A Record of the Inscriptions in the
of Newburgh, N.Y.,
Historical Society of Newburgh Bay & the Highlands
[Transcriber's note: some liberties have been taken with the transcription. All months have been reduced to their three letter abbreviation; Years, Months, & Days have been abbreviated as yrs, mos, & dys; an occasional "&", th, or other unnecessary verbage skipped. However, the genealogical data is complete along with any verses found on the stones. Notes [61] through [95] will be found at the end of the page.]

261. In memory of Robert W. GARDINER, eldest son of James M. & Maria GARDINER, who departed this life May 11, 1859, aged 42 yrs, 5 mos, 20 dys
262. Died 25 Aug 1825, Maria, wife of James M. GARDINER, aged 26 yrs, 7 mos, 28 dys
~ Death the great proprietor of all 'tis thine, ~ To tread out empire and quench the stars
263. In memory of Mary Ann, daughter of George & Polly CAMPBELL, who died Sep 5, 1799, aged 3 mos
264. In memory of Mary Ann, daughter of George & Polly CAMPBELL, who died Aug 30, 1803, aged 9 mos, 10 dys
265. In memory of Mary Agnes, who died Aug 21, 1847, aged 8 yrs, 5 mos. Also Catharine Louisa, d. Sep 21, 1847, aged 1 yr, 3 mos. Children of Ellen & Robert McDADE
~ Lie here dear sisters and take they rest, ~ God called thee home, he thought it best
266. In memory of Nathaniel D. LOCKWOOD, who departed this life Jan 12, 1815, aged 10 yrs, 11 mos, 12 dys
267. Sacred to the memory of Doctor George HEDGES, who departed this life Apr 1, 1840, aged 50 yrs
268. [A slab on the ground] This is the tomb of Doctor Phineas HEDGES, who died Jul 2, in the year of the Christian Aera, 1799, aged 34 yrs [61]
269. In memory of Matthew DU BOIS, who died Aug 24, 1799, in the 74th year of his age [72]
~ A kind husband, a tender parent
270. In memory of Mary, Relict of Matthew DU BOIS, who died Sep 21, 1799, in the 58th year of her age [63]
~ An affectionate wife, a tender Mother
271. In memory of Ann DU BOIS, who died Sep 17, 1828, aged 11 yrs, 2 mos, 10 dys. Also Sally Ann DU BOIS, her cousin, d. Jul 17, 1821, in the 19 year of her age.
272. In memory of Mary W. DU BOIS who died Oct 28, 1829, in the 49 year of her age
~ Her sufferings sore she long did bear ~ Physicians care was vain ~ Till God did please to give her ease, ~ And freed her from her pain
273. In memory of James, son of John & Isabella CURRIE, who died Aug 30, 1809, aged 2 mos, 18 dys
274. In memory of James THOMPSON, who departed this life Aug 17, 1803, in the 49th year of his age. Also of Janet, his wife, who departed this life, Aug 18, 1803, in the 43d year of her age
~ Here lies a Husband and his wife, ~ Who lived a pious Christian life, ~ Natives of Scotland both they were, ~ And now they rest from grief and care. ~ They fell together and together lie, ~ Forgot without posterity ~ Yet we hope with joy they'll rise ~ To meet their Saviour in the skies
273. The grave of John CURRIE, a native of Scotland, wo emigrated to this Country, A. D. 1791, and entered into his rest Jul 1838, aged 75 yrs. He served the Church of Christ for about half a Century, in the capacity of a Ruling Elder, & by a consistent life and conversation exemplified the doctrine of that Gospel which he loves. Also, his wife Isabella, wo died Jan 14, 1848, aged 82 yrs.
~ A shock of corn fully ripe
276. In memory of Robert CURRIE, who departed this life Apr 14, 1822, aged 21 yrs, 6 mos
~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
277. In memory of Hugh WALSH, who died 15 Nov, A.D. 1817, aged 72 yrs.
~ Among the first inhabitants of the village of Newburgh, he took an early and decided stand on the side of truth and religion. His example and influence contributed in no small degree to its present sate of religious improvement and gospel privileges. In him private excellence of character was associated with public usefulness and liberality. As a man, a citizen, a friend, a parent, and a christian, his record is on high, and it is not doubted among those who knew him, that it gives his memory rank among the excellent of the earth. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them
278. In memory of Mrs. Jane ARMSTRONG, who departed this life 16 Nov 1798, aged 64 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Catharine WALSH, who departed this life 27 Aug 1801, aged 46 yrs. ~ Departed friends are Angels sent on errands full of Love
279. In memory of Eliza WALSH, wife of Solomon SLEIGHT & daughter of Hugh & Catharine WALSH, who departed this life 7 Apr 1823, in the 43d year of her age.
~ Dignified, prudent and courteous, all esteemed her devoted to deeds of benevolence; the blessing of the poor came upon her. In every relations whe adorned the Gospel of God, her Saviour. To live was Christ, to die was gain
In memory of Hugh Walsh SLEIGHT, only child of Solomon & Eliza SLIGHT, who died 3 Oct 1810, aged, on the very day of his death, 9 yrs. ~ Early, bright, transient, caste as morning dew, he sparkled, was exhaled and went to Heaven
280. Died Aug 7, 1812, Gerritje SLEIGHT, wife of Johannes SLIGHT, in the 88th year of her age. Also August 27, 1839, Solomon SLIGHT, in the 72nd year of his age [64]
281. In memory of John SPEIR, who departed this life Jun 30, 1818, in the 59th year of his age. Also his son Robert, who died Jun 15, 1832, aged 34 yrs
282. In memory of Ann, wife of John SPEIR, who departed this life July 5, 1831, in the 62nd year of her age
283. In memory of Lucy, daughter of Robert & Maria SPEIR, who departed this life Oct 24, 1805, aged 5 yrs, 25 dys
284. In memory of Robert SPEIR, who departed this life Dec 7, 1800, in the (30th?) year of his age. Also of [Freder]ick SPEIR, who departed this life Nov 3, 1802, in the 2nd year of his age. Also of James SPEIR, who departed this life Feb 5, 1801, aged 10 mos, 2 dys
285. In memory of Martha, daughter of Hugh & Bethiah SPEIR, who departed this life Apr 24, 1812, in the 9th year of her age. Also, her sister, Ann Marion, who died Jan 4, 1813, in the 8th year of her age
286. In memory of John, son of Hugh & Bethiah SPEIR, who departed this life Feb 5, 1820, in the 25 year of his age
287. In memory of Agness, SPEIR, d. 3 Jul 1827, ae 35 yrs
~ Time how short, Eternity how long
288. In memory of Bethiah, wife of Hugh SPEIR, who departed this life Aug 20, 1820, in the 54th year of her age. Also Hugh SPEIR, who died Feb 2, 1826, AE 61 yrs
289. In memory of Capt. William LANDER, of Salem, Mass., obit. Aug 15, 1823, aged 51 yrs.
~ He sustained with Christian fortitude great labour and trials in the commerce of his country for more than 25 years, and died in hope of eternal life by Jesus Christ
290. Died 8 Dec 1828, Anna Mary, daughter of Tobins D. & Justine (M?) LANDER, ae 3 mos, 13 dys [65]
291. Robert Alexander, son of Robert A. & Charlotte W. FORSYTH, d. Dec 6, 1852, aged 7 mos, 15 dys
292. Died Jul 12, 1825, the infant son of John & Isabella BEVRIDGE, aged 12 wks, 6 dys
293. George Wallace, b. Oct 12, 1821, d. Mar 10, 1823. William, b. Jan 15, 1817, d. Jun 1, 1820. Children of John & Jane FORSYTH.
~ This day the dying youth complies ~ With his Creator's will; ~ How vain the world, how vain he cries, ~ When we must take farewell. ~ It must be vain, since all its wealth, ~ However fools admire, ~ Cannot procure a moment's health, ~ Though rich, we must expire.
294. [North] To the memory of Ann Jane, wife of John FORSYTH, who died 16 Sep 1853, aged 61 yrs, 6 mos
~ My flesh also shall rest in hope.
[East] John FORSYTH, b. at Aberdeen, Scotland, 10 Sep 1784, d. at Newburgh, 21 Apr 1854 ~ Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace
[South] To the memory of Jane, wife of John FORSYTH, who died 11 Mar 1825, aged 35 yrs, 1 mo, 2 dys ~ I know my Redeemer liveth, I have found him whom my soul loveth
[West] To the memory of William, son of John & Jane FORSYTH, who departed this life Jun 4, 1820, aged 3 yrs, 4 mos, 19 dys. To the memory of George Wallace, son of John & Jane FORSYTH, b. 12 Oct 1821, d. 10 Mar 1823
295. In memoriam Thomas BEVERIDGE, son of Cornelius G. & Marion D. Van Alen, d. Jun 10, 1876, aged 2 yrs, 4 mos
296. Thomas BEVERIDGE, d. Nov 11, 1884, aged 74 yrs. His wife, Jemima Lowden, d. Aug 18, 1894, aged 78 yrs
297. In memory of Catharined Drysdale BEVERIDGE, b. at Alva, Sterlingshire, Scotland, d. at Newburgh, 29 Aug 1858, aged 83 yrs
~ Waiting for the adoption, to wit: the redemption of our body
298. In memory of Catharine WALSH, wife of David ANDREWS, and daughter of Hugh & Catharine WALSH, who departed this life 21 Mar, 1829, in the 44th year of her age.
~ b1a
299. In memory of Samuel Armstong WALSH, and Hester Georgeanna SMITH, his wife. Hester Georgeanna SMITH, daughter of Parchal N. & Hester SMITH, departed this life 2, Mar 1819, in the 25th year of her age. Samuel Armstrong WALSH, son of Hugh & Catharine WALSH, departed this life 7 Apr 1829, in the 47th year of his age.
Beneath this stone lies Rhoda WOODRUFF, aged about 50 years, the nurse and faithful friend till death of Mrs. WALSH
300. In memory of Mary Ann WALSH, daughter of Hugh & Catharine WALSH, who departed this life 31 Aug 1831, in the 46th year of her age
~ Humble, kind and useful, her work praised her, and the poor blessed her; But her confidence, hope and rejoicing was this, "I know that my Redeemer liveth."
301. In memory of Jane WALSH, daughter of Hugh & Catharine WALSH, who departed this life 20
Sep 1831 in the 55yr of her age.
~ The memory of the just is blessed, If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him,
302., In memory of Rovert W. ANDREWS, d. Mar 8, 1853.. aged 55 yrs
~ Tribulation worketh patience and patience, acceptance, hope.
303. Died Aug 13, 1828, Sarah, wife of William SCOTT, aged 39 yrs
304. Died Jan 1, 1827, Margaret Ann, daughter of William & Sarah SCOTT, aged 9 yrs, 6 mos
305. The grave of Bethiah, wife of Benjamin LANDER, 2d Nov 20, 1828, aged 29 yrs
306. Died 30 Nov 1830, Charles, son of Benj'n & Rachel LANDER, AE 2 mos
307. The grave of Rachel, wife of Benjamin LANDER, w d. 23 Feb 1838, aged 38 yrs [66]
308. Sacred to the memory of Benjamin LANDER, who died Sep 17, 1839, aged 41 yrs [67]
~ Whose faith follow. Heb. xiii: 7
309. Sacred to the memory of George WALLACE, b. in the Parish of Kamna, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, for many years a resident of Newburgh; d. Oct 9, 1841, aged 79 yrs
~ In my flesh I shall see God. Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him
310. Died at New York, May 9, 1842, John Forsyth, son of Charles S. & Isabella LITTLE, aged 2 yrs, 9 mos, 18 dys.
~ "God will make well, Mother;" ~ His dying words, ~ And now he is at rest. ~ Tis well for he is well; ~ He now is with ~ The spirits of the just, ~ And never more ~ Shall say, "I'm sick."
311. [East] Isabella, wife of Charles S. LITTLE, & daughter of John & Jane FORSYTH, b. in Newburgh, Jul 24, 1812, died in the City of New York, Jan 31, 1852.
~ [South] Present with the Lord. [West] I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Ps. 23, v. 6.
312. In memory of Jennet Currie, wife of John MELVIN, who departed this life Aug 4, 1831, aged 39 yrs, 9 mos
~ Weep not for me
313. In memory of Jane, relict of James WILSON, who died Jul 1853, aged 91 yrs. A native of Scotland.
314. In memory of Thomas Chalmers, b. 14 Sep 1845; d. 30 Sep 1858, aged 13 yrs, 16 dys. Son of Thomas & Jemima BEVERIDGE
315. In memory of David, b. 11 Jan 1835, d. 12 Aug 1856, aged 21 yrs, 7 mos, 1 day. Son of Thomas & Jemima BEVERIDGE
316. In memory of Robert, b. 17 Oct 1853, d. 23 Jan 1854, ae 3 mos, 6 dys. Anna E., b. 12 Sep 1851, d. 17 Mar 1852, aged 6 mos, 5 dys. Children of Thomas & Jemima BEVERIDGE
317. In memory of John, b. 21 Sep 1840, d. 22 Aug 1841, aged 11 mos. Sophia, b. 11 Nov 1843, d. 20 May 1845, aged 1 yr, 5 mos, 9 dys. Elizabeth, b. 19 Apr 1842, d. 3 Aug 1845, aged 3 yrs, 3 mos, 15 dys. Children of Thomas & Jemima BEVERIDGE
318. Mausoleum of Capt. Henry ROBINSON, erected in 1853, in which are deposited the remains of himself, his wife, his daughter and probably others.
319. In memory of Hugh WALSH, son of H. S. & E. B. WALSH, b. Apr 17, 1848, d. Feb 12, 1851.
~ Suffer little children to come unto me. for such is the Kingdom of God
320. [East] I am the way and the truth and the life. To the memory of John H. WALSH, b. in New York, Jun 22, 1784, d. New Windsor, Sep 17, 1853.
~ Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness And of Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of John DE WITT, b. Clinton, Dutchess Co., Aug 1, 1786, d. New Windsor, Sep 27, 1875. ~ Because I live ye shall live also
[West] To the memory of Hugh S. WALSH, their eldest son, who d. Apr 23, 1877, aged 67 yrs. And of Samuel A. WALSH, their third son, who died Sep 18, 1874, aged 59 yrs
321. In memory of John DeWitt WALSH, who died Aug 9, 1893, in the 81st year of his age
~ A lover of his kind and his country
322. In memory of Rachel WARD, b. 11 Sep 1814, d. 2 Mar 1820. Also of Ezra, b. 30 Jun 1824, d. 29 Nov 1824. Also Elizabeth Jane, b. 21 Aug 1816, d. 25 Feb 1841. Ch. of Dan. & Elizb FARRINGTON.
323. In memory of Elizabeth C., wife of Daniel FARRINGTON, b. 17 Nov 1791, d. 8 Aug 1824.
Daniel FARRINGTON, Jr., d. Mar 7, 1889, aged 77 yrs
324. In memory of Joseph McCarrell, son of Daniel & Evea FARRINGTON, b. 28 Sep 1833, d. 20 Sep 1835
325. Daniel FARRINGTON, b. Jul 6, 1793, d. Nov 7, 1861
~ Waiting for adoption
326. Eva Miller, wife of Daniel FARRINGTON, b. Aug 21, 1794, d. Apr 15, 1870
~ To wit: the redemption of our body
327. [East] Rev. John FORSYTH, D. D., LL. D., b. Dec 31, 1810, d. Oct 17, 1886
~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them
[South] Ann D. Heyer, wife of Rev. John FORSYTH, D. D., b. Jul 4, 1807, d. Jul 19, 1888 [68] ~ He giveth his beloved sleep
328. [East] James BEVERIDGE, b. in Alva, Scotland, Sep 22, 1812, d. in Newburgh, Nov 12, 1873.
[North] Marion Barclay, wife of James BEVERIDGE, d. Jan 12, 1895 [West] Harriet G., daughter of James & Marion BEVERIDGE, d. in Newburgh, Nov 24, 1884, Thomas, son of James & Marion BEVERIDGE, d. Jul 2, 1886
329. Died, in the city of New York, Jun 12, 1852, Benoni H. HOWELL, aged 72 yrs, 7 mos, 7 dys [69]
330. Sacred to the memory of Catharine, relict of B. H. HOWELL, who died in New York City, Dec 31, 1860, aged 69 yrs, 8 mos, 11 dys
331. The grave of the Rev. John V. S. LANSING, of the Associate Ref. Church, Bloomingburgh; d. 12, Jan 1831, in the 34th year of his age.
~ Thy statues have been my song in the house of my pilgrimage. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saint.
332. In memory of James, son of James & Rachel LAW, who died Aug 15, 1827, in his 18th month.
~ Though has taken only what's thine own. Therefore thy will, my Lord, not mine be done
333. In memory of James LAW, who died 9 Dec 1825, in the 58th year of his age
334. In memory of Mary, daughter of James & Rachel LAW, who died Jun 25, 1825, aged 1 yr, 3 mos, 23 dys
335. Died 3 Jan 1830, James, son of James & Vashti BEVRIDGE, ae 7 mos, 19 dys.
~ Suffer little children to come unto me. and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven
336. Died 23 Apr 1831, Catharine H., daughter of James & Vashti BEVRIDGE, ae 4 yrs, 9 mos, 5 dys. ~ Sorrow not as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also with sleep in Jesus will God bring with him
337. In memory of Jane Forsyth Beveridge, wife of Dr. C. W. GRANT, b. Nov 25, 1825, d. Apr 26, 1856 [70]
338. Isabella Forsyth Beveridge, wife of Henry D. NOYES, M. D., b. Dec 14, 1833, d. Jan 17, 1868 at New York [70]
~ Present with the Lord
339. [East] In memory of John BEVERIDGE, b. in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, d. in Newburg, Feb 13, 1859, aged 57 yrs.
~ Them which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with him [North] Isabella Currie BEVERIDGE, wife of John BEVERIDGE, b. Mar 22, 1795, d. Feb 7, 1870 ~ Present with the Lord
340. Sarah Maria, daughter of William & Mary BUTTERWORTH, d. 15 Dec 1834, aged 4 yrs, 10 mos, 25 dys
341. In memory of Mary, The wife of William BUTTERWORTH, who departed this life Mar 29, 1832, aged 25 yrs, 3 mos, 3 dys
~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
342. [East] Alanson MILLER, d. Feb 16, 1856, in the 50th year of his age. Ann Jane, his wife, d. Aug 10, 1863, aged 53 yrs, 8 mos, 8 dys
[South] Hiram M. MILLER d. Jan 4,1852, aged 15 yrs, 9 mos, 4 dys. Frances L. MILLER, d. Sep 6, 1849, aged 1 yr, 9 mos.
343. David M. DUBOIS d. Apr 11, 1855, aged 77 yrs
344. Mary DUBOIS, d. Jul 21, 1858, aged 72 yrs, 10 mos
345. Dan FARRINGTON, d. Jan 28, 1813, aged 45 yrs, 2 mos, 18 dys [71]
~ Asleep in Jesus
346. Rachel Ward, consort of Dan. FARRINGTON, d. May 12, 1864, aged 97 yrs, 1 mo, 5 dys
~ Asleep in Jesus
347. Daniel Ward, son of John & Mary FARRINGTON, d. Jul 24, 1863, aged 7 yrs, 5 mos
~ [East] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost [North] He will give his angels charge over thee to keep thee ~ William Seavey LIBBEY, b. Feb 26, 1787, at Rye, New Hampshire, d. Apr 28, 1869, at Staten Island, New York, aged 83 yrs. Sarah Farrington, wife of William S. LIBBEY, b. Oct 20, 1791, at Windsor, Vermont, d. Jun 20, 1826, at Newburgh, New York, aged 35 yrs. Elizabeth Winfield, wife of William S. LIBBEY, b. Oct 18, 1791, at Shawangunk, New York, d. May 19, 1888, in New York City, aged 97 yrs. ~ This mortal sall put on immortality through Jesus Christ [West] The Just shall Live by Faith [South] I am the resurrection and the live, saith the Lord, and he that liveth and believeth in me shall never die.
Mehitable LIBBEY, b. Dec 5, 1812, at Newburgh, New York, d. Mar 17, 1836, at the city of New York, aged 24 yrs Rachel Farrington LIBBEY, b. Mar 2, 1822, at Fishkill, New York, d. Mar 17, 1836, at Newburgh, New York, aged 18 yrs Maria LIBBY, b. Jun 16, 1826, at Newburg, New York, d. Jul 11, 1826, at Newburgh, New York, aged 25 dys [72] ~ I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and in my flesh shall I see God
349. Vashti BEVERIDGE, b. Jun 25, 1820, d. Sep 12, 1865
~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
350. Rev. James BEVERIDGE, a native of Kirkaldy, Scotland, b. Nov 9, 1796, d. Mar 4, 1855
~ Waiting for adoption, to wit: the redemption of the body. Romans 8 cap. 23 verse
351. James BEVERIDGE, b. Sep 15, 1836, d. Nov 21, 1859. Francis BEVERIDGE, b. Aug 22, 1822, d. Mar 7, 1874. John BEVERIDGE, b. Sep 2, 1839, d. Oct 22, 1874.
~ Dear brother, thou has left us, ~ Here they loss we deeply feet; ~ But t'is God that hast bereft us, ~ He can all our sorrows heal
352. Alexander, son of John & Mary GARDINER, d. 3 Jun 1832, ae 10 dys
353. A memorial of Baltus L. VAN KLEEK, M. D., who died May 9, 1843, aged 69 yrs.
~ For more than forty years he pursued the practice of his profession in New Windsor, Poughkeepsie, and New Burgh. An honorable and skillful Physician, and exemplary as a man and a Christian in life and in death. "The inhabitans shall not say I am sick, the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity." Isaiah 33: 24
354. A memorial of Agnes, wife of B. L. VAN KLEEK, M. D., who died Jun 11, 1838, in the 62d year of her age [73]
~ A consistent Christian; a pious mother: a faithful friend: like Dorcas "full of good works and alms deeds which she did." She was in life blessed and in death lamented
355. Fraternal affection has erected this monument to the memory of Livingston Billings VAN KLEEK, youngest son of Dr. B. L. & Agness VAN KLEEK, who was born Oct 8, 1818, & d. Aug 25, 1837, aged 18 yrs, 10 mos, 17 dys
~ Of warm and generous affections & early piety, his friends weep for themselves, but they sorrow not as those who have no hope. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me.
356. The grave of Jonathan NOYES, who died 28 Dec 1836, aged 66 ys
357. The grave of Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan NOYES, who died 18 Jun 1874, aged 97 yrs [74]
358. In memory of Mary, daughter of Aaron & Hannah NOYES, and wife of Solomon TUTHILL, b. in Newburgh, Sep 14, 1815, d. in New York City, Aug 6, 1852, aged 36 yrs, 10 mos, 22 dys
359. Sacred to the memory of Harriet Noyes, wife of Albert L. MARSH, who died Sep 9, 1843, aged 23 yrs, 4 mos, 22 dys. [75]
~ Earthly links must be dissolved and friend from friend depart
360. Sacred to the memory of Aaron NOYES, b. in Orange County, Aug 24, 1787; d. in Mohawk, Herkimer Co., Aug 15, 1855, aged 68 yrs
361. The grave of Hannah, wife of Aaron NOYES, d. 25 May 1836, aged 39 yrs [76]
362. Elizabeth, daughter of Aaron & Hannah NOYES, d. 11 Aug 1828, aged 2 yrs
363. William, son of Aaron & Hannah NOYES, d. 9 Apr 1809, aged 1 yr.
364. Ward M. GAZLAY, d. Apr 18, 1836, in his 54th yr [77]
365. Died Jul 31, 1827, James Henry, son of Ward M. & Elizabeth GAZLAY, aged 1 yr, 2 mos, 2 dys
366. In memory of Susan Emily, daughter of Richard & Susan WIER, who died Dec 28, 1841, ae 11 yrs, 5 dys [78]
367. In memory of Edward W., son of James & Mary LITTLE, d. Oct 31, 1840, aged 1 yr, 8 mos
368. In memory of Mary Peck, wife of James LITTLE, who died Apr 1,1848, in the 31 year of her age
~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
369. In memory of infant son of James and Ann Jane LITTLE, b. Sep 30, 1852. Also Infant Daughter, b. Sep 7, 1854.
~ Suffer little children to come unto me. and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven
370. In memory of Nancy Peck, wife of Andrew LITTLE, who died Feb 1, 1847, aged 27 yrs
371. In memory of General Nathaniel DU-BOIS, who died May 10, 1848, in the 75th year of his age [79]
372. Margaret DU-BOIS, relict of Gen'l Nathaniel DU-BOIS, d. may 6, 1855, in the 80 year of her age
373. In memory of Ellen DU-BOIS, b. Nov 27, 1808, d. Jun 15, 1851
374. In memory of Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel & Hellen DU-BOIS, who died Feb 25, 1847, aged 35 yrs, 8 mos, 10 dys
375. The grave of Peter DU-BOIS who died Jun 23, 1835, aged 35 yrs, 7 mos, 11 dys
376. In memory of Uriah BETTS, b. Feb 25, 1761, d. Aug 10, 1841
377. In memory of Edward DEWEY, Attorney at Law, youngest son of Hon. Daniel DEWEY, of Williamstown, Mass. He d. at Newburgh, May 7, 1828, aged 22 yrs.
378. Sacred to the memory of Levi Hasbrouck, son of Christopher & Maria REEVE, b. 10 Jun 1828, d. 8 Mar 1829
379. Julia Ann DEWING, wife of Rev. Jared DEWING, d. Mar 18, 1889, aged 87
380. In memory of Selah REEVE, who departed this life 21 Feb 1796, aged 54 yrs, 11 mos, 21 dys. Also, Keturah, wife of Selah REEVE, was b. 23d Jan 1745, d. 21 Jan 1829 [80]
381. Selah REEVE, b. Southold, Long Island, Oct 21, 1769, d. at Newburgh, Apr 11, 1837
382. Elizabeth, Relict of Selah REEVE, d. may 4, 1854, aged 77
~ It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. 1 Cor. 15, v. 44
383. Martha Williams, Relict of John HOES, d. Feb 17, 1859, aged 85 yrs, 1 mo
384. Joseph McKUNE, d. Mar 22, 1852, aged 57 yrs
385. Our sister, Eunice McKUNE, b. Feb 11, 1800, d. Feb 12, 1876
~ Calm and lovely is thy rest, ~ With angels watching over head; ~ Among the ransomed and the blest, ~ Is now Our precious dead
386. Our Eddie. Edmund SANXAY, son of John, Jr., and Emily Lomas, b. Dec 5, 1862, d. Nov 19, 1863
~ He shall carry the Lambs in his bosom
387. In memory of Margaret, wife of Dr. J. P. TARBELL, d. Jan 21, 1841, aged 40 yrs, 21 dys. Also three children, Charles W., d. Oct 6, 1830, aged 1 yr, 24 dys; John P. d. Dec 18, 1834, aged 6 yrs, 12 dys; Mary A., d. sep 23, 1840, aged 3 yrs, 9 dys
388. Edwin L. DU BOIS, b. Oct 2, 1817, d. Feb 5, 1860
389. Abraham DU BOIS, b. Aug 26, 1802, d. Sep 18, 1854
390. The grave of Catharine DU BOIS, who died Jul 24, 1851, aged 82 yrs, 11 mos, 26 dys
391. The grave of Isaac DU BOIS, who died Apr 16, 1817, aged 78 yrs, 11 mos, 5 dys [81]
392. Sarah J. DU BOIS, b. Oct 23, 1851, d. Nov 5, 1885
~ Cherished and loved in live, thou art not forgotten in death.
393. Isaac DU BOIS, b. Jul 12, 1815, d. Aug 18, 1876
~ Once more we hope to meet you, ~ When the day of life is fled, ~ Then in Heaven with joy to greet you, ~ Where no farewell tear is shed.
394. Charles A. DU BOIS, b. Sep 14, 1853, d. Nov 24, 1884
~ He was a kind and devoted son, affectionate brother and a true friend
395. Isaac W. DUBOIS, b. Apr 23, 1859, d. Sep 1, 1887. Jennie I., daughter of Isaac W. & Etta A. DUBOIS, b. Jun 28, 1879, d. Aug 20, 1886
396. In memory of Elizabeth, daughter of John & Letty REDNER, who died Sep 28, 1840, aged 6 yrs, 5 mos
397. Robert, son of John & Letty REDNER, d. 12 Sep 1830, ae 7 mos
398. Sarah, daughter of John & Letty REDNER, d. Aug 10, 1828, ae 9 mos. Also Aaron, their son, d. 9 Sep 1850, ae 20 mos
399. REEVE Monument, without inscription [82]
400. [North] William Mailler, infant son of Moses C. & Mary H. BELKNAP, d. May 29, 1853, aged 7 days.
[West] Mary H., wife of Moses C. BELKNAP, and daughter of William K, & Hanah P. MAILLER, d. May 31, 1858, in the 24th year of her age
401. [West] Marietta, wife of Moses C. BELKNAP & daughter of David & Eleanor McCAMLEY, d. Nov 27, 1878, in the 35th year of her age
~ [East] A faithful wife and devoted mother. "Forever with the Lord"
402. In memory of Ruletta, wife of Samuel O. GREGORY, who departed this life May 16, 1815, in the 41st year of her age. Also, of Seth, their infant Son, aged 2 days.
~ Weep not for me, but for yourselves
403. In memory of Sarah, daughter of Samuel O. & Ruletta GREGORY, d. Oct 1, 1825, aged 25 yrs, 3 mos
404. The tomb of Sarah, consort of Elijah SNEDEN, b. in Stratford, Connecticut, Oct 16, 1760; d. in Newburgh, may 12, 1829. Also of Mary Abby, her granddaughter and daughter of Stephen & Sarah SNEDEN, b. in Morristown, New Jersey, Apr 9, 1817; d. in Newburgh, Dec 22, 1829
405. [no listing for this number]
406. In memory of Samuel G. SNEDEN, b. in Morristown, New Jersey, Jun 14, 1791, d. in New Burgh, JUl 16, 1836 [83]
407. In memory of Ann CLEMENT, who died May 12, 1842, aged 78 yrs, 6 mos, 13 dys
408. In memory of Sarah, widow of Joseph BELKNAP; she was born near Flushing, Long Island, May 14, 1772; and d. at Newburgh, Mar 24, 1839, aged 67 yrs
409. In memory of Catharine S., daughter of Alex. & Adaline CLINTON, b. 7 Apr 1830, d. 18 Aug 1834. [84]
410. Rev. John BRASH, b. Jun 26, 1824, d. mar 21, 1881 [85]
411. In memory of James Clinton, son of Robert & Maria De Witt C. GOURLEY, who died Jan 22, 1836, aged 1 yr, 11 mos, 29 dys
412. Robert GOURLAY, b. May 1, 1788, d. Oct 3, 1858 [86]
413. Adeline, wife of C. F. V. REEVE, & daughter of Richard & Elizabeth AMOS, b. in New York, Apr 8, 1812, d. in Newburgh, May 28, 1836. Also, their only son, Richard Amos REEVE, b. Mar 7, 1836, d. Aug 17, 1836
414. ~ Lord, what is life? t'is like a flower ~ That blossoms and is gone; ~ We see if flourish for an hour ~ With all its beauties on; ~ But death comes like a wintry day, ~ And cuts the lovely flower away ~ Thus was cut down in the prime of life, and in the enjoyment of all those blessings which make life happy
Mary, wife of Azel S. ROE & daughter of Jas. & Ann WALKER, of New York. She died at New Burgh on 27 Aug, 1821, aged 25 yrs, 8 mos, 9 dys ~ Her benevolent heart, directed by an intelligent mind and sustained by the Grace of God, had already begun to distinguish her path and afford rich promise of things in fulness, when God, in his infinite wisdom, did call her away and lay the fond hopes of Friends and Relatives in the silent tomb
417. In memory of Jane, wife of Azel S. ROE, & daughter of James & Ann WALKER, of New York. She died 22 Dec 1826, aged 21 yrs, 7 mos, 25 dys
~ Rest, youthful sufferer, sweetly rest, ~ Low in your quiet bed; ~ Tho' once with pain and fear distressed,~ Now pain and fears are fled. ~ Life & its pleasing dreams are gone, ~ Vanished the vision bright, ~ Like summer gentle cloud it shone, ~ Then melted from your sight. ~ In vain affections tender care, ~ To ward the fatal blow, ~ Death had his charge and could not spare, ~ And laid our fond hopes low.
418. Sacred to the memory of Ann, daughter of Isaac & Rachel VANDERBECK, late of the City of New York, who after a very painful & protracted illness, departed this life 20th May 1835, aged 65 yrs, 8 mos, 18 dys.
~ Neither age, suffering, nor approaching dissolution, could damp her ardour, or lessen her attachment tothe religion and church of her fathers; its faith, order, & worship were ever dear to her soul. One of the last acts of her life was action and munificent participation in the establishment of the Reformed Dutch Church in Newburgh.
419. In memory of James M. R. WALKER, eldest son of James & Ann WALKER, who departed this life May 21, 1843, inthe 52d year of his age
420. Sarah J., wife of Abel W, BELKNAP, & daughter of Samuel & Nancy JOHNSON, d. may 13, 1850, aged 28 yrs, 10 mos
421. Abel W. BELKNAP, son of Moses H. & Margaret BELKNAP, d. Jun 26, 1847, in the 26th year of his age
Margaret Agnes, daughter of Abel W. & Sarah J. BELKNAP, d. Aug 23, 1849, aged 3 yrs, 3 mos
422. Ruletta G. BELKNAP, daughter of Moses H. & Margaret BELKNAP, d. Aug 11, 1850, aged 30 yrs, 11 dys
423. Abel BELKNAP d. Oct 19, 1854, in the 69th year of his age
~ Help, Lord, for the godly man cesseth, for the faithful fall from among the children of men
424. Died Oct 23, 1833, Ruth P., wife of Moses H. BELKNAP, in the 38 year of her age
425. Died 19 Jan 1833, Mary G., wife of Abel BELKNAP, in the 40 year of her age
~ She died to live and lives to die no more
426. Died Feb 27, 1824, Margaret, wife of Moses H. BELKNAP, aged 28 yrs, 8 mos, 20 dys. Also Jan 30, 1824, Mary Eunice, their daughter, aged 11 mos, 19 dys
427. Moses H. BELKNAP, d. Jan 4, 1855 in the 68th year of his age
428. The remains of the infant son of Jona. & Sally FISK, d. 2 Nov 1813, aged 2 mos, 2 dys.
~ Dear little tender babe entomb'd; ~ A sweeter blossom never bloomed, ~ Expanded to the runy ray, ~ Its beauteous bead then died away
429. Mary Marcella FISK, daughter of Jonathan & Sarah FISK, d. 18 Jun 1827, aged 11 yrs, 3 mos, 14 dys
~ Farewell, dear child, a short farewell ere long, ~ And we shall meet on yonder shore, where trees ~ Of life bear fruit immortal. ~ Death, great proprietor of all, t'is thine ~ To tread out empire and quench the stars
430. In memory of Mrs. Sarah FISK, who died [sic] Mar 18, 1773, d. Jun 6, 1832 [87]
431. In memory of Jonathan FISK, Esq., b. at Amhert, New Hampshire, Sep 26, 1778, d. Jul 13, 1832. [88]
~ The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised
432. In memory of Delphine R. E. J.C. BISBEE, b. Feb 4, 1808, d. Jul 22, 1846 [89]
~ Then shall the dust return to the earth, as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
433. In memory of Margaret PARRISH, daughter of Daniel & Mary Ann PARISH, who departed this life Aug 9, 1832, aged 4 yrs, 2 mos
~ So Jesus Slept; God's dying son ~ Passed through the grave and blest the tomb. ~ Rest here, sweet babe, till from his throne, ~ The morning break and pierce the gloom; ~ Then cease, fond nature, cease the tears, ~ T'is the Redeemer points on high, ~ There everlasting spring appears, ~ And joys celestial never die
434. [North] In memory of Thomas McKISSOCK, b. in Montgomery, Apr 17, 1790, d. Jun 26, 1866.
[South] In memory of Elcey Belknap, wife of Thomas McKISSOCK, b. in Newburgh, Dec 30, 1802, d. Jul 14, 1843. [90]
435. Oliver DUDLEY, son of Thomas & Elcy McKISSOCK, b. 22 OCt 1831, d. 29 Nov 1836, and lies buried here.
~ Suffer little children to come unto me. and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven
436. Sarah Jane McKISSOCK, daughter of Thomas McKISSOCK, Jr, & Elcy, his wife, b. Sep 17, 1829, d. Jan 19, 1831, and buried here Jan 20, 1831
437. The grave of Thomas, son of James & Clarissa BELKNAP, who died Mar 16, 1830, AE 3 yrs, 3 mos, 8 dys
438. The grave of Harriet BELKNAP, daughter of James & Clarissa BELKNAP, b. Sep 18, 1822, d. Sep 10, 1828, aged 15 [sic] yrs, 11 mos, 22 dys
439. Thomas R. BELKNAP, b. Jan 9, 1835, d. Apr 26, 1872
440. In memory of Ann Maria, daughter of James & Clarissa BELKNAP, who died Dec 9, 1842, aged 17 yrs, 7 mos, 28 dys
441. Nathaniel Ring BELKNAP, d. Apr 22, 1863, aged 42 yrs, 8 mos, 2 dys
442. James BELKNAP, b. Mar 24, 1793, d.Jan 5, 1870. His wife Clarissa Ring, b. May 15, 1794, d. Mar 9, 1892 [91]
443. [West] Florence C., daughter of John G. & Julia A. READ, & grand-daughter of C.F. & A.A. REEVE, b. Feb 12, 1858, d. Nov 28, 1858.
[North] Richard Amos, son of C.F.V. & A.A. REEVE, b. Mar 7, 1836, d. Aug 17, 1836
[East] Chas. F. V. REEVE, b. Jul 21, 1800, d. Oct 12, 1875. Adeline Amos, his wife, b. Apr 18, 1812, d. May 28, 1836 [82]
444. In memory of Samuel Martin, son of Aaron & Mary J.L.S. BELKNAP, who departed this life Feb 9, 1815. In 10 short months & 5 days his little race was run.
~ Interesting little Charmer; ~ He who gave thee all thy charm, ~ Enfolds tee now a sainted Cherub, ~ Smiling in his tender arms
445. Sacred to the memory of Ethelbert Bogardus, eldest son of Aaron & Mary Josepha L. S. BELKNAP. His immortal part winged its flight 1 May 1821, 8 happy years & 8 months had had their maturing influence on the building perennial.
~ His parents' joy and hope, ! How soon is fled; ~ Their lovely treasure, ~ Ethelbert is dead. ~ Suffer little children to come unto me. and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven
446. [West] In memory of Aaron BELKNAP, who died trusting in the cross, mar 14, 1847, aged 56 yrs.
[South] His moral worth is richly embalmed in the bosom of his friends [East] In memory of Mary Josepha Lydia Stearns, widow of Aaron BELKNAP, b. May 2, 1771, d. Jul 20, 1862 [92] [North] I know that my Redeemer liveth.
447. [West] Alida Yates, daughter of Gen'l LEAVENEORTH, U. S. Army, d. at New Burgh, Jan 25, 1839
[North] Harriet LEAVENWORTH, widow of the late Brig'r Gen'l Henry LEAVENWORTH, of the U.S. Army, d. at Barrytown, Dutchess Co,, N.Y. Sep 7, 1854, aged 63 yrs [93]
448. Died 24 Nov 1830, Julia Ann, wife of William B. JOHNSON, in the 35 year of her age
449. Rufus R. BELKNAP, 1797-1868. His wife, L. E. J. BELKNAP, 1816-1878
~ Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. that they may rest from their labors
450. [East] Eli HASBROUCK, b. Mar 17, 1796, d. Dec 28, 1871. Harriet Belknap, wife of Eli HASBROUCK, b. Nov 26, 1795, d. Sep 30, 1839
[North] Mary, daughter of Isaac & Hannah HASBROUCK, d. Aug 8, 1856, aged 57 yrs, 8 mos
[South] Ann Eliza, b. Oct 7, 1826, d. Jul 4, 1832. Harriet, b. Feb 24, 1832, d. Feb 14, 1834. Daughters of Eli & Harriet HASBROUCK
451. In memory of William JOHNSTON, d. Feb 14, 1873, aged 58 yrs, 6 mos, 13 dys
452. In memory of Francis WILSON, Jr., youngest son of Francis & Isabella WILSON, d. Jun 16, 1857, aged 10 yrs, 7 dys.
~ What is they beloved more than another beloved? He is altogether lovely. He brought me to the banqueting house and his banner over me was love.
453. In memory of Isaac V. FOWLER, b. Aug 20, 1818, d. Sep 29, 1869
454. In memory of Frederick C. FOWLER, b. Mar 11, 1849, d. Jan 7, 1870
455. Died Dec 30, 1827, David GORHAM, aged 47 yrs, 3 dys. Died Jul 5, 1843, Tamar, his wife, aged 62 yrs, 1 mo, 21 dys
456. Drowned, 13 Sep 1821, Charles, son of David & Tamar GORHAM, aged 8 yrs
457. [East] Died Oct 4, 1860, Sarah HILDRETH, in her 83 yr, widow of John HILDRETH, who d. at Sackett's Harbor, in the Army of the U. S. , Jan 1, 1814, in the 36th yr of his age.
~ Dear Parent Thoug are not dead but sleeping. Thy hopes were full of immortality, in dying thou dost live with a full assurance of a blessed resurrection unto life eternal Erected by their son, John T. HILDRETH, of Brooklyn, L. I., N. Y., and grandchildren [West] My Mother
458. Sacred to the memory of Susan Hildreth, wife of William G. GILLESPIE, who died 23 Aug 1844, aged 32 yrs, 11 dys.
~ Though her sufferings were great, yet she bore them with Christian fortitude and rejoiced in the prospect of a blessed immortality beyond the grave. ~ Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims, ~ For all the pious dead; ~ Sweet is the memory of their names ~ And soft their sleeping bed. ~ They die in Jesus and are bless'd ~ How kind their slumbers are; ~ From suffering and from sin redeem'd, ~ And freed from every snare. ~ Far from the world of toil and strife, ~ They're present with the Lord, ~ The labors of their life, ~ Ends in a large reward. Also, Anna Mary, who died Jul 1, 1838, aged 11 mos & 21 dys. William Hildreth, who died Nov 9, 1840, aged 1 yr, 7 mos.
459. Sacred to the memory of Charlotte E. Brown, wife of William G. GILLESPIE, who died Oct 2, 1847, aged 28 yrs, 2 mos, 2 dys.
~ Blessed are the pure in heart. ~ Weep not for her; this grave in trust, ~ Holds till the morn but sacred dust, ~ The pure in heart from sorrow free, ~ God's holy face forever see.
460. William G., GILLESPIE, b. May 30, 1806, d. Mar 15, 1884. Ellen C. M. GILLESPIE, wife of W. G. GILLESPIE, d. Oct 7, 1897, aged 77 yrs, 6 mos
461. The grave of Isaac HASBROUCK, who died Aug 21, 1806, ae 45 yrs. Also, of Hannah, his wife, who died Dec 27, 1807, ae 45 yrs. Also of Israel, their son, who died in 1810, ae 21 yrs. Also of Rachel, their daughter, who died Nov 1822, ae 28 yrs [94]
462. In memory of Rev. David L. PROUDFIT, who died Dec 11, 1817, in the 37th year of his age
~ The remembrance of the just is blessed
463. Little Fanny, d. Jan 21, 1850
464. Sacred to the memory of Jonathan HASBROUCK, who departed this life Mar 14, 1855, aged 69 yrs, 6 mos [95]
465. Sacred to the memory of Phebe F., wife of Jonathan HASBROUCH, who departed this life Mar 27, 1880 in her 92nd yr
466. In memory of Margaret J. MOORE, who died Sep 26, 1858, aged 29 yrs. Eliza MOORE, d. Dec 21, 1860, aged 25 yrs. Eliza J. MOORE, d. Dec 31, 1860, aged 25 yrs
467. Erected in memory of Thomas James MOORE, b. near Antrim, Ireland, Apr 19, 1834, d. at Newburgh, N.Y., Nov 8, 1856.
~ I shall be satisified when I awake with thy likeness
468. In memory of Gilbert Odgen FOWLER, b. Dec 10, 1788, d. Dec 27, 1843. Also of his wife, Rachel Ann, b. Jan 2, 1794, d. Sep 13, 1879
469. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth FOWLER, relict of Doctor David FOWLER, who departed this life Feb 7, 1837, aged 68 yrs
470. Sacred to the memory of Doctor David FOWLER, who died 20 Oct 1835, in the 80th year of his age [96]
471. [East] Our mother, Laura Ann Hubbel, beloved wife of Walter H. GORHAM, b. Aug 30, 1801, d. Jan 10, 1868
~ I know that my Redeemer liveth
Walter H. GORHAM, b. Apr 1, 1803, d.Jun 22, 1878 [West] mary Corwin, David, John R., Charlotte, Laura Ann, Martha H. Robert Hubble, Beloved children of Walter H. & Laura Ann GORHAM
472. [East] In memory of Lyman LEE, d. Jan 16, 1873, aged 65 yrs, 5 mos, 15 dys
Mary, wife of Lyman LEE, d. Mar 15, 1874, aged 68 yrs, 1 mo, 10 dys [North] In memory of Thomas H., died Oct 25, 1867, aged 29 yrs, 11 mos, 25 dys. Sarah E., d. Apr8, 1868, aged 25 yrs, 5 mos, 23 dys. Children of Lyman & Mary LEE
[South] In memory of George, son of Lyman & Mary LEE, d. Jun 22, 1849, aged 9 yrs, 4 mos, 22 day ~ Dear George thou has left us. ~ Here thy losss we deeply feel, ~ But 'tis God who hast bereft us, ~ He can all our sorrows heal

[61] Dr. HEDGES was noted in the religious discussions of his day. It is erroneously asserted of him that he died of visitation of God for participation in the administration of the Holy Sacrament to a dog. His death was from a nervous fit, to which he was subject.
[62] A few men whose resting place is marked in the cemetery have a more worthy life record than Matthew DU BOIS, grandson of the Huguenot immigrant at New Paltz; was engaged in sloop freighting in New Windsor; was in Col. McCLAUGHRY's Regiment in the action at Fort Montgomery Oct 6, 1777; gave two sons to the Revolutionary army; member of the Legislature and filled several local official trusts.
[63] Daughter of Peter WELLING of New Windsor
[64] Mother and son. Mr. SLEIGHT was a lawyer and respected for many virtues.
[65] Capt. LANDER was father of Tobias D. LANDER, dealer in clocks, watches, etc. The latter removed to and died in New York.
[66] Sister of Daniel FARRINGTON
[67] Brother-in-law of Daniel FARRINGTON and his associate in the painting business
[68] Graduate of Rutgers, 1829; studied in Edinburg under Rev. Thomas CHALMERS, and in Glasgow under Dr. Thomas DICK; licensed in 1833 by the presbytery of Aberdeen, Scotland; ordained in 1834 in N. Y.; was pastor in Philadelphia 1834-36, and in Newburgh 1836-47; also Professor of Biblical literature in the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in Newburgh; Professor of Latin at Princeton 1847-53, again Professor in the Seminary at Newburgh 1853-5. 1860-3 Professor of English language and literature in Rutgers. Chaplain and Professor of moral philosophy at West Point 1871-1881. Author of numerous sermons and pamphlets and contributor to current literature. (R. E.)
[69] For a number of years Street Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Fire Department
[70] Mrs. GRANT & Mrs. NOYES were daughters of John BEVRIDGE
[71] Father of Daniel and Ebenezer Ward FARRINGTON
[72] This interesting family is now represented by William S. LIBBY, late of the firm of Hilton & Libby, successors to Alexander STEWART, merchant of N. Y.
[73] Mrs. VAN KLEEK was daughter of Robert BOYD of New Windsor, a gun maker in the war of the Revolution. The late Rober Boyd VAN KLEEK was a son. Dr. VAN KLEEK was of Poughkeepsie stock, noted in the Revolution. He was, as his monument states, an excellent man and an able physician. In this grave is buried Ellen VAN KLEEK, who died at White Plains, N. Y., Apr 16, 1898, ae 80 yrs
[74] Jonathan and Arron NOYES were brothers, and sons of Jonathan NOYS, who settled here after or at the end of the war of the Revolution. A sister of Jonathan and Aaron married David, son of Samuel WEED, and became the mother of Jonathan Noyes WEEK, President of the Quassaick National Bank.
[75] Daughter of Aaron & Hannah NOYES
[76] Aaron NOYES established and conducted for several years a brickyard at the foot of Renwick Street. He was quite active in local affairs and was a member of the Board of Trustees of the village, 1831, '32, '33, '35, '36.
[77] Mr. GAZELEY was for twenty-three years editor and publisher of the Political Index, the leading newspaper in Newburgh prior to 1829. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan CARTER, is said to be buried by his side. He has no descendants in Newburgh.
[78] Near this stone are said to be buried the bodies of Edward and his wife Susan Wier, and their two children, John Carlisle and Emily Wier. They all died in N. Y. and were brought here for burial.
[79] A descendant in the 5th generation of Louise DU BOIS, the Huguenot settlere at New Paltz. He was Grigadier-General of Artillery for many years, a miller and manufacturer at West NEWBURGH, and at all times an active, honorable and useful citizen.
[80] Son of James REEVE, of L. I.; father of Selah, Christopher, Chas. F. V., William, George, and Eliza, who married Hon. John W. BROWN. For nearly a century one of the active business families in Newburgh.
[81] Brother of Gen. Nathaniel
[82] See No., 443, III. To the south of this monument is buried the body of Mrs. Julia REED, daughter of the late C. F. V. REEVE.
[83] For many years a manufacturer of and dealer in leather in Newburgh
[84] Dr. Alexander CLINTON, son of Charles and great-grandson of Col. Charles, of Little Britain. He removed to N. Y. City, where he died
[85] Son-in-law of Capt. Robert GOURLAY. His body was brought here from New Jersey.
[86] Capt. Robert GOURLAY, 46th U. S. Infantry, War of 1812. His wife, Martha DeWITT, was daughter of Chas. CLINTON, grandson of Col. Chas. CLINTON, of Little Britain. His father was Dr. Robert GOURLAY, an early physician who emigrated from Ireland and located in Little Britain. Prior to entering the army, Capt. GOURLAY conducted mercantile business in Newburgh
[87] Mrs. FISK was daughter of Baltus VAN KLEEK, of Poughkeepsie, and sister of Dr. Baltus VAN KLEEK, of Newburgh
[88] One of the ablest of the early lawyers of Newburgh; U.S. District Attorney for the Southern District of New York; an active member and founder of St. Geroge's Church, on its reorganization. He has no living descendant, his entire family is buried aruond him, with the exception of his son James, died Pensacola, Florida.
[89] Daughter of Jonathan FISK. Theodore, her brother, a lawyer of ability is without monument.
[90] Thomas McKISSOCK was eminent as a lawyer and as a member of Congress. He has no representative surviving him in Newburgh. Mrs. McKISSOCK was daughter of Joseph BELKNAP, and sister of James BELKNAP and Mrs. Eli HASBROUCK.
[91] Mr. BELKNAP was one of the most worthy and respectable citizens of Newburgh. He was in the field in the war of 1812 as first sergeant of Capt. W. H. FALLS' company of infantry; was appinter Adjutant in 1812 and held the commission until the close of the war in 1817; was Captain of the Bell Button Company, of which John W. BROWN was Ensign in 1821-22; was brigade Inspector; later Chief Engineer of the Fire Department; in 1843-48, Postmaster, and held several official stations. His wife, Clarissa RING, was sister of Thomas C. RING.
[92] Aaron BELKNAP was a lawyer and for eighteen years Postmaster at Newburgh.
[93] Henry LEAVENWORTH, b. in New Haven, Conn., 10 Dec 1783, d. in Cross Timbers, Indian Ter., 21 Jul 1834. Capt., Maj., Lieut Col, and Col. in the war of 1812. Breveted Lieut. Col. for distinguished service at the battle of Chippewa, U. C., for meritorius service at Niagara, U. C. where he was wounded, and Brig. Gen'l in 1824, for "ten faithful service in one grade."
[94] Son of Col. Jonathan HASBROUCK, the builder of Washington's Headquarters. His wife was Hannah, daughter of David BIRDSALL
[95] Son of Isaac HASBROUCK & father of Eli HASBROUCK