENCER, Mary SMITH, Mary HURLBUT, Mary STOCKING, Thankful HUBBARD, Anna BRAINERD, Abigail ARNOLD, Esther MARKHAM, Hannah SMITH, Thankful RICH, and Hannah DANIELS had united with them.

Mr. BOWERS was a son of Captain Jonathan BOWERS, and was born in Chelmsford, Mass., March 7th 1713. His parents afterward removed to Bellerica, from which place he entered Harvard College in 1729, and graduated in 1733. He married, November 4th 1742, Sarah NEWHALL, of Malden, Mass. She died July 31st 1757, and he married, July 31st 1759, Ann, widow of Stephen HOSMER Esq., of East Haddam. He died May 11th 1761, in the 46th year of his age, and was buried in the cemetery on Hog Hill, but no monument marks his resting place. He is spoken of as a pious, exemplary, and devoted minister of the gospel. During his pastorate 171 persons united with the church, 477 children were baptized, and 131 marriages were solemnized. Jonathan BOWERS, son of the Rev. Benjamin, married, July 6th 1779, Marcy BRAINERD, by whom he had two children, Sally and Russell. She died September 22d 1783, and he married Rebecca, daughter Jacob HURD jr., and widow of Joseph CAREY. Mr. BOWERS held the rank of major in the militia, served in the Revolutionary war, and was wounded at the battle of Bennington, Vt., and received a pension for many years. He resided for many years at Bennington, Vt., and Union Village, N. Y., but returned to Middle Haddam, and died there in September 1835, aged 81. He had one child by his second wife, a son, Horace W., who died in New York State in 1820, aged 36. Mrs. BOWERS died December 21st 1855, aged 100 years, 8 months, and 12 days.

After the death of Mr. BOWERS, the Rev. John Norton, of East Hampton, was chosen Moderator of the church, and severel children were baptized and a number of persons admitted to membership by him in the interval of seven and a half months that the church was without a pastor.

The second pastor of this church was the Rev. Benjamin BOARDMAN, a native of Westfield Parish in Middletown, a graduate of Yale College in 1758, and afterward a Dean scholar and tutor in that institution. He was ordained January 5th 1562, and in September 1783, was dismissed, and in 1784 removed to Hartford, where on the 5th of May in that year he was installed as pastor of the South Church. He died in Hartford February 12th 1810, aged 70 years. He was a man of superior talents and learning, but deficient in prudence and self-control. Differences originated between him and his people, which widened until they occasioned his dismission. In consequence of the great depreciation of the currency much of the difficulty was of a pecuniary kind. In 1775, he was absent for about nine months as chaplain in the army, at Roxbury. Owing to the power and compass of his voice it is said that is prayers and sermons could be plainly heard in Boston, and the British soldiers called him the cannon or big gun of the gospel. The records also show that he was the owner of several salves.

For two years the church was without a pastor, and there is nothing in the records of the church in regard to this period. May 19th 1785, it was voted t give Mr. David SELDEN a call to settle, which it would seem he either declined or did not immediately accept, as on the 21st of June the call was renewed, and July 4th it was modified to make the settlement during life or until regularly dismissed. Mr. SELDEN accepted this call and was ordained October 19th 1785.

Soon after his accession to the pastorate a new confession of faith was adopted which continued in use until a very recent date. Mr. SELDEN was a native of Haddam Neck, and was trained up under the influence of the church of which he had now become the pastor. He was the youngest and ninth child of Thomas and Rebecca (WALKLEY) Selden, and a lineal descendant of Thomas SELDEN, one of the first settlers of Hartford in 1636. He was baptized by the Rev. Mr. BOWERS, March 22d 1761, and united with the church May 2d 1780, at which time he must have been a student at Yale College, for he graduated from tat institution in 1782. He studied theology with the Rev. Samuel LOCKWOOD, of Andover, and was licensed to preach by the Hartford South Association, June 3d 1783. Soon after this he preached in Hebron, where he was invited to settle as colleague with Dr. POMEROY. He preached also in other places, but soon returned to the place of his birth, where he passed a very useful ministry of 40 years. In his case is seen a prophet who was not without honor in his own country. He must have been in good report among his neighbors and associates from his childhood, and the confidence and esteem which they manifested toward him in choosing him for their spiritual guide continued and increased to the end of his faithful service. During his ministry of nearly 40 years he wrote 2,565 sermons, only one of which was left in print, a funeral sermon occasioned by the death of Miss Eliza METCALF, which was published at the request of the mourners. Mr. SELDEN married, August 16th 1784, Cynthia, daughter of Rev. Eleazer May, of Haddam. Mr. SELDEN died suddenly of bilious colic, January 18th 1825. During his pastorate 223 persons united with the church. His widow was born July 25th 1781, and died March 29th 1850.

After the death of Mr. SELDEN the Rev. Isaac PARSONS, of East Haddam, was chosen moderator of the church, and officiated in that capacity until the ordination of the Rev. Charles BENTLY as its fourth pastor, February 15th 1826. Mr. BENTLY was a native of New Marlborough, Mass., and a graduate of Amherst College, 1824. He was dismissed by council, March 24th 1833. During his pastorate 95 were added to the church. He died July 23 1869, aged 70 years, 3 months, and 23 days.

In June 1833, the Rev. Stephen A. LOPER commenced preaching to the church and congregation, and June 11th 1834, he was installed their pastor. He is a native of Guilford, Connecticut, graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary in 1826, and was ordained at Hampden, Maine, January 1827, where he remained about four years. He was dismissed at his own request, November 1st 1841. During his ministry 19 were added to the church. He is now residing with a daughter in Hadlyme.

The Rev. William Case, a native of Winchester, who was born April 25th 1795, and who studied theology at Andover Seminary, supplied the pulpit during about two of the interval between the dismission of Mr. LOPER and the settlement of their sixth pastor. Mr. CASE was ordained September 1st 1824, and died in Hartford.

The Rev. Samuel MOSELEY, a licentiate, preached in the church until August 8144. He died in early life. The Rev. Philo JUDSON, a native of Woodbury, and a graduate of Yale College, 1809, came soon after Mr. MOSELEY retired and labored until the spring of 1847. During his brief ministry here a revival occurred, of the fruits of which 34 were added to the church. He died in Hartford about 1870, nearly 80 years of age. He was a very successful minister, having, it is said, gathered more than 1,600 persons into the fold of the Christian Church during his lifetime.

In May 1847, Rev. James Clay HOUGHTON, son of William and Mary (CLAY) HOUGHTON, was born in Lynden, Vermont, May 13th 1810, began to preach in this place and was installed its sixth pastor, September 15th 1847. Mr. HOUGHTON studied three years at Amherst, but graduated at Dartmouth in 1837, and at Hartford Theological Seminary in 1840. He was dismissed from the pastoral care and charge of this church by council, held November 1st 1850, having received into membership 18 persons. He died at Montpelier, Vermont, April 29th 1880, aged nearly 70 years.

Rev. William S. WRIGHT, a native of Glastonbury, and a graduate of Yale College in 1833, acted as pastor of the church about two years, or until January 1853. He afterward preached in Avon and Chester.

The Rev. James KILBOURN was installed the seventh pastor of this church, May 4th 1853. Mr. KILBOURN was born in Litchfield, Conn., May 27th 1816, graduated from Yale College in 1837, and from Yale Divinity School in 1843. He was dismissed from the pastoral care and charge of this church July 1st 1857. He died at Racine, Wisconsin, July 23d 1883.

After his dismissal the Rev. Isaac PARSONS was again chosen moderator of the church, and supplied the pulpit until March 1858, when the Rev. Benjamin Balch HOPKINSON commenced preaching in the church, and continued to act as its pastor until may 1868. Mr. HOPKINSON is a son of William and Mary (ATWOOD) HOPKINSON, and was born at Groveland, Mass., March 6th 1820, and on his father's side was a descendant from the Rev. William BALCH, first pastor of the first church in the east parish of Bradford, now Groveland, Mass. He graduated from Yale College in 1846, and was ordained at Putnam, Conn., September 8th 1852.

After the departure of Mr. HOPKINSON the church held no regular services, but met occasionally and listened to lay members of different churches until 1874, when a new edifice was erected in the Haddam part of the old parish, and its history since that time more properly belongs to that town. Form its organization, in 1740, to the time it commenced holding services in the edifice in Haddam, 820 persons had been admitted to its membership. The deacons of the church have been Ebenezer SMITH, Gideon ARNOLD, Benjamin HARRIS, Daniel ARNOLD, Ezra BRAINERD, David SMITH, Dr. Thomas BRAINERD, Selden GATES, Jesse HURD, Edward ROOT, Levi MITCHELL, Samuel B. BUTLER, David DICKINSON, and Anson STRONG. The first church edifice was erected in 1744, and stood on the south end of Hog Hill not far from the old cemetery, and the dwelling house of the late Walter CLARK. It was 44 feet in length and 36 in breadth, and was used as a place of worship until 1811, several years longer than it would have been had the people been united in the selection of a site for a new one. It is said that it became so dilapidated that if a shower came up in time of service umbrellas had to be brought into use to protect the congregation. It was abandoned early in 1811, and the congregation worshipped in the Episcopal and Methodist churches until the new one was finished and dedicated, in May 1813. This second edifice was 50 feet in length by 40 in breadth, and was located west of the first one, on the highway, nearer the river. It was surmounted by a tower, and it still stands, although it has been sold by the society and converted into other uses. January 25th 1855, 22 members withdrew for the purpose of organizing a church, which is known as the Second Congregational Church of Middle Haddam.


A church of this denomination was formed in the parish about 1785, and was for a number of years under the charge of Elder Solomon WHEAT of Glastonbury. Elder William WELSH, a resident of the parish, afterward labored with them with great success until his death in 1838, and a few years later the church became extinct. The records of this church, though still in existence, were not accessible to the writer, and no further facts have been elicited concerning them save that in the early days of their existence they erected a small house of worship north of the lake, and in later times one that was standing a few years ago in what is now the garden of B. B. HALL.


This church was organized February 1st 1855, with the following constituent members, who had previously withdrawn from the first church for that purpose: Daniel S. TIBBALLS, Henry W. TIBBALLS, Edward M. SIMPSON, Russell E. TIBBALLS, James N. TIBBALLS, Rufus D. TIBBALLS, William T. TIBBALLS, Samuel TAYLOR, George E. TIBBALLS, Alvin B. TIBBALLS, Lyman B. TIBBALLS, Lucy G. TIBBALLS, Eleanor R. TIBBALLS, Jane C. TIBBALLS, Adeline NORTON, Almeda A. CHILD, Lydia S. TIBBALLS, Lydia M. TIBBALLS, Charlotte S. JONES, Elizabeth UFFORD, Maria A. KINNER, and Harriet TIBBALLS. Their first acting pastor was the Rev. William DICKSON, who occupied the pulpit but a short time but was not installed. The second was the Rev. John NEWTON, a son of Abner, of Middletown, where he was born March 22d 1826. He graduated at Wesleyan University in 1847, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1852. Afterward he turned his attention to theology and commenced preaching to this church and congregation in 1856, and occupied this pulpit five years, during which time he never passed a Sabbath without preaching. He died unmarried, August 15th 1863.

The Rev. Richard M. CHIPMAN, a native of Salem, Mass., was the next stated supply of the pulpit, followed by the Rev. Oliver A. KINGSBURY, and he in turn by the Rev. Elijah B. SMITH, a native of Lyme, Connecticut, and a graduate of Amherst College in 1853. The Rev. Stephen A. LOPER, a former pastor of the first church, occupied the pulpit about three years, and on the 7th of October 1870, the Rev. Edward P. HERRICK was ordained their pastor, being the first who held that relation after the organization was perfected. He was dismissed in 1873 and accepted a position as missionary to the City of Mexico. The Rev. Daniel DENISON, a native of Hampton, Connecticut, a graduate of Yale College in 1860, and of Andover Theological Seminary in 1864, was ordained pastor, December 30th 1873, and held that relation until 1884, when he resigned and removed to Wisconsin.

The church and society purchased the edifice of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1855, and in 1864, removed it to its present location on the main street, between the villages of Cobalt and Middle Haddam, and improved its appearance by entirely remodeling its front. The number of members at the time of its organization was 22; the present number is 78. The deacons of the church have been Charles F. RICH, Lyman B. TIBBALLS, Samuel NORTH, John P. PURPLE, James N. TIBBALLS, and Titus E. ARNOLD. The church is now without a pastor.


A small Episcopal church was formed in the eastern part of Middle Haddam parish in 1771, which held meetings a few years and was dissolved. They built a house of worship in 1772, 26 feet by 24, which was taken down. It stood not far from the residence of John EDDY, and it is probable that he and the TUPPER families, that gave the name of Tuppertown to the upper portion of Young street, were its chief support during its brief existence.

The church at the landing was formed April 25th 1785, and their church edifice, 47 feet by 36, was built in 1787. The church was under the care of the Rev. Abraham Jarvis, D. D., of Middlefield, until 1791. The two succeeding years the Rev. Tilliston BRONSON, afterward preceptor of Cheshire Academy, divided his labors between this church and the one in Portland, and then they reverted to the care of Mr. JARVIS. From 1796 to 1810, Rev. Manoah Smith MILES ministered here one-half the time. From 1811 to 1821, Rev. Jasper D. JONES ministered here one-third or one-fourth of the time, with the exception of 1815-16, when the church was supplied by Rev. Solomon BLAKESLEE and Rev. Reuben IVES. Mr. JONES was succeeded by Rev. Nathan BURGESS, who preached here a quarter of the time in 1822-3. He removed to Vermont. Rev. Edward T. IVES, a native of Cheshire, Connecticut, then had charge of the parish about two years. From 1825 to 1826, the Rev. Orson V. HOWELL, then connected with the Military Academy n Middletown, ministered to the parish one-half the time. From 1826 to 1830, Rev. Ashbel STEELE, a native of Waterbury, ministered to the people. Rev. Alpheus GEER became rector in 1831, and preached until the spring of 1837, being connected during that period with the church in Hebron. Rev. James SUNDULAND came into the parish in 1837, and preached till the spring of 1838. He was succeeded by the Rev. George A. STERLING. He was a native of Sharon, educated at West Point, and he studied theology in New York city. Rev. Benjamin S. HUNTINGTON took charge of the parish July 5th 1840, and resigned in the autumn of 1841. Rev. Charles W. BRADLEY preached here about five months in the latter part of 1841, and in the beginning of 1842. He was a native of New Haven, and he has since been secretary of State, and consul to China. Rev. Sylvester NASH, a native of Ellington, succeeded him in May 1842, and resigned November 1st 1845. Rev. Frederic B. WOODWARD took charge of the parish in April 1846, and resigned in April 1858.He was educated as a physician, and practiced in Woodbury, Connecticut, for a number of years before coming to Middle Haddam. He also practiced in this parish while he was rector of the church. He was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas F. DAVIS, who began the rectorship April 25th 1858, and resigned October 20th 1861.

Since that time the following persons have officiated: Rev. William A. HITCHCOCK, from November 24th 1861 to October 20th 1862; Rev. Henry DE KOVEN, D. D., from October 26th 1862 to October 27th 1863; Rev. William H. VIBBERT, from November 1st 1863 to December 1st 1873; Rev. John BINNEY, from February 1st 1874 to February 1st 1876; Rev. Elbert B. TAYLOR, from June 1st 1876 to August 12th 1878; Rev. Adelbert P. CHAPMAN, from December 1879 to March 1882; Rev. Frederic R. SANFORD, from April 1883 to June 1883; Rev. Richard C. SEARING, from September 6th 1883 to May 6th 1884; Rev. Frederic D. HARRIMAN, from June 20th 1884.

The early records of the church have been lost, so that the names of the constituent members cannot be ascertained. The interior of the church edifice was remodeled in 1856. The church was consecrated by Bishop BROWNELL, September 11th 1828. The petition for consecration was signed by George HUBBARD, warden, and Gordon WHITMORE, Ebenezer SMITH, and John STEWART, vestry. The present number of families connected with the parish is 46. The number of communicants is 77. The first wardens, of whom there is any mention, are named in a deed of land for church purposes, granted by Samuel TAYLOR, September 19th 1786, and are Stephen HURLBUT and Nathaniel CORNWALL. The present wardens are Edward A. PENFIELD and Nathaniel C. JOHNSON.


The Methodists in this place held meetings as early as 1792, and, in 1796, built a house of worship a few rods east of the Episcopal church, 24 feet in length by 23 in width. They had a tone time about 50 members, but from various causes their numbers greatly diminished, and their house of worship was closed for lack of support. The names of their ministers have not been ascertained. This house was sold in 1855, to the Second Congregational Society, which removed it to its present site.


The Roman Catholics built a small edifice for church purposes, in 1871, on the old Hebron Turnpike, a few rods west of Muddy Gutter, where services were held, from time to time, by the Rev. Father of the church in Portland. They had held services, previous to this time, in private residences in Middle Haddam and East Hampton, but the precise date of first service in the town cannot be ascertained.


The Christian Advents have held occasional services in Sears' Hall, in East Hampton, for the past four or five years.


About the year 1817, the Rev. Joel W. MCKEE, one of the preachers on the New London circuit, which then embraced all the territory from Manchester and Lebanon to New London and Lyme, commenced preaching occasionally in this place in private houses, where he could obtain permission to do so, and continued to preach, at least occasionally, until the close of the conference year in June 1818. In this year an extensive revival prevailed in this vicinity, and it is probable that it was at this time that the first class was formed. The circuit preachers continued their visits on week days until 1828, when they began to have, once in two weeks, preaching on the Sabbath, which continued until 1847, when they commenced to have preaching from Sabbath to Sabbath. In 1830, they built, on Miller's Hill, a house of worship, 48 feet in length by 36 in width, which cost $1,800. In 1848, 28 members withdrew from this church and were formed into a free and independent church. They built a house of worship in the center of the village, and it was dedicated April 10th 1851. Its dimensions are 40 feet by 30. They maintained a separate organization until 1866, and were known as the Protestant Methodist Church. John HUNTER, Elder WITHEY, Horace BROWN, David A. CHAPMAN, peter FELTEY, and others ministered to them in holy things during these years. In 1875, The United Church erected their present house of worship, near the Congregational church, and the other buildings have been sold, the one on Miller's Hill to H. D. DARLING jr., who had it taken down and made into a dwelling place, and the other to Henry SKINNER, and it is now used as a storehouse and shoemaker's shop. The present edifice is surmounted by a spire, and is 56 feet in length by 37 in width.

The names of the ministers who have supplied this branch of Zion are as follows: 1818, Edward HYDE, Joel W. MCKEE; 1819, Edward HYDE, Joel W. MCKEE; 1820, Charles BAKER; 1821, Zalmon STEWART; 1822, Daniel DORCHESTER; 1823, Ebenezer BLAKE; 1824, Ebenezer BLAKE; 1825 Horace MOULTON; 1826, Lewis BATES; 1827, Lewis BATES; 1828, Thomas G. BROWN, Hector BRONSON; 1829, Samuel DAVIS; 1830, Reuben RANSOM; 1831, Mosely DWIGHT; 1832, Parton T. KENNEY; 1833, Freeman NUTTING; 1834, Amos D. SIMPSON; 1835, Freeman NUTTING, Amos D. SIMPSON; 1836, David TODD, William WILLCUTT; 1837, David TODD, John F. BLANCHARD; 1838, James NICHOLS, Solomon CUSHMAN; 1839, Thomas W. GUILE; 1840, Abraham HOLWAY; 1841, Charles C. BARNES, Moses STODDARD; 1842, Lozien PIERCE, Chester FIELD, jr.; 1843, Lozien PIERCE, Israel ARNOLD; 1844, Edmund A. STANDISH, William O. CADY; 1845, Andrew H. ROBINSON; 1846, J. W. TURNER; John R. VAIL; 1847, Charles MORSE; 1848, Charles MORSE; 1849, John COOPER; 1830, J. W. CASE; 1851, Albert W. ALLEN; 1852, Henry TORBUSH; 1853, Henry TORBUSH; 1854, William TURKINGTON; 1855, Frank GIBSON, Hiram P. SHEPARD; 1856, Hiram P. SHEPARD, G. H. WHITNEY; 1857, William W. WARDELL, Albert GOULD; 1858, William HURST; 1859, William PHILLPS.

From 1860 to 1866, services were held but a portion of the time, the Rev. Thomas G. BROWN and others occupying the pulpit occasionally until 1866, when a major part of the members, uniting with the members of the Protestant M. E. Church, were accepted by the conference, since which time they have been regularly supplied by that body as follows: 1866, Otis E. THAYER; 1867, Mellen HOWARD; 1868, Mellen HOWARD; 1869, J. J. THOMAS; 1870, Anthony PALMER; 1871, Anthony PALMER; 1872, George H. WINCHESTER; 1873, George H. WINCHESTER; 1874, A. W. PAIGE; 1875, A. W. PAIGE; 1876, J. F. SHEFFIELD; 1877, J. F. SHEFFIELD; 1878, William KIRKBY; 1879, William KIRKBY; 1880, E. M. ANTHONY' 1881, E. M. ANTHONY; 1882, Henry M. COLE; 1884, John H. SHERMAN; 1884, George H. LAMSON.


Shortly after the settlement on Clark's Hill in 1736, a number of families settled in what is now the society of East Hampton, but at that time a part of the society of East Middletown, now Portland. In May 1743, John CLARK, Stephen GRIFFITH, Hezekiah RUSS, Samuel WADSWORTH, Jonathan BAILEY, David BAILEY, John BEVIN jr., Joseph PARKE, Ebenezer CLARK, Jabez CLARK, William CLARK, Shubal LEWIS, Josiah COOK, Isaac SMITH, William NORCOTT, William NORCOTT jr., Daniel YOUNG, Ezra ANDREW, James JOHNSON, Caleb JOHNSON, William BEVIN, Seth KNOWLES, Isaac WILLIAMS, John MARKHAM, and Thomas LEWIS presented a memorial to the General Assembly praying that upon their hiring an orthodox minister to preach to them six months in a year, they should be released from paying toward the minister's salary of East Middletown Society one-half their rate or taxes, that should be taxed against them on that account, and their petition was granted on that condition. In May 1746, they were made a distinct ecclesiastical society by the name of East Hampton. From the fact that may of the early settlers in this society were natives of Eastham, Mass., it is conjectured that this name was chosen in memory of their former home. In October 1748, they were embodied into church estate upon their representing that they were about to settle he Rev. John NORTON in the work of the ministry among them, and upon the 30th of November 1748, the church was organized, and the Rev. John NORTON was installed as their pastor upon a salary of 100 ounces of silver, or public bills of credit equivalent thereto, for the first three years after his settlement, and after that time to add to it in proportion as they should advance in their list, until it should amount to 130 ounces of silver, and that to be his standing salary. Mr. NORTON was a son of Sergeant John and Anna (THOMPSON) NORTON, and was born in the parish of Kensington in the town of Berlin, at that time a part of Farmington, November 16th 1715. He graduated from Yale College, in 1737, and November 25th 1741, was ordained.

In 1755, during the second French war, he went as chaplain to Colonel afterward General David WOOSTER's regiment, in the expedition to Crown Point. The members of the Hartford South Association, to which he belonged, agreed to supply his pulpit from October 12th of that year, to February 2d 1756. The records of the church during the pastorate of Mr. NORTON are lost; it is supposed they were destroyed by fire when the house of Miss Eunice NORTON, his daughter, was burned, so thee is no means of knowing the amount of work he performed for the church and society during his 30 years of labor among them. His salary, which amounted to about $170 of our money, was not promptly paid, and but a small portion of it, probably, in cash,--the ministers of that time being necessitated to engage in barter. No traditions hat the writer has ever heard, have been handed down that give any insight into his character, or his ability as a preacher. Mr. NORTON labored faithfully with this people 30 years, falling a victim to small-pox, on the 24th of March 1778, which disease he contracted while returning from Middletown, from some persons who engaged him in conversation respecting the way to some locality in the immediate vicinity. It is supposed that one of the parties had just been taken from some pest-house. He was buried, with a few other victims of that dreadful disease, in a cultivated field a few rods east of the residence of Leverett D. WILLEY, on Miller's Hill. There, on a red sandstone lab, ornamented with a winged head, may be read the following inscription:

MARCH 24TH A D. 1778

The emigrant ancestors of Mr. NORTON were John and Dorothy NORTON, who came from England to Branford, Connecticut, in 1646. It is said they were of Norman descent and the first of the name came into England in 1060, with William the conqueror, as his constable. The place to which the family traces its planting after crossing the channel is Sharpenhow, a hamlet of Bedfordshire. John, the emigrant, was the son of Richard NORTON, of London, England, who was the 13th generation from LE SEUR DE NORVILLE (afterward changed to NORTON), the Norman ancestor. As before stated, he settled in Branford in 1646, and in 1661, he removed to Farmington. His son John, born in Branford, October 14th 1651, came to Farmington with his father in 1661, and died there, April 25th 1725. His wife's maiden name was Ruth MOORE. They had a son, John, born in 1684, who married Anna THOMPSON by whom he had thirteen children, among them the subject of this sketch.

After the death of the Rev. Mr. NORTON the society voted to hire Mr. Lemuel PARSONS to preach on probation until the 1st of January 1779, and on the 5th of that month they voted to give him a call to settle with them in the work of the gospel ministry on a settlement of 200 pounds, to be paid in four years in installments of 50 pounds a year. His salary during the four years they were paying the settlement was to be 70 pounds a year, and after that was paid it was to be 80 pounds a year so long as he should continue to be their minister. This amounted in the present currency to $266.67. They voted to pay this salary and settlement in country produce at the following prices: wheat at five shillings per bushel; rye at three shillings and six pence per bushel; Indian corn at two shillings and nine pence per bushel; pork eight score per hog at twenty-five shillings per hundred, and smaller or larger in proportion; grass-fed beef at twenty shillings per hundred; butter at eight pence per pound; cheese at four pence per pound; sheep's wool at one shilling and four pence per pound; and flax at eight pence per pound; or equivalent in money to above said articles. Mr. PARSONS accepted these terms on condition that a committee should be appointed by the society each year who should consult with him in relation to what should be deemed an equivalency in money. This precaution was made necessary by the unsettled state of the country at that time, passing through the stormy period of the Revolution, and the consequent deprecation of the currency. The uniform rate at which the committee usually settled with Mr. PARSONS was twenty-four to one. Mr. PARSONS was the son of Lieutenant Samuel and Elizabeth (CHIPMAN) PARSONS, and was born in Durham, Conn., May 2d 1753; graduated from Yale College in 1773, and was ordained at East Hampton, February 10th 1779. Mr. PARSONS lived near the site of the present parsonage, and died February 14th 1791, four days after completing the 12th year of his ministry, and was interred by the side of his first wife in the cemetery near the lake, where two large red sandstone slabs, ornamented with a winged head, were erected to their memory. The following are the entire inscriptions:

"In memory of
The Reverend Mr. Lemuel PARSONS
pastor of this Church
His temper was cheerful manner kind
and heart benevolent
He lived beloved by relatives dear
to his people in friendship and esteem
with his brethren and respected
by his acquaintances
He was born in Durham May 2nd 1753
Educated at Yale College 1773
Ordained over this flock Feb. 10th 1779
and after a short but useful course
he departed in the hope of
the Christian Salvation
Feb. 4th 1791
in the 38ty year of his age.

The memory of
an amiable and virtuous consort
Mrs Katherine PARSONS
who died
April 9th a D 1780
in the 26th year of her age
by an affectionate husband
the Reverend Lemuel PARSONS
God adoring and in silence mourning
his own and new born sons
affecting loss
on this monument is inscribed

Virtuous bands of Hymen's yoke
By death rough hands can ne'er be broke
Each kindred mind by grief refined
With angels joined its made shall find."

This last inscription was undoubtedly composed by Mr. PARSONS, and the epitaph has been much commented upon, and also deemed worthy of a place in a printed collection of curious epitaphs. Mr. PARSON's ancestry has been traced to Comet.

A period of one year and eight months intervened between the death of Mr. PARSONS and the ordination of the Rev. Joel WEST, the third pastor, six months of which time the pulpit was supplied by ministered hired by Mrs. PARSONS, widow of the late pastor. The society records also make mention of a Mr. PORTER, who preached as a candidate. This was David PORTER, D. D., a native of Hebron, and a graduate of Dartmouth College, who completed a long and able ministry in Catskill, New York, dying there in 1851, at the age of 89. Joel WEST, son of Captain Manual, and Sarah WEST, was born March 12th 1766, in that part of the town of Lebanon that has since been incorporated as the town of Columbia. He graduated from Dartmouth College, in August 1789, and was ordained to the pastoral care and charge of the church of Christ, in East Hampton, October 17th 1792. Mr. WEST was a man who always looked on the bright side. He labored faithfully during his long pastorate, and was beloved by his people. Religion was at a low ebb during the first part of his ministry, there not being a member of the church for many years on whom he could call to offer public prayers. There was a time of revival, in 1818-19, and 52 persons united with the church during those two years, many of them being strong men, pillars of the church and society, who exerted a powerful influence in the community. After a pastorate of 34 years Mr. WEST died suddenly, October 26th 1826, at the age of 60. He kept a careful record of the doings of the church, and of the baptisms, marriages, and deaths during his pastorate, which has greatly aided the writer in preparing this history. The plan of raising the current expense of the society by tax was gradually done away with during this pastorate, many persons having withdrawn from the society by certificate and cast their lot with the Baptists and Methodists. His wife was born November 28th 1774, and died September 29th 1853, and is buried by his side in the Lake Cemetery. The members of the association to which Mr. WEST belonged, supplied the pulpit for some time after his death for the benefit of his widow.

March 14th 1828, the society voted that "the members of this meeting feel a willingness to settle the Reverend Timothy STONE in the work of the ministry, if they can obtain the sum of ninety-six dollars from the Domestic Missionary Society, and raise a sufficient sum by subscription to pay him his salary." Accordingly committees were appointed to confer with the Missionary Society and circulate subscription papers. The plan proved a success, and Mr. STONE was installed, June 4th 1828. During his ministry here the articles of faith and covenant which are now in use by the church were adopted at a church meeting held May 31st 1829. There was also a very uncommon religious excitement among the people, and many were without doubt truly converted. The Methodists took an active part in this revival, with whom Mr. STONE was on very friendly terms. He was dismissed by a council of neighboring churches, February 7th 1832, and cordially recommended as a faithful and worthy minister of Christ, to confidence and employment. After his dismission he returned to his family in Cornwall, from which place they had not removed owing to the ill health of his wife, which was the cause of his asking for a dismission. He was a man of great simplicity of character and purpose, and seemed to be a living Christian, a pastor of high and steady aim to promote the best good of his flock. He died in South Cornwall, April 14th 1852, aged nearly 78 years.

After the dismission of Mr. STONE the church and society procured the services of the Rev. Samuel Ives CURTIS, and a council was called to ordain him as the fifth pastor. At this time there was a very strong feeling over the question of the old and new school. Mr. CURTIS was a new school man, having been educated theologically at the Yale Divinity School in New Haven. The ministers of this region were strongly old school, with Mr. PARSONS, of East Haddam, and Dr. HARVEY, of Westchester, as leaders. It was no easy manner to ordain a candidate who came fresh from Dr. TAYLOR's instruction. After a long examination the council refused to ordain the candidate, but the church, not willing to abide their decision, chose a new council which ordained and installed Mr. CURTIS, November 1st 1832. He was dismissed form the pastoral charge of the church, November 21st 1837, the principal reason for his asking for a dismission being the fact that no suitable tenement could be found for himself and family. He died March 26th 1880, aged nearly 77 years.

The sixth pastor was the Rev. Rufus SMITH, son of Matthew SMITH, of Chaplin, Conn., where he was born April 26th 1795. He commenced to supply the pulpit June 10th 1838. He was for a time a physician in Griswold, but afterward studied theology and was licenses to preach. He was ordained September 19th 1838. He was a strict disciplinarian. He was in truth the bishop of his church. His prayer meetings were conducted in this way: "Bro. WEST, will you pray? Bro. SKINNER, will you remark?" and it was by no means allowable to go outside of this routine. After a pastorate of seven years, which was his only pastorate, he was dismissed on account of impaired health, June 24th 1845, and removed to East Hartford, where he died after a residence of some years. His wife's maiden name was Clarissa HUNTINGTON.

Rev. William RUSSELL was hired by this society for nine months from January 9th 1846, and was installed as the seventh pastor October 14th of that year. He began to supply the pulpit the second Sabbath of October 1845. He was born in Stratford, February 15th 1815, and graduated from Yale College in the celebrated class of 1837, and from Yale Divinity School in 1841. He was ordained during this latter year in Wakeman, Ohio, remaining there three years. He was dismissed from the church, October 11th 1855, by the Middlesex Consociation, at his request, on account of the divided state of the church, at that time building a new house of worship.

During the four years that followed Mr. RUSSELL's dismission Rev. Lewmas H. PEASE, who is now employed as agent of the Seamen's Friend Society at New Orleans, La., supplied the pulpit about one year and one-third. Mr. PEASE was born in Colebrook, Conn., January 20th 1811, and graduated from Williams College in 1835. During the remaining two years and eight months the church extended several calls and listened to scores of candidates. November 24th 1859, a unanimous call was extended to Rev. Henry A. RUSSELL, who was installed the eighth pastor, December 14th 1859. He was son of Charles A. and Lockey (BEEBE) RUSSELL, and was born in Prospect, Conn., August 14th 1826, graduated from Yale Divinity School in 1853, and received the honorary degree of A. M. from Yale College in 1855. He was called here from the pastorate of the first church of Winsted, which began April 19th 1854. His pastorate here of about four years and a half closed April 1st 1865. He is now settled at Moers, N. Y. He married, September 8th 1858, Sarah SMITH of Winsted.

The Rev. Gustavus D. PIKE, who is now in the employ of the American Missionary Association as district secretary, supplied the church during the following two years, from the middle of 1865 to the middle of 1867.

The Rev. George Whitefield ANDREWS was ordained the ninth pastor of this church, November 13th 1867. By vote of the society the request of Mr. Andrews that he be released from officiating as pastor for one year, from November 14th 1870, on account if ill health, was complied with, and he ceased to be pastor from that date, and was formally dismissed by vote of the consociation. Mr. ANDREWS was born February 4th 1833, in Wayne, Ohio, his ancestors being from among the early settlers of East Haddam. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1858, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1867. The Rev. Burritt A. SMITH supplied the pulpit until April 1st 1874, about three years and a half. May 17th 1874, the Rev. Joel Stone IVES commenced to supply the pulpit, and September 29th he was ordained the tenth pastor. Mr. IVES is the son of Rev. Alfred E. IVES (Yale, 1837), of Castine, Me., and was born in Colebrook, Conn., December 5th 1847, graduated from Amherst College, July 16th 1870, from Yale Divinity School, May 14th 1874, and was licensed to preach by the New Haven Central Association, May 4th of the same year. He was dismissed, at his own request, October 18th 1883, in order to accept a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church, in Stratford, Conn., where he was installed the November following. Mr. IVES preached a centennial sermon in this church, July 9th 1876, which was published, and from which the author has drawn largely for this account. He married, July 15th 1874, Emma S. BUTLER, daughter of Joel Ives BUTLER, of Meriden.

November 20th 1883, the church voted unanimously to invite the Rev. Edward P. ROOT to settle as their eleventh pastor, and he was installed February 7th 1884. Mr. ROOT graduated at Amherst in 1871, and from Yale Divinity School in 1875. He commences to preach in East Hampton, January 1st 1884. The deacons of the church have been: Ebenezer CLARK, Isaac SMITH, John CLARK, James BILL, Gideon ARNOLD, Moses COOK, Isaac SMITH, Joseph SAGE, David CLARK, Warren A. SKINNER, Diodate B. WEST, Samuel SKINNER, and Allen C. CLARK. The early records of the church having been lost, there is no means of determining the number of its constituent members, or their names, though it is probably that the major portion of them were from the church in East Middletown. At the time of Mr. PARSON's ordination there were 40 male members, but of the female members he made no record. Their names were: Seth ALVORD, Gideon ARNOLD, Ezra ACKLEY, Darius ADAMS, Joshua BAILEY, Othniel BRAINERD, Samuel BROWN, James BILL, Elijah COOK, Joshua COOK, John CLARK jr., Moses COOK, Moses COLE, William CLARK, Deacon John CLARK, Moses CLARK, Zacheus COOK, Joseph CASWELL, Silas DUNHAM, Abijah HALL, Ebenezer HALL, Nathan HARDING, John HINCKLEY, Daniel HILL, Dewey HALL, Samuel HODGE, John JOHNSON, Isaac KNEELAND, Stephen KNOWLTON, Nehemiah LORD, John MARKHAM, John NORTON, William NORCOTT, Edward PURPLE, Bryan PARMELEE, James RICH, Ebenezer SEARS, Deacon Isaac SMITH, Isaac SMITH jr., and William WHITE. During his pastorate of 12 years, 67 members were added and 32 are recorded as renewing their baptismal covenant. At the time of Mr. WEST's ordination there were 45 males and 49 female members, making a total of 104. There were received during his pastorate of 34 years, 35 males and 93 females-a total of 128. The number of members in 1828 was 70, and during Mr. STONE's pastorate 16 members were received. In 1832, there were 71 members, and during the next five years 40 were added to the church. Mr. SMITH admitted 22; Mr. William RUSSELL, 49; Mr. PEASE, 40; Mr. H. A. RUSSELL, 40; Mr. PIKE, 34; Mr. ANDREWS, 20; Mr. B. A. SMITH, 5; and Mr. IVES, 100. The number of members, January 1st 1884, was 190, the oldest being Amos CLARK, who was admitted in 1829. At a society meeting, held December 20th 1750, the following vote was passed: "To build a meeting house for Divine Worship," two-thirds of the qualified voters being present, and voted also that said house be of the following dimensions, viz., 46 feet long, 36 feet in width, and 22 feet between joints. There was much difficulty in deciding upon a location. In November, a vote was passed praying the General Court "to affix a place for a meeting house for Divine Worship," by appointing Capt. Jonathan HILL, and Capt. Samuel WILLES, of East Hartford, and Joseph FRARY, of Middletown, a committee for that purpose. The doings of the committee appear not to have been satisfactory, for in March 1752, the matter was again left to the General Court. There is no record when the first service was held in the meeting house, which was at last located where the present edifice stands. The audience room was nearly square, with galleries occupying three of its sides, while the pulpit occupied the fourth. Over the pulpit was suspended a sounding board or canopy, to prevent the voice of the minister from being lost in the regions of the upper air. The first edifice contained many square box pews, which compelled one-third of the audience to sit with their backs to the minister. It became much dilapidated, and in January 1854, it was injured by fire to that extent as to render it unfit for holding services, and March 4th of that year a building committee, consisting of Hiram VEAZEY, Amiel ABELL, T. R. MARKHAM, Stephen G. SEARS, Alfred WILLIAMS, Abner G. BEGIN, Amos CLARK, A. M. NILES, and Henry SKINNER were appointed and instructed to proceed to build as soon as convenient. During that summer the present edifice, 65 feet in length, 40 feet in width, with a spire 125 feet in height, was erected, and, January 2d 1854, it was voted "that the meeting house be now received into the hands of the society." In 1866, the society built a parsonage at an expense of $3,000, and is now free from debt. The society also has a small fund of about $1,000 left by Miss Eunice NORTON and Silas W. SMITH.


The members of the ecclesiastical society, living in the vicinity of the lake, becoming dissatisfied with the location of the meeting house, in 1855 erected an edifice of stucco work, 56 feet in length, 35 feet n width, with a spire 120 feet in height, about three-fourths of a mile north of the old meeting house. It was finished in the summer of 1856, and in September of that year 25 persons who had been dismissed from the First Church for the purpose of organizing a new church, called a council of pastors and delegates from the neighboring churches. They were constituted a Christian church under the name and title of the Union Congregational Church of East Hampton. The names of the constituent members were: David BUELL, Calvin HALL, Horace CLARK, Oren W. BOWERS, Elijah NORCOTT, Nathaniel C. SMITH, Timothy R. MARKHAM, Stephen G. SEARS, Cyprian HINCKLEY, Warren VEAZEY, Dolly L. HALL, Amelia M. HALL, Emeline M. WEST, Amy CLARK, Charlotte SMITH, Electa M. BUELL, Sarah S. BEVIN, Harriet MARKHAM, Rosepha Ann WEST, Emily V. SEARS, Mary E. SEARS, Anzolette D. PARSONS, Betsey L. VEAZEY, Evelina O. WEST, and Marian R. WEST.

The Rev. James J. BELL, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was invited to supply the pulpit, and he officiated as acting pastor until April 1st 1863. No records of the doings of the church during his pastorate have been preserved, but during the winter of 1859-60, there was a powerful revival of religion among the people connected with this congregation, and a number of persons were added to its membership. For a long time meeting were held nearly every evening during the week. Mr. BELL was greatly aided in these services by the Rev. George WHITAKER, a student of Wesleyan University, at that time teaching a select school in the basement of the church. The Protestant Methodists also worshipped with this congregation during Mr. BELL's pastorate. After the dismission of Mr. Bell the church was without a settled pastor for about a year, but was supplied on the Sabbath by various individuals.

On the 2d of May 1864, the church and society invited the Rev. F. W. CHAPMAN to become their resident pastor. He immediately commenced his labors, and on the 1st of July of that year, at a meeting o the members of the church, the articles of faith and covenant and standing rules were adopted, and from that time commences its history as a Strict Congregational Church. Timothy R. MARKHAM and Stephen G. SEARS were chosen deacons at the same meeting. Mr. CHAPMAN labored with this church about two years. He was a native of Canfield, Ohio, where he was born, November 17th 1806, a descendant in a direct line of the eleventh generation from Robert CHAPMAN, one of the first settlers at Saybrook. He graduated from Yale College in 1828, from Yale Divinity School in 1832, and he was ordained in September of that year. He died at Rocky Hill, July 21st 1876.

August 26th 1866, the church gave the Rev. Henry E. HART a call to settle, and, on the 19thof September of that year, Mr. HART was ordained and installed pastor. Mr. HART is a son of Ruel and Rosanna (BARNES) HART, and was born in Southington, Conn., June 1st 1834, graduated from Yale College in 1860, and from East Windsor Theological School in 1863. From 1863 to 1866 he supplied the church in Ridgewater. He was dismissed from East Hampton, October 31st 1871.

After the dismission of Mr. HART the Rev. John B. GRISWOLD, a native of Manchester, Conn., where he was born November 11th 1830, acted as pastor for about two years. Mr. GRISWOLD graduated at Dartmouth College in 1860, and Bangor Theological Seminary, 1863, and was ordained to the work of the gospel ministry, January 28th 1872.

June 7th 1874, the church and society invited the Rev. Francis B. HORNBROOK to become their pastor, and on the 27th of August of that year he was ordained and installed. Mr. HORNBROOK was born in Wheeling, West Virginia, May 7th 1849, graduated from Ohio State University in 1870 and from Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., in 1874, received degree Ph. D. from Harvard in 1877. He was dismissed from the pastoral care and chare of this church, September 1st 1876.

After his dismission the Rev. William H. FULTZ acted as pastor of the church until May 1880, since which time the church has had no regular services. John WATROUS and Elijah C. BARTON were elected deacons, September 27th 1874, to fill the vacancies caused by the resignations of Deacons SEARS and MARKHAM. One hundred and thirty-five persons have been connected with this church since its organization, and upward of sixty are now in good standing upon its roll. The Episcopalians of Middle Haddam held services in the meeting house for a short time during 1882-3.


The ecclesiastical society of Westchester was formed from the towns of Colchester, Haddam, and Middletown, in October 1728, and the church was organized in December 1829. The part taken from Middletown was "the tier of lots or so many o them as butt upon Colchester bounds east between Haddam bounds and Salmon River, which lots lie in length one mile east and west." This part of Chatham is known as the Waterhole District, so named from a small pond on the farm now owned by D. C. WILLIAMS. There is a cemetery in this district, 150 feet long and 132 feet wide, in which the first interment was made in 1793. An association was formed in 1874, and the grounds enlarged 66 feet in length and laid out in family lots. A fine monument has been erected here to the memory of Jonathan G. BIGELOW and family, whose ancestors for a number of generations occupied a large farm just over the town line in Colchester. The first family who moved into this locality was that of Stephen BRAINERD, who settled on an elevation of ground in Westchester Parish, not far from the town line in Colchester, about the time of the organization of the society. When they moved her al was a dense forest, and deer were so plenty that they could be shot from their door. Mr. BRAINERD was a son of Deacon Daniel and Susannah (VENTERS) Brainerd, of East Haddam, and a grandson of Daniel BRAINERD, of Hartford, one of the first settlers of Haddam. He was born February 27th 1699, and married, December 24th 1730, to Susannah GATES. She died April 29th 1793, aged 87, and was the first person buried in the Waterhole Cemetery. He did March 30th 1794, in his 96th year. Their children were: Susannah, born September 24th 1731, married Joseph DAY; Elizabeth, born December 17th 1733, married Samuel BROWN, of East Hampton; Hannah, Born November 2d 1737, married Bezaliel BRAINERD; Mary, born February 15th 1740, married Daniel BIGELOW; Stephen, born March 24th 1742; Sarah, born April 30th 1744, married Judah LEWIS; and William, born August 27th 1746, married Lucy DAY, and lived in the Chatham part of Westchester. He was the captain of a company of militia called to White Plains, and to New London in the time of the Revolution. He died June 26th 1820, and his widow died July 14th 1839, aged 93 years. Their children were: Levi, born December 5th 1766, married Sarah SMITH; Stephen, born February 22d 1769, married Olive ACKLEY; Rachel, born December 23d 1770, married Elisha FULLER; David, born October 5th 1772, died December 20th 1775; Elisha, born October 3d 1774, married Ann SCOVILLE; David, born July 2d 1776, married the daughter of Michel HALE; Olive, born September 10th 1778, married Ezra BRAINERD; Mary, born January 14th 1781; Reuben, born September 24th 1782, married 1st, Roxanna BRAINERD, 2d Ann SAVAGE, and died at the old homestead, November 18th 1859; Clarissa, born October 6th 1784, married William LORD; and Sarah, born September 13th 1787, married Orrin BRAINERD. All these children, except the first David, who died young, and Mary, Reuben, and Clarissa, removed to Hamilton, Madison county. N. Y.

Dr. Robert USHER, son of Hezekiah and Abigail USHER, was born in Millington Parish, in 1743. When eight years of age he went to live with Dr. HUNTINGTON, of Windham, Connecticut, and with him studied medicine. When quite young he commenced the practice of his profession in Westchester, locating in the Chatham part, and soon became a successful and distinguished practitioner. As a physician he occupied a high position, especially in Westchester, where he lived and died. Upon the breakout of the Revolution he joined the army as a private, and was present at the battle of Bunker Hill. In January 1776, he was appointed surgeon to Colonel WADSWORTH's regiment, and accompanied the army in its perils and hardships during the war. He married, May 25th 1765, Susannah GATES, who died December 13th 1777, and he married, January 25th 1779, Ann CONE, of Millington. He died March 27th 1820, and his widow died May 20th 1849, aged 94 years. By his first wife he had five children: Oliver, born September 16th 1766; Jonathan, born July 4th 1772; Susannah, born August 23d 1774; Jonathan, born November 7th 1777. By his second wife he had eleven children: James, born 25th 1780, died young; James, born July 18th 1781; Revilo Cone, born June 19th 1783; Anna, born October 25th 1784, died 1801; Statia, born July 22d 1786; Abigail, born May 30th 1788, married Rev. Jonathan CONE, a graduate of Yale, 1808, and pastor of the Congregational churches in Bristol, Conn., and Durham, N. Y., for many years; Diodate JOHNSON, born April 6th 1790, died unmarried and lived on the homestead, where he died December 8th 1873; Harriet, born December 16th 1793, died 1868; Elizabeth, born January 19th 1796, died 1838; and Josiah Cleveland, born August 24th 1802. The ancestors of Dr. USHER were residents of Dublin, Ireland, and one of them, James USHER, an Irish prelate, born in Dublin, January 4th 1580, died in Reigate, Surrey, March 21st 1656, and buried in Westminster Abbey by order of Cromwell, was highly distinguished as a scholar, a preacher and an author.

Lieutenant Thomas WILLIAMS, born in 1728, a son of Charles and Mary (ROBINSON) WILLIAMS, resided in this quarter of this town. He married for his first wife, Anna, daughter of Judah HART, of Kensington Parish, in Berlin, Conn., and widow of Nehemiah GATES, of East Hampton, by whom he had the following children: Anna, who married Enos BROWN; Statia, Dotia, and Grace. His wife died January 16th 1784, and he married Elizabeth SPARROW, by whom he had two sons; John, born September 11th 1785, and Sparrow, born May 18th 1788, who married Rebecca CARRIER and lived at the homestead, dying there June 7th 1875. His second wife dying, he married Sarah SPARROW, who survived him and married Aaron FOOTE. He died February 25th 1806.

The soldiers who served in the Revolution, from this part of the town, as far as known, were: Ephraim BRIGGS, Dr. Robert USHER, Capt. Stephen BRAINERD, Nathan SCOVILLE, Lemuel SCOVILLE, and Henry STROWBRIDGE, who was killed in battle, in September 1777.


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