Vital records of Pittston, Maine, to the year 1892.
Pittston (Me.), Maine Historical Society.
Editor, Henry Sewall Webster, A.M.
Committee On Publication, Asbury Coke Stilphen.
Published Under Authority Of The Maine Historical Society. Gardiner, Maine
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Gertrude of Gardiner and John R. Lynn, int. Ang. 21, 1867.
Mary A. of Montville and John Goodwin, int. Sept. 13, 1846.
Charles of Whitefield and Mary Newhall, int. May 1, 1886.
Mary J. of Whitefield and Edward M. Morton, int. Feb. 18, 1884.
William of Whitefield and Emma Newhall, int. Sept. 26, 1883.
Hannah of Whitefield and Lawrence Doyle, int. May 27, 1838.
John and Jane Douglass, int. June 14, 1801.
Seth and Margarett [int. Margret] Douglass, Mar. 31, 1801.
Frederic of Gardiner and Caroline A. Stevens, int. Nov. 13, 1880.
Elizebith [int. Elizabeth] and William Church, May 19, 1803.
Jacob [int. Danniels] and Mary Blanchard, Nov. 3, 1803.
Sarah of Barrington, N.H., and William Church, int. May 26, 1799.
DAVENPORT (see Devenport)
Charles H. of Chelsea and Harriet R. White, Nov. 24, 1859.
Charlotte E. of Chelsea and Charles F. Matthews, Oct. 30, 1877.
John of Hallowell and Mary Ann Blanchard, Aug. 31, 1831.
Abigail of Hallowell and Benjamin Fitch, June 10, 1794.
A. W. of Gardiner and Emma Brown, Aug. 14, 1880, in Gardiner.
Daniel F. and Mary Aspinwall, July 19, 1812.
Emma of Whitefield and Benjamin D. Saban, Oct. 15, 1854, in Whitefield.
Enoch and Mrs. [int. Widow] Lydea Law, May 27, 1821.
Ezekiel H. and Almira Buker, July 20, 1823.
George L. of Leverett, Mass„ and Helena Mitchell, Oct. 2, 1879.
Hannah [int. of Hallowell] and Arnold [int. Amald] Glidden, Oct. 18, 1798.
James and Rebecca Parker, int. Nov. 21, 1794.
James of Whitefield and Mrs. Sarah Little, Aug. 19, 1858.
Levi and Elcy Robinson, int. Dec. 4, 1816.
Lidia "of a place Cald Ball Town" and Jedediah Cooper, int. Sept. 9, 1793.
Lydia, Mrs., and William White, Jr., int. Oct. 28, 1843.
Lydia J. [int. Jane] and John Porter, July 18, 1850.
Mahitable [int. Mahitabal of Hallowell]] and Samuel Jones, Sept. 31 [sic], 1792.
Mary and Burnham Clark, int. Nov. 27, 1808.
Mary E. and Samuel R. Lapham, Dec. 26, 1850.
Oliver of Whitefield and Louisa Hinds, Nov. 11, 1886, in Gardiner.
Polly and Thomas Berry, int. July 25, 1783.
Rhody and Benjamin Inman, int. Mar. 29, 1811.
Richard and Hannah [int. Abagail] Parker, Oct. 5, [1791].
Samuel of Hallowell and Anna Pulcifer, int. Nov. 8, 1794.
Samuel "of a place Calld Hunts Meddow" and Louis [sic] Moody, int. Sept. 2, 1796.
Samuel S. of Gardiner and Emma Jewett, Apr. 14, 1874.
Sarah and Thomas Pickard, Jr., int. May 31, 1812.
Sarah Jane and Ichabod Grey, int. Aug. 29, 1840.
Thomas of Fairfield Plantation and Elizabeth Babb, Apr. 2, 1793.
Abigail of Bristol and Thomas Fuller, int. Nov. 28, 1818.
Ardella [int. Ardilla] S. and David B. Sawtelle, Apr. 22, 1877.
Catharine [int. Katharine] and John Y. Gould, Apr. 25, 1825.
Daniel [int. Lieut. Daniel, Jr., of Hallowell] and Jane Knowls, Mar. 31, 1823.
Ebenezer and Sally Laberee, int. May 14, 1837.
Florence E. and Joseph C. Bailey, Jr., int. May 22, 1863.
George W. and Lydia A. Bennett, int. Aug. 11, 1868.
Jacob and Hannah Follansbe, int. Aug. 28, 1808.
Katie H. and Amos Sawtelle, Apr. 12, 1877.
Katie H. and William F. Keeler [int. Keeller], Sept. 7, 1890.
Mary and Clarkson P. Hale, Mar. 30, 1845.
Nancy and Thomas Doyle, int. Oct. 24, 1838.
Polly of Smithfield Plantation and John Smith, May 27, 1794.
Sarah Ann, Mrs., and Daniel Lawrence, int. Feb. 22, 1872.
Susanna of Ipswich and Joseph Sawyer, int. May 12, 1791.
Thomas and Polly Howard, [bef. 1800]. P.R.23.
Zana of Chelsea and William H. White, Apr. 12, 1879.
Abial D. and Mary Phillips, int. July 14, 1885.
Etta and Newell A. Reed, int. Aug. 22, 1874.
Hattie F. and Nathaniel N. Rideout, int. Nov. 2, 1875.
Betsey and Josiah M. Potter, int. Sept. 11, 1836.
Emma Jane and William Chase, int. Sept. 30, 1832.
Henry and Permelia Bailey, int. Feb. 2, 1822.
James and Clarricy [int. Claracy] Cummings, Aug. 11, 1795.
Julia and Joshua Wingate, Nov. 19, 1799.
Martha E. of Augusta and Franklin H. Taylor, int. Apr. 18, 1877.
Pamela Augusta and Allen Gilman, int. Dec. 13, 1798.
Rachel S. and Doct. George F. Jackson, Jan. 2, 1854.
Rufus G. and Sarah A. Chapman, int. July 16, 1859.
Sarah and Lorenzo S. Clark, Jan. 20, 1848.
Sophe and Dudly Hobart, Jan. 17, 1790.
Charles E. of Gardiner and Emilie White, Oct. 7, 1869.
John C., Capt., of Wiscasset and Mrs. Nancy Dow, int. Oct. 3, 1824.
Abram and Mrs. Mary Lewis, Mar. 22, 1884.
Joseph and Lizzie Gilbert, int. May 27, 1884.
Sarah Elizabeth and Samuel C. Basford, June [----], 1874. P.R.7.
Alice M. and George A. Yeaton, int. June 12, 1883. "No Certificate was called for".
Christopher H. and Julia A. Caston, Apr. 2, 1855.
Delilah K. and Forrest E. Buzzell, Aug. 27, 1885.
Gideon P. and Lovina B. Neal, int. Mar. 6, 1858.
Gideon P. [int. has Capt.] and Mrs. Rachel E. Cromwell, June 6, 1881, in Bath.
DEVENPORT (see Davenport)
Lizzie M. of Chelsea and David P. Cornish, Dec. 13, 1865.
Velzora P. of St. Albans and Millard A. Call, int. Aug. 16, 1887.
Joseph F. of Augusta and Ann E. Doyle, int. Jan. 17, 1859.
DEWELL (see Duell)
Sophia Elezabeth and Daniel Lawrence, int. [Oct. ----, 1830].
William J. S. and Mrs. Ann [int. Annie] R. Donnell, Jan. 24, 1879.
DICKENSON (see Dickinson)
Benjamin of Wiscasset and Mary A. Leplain, Aug. 25, 1874.
DICKINSON (see Dickenson)
Willard of Wiscasset and Mattie [int. adds A.] Merrill, Aug. 23, 1879.
Charles W. and Isabell Dudley, int. Aug. 25, 1868.
George W. and Fannie D. Huntington, Apr. 20, 1878, in Litchfield.
Hannah of Gardiner and Oliver Wheeler, Dec. 24, 1865.
Nellie A. and William Gordon, Aug. 20, 1881.
William E. and Mrs. Phedora A. Page, int. Oct. 8, 1881.
DIMMIC (see Dimmuk)
Hannah and Isaac Clark, Jr., int. Feb. 19, 1807.
DIMMUK (see Dimmic)
Josiah and Eliza Coopper, Sept. 2, 1811.
Nathaniel Barker and Shusanna Bradstreet, Feb. 21, 1787.
James R. and Cora I. James, Mar. 25, 1878.
DOCKENDOFF (see Dockendorf, Dockendorff, Dockemdorff)
Lydia A. [int. Dockendorff] and Albion B. Caston, Apr. 6, 1864, in Dresden.
Robert and Philena B. Thomas, Jan. 14, 1836.
DOCKENDORF (see Dockendoff, Dockendorff, Dockerndorff)
George and Elizabeth Crocker, int. Apr. 14, 1844.
Jacob and Harriet Pottle, int. Nov. 4, 1844. [Jacob D. Dockendoff, P.R.47].
Phillip and Elizabeth H. Plumer, int. Sept. 14, 1845.
DOCKENDORFF (see Dockendoff, Dockendorf, Doekemdorff)
J. W. and Vina E. Moody, int. May 17, 1884.
John and Mary E. Brooks, May 12, 1881, in Maynard, Mass.
Julietta J. and Nelson H. Brown, Jan. 16, 1871.
Mary E. and Joseph A. Knight, int. Aug. 1, 1870.
DOCKERNDORFF (see Dockendoff, Dockendorf, Dockendorff)
Elizabeth M., Mrs., of Gardiner and Lewis Moody, int. Oct. 30, 1855.
Nathaniel T. of Skowhegan and Fannie H. Stevens, int. Dec. 1, 1873.
Harriet E. [int. omits E.] and James Burr, Dec. 24, 1874.
DOILE (see Doyle)
William W. and Nancy Pollard, Mar. [----] , 1799.
DONNEL (see Donnell)
John W. of Windsor and Sabella B. Wheeler, Aug. 2, 1855.
DONNELL (see Donnel)
Ann [int. Annie] R. Mrs., and William J. S. Dewey, Jan. 24, 1879.
Mary C. and Samuel Johnson, May 22, 1871.
Moses J. and Ann E. Bryant, int. June 10, 1869.
DOOR (see Dorr)
Daniel and Jenny Arven, int. May 2, 1793.
David and Betsey Erving [int. Arven], Jan. 29, 1800.
Henry and Abigal Weeks, int. June 25, 1785.
Mary and Henery [int. Henerry] Fitch, Oct. 29, 1798.
Mary and Joseph Burbank, int. Feb. 17, 1799.
Patty and Dominicus Wakefield, int. Apr. 19, 1788.
Sally and Robert McCausland, int. Aug. 5, 1794.
DORR (see Door)
George [int. adds W.] of Gardiner and ----, [int. Mrs.] Mary A. Wilson, Jan. 15, 1870.
Lucy Ann and John Small, int. Aug. 20, 1856.
Sumner M. and Maggie E. Russell, int. Feb. 11, 1880.
DOUGHTY (see Doutey)
Elizabeth of Hallowell and George Garland, Dec. 9, 1830.
Priscilla and Moses Goodwin [int. adds Jr.], May 22, 1831.
DOUGLAS (see Douglass, Duglas, Duglass)
Peggy of Fairfield Plantation [int. of Pittston] and Thomas Towns, Feb. 26, 1793.
DOUGLASS (see Douglas, Duglas, Duglass)
Abigail of Litchfield and Isaac Sawyer, int. Oct. 19, 1829.
David B. and Sarah J. Cobb, int. Sept. 15, 1839.
Francis and Susanna Hildreth, int. Jan. 15, 1803.
James of Fairfield Plantation and Betsey Berry, Mar. 24, 1794.
James, Jr. and Hannah Hildreth, int. Aug. 31, 1800.
Jane and John Dammon, int. June 14, 1801.
Margarett [int. Margret] and Seth Dammon, Mar. 31, 1801.
Mary Louisa and Orrin [int. Orren] D. Longfellow, Sept. 30, 1873, in Chelsea.
Sarah and Edward Tibbats, int. June 5, 1784.
Sarah E. and Addison Armes, Apr. 23, 1871.
Thomas of Hallowell and Abigail Morgan, May 15, 1836.
DOUTEY (see Doughty)
Amos of Fairfield Plantation and Betsey Kinney, int. June 8, 1792.
Ellen A. and Nathaniel G. McMahon, Jan. 29, 1885, in Georgetown.
George and Eva F. Moody, June 7, 1882.
Henry and Hannah Jewett, May 1, 1825.
John C. of Jefferson and Mary Ellen King, int. Mar. 15, 1854.
Leonard P. and Clara L. White, Dec. 18, 1879.
Nancy, Mrs. and Capt. John C. Decker, int. Oct. 3, 1824.
Nellie W. and Joel T. Mains, int. June 18, 1889.
Rebekah of Balls Town an adjacent of Pittston and Joshua Folingsby Little, int. Dec. 27, 1792.
Rose M. and John W. Hunt, Dec. 18, 1880.
Thomas [int. has Capt.] and Sarah P. Rollins, Oct. 27, 1833.
Thomas H. and Georgia Rollins, int. Dec. 6, 1857.
Edward J. and B. G. McDonald, int. Sept. 1, 1884.
James M. and Maggie Burk, int. Nov. 23, 1882.
John and Mary E. Burk, May 9, 1886, in Gardiner.
Sarah [int. Sadie] L. and Charles J. Tomney, Nov. 26, 1884, in Gardiner.
DOYLE (see Doile)
Ann E. and Joseph F. Devine, int. Jan. 17, 1859.
Catherine and Francis Hanly, int. Oct. 10, 1859.
Elizabeth and Michael Houhelan, int. July 27, 1851.
Ellen Jane and Michael Kelly, int. Jan. 22, 1864.
John H. of Whitefield and Theresa A. Hanly, int. Nov. 1, 1887.
Katie of Whitefield and John Hanly, int. Nov. 14, 1870.
Lawrence and Hannah Dalton, int. May 27, 1838.
Lena and Robert H. Thompson, int. Oct. 10, 1888.
Margaret and Andrew Leonard, int. Sept. 18, 1854.
Mary and Martin Duggan, int. Nov. 2, 1845.
Mary and John Leonard, int. Apr. 7, 1859.
Patrick and Ann Kenshela, int. Jan. 17, 1843.
Peter and Bridget Slattery, int. Aug. 13, 1842.
Peter, 26, seaman, s. Thomas L. farmer, (b. Ireland), and Nancy Day, (b. Pittston), and Rosanna McGrath, int. Nov. 15, 1864.
Thomas and Nancy Day, int. Oct. 24, 1838.
Thomas White and Mrs. Nancy Pollard, int. Jan. 26, 1799.
John G. of Chelsea and Mrs. Clara E. [int. omits E.] Gove, Apr. 13, 1876.
George T. of Portland and Lavinia L. Nickels, int. Mar. 19, 1877.
DUDLEY (see Dudly)
Aaron C. and Hannah Emery, Jan. 1, 1833.
Addie and John F. Melcher, int. Mar. 30, 1880.
Betsey and Job Buker, Apr. 2, 1820.
Betsey and James Phillips, int. Feb. 18, 1838.
Betsey, Mrs., and John Moody, int. Feb. 3. 1841.
Caroline Y. and Samuel Crocker, May 30, 1847.
Edmund and Elizabeth M. Huntington, int. Aug. 20, 1848.
Emma S. and John Morang, int. Mar. 25, 1878.
Hannah and Spencer D. Nelson, int. June 13, 1818.
Isabell and Charles W. Dill, int. Aug. 25, 1868.
James and Sibel Chene, int. Oct. 18, 1785.
James and Abigal Hook, int. July 10, 1803.
Jane and Samuel Meriner, July 21, 1842.
Joanna A, and Daniel Glidden, Nov. 22, 1846. P.R.61.
Jonathan and Betsey Nash, int. July 26, 1828.
Lewis and Nancy Thompson, int. July 19, 1855.
Mary and John H. Richardson, int. Feb. 27, 1847. "Forbidden to grant a certificate".
Mehitable [int. Mehitabele] and Johnathan Fluent, Dec. 18, 1799.
Samuel and Jane Norris, int. May 8, 1833.
Sarah and Levi Johnson, int. Apr. 2, 1800.
Warren S., 25, merchant, s. Samuel, constable, and Jane Norris, (b. Whitefield), and Sarah M. Fields, int. Nov. 25, 1864.
Warren S., Jr. and Eliza A. Haines, Mar. 10, 1886, in Gardiner.
William H. and Helen F. Weston, Oct. 25, 1883, in Gardiner.
DUDLY (see Dudley)
Arabel and Daniel Brookings [int. Brookins], Mar. 21, 1868.
Mary [int. Dudley] and Dudley Taylor, Jan. 25, 1849.
DUELL (see Dewell)
Caleb S., Capt., and Martha C. Smith, int. Sept. 25, 1836.
Elizabeth S. and William B. Chaplain, Jr., int. Aug. 29, 1866.
Silas, Doct., of Vassalboro and Betsy Stevens, int. Jan. 1, 1806.
Silas, Capt., and Rachel H. Brown, int. Sept. 12, 1840.
Silas and Mrs. Ellen E. Coombs, Dec. 22, 1863.
Martin and Mary Doyle, int. Nov. 2, 1845.
Martin and Nancy Carrol, int. Apr. 24, 1855.
DUGLAS (see Douglas, Douglass, Duglass)
Mary and Gardiner McCausland, int. May 11, 1785.
DUGLASS (see Douglas, Douglass, Duglas)
Barbery [int. Barberry Douglass] and William Winship, Oct. 7, 1796.
Sally of Clinton and Henry Crawford, int. June 25, 1815.
Thankfull of Clinton and Thomas Crawford, int. June 25, 1815.
Eliza and William Walker, int. Feb. 2, 1808.
Hannah, Widow, and Moses Owen, int. Mar. 2, 1799.
Harriet and Lewis Eldred, Oct. 3, 1821.
Mary and Henry [int. Henerry] Bodge, [----], 1802. [Int. May 9, 1801.]
Phebe and Andrew Fitch, Aug. 26, 1796.
Stephen and Elizabeth Marson, Feb. 8, 1815.
George of Gardiner and Samantha W. Woodward [int. Semantha W. Woodard], Oct. 27, 1860.
John and Mary Jane Skhean, int. May 6, 1861.
Mary A. and Michael J. McCormick, int. Aug. 6, 1884.
Abigail G. of Westport and. Jason Plummer, int. Aug. 3, 1840.
Charles H. and May [int. Mary] B. Grant, Nov. 26, 1868.
Charles H. and Berthy Green, int. July 17, 1884.
Georgie of Whitefield and William O. Foye, int. Nov. 19, 1887.
Iva B. and George R. Rollins, Sept. 20, 1886.
Sarah of Boothbay and William Johnson, int. Feb. 2, 1812.
Henry C. of Buckfield and Nettie P. Mansir, Sept. 28, 1878.
Abigail of Readfield and Samuel Jackins, int. Feb. 7, 1813.
Burt S. and Josephene Brown, int. Dec. 30, 1880.
EASMAN (see Eastman)
William of Gardiner and Susannah Hills, int. Apr. 4, 1813.
EASTMAN (see Easman)
Benjamin and Anna Carbarker, int. Sept. 15, 1783.
Benjamin, Capt., and Elizabeth Hanley, int. Jan. 10, 1822.
Clarisa A. and Noah Marson, Dec. 24, 1855. [Clara A., P.R.54].
George W. of Gardiner and Mary E. Merrill, Apr. 10, 1874.
Hubbard [int. Hubard] and Patience [int. Patiance] Godfrey, Dec. 15, 1795.
Hubbord, Jr. and Mary Green, Nov. 29, 1827.
Patty and Stephen Roe, int. Feb. 14, 1791.
Samuel, Jr. and Salley Stevens, int. May 11, 1791.
Samuel, 2d of Gardiner and Emma F. Eldred, int. Oct. 5, 1839.
Thankful and Capt. John Scot, int. Apr. 25, 1823.
Vielitte M. [dup. Vielette and omits M.] and Benjamin Hiscock, Apr. 17, 1814.
Ann of Buxton and Capt. George Jewett, int. Sept. 13, 1828.
Jane of Durham and Edmund Knights, int. June 16, 1802.
Lucinda H. of South Reading, Mass., and Levi Moody, int. July 1, 1854.
Mary Jane and Alphonzo H. Clark, int. Oct. 16, 1840.
Charlotte S., Mrs., and Col. Warren Williamson, Dec. 13, 1846.
ELDRED (see Eldredge)
Ann M. and Reuben Ladd, Dec. 28, 1853.
Annah and Gideon Barker, Sept. 6, 1827.
Eliza [int. Betsey] and John Fuller, Jr. [int. omits Jr.] Dec. 25, 1804.
Emma and Clark Barker, June 7, 1812.
Emma F. and Samuel Eastman, 2d, int. Oct. 5, 1839.
Hannah and Oliver Foster, int. Aug. 30, 1806.
Hannah, Mrs., of Sandwich, Mass., and Micah Eldred, int. July 24, 1838.
Levi F., Capt., and Harriet Crowel, int. Oct. 1, 1819.
Lewis and Harriet Dunham, Oct. 3, 1821.
Matty [int. Eldredge] and David Smith, Sept. 20, 1801.
Micah and Mrs. Hannah Eldred, int. July 24, 1838.
Olive and Capt. Moses King, Jan. 1, 1823.
Polly [int. Polley Eldredge] and Joseph Colburn, July 9, 1801.
Sally and Shepard Wedgewood, Oct 3, 1821.
Susan and Benjamin S. Jones, Sept. 16, 1835.
ELDREDGE (see Eldred)
Jane, Mrs., and Franklin Colburn, int. Jan. 24, 1879.
ELEXANDER (see Alexander)
Susannah of Dresden and Luther Thayer, int. Oct. 11, 1812.
Annie M. and George A. Millay, int. Mar. 6, 1867.
Annie M. and George A. Millay, int. Oct. 8, 1867.
Benjamin and Laurietter Brookings, int. June 11, 1863.
Betsey J. and Samuel J. Brookings, int. Mar. 25, 1871.
Harriet [int. Hannah] H. and Charles E. Woods, Sept. 27, 1857.
Hattie E. and George R. Mansir, July 21, 1883.
Sarah F. and George W. Mansir, Aug. 26, 1841.
Edwin, 31, provision dealer, of Gardiner, s. Benjamin, farmer, (b. Gardiner), and Nancy, (b. Bangor), and Caroline Flitner, int. Nov. 4, 1864.
Samuel and Nancy Bradstreet, Dec. 11, 1796.
Edward and Dorothy Stover, [bef. 1828]. P.R.40.
Eliza Ann and John L. Newhall, Oct. 29, 1863.
Elizabeth of Chelsea and Joseph C. Barker, int. Sept. 9, 1854.
Frankie S. of Lincoln and George B. Webster, int. Dec. 21, 1886.
James and Nancy C. Reed, int. Nov. 23, 1844.
James A. and Martha J. Greely, Dec. 16, 1875.
Mary of Boothbay and Micaiah Bailey, int. Mar. 15, 1823.
Sarah and George Marson, Apr. 26, 1862.
Thomas J. and Eliza J. Reed, Aug. 3, 1862.
Emma B., Mrs., of Whitefield and John H. Bailey, Oct. 13, 1881.
Hannah of Buxton and Capt. George Jewett, int. Oct. 9, 1831.
Hannah [int. of Whitefield] and Aaron C. Dudley, Jan. 1, 1833.
Mary C. of Buxton and John Scott Jr., int. Dec. 25, 1858.
ERSKIN (see Erskine, Erskins)
Abbie F. of New Castle and Albert J. Ayer, int. Nov. 22, 1867.
John and Sarah S. Cole, int. Dec. 13, 1845.
ERSKINE (see Erskin, Erskins)
Andrew J. and Margaret M. King, int. Jan 4, 1862.
Ella F. and Everett E. Brookings, Nov. 9, 1880, in Augusta.
ERSKINS (see Erskin, Erskine)
Christopher and Mary Bowden, int. Nov, 8, 1845.
ERVING[int. Arven]
Betsey and David Door, Jan. 29, 1800.
Susanna and Jacob Muchmore, int. Nov. 8, 1801.
Mary and John Leonard. int. June 29, 1857.
John of Winthrop and Relief Gould, int. May 17, 1828.
George H. of Vassalboro and Nellie A. Tyler, Dec. 24, 1881.
Joshua and Betcy Higgins, int. May 5, 1787.
Eliza of New Castle and Major Barzillia Gannatt, int. Apr. 9, 1797.
Joseph [int. Adjutant, of Newcastle] and Salley [Sarah, P.R.3] Jewett, Jan. 28, 1799.
FARNHAM (see Farnum)
Mary A. of Whitefield and Amaziah Hunter, Nov. 9, 1866.
FARNUM (see Farnham)
James E. of Jefferson and Emma F. Bowman, May 24, 1869.
Richard of Litchfield and Lutila A. Gardner, int. Jan. 10, 1849.
Lidia of Winthrop and Christepher Jakins, int. May 6, 1787.
Annie [int. Anna] and George T. Haley [int. Hailey], Dec. 19, 1871.
Joseph and Bridget Kealey [int. Bridge Kelay], July 16, 1884, in Gardiner.
Isaih C. and Amand M. King, int. Dec. 5, 1854.
Hannah, Mrs., and John Porter, int. May 3, 1833.
Samuel and Hannah Hill, Dec. 30, 1810.
Mary and Charles Nelson, int. May 14, 1883.
Artelle of Whitefield and Maggie M. Grogan, int. Nov. 27, 1891.
Robert and Sylva Hunt, int. June 18, 1825.
Albert F., 26, stationer, of Boston, [Mass.], b. Alfred, s. Daniel and Jane, and Laura K. Marson, June 8, 1864.
FERRALL (see Ferrell)
Thomas and Mary Ann Nolan, int. Oct. 3, 1851.
FERRELL (see Ferrall)
James and Mary J. Gilson, int. Feb. 2, 1872.
Thomas and Mary Rowe, int. Sept. 7, 1854.
Sarah M., 19, of Whitefield, d. Thomas, farmer, (b. Whitefield), and Sarah McManus, and Warren S. Dudley, int. Nov. 25, 1864.
Franklin and Elvira Sawyer, Dec. 19, 1842.
Franklin and Abby Goodwin, int. Aug. 8, 1847.
FILBROOK (see Philbrick, Philbrook)
David, Jr. and Hannah Crosby, int. July 25, 1795.
Salley and Paul Horn, int. May 3, 1795.
Alden J. of Whitefield and Georgia A. Bangs, int. May 30, 1870.
William and Ellen Kelley, int. Jan. 16, 1862.
Annie F. and Asa H. Yeaton, int. Feb. 18, 1873.
Sarah and Benjamin C. Bailey, int. Aug. 28, 1860.
Andrew and Phebe Dunham, Aug. 26, 1796.
Benjamin and Abigail Davis, June 10, 1794.
Elizabeth and Robert B. Caston, Dec. 25, 1827.
Henery [int. Henerry] and Mary Door, Oct. 29, 1798.
Mercy and Isaac Thompson, int. Apr. 5, 1814.
Mercy and Isaac Thomas, Jan. 27, 1815.
Merian and Jonathan Berry, "both Ajacence to this Town", int. Dec. 29, 1786.
Nancy and Elijah Pollard, int. Apr. 24, 1785.
Abigail of Gardiner and Ebenezer Goodwin, Jan. 20, 1814.
Katie E. of Gardiner and Franklin H. Taylor, Feb. 19, 1881, in Gardiner.
Mildreth and Henry M. Clark, July 4, 1885, in Gardiner.
William E. and Nellie A. Swift, June 18, 1885, in Gardiner.
Jonas of Bowdoin and Sarah A. Hall, Oct. 14, 1838.
Moses [int. of Dresden] and Lucy Leighton [int. Leighten], Dec. 27, 1812.
Jacob G. of Boston, Mass., and Sarah H. Cox, May 27, 1851.
Sarah of Hallowell and Samuel Bullin, Jr., int. Mar. 12, 1790.
Anna J. and William H. Baker, Apr. 20, 1885.
Benjamin [int. Flitnor] and Mary Clark [int. Clarke], Nov. 24, 1801.
Benjamin, Jr. and Elizabeth Stevens, Sept. 22,1833.
Caroline, 23, seamstress, d. Benjamin, farmer, (b. Pittston), and Edwin Elwell, int. Nov. 4, 1864.
Cordelia W. and Capt. Joseph Flitner, Jr., int. Dec. 3, 1837.
David of Somerville, Mass., and Mrs. Lizzie E. Brannan, Sept. 26, 1876.
Delia F. and Melville P. Morrell, int. Feb. 19, 1859.
Eli and Mary E. Goodwin, int. Feb. 23, 1851.
Eliza and Daniel L. Pickard, int. June 29, 1834.
Ella and Greenlief W. Rice, int. Jan. 25, 1870.
Etta S. and Mark L. Rollins, int. June 28, 1871.
Forestina D. and M. A. Hinkly, int. June 8, 1867.
F. W. of Boston, Mass., and Susan E. Hawthorn, Jan. 13, 1869.
Francis and Betsey [int. Eliza with beth in pencil] Oakman, Dec. 2, 1804.
George W. and Ma Ann Chase, int. Apr. 28, 1844.
Hannah and William Hanover, Oct. 6, 1802.
Joseph and Betsey [int. Betsy] Cutts, Apr. 23, 1807.
Joseph, Jr., Capt., and Cordelia W. Flitner, int. Dec. 3, 1837.
Lucy and Daniel Keilley [int. Kelly], Nov. 15, 1804.
Mary and Weston [int. Western] Goodspeed, Dec. 25, 1826.
Samuel C. and Sophronia S. Jackson, Sept. 9, 1846.
Samuel O. and Abigal M. Jackson, int. Sept. 10, 1837.
William and Nancy Richardson, Feb. 14, 1844.
William L., Capt., and Louisa Cutts, Aug. 17, 1841.
Zachariah, Capt., and Mary E. Lapham, int. July 28, 1838.
Zacharias, Capt., and Mary E. M. Jackson, int. June 16, 1871.
Emma C. of Bath and Allen Hunt, int. Sept. 25, 1880.
Lizzie B. and Albert B. Murphy, Apr. 4, 1879.
Johnathan and Mehitable [int. Mehitabele] Dudley, Dec. 18, 1799.
Franklin B. of West Waterville and Anna A. Shea, Mar. 22, 1877.
Joseph of Dresden and Jane Shae, int. Nov. 22, 1811.
FOLENSBEE (see Folinsbee, Follansbe, Follansbee, Follensbee, Follinsbee)
Benjamin A. and Aphia Ann Russel Tyler, int. Sept. 10, 1843.
FOLINSBEE (see Folensbee, Follansbe, Follansbee, Follensbee, Follinsbee)
John and Mrs. Prudenene Soaper, int. Sept. 11, 1802.
FOLLANSBE (see Folensbee, Follansbe, Follansbee, Follensbee, Follinsbee)
Daniel [int. Follinsbee] and Elizabeth Smith, Dec. [----], 1802.
Hannah and Jacob Day, int. Aug. 28, 1808.
Tamsin [int. Tamzin] and Charles Burrows [int. Burroughs], Aug. 2, 1803.
FOLLANSBEE (see Folensbee, Folinsbee, Follansbe, Follensbee, Follinsbee)
Benjamin [int. adds Jr.] and Betsey Kenny, Apr. 24, 1808.
Benjamin and Mrs. Mitty Judkins, int. July 15, 1820.
Charles S. of New Sharon and Mary O. Loud, int. Nov. 20, 1841.
Rhoda and Silas Loud, Dec. 11, 1814.
Suky and Edward Lord, int. June 12, 1823. [Susan Folansbee, m. July 3, P.R.52.]
FOLLENSBEE (see Folensbee, Folinsbee, Follansbe, Follansbee, Follinsbee)
Betsey, widow, and Joseph Follensbee, int. Oct. 27, 1811.
Emaline R. and Eliphlet H. [int. omits H.] Lapham, Nov. 2, 1853.
Hannah E. and James W. Beane, Apr. 20, 1875.
Joseph and Widow Betsey Follensbee, int. Oct. 27, 1811.
FOLLINSBEE (see Folensbee, Folinsbee, Follansbe, Follansbee, Follensbee)
Elizabeth A. and James William Crowell, int. Jan. 11, 1835.
Joseph and Hannah O. [int. Octavia] Colburn, Nov. 8, 1836.
FOLSOM (see Folsum, Fulsom)
Adelaide [int. Adalaide] S. and Edward M. Morton, [----], 1851. [int. Aug. 10, 1851.]
Elizabeth and Benjamin P. Thompson, June 22, 1848.
Hannah E. and Benjamin F. Fuller, Esq., int. Aug. 24, 1844.
Henry of New Castle and Jane Blodgett [int. Blodget], Dec. 28, 1841.
Peter and Mahitable Smith, int. Jan. 19, 1806.
Tristram and Hannah Lapham, int. Dec. 29, 1844.
William L. and Ellen Stilphin, int. July 30, 1844.
FOLSOM (see Folsom, Fulsom)
Jane and George Stanley [int. Standley], Jr., Nov. 18, 1835. [Jane B. Folsom, P.R.24].
FOORD (see Ford)
Robert [int. Rober Ford] of Readfield and Sophia Magown, Mar. 13, 1825.
Lewis J. and Margeret Loon, Feb. 27, 1875.
FORD (see Foord)
Hattie M. of Whitefield and Granville Labaree, May 2, 1886.
Ann L. of Portland and Robert Smith, int. Mar. 18, 1826.
Artell and May E. Bradstreet, Dec. 3, 1884.
Byron of Jefferson and Persis L. Maddox, Nov. 15, 1869.
Charles M. and Annie B. Pottle, int. May 3, 1884.
Flora E. of Jefferson and Isaac W. Peaslee, int. Dec. 1, 1870.
George A. and Estelle M. Gould, Oct. 27, 1888, in Randolph.
Ida C. of Whitefield and Bradbury B. Abbott, June 6, 1878.
Abbie J. of Newcastle and Warren Carlton, Nov. 15, 1873.
Eliphalet H. and Mary Augusta Brown, int. Apr. 5, 1858.
George F. of Chicago, Ill., and Ella A. Brookings, June 18, 1872.
Mary E. and Arthur E. Marson, Apr. 9, 1882.
Oliver and Hannah Eldred, int. Aug. 30, 1806.
Hosea B. and Mrs. Nancy Knight [int. Knights], June 13, 1884.
Hosea B. and Mary S. [int. omits S. Spaulding, [----], in Winslow. [int. June 8, 1886.]
Joseph and Ardra Colburn, int. Aug. 31, 1834.
Harrison of Whitefield and Rachael A. Crocker, int. Sept. 22, 1873.
Henry W. and Cora E. Moody, int. July 8, 1890.
Marianna and William J. Smith, Oct. 21, 1879, in Lewiston.
Hattie and Nelson J. Colburn, July 20, 1878, in Augusta.
James and Harriett Stickney, Apr. 28, 1852. P.R.72.
William O. and Georgie Dunton, int. Nov. 19, 1887.
Vina B. and Herman W. Scott, Nov. 29, 1884.
Charles and Harriet Blair, Aug. 15, 1817.
Edward and Mary Freeman, int. Sept. 13, 1829.
Emma E. and John Young, Mar. 23, 1820.
Judah E. and Submit Horn, int. Dec. 13, 1822.
Lucy S. and Daniel Plummer, int. Feb. 14, 1809.
Mary and Edward Freeman, int. Sept. 13, 1829.
Thomas of Hallowell and Harriet Atkins, int. Oct. 8, 1824.
William and Aurora Bartlett, int. July 15, 1809.
Betsey C. and Derius Marston, Sept. 20, 1873.
John of Winthrop and Elizabeth Gipson, int. Sept. 6, 1784.
Fannie A. and Benjamin W. White, Nov. 14, 1878.
Hattie C. and M. E. Chase, int. Aug. 11, 1884.
Lizzie E. and Herbert E. McFadden, May 1, 1879.
Nellie M. and Joshua B. Tasker, Mar. 14, 1876.
FULLAR (see Fuller)
Abigail and William Briggs, int. July 9, 1792.
Polley and John Weymouth, int. Sept. 16, 1793.
FULLER (see Fullar)
Allen and Nancy Kenney, int. Dec. 17, 1815.
Benjamin F. Esq. and Hannah E. Folsom, int. Aug. 24, 1844.
Betsey and Francis Stilfin, int. Nov, 21, 1794.
Edward and Liberty Williams, int. Oct. 4, 1808.
George S., carpenter, of Hallowell, s. George, carpenter, (b. West Gardiner), and Hellen M. Wiley, Sept. 27, 1864.
John, Jr., [int. omits Jr. and adds of Winthrop] and Eliza [int. Betsey] Eldred, Dec. 25, 1804.
Lizzie L. and Capt. George F. Jewett, Jan. 9, 1877.
Martha Jane and Moses B. Bliss, int. Apr. 26, 1846.
Samuel and Cynthia Kendall, int. Dec. 6, 1816.
Sarah A. and Capt. Ira Maxcy, int. May 13, 1849.
Thomas and Abigail Day, int. Nov. 28, 1818.
FULSOM (see Folsom, Folsum)
Trustram, Jr. of Augusta and Eliza Laplain, int. July 7, 1807.
Sarah E. of Ellsworth and Robert Hanly, int. Nov. 6, 1852.
Bell and David F. Shea, int. Oct. 15, 1862.
Robert of Haverhill, Mass., and Annie Peters, Sept. 25, 1873.
Barzillia, Major, and Eliza Farley, int. Apr. 9, 1797.
GARDINOR (see Gardner)
Charlottee of Newcastle and Nathaniel Hall, int. Sept. 23, 1797.
John and Widow Phebe McCord, int. Oct. 16, 1802.
Salley and Captain Robert Kenady, Nov. 28, 1791.
GARDNER (see Gardinor)
Lutila A. and Richard Farrin, int. Jan. 10, 1849.
William H. of Gardiner and Ada J. Grant, int. Feb. 20, 1864. "Certificate not called for". [m. Feb. 27, 1864, Gar. Rec.]
Gardner [int. Gardiner] S. of Charlestown, Mass., and Cordelia H. Cunningham, Apr. 18, 1854.
Charles B. [int. P.] and Morilla [int. Morella] Grant, Oct. 29, 1843.
George and Elizabeth Doughty, Dec. 9, 1830.
George of Gardiner and Mary F. Horn, int. Oct. 22, 1843.
James A. and Sarah C. Moody, int. Dec. 6, 1853.
Julia M. and Thomas Medy [int. Meady], 2d, Nov. 7, 1841.
Lydia C., Mrs., of Gardiner and Benjamin C. Heath, May 5, 1878, in Gardiner.
Sarah C. [int. Mrs.] and A. [int. Amos] P.Rollins, Apr. 6, 1862.
William H. of Boston, Mass., and Carrie A. Hanson, Dec. 24, 1883.
Angie S. of Chelsea and John C. Beedle, July 12, 1857.
E. Josephine of Chelsea and Capt. Edmund B. O'Connor, int. Jan. 21, 1878.
GATCHELL (see Getchell)
William and Rebekah Springer "both of a place called Fairfield near this town," int. Mar. 21, 1792.
Charles of Gardiner and Almira Stevens, int. Dec. 20, 1835.
George, Capt., of Gardiner and Sophronia Stevens, int. June 28, 1828.
Margret and Ebenezer Byram, Jan. 14, 1789.
Rufus and Mary Marble, Jan. 12, 1800.
Seth, Jr. of Gardiner and Hannah M. Oakman, int. May 12, 1844.
Neony of Augusta and Samuel Yeaton, int. Apr. 1, 1842.
Elmer W. of Augusta and M. Evelyn Chapman, Jan. 10, 1878.
Charles O. of Alton and Abbie [int. Abby] F. Pinkham, June 7, 1891, in Augusta.
GETCHELL (see Gatchell)
Dennis H. of Augusta and Laura Marson, Aug. 19, 1855.
Emily B. of Wiscasset and George McKenney, Oct. 31, 1883.
George A. and Clara Irving, int. June 21, 1873.
Rebecca A. and Thomas Byrne, Jan. 5, 1877.
Lizzie of Waterville and Joseph Delaware, int. May 27, 1884.
Allen of Hallowell and Pamela Augusta Dearbon, int. Dec. 13, 1798.
David of Gardiner and Rosetta C. Heath, Apr. 23, 1871, in Gardiner.
Erving E. and Bertha E. Moody, int. Aug. 8, 1890.
Harriet of Gardiner and Charles G. Clark, June 21, 1835.
J. H., Lieut., of Fort Adams, Newport, R.I., and Catharine Rogers, int. Oct. 19, 1857.
Jonathan and Abigail Averill, int. Jan. 15, 1861.
Lorinda, Mrs., and Ezra Bailey, int. Nov. 15, 1860.
Wilbert H., 22, farmer, s. Plummer, farmer, (b. Whitefield), and Lorinda Moody, (b. Whitefield), and Lizzie Benner. Jan. 27, 1865.
Wilbert H. and Cassie A. Wood, int. Aug. 6, 1877.
Langdon, Dr., of Gardiner and Harriet E. Blanchard, Sept. 28, 1852.
George W., 23, ship carpenter, s. Isaac J., ship carpenter, and Rosanna Small, (b. Bowdoin), and Caroline G. Stilphen, int. July 26, 1864.
Michael and Ann McCue, int. July 18, 1848. "No certificate given."
Kate S. and Alfred Hanley, int. May 12, 1871.
Margaret E. and George R. Hanly, int. Jan. 31, 1863.
Mary J. and James Ferrell, int. Feb. 2, 1872.
Elizabeth and John French, int. Sept. 6, 1784.
John, Capt., of Wiscasset and Mrs. Jane A. S. Loud, int. Jan. 8, 1840.
Margaret N. of Windsor and John L. Gray, June 3, 1876.
Carrie and Albert Scribner, June 7, 1885.
David R., 46, seaman, 2d mar., s. Robert, gardener, (b. Scotland), and Mary Hulley, (b. Scotland), and Asenath W. Baker, Sept. 3, 1864, in Gardiner.
Aaron and Sarah J. [int. Jane] Cushman, Sept. 3, 1854.
Abiel Folensby and Alice T. Peaslee, Nov. 1, 1829. P.R.60.
Addie of Whitefield and Frank S. Bates, June 19, 1877.
Anna and Avry Crocker, Sept. 10, 1818.
Arnold [Int. Arnald] and Hannah Davis, Oct. 18, 1798.
Charles [int. of Newmilford] and Betsey Pulcipher, [int. Pulsifer], Oct. 23, 1800.
Charles of Whitefield and Irena Moody, int. Dec. 14, 1839.
Daniel and Joanna A. Dudley, Nov, 22, 1846. P.R.61.
Daniel and Mrs. Lizzie A. Quimby, Dec. 14, 1883. [Elizabeth Green Quimby, P.R.61.]
Hannah A. of Whitefield and Cyrus A. Blinn, Sept. 12, 1858.
Harriet of Whitefield and Jacob Marson, int. Apr. 22, 1831.
Henrietta J. and Charles T. Hilton, Mar. 29, 1866, in Charlestown, Mass.
Isabella A. and Benjamin Merrill, 2d, int. Oct. 11, 1858. [Isabel A. and omits 2d, m. Oct. 19, P.R.59].
John C. and Clora G. Kincaid. int. June 11, 1859.
Joseph of Breman (Bremen) and Eliza Robinson, Oct. 5, 1854.
Mary E. and Alpheus S. Morrill, Mar. 24, 1855.
Mary L. and Albert M. Plumer, int. Feb. 7, 1859. "Certificate not called for."
Patience [int. Patiance] and Hubbard [int. Hubard] Eastman, Dec. 15, 1795.
Thankful [int. Godfry] and Augustus Ballard, Sept. 22, 1798.
John, Jr. and Mary Webber, int. May 21, 1791.
Zacheus and Susanna Smith, int. July 30, 1802.
Florence, Mrs., and Alton A. Morroson, int. Mar. 16, 1887. "Not married."
Arnald of China and Hannah Hanover, int. Nov. 29, 1828.
La Roy W. and Georgianna Goodwin, int. Apr. 14, 1866.
Nettie and Rufus A. Snow, int. May 25, 1868.
Sarah of China and John D. Caston, int. Aug. 2, 1831.
Weston [int. Western] of China and Mary Flitner, Dec. 25, 1826.
Abby and Franklin Fifield, int. Aug. 8, 1847.
Abial V. and Susan Small, int. Oct. 19, 1834.
Abial V. and Martha A. Twycross, int. June 3, 1852.
Benjamin of Dresden and Hannah S. Scott, int. Sept. 23, 1844.
Ebenezer of Gardiner and Abigail Fitts, Jan. 20, 1814.
Elizabeth and Lorenzo Linscott, int. Nov. 8, 1846.
Emma J. and Elbridge Marson, Jan. 13, 1887.
Etta M. and George Morang, July 6, 1884, in Gardiner.
Eunice and Henry S. White, int. July 9, 1844.
Frederic of Dresden and Sarah A. Moody, Jan. 1, 1882.
George E. and Lizzie Thompson, int. Aug. 21, 1871.
Georgianna of Chelsea and La Roy W. Goodspeed, int. Apr. 14, 1866.
Hannah, Mrs., and Erastus B. Parks, Oct. 6, 1873.
Harriet A. of Gardiner and Wellington F. Tyler, Apr. 1, 1873, in Gardiner.
Henry C. and Laura F. Buswell, int. May 18, 1872.
Janette [int. Jannette] and Robert Cosgrove, Oct. 8, 1873.
J. R. [int. Roscoe] and Octavia Heywood, Jan. 24, 1872.
John and Mary A. Daggett, int. Sept. 13, 1846.
John and Mrs. Mary Conner, int. Mar. 25, 1848. "Not married no certificate given".
John and Sarah Ann Plummer, int. Dec. 10, 1848.
John W. and Oliva [int. Olida] Pratt, Aug. 22, 1884.
Joseph H. and Angeline Sawyer Blanchard, int. Aug. 18, 1863.
Joseph H. and Olive A. Smart, Nov. 3, 1867.
Lizzie and Wesley Bickford, int. Mar. 17, 1875.
Lucy A. and John Adams, Jan. 14, 1846.
Mary and William White, 3d, int. Oct. 30, 1836.
Mary E. and Eli Flitner, int. Feb. 23, 1851.
Mary E. and Charles S. Austin, int. Sept. 22, 1865.
Mary T. and George W. Stanley, Nov. 20, 1891.
Moses and Hannah Robinson, int. Feb. 4, 1849.
Moses [int. adds Jr.] and Priscilla Doughty, May 22, 1831.
Polly [int. Polley] and John Clarke "both of the Plantation of Fairfield and adjacent of Pittston", Mar. 23, 1794.
Pricilla and Arthur W. Gorden, Aug. 5, 1878.
S. Georgia of Dresden and Elsbury W. Moody, int. Nov. 19, 1872.
Seth G. of Pittston [int. of Randolph] and Carrie A. Pottle, Oct. 20, 1887, in Randolph.
Simeon, Jr., (see Goodwin).
Thomas and Mary A. Knox, int. Apr. 12, 1846.
Thomas D. and Susan J. Jewell, int. Oct. 20, 1845.
Simeon, Jr. and Drucilla Baker, int. May 12, 1842.
GORDEN (see Gordon)
Agnes H. and A. Patten Thompson, int. July 6, 1851.
Arthur W. and Pricilla Goodwin, Aug. 5, 1878.
Ithiel and Sarah McCausland, int. Dec. 11, 1784.
GORDON (see Gorden)
Hannah, Mrs., and Samuel Marson, May 26, 1883.
James E. of Gardiner and Caroline Adella Brand, Oct. 30, 1880, in Gardiner.
Susan A. of Litchfield and Hiram W. Colburn, int. Jan. 28, 1867.
William and Nellie A. Dill, Aug. 20, 1881.
Edward and Sarah Smith [both] "of no Town in a place Called Fairfield near to this Town", int. Oct. 14, 1785.
David G. of Whitefield and Melvina B. Moody, int. Oct. 11, 1846.
Frederic of Dresden and Abbie M. Jackson, int. Jan. 1, 1875.
Frederick and Isadore Thompson, Aug. 5, 1866.
Laura E. of Dresden and Melville J. Powers, int. Apr. 1, 1885.
Lilla E. and Frank E. Okes [int. Oaks], Feb. 14, 1891.
Mary of Dresden and John Alley, June 5, 1846.
Sarah C. and Charles M. Call, Aug. 29, 1854.
Angela [int. Angella] and Benjamin B. Hanson, Nov. 12, 1854.
Bartlett and Catharine Cottle, int. July 19, 1840.
Carrie of Hallowell and Robert White, Mar. 17, 1877.
Catharine, Mrs., and Francis F. Mooers, int. Sept. 15, 1838.
Dennis [int. Denis] and Betsey Warren [int. Worren], Nov. 17, 1795.
Elesife A. and Richard B. Caldwell, int. July 8, 1841.
Estelle M. and George A. Fossett, Oct. 27, 1888, in Randolph.
Fred B. and Maria A. [int. Arvesta] Hathom, Dec. 9, 1884.
James and Rachel C. Rollins, Feb. 7, 1831.
James, Jr. and Lucia A. Moody, int. Jan. 11, 1856.
James, 2d and Cora B. Cunningham, int. Nov. 21, 1888.
Jennie H. and Horace E. Palmer, Nov. 30, 1889, in Randolph.
Jesse and Eliza Ann Crowell, int. Oct. 25, 1829.
John Y. and Catharine [int. Katharine] Day, Apr. 25, 1825.
Lucy L. and Frederic P. Morrell, int. May 11, 1874.
Oliver and Sarah A. King, int. Mar. 26, 1866.
Oscar R. and Martha Robinson, Jan. 27, 1847.
R. Foster and S. Jennie Marson, int. May 11, 1872.
Relief and John Fairbanks, int. May 17, 1828.
Sadie F. and Fred L. Blinn, May 18, 1890, in Dresden.
Sarah E. and Daniel Larbree, Feb. 2, 1854.
William and Lucy Lawrence, int. May 27, 1838.
William and Lydia Ann Moore, int. Apr. 19, 1841.
Clara E. [int. omits E.], Mrs., and John G. Drake, Apr. 13, 1876.
Louisa of Bowdoin and Ebenezer Whitney, int. Jan. 26, 1831.
Theodosia of Bowdoin and Jonathan Allard, int. Jan. 17, 1829.
Harriet and William Ripley, int. Nov. 12, 1852.
Ada J. and William H. Gardner, int. Feb. 20, 1864. "Certificate not called for." [m. Feb. 27, 1864, Gar. Rec.]
Charles and Abigail Rowlings, Aug. 21, 1814.
Charles N. of Whitefield and Emma M. Ayer, Oct. 28, 1876.
Elizabeth and Emulous Brookings, int. Nov. 11, 1846.
Isaac and Dinah Mitchel, Dec. 10, 1823.
Jacob and Anna Brookings, int. July 5, 1829.
John T. and Sarah E. Peacock, int. Nov. 17, 1868.
Margie W. and James P. Moore, int. Aug. 16, 1862.
Marlina of Gardiner and Mr. ----, Dec. 25, 1833. [Joseph H. Ellis of Gardiner and Martinia Grant of Gardiner, int. Dec. 2, 1833, Gar. Rec.]
Marticia and James Merrill, int. Nov. 7, 1863.
May [int. Mary] B. and Charles H. Dunton, Nov. 26, 1868.
Morilla [int. Morella] and Charles B. [int. P.] Garland, Oct. 29, 1843.
Paul H. and Annie Abbot, int. July 21, 1798.
Sarah and John Greely, Jan. 8, 1852.
William and Ann J. Philbrick, int. Oct. 20, 1854.
Ruth A. of Gardiner and George L. Gray, Oct. 19, 1884.
GRAY (see Grey)
Abbie A. and William P. Mitchell, Nov. 21, 1869.
George L. and Ruth A. Grass, Oct. 19, 1884.
Jane of Wiscasset and Isaac C. Barker, int. Feb. 21, 1824.
John L. of Chelsea and Margaret N. Given, June 3, 1876.
Lucy E. of Chelsea and Ezra B. Moody, Nov. 27, 1862.
Nathaniel N. and Julia A. Morang, int. Dec. 7, 1860.
Olive and Charles Shepard, int. Nov. 21, 1813.
Samuel and Muri Norriss, int. Sept. 18, 1842. [Samuel Gray, Jr. and Mrs. Maria Norris, Gar. Rec.]
Simon B. and Eliza A. Tobey, int. Mar. 3, 1850.
Thomas and Charlotte Bruce. int. Jan. 4, 1856.
Thomas M. and Susan C. Andrews, int. Apr. 8, 1840.
John and Sarah Grant, Jan. 8, 1852.
Martha J. and James A. Emerson, Dec. 16, 1875.
Mary of Ball Town and Burnam Clark, int. Dec. 2, 1785.
Mary E. and Abial Allen, Apr. 10, 1887.
Berthy of Gardiner and Charles H. Dunton, int. July 17, 1884.
Catharine and Merrill Burnham, Nov. 30, 1846.
Charles A. of Boston, Mass., and Abbie H. Marson, int. Aug. 13, 1869.
Cyrus K. and Ellen F. Searles, int. Dec. 30, 1872.
Dora E. and Henry C. Lawrence, Dec. 28, 1880.
Fernando W. and Jennie W. Coombs, Feb. 12, 1881.
John and Angeline Bates, int. May 7, 1866.
John, Jr. and Sophronia W. Clark, int. Oct. 22, 1842.
Joseph and Abigail Moore [int. Abigal Moor], Nov. 17, 1799.
Lydia S. and Albert E. Whiteman, int. Jan. 1, 1842.
Lydia S. and Jonathan G. Clark, int. Aug. 6, 1853.
Mary and Hubbord Eastman, Jr., Nov. 29, 1827.
Sarah A. and William C. Marr, int. Sept. 11, 1858.
William and Elma B. Kidder, int. Oct. 12, 1842.
GREENLEAF (see Greenlief)
Mattie J. of Tamworth, N.H., and Wellington Blair, Nov. 25, 1880, in Tamworth, N.H.
GREENLIEF (see Greenleaf)
Hepzibah and Benjamin Heath, int. Nov. 22, 1819.
Mary [int. Polley] of Hunts Meddow [int. adds "adjatiant to this Town"] and Ebenezer Vose, Mar. 8, 1798.
Stephen and Lydia Wheeler, int. Jan. 16, 1796.
GREY (see Gray)
Harriet C. and Montsir [int. Montsier] James, Jr., [int. omits Jr.] Aug. 19, 1871.
Ichabod and Sarah Jane Davis, int. Aug. 29, 1840.
Malinda of Gardiner and Daniel Labree, July 4, 1847.
Mehitable [int. Hitty] and William Swain, Oct. [-----], 1799.
William and Nancy Hoit, int. Feb. 24, 1798.
Maggie M. and Artelle Felt, int. Nov. 27, 1891.
Belinda and Nathaniel Capers, Feb. 13, 1823.
John and Eliza Steward, int. Feb. 1, 1812.
Freeborn and Hannah Oakman, int. Aug. 14, 1796.
John of Whitefield and Ellen Oconnell, int. Dec. 31, 1837.
