1. Daniel Brainerd 1 was born abt. 1641 and died on 1 Apr 1715 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT. [one web source gave his birthplace as Braintree, Essex, Eng., & his parents as Daniel Brainerd and Hannah Vantree, but this has not in any way been verified.] Documented events in his life were: 1. Emigrant Ancestor; 1649; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 11 Nov 1674; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 2. 22 September, 1674. Thomas Smith of Haddam.. I give to the wife of Daniel Brainwood all my Household Stuffe & Moveables that by this Will are not otherwise disposed of, and my Hay to Daniel Brainwood.. I make John Bailey sen. and Daniel Brainwood my Executors to see this my Will fulfilled 3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; Bef 3 Aug 1682; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 3. Given custody of Rebeckah Spencer, 16, and Jarrard Spencer, 14, childern of his brother-in-law, John Spencer. Appointed administrator of the will, 7 Sep 1682.
4. Administrator of Will / Estate; 7 Sep 1682; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 4. Along with Thomas Spencer, appointed administrator of the estate of John Spencer, who died 3 Aug 1682.
5. Took Inventory; 2 Mar 1691/92; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 5. Along with Timothy Spencer, took inventory of the estate of Joseph Arnold, who died 22 Oct 1691
6. Debt Owed To; 7 Sep 1693; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 6. Owed debt of unstated amount by the estate of James Cockshott of Machamoodas who died 11 Jan 1692/3.
7. Inventory Taken; 19 Apr 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Invt. £834-10-03.
8. Probate; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 8. Invt. and Agreement in Vol. IX, Page 37 Name: Daniel Brainard Location: Haddam Daniel married Hannah Spencer 1 9, daughter of Ensign Gerard Spencer and Hannah Joannis Hills, about 1663 1. (Hannah Spencer was born about 1640 9 and died on 1 Apr 1715 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 9.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Lawsuit; 7 Mar 1660/61; Hartford, Hartford Co., CT 10. Quarter Court, March 7 1660/61: Simon Lobdell Plt cont: Jared & Hannah Spencer in an action of ye case shee for refuseing to marry with him according to promis and Jared for breach of promis to ye balue of 150£ damadg. [p 232] The Magistrates and Jury in Simon Lobdels case doe returne this as a special Verdict. That ye find not any possitiue engagemt broken by her respecting coniugal relation or absolutely binding her to consummate such a relation: Neuertheles we find vpon Evidenc that Simon hath susteined much damadge by their occasion And therfore doe find it iust and meet that all expences that he hath bin at in referenc to these proceedings ec Jared shal repay to the said Simon and to returne any Goods or money receaued by Jared or any of his family from ye said Simon. And futher that the said Simon shal haue paid vnto him as recompense for his damadge Ten pounds wthin ye space of six months. Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Reached an agreement with her siblings to a distribution of his father's estate. Identified as the wife of Thomas Gates. Thomas received 50 acres of land with a total worth of £45-10-00.
2. Gravestone; 7 Sep 1750; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 17 18. Gates, Hannah, d. 7 Sep 1759, age: 83 yrs, Relict of Thomas Gate Esq'r
Hannah married Thomas Gates 19, son of Capt. George Gates and Sarah Olmstead. (Thomas Gates was born on 24 Jan 1663/64 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 19, died on 20 Apr 1734 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 19 20 21 and was buried in Cove Cemetery, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth of Child; 3 Oct 1693; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Thomas, son of Thomas Gates.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 26 May 1695; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Danniel, the second son of Thomas Gates.
3. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Mar 1696/97; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Jeremiah, ye third son of Thomas Gates.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 1 Jun 1699; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Hannah, the oldest daughter of Thomas Gates.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 24 Feb 1700/01; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Esther, the 2nd daughter of Thomas Gates.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 29 Aug 1703; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Mary, the 3rd daughtter of Thomas Gates.
7. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Nov 1705; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Georg, the 4th son of Thomas Gates.
8. VR - Birth of Child; 26 Apr 1708; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Joshua, the fifth son of Thomas Gates.
9. Took Inventory; After 18 Mar 1711/12; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 22. Along with Daniel Brainerd & Daniel Cone, took inventory of the estate of his brother, Joseph Gates.
10. VR - Death of Child; Oct 1713; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Mary, age 10.
11. Guardian; 2 Jul 1717; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 22. This Court appoint Capt. Thomas Gates guardian to John Gates, 19 years of age, and Sarah Gates, 17 years of age, children of Joseph Gates decd.
12. VR - Death of Child; 1 Dec 1720; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Easter [Esther], age 19
13. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 1 Jun 1725; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 23. Although deceased by the time of his father's death, his children were remember in the distribution of the estate: To the heirs of Thomas Gates, eldest son, deceased, œ324-10-08
14. VR - Burial; 20 Apr 1734; Old Cove Burial Ground, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 18. Gates , Thomas, d. 20 Apr 1734, age: 70 yrs, Justice of the Peace, Brownstone tablestone
15. Probate; 10 Sep 1734; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 21. Name: Capt. Thomas Gates Location: Haddam East Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Marriage; 1 Apr 1696; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 24. Married Deborah Dudley
2. Executor or Overseer of Will; 17 Jun 1696; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 25. John Bailey, Sen., in his will dated 17 Jun 1696, appointed "my neighbors Timothy Spencer & James Brainard to be Overseers."
3. Guardian; Bet 7 Sep 1704 And 5 Apr 1708; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 26. Ruth Spencer, daughter of Timothy Spencer, chose James Braynard of Haddam to be her guardian; allowed. Page 110--5 April, 1708: James Braynard, guardian to Ruth Spencer, exhibits in Court an acquittance or discharge, under the hand of sd. Ruth, now of age. Bond now cancelled.
4. Military Service; May 1714; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 27. Colonial records of Conn (1706-1717) Vol V p. 427 May 1714..This assembly do establish and confirm Mr. James Brainerd to be Lieutenant of the company or the trailband on the west side of said town of Haddam and that he be commissioned accordingly"
5. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Reached an agreement with his siblings to a distribution of his father's estate.
6. Military Service; Oct 1722; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 28. "This assembly do establish and confirm Mr. James Brainerd of Haddam Conn to be Captain of the company or trailband on the west side of said Connecticut River, in the town of Haddam, and that he be commissioned accordingly"
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Death of Spouse; 25 Dec 1705; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Mary, wife of Joshua Brainard.
2. Took Inventory; 7 Mar 1709/10; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 29. Along with Daniel Brainard and James Parsivall, took inventory of the estate of Nathaniel Ackley of Haddam.
3. VR - Marriage; 12 Jul 1710; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Married Mahittabell Dudley.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 20 Apr 1711; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Mehittabell, daughter of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 7 Nov 1712; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Joshua, son of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 12 Aug 1714; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Deaborah, daughter of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley. Deaborah died 2 Sep 1714.
7. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Reached an agreement with his siblings to a distribution of his father's estate.
8. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Jul 1715; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Daniell, son of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
9. VR - Birth of Child; 1 Sep 1717; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Leidea [Lydia?], daughter of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
10. Guardian; 1 Apr 1718; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 30. The Court appoint Joshua Braynard of Haddam guardian to William Barnes, age 19 years, and to Samuel Barnes, age 8 years, sons of William Barnes decd
11. VR - Birth of Child; 10 Nov 1719; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Elieazer, son of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
12. VR - Birth of Child; 6 Oct 1721; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Mary, daughter of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
13. VR - Birth of Child; 20 Jun 1724; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Deborah, daughter of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
14. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 15 Jun 1726; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 31. Mary Dudley Dart, mother-in-law of Joshua, included them in her will: I give to my son and daughter, Joshua and Mehetabell Brainard of sd. Haddam, the other half of my wearing apparell and linen, and the half of the goods I had from New London, as also whatsoever sum or sums of money shall be due to me at my decease, either by bill, bond or otherwise, from my son-in-law Roger Dart, of sd. New London, or from my own sons, Joseph Dudley or Daniel Dudley, or from my grandson William Dudley, or from my daughter-in-law Elizabeth Dudley alias Spencer, all of Saybrook, or whatsoever sum or sums of money, goods or estate of any kind which I may receive of them or either of them at any time during my natural life and which shall not be otherwise disposed of before my death. And the reason of my thus disposeing of my estate is because I think my eldest children have heretofore received their portions, and I have for divers years in my reduced age lived with my sd. loveing son and daughter Joshua Brainard and Mehetabell Brainard, to whom some part at least of what I have is due as a recompense of their care of me. And in testimony that this is my last will and testament, revokeing all others, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Also, I do hereby make and constitute my loveing son Joshua Brainard executor of this my last will and testament. Signed, sealed, published and declared to be the last will and testament of Mary Dart. 15. VR - Birth of Child; 14 Mar 1726/27; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Jeremiah, son of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
16. VR - Birth of Child; 8 Mar 1728/29; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Timothy, son of Joshua Brainerd & Mahittabell Dudley.
17. Gravestone; 13 May 1755; Cove Cemetery, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15. In his 84th year
18. VR - Death; 13 May 1755; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. In the 84th year of his age.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Took Inventory; 21 Feb 1711/12; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 32. Along with Simon Smith & Benjamin Smith, took inventory of the estate of Josiah Arnold of Haddam.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Reached an agreement with his siblings to a distribution of his father's estate.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Reached an agreement with his siblings to a distribution of his father's estate.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 28 Apr 1733; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Assigned by the court to distribute the estate of his late brother, Hezekiah Brainard, to the heirs.
3. Took Inventory; 24 Jun 1727; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 34. Along with Joseph Arnold & Jared Spencer, took inventory of the estate of his brother Hezekiah Brainerd.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Took Inventory; 1 Jan 1713/14; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 36. Along with Hezekiah Braynard, took inventory of the estate of William Porter of Haddam.
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Reached an agreement with his siblings to a distribution of his father's estate.
3. Guardian; 6 Dec 1720; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 36. This Court appoint Elijah Brainard of Haddam to be guardian unto Martha and Abial Porter, minor children of William Porter, decd. Recog., œ100
4. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 28 Apr 1733; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Assigned by the court to distribute the estate of his late brother, Hezekiah Brainard, to the heirs.
5. Will; 24 May 1739; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 35. Brainard, Elijah, Haddam. Died 20 April 1740. Invt. £1963-15-03. Taken 13 Jun 1740, by Joseph Arnold, Caleb Cone and Thomas Brooks. Will dated 24 May 1739. 6. Inventory Taken; 13 Jun 1740; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 35. £1963-15-03
Documented events in his life were:
1. Took Inventory; 1 Jan 1713/14; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 36. Along with Elijah Braynard, took inventory of the estate of William Porter of Haddam.
2. Guardian; 12 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 36. Sarah Porter of Haddam [daughter of William Porter], 14 years of age, chose Hezekiah Brainard of Haddam to be her guardian.
3. Administrator of Will / Estate; 14 Apr 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 8. Granted administration of his father's estate along with his brother Daniel.
4. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Reached an agreement with his siblings to a distribution of his father's estate.
5. Will; 23 May 1727; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. Brainerd, Hezekiah, Haddam. Died 24 May 1727. Invt £2442-03-03. Taken 24 Jun 1727, by Joseph Arnold, Jared Spencer & Caleb Brainard. Will dated 23 May 1727. 6. Inventory Taken; 24 Jun 1727; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 33. £2442-03-03
Documented events in his life were:
1. Took Inventory; After 4 Dec 1696; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 37. Along with James Bates, took inventory of the estate of William Lord of Haddam, who died 4 Dec 1696.
2. Administrator of Will / Estate; 14 Apr 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 8. Granted administration of his father's estate along with his brother Hezekiah.
3. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 2 May 1715; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 7. Reached an agreement with his siblings to a distribution of his father's estate.
4. Guardian; 1736-1737; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 38. Daniel Brainard, a son of Daniel Brainard, chose his grandfather, Capt. Daniel Brainard, to be his guardian. Cert. Samuel Olmsted, J. P.
5. VR - Death; 28 Jan 1742/43; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
6. Gravestone; 28 Feb 1742/43; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15. In his 77th year.
Daniel married Susannah Ventres 11, daughter of William Ventres and Elizabeth Unknown (Ventres), about 1688 11. (Susannah Ventres was born about 1669 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 11, baptized on 21 Mar 1703/04 11 and died on 26 Jan 1754 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 39.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; Mar 1677/78; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 40. In the will of Richard Piper of Haddam, who died 3 Apr 1678: I give to Susannah Ventrus my Bible
2. Mention in Will, Inv. or Prob.; 21 Mar 1698/99; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 41. Referred to as Susannah Brainwood in her father's will. "It is my will that my two sons John and Moses Ventrus pay unto their sister Susanna Brainwood, my daughter, each of them œ5 in provision pay, two full years after my decease, as her portion from me, and this legacy of œ10 to be all she shall expect."
3. Gravestone; 26 Jan 1754; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 42. Susannah, widow of Deacon Daniel Brainerd, "lyeth at his Right hand." She died 26 Jan 1754 in her 86th year.
Children from this marriage were:
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 9 Aug 1689; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 28 Sep 1690; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 27 Nov 1716; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Susanah, daughter of Daniel Brainerd, Jr, & Hannah Selden, his wife.
3. VR - Birth of Child; 28 Nov 1718; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Hannah, daughter of Daniel Brainerd, Jr, & Hannah Selden, his wife.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 24 Feb 1721/22; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Daniell, son of Daniel Brainerd, Jr, & Hannah Selden, his wife.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 24 Sep 1723; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Mary, dauhter of Daniel Brainerd, Jr, & Hannah Selden, his wife.
6. VR - Death of Child; 2 Feb 1725/26; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Mary, at age 2
7. VR - Death of Child; 10 Feb 1725/26; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT. Death of Susanah, age 9 ½
8. VR - Death of Child; 17 Feb 1725/26; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Hannah, age 7 ½
9. VR - Birth of Child; 9 Aug 1726; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Susanah, the second of that name, daughter of Daniel Brainerd, Jr, & Hannah Selden, his wife. Susannah died 14 Sep 1751.
10. Gravestone; 28 Sep 1728; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15.
11. VR - Death; 28 Sep 1728; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
12. Inventory Taken; 14 Nov 1728; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 38. £1027-00-01. Additional inventory consisting of the apparel of three children who predeceased their father: £33-12-07, taken 10 Mar 1729
13. Probate; 3 Dec 1728; Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 38. Invt. in Vol. XII, Page 143-4. Add. Invt. in Vol. XI, Page 53 Name: Sergt. Daniel Brainard Location: Haddam 14. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Apr 1729; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Hannah, daughter of Daniel Brainerd, Jr, & Hannah Selden, his wife.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 12 Jun 1694; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
2. Gravestone; Feb 1726/27; Cone Graveyard, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT. In her 9th year
Hannah married Joseph Gates 44, son of Joseph Gates and Elizabeth Hungerford. (Joseph Gates was born on 28 Dec 1696 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 44, died about 1 Nov 1770 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15 and was buried in Cove Cemetery, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth of Child; 28 Dec 1696; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Joseph, the eldest son of Joseph Gates.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 23 May 1697; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Elizebeth, the eldest daughter of Joseph Gates.
3. VR - Birth of Child; 20 Sep 1698; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of John, the second son of Joseph Gates.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 20 Aug 1700; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Sarah, the second daughter of Joseph Gates.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Dec 1703; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Jonathan, the third son of Joseph Gates.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 21 Sep 1705; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Susanah, ye third daughter of Joseph Gates.
7. VR - Birth of Child; 10 Jul 1708; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Jacob, ye son of Joseph Gates.
8. VR - Birth of Child; 29 Mar 1710; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Samuell, ye son of Joseph Gates.
9. VR - Birth of Child; 31 Mar 1712; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Patience, the daughter of Joseph Gates.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 4 Apr 1697; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
2. VR - Birth of Child; 29 Mar 1723; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Noadiah, son of Noadiah Brainerd & Hannah Cone, his wife.
3. VR - Birth of Child; 24 Apr 1725; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Hannah, daughter of Noadiah Brainerd & Hannah Cone, his wife.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 27 Apr 1727; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Mary, daughter of Noadiah Brainerd & Hannah Cone, his wife.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 12 Aug 1731; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Elizabeth, dau. of Noadiah Brainerd & Hannah Cone, his wife. Elizabeth died 15 Jan 1731/2 at age 5 months.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 27 Jan 1732/33; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Elizabeth, the second of that name, daughter of Noadiah Brainerd & Hannah Cone, his wife. Elizabeth died 13 Jun 1733.
7. VR - Birth of Child; 7 Jun 1736; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Sybil, daughter of Noadiah Brainerd & Hannah Cone, his wife.
8. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Sep 1739; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Jared, son of Noadiah Brainerd & Hannah Cone, his wife.
9. VR - Death of Spouse; 14 May 1744; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 45. Mrs. Hannah Brainerd, wife of Deacon Noadiah Brainerd, d. 5 May 1746 in her 23rd year.
10. Gravestone; 30 Sep 1746; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 17.
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 17 Apr 1701; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
2. VR - Marriage; 30 Nov 1727; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Married Mary Gates.
3. VR - Birth of Child; 26 Aug 1728; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Hannah, daughter of Bezaliell Brainerd & Mary Gates, his wife.
4. VR - Birth of Child; 21 Oct 1729; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Easter, daughter of Bezaliell Brainerd & Mary Gates, his wife.
5. VR - Birth of Child; 3 Jun 1731; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Mary, daughter of Bezaliell Brainerd & Mary Gates, his wife.
6. VR - Birth of Child; 15 Apr 1733; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Fruen, daughter of Bezaliell Brainerd & Mary Gates, his wife.
7. VR - Birth of Child; 14 Dec 1734; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Susannah, daughter of Bezaliell Brainerd & Mary Gates, his wife.
8. VR - Death of Child; 29 Sep 1736; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Hannah, age 8
9. VR - Birth of Child; 15 Apr 1737; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Bezaleel, son of Bezaliell Brainerd & Mary Gates, his wife.
10. VR - Death of Child; 19 Dec 1737; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Esther, age 8.
11. VR - Death of Child; 22 Dec 1737; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Susannah, age 3.
12. VR - Death of Child; 10 Jan 1738/39; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Mary, age 6 ½
13. VR - Birth of Child; 7 Jul 1740; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Mary, second of that name, daughter of Bezaliell Brainerd & Mary Gates, his wife.
14. VR - Death of Spouse; 1 Mar 1741/42; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Mary Gates, wife of Bezaleel Brainerd.
15. VR - Marriage; 17 Jun 1744; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Married Elizabeth Warner.
16. VR - Birth of Child; 17 Mar 1745/46; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Daniell, son of Bezaleel Brainerd & his second wife, Elisabeth Warner.
17. VR - Death of Spouse; 5 Oct 1746; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Death of Elizabeth Warner, wife of Bezaleel Brainerd.
18. VR - Marriage; 1749; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Married Phebe Almang.
19. VR - Birth of Child; 9 Sep 1749; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16. Birth of Enoch, son of Bezaleel Brainerd & his third wife, Phebe Almang [alias Smith]
20. Gravestone; 9 Oct 1749; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15.
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 10 Sep 1703; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
2. Gravestone; Feb 1726/27; Cone Graveyard, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT. Aged about 4 years
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 27 Feb 1698/99; East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 16.
Stephen married Susannah Gates 11, daughter of Joseph Gates and Elizabeth Hungerford, on 24 Dec 1730. (Susannah Gates was born on 21 Sep 1705 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 11.)
Children from this marriage were:
Susanna married Joseph Day 49 50, son of Joseph Day and Esther Hungerford, on 24 Nov 1754. (Joseph Day was born on 6 May 1731 in Colchester, New London Co., CT 49 50.)
Documented events in his life were:
1. VR - Birth; 6 May 1731; Colchester, New London Co., CT 50.
Documented events in his life were:
1. Revolutionary War Service. He was a Capt. of a company of militia called to White Plains, N.Y., and to New London, Conn., in the Revolutionary War.
Stephen married Rachel Day 11 49 50 51, daughter of Joseph Day and Esther Hungerford, on 31 Oct 1765 11. (Rachel Day was born on 22 Nov 1746 in Colchester, New London Co., CT 11 49 50 and died on 14 Jul 1839 48 51.)
Documented events in her life were:
1. VR - Birth; 22 Nov 1745; Colchester, New London Co., CT 50.
Children from this marriage were:
Rachel married Elisha Fuller 51 52 53, son of Elisha Fuller and Sarah Sparrow, on 9 May 1793 51 53. (Elisha Fuller was born on 3 Oct 1771 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 53 and died on 3 Apr 1845 in East Hamilton, Madison Co., NY 53.)
Court Record, Page 144--11 November, 1674: Daniel Brainard refused the Executorship, & this Court grant Adms. unto John Bailey
Invt. œ834-10-03. Taken 19 April, 1715, by Nathaniel Spencer, Gerrard Spencer and Joseph Arnold.
An agreement, dated the 2nd of May, 1715: A distribution of the estate by an agreement among the children, Daniel, James, Joshua, William, Caleb, Elijah and Hezekiah (sons), Thomas Gates and Hannah his wife (only daughter): Our father's will not being so full and clear as we could wish, we have thought best to agree upon a distribution of the estate of our hond. father. And having first come to a loving agreement with our hond. mother-in-law, Hannah Brainard, we have proceeded to make the following distribution: I, Thomas Gates, acting in behalf of my wife Hannah, and we, Daniel, James, Joshua, William, Caleb, Elijah and Hezekiah, have fully and freely made up our hond. father's Daniel Brainard his estate, and do hereby promise and engage, for ourselves and heirs, each to take up satisfied of lands heretofore set down to us and to make no more challenges or demands of any more lands or rights, neither by virtue or under color of any deed of gift received from our father in his life-time or upon any other color or pretense whatsoever, and that we do receive sd. lands and every parcel of them as our sd. father held them the day of his death, each running the risk of the title our father had to them, and being obliged to defend the same for his own part if there (was) occasion. Moreover we the sd. Daniel, James, Joshua, William, Caleb, and Elijah, do hereby (declare) that we have received œ8-01-00 apiece out of the personal estate. I, Thomas Gates, do acknowledge that I have received œ33-01-00, and I, Hezekiah Brainard, have received œ32-12-00. Moreover we do all and each of us for ourselves and heirs hereby covenant and promise that we shall make no more demands of estate, real or personal, that was our father's, and that we will in no wise disturb or annoy each other, but each of the eight aforementioned and their heirs may quietly enjoy his part aforementioned. Under the full ratification of all which premises we have all and each of us hereunto set our hand and affixed seal this 2nd May, 1715.
Daniel Braynard, ls. James Braynard, ls. Joshua Braynard, ls. William Braynard, ls. Caleb Braynard, ls. Elijah Braynard, ls. Hezekiah Braynard, ls.
To Thomas Gates, acting in behalf of his wife Hannah (only daughter to our hond. father) 50 acres of land bought of Mr. Blackleach, on the north side of Haddam bounds in Colchester bounds more, in personal or moveable estate. Total, œ45-10-00.
Court Record, Page 253--14 April, 1715: Adms. granted to Daniel and Hezekiah Brainard jointly. They exhibited an invt. of sd. estate and also an agreement for a division of the estate, which was accepted by the Court.
[155] Mrch: 14. 60 The Genll Court doth further act in reference to ye Just expenses mentioned in ye special verdict that Jared Spencer shal pay to Simon Lobdel fiue pounds besides the 10£ forementioned in ye verdict all wch Sum of ffifteen pounds shal be paid in wheat and pease or other estate Equivalent therto: Fiue pounds to be paid by the 10th of Aprill the other Ten pounds according as is specified in ye special verdict and this is to be a final issue of yt case.
+ 2 M i. Daniel Brainerd 11 12 was born on 2 Mar 1664/65 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 11 12, died on 28 Feb 1742/43 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 14 15 16 and was buried in Cove Cemetery, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15.
3 F ii. Hannah Brainerd 1 12 was born on 20 Nov 1667 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 12 and died on 7 Sep 1750 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13.
Invt. œ780-08-01. Taken 13 May, 1734, by Isaac Spencer, Matthew Smith and Jabez Chapman.
Court Record, Page 10--10 September, 1734: Adms. granted to Thomas Gates, son of the decd. Recog., œ1500, with his brother Daniel Gates.
See File: An agreement, dated at Haddam, 7 September, 1734, made by and between the surviving heirs for the dividing and full settlement of the estate of Capt. Thomas Gates, was by us the heirs, who acknowledge it to be our free act and deed, signed and sealed in presence of
Hannah Gates, The Relict, ls. Thomas Gates, ls. Jeremiah Gates, ls. Bezaleel Brainard, ls.
David Gates, ls. Mary Brainard, only daughter, ls. Joshua Gates, ls.
Witness: Samuel Olmsted, Dorothy Olmsted.
Page 9--10 September, 1734: Agreement exhibited in Court and accepted.
4 M iii. James Brainerd 12 13 was born on 2 Jun 1669 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 12 13 and died on 10 Feb 1741/42 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13.
5 M iv. Joshua Brainerd 1 12 was born on 20 Jul 1671 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 12 13 and died on 13 May 1755 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 12 13.
In presence of Jacob X Rook (or Roote), Hez: Brainard.
Mary X Dart, ls.
Whereas, our hond. mother, Mrs. Mary Dart, late of Haddam decd., did in and by her last will and testament, dated the 15 day of June, A. Dom. 1726, give and bequeath unto her daughter Elizabeth Remington, wife of Joseph Remington of Suffield, in the County of Hampshire and Province of the Massachusetts Bay, and Joshua Brainard of Haddam, in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticut, and Mehetabell Brainard his wife, all her estate, goods, chattells, debts, &c., as appears by the sd. will: Know all men by these presents: That we, the sd. Joseph Remington in behalf of himself and his wife Elizabeth aforesd., and Joshua Brainard in behalf of himself and Mehetabell his wife aforesd., have fully and absolutely agreed relateing to the sd. will of our sd. mother, and have distributed the estate, &c., therein to us bequeathed, between us according to the sd. will. And we do hereby covenant and agree that such our agreement and distribution shall be a full and final settlement of the sd. estate and premises, and shall be binding to each of us, our heirs, executors and administrators. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal, 7th May, Anno Regni Regis Georgie 2d Primo, Annoqe Domini 1728.
Signed and sealed in presence of Simon Chapmon, J. Gilbert, Jr.
Jos. Remington, ls. Joshua Brainard, ls.
Court Record, Page 191--7 May, 1728: An agreement for the settlement of the estate of Mary Dart was now exhibited by Joseph Remington and Joshua Brainard in behalf of themselves and their respective wives, two of the daughters of the sd. decd., and acknowledged the sd. agreement to be their free act and deed. Accepted.
6 M v. William Brainerd 1 12 was born on 30 Mar 1673 1 12.
7 M vi. Caleb Brainerd 1 12 was born on 20 Nov 1675 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 12 13 and died on 11 Jul 1742 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13.
8 M vii. Elijah Brainerd 1 12 35 was born on 26 May 1678 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 1 13 and died on 20 Apr 1740 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 35.
I, Elijah Brainard, in the County of Hartford, do make this my last will and testament: I give to my wife Margaret Brainard (her dower rights). I give to my eldest son Joseph Brainard the 1/2 of the 8th division lott in Haddam, laid out on the right of Abraham Dribble, containing in the whole 30 acres, and the 8th division lott laid out on the right of Moses Pond, containing 12 acrea, and my inhabitant right (being £77-11-00) in all the undivided land on the west side of the Great River. I give to my 2nd son Elijah Brainard, Jr., 23 acres and 56 rodds of the 4th division lott in sd. Haddam, laid out on the right of Capt. Gaites, late of sd. Haddam deceased, and £55-06 right in the undivided land on the west side of the Great River, being 1/5 part of the original rights of Richard Piper, Abraham Dibble and my honoured father Daniel Brainard, late of sd. Haddam decd. I give to my 3rd son Jabez Brainard all my land on the south side of the country road opposite my homestead, be the same more or four acres, and all my land lying on the southeast side of the highway that goeth from Jabez Brainard's house to Purcel (?) and my lott in the upper meadow, with the upland adjoining thereto, and one piece of land of about 4 acres on the northwest side of Higanum Cove, and all my right in the undivied land on the east side of the Great River in Haddam. I give to my 4th son Phineas Brainard, his heirs and assigns forever, my dwelling house, barn and homestead, viz., all my land there adjoining, and 1/2 of the warehouse standing thereon, and the 5th division lott laid out upon the right of the aforesd. Abraham Dibble, containing 50 acres, and about 3 acres of land adjoining thereto, and a right of £40 (the right of Moses Pond) in all undivided land on the west side of the Great River. I give to my four daughters, viz., Mary Pond, Abigail Arnold, Thankfull Brainard, and Esther Brainard, and to my granddaughter Rachel Bailey, all my personal estate of all sorts not otherwise disposed of in this will, equally to be divided to and amongst them five. And I make my two sons, Elijah Brainard and Jabez Brainard, executors.
Witnesses: William Porter Elijah Brainard, LS.
Abraham Brooks, Hez: Brainard
Court Record, Page 70 --- 5 August 1740: The last will and testament of Elijah Brainard, late of Haddam, exhibited in Court by Elijah Brainard and Jabez Brainard, executors. will proved and ordered recorded.
9 M viii. Hezekiah Brainerd 12 13 was born on 24 May 1681 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT and died on 24 May 1727 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT.
I, Hezekiah Brainerd of Haddam, do make this my last will and testament: I give to my eldest son a double portion of all my estate, to be injoyed by him when he comes to the age of 21 years of day of marriage, which shall first happen, excepting the lands I hereafter appoint to be sold. Item. To the rest of my children I give an equal proportion of my estate. Item. I give to my wife Dorothy 1/3 part of my moveable estate forever, and 1/3 part of my houseing and lands during her natural life and she to have her first choice. Item. I do appoint that my son Nehemiah be bred up to learing and fitted to be serviceable thereby. I do appoint my loveing wife Dorothy to be sole executrix of theis my last will, and I do desire her out of my whole estate to pay all my just debts. And also I do hereby fully impower her, for the bringing up of my sone Nehemiah to learning or other necessary uses, to sell the following parcells of land, viz., yt which I bought of Samuel Smith, and also that parcell of land I bought of William Spencer, and also that parcell of land that I have in partnership with my brother Caleb Brainerd.
Hez: Brainard
Witness: Timothy Woodbridge, Richard Lord, Elizabeth Wyllys.
Court Record, Page 160 - 4 July 1727: Will proven.
Page 68 (Vol XI) 22 May 1732: Dorothy Brainard, executrix of the last will and testament of Hezekiah Brainard, late of Haddam, not having fully perfected her account of executorship, and being decd., this Court do therefore grant letters of Adms. on sd. estate unto Hezekiah Brainard, son of the decd., with the will annexed. And the sd. Hezekiah Brainard became bound in the sum of £400.
Page 89 -- 28 April 1733: Hezekiah Brainard, eldest son of Hezekiah Brainard, moved to this Court that there may be a distribution according to the will; and this Court appoint Caleb Brainard, Elijah Brainard and Jared Spencer of Haddam to distribute the estate. Daniel Brainard, a minor, 15 years of age, and Martha Brainard, 17 years, chose their brother Hezekiah Brainard to be their guardian. And this Court appoint sd. Hezekiah Brainard to be guardian to 3 of the children, viz., John, age 13 years, Elizabeth 10, and Israel 8 years of age. Recog. £300.
See Dist. per File: 17 May 1733: Order to distribute to Hezekiah, to Nehemiah, to Dorothy Smith, to Jerusha Spencer, to Martha Brainard, to David, to John, to Elizabeth, and to Israel Brainard. By Caleb Brainard & Elijah Brainard.
Page 42 (Vol XII) 31 Mar 1736: It appears to this Court that there was 300 acres of land granted by the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut to James Wadsworth, John Hall and Hezekiah Brainard, Esq., bounded south by the Litchfield line and every way else by commmon land, lying near the west line of the place called Torrington. Sd. Wadsworth hath sold his third part as undivided to Ebenezer Hill, Jr., Luke Hill, & Isaaaaac, and sd. Hall's part now belongs to his eldest son John Hall of Wallingofrd, and in the dist. of sd. Brainard's estate according to his last will his third part of sd. land fell to his son Israel Brainard, who is yet under age, who together with the othe owners of sd. land, viz., John Hall and the sd. Ebenezer, Luke & Isaac Hill, moves this court that James Wadsworth, Esq., and James Wadsworth, Jr., of Durham, might assist Hezekiah Brainard, guardian to sd. minor, to divide the sd. 300 acres of land by meets and bounds that each owner may know their part thereof.
2. Daniel Brainerd 11 12 (Daniel1) was born on 2 Mar 1664/65 in Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 11 12, died on 28 Feb 1742/43 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 14 15 16 and was buried in Cove Cemetery, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15.
+ 10 M i. Stephen Brainerd 13 16 was born on 27 Feb 1698/99 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 16 and died on 30 Mar 1794 43.
11 F ii. Susannah Brainerd 13 16 was born on 9 Aug 1689 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 16 and died on 10 Feb 1725/26 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14.
12 M iii. Daniel Brainerd 13 16 was born on 28 Sep 1690 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 16, died on 28 Sep 1728 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15 and was buried in Cone Graveyard, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT.
Died 8 September, 1728. Invt. œ1027-00-01. Taken 14 November, 1728, by Ebenezer Cone, Samuel X Ackley and Jabez Chapman. They also apprised the apparell of 3 children who deceased before their father, Daniel Brainard. Additional invt. of œ33-12-07. Taken 10 March, 1729, by Samuel Ackley, Jabez Chapman and Ebenezer Cone.
Court Record, Page 206--3 December, 1728: Adms. granted to Hannah Brainard, widow, and Capt. Daniel Brainard, father of the deceased.
Page 18 (Vol. XI) 5 May, 1730: Add. invt. of œ33-12-07 was exhibited in Court and accepted.
Page 31--1st December, 1730: An account of Adms. on the estate of Daniel Brainard, Jr., was now exhibited in Court, by which account it appears the Adms. have paid in debts and charges the sum of œ19-08-05. Account accepted and ordered to be kept on file.
Page 1 (Vol. XIII) 1736-7: Daniel Brainard, a son of Daniel Brainard, chose his grandfather, Capt. Daniel Brainard, to be his guardian. Cert. Samuel Olmsted, J. P.
Page 74--6 November, 1740: Daniel and Hannah Brainard, Adms., exhibited a further account of Adms. This Court order that the estate be dist., viz.:
œ s d
To Hannah Brainard, alias Chapman, 86-17-11
To Daniel Brainard, eldest son, 86-07-11
To Susannah and Hannah Brainard, daughters, to each, 43-03-11
And appoint Jabez Chapman, Samuel Ackley and Ensign Daniel Cone distributors. Susannah Brainard, a minor, age 15 years, chose Noadiah Brainard to be her guardian. Cert: Samuel Olmsted, J. P.
Page 6 (Vol. XIV) 4 May, 1742: An additional account of Adms. was exhibited in Court by Jonathan Chapman, Adms. in right of his wife the relict of sd. decd., by which account it appears he has paid in debts and charges, œ38-00-06. Account allowed.
13 F iv. Hannah Brainerd 12 13 16 was born on 12 Jun 1694 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 12 13 16, died on 17 Feb 1726/27 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 15 and was buried in Cone Graveyard, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15.
14 M v. Noadiah Brainerd 13 16 was born on 4 Apr 1697 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 16 and died on 30 Sep 1746 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 12 17.
15 M vi. Bezaleel Brainerd 13 16 was born on 17 Apr 1701 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 16, died on 9 Oct 1749 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15 and was buried in Cove Cemetery, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15.
16 F vii. Mary Brainerd 13 16 was born on 10 Sep 1703 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 16, died on 2 Feb 1726/27 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 14 15 and was buried in Cone Graveyard, East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 15.
10. Stephen Brainerd 13 16 (Daniel2, Daniel1) was born on 27 Feb 1698/99 in East Haddam, Middlesex Co., CT 13 16 and died on 30 Mar 1794 43.
+ 17 M i. Stephen Brainerd 46 47 was born on 24 Mar 1741/42 in Chatham, Middlesex Co., CT 47 and died on 9 Dec 1820 47 48.
18 F ii. Susanna Brainerd was born on 24 Sep 1731.
17. Stephen Brainerd 46 47 (Stephen10, Daniel2, Daniel1) was born on 24 Mar 1741/42 in Chatham, Middlesex Co., CT 47 and died on 9 Dec 1820 47 48.
19 F i. Rachel Brainerd 11 47 52 53 was born on 23 Dec 1770 in Chatham, Middlesex Co., CT 11 47 53 and died on 19 Nov 1826 in East Hamilton, Madison Co., NY 11 53.
20 M ii. Levi Brainerd 11 51 was born on 5 Dec 1766 11 51 and died in 1849 in Hamilton, Madison Co., NY 51.
21 M iii. Stephen Brainerd 11 47 was born on 22 Feb 1769 11 47.
22 M iv. David Brainerd 11 47 was born on 5 Oct 1772 11 47 and died on 11 Dec 1775 11 48.
23 M v. Elisha Brainerd 11 47 was born on 3 Oct 1774 11 47.
24 M vi. David Brainerd 11 47 was born on 2 Jul 1776 11 47.
25 F vii. Olive Brainerd 11 47 was born on 18 Sep 1778 11 47.
26 F viii. Mary Brainerd 11 47 was born on 14 Jan 1781 11 47 48.
27 M ix. Reuben Brainerd 11 47 was born on 24 Sep 1782 11 47.
28 F x. Clarissa A. Brainerd 11 47 was born on 6 Oct 1784 11 47.
29 F xi. Sarah Brainerd 11 47 was born on 13 Sep 1786 11 47.
1. Brainerd Genealogy, (http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/7294/descendants.html (10 Mar 1999)).
2. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 139-140.
3. ibid. Vol 1, p 364.
4. ibid. Vol 1, p 99-100.
5. ibid. Vol 1, p 132.
6. ibid. Vol 1, p 158-159.
7. ibid. Vol 2, p 160.
8. ibid.
9. Enfield-Bryant Genealogy, (http://www.gendex.com/users/Enf_Bry/Enf_Bry/index.html (9 Sept 1998)).
10. Records of The Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639-1663, (Hartford, 1928). p 222.
11. Lucy Abigail Brainard, The Genealogy of the Brainerd-Brainard Family in America, 1649-1908, (1908).
12. David Dudley Field, The Genealogy of the Brainerd Family, (New York. 1857).
13. Norris Taylor's Genealogy, (http://members.tripod.com/~ntgen/prog/wgasurs.html).
14. East Haddam Genealogy, (http://free.prohosting.com/~cas1 (22 Jul 1999)).
15. Mrs. M. M. LeBrun, Inscriptions From Gravestones at East Haddam, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 80, Oct 1926, p 415-436 & Vol 81, Jan 1927, p 146-).
16. transcribed by D. W. Patterson, East Haddam Land Records, Vol 1 - 2, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 11, p 243 & subsequent).
17. Mrs. M. M. LeBrun, Inscriptions at East Haddam, Connecticut, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 80, October 1926, p 415-436).
18. Irma Carper-Miller, transcriber, Old Cove Burial Grounds Records, (Cemetery Records On-Line; http://www.interment.net/data/us/ct/middlesex/oldcove.htm [30 Dec 2000]).
19. Haddam, Connecticut, Genealogical Site, (http://haddam.com/tucker/).
20. Descendants of George Gates, (Kathleen Holland, Northridge, California, kdholland@earthlink.net).
21. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 3, p 277.
22. ibid. Vol 2, p 188.
23. ibid. Vol 2, p 44-45.
24. William Montgomery Clemens, American Marriage Records before 1699, (Pompton Lakes, NJ: Biblio Co., 1926.)
25. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 535.
26. ibid. Vol 2, p 102-103.
27. Colonial Records of Connecticut 1706-1717. Vol V, p 427; courtesy of Edward Crosman Brainerd, Jr [13 Jun 2000].
28. Colonial Records of Connecticut 1717-1725. Vol VI, p 344; courtesy of Edward Crosman Brainerd, Jr [13 Jun 2000].
29. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 2, p 31.
30. ibid. Vol 2, p 49.
31. ibid. Vol 11, p 128-129 [original records].
32. ibid. Vol 2, p 189.
33. ibid. Vol 2, p 472-473.
34. ibid. Vol 12, p 52-3 [original records].
35. ibid. Vol 3, p 234-235.
36. ibid. Vol 2, p 40.
37. ibid. Vol 1, p 5.
38. ibid. Vol 2, p 471.
39. Mrs. M. M. LeBrun, Inscriptions at East Haddam, Connecticut, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 80, October 1926, p 415-436). 80:416.
40. Charles W. Manwaring, Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Hartford District), (Hartford, 1902). Vol 1, p 4.
41. ibid. Vol 2, p 129-130.
42. Inscriptions From Gravestones at East Haddam, Connecticut, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 80, p 415 & subsequent). 80:416.
43. Lucy Abigail Brainard, The Genealogy of the Brainerd-Brainard Family in America, 1649-1908, (1908). Vol 1, p 45.
44. Ancestors of Harold Monroe Jr. Walden, (Harold Monroe Walden, 30214 Briarcrest Drive, Georgetown, TX 78628-1149, (512)863-8678 hmwalden@flash.net).
45. Inscriptions From Gravestones at East Haddam, Connecticut, (New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol 80, p 415 & subsequent). Vol 80, p 416.
46. Connecticut Genealogical Society, The Connecticut Nutmegger. Vol 3, #3, Dec 1970; Revolutionary War Soldiers.
47. Revolutionary War Soldiers, (The Connecticut Nutmegger, Vol 3, No 3, Decembwr 1970).
48. Lucy Abigail Brainard, The Genealogy of the Brainerd-Brainard Family in America, 1649-1908, (1908). Vol. I, Part I, 73.
49. Susanne Lucretia Behling, Sam's Genealogy, (http://genweb.net/~samcasey).
50. Charles Taintor, Extracts From the Records of Colchester, With Some Transcripts From the Recording of Michaell Taintor, (Hartford, 1864). p 110.
51. David Dudley Field, The Genealogy of the Brainerd Family, (New York. 1857). p 57-58.
52. Charles Wilcox, Charles Wilcox Family File, (chucktrains@email.msn.com).
53. William Hyslop Fuller, Fuller Genealogy, (Mass. Privately Printed. 1914.) p 48-52.