Revised Register Of The
Soldiers And Sailors Of New Hampshire
In The War Of The Rebellion 1861-1866.
Prepared And Published By
Authority Of The Legislature,
By Augustus D. Ayling, Adjutant General.
Concord: Ira C. Evans, Public Printer. 1895.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

By SAMUEL F. MURRY, late Captain First Regiment United States Volunteer Sharpshooters and Brevet Major United States Volunteers.
SOON after the President issued the call for troops to serve three years, Hiram Berdan, of New York, a native of New Hampshire,
conceived the idea of raising a corps of sharpshooters, to be used, as the name implies, as skirmishers and sharpshooters, He presented his plan to the President and Secretary of War, who expressed but little confidence in it. He persisted in his efforts, and on June 15, 1861, he received permission to raise a regiment, provided it be done, within ninety days, Knowing that it would be impossible to raise a regiment in any one state, he immediately sent circulars to the Adjutant Generals of the loyal states, stating the qualifications necessary for enlistment "that no man shall be accepted who cannot, at two hundred yards, put ten consecutive shots into a ten-inch ring, or a string measurement of fifty inches.
Each man could choose his rifle, and the government would allow sixty dollars for it. "A few furnished their own rifles, but the most preferred that the government should do it." Recruiting offices were opened in different parts of the State, and September 9, 1861, the first company was mustered into the United States service at Concord, N.H., with Amos B. Jones as captain. Two days later they were ordered to Weehawken, N.J,; on September 15, 1861, were sent to Washington, D.C. with the companies which had arrived there, and joined the First Berdan's United States Sharpshooters as Company E. The uniform was dark green cap, coat, and trousers, leather leggings, gray felt havelock-shaped hat, and gray overcoat. The latter was very good to keep out the rain, but might provoke a shot from the rear when in field service, and was soon dispensed with, The knapsack was of French pattern, made of leather tanned with the hair on, with a tin dish for cooking on the outside.
September 21, 1861, Companies C and E, the only companies armed, joined a reconnoitering expedition under General Smith into Virginia, and had a skirmish near Lewinsville, Va., September 27, 1861, the first time under fire. On the return, near Falls Church, had another skirmish on the 29th, and Sergt. George W. Brooks was wounded, the first man wounded in the company. Returned to Washington on the 30th. In camp at camp of instruction during the winter of 1861-'62, where the regiment was thoroughly drilled and disciplined in movements and target practice, that proved invaluable when in active service in the field.
The target rifles with which they were armed were found impracticable for skirmishing on account of being so heavy and not having fixed ammunition. Colonel Berdan made requisition for Sharpe's breech-loading rifles of the most improved pattern. The Secretary of War declared that the Springfield rifle was good enough, and General Ripley said the old-fashioned musket with buck and ball was better still. Colonel Berdan insisted that the men had enlisted with the promise that they should be armed with Sharpe's rifles and it must be so, and it was done in May following. In the meantime Colt's revolving rifle had been sent to the regiment, which nearly caused a mutiny; but relying on Colonel Berdan's promises, they were taken, but were not practical, either in accuracy or safety, as many, when at target practice, had their fingers shot off by the discharge of several chambers at once.
March 20, 1862, broke camp, and joined Porter's division, Third Army Corps, on March 21, near Alexandria, Va. Embarked for Fortress Monroe March 22; arrived March 24, and landed at Hampton, Va., March 25. March 27, 1862, they led the advance of a reconnoissance by Porter's division through and beyond Bethel, Va., towards Yorktown, the first movement in actual Service. in which they made the reputation which they maintained during their term of service. From April 5 to May 4, 1862, they performed efficient service in front of Yorktown, in the rifle-pits, in silencing batteries and sharpshooters-so much so that they were complimented in General Orders by the commanding general.
Encamped in front of Yorktown till May 7, On the 8th embarked for West Point, arriving on the 9th. On the 13th took up the line of march towards Richmond On the 27th of May took part in the battle of Hanover Court House and Peake's Station; were engaged at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Gaines's Mill on the 27th, and at Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862. Arrived at Harrison's Landing, July 2, 1862. Left Harrison's Landing August 14, 1862, and arrived at Newport News the 18th; embarked for Aquia Creek. the same day, arriving on the 19th; left for Falmouth, Va., immediately by rail, where the Army of the Potomac joined the Army of Virginia on the bloody fields of Groveton and Second Bull Run, where its losses showed the same bravery and courage it had exhibited on many hard fought fields before. Arrived at Arlington Heights, Va., September 4, 1862. Left September 12, 1862, passing through Washington on to the Frederick Pike into Maryland, and by forced marches joined the army at Antietam, Md., on the 16th, and took part in the battle of Antietam September 17, 1862; also at Blackford's Ford September 19 and 20.
While the depleted ranks were being filled and the army reorganized, they lay in camp near Sharpsburg, Md., until October 30, 1862, when they marched towards Virginia, crossing the Potomac near Harper's Ferry, passing through Middleburg, White Plains, and other points; arrived at Warrentown November 9, 1862. On the 6th were treated to a snow storm an inch deep, which caused much suffering. General Burnside was now placed in command, in place of General McClellan relieved. Arrived at Falmouth, Va., November 23, 1862, Took part in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862, with the Centre Grand Division under General Hooker,
and recrossed the Rappahannock on the 15th. They remained in quarters until December 30, 1862, when they took part in a reconnoissance towards Ellis's Ford, having a skirmish with the enemy. January 14, 1863, by order of General Burnside, the First and Second regiments of sharpshooters were formed in a brigade, commanded by Colonel Berdan, and camped near Stoneman's Station, above Falmouth, Va. In the celebrated "Mud Campaign," left camp January 20, 1863, and marched to the vicinity of Banks' Ford, and returned to camp on the 23d. The heavy rains and mud made the country impassible for the movement of troops.
The rest of the winter and spring of 1863 was passed in drill, target practice, picket duty, and such amusements as could be found in camp life. On the 28th of April, 1863, as a part of the Third Corps, they marched below Fredericksburg, the extreme left of the army, and rested on arms until the 30th, when the corps was ordered to join the rest of the army on the right, and crossed the Rappahannock at United States Ford and participated in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 2 to 4, 1863, On the 2d of May assisted in the capture of the Twenty-third Georgia, and for their excellent service during the campaign were complimented by special notice. Returned to camp May 5, June 11, 1863, broke camp, and after hard marching took part in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 and 3, 1863, and to Colonel Berdan and his sharpshooters is given the credit by both Union and Confederate officers of
delaying the charge of Longstreet on the 2d, until the Union line could be formed on Round Top, and so made its capture impossible.
July 17, recrossed the Potomac, and on the 23d took part in the battle at Wapping Heights. From September 17 to October 10, 1863, the army lay along the line of the Rapidan. On the 11th, the enemy making a demonstration around the right flank of the army, it was turned back towards Washington again, the sharpshooters marching as flankers ready at any time to meet the enemy's cavalry on the flank. October 13, 1863, made a charge near Auburn, Va., and routed the enemy. In this movement they fell back to Centreville, Va. On the 7th of November, 1863, took part in the charge across the Rappahannock river at Kelly's Ford, capturing over five hundred prisoners, On the 10th, encamped on the farm of John Minor Botts, a famous Virginia statesman, near Culpeper, Va. November 26, 1863, crossed the Rapidan, and on the 27th were engaged near Locust Grove, Va. On the 30th took part in the engagement at Mine Run, in which Lieutenant-Colonel Tripp was killed, and returned to camp December 3, 1863.
The winter of 1863-'64 was passed with the usual routine of drill, picket duty, and target practice, and a few re-enlisted as veterans and received their furlough of thirty days. When, in March, 1864, the Army of the Potomac was reorganized, the sharpshooters were assigned to the Second Corps, but were allowed to wear their badges of the Third Corps, in which they had served so creditably. On the 3d of May, 1864, broke camp and marched towards the Rapidan, and crossed it on the following day. Took part in the battle of the Wilderness from May 5 to 7 and Po River May 10 and 11; in the famous charge of the Second Corps at Spottsylvania Court House on the 12th; also at Spottsylvania on the 13th; engaged on the 24th and 25th at North Anna River; and 30th and 31st at Totopotomoy Creek. Took part in the battle of Cold Harbor June 3 to 5, and during the 31 days since crossing the Rapidan, the sharpshooters were engaged twenty-four days. Crossed the James river on a steamboat at Wilcox Landing, June 14, 1864, and moved towards Petersburg, Va., on the 15th.
Took part in the battles about Petersburg, June 16 to 18, also the first fight made for the Weldon Railroad on the 22d. On the 26th, crossed the James river on pontoons; and took part in the engagement at Deep Bottom on the 27th, also in the second movement at Deep Bottom, August 15 and 16. They were on duty during the siege of Petersburg, on the picket lines or as videttes, until September 9, when they were mustered out and sent home, and the re-enlisted veterans and recruits were later assigned to the Second Regiment United States Sharpshooters. By the foregoing record it will be seen that Company E won an enviable reputation during its long term of service, having gained the confidence of its comrades and the officers under whom it served. Company E, First Regiment United States Volunteer Sharpshooters was attached to the Army of the Potomac, October, 1861; Porter's Division, Third Army Corps, March 16, 1862; First Division, Fifth Army Corps, May 18, 1862; Third Division, Third Army Corps, January, 1863; Second Brigade, Third Division, Third Army Corps, February 19, 1863; Third Brigade, Third Division, Third Army Corps, March 13, 1863; Second Brigade, First Division, Third Army Corps, June 11, 1863; Third Brigade, First Division, Third Army Corps, September 24, 1863; Second Brigade, Third Division, Second Army Corps, March 24, 1864.
Lewinsville, Va., .......................... Sept. 27, 1861.
Falls Church, Va., .......................... Sept. 29, 1861.
Big Bethel, Va., ........................... Mar. 27, 1862.
Siege of Yorktown, Va. ........................ Apr. 5. to May 4, 1862.
Hanover Court House, Va. ....................... May 27, 1862.
Mechanicsville, Va. ......................... June 26, 1862.
Gaines's Mill, Va. .......................... June 27, 1862.
Malvern Hill, Va. .......................... July 1, 1862.
Gainesville, Va. ........................... Aug. 29, 1862.
Bull Run, Va. ............................ Aug. 30, 1862.
Antietam, Md. ............................ Sept. 17, 1862.
Black Ford, Va. ........................... Sept. 19, 20, 1862.
Fredericksburg, Va. ......................... Dec. 13, 1862.
Chancellorsville, Va. ........................ May 2-4, 1863.
Gettysburg, Pa. ........................... July 2,3, 1863.
Wapping Heights, Va. ......................... July 23, 1863.
Auburn, Va. ............................. Oct. 13, 1863.
Kelly's Ford, Va. .......................... Nov. 7, 1863.
Locust Grove, Va. .......................... Nov. 27, 1863.
Mine Run, Va. ............................ Nov. 30, 1863.
Wilderness, Va. ........................... May 5-7, 1864.
Todd's Tavern, Va. .......................... May 8, 1864.
Po River, Va. ............................ May 10, 11, 1864.
Spottsylvania, Va. .......................... May 12, 13, 1864.
North Anna River, Va. ........................ May 25, 25, 1864.
Totopotomoy Creek, Va. ........................ May 30, 31, 1864.
Cold Harbor, Va. ........................... June 3-5, 1864.
Petersburg, Va. ........................... June 16-18, 1864.
Weldon Railroad, Va. ......................... June 22, 1864.
Siege of Petersburg, Va. ....................... July 23-26; July 28 to Aug. 14; Aug. 17 to Sept. 8, 1864.
Deep Bottom, Va. ........................... July 27 and Aug, 15, 16, 1864.
Mustered into the service of the United States September 9, 1861, at Concord, by George T, Ingham, 1 Lt. 11 Inf., U.S.A. The original members who had not re-enlisted were mustered out September 9, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., by S. D. Newcomb. 1 Lt. and A.M.C. The re-enlisted men and recruits were transferred to Company G, Second Regiment United States Volunteer Sharpshooters, December 23, 1864. The record of the staff officers appointed by the governor of New Hampshire is given, Each man was a volunteer appointed or enlisted for three years unless otherwise stated.- .
Andrews, Austin. b. Warner; age 25; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp,; Sergt. Sept. 3, '63; must. out Sept. 9, '64, Died, Jan. 17, '80, Wetmore, Kan.
Andrews, Charles E. b. Ashfield, Mass; age 38; res. Concord; enl. Aug. 30, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O. ad., West Concord.
Andrews, William G. b. Warner; age 28; ree. Warner; enl. Aug. 27, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Sergt.; app. 1 Sergt. Dec. 20, '61; 1 Lt. Sept. 4, '62; Capt. Oct. 1, '63; wd. Aug. 16, '64, Deep Bottom, Va.; disch. to date Sept. 9, '64. P.O., ad., Reading, Mass.
Austin, Joseph S. b. Dracut, Mass; age 21; res. Bow; enl. Aug. 16, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 4, '63, Portsmouth Grove, R.I. Died Jan. 8, '92, Bow.
Austin, William P. b. Plainfield; age 41; res. Claremont; enl. Aug. 9, '61, as Priv.; app. 1 Lt., Aug, 17, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as 1 Lt.; app. Capt. Dec. 20, '61; wd. Aug. 30, '62, Bull Run, Va.; disch. disab. May 16, '63. See V.R.C. and State Service.
Badger, Henry E. b. Warner; age 18; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 3, enl. must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 30, '62. Bull Run (2d), Va.; app. Corp. July 1, '63; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O, ad., Nashua. See 1 N.H.V.
Bailey, Chester. Co. E; b. East Hampton, Mass.; age 26; cred, Henniker; enl. Aug. 27, '62; must. in Aug. 27, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 22, '62, near Sharpeburg, Md. P.O, ad., Warner, See 18 N.H.V.
Bartlett, John L. b. Nottingham; age 29; res. Nottingham; enl. Aug. 28, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. July 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O. ad., Nottingham.
Bascomb. Sanford H. b. Newport; age 26; res. Acworth; enl. Aug. 30, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 8, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. P.O, ad., Newport.
Bean, Frank. b. Warner; age 28; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; des. Oct. 27, '62, Portsmouth Grove, R.I. P.O, ad., Medford, Mass.
Bean, Walter H. b. Warner; age 21; res. Warner; enl. Aug. 27, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. Feb.,'62; wd. Apr. 13, '62, Siege of Yorktown, Va.; disch. disab. Sept. 15, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Warner.
Beede, Hiram P. b. Fremont; age 34; res. Fremont; enl. Aug. 15, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must. in Jan. 4, '64; wd. May 11, '64, Po River, Va.; tr. to Co, G, 2 U.S.S.S., Dec. 23, '64; to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. H, June 17, '65; disch. July 26, '65, to date June 28, '65, Concord. P.O. ad., Chalk Mound, Kan.
Brooks, George W. b. Dublin; age 27; res. Nashua; enl. Aug, 19, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. Sept. 29, '61, Munson's Hill, Va.; app. Sergt.; disch. disab. Jan. 29, '63, near Falmouth, Va. P.O, ad., Waltham, Mass See 1 N.H.V.
Brown, Benjamin F. b. Concord; age 28; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Corp,; app. Sergt.; Sergt. Maj. Oct. 3, '62; 2 Lt. Mar. 18, '63; disch. disab. Aug. 18, '63. P.O. ad., Newton Highlands, Mass.
Brown, Charles H. b. Bow; age 27; res. Bow; enl. Aug. 24, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Sergt.; killed Aug. 30, '62, Bull Run, Va.
Burbank, Mastin A. b. Warner; age 24; res. Washington; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; des. Apr. 8, '62, Hampton, Va.
Burtt, Edwin A. b. Bennington; age 27; res. Hillsborough; enl. Sept. 4, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; disch. disab. Feb. 9, '62, Washington, D.C. Died Dec. 28, '83, Hinsdale, Ill.
Call, William N. b. Framingham, Mass.; age 22; res. Allenstown; enl. Aug. 21, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 23,'61, Washington, D.C.
Carr, John H. b. Brentwood; age 40; res. Brentwood; enl. Aug. 15, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Corp,; app. Sergt. Jan. 29, '63, Died, dis. Sept. 20, '63, Washington, D.C.
Chapman, Edward F, b. Cornish; age 21; res. Plainfield; enl. Aug. 22, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; app, Bugler; disch. disab. Feb. 2, '62, Washington, D.C. Died Oct. 16, '63, Plainfield.
Chapman, Levi L. b. Cornish; age 26; res. Plainfield; enl. Aug. 22, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. to date Sept. 8, '64. P.O, ad., Plainfield.
Chase, George H. b. Portland, Me,; age 27; res. Dover; enl. Aug. 9, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; tr. to 12 Co., 2 Batt'l., I.C., Sept. 1, '63; disch. Sept. 8, '64, Washington, D.C., tm. ex. P.O. ad., Lynn, Mass. See 1 N.H.V.
Chase, William D. b. Henniker; age 26; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp, to date July 1, '63; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O, ad., Warner.
Clark, Samuel A. b. Franklin; age 19; res. Franklin; enl. Aug. 29, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 30, '62, Bull Run, Va.; disch. disab. Jan. 29, '63, Washington, D.C. Died Nov. 26, '85, Northfield.
Clifford, Amon W. b. Wentworth; age 24; cred. Wentworth; enl. Aug. 30, '62; must. in Sept. 2, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 12, '62, Washington, D.C.
Colby, Willis T. b. Warner; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Apr. 2, '62; must. in Apr. 2, '62, as Priv,; wd. and captd. June 27, '62, Gaines's Mill, Va.; exch. Died, dis. Aug, 4, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va.
Collins, George A. b. Hopkinton; age 24; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; wd. sev. May 31, '64, Totopotomoy, Va.; disch. Oct. 12, '64, Rochester, N.Y., tm. ex. Died Feb. 17, '92, Concord.
Collins, William H. b. Hopkinton; age 22; res. Concord; enl. Aug. 30, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. to date Sept. 9, '64, tm. ex.
Cram, Frank P. b. Hampton Falls; age 20; res. Hampton Falls; enl. Sept. 7, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '6l, as Priv.; app, Corp. Oct., '62; Sergt. Oct., '63; re-enl. and must. in Jan. 4, '64; disch. Mar, 19, '64, to accept promotion. P.O. ad., Orange City, Fla. See 1 N.H. Cav.
Crowell, Gilman K, b. Hopkinton; age 23; res. Hopkinton, cred. Hopkinton; enl. Aug. 28, '62; must. in Aug. 28, '62, as Priv.; app. Corp. Mar. 1, '64; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va.; tr. to Co. K; disch. Oct. 9, '64, near Petersburg, Va. P.O. ad., Concord.
Crowell, Henry H. b. Hopkinton; age 28; res. Hopkinton, cred, Hopkinton; enl. Aug, 27, '62; must. in Aug. 27, '62, as Priv.; app. Corp,; tr, to Co, K, Sept., '64; to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S., Dec. 23, '64; to Co. H, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; disch. May 30, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P.O, ad., Hopkinton.
Crowell, Lewis E. b. Hopkinton; age 19; res. Hopkinton, cred. Hopkinton; enl. Aug. 28, '62; must. in Aug. 28, '62, as Priv,; killed May 12, '64, Spotteylvania, Va.
Davis, Isaac. b. Wayland, Mass.; age 38; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Aug. 19, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; app, Corp. Jan., '62; app. 1 Sergt.; wd. Aug. 30, '62, Bull Run, Va.; app, 1 Lt. Dec. 1, '63; wd. sev. May 31, '64, Totopotomoy, Va.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O, ad., Forest Hills, Mass.
Day, Alonzo L. b. Boscawen; age 23; res. Concord; enl. Aug. 19, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 27, '62, Washington, D.C. See 1 and 10 N.H.V, and 1 N.H.H. Art.
Drew, Curtis D. b. Holderness; age 39; res. Concord; enl. Aug. 29, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Corp,; reduced to ranks Jan., '62; disch. disab. Mar, 16, '63, Ft. Monroe, Va. P.O, ad., Fall River, Mass.
Emerson, Reuben K, b. Warner; age 21; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. June 3, '62, Gaines's Hill, Va.
Ferrin, Stephen H. b. Warner; age 24; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 4, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 28, '64, to date Sept. 27, '64. tm. ex. Died Apr, 2, '82.
Floyd, Jonathan E. b. Troy, Vt.; age 25; res. Concord; enl. Aug. 27, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 28, '62. Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Manchester.
French, Edward. b. St. Johnsbury, Vt.; age 28; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 6, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; wd. June 19, '64. Died, wds. July 7, '64, Alexandria, Va.
Frost, James H. b. Portland, Me.; age 30; cred, Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 28, '62; must. in Sept. 5, '62, as Priv,; tr. to Co. C. 1 I.C., Nov. 28, '63; disch. June 26, '65, Washinton, D.C. P.O, ad., Lynn, Mass.
Gibbs, William H. b. Sudbury, Mass.; age 35; res. Hanover; app, 2 Lt, Sept. 8, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61; app. 1 Lt. Dec. 20, '61; disch. to date Aug. 31, '62. Died Jan. 23, '74, Hanover.
Gilman, John H. b. Springfield; age 42; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Aug. 20, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 26, '63, Falmouth, Va. See State Service.
Grannis, Timothy. b. Claremont; age 20; res. Claremont; enl. Aug. 23, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 31, '62, Washington, D.C.
Greenwood, Leroy P. b. Marlborough; age 24; res. Peterborough; enl. Aug. 26, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. July 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va.; disch. disab. Dec. 19, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P.O. ad., West Peterborough, See 14 N.H.V.
Haynes, Ervin W. b. Alexandria; age 18; res. Franklin; enl. Apr, 4, '62; must. in Apr. 4, '62, as Priv.; tr. to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S., Dec. 23, '64; to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; unas'd; disch. Apr. 18, '65, Burkeville, Va., tm. ex. P.O, ad., Franklin Falls, See 1 N.H.V.
Heath, Isaac H, b. Hampstead; age 35; res. East Kingston; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; disch. disab. Apr. 7, '63, near Falmouth, Va. See 11 N.H.V.
Holmes, Francis. b. Stoughton, Mass.; age 44; res. Concord; enl. Ang. 21, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 9, '63, Baltimore, Md, Died Jan. 24, '85, Concord.
Howe, George L. b. Bradford; age 21; res. Bradford; enl. Aug. 29, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; app, Corp. Jan. 6, '62; disch. disab. Feb. 26, '63, Falmouth, Va., P.O, ad., Gardner, Mass.
Ids, John S. M. b. Windsor, Vt.; age 32; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 6, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; killed Apr. 5, '62, Siege of Yorktown, Va.
Johnson, Orville J. b. Greenfield; age 27; res. Antrim; enl. Aug, 30, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 21, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Washington, D.C.
Jones, Amos B. b. Washington; age 24; res. Washington; app, Capt. Aug. 6, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61; disch. Dec. 3, '61, to accept promotion. P.O, ad, Duluth, Minn. See 2 U.S.S.S. and Miscel. Organizations.
Jones, Cyrus E. b. South Hampton; age 23; res. Bradford; enl. Aug, 17, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as 1 Sergt.; app. 2 Lt. Dec. 20, '61; wd. and captd. July 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va.; exch. Died, wds. Aug. 7, '62, New York city. See 1 N.H.V.
Judd, Charles M. b. Claremont; age 30; res. Claremont; enl. Aug, 23, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 1, '62, near Sbarpsburg, Md. P.O, ad., Claremont. See V.R.C. and State Service.
Kelley, Andrew J. b. Webster; age 25; res. Webster; enl. Aug. 8, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; re-enl. and must. in Jan. 2, '64; app. Corp. Mar. 1, '64; Sergt. July 1, '64; tr. to Co. K. Sept., '64; to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S, Dec. 23, '64; to 5 N.H.V. Jan. 30, '65; assigned to Co. E, June 18, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Hopkinton.
Kendall, William H. b. Concord; age 20; res. Gilmanton; enl. Aug. 21, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; des. on or shortly after June 26, '62, P.O. ad., Rochester. See State Service.
Keneson, Samuel W. b. Allenstown; age 30; res. Allenstown; enl. Aug, 14, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 27, '63, Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Chicago, Ill.
Kilbourn, Daniel P. b. Danbury; age 17; res. Webster; enl. Aug. 20, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Musc,; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '62, Washington, D.C. See 14 N.H.V.
Kimball, Clarion H. b. Hopkinton; age 18; res. Hopkinton, cred. Hopkinton; enl. Aug. 27, '62; must. in Aug. 27, '62, as Priv.; wd. Nov. 27, '63, Locust Grove, Va.; app. Corp. Mar. 1, '64; disch. Oct. 16, '64, to accept promotion, P.O, ad., Holyoke, Mass. See 18 N.H.V.
Kimball, Matthew H. b. Hopkinton; age 35; res. Hopkinton, cred. Hopkinton; enl. Aug. 27, '62; must. in Aug. 27, '62, as Priv,; disch. disab. Dec. 12, '63, Alexandria, Va.
Kingman, Albert H. b. Claremont; age 27; res. Keene; enl. Aug. 28, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O. ad., Walpole.
Kingsbury, Ruel H. b. Roxbury; age 29; res. Keene; enl. Aug. 30, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 24, '62, near Falmouth, Va. P.O. ad., Concord.
Leet, Levi H. b. Shipton, Can,; age 26; res. Manchester; enl. Sept. 5, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; killed June 27, '62, Gaines's Mill, Va. See State Service.
Locke, John E, b. Laudon; age 21; res. Loudon; enl. Sept 4, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O. ad., Centre Harbor.
Manning, Elisha R. b. Lyme, Vt.; age 38; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Aug. 20, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Corp.; app. Sergt. Feb., '62; disch. disab. Jan. 29, '63, Philadelphia, Pa, P.O, ad., Fayette, Iowa.
Marden George A. F. and S. See 2 U.S.S.S.
Marshall, William H, b. Buffalo, N.Y.; age 22; res. Dunbarton; enl. Sept. 5, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O, ad., Withlachoochee, Fla.
Morey, Peter. b. Keene; age 25; res. Concord; enl. Mar, 4, '62; must. in Mar, 4, '62, as Priv.; des. Apr. 9, '62, Concord.
Morrison, Benjamin. b. Fisherville (now Penacook); age 20; res. Boscawen (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Sept. 5, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; des. Sept. 1, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Lowell, Mass.
Morse, Charles. b. Bradford; age 21; res. Sutton; enl. Feb. 23, '62; must. in Feb. 23, '62, as Priv,; app. Corp. Oct., '62; reduced to ranks Jan., '63; des. Jan. 19, '63, Falmouth, Va.; captd. by the enemy while en route to Washington, D.C.; recaptd. by U.S. Cavalry; escaped and went to Canada. P.O, ad., St. Joseph, Mo. See 1 N.H.V.
Morse, Daniel, Jr, b. Boscawen; age 26; res. Boscawen; enl. Aug. 15, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; killed May 4, '63, Chancellorsville, Va.
Morse, James W. b. Putney, Vt.; age 19; res. Concord; enl. Aug. 5, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Corp,; reduced to ranks Feb., '62; disch. to date Sept. 9, '64, tm. ex. P.O, ad., Minneapolis, Minn.
Moulton, Henry. b. Londonderry; age 34; res. Londonderry; enl. Aug. 27, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; disch. disab. Feb. 28, '62, Washington, D.C.
Moulton, Moses P. b. Wolfeborough; age 19; res. Dover; enl. Aug. 9, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; disch. disab. Jan. 21, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Farmington, See 1 N.H.H. Art.
Munroe, Samuel D. b. Washington; age 20; res. Washington; enl. Aug. 22, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Corp.; app. Sergt. Jan. 1, '68; 2 Lt. Aug. 20, '63; 1 Lt. Oct. 1, '63; not must. as 1 Lt.; killed Nov. 7, '63, Kelly's Ford, Va.
Nichols, William H. b. Lynn, Mass; age 29; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. Died Mar. 15, '84, Claremont.
Nye, Charles H. b. Keene; age 24; res. Keene; enl. Aug, 28, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; app. corp. Oct., '62; Sergt. Jan. 1, '63; disch. Sept. 8, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. P.O, ad., Harrisville.
Ordway, Moses E. b. Goffstown; age 21; res. Dunbarton; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; des. Sept. 15, '63, New York city.
Parmelee, Henry S. b. Claremont; age 29; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 6, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 21, '62, Washington, D.C. Died June 6, '82, Claremont.
Pearson, Henry, b. England; age 32; res. Boscawen; enl. Aug. 26, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Fall River, Mass. See 1 N.H. Cav.
Peaslee, Edwin J. b. Wilmot; age 18; res. Washington; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; wd. May 4, '63, Chancellorsville, Va.; captd. May 7, '64, Wilderness, Va.; released Nov. 20, '64; tr. to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S., Dec. 23, '64; to Co. I, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; disch. May 29, '65, Concord. tm. ex. P.O, ad., Lakeport.
Peterson, John W. b. Plainfield; age 28; res. Plainfield; enl. Aug. 24, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 12, '63, Portsmouth Grove, R.I. P.O, ad., Plainfield.
Pettengill Hiram F. S. b. Sandwich; age 22; res. Thornton; enl. Aug, 28, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must. in Jan, 4, '64; app, Wagoner; tr. to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S., Dec. 23, '64; disch. Jan. 28, '65, near Petersburg, Va., by reason of having been rendered supernumerary Wagoner. Died Nov. 8, '88, Woodstock.
Putney, Frank A. b. Dunbarton; age 18; res. Dunbarton; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 13, '64, Philadelphia, Pa., tm. ex. P.O, ad., Denver, Col.
Rand, John B. b. Warner; age 18; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 2, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. July 2, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; tr. to Co. G, 6 V.R.C, Feb. 6, '64; disch. Sept. 9, '64, Washington, D.C., tm. ex. P.O. ad., Warner. See State Service.
Rand, Stephen, Jr. b. Norwich, Vt.; age 18; res. Hanover; enl. Aug. 15, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 13, '63, Alexandria, Va. P.O, ad., Washington, D.C. See U.S. Navy.
Robertson, Harrison, b. Warner; age 20; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 7, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; app. corp, July 1, '63; wd. July 3, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O, ad., Medford, Mass See 2 N.H.V.
Rolfe, Joseph H, b. Fisherville (now Penacook); age 18; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Sept 4, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 8, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. P.O, ad., Winooski, Vt.
Rollins, Alfred A. b. Antrim; age 42; res. Hopkinton; enl. Aug. 29, '62; must. in Aug. 30, '62, as Priv,; wd. sev. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va.; tr. to 39 Co., 2 Batt'l., V.C.R., Oct. 17, '64; disch. June 29, '65, Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Hopkinton.
Rutherford, Samuel D. b. Columbia; age 21; res. Plainfield; enl. Aug. 12, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv, Died, dis. Dec. 30, '61, Washington, D.C.
Sanborn, Lewis T. b. Hampton Falls; age 26; res. Hampton Falls; enl. Sept. 7, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as corp.; disch. disab. Jan. 6, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Hampton Falls.
Sanders, Henry A. b. South Gardner, Mass.; age 20; res. Webster; enl. Aug. 22, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.; wd. Nov. 27, '63, Locust Grove, Va.; disch. to date Sept. 9, '64, tm. ex. Died Mar. 19, '67, South Gardner, Mass.
Sanders, Joseph E. b. Westminster, Mass; age 19; res. Webster (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Aug. 22, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. Died Nov. 21, '85, Penacook.
Scales, Bernice, b. Canterbury; age 19; res. Canterbury, cred, Canterbury; enl. Aug. 25, '62; must. in Aug. 26, '62, as Priv.; wd. May 3, '63, Chancellorsville, Va.; killed May 7, '64, Wilderness, Va.
Scales, George, b. Nottingham; age 21; res. Barrington; enl. Aug. 28, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; killed July 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va.
Scales, Horace. b. Nottingham; age 25; res. Nottingham; enl. Aug. 28, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; disch. disab. Feb. 11, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Somerville, Mass.
Shattuck, William H. b. Bow; age 23; res. Bow; enl. Aug. 27, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; des. Sept. 18, '62, Sharpsburg, Md. P.O, ad., Susanville, Cal.
Shepard, Charles P. b. Grafton; age 19; res. Boscawen (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Aug. 30, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. July 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va.; disch. disab. Oct. 6, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Penacook.
Simonds, Calvin W. b. Hillsborough; age 33; res. Boscawen; enl. Aug. 16, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; des. Sept. 11, '61, Concord.
Spencer, Charles E. b. Westminster, Vt,; age 20; res. Acworth; enl. Aug. 30, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; app. Corp. Oct. '62; app. Sergt.; re-enl. and must. in Jan. 4, '64; wd. May 7, '64, Wilderness, Va.; Aug. 15, '64, Deep Bottom, Va.; tr. to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S., Dec. 23, '64; disch. Feb. 13, '65, near Petersburg, Va. P.O. ad., Boston, Mass.
Straw, George W. b. Claremont; age 23; res. Claremont; enl. Sept. 6, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; app. Wagoner Oct. 1, '61; captd. May 7, '64, Wilderness, Va.; tr. to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S., Dec. 28, '64; released as prisoner of war; disch. Feb. 15, '65, to date Jan. 8, '65, Concord. tm. ex. P.O. ad., Claremont, See State Service.
Tatro, Joseph. b. New Haven, Vt.; age 23; res. Weare; enl. Aug. 19, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 28, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va.
Taylor, Joseph. b. Rochdale, Eng.; age 22; res. Concord; enl. Mar, 27, '62; must. in Mar. 27, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. June 17, '64, Portsmouth Grove, R.I.
Thatcher, Charles. b. Roxbury; age 37; res. Marlborough; enl. Aug, 29, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; wd. July 2, '63, and died, wds. July 22, '63, Gettysburg, Pa.
Thurston, Nathaniel. b. Boscawen; age 41; res. Boscawen; enl. Aug. 15, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; disch. disab. Oct. 24, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. Died Mar. 20, '88, South Boston, Mass.
Tyler, James S. b. Canaan; age 29; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Aug. 19, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; disch. disab. Sept. 12, '62, New York city. P.O. ad., Ipswich, Mass.
Wadsworth, Frank C. b. Henniker; age 22; res. Franklin; enl. Aug. 12, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Sergt.; disch. disab. Feb. 3, '62, Washington, D.C. Died Mar, 21, '82, Franklin.
Waite, Henry A. b. Dunbarton; age 20; res. Dunbarton; enl. Aug. 12, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O, ad., Greenfield.
Walker, Alfred. b. Concord; age 23; res. Concord; enl. Sept. 9, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O, ad., Portland, Me.
Ward, Thomas. b. Cheshire, Eng,; age 35; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook); enl. Aug. 19, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; app. Corp. Jan., '62; killed July 1, '62, Malvern Hill, Va. See State Service.
Watkins, Charles A. b. Warner; age 18; res. Warner; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. to data Aug. 29, '62, Died Apr. 17, '63, New York city.
Watkins, George N. b. Warner; age 19; res. Hopkinton; enl. Sept. 3, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 9, '62, Harrison's Landing, Va. See 1 N.H.H. Art.
Whitcomb. Emery B. b. Sutton; age 18; res. Sutton; enl. Aug. 29, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; must. out Sept. 9, '64. P.O, ad., Syracuse, N.Y.
Whitney, Horace W. b. Hubbardston, Mass.; age 25; res. Claremont; enl. Aug. 20, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv,; app. Corp. Dec. 3, '61; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O. ad., Cambridgeport, Mass.
Willis, Harlon S. b. Cambridgeport, Mass.; age 18; res. Warner; enl. Aug. 30, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 25, '61, Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Warner.
Woodward, Alvin A. b. Salisbury, Maas,; age 25; res. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 28, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar, 14, '62, Washington, D.C. P.O, ad., Hill.
Wyatt, David C. b. Sanbornton; age 20; res. Sanbornton; enl. Aug. 15, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must. in Jan. 4, '64; app. Sergt. Mar. 1, '64; wd. sev. Aug. 15, '64, Deep Bottom, Va.; tr. to Co, G, 2 U.S.S.S., Dec. 23, '64; to Co, F, 5 N.H.V., Jan. 30, '65; app. 1 Sergt. June 8, '65; must. out June 28, '65. P.O. ad., Tilton.
Yeaton, John G. b. Epsom; age 36; res. Pembroke; enl. Sept. 4, '61; must. in Sept. 9, '61, as Corp,; disch. disab. Jan. 20, '62, Washington, D.C.
Original members .................................... officers, 3; enlisted men, 98; total, 101
Recruits ........................................ officers, 0; enlisted men, 15; total, 15.
Total strength ............................................................. 116.
Killed or died of wounds, original members ....................... officers, 2; enlisted men, 8; total, 10.
Killed or died of wounds, recruits ........................... officers, 0; enlisted men, 2; total, 2.
Total killed or died of wounds ............................ 12.
Died of disease, original members ........................... officers, 0; enlisted men, 6; total, 6.
Died of disease, recruits ............................... officers, 0; enlisted men, 3; total, 3.
Total deaths ...................................... 21.
Mustered out, or disch. to date Sept. 9, '64, original members ............. officers, 2; enlisted men, 16; total, 18.
Discharged on other dates, original members ...................... officers, 4; enlisted men, 47; total, 51.
Discharged on other dates, recruits .......................... officers, 0; enlisted men, 4; total, 4.
Lost by transfer to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S., original members ................ officers, 0; enlisted men, 6; total, 6.
Lost by transfer to Co. G, 2 U.S.S.S., recruits .................... officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; total, 1.
Lost by transfer to other organizations, original members ............... officers, 0; enlisted men, 3; total, 3.
Lost by transfer to other organization, recruits .................... officers, 0; enlisted men, 3; total, 3.
Deserted, original members ............................... officers, 0; enlisted men, 7; total, 7.
Deserted, recruits ................................... officers, 0; enlisted men, 2; total, 2.
Siege of Yorktown, Va., Apr. 5, '62, ............................... original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; total, 1.
Gaines's Mill, Va., June 1, '62, ................................. original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; total, 1.
Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, '62, .................................. original members, officers, 1; enlisted men, 2; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; total, 3.
Bull Run, Va., Aug. 30, '63, ................................... original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; total, 1.
Chaucellorsville, Va., May 4, '63,.. ............................... original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; total, 1.
Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63, ................................... original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; total, 1.
Kelly's Ford, Va., Nov. 7, '64, .................................. original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; total, 1.
Wilderness, Va., May 7, '64, ................................... original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; total, 1.
Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, '64, ................................. original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; total, 1.
Petersburg, Va., Front of, June 19, '64, ............................. original members, officers, 0; enlisted men, 1; recruits, officers, 0; enlisted men, 0; total, 1.
Totals............................ 2; 8; 0; 2; 12.
Re-enlisted; Original members, 6; all recruits were volunteers.
Killed, or died of wounds, 12 = 10.3 per cent.
Died of disease, 9 = 7.8 per cent.
Total deaths from all causes, 21 = 81.1 per cent.
United States ........... Original members, 98; recruits, 14; total, 112.
England .............. Original members, 2; recruits, 1; total, 3.
Canada .............. Original members, 1; recruits, 0; total, 1 .