Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - KEMP to LYNSKEY

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Emma D. Kemp of Shamokin, Pa., and Joseph E. Elms of Belmont, Dec .29, 1874.
Thomas Kenaid and Elisebath Todd, July 6, 1797. [Mrs. Elizabeth, CR2.]
Carrie E. Kendall of Northport and Elroy P. Michaels, int. Feb. 28, 1881, "Cert. issued Mar. 9."
Lucy Ann Kendall of Waldo Plantation and Davis McDonald, int. Oct. 6, 1839, "Cert. issued July 8, 1840."
Mary R. Kendall, Mrs. of Searsport, and Capt. Enoch Perkins of Searsport, Mar. 21, 1877. [Mar. 2, CR3.]
Sharon W. Kendall of Morrill, Waldo Co., and Harriet Cross of Morrill, Dec. 10, 1862.
Uzziah Kendall [int. Uzzariah] of Brewer and Abigial Wilson, July 7, 1814.
William H. Kendall and Mary F. Sylvester, Aug. 13, 1863.
Zebedee Kendall Jr. and Celia Curtis, July 9, 1826.
KENISTON (also see Kennister, Kenniston) -
Martha Keniston and Edward B. Sherman of Liberty, int. July 1, 1854.
George V. Kennedy of Jacksonville, Fla., and Kittie W. Havener, Sept. 15, 1891.
Evie J. Kenney of Knox and Charles A. McKenney, int. June 11, 1878, "Cert. issued June 18."
Jennie H. Kenney and Amasa Sidelinger [int. adds C.] [int. divorced, barber], Sept. 26, 1872.
Lizzie M. Kenney of Boston and Albert C. Burgess, June 27, 1887, in Boston, Mass.
Mahitable Kenney of Knox and Andrew Patterson, int. Apr. 5, 1834, "Cert. issued Apr. 22."
Zelotes Kenney and Sarah W. Clifford, int. Oct. 5, 1845, "Cert. issued Oct. 22."
KENNISTER (also see Keniston, Kenniston) -
Sally Kennister [int. Kenniston] and John Hoxy [int. Hoxey], May 7, 1820.
KENNISTON (also see Keniston, Kennister)-
Caroline C. Kenniston [int. Keniston] of Liberty and Charles N. G. [int. omits G.] Bean, Nov. 3, 1847.
Daniel Kenniston and Sarah E. Brackett of Detroit, int. Aug. 16, 1852, "Cert. issued."
Oliva Kenniston of Appleton and Samuel Fuller of Belmont, Nov. 30, 1830.
Olive Kenniston and Josiah W. Wilkins [int. divorced, sash maker], June 26, 1869.
Mary Jame Kensell (trans note: maybe Mary Jane Kensell?) of Waldoboro and Benjamin F. Blackstone, int. Sept. 18, 1833m "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
Justina H. Kent of Thorndike and Francis H. Reed of Thorndike, Mar. 3, 1854.
Ruth Kent, Mrs., and Isaac Higgins of Thorndike, int. Dec. 11, 1828, "Cert. issued Dec. 28."
KERBY (see Kirby).
Mary Kerr and Samuel Mortland of Searsport, Mar. 13, 1855.
William Kerson and Mary Lambert, int. May 1, 1852, "Cert. issued May 15."
Charles M. Kerswell of Searsmont and Abby E. Knight, int. Aug. 10, 1860, "Cert. issued Aug. 14."
Eben W. Keyes of Dedham, Mass., and Hortense E. White, Nov. 19, 1855. [Keys, Co.R.]
Evalina Kidder of Dresden and Ephraim Alley, int. Oct. 1, 1830, "Cert. issued Oct. 18."
Mary Kidder of Dunstable, N. H., and Robert W. Houston, int. Mar. 24, 1830, "Cert. issued Apr. 10."
Sally R. Kidder of Prospect and John C. Ross of Prospect, Oct. 10, 1833.
Samuel Kidder and Sarah Stanley, int. Aug. 26, 1826, "Cert. issued Sept. 10."
Sarah Kidder of Dresden and Ephraim Alley Jr., int. Jan. 26, 1823, "Cert. issued Feb. 9."
William Kidder of Ducktrap and Exce[sic] Decrow of Ducktrap, Feb. 20, 1800.
Marcus Kiff of Liberty and Victoria Starkey, July 20, 1854.
Gustavus C. Kilgore and Abbie N. Otis, Aug. 6, 1890.
Henry L. Kilgore and Helen M. Hussey, Oct. 16, 1879.
Caroline M. Kilton, wid., and David E. Burd, divorced, second m., int. June 28, 1867, "Cert. issued July 3."
Abbie F. Kimball and Samuel J. Clifford, int. May 14, 1879, "Cert. issued May 20."
Abby L. Kimball and Sewall A. Philbrick [int. farmer], Oct. 20, 1868.
Angie M. Kimball and Charles H. Gilkey of Searsport, July 23, 1874.
Arabella Kimball and Charles M. Cunningham, Aug .10, 1870.
Caroline M. Kimball and Charles P. Brown Esq. of Bangor, Feb. 14, 1854.
Caroline W. Kimball and David M. Patterson, Aug. 21, 1842. [Caroline M. Kimball, Co.R.]
Daniel J. Kimball of Swanville and Ada H. Philbrick, int. June 27, 1881, "Cert. issued July 2."
David H. Kimball and Charlotte B. Redman, Jan. 11, 1852.
Edward D. Kimball of Salem, Mass., and Susan S. Kimball, int. Dec. 8, 1839, "Cert. issued Dec. 23."
Edwin C. Kimball and Deborah P. Sanborn of Searsmont, int. Apr. 9, 1836. [dup. Edward C.] m. Apr. 28, Co.R.]
Eliza Ann Kimball and Oliver H. Gordon [int. Esq.] of Canton, China, Sept. 8, 1835.
Eliza P. Kimball of Belmont and David Alexander of Belmont, Mar. 4, 1858.
Ellen G. Kimball of Gardiner and Suel [sic, Sewall] P. Carter, int. July 26, 1847, "Cert. issued Aug. 9."
Flora Kimball and Walter E. Sylvester, Apr. 16, 1887.
Frederick A. Kimball [int. 30] and Fannie E. Clark [int. 26], June 19, 1873.
George W. Kimball and Harriet N. Dodge, int. Sept. 9, 1852, "Certif."
Harriet Kimball of Belmont and Shurburn Batcheldor, Jan. 12, 1834.
Isabella C. Kimball and Charles H. Miller, Jan. 8, 1846. [Charles Hall Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), PR59.]
Jackson F. Kimball [int. omits F.] and Abba F. Small, July 14, 1854.
John S. Kimball, Hon., and Isabella Gordon, May 5, 1828.
Martha Kimball, wid., 31, of Brewer, and Henry E. Buckman, widr., 51, third m., joiner, int. Nov. 28, 1865, "Cert. issued Dec. 2."
Mary A. Kimball and William H. Crosby, int. Aug. 4, 1855.
Medie Kimball and Arthur L. Gray, May 7, 1888.
Nellie M. Kimball and Isaac M. Bates of Corinna, int. June 13, 1883. [m. June 21, CR3.]
Reuben Kimball (see Ruben).
Rose F. Kimball and Herbert Bucklin, int. Dec. 24, 1891, "Cert. issued Jan. 1, 1892."
Ruben Kimball and Deborah Spring, May 3, 1801. [Rheuben Kimbal, CR2.]
Sally Kimball of Belmont and John Greer, Nov. 25, 1821.
Sarah Kimball and Sands Frisbee, int. Dec. 6, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec. 26."
Solomon Kimball [int. Kimbal] and Mrs. Polly Taylor, Mar. 19, 1814.
Susan Kimball [int. 23] and William H. Cooper [int. Henry W. Cooper], [int. 25, merchant] of Cambrideport, Jan. 29, 1866. [William H., Jan. 9, Co.R.]
Susan S. Kimball and Edward D. Kimball of Salem, Mass., int. Dec. 8, 1839, "Cert. issued Dec. 23."
William Kimball [int. 19, shoe maker] and Helen Patterson [int. 18], Dec. 31, 1873.
William A. Kimball and Fannie J. Clark, Oct. 22, 1881.
William H. Kimball [int. widr., seaman] and Rosilla Ryan, Apr. 5, 1869.
Thomas King, Capt., and Almira Reed of Knox, int. Apr. 2, 1829, "Cert. issued Apr. 16."
Benjamin Kingsbury of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Frances Flagner, July 7, 1857.
Samuel Kingsbury of Boston, Mass., and Cynthia Bassett, int. Aug. 30, 1840. [m. Sept. 25, Co.R.]
Samuel Kingsbury of Waldo Plantation and Cyrene Gurney of Waldo Plantation, Apr. 7, 1842.
Charles Kinney of St. John, N. B., and Eliza J. Howard, Aug. 10, 1883 [sic, int. Aug. 5, 1886] in Searsport.
Susanna Kinney of Knox and James N. McCluer of Knox, int. Jan. 20, 1811.
Anna M. Kinsley and James Badger, int. Oct. 17, 1802.
Mary A. Kirby [int. Mary A. Kerby], Mrs., and Charles H. Danforth, Nov. 28, 1876.
Patrick Kirby, widr., laborer, and Isabella Herriman, wid. of Mexico, Me., int. May 9, 1872.
Daniel Kirkpatrick and Mary Prescott of Northport, int. Mar. 20, 1803.
Sarah V. Kittredge [int. 19] and Charles P. Powars [int. 22, shoemaker], Jan. 4, 1866.
Jennie Kneeland of Searsport and Albert S. Nichols of Searsport, Oct. 5, 1862.
KNIGHT (also see Knights) -
Abby E. Knight and Charles M. Kerswell of Searsmont, int. Aug. 10, 1860, "Cert. issued Aug. 14."
Azubah Knight of Waldo Plantation and Thomas McCurrison of Waldo Plantation, Jan. 19, 1826.
Charles Knight of Saco and Mary A. Robbins, Nov. 13, 1860.
Charles T. Knight of Northport and Pauline M. Cummings of Northport, June 23, 1866.
Elizabeth Knight, Mrs., of Searsport, and Hiram Jones of Searsport, Jan. 23, 1867. [Feb. 23, CR3. Jan. 23, Co.R.]
George L. Knight [int. merchant, of Boston] and Annie Bell Baker, Dec. 27, 1871.
Henry F. Knight [int millman] of Belmont and Viola J. Carter, Dec. 25, 1869.
Lucy A. Knight and John Watson, int. Nov. 7, 1854.
Lydia E. Knight of Searsport and Andrew J. Biather of Searsport, May 19, 1857. [Beither of Searsport, Co.R.]
Mary C. Knight of Searsmont and Frank A. Robbins of Searsmont, Oct. 23, 1886.
Nathaniel Knight of Jackson Plantation and Abigail Edwards of Jackson Plantation, int. Apr. 6, 1812.
Nellie M. Knight of Lincolnville and L. W. Drinkwater of Lincolnville, May 1, 1884.
Orilla C. Knight and Ralph Shute, Mar. 21, 1888. [Ralph D., son Alonzo and Margaret J. (Russ), PR45.]
Rebecca Knight (first w.) and David Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), May 1, 1839, PR108.
Sampson Knight of Lincolnville and Joanna Stevenson, int. Feb. 12, 1850, "Cert. issued Mar. 4."
Susan Knight and James Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), Apr. 19, 1832, PR108.
William A. Knight and Celestia H. Allenwood of Belmont, int. Nov. 16, 1861. [m. Nov. 21, Co.R.]
KNIGHTS (also see Knight) -
George Knights, Capt., of Northport, and Elizabeth Edwards, int. Mar. 10, 1836, "Cert. issued April 4."
George W. Knights of Belmont and Isabel S. Pierce of Belmont, July 30, 1876.
John Knights of Searsmont and Hannah H. Cox of Searsmont, Nov. 25, 1841.
Louisa A. Knights of Islesboro and George H. Forces, seaman, int. Aug. 3, 1870, "Cert. issued Aug. 8."
Polly Knights [int. of Jackson] and James Morgan [int. of Washington], Dec. 28, 1807. [Polly and James Morgan, CR2.]
Simeon C. Knights of Bridgeton and Georgia Durham of Prospect, Nov. 11, 1880.
KNOULTON (also see Knowlton) -
A. W. Knoulton of Swanville and Viola B. Cook of Concord, N. H., Nov. 23, 1872.
Hattie A. Knoulton of Waldo and Daniel R. Jackson of Waldo, Dec. 2, 1872.
KNOWLES (also see Knowls) -
Abigail Knowles of Northport and John M. Gould of Lincolnville, Oct. 4, 1827.
Angela Knowles and Charles A. Clark of Northport, int. July 16, 1860, "Cert. issued Joly 20."
David Knowles and Sally Pitcher of Northport, Feb. 24, 1820.
David Knowles Jr. of Northport and Mrs. Rebecca S. Hicks, int. Oct. 23, 1857, "Cert. issued Nov. 9."
Elvira F. Knowles and Andrew B. Armstrong, teamster, of Rockland, int. June 1, 1872, "Cert. issued June 6."
Fannie A. Knowles and Richard J. Robinson of Bangor, Sept. 30, 1866.
Frances H. Knowles and Orin S. Scribner of Bangor, int. Aug. 1, 1861. [Oren of Bangor, m. Aug. 10, in Belmont, Co.R.]
Harriet E. Knowles and Charles T. Snowdeal, Nov. 4, 1857.
Jonathan Knowles Jr., farmer, and Matilda Small of Deer Isle, int. Dec. 1, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 11."
Julia A. Knowles, Mrs., and Lafayette Baker, Apr. 1, 1882.
Keziah F. Knowles [int. 21] and Francis Fletcher [int. 20, farmer] of Belmont, Sept. 17, 1865.
Orlando S. Knowles, 20, farmer, and Emma J. Clark, 16, int. July 17, 1866. [m. Aug. 28, in Belmont, Co.R.]
KNOWLS (also see Knowles) -
Catharine S. Knowls and Capt. Elisha K. Pendleton of Islesborough, int. Jan. 10, 1841, "Cert. issued Jan. 24."
KNOWLTON (also see Knoulton) -
Aaron Knowlton of Swanville and Mary Curtis of Monroe, Sept. 8, 1839.
Almira A. Knowlton of Swanville and Erastus G. Cummings, int. Feb. 29, 1860. [m. Apr. 9, in Monroe, Co.R.]
Alvin T. Knowlton of Morrill and Gussie H. Robinson of Morrill, Jan. 1, 1886.
Amasa Knowlton of Swanville and Olive Howard, Dec. 4, 1839.
Amelia H. Knowlton of E. Boston, Mass., and E. C. Merrithew, int. July 6, 1855. [Annetta H. Knowlton of E. Boston, Mass., and E. C .Merithew, m. July 18, in Montville, Co.R.]
Anna Knowlton and Amos Atkinson, Sept. _, 1784 [in Newbury, Mass.], PR1.
Annetta H. Knowlton (see Amelia H.)
Annie M. Knowlton of Morrill and Herbert S. Smith, int. Dec. 8, 1882, "Cert. issued Dec. 23."
Bainbridge H. Knowlton and Fannie E. Reeves, Jan. 5, 1886.
Belle Knowlton and George E. Wadlin, Feb. 12, 1879.
Belle Knowlton of Deer Isle and Eugene Myrick of Vinalhaven, Nov. 6, 1888.
Benjamin R. Knowlton and Margaret Baker, Jan. 14, 1882.
Betsy C. Knowlton and Abyrum Merrithew of Vinalhaven, int. Nov. 21, 1855.
Calista A. Knowlton (see Clista A.)
Caroline J. Knowlton, dau. L. A. and C. E. (Pendleton), and Charles P. Hazeltine, _____, Pr66.
Clara E. Knowlton [int. 19] of Northport and C. [int. Christopher Y. Cottrill [int. Cottrell) Jr. [int. 24, master mariner], Dec. 31, 1866. [Clara E. of Northport and C. Y. Cottrill Jr., Co.R. C. Y. Cottrell Jr., son C. Y. and Mary A. (Lucas), PR133. Christopher Y. Cottrell Jr., son Christopher Y. and Mary Ann (Lucas), PR134.]
Clista A. Knowlton of Swanville and Ira Q. Morrison, int. May 28, 1853, "Cert. issued."
Edith B. Knowlton and George I. Keating, June 11, 1891.
Eli W. Knowlton of Swanville and Fannie A. Seekins of Swanville, Oct. 2, 1887.
Elijah L. Knowlton of Belmont and [int. Mrs.] Martha Watson, Nov. 8, 1882.
Emma M. Knowlton of Swanville and Edward E. Perry of Swanville, Dec. 15, 1874.
Ephraim Knowlton Jr. of Swanville and Sally Allen of Swanville, Sept. 23, 1839.
Eva B. Knowlton of Northport and Jacob H. Elwell of Northport, May 26, 1868.
Faustina M. Knowlton of Northport and Leander S. Coan of Pittston, July 5, 1860.
Frank A. Knowlton of Fairfield and Isabel N. Swett, May 6, 1889.
Frank B. Knowlton and Maria A. Winslow, June 7, 1870.
Fred Knowlton and Annie T. Lane of Northport, int. Sept. 1, 1874.
Frederick Knowlton of Montville and Abbie M. Sanborn of Montville, Feb. 10, 1870.
George Knowlton of Northport and Ruth Holmes, int. Aug 29, 1817, "Cert. issued."
George M. Knowlton [int. 30, farmer] of Northport and Ellen Mathews [int. Matthews], Dec. 9, 1866. [George M. of Northport and Ellen Mathews, Co.R.]
Georgia A. Knowlton and Samuel J. Clifford of Stockton, Aug. 9, 1875.
Georgie A. Knowlton, 19, and William F. Kellar, 21, seamsn, int. May 14, 1872, "Cert. issued June 17."
Harriet L. Knowlton of Northport and Robert More, int. Oct. 18, 1812.
Ida F. Knowlton and John W. Sleeper, Dec. 31, 1886.
James F. Knowlton of Waldo and Georgia A. Roberts of Jackson, Nov. 12, 1871.
James F. Knowlton of Morrill and Elmira C. Merrithew, July 14, 1883.
Jennie S. Knowlton and Thomas W. Murphy, Dec. 7, 1882.
Joanna M. Knowlton and Jail P. Mahoney, int. Nov. 16, 1848, "Cert. issued Nov. 30."
Josie C. Knowlton and Charles P. Hazeltine [int. merchant], Sept. 27, 1870.
Judson Knowlton, seaman, of Rockland, and Fannie Pike of Rockland, int. Aug. 21, 1871.
Julia S. Knowlton of Northport and Capt. David H. Rose of Islesboro, Jan. 17, 1861. [Julia A. of Northport, CR3. Co. R]
Laura A. Knowlton, 20, and Frederick Pattershall, 24, seaman, int. July 9, 1866. [F. D. Patershall, son Doane and Lovina (Larabee), m. July 14, PR12.]
Lena M. Knowlton and John McG. Randall, Dec. 19, 1891.
Leslie A. Knowlton of Swanville and Lizzie M. Haswell of Monroe, Dec. 7, 1882.
Lewis A. Knowlton and Caroline E. Pendleton of Northport, int. Nov. 25, 1848, "Cert. issued Dec. 9."
Lewis A. Knowlton and Lizzie E. Pendleton of Camden, int. June 2, 1859. [Elizabeth Eaton Pendleton (second w.), dau. Charles and Louisa W. (Eaton), m. June 8, PR67.]
Lottie E. Knowlton [int. 18] of Belmont and Robert F. Russ [int. 24, farmer], Feb. 11, 1868.
Lucy Knowlton, Mrs., and James A. Pinkham of Boston, Mass., July 6, 1882.
Lucy E. Knowlton and James A. Keller, int. July 4, 1883.
M. V. B. Knowlton and Julia E. Waterman, int. June 22, 1883. [m. June 30, CR3.]
Mabel Knowlton [int. Mary B. Knowlton] and Andrew W. Staples, Nov. 26, 1881.
Mabel M. Knowlton and Rev. Thomas B. Gregory, Oct. 28, 1885.
Malvina Knowlton of Northport and Alonzo E. Fletcher of Prarie, Cal., Nov. 2, 1862.
Marcell Knowlton and Ada Trussell, Oct. 13, 1878.
Maria A. Knowlton of Liberty and Weston B. Marden of Montville, Nov. 24, 1870.
Mary B. Knowlton (see Mabel).
Mercy Knowlton and Lemuel Curtis, Nov. 7, 1822.
Minnie H. Knowlton and Herbert R. McDonald, Dec. 24, 1882.
Nettie J. Knowlton and James D. Tucker, June 3, 1877.
Pearl E. Knowlton and John F. Rogers, Dec. 24, 1891.
Reuben Knowlton (see Ruben).
Rose L. Knowlton of Liberty and Charles F. Thompson [int. seaman], Aug. 30, 1870.
Ruben Knowlton of Northport and Sally French, wid., Nov. 20, 1799.
Sarah Knowlton [int. adds J.] of Northport and Orasmus R. Pattereson, Nov. 23, 1841. [Sarah T. of Northport and Orasmus R. Patterson, Co.R.]
Viola C. Knowton of Camden and Charles A. Bucklin of Camden, Aug. 7, 1867.
John Saborn Knox of Knox and Susan Farrell of Waldo, Sept. 20, 1864.
KONITZ (also see Konitze) -
Charles J. Kinitz of Belmont and Lizzie Banks, Sept. 25, 1886.
KONITZE (also see Konitz) -
Charles J. Konitze [int. Konitz, seaman] of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Clara E. Mason [int. wid.], Aug. 3, 1871.
Elizabeth Kowlton and Solomon Hamilton, July 3, 1800.
Jenny Kowlton and Joseph Curtis, Nov. 28, 1799.
Louis Krous [int. Gabriel Louis Kraus] and Mrs. Ann Blackston [int. Blackstone], Apr. 4, 1822.
Catherine Kyle and William Mahr of Searsmont, int. Sept. 28, 1857, "Cert. issued Oct. 17."
Almatia M. Ladd and George U. Russ, Sept. 22, 1834.
Annie L. Ladd of Biddeford and George H. Copeland, June 19, 1886, in Wakefield, Mass.
Attilius A. Ladd and Jane A. Russ, int. Jan. 12, 1840. [m. Feb. 2, Co.R.]
Aurelia F. Ladd and John A. Rollins of Vassalboro, Oct. 21, 1835.
Mary A. Ladd, 22, of Searsmont, and Cornelius C. Hayes, 21, seaman, int. Jan. 19, 1871, "Cert. issued Jan. 24."
Mary Jane Ladd and William Salmond [int. William Salmon], Sept. 8, 1811. [Salmond, CR2.]
Ada F. Lafolley of Stockton and Rufus L. Mudgett of Stockton, Jan. 8, 1881.
LAIN (also see Laine, Lane) -
Jane Lain of Frankfort and Josiah Towl of Frankfort, Dec. 1, 1814.
LAINE (also see Lain, Lane) -
Oliver W. Laine of Frankfort and Nettie S. Walker of Brooksville, Nov. 26, 1878.
LAMBARD (also see Lambert) -
Charles A. Lambard of Augusta and Frances E. Johnson, Oct. 29, 1850. [Charles Allen Lambard and Frances Emily Johnson, dau. Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), PR1.]
Julia Elizabeth Lambard and Ralph Cross Johnson, son Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), Dec. 25, 1853 [in Augusta], PR1.
LAMBERT (also see Lambard) -
Mary Lambert and William Kerson, int. May 1, 1852, "Cert. issued May 15."
Robert Lambert Jr. and Eliza Brown [int. Brawn], July 27, 1844.
LAMPHER (also see Lanpher, Lanphey, Lanphur) -
Arthur G. Lampher of N. Bucksport and Louisa C. Stephenson, [int. Lovisa], Mar. 5, 1851.
Nathan Lampher [int. Lanpher of Prospect] and Hannah Griffin, Jan. 1, 1810. [Lampher, CR2.]
Oliver Lampher of Stockton and Mrs. Frances S. Chapman, int. June 22, 1880.
Oliver H. Lampher of Stockton and Mrs. Melvina C. Nichols of Searsport, Apr. 27, 1877. CR1.
LANCASTER (also see Lankister) -
Adella L. Lancaster and Hartshorn C. Pitcher [int. widr., merchant], June 27, 1870. [Lucy Adella, dau. David and Rebecca (Knight), PR108. Lucy A., and Calvin Hartson Pitcher, son Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), PR172.]
Betsy Lancaster of Prospect and Andrew Dickey of Prospect, Dec. 26, 1797, CR2.
Charles W. Lancaster and Etta B. Curtis, Jan. 4, 1880. [Charles B., CR1.]
David Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), and Rebecca Knight (first w.), May 1, 1839, PR108.
David Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), and Lucy Margaret Dean (second w.), Mar. 18, 1847, PR108.
Eliza Ann Lancaster, dau. James and Susan (Knight), and Ferdinand Dodge, May 29, 1855, PR108.
Ella A. Lancaster and J. L. Sleeper, Nov. 25, 1874. [Ella Angelett, dau. Francis Marion and Angelett O. (Brown), and Llewellyn Sleeper, Nov. 28, PR108.]
Ellen J. Lancaster of Lincolnville and Edwin F. Fletcher of Lincolnville, Dec. 2, 1863.
Francis Marion Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), and Angelett O. Brown, Jan. 18, 1844, PR108.
George R. Lancaster and Sarah L. Hasey of Bangor, int. Oct. 14, 1848. [George R., son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), and Sarah Hasey (first w.), m. Oct. 29, PR108.]
George R. Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), and Lucy T. Torrey (second w.), Feb. 26, 1885, PR108.
Gorham Lancaster of Northport and Esther C. Holbrook of Northport, Dec. 19, 1833. [Gorham, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), PR108.]
H. Lancaster [int. Humphrey N. Lancaster] and Mary A. Torry, Apr. 26, 1837. [Humphrey N., son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), and Mary Amelia Torrey, PR108.]
Hannah Lancaster of Bangor and George Patterson, int. Sept. 18, 1819, "Cert. issued Oct."
Humphrey Lancaster and Lucy Elwell (first w.), Apr. 18, 1804, PR108.
Humphrey Lancaster and Arena Mansfield (second w.), May _, 1855, PR108.
Humphrey N. Lancaster (see H.)
James Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), and Susan Knight, Apr. 19, 1832, PR108.
John Albert Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), and Mary Robinson, Sept. 24, 1848. PR108.
Lucy Adella Lancaster (see Adella L.)
Lucy Ann Lancaster of Northport and John F. Holbrook, June 15, 1836. [Lucy Ann, dau. Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), PR108.]
Lydia Lancaster and Martin Gilmore, Nov. 20, 1823.
Lydia A. Lancaster and Hartson C. Pitcher of Bangor, Jan. 7, 1860. [Lydia Ann, dau. David and Rebecca (Knight), and Hartshorn C. Pitcher, PR108. Lydia A. and Calvin Hartson Pitcher, son Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), PR172.]
Mary N. Lancaster and Edward A. Perry, June 16, 1870. [Mary Nickels Lancaster, dau. Gorham and Esther (Holbrook), PR108. Edward Augustus, son Augustus and Jane C. (Porter), PR160.]
Valentine R. Lancaster and Jane K. Townsend, int. Sept. 11, 1841, "Cert. issued Oct. 2."
LANE (also see Lain, Laine) -
Alpheus F. Lane of Keene, N. H., and Caroline E. Holmes, int. Jan. 27, 1859, "Cert. issued Feb. 2."
Annie T. Lane of Northport and Fred Knowlton, int. Sept. 1, 1874.
Aroline B. Lane, Mrs., and John D. Avery, Nov. 11, 1886, in Boston, Mass.
Cornelius Lane [int. of Freeport] and Almira Smith, Feb. 15, 1821.
Daniel Lane, Col., and Mrs. Lucretia Harrington of Boston, int. Sept. 10, 1830, "Cert. issued Sept. 27."
Daniel Lane Jr. and Elisabeth F. Avery, int. Oct. 21, 1843, "Cert. issued Nov. 4."
Ermina Lane of Brooks and Marcellus J. Dow of Brooks, Nov. 15, 1873.
Eunice S. Lane of Brooks and Josiah Bean Jr. of Brooks, Nov. 25, 1851.
Evie A. Lane of Haverhill, Mass., and Charles A. Orcutt of Northport, Oct. 2, 1871.
Frank A. Lane and Emily F. Havener, Feb. 6, 1879.
Frank H. Lane [int. Franklin H. Lane, widr., merchant] and Mrs. Elvira B. Guptill [int. Elvina, wid.], Nov. 22, 1868.
George C. Lane of Stratham, N. H. and Miranda M. Ellis [int. Merinda M. Ellis], Nov. 12, 1883. [Mirinda M., Nov. 12, 1884, CR3.]
Harriet Lane [int. adds F.] and Albert Bingham Esq., Nov. 22, 1830.
John H. Lane and Jane Kellam, Oct. 29, 1829.
John P. Lane of Northport and Josie E. Crosby, int. June 8, 1888, "Cert. issued June 15."
Lucy I. Lane and Albert T. Jellison of Ellsworth, Sept. 23, 1854.
Mary Lane and John Thomas, Dec. 3, 1828.
Mary Ann Lane and William H. Kaler [int. of Frankfort], Oct. 1, 1848. [both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Minnie R. Lane of Northport and Charles F. Drinkwater of Northport, Sept. 27, 1886.
Nellie A. Lane of Northport and Francis Darby of Northport, Apr. 4, 1877.
Daniel Lang of Brooks and Mary Ann Doloff, int. Apr. 27, 1846, "Cert. issued May 12."
J. M. Lang [W. written above M., int. W.] of Brooks and Myra C. Whittaker [int. Whitaker], Apr. 19, 1875.
LANKISTER (also see Lancaster) -
Hannah Lankister [int. Lankester] and John Patterson, Oct. 11, 1804.
LANPHER (also see Lampher, Lanphey, Lanphur) -
Joseph T. Lanpher and H. [int. Hannah E. Harriman] of Bucksport, Jan. 4, 1854.
Olive Lanpher, Mrs., of Stockton Springs, and Asa McIntosh, int. Aug. 21, 1889.
LANPHEY (also see Lampher, Lanpher, Lanphur) -
Hannah P. Lanphey of Bucksport and Jonah Holt 2d, int. Aug. 11, 1844, "Cert. issued Sept. 9."
LAMPHUR (also see Lampher, Lanpher, Lanphey) -
Isabel Burdick Lanphur of Frankfort and Stacy Towl of Frankfort, Nov. 5, 1812.
LARABEE (also see Laraby, Larrabee) -
Abbie E. Larabee of Albion and Pearl W. Bagley, seaman, int. May 22, 1869, "Cert. issued May 27."
Agenora Larabee and Henry Larabee, Oct. 17, 1885.
Georgie A. Larabee and Henry Larabee of Unity, Feb. 20, 1882.
Henry Larabee of Unity and Agenora Larabee, Oct. 17, 1885.
Sarah C. Larabee and Fitz W. Hopkins, int. Apr. 6, 1883, "Cert. issued April 12."
Sarah C. Larabee and James Merithew, June 27, 1885.
Simeon A. Larabee and Rhoda R. Douglass, int. Nov. 26, 1842, "Cert. issued Nov. 22, 1843."
Warren Larabee [int. Larrabee] and Harriet A. McIntire, June 11, 1856. [Larabee, Co.R.]
William H. Larabee of Searsport and Mary A. Rackliff of Searsport, Nov. 7, 1866. [Larrabee of Searsport, CR3. Larabee of Searsport, Co.R.]
LARABY (also see Larabee, Larrabee) -
Lavinia Laraby and Doane Baddashall [sic Doane Patterhshall], int. Dec. 10, 1836, "Cert. issued Jan. 18, 1837." [Lovina Larabee and Doane Patershall, m. Jan. 18, 1856 [sic], PR12.
LARRABEE (also see Larabee, Laraby) -
E. A. Larrabee [int. Elonia A. Larrabee] and Charles K. Nickerson, Aug. 12, 1862. [E. A., Co.R]
Emma S. Larrabee and Vincent W. Ames, July 29, 1875.
Etta Larrabee of Swanville and Henry L. Clifford of Prospect, Sept. 9, 1879.
Isabel A. Larrabee of Jackson [int. Mrs., of E. Jackson] and William H. Thomas, Dec. 25, 1878.
Jefferson L. Larrabee and Lillian C. Stephenson, Dec. 17, 1887.
John S. Larrabee and Eliza Cookson, int. Mar. 21, 1887, "Cert. issued Mar. 26."
Lottie S. Larrabee and James F. Smalley, int. Nov. 6, 1882.
Lydia Larrabee, Mrs., of Jackson and Elisha Douglass of Knox, Nov. 26, 1879.
Mary E. Larrabee of Thorndike and Frank Perkins, int. Oct. 4, 1875, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Mary O. Larrabee and Freeman O. Roberts, Aug. 16, 1880.
Simon Larrabee and Sarah M. Dyer of Brooksville, int. Feb. 24, 1849, "Cert. issued Mar. 9."
Susan Larrabee and Charles C. Smith, int. Oct. 3, 1854.
LARSELL (also see Lassell) -
Biantha G. Larsell [sic ? Diantha] and Sylvester Alexander, int. Aug. 26, 1852, "Cert. issd."
A. S. Lash of Thomaston and Adelaide Reed, Mar. 3, 1858.
Thomas Lashus and Mary O. Conners, int. Aug. 20, 1858, "Cert. issued Aug. 25."
Lucy Lasker of Waterville and Levi Pooler, int. June 7, 1849, "Cert. issued June 2."
LASSELL (also see Larsell) -
Jennie E. Lassell of Burnham and William J. Wentworth [int. S.], Sept. 4, 1891. [William S., CR3.]
Nancy E. Lassell and Joshua Smart of Hampden, May 19, 1860. [Lasselle, CR3. Lassell, Co.R.]
LATEN (also see Latten, Layton, Leighton) -
Polly Laten [int. Polly Laton] and Thomas McDonald [int. Thomas R. McDonald], June 13, 1832.
LATHERS (also see Leathers) -
Enoch Lathers [int. Enoch Leathers] of Washington Plantation and Anna Stimpson of Swan Plantation, July 14, 1816, in Hancock Co., Mass.
LATHROP (see Lothrop.)
LATTEN (also see Laten, Layton, Leighton) -
Olieve Latten and Benjamin Bachelder Jr., May 8, 1797. [Olive Latten and Benjamin Bachelder Jr., CR2.]
Katie A. Latatie of Dover and John C. Dearborn of Dover, July 24, 1866.
Nancy Lawrence and Joshua Trussel, Jan. 1, 1834.
Sarah J. Lawrence and George S. Stevens, int. Apr. 26, 1852.
Sarah J. Lawrence and William H. Lawrence, int. Aug. 28, 1852, "Cert. issd."
William Lawrence, Capt., of Carmel, and Mrs. Martha Ewers, int. May 20, 1820, "Cert. issued June 8."
William H. Lawrence and Sarah J. Lawrence, int. Aug 28, 1852, "Cert. issd."
LAWREY (also see Lawry) -
John L. Lawrey, Capt., and Mrs. Rosina Billings of Deer Isle, int. Aug. 14, 1841, "Cert. issued Sept. 8."
LAWRY (also see Lawrey) -
John F. Lawry of Searsmont, Waldo Co., and Elvira B. Ordway of Belmont, Waldo Co., Jan. 23, 1862.
Eliza Lawson and Stephen B. Bond, Oct. 9, 1828.
Christopher J. Lawton of Prospect and Elizabeth Wells, int. Dec. 11, 1814.
LAYTON (also see Laten, Latten, Leighton) -
Hannah Layton of Goose Pond Settlement and Alexander Thompson of Goose Pond Settlement, Oct. 6, 1808.
Andrew Leach Jr. and Sally Black, July 16, 1812.
Annie J. Leach and J. G. Paul, Dec. 19, 1874.
Hannah Leach and John Wilson, Nov. 26, 1807.
Henry Leach and Nancy Philbrook of Knox, int. June 15, 1846, "Cert. issued June 28."
James Leach and Anna Black, Sept. 5, 1811. [Anne, CR2.]
Mahala B. Leach [int. 17] and Isaac D. Darby [int. divorced, 25, seaman], Oct. 29, 1865.
Maria Leach and Aaron Hobart Jr. [int. Esq. of Hanover, Plymouth Co.], Sept. 21, 1812. [Aaron Jr., CR2]
William B. Leach and Luri Ann Cookson, int. Dec. 14, 1844, "Cert. issued Dec. 28."
Aaron Lear, laborer, and Ruhama Patterson, wid., int. Sept. 10, 1872, "Ruhama has one husband Chas Brow__ cf. refused by Clerk."
Aaron Lear and [int. Mrs.] Hannah J. Burgin, Apr. 22, 1876.
Benjamin Lear (see Benjamin Sears.)
Jennie L. Lear of Northport and Eugene Black, Jan. 12, 1890, in Northport.
Joanna Augusta Lear and James William Wood, July 16, 1854. [Joanna Augusta Brown and James W. Woods, Co.R.]
Judith B. Lear and James H. Dodge, Apr. 28, 1852.
Lucy J. Lear and Isaac L. Wood, July 1, 1860.
Richard Lear and Judith Pinkham, Nov. 26, 1807.
Richard Lear and Nancy Brazier, int. Mar. 17, 1838.
Richard Lear Jr. and Susan Dunbar, int. Feb. 12, 1840, "Cert. issued Mar. 1."
Susan Lear and William Robbins [int. Williams], Nov. 3, 1851.
Susan M. Lear and FitzW. Patterson, Feb. 15, 1862.
William A. Lear, 20, farmer, and Alfreda C. Briggs, 22, int. Sept. 6, 1869, "Cert. issued Sept. 11."
Margaret Leary [int. Suery, sic], Mrs., and Anthony Maly, Aug. 9, 1863. [Leary and Anthony Maley, Co.R.]
LEATHERS (also see Lathers) -
Anna P. Leathers [int. Anne P. of Washington Plantation] and Gilbert Roberts [int. of Washington Plantation], Mar. 21, 1810. [Anne P. and Gilbert Roberts, CR2.]
Eleanor Leathers of Washington Plantation and Enoch Robards of Washington Plantation, int. Apr. 19, 1812.
Emma B. Leathers and John B. Walton, July 6, 1887. [Emma B. of Brooks (third w.) and John B. Walton, son John and Mary (Whalen), PR126.]
Joseph B. Leathers of Brooks and Annie M. Dwelly of Brooks, Dec. 19, 1856.
Tuttle D. Leathers and Catharine Ryan, int. May 17, 1829, "Cert. issued June 1."
William S. Leaver and Augusta N. Blake, int. Jan. 8, 1858, "Cert. issued Jan. 26."
LEAVETT (also see Leavit, Leavitt) -
Roscoe B. Leavett [int. Leavitt, 22, pressman] and Mary E. McFarland [int. 22], Jan. 17, 1874.
LEAVIT (also see Leavett, Leavitt) -
James Leavit of Three Mile Square and Hannah Ryan of same, int. Sept. 2, 1820, "Cert. issd."
LEAVITT (also see Leavett, Leavit) -
Charles M. Leavitt and Hattie F. Patterson, Aug. 27, 1883.
Dudley Leavitt [int. Leavett, widr., farmer] and Hannah H. Hardy [int. wid.], Oct. 2, 1870.
Etta E. Leavitt and Addison Brown, int. Jan. 2, 1879, "Cert. issued Jan. 7."
George A. Leavitt of Clinton and Nellie J. Eames, Dec. 25, 1882.
Mary Leavitt and David Allard, son Job and Susanna (Durgin), Nov. 21, 1819, PR77.
Melinda J. Leavitt [int. wid., 26] and Sidney Smith [int. 25, laborer] of Pungatoque, Md., Feb. 2, 1874.
Mary T. Lee and James Baker of Boston, int. Sept. 20, 1817, "Cert. issued Oct. 4."
George H. Lefavor and Matilda Trimble [int. adds R.], Dec. 22, 1856. [Mahitable, Co.R.]
Edward H. Leib [int. Lieb, Col., U.S.A.] of Pottsville, Pa., and Ellen L. Dickerson, Feb. 21, 1867. [Leib of Pottsville, Pa., CR1. Co.R.]
LEIGHTON (also see Laten, Latten, Layton) -
Ahan Leighton and Mary McKinney, int. Nov. 2, 1845, "Cert. issued Dec. 10."
Christiana C. Leighton and Samuel Colson [int. Capt.] of Searsport, Dec. 17, 1848.
Hannah Leighton of the vicinity of Prospect and Samuel Nickerson of same, int. ____ [rec. between Nov. 20 and Dec. 12], 1802.
James A. Leighton of Albion and Martha Jane Pillsbury, Oct. 11, 1890, in Palermo.
Jefferson Leighton of Rockland and Esther Maria Hilton of Rockland, Sept. 7, 1854.
Jennie P. Leighton of Islesboro and Samuel H. Mank, int. Aug. 10, 1875, "Cert. issued Aug. 31."
Joseph Leighton and Susan Hall, int. Nov. 27, 1841, "Cert. issued Dec. 30."
Sarah E. Leman, Mrs., of Bangor, and Daniel McLaren, int. Sept. 7, 1853.
LENARD (also see Leonard) -
William Lenard of Knox and Excey Walker of Knox, int. _____ [rec. between Mar. 9, and June 12], 1806.
Lorena P. Lenfest of Prospect and James A. Wise, widr., shoemaker, int. Sept. 5, 1870, "Cert. issued Sept. 10."
Sarah P. Lennan of Searsmont and Hon. Thomas M. Morrow of Searsmont, June 19, 1855. [Hon Thomas W. of Searsmont, Co.R.]
LENNEKIN (also see Lineken, Linnekin, Linnikin) -
Frances E. Lennekin of Liberty and Charles M. Howes of Liberty, Feb. 14, 1883.
Henry R. Lenscomb of Salem, Mass., and Augusta S. Hicks, int. May 5, 1860, "Cert. issued May 9."
LEONARD (also see Lenard) -
Annie Leonard of Knox and Herbert W. Woods of Thorndike, Oct. 26, 1876.
Lizzie Leonard and Albea E. Hutchings, June 4, 1887, in Montville.
Robert C. Leonard and Alice C. Frost, June 6, 1891.
Joseph B. Lermond of Liberty and Maria Harvest, int. Oct. 25, 1828, "Cert. issued Nov. 9."
Edward C. Leseur, 25, paper cutter, of New York, son Dr. Frank (b. Hartford, Conn.) and Mary (b. Hartford, Conn.), and Ettie M. Gilman, 21, dau. John F. [int. T.], seaman (b. Gilmanton, N. H.), and Pamelia (b. Northport), Jan. 1, 1865. [Edwin C. Lesure of New York, Co.R.]
Fannie L. Levenseller and Pliny M. Jones of Bloomington, Ill., Aug. 23, 1875. [Levanseller, CR1.]
Anne G. Lewis [int. Anna] of Thorndike and Wales L. Miller, Apr. 22, 1856. [Anne G. of Thorndike, Co.R. Annie G. and Wales Lewis Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), PR59.]
Bradford L. Lewis of Boothbay and Elzora Stevens, Feb. 5, 1883.
Eva T. Lewis, Mrs., and Edwin D. Burd of Boston, Mass., Dec. 24, 1887.
George Lewis of Montville and Alice G. Howard, int. Feb. 9, 1876, "Cert. issued Feb. 15."
George W. Lewis and Sarah R. Black, Sept. 6, 1863.
Henrietta Lewis and Nathan Walker [int. widr., sheriff] of Ellsworth, Sept. 8, 1867. [Nathan of Ellsworth, CR1. Co.R.]
James Lewis and Martha H. Sanborn of Boston, int. Nov. 12, 1860, "Cert. issued Nov. 16."
Mary E. Lewis and J. E. Davis, Apr. 29, 1876.
Olivia Maria Lewis and Justus G. Miller, Nov. 16, 1848. [Justus Gorham Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), Nov. 6, PR59.]
Stephen S. Lewis and Hattie B. Dingly of Waterville, int. May 7, 1861, "Cert. issued May 11."
LIBBEY (also see Libby) -
Abraham Libbey and Mrs. Susan Moor of Montville, int. Apr. 19, 1825, "Cert. issued May 1."
David Libbey and Mary Batson of Boston, Mass., int. July 21, 1824, "Cert. Aug. 3."
Isabelle F. and Walter R. Pearson of Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 26, 1882.
Mary Libbey, Mrs., and William Holt 2d, Nov. 29, 1838. [Mary A. (Batson), PR31.]
LIBBY (also see Libbey) -
Abraham Libby and Mrs. Betsey Whittier, Jan. 22, 1829.
Angie E. Libby of Troy and Reuel [int. Rewell] W. Rogers, Apr. 10, 1881.
Annie Libby (see Nellie A.)
Benjamin Libby and Mrs. Sarah Wing, int. Aug. 17, 1844, "Cert. issued Aug. 31."
Benjamin Libby and Mary A. Clark, May 31, 1890.
Betsey H. Libby and Benjamin F. Clark, int. Feb. 17, 1849. [Libbey, m. Mar. 8, Co.R.]
Clarisa H. Libby and Darius D. Pinckham [int. Penckham], Dec. 3, 1835.
David H. Libby and Sarah M. Hook, int. Mar. 10, 1849. [Libbey, m. Mar. 25, Co.R.]
Elias Libby, Capt., and Nancy Patterson, Dec. 30, 1835.
Ira Libby [int. Libbey] and Mary E. Cunningham, Aug. 24, 1862. [Libby, Co.R.]
Jennie L. Libby and Frank C. Pitcher, Sept. 2, 1874.
John A. Libby and Ann S. Blodgett, June 11, 1852.
Mary E. Libby and John E. Blake, int. Aug. 3, 1854.
Millie T. Libby (second w.) and Elijah Souther Shuman, son John Marten and Sarah Mariah, Oct. 17, 1879, PR47.
Nellie A. Libby and Will D. Moore Jr. of Brockton, Mass., June 13, 1887. [Annie, CR3.]
Phineas Libby and Judith A. Cousins [int. Cousens], Apr. 25, 1885.
Samuel K. Libby [int. H.] and Mary E. Greely [int. Elizabeth for E.], Dec. 31, 1835.
Stephen B. Libby and Susan W. McKinney of Northport, int. Aug. 24, 1845, "Cert. issued Dec. 17."
Susan H. Libby and James W. Brown, Dec. 4, 1825.
LIEB (see Leib)
Opelia (see Ophelia Little).
LIMEBURNER (also see Lymburner, Lymeburner) -
Adella M. Limeburner and Frank W. Limeburner, int. Oct. 4, 1881, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Frank W. Limeburner and Adella M. Lineburner, int. Oct. 4, 1881, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Oscar L. Limeburner and Carrie E. Cottrell, Mar. 11, 1881.
Angerina Lincoln of Thomaston and Moses K. Cobbett, int. Feb. 4, 1831, "Cert. issued Feb. 21."
Florence R. Lincoln [int. 32] and Rufus Dyer [int. widr., 36, cooper], Nov. 17, 1867. [Florence B. and Rufus Dyer, CR3. Florence R. and Rufus Dyer, Co.R.]
W. Adelbert Lincoln and R. Ella Strattard of Monroe, June 10, 1877.
Carrie D. Lindsey of Northport, Waldo Co., and F. A. Drinkwater of Northport, Dec. 11, 18870.
George W. Lindsey and Frances L. Dunton, int. Oct. 23, 1840.
Margaret A. Lindsey of Lincolnville and Lucian P. Collemer of Lincolnville, Mar. 30, 1873. [Margaret A. of Lincolnville, CR3.]
LINEKEN (also see Lennekin, Linnekin, Linnikin) -
Hannah R. Lineken and Edward M. Dyer, Feb. 23, 1862. [Linekin, Feb. 23, 1863, CR3.]
LINNEKIN (also see Lennekin, Lineken, Linnikin) -
Mary E. F. Linnekin and Charles Murray of Boothbay, int. Feb. 6, 1850, "Cert. issued Mar. 11."
Nellie M. Linnekin and Judson E. Cottrell, May 31, 1879. [Linekin and Judson E. Cottrell, son George W. and Amelia J. (Hodgdon), PR99.]
Sarah K. Linnekin and John Watts Jr. of St. George, int. July 27, 1849, "Cert. issued Aug. 17."
LINNIKIN (also see Lennekin, Lineken, Linnekin) -
George A. Linniken and Ada L. McKeen, Jan. 27, 1875.
Carrie W. Linscott and Frank W. Patterson, int. Feb. 23, 1883. [Frank W., son Cyrus and Abigail Jane (Cunningham), m. Nov. 14, in Portland, PR74.]
Elisha Linscott and Mrs. Mary J. Sidelinker of Bangor, int. Oct. 2, 1875, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Ella Linscott and Charles Brier, int. July 27, 1875, "Cert. issued Aug. 21."
George Linscott of Belmont and Eunice B. Shaw, int. Nov. 4, 1876, "Cert. issued Nov. 8."
James Linscott and Sarah J. Gilmore, int. Nov. 21, 1847, "Cert. issued Dec. 5."
Thomas D. Liscomb [int. Liscom] and Deborah A. Lowder [int. Lowdon], Oct. 14, 1810. [Liscomb and Deborah A. Lowden, CR2.]
Frances A. Little of Castine and Lemuel R. Palmer, int. Aug. 29, 1857, "Cert. issued Sept. 14."
Ophelia Little of Unity and Joseph A. Bacon of Unity, Sept. 12, 1861. [Orphelia Lillie of Unity, CR1. Ophelia Little of Unity, Co.R.]
Sarah Little of Waldo and Henry P. Gentner of Waldo, Jan. 29, 1842, Co.R.
Abner A. Littlefield of Brooks and Matilda J. Stevens of Swanville, May 12, 1869.
Charles M. Littlefield and Julia A. Treworgy of Blue Hill, int. Aug. 31, 1874, "Cert. issued Sept. 5."
Charlie T. Littlefield of Knox and Lillie Belle Gurney of Waldo, Dec. 24, 1884.
Eben Littlefield and Susan Penney of Brooks, int. Sept. 10, 1883, "Cert. issued Sept. 14."
Ebenezer Littlefield of Brooks and Ester M. Racklif of Brooks, Oct. 20, 1839, Co.R.
Hannah Littlefield and Malachi Nickerson [int. Jr.], May 1, 1842. [Malachi, Co.R.]
Hannah P. Littlefield [int. 20] of Brooks [int. dau. Eben, farmer (b. N. H.), and Esther] and Alonzo Holmes [int. 21, millman, son James, millman (b. N. H.), and Hannah (b. Belmont), May 6, 1865.
Helen O. Littlefield and Hosea B. Rackliff of Corinna, Jan. 14, 1878.
Horace W. Littlefield [int. farmer] of Waldo and Emma W. Maddocks [int. Anna], Sept. 13, 1868. [Anna W. Maddocks, dau. Samuel and Eliza (Weed), PR164.]
Hortense A. Littlefield and Ezra L. Talbot of Foxborough, Mass., Nov. 27, 1884.
Ida E. Littlefield of Waldo and Fred L. Hall of Waldo, Aug. 21, 1880.
Joseph R. Littlefield of Brooks and Ellen L. Hamlin of Brooks, Nov. 7, 1863. [Hamblin of Brooks, CR1. Hamlin of Brooks, Co.R]
Josephine M. Littlefield of Montville and David H. Magoon of Lancaster, Mass., Nov. 9, 1874.
Lois G. Littlefield, Mrs., of Waldo, and John M. Simmons, May 1, 1876.
Marilla Littlefield of Thorndike and Fred L. Page, int. Sept. 13, 1888, "Cert. issued Sept. 24."
Martha J. Littlefield of Brooks and Albert Gammons, Dec. 25, 1863. [Martha Jane of Brooks and Albert Gammans, son James and Rebecca (Bailey), Dec. 25, 1864, PR117.]
Rachel Littlefield and William H. Raymond, int. Sept. 4, 1851, "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
Samuel B. Littlefield and Evlin Potter, Feb. 13, 1886.
Sarah Littlefield of Castine and Solomon Wright, int. Oct. 7, 1826, "Cert. issued Oct. 24."
Sarah J. Littlefield of Waldo and Calvin H. Partridge of Prospect, May 28, 1881.
Susan Littlefield of York and William Boynton, int. Apr. 10, 1841, "Cert. issued May 13."
William L. Littlefield and Carrie I. Hilton, Oct. 24, 1877. [Carrie Isabella, dau. Enoch Crowell Hilton and Caroline Sarah (Haraden), Oct. 22, PR40.]
Amelia F. J. Locke [int. wid., seamstress] and [int. Dr.] Calvin Moore [int. widr., 41, dentist], Oct. 28, 1865. [Amelia F. J. and Calvin Moore, CR1. Co.R.]
Caroline M. Locke of Bangor and George T. Hersey of Bangor, Aug. 6, 1859.
Christina Locke of Mt. Vernon and Henry S. Parker, int. Dec. 14, 1850, "Cert. issued Dec. 27." [Christina R. Lock, m. ____, 1850, PR78.]
Horatio J. Locke and Annie N. Dyer, int. Apr. 20, 1863, "Cert. issued Apr. 24."
Joanna Locke of Holland and Samuel Haines, int. Oct. 29, 1825, "Cert. issued Dec. 7."
Lavinia D. Locke of Augusta and George W. Fairfield of Augusta, Dec. 25, 1859.
Samuel Locke and Jenett Lymburner, int. Dec. 23, 1826, "Cert. issued Jan. 6, 1827."
Samuel W. Locke and Amelia F. J. Wardwell, Nov. 20, 1853.
Alexander Logan and Elizabeth True, Sept. 17, 1826, "Cert. issued Oct. 1."
Elizabeth Logan, Mrs., of Waldo, and B. M. Hawkins of Waldo, Oct. 30, 1869.
Sadie A. Logan and Charles Howard of Limestone, May 14, 1888.
Thomas P. Logan and Sarah Jane Clark, Oct. 17, 1855.
LOMBARD (also see Lumbard) -
G. P. Lombard, dentist, and Addie Strout of Woburn, Mass., int. Sept. 16, 1871, "Cert. issued Sept. 21."
William R. Loney (see William R. Lowney)
Hezekiah Long and Sarah H. Brown of Knox, int. Oct. 2, 1848, "Cert. issued Oct. 16."
Caroline Longfellow and Capt. Paul R. Hazeltine, Dec. 31, 1826.
Hollis M. Longfellow of Searsmont and Mrs. Hattie P. Pilley, Oct. 22, 1891, in Searsmont.
Lorinda L. Longfellow of Morrill and Joseph Bagnell of Plymouth, Mass., Sept. 16, 1874.
Phineas H. Longfellow [int. clerk of Courts] of Machias and Julia Etta Wheeler, Sept. 28, 1865. [Julia Etta, CR1. Julia Ella, Co.R.]
LORD (also see Lords) -
Augustus S. Lord, 27, paper maker, son Abram dec'd, moulder (b. Gardiner, Kennebec Co.), and Lydia K. (later W. ____ Walton, b. Gardiner, Kennebec Co.), and Harriet J. Berry, 27, tailoress, of Gardener, dau. Elbridge, millman (b. Gardiner, Kennebec Co.), and Angeline (b. Bath, Sagadahoc Co.), int. July 11, 1864, "Cert. issued July 15."
Henry L. Lord, 28, tailor, and Celeste A. Walker, 26, of Northport, int. Feb. 12, 1867, "Cert. issued Feb. 16."
James Lord of Frankfort and Lydia Mason of Prospect, Dec. 18, 1831.
John A. Lord, Sergt., "4th ME Regt," and Mary E. Flitner of Gardiner, int. May 21, 1864, "Cert. issued May 26."
Lydia K. Lord, Mrs., and Alfred Walton, Sept. 10, 1859.
Mary A. Lord [int. Ann] and Ephraim Dunlap of Camden [int. Embden], Feb. _____ [int. "Cert. issued Feb. 2"], 1826.
Mary E. Lord and William T. Humes of Providence, R. I., May 9, 1872.
LORDS (also see Lord) -
Henery A. Lords of Prospect and Abigail Spenser, Dec. 19, 1797. [Henry A. of Prospect, CR2.]
Henry A. Lords [int. Hervy, omits A.] of Goosepond Settlement and Anna Hatch of Washington Plantation, Aug. 31, 1806.
Jane Lords and Edward Fox, Sept. 15, 1799.
John Lords of Goosepond Settlement and Wealthy Spencer [int. Welthey] of same, Oct. 17, 1811.
Susannah Lords [int. of Goospond Settlement] and George Hall, of same, Jan. _, 1812. [Susanna and George Hall, CR2.]
William Lords [int. of Goospond Settlement] and Mary B. Spencer of same, Mar. 5, 1812. [William and Mary B. Spencer, CR2.]
Almira E. Loring of N. Yarmouth and Arvida Hayford Jr., int. Dec. 26, 1824, "Cert. Jan. 10, 1825."
George D. Loring of Portland and Annette W. Moore of Portland, Nov. 8, 1876.
Henry J. Loso and Faustina L. Hicks, Nov. 20, 1877.
Ann F. Lothrop and Horatio H. Johnson, Dec. 2, 1841. [Ann Frances, dau. Ansel and Lois (Whittier), PR92.]
Ansel Lothrop [int. Anson Lauthrop] and Lois Whittier, Nov. 29, 1805. [Ansel Lothrep and Lois Whittier, CR2. Ansel Lothrop and Lois Whittier, Nov. 28, PR92.]
Ansel Lothrop, Maj., and Ruth Ann Borland of Nobleboro, int. Mar. 22, 1845. [Ansel Jr., son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), m. Apr. 7, PR92.]
David W. Lothrop (Lathrop) (int. Lothrop) and Mary Jane White, Jan. 22, 1832. [David W. Lothrop, son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), PR92.]
David W. Lothrop, Hon., and Mary Ann Durham, int. Sept. 24, 1842. [David W., son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), m. Oct. 11, PR92.]
Elizabeth Lothrop, dau. Ansel and Lois (Whittier), and Gardner Ludwig, Jan. 18, 1836, PR92.
Lizzie L. Lothrop, 21, and Fred W. Pote, merchant, of Bangor, int. Sept. 12, 1872, "Cert. issued Sept. 16."
Lois Lothrop of Searsmont and Capt. Robert White Jr., Oct. 7, 1832. [Lois, dau. Ansel and Lois (Whittier), PR92.]
Mary Ann Lothrop, wid., 48, and Josephus Morton, widr., fourth m., 55, builder of Dorchester, int. Oct. 22, 1866, "Cert. issued Oct. 27."
Pamelia B. Lothrop, dau. Ansel and Lois (Whittier), and Ebenezer W. Hilton, May 16, 1833, PR92.
Sumner P. Lothrop [int. Capt.] and Anne M. Sargent [int. Ann], Jan. 6, 1850. [Sumner P., son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), and Ann M. Sargent, PR92.]
Thomas W. Lothrop and Sophia M. Beckett, int. May 24, 1846. [Thomas Whittier Lothrop and Sophia Matilda Beckett, m. June 11, PR91. Thomas W., son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), and Sophia M. Becket, m. June 11, PR92.]
Thomas Whittier Lothrop Jr., son Thomas Whittier and Sophia Matilda (Beckett), and Helen W. Herger, Sept. 4, 1889, PR91.
Peter Louran [int. Loughran, dup. int. Louren, laborer] and Mrs. [dup. int. omits Mrs.] Jane Brown, Oct. 30, 1875. [Lourain and Mrs. Jane Brown, CR3.]
Martha Love of Northport and Charles Orcutt of Northport, Feb. 3, 1845.
S. Louise Lovejoy, 21, of Rockland, and Oscar W. Pitcher, 22, merchant, int. Nov. 6, 1865, "Cert. issued Nov. 11."
LOW (also see Lowe) -
Charity Low and John Sargent, Mar. 9, 1820.
Charles D. Low [int. L.] of Frankfort and Wealthy A. Allard, Sept. 14, 1842. [Charles D. of Frankfort, Co.R.]
Eunis Low of Portland and Josiah Brier, int. Nov. 6, 1810.
Mary Elizabeth Low of Hollowell and Sherburne Sleeper, int. Mar. 11, 1837, "Cert. issued Apr. 1."
Mary M. Low, wid., of Winterport, and Charles A. Wood, divorced, seaman, int. Aug. 8, 1870, "Cert. issued Aug. 12."
Deborah A. Lowder [int. Lowdon] and Thomas D. Liscomb [int. Liscom], Oct. 14, 1810. [Lowden and Thomas D. Liscomb, CR2.]
LOWE (also see Low) -
Ida R. Lowe [Ruby I. written above Ida R. and crossed out] of Frankfort and Abner F. Sheldon, int. June 19, 1884, "Cert. issued June 23."
A. Augusta Lowell and Samuel K. Lowell, int. Oct. 21, 1849, "Cert. issued Nov. 25."
Louise M. Lowell and Joseph M. Tibbetts of S. Thomaston, int. Mar. 24, 1884, "Cert. issued Mar. 28."
Samuel K. Lowell and A. Augusta Lowell, int. Oct. 21, 1849, "Cert. issued Nov. 25."
Polly Lowley and Benjamin Munroe [int. Benjamin Monroe], Jan. 20, 1805.
Alexander J. Lowney (see Axel J.)
Augusta C. Lowney, 18, dau. William R., farmer (b. Epping [int. adds N. H.], and Christina H. (b. Hartford), and George L. Staekey, 22, clerk, son Otis, shoemaker (b. Albion) and Susan (b. Waterville), Nov. 21, 1864.
Axel J. Lowney and Susan A. Bramhall, July 26, 1859. [Alexander J., Co.R. Axel and Susan Ann Bramhall, dau. Joshua and Elmina (Hall), PR149.]
Nathaniel M. Lowney Esq. and Frances Rowe, Sept. 2, 1827.
Nathaniel M. Lowney Esq. and Wealthy Rowe, Nov. 16, 1845.
William R. Lowney [int. Loney] and Charity Ellis, Dec. 10, 1806. [Lony and Charity Alis, Dec. 16, CR2.]
William R. Lowney, Esq. of Sebec and Mrs. Christiana Bicknell [int. Christina], Sept. 3, 1829.
Betsy Lucas of Green Plantation and Paul Doty, int. Oct. 31, 1805.
Elmer M. Lucas of Union and Abra E. Sukeforth of Washington, Oct. 30, 1878.
James W. Lucas and Helen E. Cottrill, Nov. 5, 1854.
Mary A. Lucas and C. Y. Cottrell, Jan. 27, 1841, in Northport, PR133. [Mary Ann and Christopher Y. Cottrell, PR134.]
Albert A. Luce of Monmouth and Hannah J. Ellis, int. Aug. 9, 1861, "Cert. issued Aug. 13."
Albert A. Luce of Burnham and Hannah J. Ellis, int. Apr. 4, 1863. [Hannah G. Luce, m. May 1, in Frankfort, Co.R.]
Albert S. Luce and Henrietta M. Boardman, June 1, 1871, in Portland.
Almira Luce, Mrs., of Union, and William Bishop, int. June 30, 1849, "Cert. issued July 14."
Ely Luce of Vinal Haven and Lovey Daggett of Vinal Haven, June 14, 1804.
Emma O. Luc of Bucksport and Joshua R. Whitmore of Verona, Oct. 9, 1879.
Hannah G. Luce (see Hannah J. Ellis).
Thomas Luce of Hampden and Mary R. Douglass, int. Dec. 17, 1843, "Cert. issued July 15, 1844."
Thomas Lucey and Susan A. Stevenson of Bangor, int. Oct. 31, 1848, "Cert. isused Nov. 15."
Gardner Ludwig and Elizabeth Lothrop, dau. Ansel and Lois (Whittier), Jan. 28, 1836, PR92.
Elvira R. Lufkin of Monroe and Frank Henderson of Monroe, July 29, 1888.
Hannah C. Lufkin and Samuel Ames of Searsport, int. Nov. 2, 1850, "Cert. issued Nov. 16."
LUMBARD (also see Lombard) -
Ephraim H. Lumbard of Hallowell and Emily M. Cox, int. Nov. 13, 1825, "Cert. issued Dec. 6."
Nathaniel Lunt of Mnroe and Lois L. Whittier, int. Aug. 2, 1840, "Cert. issued Aug. 24."
Sarah E. Lunt of Calais and Capt. William Wills, int. Nov. 30, 1844, "Cert. issued Dec. 13."
William Lunt of Camden and Elisabeth Reed, Apr. 28, 1797. [William P. of Camden and Elizbeth Reed, CR2.]
Isabella E. Luthers [int. Isabelle] and Orman A. Hopkins, Aug. 31, 1885.
LYMBURNER (also see Limeburner, Lymeburner) -
Jenett Lymburner and Samuel Locke, int. Dec. 23, 1826, "Cert. issued Jan. 6, 1827."
LYMEBURNER (also see Limeburner, Lymburner) -
John Lymeburner, Capt., and Jenny Miller, Jan. 10, 1799.
Elisabeth J. Lynch and John D. McGowan, int. Apr. 1, 1843, "Cert. issued May 26."
George A. Lynch of Cherryfield and Martha H. Rhoades of Northport, Oct. 26, 1854.
John Lynch and Mrs. Deborah Emery, May 27, 1830.
William Lynch and Jane Elliot, int. Aug. 10, 1823.
Mary A. Lynskey of Bangor and Daniel O'Connell, int. Sept. 16, 1884, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."