The burial grounds of Lansingburgh,
Rensselaer County, New York
The Lansing Burial Ground & Trinity Churchyard Cemetery
Lansingburgh, N.Y.: F.D. Broderick
Typescript, no copyright notice
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Private burial ground of the Lansing family and their relatives. This ground was located in a lovely spot, overlooking the Hudson river, at what would now be the south west corner of
Second Avenue and 109th Street: This location was only a short distance south of Abraham Lansing's Village home. This house, built in 1749, and now demolished, was one of the two houses that he occupied here in Lansingburgh. In later life he turned over this dwelling to one of his sons and moved to his farm home near Lansing's Ferry, at the north end of the Village. Here he died on October 9, 1791, one day after the death of his wife, Catherine (Leversee). Their double funeral procession wound south through the village to the family burial ground where they were interred and their graves marked by a very wide slab bearing the following inscription: In Memory of Mrs. Catherine Lansing, Wife to A.J. Lansing. She was born the 1st of March 1721 And died the 8th of Oct. 1791. Also; Mr. Abraham J. Lansing, Who was born 18 of April, 1720 And who died 9th of Oct. 1791.
Thus passed on the founder of the Village of Lansingburgh, whose foresight at that early date resulted in the rapid growth of a spacious and well planned village, with substantial homes and wide streets laid out in orderly squares, a credit to his memory. He had lived long enough to see his dream realized and the village he founded in 1770 growing and prospering. The issue of Friday, October 14, 1791 of the American Spy published at Lansingburgh, contains the following notice; "Died last Sunday evening at his seat, in the 72nd year of his age, Abraham J. Lansing, Esq., the original proprietor of this town. On Saturday morning preceeding, Mrs Catherine Lansing, his consort, died in the 69th year of her age."
At some date after February 23, 1865 their tombstone was moved to the Lansing-Lemon lot, No. 111, Sec. G., Oakwood Cemetery. The remains of the founder and his wife were removed at the same time and reburied in this lot. The original stone still marks their graves. Also removed from the Lansing burial ground to Lot 111 and reburied there were the following: (Their original tombstones were also removed and placed over their graves).
Row 1- extending across the front of the lot:-
1 - Erected To the memory of Catherine Lansing Consort of Levinus Lansing who departed this life March 26, 1822. Aged 70 yrs.,, 1 mo & 10 days. Say what the Mother, wife & friend should be; In this imperfect slab, and that was she. Kind Angels watch her sleeping dust Till Jesus comes to raise the just Then may she wake with sweet surprise And in her Saviours image rise.
2 - Erected to the Memory of Levinus Lansing who departed this life Oct. 16, 1836 aged 87 years, 2 mos. & 15 days. Son of Abraham Jacob Lansing and Catherine (Leversee) bpt. Aug. 6, 1749
3 - Graves of Abraham Jacob Lansing and wife (see above:)
4 - In memory of Catherine Relict of Nanning L. VanDerheyden who departed this life June 14, 1833 Aged 81 years. Nanning L., son of Jacob (2) and Maria (Halenbeck) VenderHeyden. He was bpt. 2/4/1754: According to some records his wife Catherine buried here was born Leversee or Levison. A soul prepared needs no delay; The summons come, the saints obey; Swift was her flight and short her road; She closed her eyes and saw her God; Her flesh at rest till Jesus comes And claims the treasure from the Tomb.
5 - In Memory of Abraham L. Lansing Who died May 30, 1837. Aged 62 years 3 mos & 18 days. Son of Levinus Lansing and grandson of the Village founder: Farewell dear friends and shed a tear; I must be here till Christ appear; It was one pleasant blooming day Suddenly I was called away; Time was no more for me to be Prepare for death and follow me.
6 - Levinus Lansing died Dec. 22, 1838. Aged 25 yrs., 1 mo. & 12 days. In prime of life I must step forth; And try the ways of all the earth; Though a short warning I must go; Death gave the stroke and laid me low.
7- Jacob L. Lansing Son of Levinus Lansing departed this life Feb. 23, 1834 in the 58th year of his age.
Second row:-
1 - Susan A. Lemon wife of Maj. George F. Lemon and dau. of Abraham L. and Anna Lansing died Jan. 27, 1899, age 78 yrs. It was Susan who purchased this lot Feb. 23, 1865 and arranged for the removal of the remains of this group of people from the Lansing Cemetery to this lot. Note: Susan was buried in Oakwood and not removed from the Lansing ground. Her inscription included in this list to complete the record of this lot.
2 - Maj. George F. Lemon. Died Nov. 10, 1862 aged 42 years, 10 mos.
3 - A Shaft- marked Lansing:
- Front- Abraham L. Lansing, died May 30, 1837, aged 62 years.
- Abraham Levinus, son of Levinus: born at Lansingburgh in 1774 married 1/22/1810.
- Anna wife of Abraham L. Lansing, died Sept. 21, 1851 aged 69 yrs., 8 mos. (A.L. and Anna Lansing had 11 children.)
- Anna VanDerHeyden, b. Jan. 22, 1782, dau. and only child of Nanning & Catherine (Leversee) VanDerHeyden.
-Levinus Lansing died Dec. 22, 1838 aged 25 years.
-Maria H. Lansing, died Dec. 29, 1867 aged 63 yrs., 9 mos. This shaft removed from the Lansing cemetery.
Lane Lot No. 99 Sec. D. Oakwood Cemetery, purchased Nov. 24, 1854. Among the people moved into this lot, it is difficult to determine which were moved from the Lansing Cemetery and which were moved from an early Troy Cemetery. The Lanes were first prominent merchants in Lansingburgh and later removed their business to Troy. Although the Oakwood Cemetery has excellent records, they do not include the names of the cemeteries from which removals were made. However, from a check of the obituary notices published at the time of their death, it is evident that the following were removed to this lot from the Lansing Cemetery.
1 - This monument erected in the memory of Jacob A. Lansing, who was born Jan. 25, 1751 who died Feb. 25, 1801. Son of Abraham Jacob Lansing Founder of Lansingburgh, and Catherine (Leversee) Obituary for Jacob A. Lansing, Lansingburgh Gazette Tuesday, March 3, 1801: Died at Schaghticoke on Wednesday last after a short illness JACOB A. LANSING Esq., formerly of this town, aged 59 years and on Friday his remains, attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends, were interred in the family burying ground in this Village.
2 - Here lies the body of Alida Lansing, relict of Jacob A. Lansing, who died on the second day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand 8 hundred and twenty two aged 73 years & 10 mos. One record shows Alida as a dau. of William & Maria (Fonda) Leversee, Liversee, Lievense. Probably all the Leversees married into this family were related to each other. Alida appears in several Lansingburgh Town records in connection, with the ownership of slaves. Lansingburgh Gazette September 10, 1822. Died in this town on Monday the 2d inst. Mrs Alida Lansing relict of the late Jacob A. Lansing Esq., in the 74th year of her age.
3 - This monument erected to the memory of Nathaniel J. Lansing born Dec. 19, 1778 died Jan. 18, 1805 26 yrs.
These three Lansing graves are marked with their original tombstones.
Among others moved into this lot are the following: No information as to where they were originally interred:
This monument erected to the memory of Maria Lane. Consort of Derrick Lane & daughter of Jacob Lansing who died Dec. 12, 1802 in the 30th year of her age. I would expect that this removal was from the Lansing Cemetery
Derrick Lane born 3 of April 1755, Died 26 of March 1831, aged 75 yrs., 10 mos. 26 days.
Angelica wife of Derrick Lane died Mar. 28, 1833. Aged 62 yrs., 8 mos, 7 days. nee Angelica Van Rensselaer:
Mary Lane widow of Aaron Lane was born at Claverack and died 15 of Jan. 1827, aged 67 yrs., 7 mos 8 days.
Aaron Lane. A native of New Jersey, Died Nov. 12, 1825, aged 70 yrs., 6 mos, 25 days. Last three probably moved from Troy.
Cornelius Lansing Lot: Oakwood Cemetery, Sec F. No. 206. Purchased October 28, 1852. Located not far from the Lansing-Lemon lot where the founder Abraham J. Lansing is buried. 36 persons are now buried in Lot No. 206.
1 - A large shaft: Cornelius Lansing Born 1752. Died April 23, 1842. Cornelius, son of Abraham Jacob Lansing, founder of Lansingburgh and Catherine (Leversee). Cornelius died at his home in Lansingburgh, after a long illness and was first buried in the Lansing Cemetery. One record indicates that a family vault was located on the grounds of his home, and evidently the Lansings dying in the winter months were placed in this vault until the following spring.
2 - Not marked but buried here according to the Cemetery records: Hester VanDerHeyden wife of Cornelius Lansing She died August 24, 1803 aged 54 years. (1st wife) Hester was a daughter of Jacob Vanderheyden. Her obituary notice reads as follows: Lansingburgh Gazette Tuesday, August 30, 1803. "In Life, We Are In Death" Died, very suddenly, of an apopletic fit, on Wednesday Morning last; Mrs. Hester Lansing, aged 55 years, Consort of Cornelius Lansing, Esq., of this Village. She was the affectionate wife of a worthy fond husband, and the tender mother of a large family of amiable children. Her funeral was on Thursday, when her remains, attended by a large concourse of afflicted relatives and sympathic friends, were deposited in the family burying ground in Lansingburgh.
3 - Rebecca, wife of Cornelius Lansing Died Oct. 17, 1822 in 67th yr. Lansingburgh Gazette, Tuesday, October 22, 1822. Died on Thursday Evening last, Mrs Rebecca Lansing, wife of Cornelius Lansing, Esq., of this Village in the 67thyr. of her age.
4 - Elizabeth, wife of Cornelius Lansing died June 6, 1839 age 75 years Died at Lansingburgh.
5 - Shaft: Rev. Dirck C. Lansing D.D. Born at Lansingburgh, N.Y. March 3, 1785, graduated at Yale College, Aug. 1804, Licensed as Presbyterian Minister Jan. 5, 1806. Elected Prof. of Sacred Rhetoric in the Auburn Theo. Sem., which he originiated and was mainly instrumental in establishing, May 1821; and after a life of eminent usefullness and eloquence as a preacher died at Cincinnati, Ohio. March 19, 1857. Dirck C., son of Cornelius and Hester (VanDerHeyden) Lansing. In his father's Will his name is spelled Derick.
6 - A combined burial of 8 persons: removed together from the Lansing Cemetery:
-Irene Allen, daughter of David d. 2/10/1847 age 2 yrs.
- Edward Allen, son of David, d. 2/21/1848, age 3 yrs.
- David Allen, d. 6/10/1848, age 40 yrs.
- Jacob Lansing-
- Jacob C. Lansing-
- Abram C. Lansing, d. June 6, 1837(son of Cornelius Lansing)
- Charles C. Lansing, d. 8/14/1831.
- Cornelia Lansing-
Note David Alien above d. 1848, is called grandson in will of Cornelius Lansing. All C's in names above stand for Cornelius.
7- Hester Lansing Seymour wife of Alexander Seymour dau. of Cornelius Lansing. (She died prior to her father, Cornelius Lansing)
All those mentioned above in this lot and perhaps others I have missed, were first buried in the Lansing Cemetery: In one grave, removed here together, are Rev. Dirk Lansing, Hester Lansing and Rebecca Lansing.
Alvord Lot. No. 207, Oakwood Cemetery: Purchased by Thomas G., & C. Alvord: 12 burials: Removals from Lansing Cemetery listed below:
- Elijah Mather Bissel. Born at Winsor, Conn. Died at Lansingburgh, N.Y. Nov. 29, 1838 AE 50 yrs.
- Elias R. Parmelee born Sept. 28, 1799 died June 9, 1849.
- Elinor A. Parmelee born Oct. 4, 1802, died Dec. 24, 1860. Dau. of David & Elizabeth (Lansing) Alvord and grand daughter of Cornelius Lansing. See Lansingburgh Village Cemetery, for other members of this Parmelee family.
- Elisha Alvord, died July 10, 1846, age 72.
- Helen Lansing (1st wf) wife of Elisha Alvord died Sept. 30, 1826 aged 38. Dau. of Cornelius Lansing and Hester (VanDerHeyden) Lansing.
- Helen Alvord, child, no data.
- Helen, dau. of J.M. & L.V. Lansing, died May 7, 1837, age 3 yrs.,, 1 mo„ 19 days.
Lansing Lot: No. 208, Oakwood Cemetery, Purchased in 1852 by Cornelius & Shubael Lansing. 12 burials. The earlier burials listed here. These are removals, from Lansing Cemetery.
- Abraham C. Lansing, died July 18, 1837. Son of Cornelius Lansing.
The present markers do not list ages, but.they would be in the Cemetery office records.-
- Catherine Lansing wife of A.C. Lansing died July 14, 1807.
- Sophia Gorham wife of A.C. Lansing died Apr. 14, 1811.
- Charlotte Gorham wife of A.C. Lansing, died Aug. 2, 1848.
The Obituary Index-Lansingburgh newspapers gives the following ages.-
Catherine Lansing age 26. They give a death date of 6/17/1807.
Sophia Lansing age 22, date checks.
Charlotte Lansing age 56, date checks.
Tracy Lot, No. 209, purchased by Cornelius L. Tracy. 14 burials. Removals to this lot listed, others may also have been moved in.
- Catherine, wife of Gardner Tracy, born in Lansingburgh March 6, 1784, died at Utica, Sept. 21, 1847. AE 66 yrs., 6 mos. Dau. of Cornelius and Hester (VanDerHeyden) Lansing.
- Gardner Tracy born in Norwich, Conn. Feb. 23, 1777, died Utica, New York, May 25, 1849. Spelled Gardiner in Will of Cornelius Lansing.
Justus et tenax proposit. These three little children died in the same year and their inscriptions are on same stone. Original tombstone moved in and marks their graves. Verse on stone: Insatiate Archer, could not one suffice? Thy shaft slew thrice, and thence our peace was slain.
-James Jared Tracy died Dec. 2, 1811 aged 3 yrs., 5 mos, 4 days.
- Susan Tracy, died Dec. 2, 1811, age 2 yrs., 7 days.
- George Tracy, died Sept. 7, 1811, 2 yrs., 7 days.
Children of Gardner and Catherine Tracy. Checking against Obit index, I find George, age 2, date checks. James Jared, age 3, date checks. Susan not listed. If Susan and George are twins, evidently some slight error in her ins.
VanSchoonhoven lot: Laurel Hill Road, Oakwood Cem. There are 31 marked graves in this lot: Some were removals from older cemeteries. Although some may have been buried in Troy, it is known that a number were moved from the Lansing Cemetery: A few of the earlier burials are listed here.
- Alida, wife of James Van Schoonhoven Born June 17, 1798 Died Aug. 19, 1824. Dau. of Jacob A. Lansing and Alida: Her parents were buried in the Lansing Cemetery.
- Elizabeth & Charles Children of James & Alida Van Schoonhoven. Both died Aug. 12, 1824. The former aged 12 yrs., & 6 mos. The latter aged 3 yrs., 3 mos.
- Edward VanSchoonhoven Born May 1, 1819 Died Apr. 1, 1839.
- Mary J. Wright, wife of J.L. Van Schoonhoven. Born Nov. 22, 1822. Died Feb. 19, 1858.
- Harriet M. Yyonnet, wife of J.L. Van Schoonhoven. Born Jan. 8, 1813. Died Aug. 1, 1842.
- James VanSchoonhoven, Feb. 10, 1815-Feb. 3, 1850. Died at his residence in Lansingburgh.
- Catherine Lansing. his wife (not a removal) July. 16, 1820-Dec. 22, 1898.
- William H. VanSchoonhoven, died Jan. 16, 1855, aged 46 yrs.
James, son of Mr. William & Mrs Margaret Ash. d July 14 1821 (1824?) Ae 1 (or 4 yrs) 2 months. This is a very faded little stone and no positive reading can be given. The date appears to be either July 11 or 14 and the year 1824 or 1821. There was a Mrs. Margaret Ash, b. 1796 died 12/3/1879 age 83, in Lansingburgh and also a Margaret Ash m. Wm. Bowen 10/3/1839. The name is not common in our local records.
Lucretia Balcan died Oct. 28, 1865, age 59 yrs., 5 mos, & 22 days. Although 59 yrs., seems clear, the obit. notice gives 58 yrs.
Clara Dougrey, dau. of James & Mary Barker, d. Sept. 1, 1846 age 1 yr., 3 mos, 15 days. (granddaughter of Calvin-Barker)
Mary Barker, died Nov. 29, 1864, age 63 yrs. (unmarried dau. of Calvin Barker)
Calvin H. Barker, died Mar. 8, 1843, in the 33rd yr of his age. (grandson of Calvin Barker Sr.)
Calvin Barker, died Mar. 26, 1842 in the 74th yr. of his age. Calvin Sr. Had an apothecary store in Lansingburgh 1800-1820, in the same building where the Northern Express rooms were in 1879. He left a will naming wife Irene and a number of children.
Irene Barker, died Dec. 14, 1850, in 80th yr of her age.
James N. Barker died Jan. 4, 1812, in the 8th yr of his age. Very attractive little stone near Alley fence. Both children on one stone.
Frances Irene Barker, died August 20, 1819 in 3d yr of her age.
John H. Barker, died Mar. 4, 1845, age 42 yrs. Son of Calvin Barker; probably the John H. Barker who m. Susannah Storer 6/21/1823. She m. next Rev. John Alsen Spooner, 9/14/1848.
Lizzie, dau. of Wm. D. & Nancy Bartlett died, Sept. 2, 1864 age 1 yr., 6 mos, 26 days. Lizzie blooms in Heaven. Child's correct name was Elizabeth Sarah. Evidently her parents are William Bartlett and Nancy Ceowan both of Lansingburgh married 11/15/1860. Note: name not common in local records. There was a Rev P.M. Bartlet of Lans., whose wife Julia W., d. at Williamstown, Mass. Wed 8/1/1860: also a Filo M., probably Philo M., age 5 mos, d. 9/17/1860.
Francis Baxter, died May 20, 1854, Ae 54 yrs., 6 mos, 14 days. Obit notice calls him Capt.
Rebecca Baxter, died July 8, 1869, age 62 yrs., 2 mos, 29 days. A broken stone and may read 63 yrs., 1860 Lansingburgh directory shows her as a widow Ann above North St. 1850 census shows her as wife of Francis Baxter.
Charley, son of Francis & Rebecca Baxter, died July 13, 1852, 2 yrs., 9 mos., 11 days. Evidently the Charles Edward shown in Obit notice. Census of 1850 shows Francis, boatman, age 48, Rebecca wf. 42 and the youngest child is listed as Charles E. age 1.
Margaret, wife of Robert Bell, died Nov. 26, 1878 aged 64 yrs.
Robert Bell, died Jan. 30, 1896 age 83 yrs, 8 mos.
Jane Ann, dau. of Robert & Margaret Bell, died March 9, 1854, age 8 yrs, 10 mos.
Henry Bender, died July 30, 1857 AE 73 yrs.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs Abigail Bennet, mother of Mrs Cad. Golden, who departed this life in Pittstown (or in this Town), March 23, 1813 age 75 yrs. This stone is very-faded and it is not possible to be sure. The above inscription is from an earlier partial record. The stone certainly says Mrs. Abigail Bennet. I believe it says died in this Town and not died in Pittston. The year is 1813 or 1815. The age is probally 75 yrs. The most unclear part is the line saying- mother of Mrs. ....If Cad. Colden is correct, it would mean that Mrs. Abigail Bennet was the mother-in-law of Caldwallader Golden, who lived in Lansingburgh in the early 1800s. His name appears in a number of Lansingburgh records. Be was a descendant of the Caldwallader Colden who was Lieut. Governor of the Colony of New York from 1761 until his death. This interesting stone is down, and over in the section near the church building, close to a concrete walk.
Hannah Benedict, 1764-1816. (on stone with Benjamin Holt - see Holt)
Mary, wife of John Blair, 1805 - 1857.
Jane E., dau. of John & Mary Blair, died Aug. 3, 1850, AE 19 yrs, 1 mo, 22 days. Lansingburgh Democrat, Thursday 8/8/1850. Died in this Village on Saturday last, after a lingering illness, which she bore with much fortitude, Miss Jane Elizabeth Blair, dau. of John Blair, in the 29th yr. of her age.
Josiah J. Bence, died March 25, 1846, in 21st yr. (Broken stone, but this much is clear)
George Bonce, died Oct. 4, 1826, age 38 yrs.
Mary E., dau. of John & Caroline Bonce, died Nov. 29, 1843, aged 1 yr. & 7 days.
Mary, wife of George Bonce 12/22/1855 AE 66.
Sarah, wife of Jonathan Burr (nee Dickinson.) died Jan. 5, 1853, age. 79 years. I know that my Redeemer liveth. (2nd wife of Jonathan Burr. 1st wife Dorcas is buried in the Village Cemetery)
Jonathan Burr of Lansingburgh, married 2nd. Sarah (Sally) Dickinson of Westchester County. Married 4/8/1799. Jonathan died 11/13/1844 at Sandy Hill (Hudson Falls) N.Y. 1st wife Dorcas died in 1794. (see her inscription). Sarah Dickinson was a dau. of Tartullus Dickinson and Jane (Huggerford).
The grave of Jane, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah Burr died Feb. 6, 1814, age 10 years. Jane, d. 1814, was named for maternal grandmother, who is also buried in this cemetery.
George Burr, died Nov. 5, 1839, aged 33 years. A Shaft- George died at Sandy Hill. His Will is on file-Washington County.
Henry Burr, died June 25, 1819, aged 17 years. A Shaft, exactly like, and beside that of his brother. Note: There was a son Charles Burr, by 1st Wife Dorcas. Charles is buried, Saratoga, New York. Jonathan Burr was a son of Joseph Burr of Hemstead L.I. N.Y, and wife Hannah. The line of Jonathan Burr of Lansingburgh and Sandy Hill, N.Y., Jonathan (5), Joseph (4), Joseph (3), Thomas (2), Benjamin (1).
Chloe Butler wife of the Rev'd. David Butler D.D. born Mar. 11, 1766 died Mar. 11, 1840 Note: not an error. She died on her birthday.
Sacred to the memory of William J. Butler, Son of Rev. David & Chloe Butler. He was born - (may read March 1803 or 1805) died Oct. 10, 1875. (Full name given on one record as Wm. Jones Butler - J. on stone).
David Butler, D.D. This Stone was erected by his Parishoners in Troy. In memory of David Butler D.D. First Rector of St. Paul's Church in that City who died July 11, 1842, aged 80 years. He was ordained Deacon and Priest by Bishop Seabury of Connecticut and labored at Gilford and Killingsworth in Connecticut for one year, at Litchfield and Danbury in Connecticut for five (six?) years. He came to Troy in 1801 and in St. Paul's Church in that place, had the pastoral charge of Trinity Church, Lansingburgh and Grace Church, Naterford. His chief labors and success were in the parish of St. Paul, Troy, of which he was rector for 30 years. Of honest purpose and cheerful piety, a thorough churchman and true pastor, so he led them with a faithful and true heart and ruled them prudently with all his power. The pastor of one people, while- one generation passed away honored and beloved. He lived to see their children's children and peace upon Israel. His works live after him and his memory is blessed. (Grave is marked with Rev. War marker) This grave is close to the side of the church building. Faded now, but I believe the foregoing is an accurate copy of the long inscription)
Harriet Butler, dau. of Rev. David Butler D.D. born in N. Gilford, Connecticut, Jan. 29, 1791, died in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 26, 1865. There remaineth a rest for the people of God Let me be buried by the grave of my Father and Mother.
Thomas. In memory of Thomas Carpenter who died 14(?) of May 1831 aged 76 yrs.
In memory of Betsey Carpenter wife of Thomas Carpenter died 30th of Jan. 1831 aged 68 yrs.
In memory of Mrs Lucretia Carpenter wife of Mr Thomas Carpenter. WHO DEP. THIS LIFE May 23, 1816, age 55 yrs, 3.mos
Mary Eliza Carpenter. Unreadable: There was a Mary, Mrs John Carpenter, who died in Lansingburgh, 1/14/1806 age 60 yrs.
Mrs Catherine, wife of Mr John Carpenter died June 2, 1820, age (Stone chipped- 30 (?), 50 (?), 20, (?)
R.B. Minturn, infant son of C. & E. Carter died Jan. 21, 1842, age 6 mos. (Note: There was an infant named Forrester Carter died in Lansingburgh, 7/29/1847-may belong to same family)
James, died July 21, 1855 age 13 yrs, 6 mos, 26 days.
Charles Sheridan (?), infant son of Wm. & Frances D. Chichester, died Apr. 18, 1837 (?) age 8 mos, 1 day, very faded, 4th Ave. side of cem. Note: There was a Wm. S. Chichester, died Feb.1889 age 76. A Mrs. W.S. Chichester, Frances E. died 1862. in Dec.; Rev. Elijah Chichester; Elijah Jr., and Mrs. Martha: all died in Lans.
Sarah, wife of Samuel Clark, died May 27, 1838, age 67 yrs, 8 mos.
Nellie, died Apr. 20, 1883, age 15 yrs. (Eldest child and 1st. dau. of Butler Clarkson and Alida (Lansing) of Lansingburgh. Nellie was born and died at Lans. She was a direct descendant of Abraham Jacob Lansing, founder of Lansingburgh.
Silas: This Monument is erected to the memory of Silas Cook who departed this life, Oct. 3, 1821 age 41 yrs.
John M. Cowen died March 17, 1876 aged 25 yrs & 2 mos. Weep not for me my parents dear I am not dead but sleeping here Although I Sleep I have to rise and meet with Christ in Paradise.
Tobias Cambridge. Only child of James & Margaret E. Davidson of Charleston, S.C. Who departed this life Mar. 11, 1825, age 14 yrs, 2 mos, 29 days. He with 2 other young men died from eating Water Hemlock. (verse-Tobias Cabridge Davidson) The dear delights we here enjoy; And fondly call our own; Are but shared favors borrw'd now; To be repaid anon; Tis God that lifts our comforts high; Or sinks them in the grave; He gives and blessed be His name; He takes back what He gave.
Richard Henry, son of Richard & Harriet Davis, died Jan. 22, 1845 age 5 mos. Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thomas Dawson, died Nov. (?) 2, 1820 (?) age 11 (or 14) years. (No part is clear and there is no obit. notice to check against)
Horace, son of Horace W. & E. Day, d. Jan. 29, 1840 age 6 weeks, 11 days (or 2 days) (father d. 12/11/1889, ae. 76. (Mother d. 3/20/1885- age not given) Father was a dry goods merchant. I believe the mother was born Julia Hanford.
Sacred to the memory of Hannah D. Delevan who departed this life 20th of Apr. 1838 age 74 yrs.
Sacred to the memory of Henry W. Delavin who died Sept. 30, 1836 age 51 years. Shaft: This is Henry Jr. Re. this family: Henry W. Delavan m. Elizabeth M. Otis of Newburyport, Mass., 12/21/1821. Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Henry W.) died 10/15/1822. Notice for Elizabeth M. Died- In Philadelphia 15 inst., Mrs Elizabeth M., Delavan wife of Mr. Henry W. Delavan, merchant of Albany, in her 20th yr. This would indicate that Henry lived in Albany before moving to Lansingburgh: Harriet, dau. of Henry W. & Hannah also buried in this cemetery: See Wadsworth:
William Dennison, son of James & Rebecca Dennison, died Apr. 10, 1814 age 3 mos, 1 (or 4) days.
Charlotte S., dau. of Peter & Isabelle DeVoe, died Aug. 30 (?) 29 (?) 19(?) 1836, age 2 mos, 13 days. (chipped)
Jane: The grave of Jane Dickinson, mother of Sarah Burr & Eliza Stewart died May 19, 1814, age 64 years, nee Hugerford: Jane is widow of Tertullus Dickinson: Jane was a dau. of Peter Hugerford & Elizabeth (Gedney). Daughters mentioned here Sarah, 2nd wf. of Jonathan Burr and Eliza, wf. of John Stewart.
In memory of Mr. John Dougrey who died Feb. 3, 1805. AGE 78 YRS. Lansingburgh Gazette, 2/5/1805. Died on Sunday morning last Mr. John Dougrey of Lansingburgh, aged 78 yrs. Unreadable stone: Appears to be his wife: May read Marion.
James Dougrey, Son of John above, born Apr. 26, 1781 died, Oct. 10, 1838.
Clarissa, wife of James Dougrey, died June 15, 1850 in the 66th yr of her age. Married 3/9/1806, James Dougrey and Clarissa Bontecou both of Lansingburgh (James Sr.)
Clara Dougrey, dau. of James & ---- Dougrey, d Sept. 1, 1846, age 1 yr., 8 mos., 15 days.
George Moulton, son of James & Frances E. Dougrey, died Feb. 12, 1842 (1843 ?), age 1 mo, 5 (or 3 days). Son of James Jr. and Frances Elizabeth (Moulton), Married 10/4/1831: James Dougrey Jr. of Lans. and Frances E. Moulton, Troy.
James Jr. d. 1/1/1868 wf. Frances d. 2/18/1887 age 78.
Note: There is another almost entirely unreadable stone in this cemetery, under a large bush which appears to read in part-Mariam Braine Dougrey, dau. of John & Marion ---- born Aug. ----, 18 ----3, died Aug. ---- 7 ---- 18 ----. Not possible to be sure that this girl is a Dougrey, as she may have another last name.
Catherine Frederica, Phineas L. Whipple. Catherine Frederica died Feb. 11, 1832 (or 1839) aged 1 yr. Spelled both ways on stone Frederica and Fredericka. Phipeas L. Whipple, died Dec. 10, 1946 age 5 mos. Children of John & Frederica Ellwanger. Re. parents: John d. 9/17/1850 age 46; Fredericka died 12/27/1875 age 76.
In Jesus. Joanna Evans, wife of William Evans of Stillwater, Relict of the late Samuel Grey of Boston. Fell asleep Dec. 22, 1862, aged 77 yrs, 10 mos, 19 days. Here the weary are at rest. Note: She has a dau. Lydia, buried in the Village Cem. Lydia wf. of Edward Pine.
Ambrose M. Fields died Feb. 14, 1860 age 41 yrs, 6 mos. Seems clearly to be 41 yrs, but see below: Lansingburgh Democrat Thurs. 2/16/1860. Died in this Village on Tues. 14th inst., Ambrose M. Fields, age 40 years & 6 mos. Lans. Census of 1850 shows Ambrose M. 30, Amanda 29. Evidently his wf. is the Amanda, wf of A.M. Fields who died in 1859 age 38. Death notice in paper dated Feb. 17, 1859.
Elizabeth A. Fields died Jan. 2, 1864 age 43 yrs, 5 mos. She was a dau. of Isaac & Hannah (Gilmore) Fields.
(Gilmore) Hannah Gilmore, wife of Isaac Fields, died Apr. 26, 1866, age 74 yrs, 2 mos.
Isaac Fields (Sr) died Oct. 31, 1861 age 81 yrs.
Isaac B. Fields (Jr) died Jan. 6, 1898 aged 68 yrs, 6 mos.
Frances I. Foster died Dec. 31, 1851. AE 21 yrs. Shaft, (Frances Irene) Frances, Althea.
Althea Foster d. Nov. 10, 1854. AE 17 yrs. See Lans. Census of 1850, family of Alvah S. Foster and wife Sally A. Mother Sally Ann, was a dau. of Calvin Barker & wife Irene.
In memory of Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Rev. John & Nancy Garfield of New Haven, Connecticut, who was instantly killed by a two horse team, while crossing N. Market Street, Albany, N.Y., Sept. (or Apr.). 11, 1833, age 13 yrs.
In memory of Sarah, dau. of the Rev. John M. Garfield & Nancy his wife, died Aug. 3, 1819, age 22 mos. (not clear) Father Of these children probably son of Timothy Garfield: the son John he mentions in his will.
Eunice Garfield wife of Timothy Garfield born Nov. 23, 1765 died Dec. ----, 1856. Obit. notice gives age at death as 90 yrs.
Timothy C. Garfield born Aug. 24, 1765 died Apr. 26, 1841. His will mentions wife Eunice, sons Lyman & John M.
Samuel C. Green, died Mar. 13, 1845, age 33 yrs.
Mrs Frances S. Grimes died Mar. 12, 1848 aged 39 yrs. Attractive brown stone Fourth Ave. side of Cem. Obit. notice gives her name as Frances ---- Mrs J. Stauly Grimes. The Lansingburgh directory of 1860 shows a J. Stanley Grime's, lecturer house, 12 Grove St. Same directory shows a Francis S., physician, boards at 12 Grove St. Probably a son.
Charles W. Groesbeck, died Mar. 9, 1842, age 27 yrs. The Fond Rememberance Of The Just Shall Flourish When They Sleep.
next stone is broken- widow- possibly Groesbeck.
In memory of Sally Guest who died Dec. 19, 1840, aged 42 yrs. There was one Sally Guest called daughter in the Will of Mary Guest, dated 6/4/1822, probated 3/6/1829.
John Hackett died Mar. 22, 1875 age 40 yrs. The 1850 census of Lansingburgh shows a John Hackett age 15 in the family of Jane Hackett age 35, evidently a widow. Private Co K 169 N.Y. Vol.
In memory of Ester Hanford, born New Canaan Connecticut March 1, 1787, died at Lansingburgh Sept. 3, 1844. Obit. notice calls her Mrs. Ester and gives her age as 57.
There was a Capt. Richard Hanford who died in Lans. 6/5/1844 age 60 yrs.
A Mrs. Richard, who d. 4/11/1857 age 64. Also a Richard who died 5/9/1851 age 35.
Mary, wife of George Harnett died May 7, 1843 in her 44th yr.
Jennie Hasbrouck died Feb. 1, 1859, aged 1 yr & 11 mos. Jennie has a stone with a little carved lamb.
Lucia, wife of Charles W. Hasbrouck died May 9, 1867 aged 42 yrs. (Lucia was short for Lucinda Jane) Obit notice has full name.
Lavinia, wife of David Henry died Apr. 26, 1822, in the 71st yr. of her age.
David Henry died Sept. 23, 1838, in his 89th yr.
Clara Maria Hitchcock. Obt July 28, 1847. 1 yr, 11 mos. Granddaughter of Isaac Storer and wf. Clarissa, probably a dau. of Charles Hitchcock and Caroline Augusta (Storer)
John Augustus Hitchcock. Obt. Apr. 15, 1849, age 1 yr., 10 mos., bro of Clara Maria.
Amos C. Holden, Died Apr. 15, 1834, in the 30th yr. of his age.
John Hollingsworhth, Died Nov. 11, 1854 Aged 22 Yrs.
Mother: Anne Hollingsworth Died Feb. 11, 1864. Aged 51 yrs..
Robert Hollingsworth Corpl. Co C. 125 Regt N.Y.S. Vols. Died Feb. 21, 1863, aged 18 Yrs.
Father: William Hollingsworth. Died Aug. 18, 1889 aged 84 Yrs.
Benjamin Holt, born Walingford, Conn. 1747-1816.
Mary Mervin, ---- 1794. death date for Mary Mervin perfectly clear, although this cemetery was not opened until 1894. did they intend it as a birthrate ? see separate listing under each name.
Harriet Machett, 1769- 1847
Ruah Ward, 1801 - 1887. (end of shaft ins.)
Frank, son of F.J. & F.E. HOYT, died MAY 21, 1892, aged 17 mos. Obit notice gives this child's full name as Frank Morris Hoyt. Top of stone broken off: Note: Frank Hoyt in last inscription was evidently a son of Franklyn J. Hoyt and Frances E. (Squires). A child named Emergine E. Hoyt died in Lansingburgh 5/31/1848 age 5 yrs. Names of parents probably appear in the original obit notice.
Franklin J. Hoyt fell asleep Sept. 28, 1869 age 47 YRS. Simply to Thy Cross I cling. He Rests.
Same stone: (Squires) Frances E. Squires, wife of Franklin J. Hoyt, died July 20, 1908. age 84 yrs.
Harriet A. Hoyt, born Dec. 1, 1800 died Mar. 20, 1846
Moita: In memory of Moita, wife of John Humphrey who died Oct. 31, 1833 age 48 yrs, 3 mos, 6 days.
John Humphrey (Sr) In memory of John Humphrey died Jan. (or Mar.) 1849, age 69 yrs, 2 (?) mos, 22 days.
My Beloved Brother, David Humphrey died Aug. 9, 1853 age 45 yrs, 2 (?) mos.
My beloved brother, John Humphrey (Jr), died Aug. 15, 1853, AE 31 yrs, 9 mos, 2 days.
Sarah Humphrey, d 1819 (?)--- too faded to read:
Frederick S. Hurd died at Fort Hudson June 25, 1863 aged 26 yrs. Note: In the will of Capt. Staats Morris, dated 12/6/1814, probated 11/3/1826. He mentions- stepdaughter, Maria, wife of Gen. Hurd. etc. This Fred. S. may be her son.
James B. Icke, d. Dec. 27, 1871, aged 29 yrs.
Franky, son of John B. & Sarah Icke died Sept. 16, 1858, age 2 yrs & 6 mos. Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. (Obit. notice gives his correct name as Francis)
Sarah R. Icke, d. July 27, 1833. AGE 11(1O) yrs. (figure chipped.)
Maria, wife of James B. Icke, d. Jan. 22, 1865, age 21 yrs.
Helen M., Daughter of Chauncey B. & Charlotte B. Ives, died Aug. 31, 1850 aged 17 months. Mother- nee Charlotte Stewart Brownell, dau. of Thomas C. Brownell and Charlotte (Dickinson)
This child's full name was Helen Melville Ives. She died "On Saturday at Coney Island" according to the Lansingburgh newspaper of that date.
George Bonce, son of Josiah (or John) & Eveline Jones died Apr. 11, 1832 age 8 mos, 25 (or 23) days. Note: There was a Josiah Jones who died in Lans. 2/19/1851 age 50 yrs. The Lans. Census of 1850 shows Josiah 52, Bridget 42. Perhaps Bridget was a 2nd wife.
Clementine Jones 1814-1900.
Nancy Jones, mother of Clementine Jones born July 7, 1793, died May 22, 1878. To her the voice of Woe Was never raised in vain.
Ann Eliza Kellog, daughter of David and Ann Smith and wife of Day Otis Kellog died July 31, 1829, in 32nd year. This interesting stone in the row with David and Ann Smith, her parents and others of this family. (And on the back of this tombstone) Died at Kellogsville, Reinterred here ---- 1829. (Nov. ?) There is much more on the face of this stone that I cannot read.
Mary, wife of George Lawrence died May 7, 1843, in her 44th yr.
Anthony LeMott, died Mar. 7, 1865, aged 55 yrs.
Delia, dau. of Anthony & Mary LeMott (Her full name was Adelia) died Jan. 2, 1859, age 15 yrs, 6 mos.
Timothy Leonard died Apr. 12, 1814 aged 58 yrs. Prominent early Lansingburgh resident. In early 1800s his residence was on North St. cor. of Ann- Present 114th St. and 6th Ave: His home became the Leonard Hospital and original building is still part of the present structure. In 1809, the Lans. Town records show that he freed a slave named "Luke Rich" Notice recorded Dec. 27, 1809.
Mary Leonard Relict of Timothy Leonard died Jan. 14, 1846 aged 85 yrs. Both of their Wills are on file. This family came to Lansingburgh from Connecticut.
Harriet Machett, 1796 - 1847. On Shaft with Benjamin Holt.
Mrs. Mary Mack died Dec. 14, 1846 in 73rd yr. She is called "sister" in Will of Calvin Barker of Lansingburgh.
Mary, wife of George Marriner died May 7, 1843 in 44th yr. Note: There was a "Mr. Marriner" who was the 2nd gate tender on the Old Union Bridge between Lansingburgh and Waterford, built 1804. He followed the 1st gate tender, Joseph Sturges.
MARSH (Leonard)
In memory of Mary Marsh who departed this life Dec. 22, 1817 age 22 yrs. She left a will dated 12/16/1817, probated 1/7/1819. She was a dau. of Timothy Leonard of Lansingburgh. She makes no mention of a husband and leaves property to mother & friends.
Blandina Squires wife of Thomas Martin, 1838-1922.
James ---- died Apr. 13, 1867, age 3 yrs, 26 days. Stone is mended: Names of parents may be in crack.
Mary Mervin ---- 1794 (left blank) On Shaft with Benjamin Holt.
Hannah Minkler, born Aug. 14, 1767, died Sept. 4, 1837. See: St. Germaine: Catherine St. Germaine born July 4, 1807, died June 6, 1859. (on same stone with Hannah)
The Grave of Thomas Miter, who was born in England Nov. 22, 1756, departed this life Dec. 16, 1822. The last memorial of a Father's worth.
(Spotton) The grave of Eleanor Spotton, wife of Thomas M. Miter who was born July 26, 1763 and departed this life Nov. 11, 1824. The memorial of her children's love.
In memory of Capt. Statts Morris, who died 23rd Oct. 1826 in the 63 yr of his age. He left Will naming wife, children and also stepchildren. Son of Lewis Morris, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
(Van Braam) In memory of Sophia, wife of Statts Morris of Morristania, daughter of his Excellency, Adrian Van Braam late Ambassador from the Netherlands to the Court of Pekin. Who died 22nd (or 23rd) day of Feb. 1816, in the 51st yr of her age. These are very attractive carved stones. Between these two graves is the grave of his daughter Louisa. Louisa's stone is badly damaged. (See SQUIRES-same cem.)
Elizabeth Moss, died Nov. 24, 1847 age 21 years. Stone down between graves of Mary and Mrs. Mary Moss.
Mary Moss, died Apr. 29, 1895 age 77 yrs.
Mrs. Mary Moss, died Mar. 19, 1879 in the 88th yr of her age.
Sarah, wife of George McAuley, nee Sarah Montgomery.
Sarah McAuley, d. 1/23/1868, age 89 yrs. A sister of Wm. Montgomery.
George McAuley died 10/20/1885 AE 86.
Andrew, son of William R. & Frances E. McQuide, died June 28, 1886, age 5 mos. Note- Andrew McQuide: Married 2/20/1883, Robert McQuide of Lansingburgh Frances E. Ladlie of Adamsville, (near Lansingburgh)
Rebecca Newman born May 17, 1792, died Jan. 27, 1864 (1865) Although this figure appears to be a four, her Obit. notice gives date 1/27/1865, age 72. She is called Mrs. Rebecca.
Richard Newman born Mar. 9, 1774 died Nov. 11, 1849. Buried next to Rebecca above.
Thomas Ashler, son of George & Louise Nichols died July 2, 1855 aged 10 yrs & 6 mos.
George Nichols died Jan. 11, 1861, AE 61 yrs. Lans. Census Of 1850 shows George as a Grocer: wife Louisa, sons Thomas & Frederick. He is shown as age 48 and wf as age 28.
Armand Nicholas died July 2, 1865 (no age) Armand is buried with the others above. If child of above George he was evidently born after 1850 census.
In memory of Mrs Catherine Parmelee (Carpenter) Wife of Mr. Elias Parmalee, and daughter of Thomas & Lucretia Carpenter, who died Apr. 28, 1820, age 20 yrs, 9 mos & 21 days. There was an Elias Parmalee who left Will dated 8/22/1839, Probated 3/26/1840, mentions wife Fanny, etc. Another Elias died 6/9/1850 age 50 yrs. A Mrs. Elias R. (Eleanor) d. 12/24/1860 age 58.
In memory of Charles(?) (name not clear) son of_Gerrit & Elizabeth Peebles who departed this life 29 of June 1811, age 1 yr, 2 mos, 26 days. Evidently the son of Garrett; and the Elizabeth (Mrs. Garrett) who died 11/4/1811 age 30 yrs.
Sacred to the memory of Cornelia, wife of Thomas S. Perkins of New London, Ct., and daughter of Timothy Leonard, Esq., late of this Village. She died at sea on a voyage commenced for the recovery of her health, May 5th, 1818, aged 19 years. (Stone carved by Chester Kimball, New London, Ct.)
Marye, dau. of Jeremiah A. & Narcissa R. Phelps died Dec. 10, 1861, age 16 yrs, 8 mos, 23 days. Lans. Census of 1850 lists this child as Mary E., but on stone it is carved as one word- Marye
Narcissa R. wife of Jeremiah A. Phelps died Apr. 5, 1888 aged 65 yrs. Last figure very faded. The 1850 census gives age 29. Obit. Index. gives age as 59 (unlikely) but the stone appears to be either 65, 63, 68, or 69.
Jeremiah A. Phelps died Jan. 5, 1889 aged 75 yrs. His age checks with the census rec, which shows him as age 35.
Ann James wife of David Powell died Apr. 26, 1879. AE 67 yrs, 2 mos. MOTHER
David Powell died July 9, 1855 age 47 yrs, 3 mos. FATHER.
David Powell, son of David & Ann Powell died Feb. 25, 1865, age 26 yrs, 8 mos. BROTHER.
John J. Powell, son of David & Ann Powell died July 9, 1877, AE 22 yrs, 8 mos. BROTHER.
Ann Powell, dau. of David & Ann Powell died Feb. 25, 1865, age 26 yrs, 8 mos.
Frances Elizabeth, Nee Frances E. Hanford, of Lansingburgh, wife of Albert E. Powers, died Sept. 21, 1850, age 31 yrs. next stone, down and unreadable.
Mary M. L. Raymond, granddaughter of Timothy Leonard, born Aug. 10, 1816, died Nov. 30, 1838. This girl left a Will and among those named "grandmother, Mary Leonard of Lansingburgh".
Henry, son of Robert H. & Rebecca Relay died June 29, 1847, AE 1 yr, 8 mos., & 24 days.
Henry Twing Relay died Apr. 15, 1853, AE 4 yrs, 11 mos., & 15 days
Robert Relay died May 1, 1857, AE 1 yr, 3 mos., 11 days.
Robert H. Relay died Nov. 13, 1857, aged 35 yrs, 5 mos. Carved by O'Keefe or Keffe: Lans. Directory of 1860 shows a Mrs. Rebecca Relay, house Pitt Street below Elizabeth.
Meriam Braime, dau. of John & Meriam W. Rowley born Aug. 3 (or 9) 1863, died Aug. 7, 1864. Evidently a granddaughter of Alexander and Meriam Walsh.
In memory of John Rutherford departed this life June 19, 1812, age 41 yrs.
Mary, widow of John Rutherford died Oct. 14, 1822, in the 48th yr of her age. Lansingburgh Gazette 10/22/1822 Died on the 14th inst. Mrs. Mary Rutherford, widow of Mr. John Rutherford, merchant of this Village, in the 48th year of her age.
Catherine St. Germain born July 4, 1807 died June 6, 1859. She is on same stone with Hannah Minkler. See Minkler. Obit. index calls her Mrs. Catherine.
William Scarborough died Feb. 3, 1848 in the 31st yr. of his age
John: Sacred to the memory of John Simpson died Mar. 27, 1857 in his 29th yr. Age also looks like 26 yrs. however Obit. notice gives 29 so that is probably correct.
George Skinner died Mar. 2, 1838, age 35 yrs, 1 mo. 3 days. Carved by B. Cook.
Mary, wife of George Skinner died Dec. 6, 1838, age 34 (35?) yrs, 6 mos., 11 days. Nee Mary Evans. Lansingburgh Gazette 5/6/1828 Tues. Married at Albany, Saturday afternoon George Skinner to Miss Mary Evans, both of Lansingburgh. Married 5/3/1828.
Silas Skinner, died Nov. 8, 1843, ae 34 yrs.
Miss Caty Smith died Aug. 31, 1811, aged 29 yrs. Faithful over a few things. Her death notice appears in Lans.. Gazette under date 9/3/1811. Death date given checks with stone.
Burr R. Smith, Son of David & Ann Smith died July 23, 1822 age 23 yrs. Lansingburgh Gazette 7/30/1822 Tues. Died in this Village Tuesday morning last, Mr. Burr R. Smith, eldest son of Mr. David Smith, in the 24th year of his age. A young man whose amiable disposition, cheerful deportment and examplary behaviour, justly endeared him to his relatives and acquaintainces, by all of whom his death will be long and sincerely regretted: Died 7/23/1822.
Ann, wife of David Smith died July 21, 1833 age 56 yrs. 56 (?) Lansingburgh Gazette 10/20/1829. Married in this Village on the 15th inst Mr. David Smith and Miss Ann Eliza Anderson, by Rev Mr. Landon. m. 10/15/1829. (Which David?)
David Smith died May 16, 1839, aged 76 yrs, 8 (or 3) mos, 10 days. Left Will, mentioning wf. Ann, sons g. sons etc. Beside children mentioned in will he had also- Burr R., deceased and Harriet who d. 1790 or 1796. Harriet is buried in the Village Cemetery. See that section of this book.
Mary, wife of S.D. Smith died July 24, 1850 age 38 (or 36) yrs. Note. S.D. stands for Sidney David Smith. Marriage Index-Lans. Newspapers shows S.D. Smith of Lans. m. Mary VanCleve of Batavia 2/9/1832, also S.D. Smith m. Mary Jannett Beebe, both of Lansingburgh 6/7/1854. Therefore Mary who died in 1850 was Mary VanCleve, 1st wife. The 1850 Lans. census shows Sidney D. Smith age 42 (Goldsmith) and Mary 35, also an Ellen Van Cleve 39, and an Adaline VanCleve 16. all in one family. Lansingburgh Democrat 7/25/1850. Died in this Village, Wednesday morning 24th inst. Mrs Mary, wife of Sidney D. Smith aged 36 years. Funeral Will be attended from the Episcopal church this (Thursday) afternoon at 7 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend without further notice.
Edgar, son of David ---- faded: Daniel? (May be another family as the 1850 census shows one Edgar N. Smith age 9 in family of Daniel D. & Delia Smith.
Sarah Southwick died Nov. 15, 1851 aged 75 yrs. Lans. census of 1850 shows Sarah Southwick 74, with family of Henry Bender 63, Jino 43, Mary 18, Ellen 12 All Bender except Sarah. 1860 Directory shows a Pliny Southwick "a scalemaker" in Lans.
Horatio Gates Spafford L.L.D. died Aug. 7, 1832, aged 55 yrs. Horatio's stone is down and very faded. A large slab. Obit. notice gives death date as August 10, 1832, but stone too faded to be positive of the day. He was the author of the famous Gazeteers of New York State, the first of which was published in 1813. He died of "Cholera" in a lovely old Dutch house on the present First Ave., Lansingburgh. Horatio was born 2/18/1778 at Tinmouth, Vermont. He lived Pittsford, Vt., Canaan and Lansingburgh, New York. Published genealogy gives death date as Aug. 7, 1832 in 55th yr. He married 1st- in Albany 5/10/1800 Hannah Bristol Married 2nd. Elizabeth Clark Hewitt. Together with Horatio- the following Spaffords appear in Lans. records. Col. John Spafford d. 4/24/1823 age 71, Caroline M. died 8/8/1853 (no age), Marcia B. Spafford m. Ebenezer C. Baker 1/9/1829. William T. Spafford m. Fanny Weatherby of Troy, 5/6/1824. An earlier partial copy of Trinity Churchyard shows this "Henrietta consort of the late Horatio Gates Spafford- rest unreadable". This cannot now be located. Does not seem to fit with known marriage records. It may be wife Hannah, but if so the word late is incorrect, or it may be Elizabeth.
Henry Raymor, son of Norman & Louisa Squires, died Oct. 11, 1846 aged 4 yrs & 25 days (?). Checked and re-checked but condition of stone makes an accurate copy impossible. I believe this is correct except possibly last two figures of the year. Mother of this child was Louisa Morris, dau. of Statts Morris.
In memory of Norman Frederick Squires who died Apr. 14, 1827 aged 9 mos & 25 days. son of Norman & Louisa Squires. Louisa d. 4/18/1866 age 69. Norman d. 2/26/1854 age 66.
Frederick S. Squires died June 12, 1861, AE 32 yrs.
Lewis M. Squires died Apr. 24, 1861 AE 39 yrs. The New Advertiser, Lansingburgh Sat. 4/27/1861. Died in Mott Haven, on the 24th inst, in the 40th yr of his age, Lewis M., son of the late Norman Squires of Lansingburgh. Funeral from the residence of F. Hoyt, Lansingburgh.
Louisa Morris, wife of Norman Squires, dau. of Statts Morris, ---- broken in several pieces. (she died 4/18/1866 age 69) Broken stone, next to her father.
Malvina Elizabeth, daughter of John & Eliza Stewart died Jan. 28, 1844 aged 34 yrs. Note: Mother named here - Eliza (Dickenson) dau. of Tertullus and Jane (Hugerford) Dickinson. Eliza was a sister of Sarah (Dickinson) Burr, 2nd. wf. of Jonathan Burr, Sarah buried here also.
Jane D. Stewart died at sea, Nov. 8, 1844 aged 28 yrs. Dau. of John Stewart and Eliza (Dickinson) Stewart. This girl named for her maternal grandmother. Full name nrobably Jane Dickinson Stewart.
Eliza Stewart wife of John Stewart died June 19, 1841 aged 64 yrs. Nee Dickinson, dau. of Tertullus and Jane Dickinson, see above. Lansingburgh Gazette, Tues. 7/7/1802 Married Monday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Butler, Mr. John Stewart, merchant, and Miss Eliza Dickinson, both of this Village.
Tertullus D. Stewart died July 11, 1857 age 54. For in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive. Stone broken in half. Tertullus, son of John and Eliza (Dickinson) Stewart. The marriage index to the Lansingburgh newspapers shows that Tertullus D. Stewart married Augusta Hitchcock of Albany 10/19/1847.
Edmund A. Stiles died Jan. 22, 1848, age 21 yrs, 9 me, 9 days. The trump shall sound and the dead shall be raised. Full name Edmund Augustus Stiles.
Maria E. Storer, Obt. Sept. 30, 1844 aged 27 yrs. Full name Maria Elizabeth.
Clarissa A. Storer, Obt. Apr. 2, 1845 Ae 21 yrs. Evidently daughters of Isaac and Clarissa Storer.
Isaac Storer, Obt. Dec. 13, 1845 Aet. 19 yrs. It is well. Son of Isaac & Clarissa. Storer Isaac (Sr) left Will dated 3/14/1846, probated 10/15/1849. These children dead before date of Will.
On Storer Lot: -
Clara Maria Hichcock, 7/28/1847. 1 yr, 11 mos.
John Augustus Hitchcock, Obt. Apr. 15, 1849 aged 1 yr, 10 mos.
Isaac Storer, Obt. Sept. 24, 1849. AE 66
Clarissa Ann, wife of Isaac Storer, Obt. Sept. 24, 1849 age 52.
Mary Alida Storer, Obt. Oct. 24, 1848, aged 17 yrs, 4 mos. It is sown in weakness but raised in power. Dau. of Isaac Storer and wf. Clarissa. She is mentioned in Will of her father.
In his will Isaac Storer (Sr) mentions among other children,- Caroline Augusta Hitchcock, daughter, wf of Charles Hitchcock. Isaac, Clarissa.
Our little Johny, Son of A. H. & Elizabeth Storer, died Dec. 11, 1855(1853?), age 12 mos, 20 days. Grandson of Isaac Storer. Obit index shows child named John Isaac Storer who d. 9/16/1853 probably same child as this faded stone.
Edmund A. Styles died Jan. 22, 1848. AE 21 yrs, 9 mos, 9 days. Full name Edmund Augustus. The 1850 Lans. census shows a Samuel age 58 wf Clarissa 58.
Anna Morrison, dau. of John & Grace Ann Taylor died Mar. 3, 1846, age 8 yrs, 9 mos, 16 days. Child of John Taylor and Grace Ann (Totton) dau. of Gilbert.
(Carpenter) In memory of Mrs Eliza Q. wife of John Taylor and dau. of Thomas & Lucretia Carpenter died Mar. 25, 1823 age 33 (or 32) yrs, 9 mos. Probably reads 32 yrs, 9 mos, as obit notice gives her age as 33 yrs. Eliza Q. is mentioned in Will of her father Thomas Carpenter dated 2/17/1831. probated 6/2/1831.
Grace Ann Taylor, wife of John Taylor, died Jan. 6, 1845, aged 44 yrs, 10 mos, 14 days. See Lansingburgh Gazette 1/9//1845.
John Taylor died May 14, 1860 aged 76 yrs, 6 (or 8) mos. Obit notice - Dr. John Taylor. Lansingburgh directory of 1860 shows him living at 230 State St (present 2nd Ave) physician.
Mary Elizabeth, dau. of John & Grace Ann Taylor, died Dec. 16, 1833 (1834?) age (very faded --possibly 4 yrs 6 days, may even read 8 yrs.
Deborah Thirkell, born Sept. 28, 1789 died Oct. 10, 1860. Obit. calls her Mrs. Thirkell. Census indicates she was born. in Eng. (on stone with Susanna Titcomb see her record)
Solomon Dewitt Tinslar, died June 16, 1863 age 24 yrs, 1 mo. Lans census of 1850 shows him with Permelia Tinslar age 45 (widow of Isaac who d. 1848) This son evidently named for Solomon Tinslaer who died in 1834.
Pamelia, widow of Isaac Tinslar died Apr. 10, 1853 age 48 yrs.
Susanna Titcomb born Aug. 28, 1793 died Aug. 13, 1863. On stone with Deborah Thirkell, Lans census of 1850 shows her as Deborah "Circle" Lansingburgh Gazette 9/7/1858 has death notice for Mrs Thirkell.
John, Sacred to the memory of John Topping. A native of Cumberland, Eng. who died at Lansingburgh Sept. 11, 1828, aged 51 (54?) yrs.
Little Josie, dau. of William & Josephine Topping, died Feb. 21, 1849, aged 9 mos., 11 days.
In memory of Margaret Topping, who died Oct. 1, 1821, age 9 mos, 11 days. Dau. of James and Margaret, name Margaret faded, Appears to be Margaret.
Rev. A. T. Twing(Alva Tabor Twing) D.D. born Feb. 9, 1811, died Nov. 11, 1882. They rest from their labors.
Amelia E., wife of A.T. Twing DD died Aug. 29, 1869 aged 62. Married: Rev A. T. Twing and Amelia C. Barker, both of Lansingburgh, 10/13/1845.
Livonia, wife of Rev A.T. Twing died June 20, 1843 age 38 yrs.
Alfred Hobart, son of Rev A.T. & Livonia Twing, died Apr. 20, 1843 age 3 mos.
Robert Twing, died May 1, 1857 age 1 yr, 3 mos, 11 days.
Henry Twing, died Apr. 15, 1853 age 4 yrs, 11 mos, 15 days. This child not shown in 1850 census. May indicate error in date or age.
Henry Twing, died June 26, 1847. AE 1 yr, 8 mos, & 24 days.
Agnes M., dau. of Rev A.T. & L.P. Twing died Dec. 27, 1871, aged 33 yrs.
Lucretia Clay, daughter of Morris S. & Catherine Van Buskirk (very very faded, seems to say died Sept. 13, 1839, age 1 yr, 8 mos, 25 days. But this conflicts with a published genealogicAl rec. which states this child was born 8/17/1839 and died age 20 mos. A quaint little stone over near the church building. She was named for the wife of Henry Clay. At the time of her birth Henry Clay was a guest at her father's house in Lansinsburgh. In his honor the child was named for his wife. Re. per parents, father Morris Van Buskirk was born at Buskirk's Bridge town of Hoosick, 1/25/1802, came to Lansingburgh in 1822. he married 9/11/1802, catherine Kinickerbacker of Shcaghticoke, had 4 children. Herman K., John Morris, Lucretia Clay and Catherine M. Catherine Knickerbacker was a dau. of Herman Knickerbacker B. 7/27/1779 d. 1/30/1855.
In mem. of Charles, Son Of George & Polly Verrenil (?) Who Died Mar. 18, 1832. Ae 10 Mos. & 8 Days. Foot stone t.v. nearby.
In Memory Of Harriet Wadsworth, Wife Of James Wadsworth, And Daughter Of Stephen & Hannah Delavan. This Memorial Stone Is Sacred. She Departed This Life In The Precious Hope Of Immortality, Through The Devine Faith In The Saviour Of The World, March 30th In The Year 1814, Age 22 Yrs, 2 Mos, 23 D.
Henry, Infant Son Of James & Harriet Wadsworth. He Died Dec. 11, In The Year 1813. Age 2 mos.
James C. Wadsworth, Married Harriet Delavan, 1/8/1812- Both Of Lansingburgh. Lansingburgh Gazette, Tues. Apr. 5, 1814, Died On Thrusday Last After A Long And Distressing Illness, Which She Sustained With Examplary Fortitude And Resignation Mrs. Harriet Wadsworth Aged 23 Yrs, Wife Of Mr. J.C. Wadsworth Of This Village.
In Memory Of Ann Walsh Consort Of Alexander Walsh Died March 25, 1825 In 36th Yr. She Was Born Ann Van Wyck 7/28/1789. Dau. Of Theordorus Van Wyck Of Fishkill, New York.
Alexander Walsh, Died Aug 4, 1849 Age 66 Yrs. He Ran A General Store In Early Lansingburgh, Selling A Great Variety Of All Type Goods. These Included Furs In Which He Delt Largely" First location was on west side of State Street between Market & Elizabeth (present west side of 2nd. Ave between 115th and 116th Sts. Son Alexander Jr. succeeded his father in the business. Many interesting advertisements in the Lansingburgh newspapers re. this store- early 1800s. For complete records of the Walsh family see Village Cem. Ins. also. Family is divided between the two cemeteries. Alexander left Will dated 3/10/1846, probated 9/21/1849. naming (2nd wf) and a number of children: He was born in Duncannon County Tyrone, Ireland in 1783 came to USA c. 1799, thence to Lansingburgh.
Theodore, son of Alexander & Ann Walsh died July 10, 1841 aged 25 yrs. He was born in Lansingburgh 7/28/1816 and named for his maternal grandfather Theodorus Van Wyck of Fishkill, N.Y.
Miriam Margaret Braine wife of Alexander Walsh born in Shelburne, N.S. Sept. 20, 1802, died Feb. 27, 1872. Safe in the Paradise of God. Alexander Walsh had issue by both Ann and Miriam.
Franklin, son of Alexander & Ann Walsh, died Oct. 9, 1824, age 2 yrs., born in Lans. Jan. 1822.
VanWycke, son of Alexander & Ann Walsh, died Mar. 13, 1852 aged 27 yrs. Mother-born Ann VanWycke.
Alexander, Son of Alexander, and Miriam Walsh ----. Not readable but probably the Alexander shown in the Lansingburgh directory of 1860, Bank Cashier and Notary----(?) St. (present 2nd Ave.) Lans: Census 1850 shows Alexander Walsh age 29 Bank Teller, Louisa 25, Theodore 1. He is mentioned in Will of his father dated 3/10/1846.
In memory of Miriam daughter of Alexander & Miriam Walsh who died Dec. 5, 1833, age 15 (or 13) mos and 20 days. God took thee in his mercy...He ....He won the victory, And thou are santified. This checks with obit. record which has the same date and age 14 mos. In the 1850 Lans. Census a dau. Miriam is shown in this family age 16. So another dau. born not long after the death of this child was named the same.
Mary Walsh, died Apr. 15, 1810, 8 yrs, 7 mos (or 1 mo). very faded. No more can be read.
Sarah Walsh, born Apr. 14, 1820 (?) died July 8, 1878. Waiting the coming of the Lord. Seems clear but Walsh genealogy give date of birth as 4/14/1819. Sarah, dau. of Alexander and Ann (Van Wycke) Walsh. Lans. census of 1850 shows Sarah living with her Stepmother, Miriam. Sarah age 30.
Mary Walsh, born Oct. 8, 1791, died May 22, 1885.
Rebecca Walsh, born Mar. 19, 1795, died Apr. 11, (or 14) 1873.
The Grave of Rebecca relict of John Walsh, died Mar. 12, 1831 age 67 yrs. age- chipped: appears to be 67-69.
The Grave of John Walsh who died July 8, 1833 age 70 yrs, 6 mos, 8 days. If a man die shall he live again My chance shall come. Job VI.
Ann Walsh died July 10, 1811 age 25 yrs.
Ruah Ward, 1801 - 1887. On stone with Benjamin Holt etc. Census record of 1850 indicates she was wife of Calvin L. Ward he born Mass. Ruah b. N.Y.
Jane, dau. of Hugh & Jane Warnock died March 25, 1853 age 2 yrs, 4 mos. Note: Mrs Hugh Warnock, died 10/5/1878 age 65.
Hugh Warnock, Broken stone, too damaged to read.
In memory of Elizabeth Waud, who died Nov. 17, 1837 age 83 yrs. Evidently Elizabeth wife of Robert Waud, early Lansingburgh Innkeeper. In his Will dated 4/28/1815, probated 10/10/1822. He mentions wife Elizabeth etc. Many of the early Town Meetings were held "In the House of Robert Waud". I do not find a stone, but Robert Waud died 10/2/1822 age 66 yrs. Notice Lansingburgh Gazette, Tues. 10/8/1822-Died in this Village on Wednesday last, Mr. Robert Waud, aged 66 yrs.
Jane, wife of George Webster, died Mar. 9, 1834, age 58 yrs, 25 (or 23) days. Note: A Rachel (Mrs. George Webster) died 4/6/1809 age 37. Lansingburgh Census 1850 Webster: George age 80 yrs, Retired Gentlemen, b Eng. Ellenor, 56, Eng., George 2nd 22, N.Y. A George Webster, died 6/5/1861. age 92.
Frederick W. West, died May 9, 1888, age 21 yrs. At rest.
Clara A., wife of Josiah E. West died Mar. 3, 1881 in the 34 yr of her age. Rest in Peace. Obit. notice Clara A. Icke (Mrs Josiah E. West)
Eva L., dau. of Josiah E. & Clara A. West, died Apr. 3, 1883 age 18 yrs. Thy Will be done.
Sarah Mortimor, widow of Richard Whale, died Oct. 29, 1865 age 64 years.
Granite shaft:-
Rev. P.L. Whipple (Phineas L.) for 11 yrs the faithful Rector of this church died Oct. 5, 1844 age 52 yrs.
His wife, Alida died Nov. 27, 1894, aged 97 yrs. broken stone may read in part .... and Hannah Whipple
Marietta Whiting, died Dec. 27, 1831 age 18 yrs.
Henry Watson, son of Charles and Mary Wing died June 24, 1822. Damaged-possibly 1872. Left Will dated 6/4/1822.
Sacred to the memory of John Young, who departed this life, May 22, 1823 (8 ?) age 76 yrs. Left Willo dated 6/4/1822, probated 3/6/1829.
Mary, wife of John Young died May 17, 1831 aged 77 yrs.
Partial Ins, near graves of Blair and Whipple, George C., son of.... David and Charity.
Next stone to this face down.
Monunent near Relay Stones: This looks like a collection of people re-interred here:-
McMurray, Harvey, d 8/21/1848, 1 y.
Fitzpatrick, Frances, 11/?/1848, 9 mos.
Rafter, William, 1848, 3 y.
Rafter, James, 1848, 6 y.
Murphy, John, 1848, 5 y.
Murphy, Ann, 1848, 2 yr.
Mullen, John, 8/15/1848 3 mos.
Mullen, Mary, 8/31/1848, 3 y.
Murphy, Felix, 7/13/1849, 25 y.
McMurray, Frederick, 3/14/1849, 2 y.
McMurray, Ruth, 9/8/1849, 9 mos.
Names suggest they may have been moved from the Old Catholic Burial ground, or at least some of them. Obit index shows Harvey W. McMurray d. 7/21/1848, 1 yr. Other two McMurray children not shown.
There have been a few removals from Trinity Churchyard: Among them- several members of the FILLEY family.