Revised Register Of The
Soldiers And Sailors Of New Hampshire
In The War Of The Rebellion 1861-1866.
Prepared And Published By
Authority Of The Legislature,
By Augustus D. Ayling, Adjutant General.
Concord: Ira C. Evans, Public Printer. 1895.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

By SAMUEL F. MURRY, late Captain First Regiment United States Volunteer Sharpshooters and Brevet Major United States Volunteers.
THE First Regiment United States Sharpshooters having been enlisted and organized, as given in the sketch of Company E, Colonel Berdan was authorized by the Secretary of War "to muster and organize into companies and regiments all the men he could raise during the next ninety days from September 28, 1861, and who on examination were found equal to the requirements of sharpshooters."
Accordingly recruiting was continued. The men, as they enlisted, were permitted to go home, subject to the call from the recruiting officer. Notices were sent to each, ordering them to report at the state house, Concord, N..H., at 11 o'clock A.M., November 26, 1861, when the first detail was mustered into the United States service, with H. M. Caldwell as captain. Two days later (Thanksgiving Day), it was ordered to Washington, when it was assigned to the Second Regiment United States Sharpshooters as Company F. After several days they received their uniforms. December 12 another detachment was ordered to Concord, N.H., and mustered into service, with William D. McPherson as captain. A few days later it was ordered to Washington and assigned to the same regiment as Company G.
The Second Regiment Sharpshooters, when organized, consisted of Company A, Minnesota; Company B, Michigan; Company C, Pennsylvania; Company D, Maine; Company E, Vermont; Companies F and G, New Hampshire; Company H, Vermont; under the command of Col. H. A. V. Post. As these two companies formed a part of the same regiment their history is practically the same.
The winter of 1861-'62 was spent in camp of instruction, Washington, D.C., where the regiment was thoroughly drilled and disciplined, which proved so valuable when in active service afterwards. The same trouble arose as in the First Regiment, and was settled in the same way, when Colt's rifles were issued instead of Sharpe's as promised. The sudden change of climate, and at that season of the year, caused much sickness, many cases proving fatal.
On the 18th of March, 1862, they were attached to the First Brigade, Third (King's) Division, and broke camp on the 10th, joining the brigade near Fairfax, Va., two days later. April 6 marched to Bristoe Station, where, without tents, the rubber blankets and brush proved a poor shelter from a severe rain storm, and the ardor of the boys went down in a corresponding degree. Here the men of the New York regiments in the brigade gave them the name of "Chippies," from the way they made the chips fly when chopping wood, which name greeted them when any of the old brigade saw the "Green-breeches." On the 26th broke camp, moving through Catlett towards Falmouth. Entered Falmouth April 19, 1862, leading the advance of King's division, the first time under fire, and saw the first dead or wounded of the enemy, who fell back across the Rappahannock, burning the bridges.
A few days later Company F was detailed for provost guard, Company G remaining in camp with the regiment. The last of May, Company F was ordered to rejoin the regiment, and with the division marched about fifteen miles below Fredericksburg, expecting to join McClellan's army in front of Richmond;
but Jackson forcing Banks down the Shenandoah valley, the division made a forced march towards Front Royal. June 1, 1862, the regiment lost one killed and about sixty wounded in a railroad collision between Manassas Junction and Front Royal, near White Plains. About the middle of June they returned to Falmouth, the regiment camping on the bluff outside the village, and Company F detailed as provost guard again.
July 26 took part in another reconnoissance, under General Gibbon, towards Orange Court House, and had a skirmish with the enemy. August 6 (Company F rejoining the regiment) another reconnoissance was made on the Bowling Green road, and westerly towards Spottsylvania, having a brisk skirmish with Stewart's cavalry. August 10 left for Cedar Mountain, but were not engaged in that battle. August 19 fell back behind the Rappahannock, being the rear guard. August 21, 22, and 23, skirmishing near Rappahannock Station. On the 23d Corp. J. P. Dodge and W. F. Gould were wounded, the first casualties in Company F. August 25, engaged near Sulphur Springs. Took part in the battle of Gainesville, August 29, and Second Bull Run, August 30, where both companies lost heavily, and on account of their skill in skirmishing and bravery were complimented by their commanding officers.
One historian says: "When the Second Regiment United States Sharpshooters left Falmouth, Va., August 10, they had between six and seven hundred men in line; when the roll was called September 2, near Alexandria, Va., one hundred and twenty-seven answered to their names; and during the campaign over 200,000 rounds of ammunition were used by them."
September 1 came under fire at Chantilly. They took part in the charge at South Mountain, Md., September 14, capturing the heights, and on the 15th and 16th picking up stragglers and skirmishing. September 17, at Antietam, Md., in the historic cornfield, where the regiment lost over twenty-five per cent of those present for duty. Remained in camp near Sharpsburg, Md., taking the much needed rest, while the thinned ranks were being recruited, until October 30, when they recrossed into Virginia near Harper's Ferry, marching by easy stages, arriving near Falmouth about the 23d of November. In the meantime General McClellan had been relieved, and General Burnside placed in command.
Took part in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862, with the Left Grand Division under General Franklin, also on the 14th and 15th on the extreme left, being deployed from the river, south. Recrossed the river on the night of the 15th.
January 14, 1863, by command of General Burnside, the First and Second regiments of sharpshooters were in a brigade under command of Colonel Berdan, and camped near Stoneman's switch, above Falmouth, Va. Broke camp January 20 for the celebrated "Mud March." After starting, the Second Regiment received orders to report to Smith's division, Sixth Corps. On account of the rain and mud the artillery and pontoon trains could not move. Everything was "stuck in the mud." January 23 ordered to report to General Franklin's headquarters. February 2 ordered back to where we were camped before the last movement of the army. Both regiments of sharpshooters were together again.
The remainder of the winter and spring of 1863 was spent in drill, target practice, picket duty, and amusements such as the boys in camp could easily study up. April 9, 1863, was a gala day in the sharpshooter regiments, there being prizes offered for shooting and other sports. There was a large attendance from the troops camped around. April 28 broke camp, and as a part of the Third Army Corps moved down the river below Fredericksburg, and on the 30th marched back again, crossing the Rappahannock at United States Ford.
Were engaged at Chancellorsvilie May 2 to 4; on the 2d took part in the capture of the Twenty-third Georgia near the Furnace, and for their efficiency during the campaign were complimented by special notice. Recrossed the river May 6, and returned to their old camp. June 11, 1863, ordered to pack up, and the long, tedious march of the Gettysburg campaign commenced. June 16 passed over the battlefield of 1861–'62 at Bull Run. June 25 crossed the Potomac into Maryland at Edward's Ferry, marching up the tow path of the canal to the mouth of the Monocacy river. The march through Maryland was a continuous ovation, and the appearance of the country gave evidence of the superiority of the free over the slave states.
July 2 to 4 were engaged at Gettysburg, and Colonel Oates, Fifteenth Alabama, in a letter to Colonel Stoughton, of the Second Sharpshooters, written since the war, referring to the charge and repulse of Longstreet's corps July 2, says: "You and your command deserve a monument for turning the tide in favor of the Union cause"; and so by Union and Confederate they were highly commended for their service. July 17 recrossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and on the 23d took part in the battle of Wapping Heights. From July 31 to September 15 encamped along the line of the Rappahannock river.
Crossed on the 15th, and moved to the vicinity of Culpeper. From September 17 to October 10 lay along the Rapidan river.
October 11, 1863, the enemy making a demonstration on the right, the army turned towards Washington, the Second Sharpshooters bringing up the rear and left flank. October 13, near Auburn, Va., they made a charge on the enemy and routed them, driving them quite a distance. On the 15th arrived near Fairfax, Va. On the 19th commenced a forward movement towards the Rappahannock. November 7, led the advance, taking part in the charge across the river at Kelly's Ford. On the 8th, at Brandy Station, drove the enemy about four miles. Went into camp on the 10th near the station. November 26 crossed the Rapidan, and on the 27th were engaged at Locust Grove. In the evening, as the regiment lay in line, a shell struck a tree about two feet through, and exploding, cut it off, and falling along the line it injured two of Company F, and several others. November 28 to 30 were engaged at Mine Run, and returned to camp December 3.
The last of December, two thirds of Companies F and G, having re-enlisted and mustered as veterans, received a veteran furlough, came home, and remained until March 9, 1864. In reorganizing the army in March, 1864, the sharpshooters were assigned to the Second Corps, and were permitted to wear the badge of the Third Corps in which they had served so creditably.
May 3, 1864, broke camp, and crossed the Rapidan on the following morning, and the night of the 4th bivouacked on the old Chancellorsville battlefield. May 6 and 7 were engaged in the Wilderness. On the 6th, fought in line of battle and lost heavily; at Todd's Tavern, May 9; Po River, May 10; near Spottsylvania, May 11 to 16; and took part in the famous charge of the Second Corps at Spottsylvania Court House on the 12th; North Anna River, May 23 to 26; Totopotomoy Creek, May 30, and charged across the creek on the 31st, capturing the enemy's works and many prisoners; at Cold Harbor, June 3 to 12. From the 5th of May to the 12th of June the sharpshooters were engaged twenty-seven days.
June 14 crossed James river near Wilcox Landing and moved towards Petersburg; were engaged in front of Petersburg, June 16 to 20, and in the first fight for the Weldon Railroad, June 21 to 23, and on the 23d, Company F was under the command of the second corporal. July 27 crossed the James river and took part in the fight at Deep Bottom, also August 14 to 18. July 30, at the Mine Explosion, were deployed on the right of the "crater."
September 10, 1864, charged with two other regiments the entrenched picket line, capturing the works and holding the line; also engaged September 22 and October 10 in front of Petersburg; October 7, at Boydton Plank Road; December 8, took part in a raid on the Weldon Railroad, near the North Carolina line; and returned to camp December 12. February 5, 1865, at Hatcher's Run the sharpshooters charged the rebel entrenched picket line, pursuing the enemy quite a distance, were also engaged the two following days. This was the last engagement the Second Regiment United States Sharpshooters took part in, and it was as brilliant as any in which they were ever engaged, although they had received orders to disband. During the siege of Petersburg, almost daily a detail was made from the regiment for picket or vidette duty. January 30, 1865, the Second Regiment United States Sharpshooters as a regiment ceased to exist, Companies F and G being transferred to the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers, and the other companies to their state regiments.
The record of the sharpshooters has no superior. Being composed of companies from different States, it caused a commendable rivalry among them not to permitthemselves to be outdone. If there was any reconnoissance to be made, picket line established, or the enemy's battery to be reached by a rifle ball,
the "Green-coats" were called upon to do it. They were engaged in more battles and skirmishes than the average regiment, and caused more damage to the enemy than any other branch of the service, and often received the commendation and notice of their superior officers.
Companies F and G, Second Regiment United States Volunteer Sharpshooters were attached to First Brigade, Third (King's) Division, First Army Corps, March 18, 1862; First Brigade, Third (King's) Division, Department of the Rappahannock, April 4, 1862; Third Brigade, First Division, Third Army Corps, Army of Virginia, June 28, 1862; First Brigade, First Division, Third Army Corps, Army of Virginia, August 28, 1862; First Brigade, First Division, First Army Corps, September 17, 1862; Third Division, Third Army Corps, January, 1863; Second Brigade, Third Division, Third Army Corps, February 19, 1863; Third Brigade, Third Division, Third Army Corps, March 13, 1863; Second Brigade, First Division, Third Army Corps, June 11, 1863; First Brigade, Third Division, Second Army Corps, March 24, 1864.
Falmouth, Va. ............................ Apr. 19, 1862
Orange Court House Road, Va. ............. July 26, 1862
Bowling Green, Va. ....................... Aug. 6, 1862
Rappahannock Station, Va., ............... Aug. 21-22, 1862
Sulphur Springs, Va. ..................... Aug. 26, 1862
Gainesville, Va. . Bull Run, Va. ......... Aug. 28, 1862
Chantilly, Va. ........................... Aug. 28, 1862
South Mountain, Md........................ Sept. 14, 1862
Boonsborough, Md. ........................ Sept. 15, 1862
Antietam, Md. ............................ Sept. 16-17, 1862
Fredericksburg, Va. ...................... Dec. 16, 17, 1862
Chancellorsville, Va. .................... May 1-4, 1863
Gettysburg, Pa. .......................... July 2-4, 1863
Wapping Heights, Va. ..................... July 23, 1863
Auburn, Va. .............................. Oct. 13, 1863
Kelly's Ford, Va. ........................ Nov. 7, 1863
Brandy Station, Va. ...................... Nov. 8, 1863
Locust Grove, Va. ........................ Nov. 27, 1863
Mine Run, Va. ............................ Nov. 28-30, 1863
Wilderness, Va. .......................... May 5-7, 1864
Todd's Tavern, Va. ....................... May 9, 1864
Po River, Va. ............................ May 10, 1864
Spottsylvania, Va. ....................... May 11-16, 1864
North Anna River, Va. .................... May 23-26, 1864
Totopotomoy Creek, Va. ................... May 30, 31, 1864
Cold Harbor, Va. ......................... June 3-12, 1864
Petersburg, Va. .......................... June 16-20, 1864
Weldon Railroad, Va. ..................... June 21-23, 1864
Deep Bottom, Va., ........................ July 27 and Aug. 14-18, 1864
Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va., ......... July 30, 1864
Siege of Petersburg, Va., ................ Sept. 10-22, and Oct. 10, 1864
Poplar Springs Church, Va. ............... Oct. 7, 1864
Boydton Plank Road, Va. .................. Oct. 27, 1864
Weldon Railroad, Va. ..................... Dec. 8-10, 1864
Hatcher's Run, Va. ....................... Feb. 5-7, 1865
Company F was mustered into the service of the United States November 26, 1861, at Concord, by Seth Eastman, Lt. Col. 1 Inf., U.S.A. The original members who had not re-enlisted were mustered out November 26, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., by S. D. Newcomb, Capt. and A. C. M.
The re-enlisted men and recruits were transferred to the Fifth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry January 30, 1865.
Company G was mustered into the service of the United States December 12, 1861, at Manchester, by Haldimand S. Putnam, 1 Lt. Topographical Engineers, U.S.A. The original members who had not re-enlisted were mustered out December 12, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., by S. D. Newcomb, Capt. and A. C. M. The re-enlisted men and recruits were transferred to the Fifth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry January 30, 1865. The records of the field and staff officers appointed by the governor of New Hampshire are given. Each man was a volunteer appointed or enlisted for three years unless otherwise stated.
Abbott, Amos S. Co. F; b. Concord; age 23; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp.; disch. disab. Feb. 26, '63, Concord. P.O. ad., Concord.
Aiken, Joshua S. Co. G; b. Warner; age 20; res. Warner; enl. Oct. 28, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 26, '62, Pt. Lookout, Md. P.O. ad., Worcester, Mass.
Alexander, Thomas B. Co. F; b. Compton, Can.; age 25; res. Grantham; enl. Sept. 30, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. '62.
Ames, John C. Co. G; b. Campton; age 21; res. Thornton; enl. Nov. 27, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 11, '62, Washington, D.C.
Applin, Charles R. Co. F; b. Swanzey; age 22; res. Swanzey; enl. Oct. 2, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Troy.
Baker, Hazael. Co. F; b. Killingly, Conn.; age 27; res. Wentworth; enl. Nov. 8, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 14, '63. P.O. ad., Concord. See 18 N.H.V.
Bamford, Leone. Co. F; b. Methuen, Mass.; age 21; res. Pembroke; enl. Nov. 6, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; kill'd May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.
Banks, Charles D. Co. F; b. Plainfield; age 40; res. Enfield; enl. Oct. 17, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 12, '62. P.O. ad., Plainfield. See 15 N.H.V.
Barnard, Alonzo. Co. F; b. Weare; age 20; res. Dunbarton; enl. Sept. 25, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; app. Corp.; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. Died, dis. Oct. 10, '64, Philadelphia, Pa.
Barnes, George J. Co. F; b. Concord; age 21; res. Concord; enl. Oct. 29, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Concord.
Batchelder, Alby N. Co. F; b. Chester; age 22; res. Hampstead; enl. Sept. 25, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 10, '62, Washington, D.C.
Batchelder, Nathaniel, Jr. Co. G; b. Sunapee; age 23; res. Newport; enl. Oct. 24, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Corp. Died, dis. Feb. 2, '62, Washington, D.C.
Beard, William C. Co. F; b. New Boston; age 20; res. New Boston; enl. Sept. 25, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; killed July 4, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.
Beede, Hiram P. Co. G. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Bent, James W. Co. F; b. Quincy, Mass.; age 26; res. Boscawen; enl. Oct. 4, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Boscawen.
Berry, Andrew. Co. G; b. Tamworth; age 19; cred. Tamworth; enl. Feb. 4, '64; must. in Feb. 4, '64, as Priv. Died Apr. 7, '64, Brandy Station, Va.
Bixby, Asa R. Co. F; b. Acworth; age 21; res. Acworth; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; killed Sept. 22, '64, Petersburg„ Va.
Blake, Christopher C. Co. G; b. Brewer, Me.; age 21; res. Mont Vernon; enl. Nov. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; disch. wds. Nov. 21, '62.
Blake, Ira S. Co. G; b. Bolton, Can.; age 26; res. Tamworth; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; app. Corp. Apr. 12, '64; wd. June 16, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Oct. 27, '64, Alexandria, Va.
Bland, Joseph B. Co. G; b. Lincolnshire, Eng.; age 34; res. Canterbury; enl. Oct. 21, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 12, '64. P.O. ad., East Grafton.
Blood, Alonzo. Co. G; b. Merrimack; age 18; cred. Farmington; enl. Feb. 18, '64; must. in Feb. 18, '64, as Priv. wd. May 31, '64, Totopotomoy, Va.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., New Boston.
Blood, George H. Co. G; b. Bedford; age 18; cred. Bedford; enl. Feb. 16, '64; must. in Feb. 16, '64, as Priv.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Mont Vernon.
Bowen, William A. Co. F; b. Lebanon; age 22; res. Lebanon; enl. Sept. 30, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Muse.; must. out Nov. 26, '64. P.O. ad., Lebanon.
Boyce, Henry H. Co. F; b. Fitzwilliam; age 21; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Nov. 18, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 18, '62. See 5 N.H.V.
Boyce, Warren. Co. F; b. Fitzwilliam; age 19; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Oct. 21, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 19, '62.
Boynton, Jonas T. Co. F; b. Groton; age 33; res. Boscawen; enl. Oct. 1, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 24, '62, Alexandria, Va.
Brown, John. Co. F; b. Concord; age 18; cred. Columbia; enl. Feb. 12, '64; must. in Feb. 12, '64, as Priv.; killed May 15, '64, Spottsylvania, Va.
Brown, Lemuel W. Co. F; b. Troy; age 26; res. Troy; enl. Oct. 9, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; tr. to I. C. July 1, '63; disch. Nov. 26, '64, Washington, D.C., tm. ex. Died Aug. 30, '90, Troy.
Brown, Samuel F. Co. G; b. Lowell, Mass.; age 20; res. Stratford; enl. Nov. 18, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv; disch. disab. Nov. 29, '62, Providence, R.I. P.O. ad., Stratford Hollow. See 1 N.H.H. Art. and State Service.
Buckingham, Daniel W. Co. F; b. Trumbull county, Ohio; age 22; enl. Oct. 4, '64, at San Francisco, Cal.; must. in Oct. 4, '64, as Priv.; tr. from Co. E, 2 Cal. Inf., Apr. 27, '63; wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa. Died, dis. Nov.26, '63, Hiram, Ohio.
Burge, Frederic J. Co. G; b. Alstead; age 25; res. Croydon; enl. Oct. 23, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. K, 6 V.R.C., May 5, '64; disch. Dec. 11, '64, tm. ex.
Caldwell, Henry M. Co. F; b. Dunbarton; age 23; res. Dunbarton; app. Capt. Sept. 19, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64. Died, dis. July 12, '62, Falmouth, Va.
Caldwell, Horace. Co. F; b. Dunbarton; age 30; res. Dunbarton; enl. Sept. 21, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as 1 Sergt.; disch. disab. Dec. 4. '62. P.O. ad., Dunbarton.
Carr, Frank H. Co. G; b. Hopkinton; age 20; res. Henniker; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; app. Corp. Apr. 12, '64; Sergt. Nov. 1, '64; tr. to Co. B, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; app. 1 Sergt. Feb. 25, '65; 2 Lt. Co. A, May 1, '65; not must.; must. out June 28, '65, as 1 Sergt. P.O. ad., West Hopkinton.
Carter, Reuben F. Co. G; b. Dalton; age 19; res. Lancaster; enl. Oct. 22, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H, June 17, '65; disch. July 12, '65. P.O. ad., Lancaster.
Chadwick, Edwin H. Co. F; b. Boscawen; age 21; res. Boscawen; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Corp.; app. Sergt. Sept. 1, '62; 1 Lt. Sept. 10, '63; disch. disab. Apr. 25, '64. Died Aug. 2, '64, Boscawen.
Chase, Daniel. Co. F; b. Winchendon, Mass.; age 17; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Nov. 19, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 15, '62. P.O. ad., Crystal Lake, Iowa.
Gilley, Joseph G. Co. F; b. Andover; age 18; res. Canterbury; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 27, '62.
Clark, Lewis T. Co. F; b. Putney, Vt.; age 21; cred. Epping; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must. in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.; tr. to Co. I, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; disch. May 12, '65, Concord.
Clifford, Joseph G. Co. G; b. Loudon; age 26; cred. Canterbury; enl. Aug. 18, '62; must. in Aug. 21, '62, as Priv.; captd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.; par. Died, dis. Jan. 27, '63, Annapolis, Md.
Clough, Jeremiah. Co. F; b. Weare; age 32; res. Dunbarton; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 15, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., East Weare.
Colby, Abner D. Co. G; b. Concord; age 31; res. Manchester; enl. Oct. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp. Feb. 24, '62; 1 Sergt. Nov. 15, '62; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; captd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.; app. 1 Lt. May 11, '64; Capt. Jan. 16, '65; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Feb. 18, '65; unas'd; released as prisoner of war Feb. 28, '65; disch. June 21, '65, Concord. P.O. ad., Newton Centre, Mass.
Colby, Henry A. Co. G; b. Springfield; age 20; res. Springfield; enl. Oct. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; app. Sergt. Apr. 12, '64; wd. June 18, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Oct. 31, '64, Washington, D.C.
Collins, George. Co. F; b. Sharon, Vt.; age 21; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 7, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; must. out Nov. 26, '64.
Collins, Melvin H. Co. F; b. Marlborough; age 18; res. Marlborough; enl. Oct. 10, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 2, '62. Died May 25, '67, Marlborough. Supposed identical with Melvin H. Collins, State Service.
Collins, William. Co. G; b. Springfield; age 27; res. Newport; enl. Nov. 21, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 16, '63, Alexandria, Va.
Crane, Luther W. Co. G; b. Bethlehem; age 21; res. Bethlehem; enl. Oct. 11, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; wd. May 23, '64, North Anna River, Va. Died, wds. June 18, '64, Washington, D.C.
Cross, King J. Co. G; b. Northfield; age 33; cred. Columbia; enl. Feb. 12, '64; must. in Feb. 12, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 9, '65, Loudon. See 15 N.H.V.
Crowell, Henry H. Co. G. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Currier, Hazen. Co. F; b. Raymond; age 24; res. Raymond; enl. Nov. 11, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 17, '62, Washington, D.C. Supposed identical with Hazen Currier, 5 Battery Mass. L. Art. See Miscel. Organizations.
Davis, Solon M. Co. F; b. Canaan; age 29; res. Lebanon; enl. Mar. 7, '62; must. in Mar. 7, '62, as Priv.; tr. to Co. K, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; disch. Mar. 8, '65, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex.
Davis, William H. Co. G; b. Madison; age 18; res. Sandwich; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; app. Corp. Nov. 1, '64; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Providence, R.I.
Day, George F. Co. F; b. Weare; age 18; res. Weare; enl. Oct. 22, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 7, '62. Died Feb. 11, '63, East Weare.
Dodge, Julian P. Co. F; b. New Boston; age 19; res. New Boston; enl. Nov. 2, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 23, '62, Rappahannock Station, Va.; app. Sergt.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.; killed June 22, '64, Weldon Railroad, Va.
Dow, Dura P. Co. G; b. Hudson; age 18; res. Hudson; enl. Oct. 19, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp. Jan. 14, '63. Died, dis. Feb. 26, '63, Falmouth, Va.
Dow, Edward. Co. G; b. Lemington, Vt.; age 41; res. Concord; app. 2 Lt. Sept. 26, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64; resigned July 16, '62. Died July 31, '94, Concord.
Drew, Andrew J. Co. G; b. "Pembroke"; age 32; res. Pembroke; enl. Oct. 3, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 5, '62, Falls Church, Va. See V.R.C.
Dudley, Charles L. Co. G; b. Bethlehem; age 21; res. Littleton; enl. Nov. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; cred. Canterbury; must. in Dec. 24, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Whitefield.
Durgin, Stephen. Co. F; b. Deerfield; age 26; res. Epping; enl. Oct. 10, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; entered Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va., June 23, '62. N.f.r.A.G.O.
Eastman, Frank A. Co. G; b. Concord; age 16; res. Concord; enl. Dec. 10, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Muse.; disch. disab. Mar. 6. '62, Washington, D.C.
Edgerly, Calvin E. Co. G; b. Allenstown; age 24; res. Pembroke; enl. Oct. 10, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 26, '62, Washington, D.C.
Edmunds, William. Co. G; b. Pembroke; age 44; res. Pembroke; enl. Nov. 8, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 30, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Manchester.
Ellis, Thomas S. Co. G; b. Northumberland; age "18"; res. Lancaster; enl. Nov. 26, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.; disch. wds. Apr. 27, '63. P.O. ad., Lancaster. See V.R.C.
Everest, Joseph W. Co. F; b. Peru, N.Y.; age 44; res. Plainfield; enl. Oct. 12, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. Oct. 13, '62, Washington, D.C.
Farnum, Cyrus R. Co. F; b. Concord; age 19; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 22, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; must. out Nov. 26, '64. P.O. ad., West Concord.
Farnum, Isaac H. Co. F; b. Concord; age 23; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; must. out Nov. 26, '64. Died Jan. 3, '90, Penacook.
Fisher, Albert G. Co. G; b. Francestown; age 23; res. New Ipswich; enl. Oct. 2, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Sergt.; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 15, '62; disch. Apr. 2, '64. Died Sept. 11, '71, New Ipswich.
Fletcher, Augustus. Co. G; b. Lyndon, Vt.; age 23; res. Lyndon, Vt.; enl. Oct. 30, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. June 9, '62, Washington, D.C. Supposed identical with Augustus Fletcher, State Service.
Fletcher, Oliver M. Co. F; b. Cornish; age 23; res. Cornish; enl. Oct. 9, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 21, '62.
Fletcher, Warren H. Co. G; b. Cornish; age 23; res. Claremont; enl. Oct. 8, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '62; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; cred. Nashua; must. in Dec. 24, '63; app. Sergt. Apr. 12, '64: 2 Lt. Nov. 21, '64; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; app. 1 Lt. Co. F, May 1, '65; not must.; assigned to Co. G, June 12, '65; must. out June 28, '65, as 2 Lt. P.O. ad., Clay Centre, Kan.
Floyd, Joseph S. Co. G; b. Exeter; age 44; cred. Hudson; enl. Feb. 12, '64; must. in Feb. 12, '64, as Priv.; killed May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.
Follansbee, James E. Co. F; b. Londonderry; age 28; res. Mont Vernon; enl. Oct. 21, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp. Feb. 24, '62; Sergt. Nov. 2, '63; re-enl. Dec. 21. '63; must. in Dee. 25, '63; wd. May 5, '64, Wilderness, Va.; May, '64, near Spottsylvania, Va.; app. 1 Sergt. Oct. 15, '64; 1 Lt. Jan. 16, '65; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; wd. Apr. 7, '65, Farmville, Va.; disch. disab. June 2, '65. P.O. ad., South Boston, Mass.
Folsom, Edward H. Co. G; b. Cornville, Me.; age 22; res. Stratford; enl. Oct. 17, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Corp.; disch. disab. Feb. 2, '62, Washington, D.C. See State Service.
Foristall, Charles H. Co. F; b. Fitzwilliam; age 20; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Oct. 21, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; must. out Nov. 26, '64.
Foss, Alfred E. Co. G; b. Thornton; age 23; res. Campton; enl. Nov. 22, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 21, '62, Annapolis, Md.
Foster, Jeremiah C. Co. G; b. Canterbury; age 20; res. Canterbury; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. G, 18 V.R.C.; disch. Dec. 12, '64, Pt. Lookout, Md., tm. ex. Died Sept. 24, '81, Barra, Mass.
Fox, Charles. Co. F; b. New York; age 31; cred. Epping; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must. in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. H, 5 N.H.V., Jan. '30, '65; disch. June 9, '65, Washington, D.C.
Frachuer, Orine P. Co. F; b. Boscawen; age 23; res. Weare; enl. Oct. 10, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 30, '62. P.O. ad., Goffstown. See 1 N.H. L. Battery.
Gamsby, Harvey D. Co. G; b. Stratford; age 24; res. Strafford; enl. Oct. 17, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. June 21, '62, Annapolis, Md. P.O. ad., Newbury, Vt.
Gilman, James M., Co. G; b. Tamworth; age 19; res. Tamworth; enl. Dec. 10, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp. Apr., '63; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; mis.'May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.; returned; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned Co. H, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65.
Gilman, Manoah G. W. Unas'd; b. Alton; 43; cred. Alton; enl. Feb. 27, '64; must. in Feb. 27, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 30, '64, Alton. See 15 N.H.V.
Gilson, David. Co. G; b. Brookline; age 35; res. Nashua; enl. Oct. 12, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Corp.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; disch. wds. Feb. 28, '63. Died May 20, '88, Meriden, Conn.
Gitchell, Samuel F. Co. F; b. Webster; age 24; res. Boscawen; enl. Sept. 27, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 23, '62. P.O. ad., Bristol.
Goodrich, William H. Co. F; b. Cambridge, Mass.; age 19; res. Hopkinton; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; cred. Jaffrey; must. in Dec. 25, '63; wd. Oct. 27, '64, Boydton Plank Road, Va.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H, June 17, '65; disch. Nov. 3, '65, Concord. P.O. ad., Winfield, Kan. See 2 N.H.V.
Gorman, Thomas A. Co. F; b. Chelmsford, Mass.; age 18; cred. Pembroke; enl. Feb. 2, '64; must. in Feb. 2, '64, as Priv.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65.
Gould, William F. Co. F; b. Fort Smith, Ark.; age 18; res. Lebanon; enl. Oct. 23, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65.
Graham, Benjamin F. Co. G; b. East Concord; age 34; res. Concord; enl. Dec. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.
Gray, Reuben. Co. G; b. Shelburne; age 23; res. Stratford; enl. Oct. 29, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 11, '63, Falmouth, Va. P.O. ad., Lancaster.
Green, William B. Co. G; b. Portsmouth; age 18; res. Raymond; enl. Sept. 26, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. I, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; disch. May 29, '65, Concord. Died Mar. 18, '79.
Griggs, Asel B. Co. F; b. Orford; age 24; res. Orford; enl. Oct. 1, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Sergt.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; app. 2 Lt. May 11, '64; wd. June 22, '64, Weldon Railroad, Va.; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 22, '64; Capt. Jan. 16, '65; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; resigned June 10, '65. P.O. ad., Paxton, Mass.
Hackett, Warren T. Co. G; b. Bedford; age 18; cred. Bedford; enl. Feb. 16, '64; must. in Feb. 16, '64, as Priv.; wd. June 12, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 15, '64, Washington, D.C.
Hadley, J. Francis. Co. F; b. Bow; age 19; res. Weare; enl. Oct. 7, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 15, '62. Died Nov. 25, '62, Jersey City, N.J.
Hadley, Sylvester. Co. F; b. Dunbarton; age 23; res. Dunbarton; enl. Oct. 26, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 23, '62, Rappahannock Station, Va.; Disch; disab. Nov. 18, '62. P.O. ad., New Boston.
Hanks, Charles. Co. F; b. Canada; age 35; cred. Concord; enl. Aug. 19,'64, for 1 yr.; must. in Aug. 19, '64, as Priv.; disch. May 6, '65, Galloup's Isl., B.H., Mass.
Hanson, Elijah. Co. G; b. Somersworth; age 26; res. Manchester; enl. Nov. 26, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 12, '64.
Hastings, Amos. Co. G; b. Grantham; age 23; res. Newport; enl. Oct. 11, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 22, '63, Alexandria, Va. P.O. ad., Claremont.
Haynes, Ervin W. Co. O. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Hayward, Alvin G. Co. F; b. Concord; age 19; cred. Eaton; enl. Feb. 8, '64; must. in Feb. 8, '64, as Priv.; wd. Oct. 27, '64, Boydton Plank Road, Va.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H; disch. disab. June 16, '65, Washington, D.C.
Hildreth, James H. Co. F; b. Plainfield; age 36; res. Lebanon; app. 1 Lt. Sept. 19, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64; resigned Aug. 29, '63. P.O. ad., Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Hodge, Joseph K. Co. G; b. Lisbon; age 20; res. Lancaster; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; disch. disab. Dec. 3, '62, New York city. See 9 N.H.V. and State Service.
Hodgkins, Samuel F. Co. G; b. Tamworth; age "21"; res. Tamworth; enl. Dec. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; tr. to I. C. July 1, '63; disch. disab. Mar. 7, '64, Washington, D.C., as of Co. H, 12 I.C. See 3 N.H.V.
Hoffman, John C. Co. F; b. Lockport, N.Y.; age 19; res. Lebanon; enl. Oct. 5, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; des. Dec. 2, '64.
Holt, Albion. Co. G; b. Pembroke; age 35; res. Pembroke; enl. Nov. 1, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Feb. 25, '64; must. in Mar. 26, '64; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; app. Muse.; must. out June 28, '65.
Hopkins, Charles H. Co. G; b. Trenton, Me.; age 24; res. Hudson; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 14, '63, Frederick City, Md. P.O. ad., Litchfield.
Horne, Charles H. Co. F; b. Rochester; age 23; res. Bristol; enl. Sept. 9, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '62. P.O. ad., Bristol. See 1 N.H.V.
Hoyt, Lewis S. Co. G; b. Cornish; age 32; res. Nashua; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 24, '62, Washington, D.C.
Hubbard, Stimpson L. Co. G; b. Wells, Me.; age 22; res. Manchester; enl. Oct. 29, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 5, '64. P.O. ad., Manchester.
Hunt, Lucius F. Co. F; b. Marlborough; age 20; res. Marlborough; enl. Oct. 2, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Corp.; disch. disab. June 28, '62. P.O. ad., Rutland, Vt. See 2 N.H.V.
Ingalls, Andrew J. Co. G; b. Chichester; age 31; cred. Canterbury; enl. Aug. 25, '62; must. in Aug. 26, '62, as Priv.; captd. June 22, '64, Weldon Railroad, Va. released; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H, June 17, '65; disch. June 19, '65, Baltimore, Md. P.O. ad., Laconia.
Irving, John H. Co. G; b. Canterbury; age 23; cred. Canterbury; enl. Aug. 16, '62; must. in Aug. 21, '62, as Priv.; disch. Mar. 16, '62, Providence, R.I. Supposed identical with John H. Irving, Co. E, 1 N.H.H. Art.
Jackson, Charles R. Co. G; b. Portsmouth; age 35; res. Tamworth; enl. Oct. 8, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 19, '63, Alexandria, Va. P.O. ad., Tamworth.
Jackson, Oliver. Co. F; b. Cornish; age 25; res. Manchester; enl. Oct. 2, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; cred. Cornish; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H, June 17, '65; disch. to date June 28, '65.
Jameson, David A. Co. F; b. Dunbarton; age 23; res. Dumbarton; enl. Oct. 22, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; wd. June 6, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 26, '64, Baltimore, Md.
Jillson, Anson R. Co. F; b. Richmond; age 21; res. Swanzey; enl. Oct. 4, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. and must. in Jan. 5, '64; cred. Richmond; killed May 8, '64, while on duty with 1 N.H.L. Battery, Laurel Hill, Va. See 2 N.H.V.
Johnson, Jonathan S. Co. G; b. Hooksett; age 36; res. Manchester; enl. Dec. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 5, '62, Falls Church, Va. P.O. ad., Manchester.
Jones, Amos B. F. and S.; b. Washington; age 24; res. Washington; app. Maj. Dec. 3, '64; must. in Dec. 4. '64; disch. June 6, '62, to date June 4, '62, to accept promotion. P.O. ad., Duluth, Minn. See 1 U.S.S.S. and Miscel. Organizations.
Kay, Charles R. Co. G; b. Lisbon; age 23; res. Lisbon; enl. Nov. 5, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 15, '62, Boonsborough, Md.; disch. disab. Nov. 28, '62. P.O. ad., Bethlehem.
Beach, James J. Co. G; b. Clintonville, N.Y.; age 23; res. Columbia; enl. Oct. 18, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 12, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Pittsburg.
Kelley, Andrew J. Co. G. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Kennedy, John F. Co. F; b. Glasgow, Scot.; age 18; cred. Pembroke; enl. Feb. 2, '64; must. in Feb. 2, '64, as Priv.; wd. May 11, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Died, wds. May 16, '64, Washington, D.C.
Kenney, Horace J. Co. G; b. Bethlehem; age 20; res. Bethlehem; enl. Oct. 31, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 28, '62, Alexandria, Va. Died Dec. 18, '93, Littleton.
Kent, James S. Co. G; b. Lyman; age 23; res. Lancaster; enl. Oct. 16, '64; must. in Dec: 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp.; killed July 4, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.
Kimball, John S. Co. F; b. Deerfield; age 22; res. Weare; enl. Oct. 7, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 6, '62.
Kimball, William C. Co. G; b. Canterbury; age 27; cred. Canterbury; enl. Aug. 21, '62; must. in Aug. 25,'62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 10, '63, Baltimore, Md.
Lamprey, George W. Co. F; b. Orford; age 25; res. Orford; enl. Oct. 1, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; must. out Nov. 26, '64. P.O. ad., Orfordville.
Lane, George. Co. F; b. Orford; age 23; res. Orford; enl. Oct. 12, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; tr. to 1 N.H.L. Battery May 24, '62; re-enl. and must. in Mar. 31, '64; app. Artificer; must. out June 9, '65. P.O. ad., Stoddard. See 1 N.H.V.
Langley, George A. Co. G; b. Rochester; age 18; res. Tamworth enl. Dec. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H, June 17, '65; app. 1 Sergt.; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Lowell, Mass.
Law, Joseph P. Co. G; b. Clarendon, Vt.; age 35; res. Hopkinton; enl. Nov. 20, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. F, 22 V.R.C.; disch. Dec. 14, '64, Indianapolis, Ind., tm. ex. P.O. ad., Dexter, Or.
Leighton, Jerome W. Co. F; b. Littleton; age 23; res. Jaffrey; enl. Oct. 10, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. I, June 17, '65; reported on m. o. roll as absent sick at Concord. N.f.r.A.G.O. P.O. ad., Rindge.
Lougee, John A. Co. G; b. Loudon; age 23; cred. Canterbury; enl. Aug. 16, '62; must. in Aug. 25, '62, as Priv.; tr. to Co. I, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; disch. June 3, '65, Baltimore, Md.
Lougee, Walter. Co. F; b. Somersworth; age 18; cred. Concord; enl. Mar. 12, '64; must. in Mar. 14, '64, as Priv.; wd. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va.; disch. disab. May 12, '65, Manchester. P.O. ad., West Concord.
Lovejoy, John. Co. G; b. Bangor, Me.; age 21; res. Lisbon; enl. Nov. 29, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; cred. Nashua; must. in Dec. 24, '63; app. Wagoner; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. I, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65. See 1 N.H.V.
Manchester, John A. Co. F; b. Concord; age 18; cred. Colebrook; enl. Jan. 19, '64; must. in Jau. 19, '64, as Priv.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; app. Muse.; must. out June 28, '65.
Marden, George A. Co. G; b. Mont Vernon; age 22; res. Mont Vernon; enl. Nov. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Sergt.; app. Q. M. 1 U.S.S.S. July 10, '62; disch. Sept. 22, '64. P.O. ad., Lowell, Mass.
Marsh, John E. Co. F; b. Milton; age 23; res. Milton; enl. Oct. 16, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; disch. July 25, '65, to date June 28, '65, Concord. P.O. ad., Milton Mills.
Marston, David C. Co. G; b. Alexandria; age 18; cred. Concord; enl. Feb. 25, '64; must. in Feb. 25, '64, as Priv.; captd. June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, dis. Aug., '64, Andersonville, Ga.
Martin, Ezra W. Co. G; b. West Fairlee, Vt.; age 22; res. Stratford; enl. Oct. 28, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 5, '62. Died Feb. 19, '63, Bloomfield, Vt.
Matthes, Henry. Co. F; b. England; age 35; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 6, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '62. P.O. ad., Boston, Mass. See 1 N.H.V.
McCrillis, George W. Co. G; b. Meredith; age 36; res. North. Stratford; enl. Nov. 13, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 19, '63, Concord.
McPherson, William D. Co. G; b. Boston, Mass.; age 33; res. Concord; app. Capt. Sept. 19, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64; resigned. Oct. 31, '62. Died Oct. 9, '67, New Orleans, La.
McVicar, Alexander. Co. F; b. Nova Scotia; age 38; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 16, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; tr. to I. C. Aug. 1, '63; assigned to Co. D, 14 I. C.; disch. Nov. 26, '64, Washington, D.C., tm. ex. See 1 N.H.V.
Meyer, Christian Frederic. Co. F; b. Heidenheim, Ger.; age 25; res. Kingston; enl. Oct. 22, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; killed Feb. 5, '65, Hatcher's Run, Va.
Mills, Frank B. Co. F; b. Dunbarton; age 18; res. Danbarton; enl. Oct. 26, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 22, '62, near Falmouth, Va. P.O. ad., Dunbarton.
Mills, Joseph. Co. F; b. Weare; age 27; res. Hopkinton; enl. Sept. 30, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 24, '62. P.O. ad., Douglass, Mass.
Moody, John H. Co. F; b. Canterbury; age 17; res. Canterbury; enl. Oct. 1, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; app. Corp.; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. I, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65.
Moore, Adino N. Co. G; b. Boston, Mass.; age 20; res. Antrim; enl. Nov. 12, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. July 7, '62, Falmouth, Va.
Moore, Elbridge G. Co. G; b. Raymond; age 26; res. Raymond; enl. Oct. 25, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Corp.; disch. disab. June 2, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Milford, Mass.
Moore, Horace D. Co. F; b. Chelsea, Vt.; age 34; res. Lebanon; enl. Nov. 25, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; tr. to I. C. Aug. 24, '63; to Co. C, 16 V.,R. C.; Nov. 26, '64, Harrisburg, Pa., tm. ex.
Moores, John A. Co. G; b. Byfield, Mass.; age 49; res. Canterbury; app. 1 Lt. Sept. 19, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64; resigned Nov. 14, '64. Died Nov. 28, '64, Marshalltown, Iowa.
Moores, William D. Co. G; b. Concord; age 19; res. Canterbury; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 10, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Derry Depot.
Morrow, William. Co. G; b. Colebrook; age 20; res. Stratford; enl. Oct. 17, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; disch. Dec. 18, '62, Washington, D.C. See State Service.
Morse, Horace F. Co. G; b. Lisbon; age 23 res. Lancaster; enl. Nov. 14, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 10, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Easton.
Morse, Nathan. Co. F; b. Sullivan; age 35; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Oct. 21, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. I, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65.
Moulton, True D. Co. G; b. Tamworth; age 19; res. Tamworth; enl. Oct. 8, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 18, '62, Falls Church, Va.
Murry, Joseph. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Chatham; enl. Jan. 8, '64; must. in Jan. 8, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 4, '64, Concord.
Murry, Samuel F. Co. F; b. Chester; age 20; res. Auburn; enl. Nov. 5, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Sergt.; captd. Aug. 6, '62, Bowling Green, Va.; par. Sept. 13, '62; exch.; app. 2 Lt. to date July 13, '62; 1 Lt. Aug. 30, '63; Capt. Sept. 10, '63; captd. June 21, '64, Weldon Railroad, Va.; par. Dec. 9, '64; disch. Dec. 20, '64. Bvt. Maj., U.S.V., to date Mar. 13, '65, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. P.O. ad., Wilton.
Muzzey, Hiram C. Co. F; b. Newbury; age 18; res. Hanover; enl. Oct. 5, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '62.
Osgood, Charles E. CO. G; b. Hudson; age 18; cred. Hudson; enl. Feb. 25, '64; must. in Feb. 25, '64, as Priv.; wd. May 16, '64, Spottsylvania, Va.; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Lowell, Mass.
Osgood, Ruel. Co. G; b. Newport; age 35; res. Claremont; enl. Nov. 22, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 29, '62, Washington, D.C.
Page, John W. Co. F; b. Georgia; age 20; res. Milton; enl. Nov. 26, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. I, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Milton Mills.
Palmer, James S. Co. G; b. Troy, Me.; age 28; cred. Canterbury; enl. Aug. 19, '62; must. in Aug. 21, '62, as Priv.; disch. Jan. 20, '63, Newark, N.J. P.O. ad., East Boston, Mass.
Paul, Nelson. Co. F; b. Sorel, Can.; age 30; res. Weare; enl. Oct. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 2,'63.
Peaslee, Edwin J. Co. G. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Perkins, Uriah. Co. G; b. Tamworth; age 25; res. Tamworth; enl. Nov. 16, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. Jan. 27, '63, Alexandria, Va. P.O. ad., North Woburn, Mass.
Pettengill, Hiram S. Co. G. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Philbro, John. Co. G. b. Thornton, Eng.; age 27; res. Stratford; enl. Nov. 13, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 23, '63, Alexandria, Va.
Porter, Jerome B. Co. G; b. Sutton; age 18; res. Sutton; enl. Sept. 13, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 9, '62, Washington, D.C. Died June 25, '70.
Powers, Leander. Unas'd; b. Frankfort, Me.; age 37; cred. Grantham; enl. Feb. 19, '64; must. in Feb. 19, '64,. as Priv.; des. Mar. 4, '64, Concord.
Quimby, Moses M. Co. F; b. Franklin; age 29; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 7, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 17, '62, Washington, D.C. Supposed identical with Moses M. Quimby, Co. F, 10 N.H.V.
Quinby, Charles E. Co. G; b. Sandwich; age 20; res. Sandwich; enl. Dec. 5, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 2, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Chelsea, Mass.
Raney, John J. Co. G; b. Boston, Mass.; age 19; res. Canterbury, cred. Canterbury; enl. Aug. 22, '62; must. in Aug. 25, '62, as Priv.; wd. July 4, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; disch. disab. Dec. 6, '64. P.O. ad., Leominster Mass.
Redfield, Henry A. Co. G; b. Nashua; age 21; res. Claremont; enl. Dec. 11, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. Dec. 22, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Dover.
Reed, Isaac. Co. G; b. Georgetown, Mass.; age 25; cred. Laconia; enl. Jan. 15, '64; must. in Jan. 15,'64,. as Priv.; des. Feb. 15, '64, New York city.
Reynolds, Hosea. Co. F; b. Acton, Me.; age 41; res. Wakefield; enl. Oct. 22, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 20, '63, Falmouth, Va.
Reynolds, William B. Co. F; b. Acton, Me.; age 33; res. Milton; enl. Oct 4, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Sergt.; app. Asst. Surg. Dec. 5, '64; Surg. Aug. 12, '63; disch. An. 12, '65. Died Jan. 11, '77, Lynn, Mass. See 8 N.H.V.
Richards, Henry L. Co. F; b. Portsmouth; age 37; res. Portsmouth; enl. Oct. 30, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; app. Sergt.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; killed July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.
Riley, John. Co. G; b. Boston, Mass.; age 19; cred. Croydon; enl. Feb. 16, '64; must. in Feb. 16, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; must. out June 28, '65.
Robinson, John W. E. Co. F; b. Exeter; age 22; res. Epping; enl. Oct. 31, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; des. July 7, '63.
Rollins, Carlton. Co. F; b. Epping; age 36; res. Sanbornton; enl. Oct. 26, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 19, '62, Washington, D.C. See State Service.
Roundy, George E. Co. G; b. Gilsnm; age 37; res. Newport; enl. Oct. 11, '64; must. in Jan. 6, '62, as Privt; disch. disab. June 30, '62, Washington, D.C. Died May 7, '88, Worcester, Mass.
Rowell, Edward T. Co. F; b. Concord age 26; res. Concord; app. 2 Lt. Sept. 21, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64; app. Capt. July 13, '62, Maj. July 1, '63; Lt. Col. Feb. 17, '64; not must.; wd. June 17, '64, near Petersburg, Va.; must. out Nov. 26, '64, as Maj. P.O. ad., Lowell, Mass.
Sanborn, Alfred J. Co. F; b. Auburn; age 21; res. Auburn; enl. Nov. 5, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; day 31, '64, Totopotomoy, Va.; must. out Nov. 26, '64. P.O. ad., Londonderry. See 2 N.H.V.
Sanborn, Freeman. Co. G; b. Buxton, Me.; age 35; res. Tamworth; enl. Oct. 8, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 24, '62, Washington, D.C. Died Jan. 31, '84, Tamworth.
Sanborn, Henry. Co. F; b. Salisbury; age 27; res. Salisbury; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 6, '62. P.O. ad., Lebanon. See 10 N.H.V.
Sanborn, John W. Co. G; b. Somersworth; age 25; res. Tamworth; enl. Dec. 6, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 3, '63, Alexandria, Va. P.O. ad., Tamworth.
Sanborn, Joseph. Co. G; b. Tamworth; age 40; res. Tamworth; enl. Oct. 7, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Corp.; app. Sergt.; wd. Aug. 30, '62, Bull Run, Va.; disch. wds. Feb. 5, '63, Washington, D.C.
Sargent, Davis B. Co. G; b. Highgate, Vt.; age 22; res. Littleton; enl. Oct. 5, '64;. must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Sergt.; disch. Nov. 11, '62, Annapolis, Md. P.O. ad., Highgate, Vt.
Scales, George. Co. G; b. Canterbury; age 21; res. Canterbury (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Dec. 4, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp. Mar., '62; wd. Sept., '62, Antietam, Md.; disch. wds. Nov. 22; '62.
Scischo, William L. Co. G; b. Goshen; age 41; res. Newport; enl. Oct. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; must. out Dec. 12, '64. See 1 N.H.V.
Scott, William W. Co. F; b. Middlebury, Vt.; age 27; res. Lebanon; enl. Nov. 4, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Muse.; app. Sergt; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. G, June 17,'65; must. out June 28, '65. Died June 16, '71, Lebanon.
Sevrans, William H. Co. F; b. Wilmot; age 20; res. Acworth; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 11, '62. P.O. ad., East Lempster. See 1 N.H.v. Art.
Shepard, George W. Co. G; b. New Boston; age 29; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 28, '64; must. in Dec. 12,.'64, as. Priv.; disch. disab. May 27, '62, Washington, D.C. See 16 N.H.V.
Simmons, James. Co. F; b. Alexandria; age 18; cred. Hill; enl. Jan. 18, '64; must. in Jan. 18, '64, as Priv.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; disch. to date June 28, '65.
Smith, Chester P. Co. G; b. Claremont; age 14; res. Claremont; enl. Oct. 2, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64; as Priv.; disch. disab. May 12, '62, Washington, D.C. Died Apr. 8, '84, Togas, Me.
Smith, Daniel N. Co. G; b. Sandwich; age 22; res. Sandwich; Enl. Oct. 31, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. June 5, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.; disch. Dec. 15, '64, to date Dec. 11, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P.O. ad., Glidden, Iowa.
Smith, Dustin B. Co. G; b. Hudson; age 40; res. Hudson; enl. Dec. 4, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. and must. in Feb. 17, '64; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Hudson.
Smith, Harvard P. Co. G; b. Hudson; age 24; res. Hudson; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Sergt.; app. 2 Lt. Oct. 10, '62; Capt. Nov. 1, '62; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.; disch. Dec. 24, '64.
Smith, Norris. Co. G; b. Hudson; age 27; res. Hudson; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp.; Sergt. Feb. 15, '63; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 24, '63; wd. May 31, '64, Totopotomoy, Va.; app. 1 Lt. Jan. 16, '65; not must.; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. F; reduced to ranks June 23, '65; disch. to date June 28,'65.
Spead, Leonard. Co. F; b. Newmarket age 21; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; app. Wagoner; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in 'Dec. 25, '63; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; must. out June 28, '65: P.O. ad., West Concord.
Spead, William F. Co. F; b. West Concord; age 28; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 30, '64; must. in Nov. 26,'64', as Priv.; re-enl. and must. in Mar. 22, '64; killed Oct. 10, '64, Petersburg, Va.
Spencer, Charles E. Co. G. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Starr, Darius. Co. F; b. Tolland, Conn.; age 19; res. Hanover; enl. Nov. 4, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Corp. app. Sergt.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; cred. Jaffrey; must. in Dec. 25, '63; captd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. Died, dis. Sept.1, '64, Andersonville, Ga.
Steele, Allen. Co. G; b. Hudson; age 18; res. Hudson; enl. Oct. 24, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 22, '62, Washington, D.C.
Stevens, Charles F. Co. G; b. Weare; age 22; res. Henniker; enl. Dec. 10, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. July 30, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Henniker.
Stevens, Charles W. Co. G; b. Limington, Me. age 26; res. Manchester; enl. Oct. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.; disch. disab. Mar. 11, '63, Falmouth, Va.
Straw, George W. Co. G. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Strickland, William H. Co. F; b. Palmer, Mass.; age 26; res. New London; enl. Oct. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. and must. in Mar. 22, '64; cred. Lebanon; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jam 30, '65; assigned to Co. B, June 17, '65; must. out June 28, '65.
Taylor, Henry. Co. G; b. Reading, Mass.; age 20; res. Hudson; enl. Dec. 5, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 6, '62, Washington, D.C.
Tenney, Silas W. Co. F; b. Chester; age 22; res. Chester; enl. Nov. 19, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 5, '62, Washington, D.C.
Thayer, Charles G. Co. F; b. Westmoreland; age 37; res. Weave; enl. Oct. 21, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 28, '62, Gainesville, Va.; tr. to V.R.C.; unas'd; disch. Dec. 3, '64, Washington, D.C., tm. ex. Died Nov. 27, '85.
Thomas, Job F. Co. G; b. Derry; age 22; res. Hudson; enl. Oct. 19, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; disch. wds. Dec. 14, '63. P.O. ad., Burson, Cal.
Thomas, William H. Co. G; b. Derry; age 19; res. Derry; enl. Nov. 13, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 13, '63. P.O. ad., Derry.
Thompson, John W. Co. G; b. Newmarket; age 26; res. Nashua; enl. Nov. 9, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as 1 Sergt.; app. 2 Lt. July 16, '62; killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. See 1 N.H.V.
Thompson, Joseph S. Co. F; b. Hopkinton; age 18; res. Hopkinton; enl. Sept. 30, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv. app. Corp.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; cred. Jaffrey; must. in Dec. 25, '63; wd. June 6, '64, Cold Harbor, Va.; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; to V.R.C.; disch. July 18, '65, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Goffstown.
Tillotson., Center L. Co. G; b. Orange; age 28; cred. Canterbury; enl. Aug. 19, '62; must. in Aug. 25, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 3, '63, Baltimore, Md.
Towne, James D. Co. F; b. Mont Vernon; age 21; res. Mont Vernon; enl. Oct. 21, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 20, '64, Washington, D.C.
True, Augustus A. Co. G; b. Chester; age 18; res. Raymond; enl. Oct. 7, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Muse.; tr. to 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H, June 17, '63; disch. July 10, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Nov. 27, '82, Raymond.
True, Warren. Co. G; b. St. Joseph, Mich.; age 24; res. Raymond; enl. Sept. 28, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. Jan. 31, '63, Alexandria, Va. P.O. ad., Fremont.
Twitchell, Zeb. Co. G; b. Stockbridge, Vt.; age 31; res. Lancaster; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Corp.; disch. disab. May 19, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P.O. ad., Lancaster. See 1 N.H.V. Art.
Twombly, Robert F. Co. G; b. Barrington; age 19; res. Tamworth; enl. Nov. 22, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.
Upton, Charles. Co. F; b. Amherst; age 25; res. Amherst; enl. Oct. 19, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Corp.; disch. disab. June 18, '62. Died June 18, '76, Nashua.
Van Valin, Daniel. Co. F; b. New York; age 25; res. Suncook; enl. Nov. 2, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; tr. to 1 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C. July 1, '63; disch. Nov. 25, '64, Washington, D.C., tm. ex.
Walker, Ruel J. C., F; b. Stanstead, Can.; age 27; res. Lebanon; enl. Oct. 7, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 14, '62. See State Service.
Webster, James Y. Co. G; b. Sandwich; age 44; res. Sandwich; enl. Oct. 31, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Corp.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.; disch. wds. Apr. 10, '63, Baltimore, Md. P.O. ad., Centre Sandwich.
West, Orin. Co. F; b. Fremont; age 29; res. Epping; enl. Oct. 10, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. and must. in Mar. 22, '64; cred. Fremont; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. I, June 17, '65; disch. July 8, '65, to date June 28, '65, Concord. P.O. ad., Raymond.
Wetherbee, Frank. Co. F; b. Parishville, N.Y.; age 28; res. Jaffrey; enl. Oct. 7, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.
Whipple, Edwin E. Co. F; b. Goffstown; age 22; res. Duubarton; enl. Oct. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 24, '64. Died Mar. 5, '62, Dunbarton.
Whipple, Henry G. Co. F; b. Goffstown; age 18; res. Dunbarton; enl. Oct. 28, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; tr. to I. C. July 1, '63; assigned to Co. B, 3 I. C.; re-enl. Apr. 25, '64; cred. Worcester, Mass.; disch. Nov. 20, '65, Augusta, Me. P.O. ad., Goffstown.
White, George H. Co. G; b. Antrim; age 21; res. Antrim; enl. Nov. 12, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64,. as Priv.; killed July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.
White, Wyman S. Co. F; b. Fitzwilliam; age 21; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Nov. 18, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; app. 1 Sergt. Jan. 25, '65; tr. to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, ''65; disch. Mar. 6, '65, near Petersburg, Va. P.O. ad., Worcester, Mass.
Whitten, Thorn D. Co. G; b. Tamworth; age 44; res. Tamworth; enl. Sept. 23, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 26, '64, Baltimore, Md. P.O. ad., Tamworth.
Whittier, Charles F. Co. F; b. Londonderry; age 19; res. Hopkinton; enl. Sept. 30, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv. Died Dec. 30, '64, Washington, D.C.
Wiggin, Isaiah H. Co. G; b. Wakefield; age 21; res. Tamworth; enl. Oct. 14, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; app. Corp. Died, dis. Aug. 21, '62, Washington, D.C.
Williams, Sexton W. Co. F; b. Allen county, Ky.; age 32; enl. Oct. 1, '64, at San Francisco, Cal.; must. in Oct. 1, '64, as Priv.; tr. from Co. E, 2 Cal. Inf., Apr. 27, '63; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; cred. Swanzey; must. in Dec. 25, '63; wd. sev. June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Aug. 4, '64, Washington. D.C.
Wilson, Charles B. Co. F; b. Fitzwilliam; age 19; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Oct. 22, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv.; re-enl. Dec. 21, '63; must. in Dec. 25, '63; disch., '64, to accept promotion. P.O. ad., Chicago, Ill. See U.S.C.T.
Winn, Joseph G. Co. G; b. Hudson; age 33; res. Hudson; enl. Nov. 21, '64; must. in Dec. 12, '64, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 17, '62, and died, wds. Sept. 18, '62, Antietam, Md.
Withington, William A. Co. F; b. Royalston, Mass.; age 20; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Oct. 19, '64; must. in Nov. 26, '64, as Priv. Died Jan. 4, '62, Newport News, Va.
Wood, William S. Co. F; b. Lebanon; age 21; cred. Lebanon; enl. Feb. 5, '64; must. in Feb. 5, '64, as Priv.; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.; tr. to Co. F, 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; must. out June 28, '65.
Wyatt, David C. Co; G. See 1 U.S.S.S.
Original members ................................................. officers 3; enlisted men; 93; total, 96;
Recruits ......................................................... enlisted men, 12; total, 12;
Recruits gained by transfer ...................................... enlisted men, 2; total, 2;
Total strength ................................................... 110;
Killed or died of wounds, original members ....................... enlisted men, 11; total, 11;
Killed or died of wounds, recuits ................................ enlisted men, 3; total, 3;
Total killed or died of wounds ................................... total, 14;
Died of disease, original members................................. Officers, 1; enlisted men, 4; total, 5;
Died of disease, recruits ........................................ enlisted men, 1; total, 1;
Died of cause unknown, original members .......................... enlisted men, 2; total, 2;
Total deaths ..................................................... 22
Mustered out or disch. to date Nov. 26, '64, original members..... enlisted men, 7; total, 7;
Discharged on other dates, original members ...................... officers, 4; enlisted men, 38; total, 42;
Discharged on other dates, recruits............................... enlisted men 2 total, 2
Transferred to 5 N.H.V., original members......................... officers, 2; enlisted men 17; total, 19;
Transferred to 5 N.H.V., recruits ................................ enlisted men, 8; total, 8;
Transfered to other organizations, original members .............. enlisted men, 7; total, 7;
Deserted, original members........................................ enlisted men, 2; total, 2;
Not finally accounted for, original members....................... enlisted men, 1; total 1;
Total 110;
Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62 ........................................ original members, enlisted men, 2; recuits, enlisted men, --; total, 2;
Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63 ........................................ original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Gettysburg, Pa., July 4, '63 ........................................ original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Wilderness, Va., May 6, '64 ......................................... original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Laurel Hill, Va. (while on duty, with 1 N.H.L. Battery, May 8, '64, . original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Spottsylvania, Va., May 11, '64 ..................................... original members, enlisted men, --; recuits, enlisted men, 1; total,1;
Spottsylvania, Va., May 15, '64 ..................................... original members, enlisted men, --; recuits, enlisted men, 1; total,1;
Cold Harbor, Va., June 6, '64 ....................................... original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Petersburg, Va., June 17, '64 ....................................... original members, enlisted men, --; recuits, enlisted men, 1; total,1;
Weldon Railroad, Va., June 22, '64 .................................. original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Petersburg, Va., Sept. 22, '64 ...................................... original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Petersburg, Va., Oct. 10, '64 ....................................... original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 5, '65 ..................................... original members, enlisted men, 1; recuits, enlisted men, --; total,1;
Totals .............................................................. original members, enlisted men, 11; recuits, enlisted men, 3; total,14;
Died in Confederate prison, previously included, original members, 1.
Re-enlisted, original members, 27; recruits, 1; total, 28.
The recruits, including those gained by transfer, were all-volunteers.
Killed or died of wounds, 14 = 12.7 per cent.
Died of disease, 6 = 5.5 per cent.
Total deaths from all causes, 22 = 20. per cent.
United States: Original members, 90; recruits, 12; total, 102
Canada: Original members, 3; recruits, 1; total, 4
Nova Scotia Original members, 1; recruits, --; total, 1
England Original members, 1; recruits, --; total, 1
Scotland: Original members, --; recruits, 1; total, 1
Germany: Original members, 1; recruits, --; total, 1
Original members............................................... officers, 3; enlisted men, 94; total, 97;
Recruits ...................................................... enlisted men, 19; total, 19;
- .
Recruits gained by transfer from 1 U.S.S.S. enlisted men, 9; total, 9;
Total strength ................................................ 125
Killed or died of wounds, original members .................... officers, 1; enlisted men, 8; total, 9;
Killed or died of wounds, recruits ............................ enlisted men, 2; total, 2;
Total killed or died of wounds ................................ 11
Died of disease, original members ............................. enlisted men, 8; total, 8;
Died of disease, recruits ..................................... enlisted men, 1; total, 1;
Died, cause unknown, recruits ................................. enlisted men, 1; total, 1;
Total deaths .................................................. 23;
Mustered out or discharged to date Dec. 12, '64, original members enlisted men, 3; total,3;
Discharged on other dates, original members ................... officers, 5; enlisted men, 54; total,59;
Discharged on other dates, recruits ........................... enlisted men, 9; total, 9;
Transferred to 5 N.H.V., original members ..................... officers, 2; enlisyed men, 12; total, 14;
Transferred to 5 N.H.V., recruits ............................. enlisted men, 12; total, 12;
Transfered to other organizations, original members ........... enlisted men, 1; total, 1
Deserted, recruits ............................................ enlisted men, 1; total, 1
Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, '62, original members, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, --; total, 1;
Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62, original members, officers, 1; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, --; total, 3;
Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, '63, original members, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, --; total, 1;
Gettysbury, Pa. July 4, '63, original members, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, --; total, 1;
Wilderness, Va., May 6, '64, original members, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; total, 1;
North Anna River, Va., May 23, '64, original members, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, --; total, 1;
Cold Harbor, Va., June 12, '64, original members, officers, --; enlisted men, --; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; total, 1;
Petersburg, Va., June 16, '64, original members, officers, --; enlisted men, --; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; total, 1;
Petersburg, Va., June 16, '64 original members, officers, --; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, --; enlisted men, --; total, 1;
Died in Confederate prison, previously included, recruits, 1.
Re-enlisted, original members, 15.
The recruits, including those gained by transfer, were all volunteers.
Killed or died of wounds, 11 = 8.8 per cent.
Died of disease, 11 = 8.8 per cent
Total deaths from all causes, 23 = 18.4 per cent
United States: Original members, 95; recruits, 28; total, 123;
Canada Original members, 1; recruits, --; total, 1;
England Original members, 1; recruits, --; total, 1;
Original Members...................................... officers, 1; enlisted men, --; total, 1;
Recruits.............................................. enlisted men, 3; total, 3;
Died, diesease, recruits.............................. enlisted men, 1; total, 1;
Discharged, original members.......................... officers, 1; enlisted men, --; total, 1;
Deserted, recruits.................................... enlisted men, 2; total, 2;
The recruits were all volunteers
United States: Original members, 1; recruits, 2; total, 3;
Ireland Original members, --; recruits, 1; total, 1;
