Records of the
Barryville Congregational Church of
Barryville, Sullivan Co., New York
Compiled by Gertrude A. Barber
Typescript, no copyright statement
[Transcribed by Jane Devlin]

27 Mar 1836. "The Rev. Felix KYTE having been called to minister to the Congregational Church at the Village of Half Way Brook, the inhabitants of this place solicited and obtained a portion of his labors in this vicinity.         
"Some mbrs of the Congregational Church at Half Way Brook Village being residents in this neighborhood and a proposition having been made and carried into effect to build a place of worship for the joint use of the Congregational Church and Episcopal Methodist Societies, a petition was drawn up and signed by cenrtain members (hereafter named) requesting the parent society at the Village to organize themselves into a separate church.         
"This petition was granted by unanimous vote but for certain resons, was not carried into effet till Sabbath, 27 Mar 1836, when the Church was regularly orgainzed after the manner and form usually adapted by Congregational Churches".         
The members that constituted were: -
Sarah Jane FULLER
A church meeting was afterwards called when Rev. Felix KYTE was voted as their regular minister.         
Daniel O. SKINNER was chosen clerk of the church & Justus HICKOK was chosen Deacon on 10 Apr.         
The "Meeting House" or Church building used by the aforenamed Societies was erected in 1835, dedicated on 15 Sep of that year. This building was destroyed by fire 25 Dec 1877, in the early morning.         
Church services were held for a time in the Public School Building, District No. 5, Barryville, N.Y.         
On 6 Jan 1878, accepted an invitation to worship in the Baptist Church and continued to worship there up to the time of the dedication of the new Congregational Church building erected 1903 on the same site as the building that was burned in 1877.         
The new building was dedicated 9 Jun 1903, the Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON acting as Moderator, from Middletown, N.Y.         
The Congregational Church Society was incorporated on 11 Dec 1903.
2 Sep 1852. Church met and the name of the First Congregational Church of Barryville, Sullivan County, N. Y. adopted.         
The dedication of the Congregational Church at Barryville, N. Y., was solemnized on 9 Jun 1903.         
The following individuals were received into membership of the Church at this time: -
Clifford CARTER
Mrs. Lydia MORRIS, by letter
Mrs. Anna STEEL
Miss Margaret DECKER (baptism)
Mrs. Mary NELSON
Mrs. Jeannette WOLFF (baptism) on Confession of faith
Rev. Felix KYTE, 1836-1878
Rev. J. T. MARSH, 1879-1880
Rev. E. W. FISHER, 1880-1883
Rev. J. E. PERINE, 1883-1884
Rev. H. P. HAMILTON, 1885-1888
Mr. J. R. TAYLOR, 1888-1888
Rev. W. C. WILCOX, 1888-1889
Rev. E. A. SMITH, 1889-1892
Mr. W. J. STEWART, 1892-1892
Rev. Henry SMITH, 1892-1894
Rev. George M. REES, 1894-1895
Rev. Joel F. WHITNEY, 1896-1900
Rev. W. J. CARTER, 1900-1903
Rev. R. W. ALLEN (Ord. at Eldred - 1903), 1903-1908
Rev. W. D. EDDY, 1909-1910
Rev. D. C. KAUFMAN, 1910-1912
Rev. C. M. SEVERANCE, 1912-1913
Rev. E. A. NORTHROP (ord. & installed 1914 - at Eldred, 26 May 1914), 1914-
Rev. L. J. EVANS, 1916-1918
Rev. James H. BENNETT, 1922-
Mr. GLEASON, supply
Rev. E. S. J. PATTERSON (Baptist Faith), 1926-1927
31 Dec 1836: 3 males, 6 females
31 Dec 1868: 8 males, 22 females
31 Dec 1874: 5 males, 19 females
31 Dec 1880: 6 males, 20 females
31 Dec 1881: 7 males, 23 females
31 Dec 1882: 8 males, 25 females
31 Dec 1883: 8 males, 24 females
31 Dec 1893: 8 males, 31 females
31 Dec 1894: 8 males, 31 females
31 Dec 1897: 9 males, 29 females
31 Dec 1898: 9 males, 33 females
31 Dec 1909: 7 males, 31 females
31 Dec 1912: 7 males, 28 females
31 Dec 1914: 7 males, 32 females
31 Dec 1928: 9 males, 22-31 females
Rev. H. J. BARNES (M. D.), ended 7 Feb 1914, Call accepted 21 Dec/13/14, Resigned 2/7/14
Rev. E. A. NORTHROP, Began 5 Apr 1814, Call accepted 3/12/14, Ended 1 Nov 1915, Went to W. Groton
Rev. J. L. EVANS, began 1 Jul 1916, ended 1 May 1918, Went to Otisville, N.Y.
Rev. John H. BENNET, Began 1 Jul 1922, Ended 1 Jul 1925, Went away
Rev. E. S. J. PATTERSON, Began 1 Jun 1926, Ended 1 Sep 1927, Resigned
S. St. J. GARDNER, Began 15 May 1912, Ended May 1913, Elected for 3 yrs
James K. GARDNER, Began 30 May 1913, Ended 1916, Elected for 3 yrs
George PERKINS, Began 30 May 1913, Ended 1916, Elected for 1 vacancy, Wm. H. WHITNEY
George PERKINS, Began 5 May 1914, Ended 31 Dec 1916, Re-elected for 3 yrs
S. St. J. GARDNER, Began 19 Jan 1914, Ended 31 Dec 1916, Elected for 3 yrs
James K. GARDNER, Began 1 Jan 1917, Elected for 3 yrs
George PERKINS, Began 1 Jan 1917, Elected for 3 yrs
Katie GARDNER, Began May 1913, Ended May 1914, Elected for 1 yr
ditto, Began 5 May 1914, Ended May 1915, Elected for 1 yr
ditto, Began 19 Jan 1915, Ended 31 Dec 1915, Elected for 1 yr
ditto, Began Jan 1916, Ended 31 Dec 1917, Elected for 1 yr
ditto, Began 1 Jan 1917, Elected for 1 yr
H. J. RIXTON, Began 30 May 1913, Ended May 1914, Elected for 1 yr
ditto, Began 5 May 1914, Ended May 1915, Elected for 1 yr
ditto, Began 19 Jan 1915, Ended 31 Dec 1916 (sic), Elected for 1 yr
ditto, Began Jan 1916, Ended 31 Dec 1916, Elected for 1 yr
Jas. K. GARDNER, Began 1 Jan 1917, Ended 31 Dec 1917, Elected for 1 yr
Mrs. F. LAURENCE, Began 30 May 1913, Appointment for 1 year
Mrs. Dr. SMITH, Began 30 May 1913, Appointment for 1 year
Florence FREEMAN, Began 30 May 1913, Appointment for 1 year
Mrs. L. HOLMES, Began 5 May 1914, Appointment for 1 year
Mrs. LAURANCE, Began 5 May 1914, Appointment for 1 year
Edna GARDNER, , Began 5 May 1914, Appointment for 1 year
(Envelope system)
Lionel HOLMES, Began 19 Jan 1915, Appointment for 1 year
Mrs. L. HOLMES, Began 19 Jan 1915, Appointment for 1 year
Mrs. Roy KALFUS, Began 19 Jan 1915, Appointment for 1 year
Hattie RIXTON, Began 19 Jan 1915, Appointment for 1 year
Annie QUICK, Began 19 Jan 1915, Appointment for 1 year
Dr. SMITH, Began 19 Jan 1915, Appointment for 1 year
H. J. RISTEN, Began 1917, Appointment for 1 year
Mrs. HAUKINS, Began 1917, Appointment for 1 year
Minnie NELSON, Began 1917, Appointment for 1 year
EXECUTIVE BOARD - The Board consists of: -
The Pastor
The 3 Deacons
The S. S. Supt.
The Treasurer
The Clerk
9 Jun 1903: Margaret DECKER, adult
8 Oct 1903: Mrs. Jeanette WOLFF, adult
8 Oct 1903: Agnes WOLFF
29 Mar 1915: Archibald Smith, @ John WERDEN
30 Jul 1922: Jeanette Gean, # Wm. DUDLEY & Agnes
30 Jul 1922: Hazel Gertrude, # ditto
3 Sep 1922: Marie Helen, age 1 yr, 9 mos, # Charles MILLER & Florence
3 Sep 1922, Fred Freeman (FREEMAN?), age 7 mos
3 Sep 1922, Arthur Willis (WILLIS?), age 7 mos
Sep 1927: Mrs. Thomas HILL, adult
Justice HICKOK, 1836
Daniel O. SKINNER, 1836
John CARPENTER, 1836
Salvain SKINNER, 1836
Sarah J. FULLER, 1836
Anna CARPENTER, 1836
Eleanor CARPENTER, 1836
Mary QUICK, 1836
Sarah ALWOOD, 1836
John WHEELER, 1837
Mary HICKOK (LESTER), 1836
Salvira HOFMAN, 1837
Mary VANTYLE (or VANTWYL), 1838
Mrs. CLARK, 1850
Mrs. Amanda KING (dis.), 1857
Mrs. Cath. VANEYLE (CARPENTER), Dis. 1867
Daniel CORNWALL, 1843
Elizabeth CORNWALL, 1843
Ethel B. SARGEANT, 1843
Lettie SERGEANT, 1843
Lanche STORY, 1843
Margaret THOMAS, ----
Elizabeth LAMBERT, ----
Sarah WELLS, 1844
Martin DEITRICH, 1848
Susan DIETRICH, 1848
James MAXWELL, ----
Mary CUMMINGS, 1849
Martha CORNWALL, 1849
Jane Annie BROSS, 1849
Harriet STORY, 1849
Elizabeth ENNIS (STORY), 1849
Elizabeth BEDELL, 1849
Catharine REID, 1849
Jacob YOUNG (rec'd letter), 1850
Amanda YOUNG, 1850
Mary A. YOUNG, 1850
Ellen FERGUSON, 1850
Timothy KINDRED, 1851
Roxana HIGBY, ----
John & Jane VanTyle REED, 1853
Martha Atkins REED, 1854
Emeline Ennis REED, 1854
John Ennis REED, 1854
Stephen D. WELLS, 1844 (sic)
Mary FULLER, 1857
Mary GARDNER, 1857
David ENNIS, 1857
Henrietta JOHNSON, 1857
Elizabeth KINDRED, 1857
Rebecca QUICK , 1857
Peter QUICK, 1857
Mrs. Mary NELSON, 1858
Mrs. Elizabeth LEIBLA, 1858
Almeda LORING, 1858
Mary AUSTIN, 1858
Ethelinda OWENS, 1858
William MAPES, 1858
William HICKOK, 1858
Almeda HICKOK, 1858
Virgil NEWMAN, 1861
Nellie COREY, 1861
Margaret KILPATRICK, 1861
Mrs. Eliz. (Geo) VANAKEN, 1863
Rhoda AUSTIN, 1864
Mrs. KNOX, 1868
Mr. KNOX, 1866 (sic)
Augustus WELLS, 1867
Moses B. THOMAS, 1867
Charles SMITH, 1867
Elizabeth BOLTON, 1855 (sic)
Mrs. Daniel DECKER, Rec'd 30 Jan 1870
Frances E. LAWRENCE (HICKOK), Rec'd 30 Jan 1870
Emeline LEIBLA, Rec'd 30 Jan 1870
Mrs. Sarah E. HICKOK, Rec'd 30 Jan 1870
Mrs. LONSBERRY, Rec'd 27 Aug 1871
Mrs. Anna M. SPRAGUE, Rec'd 17 May 1874
Mrs. Sarah JOHNSON, Rec'd by letter, 5 Oct 1873
Harriet ENNIS, Rec'd 6 Jan 1878, School House
Mrs. Mary SKIDD, Rec'd by letter, 3 Feb 1879
Rev. J. T. MARSH, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
Mrs. J. T. MARSH, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
Elisha KILPATRICK, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
George M. WATSON, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
Henry D. COREY, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
Maggie H. COREY, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
William C. COURTRIGHT, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
J. J. HICKOK, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
Viola HICKOK, Rec'd by letter, 26 Apr 1879
Ida QUICK, Rec'd 31 Jan 1880
Sarah WEBB, Rec'd 1881
Ida BARNES, Rec'd 1881
S. St. GARDNER, Rec'd Sep 1881
Mrs. Hugh QUICK, Rec'd 1883
Mrs. Priscilla OWENS (KILPATRICK), Rec'd 1883
William H. WHITNEY, Rec'd 10 Feb 1884
W. W. COURTRIGHT, Rec'd 1895
Tillier PETERSON, Rec'd 1898
Etta DAVIS, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. Mamie WOLFF, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. E. E. GARDNER, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. F. F. FREEMAN, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. Annie BREEN, Rec'd 1898
H. J. RIXTON, Rec'd 1898
Bertha HICKOK, Rec'd 1897
Mrs. H. J. RIXTON, Rec'd 1898
Clara E. RIXTON, Rec'd 1898
William WARNER, Rec'd 1901
Kate WARNER, Rec'd 1901
Mrs. Amelia RUNDLE, Rec'd 1901
Edna GARNDER, Rec'd 1901
Anna PRANGE, Rec'd 1901
James K. GARDNER, Rec'd 1902
Charles BREEN, Rec'd 1902
George LAYMAN, Rec'd 1902
Mrs. Ami QUICK, Rec'd 1902
Phebe DRAKE, Rec'd 1902
Mrs. Seth KING, Rec'd 1902
Mrs. SHOTWELL, Rec'd 1902
Gussie DAVENPORT, Rec'd 1902
Edith DAVENPORT, Rec'd 1902
Maggie DECKER, Rec'd 1903
Rev. P. E. DECKER, by letter, 1903
Mrs. P. E. DECKER (Antoinette KILPATRICK, 1861), by letter, 1903
Mrs. G. NELSON, Rec'd 1903
Mrs. Jeanette WOLFF, Rec'd 1903
Mrs. Lydia MORRIS, by letter, 1903
Mrs. (Rev.) W. J. CARTER, by letter, 1903
Versa & Clifford CARTER, Rec'd 1903
Mrs. John WOLFF, Rec'd 8 Oct 1903
C. H. & Mrs. C. H. HANKINS, 17 Jan 1904
Mrs. J. HEATOR, 17 Jan 1904
Mrs. John FOX, 1904
Minnie NELSON, by letter, 22 May 1907
Naomi THEOBALD, 1908
Mrs. Dr. SMITH, 1908
Mrs. L. HOLMES, 1908
Mr. L. HOLMES, 1908
George PERKINS, 1908
Pearl BAILEY, 1908
Melva STELL, 5 Jun 1913
Roy KALBFUS, 1913
Mrs. Roy KALBFUS, 1913
Mrs. Hattie RIXTON, Rec'd 1913
Alice LINDRIGE, 1913
Orma FREEMAN, 1913
Florence FREEMAN, 1913
Charles CAMPBELL, 1913
Pauline QUICK, 1913
Rev. W. D. EDDY, 1909
Mary A. KILPATRICK, Rec'd 1883
Mary HALLOCK, Left without letter & joined Baptist Church, 1862
Winifred DAVIS, Letter about 1910
Ida QUICK, Rec'd 30 Jan 1880, Conf. B., Died
S. St. GARDNER, Rec'd 10 Sep 1881, Conf. B., Died
Katie GARDNER, Rec'd 4 Apr 1885, Conf. B.
Mrs. Minnie TURNER, Rec'd 1893, Conf. B.
Urah SHOTWELL, Rec'd 1893, Conf. B.
Mrs. W. T. TETHER, Rec'd 1893, Conf. B.
Mrs. Mamie WOLFF, Rec'd 1898, Conf. B.
Mrs. E. E. GARDNER, Rec'd 1898, Conf. B.
Mrs. T. T. FREEMAN, Rec'd 1898, Conf. B.
Mrs. Anne BREEN, Rec'd 1898, Conf. B.
Mr. & Mrs. H. J. RIXTON, Rec'd 1898, Conf. B.
Clara E. RIXTON (DOOLITTLE), Rec'd 1898, Conf. B.
Edna GARDNER, Rec'd 13 Apr 1901, Conf. B.
James K. GARDNER, Rec'd 1902, Conf. B.
Mrs. Ami QUICK, Rec'd 1902, Conf. B.
Phebe DRAKE, Rec'd 1902, Conf. B.
Mrs. SHOTWELL, Rec'd 1902, Conf. B.
Mrs. Anne STEEL, Rec'd 9 Jun 1903, Conf. B.
Mrs. C. NELSON, Rec'd 1903, Conf. B.
Mrs. Jeanette WOLFF, Rec'd 1903, Conf. B.
Mrs. (Rev.) W. J. CARTER, Rec'd 17 Jan 1904, Letter
Mrs. C. H. HAWKINS, Rec'd 17 Jan 1904, Conf.
Minnie NELSON,, Rec'd 12 May 1907, Letter
Mrs. (Dr) F. I. SMITH, Rec'd 4 Mar 1908, Conf.
Mrs. H. HOLMES, Rec'd 4 Mar 1908, Conf.
L. HOLMES, Rec'd 15 May 1910, Conf.
George PERKINGS, Rec'd 15 May 1910, Conf.
Pearl (DARLEY) HORTON, Rec'd 15 May 1910, Bapt.
Melva STEEL, Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Bapt
Roy KALBFUS, Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Conf.
Mrs. Roy KALBFUS, Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Conf.
Mrs. Hattie HIXTON, Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Conf.
Alice LINDRIGE, Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Conf.
Orma FREEMAN, Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Conf.
Florence FREEMAN (MILLER), Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Conf.
Charles CAMPBELL, Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Conf.
Pauline QUICK, Rec'd 5 Jan 1913, Conf.
Mrs. Gee LAYMAN (Mary J.), Rec'd 3 Feb 1879, Conf.
Frances E. LAURENCE (HICKOK), 31 Jan 1870, Conf.
Emeline LEIBLA, Rec'd 31 Jan 1870, Conf.
Winnie DAVIS, (no date), Conf.
Mrs. JACKSON, Dis. by letter
Katie GARDNER, Rec'd 1885
Urah SHOTWELL, Rec'd 1893
Mrs. W. T. TETHER, Rec'd 1893
Mrs. Mamie WOLFF, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. Ella E. GARDNER, Rec'd 1898
Edna GARDNER, Rec'd 1901
James K. GARDNER, Rec'd 1902
Mrs. F. F. FREEMAN, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. Anne BREEN, Rec'd 1898, d. Nov.
H. J. RIXTON, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. H. J. RIXTON, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. Clara DOOLITTLE, Rec'd 1898
Mrs. Ami DOOLITTLE, Rec'd 1902
Phebe DRAKE, Rec'd 1902
Mrs. Annie STEELE, Rec'd 1903
Mrs. G. NELSON, Rec'd 1903
Mrs. Jeanette WOLFF, Rec'd 1903
Mrs. Rev. W. J. CARTER, Rec'd 1903
Mrs. C. H. HANKINS, Rec'd 1904, Deceased
Minnie NELSON, Rec'd 1907
Mrs. (Dr.) F. I. SMITH, Rec'd 1908
Mrs. L. HOLMES, Rec'd 1808
L. HOLMES, Rec'd 1910, Deceased
Mrs. Hattie RIXTON, Rec'd 1913
Orma FREEMAN, Rec'd 1913
Florence (MILLER) FREEMAN, Rec'd 1913
Charles CAMPBELL, Rec'd 1913
Pauline QUICK, Rec'd 1913
Frances E. LARENCE, Rec'd 1875 (sic)
Emeline LEIBLE, Rec'd 1870
Lena SMITH, (no date)
Susan E. GARDNER, Rec'd 8 Jul 1923, cb
John & Mrs. John WORDEN, Rec'd 22 Jul 1923, Letter, Presby. Ch., New Rochelle, N.Y.
Mrs. Ed. SCHUMACHER, Rec'd 14 Oct 1923, Conf.
Charles FLIEGER (Son), Rec'd 14 Oct 1923, Conf.
Anna C. WOLFF, Rec'd 14 Oct 1923, Conf.
Mrs. Helen (LASS) McINTOSH, Rec'd 28 Oct 1923, Conf.
Report for 1925 gave total membership as 28. Male - 6; Female - 22