Marriages, 1834-1923
Extracted From
Guilford Church Records
Compiled by Kenneth E. Hasbrouck, Jun 1952
Typescript, no copyright
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

This church was burned in 1910, but Rev. LASHER continued to serve the congregation until his death.
29 Oct, Jacob COLE, Jr., to Sarah TERWILLIGER
27 Nov, Isaac CARMAN to Anatia CARMON
1835 -
30 Apr, Jonathan T. CONSTABLE to Sarah Ann STONE
5 Nov, Abrahm DEGROFF to Harriet TERVILLIGER
5 Nov, William WARING to Hannah KAINE
10 Nov, Moses DECKER to Susan ROGERS
14 Nov, BEnjamin L. ROSCRANSE to Linda MACKEY
16 Nov, Abraham D. BEVIER to Harriet ELTING
5 Dec, Johanes N. LeFEVRE to Rachel SCHOONMAKER
24 Dec, Clinton CAMERON to Melisa TERWILLIGER
31 Dec, Stephen HUNT to Mary Ann WOOD
1836 -
16 Jan, Salah LAMBERTSON to Margaret M. WILLIAMS
21 Jan, Oliver WELLER to Cristina HART (colored)
5 Mar, Harison EDMUNS to Susan RIDER
16 Mar, John HOORNBECK to Rachel SPARKS
23 Mar, Cornelius LeFEVER to Catharine H. LeFEVER
16 Jun, Beverly H. TANERY to Jannet McKISICK
18 Jun, George C. TERWILLIGER to Elizabeth SAMMONS
6 Aug, Peter ROSA to Hannah Ann KAINE
-- Oct, James BAIRD to Catherine VAN WAGENER
17 Nov, Joseph HUNT to Nelly SCHOONMAKER
8 Dec, Andries P. VELET to Mary Jane MILLSPAUGH
1837 -
16 Feb, Willet TITUS to Marieta S. MILLSPAUGH
22 Feb, George GREGORY to Caroline DOANE
23 Feb, Nelson SMITH to Larina RONK
12 Apr, James GREEN to Rachel GRIFFEN
17 May, Samuel Edward TUTHILL to Elisa SCHOONMAKER
29 Jul, Isaac SCHUDDER to Elizabeth GALE
23 Sep, Leander WAKELEE to Esther KAINE
31 Oct, Abraham D. DEYO to Jane BEVIER
1838 -
-- Mar, Hiram VAN KEURAN to Mary A. TUTHILL (colored)
28 Apr, John ECKART to Mary RONK
-- Jul, Cornelius MULLEN to Maria TERWILLIGER
25 Aug, Thomas DECKER to Esther GREEN
18 Dec, George A. DUDLEY to Sarah Jane TUTHILL
1839 -
1 Aug, Denton GRROW to Bathsheba S. GALE
15 Aug, Philip D. BRUYN to Elisa Ann TITUS
12 Sep, Thomas C. JOHNSON to Susan M. TERWILLIGER
19 Oct, Frederick PARSONS to Emeline FOWLER
_3 Oct, James VAN VORESS to Catherine L. TERWILLIGER
19 Nov, Peter TANERY to Dinah MASTEN
20 Nov, Abraham C. COLLUM to Lucretia RONK
28 Nov, Johanes D. HASBROUCK to Harriet SCHOONMAKER
5 Dec, John P. LINET to Diana WINFIELD (colored)
5 Dec, Isaac K. ERENS to Harriet COOL
12 Dec, Philip AYERS to Sarah Ann RECUA (REQUA?)
1840 -
16 Jan, Thomas DeWITT to Hannah FROST
16 Jan, John Bogardus DuBOIS to Mary HAND
13 Feb, Abner HASBROUCK to Pamelia DuBOIS
15 Feb, Andries A. LAFEVER to Maria LAFEVER
16 Apr, George W. HARRIS to Hesther Ann DEGROFF
27 Aug, James KAINE to Ann BAIRD
24 Sep, Isaac DEYO to Nancy DuBOIS
3 Oct, John R. TERWILLIGER to Gertrude Jane FULLER
21 Oct, John L. HART to Cornelia OSTRANDER
22 Oct, Dennis McLUSKY to Jamima WILLIAMS
1841 -
9 Feb, John JANSEN to Jane WHITEKER
11 Feb, Hiram D. SAMMONS to Maria LAFAVER
18 Mar, Justus S. DUNN to Mary A. HASBROUCK
3 Jun, William STEAN to Lerias VAN OSTRAND
5 Jun, Alexander HASBROUCK to Gertrude LAFEVER
5 Aug, Alexander BERGER to Elisa FOWLER
12 Aug, Cornelius TERWILLIGER to Almira HARTSHORN
9 Oct, John TILSON to Elsey Ann SMEDES
-- Nov, Daniel TERWILLIGER to Maria GALE
-- Nov, Ceasar TEN NYCK to Elsey JENKINS
1842 -
13 Jan, George N. DECKER to Sarah Maria POLEY
31 Mar, Huyler MILLER to Hannah LEWIS
30 Jan, Merrit TERWILLIGER to Margaret RINDHEART
13 Jul, William W. REDFIELD to Ann SCHOONMAKER
15 Sep, David M. VANDERMARK to Mary H. TURNER
3 Nov, Joshua ARMSTRONG to Elisa DINGEE
1843 -
4 Jan, Nelson TERRY to Rachel SMITH
19 Jan, David DILL to Parmelia SCHOONMAKER
26 Mar, Henry E. HAWKINS to Catherine DUDD
23 Feb, Moses S. TERWILLIGER to Gertrude M. DECKER
4 Mar, Patrick TRUDEN to Ann SCALES
30 Mar, Hiram ERENS to Elisa SINSABAUGH
3 May, Solomon DuBOIS to Mary DuBOIS
28 Jun, Daniel I. HASBROUCK to Margaret Jane JOHNSTON
6 Jul, Andrew B. DECKER to Sarah M. TRAPHAGEN
28 Sep, Christopher SUTHERLAND to Cornelia VAN DERLYN
28 Sep, John DECKER to Martha Jan VAN DERLYN
3 Oct, Maurice WURTS to Maria JENKINS
18 Oct, Garrete DuBOIS to Elmira DuBOIS
1843 -
23 Nov, Abraham TERWILLIGER to Maria ALDRICH
16 Dec, Samuel FRANKLIN to Phebe JOHNSTON (colored)
21 Dec, James G. MULFORD to Elizabeth POTTER
1844 -
17 Jan, Solomon ELTING to Maria ROSA
25 Jan, James TEN BROUCK to Jane SNYDER (colored)
21 Feb, George TERWILLIGER to Esther TAYLOR
3 Jun, Luther LAFEVER to Elizabeth LAFEVER
5 Jun, Matthew CARMAN to Mary UPRIGHT
23 Oct, James C. BOND to Jane SCHOONMAKER
31 Oct, Jacob M. FRINT to Mary McKISICK
14 Nov, Matthew MASTEN to Lucinda J. MITCHELL
14 Nov, James MASTEN to Gertrude HOFFMAN
20 Nov, Edward ALDRICH to Phebe DINGEE
21 Nov, Cornelius HOORNBECK to Maria DUNN
5 Dec, Maurice JANSEN to Sarah WHITEKER
19 Dec, Evert BOGARDUS to Catherine LAFEVER
1845 -
12 Feb, Daniel BRODHEAD to Martina FRINT
12 Jun, Tjerck RELYEA to Mary FOWLER
10 Jul, Wm. W. MINSEY to Rachel A. LAMUNION
11 Sep, Thomas DILL to Jane WHITNEY (colored)
13 Nov, Peter NICKELSON to Elizabeth Ann PATTEN
13 Nov, John BERGER to Margaret Jane JOHNSON
13 Nov, Benj. FRIER to Esther HOORNBECK
20 Nov, Walter DUNN to Esther HOORNBECK
29 Nov, William WOOD to Cornelia FRIER
4 Dec, James NEFIN to Elizabeth GULLAGER
6 Dec, Aaron STRICKLAND to Malisa WILLIAMS
1846 -
5 Feb, Joseph C. WEED to Margaret J. HASBROUCK
19 Feb, Elbert ROBERSON to Sarah Maria REQUA
20 Jun, Abraham S. MIDAUGH to Hellen VAN WAGENEN
20 Jun, Jonathan A.D. VAN DARMARK to Rachel A.F. DINGEE
4 Jul, Henery VAN DERLYN to Hannah VAN OSTRAND
16 Jul, Dr. G.M. MILLSPAUGH to Sarah Jane CARERON
1847 -
28 Jan, Peter F. MACKERSON to Harriet WELLER
11 Feb, Egbert CLEARWATER to Elisa WHITE
18 Feb, Andrew C. BIRDSALL to Julia A. FOWLER
3 Jun, Abraham S. SCHOONMAKER to Cornelia DuBOIS
6 Jul, Angus TAYLOR to Hannah M. BENNETT
7 Oct, William H. DECKER to Catherine GALLIGER
22 Nov, Gilbert DuBOIS to Elisa FORTUNE (colored)
24 Nov, Henry WACKMAN to Margaret HOFFMAN
25 Nov, William DOLSON to Rachel DuBOIS
1848 -
1 Jan, Elijak TERWILLIGER to Margaret Jane FREER
2 Mar, Charles T. BORDINE to Susan BORDINE
16 Jul, Grove FANNING to Sarah E. HOOKS
9 Sep, John SMITH to Susan FULLER
25 Oct, Robert HOUGHTAILING to Elisa Jane DuBOIS (colored)
29 Nov, Peter DuBOIS to Jane Ann DuBOIS
30 Nov, Zachariah DuBOIS to Maria WURTS
13 Dec, Solomon S. STONE to Fanny LITTS
14 Dec, Ira DEYO to Sarah DuBOIS
1849 -
10 Jan, William SCHOONMAKER to JEmima DuBOIS
1 Feb, Joseph HASBROUCK to Sarah M. LeFEVRE
8 Mar, Peter A. DuBOIS to Maria SCHOONMAKER
8 Mar, Jonathan F. ATKINS to Mary ACKERMAN
10 May, James H. PALMER to Catharine A. WINFIELD
13 Aug, Cyrenius MACK to Hannah CROOKSTON
6 Sep, John J. DuBOIS to Emeline HOORNBECK
20 Sep, Cyrus DuBOIS to Sarah T. DEYO
13 Oct, Garret NOTTINGHAM to Maria C. BRUYN (colored)
17 Oct, Jacob J. JANSEN to Sarah CONOWAY
24 Oct, John LYON to Sarah Elizabeth BEVIER
29 Nov, Simon JOHNSON to Ann Elizabeth JOHNSON
19 Dec, Richard JANSEN to Sarah LeFEVRE (colored)
1850 -
16 May, Simon SCHOONMAKER to Isabella DEYO (colored)
10 Sep, Cornelius DuBOIS to Mary C. DEYO
14 Sep, Jacob GORSLINE to Jane McFARDEN
18 Sep, Lambert JUNKINS to Elizabeth HASBROUCK
27 Nov, William H. DeGARMO to Gertrude DuBOIS
-- ---, Jacob TERWILLIGER to Catharine JOHNSON
31 Dec, Ephraim DuBOIS to Sarah BEVIER (colored)
17 Jan (sic), DuBois LeFEVRE to Margaret SCHOONMAKER
1851 -
4 Jan, Levi WEEKS to Samantha LADUE
22 Jan, Hezekiah WELLER to Synthia McKEUREN
13 Mar, Morris R. ROUCK to Julia DOOLITTLE
-- ---, Jeremiah HOORNBECK to Elizabeth BRUYN
28 May, John C. SCHOONMAKER to Clarissa CLINE (colored)
25 Jun, Jacob DuBOIS to Elizabeth HASBROUCK (colored?)
4 Sep, Abrm. D.B. ETLING to Margaret BEVIER
18 Sep, Anthony SCHEPMOES to Sarah J. UPRIGHT
The following entry was omitted in transcribing: James TODD to Mary Amand WILLIAMS (this marriage is not dated, but could have been about 1850 -- K.H.)
1852 -
29 Aug, John ROBINSON to Elizabeth LINDERBECK, both of New Paltz
28 Oct, Nathaniel ETLING to Anna WURTS, both of New Paltz
18 Nov, John A. DuBOIS to Abigail VAN OSTRAND, both of New Paltz
1853 -
3 Feb, James HIXON to Elizabeth GRAHAMS, both of Shawangunk (colored)
3 Mar, Jonas F. ATKINS to Cornelia M. SLATER, both of New Paltz
1 Jun, Matthew N. LeFEVRE to Sarah SCHOONMAKER, both of Gardiner
1 Sep, William DAYO to Sarah C. SNYDER, both of New Paltz (colored)
8 Sep, Timothy TRAPHAGEN of Gardiner to Ann Eliza ACKER of New Paltz
28 Sep, Edward BRUYN of Shawangunk to Margarte DAYO of Gardiner
28 Dec, John BROWER of Shawangunk to Catharine DEAN of Gardiner
1854 -
5 Mar, Cyrus KNICKERBOCKER to Eliza Jane INGRAM of Gardiner
20 Apr, John B. LAMBERT of New Hurley to Elisie Ann VAN KEUREN of Gardiner
1 Jul, John WILLIAMSON & Ellen COOK, both of Gardiner
1 Jul, John WILLIAMSON & Ellen COOK, both of Gardiner
4 Aug, William DEYO & Mary Ann VANDERVEER, both of Gardiner (colored)
31 Aug, Francis TUTHILL & Margaret GIBBONS, both of Gardiner (colored)
27 Sep, Johnson McFARLANE of Plattekill & Mary C. BARNNELL
14 Nov, Solomon VAN ORDEN to Sarah LeFEVRE
1855 -
27 Mar, Alfred McKINSTRY to Catharine M. HARDENBERGH
31 Mar, Hiram TERWILLIGER to Ann Maria FREER
15 Sep, Peter TUTHILL to Catharine MURRY (colored)
1 Nov, Hacaliah P. DOLSON to Ether FREER
11 Nov, Abial H. HAND to Catharine C. FREER
21 Nov, William JOHNSON to Rachel Jane SHOONMAKER
22 Dec, Henry HESS to Maria Jane SMITH
29 Nov, Andries STARCH to Justine NINSEN ?
1856 -
1 Jan, Frank WOLF to Margaretta H. GERARD
27 Mar, Nathaniel C. HOFFMAN to Sarah Elizabeth MILLSPAUGH
3 Dec, Peter D. SLATER to Catharine Jane CHRISTIANA
4 Dec, William McKENEN to Phebe S. GULLIGER
1857 -
30 Mar, Robert JOHNSON to Louise JORDAN
16 Apr, Martin D. SCHOONMAKER to Phebe Ann VAN WAGENEN
18 Jun, Rev. James LeFEVRE to Cornelia HASBROUCK
20 Aug, Simon DAVIS to Rachel Maria ROSENCRANS
19 Sep, Roelof DuBOIS to Catharine Ann DuBOIS
26 Sep, Charles DEGROAT to Elizabeth Maria FINDOUT
19 Nov, David VERNOY to Sarah Jane SCHOONMAKER
1858 -
28 Jan, Jacob BEVIER to Susan GILLESPIE (colored)
14 Oct, Richard B. BEVIER to Esther HASBROUCK
16 Oct, Joseph CLOSE to Rachel A. SLATER
25 Nov, Daniel COLE to Sarah Jane PINE (colored)
15 Dec, William DENTON to Phebe Jordon VAN KEUREN
16 Dec, Jacob WURTS to Mary Jane HOORNBECK
1859 -
6 Jan, Benjamin S. HENDRICKS to Esther Frances SIMPSON
22 Jan, John H. VOORHEES to Sarah M. BURGER
2 Mar, James H. JANSEN to Cornelia Catharine ROOS
22 Jul, William H. HENDRICKS to Caatharine ATKENS
11 Aug, William DEYO to Abby MYERS (colored)
22 Sep, Doct. Stephen W. GEROW to Rachel JORDAN
29 Sep, John C. CHASE to Sarah Elizabeth VAN LEUVEN
3 Nov, Isaaac A. ENDERLY to Anna Maria HARP
3 Nov, Richard J. FREER to Bridget HUGHES
14 Dec, Moses B. WILKIN to Esther V. DENTON
15 Dec, DuBois OSTRANDER to Catharine A. VAN KEURKEN
15 Dec, Robert H. DECKER to Mary J. VAN KEUREN
1860 -
26 Jan, Richard JANSEN to Jane Ann JOHNSON
22 Feb, Charles AAB to Mary Frances DAVIS
22 Mar, Nathaniel C. LeFEVRE to Sally Ann PERRINE
24 May, John DALRYMPLE to Sarah M. DuBOIS
31 May, Valentine HALWICK to Margaret C. HOPINSTED
1861 -
20 Feb, Benjamin DePUY to Margaret VAN LEUVEN
22 May, Andries A. DuBOIS to Sarah E. LEFEVRE
4 Jul, DeWitt C. ROOS to Sarah M. BURGER
14 Sep, William Henry RHODES to Sarah Maria KROM
14 Aug, Leonard HASBROUCK to Malinda Ann DEYO (colored)
18 Sep, Daniel T. ROOS to Elizabeth WHEASMILLER
26 Sep, John VAN BURNE to Rachel SCHOONMAKER
1862 -
12 Mar, Rev. Nelson L. REYNOLDS to Delia SWIFT
14 May, William WILLIAMS to Ellen DEGROAT
4 Jul, Cornelius DePUY to Sarah C. DEGROAT
4 Aug, Gilbert VAN LEUVEN to Hannah BARRET
13 Dec, George W. HEISER to Rachel A. YAPLE
24 Dec, Charles LEYMOUR to Sarah C. SCHOONMAKER (SEYMOUR?)
1863 -
1 Jan, Horace W. ST. JOHN to Mary L. LAMBERTSON
21 May, Charles Henry BARCHAIR to Mrs. Matilda BANKS (colored)
26 May, John TITUS to Jane DEYO
29 Jul, Richard B. FREER to Mary C. COUNTRYMAN
29 Jul, Elisha AYRES to Rhoda COUNTRYMAN
18 Sep, David WOOD to Pruella DOLSON
23 Dec, Robert B., ELLIOT to Kate C. JOHNSON
1864 -
24 Nov, James TERWILLIGER to Francis CROOKSTON
30 Nov, James C. BLAUVELT to Sarah J. JOHNSTON
29 Dec, Philip B. HASBROUCK to Elizabeth HAND
1865 -
10 Jan, Homer RELYEA to Christiana JANSEN
14 Jan, Andries DuBOIS to Harriet L. JOHNSTON
14 Jan, Wm. JENKINS to Catharine M. JOHNSTON
14 Jan, John GILDERSLEEVE to Elizabeth SWIFT
8 Feb, Benjamin H. STILWELL to Maria S. DENTON
1 May, G. Isaac RONK ? to Mrs. Catharine V. ENDERLY
3 Jul, Jacob D. OSTERHOUDT to Helen E. KELDER
19 Sep, Wm. HURN to Jane LENT
30 Sep, Daniel D. BROADHEAD to Mary LENNAN
28 Nov, Henry ATKINS to Catharine PATTISON
1866 -
4 Dec, William HORNBECK to Elizabeth B. SCHOONMAKER
13 Dec, Samuel HOPINSTEADT to Louise JANSEN
25 Dec, David ECKERT to Mary E. CROOKSTON
26 Dec, Richard PALMATIER to Rachel MACK
27 Dec, Louis HASBROUCK to Amelia DuBOIS
30 Dec, Wm. DuBOIS to Phebe W. VAN LEUVEN
1867 -
14 Feb, Andrew DEYO to Jemima SCHAFFER
27 Feb, David H. SMITH to Eliza COLE (colored)
20 Mar, Theodore S. DuBOIS to Esther WEASMILLER
27 Apr, Andrew DECKER to Emma F. PIARS
13 Jun, John LANG to Sarah D. DECKER
4 Jul, Daniel Jacob VAN LEUVEN to Esther Ann DECKER
2 Sep, Lorenz FLAGER to Margaret J. ERL
8 Dec, Benjamin C. BOOTHE to Mary C. BLEEKER
18 Dec, William CARMAN to Hylah B. MACKEY
24 Dec, Jacob D. FREER to Hannah MOORE
1868 -
18 Feb, John J. DAVENPORT to Elmira VAN LEUVEN
4 Apr, Charles SPARKS to Amelia A. DECKER
30 May, James H. JANSEN to P.M. TOBIAS
11 Jun, John VAN LEUVEN to Harriet HESS
30 Aug, Abner FULLER to Mary A. DECKER
10 Sep Albert B. THURSTON to Hannah B. JENKINS
12 Sep, James HUNTER to Henrietta SEARS
23 Sep, Louis D.B. HOORNBECK to Kate D.B. FREER
19 Nov, Charles ALSDORF to Mary WINNE
1869 -
20 Jan, Abram S. DENTON to Sarah S. LAMBERTSON
30 Jan, John D. VAN LEUVEN to Mary E. SLATER
6 Feb, Samuel A. DuBOIS to Christiia WACKMAN
3 Jul, Hezekiah HOFFMAN to Rebecca R. EVANS
4 Sep, Solomon CODDINGTON to Rachel A. FOWLER
7 Oct, Solmon DECKER to Mary A. DECKER
9 Dec, Abram BILLINGHAM to Rachel A. ENDERLY
1870 -
3 Feb, Louis E. WYNKOOP to Sarah Catharine ENDERLY
16 Jun, Kasper WITZENBACHER to Sarah FARLEY
10 Jul, Dlijah (Elijah?) REYNOLDS to Maria BENNETT
15 Sep, Cornelius O. HENRICKS to Cornelia HARDENBERGH
29 Oct, Lewis TERWILLIGER to Mary ERIS
21 Sep, Jacob EVANS to Martha J. DECKER
1871 -
18 Jan, John D. TERWILLIGER to Emma MACKAY
8 Feb, Joseph LUMAZETTE to Maggie LAMBERTSON
16 Mar, Tobias C. SHELLY to Sylvina FREER
GUILFORD CHURCH RECORDS, 1873-1918 (During the Pastorate of Rev. Calvin E. LASHER)
The Guilford Church burned in 1910. After that date, Rev. Calvin E. LASHER continued to serve the community until his death in 1923.
The Guilford Church was located in Guilford, hamlet in the Town of Gardiner, Ulster Co., New York. Before 1852, Guilford was a part of the Town of New Paltz, New York.
Copy of Marriage Register - Rev. Calvin E. LASHER - Guilford Church, 1873-1923
1873 -
16 Nov, Isaac BAXTER & Susan A. WILLIAMS both of Gardiner
-- Sep, George S. LAMORU of Gramsville & Mary E. CORWIN of Guilford
1874 -
4 Feb, Wm. H. DUNN & Christiaana JOHNSON both of Gardiner
11 Mar, John W. McENTEE & Elmira WOOD, both of Gardiner
28 Mar, Willard MONROE & Adda WILLIAMS, both of Gardiner
15 Apr, Tappen CONRAD & Jennie HEDDEN, both of Gardiner
27 May, Lewis HASBROUCK & Elizabeth ABERHART, both of Gardiner
24 Sep, Benjamin FREER & Emma BRUCE, both of Gardiner
16 Dec, George D. CLEARWATER of Plattekill, NY, & Anna SCHOONMAKER of Gardiner
24 Dec, Charles S. CROOKSTON & Maggie E. JANSEN, both of Shawangunk
24 Dec, Robert Wm. MAVIN & Rachel Ann FRANKLIN, both of Gardiner
1875 -
3 Nov, Wm. E. BARTLETT & Rebecca E. JOHNSON both of New Platz
1 Dec, Sidney D. WRIGHT & Hannah C. ADDIS, both of Gardiner
1876 -
-- Jan, Benj. FREER, Jr., & Sarah A. NIVER both of Pine Buch
-- Jan, John S. S_MMONS of Bruynwick & Christiana DuBOIS of Gardiner
-- Jan, John G. HOPPINSTEAD (who lived at Lewis HARDENBERGH's) & Julia E. SCOTT of Gardiner
8 Feb, Linus ANDERSON & Abbie L. BENJAMIN of New Hurley
23 Mar, Augustus BRACH & Jennie THOMAS, both of Gardiner
8 Nov, Jas. J. JONES & Catarien A. JOHNSTON, both of Gardiner
12 Sep, Wilhelm ENGEL & Naggie LAKAKIN, both of Newburgh
23 Nov, Sherman FREER & Josephine UPRIGHT, both of Shawangunk
1877 -
7 Jun, George N. WOOLSEY & Kattie L. McKINSTRY, both of Gardiner
11 Jul, Joseph YAPLE & Sarah E. BENNETT both of Oligarville
14 Nov, Arlington S. GILLESPIE of Walden & Sarah Francis SEARS of Tuthill
14 Nov, John CODDINGTON & Sarah M. EDMUNDS, both of Rutsenville
24 Nov, John H. QUINN & Phebe Ann VAN LEUVEN both of Libertyville
24 Nov, Wm. H. LOGAN & Anna L. OSTERHOUT, both of Libertyville
25 Dec, Andrew Gustav SEVENSON & Harriet QUICK, both of Tuthill
1878 -
8 Jan, L. Stanley DuBOIS of Paducah, KY, & Ratie SCHOONMAKER of Tuthill
16 Jan, William BEVIER (colored) & Sarah DuBOIS, both of Tuthill
13 Feb, Moses V. SMITH of Stone Ridge & Sarah HOPINSTEAD of Tuthill
16 May, Andrew J. NUNMAKER of Libertyville & Emily A. BROUGHTON of Gardiner
13 Jun, Johnston HASBROUCK of Gardiner (Guilford) & Sarah D. B. LeFEVER of Gardiner
20 Nov, Frederick BAILDON & Marietta EVENS of Walden
9 Dec, Wm. B. EVANS & Joanna GORETH both of Walden
12 Dec, Ira SCHOONMAKER & Katie NEELY, both of Gardiner
1879 -
1 Jan, George W. DAVIS of Gardiner & Catherine J. CODDINGTON of Roshester (sic)
19 Aug, Benjamin D. BUSH of New Platz & Ann E. LAWRENCE of Rochester
3 Sep, Edward BRUNDAGE of Gardiner & Julia Ann TERWILLIGER of Kerhonkson
14 Oct, David IRWIN of Denning & Philinda VAN LEUVAN of Clarryville
1880 -
8 Apr, George JOHNSON (colored) & Christina SCHOONMAKER both of Gardiner
1881 -
17 Feb, John LeFEVRE of Nodena & Mary E. DuBOIS of New Platz
15 Jun, Selah SCHOONMAKER & Maggie LeFEVRE both of Gardiner
27 Oct, Fred W. SNOW of Ramapo, NY, & Eugenie HASBROUCK of Gardiner
1882 -
8 Feb, James O. SHURTER & Luelia WOODWARD of Gardiner, NY
22 Feb, Michael DUGAN & Carrie KLYNE, both of Gardiner
4 Apr, Albert HEANSON & Ellen A. PETERSON, both of Gardiner
19 Apr, Richard W. PETHERBRIDGE of New York City & Alice S. SEARS of Gardiner
22 Jun, Henry T. HOWELL of New York City & Maria M. RELVCA of New Platz
3 Sep, Lorenzo KLYNE & Lorelia HOPPENSTEAD, both of Gardiner
1883 -
1 Jan, John B. WYNKOOP & Emma A. MOHR, both of Gardiner
28 Feb, Henry D. KIMBARK & Olive CREIG, both of Gardiner
1 Mar, William GRIMM of Gardiner & Mary A. DRAKE of Lloyd
29 Nov, Albert SEYMON of Modena & Minnie SCHOONMAKER of Gardiner
5 Dec, Robert E. RUGER & Mary V. COUNTRYMAN both of New Platz
1884 -
12 Feb, Leander U. VALET & Sarah P. SEARS of Tuthill
20 Feb, Matthew DUNN & Anna GILDERSLEEVE of Gardiner
19 Mar, Charles JOHL & Hannah E. BARTLT, both of Gardiner
3 Jul, Edward L. HAWLEY & Maggie S. HESS, both of Walden
22 Oct, Theodore DAVIS & Gussie KETCHAM
1885 -
4 Jan, Eugene R. TREMPER & Emily GEE both of Plattekill
21 Jan, James S. DuBOIS & Phoebe F. SEARS, both of Gardiner
18 Feb, Frank E. SMITH of Chardon, Ohio, & Lana MASSINO of Smith's Landing, NY
10 May, Edwin BURHANS of Roundout & Carrie A. LASHER of Brown's Station
10 Sep, Henry HASA & Martha J. LOWE, both of Gardiner
23 Dec, John R. JANSEN of Gardiner & Marelta GALE of Galeville
1886 -
19 Jan, Richard MEARKLE of Rochester & Marilla Weston SMITH of Rosendale
25 Mar, Wygant EDWARDS & Lillie MILLER both of Gardiner
25 Apr, John H. MOOREHOUSE of Walden & Minnie E. VAN LEUVEN of Tuthill
23 Jun, Alfred D. KORTRIGHT of Gardiner & Jennie HARP (widow of Cyrus HARP) of New Platz
16 Sep, Peter E. LeFEVRE of New Platz & Gertrude LeFEVRE of Gardiner
20 Oct, Wm. H. TRANTER osk & Mary E. DuBOIS of Tuthill
10 Nov, Jacob HORNBECK & Mrs. Wm. HORNBECK both of Gardiner
1887 -
7 May, Robert E. RUGER of Gardiner & Phoebe Jane STOKES of High Falls
26 Oct, Elias R. TERWILLIGER osk & Susan Jane UPRIGHT of Gardiner
16 Nov, Oscar DUNN of Gardiner & Alice C. ACKERMAN of Modena
25 Nov, P.L.F. RUGER of Bruynswick & Sarah Anna DECKER of Gardiner
1 Dec, Henry J.A. VOSSBERG & Alice M. JONES, both of Gardiner
1888 -
18 Jan, George F. HALWICK & Georgianna HOPPENSTEDT, both of Gardiner
1 Feb, Jas. A. JOHNSTON of Gardiner & Maggie A. CODDINGTON of Rutswville
22 Feb, Wm. H. VANDEMARK of Gardiner & Nillie TICE of Rutstonville
18 Sep, John J. SCHOONMAKER of Plattekill & Helen TITUS of Gardiner
14 Nov, George BOGART of Highland & Martha GRIMM of Gardiner
1889 -
6 Feb, Oscar M. DEYO of Springtown & Gennie GILL of Libertyville
1890 -
16 Jan, Andries LeFEVRE of New Platz & Anna LeFEVRE of Gardiner
11 Mar, Howard WOOD & Mary J. COUTANT both of Tuthill
24 Jul, Wm. WYNKOOP of Gardiner & Phoebe ALDRICH of Dover, Dutchess Co., NY
2 Sep, Robert L. DECKER of Dwaarskill & Marvena DECKER, of Rutsonville
11 Oct, Hiram VAN LEUVEN of Gardiner & Sarah M. CODDINGTON of Rochester
1891 -
14 Jan, George W. JENKINS of Clintondale & Mary Etta OSTRANDER of Gardiner
23 Nov, John B. TUBBS of Napanoch & Mary E. WILLIAMS of Gardiner
2 Dec, Philetus STOCKES & Anna E. WILLIAMS of New Platz
1892 -
Stephen W. DUMOND & Minnie B. DuBOIS of Gardiner
6 Jul, Joseph H. DuBOIS of Ohioville & Fannie LAWRENCE of New Platz
28 Sep, John H. CARROLL of Wallkill & Emma M. DuBOIS of Tuthill
2 Oct, James McK. MILLER & Annie E. HEANEY both of Walden
27 Oct, Albert SMITH, Jr., of Traps & Minnie BERGHER of Rutsonville
24 Dec, Howard DECKER of Rochester & Eli_a C. BILLINGHAM of Traps
1893 -
18 Jan, Theodore J. WOOSWARD & Lucy DENTON, both of Gardiner
18 Jan, Myron E. STEPHENS, M.D., & Mary LeFEVRE, both of Gardiner
8 Mar, John Wm. ALSDORF & Stella SCHOONMAKER both of Gardiner
4 Apr, Oliver Church DuBOIS of New Platz & Hattie GILL of Libertyville
10 Apr, Michael DAVENPORT & Anna C. BOLLIN of Ardonia
3 May, Leonard CODDINGTON of Whitson's Staton, Westchester Co., NY & Ida ADDIS of Gardiner
25 May, Frank BURHANS & Margaret Celia LASHER, both of Browns Station
11 Oct, Joshua D. GUNSALUS & Maggie DuBOIS, both of Tuthill
23 Dec, Hiram A. BILLINGHAM of Gardiner & Carrie CONNOR of Rochester
1884 -
14 Mar, Alexander HENRY & Carrie DINGEE, both of Walden
26 Sep, Eggburt A. DuBOIS & Florence B. RITCH, both of New Platz
26 Sep, John CHRISTENSON & Anna C. ANDERSON, both of Gardiner
12 Feb (sic), George ARMSTRONG of "Trappa" & Jennie PALMATIER of New Platz
1895 -
27 Feb, George S. JONES & Hattie SCHOONMAKER, both of Tuthill
14 Mar, Oscar HASBROUCK, Jr., & Margaret Knapp McKINSTRY, both of Modena
21 Apr, Frank M. CROOKSTON of New York City & Mary C. DAVIS of New Platz
8 Jun, Fred CRAIG & Hattie MASON, both of Rosendale
29 Dec, George W. MEAD of Fishkill Landing & Nancy HEDDEN of Tuthill
1896 -
15 Jan, Walter HASBROUCK & Irene M. CHAMPIN both of New Platz
16 Jan, Levi KIMVARK & Any (sic) DAVENPORT, both of Trapps
18 Apr, Henry MEAD of Gardiner & Anna TOMPKINS of Peeskill
23 Sep, Alian H. DAVENPORT of Rochester & Ammanda KROM, of Kerhankson
21 Oct, Thompkins C. COONS of Viewmonte & Beulah M. BATHRICK of Clermont, N.J.
1897 -
23 Feb, Harry PHILLIPS & Gertrude E. WESTBROOK, both of Montague, N.J.
13 Oct, Wm. S. DECKER of Pine Bush & Vicey E. SCHOONMAKER of Rochester
19 Oct, Perry Bussey RANESON & Margaret A. PATERSON, both of Asbury Park
1898 -
2 Feb, Edward B. HOFFAAN of Tuthill & Ida W. VAN ZILE of Poughkeepsie
21 May, George E. SHAFER of Pine Bush & Henrietta BROAS of Walden
1 Jan, Eber M. MILLER of Libertyville & Carrie Christine ANDERSON of New Platz
14 Sep, Benjamin F. REDDY & Ann Eliza YEAPLE both of Libertyville
10 Oct, Michael POL & Deborah WILLIAMS, both of New Platz
12 Oct, Howard ALSDORF of Marlboro & Jennie BENJAMIN of Guilford
23 Nov, Wm. W. BURNHAM of Berlin, Conn., & Mary E. DECKER of Gardiner
1899 -
22 Feb, Charles ALSORF & Grace HOFFMAN, both of Tuthill
8 Mar, Charles C. UPRIGHT of Gardiner & Lizzie B. HORNBECK of Guilford
4 Apr, Herman D. VANDEMARK of Trapps & Minnie E. LaFORGE of Crawford
1 Jun, John STUHMER & Mrs. Amanda ANDERSON, both of Guilford
27 Sep, Wm. BORCHERDING of Brooklyn & Esther BEVIER of Guilford
8 Nov, John G. HOWELL of Pine Bush & Kathryn DuBOIS of Tuthill
26 Nov (1889 sic), Edward BUNTON & Ida Frances SMITH, both of Trapps
6 Dec, Jens Peter LORENSEN of Sing Sing & Elsie Maria Sorene MORTENSEN of New Platz
19 Dec, Abram C. TAMNEY of New Platz & Daisy MERICLE of Whitfield
27 Dec, Howard DuBOIS of Forest Glen & Carrie DOLSON of Libertyville
30 Dec, Lewis Elwood SLATER of New Platz & Caroline HAAGAN of Traps
1900 -
7 Apr, Calvin COUNTRYMAN of Kerhonkson & Ida May BERNARD of Gardiner
22 Aug, James M. UPRIGHT of Rutsonville & Mrs. Lucy J.M. LEES of Yonkers
26 Sep, Rufus PALMER & Mrs. Wm. DINGER, both of New Platz
26 Dec, James W. HAINES of Kingston & Mrs. Mary C. DAVIS of New Platz
1901 -
Fred S. DuBOIS of Highland & Lizzie M. ENDERLY of Trapps
20 Mar, James S. MACK of Creek Locks & Carrie ENDERLY of Trapps
3 Apr, Jesse E. KAISER of New Platz & Angeline C. STRUBER of Rosendale
25 Apr, James Bogart SCOTT of Pine Bush & Mary A. DuBOIS of Gardiner
1 May, Hans J. MORTENSEN of New Platz & Anna I. MILLER of Libertyville
7 Dec, Wm. H. SMITH & Elizabeth L. TRYON, both of Milton
18 Dec, Lewis DENTON & Katie A. FREER, both of Gardiner
19 Dec, Jacob BENJAMIN of New Platz & Elizabeth E. BURKE of Springton
1902 -
1 Jan, Martin VANDEMARK of Momboccus & Mary WILLIAMS of Libertyville
2 Jan, Orlano W. McGLASHAN of Tannersville & Abbyy (sic) J. DUNHAM of Lexington
19 Jan, Lorenzp FREER of Gardiner & Cornelia Bruyn MACLEAN of Paxton, Ill.
12 Feb, Isaac D. WILLIAMS of Gardiner & Cassie WILLIAMS of Guilford
23 Sep, Allan F. ADEE & Lillian M. YEAPLE both of New Platz
10 Dec, Eli VAN LEUVEN & Anna OSTRAM, both of Trapps
31 Dec, Jacob G. YEAPLE of High Falls & Mary J. BARNHART of New Platz
1903 -
31 Mar, Stephen BUNTON & Lucinda LYON both of Minnewaska
23 Sep, Ernest J. STUKEY of Newburgh & Ether L. HALWICK of Tuthill
30 Sep, Gordon Zerah SMITH of Wickford, R.I., & Emma Hays ELTING of New Platz
6 Oct, Rev. Joseph MILLETT of Siseton, S. Dakota & Martena RIESENBERG of Bloomington, NY
18 Nov, Harry J. LOBDELL of Nangatuck, Conn., & Lavina T. UPRIGHT of Gardiner
26 Nov, Timothy B. HASBROUCK of np & Emma J. WILLIAMS of Guilford
9 Dec, Charles I PETHERBRIDGE & Kate TERWILLIGER of Brunswick
16 Dec, Irving H. CHILDS of Wallkill & Lena DuBOIS of Guilford
21 Dec, Eugene HOFFMAN of Gardiner & Mary MARKLE of Danbury, Conn.
30 Dec, George VOORHEES & Minnie J. VANDEMARK of Minnewaska
1904 -
16 Mar, Anson H. BAILEY of Gardiner & Bertha BRUNDAGE of New Platz
18 May, Edward DuBOIS of Libertyville & Edna M. BRUNDAGE of Gardiner
26 May, Fritz JUDY of Tuthill & Mrs. Emily C. ANDRES of Jersey City
21 Aug, David W. FOSTER of Gardiner & Mrs. May HILL of Rome, NY
24 Aug, Frank Courtright & Jennie MEREDITH both of Shawngunk
14 Sep, Nathaniel DuBOIS & Mrs. Abbey SCHOONMAKER both of Gardiner
14 Sep, Abram C. DuBOIS of New Platz & Fanny EARL of Gardiner
19 Oct, Fred DOLSON of Libertyville & Margaret Jane UPRIGHT of Gardiner
1905 -
16 Jan, Henry WILLIAMS of Guilford & Mary CONNELLY of Lloyd
7 Mar, Herman B. CRANS of Bullville & Mary Jane MILLSPAUGH of Ulsterville
11 Mar, Clarence L. EMBREE of Modena & Bertha M. COUNTRYMAN of Kerhonkson
2 Apr, Reginald MABIE of Ridgewood, NJ, & Grace UTTER of Newfoundland, N.J
6 Sep, Elmer E. GIBSON of Stamford, Conn, & Stelly WYNOOK of New Platz
15 Aug, Elijah BURNS & Eliz. Hipson JOHNSTON both of Rutsonville
6 Dec, John M. McINTOSH & Augusta HENDDEN, both of Gardiner
24 Dec, Edward W. BUNTON of the Trapps & Bertha May DONNELLY of Rutsonville
1906 -
2 Feb, James Ira MORGAN of Hamptonburg, Orange Co., & Sarah E. TERWILLIGER of Hamptonbrg.
24 Feb, Edwin DAVIS & Mary J. DAVENPORT, both of the Trapps
29 May, Henry BROWN of Rifton & Delia WILLIAMS of Libertyville
17 Jul, Augustus JOHNSON (colored) & Georgianna MARSHALL, both of Gardiner
21 Jul, William KRAFT of Oneida, NY, & Ruth Lawson SMEDES of Tuthill
19 Sep, Perry DuBOIS & Edna B. TELLERDAY both of Gardiner
24 Oct, John H. CODDINGTON & ALida SMITH of Kerhonkson
12 Dec, Cornelius Elting CRISPELL & Florence PARLIAMAN, both of Guilford
19 Dec, John W. HOFFMAN & Elizabeth D. WOOD, both of Guilford
1907 -
30 Mar, James D. CONNER of Guilford & Mary Ella ARMSTRONG of New Platz
12 Jun, Joseph E. HASBROUCK of Modena & Ida Ella HAND of Guilford
29 Jun, Harry VAN KLEECK of Rifton & Katie PARKER of Guilford
1908 -
8 Jun, Harry M. DENTON & Emma Elinor FREER both of Gardiner
30 Mar, Simon LeFEVRE & Jane DuBois LeFEVRE, both of New Platz
22 Apr, Theodore CHRISTIAN of Shawngunk & Cora SCHEPMOES of Gardiner
21 Apr, Jesse LOCKWOOD & Josephine E. BRADSHAW, both of Jenkinstown
22 Jul, Edward BENNETT & Maud LaFORGE, both of Jenkinstown
18 Sep, Harry ROE & Ella DePUY, both of Gardiner
1909 -
10 Apr, Alvin J. EDMUNDS &Mrs. Hiram BILLINGHAM, both of Gardiner
14 Apr, Lansing HOFFMAN & Jane WILLIAMSON, both of Gardiner
5 May, George N. SHAFER of Shawangunk & Hattie L. KENDALL of Wallkill
1910 -
17 Mar, Raymond DUNHAM & Anna C. SCHOONMAKER, both of Gardiner
17 May, Oland TOWNSEND of Newburgh & Zoie E. ROSECRANS of New Paltz
21 May, JAmes E. MILLER & Alpha F. SCOTT both of Wallkill
29 Jun. John DOWNS of New York City & Agnew TELLERDAY of Forest Glen
16 Nov, John K. BUNTON & Mrs. Margaret MANNING, both of Trapps
1911 -
10 May, Howard PARLIMAN & Lillian RHINEHART, both of Guilford
10 Jun, George L. HASBROUCK of New Platz & Ella WILLIAMS of Libertyville
3 Sep, Walter VAN LEUVEN & Eva SCHOONMAKER both of Trapps
1912 -
26 Nov, Edward SIMMONS & Mrs. Rosina HORN, both of New Platz
1913 -
2 Jul, Bernard HOFFMAN & Margaret Blandina CRISPELL, both of Guilford
27 Nov, George A. DePEW of New Platz & Iona WAGNER of Ohioville
24 Dec, Fred John PALMATIER & Viola DECKER, both of New Platz
1914 -
28 Mar, Andrew McMULLEN & Sarah Jane SNYDER, both of New Platz
7 Sep, Josiah LeFevre HASBROUCK of Guilford & Agnes RILEY of Brooklyn
18 Oct, Daniel Hasbrouck DeGROFF & Elizabeth Mary VAN VLIET, both of New Platz
18 Nov, Roy J. NEWKIRK of Gardiner & Margaret D. RUGE of New Platz
11 Nov, James Martin RHINEHART of Gardiner & Mary Jan VAN VLIET of New Platz
1915 -
17 Feb, Perry MINARD & Florence LYONS, both of New Platz
7 Apr, Nelson VAN NOSTRAND & Jesse VAN VLIET, both of Plutarch
11 Apr, Floyd SCHOONMAKER of Mohonk & Rae M. DECKER of Granite
12 May, William SMITH of Tuthill & Mable Jemima DuBOIS of New Platz
25 May, Elmer TURNER & Alice M. SIMMONS, both of Gardiner
16 Oct, Fred Paul WILL & Anna Victoria Elizabeth STENIUS, both of Plutarch
1916 -
29 Feb, Emil L. GIERISCH & Mildred E. ENDERLY, both of Gardiner
1917 -
25 Sep, Joseph TATNALL of Philadelphia, Pa., & Rosalyn SMITH of Gardiner
29 Nov, William DECKER of Forest Glen & Catherine RHINEHART of Gardiner
1918 -
30 Nov, Arthur Mowell SUTTON of High Falls & Ethel M. PRATT of Gardiner
1919 -
9 Aug, James D. GEORGE of New York City & Mable Grace HALL of Gardiner
1920 -
4 Jul, Frederick J. YORKS of Gardiner & Hazel May QUICK of Libertyville
4 Sep, John J. CORWIN & Frances Edna BOWER, both of New Platz
1921 -
30 Jun, John S. KLYNE & Blanche S. QUICK, both of Gardiner
29 Jun, (1922?) Harold DuPUY of Clintondale & Jennie HORNE of Gardiner
9 Aug, Don Raymond KITE & Ann Elizabeth FISHER, both of New Platz
(no date) Irving SMITH & Elizabeth ARMSTRONG, both of New Platz
26 Dec, Arnold PETERSON of New Platz & Carolyn V.B. JANSEN of Caleville
22 Oct, Charles R. PARKER & Edna Winifred LAWRENCE, both of New Platz
1922 -
14 Feb, LeRoy TERWILLIGER & Helen L. VERNDERLYN, both of New Platz
8 Oct (1921?) Charles R. PARKER & Edna Winfred LAWRENCE, both of New Platz
8 Jul, John VAN ROUWENDALL of New Platz & Ida RHINEHART of Gardiner
26 Jul, William BERNARD & Sarah E. REYNOLDS, both of Gardiner
7 Oct, William J. THACKABERRY of Pittstown, N.J. & Florence M. HALL of Gardiner
21 Oct, John OTIS of Gardiner & Mabel LOCKWOOD of Guilford
1923 -
15 Mar, Irving D. OTIS of Gardiner & Jane T. GRABAU of Guilford