Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - HINCHMAN to KELSO

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

John M. Hinchman of Detroit, Mich., and Annie J. White, Feb. 19, 1891.
HINCKSON (see Hinkson).
Angelia A. Hinds and Edwin G. Crabtree, Feb. 14, 1863.
Celia Hinds [int. adds A.] and Charles H. Hubbard [int. clerk] of Northport, Nov. 30, 1871. [Celia, CR3.]
Cornelius Hinds and Harriet A. Eells, int. May 4, 1845, "Cert. issued May 18."
Daniel G. Hinds and Mary G. Prescott of Northport, int. Dec. 16, 1837. [m. Jan. 1, 1838, Co.R.]
Fida P. Hinds and Ferdinand Dodge, July 8, 1860.
Jenette L. Hinds and Capt. Jese Townsend, int. Oct. 21, 1837. [Jennett L. and Jesse Townsend, m. Nov. 8, Co.R.]
Joseph C. Hinds [int. D.] and Phebe H. Gardner of Northport, Mar. 16, 1836.
Josiah D. Hinds and Mrs. Mary Waterman, int. Aug. 6, 1831, "Cert. issued Aug. 25."
Josiah Danforth Hinds and Mahalath Houston of Hermon, int. July 27, 1831, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."
Katy Hinds and Patrick Owens, int. Oct. 27, 1862, "Cert. issued Nov. 1."
Lucy Hinds and John Robbinson, Oct. 21, 1821.
Luella J. Hinds and Hiram P. Carter, Mar. 29, 1856.
Rosanna Hinds and William Gardner, int. Feb. 28, 1841. [Roxana, m. Mar. 14, Co.R.]
Sally Hinds and Robert Smart of Vassalborough, Kennebec Co., June 23, 1823.
Sarah E. Hinds and M. Clarance Niles [int. Clarence Niles] of Cicero, Ill., Sept. 9, 1878.
Watson Hinds and Sarah Farrow, Feb. 18, 1843.
HINKLEY (also see Hinckley) -
Alvia N. Hinkley [int. Alvira N. Hinckley] of Lowell, Mass., and Alvah S. Redman, Feb. 24, 1878.
Isaac Hinkley and Mary T. Gilmore [int. Mary J. Gilmore], Dec. 31, 1829.
Martha J. Hinkley and Greenleaf S. Jellison of Boston, int. May 28, 1853, "Cert. issd."
Mary Hinkley and Simeon A. Heath, Oct. 26, 1818. PR63.
Joseph Hinkson and Polly Astin, Sept. 26, 1799.
HISCOCK (also see Hitchcock) -
Eliza Ann Hiscock [int. Mrs.] and John Wilson Jr., Jan. 23, 1831. [Eliza Ann, Jan. 23, 1830, PR94.]
HITCHCOCK (also see Hiscock) -
John Hitchcock of Boston, Mass., and Sarah Frances Crosby, Dec. 19, 1860.
Ella M. Hoag (see Mary Etta).
Frank H. Hoag and Phebe H. Perkins, Nov. 1, 1884.
Mary Etta Hoag [int. Ella M.] and Willis E. Hamilton of Swanville, Jan. 30, 1882. [ Ella Mary, CR3.]
Aaron Hobart Jr. [int. Esq. of Hanover, Plymouth Co.] and Maria Leach, Sept. 21, 1812. [Aaron Jr., CR2.]
L. D. Hobbs of Pittsfield and Eliza Jane Smith of Palmyra, Feb. 21, 1879, CR3.
Nellie J. Hobbs and Albert C. Mosman, Sept. 10, 1888.
HODGDEN (also see Hodgdon, Hodgedon, Hodsden, Hodsdon) -
Amelia J. Hodgden and George W. Cottrill [int. Cottrell], Sept. 23, 1854. [Hodgdon and George W. Cottrell, Sept. 24, PR99.]
Barbara A. Hodgden [int. Hodgdon] and Capt. Isaac Dunbar, July 7, 1861. [Hodgdon, CR3. Co.R.]
HODGDON (also see Hodgden, Hodgedon, Hodsden, Hodsdon) -
Eliza A. Hodgdon, Mrs. [int. Hodgden, wid., 20, dau. Joseph Thomas, farmer, and Mary], and John S. Maddocks [int. 28, soldier, son Asa D., millman (b. Ellsworth) and Mary (b. Shapleigh), Mar. 25, 1865.
Hiram Y. Hodgdon [int. Hodgden, Capt.] and Melissa C. Cottrill, Dec. 25, 1855. [Hodgden and Melissa C. Cottrell, CR1. Hodgdon and Melissa C. Cottrill, Co.R.]
Mary Josephine Hodgdon [int. Hodgden] and Henry M. Garland, Dec. 5, 1858. [Hodgdon, Co.R.]
Robert Hodgdon, Capt., and Mrs. Eliza Cottrill [int. Betsy Cottrill], Sept. 22, 1855. [Mrs. Eliza, Co.R.]
Rufus T. Hodgdon and Deborah Farrington of Andover, int. Feb. 1, 1824, "Cert. Feb. 15."
Sarah Hodgdon and Franklin A. Cottrell, Oct. 18, 1862.
HODGEDON (also see Hodgden, Hodgdon, Hodsden, Hodsdon) -
Paulina Hodgedon and Thomas Dunahm Esq. [int. of Tisbury, Mass.], July 23, 1820.
Abby Hodges, divorced, 43, and Hiram H. Hawes, 37, laborer, int. Dec. 25, 1865, "Cert. issued Dec. 30."
Almeda Hodges and Franklin M. West, farmer, int. Sept. 4, 1868, "Cert. issued Sept. 9."
Joseph Hodges Jr., divorced, 46, farmer, of Belmont, son Joseph, farmer (b. Mass.) and Nancy, and Lois Trafton, wid., 53, dau. John Sprague, farmer (b. R. I.), and Eunice (b. Block Island), int. May 12, 1865. [m. May 20, in Belmont, Co.R.]
Charles E. Hodgkins, tailor, and Anna J. Staples, int. Jan. 18, 1870, "Cert. issued Jan. 22."
Samuel R. Hodgkins, 24, farmer, of Jefferson, and Eliza A. Randall, 17, int. Mar. 15, 1867, "Cert. issued Mar. 19."
Samuel Hodgkinson and Amy E. Danforth, Oct. 14, 1890.
HODSDEN (also see Hodgden, Hodgdon, Hodgedon, Hodsdon) -
Mary E. Hodsden [int. Hodsdon] and Simon R. Cottrill [int. Simeon R. Cottrell], Dec. 25, 1850.
HODSDON (also see Hodgden, Hodgdon, Hodgedon, Hodsden) -
Maria S. Hodsdon and Charles E. Johnson, June 17, 1874.
Theresa C. Hodsdon of Kenduskeag, and Henry C. Greely of Kenduskeag, Oct. 17, 1860.
Charles H. Hofses of Morrill and Carrie L. Pearson of Morrill, June 23, 1886.
Hiram C. Hofses and Maud L. Coombs [int. Maude], Apr. 19, 1890. [Maide L., CR3.]
Mary Hofses and Joseph Kaler, Dec. 31, 1807 [? in Waldoboro], PR127.
HOIT (also see Hoyt) -
Mary Ann Hoit, Mrs., and Thomas Pickard, Sept. 25, 1828.
Esther C. Holbrook of Northport and Gorham Lancaster of Northport, Dec. 19, 1833. [Gorham, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), PR108.]
James Holbrook [int. 27, seaman] and Mintie McFarland, Jan. 14, 1869.
John F. Holbrook and Lucy Ann Lancaster of Northport, June 15, 1836. [Lucy Ann, dau. Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), PR108.]
Lydia D. Holbrook, 33, of Bedford, N. H., and Joseph F. Wight, 33, farmer, int. Oct. 28, 1866, "Cert. issued Nov. 3."
Mellen T. Holbrook [int. 22, boot maker] of Milford, Mass., and Minie [int. Minnie Emerson] [int. 20], July 15, 1866. [Minnie, CR3. Melen T. of Milford, Mass. and Minnie Emerson, Co.R.]
Elizabeth Holden, Mrs., and Stephen Murch, Aug. 20, 1826.
Nahaniel Holden and Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, June 18, 1820.
Cordelia I. Holland [int. S.] and Samuel F. Tuttle of Portland, Aug. 25, 1833.
Hannah M. Holland and Edward O. B. Henderson, int. Nov. 24, 1836, "cert. issued Dec. 7."
Susan Ann Holland and Charles T. Ingram of Brooks, int. Oct. 8, 1836, "Cert. issued Oct. 24."
HOLLAWAY (also see Holloway, Holway) -
Abigail G. Holllaway [int. J.] and James H. Witham [int. of Washington], Oct. 25, 1853. [Abigail G. Holloway and James H. Witham, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Joanna Hollaway and Nathaniel French, int. _____ [rec. between July 11 and Aug. 15], 1835.
Grace U. Hollis and Fred S. Crosby, Oct. 30, 1875.
Solomon Hollis of Unity and Mrs. Lydia A. Rideout, int. Jan. 24, 1852, "Cert. issued Feb. 7."
HOLLOWAY (also see Hollaway, Holway) -
Marcus M. Holloway and Arbella F. Patterson, May 21, 1881.
HOLLOWELL (also see Hallowell) -
James H. Hollowell and Mrs. Jennie Smith, int. Dec. 1, 1874, "Cert. issued Dec. 5."
HOLMES (also see Holms) -
Alonzo Holmes [int. 21, millman, son James, millman (b. N. H.) and Hannah (b. Belmont) and Hannah P. Littlefield [int. 20] of Brooks [int. dau Eben, farmer (b. N. H.) and Esther], May 6, 1865.
Aurelius Holmes and Lucy M. Cunningham, int. Jan. 11, 1846, "Cert. issued Feb. 5."
Caroline E. Holmes and Alpheus F. Lane of Keene, N. H., int. Jan. 27, 1859, "Cert. issued Feb. 2."
Carrie L. Holmes of Swanville and William F. Whitcomb, Mar. 8, 1890.
Catherine Holmes and David Burgess, Jan. 18, 1827, in Charlestown, PR51.
Chansey Holmes of Prospect and Hannah Crockett of Prospect, June 25, 1807.
Eben Holmes and Fannie A. Ryder, int. May 27, 1881.
Eliza Holmes and Joseph McKeen, Dec. 29, 1825.
Ezra Holmes and Mary Brown of Northport, int. Nov. 30, 1833, "Cert. issued Dec. 23."
Frank L. Holmes and Martha H. Tourtalette of Ellsworth, Nov. 18, 1869.
George Holmes of Prospect and Sally Carter of Prospect, July 4, 1832.
George B. Holmes of Waldo and Abbie S. Genther of Waldo, June 22, 1879.
George O. Holmes of Swanville and Laura J. Bartlett of Waldo, Jan. 29, 1876. CR1.
Georgie H. Holmes and James A. Carter of Searsport, Feb. 2, 1884.
Hattie M. Holmes and Harry A. Furbish, Dec. 3, 1887.
Hiram Holmes and Sally McKeen, Sept. 11, 1825.
James Holmes, Capt., and Persis Merriam, Oct. 2, 1825.
James Holmes of Belmont and Hannah Ward of Belmont, Apr. 15, 1832.
James Holmes and Mrs. Harriet H. McFarland, int. Aug. 6, 1863. [m. Aug. 10, in Montville, Co.R.]
John Holmes and Judith Merrill, Nov. 4, 1804.
Lucinda B. Holmes of Belmnt and J. M. Fletcher, M.D., of Belmont, Nov. 6, 1870.
Lucy M. Holmes and Joseph H. Estes, Mar. 17, 1864.
Martha A. Holmes of Swanville and George W. Cunningham of Swanville, June 16, 1850.
Mary E. Holmes and Frank M. Bailey, June 16, 1888.
Mary F. Holmes [int. 25] and Charles H. Mitchell [int. 31, merchant], Jan. 20, 1874.
Nancy Holmes of Frankfort and Stephen Webster, int. Apr. 6, 1803.
Nathaniel Holmes of Mokelumne Hill, Cal., and Almira E. Banks, Feb. 16, 1858.
Polley Holmes [int. Sarah Holmes] and Henry Cunningham Esq. [int. adds W.] of Swanville, June 12, 1831.
Rebecca Holmes of Swanville and John E. Cunningham of Swanville, Dec. 2, 1842.
Rhoda N. Holmes and Capt. David Patterson, Dec. 16, 1827.
Roscoe Holmes and Sarah L. Moore, Oct. 30, 1862.
Ruth Holmes and George Knowlton of Northport, int. Aug. 29, 1817, "Cert. issued."
Sarah Holmes (see Polley).
Wellington R. Holmes and Nealie S. Pote, Nov. 11, 1880.
HOLMS (also see Holmes) -
Persis Holms, Mrs., and William Walker of Montville, [int. Belmont], Jan. 15, 1832.
Albert Holt and Charlotte Glidden, int. Nov. 5, 1847. [Albert, son Richard and Elizabeth, m. Nov. 20, PR32.]
Althea L. Holt, 20, of Bucksport, and John W. Shute, 31, seaman, int. Sept. 30, 1865, "Cert. issued Oct. 9."
Elvia H. Holt of Blue Hill, Mass., and Albert D. Sanborn of Salem, Mass., Oct. 4, 1885.
Francis Davis Holt, son William and Hannah P. (Shute), and Mary Hellen Mathews, Jan. 29, 1857, PR29.
George Holt [int. 47, laborer] and Mrs. Charlotte Young [int. wid., 36], Sept. 9, 1865.
Hannah J. Holt and Josiah D. Freeman, int. Aug. 31, 1849, "Cert. issued Sept. 18." [Hannah Jane, dau. William and Hannah P. (Shute), m. Sept. 20, 1843 sic, PR29.]
Harriet A. Holt and Charles H. Bray of Boston, Mass. Apr. 25, 1864. [Harriet A., dau. William and Mary A. (Batson), PR31.]
James W. Holt and Mary C. Wiley of Bangor, int. Oct. 12, 1850. [James William, son William and Hannah P. (Shute), and Mary Eliza Wiley, m. Nov. 4, PR29.]
Jane R. Holt and Harvey H. Smalley, int. June 23, 1860. [Henry H., m. Sept. 23, CO.R. Jane R., dau. Richard and Elizabeth, m. Sept. 23, PR32.]
Jonah Holt 2d and Hannah P. Lanphey of Bucksport, int. Aug. 11, 1844, "Cert. issued Sept. 9."
Jonah J. Holt and Elizabeth H. Crosby, int. Apr. 12, 1840, "Cert. issued Apr. 28."
Mary E. Holt and Rodney Drinkwater of Northport, Jan. 1, 1843. [Mary Elizabeth, dau. Richard and Elizabeth, PR32.]
Mary Eleanor Holt and Allen Orcut [int. Allen Orcutt], Dec. 26, 1842. [Orcutt, Co.R. Mary Eleanor, dau. William and Hannah P. (Shute) and Allen Orcutt, Dec. 29, PR29.]
Melissa A. Holt and Lewis S. Ulmer of Rockland, int. Aug. 2, 1858. [Melissa Auburn Holt, dau. William and Hannah P. (Shute), m. Aug. 9, PR29.]
Richard Holt and Betsey Patterson [int. Betsy], Oct. 13, 1814.
Samuel B. Holt, seaman, and Annette A. Patterson, int. Dec. 1, 1868. [Samuel B., son William and Mary A. (Batson), m. Dec. 3, in Boston, PR31.]
Samuel B. Holt and Mrs. Ida M. Robinson, Aug. 12, 1890. [Samuel B., son William and Mary A. (Batson), PR31.]
Samuel F. Holt, 26, joiner, of N. Andover [int. adds Mass.], son Peter, joined (b. Bethel) and Louisa (Wilson) (b. Newburyport, Mass.]), and Isabella N. Piper, 26, cap maker, dau. Charles B., farmer (b. Northport, [int. adds Waldo Co.]), and Nancy (Frohock), seamstress (b. Searsmont), Sept. 20, 1864.
Stephen D. Holt and Rebecca Trussel, June 19, 1841. [Trussell, Co.R.]
William Holt and Hannah Shute, July 3, 1823.
William Holt 2d and Mrs. Mary Libbey, Nov. 29, 1838. [Mary A. (Batson), PR31.]
William Holt and Susan C. Wheeler (second w.), June 27, 1886, PR31.
HOLWAY (also see Hollaway, Holloway) -
Henry Holway and Betsey Robbins, int. Jan. 17, 1847.
Irene A. Holway and Francis A. Glidden, Apr. 12, 1852.
Elizabeth Hoof (see Elizabeth Huff).
HOOK (also see Hooke) -
Samuel Hook of Searsmont and Charlotte Bird, int. Jan. 31, 1827, "Cert. issued Feb. 21."
Sarah M. Hook and David H. Libby, int. Mar. 10, 1849. [Libbey, m. Mar. 25, Co.R.]
HOOKE (also see Hook) -
Helen M. Hooke [int. Hook] and Robert Telfer [int. Telser] of Waltham, Mass., Aug. 27, 1874.
William H. Hooper and Isabel Deegan, second m., dau. John Flowers and Mary (McCorrison), _____, PR73.
Almon L. Hopkins and Clara E. Temple, Mar. 6, 1886.
Ann Hopkins and James Davis, Mar. __[int. "Cert. Mar. 28"], 1824.
Anna L. Hopkins of Brewer and Charles T. Richards, carpenter, int. May 11, 1868, "Cert. issued May 16."
Ella A. Hopkins and Austin B. Raymond of Lowell, Mass., May 24, 1882.
Eunice Hopkins, Mrs., and George Woods, Apr. 29, 1879.
Fitz W. Hopkins [int. and dup. int. seaman] and Catherine Cunningham, Jan. 7, 1871.
Fitz W. Hopkins and Sarah C. Larabee, int. Apr 6, 1883, "Cert. issued April 12."
George Hopkins and Annet Otts, Mar. 4, 1879.
Hannah Hopkins and James Enright [int. Inwright], May 21, 1820.
Lurena Hopkins [int. adds S.] and [int. Capt.] William Peachey, Mar. 2, 1843. [Lurena and William Peachy, Co.R.]
Lydia Hopkins and Ebenezer Burges, Oct. 8, 1820.
Martha E. Hopkins and Lewis H. Ryan, int. Mar. 28, 1853. [Lewis H., son William and Nancy (McKeen), m. ____, PR163.]
Mary E. Hopkins and Stephen Thurston, June 3, 1889.
Mercy R. Hopkins and Watson Hopkins of Vinalhaven, int. Apr. 11, 1854.
Nancy Hopkins and Enoch Perkins, Jan. 7, 1810.
Orman A. Hopkins and Isabella E. Luthers [int. Isabelle], Aug. 31, 1885.
Orman Albert Hopkins [int. 22, sailor] and Arbella Brier [int. Arabella, 20], Jan. 10, 1867. [Orman A. and Arabella Baer, Co.R.]
Patty Hopkins and Capt. Robert Emery, Mar. 12, 1820.
Spencer Hopkins and Mercy Peachy, int. Oct. 18, 1830, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
Watson Hopkins of Vinalhaven and Mercy R. Hopkins, int. Apr. 11, 1854.
William F. Hopkins of Northport and Clara A. Crockett of Northport, May 31, 1891. [Capt. William F. of Northport, CR3.]
William Horn of Vassalborough and Betsey Davis [int. Betsy], Jan. 16, 1822.
Harriet Horton of Unity and James Smith, int. Mar. 3, 1839, "Cert. issued Mar. 18."
James R. Horton of Camden and Rebecca Jane Thompson, Aug. 14, 1852, Co.R.
HORTSHORN (see Hartshorn)
Cornelius T. Hosmer of Camden and Emma J. Dailey of Camden, Sept. 13, 1869.
HOUGH (also see Haugh, Huff) -
Bridget Hough and Brian McCabe, int. Oct. 16, 1853.
HOUSTON (also see Huston) -
Ann R. Houston of Swanville and Oliver Crowell of Monroe, Oct. 28, 1833, Co.R.
Benjamin Houston of Prospect and Jennette Houston, int. Jan. 27, 1827, "Cert. issued Feb. 13."
Caroline Houston and John C. Blanchard, int. Feb. 8, 1833, "Cert. Mar. 9."
Eleanor M. Houston and Joshua Black of Prospect, Jan. 29, 1837.
Elizabeth Houston and Oliver Crary [int. of Prospect], Dec. 24, 1820.
Esther Houston of Swan Plantation and James Gilmore, int. Dec. 8, 1816, "Cert. granted Dec."
Esther Houston and Joseph T. Nealey of Frankfort, int. Oct. 26, 1823, "Cert. dated Nov. 9."
Hannah Houston and Capt. Charles H. Wording, int. May 6, 1837 [m. June 1, Co.R.]
James Houston and Judith Eaton of Prospect, int. Apr. 21, 1821, "Cert. issued June 25."
James B. Houston of Swanville and Jane Crowell of Monroe, June 10, 1837, Co.R.
Jennette Houston and Benjamin Houston of Prospect, int. Jan. 27, 1827, "Cert. issued Feb. 13."
John Houston and Lusannah M. Fletcher [int. Susanna M. Fletcher], Mar. 3, 1811. [Susanna M., CR2.]
John B. Houston of Swansville and Ruth Brown, July 7, 1830.
Joseph Houston Jr. and Susan Foster, Nov. 6, 1828.
Louisa Houston and Timothy Mayo of Monroe, Mar. 22, 1827.
Lucinda Houston [int. adds M.] and Tyril Gilmore [int. Tyrrel Gillmore] of Dedham, June 6, 1842. [Lucinda and Tyrel Gilmore of Dedham, Co.R.]
Mahalath Houston of Hermon and Josiah Danforth Hinds, int. July 27, 1831, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."
Martha A. Houston and Gideon Mayo of Orono, int. Aug. 27, 1832, "Cert. issued Sept. 25."
Marthew Houston and Benjeman Nesmith, Dec. 29, 1796. [Martha Houston and Benjamin Nesmith, CR2.]
Mary A. W. Houston and Shepherd Blanchard Jr., int. May 22, 1841, "Cert. issued June 5."
Mary Susan Houston (see Susan).
Robert W. Houston and Mary Kidder of Dunstable, N. H., int. Mar. 24, 1830, "Cert. issued Apr. 10."
Sally Houston and Issachar Thissel, int. Dec. 8, 1816, "Cert. granted Decr."
Susan Houston and Ephraim A. Pitcher, int. Jan. 1, 1831. [Mary Susan, m. Jan. 16, Co.R.]
Thomas Houston and Elizabeth Fletcher of Prospect, int. July 5, 1804.
Thomas Houston and Sarah Gordon, Sept. 23, 1830.
Frank L. Hovey of Manchester, N. H., and Jennie B. Mowe of Boston, July 26, 1884.
Aaron Howard and Hannah R. Ray of Knox, int. May 1, 1852, "Cert. issued May 22."
Abba H. Howard [int. Abby H. Howard] and James C. Mason, Aug. 8, 1858. [Abba H., Co.R.]
Adoniram J. Howard and Mrs. Caro J. Sargent, Oct. 20, 1862. [Caroline J., dau. Martin Rogers and Sarah M. (Grinnell), PR136.]
Alice G. Howard and George Lewis of Montville, int. Feb. 9, 1876, "Cert. issued Feb. 15."
Anial Howard, widr., 70, farmer, and Lucy Tripp, wid., 71, of Searsport, int. Aug. 23, 1873, "Certificate."
Aniel Howard, widr., preacher, and Mary Abba Richards, int. Jan. 10, 1872, "Forbidden Jan. 10 by Miss Richard."
Charles Howard of Limestone and Sadie A. Logan, May 14, 1888.
Charles H. Howard and Lucy A. Cummings, Dec. 30, 1874.
Daniel Howard and Mary Crosby, int. May 10, 1840, "Cert. issued May 30."
Eliza J. Howard and Charles Kinney of St. John, N. B., Aug. 10, 1883 [sic, int. Aug. 5, 1886], in Searsport.
Fannie M. Howard [int. 24] and Daniel R. Brown [int. 29, bookkeeper] of Fall River, Mass., Oct. 17, 1866.
Francis M. Howard of Harbour Au Bouchie, N. S., and Margaret C. McDonald of Harbour Au Bouchie, Aug. 30, 1880.
Franklin A. Howard and Catherine M. Pattens of Belmont, int. Nov. 13, 1853.
Fred A. Howard of Washington and Celestia M. Glidden of Palermo, July 2, 1885.
Harriet Howard and Nicholas P. Warren, Jan. 9, 1843.
Harriet A. Howard and Benjamin F. Richards, May 26, 1861.
Irena E. Howard and Emery Richards, Mar. 21, 1864.
James R. Howard of Lincolnville and Harriet H. Mahoney of Northport, Mar. 9, 1856.
Joshua Howard of Lincolnville and Mrs. Nancy Williams of Lincolnville, Aug. 16, 1816, in Hancock Co., Mass.
Juila A. A. Howard and James H. Spring, int. May 7, 1842. [James H., son Samuel and Betsy Colburn, m. May 26, PR20.]
Lydia P. Howard, 21, of Braintree, dau. I. G., tack maker (b. N. Easton, Mass.), and Martha (b. N. Easton, Mass.), and Charles C. Gregg, 26, milliner, son Thomas, lumberman (b. Derry, N. H.), and Belinda Shedd (b. Brewer), int. Dec. 5, 1864, "Cert. issued Dec. 10."
Mary Howard of Alfred and James Shaw, int. Dec. 1, 1822, "Cert. granted Dec. 21."
Mary E. Howard and Ephraim Dockham of Frankfort, int. Oct. 19, 1861, "Cert. issued Oct. 26."
Mary E. Howard and Henry T. Smith, Aug. 10, 1878.
Olive Howard and Amasa Knowlton of Swanville, Dec. 4, 1839.
Richard Howard and Love Thompson of Warren, int. May 3, 1828, "Cert. issued May 18."
Samuel Howard, Capt., and Cynthia V. Frohock of Searsmont, int. Apr. 7, 1839, "Cert. issued May 7."
Samuel G. Howard and Mrs. Laverna A. Gardner of Somerville, Mass., int. June 2, 1879, "Cert. issued June 6."
Sanford Howard and Addie Clements [int. adds S.] of Newburg, Dec. 1, 1874. [Addie, PR102.]
Thankful Howard [int. Mrs.] and Eliphalet French, July 4, 1826.
Will R. Howard and Mary C. Freeman of York, int. June 2, 1885, "Cert. issued June 8."
William Howard and Rebeccah Pendleton of Northport, int. Sept. 15, 1821, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
HOWE (also see Howes) -
Elizabeth S. Howe of Bucksport and George W. Wales, int. Oct. 6, 1849, "Cert. issued Oct. 20."
Emily F. Howe of E. Boston, Mass., and Asher L. Allen of E. Boston, Mass., Aug. 11, 1855.
William L. Howe of Lincolnville and Ruby A. Gardner of Northport, Dec. 20, 1863, in Northport.
HOWES (also see Howe) -
Abby P. Howes [int. Howe] and Frank P. Eames, July 11, 1849. [Howes, CR1.]
Asa A. Howes and Augusta J. Moody, June 14, 1860. [Augusta J., dau. Richard, M.D., and Eliza Jane (Hall), PR85. Augusta J. (first w.), PR144.]
Charles M. Howes of Liberty and Frances E. Lennekin of Liberty, Feb. 14, 1883.
Edwin L. Howes and Hattie N. Morrison, Dec. 14, 1886.
Hiram Howes [int. Howe] and Charlotte French, Sept. 17, 1829.
Hiram H. Howes (see Hiram H. Hawes).
James H. Howes and Mary Hazeltine, Dec. 25, 1888. [Mary, dau. Charles B. and Frances L. (Jones), PR26. James H., son Asa Abbott and Augusta (Moody), PR86.]
Joseph H. Howes and Annah W. Cooper, Aug. 24, 1859.
L. W. Howes Esq. and Clementine E. Allen of Fayette, int. May 3, 1851, "Cert. issued May 19."
Maria J. Howes and Luke S. Greenlaw, Mar. 11, 1855.
Ralph H. Howes and Isabella Maria Conant, dau. Isaac Adelbert and Damaetta Havilla (Orcutt), Feb. 15, 1888, in Portsmouth, VA., PR70.
Samuel A. Howes and Jane S. Young, int. Sept. 30, 1846, "Cert. issued Oct. 14."
William W. Howlette and Nettie M. Cross, Oct. 12, 1882.
HOXIE (also see Hoxy) -
Celia L. Hoxie of Sandwich, Mass., and Joseph T. Whitaker, int. Jan. 16, 1878, "Cert. issued Jan. 21."
HOXY (also see Hoxie) -
John Hoxy [int. John Hoxey] and Sally Kennister [int. Sally Kenniston], May 7, 1820.
HOYT (also see Hoit) -
Julia A. Hoyt [int. Mrs., of Appleton] and Ira A. Pitman, Oct. 7, 1882.
HUBBARD (also see Hubberd) -
Calvin A. Hubbard [int. sash maker] and Mary E. Carey, Feb. 21, 1870.
Charles H. Hubbard [int. clerk] of Northport and Celia Hinds [int. adds A.], Nov. 30, 1871. [Celia, CR3.]
Lizzie E. Hubbard of Waldo and Elmer M. Coombs of Waldo, Apr. 5, 1887. [Coobs of Waldo, CR1.]
HUBBERD (also see Hubbard) -
Thaddeus Hubberd, Dr., and Emma Jones of New Castle, Lincoln Co., int. Sept. 16, 1803.
John H. Hubbs and Lucy A. Bradstreet, int. June 8, 1875, "Cert. issued June 12."
HUCHINS (also see Hutchings, Hutchins) -
Sylvina Huchins and John Robertson Jr., int. June 11, 1840, "Cert. issued July 6."
HUFF (also see Haugh, Hough) -
Elizabeth Huff [int. Elizabeth Hoof], Mrs., and Maj. William Cunningham, May 19, 1822.
HUGHES (see Hewes, Hews, Huse).
Rosinda Hull [int. Mrs.] and William Flanders, Mar. 1, 1863. [Rosinda, CR1. Rosinda Hall, Co.R.]
William T. Humes of Providence, R. I., and Mary E. Lord, May 9, 1872.
Chapin Humphrey and Lucy Harris of Springfield, Mass., int. Aug. 17, 1849, "cert. issued Sept. 1."
John Hunnewell [int. widr., 58, farmer] of Scarborough and Eliza Beckett [int. 50], Sept. 2, 1866. [Hannewell of Scarborough, CR3. Hunnewell of Scarborough, Co.R.]
Betsy M. Hunt of Montville and John W. Whitmore, int. Sept. 19, 1855.
George H. Hunt and Erva D. Miller, Dec. 30, 1885.
Paul Hunt of Washington Plantation and Mary Weston of Manchester, Essex Co., int. Dec. 1, 1811.
Phineas G. Hunt [int. 30, farmer] and Margaret H. Hurd [int. 29] of Northport, Sept. 14, 1867. [Margaret D. of Northport, Co.R.]
Sarah A. Hunt of Liberty and David R. Carlton, int. June 5, 1847, "Cert. issued June 19."
Warren Hunt and Joanna L. Haynes, Oct. 1, 1849.
William H. Hunt of Montville and Susan M. Carlton, int. June 9, 1849, "Cert. issued June 23."
Charles O. Hunter of Boston, Mass., and Olive M. Hammond, Oct. 7, 1876.
Francis J. Hunter and Ella E. Hassell, int. May 10, 1875. [Ella E., dau. Rufus P. and Harriet (Parker), m. May 18, PR34.]
John N. Hunter and Olive R. Maddock, int. Apr. 16, 1853. [John L. and Olive R. Maddocks, dau. Samuel and Eliza (Weed), m. Apr. 17, PR164.]
Lucretia M. Hunter of Bristol and William O. Poor, int. Jan. 3, 1841. [Lucretia McClure Hunter and William Osgood Poor, son William and Sally (Farington), m. July 21, PR143.]
HURD (also see Heard) -
Abigail Hurd and Ezekiel R. Crockett, int. Sept. 7, 1829, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
Augustus A. Hurd [int. teacher] and Louisa S. Cunningham, Nov. 17, 1870.
Clarence M. Hurd of Montville and Lydia M. Copp of Liberty, Feb. 18, 1873. [Helen M. of Liberty, CR3.]
Eben C. Hurd of Cal. and Mary E. Clark, Sept. 15, 1853.
Hannah Hurd, wid., 36, of Swanville, and John Shaw, widr., 45, laborer, int. Jan. 9, 1866, "Certif. forbidden by H. Hayford."
Hannah Hurd, wid., of Swanville, and George Merrion, 24, bricklayer, int. Feb. 22, 1869, "certif. forbidden by M. S. Staples Guardn."
John R. Hurd, 23, farmer, of Northport, son John, farmer (b. Hartland), and Lydia [int. Griffin) (b. Lincolnville)], and Eliza J. Townsend, 21, teacher, dau. Jessee, farmer (b. Appleton), and Jennette [int. (Hinds)] (b. Northport), Nov. 22, 1864.
Margaret H. Hurd [int. 29] of Northport and Phineas G. Hunt [int. 30, farmer], Sept. 14, 1867. [Margaret D. of Northport, Co.R.]
R. Warren Hurd of Bangor and Louise M. Wasgatt of Bangor, Jan. 2, 1888.
William Hurd and Mary I. Peavey of Swanville, int. Mar. 26, 1851, "Cert. issued Apr. 14."
Samuel Myers Hurlburt of New York and Mrs. Vesta V. Forbes [int. Fobes], Aug. 2, 1890.
Kate Hurlby, Mrs., and James McCauley, int. Sept. 28, 1858, "Cert. issued Oct. 2."
Thomas Hurlby and Catherine Green, int. July 1, 1852, "Cert. issued July 1."
HUSE (also see Hewes, Hews) -
Asenath Huse of Knox and George W. Huse, int. May 14, 1833.
Caleb Huse and Sally Smith of[torn], int. Nov. 9, 1805.
Emily Huse and George U. Russ, Nov. 9, 1823.
George W. Huse and Asenath Huse of Knox, int. May 14, 1833.
James Huse of Green Plantation and Betsey Whittaker, int. Sept. 4, 1813.
John Huse [int. Esq.] and [int. Mrs.] Hannah Witherell [int. of Green Plantation], May _, 1813. [John Esq. and Hannah Witherell, CR2.]
Mary Huse and Joseph Williamson, Esq., Jan. 7, 1821.
Olive Huse and Lemuel R. Gilbert, Dec. 13, 1815.
Perkins Huse and Waty Whittier of Searsmont, int. May 20, 1815, "Cert. granted June 3."
HUSSEY (also see Husy) -
Helen M. Hussey and Henry L. Kilgore, Oct. 16, 1879.
John Hussey and Mercy Wiley, int. Sept. 8, 1849, "Cert. issued Sept. 22."
HUSTICE (also see Eustis, Hustus) -
Thomas Hustice [int. Thomas Hustus, 22, laborer] and Susan M. Arey [int. 18], Sept. 25, 1873.
HUSTON (also see Houston) -
Mary F. Huston of Dayton and Henry E. Stevens, int. Dec. 10, 1884, "Cert. issued Dec. 27."
Susie M. Hustons (see Susie M. Hustus).
HUSTUS (also see Eustis, Hustice) -
Mabel E. Hustus of Freedom and Charles W. Thomas, Oct. 24, 1891, in Freedom.
Susie M. Hustus, Mrs., and George E. Thomas of Rockland, int. Dec. 11, 1874, "Cert. issued Dec. 16." [Hustons, m. Dec. 25, CR3.]
HUSY (also see Hussey) -
Jesse Husy and Jane French, Dec. 10, 1818.
HUTCHINGS (also see Huchins, Hutchins) -
Albea E. Hutchings and Lizzie H. Leonard, June 4, 1887, in Montville.
Charlotte N. Hutchings and Capt. William G. Veazie, int. May 6, 1843, "Cert. issued May 22."
Fred S. Hutchings and Elizabeth L. Crockett of Castine, July 13, 1889.
James F. Hutchings of Winterport and Lydia J. Robbins, Oct. 17, 1890, in Winterport.
Jesse Hutchings and Mrs. Nancy M. Pitcher, int. Dec. 12, 1848, "Cert. issued Dec. 26."
John Hutchings and Elizabeth Atkins of Bangor, int. Apr. 21, 1816.
HUTCHINS (also see Huchins, Hutchings) -
Irene Hutchins and Melvin T. Daniels [int. widr., laborer], Feb. 1, 1869.
Joseph Hutchins and Mary Ann Mansfield of Portland, int. Oct. 25, 1840, "Cert. issued Nov. 21."
Addie S. Hutchinson and A. Judson Condon, Apr. 24, 1862.
Anna W. Hutchinson of Readfield and Samuel G. Thurlow, int. Apr. 14, 1838. [Anne Whittier Hutchinson and Samuel Greenleaf Thurlow, m. May 2, in Readfield, PR159.]
Benjamin R. Hutchinson and Mary A. Banks, int. Jan. 29, 1853. [Mary A., dau. Benjamin and Martha (Cross), m. Jan. 30, PR150.]
Ella A. Hutchinson and William A. Swan of Salem, Mass., July 5, 1882.
Harvey Hutchinson and Ann Maria Patterson, dau. John Tufts and Jane (Ferguson), June 20, 1854. PR119.
Harvey P. Hutchinson and Margaret A. Patterson, May 16, 1848. [Margaret Augusta, dau. John Tufts and Jane (Ferguson), PR119.]
Mary Hutchinson and Capt. Isaac Clark Jr., int. Apr. 8, 1847, "Cert. issued Apr. 22."
ILSLEY (also see Isley) -
Jeremiah Ilsley of Portland and Mary C. Havener, int. Apr. 26, 1859. [Havner, m. May 1, in Searsport, Co.R.]
INGRAHAM (also see Ingram) -
Charles J. Ingraham and Alfaretta Marriner, int. Dec. 15, 1883, "Cert. issued Dec. 19."
Sarah Ingraham and William Prentiss Field, son Boham P. and Abigail (Davis), July 27, 1834, PR155.
Sarah E. Ingraham of Camden and Stephen Michaels, in. Mar. 12, 1859, "Cert. issued Mar. 19."
INGRAM (also see Ingraham) -
Charles T. Ingram of Brooks and Susan Ann Holland, int. Oct. 8, 1836, "Cert. issued Oct. 24."
George Innes and Ruby E. Rolerson, Dec. 15, 1891.
Silvanus Irish and Mehitable Haskell, Mar. 8, 1809.
ISLEY (also see Ilsley) -
Elisabeth L. Isley and John Dudley, int. Sept. 11, 1830, "Cert. issued Sept. 27."
Ann Jack [int. adds W.] and Harvey Smith [int. Harvy Smith], May 15, 1842 [sic, int. Dec. 24, 1842, "Cert. issued Jan. 12, 1843"]. [Ann and Harvey Smith, m. May 15, 1842, Co.R.]
Albion K. Jackson of Belmont and Margaret Simmons, int. Jan. 30, 1840, "Cert. issued Feb. 16."
Alexander Jackson and Mrs. Rebecca Peters [int. adds S.] of Warren, Dec. 22, 1880.
Althea Jackson [int. 18] and William B. Bachelder [int. 25, blacksmith], Mar. 14, 1874.
Andrew J. Jackson of Belmont and Mary E. Johnson, int. July 29, 1878, "Cert. issued Aug. 3."
Charles Jackson of Plymouth, Mass., and Emily F. Ross, Sept. 16, 1863. [Russ, Co.R.]
Charlotte Jackson of Belmont and Peter Smith, int. Apr. 6, 1846, "Cert. issued Apr. 20."
Daniel R. Jackson of Waldo and Hattie A. Knoulton of Waldo, Dec. 2, 1872.
E. E. Jackson of Montville and Frank E. Wiley, int. Jan. 27, 1875, "Cert. issued Feb. 1."
Ella L. Jackson of Northport and Alden L. Page, July 20, 1879.
Eva G. Jackson of Waldo and Theodore H. French of Waldo, June 5, 1888.
Franklin A. Jackson and Mrs. Hattie E. Merrill, Dec. 24, 1877.
U, [int. J.] E. Jackson and Mary A. Keen, Apr. 27, 1875.
Isaac Jackson and ____ Besey of Por[torn], int. Jan. 7, 1807.
Isaac Jackson and Caroline Wood, int. Sept. 17, 1848, "Cert. issued Oct. 1."
Isaac P. Jackson, farmer, and Ella F. Thompson, divorced, of Northport, int. Oct. 12, 1872, "Cert. issued Oct. 18."
J. E. Jackson (see I. E.)
James I. Jackson and Elva A. Rollins of Lincolnville, int. June 26, 1876, "Cert. issued July 1."
John W. Jackson [int. widr., 43, cooper] of Kenduskeag and Abba Stearns [int. 24], Nov. 4, 1866. [John W. of Kenduskeag, Co.R.]
Joseph Jackson of Belmont and Mary Jane Moody, int. Aug. 18, 1838, "Cert. issued Sept. 8."
Julia A. Jackson and George G. Taylor, int. May 4, 1845, "Cert. issued May 31."
Lavinia W. Jackson (see Lovina W.)
Lilla Jackson and George A. Wilson of Waldo, int. June 6, 1887, "Cert. issued June 11."
Lovina W. Jackson of Knox and Austin Woodbury of Knox, Sept. 22, 1890.
Lovisa Jackson and Sheburne Clark, int. Aug. 9, 1830, "Cert. issued Aug. 23."
Lucy Jackson of Green and Joseph Cross of Green, int. Sept. 6, 1804.
Lura N. Jackson and Wesley Twombly, Dec. 24, 1881.
Margaret S. Jackson, Mrs., and Van Rensselaer Neal of China, Mar. 23, 1887.
Mary E. Jackson of Northport and Jesse E. Staples of Stockton, Jan. 29, 1884.
Mary P. Jackson and Luther Davis of Freedom, int. Dec. 19, 1874, "Cert. issued Dec. 26."
Melinda Jackson of Northport and Joseph Clark of Northport, Oct. 17, 1833.
Nathaniel Jackson of Belmont and Margaret Moody, int. Sept. 27, 1836, "Cert. issued Oct. 15."
Nathaniel Jackson of Knox and Elizabeth Moody, int. Sept. 30, 1838, "Cert. issued Oct. 14."
Nathaniel L. Jackson of Knox and Eliza M. Hatch of Morrill, Mar. 4, 1871.
Olive E. Jackson of Jefferson and Thomas Marden, int. Sept. 18, 1847, "Cert. issued Oct. 2."
Olive E. Jackson of Montville and William H. Blodgett of Morrill, Nov. 16, 1884.
Phoebe J. Jackson [int. Phebe Jane Jackson] and Arthur D. Burgin [int. Bergin], Mar. 4, 1848.
Rose E. Jackson and J. W. Collins, Mar. 28, 1878.
Sally M. Jackson and John Shuman, Oct. 29, 1837.
Samuel Jackson and Polly Cuningham, Dec. 31, 1805.
Samuel Jackson of Green Plantation and Martha Cross of Green Plantation, int. Jan. 22, 1806.
Samuel Jackson Jr. and Lydia J. Akerman of Portsmouth, int. Dec. 1, 1822, "Cert. granted Dec. 21."
Samuel Jackson and Loviza Dinsmore of Windham, N. H., int. Dec. 5, 1825, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
Samuel H. Jackson and Elizabeth Elwell, Feb. 3, 1850.
Silvia Jackson and William Jackson, May 21, 1807.
Simon Jackson of Belmont and Elvira F. Clark of Belmont, Mar. 4, 1872.
Sylvia Jackson (see Silvia).
William Jackson and Silvia Jackson, May 12, 1807.
Amy James and Jessie[sic] Rice, int. Sept. 9, 1833, "Cert. issued Jan. 1."
Margaret James [int. Margarett James] and Robert Miller, Sept. 9, 1832.
Lucy Jameson of St. George and Benjamin P. Dillingham, int. Nov. 18, 1824, "Cert. Dec. 2."
JEFFARDS (also see Jefferds, Jeffords) -
Estelle E. Jeffards, 22, housekeeper, of Monroe, dau. Nicholas, farmer {b. Biddeford) and Susan (b. Waltham), and Ezra Pattee, 23, farmer, of Monroe, son Collins, farmer (b. Monroe) and Ruth (b. Burnahm), Ocr. 29, 1865.
JEFFERDS (also see Jeffards, Jeffords) -
Almira Jefferds and Thomas Jefferson Piper of Waldo, Nov. 10, 1825.
JEFFORDS (also see Jeffards, Jefferds) -
Nicholas Jeffords and Susan Piper of Swanville, July 28, 1823.
Albert T. Jellison of Ellsworth and Lucy I. Lane, Sept. 23, 1854.
Greenleaf S. Jellison of Boston and Martha J. Hinkley, int. May 28, 1853, "Cert. issued."
Maria H. Jellison of Waldo and Moses W. Dow of Brooks, Aug. 24, 1856.
Simon Jellison and Nellie W. Chapman [int. F.], Feb. 9, 1882.
JENNIE (also see Jenny) -
Mary E. Jennie [int. Jenney] and Frank Haugh, June 23, 1874.
JENNY (also see Jennie) -
Joseph Jenny [int. Jenney] and Elizabeth Robbins, Dec. 25, 1848.
Sarah Jenny and Charles A. Wood, int. Feb. 23, 1864, "Cert. issued Mar. 12."
JEPSON (also see Gipson, Jipson, Jypson) -
Abner Jepson [int. Jipson, widr., divorced, third m., stone cutter] and Julia Perkins, Apr. 20, 1872. [Jepson, CR3.]
Eveline Jepson [int Jipson, 20] and Thaddeus M. Wood [int. 24, seaman] of Northport, Waldo Co., Dec. 10, 1870.
Joseph Jerome and Deborah Nickerson, Oct. 30, 1852.
Joseph Jerome and Mrs. Maria Bowman, Apr. 16, 1863.
Joseph Jerome, divorced, third m., seaman, and Emma A. Whitney, int. Sept. 30, 1868.
Parker Jewell (see Parker Jewett).
Abbie E. Jewett and Charles M. Perkins, Aug. 7, 1887.
Albert Jewett [int. adds G. Esq.] of Bangor and Hannah Wilson, May 10, 1830.
Jeremiah Jewett and Mary Bradstreet of Palermo, int. Mar. 3, 1862. [m. Mar. 11 in Palermo, Co.R.]
Joseph Jewett of Searsmont, Waldo Co., and Mrs. Susan Ordaway of Belmont, Waldo Co., Jan. 8, 1869.
Joseph G. Jewett and Elva E. Clough, Dec. 31, 1874.
Parker Jewett of Prospect and Mary Cochran, int. Dec. 3, 1831. [Parker Jewell of Prospect, m. Dec. 27, Co.R.]
JIPSON (also see Gipson, Jepson, Jypson) -
Ann Rebecca Jipson [int. Jepson] and James Burgin, May 13, 1848.
Llewellyn Jipson and Annie Doe, July 21, 1874.
Lydia Jipson and Gilmore Flagg of Belmont, Nov. 16, 1848.
Nancy J. Jipson, Mrs. [int. wid.], and Samuel J. Bruce [int. widr., truckman], Mar. 28, 1868. [Jepson and Samuel J. Bruce, CR3. Jipson and Samuel J. Bruce, Co.R.]
JOHNSON (also see Johnston) -
Abigail Johnson and Joshua Adams of Unity, int. Dec. 2, 1815, "Cert. granted Dec. 27."
Alfred Johnson and Sarah Cross, ____, 1788 [in Newburyport, Mass.], PR1.
Alfred Johnson Jr. Esq. and Nancy Atkinson of Newbury, int. Sept. 17, 1817. [m. Oct. 5, in Newbury, PR1.]
Alfred W. Johnson, son Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), and Anna Maria Crosby, Dec. 25, 1861, in Boston, PR1.
Almatia B. Johnson and Edward B. Sprague [int. Edmond] of Frankfort, June 22, 1890, in Waldo.
Andrew W. Johnson and Lizzie Durant of Searsport, int. Mar. 30, 1876, "cert. issued Apr. 3."
Ann E. Johnson, 24, seamstress, dau. Moses P. [int. dec'd], blacksmith (b. Frankfort [int. adds Waldo Co.], and Lucy [int. (Drew) Johnson Eustis], seamstress (b. Bangor [int. adds Penobscot Co.]), and Abner G. Gilmore, 35, billiard saloon keeper], son David, farmer, and Eliza [int. McKenne)], Sept. 25, 1864. [Abner G., son David and Eliza (McKeen), Sept. 25, 1854, PR106.]
Ann Sarah Johnson and Dr. Nahum P. Monroe [int. Munroe], Oct. 29, 1843. [Ann Sarah, dau. Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), and Nahum Parker Monroe, PR1.]
Anna Johnson of Andover and Capt. James Poor, int. [torn ? Aug.] 11, 1807.
Anne M. Johnson, wid., and Richard Chenery of San Francisco, Cal., int. Nov. 8, 1873, "Cert. issued Nov. 13."
Arbella Johnson [int. 22, dau. Horatio H., merchant (b. Plainfield, Conn.), and Ann F. (b. Searsmont)] and [int. Col.] Philo Hersey [int. 28, attorney, son John, farmer (b. Minot) and Mary H. (b. Sutton, Mass.]), June 14, 1865. [Arabella and Philo Hersey, Co.R.]
Barbara Johnson of Bremen and John Stevens, int. July 11, 1849, "Cert. issued July 25."
Catherine Johnson [int. Catharine] and Abraham Cookson 2d of Freedom, Aug. 10, 1848.
Charles E. Johnson and Maria S. Hodsdon, June 17, 1874.
Cynthia E. Johnson and Charles F. Russ, Aug. 17, 1878.
Daniel Johnson and Phebe Monroe of Montville, Lincoln Co., int. Mar. 25, 1814.
Dorothy K. Johnson and John McKinley, int. Nov. 15, 1812.
Edward Johnson, son Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), and Georgiana P. Miller, Sept. 15, 1870, in Dorchester, PR1.
Eliza Johnson and Abraham Cookson of Freedom, int. Aug. 15, 1824, "Cert. Aug. 29."
Emma M. Johnson of Waldo and Daniel W. Hanson of Jackson, Mar. 2, 1878.
Fisher Johnson of China and Phebe P. Winslow, Feb. 26, 1837.
Frances E. Johnson and Charles A. Lambard of Augusta, Oct. 29, 1850. [Frances Emily, dau. Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), and Charles Allen Lambard, PR1.]
Frederick S. Johnson and Sarah E. Simmons, Aug. 30, 1855.
George E. Johnson, lawyer, and Albina Mudgett of Albion, int. May 27, 1869, "Cert. issued June 3."
Hannah Johnson of Knox Plantation and Luther West of Three Mile Square, int. Apr. 25, 1818, "Cert. issued Sept."
Harriet Johnson and John N. Brown [int. John M. Browne], Dec. 3, 1845. [John N. Brown, Co.R.]
Hattie A. Johnson and Eben M. Sanborn [int. upholsterer], Oct. 26, 1871. [Harriet A. and Eben M. Sanborn, son Josiah and Zilbiah P. (Fales), PR83.]
Horatio H. Johnson and Ann F. Lothrop, Dec. 2, 1841. [Ann Frances, dau. Ansel and Lois (Whittier), PR92.]
Horatio H. Johnson Jr. and Martha E. Bradbury, int. Sept. 23, 1881, "Cert. issued Sept. 29."
Hugh Johnson and Mrs. Bridgett Sweeny [int. Bridget Sweeney], Apr. 5, 1852.
Isabella N. Johnson of Brunswick and Isaac N. Felch, int. Aug. 1, 1841, "Cert. issued Aug. 16."
John O. Johnson [int. 33, "Lt. U.S. Rev. Service"] and Arobine Neal of Morrill [int. 24], Dec. 13, 1866. [John O. and Arboine Heal of Morrill, Co.R.]
Joseph E. Johnson of Waldo and Amanda A. Philbrook of Knox, Waldo Co., Aug. 23, 1863.
Lovey Johnson, Mrs., of Frankfort, and Solon Eustis, _____ [? 1846, int. Jan. 14, 1847, cert. issd. Jan 28.]
Lydia Johnson of Waldo and George E. Mayhew [int. F.], Nov. 25, 1876.
Mary Johnson and Charles E. Wood, engineer, of Oxford, Nov. 1, 1870, "Cert. issued Nov. 5."
Mary A. Johnson and Bancroft H. Conant, Dec. 24, 1877.
Mary E. Johnson and Andrew J. Jackson of Belmont, int. July 29, 1878, "Cert. issued Aug. 3."
Mary H. Johnson of Waldo and Denison Pike of Auburn, Oct. 17, 1868. [Oct. 18, Co.R.]
Mary Louise Johnson, dau. Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson) and Jean Gabriel de Silbourg of France, May 22, 1860, in Boston, PR1.
Polly Johnson and George Weymouth of Belmont, Oct. 25, 1820.
Ralph C. Johnson, Hon., and Sarah W. Cushing of Camden, int. Nov. 10, 1839. [m. Nov. 25, Co.R.]
Ralph C. Johnson, Hon., and Frances D. McLellan of Warren, int. Oct. 30, 1847, "Cert. issued Oct. 13." (trans note: do they mean issued Oct. 31?)
Ralph Cross Johnson, son Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), and Julia Elizabeth Lambard, Dec. 25, 1853 in Augusta, PR1.
Samuel W. Johnson and Laura J. Boody of Jackson, Apr. 2, 1870.
Sophia Johnson, Mrs., and Charles Booz, int. Oct. 8, 1825, "Cert. issued Nov. 14."
Warren Johnson of Waldo and Lovene L. Gay [int. Luene], May 7, 1876.
William Johnson of Northport and Sophia Freeman of Northport, Sept. 10, 1820.
JOHNSTON (also see Johnson) -
Julia Ann Johnston and Joseph A. Conant, son Isaac and Nancy (Wentworth), Sept. 17, 1848, PR68. [Sept. 18, PR69.]
Polly Johnston of Quantabacook and Abiezer Trask of Quantabacook, int. May 16, 1802.
Andrew J. Jones and Maria S. Rider, Feb. __ [int. "Certif. issued Feb. 14."], 1838.
Annie M. Jones [int. Anna M. Jones] and J. W. Nash [int. John W. Nash], Nov. 16, 1882. [Anna M. and John W. Nash, CR3.]
Caro Jones and Nathaniel W. Delano, barber, of Searsport, int. Nov. 29, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 11."
Clifford B. Jones of Lynn, Mass., and Mira C. Duncan of Northport, Dec. 23, 1885.
Deborah H. Jones of Brooks and Benjamin Rowe of Brooks, Oct. 21, 1838.
Dorithy G. Jones and Daniel Ring, int. Apr. 20, 1844, "Cert. issued May 18."
Edwin A. Jones and Ora L. Achorn of Camden, Dec. 23, 1891, in Camden.
Elisa Jones [int. Eliza W. Jones] and [int. Capt.] Charles Gordon, Oct. 9, 1841. [Eliza and Charles Gordon, CO.R.]
Ellen F. Jones [int. S.], 19, dau. Solomon V., ship carpenter (b. Brooksville) and Hannah (b. Brooksville), and Albert Hall, 21, merchant, son Josiah, merchant, and Louisa (b. Monroe), July 29, 1865. [Ellen F., Co.R.]
Ellen N. Jones and Robert P. Porter, int. May 31, 1840. [Robert P. Pote, m. June 16, Co.R.]
Emma Jones of New Castle, Lincoln Co., and Dr. Thaddeus Hubberd, int. Sept. 16, 1803.
Etta H. Jones and Isaac Dunbar, Nov. 26, 1874.
Fannie E. Jones and Edwin Frost [int. carriage smith], Dec. 29, 1872.
Frances L. Jones of Camden and Charles B. Hazeltine, July 12, 1854, in Camden, PR26.
George Jones and Minnie E. Walker, Dec. 31, 1884.
George Jones and Carrie M. Beckwith, Nov. 26, 1890.
Hannah J. Jones and Jacob Y. Cottrill Jr., int. Oct. 4, 1851. [Jacob G. Cotrerell Jr., m. Oct. 14, Co.R.]
Hannah P. Jones, wid., and Verrill Jones, 17, ship carpenter, int. Apr. 2, 1874, "Cert. issued."
Harriet E. Jones and Rodney A. Hamilton [int. Q.], May 23, 1850.
Harriet M. Jones of Unity and John F. McCrillis, Sept. 28, 1856, in Unity, Co.R. [John T., son James and Jane (Durham), Sept. 26, in Belfast, PR138.]
Harriot Jones of Tamworth, N. H., and James Smith, int. Dec. 28, 1816, "Cert. granted Jan. 30, 1817."
Henry L. Jones and Annie R. Stickney [int. Ann R. Stickney], Oct. 31, 1859. [Ann R., CR1. Annie R., Co.R.]
Hiram Jones of Searsport and Mrs. Elizabeth Knight of Searsport, Jan. 23, 1867. [Feb. 23, CR3. Jan. 23, Co.R.]
Ida M. Jones and Rufus J. Condon, int. May 26, 1884. [m. May 31, CR3.]
John Jones of Searsmont and Catherine Newbit, Oct. 8, 1820.
John Jones and Hannah Ryan, int. Apr. 13, 1824, "Cert. Apr 27."
John C. Jones and Eliza A. Robinson of Litchfield, int. Sept. 13, 1840, "Cert. issued Sept. 28."
John M. Jones, Capt., [int. John W., omits Capt.], and Lilly S. Stewart [int. Lily], Feb. 12, 1885. [Capt. John W. and Lily S. Stewart, CR3. John W. and Lily Sarah Stewart, dau. John Nelson and Sarah Ellen (Whitmore), PR59.]
Lorenzo Jones of Brooks and Amanda Stinson of Prospect, June 28, 1868. [Stenson of Prospect, Co.R.]
Lydia A. Jones of Lincolnville and Frederic P. Moody of Lincolnville, May 3, 1867.
Mary C. Jones of Brooks and Albert E. Cunningham, June 5, 1858.
Mary R. Jones and Annas Banks, int. May 23, 1860, "Cert. issued May 27."
Pliny M. Jones of Bloomington, Ill., and Fannie L. Levenseller, Aug. 23, 1875. [Levanseller, CR1.]
Sidney A. Jones of Camden and Ellen F. Furber [int. Nellis, omits F.], Nov. 11, 1862. [Ellen F., CR1. Co.R.]
Susan F. Jones and Henry Wheldon of Frankfort, int. Feb. 10, 1849, "Cert. issued Feb. 23."
Susan F. Jones of Camden and Remijio Casanova of Panama, Oct. 10, 1870. [Jose Remijio Casanova, CR1.]
Thomas Jones and Mrs. Nancy Ames, int. Oct. 11, 1828, "Cert. issued Oct. 26."
Verrill Jones, 17, ship carpenter, and Hannah P. Jones, wid., int. Apr. 2, 1874, "Cert. issued."
Verrill Jones Jr. and Fannie M. Casey, Mar. 17, 1886.
Virginia H. Jones (second w.) and Benjamin H. Banks, son Benjamin and Martha (Cross), Sept. 23, 1869, PR150.
Wilfred Elmer Jones and Hattie Leonese Gilmore, Mar. 22, 1890.
William A. Jones of Brooks and Mary E. Damon of Brooks, Sept. 25, 1869.
William H. Jones and Mrs. Charlotte B. Eastman, May 16, 1844.
JORDAN (also see Jorden, Jordon) -
Elizabeth Jordan [int. Jorden of Washington Plantation] and Benjamin Ward Jr. [int. of Goospond], Apr. 17, 1809. [Jordan and Benjamin Ward Jr., CR2.]
Frank W. Jordan and Emily A. Creamer of Waldoboro, int. Apr. 22, 1884, "Cert. issued April 29."
Lizzie P. Jordan of Stockton and True S. Heagan of Prospect, Sept. 1, 1883.
Lottie A. Jordan and John M. Crosby, Aug. 14, 1890, in Northport.
Mary I. Jordan of Holbrook, Mass., and George E. Michaels, int. Feb. 25, 1888, "Cert. issued Mar. 1."
S. F. Jordan of Belmont and Helen A. Fletcher of Belmont, Feb. 4, 1863. [S. L. of Belmont, Co.R.]
S. S. and S. L. Milliken, int. July 15, 1854.
JORDEN (also see Jordan, Jordon) -
Hannah Jorden of Prospect and Samuel Cunningham of Prospect, Jan. 13, 1810.
Thomas Jorden of Prospect and Betsy Peirce of Prospect, Aug. 29, 1811.
JORDON (also see Jordan, Jorden) -
Abram Jordon and Statira P. Coombs, int. July 6, 1845. [Jordan and Statire P. Coombs, dau. Robert and Jane P. (Gilkey), m. July 22, PR98.]
Louisa Jordon and Francis Seveno, int. Dec. 30, 1843, "Cert. issued Jan. 13, 1844."
Sally Jordon [int. Sally Jorden of Washington Plantation] and John Ward [int. of Toddy Pond], Mar. 31, 1810. [Jordan and John Ward, CR2.]
Benjamin Joy and Fannie Ranso[blot], int. Jan. 24, 1808.
Fanny Joy, Mrs., and Peter Winslow, int. Nov. 4, 1837. [m. Nov. 23, Co.R.]
Fanny Joy and Isaac Townsend of Union, Jan. 1, 1846.
Alphonse Juley and Jane Pooler, int. Nov. 25, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec. 19."
JYPSON (also see Gipson, Jepson, Jipson) -
Abner Jypson and Nancy Sylvester, Nov. 29, 1849.
KALER (also see Kaller) -
Annie Kaler and Samuel Adams, Oct. 10, 1887.
Caro A. Kaler and Emery Boardman, June 13, 1878.
Henry E. Kaler and Carrie L. Osborn [int. Orsborn], Mar. 22, 1881. [Osborn CR1.]
Joseph Kaler and Mary Hofses, Dec. 31, 1807 [? in Waldoboro], PR127.
Joseph H. Kaler Esq. and Emily P. Brooks of Orrington, int. Nov. 21, 1854. [Joseph H., son Joseph and Mary, m. Nov. 23, PR128.]
Sarah M. Kaler and Charles Sides, Feb. 1, 1842. [Sarah Matilda (second w.), dau. Joseph and Mary, PR128.]
Susan Kaler, dau. Joseph and mary, and Isaac Sides, _____, PR128.
William H. Kaler [int. of Frankfort] and Mary Ann Lane, Oct. 1, 1848. [both of Belfast, Co.R.]
KALLER (also see Kaler) -
Hattie Kaller and Hiram O. Pillsbury, Apr. 26, 1871.
KALLOCK (also see Kellock) -
Horace Kallock [int. Horace Kellock] and Mrs. Phebe I. Swallow [int. I.] May 24, 1844. [Kalloch and Phebe I. Swallow, Co.R.]
Immogene Kallock and Albert Conant, son Isaac and Nancy (Wentworth), Jan. _, 1848, PR68. [Kellock, PR69.]
KANE (also see Cain) -
Arthur Kane and Rosa Higgins, Apr. 10, 1875.
Margaret Kane and James Canning, seaman, int. Dec. 5, 1868, "cert. issued Dec. 10."
Rosa Kane, Mrs., and Willard L. Studley, int. May 19, 1879, "Cert. issued May 23."
KATEN (see Caten, Keaten, Keating)
Chesford Kavanah of Union and Lilla Reynolds of Waldo, Nov. 26, 1885.
Elizabeth M. Kay and John W. Shepherd [int. Shepard], Dec. 10, 1826.
Frances Kay and Nathaniel Marston of Knox, Nov. 21, 1826.
Patrick Kearney and Sarah Merriam, int. Apr. 2, 1831, "Cert. issued Apr. 21."
Patrick Kearney and Catharine W. Dillingham, int. Jan. 4, 1855.
KEATEN (also see Caton, Keating) -
Michael Keaten [int. Michael Katen] and Rebecca Eldridge, June 26, 1838.
KEATING (also see Caton, Keaten) -
Austin W. Keating and Adelaide E. Gilmore, Nov. 19, 1891.
George I. Keating and Edith B. Knowlton, June 11, 1891.
Martha L. Keating of Hope and Michael Moore, int. Aug. 1, 1830, "Cert. issued Aug. 15."
Mary A. Keatin and A. A. Moore [int. Addison A. Moore], Dec. 20, 1854. [Addison A., CR1. Co.R.]
Michael H. Keating of Searsmont and Martha E. Cox, int. Apr. 30, 1864, "Cert. issued May 14."
Thomas Keating and Mrs. Anna Harvest [int. Harvist], Aug .28, 1837.
William Keating 2d of Searsmont and Mary J. Wormell of Searsmont, Sept. 24, 1861.
KEEN (also see Keene) -
Abbie H. Keen of Stockton and Fred Eames of Stockton, Nov. 3, 1877.
Charles H. Keen and Eliza Sanborn of Waldo, int. Apr. 1, 1848, "Cert. issued Apr. 17."
Mary A. Keen and I. E. Jackson [int. J. E. Jackson], Apr. 27, 1875.
Willie K. Keen and Bertha C. Pillsbury, Nov. 25, 1879.
KEENE (also see Keen) -
Charles M. Keene [int. Keen] and Mrs. Esther Ann Burgiss, Mar. 6, 1856 [int. Mar. 7, sic]. [McKeen, m. Mar. 6, Co.R.]
William S. Keene [int. Keen] and Celia Harris, May 13, 1878, in Searsport.
Edwin Keith (see Eugene).
Eliza J. Keith and Lewis A. Brown, int. July 31, 1880, "Cert. issued Aug. 7."
Eliza Jane Keith of Brooks and John Maddocks 2d, int. Sept. 11, 1848. [John, son Samuel and Eliza (Weed), m. Sept. 25, PR164.]
Eugene Keith [int. Edwin Keith, 22, laborer] and Nellie Ordway [int. 21], Jan. 3, 1874.
Lottie E. Keith of Waldo and Charles F. Beckwith, Apr. 10, 1877.
Lucy Etta Keith, 17, of Brooks, and Charles H. Reeves, 25, salesman, int. Aug. 17, 1869, "Cert. issued Aug. 26."
Samuel S. Keith and Thankfull Ellis of Prospect, int. July 20, 1821, "Cert. issued."
Eliza Ann Kellam and Capt. Nathaniel Woodman, Nov. 18, 1832.
Jane Kellam and John H. Lane, Oct. 29, 1829.
KELLAR (also see Kelleer, Keller) -
James Kellar and Esther Mosher [int. Moshier], June 9, 1863. [Mosher, Co.R.]
James A. Kellar and Susan L. Staples, int. Mar. 10, 1857. [Keller, m. Mar. 11, in Frankfort, Co.R.]
Leslie Kellar and Maggie Desmond, int. Oct. 23, 1880, "Cert. issued Oct. 28."
Maggie A. Kellar and H. A. Dyer [int. seaman], Dec. 17, 1868.
Thomas Kellar and Joanna Greeley, int. Mar. 10, 1839. [Joann, m. Mar. 27, Co.R.]
William F. Kellar, 21, seaman, and Georgie A. Knowlton, 19, int. May 14, 1872, "Cert. issued June 17."
KELLEER (also see Kellar, Keller) -
Pamelia Kelleer of Montville and Nathan Wight, int. Sept. 20, 1828, "Cert. issued Oct. 4."
KELLER (also see Kellar, Kellear) -
Isadora B. Keller of Waldo and Nathaniel Cross of Waldo, Feb. 15, 1885.
James A. Keller and Lucy E. Knowlton, int. July 5, 1883.
John Keller of Waldo and Sarah Robbins, int. Jan. 17, 1847, "Cert. issued Feb. 8."
Lauriette Keller [int. Laurietta Kellar, 20] and Eugene M. Ryder [int. 25, seaman], Aug. 14, 1873.
KELLEY (also see Kelly) -
Anne Kelley [int. Anne Kelly] and Hon. Josiah Staples of Swanville, Sept. 30, 1855. [Ann Kelley, Co.R.]
Annie F. Kelley and William H. McIntosh, May 31, 1884.
Benjamin Kelley and Persina Rankin of Rockland, int. Feb. 2, 1858, "Cert. issued Feb. 16."
Benjamin Kelley Jr. and Mary E. Rankin of Richmond, Va., int. Sept. 19, 1863, "Cert. issued Sept. 23."
KELLOCK (also see Kallock) -
Ella A. Kellock [int. 20] and John A. Whitney [int. 21, clerk] of Stockton, June 9, 1867.
Susan L. Kellock of Knox and George A. Miller, int. May 10, 1840. [George Anson Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), m. May 24, in Knox, PR21. PR59.]
KELLY (also see Kelley) -
Benjamin Kelly Jr. and Laura A. Rankin of Winterport, int. Sept. 15, 1860. [m. Oct. 23, PR145.]
Charlotte Kelly [int. Kelley] and Walter B. Rankin of Winterport, Oct. 14, 1862. [Kelley, Co.R. Lottie C. Kelly, PR145.]
Elizabeth M. Kelly [int. Kelley] and Richard E. Berry [int. Barry] of Cambridgeport, Mass., Jan. 15, 1886. [Kelly and Richard E. Barry of Cambridgeport, Mass., CR3.]
Mary Kelly, Mrs., and Joseph Pottle of Montville, int. Mar. 11, 1860, "Cert. issued Mar. 17."
KELSEY (also see Kelso) -
Mary M. Kelsey and Abiel Ordway [int. Abial Ordway], Nov. 19, 1826.
KELSO (also see Kelsey) -
Charles Kelso of Great Meadows "so Calld" and Sally Staples of Prospect, Mar. 16, 1801.