Extracted From
Orange County Patriot
A Newspaper Published at Goshen, N.Y.
Marriages & Deaths From May 1828 to Dec 1831
Copied by Gertrude A. Barber, 1935
[Typescript, no copyright notice]
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

19 May 1828 -
On the 10th ult. by the Rev. Mr. ALLEN, Mr. Gilbert SWEZY of Calhoun to Miss Jane OWEN of Minisink
On the 26th ult. by the Rev. Henry BULL, Mr. Selah WICKHAM to Miss Fanny Montel, all of Minisink
21 Jul 1828 -
Married on Thursday morning last, by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Chauncey H. SMITH to Miss Rachel EGBERT, all of this place
On the 28th ult. by the Rev. Mr. BULL, Mr. George QUICK to Miss Sarah Ann DURLAND, all of Minisink
On the 10th inst. by the Rev. Mr. ELTON, Mr. John VAN NETTEN to Miss Margaret CARPENTER, all of Deerpark
1 Sep 1828 -
By the Rev. Dr. FISK on Thursday, evening last, Mr. Isaac ODELL to Miss Sally DUNN, all from this place
15 Sep 1828 -
At Ithica, on the 29th Aug. last, by the Rev. Mr. WISNER, the Hon. Benjamin WOODWARD of Orange Co., to Mrs. Eliza WELLS, widow of the late George WELLS, deceased.
On Sunday evening, the 7th inst. by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Constantine CONNOLLY of Savannah to Mrs. Rachel M'LAUGHLIN of this place
22 Sep 1828 -
On Saturcay the 13th inst. byr Dr. FISK, M4. Hiram BURDSELL to Miss Sally Ann Talmage, both from Blooming Grove
29 Sep 1828 -
On the 16th inst. by the Rev. Mr. CONDICT, Mr. Alexander SCOTT of New York to Miss Margaret MILLER of Montgomery
6 Oct 1828 -
On the 4th inst. in Goshen, by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Elijah BOARDMAN of New York to Mrs. Hannah UPSON of Lexington, Ga.
27 Oct 1828 -
On Tuesday evening the 20th inst by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. George M. NEWMAN to Miss Sarah RUMSEY all of the town of Goshen
On Wednesday evening last by the Rev. Mr. CUMMING, Mr. Hiram DAYKIN of New Windsor to Miss Jane Ann THOMPSON of Wallkill
On Thursday evening the 16th inst, by the same, Mr. Hector C. SMITH to Miss Harriet CRABTREE all of the town of Goshen
3 Nov 1828 -
On Saturday evening the 25th ult. by the Rev. Mr. TIMLOE, Mr. Samuel GILLESPIE to Miss Julian CARR, all of the town of Goshen
On Thursday morning, the 30th inst., by the Rev. Edwin DOWNER, Doct. John CONKLING of Milford, Pa., to Miss Eleanor Jane DODGE, dau. of Benjamin DODGE, Esq., of Mount Hop
On Tuesday morning the 21st ult. by the Rev. Mr. RICE, Mr. Robert PHILIPS to Miss Maria MERRITT, all of Newburg
10 Nov 1828 -
On Thursday the 30th ult. by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Daniel BRUSH to Miss Clarissa STURGE, all of Goshen
14 Nov 1828 -
In Warwick on Thursday evening last by the Rev. Mr. PERKINS, Mr. Henry K. MORFORD of Newton, NJ, to Miss Hannah RANDOLPH of Warwick.
1 Dec 1828 -
At Montgomery on the 15th inst. by the Rev. Mr. CONDIT, Mr. Francis CLARK, of Augusta, Ga., to Miss Louisa G. RACKET of the former place
29 Dec 1828 -
On Thursday last by Elder Gilbert BEBEE, Mr. James BURT, Jr., of Warwick to Mrs. Polly HARDING of Calhoun
On Saturday the 20th inst. by the Rev. Mr. ELTING, Mr. Samuel C. BOURSE of Deerpark to Miss Maria MIDDAUSH of Pa.
On the same evening by the same, Mr. Samuel PATTERSON to Miss Nancy RAMENT, both from Deerpark
12 Jan 1829 -
In Blooming Grove on Tuesday the 16th ult. by the Rev. James ARBUCKLE, Mr. Joseph MOFFAT to Miss Hannah BREWSTER
On Wednesday the 31st ult. by the same, Mr. Matthew Henry HOWELL to Miss Julia BREWSTER
On Saturday the 20th ult. by the Rev. Mr. GRINNELL, Mr. Samuel Holly of Wantage, Sussex Co., NJ, to Miss Jane RUDES of Warwick
On the 20th ult. by the same, Mr. Issac WINTERMUTE of Wantage, Sussex Co., NJ, to Miss Sarah SMITH of Minisink
26 Jan 1829 -
On Saturday the 2nd inst. by the Rev. Mr. GRINNELL, Mr. Montgomery TUTHILL to Mrs. Maria HALSTED, both from Minisink
On Saturday the 9th inst. by the same, Mr. James STUART to Mrs. Rhoda PRICE, both from Tuncamoose
On Thursday evening last by the Rev. Mr. McINTOSH, Mr. George H. CORWIN of Walkill to Miss Eliza WOOD of this place
2 Feb 1829 -
On Thursday the 22nd ult. by the Rev. Mr. ARBUCKLE, Mr. Isaiah SMITH to Miss Elizabeth GOLDSMITH all of Blooming Grove
On Tuesday last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Dr. Lewis DUNNING to Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Judge JACKSON, all of this village
On Saturday the 10th ult. by Elder Gilbert BEBE, Mr. William M'QUOID of Walkill to Miss Abigail WHEAT of Calhoun
9 Feb 1829 -
On Thursday last by Elder Gilbert BEBE, Mr. Edmund MURRAY to Miss Hannah CLARK, both from Scotchtown
20 Apr 1829 -
By the Rev. Aaron PERKINS on the 16th inst. in Warwick, Jonathan B. BENEDICT, Esq., of New Canaan, Conn., to Miss Frances BENEDICT of the former place
4 May 1829 -
On the 30th ult, by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Moses WEBB of Middletown to Miss Mary GALE of Goshen
11 May 1829 -
On Tuesday the 20th ult. by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. Elmer HALSTEAD to Miss Ann HELM, all of Minisink
On Thursday last by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. Robert CASE to Miss Adaline, dau. of Joshua TUTHILL, aoto Goshen
On same evening by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. William BARKER, Jr., to Miss Elizabeth SEWARD, both from Walkill
18 May 1829 -
On Thursday last brt Mr. BALDWIN, Mr. Daniel SUTTON to Miss Sarah HATHAWAY, both of this town
8 Jun 1829 -
On Thursday evening last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Benjamin COLTER of Cornwall to Mrs. Ann DRAKE of Wallkill
On Sunday 31st ult. by Elder Gilbert BEEBE, Mr. Gabriel CONKLIN of Calhoun to Miss Catherine WALDRON of Hampstead, Rockland Co.
On Thursday the 14th inst. by the Rev. Joseph ANDERSON, Robert H. MILLER, Sr., editor of the St. Clairsville Gazetter to Miss Mary BARTON, dau. of the late Abner BARTON of Colerain Twp. in this county
29 Jun 1829 -
On Wednesday evening last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. David W. HOYT to Miss Jane KITCHELL, all of this place
17 Aug 1829 -
Married on Thursday evening, the 8th inst. by the Rev. Robert LEE, Mr. Jacob FREEMAN of N. York to Miss Catharine, dau. of Mr. Jonathan MILLER of the town of Montgomery
28 Sep 1829 -
At Mecklenburg on Monday, the 14th of Sept by the Rev. Seth SMALLY, Mr. John S. VAN OTRIP to Miss Ann LUCKEY, formerly of Orange Co.
5 Oct 1829 -
On Saturday the 26th ult. by the Rev. Mr. KETCHAM, Mr. Daniel P. QUACKENBUSH to Miss Melinda FULLERTON
On the same day by the Rev. Mr. ELTON, Mr. Alexander M'DOWELL to Miss Julia KETCHAM, all of Walkill
On Sunday the 27th ult. by Elder Gilbert BEEBE, Capt. Thomas DENTON to Miss Elizabeth B. CANFIELD of Mamakating, Sullivan Co.
On Thursday evening last by Horrace W. ELLIOTT, Esq., Mr. Jacob BAILEY to Miss Mary Ann GARRISON, both from the town of Monroe
On Thursday evening the 1st inst. by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. William STEVENS to Miss MAry SEELY, all of Minisink
19 Oct 1829 -
On Thursday evening, 1 Oct, by the Rev. Mr. ELTING, Mr. Orvil BROWN to Miss Charity VANTYLE, both from Minisink
26 Oct 1829 -
On Thursday last by Elder Philander D. GILBERT, Raymond SLY of the town of Southport, Tioga Co., to Miss Sally Ann, dau. of Jeffrey WISNER of Warwick
9 Nov 1829 -
On Saturday 24th ult. by the Rev. Mr. TIMLOW, Mr. Daniel OGDEN to Miss Arminda TRYON, all of Minisink
On Wednesday 26th ult. by the same, Mr. Benjamin WICKHAM to Miss Mary REEVES, all of Minisink
On Thursday, 29th ult, by the same, Mr. Lewis SMITH to Miss Catharine Maria CARPENTER, all of Minisink
On Thursday evening last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. William ROE to Miss Mary, dau. of Jos. McLAUGHLIN, Esq., of Blooming Grove
On Thursday last the 5th inst. by the Rev. Mr. LEE, Mr. Alanson S. TRIMBLE to Miss Ellen BODINE all of Montgomery
On Thursday evening, the 15th ult. by the Rev. Mr. LEE, Mr. Chas. MILLER to Miss Crissy WELLER, all of Crawford
On Thursday evening 22nd ult. by the Rev. Mr. VAN VECHTON, Mr. Isaac CAMPBELL to Miss Letitia CANDADE, all of Crawford
At Kingston, by the Rev. Mr. GOSMAN, Mr. Jacob SMEDES of Newburgh to Miss Rachel Catharine HASBROUCK, of the former place
In Clarance on the 6th ult. Mr. H. A. SALISBURY, proprietor of the Buffalo Patriot to Miss Phebe OSBORNE
In Bloomfield, on the 10th ult. Mr. George W. NEWCOMB, editor of the Chatauque Phoenix to Miss Loudoiska Philena KEENY of the former place
In LeRoy on the 1st inst., Mr. Elisha STARR, one of the editors of the LeRoy Gazette, to Miss Sarah Elizabeth HOSMER, both of that place
16 Nov 1829 -
On Thursday the 29th Oct. by Elder BEBEE, Mr. Conklin MILLIGAN of Calhoun to Miss Sarah HOUSTON of Wallkill
On Thursday morning last by the Rev. James ARBUCKLE, Mr. James DURYEA to Miss Myra HUDSON, all of Blooming Grove
On thurs evening last by the Rev. Mr. CUMMINS, Mr. Peter SEELY to Miss Charlotte BROWN, all of Warwick
On the same evening by the Rev. Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. Albert MAPES of Blooming Grove to Miss Elizabeth OSTRANDER of Plattekill
On the same evening in Saugerties, Ulster Co., by the Rev. OSTRANDER, Mr. Calvin FRARY, Esq., Jr., Editor of the Ulster Pallacium to Miss Louisa CHOLLET of Saugerties
7 Dec 1829 -
On Saturday the 28th ult. by the Rev. Mr. COREY, Mr. Abijah MEADOW to Miss Mehitabell HECOCK, both from Wantage, NJ
In N. York on Tuesday evening last by the Rev. Dr. DEWITT, Major Jame WHEELER of Warwick to Miss Cornelia Van Emburgh, dau. of the late John S. HUNN, Esq., of New Burgh
On Wednesday evening the 2nd inst. by the Rev. Joseph M'CARROLL, Mr. Benjamin LANDER of the firl of Farrington & Lander, to Mrs. Rachel LAW, all of Newburgh
14 Dec 1829 -
On Saturday morning the 12th inst. by the Rev. Dr. WAINRIGHT, the Hon. Daniel WEBSTER of Boston to Caroline, youngest dau. of Herman LE ROY, Esq., of New York
Another Revolutionary Hero gone. On the 5th inst. by Thomas Claney, Esq., Mr. O. WOODS of the REv. Army in the _1st year of his age to Miss Margaret MACKLIN, ae 15
25 Jan 1830 -
On Tuesday evening last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Phineas RUMSEY of Goshen to Miss Eliza, 2nd dau. of Capt. Henry DURYEA of Blooming Grove
On Tuesday the 12th inst. by the Rev. Mr. SHIMEAL, Mr. Pierre V. C. MILLER to Miss Rachael, dau. of Abraham JANSEN, Esq., of Shawangunk, Ulster Co.
At the Friend's Meeting house in Canterbury, Orange Co., Samuel SEAMAN, ae 74 to Rhoda REYNOLDS, ae 70, both of that place
1 Feb 1830 -
On Thursday the 28th inst. by the Rev. Mr. COREY, Mr. Lewis STEWART to Miss Christian, dau. of Capt. William JOHNSON, all of Minisink
8 Feb 1830 -
At Newburg, Francis BOLTON to Laetitia, dau. of the late Gen. James CLINTON
15 Feb 1830 -
In New York on Saturday evening, the 6th inst. by the Rev. Dr. LYELL, Mr. Oliver YOUNGS, formerly of Goshen to Miss Maria, dau. of John YOUNG, Esq.
On Thursday the 4th inst. by the Rev. Mr. CORY, Mr. Gideon J. OWNE of Green Ville to Miss Anna, eldest dau. of Mr. Jonathan SAYRE of West Town
28 Feb 1830 -
At Warwick on Wednesday last by the Rev. Otis GRINNELL, Mr. Dolson SMITH of Minisink to Miss Betsy Ann, dau. of Nehemiah FINN of the former place
On the 11th inst. by Joseph HALLOCK, Esq., Mr. Moses MYRE of Sullivan Co. to Mrs. Phebe CLARK of Minisink
15 Mar 1830 -
On Thursday evening the 5th inst. by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. John MILLER of Blooming Grove to Miss Clarissa GOBLE of Goshen
On the 1st inst. by the Rev. Mr. CONDICT, Mr. Albert S. BARTHOLOMEW to Miss Mary M. BOYD, all of Montgomery
On the 25th ult. by Morrison TAYLOR, Esq., Mr. Marcus DAVIS to Miss Mary Ann ANDERSON of Wallkill
12 Apr 1830 -
On Wednesday evening last by Horace W. ELLIOTT, Esq., Mr. George Washington CONNER to Miss Taylor, all of this village
10 May 1830 -
On Tuesday last by the Rev. Mr. CONDICT, Mr. William SHAW of Chester to Miss Phebe CHANDLER of Montgomery
On Saturday, the 1st inst. by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Hamilton DUNNING of Montgomery to Miss Sarah M'CORD of Walkill
7 Jun 1830 -
At the Presbyterian Church at Chester on Sunday evening the 25th ult. by the Rev. Mr. BOYD, Mr. Hiram W. RUSSELL of NY to Miss Lucinda Henrietta SMITH of the former place
In the City of NY on Thursday evening the 20th ult. by the Rev. Mr. BALDWIN, Mr. William S. WEBB of Middletown, Orange Co., to Miss Elizabeth Sherwood, eldest dau. of Noah SMITH of that city
14 Jun 1830 -
In NY, Mr. Brooks DRINKWATER to Miss Temperance POND
28 Jun 1830 -
On the 24th inst by the Rev. Mr. ARBUCKLE, Mr. J. W. T. HOWELL to Miss Eliza N. STRONG, both from Blooming Grove
On Wednesday evening last by H. W. ELLIOTT, Esq., Mr. Samuel S. EATON of Minisink to Miss Patty Ann JACKSON of this village
In Gardiner, KY, Mr. Timothy DWIGHT, ae 81, to Miss Arietta LINCOLN, ae 75
5 Jul 1830 -
On Wednesday last by the Rev. J. ARBUCKLE, Mr. Oliver B. TUTHILL of Hamptonburgh to Miss Almira, dau. of Geo. THOMPSON of Blooming Grove
26 Jul 1830 -
On Thursday last by the Rev. Mr. CRANE, Mr. Thomas D. KIMBALL of Vernon, Sussex Co., NJ, to Miss Mary Ann YOUNGS of Chester, Orange Co.
9 Aug 1830 -
On Wednesday evening last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Victor M. WATKINS to Miss Juliet EGBERT, all of Goshen
On the 17th ult by the Rev. Cornelius ELTON, Mr. Francis KELLY to Mrs. Anna MORRISON, all of Deerpark
23 Aug 1830 -
At Milford, PA, Thursday the 5th inst. by the Rev. Mr. GRIER, Mr. David GORDON (CORDON?) to Miss Sally Ann LAIN, both from Calhoun
On Tuesday evening the 12th inst by the Rev. Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. Augustus F. SCOFIELD of Walden to Miss Catherine CHAMBERS, dau. of John CHAMBERS of Newburgh
On Monday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. SWEEZY, Mr. Peter JACKSON to Miss Cintha MULLOCK, only dau. of Col. Wm. MULLOCK, all of Calhoun
13 Sep 1830 -
On Thursday evening last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Samuel D. JONES to Miss Cornelia, dau. of Jonathan BENNETT, all of Goshen
On Wednesday 1st inst. by William W. BROOKS, Esq., Mr. Oliver B. HOWSER, merchant, to Miss Rachel, only dau. of Josiah HAZARD of Chester
On Wednesday 25th ult. by the Rev. Mr. CHRISTIE, Mr. William S. JESSUP to Miss Eleanor PINE, all of Warwick
4 Oct 1830 -
On Saturday the 11th ult. by the Rev. Mr. LYONS, Mr. David FITZGERALD to Miss Margaret ALLEN, both from Warwick
On Monday evening the 13th ult. by the same, Mr. Nathaniel S. KETCHUM to Miss Emeline R. SMITH, both from Chester
At Wurttsborough, Sullivan Co., on Wednesday evening the 15th ult. by Elder BEBEE, Elder Horace JONES of Damascus, PA, to Miss Phebe BURGESS ofp
At Calhoun on Saturday evening the 25th ult, by the same, Mr. George BELL to Miss Hannah Maria WHEAT, dau. of Maj. Salmon WHEAT of Calhoun
11 Oct 1830 -
On Monday last by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. Charles T. JACKSON to Miss Rosetta HALSTED, all of Goshen
On Thursday evening last by the Rev. Chas. CUMMINGS, D.D., Mr. Abraham MILLER to Miss Lydia WOODRUFF, all of Florida
25 Oct 1830 -
On Thursday last by the Rev. Mr. COREY, Mr. Virgil W. DUNNING to Miss Eliza, dau. of Joshua SAYRE, all of Minisink
1 Nov 1830 -
At Livania, NY, on the 13th ult, Dr. Samuel DENTON of Michigna Ter., formerly of Wallkill, Orange Co., to Miss Sarah Ann VAN FOSSEN of the former place
15 Nov 1830 -
On Tuesday the 26th ult. by the Rev. Mr. GRIFFIN, Mr. Brooks PARMLEY of NY to Miss Jane M., dau. of _nanias WILSON of Belvale
22 Nov 1830 -
On Saturday last, by the Rev. Mr. BLAIN, Mr. William G. MILLER to Miss Tabathy ANSTICE, all of Montgomery
On Wednesday last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. William CONKLIN to Miss Sarah, dau. of Joseph WOOD, all of Goshen
29 Nov 1830 -
On Thursday evening last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Abraham PERRY to Miss Hannah GARDNER all of Goshen
On Tuesday morning the 23rd inst. by the Rev. Mr. ARBUCKLE, Mr. Isaac F. KIRBY to Miss Phebe Amelia, dau. of Hon. Hector CRAIG, all of NY
At Newburgh on Tuesday the 9th inst. by the Rev. John JOHNSTON, Lt. Edward C. ROSS, Asst. Prof. Mathematics, U. S. Military Academy to Ann DEWITT, youngest dau. of the late Gen. James CLINTON
6 Dec 1830 -
Saturday morning the 20th ult, by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. Hezebiah WOODWARD, ae 75, to Mrs. Hannah STONE, ae 63, both from Calhoun
On Saturday evening by the same, Mr. Samuel SLAWSON to Miss Lydia Ann SEELY, both from Minisink
On the same evening by the Rev. Mr. BEEBE, Mr. Samuel KING to Miss Phebe ROE
On Saturday the 20th ult, by the Rev. Mr. BEEBE, Mr. James N. PENNEY to Miss Parmelia KING, both from clh
On Monday evening the 22nd inst by the Rev. John BROWN, Mr. William Y. DAY, Esq., of Baltimore Co., MD, to Miss Charlotte Mary, dau. of John B. ORSO of Newburgh
8 Jan 1831 -
At Little Britan, Thursday evening, 30th ult., by the Rev. R. H. WALLIS, Mr. Alexander WHIGAM to Miss Eliza DENNISTON
On the same day, by the same, Dr. George HEDGES to Miss Elizabeth WAUGH, all of Newburgh
On Saturday evening the 1st inst. by the same, Mr. William SHAFER to Miss MAry CLARK, all of Newburgh
On Saturday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. Guy C. WIGGINS of Scotchtown to Miss Adeline C. LUDLUM of Middletown
On Thursday evening the 30th ult, by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Charles CLINTON to Miss Clarisa CRABTREE, all of Goshen
22 Jan 1831 -
At Seneca Falls, 31st ult., Mr. Horatio W. FINCH of this place to Miss Sarah Adela BURGER of Newburgh
29 Jan 1831 -
On the 25th inst by the Rev. J. J. CHRISTIE, Mr. Timothy OAKLEY, Jr., of Blooming Grove to Miss Saphronia R., dau. of Maj. James WHEELER of Warwick
On Wednesday evening last by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. Thomas SMITH to Miss Hannah MOORE, all of this town
5 Feb 1831 -
At Washingtonville, 2nd inst by the Rev. Mr. KINGSBURY, Mr. Peter WELLING of New Brunswick to Miss Ann Eliza WELLING of New Windsor
On 6th ult., Mr. James H. BULL of Warwick to Miss Eleanor, dau. of Nathaniel BOARD, Esq., of Ringwood, NJ
12 Feb 1831 -
At Newburgh on Wednesday morning last, by the Rev. J. BROWN, Mr. Charles REEVE to Miss Keturah WILSON, all of this place
19 Feb 1831 -
On Tuesday evening last by the Rev. Mr. LOWE, Mr. David SHAW of Lafayette, Onondaga Co., NY, to Miss Sarah B. OGDEN of Harwick, NJ
5 Mar 1831 -
On 24th inst. by the Rev. Mr. TUTHILL, Mr. William ELLIS of Goshen to Miss Sarah ACKERSON, dau. of Edward ACKERSON, Esq., of NJ
19 Mar 1831 -
At Goldenham, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. LANSING, Mr. Stewart FULLERTON of Bloomingburgh to Miss Maria ELLET of the former place
On the 9th inst. by the Rev. Mr. JOHNSTON, Mr. John W. WELLS to Miss Maria CARPENTER, all of Newburgh
On Thursday evening, 24th of Feb., by the Rev. Daniel T. WOOD, Dr. John B. MUNN to Mrs. Ellen LEWIS, all of Middletown
At Stillwater, NJ, on the 5th inst, by the Rev. Mr. LOWE, Rev. Jehial TALMAGE of Knowlton, to Miss Maria S. HENDRIE of the former place
At Albany, on the 1st inst by the Rev. Mr. GREEN, Mr. Oscar F. AYRES of this county to Miss Maria BIRDSALL of the former place
Expects to be Married on 2nd Mar at the Baptist Church in this village, Mr. Dorastus KELLOGG of Baldwinville, Onondaga County to Miss Sylvia COON of Marcellus, Onondaga County
26 Mar 1831 -
In Newburgh on Wednesday last by Rev. Mr. BROWN, Mr. George HILL of this village to Mrs. Mary WINTER of Walkill
On the same evening, by Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. James MORRELL to Miss Harriet McCARTER, both from La Grange
At LaGrange on the 8th inst. by the same, Mr. Crinus LAROE to Miss Nancy TUTHILL, both from Hamptonburgh
2 Apr 1831 -
At Jamacia, L.I., on the 28th ult. by the Rev. Jacob SCHOONMAKER, Mr. Seth R. FOX of Florida to Miss Martha LINES of NY
On the 24th ult. by Rev. Dr. FISK, Mr. James S. BANKER to Miss Mary Ann DENTON, all of this town
16 Apr 1831 -
In Litchfield, Conn, Robert G. RANKIN of NY to Laura Maria, dau. of Hon. Frederick WOLCOTT, of the former place
At Baltimore, Lt. Richard A. JONES of U.S.N. to Emily, dau. of the late Hon. William PINCKNEY
At Canterbury on Thursday the 31st ult. John BARRETT to Martha T., dau. of Thomas TOWNSEND, Esq.
At Trenton the 17th ult. Henry W. GREEN, Esq. to Emily, dau. of Hon. Chas. EWING, Chief Justice of State of NJ
At New York by Right Rev. Bishop UNDERDONK, the Hon. Thomas J. OAKLEY to Matilda Caroline, dau. of Henry CRUGER, Esq.
At Greensburgh, PA., Mr. James McALESTER to Mrs. Christiana ERNEST, a widow of 4 mos, 27 dys
7 May 1831 -
By the Rev. Mr. TIMLOW, Mr. Elijah WELLS, ae 70, to Mrs. Polly ROGERS, ae 65, both from Minisink
In Portsmouth by the Rev. Mr. BALLOU, Mr. Thomas BATCHELDER to Miss Martha MUTCHMORE
14 May 1831 -
Saturday evening last by the Rev. Mr. ARBUCKLE, Mr. Jonathan OWENS to Mrs. Milescent SMITH, all of Blooming Grove
On Monday last by the Rev. Mr. BROWN, Capt. John V. CONKLING of Montgomery to Miss Emmeline M. KUNE of Newburgh
4 Jun 1831 -
On 26th ult. by the Rev. Mr. BALDWIN, Mr. Benjamin CARPENTER to Miss Jane BLAIN, both from Minisink
18 Jun 1831 -
On Saturday evening last by Rev Mr. KINGSBERY, Mr. John SCHEVNIER to Miss Harriet HOLLEY, all of Goshen
At Blooming Grove, Tuesday evening last by the Rev. Mr. ARBUCKLE, Mr. George SOUTHWICK of Newburgh to Miss Susan BREWSTER of the former place
At Frankford, NJ, on Thursday the 2nd inst. by the Rev. Nath. CONKLING, Mr. Stephen JOHNSON of Ovid, NY, to Miss Maria H. BRAY of the former place
On Thursday evening by the Rev. Mr. DUBOIS, J. G. CLATON, Editor of the Northern Spectator, Franklin Co., NY, to Miss Catharine HICKS of NY
In Lodi on the 31st ult. by the Rev. T. S. HARRIS, G. N. STARR, Editor of the Cattaraugus Freeman, to Miss Mary LEE of Aurora
In Bath, Steuben Co., 11th ult., Mr. Moses ALEXANDER, ae 98, to Mrs. Frances TOMPKINS, ae 105
25 Jun 1831 -
In the village on Thursday evening by the Rev. Dr. FISK, Hudson KINSLEY M.D. of NY to Miss Frances Maria ELLIOTT of this place
At Wheat Plains, PA., on the 15th inst. Mr. Alfred WELLS, fott to Miss Lydia NICE, dau. of John NICE of the former place
On 4th of May by the Rev. Mr. WOOD, Thomas L. WOOD of Mechanictown to Miss Polly CORWIN of Middletown
At Elizabeth, NJ, on the 16th inst. by the Rev. Dr. McDOWELL, Robert DENNISTON, Esq., of Blooming Grove to Miss Mary SCOTT, dau. of Wm. SCOTT of the former place
2 Jul 1831 -
At Newburgh on Tuesday evening last, Wm. C. HASBROUCK, Esq., to Miss Mary, dau. of Wm. ROE, Esq., all of this place
16 Jul 1831 -
In NY on Tuesday evening by the Rev. Mr. BANGS, Mr. Jas. BEARDSLEY formerly of this village to Miss Maria Antoinette GRIFFEN of the former place
On 16th ult. by John VANDEGRIFF, Esq., Mr. Benjamin EDSALL to Miss Elizabeth BROOKS, both from Vernon, NJ
23 Jul 1831 -
At Newburgh on Sunday, 3d inst. by the Rev. John BROWN, Chas. CRITCHLEY to Miss Ann GREEN, both from Fishkill
On Friday last, same place, by the same, William HOYLE of Poughkeepsie to Miss Henrietta FORGERSON of Newburgh
At Newburgh 19 Jul by B. H. MACE, Esq., James McNEAL of Fishkill to Miss Eliza BUSH of the same place
In Zanesville, Ohio, 30th ult. Asahel HARVEY, one of the publishers of the Ontario Repository, to Miss Eveline, dau. of John HALL, formerly of Canandaigua
On the 8th inst. by the Rev. Jacob SICKLES, Lawrence VAN DYKE, Jr., Esq., Senior Editor of Green Co. Advertiser to Mrs. Clarisa VAN SCHAACK of Kinderhook
6 Aug 1831 -
At Hotel of the American Minister in Paris, 30 May, James I. ROOSVELT, Jun., Esq. of NY City to Cornelia, dau. of the Hon. C. P. VAN NESS, Minister of the U.S. at the court of Madrid
13 Aug 1831 -
In Newburgh on Wednesday 10th inst. by the Rev. John BROWN, William SCOTT, Esq., to Miss Catharine HOFFMAN, dau. of Joseph HOFFMAN, all of Newburgh
20 Aug 1831 -
In Newark, NJ, Thursday, 11th inst. by the Rev. Baxter DICKINSON, Mr. James B. FITZGERALD of Orange Co., to Miss Rachel PIERSON of New Brunswick, NJ
27 Aug 1831 -
On Tuesday evening last by the Rev. J. C. MURFEY, William WELLING to Miss Elizabeth PRATT, all of Warwick
At Skaneateles, Onondaga Co., 13th inst by the Rev. Mr. BRUCE, Isaac M. ALLEN, Esq., one of the Prop. of Cayuga Patroit, Auburn, to Miss Susan MOTT, of the former place
10 Sep 1831 -
On Wednesday evening last by Rev. Dr. FISK, of Goshen, John MAPES of Walkill to Mrs. Mary FINN of Hamptonburgh
In Warwick, Thursday evening lst by the Rev. Mr. MURPHY, Orrin F. PECK of Roxberry, Delaware Co., NY, to Miss Mary REED of the former place
At Montgomery, Wednesday morning last by the Rev. Mr. BLAIN, Samuel MOORE to Miss Harriet PECK, both from Roxberry, NY
At Newburgh, 1st isnt. by the Rev. John JOHNSON, Mr. Henry W. DOLSON to Miss Ann B. THAYER, all of Newburgh
On same evening, by the Rev. Mr. BROWN, David HOMAN to Miss Mary HARRIS, all of Newburgh
At New Windsor, 31st ult., by Chs. LUDLOW, Esq., Abijah BROWN of Phila. to Miss Phebe WEEKS of Cornwall
At Winchester, John CURTIS, ae 91, to Mrs. Mary NIGHTINGALE, ae 93
17 Sep 1831 -
At Montgomery, Thursday evening, by the Rev. Robert P. LEE, Mr. Harvey COPLEY to Miss Nancy CRIST, all of this place
On Tuesday morning last by the Rev. Mr. THOMAS, Mr. John R. CADWELL of Blooming Grove to Miss Ruth NICOLL, dau. of John NICOLL, Esq., of New Windsor
24 Sep 1831 -
Thursday evening last by the Rev. Mr. KINGSBERY, Enos S. CONKLING to Miss Sarah THOMPSON, all of this town
29th ult, by the Rev. Artemas DEAN, David LEWIS of New Windsor to Miss Julia Ann SMITH of Cornwall
At Walden on the same day by the Rev. John JOHNSON, Mr. William YOUNG to Miss Caroline MADDEN
In this village on Tuesday evening last by the Rev. Mr. KINGSBERY, Mr. John ODLE to Mrs. Elizabeth SMITH
On the 2nd inst by the Rev. Mr. BEACH, Mr. Samuel W. PIERCE, Esq., Editor Ulster Palladium to Miss Laura B. HALLOCK of New Platz
In St. John's Church, Bridgeport, 22nd ult., by the Rev. Mr. JUDAH, George W. SMITH, Editor of the Times to Miss Sarah H. WHEELER
In NY, the 27th ult, by the Rev. J. MILNOR, H. SNYDER, Esq., Editor of Doylestown Express to Miss Elizabeth PETTIT of Doylestown, Pa.
On 13th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Dan DE VEER, Benjamin D. SMEDES of Saugerties, formerly of Newburgh to Miss Harriet OSTRANDER of Plattekill
On the 16th ult., by the Rev. Mr. GRENNELL, Mr. Aaron WRIGHT to Miss Sally MEAD, all of Minisink
On the 17th inst. by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. Parkison CLARK to Miss Charity KIMBALL, all of Minisink
In Minisink, on the same day, Mr. Alanson DECKER to Miss Jane KIMBLE
15 Oct 1831 -
Thurs. evening last by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. Wm. HALSEY of Newburgh to Miss Lydia HALSTED of Minisink
At Newburgh, Aaron FAIRCHILD to Miss Polly CARPENTER
22 Oct 1831 -
Wed. last by the Rev. Henry BALL, Mr. Nathan J. EVERSON of Middletown to Miss Cynthia COOLY of Minisink
Thursday evening last by Rev Mr. KINGSBERY, Mr. Fleming H. VALENTINE to Miss Harriet SAWYER, all of Goshen
29 Oct 1831 -
Rochester, NY, Wednesda, 5th inst, by the Rev. Mr. PENNEY, Mr. David M. E. WOOD, merchant of Sugar Loaf, Orange Co. to Miss Eliza, dau. of Josiah HOWELL, Esq. of the former place
At Florida on Thursday evening, 20th inst, by Rev. Dr. CUMMINGS, Floyd MARVIN of Blooming Grove to Amelia JAYNE of the former place
19 Nov 1831 -
On Thursday, 17th inst by the Rev. Wm. TIMLOW, Mr. John S. CARPENTER to Miss Mary THOMPSON, all of Amity
On Saturday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. RUMSEY, Mr. Solomon T. EARL to Miss Phebe POTTER, both from Monroe
At Carmel, Putnam Co., by the Rev. Dr. REED, Mr. George W. WOOLLEY, merchant of Poughkeepsie, to Mary, dau. of Walker TODD, Esq. of Carmel
At Baltimore, Mr. Lewis M. GOLDSBOROUGH, U.S.N., to Elizabeth Gamble WIRT, second dau. of Hon. William WIRT
Windsor, N.S., on 14th inst. by the Rev. Mr. C. KING, Capt. W. S. MOORSOM, 52, Light Inf., to Isabella, eldest dau. of Hon. Judge WILKINS
Berlin, VT, by Abel KNAPP, Esq., Mr. Thomas BROWN to Miss Lydia BLACK
In Minisink on Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. ------, Mr. CONDICT to Miss Emeline, dau. of George PHILLIPS
3 Dec 1831 -
On Thursday evening last, by Dr. FISK, Mr. Benjamin C. SHERWOOD to Abby Ann, dau. of late Benjamin STRONG, Esq., of this town
On Thursday the 1st inst. by the Rev. Mr. BOYD, Mr. Gabriel KING to Miss Sarah BULL, all of Monroe
At Monroe on Saturday 19th inst., b George WILKES, Esq., Mr. Samuel GREEN to Hannah WILSON, all of Monroe
On same evening, by George WILKES, Esq.., William POST to Miss Cornelia Eliza LEWIS, all of Monroe
In NY on Wednesday morning, St. Thomas' Church by the Rev. Dr. WAINWRIGHT, Mr. Thomas Lawrence WELLS, Esq., to Julia Beach, dau. of Isaac LAWRENCE
At Liberty, Sullivan Co., 27 Oct by the Rev. Mr. LAW, Dr. John D. WATKINS to Miss Harriet, dau. of Joseph YOUNG, Esq.
10 Dec 1831 -
At Little Britain, Tuesday morning, by the Rev. R. H. WALLIS, Mr. Wm. IRWIN to Miss Sarah JACKSON
At the same place, by the same, on Wednesday morning last, Mr. JOhn GOETCHUS to Julia STRONG
At Montgomery on Thursday, 1 Dec, by the Rev. Robert P. LEE, Mr. Jonathan W. MILLER of Montgomery to Miss Mary A. RUMP of Crawford
17 Dec 1831 -
On Thursday 8th inst, by the Rev. Mr. GRIER, Mr. Jacob M. JOHNSON to Miss Sally Ann MAPES, all of Minisink
On Saturday 10th inst, but Elder Henry BALL, Mr. John OVERTON to Miss Mary Ann SLINGERLING, all of Minisink
On Thursday 15th inst. by Elder Henry BALL, Mr. JOhn L. KNAPP to Miss Sally Jane ROBERTS, all of Minisink
In this town Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. ARBUCKLE, Mr. Joseph BREWSTER of Blooming Grove to Miss Charlotte, dau. of Scudder NEWMAN
On Thursday evening last by the same, Hamilton FINK to Miss DURYEA, dau. of James DURYEA of Blooming Grove
24 Dec 1831 -
On Saturday 17th inst by the Rev. Mr. BALL, Mr. Robert ROBERTSON to Miss Mary Ann REMER, all of Minisink
On Monday 19th inst by Joseph HALLOCK, Esq., Mr. Henry WOOD to Cynthia McDOWELL, all of Minisink
On Thursday 22nd inst by the Rev. Mr. GRIER, Mr. Nelson NEWMAN to Miss Mary CANFIELD, all of Minisink
On Thursday 15th inst by the Rev. Mr. CHRISTIE, Mr. Seth M. SATTERLY to Miss Helen Ann, dau. of Jonas SEELY of Sugar Loaf
On Thursday evening 15th inst, by the Rev. Mr. M'JIMSEY, Hiram HULSLANDER to Miss Lydia Jane TERWILLIGER, all of Crawford
At Walkill, 3d inst by the Rev. Mr. BEEBE, Henry COLLARD to Miss Fanny Jane MOORE
At New Vernon by the same, Mr. Benson TUTHILL to Miss Eliza HOWELL
31 Dec 1831 -
In Warwick, 20th inst, by the Rev. Mr. MURPHY, Robert S. PENOYAR of City of NY to Miss Emeline, dau. of Gilbert WHEELER, formerly of that place
On the 16th inst by the Rev. Nathan KINGSBERY, Thomas GOLDSMITH to Miss Mary GALE, both from Montgomery
On 29th inst by the same, Samuel R. BANKER to Miss Caroline BODLE, both of Goshen
In Goshen, 24th inst by Horace W. ELLIOTT, Esq., George GILSON to Miss Elizabeth CONKLING, both of this town
In Hampton, Thursday evening last by the Rev. Mr. M'JIMSEY, Mr. John BOYD, Jr., of New Windsor to Mrs. Mary HULSE of the former place
In Platekill on 22nd inst, by A. RAYMOND, Esq., Mr. Uriah HARRIS to Miss MAry HALSTEAD both from Newburgh
On the same evening by the same, Jefferson HALSTEAD of Newburgh to Miss SMITH of Plattekill
26 May 1828 -
Died in Crawford on the 14th inst. Mr. Murzy WELLER, son of Henry WELLER otsp
On the 18th inst. Miss (sic) Emily GILLESPIE, wife of Jason GILLESPIE, daughter of Henry WELLER, ae abt 30
2 Jun 1828 -
A letter dated at Greensburgh, br. Tarrytown, 24th inst. states that Isaac VAN WART, one of the captors of Major ANDRE in Rev. War died on Friday last
16 Jun 1828 -
At his residence in Minisink, on Friday 6th inst. Reuben CASH, 60
23 Jun 1828 -
In Calhoun on 9th inst., John M. PIERSON, ae 24
4 Aug 1828 -
On Thursday evening, 13th ult. in Minisink, Alexander BODLE, ae 76
8 Sep 1828 -
Died in town of Monroe, 3rd inst, William
Died at residence in wk, Monday last, Sylvanus FANCHER, 60
22 Sep 1828 -
In this town on Sat. 20th inst., Mrs. Mary BARKER, wife of Wm. BARKER, 69
At Pine Island on Thursday, 18th inst., John BRADNER, Esq.
Died in Minisink on Monday morning last, Isaac SELY, ae abt. 40
13 Oct 1828 -
Died short time since in Tioga Co., Mrs. Abigail, wife of Henry THOMPSON, formerly of Goshen
3 Nov 1828 -
On 7th ult in town of Minisink, Isaac KIMBER, 40
In Newburgh on Wednesday 15th ult. Nathaniel BURLING
In Newburgh on Wednesday 22nd inst. Phineas JUNE, 74
At Cornwall on Saturday 11th ult. Susan, wife of Benjamin WOODRUFF, 67
8 Dec 1828 -
In wk, Sunday evening., 31st ult. of the Palsey, Mr. Thomas GERAGHTY, native of Ireland and for many years merchant in wk, 74
On 22nd ult. Jacob LOW of Crawford, 59
22 Dec 1828 -
Tuesday last, Mrs. Sally JESSUP, wife of Daniel JESSUP, Jr., ott, 30
Newtown, Sussex Co., NJ, on Monday morning last Ephraim GREEN, Jr., Esq., President of Sussex Bank
29 Dec 1828 -
Died in Goshen on Friday last, James DENTON, 74
9 Feb 1829 -
Died wk, 12 Jan, Rebecca, wife of George MOREHOUSE, 26
28th ult., Magdalane, wife of Jeremiah MOREHOUSE, 63
Also atsp, 30 Jan, Deborah, wife of John PELTON, 66
23 Feb 1829 -
Died at wk, 4th inst. James D. CLARK, Soldier Rev. War, 88
13 Apr 1829 -
Died Friday 3rd inst. Mrs. Eleanor, wid. Moses SAWYER of Minisink, 58
Monday morning last in this village, Mrs. Abigail WELLS, 56
27 Apr 1829 -
In this village, on Tuesday last, Mrs. Abigail, wid. of late George Hamilton JACKSON, 76
4 May 1829 -
Died in this village Sunday evening, 26th ult John HUDSON, Rev. Soldier
In Newburgh on Thursday 23d ult. Francis CRAWFORD, Esq., 76
25 May 1829 -
Sunday 17th inst. Abraham MOULD of the town of Mountgomery
1 Jun 1829 -
Inquest held on Friday last by Hanibal M. HOPKINS, Esq. on body of Mrs. Abigail BARTON who died County Jail
8 Jun 1829 -
Petersburg, Va., 22nd ult. Dr. Richard FIELD, Senior Editor of Petersburg Intelligencer
29 Jun 1829 -
Friday last, Mrs. Mary THORNE, wid. of the late Daniel THORNE
13 Jul 1829 -
At Sugar Loaf on Thursday last Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Eleazer CONKLING & daughter of Maj. James TUSTEN, 26
20 Jul 1829 -
Monday afternoon, William COLEMAN, Senior Editor of N. Y. Eve. Post, 63
Wed. evening at residence near Belleville, Johnston VER PLANCK, Esq., formerly of one of the editors of the N. Y. American, 42
In Albany on Thursday morning, Mr. Harvey NASH, printer, son of Aaron NASH of Ballston Spa., 23
27 Jul 1829 -
On Tuesday last in Walkill, Daniel CORWIN, ae 71
23rd inst at the house of Col. David M. WESTCOTT, Miss Eleanor CARPENTER
In Blooming Grove on Sunday 19th inst, Dr. Samuel WARNER, 50
In Newburgh on Saturday 18th inst Mary, wife of John F. BOYD, 58
17 Aug 1829 -
Died 12th inst. John STEWARD, Esq., 83. Soldier Amer. Rev.
In the village on Friday last, Mrs. Ethalinda, wife of Dr. Wm. ELLIOTT, 65
In this village on Sat. last, Dr. Thomas G. EVANS, 40
24 Aug 1829 -
Josiah BROAD was killed on Wednesday last near house of John RASCIEN in town of Minisink. Natiive of Batavia - left wife and a number of children.
7 Sep 1829 -
Died in this village, Wednesday evening last, Dr. Wm. ELLIOT
On Thursday evening last, Mrs. Phebe MAPES ott, 40
14 Sep 1829 -
Wm. Henry POPE was drowned 26th inst in the outlet near Waterlo, Seneca Co.
Died in this village on Thursday evening last, John POTTER, 16
On Friday morning last, Stephen, inf son of William WOODEN
At Shawangunk, Ulster Co., 2nd inst. Mrs. Sarah DENTON, 35, wife of Henry DENTON & daughter of late Andrew BEDFORD, Esq. of Mountgomery
5 Oct 1829 -
Died in this village on Tuesday last, Henry H., son of Samuel G. MERRIAM, 3
In Goshen, 30th ult. Grant SMITH, 40
12 Oct 1829 -
SWEARINGEN, the murderer of his wife was executed in Cumberland Co., MD, on Friday the 2nd inst.
26 Oct 1829 -
Mr. WIGGINS of Schotchtown was thrown from a horse on Saturday the 17th inst., killed instantly
Gov. LINCOLN of Maine departed this life last evening at 10:15,
9 Nov 1329 -
Died in Minisink on Tuesday last, John MYERS, ae 30
7 Dec 1829 -
In Monroe on Monday last, Milton VAN DUZER, 30
In this village on Sunday 29th ult, Daniel DOUGHERTY
14 Dec 1829 -
In Warwick, Wednesday last, Capt. Thos. McCAIN, 40
Thurs. morning last, Capt. Theophilus HOWELL
Newark, NJ, on Friday 27th ult, William A. THOMPSON, 54, formerly of this county
21 Dec 1829 -
Accident on Sunday 29th ult., col. Joseph H. DILL of Little Britain in this county fell from his wagon while on way to a neighbor.
18 Jan 1830 -
Thursday 7th inst, Miss JAne DENTON, youngest daughter of Capt. Joseph DENTON ott
On Friday 8th inst, Miss Sarah CRABTREE ott
25 Jan 1830 -
In this village on Tuesday last, Newman GILBERT, 35
15 Feb 1830 -
On Sunday Miss Caroline MORSE was suffocated by use of a kettle of coals in her bedroom. Miss MORSE was sleeping with her younger sister, who well nigh shared the same fate.
22 Feb 1830 -
Chas. P. BARNUM, editor of the Poughkeepsie Telegraph & Observer, on Thursday night at Beam's Tavern, 11 mi. south of this city.
1 Mar 1830 -
Col. Henry RUTGERS, d. N. Y. on Wednesday, 85
On Friday last, Even PERRY was mangled to death in a most shocking manner, only son, ae 23
22 Mar 1830 -
Temperance OWEN found dead in field near house of Morrison TAYLOR, Esq., in Walkill, Sunday morning, 14th inst.
At Vernon, Tuesday last, Thomas DEKAY, Esq., 70
15th inst at Blooming Grove, Maj. Henry BREWSER, 79, Rev. Soldier. Elder of Congregation of Blooming Grove
29 Mar 1830 -
On Monday evening last, James DUNNING, kicked by his horse while leading him to stable. Left wife & 2 children.
Sunday morning 21st inst at Scotchtown, Mrs. BROWN
5 Apr 1830 -
On Friday last in this village, Mrs. Hannah WILKIN, wife of Gen. James W. WILKIN, 64
26 Apr 1830 -
Letter from Washington announces death of Gen. Alex. SMITH, late of the army, member of House of Representatives from Va.
Thursday evening last at LaGrange in town of Hamptonburgh, John MONELL, 85
3 May 1830 -
Monday evening last in this town, Mrs. Susan METCALF
10 May 1830 -
Wednesday 21st ult. Mrs. Mary PERRY, wife of John was accidently shot by her son Eben PERRY
In Newburgh, last Tuesday, Frederick W. FRANUM, Cashier Bank of Newburgh, 33
In Hamburgh on Wednesday last, William DARRAH, Esq., 50
17 May 1830 -
At Savannah, 3d ult. John J. M'LAUGHLIN, ae 14, son of Mrs. Rachel CONNELLY, formerly of this village
24 May 1830 -
At New Windsor on Monday evening last, Abraham SCHULTZ, Esq.
Died at Easton on 22nd May, Edward P. BANKS, late Editor of the Bividered Apollo in 25th yr
14 Jun 1830 -
Sudden death from foul air on Saturday last, Capt. David LEWIS of Calais in Randolph Township
23 Jun 1830 -
A daughter of Chas. FRANKS, ae 16, drowned at Boston on evening of 8th inst.
19 Jul 1830 -
On 9th inst Miss Dolly BULL, 28, youngest daughter of Peter BULL of Hamptonburgh
2 Aug 1830 -
Died in Bloomingburgh on Tuesday last, David HUNTER, 45
Friday last at Brookfield, town of Minisink, Mrs. Sarah HULSE, wife of Silas HULSE
16 Aug 1830 -
Died at Blooming Grove on Sunday 8th inst, Rev. Wm. RAFFERTY, D.D., Pres. of St. Johns College, Annapolis, Md., formerly Pastor of Preby. Ch. Blooming Grove, ae 53
23 Aug 1830 -
In Goshen 13th inst. Widow Susannah GOURLAY, 55
Died in N. Y. on Wednesday last, William ROSS, Esq., formerly of Newburgh
In Jamaica, L.I., on Wednesday 11th inst., Miss Jane M. ARNELL, 18, daughter of late Dr. David ARNELL of this village
30 Aug 1830 -
Miss Jane ATKINS of Westerloo, 20, thrown from horse - killed instantly - nr. village on Saturday last
13 Sep 1830 -
At res. of Samuel LAIRD, Esq., Colt's Neck, Monmouth Co., NJ, Saturday 4th inst, Lewis DENTON, son of Capt Joseph DENTON of this village, 28
On 29th ult., ae 34, Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel DENTON, decd. of Walkill
20 Sep 1830 -
At Auburn, 12th inst, Rt. Rev. John Henry HOBERT, D.D., Bishop of Prot. Epis. Ch. in State of N. Y., 55
4 Oct 1830 -
On Wednesday evening 22nd ult, Egbert Jansen, youngest son of Dr. Wm. HORTON of this village, ae 12 mos
On Thursday evening last, Mrs. Hannah SAWYER, wife of Benj. SAWYER, Esq.., of the Drowned Lands, town of Goshen, 60
25 Oct 1830 -
On Thursday last abt. 11 o'clock in the morning, six men:-- Lawrence CREEGAN, John CONLEY, Owen McGAHVEN, Owen MORGAN, Wm. McMICHAELS, P. McCAFFREY, who were in the Press House attached to Powder works - killed by its explosion
1 Nov 1830 -
At Monroe, 15th ult, John BROOKS, 75
On 20th ult, Sarah DUNNING, wife of James DUNNING
In Goshen, 21st ult. Wm. LUSK
In Scotchtown, 13th ult., Mary, wid. of James CLARK, 59
8 Nov 1830 -
At residence near this village, Tuesday evening last, David CASE, Esq., Amer. Rev., 76
6 Dec 1830 -
Newark, NJ, on Saturday evening 13th ult., Rev. Wm. T. HAMILTON. Mr. Uzal COE, formerly of Whippppany to Miss Ann Eliza RAINEY of Mountgomery
Died in this village, Tuesday evening last, Christian HURTIN
On Friday 26th ult, Andrew NOBLES, printer, 48
On Saturday 27th ult.,, Mrs. MAry HURD, wife of Chas. HURD, Esq., of Hamptonburgh
20 Dec 1830 -
Gen. Matthew TROTTEN of Albany d. last Friday. Officer of Rev. ae 70
8 Jan 1831 -
In this village on Monday evening last, Hezekiah DENTON, 30
On the same day, Mrs. BEARDSLEY, 56
On Wednesday 20th ult, Sarah Ann HAMMOND, 12, of this village
On Monday 27th ult, Mrs. Ense BULL, 65, wife of Peter BULL of Hamptonburgh
22 Jan 1831 -
On Monday last, Mrs. Martha DENTON, wid. of late Daniel DENTON, Pine Swamp town Walkill, 67
29 Jan 1831 -
Peter FRANCISCO, Rev. War., d. Richmond, last Monday
Died 14th inst at his res. near village of Newburgh, Henry BUTTERWORTH, Esq., 47
In Newburgh, Monday last, Sarah Jane, inf daughter of Thos. M'KISSOCK, Esq.
Sunday evening last, Eliphalet MILLERS, nr Monroe Village; Solomon CARPENTER, formerly of this county.
5 Feb 1831 -
On Monday last, Egbert STRONG, ott
19 Feb 1831 -
On 12th inst, John Galatian, son of Henry DENTON of Shawangunk, Ulster Co., ae 6
26 Feb 1831 -
On Feb 23, Deborah GOLDSMITH, daughter of Wm., 17-10-12
12 Mar 1831 -
In this village, Wednesday last, Andrew M. JACKSON, 39
19 Mar 1831 -
At Bullville, 8th inst. Mrs. Sally, consort of Mr. Thomas BULL & daughter of Jacob MILLS, Esq.
26 Mar 1831 -
Rev. Daniel YOUNG d. in this city, Sunday 6th inst., native of Orange County
2 Apr 1831 -
On Sunday evening last, Matthias K. MURRAY of this village
16 Apr 1831 -
At Cincinnati, O., 18th Mar, Gen Wm. LITTLE, Surveyor General
AT. Phila., 1st inst, Matilda H., daughter of Dr. Samuel MOORE, Director of the Mint of the U.S.
At Worcester, Mass., 4th inst., Isaac THOMAS, Esq., LLD, 82
At Scotchtown, Saturday 2nd inst, Mrs. Eliz. HURTIN, wife of Wm. HURTIN, 60
In N. Y., 2 Apr, Rev. J. C. SCHEOEFFER, D.D., Pastor of Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. James in that City
In N. Y., 5th inst, Hon. James LLOYD of Boston, 41
In Ovid, Seneca Co., Anthony D. SCHUYLER, 45
At Geneseo, 28th ult. Cornelia, 2nd daughter of James WADSWORTH, 18
7 May 1831 -
At Washington, Geo. on the 24th Mar, Mrs. Sarah HILLHOUSE, 75, relict of David HILLHOUSE, Esq., decd.
21 May 1831 -
Sunday morning last, Birdsey HULSE of Blooming Grove, 48
28 May 1831 -
At Kurkstown, Pa., on Saturday, a daughter of John MENGLE of Maiden Creek township who was dancing fell to the floor lifeless.
4 Jun 1831 -
Friday last, Martha COREY (Mrs.).
18 Jun 1831 -
Died in N. Y., Thursday evening last, Mrs. Emily HOFFMAN, wife of Ogden HOFFMAN, Esq.
25 Jun 1831 -
Died 22nd inst, Miss Amira Jane COREY, daughter of Lemuel COREY of this place, 21
9 Jul 1831 -
In N. Y., Friday 2nd inst, Mrs. Elizabeth GALE, wid. Mr. Coe GAIL formerly of this village
23 Jul 1831 -
In this village, Saturday last, Jeremiah, inf. child of Henry BAKER
At Annapolis, Md., suddenly, his Excellency, Daniel MARTIN, Gov. of Md.
6 Aug 1831 -
In this village Tuesday last, Daniel H., inf. ch. of Jeremiah D. KELSEY
13 Aug 1831 -
Daniel WILLIAMS d. Lingstonville, Schoharie Co., N. Y., Tuesday 2 Aug. He was born 21 Oct 1754, ae at death 76-9-12
20 Aug 1831 -
Died at Newburgh thurs morning last, Mark McINTYRE, Grocer
17 Sep 1831 -
At Newburgh Thursday last, James EDSALL late of this village
1 Oct 1831 -
In this village Friday last, Milton, inf. son of Isaac R. VAN DUZER, Esq., 18 mos
Thursday in Warwick, Milton Van Duzer, inf. son of Maj. Wm. F. WHEELER
(both these entries in newspaper)
15 Oct 1831 -
Samuel SEAMAN d. New Winsor, Tuesday last
12 Nov 1831 -
Gen. VAN COURTLAND d. Cortland, 5th inst. ae 32
19 Nov 1831 -
In Hamptonburgh, Wednesday last James BULL, 30
3 Dec 1831 -
In this town on Thursday last, Hon. Wm. THOMPSON
In Newburgh Thursday last, Wheeler CASE, Esq.
In Walkill, Wednesday morning last, Havens TERRY, 42
10 Dec 1831 -
At Little Britain, Sunday evening last, Wm. MULLINER, Esq., 58
24 Dec 1831 -
On 29th ult at St. Augustine in East Fla., Daniel H. TUTHILL, Esq., late res. of this village. Surrogate of the County.
At his residence in Walkill, 14 Dec, Col. Wm. FAULKNER, 85
In Hamptonburgh, 22nd inst, Mrs. Phebe, wife of Ezra PALMER, 25
In N. Y., 27th inst. Chas H. HOYT, 34, formerly of this county
In this village on Sat. last, James KERR
In Newburgh 20th inst, Mrs. Elizabeth BARCLAY, 52