Extracted From
The Baptismal Records of the
Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of
New Utrecht, Long Island, 1718-1741
Walter Kenneth Griffin, 1911
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

[Transcriber's note: Because the original is a typescript rather than a printed book, there are inheriant problems familiar to anyone who has ever used a manual typewriter. Some letters are illegible because of ink filling in the character so that it is only a blob. Other letters, especially the capital letters at the beginnings of names are "raised" because the shift key wasn't held far enough down to register the entire letter, and some pages even look like carbon copies rather than originals. Where the uneven type made it impossible to decipher the letters, I've used dashes ( ---- ) rather than guess.]
1718 -
31 Aug, Jan, of Johanes & Jannetie DITMARSE
1 Sep, Johanes, of Cor. & Janetie CORNEL
1 Sep, Petrus, of Peter & Altje NEVIUE, Jr.
6 Oct, Janetie, of Laurans & Elis DITMARSE
6 Oct, Petrus of Peter & Helena PALMETIER
6 Oct, Jacobus of Jan & Margritie STRYKER
2 Nov, Metje, of Rem. & Peternellitie HEG
2 Nov, Ida, of Barnardus & Janetie VERBYK
23 Nov, Hendrik, of Jost. & Helena DURJE
19 Dec, George, of Jeremias & Peternelletie V. DE BILT
1719 -
29 Jan, Catrina, of Philipus & Anna HAGEL
29 Jan, Eva, of Coert. & Heltje V. VORHES
1 Feb, Adrian, of Adrian & Sarah HEG
13 Feb, Jacob, of Isaac & Hendrikje REMSEN
29 Mar, Jan, of Peter & Eytje LE PERTSE
29 Mar, Gerrit of Jan & Maria GERRITSEN
12 Apr, Woutherus, of Tunis & Gertrude (BENNET) V. PELT
3 May, Elisabeth, of Barent & Femetie BLOM
18 May, Engebart, of Abm. & Catlyntie LOT
21 May, Adam & Janetie, of Adam & Rachel SMITH
21 Jun, Janetie, of Dom. & Janitie V. D. VEER
2 Aug, Nicklaes, of Oyen & Gesina McKERTJE
13 Sep, Maritje, of Wm. & Rachel BOERUM
13 Sep, Neltje, of Jacobus & Janetie NAGEL
15 Nov, Gerrit of Jan. & Elis SPRONGH
4 Dec, Andries, of Jos. & Alida HEG
25 Dec, Margrietie, of Jan. & Margritie STRYKER
1720 -
1 Jan, Volkert, of --- RAPELJE & Sarah V. VECHTEN
17 Jan, Evert, of Rem. & Petereletie HEG
17 Jan, Adriantio, of Jan. & Catrina (HEG) V. PELT
20 Mar, Jorie, of Jacobus & Sara BEAVOIS
16 Apr, Abram, of Abm. & Elis DURJE
24 Apr, Janetje, of Hieronymus & Hilletie (V. VECHTEN) RAPELJE
19 Jun, Gertruy, of Johanes & Susanna, JANSEN
19 Jun, Ryok, of Jan. & Eytje V METEREN
19 Jun, Ida, of Jan. & Willemtie SUYDAM
19 Jun, Catrina, of Reynier & Metje or Anetje FOLLEMAN
19 Jun, Jacobus, of Giljam & Cornelia CORNEL
19 Jun, Johanes, of Jacobus & Elis BEEKMAN
4 Dec, Janetje, of Nicholas & Margritje LETTING
4 Dec, Adrian, of Adrian & Martha HEG
25 Dec, Barent, of Barent & Gertie V. DEVENTER
1721 -
8 Jan, Seytie, of Peter & Eytje LEFERTSE
29 Jan, Grietje, of Wm. & Adriantie KOWENHOVEN
29 Feb, Janetie, of Jacob & Stintie MARTENSE
29 Feb, Geertje, of Steven & Maretie VORHES
29 Feb, Hilletie, of Jeremias & Pieternelletie V. D. BILT
12 Mar, Elisabeth, of Jacobus & Janetie LEFERTSE
2 Apr, Catrina, of Isaac & Catrina SNEDEKER
21 May, Peter, of Peter & Lammetje STAATS
23 Jun, Maria, of Jacobus & Dorothia MONFORT
Sp. Peter MONFORT & Maria is interlined between the above entry and the following with no indication of which baptism the couple sponsored.
23 Jun, Catrina, of Auken & Altie V. NUYS
16 Jul, Sarah, of Adrian & Sara HEG
16 Jul, Nicolas, of Wm. & Maretie BENNET
27 Aug, Jurian, of Hk. & Maria V. LUVEN
27 Aug, Wilhelmus, of Chistian & Antie LUPARDUS
17 Sep, Benjamin, of Jan. & Rachel WALDRON
8 Oct, Albert, of Jan. & Maria GERRITSEN
8 Oct, Auken, of Auken & Ida V. HENGELEN
19 Oct, Adrian, of Cors. & Janetie CORNEL
19 Oct, Antje, of Peter & Sara LOTT
10 Dec, Jacob, of Dom. & Janetie V. DEVEER
25 Dec, Elsje, of Karel & Rebeca BOERUM
1722 -
21 Jan, Angenetie, of Symon & Angenitie DE HART
11 Feb, Marten, of Garrit & Mag. MARTENSE
11 Feb, Cornelia, of Peter & Antie LUYSTER
4 Mar, Margritie, of Jan. & Antje BENNET
25 Mar, Janetie, of Klaas & Margritie LETTING
25 Mar, Thys, of Peter & Catriena (LANING) CORNEL
8 Apr, Vinoentius, of Johanes & Johana ANTONIDES
29 Apr, Petrua, of Hend'k & Janitie (BERGEN) VROOM
29 Apr, Sara, of Peter, Jr. & Janetie STRYKER
29 Jul, Margrietia, of Jan & Margritie LEFFERTS
29 Jul, Helena, of Jn. Fred. & Helena RHYN
29 Jul, Elsje, of Jacob & Mareytie BERGEN
29 Jul, Wilhelmus, of Giljam & Cornelia CORNELL
29 Jul, Tuntje or Trintje, of Johanes & Maria SPEDER
9 Sep, Adrian, of Adrian & Martha HEG
9 Sep, Englebert, of Johanes & Lametje LOTT
9 Sep, Jan, of Joris & Dinah (MIDDAGH) RAPELJE
9 Sep, Neltje, of Philipus & Anna HAGEL
9 Nov, Margritie, of Johanes & Susana JANSEN
9 Nov, Grietje, of Hend'k Eldortz & Editje or Gritje (V. VORHES)
9 Nov, Andries, of Tunis & Sarah HOLHEMIUS
9 Nov, Barnardus, of Jan & Willentje SUYDAM
9 Nov, Jacobus, of William & Elis B. BEEKMAN
1723 -
13 Jan, Maritie, of Johanes & Janetie DITMARS
8 Feb, Roelof, of Jan & Anna V. KERK
8 Feb, Sara, of Jan & Anna V. KERK
24 Feb, Leffert, of Isaac & Harmpje LEFFERTS
17 Mar, Maria, of Joris & Jacquemyntie ANDERSON
17 Mar, Seytie, of Michiel & Beletje, V. DE VEER
17 Mar, Michiel, of Jan & Sara (dau. of Michiel Hans BERGEN) STRYKER
7 Apr, Jacob, of Gisbert, Jr. & Maretie (BERGEN) BOGART
21 Apr, Grietje, of Adrian & Grietje BENNET
21 Apr, Hel_je, of Tunis & Geertje MIDDLESWART
21 Apr, Lueretia, of Jos. Denya & Alida HEG
29 May, Antje, of Stephen & Antie SCHEWK
29 May, Elsie, of ZSimon & Gerardina (KOUWENHOVEN) V. WICKELEW
7 Jul, Frederik, of Fred & Helena HLAW
7 Jul, Barbera, of Barent & Femetie BLOW
22 Sep, Heyltje, of Jan & Ida V. WICKELEN
22 Sep, Styntie, of Jacob & Styntie MARTENSE
3 Nov, Margrietie, of Peter & Antie LUYSTER
3 Nov, Dominious, of Dom & Janetie V. DE VERR (Dan V. HOSTRAND & Antie in paranthesis beneath this entry, perhaps sponsors?)
1724 -
16 Feb, Abram, of Jacob & Catrina DURJE
8 Mar, Simon of Wm. & Rachel BOERUN
17 May, Maretje, of Arnout & Angenitie (BERGEN) ABRAMSE
29 May, Joris, of Rem. & Susana MARTENSE
21 Jun, Jorie, of Jorie & Eliz. (REMSEN) RAPELJE
21 Jun, Petrus, of Dan & Maretie NORSTRAND
12 Jul, Elizabeth, of Abm. & Elia. DUYE
13 Sep, Anetje, of Johanes & Lametie LOTT
13 Sep, Denye, of Wm. & Lybregh or Sybregh V. DUYN
13 Sep, Magdalena, of Jan & Susana V. PELT
13 Sep, Antie, of Court. & Neltja V. VORHES
27 Sep, Cornelis, of Gerrit & Altie V. DUYN
26 Oct, Gerrit, of Peter & Ransje WYKOF
26 Oct, Giljam, of Giljam & Cornelia CORNELL
6 Dec, Eytje, of Michial & Bolatje V. D. VEER
6 Dec, Cornelis, of Jos., Jr., & Adriantje HEG
1725 -
17 Jan, Metja, of Jan & Ida V. WICKELEN
7 Feb, Fametie, of Hend'k & Maretje STRYKER
4 Apr, Maria, fo Denya, Jr., & Antie V. DUYN
4 Apr, Maretje, of Jan & Catharina DORLAND
4 Apr, Margritie, of Johanes & Susana JOHANES
23 Apr, Fametie, of Rem & Peternelletie HEG
23 Apr, Margritie, of Jan & Adriantje V. NUYS
9 May, Maria, of Abm. & Elis V. ZICHELEN
9 May, Rem, of Adrian & Martha HEG (G. P., Rem & Dorothea V. DEN BECK)
23 May, Johanes, of Johanes & Janetie DITMARS
25 Jul, Catlyntie, of Dom. & Janetie V. D. VEER
15 Aug, Seytie, of Barent & Gertie V. D. VENTER
15 Aug, Seytie, of Johannes & Cornelia SUYDAM
5 Sep, Catharine, of Jos. & Alida HEG
17 Oct, Jacobus, of Jan Auken & Helena (V. NUYS)
28 Nov, Thye, of Peter & Antje LUYSTER
1726 -
1 Jan, Elizabeth, of Jurian & Janetie NAGEL
5 Feb, Maria, of Marten Roelofse & Janetie SCHENCK, (G. P., Jurian PROBASCO & Catlyntie)
6 Feb, Jeremias, of Rem. & Gerritje V. D. BEEK
6 Feb, Johanes, of Jan & Willemtje SUYDAM
27 Feb, Antie, of Jos. & Catryna BENHAM
3 Jul, Joseph, of Adrian & Sarah HEG
14 Aug, Trintie, of Symon & Angenitie (V. DYK) DE HART
14 Aug, Peter, of Johanes & Lametie LOTT
2 Sep, Abraham, of Joris, Jr., & Francyntie BERGEN
25 Sep, Rem, of Jos. & Adriantie HEG
26 Nov, Rebecca, of Jacob & Antie JACOBSEN
26 Nov, Jan, of Michel & Belitje V. D. VEER
1727 -
22 Jan, Antie, of Peter & Antie LOYSEN
5 Mar, Peternelletie, of Jer. & Peternelletie V. D. BILT
26 Mar, Anetje, of Johanes & Jannetie DITMARS
26 Mar, Jan, fo Jan & Susana V. PELT
9 Apr, Helena, of Paulus & Janetie V. DER VOORT
9 Apr, Margrita, of Isaac & Cath. SEBRING
16 Jun, Johanes, of Giljam & Cornelia CORNELL
9 Jul, Neltje, of Dom. & Janetie V. D. VEER
9 Jul, Joris, of Jan & Maria V. DER VOORT
10 Sep, Metje, of Hend'k & Geertje SUYDAM
10 Sep, Sara, of Jan & Anatie V. KERK
1728 -
4 Feb, Catrina, of Johanes & Maria SCHENCK
4 Feb, Auken, of Rinier V. HENGELEN
4 Feb, Gertruyd, of Adrian & Martha HEG
7 Apr, Abraham, of Karel & Rebeca BOERUM
7 Apr, Fredrik, of Jan & Abigail BLAUW
7 Feb, Jan, of Peter & Antie LUYSTER
7 Apr, Thys, of Nicolas & Altie LAMMERTSEN
23 Apr, Petrus, of Ryk & Engeltie SUYDAM
12 May, Antie, of Peter & Eytje LEFFERTS
30 May, Lammertje, of Aris & Seytie V. D. BILT
10 Jun, George, of Geo. & Jacquemyntie (V. DUIN) ANDERSON
30 Jun, Daniel, of Jacob & Maretie POLHEMUS
11 Aug, Rem of Rem. & Peternellitie HEG
13 Oct, Cornelia, of Johanes & Lametje LOTT
13 Oct, Catharina, of Michel & Beletje V. D. VEER
13 Oct, Maretje, of Hend'k & Martje STRYKER
24 Nov, Parent, of Jan & Sara (BERGEN) STRYKER
24 Nov, Christina, ofPeter & Mettje V. D. VOORT
26 Dec, Johanes, of Jan & Maria V. D. VOORT
1729 -
5 Jan, Alida, of Jos. & Alida HEG
26 Jan, Gertruyd, of Adrian & Martha HEG
9 Mar, Jan, of Jacob & Maritie REMSEN
30 Mar, Jeremias, of Dom. & Janetie V. DER VEER
30 Mar, Sara, of Adrian & Neltje MARTENSE
11 May, Stephen (Vorhes), of Cors. & Femetje STEVENSE
18 May, Maria, of Jan, Jr., & Femetje V. BUEREN
18 May, Maayke, of Simon & Angenetje (V. DYK) DE HART
18 May, Marten, of Andries & Margrietie STOCKHOLM
15 Jul, Simeon, of Giljam & Cornelia CORNELL
11 Sep, Lucretia, of Adrian & Sarah HEG
12 Sep, Cornelia, of Jan & Femetie SCHENCK
14 Sep, Maria, of Lucas & ALtie V. VOORHEES
26 Oct, Altie, of Gerrit & Altie V. DUYN
7 Dec, Catrina, of Jacobus & Janetie STRYKER
1730 -
18 Jan, Jacobus, of Michel & Beletje V. DE VEER
18 Jan, Daniel, of Jacob & Maretje POLHEMUS
10 May, Neltje, of Steven & Antie SCHENCK
24 May, Antie, of Peter & Antie LUYSTER
26 Jul, Joris, of Isaac Aukes & Maria (V. NUYS)
16 Aug, Isaac, of Isaac & Harmpje LEFFERTS
17 Sep, Michiel, of Cor. & Elis. V. DER HOEVEN
18 Oct, Aertje, of Tunis & Sara POLHEMUS
18 Oct, Geertje, of Hend'k & Antie WYKOF
18 Oct, Johanis, of Cors. & Mag. NEVIUS
18 Oct, Jan, of Jan & Femetie V. BUEREN
18 Oct Gerrit, of Jan & Catrina DORLANT
20 Dec, Jacob, of Jacob & Anetie BENNET
20 Dec, Seytje, of Aris & Seytie V. D. BILT
27 Dec, Peter, of Peter & Janetie STRYKER
4 Apr, Leffert, of Leffert & Catryna LEFFERTS
9 May, Maria, of Abm., Jr., & Sara BROWER
9 May, Ferdinandus, of Cors. & Margritie (V. SICKLEN) SUYDAM
9 May, Catharine, of Jan & Cath. (HEG) V. PELT
27 Jun, Engeltie, of Denys & Susanna HEG Sp. Ad. & Sara HEG
27 Jun, Jan of Abm. & Styntie V. VORHES
27 Jun, Wilem, of Chas. & Elis. BERRIE
27 Jun, Elsie, of Gerrit & Maria SNEDEKER
27 Jun, Sara, of Jan & Sara (BERGEN) STRYKER
18 Jul, Gertje, of Peter & Eytie LEFFERTSE
1 Aug, Elisabeth, of Jos. & Altie DITHARZ
15 Aug, Wilhemus, of Jan & Adriana WYKOF
15 Aug, aritie, of Jacob & Mareytie BENSEN bap. at Br.
15 Aug, Elisabeth, of Peter & Rensje WYKOF
29 Aug, Jan, of Karel & Marika V. D. VOOT
10 Oct, Abraham, of Giljam & Cornelia CORNEL
10 Oct, Maria, of Jan & Femetie SCHENCK, Sp. Rem. & Femetie HEG
10 Oct, Engeltie, of Jan & Abigail BLAUW
10 Oct, Fredrik, of Jurian & Hester BLAW
17 Oct, Antie, of Dom. & Janetie V. D. VEER
17 Oct, Cornelis, of Koort & Peternelletie V. VOORHES
31 Oct, Jaques, of Jaques & Maretje CORTELJOU
14 Nov, Debora, of Jas. & Maria SPENCER, bap. N. U.
14 Nov, Petrus, of Adrian & Sarah HEG, born 10
21 Nov, Streatfield, of David & Margreta CLARKSON, born 9, G. P. Bar. FREEMAN, Margreta
28 Nov, Willem, of Cors. & Maria HOOGLAND Br. (M. & Neltje HOGLAND)
28 Nov, Philippus, of Joris & Janetie REMSEN, BR.
1732 -
12 Jan, Annatje, of Andries & Femetie EMANS, Br.
16 Jan, Isaac, of Auke & Aeltie V. NUYS, Br.
30 Jan, Jacob, of Wm. & Anna BENNET
13 Feb, Hendrik, of Hend'k & Gertia (V. WIKELEN) SUYDAM N. U.
27 Feb, Barnardus, of Jas & Altie HUBARD, Br.
27 Feb, Steven, of Jan & Seytie VORHES, Br.
5 Mar, Janetie, of Thos. & Anetie V. KYK, N. U.
12 Mar, Anatie, of Jan & Anetie V. KERK
19 Mar, Petrus, of Isaac & Sarah VORHES, Br.
19 Mar, Karel, of Jost & Maddalena BOERUM, Br.
20 May, Jacobus, of Barent & Gertie V. DE VENTER
29 May, Harmanus, of Christofel & Neltje HOGELANT, N.U.
18 Jun, Samuel, of Mindert & Johana JANSEN, N.U.
25 Jun, Cornelis, of Cors. & Helena BENHAM
25 Jun, Antie, of Adrian & Neltja MARTENSE G.P. Abm. & Antie BRIKERKOF)
9 Jul, Geetje, of Peter & Geetie or Gertie WILLEMSEN, Gs.
16 Jul, Joseph, of Jos. & Alida HEG, G.P. Ad. & Sara HEG
20 Jul, Catrina, of Mechiel & Beletje V. DE VEER, N.U.
20 Jul, Dirk, of Henk'k & Anetje WILBEN, N.U.
15 Sep, Benjamin, a slave of Peter LEFFERTS
17 Sep, Johanes, of Nich. & Martha STILLWELL
29 Oct, Petrus, of Peter & Antie LUYSTER
24 Dec, Antje, of Jaques & Reymeriga DUYSE
1733 -
4 Feb, Rutgert, of Rutgert & Elis, V. BRUNT, N.U.
11 Feb, Femetie, of Daniel & Femetja V. VORHES
23 Feb, Adriantie, of Gerrit & Antie V. DUYN, N.U.
25 Feb, Lidia, fo Jan & Antie GRIGGS
25 Mar, Catrina, of Jan & Maria COUWENHOVEN
25 Mar, Marten, of Jan & Antie MONTFORT
1 Apr, Antie, of Jaques & Marietie CORTELYOU, N.U.
1 Apr, Hendrik, of Hend'k, Jr., & Eva JANSEN, N.U.
1 Apr, Jan & Maria (?), of Jos. & Catrina BENDHAM
29 Apr, Fernandus, of Cor. & Margretie (V.SICLEN) SUYDAM
13 May, Jeremias, of Nich. & Ida VILLEMSEN
13 May, Nicolas, of Nich. & Ida VILLEMSEN
13 May, Antie, of Jan & Elsje BERHAM
20 May, Masyke, of Roelof & Elsje V. BRUNT, N.U.
10 Jun, Maria, of Samuel & Maritie GROENENDYK, N.U.
17 Jun, Neltje, of Ben & Sara STYNMETS
29 Jul, Eva, of Wm. & Sara BENNET
29 Jul, Jan, of Gisbert & Maritje (BERGEN) BOGART
29 Jul, Antje, of Tunis & Sara POLHEMUS
12 Aug, Cornelis, of Coert. & Paternelletie VORHES
19 Aug, Jan, of Dom. & Janetie V. D. VEER
19 Aug, Maria, of Jan & Maria NOSTRANT
19 Aug, Jan, of Aert. & Mag. (STICKER) MIDDAGH
19 Aug, Maria of Jan & Catelyntie JANSEN
9 Sep, Andries, of Peter & ANtie LAOYSEY
11 Nov, Anna, of Joris & Dina (MIDDAGH) RAPELYE
1734 -
13 Jan, Jan, of Albert & Adriantie VORHES
3 Feb, Antie, of Hend'k & Antie WYKOF
10 Mar, Hanna, of Cors. & Rebeca STRUKER
10 Mar, Peternelletie, of Hend'k & Gertie (V. WILKEN) SUYDAM
7 Apr, Willem, of Hieronymus & Neltje HENNET
15 Apr, Catryntie, of Dirk & Neltje PETERSEN
5 May, Andries, of Andries & Femetie EMANS
5 May, Tunis, of Jan & Catrina (HEG) V. PELT
23 May, Neltje, of Coert & Neltje VORHES
23 Jun, Wilhelmus, of Chas & Elis. BERRIE
14 Jul, Magdalena, of Ferdinandus & Mary V. SICKLEN
25 Aug, Mayke, of Jan & Antie V. KERK
1 Sep, Johanis, of Harmanus & Sara BURKELO
1 Sep, Seytie, of Cors. & Margrietje & Cors. SUYDAM
13 Sep, Maria, of Hend'k & Maria SICKELS
22 Sep, Joseph, of Adrian & Sarah HEG, born 4
13 Oct, Antje, of Nic. & Martha STILWELL
13 Oct, Jephta Bess, Negress of Do. FREEMAN
27 Oct, Richard, of Nic. & Altie STILLWELL
27 Oct, Jocaba, of Wm. & Anetie (V. VORHES) COWENHOVEN
3 Nov, Altie, of Qaques & Maretie CORTELYOU
3 Nov, Susana, of Adrian & Neltie MARTENSE
17 Nov, Johanes, of Nic. & Ida WILLEMSE
22 Nov, Ida, of Barent & Gertie V. DE WATER, born 18
8 Dec, Ferinandus, of Hend'k, Jr., & Eva JANSE
25 Dec, Sarah, of Christofel & Neltje HOOLAND
1735 -
5 Jan, Petrus, of Cors. & Janetie V. DE VEER
5 Jan, Anetje, of Christianns & Lametie LUPARDUS
5 Jan, Roelof, of Jost & Natie DURJE
5 Jan, Christyntie, ofHend'k & Anetje V. GELDEN
9 Feb, Angeietje, of Klaas & Geerje V. BRUNT
16 Feb, Cornelis, of Michiel & Beletje V. D. VEER
9 Mar, Cornelis, of Peter & Antie LUYSTER
7 Apr, Elisabeth, of Geo. & Mallie SMITH
7 Apr, Chistofel, of Wm. & Rebeca ELLSWORTH
13 Apr, Maria, of Alex. & Adriantie V. PELT
13 Apr, Abigail, of Peter & Cytje LEFFERTZE
13 Apr, Johanes, of Jan BUYS
4 May, Neltje, of Wm. & Anatie BENNET
18 May, Machteltje, of Nic. & Cornelia VECHTE
15 Jun, Janetje, of Ben & Sara STYMETZ
22 Jun, Daniel, of Abm. & Antie (BRICKEHOF) RAPELYE
22 Jun, Maria, of Gerrit & Seytie V. DUYN
22 Jun, Isaac, of Abm. & Janetie SNEDEKER
6 Jul, Catrina, fo Roelof & Elsje V. BRUNT, N.U.
27 Jul, Helena, of Albert & Adriantie VORHES
27 Jul, Catrina, of Thos. & Neltje POOLINK
27 Jul, Neltje, of Petrus & Gertid (DORLANT) V. PELT
3 Aug, Thomas, of Jacob & Mareytie FARDON
3 Aug, Altie, of Andries & Sara ONDERDONK, G.P. Rem, Jr. & Sara REMSEN
22 Aug, Catlyntie, of Jan & Catlyntie JANSEN
22 Aug, Hendrik, of Jan & Janetie SUYDAM
5 Sep, Abraham, of Jan & Elis LAKE
19 Oct, Gerrit, of Peter & Gertie WILLEMS
30 Nov, Adrian, of Rutgert & Elis. V. BRUNT
25 Dec, Jaques, of Jaques & Reymerigh DENYSE
1736 -
29 Feb, Aris, of Aris & Seytie V. DE BILT
2 Apr, Catrina, of Benj. & Sara EMANS
2 Apr, Andries, of Andries & Femetie EMANS
26 Apr, Nathan, of Elnathan & Sara FISH
3 Jun, Helletje, of Marten M. & Antie (RAPELJE) SCHENK
13 Jun, Gertje, of Ferdinandus, Jr., & Maria V. SICKLEN
25 Jul, Maria, of Jos. & Sara HEG G. P. Adrian HEG & Femetie SCHENK
25 Jul, Daniel, of Abm. & Antie (BRINKERHOF) RAPELJE
15 Aug, Janetje, of Hend'k & Antie V. ENDEW
17 Sep, Isaac, of Jaques & Mareitje CORTELJOU
19 Sep, Adriaentie, of Christopher & Neltje HOOGLAND
19 Sep, Antje, of Wm. & Magrieta COWENHOVEN
26 Sep, Jan, of Joseph & Catrina BENHAM
28 Nov, Femetie, of Hieronymous & Neltje BENNET
28 Nov, Samuel, of Cors. & Rebecca STRYKER
13 Dec, Adriantie, of Jas. & Aeltje HUBBARD
1737 -
27 Feb, Johanes, of Dan. & Heppy WALDRON
27 Feb, Mary, of Peter & Antie LUYSTER
13 Mar, Jan, of Hend'k & Gertie (V. WICKLEN) SUYDAM
20 Mar, Femetie, of Jacob & Femetie SEBRING
1 Apr, Johanis, of Benj. & Sara STYNMETS
10 Apr, Joris, of Adrian & Neltje MARTENSE
10 Apr, Femetie, of Jan & Cornelia V. DE VEER
17 Apr, Samuel, of Myadert & Johanna JANSEN
17 Apr, Jan, of Jan, & Cath. (HEG) V. PELT
17 Apr, Geertje, of Peter & Geertje V. DYK
21 Apr, Maria, of Barent & Maria V. DEVENTER
21 Apr, Christianus, of Christianus & Lametje LUPARDUS
8 May, Rachel, of Elnathan & Sara FISH
5 Jul, Sara, of Court. & Neltje V. VORHES
17 Jul, Samuel, of Jan & Margrieta MAXELL
7 Aug, Jan, of Gerrit & Seytie V. DUYN
2 Oct, Anna, of Jacob & Maria REMSEN
9 Oct, Abigail, of Jan & Helena V. DER BILT
23 Oct, Geesje, of Nio. & Geesje V. BRUNT
13 Nov, Maria, of Hend'k, Jr., & Eva JANSEN
1738 -
29 Jan, Johanes, of Wm. & Altie (VORHES) STOOTHOFF
19 Feb, Tryntie, of Rutgart & Elis. V. BRUNT
19 Feb, Johannes, of Joris & Maria LOTT
19 Feb, Isaac, of Benj. & Antie EMANS
19 Feb, Maria, of Jan & Mareytie JANSEN
26 Feb, Johanes, of Cors. & Margritie (V. SICKELEN) SUYDAM
2 Apr, Janetie & Ida, of Nio & Altie (V. BRUNT) STILWELL
2 Apr, Antie, of Jan & Neltie BUYS
2 Apr, Antie, of Cors. & Cath. BUYS
16 Apr, Catharine, of Cors. & Sara HOEGLAND
16 Apr, Harmanus, of Jan & Anatie RENSEN
7 May, Jacobus, of Wynant & Gertje BENNET
7 May, Seytie, of Abm. & Meltje DUMONT
2 Jul, Jan, of Jacob & Antie SUYDAM
6 Aug, Rem, of Jos. & Sarah HEG
6 Aug, Abraham, of Jacob & Cath. ROMST
13 Aug, Abraham, of Jacobus & Tuntje or Trintje LOTT
21 Sep, Maria, of Jan & Rachel V. BUEREN
21 Sep, Antje, of Jan Stevenss & Gertje VORHES
15 Oct, Jan, of Jacob & Femetie SEBRING
5 Nov, Elisabeth, of Albert & Adriantje VORHES
25 Dec, Angenietye, of Dirk & Neltje PETERSEN
1739 -
4 Feb, Roelof, of Jost & Willemptje DURJE
18 Feb, Mactelje, of Nio & Cornelia VECHTEN
18 Feb, Antie, of Isaac & Altie REMSEN
18 Feb, Abraham, of Abm., Jr., & Sara BROWER
18 Feb, Petrus, of Johanes & Catharyntie DEWIT
23 Mar, Jacobus, of Mindert & Johana JANSEN
23 Mar, Cornelis, of Hend'k & Gertie (V. WIKLEN) SUYDAM
23 Mar, Jacobus, of Jan & Elsje V. CLEEP
25 Mar, Gertie, of Jacobus & Elis. BLOM
1 Apr, Sara, of Jan & Antie V. DER VOORT
22 Apr, Antie, of Christianno & Lametje LUPARBUS
6 May, Jan, of Rem & Margrietie V. DER BILT
6 May, Isaac, of Ben & Antie EMANS
6 May, Jan, of Albert & Martha CORLJER
20 May, Cornelius, of Cors. & Rebeca STRYKER
17 Jun, Nicolaes, of Roelof & Elsje V. BRUNT
8 Jul, Willemptje, of Harmanus & Sara BORKELO
15 Jul, Cornelis, of Nio & Ida WILLEMSE
19 Aug, Phebe, of Jas. & Altie HUBBARD
26 Aug, Sarah, of Elnathan & Sara FISH
28 Sep, Harmanus, of Christofel & Neltje HOOGLAND
30 sep, Jacobus, of Petrus & Antie ENANS
21 Oct, Elisabeth, of Cors. & Helletie V. BRUNT
18 Nov, Cornelis, of Abm. & Sara VORHES
18 Nov, Peter, of Hend'k & Maohteldje STAETS
25 Dec, Catharina, of Gerrit & Maria SNEDEKER
30 Dec, Catharyna, of Jan & Maria JANSEN
1740 -
20 Jan, Adriantje, of Gerrit & Seytie V. DUYN
24 Feb, Janetje, of Hendrik, Jr., & Eva JANSEN
2 Mar, Elsje, of Cor. & Femetie V. KLEEF
2 Mar, Stephanus, of Nio & Els. ADRIANSEN
2 Mar, Antje, of Hend'k & Antie WYKOF
15 May, Willemptje, of Peter & Antie LUYSTER
31 Aug, Helena, of Dan'l & Elis. LAKE
31 Aug, Ann Margrieta, of Jacob & Cath. ROMRET (?)
28 Sep, Hendrik, of Jan & Martha V. DYK
19 Oct, Gerrit, of Adrian & Neeltje MARTENSE
9 Nov, Mechiel, of Mechiel & Janetie V. D. VOORT
28 Nov, Margrietie, of Lewis & Cath. DUBAU (BARE?) (BORIS? handwritten below the line)
26 Dec, Elisabeth, of Rutgert & Elis V. BRUNT
28 Dec, Anatie, of Johanes & Anatie DEWITT
1741 -
1 Feb, Lea, of Jan & Antie V. KERK
19 Mar, Maria, of Jacobus & Sara _ACOBSE
30 Apr, Thomas, of Jan & Antie ----RT