Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

EAMES (also see Ames)-
Albert M. Eames of Stockton Springs and Amanda K. Matthews of Searsport, Aug. 7, 1889.
Annie B. Eames and Charles M. Ellis of Plymouth, Mass., Dec. 11, 1884.
Clara A. Eames of Stockton and Josiah P. Frenald of Cuba, July 23, 1870.
Frank P. Eames and Abby P. Howes [int. Abby P. Howe], July 11, 1849. [Howes, CR1.]
Fred Eames of Stockton and Abbie H. Keen of Stockton, Nov. 3, 1877.
Harriet N. Eames and Henry T. Wiswall of Marlboro, N. H., Nov. 11, 1861. [Wiswell of Marlboro, N. H., Co.R.]
Hepsibeth Eames of Bangor and Henry Carleton of Bangor, Feb. 15, 1837.
Martha Jane Eames of Jackson and Luther Gannet Jr., int. Apr. 14, 1839. [Gannett, m. May 2, Co.R.]
Nellie J. Eames and George A. Leavitt of Clinton, Dec. 25, 1882.
Anna P. Eastman and Stephen Thurston [int. Jr.], July 13, 1858. [Stephen CR1. Stephen, July 30, Co.R.]
Annie M. Eastman, Mrs. [int. wid.], and Thomas Taylor [int. widr., carpenter], June 16, 1871.
Charlotte B. Eastman, Mrs., and William H. Jones, May 16, 1844.
Clinton S. Eastman of Westbrook and Katherine E. Shute, Sept. 15, 1891.
Cora E. Eastman and Ira A. Cammett of Belmont, int. Dec. 8, 1884.
Emma Eastman of Milford and Charles B. Dickerson, int. Dec. 8, 1884.
Hiram G. B. Eastman and Lizzie McGee, Nov. 28, 1883.
Laura C. Eastman and Moses Thurston, May 28, 1863.
Mercy G. Eastman and Noah F. Norton, Nov. 8, 1853.
Philip Eastman, Capt., and Charlotte Campbell, Jan. 14, 1837.
Phillip T. Eastman and Anna M. Carter of Hampden, int. June 15, 1860, "Cert. issued June 19."
Sumner P. Eastman [int. 22, joiner], and Lizzie J. Stover [int. 20], July 3, 1873.
Ulysses G. Eastman and Hattie A. Elms, Jan. 7, 1890.
EASTON (see Eastman)EATON-
Aaron Eaton and Mrs. Alice Bowin, int. Sept. 20, 1846, "Cert. issued Oct. 4."
Benjamin J. Eaton and Sarah A. Patterson [int. F.], Dec. 24, 1863. [Sarah A., CR3. Co.R.]
Eliza A. Eaton and Benjamin R. Dyer of Brooksville, June 29, 1862.
Emeline Eaton of Waldo and Joseph H. Eaton, Sept. 2, 1865.
Etta Eaton of Deer Isle and Albert Robbins, Mar. 6, 1884.
Frances M. Eaton of Bangor and George L. Durham of Bangor, Mar. 10, 1863.
George W. Eaton of Waldo and Eliza I. Hall of Nobleboro, Sept. 2, 1865.
Harriet E. Eaton and James S. Burgin, int. Apr. 13, 1852, "Cert. issued Apr. 24."
Hezekiah Eaton and Statira Dutch, int. Feb. 10, 1838. [m. Mar. 11, Co.R.]
John Eaton of Green and Eliza Swain of Green, int. Mar. 28, 1810.
John Eaton of Waldo and Eveline Brier, Sept. 4, 1859.
Jospeh H. Eaton and Emeline Eaton of Waldo, Sept. 2, 1865.
Judith Eaton of Prospect and James Houston, int. Apr. 21, 1821, "Cert. issued June 25."
Lavinia Eaton (see Lovinia).
Louisa W. Eaton and Charles Pendleton, Sept. 26, 1833, PR67.
Lovinia Eaton of Deer Isle and Samuel Saunders Jr. of Deer Isle, Aug. 1, 1853.
Mary Eaton and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Samuel Whitney of Northport, Sept. 24, 1832.
Moses M. Eaton of Plymouth and Mehitable Pearsons, int. Jan. 8, 1831, "Cert. issued Jan. 24."
Oliver E. Eaton and Helen E. Nash [int. G.], Nov. 16, 1882. [Helen E., CR3.]
Rebecca Eaton and David Sands [int. of Sebec], Nov. 12, 1829.
Sarah A., Mrs., and Aubrey G. Spenser [int. Aubrey G. Spencer], Dec. 2, 1876.
EAYRS (also see Ayer)-
Joseph Eayrs and Kezia McKeen, Jan. 5, 1791.
Abigel Edds [int. Abigal Edds] and Eliphelet French, ____ [rec. between July 14 and Sept. 26], 1802.
Caroline W. Edgecomb [int. wid.] and Isaac T. Bowen [int. widr., truckman], Sept. 21, 1870. [Caroline W. and Isaac T. Bowen, CR1.]
Herbert W. Edgecomb and Rebecca N. Baker of Lynn, Mass., int. Oct. 16, 1888.
Percy S. Edgecomb and Sadie A. Scott of Richmond, int. Apr. 29, 1882. "Cert. issued May 3."
Sylvanus T. Edgecomb of Belmont and Sarah E. Paul, int. Mar. 10, 1853.
EDMONDS (also see Edmunds)-
Charles C. Edmonds and Marianna Newell of Winslow, Jan. 31, 1840.
Edward Edmonds [int. Edward Edmunds] and Harriet Ordway, Aug. 3, 1828.
EDMUNDS (also see Edmonds)-
Alven Edmunds and Betsey Durham [int. Elizabeth Durham], Nov. 6, 1806. [Alvan and Elizabeth Durham, CR2.]
Eunice E. Edmunds and Norman E. Roberts of Guilford, int. Sept. 19, 1835. [m. Oct. 2, Co.R.]
Abigail Edwards of Jackson Plantation and Nathaniel Knight of Jackson Plantation, int. Apr. 6, 1812.
Elizlabeth Edwards and Capt. George Knights of Northport, int. Mar. 10, 1836, "Cert. issued Apr. 4."
Esther Edwards and William H. Goddard, Feb. 3, 1828.
Harriet S. Edwards and Andrew L. Allen of Ellsworth, June 28, 1848.
Henry W. Edwards of Brooks and Abba E. Choate of Brooks, Dec. 17, 1856.
Horace Edwards of Brooks and Isabella J. Rich of Jackson, Oct. 11, 1871.
John Edwards of Palermo and Sabrina Basford, Apr. 1, 1819.
Mary Jane Edwards and John Bogan, May 3, 1852.
Roscoe G. Edwards of Brooks and Sarah A. Rose of Brooks, Mar. 20, 1871.
Samuel Edwards and Ruth Stevens of Montville, int. Sept. 19, 1835, "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
EELLS (also see Ellis)-
Abbie E. Eells and Sampson A. Reed of Minneapolis, Minn., int. Oct. 26, 1877, "Cert. issued Nov. 2."
Benjamin Eells and Jane Wilson, Sept. 17, 1810. [Ells, CR2.]
Hannah Eells and Capt. Oliver Copeland of Warren, int. June 18, 1829. [m. July 15, Co.R.]
Harriet A. Eells and Cornelius Hinds, int. May 4, 1845, "Cert. issued May 18."
Mary T. Eells [int. Mary Terry Eells] and Eld. Daniel Bartlett of Sangerville, Mar. 6, 1825.
Priscilla P. Eells and Henry Brown of Northport, int. Apr. 28, 1815, "Cert. issued May 13."
Robert L. Eells and Eunice Hatch, int. Mar. 8, 1818, "Cert. granted Mar. 22."
Ruth Eells and Capt. Benjamin Young Jr., Feb. 3, 1828.
Sarah B. Eells and Moses W. Rich, June 5, 1859.
Sarah M. Eells [int. Mariah] and George Woods, Dec. 2, 1838.
Seth W. Eells Esq. and Patience Merriam, Oct. 20, 1828.
EFERSON (see Everson).
Jane S. Elder, 22, of Gorham, and Charles W. Mace, 25, paper maker, int. Nov. 13, 1865, "Cert. issued Dec. 12."
Thankful Elder (see Thankful Eldrege).
ELDREGE (also see Eldridge)-
Thankful Eldrege [int. Elder] of Goosepond Settlement and Joshua Nickerson of Goosepond Settlement, Nov. 26, 1807.
ELDRIDGE (also see Eldrege)-
Eliza Eldridge and Benjamin Hall, May 13, 1821.
Emma W. Eldridge and Elbridge J. Rollerson, July 4, 1891.
Frank M. Eldridge (see Frank M. Etheridge).
Isaac Eldridge of Bucksport and Clairssa Warren, Sept. 19, 1827.
Mary Eldridge and Capt. Charles Thomas, int. Sept. 30, 1837. [m. Nov. 9, Co.R.]
Rebecca Eldridge and Michael Keaton [int. Katen], June 26, 1838.
Richard G. Eldridge and Mrs. Abigail Quimby, int. June 8, 1845, "Cert. issued June 22."
Salome Eldridge and Oliver Richards, int. Oct. 31, 1835, "Cert. issued Nov. 21."
ELIOT (see Elliot, Elliott).
ELLENWOOD (also see Allenwood, Ellingwood, Ellinwood)-
Joseph Ellenwood of Lincoln Plantation, Hancock Co., and Sally Hartshorn of Lincoln Plantation, int. Aug. 18, 1815, "Cert. granted Sept.[worn]."
ELLINGWOOD (also see Allenwood, Ellenwood, Ellinwood)-
A. C. Ellingwood, [int. Arthur C.] and Fostina R. Clements of Waldo, Jan. 23, 1875.
Joseph Ellingwood of Swanville and Bianca Hartford of Swanville, Feb. 19, 1846.
Sarah Ellingwood, b. Winterport, and Miles S. Staples, b. Swanville, Apr. _, 1848, PR33.
William Ellingwood, Col., of Frankfort and Sophia Ann Bradman, int. Oct. 7, 1839, "Cert. issued Oct. 22."
ELLINWOOD (also see Allenwood, Ellenwood, Ellingwood)-
Abigail Ellinwood [int. Ellenwood] and Solomon Cuningham, Nov. 4, 1810.
Benjamin Ellinwood and Nancy Ayer, Dec. 26, 1805.
ELIOT (also see Elliott)-
David Eliot and Mary Ryan, int. Dec. 27, 1823, "Cert. Jan. 27, 1824."
Hattie A. Eliot [int. Elliott] of Hartland and Charles Thurston, Dec. 14, 1849. [Elliott of Hartland, CR1, Co.R.]
Isaac S. Eliot and Nancy S. Arey, int. July 30, 1852, "Cert. issued July 30."
Jane Eliot and William Lynch, int. Aug. 10, 1823.
Seth Eliot and Betsey Furber [int. Betsy], Dec. _, 1805.
ELLIOTT (also see Elliot)-
William D. Elliott [int. 38, clerk] and Sarah A. Whitney [int. 27] of Merinichi, N. B., June 20 [dup. June 26], 1873.
ELLIS (also see Eells)-
Albert T. Ellis and Mary Cross, Sept. 3, 1843.
Alfred G. Ellis and Annie M. Wilson, Jan. 31, 1875.
Alfreda Ellis of Brooks and Otis B. Woods, June 17, 1857, in Unity. [Wood [dup. Woods], Co.R.]
Almeder Ellis and Walter W. Flye of Unity, int. Mar. 31, 1860, "Cert. issued Apr. 5."
Andrew L. Ellis of Swanville and Maine H. Gillum of Swanville, Sept. 15, 1889.
Charity Ellis and William R. Lowney [int. Loney], Dec. 10, 1806. [Charity Alis and William R. Lony, Dec. 16, CR2.]
Charles A. Ellis and Fannie A. Dunton, Apr. 7, 1871.
Charles M. Ellis of Plymouth, Mass., and Annie B. Eames, Dec. 11, 1884.
Charlotte (see Lottie).
Clarissa and John F. Brown of Prospect, int. Mar. 17, 1834, "Cert. issued Apr. 14."
Edward F. Ellis and Amy C. Applin of Swanville, Oct. 28, 1890, in Swanville.
Edwin Ellis and Mary Elizabeth Henderson, int. July 21, 1839. [m. Aug. 23, Co.R.]
Eliakim H. Ellis of Waldo and Sarah A. Walker, int. May 17, 1842, Cert. issued June 11."
Eliakim H. Ellis and Mrs. Eliza Chase of Searsport, int. July 24, 1875, "Cert. issued July 28."
Emily Ellis of Brooks and David Peirce Jr., Nov. 19, 1848.
Emily R. Ellis of Waldo and Alfred A. Carey of Medway, Mass., Nov. 28, 1853.
Enoch S. Ellis, farmer, and Faustina L. Berry, int. Aug. 25, 1870, "Cert. issued Aug. 31."
Flora A. Ellis and George A. Collins of Morrill, Jan. 5, 1878.
George W. Ellis, Dr. [int. omits Dr.], and Abby A. Wetherbee [int. Weatherbee], Dec. 7, 1848.
Gilbert R. Ellis and Ida M. Rowe of Morrill, Feb. 14, 1882.
H. W. Ellis [int. widr., 55, carpenter] and Eliza Dunton [int. wid., 48], Mar. 12, 1874.
Hannah J. Ellis and Albert A. Luce of Monmouth, int. Aug. 9, 1861, "Cert. issued Aug. 13."
Hannah J. Ellis and Albert A. Luce of Burnham, int. Apr. 4, 1863. [Hannah G. Luce, m. May 1, in Frankfort, Co.R.]
Harlen B. Ellis and Lottie B. Pitcher of Bethel, int. Apr. 2, 1885, "Cert. issued Apr. 7."
Hattie E. Ellis of Stockton and William B. Ward of Prospect, Sept. 8, 1881.
Janet A. Ellis and Edward W. Bradford of Plymouth, Mass., Sept. 21, 1875.
Joseph Ellis [int. Jr.] of Brooks and Abba S. Bicknell, Nov. 19, 1857. [Joseph of Brooks, Co.R.]
Julia A. Ellis and Richard Marden of Swanville, int. Sept. 29, 1854.
Keziah Ellis of Jackson Plantation and Thomas Chase of Jackson Plantation, Apr. 13, 1813.
Laura A. Ellis and Richard Higgins, lumberman, of Bangor, int. Jan. 2, 1869. [Cert. forbidden by his lawful wife," written in pencil.]
Lavinia C. Ellis of Waldo Plantation and Oliver Chase of Monroe, May 29, 1844.
Lizzie M. Ellis of Brooks and Eugene A. Boulter of Unity, Sept. 18, 1865.
Lorenzo M. Ellis, 35, miner, of Waldo, son Manoah, farmer (b. Prospect) and Sarah (b. Prospect), and Abby S. Webster, 18, of Waldo, dau. Stillman, farmer (b. Castine) and Esther, May 18, 1865.
Lottie Ellis, Mrs., and Oliver P. Chase, int. Jan. 17, 1883, "Cert. issued Jan. 29."
Lucy A. Ellis and Edward W. Baker [int. painter], Mar. 26, 1868.
Lucy F. Ellis of Waterville and J. Woodbury Burgess [int. Woodbury J. Burgess], Dec. 25, 1880.
Mary A. Ellis [int. 23, of Brooks] and Forest Grant [int. 24, farmer], Dec. 9, 1866. [Mary A. of Brooks, Dec. 19, CR3. Mary A. of Brooks, Dec. 9, Co.R.]
Mary Ann Ellis of Brooks and Willard P. Harriman Esq., int. Oct. 13, 1839. [m. Oct. 31, Co.R. Willard Pope Harriman, m. Oct. 31, PR112.]
Mary E. Ellis [int. wid.] and William P. Burrill [int. wdr. trunk maker], Sept. 12, 1870. [Mary E. and William P. Burrill, CR1.]
Miranda M. Ellis (see Mirinda M.)
Miriam P. Ellis and Jeremiah Goodwin, Aug. 17, 1823.
Mirinda M. Ellis [int. Merinda M. Ellis] and George C. Lane of Stratham, N. H., Nov. 12, 1883. [Mirinda M., Nov. 12, 1884, CR3.]
Roscoe M. Ellis, 22, farmer, of Swanville, and Sadie E. Crosby, 19, int. Dec. 16, 1873, "Cert. issued Dec. 24."
Sally Ellis of Frankfort and James Curtis, int. Aug. 28, 1804.
Sally B. Ellis and George W. Reed, Dec. 29, 1825.
Samuel G. Ellis of Brooks and Merinda M. Woods, int. July 24, 1843, "Cert. issued Aug. 8."
Samuel G. Ellis of Brooks and Mary J. Woods of Unity, Mar. 30, 1856.
Seth R. Ellis of Swanville and Emily J. Nickerson, int. Aug. 27, 1863, "Cert. issued Aug. 31."
Solomon M. Ellis and Sarah S. Crockett of Brooksville, int. Nov. 25, 1852.
Stanton Ellis of Prospect and Cynthia Staples, int. Jan. 30, 1819, "Cert. issued Feb. 15."
Susan G. Ellis [int. 27] and Charles F. Ginn [int. 27, clerk], Feb. 12, 1874.
Thankful Ellis and Oliver Whitcomb, June 8, 1828.
Thankful Ellis and Charles B. White of Jackson, int. Oct. 20, 1839. [m. Nov. 7, Co.R.]
Thankfull Ellis of Prospect and Samuel S. Keith, int. July 20, 1821.
Thomas R. Ellis and Mrs. Catherine Carney, Jan. 1, 1877.
Willard B. Ellis, farmer, and Anna H. McDonald, int. Apr. 15, 1868. [m. Apr. 30, CR3.]
Winslow Ellis and Sarah E. Cuningham [int. Emeline], Mar. 23, 1837.
Z. L. Ellis of Stockton and Martha D. Wing of Morrill, May 28, 1875.
John Elloner, 37, laborer, and Margaret Sweeney, 20, int. July 5, 1866.
ELLSWORTH (see Elsworth)ELWELL (also see Elwell, Elwill, Erwell)-
Alban F. Elwell of Northport and Fannie T. Stevens of Northport, Sept. 30, 1866.
E. Burk Elwell of Northport and Lulie Hall of Northport, Aug. 23, 1884. [E. Burke Elwell of Northport and Lulie Hall of Norfolk, Conn., CR3.]
ELMES (also see Elms)-
Julia E. Elmes of Belmont and Thomas McKenney of Lincolnville, Aug. 30, 1868.
ELMS (also see Elmes)-
Flora M. Elms and Henry S. Bassick of S. Thomaston, Dec. 8, 1881.
Hattie A. Elms and Ulysses G. Eastman, Jan. 7, 1890.
James H. Elms and Mrs. Ada A. Pillsbury, Mar. 23, 1881.
Joseph E. Elms of Belmont and Emma D. Kemp of Shamokin, Pa., Dec. 29, 1874.
Nellie E. Elms of Belmont and Herbert G. Morse of Belmont, Dec. 25, 1884.
Wales Ellis of Lincolnville and Hannah V. Tower of Lincolnville, Mar. 5, 1888.
George L. Elsworth of Portland and Frances E. Staples, int. Jan. 3, 1853.
ELWELL (also see Ellwell, Elvill, Erwell)-
Adelaid B. Elwell of Northport and Franklin R. Prescott of Northport, July 30, 1862. [July 29, CR3. July 30, Co.R.]
Benjamin T. Elwell and [int. Mrs.] Betsey Morse, Sept. 26, 1842. [Betsey, Co.R.]
Benjamin T. Elwell and Martha Wilson of Belmont, int. Mar. 26, 1849, "Cert. issued April 9."
Betsey Elwell [int. Betsy Elwell], Mrs., and Ezra Hall, Nov. 24, 1851.
Charles T. Elwell of Northport and Venie M. Drinkwater of Northport, Sept. 26, 1876.
Charlotte Elwell [int. of Northport] and William Allen Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Aug. 27, 1809. [Charlotte and William Allen Jr., CR2.]
David A. Elwell of Marysville, Cal., and Sarah Elizabeth Pierce [int. Peirce], Sept. 14, 1859. [Pierce, CR1. Co.R. David Augustus Elwel of Marysville, Cal., and Sarah Elizabeth Peirce, dau. John and Sarah Frances (Thorndike), PR112.]
Edna A. Elwell and Rowland H. Carlton of Sedgwick, int. May 16, 1854.
Elizabeth Elwell and Samuel H. Jackson, Feb. 3, 1850.
Emma A. Elwell of Northport and Robert W. Sylvester of Northport, Aug. 23, 1868.
George L. Elwell of Waldo and Lucy E. Bates, Nov. 5, 1887.
Hollis M. Elwell [int. merchant] and Justina H. Burgess, Dec. 30, 1871.
Jacob H. Elwell of Northport and Eva B. Knowlton of Northport, May 26, 1868.
Jane Elwell of Northport and Ephraim Farnham, int. Sept. 19, 1835. [Farnum, m. Oct. 27, Co.R.]
Joshua Elwell, Capt., of Northport and Joanah Bird, int. Dec. 6, 1834, "Cert. issued Dec. 27."
Joshua Elwell of Northport and Lizzie McDonald of St. Johns, N. B., Mar. 10, 1881.
Lucy Elwell [first w.] and Humphrey Lancaster, Apr. 18, 1804, PR108.
Lucy Elwell of Northport and Samuel Bird [int. adds S.], July 21, 1816, in Hancock Co., Mass.
Mark B. Elwell of Northport and Georgie I. Gilchrist, Nov. 25, 1875.
Mina Elwell of Three Mile Square Plantation and Dennison W. Ryan of Three Mile Square Plantation, Aug. 3, 1820.
Zeffie L. Elwell of Waldo and George W. Miller of Brooks, Oct. 10, 1891.
ELWILL (also see Ellwell, Elwell, Erwell)-
Phebe Ann Elwill and Aaron Sigins of Swansville, int. Aug. 16, 1846, "Cert. issued Sept. 19."
EMELTON (also see Emerton)-
Sarah Emelton and Western Titus, int. July 31, 1832. [Emerton, m. Aug. 19, Co.R.]
Calvin Emerson and Sarah Woods, Jan. 28, 1838.
Emma E. Emerson and James R. Orne of Vinalhaven, Apr. 26, 1855.
Gillet Emerson of Prospect and Jane Clements of Prospect, Dec. 24, 1829.
Henry O. Emerson and Sylvina Sanborn of Appleton, int. July 8, 1876, "Cert. issued July 13."
Josiah H. Emerson and Mrs. Phelena L. Cunningham [int. Mrs. Philena L. Cuningham], Aug. 29, 1844. [Philena L. Cunningham, Co.R.]
Mary Jane Emerson and Albert G. Brooks, int. Dec. 15, 1849, "Cert. issued Dec. 29."
Minie Emerson [int. Minnie Emerson, 20] and Mellen T. Holbrook [int. 22, boot maker] of Milford, Mass., July 14, 1866. [Minnie, CR3. Minnie and Melen T. Holbrook of Milford, Mass., Co.R.]
Sarah Emerson [int. wid.], 44, second m., dau. Moses Woods, merchant (b. Unity) and Betsey (b. Unity), and Jewett Farwell [int. widr.], 56, second m., farmer, of Unity, son Henry, farmer (b. Arrowsec Is.), and Margaret (b. N. H.), July 31, 1865.
Sarah E. Emerson [int. wid. 46] and Hon. Sherburne Sleeper [int. widr., 62, merchant], Jan. 22, 1874. [Sherburne and Sarah E. Emerson, CR1.]
EMERTON (also se Emelton)-
Augusta J. Emerton of Bucksport and William F. Triggs, int. Dec. 20, 1875. [William Franklin Triggs, m. Dec. 30, in Bucksport, PR50.]
Ann Emery and Capt. Thomas Cotterell of Northport, int. Nov. 3, 1839, "Cert. issued Nov. 20."
Betsy C. Emery and Joseph B. Frye, int. June 21, 1840. [Betsey C., m. July 14, Co.R.]
Deborah Emery, Mrs., and John Lynch, May 27, 1830.
Dennis Emery and Jane Turnbull, Dec. 8, 1817.
Esther Emery and Calvin Burding, int. Dec. 5, 1822, "Cert. granted Dec. 31."
F. J. Emery and A. K. P. Torrey of Bangor, int. Sept. 24, 1847, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
George Emery and Susan D. Graves of Thomaston, int. Nov. 19, 1842, "Cert. issued Dec. 3."
Helen C. Emery and E. Lincoln Buzzell, Nov. 1, 1862, in Rockport.
James Emery and M. G. Hervey of Bucksport, int. Jan. 20, 1844, "Cert. issued Mar. 28."
John H. Emery and Maria N. Bassett [int. Basset], Jan. 28, 1863. [John E. and Maria N. Bassett, in Bucksport Centre, Co.R.]
Kezia Emery and [int. Capt.] Isaac M. Boardman, July 9, 1848. [Isaac M. Co.R.]
L. J. Emery and [int. Capt.] William O. Alden, Jan. 31, 1864. [William O., CR1. Co.R.]
Lucy Emery and William H. Raymond, int. Aug. 6, 1842, "Cert. issued Sept. 3."
Lydia E. Emery of Monroe and Frank S. Hanson, int. June 1, 1858, [m. June 6, in Monroe, Co.R.]
Mary A. Emery [int. Abigail Emery] and Richard S. Goodwin of Newbury, Mass., May 30, 1850.
Nancy Emery and Josiah Flagg of Northport, Nov. 8, 1835.
Robert Emery, Capt., and Patty Hopkins, Mar. 12, 1820.
Robert T. Emery [int. widr., 42, seaman] and Arixene L. McClintock [int. 26], Oct. 24, 1865. [Robert T., CR1. Robert T. and Arixene L. McLintock, Co.R.]
Robert T. Emery [int. divorced, third m., master mariner] and Eliza R. Ritchie, Nov. 24, 1869.
Thomas B. Emery of Bucksport and Catherine K. Hanson, int. Oct. 22, 1853.
William C. Emery and Mary Caro Crosby, int. June 27, 1854.
Z. Judson Emery of Athens and Lillian R. Stickney of Athens, Aug. 30, 1880.
Coreden J. Emmons and Delia M. Wentworth of Searsmont, Oct. 5, 1874.
John A. Emmons and Lelia C. Smith of Waldo, Apr. 7, 1889, in Waldo.
Luther H. Emmons [int .20, stone cutter] and Abbie E. Churchill [int. 18] of Montville, Jan. 14, 1867.
Rebecca H. Emmons and Charles Walton of Belmont, Apr. 23, 1868, in Belmont, Co.R.
William Engle [int. adds M.] of Holyoke, Mass., and Mrs. Dora C. Dudley, Oct. 27, 1890.
James Enright [int. James Inwright] and Hannah Hopkins, May 21, 1820.
ERSKIN (also see Erskine)-
Robert Erskin of Stockton and Tryphosa E. Shute, int. Dec. 20, 1875, "Cert. issued Dec. 24."
ERSKINE (also see Erskin)-
Flora E. Erskine and Freeman T. Wentworth, Sept. 29, 1878.
Oscar S. Erskine of Swan's Is. and Isbel Brier, Nov. 19, 1888.
Thomas S. Erskine of Morrill and Nora J. Whitcomb, June 21, 1889.
ERWELL (also see Ellwell, Elwell, Elwill)-
biga[worn] [int. Abigail Elwell] of Northport and Thomas Cuningham 2d, Sept. 20, 1807.
Joseph H. Estes and Lucy M. Holmes, Mar. 17, 1864.
Julia A. Estes of Troy and Samuel F. Shaw, int. Aug. 16, 1861, "Cert. issued Aug. 22."
Stephen A. Estes of Lisbon and Emma Stevens, June 17, 1878.
Andrew Etheridge [int. Adrew Ethredge] and ____ [int. Ann B.] Mayo, Mar. 7, 1835.
Frank M. Etheridge and Charlotte F. Redman of Brooksville, Mar. 2, 1860. [Frank M. Eldridge, Co.R.]
EUSTIS (also see Hustice, Hustus)-
James F. Eustis [int. 19, clerk] and Carrie F. Shuman [int. 19, of Waldo], Apr. 27, 1872.
Lovey Eustis, Mrs. [int. Eustes, wid., 54, third m.], and Rufus West [int. widr., 73, farmer] of Franfort, Mar. 30, 173. [Eustes and Rufus West of Frankfort, CR3.]
Solon Eustis and Mrs. Lovey Johnson of Frankfort, ____ [? 1846, int. Jan. 14, 1847, cert. issd. Jan. 28.]
EVANS (also see Evens)-
Andrew B. Evans and Melissa Jane McIntosh, May 21, 1887.
Cynthia M. Evans of Monroe and William F. Shaw, Dec. 8, 1886.
James M. Evans of Dixmont and Ellen M. Clary of Jackson, Oct. 7, 1861.
Lydia Evans of Waldo and Henry Walcutt of Milford, Mass., Aug. 23, 1855. [Walcott of Milford, Mass. Co.R.]
EVENS (also see Evans)-
Mahetble Evens of Prospect and Isaac Bridges of Prospect, Nov. 7, 1811.
Rhodey Evens of Quantabaycook Settlement and John Campbell of Quantabaycook Settlement, int. Aug. 15, 1803.
David Everett of Boston and Alice M. Davis, Aug. 26, 1884.
Frances A. Everett of Montville and Capt. John W. Carlton, int. Dec. 29, 1851, "Cert. issued Jan. 22, 1852."
Robert Everson [int. Eferson] and Sarah Galway, Sept. 5, 1854. [Everson, Co.R.]
Henry Ewell of Camden and Susan C. Thorndike of Rockland, Oct. 6, 1857.
Martha Ewers, Mrs., and Capt. William Lawrence of Carmel, int. May 20, 1820, "Cert. issued June 8."
Catherine Fahy and Patrick Shaughnessey, laborer, of Bangor, int. Feb. 2, 1869, "Cert. issued Feb. 6."
Michael Fahy, widr., laborer, and Katherine Brogan, int. June 18, 1868, "Cert. issued June 22."
FAIRBANK (also see Fairbanks)-
Mamie Fairbank of Monroe and Frank Renney of Monroe, Aug. 25, 1880.
FAIRBANKS (also see Fairbank)-
Frank H. Fairbanks of Boston and Cora E. Redman, Nov. 1, 1882.
George W. Fairfield of Augusta and Lavinia D. Locke of Augusta, Dec. 25, 1859.
Zibiah P. Fales and Josiah Sanborn, Nov. 11, 1831, PR83.
FANWICK (also see Fenwick)-
Mary A. Fanwick of Belmont and Adam P. Nichols of Belmont, Dec. 26, 1854. [Fenwick, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Ephraim Farnham and Jane Elwell of Northport, int. Sept. 19, 1835. [Farnum, m. Oct. 27, Co.R.]
Louisa A. Farnham of Belmnt and Hezekiah Wentworth, int. Sept. 28, 1844, "Cert. issued Oct. 19."
Mary Farnham and Isaac W. Smalley, Oct. 25, 1843, in Boothbay, PR27.
Wilbert W. Farnham of Knox and Nelcenia J. Herrick, Nov. 7, 1889, in Knox.
Belle Farnsworth of Islesboro and Lincoln N. Gilkey of Islesboro, May 3, 1884.
Julia Farnsworth of Long Meadow, Mass., and Lafayette Barstow of Medford, Mass., July 4, 1857.
Cynthia H. Farr, Mrs., of W. Gardiner, and Oliver Stoddard, int. Aug. 3, 1886, "Cert. issued Aug. 10."
Jane Farr of Castine and James Whitten [int. Whatten] of Castine, July 28, 1812.
FARRAR (also see Farrow)-
Charles B. Farrar Jr. and Ida L. Cunningham, Aug. 21, 1886.
Hannah H. Farrar of Washington and Charles A. Dolliver, widr., painter, int. Aug. 26, 1869, "Cert. issued Sept. 1."
Mary W. Farrar, dau. John and Hannah, and William Russ, ____ 27, 1832, PR44.
J. S. Farrell [int. 24, millman] and Mrs. Lucy E. Reeves [int. wid., 20], Oct. 12, 1873.
Susan Farrell of Waldo and John Sanborn of Knox, Sept. 20, 1864.
Deborah Farrington of Andover and Rufus T. Hodgdon, int. Feb. 1, 1824, "Cert. Feb. 15."
Martha Farrington of E. Andover and John T. Poor, int. Dec. 11, 1814.
FARROW (also see Farrar)-
Alexander Farrow of Searsmont and Lovisa C. Dillaway, int. Nov. 27, 1843, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
Betsey Farrow of Belmont and Hiram Patterson, int. Aug. 6, 1836, "Cert. issued Sept. 2."
Charles B. Farrow [int. Farrar] of Searsmont and Mrs. Abbie Roix, Nov. 22, 1880.
Elisabeth Farrow [int. Elizabeth Farrow] and Charles Herrick of Corrinth, June 13, 1843. [Elizabeth, Co.R.]
Elizabeth F. Farrow and Alpheus C. Tibbetts of Thomaston, int. Aug. 9, 1840, "Cert. issued Aug. 29."
Emily I. Farrow of Machias and Daniel F. Shute, Dec. 25, 1859.
Hattie P. Farrow and Charles C. Duncan of Rockland, int. Sept. 25, 1858, "Cert. issued Oct. 1."
Hiram P. Farrow of Belmont and Marianna Thurlow, Dec. 2, 1888. [Hiram Pitcher Farrow and Marianne Thurlow, dau. Samuel Greenleaf and Anne Whittier (Hutchinson), PR159.]
Lizzie M. Farrow of Searsmont and Robert F. Dunton, int. May 18, 1878, "Cert. issued June 4."
Luther Farrow of Northport and Lucy E. Pitcher, int. Oct. 16, 1852.
Mary M. Farrow and Joseph F. Hall of Boston [int. adds Mass.], June 16, 1845.
Nathaniel Farrow of Northport and Caroline A. Patterson, int. Apr. 17, 1852, "Cert. issued July 27."
Sarah Farrow and Watson Hinds, Feb. 18, 1843.
Thomas J. L. Farrow [int. seaman] and [int. Mrs.] Mary L. George, Sept. 5, 1870.
William Farrow, Capt., and Jerusha D. Blake of Brooksville, int. May 1, 1842, "Cert. issued May 18."
Clara Farwell [int. Clarissa Farwell] G. of Unity, and Milton F. Carter [int. widr., merchant], Jan. 13, 1873.
Cornelia F. Farwell of Dixmonth and Charles F. Browne, int. May 16, 1840, "Cert. issued June 3."
Jewett Farwell [int. widr.], 56, second m., farmer, of Unity, son Henry, farmer (b. Arrowsec. Is.), and Margaret (b. N. H.), and Sarah Emerson [int. wid.], 44, second m., dau. Moses Woods, merchant (b. Unity) and Betsey (b. Unity), July 31, 1865.
Alice W. Faunce and Hartwell L. Woodcock, Nov. 20, 1877. [Alice H., CR1. Alice W., dau. Daniel and Mary Ann (White), and Hartwell L. Woodcock, b. Searsmont, PR147.]
Asa Faunce and Sarah A. Haraden, Oct. 8, 1838.
Daniel Faunce and Mary Ann White, May 10, 1841. [May 11, PR147].
FAY (see Fahy).
FEESEY (also see Veazie, Veazy)-
Lydia Feesey and Moses Hews, int. Apr. 9, 1807.
Isaac N. Felch and Isabella N. Johnson of Brunswick, int. Aug. 1, 1841, "Cert. issued Aug. 16."
Betsey C. Felke of Brooks and William N. Crosby of Searsport, Sept. 2, 1865. [Felker of Brooks and William N. Crosby of Searsmont, Co.R.]
Ephraim Fellowes and Mary Tolman, Nov. 30, 1826.
Edward Fenno of Augusta and Elizabeth Frothingham, Jan. 19, 1835.
FENWICK (also see Fanwick)-
Bertelle Fenwick of Morrill and Lincoln C. Wade of Lincolnville, Dec. 1, 1890.
John W. Fenwick and Lucretia Nichols of Prospect, int. Dec. 6, 1832, "Cert. issued Dec. 25."
Abigail Ann Ferguson of Dixmont and William Henry Bean, int. Aug. 17, 1839, "Cert. issued Aug. 23."
Albert B. Ferguson of Alden Iowa, and Amanda M. Sweetser of Searsport, int. Oct. 3, 1860, "Cert. issued Oct. 13."
Dennison G. Ferguson of Hampden and Marilla M. Coffin of Thorndike, Apr. 17, 1865.
George B. Ferguson and Evelina Collins [int. Evaline Collins], Aug. 1, 1855. [Furgerson and Eveline Collins, Co.R.]
George M. Ferguson and Mary Aspinwal [int. Aspinwall], July 21, 1825.
Hannah Ferguson and George Hemenway of Searsmont, int. Mar. 31, 1839. [Harriet and George Hemmenway of Searsmont, m. Apr. 16, Co.R.]
Hannah E. Ferguson and Edwin Grimes of Hubbardston, Mass., Oct. 3, 1858. [Furgerson, Co.R.]
Harriet (see Hannah).
Hattie A. Ferguson of Dixmont and Joseph S. Blake, int. Mar. 28, 1882, "Cert. issued Apr. 4."
Jane Ferguson and John T. Patterson, int. Mar. 25, 1826. [John Tufts Patterson, m. May 9, PR119.]
Jonas B. Ferguson, 26, seaman, son Moses W. farmer and merchant, and Lydia (b. Provincetown), and Martha E. Maddocks, 21, dau. Daniel, shoemaker, and Mary (b. Gorham), Nov. 12, 1864.
Jonathan Ferguson and Jane Wason, Oct. 23, 1800, PR16.
Minna A. Ferguson of Alhambra, Cal., and Fred A. Shute, int. Apr. 20, 1885, "Cert. issued Apr. 27."
Moses W. Ferguson and Lydia Brooks of Princeton, Mass., int. Sept. 27, 1828. [Moses Wason Ferguson, m. Oct. 27, in Princeton, Mass., PR17.]
FERNALD (also see Furnald)-
Charles P. Fernald and Mrs. Evie M. Richards of Northport, Aug. 17, 1878.
James F. Fernald [int. marble worker] and Electa J. Richards, June 4, 1868.
John S. Fernald and Almenia M. Patterson, Oct. 8, 1877.
Josiah P. Fernald of Cuba and Clara M. Eames of Stockton, July 23, 1870.
Lewis E. Fernald and Drusie F. Billings [int. Drusey], Nov. 15, 1879.
Lewis O. Fernald and Velzora H. S. Webb of Deer Isle, int. Dec. 12, 1877, "Cert. issued Dec. 17."
Marie Fernald and Philip G. Coombs, son Robert and Jane P. (Gilkey), Jan. 19, 1867, PR98.
Margret Ferseith of Chester, N. H., and David Murry, int. Jan. 3, 1808.
J. A. Fessenden [int. Lt. Joshua A.], U.S. Army and Mary A. Conner, June 28, 1866. [J. A., U.S.A., Co.R.]
Abbie E. Field and Charles S. Pearl [int. merchant] of Bangor, Jan. 10, 1872.
Abbie E. Field and Eugene L. Cook, Mar. 1, 1884.
Alma C. Field of New Bedford, Mass., and George P. Field, insurance agent, int. June 4, 1867, "Cert. issued June 8."
Benjamin F. Field and Caroline E. Tobey [int. W.], Nov. 25, 1858. [Caroline E., CR1. Caroline E. Toby, Co.R. Benjamin Franklin Field, son Bohan P. and Abigail (Davis) and Caroline Williams Tobey (first w.), PR155.]
Benjamin F. Field, widr., 44, farmer, son Bohan P., lawyer (b. Conn.), and Abagail D. (b. Billerica), and Annie F. Tobey, 34, of Farmington, dau. Robert, farmer, int. Feb. 18, 1865. [Benjamin Franklin Field, son Boham P. and Abigal (Davis), and Annie Tobey (second w.), m. Mar. 5, PR155.]
Benjamin R. Field of Northport and Mrs. Chloe E. Sawyer of Northport, Sept. 13, 1866.
Bohan P. Field [int. Esq.] and Abigal _____ [int. Davis of Billrica], Oct. 23, 1807. [Boham P. and Abigail Davis, PR155.]
Bohan P. Field, Esq., of Searsmont and Lucy Haraden, int. Aug. 26, 1843. [Bohan Prentiss Field, son Bohan P. and Abigail (Davis), m. Sept. 11, PR155.]
Charles G. Field and Elvira Osgood of Palermo, int. Oct. 9, 1841. [Charles Davis Field, son Bohan P. and Abigail (Davis), and Elvira Osgood, m. Nov. 10, PR155.]
Charles H. Field and Bertha F. Chase, May 16, 1877.
Charles H. Field and Emma Moreland, June 2, 1886.
Daniel Field of Prospect and Abigail True, Oct. 10, 1805.
Edward Mann Field, son Bohan P. and Abigail (Davis), and Sarah Russ McRuer, June 1, 1852, PR155.
Emma K. Field of Searsport and Russell Brier, May 22, 1886.
George P. Field, insurance agent, and Alma C. Field of New Bedford, Mass., int. June 4, 1867, "Cert. issued June 8."
Henry Field of Prospect and Jane Wagg, Apr. 2, 1829.
Henry Cummins Field, son Bohan P. and Abigail (Davis), and Asenath Harriman, July 14, 1835, PR155.
Mary O. Field and Frank Hendee Russell [int. farmer] of Burlington, N. J., Apr. 19, 1869.
Susan Field of Prospect and Jonathan Durham 2d, int. Feb. 20, 1830, "Cert. Mar. 7."
Susanna Field of Prospect and Chandler Moodey of Prospect, Oct. 20, 1808.
Thirza M. Field of Brunswick and Edwin B. Palmer, int. Aug. 29, 1859, "Cert. issued Sept. 2."
William Prentiss Field, son Boham P. and Abigail (Davis), and Sarah Ingraham, July 27, 1834, PR155.
Ella F. Fifield, 22, of Boston, Mass., and George P. Pote, 30, merchant, int. May 10, 1873, "Cert. issued May 16."
Mary Ann Files of Thorndike and Joseph Temple, int. Sept. 2, 1843, "Cert. issued Nov. 16."
FILLMORE (also see Filmore)-
Mary E. Fillmore, Mrs. [int. wid.], and William B. Otis [int. widr., farmer], June 20, 1868.
FILMORE (also see Fillmore)-
Richard T. Filmore of Swanville and Mary E. McCarty of Swanville, Feb. 15, 1857. [Fillmore of Swanville, May 15, Co.R.]
Thomas W. Finn of Boston, Mass., and Belle Norton, May 2, 1887.
Julia R. Fisher of Winterport and Horace Plummer of Winterort, Oct. 23, 1871.
Levi Fisher of Charlotte and Susan S. Waterman, Nov. 21, 1844.
Susan P. Fisher of Winterport and Thomas Rogers of Hopsham, Feb. 7, 1866. [Susan T. Fisher of Winterport and Thomas Rogers of Topsham, Co.R.]
Wealthy L. Fisher and Herbert A. Wiley, Oct. 27, 1888.
FISK (also see Fiske)-
Jonathan Fisk and Rebecca Cochran, int. Nov. 22, 1840. [m. Dec. 7, Co.R.]
FISKE (also see Fisk)-
Rebecca Fiske [int. Mrs.] and Zimri Byrant, May 7, 1864. [Rebecca, Co.R.]
William Fitzgerald and Mrs. Lydia M. Peckard, int. Dec. 14, 1878, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
Augusta B. Flagg and Samuel A. Dutch, int. June 8, 1863, "Cert. issued June 12."
Augusta B. Flagg and Surmandel R. Richards [int. Samandel K. Richards], Mar. 15, 1864. [Surmandel R., CR3. Co.R.]
Evelyn M. Flagg and George A. Dutch [int. seaman], Feb. 27, 1869.
Gilmore Flagg of Belmont and Lydia Jipson, Nov. 16, 1848.
Isaac A. Flagg of Belmont and Sarah E. Grady [int. Mary Grady], Apr. 11, 1875.
Jane Flagg and James Moors, Jan. 11, 1838.
Jere L. Flagg, joiner, and Mary S. Roberson, int. Dec. 31, 1872, "Cert. issued Jan. 4, '73."
Jeremiah L. Flagg and Jennie Cunningham, Apr. 18, 1883.
Joseph M. Flagg and Minnie McFarland, Sept. 21, 1891.
Josiah Flagg of Northport and Nancy Emery, Nov. 8, 1835.
Josiah Flagg and Mary Ann Bailey, int. Feb. 28, 1841, "Cert. issued Mar. 18."
Melissa E. Flagg and Albert E. Brackett, Dec. 30, 1883.
Sally Flagg of Northport and David Clark, Jan. 1, 1835.
Sarah E. Flagg and George M. Cook [int. clerk], Nov. 11, 1871.
Frances Flagner, Mrs., and Benjamin Kingsbury of Boston, Mass., July 7, 1857.
Almira Flanders and Thomas Storer, int. June 15, 1841, "Cert. issued July 5."
Caleb Flanders and Wealthy Wood, int. Mar. 17, 1841, "Cert. issued Mar. 28."
David P. Flanders [int. Dr., widr., 32] and Isabella White [int. 23], Nov. 8, 1866. [David P., CR1. Co.R.]
David P. Flanders, Dr., and Leonora S. Speed, dau. George W. and Margaret (Batchelder), Oct. 5, 1873, PR62.
Enoch Flanders of Waldoboro and Lucy Roberson of Waldo Plantation, June 1, 1834.
George Flanders [int. adds C.] and Nellie E. Pinkham, Feb. 1, 1887, in Washington.
Nancy Flanders of Prospect and William McCabe, int. May 5, 1839, "Cert. issued May 24."
Sarah A. Flanders of Northport and Rufus B. Burley of Sugar Mound, Lynn Co., Kansas, Oct. 5, 1857. [Bailey of Sugar Mound, Kansas, Co.R.]
Simon G. Flanders of Waldo and Margaret S. Rolerson of Waldo, Dec. 18, 1859. [Margaret S. Roleston of Waldo, Co.R.]
William Flanders and [int. Mrs.] Rosinda Hull, Mar. 1, 1863. [Rosinda, CR1. Rosinda Hall, Co.R.]
FLEMING (also see Flemming)-
Charles H. Fleming and Fannie E. Briggs, Apr. 24, 1878.
Fannie E. Fleming, Mrs., and Robert H. Hart, July 9, 1881.
William Fleming [int. William Flemming, widr., hostler] and Martha E. Page [int. wid.], Oct. 25, 1871. [Flemming and Martha E. Page, CR1.]
FLEMMING (also see Fleming)-
William (see William Herring).
Alonzo E. Fletcher of Prarie, Cal., and Malvina Knowlton of Northport, Nov. 2, 1862.
Andrew Fletcher and Alvira Shaw of Waldo Plantation, int. Mar. 26, 1829, [m. Apr. 12, 1827[sic], Co.R.]
Blanchie O. Fletcher of Burham and Josiah S. Paul, Nov. 18, 1891.
Charles F. Fletcher and Laura B. Cottrell, Nov. 29, 1888.
Edward B. Fletcher and Annie E. Milburn, July 14, 1890.
Edwin F. Fletcher of Lincolnville and Ellen J. Lancaster of Lincolnville, Dec. 2, 1863.
Eliza J. Fletcher and William H. Thorndike of Rockland, int. Aug. 16, 1852.
Elizabeth Fletcher of Prospect and Thomas Houston, int. July 5, 1804.
Francis Fletcher [int. 20, farmer] of Belmont and Keziah F. Knowles [int. 21], Sept. 17, 1865.
Fred N. Fletcher [int. 26] of Castine and Isabel J. French [int. 23], Apr. 5, 1883.
Harriet Fletcher of Lincolnville and George W. Burgess, int. Jan. 12, 1840. [George W., son John and Hannah, m. Feb. 2, PR168.]
Helen A. Fletcher of Belmont and S. F. Jordan of Belmont, Feb. 4, 1863. [S. L. of Belmont, Co.R.]
J. M. Fletcher, M. D., of Belmont, and Lucinda B. Holmes of Belmont, Nov. 6, 1870.
James Fletcher (see Samuel).
Lusannah M. Fletcher [int. Susanna M. Fletcher] and John Houston, Mar. 3, 1811. [Susanna M., CR2.]
Mary A. Fletcher of China and Francis A. Russ, int. Nov. 24, 1836, "Cert. issued Dec. 8."
Mary E. Fletcher of Morrill and W. C. G. Grant of Boston, July 14, 1875, CR3.
Robert Fletcher [int. adds D.] and Lucy Peterson, May 9, 1819.
Sally Fletcher and Warren Pullen of Winthrop, int. Apr. 11, 1824. [m. Apr. 25, Co.R.]
Samuel Fletcher [int. James Fletcher] and Sally Walton, Fe. 26, 1815.
Sarah Fletcher of China and Charles A. Russ, int. Dec. 31, 1830, "Cert. issued Jan. 15, 1831."
Sarah E. Fletcher of Belmont and Alonzo Wilson of Belmont, Sept. 16, 1857. [Alonzo Weston of Belmont, Co.R.]
Susanna M. Fletcher (see Lusannah M.)
Willis B. Fletcher and Nellie S. Parker, Aug. 22, 1890. [Nellie S., dau. Israel W. and Sarah J. (Stephenson), Pr82.]
Hannah L. Flint and Frank W. Tufts of Everett, Mass., Nov. 25, 1879.
Mary E. Flitner of Gardiner and Sergt. John A. Lord, "4th ME Regt," int. May 21, 1864, "Cert. issued May 26."
Stillman D. Flood of Searsport and Ella J. Nickerson, int. Mar. 10, 1890, "Cert. issued Mar. 17."
Margaret Floon and James Whitney of Troy, int. Nov. 8, 1856.
Charles Flowers and Sally McDonald, Feb. 4, 1843.
Eveline H. Flowers and Charles T. Gilmore, Aug. 26, 1858. [Eveline H., dau. John and Mary (McCorrison), Pr73.]
George A. Flowers and Mrs. Lydia J. Rich of Searsport, Oct. 20, 1877. [George A., son John and Mary (McCorrison), PR73.]
Harriet N. Flowers and Harrison McDonald, int. Jan. 31, 1841. [m. Feb. 16, Co.R.]
Isabel Flowers, dau. John and Mary (McCorrison) and Edward J. Deegan, Feb. 5, 1879, Pr73.
John Flowers, Capt. and Mary McCorrison, Jan. 3, 1833.
Mary Flowers and Franklin Brier, int. Oct. 9, 1830 [m. Nov. 15. Co.R.]
Mary Ann Flowers and Emerson Robbins, Mar. 2, 186. [Mary Ann, dau. John and Mary (McCorrison), PR73.]
Salley Flowers and Samuel Preston of Stockton, Apr. 28, 1862, in Stockton, Co.R.
Samuel G. Flowers, Capt., and Esther I. L Gilbreth of Framington, int. Jan. 22, 1842, "Cert. issued Feb. 5."
William Flowers, Capt., and Asenath West, Oct. 18, 1832.
William Flowers, Capt., and Lydia Goodwin, int. Aug. 16, 1834. [m. Sept. 8, Co.R.]
George H. Flye of Freedom and L. A. Whitcomb [int. Lydia A. Whitcomb], Dec. 27, 1874.
Walter W. Flye of Unity and Almeder Ellis, int. Mar. 31, 1860, "Cert. issued April 5."
John B. Flynn and Abigail Studley of Lincolnville, int. May 8, 1841, "Cert. issued July 1."
Michael Fogerty [int. Michael Foggerty] and Sarah Ward, Jan. 25, 1854.
John H. Fogg of Brooks and Esther Davis [int. adds M.], Sept. 28, 1844. [Esther, Co.R.]
Luther Fogg of Washington and Nancy Cilley of Washington, int. Nov. 18, 1811.
FOGGERTY (see Fogerty).
Eliza G. Folger and Charles M. Coffin [int. of Nantucket], Sept. 30, 1850.
Frank A. Follett [int. 22, merchant, son Charles V., farmer (b. Parkman) and Sarah J. (b. Parkman) and Nettie (int. Netty] F. Carter [int. 20, dau. Horatio H., ship builder (b. Montville) and Laurinda], Sept. 4, 1865. [Nettie F., Co.R.]
Hester A. Follett of Northport, Waldo Co., and Franklin H. Prescott of Northport, Sept. 1, 1868.
Enoch Folsom of Belmont and Margaret Watson of Belmont, Sept. 10, 1824.
Enoch Folsom and Sarah Parker, int. Apr. 24, 1830, "Cert. May."
William O. Folsom of Augusta and Mary M. Patten of Augusta, May 9, 1864.
Mary Foot of Salem, Mass., and William H. H. Sweetser, son Samuel L. and Susannah H. (Stephenson), Jan. 19, 1871, PR125.
George H. Forbes, seaman, and Louisa A. Knights of Islesboro, int. Aug. 3, 1870, "Cert. issued Aug. 8."
George H. Forbes and Annabelle Wight, Oct. 19, 1878.
Georgie E. Forbes of Brooks and James B. Waterman, July 20, 1889.
Henrietta R. Forbes and Arthur H. Cooper of Auburn, Dec. 3, 1889.
Henry H. Forbes and Sophia E. Tapley, Feb. 8, 1845.
James A. Forbes [int. shoe cutter] of W. Bridgewater, Mass., and Harriet C. Durham, Nov. 24, 1869.
Nellie A. Forbes and Henry G. Robbins [int. Harry G. Robbins] of Boston, Mass., Jan. 3, 1878.
Vesta V. Forbes [int. Fobes], Mrs., and Samuel Myers Hurlburt of New York, Aug. 2, 1890.
William B. Forbush [int. widr., clerk] of Boston, Mass., and Clara F. McFarland, Nov. 18, 1869.
Ellen M. Ford of Montville and Atwood O. Harriman, Dec. 27, 1868.
John C. Ford [int. widr., farmer] and Lydia Buzzell [int. adds H.], Feb. 25, 1871.
Laura E. Ford of Swanville and Capt. William H. Mudgett of Prospect, Mar. 21, 1866.
Mary Ford and James Mosman, Oct. 3, 1810.
Moses W. Ford of Lowell, Mass., and Mrs. May L. Adams of Lowell, Mass., Nov. 25, 1879.
Nellie F. Ford and Augustus C. Parlin of Wooster, Mass., June 19, 1883.
Samuel Ford of Lincolnville and Polly Parks of Prospect, Mar. 29, 1804.
William Ford of Monroe and Mary Durham of Monroe, May 22, 1844, Co.R.
FORSYTH (see Ferseith).
Annie Foss and Jacob M. Auspland, seaman, int. July 26, 1872, "Cert. issued Aug. 3."
Annie S. Foss [int. Annis], Mrs., and Lorenzo Patterson, Mar. 12, 1875.
Azena F. Foss, Mrs., and Otis S. Garland of Dixmont, Mar. 18, 1891, in Troy.
Charlott Foss and Elijah West, Aug. 2, 1833.
Eliza F. Foss and James W. Crockett, Dec. 2, 1874.
Henry Foss of Brooks and Azeniah F. _____ of Knox, Dec. 15, 1875.
John F. Foss and Ann S. Patterson, Feb. 14, 1859. [Feb. 14, 1857, Co.R.]
John F. Foss, widr., third m., seaman, and Justina I. Perry, int. June 15, 1868, "Cert. issued June 19."
Jonathan Foss, widr., trader, and Sarah Jane Gipson, int. July 16, 1866, "Cert. issued July 20."
Louisa K. Foss and Alfred Patterson, int. July 19, 1851, "Cert. issued Aug. 4."
Lovey Foss of Green Plantation and Francis Miles of Palmira, int. Mar. 17, 1809.
Nathan B. Foss [int. 29, seaman] and Helen P. Young [int. 23], May 14, 1866.
Nathan B. Foss and Mabel L. Webber, int. Aug. 2, 1886, "Cert. issued Aug. 7."
Sarah J. Foss, Mrs., and Isaiah W. Cross of Morrill, Apr. 13, 1876.
Winfield S. Foss of Brooks and Helen C. Ordway of Brooks, Feb. 3, 1872.
Barzillai B. Foster of Portland and Lizzie M. Blodgett, Oct. 24, 1885.
Bradford S. Foster and Dorcas McLaughlin of Montville, int. Aug. 22, 1830, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."
Edwin E. Foster of Searsport and Esther A. Wadsworth of Searsport, Dec. 5, 1854, Co.R.
Martha F. M. Foster and James G. West, int. Mar. 20, 1852, "Cert. issued Apr. 4."
Rebecca Foster and Capt. Samuel Haynes, May 25, 1830.
Susan Foster and Joseph Houston Jr., Nov. 6, 1828.
A. L. Fowler of Monroe and Nellie A. Trask of Etna, June 22, 1879. [Mellie of Etna, CR3.]
Abigail Fowler and Nathaniel Hartford, Dec. 31, 1800.
Albert C. Fowler of Searsport and Susan B. Cunningham of Searsport, July 29, 1865.
Clifford B. Fowler and Emma A. Staples of Portland, Feb. 8, 1890, in Portland.
James N. Fowler of Searsport and Mary E. Wentworth of Searsport, Nov. 22, 1855. [Mary Ellen of Searsport, CR1. James M. of Searsport and Mary E. Wentworth of Searsport, Co.R.]
Martha J. Fowler of Prospect and Andrew J. Ross, June 1, 1837.
Mary Ellen Fowler of Searsport and John Small Jr. of Searsport, Oct. 6, 1859.
Miles Fowler [int. Capt.] and Jane True, May _, 1813. [Miles, CR2.]
Nellie W. Fowler, Mrs. [int. wid., 32] and William Crosby [int. 36, clerk], Mar. 14, 1874.
Sally Fowler of Prospect and Henry George of Prospect, Nov. 6, 1810.
Williard Fowler [int. Willard R. Fowler], 26, saddler, son Asa, joiner (b. Vt.), and Eliza (b. Pembroke), and Helen W. Merrill, 22, cloak maker, dau. Nathaniel, boat builder (b. Portland) and Caroline (b. Portland), Oct. 23, 1864. [Willard R., Co.R.]
Andrew Fowles of Searsmont and Mary E. Greer of Montville, Mar. 21, 1862.
Edward Fox and Jane Lords, Sept. 15, 1799.
FRASER (also see Frazier)-
John D. Fraser and Phebe A. Clements of Waldo, int. Apr. 11, 1881, "Cert. issued April 16."
FRAZNIER (also see Fraser)-
Charles Frazier [reethy written in pencil above Frazier] of Searsmont and Vesta M. Rolerson, int. Sept. 18, 1884, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
FREDERICK (also see Fredrick)-
Charles W. Frederick and E. Lena Peirce, June 12, 1889. [Emma Lena, CR1. Charles Woodbury Frederick, son James Woodbury and Martha Ann (Bradbury), and Emma Lena Peirce, PR120.]
Charlotte F. Frederick and Rev. C. M. Freeman, int. June 13, 1855.
Cornelia O. Frederick and John Stevens Jr., July 15, 1860. [Fredrick, Co.R.]
Frank B. Frederick and Georgianna Boardman, Nov. 17, 1847. [Frederic, CR1. Fredrick and Georgiana Boardman, Co.R.]
James W. Frederick and Martha A. Bradbury [int. Bradberry], Dec. 20, 1851. [Frederic and Martha A. Bradbury, Dec. 10, CR1. James Woodbury Frederick and Martha Ann Bradbury, Dec. 10, PR120. James W. Frederick and Martha Ann Bradbury, dau. Nathaniel H. and Sophia, Dec. 10, PR121.]
James W. Frederick [int. widr., 39, merchant, son William, merchant (b. Gloucester, Mass.), and Mary (b. York) and Augusta S. Quimby [int. 32, dau. Dr. P. P. (b. Lebanon, N. H.) and Susanna B.] June 14, 1865. [Frederic, CR1. Frederick, Co.R. James W. Frederick and Susan Augusta Quimby, dau. Phineas P. and Susanna Burnham (Harden), PR118. James Woodbury Frederick and Augusta S. Quimby (second w.), Pr120.]
Mary E. Frederick and Nehemiah T. Merritt, July 24, 1851.
Mary E. Frederick and Frank E. Hanson of N. Berwick, Sept. 12, 1877.
William C. Frederick and Caroline A. Pitcher, dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), PR172.]
FREDRICK (also see Frederick)-
William Fredrick and Mary S. Derby of York, int. Dec. 26, 1818. [Frederick and Mary Swett Derby of York, m. Jan. 10, 1819, in York, PR122.]
Michael Freel and Ann McMahon [int. McMann], Nov. 10, 1854.
C. M. Freeman, Rev., and Charlotte F. Frederick, int. June 13, 1855.
Ellis C. Freeman of Lincolnville and Julia A. Glover of Camden, Oct. 22, 1866. [Elles C. of Lincolnville, Co.R]
Erastus Freeman and [int. Mrs.] Sally Smart, June _, 1825.
Erastus D. Freeman and Elizabeth Carter, Jan. 1, 1849.
Erastus D. Freeman [int. widr., seaman] and Mrs. Sarah C. Bicknell [int. wid.], May 9, 1868.
Hannah J. Freeman, Mrs., and Ellerson L. Patterson [int. Eleson] of Searsport, Mar. 16, 1856. [Ellerson L. of Searsport, Co.R. Hanna Jane (Holt) Freeman and Elerson Patterson, PR29.]
Jane Freeman and Nathaniel Stevens, int. Oct. 5, 1850, "Cert. issued Oct. 19."
Josiah D. Freeman and Hannah J. Holt, int. Aug. 31, 1849, "Cert. issued Sept. 18." [Hannah Jane, dau. William and Hannah P. (Shute), m. Sept. 20, 1843 sic, PR29.]
Mary C. Freeman of York and Will R. Howard, int. June 2, 1885, "Cert. issued June 8."
Paul N. Freeman of Dixmont and Phebe Y. Downs of Swanville, Dec. 16, 1855. [Phoebe G. of Swanville, Co.R.]
Rose A. Freeman of Dexter and Willson P. Hamilton of Dexter, Oct. 2, 1875.
Sarah Freeman and Zenophen Ordway, int. Aug. 30, 1854.
Sophia Freeman of Northport and William Johnson of Northport, Sept. 10, 1820.
Thomas W. Freeman, 21, carpenter, and Susie J. Rendall, 24, of Monroe, int. Dec. 11, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
FREETHY (also see Frethey)-
Charles Freethy (see Charles Frazier).
Vesta M. Freethy, Mrs., and David S. Cressey, Jan. 3, 1888.
A. D. French of Lincolnville and Lizzie Yates of Portland, Nov. 14, 1863.
Abraham French and Susanna Thomas, int. Feb. 4, 1810.
Benjamin French and Mary E. Black, int. Dec. 4, 1841, "Cert. issued Dec. 28."
Betsy French and John Thurston [int. Thusten], Feb. 20, 1803. [Thurston, CR2.]
Charlotte French and Hiram Howes [int. Howe], Sept. 17, 1829.
Charlotte French and Robert Maker, int. Oct. 29, 1836.
Cyrene French of Waldo and Joseph Perkins, July 4, 1822. [Cyrena, PR158.]
Diantha French of Three Mile Square Plantation and John Wentworth, Sept. 28, 1817.
Eliphalet French and [int. Mrs.] Thankful Howard, July 4, 1826.
Eliphelet French and Abigel [int. Abigal] Edds, ____ [rec. between July 14 and Sept. 26], 1802.
Frank H. French and Florence M. Weed, July 24, 1887.
Hannah French and Joseph Mansey of Wiscasset, int. Jan. 4, 1818.
Hannah French and Jonthan Basford [int. adds M.], June 14, 1832.
Henry M. French [int. N. sailor] and Hattie A. Richards, Nov. 16, 1872. [Henry M., CR3.]
Isabel J. French [int. 23] and Fred N. Fletcher [int. 26] of Castine, Apr. 5, 1883.
Jacob French and Ruth Toothacer of Islesborough, int. Apr. 26, 1809.
Jane French and Jesse Husy, Dec. 10, 1818.
Jane French and John Robbins, int. July 27, 1845, "Cert. issued Aug. 10."
Joanna E. French, Mrs., and George W. Weston, int. Oc. 22, 1842, "Revoked by Mrs. J. E. French."
Joanna E. French, Mrs., and Samuel Parker of Augusta, int. May 20, 1843, "Cert. issued June 3."
Joanna Elizabeth, Mrs., and Jacob E. Starford, int. Dec. 12, 1840.
Juda Niles French [int. Julia Niles French] of Three Mile Square and Scotland Chalmore [int. Chalmers] of Fairfax, Jan. 3, 1819.
Lavina French [int. Louvina French] and Alexander Wilson, Dec. 3, 1819.
Mary French and James H. Smith Esq., int. Dec. 23, 1848, "Cert. issued Jan. 6, 1849."
Mary E. French and William H. Clark, July 11, 1848.
Mary R. French [int. P.] and J. Frank Rich, June 19, 1886.
Millard F. French (see Willard F.)
Nancy French and Hiram J. Hallowell, Dec. 29, 1849.
Nathaniel French and Mary Thomas, Mar. 17, 1821. [sic, int. Jan. 28, 1822, "Cert. issued Mar. 16."]
Nathaniel and Joanna Hollaway, int. ____ [rec. between July 11 and Aug. 15], 1835.
Nathaniel French and Joanna Day, int. Sept. 30, 1837, "Cert. issued June 6, 1838."
Orriana V. French [int. Orianna French] and Allen E. Glidden, Mar. 29, 1864. [Orrianna V., CR3. Orriana V. Co.R.]
Phebe French and Lewis Hardy, int. July 6, 1831, "Cert. issued July 28."
Sally French, wid., and Ruben Knowlton of Northport, Nov. 20, 1799.
Sally French and Swanzey Wilson, May 7, 1821.
Samuel French, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], of Prospect, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Jane Ames, July 27, 1851.
Samuel W. French, Capt. of Lincolnville, and Mary H. Gardner of Northport, June 3, 1871.
Theodore H. French of Waldo and Eva G. Jackson of Waldo, June 5, 1888.
Willard F. French [int. Millard F. French] of Lincolnville and Myra A. Thurston, Aug. 11, 1888.
FRETHEY (also see Freethy)-
Nancy Frethey of Sedgwick and George Herrick, int. May 30, 1824, "Cert. June 13."
FRISBEE (also see Frisby)-
Dana S. Frisbee and Mary Etta West, int. Nov. 8, 1883.
George W. Frisbee and Drusilla L. Packard of Northport, June 21, 1877.
Margaret Frisbee, Mrs., and Amos Grandy, int. Jan. 6, 1839, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
Margaret Frisbee and Ebenezer Meder, int. Aug. 28, 1847, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
Margaret Frisbee and William Henry Nelson of Belmont, int. Dec. 17, 1842.
Sands Frisbee and Sarah Kimball, int. Dec. 6, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec. 26."
Sands Frisbee [int. widr., seaman] and Mrs. Lucy A. Packard [int. wid.], July 3, 1869.
Thomas J. Frisbee [int. 24, laborer] and Lewella Packard [int. Luella A. Packard] [int. 18]. Oct. 23, 1873.
FRISBY (also see Frisbee)-
Margaret Frisby and Ebenezer Burgess, int. Nov. 22, 1840.
FROHAWK (also see Frohock)-
William H. Frohawk of Northport and Mary M. R. Cotterell of Northport, Oct. 4, 1846.
FROHOCK (also see Frohawk)-
Ann Sarah Frohock and James Calderwood Jr. [int. farmer], Jan. 15, 1873. [Jan. 5, CR3.]
Cynthia V. Frohock of Searsmont and Capt. Samuel Howard, int. Apr. 7, 1839, "Cert. issued May 7."
Herbert E. Frohock and Frances S. Ames of Belmont, int. Nov. 21, 1877, "Cert. issued Nov. 26."
Mary S. Frohock of Rockland and Oliver Otis of Rockland, Feb. 3, 1877.
Alice C. Frost and Robert C. Leonard, June 6, 1891.
Alvin Frost and Mrs. Georgia A. Meservy [int. Merservey] of Morrill, Sept. 19, 1880.
Annie L. Frost of Rockland and George A. Gilchrist of Rockland, June 1, 1887.
Benjamin Frost Jr. and Lydia Cox of Lincolnville, int. Oct. 25, 1818, "Cert. issued Nov. 17."
Betsey Frost and Hezekiah Wentworth, int. Nov. 11, 1821. [m. Nov. 30, Co.R.]
Caleb E. Frost of Belmont and Abigail Pillsbury of Belmont, Jan. 16, 1834.
Carrie A. Frost [int. 32] and Andrew W. Wyatt [int. 35, musician] of Beverly, Mass., Nov. 21, 1867.
Charles H. Frost of Thorndike and Mrs. Harriet M. Brown, Nov. 3, 1862.
Edwin Frost [int. carriage smith] and Fannie E. Jones, Dec. 29, 1872.
Edwin P. Frost and Evelyn A. Cottrell, int. Dec. 31, 1891, "Cert. issued Jan. 21, 1892."
Georgia A. Frost, Mrs., and Lincoln Blanchard of Belmont, Apr. 5, 1888.
Hannah M. Frost and Aaron P. Moore, Jan. 21, 1855.
James Frost and Lucy Ann Abbot, int. June 9, 1846, "Cert. issued July 4."
James H. Frost [int. farmer] and Lena H. Brown, Feb. 23, 1868.
John Frost and Eliza Abbot of Andover, int. May 26, 1827, "Cert. issued June 13."
John T. Frost and Harriet E. West, June 4, 1858.
Julia Ann Frost of Waldo Plantation and Abner T. Walton, int. May 26, 1839, "Cert. issued June 18."
Leander S. Frost and Georgie E. Ryan, Feb. 24, 1875.
Moses W. Frost and Margaret A. Smith, Mar. 6, 1859.
Nathaniel Frost and Sarah S. Moore of Augusta, int. Oct. 22, 1831, "Cert. issued Nov. 8."
Nathaniel Frost of Camden and Mary Simmons of Camden, July 5, 1841.
Susan Frost and Robert Clark of Castine, int. Dec. 5, 1818.
Susan Frost and Francis W. Patterson, int. Oct. 7, 1843.
Vesta E. Frost of Montville and William M. Brown, Sept. 23, 1876.
Caroline Frothingham and Ephraim T. Morrill, Dec. 21, 1825.
Caroline M. Frothingham and Samuel Miller, Oct. 23, 1860.
Elizabeth Frothingham and Edward Fenno of Augusta, Jan. 19, 1835.
William Frothingham, Rev., and Lois Barrett (first w.), June 9, 1805, PR90.
William Frothingham, Rev., and Lydia Prentis of Dover, N. H., int. Dec. 23, 1820, "Cert. issued Jan. 1821."
Anna E. Frye and Clarence E. Chapman of Fergus Falls, Minn., Feb. 19, 1884.
Celia J. Frye and William M. Woods, May 1, 1850. [Celia P., PR151.]
Eben E. Frye and Roxy A. Clark, Nov. 28, 1854.
Fidelia A. Frye of Montville and Columbia P. Carter, int. Oct. 4, 1840, "Cert. issued Oct. 18."
Jesse H. Frye of Montville and Lucy F. Bannard of Knox, May 3, 1843. [Bannan of Knox, Co.R.]
John C. Frye and Joanna P. Clark, Jan. 26, 1851.
Jonathan L. Frye and Mary Davis, int. Dec. 30, 1837. [Lydia, m. Feb. 11, 1838. Co.R.]
Jonathan L. Frye and Almira S. Shute of Searsport, int. Apr. 2, 1845, "Cert. issed Apr. 17."
Joseph B. Frye and Betsy C. Emery, int. June 21, 1840. [Betsey C., m. July 14, Co.R.]
Lucy Ann Frye and Abel Bennett, Mar. 19, 1849. [Fry, CR1.]
Sarah F. Frye of Stockton and Charles Bridges of Stockton, June 27, 1865.
Sarah Mariah W. Frye and Amos R. Boyinton, int. Nov. 1, 1840, "Cert. issued Dec. 16."
William M. Frye [int. carpenter] of Wakefield, Mass., and Almatia B. Crockett, Oct. 17, 1872.
Caleb Fuller Jr., Rev., and Luder Monroe of Livermore, int. May 7, 1831, "Cert. issued June 2."
Edward Fuller of Hartford and Celia Stevens, int. Dec. 9, 1832, "Cert. issued Jan. 12, 1833."
Henry Fuller and Sarah E. Durham, July 9, 1854.
Julia S. Fuller, 23, dau. Silas M., merchant (b. Castine) and Sarah ]int. (Pitts)] (b. Augusta), and William M. Wooster, 27, ship carver, son Joseph, ship master (b. Sullivan) and Mary [int. (Bragdon)] (b. Sullivan), Oct. 20, 1864.
Mary E. Fuller of Appleton and Sylvanus G. Cottrell, Dec. 6, 1874.
Moses H. Fuller and Helen L. Peirce [int. Pierce], Jan. 13, 1855. [Helen H. Pierce, CR1. Helen L. Peirce, Co.R.]
Samuel Fuller of Belmont and Oliva Kenniston of Appleton, Nov. 30, 1830.
William S. Fuller of Freedom and Phebe J. Carter, Aug. 1, 1859. [Phebe J., Co.R.]
Betsey Furber [int. Betsy Furber] and Seth Elliot, Dec. _, 1805.
Charlotte M. Furber and H. G. O. Washburn, Sept. 16, 1844.
Ellen F. Furber [int. Nellie, omits F.] and Sidney A. Jones of Camden, Nov. 11, 1862. [Ellen F., CR1. Co.R.]
James P. Furber and Mary Bean, Aug. 23, 1841.
Nancy Furber and James Patterson Jr., May 28, 1809.
Nellie Furber (see Ellen F.)
William Furber and Polly Patterson, Dec. 4, 1806.
FURBISH (also see Furbush)-
Harry A. Furbish and Hattie M. Holmes, Dec. 3, 1887.
FURBUSH (also see Furbish)-
Sardine E. Furbush and James A. Reeves, int. Sept. 11, 1860, "Cert. issued Sept. 15."
FURNALD (also see Fernald)-
Phileaner P. Furnald of Camden and Albert Hall, int. Oct. 31, 1860, "Cert. issued Nov. 4."
Caroline Furstenburg [int. Caroline Furstenberg, 22] and Fred Timm [int. Fritz Timm] [int. 23, shoe maker], of Rockland, Nov. 23, 1873.
Johanna Margaret Furstenburg [int. Johanna Margret Furstenberg, 26] of Searsport and August Andre Weshe [int. 26, shoemaker], June 9, 1873.