Dutch Reformed Cemetery
Flatbush, Kings Co., NY, 1754 per 1913
Inscriptions on Tombstones Copied Fri., 29 Aug 1913
by William A. NARDELEY, P. O. Box 91, Brooklyn, N. Y.;
and carefully compared with the original records
and found to be accurately correct.
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

The tombstones which bear the date of the Revolutionary times are very few, this part of the country then being in a very disturbed state, and it being very difficult to obtain the brown-stone slabs which were then most in use. There are many dates before and after this period. The consistory long refused permission to disturb the ground immediately around the Church, because of the bones which were disinterred in doing so, for the graves are far more numerous than the gravestones in this old burial yard, and the irregular surface of the ground indicates many an unmarked grave. More recently the consistory resolved not to allow permission for interments in any part of the yard; exception being made in the case of elderly persons who had relatives buried there, or for whom vacent spaces had been reserved at their own request. This Church-yard has been enlarged from time to time, as the passing away of successive generations made it necessary to obtain more room but the approach of residences prohibits any further increase. The wooden fence which formerly enclosed the yard has been replaced by a substantial iron railing, and this fence is now kept in good order.
The grass is not allowed to cover the mounds in tangled masses as is sometimes the case in old burial places and the weeds are carefully cut, showing a sensible pride in the good looks of the cemetery.
The inscriptions are scarcely legible in many cases, due to the crumbling of the brown stone; along with the usual growth of the mosses and lichens upon the letters & figures. This graveyard has no monumnents expressing a desire for ostentatious display and the old tombstone bear no inflated epitaphs, exaggerating the virtue of the departed. One notices that in a large majority of cases these stones have only the name and age of those buried beneath them; the wording sometimes expresses a belief in Immortality or there is added to the inscription some simple expression of Faith and Hope. These old Dutch words have a certain solemnity about them, an impressive dignity, as it were; "it may be the reflection of the graves which they overshadow, or it may be the silence of the long years since they were the written or spoken language, invests them with the somber grace and tenderness which characterizes the record of that which has forever passed away. "upon nearly every stone is carved a head and wings, supposed to represent a cherub instead of the ugly skeleton heads and cross-bones which so abound in some old grave-yards; it would be difficult to find more grotesque and crude representations. The Dutch on these headstone has been very carefully copied and compared; and this translation has been done by William A. EARDELEY, being verified by one who is proficient in the Dutch language - Dr. Frank L. Van CLEFF, Ph. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y. If mistakes do appear, the defacement of time upon the yeilding surface of these gravestone must be blamed rather than the copyist. Several slaves have been buried here but as they have only one name, no mistakes will be made on this score.

1. ARMOUR, John, native of Parish of Rye, County Donegal, Ireland; d. 17 Jul 1847 in his 58 year; erected by his only son William ARMOUR.
2. ALLEN, Maria, wife of Lumen H.----- d. 12 Jul 1820, ae 24
3. Illegible, red sand stone, worn
4. ANTONIDES, Aletta, d. 9 Aug 1838, in 78 ---
5 ANTONIDES, Edward B., ---- d. 10 Dec --- ae 15 days (?) [illegible]
6. ANTONIDES, Catharine, d. 4 Feb 1844. ae 8-0-5; almost [illegible] (5 & 6 are the children of Matthew & Mary)
7. ANTONIDES, John, d. 3 Apr 1839, ae 69-3-0
8. ANTONIDES, Martha Van Sicklen, his wife, d. 21 May 1844, ae 65-9-13
9. ANTONIDES, Caroline, d. 8 Nov 1831, ae 26-9-5
10. ANTONIDES, Barbara, b. 23 Jul 1766, d. 9 Feb 1838. ae 72-4-19; wife of William ALLGEO
11. ALLGEO, William, b. 10 Jun 1766 in Montreal, Canada; d. 6 Apr 1849, ae 82-9-26
12. ALDWORTH, Ann Maria, d. 26 Sep 1841, ae 1-11-14, daughter of Alfred & Eliza
13. ANTONIDES, Peter d. --- 1812 [illegible]
14. ANTONIDES, Cornelius, d. 8 Aug 1852, ae 85-8-17
15. ANTONIDES, Peter, d. 27 Apr 1796, ae 69-8-27
16. ANTONIDES, Catherine Van Der Veer, his wife, d. 8 May 1796, ae 63-8-28
17. ALLGEO, Ann d. 22 Feb 1856, ae 45
18. BOWIE, Belinda, relict of Capt. Henry, d. 30 Sep 1825, ae 40
19. BACK, Belinda, d. 30 Sep 1847, ae 78-5-18
20. BATTERSON, Agnes, b. County Down, Ireland; d. 31 Jul 1841, ae 61
21. [illegible]
22. BACK, Simeon, d. 21 Jan 1810, ae 47
23. BIRDSALL, John, d. 15 Jul 1832, ae 45-8-0
24. BEADLE, Ann, d. 25 Mar 1850, ae 84-4-16, wife of Cornelius Van DUYNE
25. BERRIAN, Sarah, d. Sunday 21 Mar 1790, aged 51
26. BASSETT, Ann, b. 14 mar 1705, d. 14 Oct 1800, in 96
27. CORNEL "Gilijam"; "Hier leyt het lighaam von Gilijam Corhel geboren 23 ste. Augustus 1679 Gestorven den 1 ate. Augustus 1754; oude zynde 74 jaren 11 maanden den en 9 dagen;" Here rests the body of William CORNEL b. 23 Aug 1679, d. 1 st. Aug 1754, aged 74-11-9; "in the age of 74 yrs, 11 mos, 9 dys."
28. COWENHOVEN, Nicholas R---- Esq.; "Sacred to the memory of"; b. 14 Apr 1768; "Departed this life"; 25 Aug 1809, aged 41 yrs, 4 mos, 11 dys; a table stone. "Calm conscience first his soul surveyed And recollected toils endeared his shade, Till Nature called him to the general doom And Virtue's sorrows dignified his tomb."
29. COWENHOVEN, Catherine, wife of Nicholas R----, daughter of John & Helen VANDERBILT; a table stone; "In memory of Cahtarine COWENHOVEN, the beloved wife of Nicholas R--- COWENHOVEN of Brooklyn, N. Y., by whom her earthly remains are here deposited. She was born 3 Oct 1768. Amiable in manners, gentle in deportment, affectionate to her relatives, and kind to all, her virtues acquired her universal esteem. She long and patiently endured a complication of bodily infirmities, and exchanged a mortal existance for an immortal life 23 Aug 1801."
30. CLARKSON, Helen, daughter of Charles & Elizabeth, d. 13 Aug 1794, aged 1 yr, 4 mos, 29 dys
31. CLARKSON, Charles, d. 2 Oct 1802, aged 33 yrs; a table stone
32. CLARKSON, Elizabeth, wife of Charles, d. 24 Aug 1802, in her 33rd yr; a table stone; leaving three small orphan children
33. CLARKSON, Kemble, d. 22 May 1801, in his 28 year; lon of Levinus; brown stone.
34. CORTELYOU, Mary, relicet of Peter I----, d. 31 Mar 1845, aged 62 yrs, 3 mos, 25 dys; daughter of Jeronemus ALSTYNE
35. CARTER, Samuel, d. 9 Sep 1836, aged 60-3-15.
36. CARTER, James R., d. 27 Aug 1838, aged 33-6-0
37. CLARKSON, Helen, d. 22 Jan 1801, aged 0-9-16; daughter of Charles & Elizabeth
38. CLARKSON, John VANDERBILT, d. 26 Jan 1800, aged 5-10-0
39. CLARKSON, Charles Levinus d. "Xmas Day" 1799, aged 4-6-0
38 and 39 are on the same stone. ~ Here lieth all that was mortal of two lovely promising boys." -
40. CORTELYOU, John, b. 2 Feb 1772, d. 27 Jun 1855, aged 82-4-25, son of Isaac & Alletta
41. CATIN, Susan, widow of Patrick, b. 15 Jan 1777; d. 5 Feb 1845, ae. 63-0-21; she was daughter of Joris & or George & Jane MARTENSEN
42. DITMAS, "Hier rus het stoffelik diel von Philipus de son von Johannes and Jannetie Ditmas overleden den 20 Oct 1797 ote zinde een jaar ses manden 13 dagen." Here rests the earthly remains of Philipus the son of Johannes and Jennetie DITMAS died the 20 Oct 1797, aged 1 yr, 6 mos, 13 dys
43. DAVENPORT, Ebeneze, d. 9 Mar 1833, ae 58-10--
44. DAVENPORT, Carolina Amelia; [illegible]
45. DAVENPORT, William Henry; [illegible]
46. DAVENPORT, Ann ---- 1832; no more; daughter of Rufus & Antoinette
47. DURYEE, Cornelius d. 24 Jun 1845, aged 63
48. DURYEE, Jacob, b. 23 Sep 1784; d. 9 Feb 1831 "My Father"
49. DURYEE, "Nelley", b. 1 Nov 1796; d. 26 May 1861; "My Mother"
50. DURYEE, Cornelius, d. 30 Aug 1819; a decayed stone
51. DURYEE, Jane Kershow, d. 29 May 1830 in her 90 year, widow of Cornelius
52. DURYEE, Mary Ann, d. 21 Jan 1817, aged 1-3-2
53. DURYEE, Jane. d. 10 Sep 1821, aged 1-9-8 (or 18)
52 & 53 are the children of Jacob & "Nelley" -
54. DURYEE, Maria, d. 28 Jul 1823, aged 3-3-0; daughter of Cornelius & Mary
55. DURYEE, Ellen Strong, b. 27 Mar 1826; d. 7 Apr (7 Oct), 1827, aged 1-6-10
56. DITMAS, Andrew S----, d. 29 Jun 1858, aged 36-10-10; son of john & Sarah (SUYDAM) 1858
57. DEMOTT, Harriet, d. 22 May 1833, aged 27-10-22; wife of Garet VAN DUYNE
58. FRANKLIN, John, d. 20 Apr 1842, in his 68
59. FRANKLIN, Charity, d. 7 Feb 1838, aged 83
60. FRANKLIN, Janet, E----, d. 15 Aug 1832, aged 17-4-22; daughter of John
61. FISH, Richard, Esq., d. 21 Aug 1817, in his 76 (?) year; [illegible] age
62. FISH, John ---- 1788, no more
63. FISH, Sarah, his wife, d. 31 Mar 1788, aged 23-1-15
64. FISH, John, d. 19 Mar 1821, in his 80th age
65. FISH, Jane, his wife, d. 8 Jul (? 1810 ?) in her 84th yr; daughter of Peter STRYKER of New Jersey
66. FREEBORNE, Maria, d. 5 Jan 1843 in her 78th yr
67. FUTMAN, Eliza, d. 4 Sep 1834, aged 39; wife of Peter MEEFUS
68. GREEEN, Mary Dowers of Cornwall, Eng.; d. 17 Jan 1845; no age; wife of William H.---- of Flatbush
69. GIFFORD, Leonard, [illegible] , soft white stone
70. GIFFORD, Mrs. Annatie d. 23 May 1790; aged 29-7-0, wife of William Bernard GIFFORD
71. HART, Ebenezer d. 25 Sep 1830, aged 1-0-1, son of Ebenezer & Charity
72. HEGEMAN, John d. 16 Sep 1769, aged 66; "To the memory of John HEGEMAN who departed this life the 16th Sept. 1769, aged 66 years. This stone was erected by his friend Andrew GAUTIER as a testimony of his regard."
73. HUBBARD, Adrieantie; "Hier is begraven het lighaem Von Adrieantie HUBBARD Huys vrouw von de overladen Andriaen VOORHEES, overladen de 23 ste.dag von July 1810. "In het 80 Jaar haar levens."; "Here is buried the body of Adrieantie HUBBARD, wife of deceased Adriaen VOORHEES; d. the 23 day of July 1810; In her 80th year of her life."
74. HAYDEN, Elizabeth d. 26 Oct 1834 in her 18th year; daughter of Elijah I--- & Lucinda.
75. HESS, Cornelius d. 8 Dec 1829, aged 1-2-7
76. HESS, John Van Beuren d. 4 Dec 1829, aged 4-11-22 [These two are the children of John & Alletta.]
77. HEGEMAN, Gertrude d. 26 Jan 1832, aged 31 (51?) -0-26
78. "H. H." [illegible]
79. HITCHCOCK, Miles d. 9 Dec 1845, aged 76-10-5.
80. HITCHCOCK, Catalina Vanderbilt, his wife d. 10 Apr 1851, aged 68-8-0
81. HAND, Charity Strong, b. 4 Aug 1768; d. 25 Jul 1842
82. HOPPER, M---- Mary d. 10 Feb 1826, aged 72-5-0
83. JOHNSON, Wyman d. 28 Nov 1846, aged 57; "Father"
83a. JOHNSON, Hester d. 28 Oct 1859, aged 62-0-6; "Mother"; these two are on a monument.
84. KNIGHT, Daniel T----, b. ---- 1811; d. 17 Apr 1876, aged 65; son of Joseph & "Fenno"
85. KNIGHT, William Isherwood d. 19 Aug --- [illegible]; son of B--- & "Fenno" (KNIGHT) Isherwood.
86. LEFFERTS, Gerrit; "Heir leyt he lichaem von Gerrit LEFFERTS overleden den 14 May 1773. --- [illegible] ; "Here lies the body of Gerrit LEFFERTS d. 14 may 1773.....
87. LOTT, Abraham; "Hier leyt het Lichaam bon Abraham LOTT Overleden op den 29 Jul 1854 Int. 70."; "Here lies the body of Abraham LOTT d. on the 29 Jul 1754 in 70."
88. LOTT, Engrlburt Senr.; "Hier leyt Begraven t'lighamm von Englebert LOTT Sen. Overleyden de 17 daag von Nov. 1779, Out aynde 60 jarr'; "Here lies buried the body of Engelbert LOTT, Sr., d. the 17 day of Nov 1779 in the age 60 years."
89. LOTT, Marytie Ditmars his wife d. 27 Apr 1799, aged 74-2-8; "Hier leydt begraven het lighaam van Marytie Ditmas huys vrouw von de overleden Englebert LOTT, Sen. overleyden de 27 dag von April 1797"; Here lies buried the body of Marytie Ditmas wife of Englebert LOTT deceased; d. 27 Apr 1797."
90. LOTT, Englebart jr. d. 29 Nov 1779, aged 25-4-13.
91. LOTT, Catharine, widow of Johannes E--- d. 23 Oct 1840, aged 83-10-_0
92. LEFFERTS, Leffert b. 20 Feb 1723, d. --- [no date]; aged 77-7-4; "Tot gedachtens van Leffert LEFFERTS die geboren es den 20 ste.February 1723 en overleden [illegible] oud zynde 77 jaaren 7 maanden 4 dagen"; "In memory of (or remembrance) Leffert LEFFERTS who is born the 20th Feb 1723 and died [illegible] aged 77 years, 7 months & 4 days.
93. LEFFERTS, Catharina Von der Veer, wife of Jacob LEFFERTS d. 24 Nov 1773 [illegible]; "Hier leyt he lichaam von Catharina Van der Veer Huys vrouw von Jacob LEFFERTS. Zy es overleden den 2 d.Nov in t'yaer 1773 ... "; Here lies the body of Catharine Van der Veer wife of Jacob LEFFERTS. She died the 2nd Nov in the year 1773 ---"
94. LEFFERTS, Adriantie b. 3 Mar 1761, d. 2 May 1775, daughter of Jacob; "Hier het soffelyk del Von Adriantie LEFFERTS dochter von Jacob LEFFERTS. Haar ziel zy hemels waarts heeft. Begraven. Zy leyt zonder pyn is in haar rust. Zy kwam in de waereld den 3 Haert 1761. Zy is wader uyt verhuystden 2 Mie 1775." "Memento Mori. U. V. S." "Here lie the earthly remains of Adriantie LEFFERTS daughter of Jacob LEFFERTS. Her soul to heaven wards has been raised. She lies here without pain. The soul is in its rest. She came into the world 3 Mar 1761; she removed to another home 2 May 1775. In memory of death."
95. LEFFERTS, Jacob d. 21 Feb 1802, aged 81-9-12
96, LEFFERTS, Ida, his wife, d. 24 FEb 1807, aged 83-3-27
97. LLOYD, Bateman, Esq. d. 5 may 1814, in his 58.
98. LLOYD, Abigail, his wife, d. 31 Aug 1847, aged 88-7-18
99. LLOYD, Sarah d. 19 Aug 1852 in her 37th year; daughter of John & Charity (FRANKLIN)
100. LLOYD, Abby L--- d. 12 Feb 1822 aged @9, daughter of Bateman & Abigail
101. LOUW, Sarah Ann, eldest daughter b. 3 Jun 1801, d. 8 Dec 1802, aged 1-6-0
102. LOUW, Ann Vanderbilt, b. 4 Jul 1810, d. 16 Oct 1811, aged 1-3-12
103. LOUW, Mary d. 24 Mar 1791, aged 2-1-0
101 per 103 are the children of Rev. Peter & Eliza. -
104. LOTT, Johannes E---, Esq. d. 13 Aug 1811, in his 65th year
105. LOTT, Phebe d. 25 Aug 1831, aged 60-9-12
106. LOTT, Abraham d. 7 Nov 1840 aged 56-4-22
107. LEFFERTS, Jan, jr., d. 28 Oct 1776 aged 19-10-13; "Hier leydt het Lichaam von Jan LEFFERTS Jun., overleyden den 28 October 1776 oude zynde 19 jaer 10 maanden 13 dagen"; "Here lies the Body of Jan LEFFERTS jr., deceased the 28 Oct 1776 in the age of 19 year 10 months 13 days."
108. LLOYD, Lefferts Ware d. 19 Jan 1841, in his 55th
108a. LLOYD, Sarah Franklin, his wife, d. --- Aug 1852, in her 56th year
109, LLOYD, Mary Franklin d. 10 Jan 1816 aged 1-6-0
110. LLOYD, Mary Elizabeth d. 25 Sep 1854, aged 1-1-0
(109 & 110 are the children of 108 & 108a) -
111. LOTT, Jeremiah d. 11 Aug 1861, aged 84-10-2
112. LOTT, Lydia, his widow, d. 17 Apr 1865, aged 79-4-28
113. LOAW, Johannah Hardenbrook youngest daughter b. 12 Mar 1815, d. 25 Nov 1818, aged 3-8-12
114. LOAW, Eliza Ann, b. 23 Nov 1812, d. 5 May 1813, aged 0-5-12
(113 & 114 are the children of Rev. Peter & Eliza) -
115. LEFFERTS, "Jan Sr.", d. 20 Oct 1776, aged 57-7-4; "Hier rust het lichaam van Jan LEFFERTS Sr., in den Heere ontalaapen October 20 1776 oude synde 57 jaaren 7 maanden en 4 dagen" ; Here rests the body of Jan LEFFERTS Sr., sleeping in the Lord (fell asleep) 20 Oct 1776 in the age 57 years 7 months 4 days"
116. LEFFERTS, Sarah Martense, his wife, died --- [illegible]; in her 36 year; "Hier est begraven het lichaam van Sara Martense huys vrouw van Jan Lefferts overleden in het 36 aar"; "Here is buried the body of Sarah Martense wife of Jan Lefferts ---- died in her 36 year."
117. LOTT, John, d. 12 Feb 1858, aged 79-3-0
118. LOTT, Elizabeth Gerritsen (? his wife ?) d. 31 Jan 1855, aged 76-1-25
119. LOTT, Henrick I---, d. 24 Feb 1840, aged 80
120. LOTT, Mary Brownjohn, his wife, d. 7 Sep 1853, in 83
121, LUDLOW, Richard C--- d. 15 Aug 1831, aged 22-7-16
122. LEFFERTS, Peter, d. 13 Mar 1774, aged 94. "Hier leyt het lichaam van Peter Lefferts overleden den 13 Mar 1774 oude zynde 97 jaaren" Here lies the body of Peter LEFFERTS d. the 13 Mar 1774, aged 94"
123. LEFFERTS, Peter, b. 27 Dec 1753, d. 7 Oct 1791, aged 37-9-11. "Hier rust het lichamm van PeterLEFFERTS geboren Dec 27, 1753 in den Heere ontslapen Oct. 7 1791. Voorbeeldigi in syn leven heest hy de Welvoort van Landt, in Kerk bevorded; en in syn laaste iairen die hy met lydzaamheyd heest vervult syn Geist Godt aanbevolen in de hope van en saalige opstandinge." "Here rests the body of Peter LEFFERTS born 27 Dec 1753 sleeping in (fell asleep) the Lord 7 Oct 1791. Exemplary in hsi life, he promoted the welfare of the land, and in the Church; and in his last hour (which with patience he has passed), he trusts his soul to God in the hope of a Holy resurrection.
124. LEFFERTS, Phebe his wife d. 5 Aug 1847 in her 87th year
125. MARTENSE, Leffert b. 17 Jan 1729, d. 6 Sep 1802, aged 77-7-20; "Hier Rust het lighaam von Leffert MARTENSE geboren i he jaar 1725 den 17 ste.Janunare. Overleden den 6 de.September 1802, oudt synde 77 Jaaren, 7 maanden, de 20 dagen." "Here rests the body of Leffert MARTENSE b. 17 jan 1729; d. 6th Sep 1802 in the age of 77 years, 7 months, 20 days.
126. MARTENSE, Hilletie Van der Bilt, his wife, d. 26 Sep 1779, aged 58; "Hier leyt het lighaam von Hilletie Van der Bilt huys vrouw von Leffert MARTENSE overleden 26 Sep Anno 1779 oude zynde 58 jaaren." "Here lies the body of Hilletie Van der Bilt, wife of Leffert MARTENSE, d. 26 Sep 1779 in her age of 58 years."
127. MARTENSE, Leffert R---, b. 31 Dec 1802; d. 1 Jun 1830; "Manet in pace"; "Rest in peace"
128, MARTENSE, Joris (or George) b. 27 May 1724 "O.S." (old style); d. 23 May 1791 aged 66-11-15; "Hier leyt begraven het lichaam van Joris MARTENSE, Geboren May 27 st.1724 O.S.; Overleden May 23 st.1791 oudt zynde 66 Jaren, 11 maanden, en 15 dagen." "Here lies the body of Joris MARTENSE b. 27 Mary 1724 old style; d. 23rd May 1791 in his age of 66 years, 11 months and 15 days."
129. MARTENSEN, Jane, widow of George, b. 26 Apr, d. 8 Feb 1807, aged 72-9-13
130. MARTENSE, Adrian b. 9 Dec 1742; d. 13 Mar 1817, aged 71-3-7 "Hier leyt begraven het lichaam von Adrian MARTENSE geboren den 9 de.December A. D. 1742; overleden den 13 march A.D. 1817; oudt zynde 71 jaaren, 3 maanden, 7 dagen." "Here lies buried the body of Adrian Martense b. 9 Dec Anno Domini 1742; d. the 13 Mar Anno Domini 1817; in his age of 71 years, 3 months, 7 days."
131. MARTENSE, Adriantie Ryder, his wife, b. 2 Feb 1747, d. 27 May 1776. "Hier leydt het lighaam von Adriantie Ryder huys vrouw von Adrian MARTENSE, Es geboren het jaar 1747 den 2 Feb Es overleden den 27 May 1776." "Here lies the body of Adriantie Ryder the wife of Adrian MARTENSE. She is born in the year 1747 the 2 Feb. She died the 27 May 1776."
132. MARTENSE, Jannetie Monfoort, b. 27 Dec 1750; d. 28 Oct 1804; 2nd wife of Adrian. "Hier leyt het lichaam von Jannetie Monfoort huys vrouw von Adrian MARTENSE, overleden den 28 dagh Oct.A.D. 1804; en es geboran den 27 dagh Den.A.D. 1750." Here lies the body of Jannetie Monfoort wife of Adrian MARTENSE, d. the 28 day Oct. Anno Domini 1804; and she was born the 27 day Dec. Anno Domini 1750."
133. MARTENSE, Rem b. 12 Dec 1695, d. 14 Jun 1760, aged 64-5-21. "Hier Lyt he lighaam van Rem MARTENSE. Geboren den 12 st.von Decr. 1695. Gestorven den 14 de.von Jun 1760. Out zynde 64 jaaren, 5 maanden en 21 dagen." "Here lies the body of Rem MARTENSE. Born the 12th of Dec 1695. Died the 14th of Jun 1760. In his age 64 years, 5 months & 21 days."
134. MARTENSE, Garret, b. 20 Jan 1745; d. 1 Jun 1808, aged 63-4-2; "Hier rust het lighamm von Garret MARTENSE geboren den 30 Jannuwary 1745; overleden den 1 Jun 1808, oudt synde 63 jaaren, 4 maanden, et 2 dagen." "Here rests the body of Gerret MARTENSE born 30 Jan 1745; d. 1 Jun 1808. in his age 63 years, 4 months and 2 days."
135. MARTENSE, Rem b. 11 Oct 1777 (?); d. 19 Oct 1812; almost illegible.
136. MARTENSE, Joris (or George) b. 8 Mar 1737; d. 9 Nov 1804. "Hier leyt het lichaem von Joris MARTENSE. Overleden den 9 de.dagh von Nov. A.D. 1804; en es geboren de 8 de.dagh von Maert A.D. 1737." "Here lies the body of Joris MARTENSE. He died the 9th day of Nov. A.D. 1804; and he was born the 8th day of Mch. A.D. 1737."
137. NEEFUS, Emma Amanda d. 7 Sep 1831, aged 0-11-27, daughter of Peter & Eliza
138. NEFFUS, Michael Stryker d. 29 Jul 1860 aged 67-5-11
138a. NEFFUS, Jane E--- Bergen, his wife, d. 10 Feb 1847, aged 36-6-0
138b. NEFFUS, Eliza Jane their daughter d. 23 Mar 1851 aged 15-3-0
138c. NEFFUS, Elizabeth d. 17 Jan 1864, aged 80-2-3
139. NAGLE, Philip, Esq., b. 1 Jan 1717 "O.S." (old style) d. 11 May 1797, aged 80-4-0; a brown stone; "Here lies the body of Philip NAGLE, Esq., Born 1st Jan O.S., 1717 & died 11th of May N. S. (new style) 1797, aged 80 years & 4 months. ~ "Behold and see as you pass by, ~ As you are now, so once was I; ~ As I am now, you soon will be; ~ Prepare for death and follow me."
140. PAULDING, Susan, d. 19 Jul 1832, aged 28-5-11, daughter of John & Hester (WARD)
141. RAPELYE, Phebe, d. 1 Apr 1841, aged 36
141a. RUBEL, Johnnes Casparus, "V. D. M." b. 6 Mar 1719 (O.S.) d 19 May 1797. "Tot gedachtenis van Johannes Casparus RUBEL, V. D. M., ---Geboran den 6 Maert O.S. 1719. Overleden den 19 Meit 1779." In remembrance of Johannes Casparus RUBEL, V. D. M., born the 6 Mch old style; d. 19 May 1797."
142. STRYKER, Cornelius d. 12 Mar 1841, aged 80-10-14
142a. STRYKER, Addrayano Schenck, his wife, d. 1 Sep 1850, aged 62-0-9
143. STRYKER, Cornelius d. 18 Feb 1831, aged 0-11-10
144. STRYKER, Cornelius "2nd" d. 18 Oct 1835, aged 0-15-16
(143 and 144 are the children of Michael & Gity Jane) -
145. STRYKER, Maria Bergen d. 23 Aug 1838, aged 6-1-1, daughter of Michael & Gity Jane
146. STRYKER, Ann d. 5 Aug 1831, aged 56, wife of John "SCHENK"
147. STRYKER, Helen Maria d. 5 Oct 1853, aged 0-11-17
148. STRYKER, Gertrude Ann d. 14 Feb 1855, aged 42-0-12
149. STRYKER, Michael, b. 1 Mar 1825 "O.S"'; d. 26 Sep 1807, aged 84 (or 82) -6-12; "Hier leyt begraven het lichaam von Michael SRYKER; geboren den 1 Mar 1725 "O.S."; overleyden den 26 September 1807 oude zynde 84 jaaran, 6 maande, 21 daagen." "Here lies buried the body of Michael STRYKER b. 1 MAr 1725 O.S.; d. 26 Sep 1807 in his 84 years, 6 months, 21 days.
150. STRYKER, Johanna, his wife, b. 13 Feb 1733 O. S.; d. 1 Oct 1807, aged 74-7-18; "Hier leyt begraven het lighaam von Johanna STRYKER huys vrouw von de overleden Michael STRYKER; geboren den 13 Feb 1733 O.S.; overleden den 10 oct 1807 oudt zynde 74 jaaren, 7 maanden, en 18 daagen." "Here lies buried the body of Johanna STRYKER wife fo deceased Michael STRYKER; b. 13 Oct 1733 "O.S."; d. 10 Oct 1807 in his [sic] age 764 yrs, 7 months, 18 days."
151. STRYKER, Peter d. 3 Aug 1832, aged 66-5-4
152. SCHOONMAKER, Dr. Nicholas d. 31 Aug 1817, aged 36-4-22
153. SCHOONMAKER, Nicholas d. 1 Sep 1817 aged 2-1-27; son of Dr. Nicholas.
154. SCHOONMAKER, Ellen, d. 12 Feb 1849, aged 61-11-1, wife of Stephen VREELAND
155. SCHOONMAKER, Ann d. 28 Sep 1785, aged 1-7-0, daughter of Martinus & Mary (BASSET)
156. SCHOONMAKER, Mary Ann d. 5 Sep 1813, aged 1-2-12, daughter of Nicholas & Margaret
157. SCHOONMAKER, William, b. 11 Aug ---; d. 10 Apr --- [illegible]
158. SCHOONMAKER, Elizabeth, b. 9 Sep 1822; d. 13 Sep 1823, daughter of James V--- & Mary Ann.
159. STRYKER, Peter b. 22 Dec 1730; d. 14 Dec 1814, aged 84-11-22; "Hier leyt begraven het lighaam von Peter STRYKER, geboren den 22 Dec 1730; overleden den 14 Dec 1814, oud zynde 84 yaaren, 11 maanden, en 22 daagen." "Here lies buried the body of Peter STRYKER, b. 22 Dec 1730; d. 14 Dec 1814, in 84 years, 11 months, and 22 days.
160. STRYKER, Femmetia Schenk, his wife, b. 29 Jul 1740; d. 14 Dec 1814, aged 75-4-14. "Hier leyt begraven het lighaam von Femmetia Schenk huys vrouw von Peter STRYKER; gevoren den 29 Jul 1740; Overleden den 14 Dec 1814, oude zynde 75 jaaren, 4 maanden, et 16 daagen." "Here lies buried the body of Femmetia Schenk, wife of PeterSTRYKER; b. 29 Jul 1740; d. 14 Dec 1814. in her age of 75 years, 4 months, 16 days.
161. SKIDMORE, William d. 24 Feb 1845 aged 80-6-3
162. SKIDMORE, Elizabeth Vandervoort, his wife, b. 24 Aug 1771; d. 29 Mar 1842, aged 70-7-5
163. SUYDAM, Henry d. 10 May 1867, aged 31-5-6; son of Henry & Nancy
164. SUYDAM, Lammetie b. 11 Apr 1770; d. 25 Oct 1855, aged 85-6-14
165. SUYDAM, Henry, d. 13 Jan 1847, aged 48-4-10
166. SUYDAM, Hendrick H---, d. 24 May 1828 in his 74 yr.
167. SUYDAM, Phebe d. 14 Aug 1848, aged 78-11-0; wife of Andrew
168. SHOPTON, Susanna, d. 9 Sep 1793, aged 24 yrs
169. SUYDAM, Hendrick d. 16 May 1792 aged 60-3-7; "Hier leyt begraven het Lichaam von Hendrick SUYDAM; overleden den 16 May 1792; oudt zinde 60 Jaaren, 3 maanden, en 7 dagen." "Here lies buried the body of Hendrick SUYDAM; died the 16 May 1792; in his age 60 years, 3 months and 7 days."
170. SUYDAM, Maria Amerman, his wife, b. 29 May 1755; d. 14 May 1795, aged 40-5-16. "Hier rust het lighaam von Maria Amerman huys vrouw von Hendrick SUYDAM; geboren May 29 1755; overleden Nov 14, 1795; out synde 40 jaaren, 5 maanden, 16 dagen." "Here rests the body of Maria Amerman, wife of Hendrick SUYDAM; b. May 29, 1755; d. Nov 14, 1795; in her age 40 years, 5 months, 16 days."
171. SCHOONMAKER, Ann, d. 9 Sep 1854, in her 52 year, daughter of Stephen B. & Charity (VANDERVEER)
172. SUYDAM, Ellen Maria d. 7 Aug 1811, aged 0-8-13; daughter of Cornelius Lemian SUYDAM
173. SUYDAM, Anderew d. 11 Dec 1851, aged 71 years
174. SUYDAM, Hendrick d. 23 Jul 1797, aged 18 months
175. SUYDAM, Hendrick d. 19 Jul 1800, aged 2-7-0
(174 & 175 are the children of Andrew & Femitie) -
176. SUYDAM, Seytie d. 11 Aug 1802, aged 76-9-13; wife of Evert HEGEMAN. "Hier leyt het lighaam von Seytie SUYDAM huys vrouw von de overdeden Evert HEGEMAN; overleden den 11 Jul 1802; oude 76 jaaren, 9 maanden, en 13 dagen." "Here lies the body of Seytie SUYDAM wife of Evert HEGEMAN deceased, d. the 11 Jul 1802, aged 76 years, 9 months & 13 days."
177. SCHOONMAKER, [illegible] d. 14 Nov 1845, aged 73-4-24
178. SCHOONMAKER, Susan Ludlow, his wife, b. 24 Sep 1791, d. 27 Aug 1832, aged 40-10-0
179. SUYDAM, Hendrick d. 9 Jul 1805, aged 73-3-20. "Hier leyt begraven het lighaam von Hendrick SUYDAM; overleden den 9 de July 1805; oude zynde 73 jaaren, 3 maanden, en 20 dagen". "Here lies buried the body of Hendrick SUYDAM, d. the 9th July 1805; in his age 73 years, 3 months, and 20 days.
179a. SUYDAM, Rebecca Emans, his wife, b. -- Sep 1729; d. -- Oct 1797. "Hier leght t'lighaam von Revecca Emans huys vrouw von Hendrick SUYDAM; geboren 1729 Sept; overleden Oct 1797." "Here lies the body of Rebecca Emans, wife of Hendrick SUYDAM; b. 1729, Sept; d. -- Oct 1797."
180. SLAVES - Diana; colored; no more
181. SLAVES - Cato; colored; no more
182. SLAVES - Flora, colored, d. 5 Jan 1826, aged 104
[180 per 182 "in the family of Mrs. A. L. LOYD." 180 per 182 are in a separate enclosure. "Sacred to the memory of Flora, a colored woman, who died Jan 5, 1826. Strong faith --- trusting in her Saviour." [illegible] ] -
183. SCHOONMAKER, Stephen B., b. 25 Jan 1765; d. 28 Mar 1842, aged 77-2-3
184. SCHOONMAKER, Charity Vanderveer, his wife, b. 18 Nov 1869, d. 29 Dec 1836, aged 67-1-11; daughter of Abraham
185. VANDERBILT, John, d. 15 Jun 1842, aged 48-4-13
186. VANDERBILT, Sarah Lott, his widow, d. 4 Jan 1859, aged 63-3-25
187. VANDERBILT, Mary b. 9 Dec 1787; d. 7 Nov 1843, aged 55-10-29
188. VANDERBILT, Jeremiah, d. 29 Jun 1858, aged 38-7-15
189. VOORHEES, Phebe b. 20 Jun 1765; no death date; aged 36-9-28; wife of Peter I. CORTELYOU
190. VANDERBILT, Rem, d. 16 Jan 1781, aged 69
191. VANDERBILT, Margaret, widow of Rem; d. 20 Sep 1803 in her 84 year
192. VERNON, John, d. 25 Jan 1842 aged 50 (?)
193. VERNON, Catharine Brownjohn, his widow, d. 10 Sep 1855, in her 82 year
194. VANDERBILT, John, d. 13 Nov 1796 in his 57 year; table stone. "He was a merchant of distinguished probity, a real patriot, an affectionate relative, a sincere friend, and a worthy man. Blessed with affluence, he displayed a spirit of munificense in promoting the interests of his country, of religion and virtue. The moderation and conciliatory disposition which accompanied and conducted his virtues, secured him through live an esteem almost unrivalled, and rendered his death a great loss to the public, and to his family irreparable."
195. VANDERBILT, Helen, his widow, d. 7 Oct 1801, in her 59 year; a table stone.
196. VAN DUYNE, John C. d. 1 Oct 1838 (or 1858) aged 17-11-27
197. VAN BEUREN, John H. d. 15 Aug 1810, aged 56-1-11
198. VAN BEUREN, Sarah Van Duyne, his wife, d. 10 Jan 1815, aged 52-10-15
199. VAN TASSEL, Lafayette d. 5 Dec 1836, aged 23-5-5
200. VAN DUYNE, Jane, b. 7 Jul 1767; d. 3 Feb 1849
201. VAN DUYNE, Ann, d. 24 Oct 1829, aged 21-10-6
202. VON DER BILT, "Jeramyas" d. 12 Nov 1785, aged 70. "Hier leydt Begraven het lichaam von Jeremyas VON DER BILT; overleden den 12 d. dag von November 1785; oudt zynde 70 jaer." "Here lies buried the body of Jeremyas VON DER BILT; died the 12th day of November 1785; in his age 70 year."
203. VAN DEVENTER, Jacobus d. 14 Nov 1799, aged 67-5-24. "Tot gedachtenis von Jacobus VAN DEVENTER; overleden den 14 de.Nov.1799; oude zynde 67 jarren, 5 maanden, en 24 daagen." In remembrance of Jacobus VAN DEVENTER; died 14 of Nov. 1799; in his age 67 years, 5 months, and 24 days."
204. VANDERBILT, Ida d. 24 Dec 1848, aged 56-9-0; wife of Sylvester EARLE
205 VAN DER BILT, Sarah, d. 12 Mar 1814 in her 96th year; widow of Jeremiah
206. VAN SICLEN, Maria d. 6 Aug 1852, aged 59-0-17; wife of Cornelius ANTONIDES.
207. VANSICLEN, Mary d. 29 Oct 1832, aged 19-4-10
208. VANDERVEER, Cornelius b. 5 Dec 1731. "O.S."; d. 13 Feb 1801, aged 72-1-21. "Hier leyt begraven het lighaam van Cornelius VANDERVEER. Geboren den 5 de Dec 1730 "O.S."; Overleden den 13 de.Feb.1801; oude zynde 72 jaaren, 1 maand, en 21 dagen." "Here lies buried the body of Cornelius VANDERVEER. Born the 5th of Dec. 1731 O.S. (old style). Died the 13th Feb.1801; in his age of 72 years, 1 month, and 21 days."
209. VANDERVEER, Jannetie Wyckoff, his wife, d. 31 Oct 1774, aged 73. "Hier leyt Begraven het lighaam von Jannetie Wyckoff; Huys vrouw von Cornelius VANDERVEER; overleden den 31 Oct 1774; oude zynde 73 jaar [illegible] " "Here lies buried the body of Jannetie Wyckoff, wife of Cornelius VANDERVEER, d. 31 Oct 1747, in his [sic] age of 73 years...."
210. VANDERVEER, John d. 7 Apr 1845 in his 38rd year
211. VANDERVEER, Elizabeth Van Brunt, his widow, d. 1 Jul 1855, in her 87 year.
212. VANDERVEER, Peter d. 23 Mar 1846, in his 36 year
213. VANDERVEER, Gerard d. 12 Dec 1847, aged 82-1-0
214. VANDERVEER, Cornelius d. 10 Jun 1858 in his 63rd yr
215. VANDERVEER, Maria Eldert, his wife, d. 27 Sep. 1857, in his [sic] 66th year.
216. VANDERVEER, Femmetia d. 3 Jun 1801, aged 79-7-3. "Tot Gedachtenis van Femmetia VANDERVEER. Overleden den 3 d. Jun 1801; oude synde 79 jaaran, 7 maaden 3n 3 dagen." In Remembrance of Femmetia VANDERVEER; died the 3rd Jun 1801; in his age 79 years, 7 months, and 3 days.
217. VANDERVEER, Cornelius d. 22 Jan 1782, aged 85. "Hier leyt begraven het Lichaam von Cornelius VANDERVEER; Overleden 22 ste.Jan.Anno 1782 Oudt zynde 85 jaren [illegible] " "Here lies buried the body of Cornelius VANDERVEER; d. 22nd Jan anno 1782; in his age 85 years... "
218. VANDERVEER, Hendrick d. 17 Jul 1809, aged 72-3-24
219. VAN CLEEF, Michael d. 22 May 1832, aged 87-9-0
220. VAN CLEEF, Jane Hoagland, his relict, d. 19 Jul 1847, aged 88-7-0
221. VAN CLEEF, Cornelius d. 19 Nov 1841, aged 60-9-2
222. VAN CLEEF, Christina, his wife, d. 24 Jan 1822, aged 23-2-19; daughter of John A. & Gertrude MESEROLE
223. VAN CLEEF, John Meserole, their son, d. 3 May 1836, aged 16-8-8
224. VOORHEES, Mary, b. 25 Sep 1749; d. 12 Aug 1832, aged 82-10-18; wife of Hendrick VANDERVEER
225. VANDERVEER, Ida d. 21 Jul 1830, aged 18
226. VANDERVEER, Abraham d. 21 Jul 1839, aged 58-5-0
227. WALDEN, Charles C. [illigible dates]; son of Charles & Emily
228. WYCKOFF, Johanna d. 9 Aug 1832, aged 24-5-16; daughter of Barrant & Hellen
229. WILSON, Elizabeth d. 8 Feb 1836, aged 86; wife of Francis DUCLOIS
230. WILLIAMSON, William d. 26 Aug 1830, aged 75-9-15
231. WILLIAMSON, Ann Lott, his wife, d. 19 Jan 1850, aged 86-6-22
232. WILLIAMSON, John d. 29 Mar 1828 aged 35-8-25
233. WILLIAMSON, Peter d. 28 Oct 184(5?), or 1843 in his 60 year
234. WILLIAMSON, Margaret b. 10 Nov 1794; d. 24 Oct 1861, aged 66-11-14
235. WILLIAMSON, William Henry, d. 7 Aug 1853, aged 0-1-19
236. WILLIAMSON, infant son, no date, aged 2 weeks & 1 day
237. WILLIAMSON, infant son, d. 30 Jul 1859, aged 16 days
238. WILLIAMSON, George Irving b. 17 Aug 1860, d. 12 Aug 1861, aged 0-11-25
239. WILLIAMSON, Stephen Voorhees, d. 14 Aug 1859, aged 1-1-23
[235 per 239 are the children of William & Wilhemina] -
240. takes the place of 83a
241. takes the place of 108a
242. takes the place of 138a
243. takes the place of 138b
244. takes the place of 138c
245. takes the place of 141a
246. takes the place of 142a
247. takes the place of 178a
248. WALDRON, Johannes d. 30 May 1805, aged 85-1-21
249. WELLS, Martense d. 2 Jan 1843, in his 3rd year; son of Richard & Sarah
250. WYCKOFF, Catharine b. 20 Oct 1793; d. 25 Nov 1849, wife of Andrew
251. ALDWORTH, Alfred d. 12 Nov 1854, aged 43-7-24
252. ALDWORTH, Eliza, his wife, d. 5 Jul 1851, aged 38-5-7
253. ALSOPE, Richard of Middletown, Conn., d. suddenly on a visit to this place 20 Aug 1815 aged 54. distinguished by genius and practical talents, respected for integrity, and beloved for his amiable simplicity of character.
254. ALGEO, David d. 21 Sep 1812, aged 25 yrs
255. ANTONIDES, Catharine d. 8 Sep 1864, aged 44-8-0; wife of Cornelius VAN CLEEF
256. BAISLEY, Michael F. G., d. 28 Aug 1863, aged 55-7-10; "To my dear husband"; "There is rest for the weary."
257. BERGEN, Cornelius, Esq., married Apr 1785; d. 9 Oct 1824, in his 64th yr
258. BERGEN, Geertie, his widow, d. 12 Nov 1840, in her 77th year; daughter of Hendrick SUYDAM of Flatbush
259. BAISLEY, Adelaide; no dates
260. BAISLEY, Walter R., no dates
261. BAISLEY, Ida L., no dates
262. BAISLEY, Ellen G., no dates
{259 per 262 are the children Michael & Adaline] -
263. BARFE, Henry, b. in New York; stone worn; d. aged 18 years; brown stone
264. BAISLEY, Ernest C., no dates
265. BAISLEY, Frank S., no dates
[264 and 265 are children of Michael & Adaline.] -
266. BRAINARD, Samuel, jr., d. 7 Aug 1849, aged 44-5-20
267. BARFE, Thomas, b. Thorp Woods, Yorkshire, England, d. 4 Apr 1813, aged 58
268. BARFE, Alice, his widow, b. in London, England, d. 16 Dec 1816, aged 65; soft white stone
269. BACON, Francis S., no dates
270. BACON, James B., no dates
271. BACON, infant child, no dates
[269 per 271 are the children of James & Helen.] -
272. BROWN, George Fred, infant of Rev. William R., late of Essex County, England; no dates
273. BARFE, Robert C., b. in New York; d. 30 Sep 1828, in his 12th year.
274. BARFE, infant son, b. 10 Nov 1849; d. 17 Nov 1849; son of B. C. & H.
275. BACON, James, b. in England, 15 Sep 1804; d. in New York, 9 Oct 1851
276. CLARKE, Sarah, b. 8 Oct 1864, d. 22 Oct 1864
277. CORNELL, Marie, d. 26 Jun 1829, aged 51-0-5; wife of --ter STRYKER
278. CLARKSON, Catharine Mathilde b. 28 Jul 1822; d. 28 Jul 1823, aged 13 months; daughter of Matthew & Catharine Elizabeth
279. DITMAS, Anna Schenck, d. 19 Sep 1854, aged 0-6-24; daughter of Abraham & Sarah A.
280. DITMAS, Henry Suydam, d. 24 Sep 1857, aged 1-3-0; son of Abraham & Sarah A.
281. DITMAS, Andrew I. d. 20 Oct 1848, aged 23-10-0; son of John T. & Priscilla.
282. DITMAS, Abraham, b. 8 Nov 1821; d. 3 Sep 1850, aged (? 30-9-5 ?)
283. DITMAS, John T. d. 14 Sep 1829, aged 44-8-0
284. DITMAS, Priscilla Burr, his wife, d. 28 Mar 1855, aged 68-7-10
285. DITMAS, Edward, their son, d. 9 Oct 1828, aged 1-8-0
286. DITMAS, Jane, d. 13 Oct 1841, aged 72
287. DITMAS, Maria d. 11 Jul 1836 in her 46th yr; wife of William D. CREED
288. DITMAS / CREED, Sarah Ann CREED, their daughter, d. 14 May 1813, aged 0-11-3
289. DITMAS, Rebecca d. 1 Sep 1821, aged 0-10-26
290. DITMAS, Abraham, d. 6 Jul 1829, aged 3-4-11
[These two are on the same stone.] -
291. DITMAS, Abraham d. 13 Oct 1803, aged 39-6-19; a brown sand stone
292. DURYEE, George A., b. 1 Aug 1769, d. 13 Mar 1824; "My Father"
293. DURYEE, Catharine L., b. 16 Oct 1780, d. 10 Mar 1856. "My Mother"
[These two are on the same stone.] -
294. DURYEE, Ellen N., their daughter, d. 20 Apr 1868, aged 65-8-26
295. ELLSWORTH, Nicholas B. d. 30 May 1865, aged 26-3-22; Private, Company E., 13th N. Y. ?State Militia
296. GARRITSEN, Samuel, d. 11 Sep 1799, aged 36-1-3; a brown stone
297. GARRITSEN, Elsie, d. 23 Dec 1841, aged 80-1-12; a white stone
298. GARRITSON Leffert Lefferts, their only son, d. 26 Feb 1803, aged 11-10-17; a brown stone
299. GANDY, Thomas of Kendal, County of Westmoreland, England; d. 27 Dec 1825, aged 41
300. GOODRICH, John, b. Glasenbury, Conn., 18 Jul 1752; d. New Haven, Conn., 27 Dec 1825, aged 41
301. GOODRICH, Eunice, his wife, b. Huntington, Conn;, d. New York, 22 Sep 1828
302. HART, Levi, d. 11 Jul 1847, aged 60-2-3
303. HART, Sarah, his wife, d. 30 Oct 1845, aged 50-0-20
304. HITCH, Francis, d. 4 Mar 1849, aged 40
305. HEGEMAN, Rem, d. 9 Jul 1849, aged 74-7-9
306. HEGEMAN, Francis d. 22 MAr 1830, aged 1-10-18; son of Rem. R. & Hannah
307. HEGEMAN, Barnetta b. 23 Mar 1723, "O. S."; d. 16 Apr 1801, "N. S.", aged 78-0-13; widow of Philip NAGLE, a brown stone [see 139]
308. HEGEMAN, Petrus d. 26 Apr 1808, aged 75-8-4
309. HASBROOK, Catharine Ann d. 30 Jul 1869, aged 53-8-5
310. HART, Charity d. 4 Mar 1865, aged 100 yrs, 0 months & 22 days; widow of Napthali
311. JOHNSON, Joseph, d. 17 Nov 1851, aged 12-1-20; son of Edward & Mary
312. KERSWILL, James E., b. 12 Apr 1842; Killed 9 Jun 1864 at Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia; Company "G", 139 N. Y. Vols; a monument
313. LIVINGSTON, William A. M., b. 1754; d. 1817. Eldest son of Governor William of New York; no more dates
314. LIVINGSTON, William Adolphus, d. 1808; no more
315. LIVINGSTON, Theodore Sedgwick, d. 1811; no more
[314 & 315 are infant sons of 313.] -
316. LOTT, Eliza b. 5 MAr 1829; d. Fri. 27 Jun 1913; daughter of Thomas B. & Jane (VAN PELT).
316a. LOTT, John b. 28 Aug 1850; d. 28 Aug 1851; aged 1 yr; son of Samuel G. & Ann
317. LEFFERTS, Hendrick b. 5 Jul 1725; d. 20 Aug 1812, aged 87-1-21; a brown stone
318. LOTT, Adrian d. 21 Dec 1850 aged 3-8026; son of Engelbert & Ann Maria
319. LOWIS, Thomas of Westmoreland, England; d. 31 Jul 1821, aged 37
320. LOTT, Jane, d. 11 Feb 1849, aged 62-7-2; wife of Abraham
321. McQUEEN, Malcom d. 11 Jul 1849, aged 1-2-2; son of Murdoc & Hannah
322. MOORE, Samuel d. 18 Jul 1853 aged 86
323. MARTENSE, Adrian d. 12 Dec 1830, aged 62-3-26; a brown stone
324. MARTENSE, Gertrude Suydam, his wife, d. 9 Jan 1824, aged 53-6-15; a brown stone
325. MARTENSE, Adrian T., d. 13 Sep 1826, aged 49-11-10; a brown stone
326. MARTENSE, next one a brown stone, face gone, [illegible]
327. MARTENSE, Deborah, d. 7 Mar 1865, aged 84
328. MARTENSE, Jane d. 30 Oct 1828, aged 26; daughter of Adrian T. & Deborah
329. McNICKLE, Arthur d. 24 Aug 1823, aged 1-3-0; son of Arthur & Jane
330. McLEOD, Ann, b. 28 Apr 1767; d. 22 ov 1835, aged 68-6-24; wife of Donald
331. McLEOD, Eliza, d. 25 Feb 1845, aged 50
332. MASTERTON, William d. 2 Sep 1811, aged 33-11-29
333. MARTENSE, Suydam d. 22 Feb 1810, aged 10-7-12
334. MARTENSE, Leffert b. 20 Nov 1774; d. 9 Mar 1808; aged 33-3-19
335. MARTENSE, Angelica, d. 15 Dec 1826, aged 57; wife of Leffert
336. MARTENSE, Leffert d. 11 Mar 1801, aged 2-11-5
337. MARTENSE, Sarah, d. 4 Feb 1801, aged 4-6-15
[336 and 337 are the children of Leffert and Angelica.] -
338. MARTENSE, Nelly, d. 4 Oct 1815, aged 29-4-15
339. NEFFUS, Ann d. 10 May 1846, aged 66; a white stone
340. NEFFUS, Peter d. 2 Apr 1820, aged 66-3-24; a brown stone
341. NEFFUS, Sarah Stryker, his wife, d. 25 May 1825, aged 67-10-12; a brown stone
342. NEWMAN, Rev. William Henry d. 10 Jan 1852; no age; 6 years Rector of St. Paul's in this village; first Rector of the Church of the Messiah in Brooklyn
343. NEEFUS, Cornelius b. 2 Oct 1798; d. 22 Nov 1855
344. NEEFUS, Peter William d. 27 Jun 1828, aged 13 days
345. Elizabeth d. 8 Aug 1836, aged 4 yrs
345a. Mary Van Kleeck d. Mon. 3 Feb 1913 in Jersey City; no age; widow of Peter J. NEEFUS
346. OBLENIS, Albert, b. 3 Jul 1765; d. 24 Oct 1806; a brown stone
347. OBLENIS, Alletty (O'BLENIS), his wife, b. 13 Jul 1769; d. 12 Oct 1856, aged 87-3-0; a white stone
348. OBLENIS, Ann, b. 5 May 1804; d. 8 Aug 1805
349. OBLENIS, Ann, b. 30 Oct 1796, d. 28 Apr 1801, aged 4-6-28
[348 & 349 are the children of 346 & 347] -
350. W. R. , no more
351. REED, Margaret, d. 24 Apr 1865, aged 35; wife of William E.
352. RILEY, Charles, b. 5 Nov 1809; d. 22 Nov 1809; aged 0-0-16 days & 12 hours; son of Isaac & Hannah
353. STRYKER, Hitty Jane d. Nov 1848, aged 39-1-14; daughter of Garrit & Maria KOUVEN HOVEN
354. STRYKER, John, d. 26 Sep 1817, aged 65-6-26; a brown stone
355. STRYKER, Jane d. 26 Sep 1828, aged 75-10-15; a brown stone
356. STRYKER, Nicholas, d. 28 Aug 1809, aged 4-2-8; son of Cornelius & Adriana; a brown stone
357. SCHOONMAKER, John, d. 27 Feb 1827, aged 57-0-2
358. SCHOONMAKER, Catharine "The amiable consort of John" d. 28 Sep 1803, aged 23-1-0; a brown stone
359. SCHOONMAKER, Susan, d. 12 Aug 1832, aged 12-3-19
360. SCHOONMAKER, John Van Beuren, d. 20 Apr 1811, aged 2-3-0
361. SCHOONMAKER, Janes Van Beuren d. 29 Dec 180-, aged 6 months
[359 per 361 are the children of 357 & 358.] -
362. SCHOONMAKER, Mary, d. 27 Apr 1853, in her 56 year; wife of Rev. James DEMEREST (M. D.)
363. SCHOONMAKER, Mary d. 8 Oct 1849, aged 32-10-15
364. SNYDER, Anne b. 7 Apr 1858; d. 18 Nov 1861, aged 3-7-11; daughter of John T. & Margaret
365. STRYKER, "Phoebe", d. 19 Oct 1811, aged 2-9-10; daughter of Garret & Ann
366. SCHENK, Samuel, d. 24 Aug 1826, aged 19-4-0; of Amwell, N. J.
367. STRYKER, Michael, d. 23 Oct 1847, aged 44-8-22
368. STRYKER, Wilhelmina d. 16 Feb 1847 aged 56-0-16
369. STRYKER, Garret d. 3 Jul 1819, aged 42-11-28
370. STRYKER, Ann Plohemus, widow, d. 10 Jun 1855, aged 71-0-16
371. SUYDAM, "Siteye" b. 13 Oct 1747, d. 7 Mar 1833, aged 85-4-23; widow of Gerrit MARTENSE
372. SILLIMAN, Isaac, d. 12 Sep 1803, aged 0-12-27; son of Isaac & Katharine (BURR)
373. STELLENWERF, Ann, d. 10 Aug 1837, aged 47-11-21
374. STELLENWERF, Maria d. 20 Feb 1844, aged 59-4-28
374. STELLENWERF, Gertrude, d. 10 Mar 1837, aged 78-10-11
376. Jacob, d. 27 Aug 1816, aged 8-7-10; son of Earl & Marie
377. SEWELL, Adam, d. 8 Sep 1805, aged 30; born in England, rest [illegible]
378. SEWELL, Hannah, infant child of Adam, d. 29 Dec 1805, aged 2-6-0
379. SCHNELL, Barbara Emilie b. 5 Dec 1862, d. 19 Jul 1863
380. SCHENK, Stephen, d. 24 Dec 1825, aged 37-10-14; a brown stone.
381. Thomas, Margaret, d. 24 Sep 1859, aged 55-9-16; wife of late Thomas, United States Navy
382. VANDERBILT, Elizabeth, d. 20 Apr 1813, aged 68-0-19; wife of Nicholas WILLIAMSON; a soft white stone
383. VANDERBILT, Theodore, d. 24 Feb 1842, aged 4-6-20; son of John and Sarah, a white stone
384. VANDERBILT, John, d. 28 Nov 1812 in his 60th year
385. VANDERBILT, Mary, his wife, d. 1 Sep 1830 in her 73rd yr
386. VAN BEUREN, Doct. James I., d. 12 Apr 1802, aged 48-3-0; a brown stone
387. VAN BUUREN, "Elize" his wife, d. 2 Apr 1800, aged 43
388. Van BEUREN, Catharine, d. 20 Feb 1849, aged 62-4-13; wife of John HASBROOK
389. VAN DUYNE, Garret C. d. 29 Sep 1849, aged 48-7-17
390. VOORHEES, Lawrence, d. 29 Jul 1810, aged 49-11-16
391. VERKERK, Lea df. 23 May 1813, aged 72-4-0; wife of Cornelius VANDERVEER
392. VANDERVEER, Catharine, d. 30 Dec 1831, aged 61-4-0; wife of Garret; she was born Lott.
393. VANDERVEER, Lea died 27 Mar 1828, aged 35-10-23; daughter of Garrit & Catharine
394. VAN SICKLE, Michael, d. 3 Aug 1810, aged 11 mos
395. VAN SICKLE, Peter, d. 1 Oct 1815, aged 5-3-0
396. VAN SICKLE, Margaret Jane, d. 4 Jul 1823, aged 11 years
[these three are all on one stone and the children of John & Hannah] -
397. VANDERBILT, Hon. Judge d. 16 May 1877, aged 58 in New York; State Senator; crippled
398. takes the place of 316a
399. takes the place of 345a