Essex Co., New Jersey,
Bloomfield And Montclair Cemetery Inscriptions Before 1800
Copied, Recorded, and Indexed by
The New Jerseys Historical Society.
Typescript, no copyright
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Bloomfield Cemetery.
Brookdale Reformed Church Cemetery.
Fourth Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery.
Mount Hebron Cemetery.
Old methodist Burying Ground.
Mount Olivet Cemetery.
There were six cemeteries in the towns of Bloomfield and Montclair before 1880 of which we still have some access to records or inscriptions of individuals who were buried there. This survey records the remaining gravestone inscriptions for the Bloomfield Cemetery, the Brookdale Reformed Church Burial Grounds, the Fourth Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, the Old Methodist Burying Grounds, and Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Bloomfield, and Mt. Hebron Cemetery in Upper Montclair.
In addition to the inscriptions which the author personally recorded from the six cemeteries, other tombstone incriptions which have since been lost to time have been included from the lists prepared by the Daughters of the American revolution. They are: "inscriptions from the Graveyard of the Dutch Reformed Church of stone House Plains, Brookdale section, Bloomfield, New Jersey; Old Methodist Burying Ground, Brookdale, Bloomfield, New Jersey," and "Inscriptions from old Section of Bloomfield Cemetery on Belleville Ave., Bloomfield, N.J." These surveys, however, were far from complete. The information from them that is included here makes for a very small percentage of the total; over ninety percent of the inscriptions were recorded from the actual tombstones by the author.
The year 1880 was chosen as the closing date for this survey because the population of Bloomfield and Montclair swelled considerably after 1880 and a study of later tombstone records would be extremely involved. Also, the use of granite and heavy marble were increasingly being used after 1880, and the managing companies of the listed cemeteries which are still in exitence have records of burials after 1880. Before 1880, records are minimal and gravestone material was most often brownstone, sandstone or soft marble; thus, their inscriptions are in danger of literally fading into obscurity.
It is interesting to note that many tombstones before 1880 were more comprehensive in the information they list than the stones after 1880. Often, not only is the name of the deceased listed with the date of birth and date of death, but sometimes the age at death, the occupation of the deceased, any military or religious service, and even the means of death are also included.
While this survey does in no way claim to be a comprehensive listing of all burial records before 1880 in Bloomfield and Montclair, we can get a general idea of some statistical information from the records which are available to us. The largest families with burial records have been calculated; and numbers of births and deaths for each year have been computed. This information is listed in the Appendix.
Women whose maiden names were included on their tombstone are cross-indexed, and information other than first and last names, dates of birth and death, age at death and place of burial are listed, by reference number, and according to subject matter.
There are 2,287 persons listed in this survey of that total number, 580 persons who died after 1880 have also been included. These persons are identified in the listing by an asterisk immediately preceeding their first name. These persons have not been included in the statistical information listed in the Appendix. They are included here only because their inscriptions were either endangered of becoming permanently lost or because another family member (whose death occurred before 1880) was listed.
Some notable persons have also been included. They are: Alexander Jackson Davis, the noted architect; Randolph Silliman Bourne, radical pacifist writer during World War I; New Jersey Governor, John Franklin Fort; Charles Warren Eaton, acclaimed landscape artist; William B. Bradbury, composer of popular hymns, including "Jesus Loves me"; and Charles Tomlinson Griffes, noted modern composer.
This survey not only does not claim to be a complete record of persons who lived and died in the towns of Bloomfield and Montclair; It cannot be a complete record of persons buried there. With the passing of time, many stones have become totally illegible and vandals have destroyed others. Some stones have simply disintegrated or disappeared. Some families had their own grave yards on their farms, and undoubtably, the records of most of these family burial plots have been lost forever. Some persons that died in Bloomfield and Montclair before 1880 were buried in other town cemeteries; or were buried in one of these cemeteries but never had a stone put on the grave site. For any number of reasons, this survey can only represent perhaps a very large fraction of the actual total burials that took place in Bloomfield and Montclair before 1880.
This survey was prepared as an independent study project in American History to meet requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in History at Montclair State College. The author has taken every possible step to insure accuracy, but inevitably, in a survey of this scope there are bound to be mistakes. it is hoped that they will not cause major inconvenience to those who use this reference tool. David R. Anderson Fall 1979.
Bloomfield Cemetery.
The Bloomfield Cemetery is located at 383 Belleville Avenue in Bloomfield. This cemetery was originated as the burying ground for the First Presbyterian Church of Bloomfield. The Church was organized in 1796 and it was shortly afterwards that Isaac Ball donated the first five acres to the Church for use as a cemetery. The Arlington Journal states that the first burials were in 1799. Historian Joseph Y. Folsom puts the date of the first burial at 1796. The Bloomfield sesquicentennial Committee erected a marker which stated that the cemetery was established around 1810. While there are inscriptions for earlier dates, the most probable date for establishment of the cemetery was 1796. The earlier inscriptions either refer to reinterments or inscriptions of family members buried elsewhere. Folsom states that the first burial was of John Luke, but there is no stone for any person by that name. It is quite probable that the stone has since disappeared, or one was never erected.
One observer wrote about the early days of the cemetery, remembering that "the first interment in the said cemetery was made when it was a grain field. They had to make a path to said plot. The cemetery at that time was only half the size it is now. There was no Belleville Avenue at that time past the same. A large gate had to be opened at every funeral and closed after the same as any old farmers gate with a tug.
James Ball, the son of Isaac, sold an additional twenty acres to the Church for about $1,500. At that time the Bloomfield Cemetery Company incorporated. The cemetery is now nearly thirty acres in size and there are over 16,000 graves in its care. There are nearly 500 veterans of U.S. wars buried in the cemetery; including 260 Civil War veterans.
Brookdale Reformed Church Cemetery.
The cemetery is located on Bellevue Avenue in Bloomfield, directly behind the Brookdale Community Church. According to local historian, Elizabeth L. Coombs, the cemetery at this site started as an old Indian burial place. The land on which the Brookdale Community Church and the Cemetery now lie, was donated to the Stone House Plains Dutch Reformed Church society in 1801 by Abram Garrabrant. The Dutch settlers of the area organized the Church in 1795 and built the Church in 1802.
Apparently, the first burials in the Cemetery are for 1812. The Church controlled the cemetery until the congregation split in a bitter quarrel over the burial of an apparent suicide victim. Those who felt the individual had taken his own life did not want him in the burying ground of the church. Those who felt that his death was accidental, wanted him buried there. Wilbur Brokaw, president of the company who held the cemetery in trust, withdrew in 1920 and purchased lots in Mount Hebron Cemetery. The cemetery has since been managed privately, although it is cared for by the Grounds maintenance Committee of the Church.
In November, 1975, the remains of the Old Methodist Burying Ground were reinterred here; but no marker has been erected to identify the transferred stones.
Fourth Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery.
Gorline Doremus organized a Sunday school in Montclair as early as 1813. He was also connected with the formation of the Methodist Society in Bloomfield in the early 1820's (at that time all of Montclair was part of the town of Bloomfield). In 1827, the Wilde family, from Saddleworth, England, established a woolen factory in Cranetown (which Montclair was then known as). Many Wesleyans came with the family to work in the mill. In 1828, Gorline Doremus and James Wilde, along with John Moore, Josiah W. Crane and Michael Cockefair organized a Methodist-Episcopal congregation at Montclair. It may have been at that time that the cemetery in which the remains listed in this survey was established. The first burial recorded is for 1829. The exact location of the cemetery is not known, but apparently it was somewhere along the present Bloomfield and Glen Ridge border.
A large square-shaped stone in the Mount Hebron Cemetery bears an iron olaoue with the names and dates of death for those whose remains were reinterred at Mt. Hebron. The inscription reads: "Remains of persons removed from the churchyard cemetery of the Fourth Methodist Episcopal Church of Bloomfield, April 1926."
Mount Hebron Cemetery.
This cemetery is located at 851 Valley Road in Upper Montclair. The cemetery was organized in 1863, yet many inscriptions predate the organization of the burying ground. The cemetery originally contained about twenty acres, and is now considerably larger. The Montclair Heights Reformed Church, which stands in the corner of the cemetery, was organized in 1873 under the pastorate of the Rev. John Kershaw, who also served as pastor of the Stone House Plains Reformed Church. Many early Dutch parishoners are buried here. In 1876, the remains from the Old First Presbyterian Church Cemetery of Montclair were placed here in a common grave, but there is no marker."
Old Methodist Burying Ground.
This cemetery was orginally located at the junction of Broad Street and Yantecaw Avenue in the Brookdale section of Bloomfield. The origins of this cemetery are uncertain. The first known burial was that of John Cockefair on August 8, 1788. A Lydia Van Gesen was buried here in 1798. Both the Cockefair and the Van Gieson (Van Gesen) families owned land in the immediate vacinity, and the cemetery could have started as a family grave yard. The Cockefair family seemed to have assumed control of the burying ground in the first part of the nineteeth century because two brothers, Thomas and John, who owned the land, split on religious preferences. Thomas became associated with the Stone House Plains Reformed Church, While John became associated with the newly formed Methodist
Episcopal Church of Bloomfield. After the deaths of the two brothers, ownership of the land remained ambiguous, until a William Parsons deeded a two-acre strip of land to the Stone House Plains Church around 1850 and ownership fell to them.
In 1808, John P. Garrabrant had deeded the land immediately in front of the cemetery property on the Broad Street side to the First Stone House Plains School Association. Perhaps this forms the basis of ownership by the Reformed Church. No definite records could be found because they had burned in a fire that destroyed the Reformed Church in 1910.
By 1975, with most of the stones long gone or ruined, and the acreage reduced to an 83 foot footage on the Broad street side, the cemetery was sold to contractors who removed the remains on November 6th to the Brookdale Reformed Church Cemetery. No marker has been erected and a housing development now stands on the spot where the oldest cemetery in Bloomfield once stood.
Mount Olivet Cemetery.
This predominantly Catholic cemetery is located at 23 Cottage Place in Bloomfield. The cemetery was organized in 1910, but there are a few stones which predate organization.
In the Index there are a number of codes to indicate certain circumstances. such as illegible or uncertain information. Below is an explanation of the of the codes used:-
?2/10/1797 date of birth is uncertain.
3/19/1830? date of death is uncertain estimate of age.
@45 estimated age.
?45 age is uncertainage:
45.11.00 years, months, days.
2/----/1797 information was omitted, not supplied, illegible, or uncertain.
45.---- .00 information was omitted, not supplied, illegible, or uncertain.
"was drowned" information taken directly from tombstone inscription.
(was drowned) information supplied from supplementary source.
CARROLL: ---- first name was illegible or uncertain.
Frances (?) name was uncertain.
B Bloomfield Cemetery.
D Brookdale Reformed Church (Stone House Plains) Burial Grounds, Bloomfield.
E Fourth Methodist Episcopal Church of Bloomfield (remains now in Mt. Hebron Cemetery)
H Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Upper Montclair.
M Old Methodist Burying Grounds, Bloomfield (remains now in Brookdale Reformed Church Bnrying Ground).
O Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Bloomfield.
ACKERMAN: - Catherine Ann Ackerman Kieelar(?) 1828 M.
Heater E. Ackerman Garrabrant 11/18/18/6 D.
ADDISON: - Jane Addison Swi(?) 1811 B.
AIKEN: - Lucinda Aiken Mealor 1811 B.
ALBINSON:- Lucy Albinaon Andrew 1/16/1808 B.
ANGELL: - Clara Angell Ward 1828 B.
ARMSTRONG:- Sarah Armstrong Randolph 6/27/1800 B.
BALDWIN: - Joanna Baldwin Riker 10/1/1775 B.
Lucy Baldwin Durand 1800 D.
Lydia Baldwin Griffen 1798 B.
Lydia Baldwin Stevens 11/1/1804 B.
Marie Baiwin Collins 1793 B.
Mary Baldwin Collins 1750 B.
Mary Baldwin Crane 1724 B.
Mary A. Baldwin Hall 1816 B.
Mary Emily Baldwin Collard 1814 B.
Mary I. Baldwin Peele 4/24/1839 B.
Rhoda Baldwin King 1800 B.
Sarah Dodd Baldwin King (Dodd-maiden name
Baldwin-name by first marriage.) 1752 B.
BALL: - Widow Abigail Ball Jones 1752 B.
Carrie Ball Freeman 6/14/1836 B.
Charlotte Ball Baldwin 6/14/1836 B.
Emaline Ball Campbell 1811 B.
Matilda Ball Morris 1803 B.
BARRETT: - Sarah Randolph Barrett Bourne 1857 B.
BAXTER: - Harriet Baxter Ckurch 1814 B.
BEACH: - Mary A. Beach Speer 10/22/1869 H.
BEEBE: - Sophronia Beebe Bronson D. 6/26/1874 B.
BENTLY:- Sarah Bently Wilde D. 5/13/1871 E.
BERGEN:- Sarah Bergen Spence 1793 B.
BRADBURY: - Adra Esther Bradbury Taylor 1819 B.
BROWN: - Amanda Brown Garrabrant 1848 B.
Anna Brown Kinter 1/24/1817 H.
Hester Brown Van Riper 1788 H.
Maria Brown Riker 3/13/1807 B.
Martha Brown Vreeland 1834 H.
Sarah Brown Speer 12/5/1828 H.
BRUEN: - Caroline Bruen Ward 8/15/1796 B.
BRUNDAGE: - Catherine Brundage Condit 1824 B.
CADMUS: - C. Fannie Cadmus Hall 1851 B.
Clorinda Cadmus Burstead(?) 1786 B.
Elizabeth Cadmus Powleson 1778 D.
Eliza J. Cadmus Cook 1850 B.
Sarah M. Cadmus Coe 1836 B.
CAMBELL - Rachel Cambell Delhagen 1832 H.
CARL - Catherine Carl Cockefair D. 12/23/1875 E.
CARPEMTER- Eliza Carpenter Speer 1822 H.
CHITTERLING- Maria Chirterling Reynolds 3/29/1804 B.
CHURCH - Ellen Church Gee 1841 B.
Maria Church Swift 1792 B.
COBB - Mehitable Cobb Ball 1784 B.
COCHRAN - Jane G. Cochran Dodd 5/12/1794 B.
COCKEFAIR - Judith Cockefair Laurence 1732 H.
COEYMAN - Mary Coeyman Cadmus 10/21/1783 B.
COIT- Miriam Coit Scott 3/29/1856 B.
COLLINS - Elizabeth N. Collins Biddulph 1822 B.
Emma J. Collins Taylor 1858 B.
COMSTOCK - Julia N. Comstock Conger 1820 B.
Rebecca Comstock Stout 1843 B.
Susan Comstock Stout @1845 B.
CONGER - Dr. Jane Conger Davis 1861 B.
CONKLIN - Margaret Conklin Van Riper 2/9/1821 E.
COOK - Isabella Cook Roone 4/16/1877 E.
COOKE- Sarah Louise Cooke Redfield @1840 B.
CRAMER - Rachel D. Cramer Davis 1/1/1807 B.
CRANE- Abby Crane Dodd 8/15/1804 B.
Eliza Crane Ball 11/11/1807 B.
Jane Crane Smith (Crane-name by first marriage) 1717 B.
Lois Crane Dodd 3/26/1754 B.
Mary Crane Groshong 3/6/1797 B.
Nancy F. Crane Cockefair 10/22/1825 B.
Ruth Crane Steven 1807 B.
Sarah Crane Lyon 1767 E.
CRONSHAW- Ann Cronskaw Hartley D. 10.15/1855 H.
CUEMAN- Cynthia Cueman Paxton 7/26/1940 H.
Hammak J. Cueman Van Winkle 1833 D.
DANIELS - Fannie Daniels Crosby 10/ ---/1840 B.
DAVIS - Abby Davis Osborne 7/12/1792 B.
Julia Ford Davis Young 10/11/1790 B.
Margaret Davis Force 1778 B.
Mary A. Davis Kent 1844 B.
DRMAREST- Catherine Elizabeth Demarest Garrabrant 12/26/1844 D.
DODD - Amarimtha Dodd Crane 9/19/1821 B.
Betsey Dodd King 1785 B.
Catherine Marie Dodd Holt 1835 B.
Charlotte Dodd Randolph 1797 B.
Eliza Beae Dodd Fissell 9/1/1845 B.
Eliza Dodd Harrington 6/---/1816 B.
Hannah S. Dodd Davis 3/17/1800 B.
Jane Dodd Campbell 1812 B.
Louisa Dodd Ballard 11/26/1792 B.
Martha N. Dodd Crew 8/25/1804 B.
Mary Jane Dodd Oakes 5/20/1820 B.
Mary W. Dodd Runyon 8/8/1802 B.
Phebe Dodd Frame 1801 B.
Phebe Dodd Mead 3/11/1794 B.
Sarah Ann Dodd Osborn 1810 B.
Sarah Dodd Baldwin King (Dodd-maiden Name;
Baldwin name by first marriage) 1753 B.
Sarah Dodd Stubbert D. 6/29/1910 B.
DOW - Mary Spear Dow Sandford 1801 B.
EATON - Charlotte Eaton Shaw 1848 B.
Martha Eaton Caldwell 9/22/1834 B.
EDGSON - Ellen A. Edgson(?) Cockefair 2/10/1813 B.
EDWARDS - Elizabeth Edwards Pope 5/5/1790 H.
EGBERT - Phebe A. Egbert Smith 11/12/1833 B.
ELTON - Frances Elton Knepp 1794 B.
EVENS - Catherine Evens Perry 7/30/1823 B.
FAIRCHILD - Ann M. Fairchild Dodd 1822 B.
Mary D. Fairchild Ward 1/22/1825 B.
FAKE - Sarni Fake Knox 7/24/1836 B.<
FESSENDEN - Anna Fessenden Davis 1823 B.
FORSHEE: - Anne Forshee Francisco 2/15/1834 H.
FREELAND: - Julia Freeland Crane 1806 B.
FRELINGRUYSEN - Catherine Frelinghuysen Judd @1790 B.
FROST - Mary Frost Conger 7/9/1792 B.
GABONER(?) - Emily Gaboner King 3/20/1816 B.
GARRABRANT - Anna Garrabrant Post @1805 D.
Margaret Garrabrant Paxton 1798 D.
Mary Garrabrant Van Houten 1804 D.
GILDERSLEEVE - Ann Gildersleeve Hayden 1804 H.
GILLETTE - Margaret Jacobus Gillette Jones
(Jacobus-maiden name; Gillette
name by first marriage) 1827 H.
GOULD - Jane Gould Harrison 1791 B.
GRIFFES - Florence Griffes Aitkens 1880 B.
Katherine Griffes Roake 1874 B.
GROSHUNG- Maria Groshung Cockefair 1831 B.
HANKS - Harriet Hanks Peloubet 1803 B.
HARRISON - Abby Harrison Bruen 2/22/1780 B.
Anna Harrison Dodd 1785 B.
Elizabeth Harrison Dodd 1801 B.
Jane Harrison Lang 1782 B.
Julia Bertram Harrison Riker 4/27/1848 B.
Rachel Harrison Reynolds 10/19/1797 B.
Sophia G. Harrison Beach 1812 B.
HARTLEY - Catharine Hartley Rutan(?) 1796 B.
HENDMRSHOTT- Mary Hendershott Cockefair 1767 H.
Naomi Hendershott Cockefair 1758 B.
HERRING - Catherine Herring Gilbert 1826 B.
HICKS - Elizabeth H. Hicks Anderson 1824 B.
HILL - Mary Hill Cockefair 1868 B.
HOE - Mary Hoe Seymour 10/23/1805 B.
Rachel Hoe Dodd 9/27/1817 B.
HOLLINGSHEAD- Caroline L. Hollingshead Pratt 1830 H.
HOLT - Mary Holt Shannon 1845 O.
HUNT - Anne Hunt Day 1/23/1797 B.
JACOBUS- Catherine Jacobus Cadmus 1818 B.
Celia Jacobus Berdan 1865 H.
Fanny G. Jacobus Van Derhoff 1837 H.
Margaret Jacobus Gillette Jones
(Jacobus-maiden same; Gillette name
by first marriage) 1827 H.
Margaret Jacobus Spear 1794 B.
Mary M. Jacobus Bush 1/14/1847 H.
JINKINS- Helen Jinkins Chamberlain 1/6/1839 B.
JOHNSON - Annie Johnson Bailey D. 3/10/1917 B.
Ellen Gray Johnson Underwood 11/29/1846 B.
JORALEMAN- Anna M. Joraleman Moore @1809 B.
JUDD- Catharine I. Judd Cornwall 1823 B.
KEEN - Martha M. Keen Murphy 1/20/1818 B.
KIMBALL- Sarah P. Kimball Marsh(?) 3/17/1826 B.
KING - Lydia King Hayes 5/10/1808 B.
Marietta King Vance 1806 B.
Mary E. King Cadmus 3/10/1821 B.
Rachel King Moore 3/3/1812 B.
KINGSLAND - Helena Kingsland Garrabrant 10/6/1845 D.
Mary Kingsland Dodd 9/10/1811 B.
Mary Kingsland Dodd 1838 B.
KINTER- Sarah Kinter Van Gieson(?) 1818 H.
KIRK - Isabel Kirk Polson 7/14/1867 B.
KNAPP - C. Emma Knapp Morris 1829 B.
Susanna Amelia Knapp Requa(?) 1832 B.
LATIMER - Harriet B. Latimer Cooke 5/23/1785 B.
MANDEVILLE - Charity Mandeville Speer 1812 H.
MAPP - Ann Kapp Hollingshead 9/11/1793 H.
MATTHEWS - Jemina Matthews Baldwin 10/9/1793 B.
Sally Matthews Fairchild 1803 B.
MAXFIELD - Juliet G. Maxfield Oakes 9/8/1842 B.
McCOMB - Matilda McComb Peters 2/12/1801 B.
McKEE - Martha McKee Carpenter 10/31/1839 H.
McNAIR - Mary J. McNair Clark 1863 B.
MEAD - Sarah D. Mead Crowley 1809 B.
MILLER - Mary Miller Osborn 12/3/1786 B.
MILLER - Sarah Miller Jacobus 1781 B.
MOORE - Anna S. Moore Baldwin 6/29/1856 B.
Susan Moore Baldwin 1/20/1804 B.
MORRIS - Caty Ann Morris Manning 1803 B.
Margaret Morris Perry 1793 B.
Mary Morris Collins 1891 B.
NEAFIE - Ellen Neafie Coit 3/25/1827 B.
NELLES - Priscilla Nelles Potter 4/5/1845 B.
NICHOLS - Helen Swift Nichols Healy D. 2/16/1885 B.
NORWOOD- Rachel Norwood Williams 1/26/1818 B.
OAKES - Mary Oakes Pierson 4/10/1823 B.
Sarah Oakes Stiles 1815 B.
OSBORNE - Rachel M. Osborne Van Auken 1809 B.
PALMER - Emma Louise Palmer Baldwin 9/3/1846 B.
PATEFIELD- Harriet Patefield Roberts 10/29/1817 B.
PEAT - Agnes Locke Peat Littlejohn 11/14/1812 H.
PERCY - Mary Percy Wallace 1830 B.
Susan Percy Arthur 1773 B.
PETERSON - Amelia C. Peterson Mosler(?) 1859 B.
PIERCE - Ann Bradford Pierce Stone 1808 B.
PIERSON - Fannie Pierson Crane 1773 B.
PLATT - Amarintha A. Platt Williamson 1823 B.
Mary Gildersleeve Plat Johnson ---- B.
POLHEMUS - Harriet Robertson Polkemus Sutphen 1842 B.
POWLESSON - Sarah M(?) Powlesson Speer 5/24/1832 H.
POYNTE - Mary Poynte Vreeland 1812 B.
PRATT - Marietta Pratt Ward 1832 B.
RANDOLPH - Mary Louise Randolph Silliman 1838 B.
Sarah F. Ramdolph Barrett 2/3/1825 B.
RICHARDS - Maria Rickards Walker 7/13/1826 B.
RIKER - Esther C. Riker Hancock 3/9/1806 B.
ROBERTS - Jane Roberts Mealer(?) 1843 B.
ROGERS - Jane T. Rogers Pierson 1811 B.
RYAN - Evita(?) Hitch Ryan Port(?) 1882 B.
SCHOONMAKER- Ana Eliza Schoonmaker Van Houten 8/11/1851 H.
SCHREINER(?)- Louisa Sck----(?) Jaeger 4/5/1858 B.
SCUDDER- Rhoda Scudder McCrea 1796 H.
SENIOR - Sarah Senior Atka 1842 B.
SHERWOOD- Sarah Jene Sherwood Seymour 6/29/1936 B.
SHULTZ - Mary Shultz Kidney @1825 B.
SIGLER - Elizabeth Sigler Brokaw 9/17/1825 H.
Elizabatk Sigler Cooper 3/17/1804 D.
Erma Sigler Knapp 2/----/1838 H.
Mary Jane Sigler Lyons 4/26/1829 D.
Sarah Sigler Powlesson 6/10/1831 H.
SMELLEGAR - Margaret Smellegar Hamilton 8/23/1306 H.
SMITH - Mary Smith Wilde 1804 B.
Rhoda A. Smith Pierson 11/4/1818 B.
Sarah E. Smith Brower D. 6/25/1922 H.
Susie B. Smitia Thomas 1843 B.
SPEER - Caroline Speer Van Reyper 2/3/1838 E.
Eleanor Speer DeVaugney 3/6/1809 B.
Elizabeth Speer Sigler 12/16/1805 D.
Maria Speer Sigler 11/18/1801 D.
Mary Speer Powlesson 1781 D.
Sarah Speer Jacobus 1823 H.
Sophia Speer Norman 1844 H.
SPITTEL - Mary Louisa Spittel Henkel 9/27/1829 B.
STAINSBY- Charlotte E. Stainsby Fort 1852 B.
STANSBERY - Elizabeth Stansbery Cadmus 1834 B.
Mary J. Stansbery Cadmus 1/1/1842 B.
STEVENS - Elmira Stevens Sayre 7/15/1823 B.
Mary A. Stevens Van Riper 5/27/1813 B.
Phebe A. Stevens Anderson 1823 B.
STRYKER - Nettie H. Stryker Collard 1822 B.
SYDENHAM - Susan Sydenham Ward 1780 B.
TAYLOR - Elizabeth Taylor Baldwin 1815 B.
Eliza Jane Taylor Close ll/20/1826 B.
Martha J. Taylor Campbell 11/23/1828 B.
Mary Taylor Smith 5/----/1803 B.
TOPPING(?)- Sophia Topping Dodd 1804 B.
TUCKER - Rachel D. Tucker Jenkins 1801 B.
VANDAL - Martha Vandal Morris 9/5/1793 B.
VAN EMBURGH - Mary Van Emburgh Pope 9/10/1762 H.
VAN HOUTEN - Hester A. Van Houten Brower 1839 H.
Margaret Van Houten 1/5/1779 H.
Rachel Van Houten Hamilton 1818 D.
VAN LIEW- M. Louisa Van Liew Randolph 1/31/1831 B.
VAN RIPER - Anna Van Riper Cadmus 8/14/1821 B.
Ellen Jane Van Riper Van Houten 1822 H.
Leah Marie Van Riper Cockefair 7/ 7/1824 H
Mary Van Riper Zeliff 11/ 9/1806 H
Susan Van Riper Close 1823 H.
VREELAND - Caroline Vreeland Sigler 1812 H.
Cornelia J. Vreeland Garrabrant 1841 D.
WADE - Nancy Wade Van Gieson 1814 H.
WADSWORTH - Charlotte Elizabeth Wadsworth Harrison 12/20/1817 B.
WALTER - Charlotte Walter Dodd 12/ 9/1780 B.
Mary Walter Robinson 3/18/1846 B.
WARD - Abby Ward Wilbur 2/22/1810 B.
Angeline Ward Campbell 1812 B.
Caroline ward Baldwin 1814 B.
Caroline Ward Dodd 1830 B.
Elizabeth Jeannette Ward Crane 6/1/1816 B.
Emily T. Ward Richards 11/22/1813 B.
Esther Ward Dodd 11/24/1774 B.
Hannah Ward Hays 1803 B.
Hannah Ward Peloubet 1808 B.
Pkebe Ward Peloubet 1806 B.
WEAKLEY - Harriet C. Weakley Garabrant 12/15/1819 B.
WEEKS - Mary A. Weeks Norwood 1817 B.
WELLER - Mary B. Weller Cockefair 1845 B.
WEST - Augusta Piligard West Pepperman 1832 B.
WHARRY - Maria Louise Wharry Baldwin 1814 B.
WHEELOCK - Laura J. Wheelock Runyon 10/29/1823 B.
WILBUR- Helen Wilbur Crane 1861 B.
Jeannette Wilbur Judd 1823 B.
Saloma Wilbur Ward 1812 B.
WILDE - Elizabeth Wilde Baldwin 1820 B.
Mary Wilde Lees D. 1/27/1879 B.
WILLIAMSON - Jane Williamson ----(?) 1808 B.
WOLFE - Charlotte Wolfe Brower 1791 B.
WYCOFF - Jane Wycoff Collins 3/27/1792 B.
YEREANCE - Laura J. Yereance Cockefair 3/30/1856 D.
YOUNGS - Mary Enily Youngs Ballard 10/17/1830 B.
REF. NUMBER --------- NAME (information) ---------- BIRTH DATE --------- BURIAL
1. Sophia Clas (inscription written in German) 1801 B.
2. Margaret Egbertson 11/3/1802 D.
(There is also a stone in Mt. Hebron Cemetery for this person. Considering the establishment dates of both cemeteries, time body was probably originally interred in the Brookdale Cemetery.)
3. Wilhelm Frank (inscription written in German) 6/----/1850 B.
4. Angulle Froler (inscription written in German) 1852 B.
5. Josephine Virginie Girault (inscription written in French) 6/13/1821
6. Spencer Gliek 4/20/1912 0.
(inscription-scratched on a tin plate attacked to an iron eross)
7. Wilmelmina Henn (inscription written in German) 12/12/1817 B.
8. Amelia M. Lane 1824 (ornate iron cathedral-shaped grave marker) 1824 B.
9. Ludwig Muller 9/27/1860 B/E.
(There Are two stones for the Same person - at Bloomfield Cemetery and Methodist-Episcopal Burying Ground.)
10. Ann Garrabrant Post 1804/@1805 D/H.
(There may be two stones for the same person. The two inscriptions listed may be for the same Anna Garrabrant Post.)
11. John T. Trantfettsr (inscription written in German) 12/31/1826 B.
12. Mrs. Wells (On same stone as John V. and Mary A. Stevens Van Riper)
REF. NUMBER --------- NAME (nature of relationship) --------- BIRTH DATE --------- BURIAL
13. Florence Griffes Aitkens(?) (sister of Charles T. Griffes) 1880 B.
14. James Marsh Barrett (maternal gramdfather of Randolph S. Bourne) 6/3/1820 B.
15. Sarah F. Randolph Barrett (maternal grandmother of Randolph S. Bourne) 2/3/1825 B.
16. Sarah Randolph Barrett Bourne (mother of Randolph S. Bourne) 1857 B.
17. Cadmus (inscription on Thomas (1/16/1736) and Peterehie (6/15/1740) Cadmus gravestone:) ---- B. (also of their six children whose remains were removed to this place from the family burying around on the farm of the late Abraham T. Cadmus (3/24/1777).
18. Charlotte E. Stainsby Fort (wife of Gov. J. Franklin Fort) 1852 B.
19. Franklin William Fort (son of Gov. J. Franklin Fort) 1880 B.
20. Margretta Fort (daughter of Gov. J. Franklin Fort) 1877 B.
21. Katherine Griffes Roake (sister of Charles T. Griffes) 1874 B.
22. Mary Van Emburgh Pope (daughter of Dr. Van Emburgh of Hackensack, N.J.) 9/10/1762 H.
23. Charlotte Eaton Shaw (on same stone as Charles Warren Eaton) 1848 B.
24. Grace Louise Shaw (on same stone as Charles Warren Eaton) 1873 B.
25. Edith and Emma Statesir(?) (infant children of Rev. B.T. and B.A. Statesir(?) ---- H.
REF. NUMBER --------- NAME (occupation/achievement) --------- BIRTH DATE --------- BURIAL
26. Randolph Silliman Bourne (noted author, radical WWI pacifist.) 1886 B.
27. William B. Bradbury (noted composer of hymns most notably "Jesus Loves Me". Inscription on tombstone is iron one of his hymns:) "Above the wave of earthly strife Above the ills and cares of life; Wiere all is peaceful, bright and fair; My home is there, ny hone is there."
28. Israel Crane 1774 B. "leaving the Junior class of the College at Princeton, on account of the failure of his health, he entered upon a course of life different from his original purpose, end devoted his energies to the more active pursuits of industry. Gifted with more than ordinary enterprize, he originated and prosecuted to a successful issue with untiring zeal, many schemes of public utility. Standing monuments testify that he was a friend and patron of the cause of education, and especially that having reference to a preparation for the Ministry."
29. Alexander Jackson Davis 1803 B.
(noted American architect; notably Lewellyn Park in West Orange, N.J. and North Carolina's State Capitol)
30. Joseph Davis, Esq. 1754 B.
"An honest and industrious man, patriotic and public spirited citizen, a fearless and impartial magistrate, a devout liberal and active Christian."
31. Joseph A. Davis, Jr. 6/12/1827 B.
(elected collector of Bloomfield, 1871)
32. Gem. John Dodd 11/ 5/1761 B.
"He was a faithful careful magistrate."
33. Charles Warren Eaton (noted American Landscape artist) 1857 B.
34 Charles Farrand (Bloomfield town constable) 1799 B.
35. Joseph Fulford Folsom (was poet and New Jersey historian, notably Bloomfield Oldf and New. et. al.) 11/10/1866 B.
36. John Franklin Fort ."Governor of New Jersey 1908-1911" 1852 B.
37. Theresa Gehring (marked by Glen Ridge Police P.B.A. local 58) 11/23/1835 O.
38. Charles Tomlinson Griffes (noted American composer) 9/17/1884 B.
39. Starr Parsons (schoolteacher is Stone House Planes) 2/15/1795(?) H.
40. Christopher T. Umanget(?) (member, Bloomfield town committee) 1817 B.
REF. NUMBER -------- NAME --------- BIRTH DATE --------- BURIAL
41. Lynes M. Crane, M.D. 1811 B.
42. Dr. Jane Coster Davis 1861 B.
43. Isaac Davis Dodd, M.D. 4/23/1799 B.
44. Joseph S. Dodd, M.D. 2/10/1791 B.
45. John Frame, M.D. 1822 B.
46. Eleazer D. Ward, M.D. 1786 B.
47. John Augustine Ward, 10/1/1826 B.
48. Dr. Samuel Ward "for 50 years the beloved physician at Belleville" 5/ 6/1791 B.
REF. NUMBER -------- NAME --------- BIRTH DATE --------- BURIAL
49. Rev. John O. Archdeason(?) 1850 B.
50. Awzi Armstrong, D.D. 12/1/1771 B.
"Many years Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Mendham, N.J. Subsequently Principal of Bloomfield Academy. Gifted with a vigorous understanding and adorned with various learning he spent his life in the service of Christ and having a fair reputation on earth, we trust, now entered into the joy of the Lord."
51. Deacon Simeon Baldwin 1748 B.
52. Rev. Aaron E. Ballard 12/25/1820 B.
53. Ira Campbell (a first deacon of the Glen Ridge Congregational Church, 1888) 4/10/1807 B.
54. Rev. John S. Coit "for 15 years a faithful minister of the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church" 9/18/1828 B.
55. Israel Crane 1774 B.
"He was identified with tie formation of the Church of Bloomfield, of which he was an original member for a period of 45 years; one of its ruling Elders and a ready helper through all its struggles. Unpretending and humble in kis walk-his greatest happiness was ever found in acts of benevolence and usefulness, illustrating the power of religion as the controlling principle of his life."
56. Deacon Joseph Crane 1750 B.
"As a professor of religion and an officer of the Church of Christ in an eminent degree exemplary."
57. Deacon Joseph Davis, Esq. 1754 B.
58. Rev. Edward N. Dodd "he entered missionary work in 1849" 6/22/1824 B.
59. Hiram Dodd "His office made the Church his care - Her interests were his daily prayer." 1779 B.
60. Deacon Isaac Dodd, Esq. 1728 B.
"In church and state, he virtuous honor gained. And all his offices with truth sustained. As Deacon, Elder and Esquire he shone While Heaven was his hope, his rest, his home."
61. Gen. John Dodd "For many years he was a pious officers of the Church." 11/ 5/1761 B.
62. Moses Dodd 12/ 9/1755 B.
"One of the builders of the Lord's House in Bloomfield. He was chosen an Elder of the Presbyterian Church November 8, 1812. And having served the Lord and his generation, from his youth 67 years, he died and was gathered to his people."
63. Zopkar B. Dodd "He was for 60 years a ruling elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Bloomfield." 10/28/1794 B.
64. Rev. William M. Dow 1798 B.
65. Rev. David A. Frame 1/19/1805 B.
66. Rev. Cyrus Gildersleeve 1768 B.
"He served God in the gospel of his Son 45 years, 10 of which he was Pastor of this Church. As a Preacher, sound, instructive and practical; as a friend, sincere, kind and courageous and as a Husband and Father, tender, affectionate and faithful. In all these respects he served his generation by the will of God."
67. Cyrus Gildersleeve "for many years, Minister of the Lord's Word" 1793 B.
68. Rev. George H. Hulin 12/23/1804 B.
69. Rev. Frederiek F. Judd "for thirty years Minister of the gospel" 1821 B.
70. Rev. G.N. Judd, D.D. 7/1/1788 B.
"His labors in the Ministry began at Montrose, Pa., in 1818. From 1820-1831 he was Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this place. His health failing under great care and affliction he was for six years Soc'y. of the Am. Home Aliss'y. Soc'y. From 1840 to 1850 he was Pastor of the Presbyterian Church Catskill, N.Y. and from 1850 until his death, Pastor of the Presbyterian Chursh, Montgomery."
71. Rev. Charles Eugene Knox, D.D. 12/27/1833 B.
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church 1864-1873, President, German Theological School 1873-1900. (also local historian).
72. Rev. Henry Marsh "Rector of Christ Church, Bloomfield (1858-1863)" 12/22/1832 B.
73. Deacon Ephriam Morris 1746 B.
74. Rev. Enos A. Osborne 5/2/1792 B.
75. Rev. Ebenezer Seymour "Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Bloomfield (1834-1847)" 9/15/1801 B.
76. Rev. Benjamin T. Statesir (daughters Edith and Erma are buried at Mt. Hebron Cemetery. Rev. Statesir was pastor of Stone House Plains Reformed Church, 1866-1872).
77. Rev. William F. Stublert, D.D. D. (?)/6/1891 B.
78. Rev. David Schureman 1842 B.
79. Rev. William Thompson "Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church of this Place (1845-1846). 1812 D.
80. Rev. John Ward 4/16/1817 B.
81. Rev. T. Sydenham Ward 10/23/1811 B. "Graduated at the New York University in 1835 and at the Union Theological Seminary in 1838. For 26 years a Minister of Christ and the last 12 years Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Carbondale."
82. Rev. George Williamson 1823 B. "Pastor of Reformed Church at ---- Saratoga ---- (Springs, N.Y.?).
REP. NUMBER --------- NAME(service record) ---------- BIRTH DATE --------- BURIAL
83. David Baldwin, Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. 1748 B.
84. Ichobod Baldwin, Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. 1/25/1757 B.
85. Jesse Baldwin 1754 B.
"Captain Squire's company, Second Regiment, Essex: private, State Troops and militia. Ensign, Essex; Lieutenant and Quartermaster, ditto; also Quartermaster, Continental Army. Quartermaster; also Lieutenant, militia.
86. Joseph (C.) Baldwin 1763 B. "Essex: private, State Troops and Militia; Captain Squire's Company, Second Regiment, Essex."
87. Linus Baldwin "Corporal, Essex; Corporal, State Troops." 1759 B.
88. Samuel W. Baldwin "Essex, wounded June, 1780; Private, State Troops and Militia." 1763 B.
89. Simeon Baldwin "Essex: private, State Troops and Militia." 1748 B.
90. Zopher (Zophar) Baldwin "Essex: private, State Troops and Militia." 1740 B.
91. Joseph Ball "Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. (Captain) Quartermaster." 7/29/1734 B.
92. Join A. Brown 1756 D. "Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. Private, "Foreman's Regiment," Continental Army; Serjernt, "Spenser's Regiment," Continental Army,July 1st, 1777; Lieutenant, Captain Edgar's troops, "Sheldon's Regiment, Light Dragoons," Continental Army. Second Regiment, Private, Continental Army. Matross, "Lamb's Artillery," (Second Regiment Artillery), Continental Army. Private, Serjeant, State Troops and Militia."
93. Thomas Cadmus "Lieutenant Colonel, militia." 1/16/1736 B.
94. John Collins 1754 B. "Captain Holmes' company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment; also militia, Continental Army. Captain and Conductor of Team Brigade; Assistant connissary of Issues in quartermaster General's Department, State Troops and Militia."
95. Joseph Crane 1750 B.
"Second Lieutenant, Captain Dodd, d company, Second Regiment, Essex, May 28th, 1777, State Troops and Militia. First Regiment, Continental Army. "Baldwin's Regiment of Artificers," Continental Army."
96. William Crane 1757 B. "Captain Abraham Lyon's Regiment, Second Regiment, Essex; also State Troops. Private, Major, militia. Lieutenant, "Spencer's Regiment Continental Army; Captain, ditto, March 1777, Contential Army."
97. Caleb Davis 1717 B. "Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army; wounded severely at battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777; discharged April 9th, 1780 - wounds.
98. Joseph Davis 1754 B. Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. Wagonnaster (in Wagonmaster General's Department).
99. Abijah Dodd "Essex: private, State Troop and Militia." 1757 B.
100. Amos Dodd 1737 B. "Captain, Second Regiment, Essex-May 28th, 1777, State Troops and Militia."
101. Isaac Dodd "Essex: private, State ----- militia." 6/27/1763 B.
102. John Dodd "Second Regiment, Essex, also Captain, Craig's company -----." 11/5/1761 B.
103. Joseph Dodd "Essex: private, State Trooper and Militia." 1759 B.
104. Matthew Dodd, "Essex: private, State Troops and Militia." 1761 B.
105. Moses Dodd "Private, State Trooper and militia." 12/ 9/1755 B.
106. Garrabrant Garrabrent(?) "Captain Speer's company, Second Regiment, Essex; also State Troops; also Matross artillery; also Continental Army. Also militia, Continental Army.
107. Isaac Harrison 1757 B. "Captain William's commpny Second Regiment, Essex; also State Troops; also Continental Army. First Battalion, Second Establishment; also militia.< First Lieutenant, Captain Gifford's company, Third Battalion, ------(?) Continental Army.
108. Aury (Aurey) King "Essex: private, State Troops and Militia." 1754 B.
109. Yellas (Yellis) Mandeville: Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. 1746 D.
110. Jeremiah Pope 10/17/1749 H. "tombstone: "a Soldier in the Revolution" Bergen: private, State Troops and Militia; also Major Goets----(?), State Troops; wounded.
111. John E. Smith 1751 B. Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. Captain Holmes' company, Fourth Battalion, Seeoni Establishment, Continental Army.
112. Amos Tompkins 1746 B. Captain ---(?)Mires' eompany, First Battalion, First Establishment, Continental Army. First Battalion, Second Establishment, also militia, Continental Army. Captain Samuel Pierson's company, Second Regiment, Essex; also State Troops; also Continental Army.
113. Bethuel Ward Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. 1752 B.
114. Jacob Ward Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. 1739 B.
115. Samuel C. Ward Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. 1747 B.
116. Samuel (L. ?) Ward; Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. 1754 B.
117. James Wharry; No listing in Stryker. Tomstone is marked by a D.A.R. plaque. 1762 B.
118. Joseph Woodruff; Essex: private, State Troops and Militia. 1745 B.
REF. NUMBER --------- NAME(service) --------- BIRTH DATE ---------- BURIAL
119. Thomas Andrew; Co. F 26 N.J. Inf. 1843 B.
120. James K. Bush; 4 N.J.L.A. ---- H.
121. Lieut. L.W. Busk; Co. E 8th N.J. Inf. ---- H.
122. George M. Cadmus; Co. C 74 M.Y. Inf. 1/1/1839 B.
123. ---- Carroll; Co. K 25th N.J. Inf. ---- O.
124. John Collins; 26th N.J. Vol. 1824 B.
125. Dennis Conroy; 26th N.J. Vol. 1826 O.
126. H.A. Corby; 26th N.J. 1861-65 ---- E.
127. W.H. Corey; Co. F 25 N.J. Inf. 1831 E.
128. Cornelius Delhagen; Co. F 26th N.J. inf. ---- H.
129. Edward S. Dodd; Co. K 27 N.J. Inf. 1837 B.
130. Horace Dodd; Co. K 1 N.J. Inf. ---- E.
131. Samuel W. Dodd; Co. F 26 N.J. Inf. 1833 B.
132. Sergt. C.H. Early; Co. D 2 Pa. H.A. ---- H.
133. Josiah E. Fairchild; Co. P 25 N.J. Inf. 2/4/1799 B.
134. Silas P. Farrand; Seargt. Bat. R Lt. Brd.(?) N.J. 1838 B.
135. Charles K. Force; "Civil War Veteran" 1845 B.
136. Henry Francisco; Co. E 3rd U.S. Cold. (Colored) Vol. 1848 B.
137. John Garrabrant: Co. B 39 N.J. Inf. 1824 H.
138. John P. Gottschalk; Co. P 26th N.J.V. 1831 B.
139. Jacob Kiesler; Co. E 9th N.J.V. 1828 H.
140. Simeon Kiesler; Co. E 9 N.J. Inf. 1838 H.
141. Adam Krenrick; (Civil War Veteran) 1844 B.
142. R.B. Legg; Co. H 20 N.Y. Mil. ---- H.
143. Marcus Mealer; Co. B 1st V.Y. Mtl. Rifles 1843 B.
144. Robert A. Morris; Co. F 26 N.J. Inf. 11/18/1841 B.
145. Benjamin Myers; Co. A 28 N.Y. Inf. 1831 B.
146. Martin G. Nalls; "Civil War Veteran" ---- B.
147. William S. Pierson; "A member of the first Minnesota Regiment, was wounded at the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, and died at Richmond, Virginia Aug. 18, 1261 aged 20 years.
148. Corpl. A.P. Quimby; Co. E 39 N.J. Inf. ---- B.
149. Nelson Reybert; Co. E 1st N.Y. Eng's. ---- H.
150. John Rushton(?) Co. H 39 N.J.V. 1811 B.
151. Charles Senaffer(?) Co. F 3 N.J. Cavalry Vol. 1830 B.
152. Capt. Robert S. Seabury; "wounded May 6, 1864 at the Battle of the Wilderness." 1837 B.
153. William B. Skepberd; Co. F ---- N.Y. Vol. 1842 B.
154. William Silliman 1837 B. "Colonel of the 26th Regiment U.S. Colored Volunteers, wounded at the Battle of Cahazkalikie (?), S.C.
155. Jesse Simonson; Co. A 39th N.J. Inf. ---- D.
156. John Sindle; Co. E 9 N.J. Inf. ---- H.
157. David A. Snell; Co. E 100 N.Y. Inf. ---- H.
158. Jonhn Snyder; Co. H 7 N.J.V. 1820 B.
159. Lieut. J.H. Stegman; Co. C 47 Olio Inf. ---- D.
160. David Swinn; Co. A D.C. Cavalry 1842 B.
161. Henry Taylor; Co. E 26 N.J.V. 1823 B.
162. J.S. Tuers; Co. K 25 N.J. Inf. ---- H.
163. George Van Riper; Co. K 25th N.J. Inf. ---- H.
164. Garrett Vreeland; Co. K 25 N.J. Inf. ---- H.
165. Joseph G. Vanbold; Prin. Musa. Band 1 N.Y. Engs. 8/6/1839 B.
166. Stephen L. Ware; Co. F 13 N.J.V. 1829 B.
167. William Henry Ward; Sergeant in the Brooklyn Rgt., N.Y.S.M. 1842 B.
168. George H. Williams; Musician Co. B 1st N.J. Artillery 1843 B.
169. S.P Williams; 7th N.J. 1861-65. ---- B.
REF. NUMBER --------- NAME --------- BIRTH DATE --------- BURIAL
170. Lieut. Bear, N. Baldwin 4/11/1840 B.
171. Capt. Benjamin Church 1737 B.
172. Gen. John Dodd 11/5/1761 B.
173. Col. Joseph Dodd 1790 B.
174. John F. Dugan; Cook 201 N.Y. Inf. Sp. Am. War ---- O.
175. Capt. George Harrison 1753 B.
176. Capt. Thomas Knapp 1783 1783 B.
177. Jeremiek Pope; "a Soldier is the War of 1812." 10/17/1749 H.
178. Samuel Pope; "a Soldier is time War of 1812." 1/23/1790 H.
179. Maj. John Ruten 1790 B.
180. William Akers; "a native of Leeds" 1753 B.
181. Artkur Andrew; "born at Stockport, Cheshire, England" 1836 B.
182. George Andrew; "born at Abbeykey, Lancashire, England" 1810 B.
183. Lucy Albinson Andrew; *born in Ableykey (?), Lancashire, England" 1/16/1808 B.
184. Sarah Cummings Baldwin; "born in Tul Ckau, China" 11/26/1855 B.
185. Edward S. Best; "of London, England" 1826 H.
186. Charlotte Church; "a native of Northampton, England" 1799 B.
187. John Martin Diehl; "born in Uffhafen Kreisalzei Hessen Darmstadt" 10/24/1821 B.
188. Rev. Edward M. Dodd; "was suddenly called to rest at Marsover, Turkey" 6/22/1824 B.
189. Jane G. Cochran Dodd; "born in Paisley, Scotland" 5/12/1794 B.
190. Cornelius Dougkterty 1784 B.
"a native of Ireland. In foreign lands he yields his breath; To the Great King of terrors, death; No parents dear, no brother near Nor sister,
to lament him here."
191. John Exley; "a native of Yorkshire, England" 1771 ----.
192. James Gibb; "born at Paisley, Scotland' 2/5/1775 B.
193. Annie Graham; "late of Manchester, England" 1/11/1828 B.
194. Catherine Marie Dodd Hall(?) "wife of Thomas Holt of ------(?) 1835 B.
195. Rev. Henry Marsh; "born in Nova Scotia" 12/22/1832 B.
196. Alexander Miller 'a native of Scotland' 1773 B.
197. Sarah Peacock; 'born in London, England" 1/17/1811 B.
198. Sarah Peacock; "born in London, England" 1//6/1838 B.
199. Thomas Peacock; "born in London, England" 6/----/1835 B.
200. Antony Sauter; "born in Buden (?) 1825 B.
201. John Smith; "a native of Derbyshire, England" 1783 B.
202. Thomas Smith; "born in Gorton ---- England" 1824 B.
203. David Strain; "from the Parish of Curran ---- Tyrone, Ireland" 1822 B.
204. Samuel H. Van Auken; "died at Bombay, India" 1860 B.
205. Ann Wilde; "born in Yorkskire, England' 6/5/1816 B.
206. James Wilde; "born in Yorkshire, England' 1793 B.
207. James Wilson; "late from England." 1792 B.
208. Anzi Armstrong, D.D. "born at Florida, N.Y.; died at Amboy, N.J." 12/1/1771 B.
209. Mary Armstrong; "born at Bloomfield; died at Amboy, N.J." 10/11/1774 B.
210. Jennie A. Baker; "born in Brooklyn, New York" 3/ 8/1864 B.
211. Lieut. Henry M. Baldwin; "died in hospital at Winchester, West Virginia" 4/11/1840 B.
212. John Baldwin; "a native of Hudson, N.Y." 1778 B.
213. Saran Cummings Baldwin; "died at Orange, N.J." 11/26/1855 B.
214. Mary Emily Youngs Ballard; "born at Morristown; died at Ocean Grove, N.J." 10/17/1830 B.
215. John G. Beach; "born in Cinciunatti, Ohio" 1811 B.
216. Nelly Campbell; "born at Liberty, Ill." 11/26/1862 B.
217. Ellen Neafie Coit; "born Fairfield, N.J. Died Newark, N.J." 3/25/1827 B.
218. Rev. John S. Coit; "died in Montana, Iowa" 9/18/1828 B.
219. Collins, Isaac and Simeon; "who are interred in a neighboring town" 1783;1795 ----
220. Milo Cooke; "died at Augusta, Georgia" 1782 B.
221. Robert L. Cooke; "born at Williston, Va. died at Fire Island" ---- B.
222. Aszi Dodd; "died at Trenton, N.J." 1827(?) B.
223. William Dodd; "died in the City of New York" 1797 B.
224. Elinor S.M. Doigall; "born Wilmington, Delaware; died Hoboken, N.J." 10/22/1831 B.
225. Lucy Baldwin Durand; "died at St. Augustine, East Florida" 1800 B.
226. Lydia Baldwin Griffen; "died at New York" 1798 B.
227. Jane Hagen; "died near Montclair" 1850 B.
228. Louisa Schreiner Jaeger; "died at Santa Ana, California" 4/5/1858 B.
229. Mary Gildersleeve Platt; "of Upper Red Hook, N.Y. ---- B.
230. Rev. G.N. Judd, D.D.; "born Danbury, Conn.; died Montgomery, N.Y." 7/1/1788 B.
231. Lyman S. Killen; "be was a native of Preston, Connecticut" 1771 M.
231A. Henry King; "died at Reading, Penn." 1781 M.
232. Sarah F. Kimball Marsh; "born ----, Mass.; died New York City" 3/17/1826 B.
233. Starr Parsons; "born at Redding, Conn.; died at Bloomfield, N.J." 2/15/1795(?) H.
234. Phebe Ward Peloubet; "suddenly fell asleep in Jesus at Cairo, N.Y." 1806 B.
235. William S. Pierson; "born of Bloomfield, N.J.; died at Richmond, Va." 1841 B.
236. Elizabeth Edwards Pope; "born at Danbury, Conn." 5/5/1790 H.
236A. Jeremiah Pope; "born at Basking Ridge, Somerset Co., N.J." 10/17/1749 H.
237. Samuel Pope; "born at Hackensack, N.J." 1/23/1790 H.
238. Brastus Seymour; "born at Stillwater, N.Y." 6/ 5/1791 B.
239. Mary Louise Randolph Silliman; "born at Bloomfield, N.J.; died at Morristown, N.J." 1838 B.
240. William Silliman; "born at Cornwall, N.Y. died at Bainford, S.C." 1837 B.
241. Thomas W. Tobin; "born in Albany, N.Y.; died in ----, Mass. (?) 1/10/1829 B.
242. Ellen Gray Johnson Underwood; "born in Upper Red Hook, N.Y.; died at Newark, N.J." 11/29/1846 B.
243. Rev. T. Sydenham Ward; "died at Carbondale, Pa." 10/23/1811 B.
244. Amarintha A.. Platt Williamson; "died at Walden, N.Y." 1823 B.
245. Rev. George Williamson "died at Walden, N.Y." 1823 B.
246. Grandisom Zedricks; "of Frederick Co., Md." 1877 H.
REF. NUMBER --------- Name(means of death) --------- BIRTH DATE ---------- BURIAL
247. Baldwin: Abigail and Hannah 1781; 1885 B. "A pale consumption gave them their fatal blow. The stroke was sure, but the effeet was slow. With wasting pains, death found then long opprest. Pitied their sighs and kindly brot them rest."
248. Lieut. Henry M. Baldwin 4/11/1840 B. "died in hospital at Winchester, West Virginia from wounds received at the Battle of Cedar Creek October 19, 1864"
249. Edward S. Best; "died of consumption" 1826 H.
250. Marvin Carl; "was drowned" 1826 B.
251. Ephriam Cockefair; "He was instantly killed by a refractory horse." 3/26/1772 M.
252. Peter Cockefair; "was drowned" 1806 B.
253. Fannie Crane; "died suddenly under a paralytic affliction" 1773 B.
254. Hannah Crane; 1783 B. "Pressed by the Hand of sore disease; In pain I lingered on; Till God, the Saviour armed with love; In mercy called me home."
255. Thomas W. Day; "lost on San Francisco Bar by capsizing of ---- Beeswing, Feb. 13, 1863" 2/3/1834 B.
256. George Adams Dodd; "Who died after 21 hours illness of an inflamation of the bowels." 1788 B.
257. Joseph A. Edwards 1806 B "The years of affliction are o'er, The days and the nights of distress. We see him in anguish no more. He's gained his happy release."
258. Abraham P. Garrabrant 1808 D. "Affliction sore, long time he bore, Physicians were in vaim, Till death did cease and God did please, To ease him of his pain."
259. Christian Jackson; "She departed this life by a fall from a chaise." 1761 B.
260. Thomas Keen; "His death was occasioned by a fall from a wagon." 1779 B.
261. William Silliman; "wounded at the Battle of Cahsahalikie (?), South Carolina December 9, 1964." 1837 B.
262. James Van Winkle 1760 D. "Friends nor physiciaws could not save This mortal bedy from the grave; Nor can this grave confine it here When Christ in judgement shall appear."
263. Susan Ward; "she died with the epilepsy" 1795 B.
Mand /Mandeville
Van Gesen/Van Gieson
Van Reyper/Van Riper
Family Name | Total no. family members who died before 1880. | Rank | Total no. family members born before 1880. | Rank |
Baldwin | 97 | 1 | 104 | 1 |
Ball | 10 | 14 | 14 | 14 |
Brown | 7 | 17 | 13 | 15 |
Cadmus | 13 | 12 | 17 | 11 |
Cockefair | 19 | 10 | 16 | 12 |
Collins | 12 | 13 | 11 | 17 |
Crane | 41 | 4 | 45 | 4 |
Davis | 22 | 8 | 24 | 8 |
Dodd | 80 | 2 | 83 | 2 |
Egbert/Egbertson | 10 | 14 | 10 | 18 |
Garabrant/Garrabrant | 23 | 7 | 28 | 7 |
Harrison | 9 | 15 | 14 | 14 |
King | 8 | 16 | 12 | 16 |
Morris | 23 | 7 | 24 | 8 |
Osborn/Osborne | 17 | 11 | 15 | 13 |
Riker | 10 | 14 | 9 | 19 |
Siglar/Sigler | 32 | 5 | 37 | 5 |
Smith | 19 | 10 | 23 | 9 |
Spear/Speer | 28 | 6 | 35 | 6 |
Taylor | 6 | 18 | 10 | 18 |
Van Gesen/Van Gieson | 20 | 9 | 19 | 10 |
van Riper/ Van Reyper | 9 | 15 | 14 | 14 |
Van Winkle | 13 | 12 | 13 | 15 |
Ward | 62 | 3 | 72 | 3 |
Year of Birth | Total no. male births | Total no. female births | Total no. of births |
1715 | 1 | 2 | 1(3?) |
1717 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1718 |
| 2 | 2 |
1719 | 1 |
| 1 |
1722 | 1 |
| 1 |
1724 |
| 1 | 1 |
1726 | 1 |
| 1 |
1727 |
| 1 | 1 |
1728 | 1 |
| 1 |
1729 | 1 |
| 1 |
1730 |
| 1 | 1 |
1732 |
| 1 | 1 |
1734 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
1735 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
1736 | 1 |
| 1 |
1737 | 2 |
| 2 |
1739 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1740 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
1741 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1742 |
| 1 | 1 |
1743 | 1 |
| 1 |
1744 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1745 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1746 | 4 |
| 4 |
1747 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1748 | 2 |
| 2 |
1749 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1750 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
1751 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
1752 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
1753 | 4 | 8 | 12 |
1754 | 4 | 2 | 6 |
1755 | 3 | 3 | 6 |
1756 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
1757 | 5 |
| 5 |
1758 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
1759 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
1760 | 4 | 2 | 3 |
1761 | 4 | 2 | 6 |
1762 | 1 | 6 | 7 |
1763 | 4 | 6 | 10 |
1764 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
1765 | 3 | 1 | 4 |
1766 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
1767 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
1768 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
1769 | 7 | 3 | 10 |
1770 | 8 | 3 | 11 |
1771 | 6 | 1 | 7 |
1772 | 7 | 6 | 13 |
1773 | 3 | 5 | 8 |
1774 | 6 | 3 | 9 |
1775 | 5 | 2 | 7 |
1776 | 6 | 5 | 11 |
1777 | 8 | 5 | 13 |
1778 | 3 | 6 | 9 |
1779 | 5 | 3 | 8 |
1780 | 7 | 5 | 12 |
1781 | 8 | 11 | 19 |
1782 | 9 | 5 | 14 |
1783 | 5 | 8 | 13 |
1784 | 5 | 7 | 12 |
1785 | 7 | 8 | 15 |
1786 | 6 | 11 | 17 |
1787 | 7 | 4 | 11 |
1788 | 6 | 8 | 14 |
1789 | 10 | 12 | 22 |
1790 | 15 | 10 | 25 |
1791 | 8 | 10 | 18 |
1792 | 9 | 9 | 18 |
1793 | 14 | 13 | 27 |
1794 | 15 | 9 | 21 |
1795 | 15 | 6 | 21 |
1796 | 5 | 11 | 17 |
1797 | 9 | 17 | 26 |
1798 | 10 | 13 | 23 |
1799 | 13 | 10 | 23 |
1800 | 21 | 7 | 28 |
1801 | 10 | 17 | 27 |
1802 | 8 | 8 | 16 |
1803 | 13 | 13 | 26 |
1804 | 8 | 19 | 27 |
1805 | 17 | 12 | 29 |
1806 | 17 | 19 | 36 |
1807 | 9 | 11 | 20 |
1808 | 13 | 15 | 28 |
1809 | 9 | 13 | 22 |
1810 | 11 | 11 | 22 |
1811 | 15 | 15 | 30 |
1812 | 8 | 18 | 26 |
1813 | 14 | 6 | 20 |
1814 | 9 | 12 | 21 |
1815 | 9 | 11 | 20 |
1816 | 9 | 17 | 26 |
1817 | 11 | 10 | 21 |
1818 | 11 | 14 | 25 |
1819 | 8 | 10 | 18 |
1820 | 12 | 14 | 26 |
1821 | 10 | 14 | 24 |
1822 | 9 | 15 | 24 |
1823 | 14 | 21 | 35 |
1824 | 14 | 13 | 27 |
1825 | 10 | 16 | 26 |
1826 | 13 | 12 | 25 |
1827 | 13 | 11 | 24 |
1828 | 15 | 11 | 26 |
1829 | 10 | 12 | 22 |
1830 | 9 | 14 | 23 |
Totals | 670 | 717 | 1,387 |
Year of Death | No. of Deaths |
---- | 4 |
1784 | 1 |
1788 | 1 |
1789 | 1 |
1795 | 1 |
1796 | 1 |
1798 | 1 |
1799 | 1 |
18--- | 5 |
1800 | 7 |
1801 | 5 |
1802 | 2 |
1803 | 6 |
1804 | 9 |
1805 | 8 |
1806 | 8 |
1807 | 3 |
1808 | 9 |
1809 | 4 |
1810 | 5 |
1811 | 6 |
1812 | 6 |
1813 | 12 |
1814 | 19 |
1815 | 11 |
1816 | 14 |
1817 | 10 |
1818 | 12 |
1819 | 19 |
1820 | 9 |
1821 | 14 |
1822 | 8 |
1823 | 13 |
1824 | 13 |
1825 | 18 |
1826 | 27 |
1827 | 14 |
1828 | 15 |
1829 | 12 |
1830 | 11 |
1831 | 14 |
1832 | 16 |
1833 | 15 |
1834 | 22 |
1835 | 19 |
1836 | 14 |
1837 | 16 |
1838 | 27 |
1839 | 14 |
1840 | 25 |
1841 | 11 |
1842 | 21 |
1843 | 21 |
1844 | 10 |
1845 | 33 |
1846 | 29 |
1847 | 23. |
1848 | 26 |
1849 | 21 |
1850 | 20 |
1851 | 26 |
1852 | 26 |
1853 | 22 |
1854 | 23 |
1855 | 24 |
1856 | 28 |
1857 | 27 |
1858 | 25 |
1859 | 16 |
1860 | 27 |
1861 | 26 |
1862 | 34 |
1863 | 38 |
1864 | 44 |
1865 | 30 |
1866 | 33 |
1867 | 26 |
1868 | 33 |
1869 | 33 |
1870 | 20 |
1871 | 44 |
1872 | 31 |
1873 | 33 |
1874 | 37 |
1875 | 49 |
1876 | 32 |
1877 | 37 |
1878 | 38 |
1879 | 42 |
1880 | 38 |