Pres. Ch.
SPENCER, N. Y., 1815 - 1915
Spencer, N. Y.
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

183-, 2 Jun, Mr. JOHNSON to Miss ENNIS
1838, 2 Mar, Horace DARLING to Miss Caroline WOODRUFF
1838, Jul, Mr. FOUNTAIN to Eliza Ann RICKER
1839, Mar, Baldwin JACKSON to Sally HIUE
1839, May, Mr. HOPKINS (Auburn) to Miss Helen CARPENTER
1839, Aug, Mr. Ira HILL to Miss Jane FOREVE
1839, Aug, Mr. Bushrod GOODRICH to Miss Rachel VALENTINE
1839, Sep, Mr. Harrison ROBERSON to Miss Johanna LOSEE
1839, Sep, Mr. Smith HALL to Miss Cornelia FISHER
1839, Oct, Mr. OSBURN to Miss Eliza THOMPSON
1839, Oct, Prescott HOBART to Miss HALL
1840, Feb, Mr. Lyman HENKLEY to Miss Mary Jane DUNLAP
1840, Jun, Mr. LAWRENCE to Miss Olive COLE
1840, Jul 15, William PERT to Miss Lucinda FISH
1840, Aug, Chester DAWSON to Miss Margaret McKNIGHT
1840, Nov, Mr. John MOGER to Miss Sarah SCHOFIELD
1840, Dec 31, Mr. John HULBERT to Miss SMITH of Ulysses
1841, Jan, Mr. Amos HOLDRIDGE to Miss Wealthy LORING
1841, Feb 11, Mr. MARSHALL to Miss Laura WOODFORD, Candor
1841, Feb 15, Mr. Jacob S. STRYKER to Miss Chloe THOMPSON
1841, 5 May, Mr. Rufus E. LAKE to Miss Rebecca HUMISTON
1841, Jun, Mr. R. DAY to Miss Emily HART, both of Candor
1841, Sep 13, Mr. YOUNGS to Miss CURTIS, both of Candor
1841, Oct, Dr. J. B. BENTON to Miss Catharine FISHER, both of Spencer
1841, Nov 11, Mr. --- WELLS to Miss --- STEVENS, both of Spencer
1841, Dec, Sumner VOSE to Miss Amanda HOCUM
1841, Dec, Allen TAYLOR to Miss JOHNSON
1842, Jan 19, F. C. BEMENT to Miss Harriet WEED
1842, Jan 27, Mr. Edward MEAD to Miss Mary CLOSE
1842, Oct 11, Orin DEAN to Miss Mary WATSON
1842, Nov 6, Mr. ---- to Catharine MILLS
1843, Jan, Mr. AUSTIN to Eliza Van WOERT
1843, Jan, Mr. John COGGIN to Mariah Van WOERT
1843, Feb, Mr. -- HATCH to Miss Julia HOYT
1843, Mr. HITCHCOCK to Mrs. Phebe WATKINS
1843, May 25, Mr. Hezekiah CARPENTER to Miss Elizabeth LOTT
1843, Mr. Austin CRATH (Preble) to Miss Charlotte BEMENT of Genoa
1843, Aug, Mr. Benjamin LOTT to Miss Harriet AVERY
1843, Aug, Mr. Timothy HUTCHINS to Miss Caroline FISHER
1843, Nov, Mr. BOOTH (Candor) to Miss Catharine DECKER of "Cyuta"
1843, Nov, Mr. BAIRD to Miss Van GORDER, both of Cayuta
1844, Mar 24, Isaac MEAD to Helen RICE, Spencer
1844, Mar 28, James BOWEN to Maria ADAMS
1844, Mar 28, Walter HOLLISTER to Miss CAUFIELD, Danby
1844, Apr 28, Mr. George CURTIS to Miss Lois HART, both of Candor
1844, May, Mr. Isaac HOWARD (Spencer) to Miss Harriet KRONSE (Danby)
1844, Dec, Ignatius HILL to Miss ------
1844, Dec, Nathan WOODFORD to Lucy BOOTH, both of Candor
1844, O. BOOTH to Mary WOODFORD, both of Candor
1845, Apr, Thomas FISHER to Susan BUTTS, both of Spencer
1845, Jun, Mr. G. LOVEJOY to Miss -----, both of Candor
1845, Jun 26, Alfred VOSE (Spencer) to Almira WEED (Danby)
1845, Jul 17, Alexander ENNIS of "Cynta" to Amanda PERT of Spencer
1845, Oct 23, James BARNES of Michigan to Silence WOODRUFF of Spencer
1846, Apr 22, Lewis POST to Miss Catharine FISHER, (Spencer)
1846, May 26, Mr. Jas. H. ANDERSON to Miss Alsina STAMP, both of Newfield
1846, Sep 9, Mr. Addison STRONG, Clinton, N. Y., to Miss M. E. CLARK
1846, Mr. Luther FISHER to Miss Louisa COOK
1846, Mr. HOLLOBERT to Miss --- DUTTON
1847, Feb 28, Mr. Benjamin DEAN to Miss Lucy Van ETTEN
1847, May, Mr. WOODFORD (Candor) to Miss May LORING (Spencer)
1847, Mr. Joshua TOMPKINS to Miss Susan LORING, both of Spencer
1847, Mr. William COOK to Miss Olive H. FISHER
1847, Mr. Philip FISHER to Miss Elizabeth FITZER
1847, Mr. James DUTTON to Miss Joanna FISHER of ----
1847, Mr. LEWIS, New York City, to Miss LAKE (Candor)
1847, Mr. --- Van ATTA to Miss Mary MORE
1848, Apr, Gleason SABIN to Matilda FIELDS
1849, Jan, Mr. Wm. Van WOERT to Miss Jane BOWEN
1849, Mr. Edward WILLET to Miss Mahetable Van WOERT
1849, Mr. Gilbert MOREHOUSE, Ithaca, to Miss Julia LOTZ
1849, Mr. John KEYES to Miss Phebe MASTERSON
No marriages recorded between 1850 and 1858
1859, Feb, Mr. Leonard SMITH & Miss Maria NICHOLS
1859, Aug 21, Nathaniel M. BRUSTER & Miss Rachel SHIPMAN, both of Hector Hill (Barton)
1859, Sep 21, Mr. Moses DEYO & Miss Aveline Susina COGGIN, both of Spencer
1860, Feb 1, Mr. Daniel MARTIN, of Ithaca, & Miss Theodosia CROWELL, of Newfield, NY
1860, Feb 28, Mr. Alexander HENDERSON & Miss Jane M. GALPIN, both of Candor
1861, Jan 6, Mr. John PRINCE, of Warren, Bradford Co., Pa., & Miss Elizabeth HAGADORN of Spencer
1861, Aug 7, Mr. John HUTCHINS, of the law firm of BANKS & HUTCHINS, Waverly, & Miss Josephine E. HOYT of Halsey Valley
1861, Sep 19, Mr. Benjamin Franklin LEWIS & Miss Jennie SPAULDING, both of Spencer
1861, Oct 9, Mr. Oscar George FISHER & Miss Mary RIKER, both of Spencer
1861, Nov 7, Mr. Myron B. FERRIS & Miss Hannah Mary COOPER, both of Spencer
1861, Nov 26. Mr. Dempster Nathan GUINNIP & Miss Mary BELL, both of Spencer
1861, Dec 7, Obabiah T. ELLISON, M. D., of Coudersport, Pa., to Miss Susan M. WEST
No marriages are recorded between 1862 and 1892
1893, Nov 22, Lorenzo GREEN, La Grace, S. D. & Mrs. Melissa A HUNT
1894, Sep 12, Davis Coleman DURHAM, Greenville, S. C., to Stella L. FERRIS
1894, Oct 10, Levi JOHNSON, Utica, NY, & Helena M. PRAY, Elmira, NY
1895, Aug 28, Andre Beziat de BORDES, Macon, Ga., & Kate Mills BRADLEY
1896, 24 Mar, David U. REYNOLDS, Rush, Pa., & Lizzie T. BURCHARD
1896, Jun 17, Frank Austin BELL, Waverly, and Mertie L. SIGNOR
1896, Jun 17, Henry H. FISHER & Ida HALLOCK
1896, Oct 8, Walter L. HARRIS & Miss Rose HILL, both of Ithaca
1896, Oct 8, John E. GADNER, Lestershire, & Mrs. Christina N. CULVER
1896, Oct 21, De Witt GILLOW, W. Danby, & Miss Cynthia Louise SEARS
1896, 2 Dec, Arthur J. BROCK & Theodora E. LANGE
1896, 22 Dec, Chas. Sumner VORHIS, Clive, N. D., & Flora E. Van WOERT
1897, Apr 6, Geo. MONTANA & Miss Jessie MAYNARD, both of Wilkes Barre, Pa.
1897, Sep, Dr. R. H. FISHER & Margaret Jerusha BRADLEY
1897, Dec 1, Lyman Richard BRADLEY & Miss Katharine LEWIS
DEATHS [The deaths of people known as members of the church are recorded in the membership roll.] -
1840, Feb. Mrs. (A.) PURDY; Mr. Johathan SABIN; Mr. FIELDS
1840, Feb 15, Cooley AUSTIN, 15 yrs
1840, Mrs. RUNNELS (REYNOLDS); Mr. GARY; Daughter of Mr. GRIDLEY
1840, Apr, Son of Mr. NOLTON (KNOWLTON)
1840, Jun, son of Mr. RUNNELS
1840, Jun, Laura Ann SCOFIELD, 16 yrs; Mrs. MUSSELMAN
1840, Jul 14. Child of Mr. BALDWIN, 1 yr.
1840, Sep, Mr. STEVENS
1840, Oct, Col. Elijah DEAN; Lewis WOODRUFF, son of Sanford, 1 yr, 11 m.
1840, Nov, Mr. Joseph EDMINSON
1841, Susan GOODRICH, 17 yrs
1841, Mar 3, Child of Mr. WASHBURN, 9 m.
1841, Mar 7, Child of Leonard FISHER, 3 w.
1841, Mar 8, Child of Joel RICE, 3 y, 7 m
1841, Child of Mr. NEWS, 3 m
1841, Mar 30, Child of Eliza FOUNTAIN, 1 yr, 10 m
1841, Apr, Rev. Mr. BURGES, 78 y (Probably Rev. M. BURDGE)
1841, Apr, Mrs. John MOGER; Child of TALLMAN, 6 y
1841, Jun, Child of Mr. BOWEN 14 or 15 mos. Richard EDMANSON, 60 y
1841, Jul, Child of Mr. PERRINE; Mr. WHITMORE, 60 or more
1841, Jul, Child of Mr. PRESHER, 7 y. Child of Mr. & Mrs. ROBINSON, 4 y
1841, Nov, Mrs. SOSURE, 71 y
1842, Mrs AUSTIN; Mrs. SPOLDEN (SPAULDING) 60 and more
1842, Phebe Ann SPOLDEN, 16 y. Child of Mr. BARNES
1842, Child of Mr. AUSTIN. Mr. LOTT (Peter) 74 or thereabout
1842, Mrs. NUSE, 70 y. or nearly.
1842, Sep, Mrs. SCOFIELD, 77 or thereabout
1842, Lowry J. AUSTIN, 6 y
1842, Oct Wm. W. CARPENTER, 3-3-8
1842, Mr. SCOFIELD, 79 y. Mr. MOSURE, 71 y.
1842. Mrs. RICE, 78 y. Amos LAWRENCE
1843, Dec, Horace GLEASON 15 y.
1844, John MOGER, d. May 1844, aged 35
1846, Doc. Isaac KENNEDY, May 28, 53 or more
1851, Hannah LORING, Aug 4
1863, Apr. S. SABIN
1833, Sunday, Apr 14. Stephen DEAN, Richard Lewis HALL, Henry Parley WHITMORE
1833, Sunday, Jun 30. Herbert N., son of J. & Gennet CARNER
1833, Sunday, Nov 17. David Brainerd, infant son of Isaac & Lucy GLEASON
1834, Sunday, Oct 19. Adelaide, infant daughter of (Rev.) David J. & Maria PERRY
1836, Jan 19, Horatio, Martha & Nellie, children of Jas. J. BRINKERHOFF. Also a child of J. N. GASTON
1838, Jan 29, Benjamin, Martha, & JOhn, children of Dea. Harvey & Deborah COOLEY
1838, Jul 1, James Henry, son of Ralph ROSS
1838, Jul 1, Charlotte Amelia, child of Thomas WOODRUFF
1839, Jan 6, Oscar George & Ann Maria, children of Alfred & Lucy FISHER
1839, Apr 7, ---- -----, child of Ethiel & Almira HUMISTON
1839, May ---- ----, child of Mr. & Mrs. BRINKERHOFF
1839, Jun ---- ----, child of -----
1839, Jul 7, Benjamin Franklin, son of William & Cynthia LEWIS
1839, Jul --, Mary Eliza, daughter of Joel & Eliza SABIN
1839, Aug --, William, son of Isaac & Emmeline CARPENTER
1839, Oct --, Edward PAYSON, son of Willis & Betty ATKINS
1840, Apr 12, John Barnes Dean, son of Ralph & Charlotte ROSS
1840, Apr, Charles Luther, son of Mr. P. & Mrs. Susan WHITMRE
1840, Sep 20, Abram, Isaac & Jacob, sons of Peter & Jane E. CRUMB
1840, Oct 4, George Addison, Luther Byron, & Edgar Deloy, sons of Philo & Permela SABIN
1840, Oct 4, Mary Jane, daughter of Lucinda ----
1841, Mar 22, James Harvey, son of Abram & Harriet ELSTON
1841, Mar 22, Cornelius, son of Peter I., & Jane E. CRUMB
1841, Jul 4, Sarah Ellen, daughter of Judson & Cynthia MOGER
1841, Oct --, --- ---, child of Mr. & Mrs. ROBINSON
1841, Dec 31, Mary Woodard, daughter of Isaac & Emmeline CARPENTER
1842, Jan 2, Charles Augustus HOPKINS, son of S. A. & Helen C. HOPKINS
1842, Apr 2, Adelaide Louise, daughter of G. F. & H. WALDO
1842, Apr, John Sidney, son of David A. MORRISON
1842, Apr, Helen Smith, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. L. B. DRESSER
1842, Apr, Gardner K., son of Gardner K. & Lucy CLARK
1843, Feb 12, Sarah Miller & Charles Woodruff, children of Mr. & Mrs. THORP
1843, Feb 12, Mary Adelia & ----, daughters of Mr. & Mrs. John WOODRUFF
1843, Jul 2, Wm. Augustus, son of Mr. & Mrs. MORRISON
1843, Jul --, Alfred, Benjamin, John & Elizabeth, children of Christopher & Amaette EVELAND
1843, Jul --, Peter, son of Jane TURNER
1843, Jul, Sarah Malinda, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. DUETT
1843, Jul, Sarah, Robert & Julia, children of John & Lana EVELAND
1843, Jul, --- ---, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. BRINKERHOFF
1844, Jan 8, Nancy Elizabeth, daughter of Sumner & Amanda VOSE
1844, Jan 8, Ellen Sophia, daughter of Wm. & Lucinda PERT
1844, Oct 22, Susan Emily, daughter of Philo & Susan WHITMORE
1845, Jan 3, Myron, son of Rufus & Rebecca LAKE
1845, Apr 6, Patrick Henry, son of Wm. PERT
1846, Apr, Elbridge Sumner, son of Sumner & Amanda VOSE
1848, Apr 28, Ida Catharine, daughter of J. B. & Catharine BENTON
1848, Apr 30, Jerome & Lucy M., children of Mrs. Emma BUTTS
1850, Oct 9, Betsey V., daughter of ENos & Phebe OSBORNE
1851, Jul 6, Carmi Othello, son of Almon & Betsey F. BENTON
1851, Jul 6, Thomas Roscoe, son of L. . & Mary Ann DRESSER
1851, Jul 6, Stella Maria, daughter of Levi & Olive SABIN
1851, Jul 6, John Leonard, son of Dr. J. B. & Catharine BENTON
1851, Jul 6, Mary Lucena, adopted daughter of Philo & H. P. SABIN
1853, Feb 5, Francis W., son of Jesse B. & Content H. COOPER
1853, Feb 5, George F., son of John B. & Catharine BENTON
1853, Feb 6, George Benjamin & Mary Louise, children of Wm. & Olive COOK
1853, Feb 6, Jacob O. & Joseph F., sons of Othniel S. & Amanda VOSE
1853, Apr 2, Daniel Hubble, son of James O. & Sarah WALLING
1853, Apr, Lucia Ophelia, daughter of Almon & Betsey F. BENTON
1853, Oct 2, Martha Maria, daughter of L. B. & M. A. DRESSER
1843 [sic], Oct 9, Fanny Eliza, daughter of Rev. J. G. & Matilda SABIN
1854, Apr 23, John Calvin, son of John & Elizabeth CAMPBELL
1854, Apr 23, James Ordo, son of Almon & Betsey F. BENTON
1854, Jul 2, William Henry, son of Chas. J. & Elizabeth FISHER
1856, Jul 5, Wm. Stanley & Sophronia Ann, children of Henry & Almira E. DAY
1856, Jul 6. George Philip, son of Chas. J. & Ann Elizabeth FISHER
1856, Ellen Janet, daughter of Lewis J. & Miranda Van WOERT
1856, Nov 2, William Croydon, son of C. W. & Harriet HIGGINS
1857, Oct 18. William Henry & Stell Cornelia, children of William & Olive COOK
1858, Mar 7. Enoch Lorenzo, son of Othniel Sumner VOSE
1858, May 2, Susan Estella, Mary Elizabeth & Emily Louise, children of Isaac M. & Mary E. LOTT
1858, Sep 4, Charles Luther, son of C. J. & Ann E. FISHER
1858, Eugenia Fidelia, Luther Jerome & Henry Egbert, children of Luther TOWNER
1858, Sep 5, Harris Peck & Susan Matilda, children of John J. & Sarah VALENTINE
1859, March 6. Louisa Estelle, daughter of C. Egbert SEARS & wife
1860, Nov 3. Fred Waldo, son of Rufus E. & Rebecca LAKE
1861, Jan 6, Carrie Maria, daughter of Miranda & Lewis J. Van WOERT
1863, Apr 25, Mary L. CLARK, infant
1863, Nathan B. FERRIS, son of M. B. & H. M. FERRIS
1863, Stella Louise, daughter of M. B. & H. M. FERRIS
1868, Oct 4, Smith Hall, son of Dr. A. & Olive NORRIS
1869, Jan 3, Sarah Louise, daughter of M. D. & Susan FISHER
1869, Jan 3, Leonard Marvin, son of G. H. & M. C. FERRIS
1869, Jul 4, Flora Elizabeth, daughter of L. J. & Miranda Van VOERT
1869, Jul 4, Kate Mills, daughter of C. E. & Margaret BRADLEY
1869, Jul 4, Mildred Louise, daughter of S. H. HALL
1871, Jul 2, Lyman Richard, son of C. E. & Margaret BRADLEY
1871, Jul 2, Myron Leonard, daughter of M. D. & S. C. FISHER
1871, Jul 2, John Northrup, son of Dr. A. & Olive NORRIS
1871, Jul 2, Georgia Cornelia, daughter of Geo. H. & Mary C. FERRIS
1873, Oct 19, Henry Hathaway, son of M. D. & S. C. FISHER
1874, Mar *&, Harry Stephen, son of REv. S. VORHIS
1874, Mar 8, Harry Edward, son of Seneca STEVENS
1874, Mar 8, Charles Liston & Chester Bradley, sons of Dr. T. F. & Mary BLISS
1876, Nov 4, Margaret Jerush, daughter of C. E. & Margaret BRADLEY
1878, Jun 29. Horace Augustus, son of Walker G. & Sarah E. CLAPP
1883, Jul 22, Alice, daughter of Rev. John & Louisa McMASTER
1883, Jul 22, Frederick Bruner, son of Rev. James B. & Ella G. UMBERGER
1885, Jan 11, Faith Amelia, daughter of Prof. A. B. & --- DAVIS
1885, Jan 11, Gertrude Schaeffer, daughter of Rev. J. B. & Ella G. UMBERGER
1886, Apr 3, Samuel D. & Hattie RANDOLPH, children of Mrs. Kate RANDOLPH
1888, Jun 17, Lucy Rebecca, daughter of Clarance & Dora W. MABEE
1888, Jun 24, Raymond, Mary, Bessie, & Anna, children of H. C. & Kate MILLS
1889, Jul 7, Henry Lucius (b. 1880) & Paul Sobieski (b. 1886), sons of Mr. & Mrs. A. S. EMMONS
1889, Jul, Steve SOKES, Susie SOKES, & Aleck Stephen PENJUKE
1897, Oct 10, Elinor Hallock, daughter of H. H. & Ida FISHER
1898, Mabel Dora (b. 1892) & Edna Florence (b. 1897) children of F. C. & M. F. BODA
1902, Apr 13. "Seven children baptised at a. m. service." J. K.
1903, Jun 25, Lyman Richard BRADLEY
1904, Jun 5, Conrad Simmons, son of M. L. & Ida FISHER (b. 1903)
1907, Jun 16. Robert H. & Alfred S., sons of H. L. & Phebe EMMONS
1907, Jul 21. Jean Hathaway FISHER (daughter of H. H. & Ida F.)
1908, Apr 25. Lyman Richard FISHER (son of Dr. R. H. & M. F.)
1909, Nov 9, Margaret JONES (daughter of Rev. E. M. J)
1910, Jun 12, Kenneth LOTT (son of I. M. & Janie L.)
1910, Jun 12, Cecil Moore, Ralph Frank, & Edna Marie WELLS, children of Mr. & Mrs. W. A. WELLS
1910, Jun 12, Marvin Leonard FISHER (son of M. L. & Ida F.)
1910, Jul 10, Elliot Bush EMMONS (son of H. L. & Phebe E.)
1911, Feb 5, Glen Leslie, son of Bert L. & Elizabeth O'HARA
1912, Apr 21, Elsworth George (b. 1911), Doris Lavinia, b. 1912, children of Asa W. & Florence R. COWELL
1912, Jun 23, Rogers Paul, son of Paul S. & Edna EMMONS
1912, Oct 13, Ruth (b. 28 Jul 1912) daughter of Rev. O. & M. L. GIBBINS
1913, Jun 15, Helen Gertrude (b. Jan 1913), daughter of H. L. & Phebe EMMONS
1913, Jul 13. Marion (b. 1904), Samuel Cornelius (b. 1906) children of Cornelius & Lena SEABRING
1915, Feb 24, Thomas Francis & Chas. Bliven, sons of Carl J. & Louise B. STEENBURG