Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - DAGGETT to DYER

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Flora I. Daggett and George C. Weston of Waltham, Mass., Sept. 27, 1882.
Lovey Daggett of Vinal Haven and Ely Luce of Vinal Haven, June 14, 1804.
John H. Dahl, architect, and Mary E. Gilky, int. Jan .8, 1872, "Cert. issued Jan. 15, '73."
DAILEY also see Daisley)-
Emma J. Dailey of Camden and Cornelius T. Hosemr of Camden, Sept. 13, 1869.
DAISLEY also see Dailey)-
Annie M. Daisley of Searsmont and Charles A. Mahoney, int. Sept. 17, 1887.
Mary E. Damon of Brooks and William A. Jones of Brooks, Sept. 25, 1869.
Amy E. Danforth and Samuel Hodgkinson, Oct. 14, 1890.
Austin Danforth [int. fisherman] and Harriet Sawyers [int. wid., third m.] of Catine, Nov. 5, 1870. [Harriet of Castine, CR1.]
Charles H. Danforth and Mrs. Mary A. Kirby [int. Kerby], Nov. 28, 1876.
John A. Danforth and Mrs. Abbie Hamblton, int. July 13, 1880, "Cert. issued July 21."
Mary O. Danforth and Luther West, int. Feb. 21, 1846, "Cert. issued Mar. 12."
Rachael A. Danforth of Bucksport and Lewellyn M. Clifford, int. Mar. 9, 1875, "Cert. issued Mar. 22."
Adin Daniels of Swanville and Sally Brown, int. Nov. 11, 1821. [m. Nov. 29, Co.R.]
John W. Daniels and Eunice McFarland of Montville, int. Aug. 22, 1851, "Cert. issued Sept. 6."
Melvin T. Daniels [int. widr., laborer] and Irene Hutchins, Feb. 1, 1869.
Nettie B. Daniels of Camden and John A. Briggs [int. widr., joiner], Apr. 3, 1869.
DARBY also see Derby)-
Frances Darby and William P. Michael, int. Feb. 6, 1856. [Frances and William P. Michaels, m. Feb. 7, Co.R.]
Francis Darby of Northport and Nellie A. Lane of Northport, Apr. 4, 1877.
Frank Darby [dup. Francis] and Mrs. Irene [dup. Irena] E. Hill, int. Feb. 15, 1881.
Hiram B. Darby and Eunice M. Hastings of St. George, Mar. _, 1868.
Hiram B. Darby and Mrs. Annie Cullnan, Dec. 10, 1886. [Cullun, Dec. 9, CR1.]
Isaac D. Darby and Mary A. Dutch [int. Ann], Sept. 19, 1861. [Mary A., CR3. Co.R.]
Isaac D. Darby [int. divorced, 25, seaman] and Mahala B. Leach [int. 17], Oct. 29, 1865.
Isaac D. Darby, Capt., divorced, third m., seaman, and Mary L. Thayer of Searsmont, int. Jan. 24, 1871, "Cert. issued Jan. 28." [Trans. note: I'd sure like to know the scoop on this guy.....]
Joseph H. Darby, 21, seaman, and Martha A. Pattershall, 19, int. Nov. 17, 1865. [m. Nov. 25 in Searsport, Co.R. Patershall, dau. Daone and Lovina (Larabee), m. Nov. 25, PR12.]
Melissa M. Darby and Ansel F. Stevens, int. June 1, 1860, "Cert. issued June 11."
Susan S. Darby and Franklin J. Stevens [int. seaman], Jan. 14, 1869.
Eliza A. Darling of Bluehill and Alexander C. Perkins, int. July 27, 1845, "Cert. issued Aug. 21."
DAVIDSON also see Davinson)-
Annie L. Davidson and David W. Phipps of Seattle, son Stephen E. and Phebe P. (Warren), Jan. 19, 1890, in Seattle. PR39.
Clarissa A. Davidson of Waldo Plantation and John McKinley Jr., int. Oct. 26, 1844, "Cert. issued Nov. 13."
Henery Davidson and Sarah Densmore of Windham, N. H., int. July 28, 1819, "Cert. issued Aug. 24."
Henry Davidson and Jane More [? Ware] Dinsmore of Windham, N. H., int. May 14, 1809.
John L. Davidson [int. S., 22, farmer] and Mary F. Smith [int. 22], Aug. 3, 1873.
Louisa Davidson and James B. Wilder, int. Sept. 15, 1849, "Cert. issued Sept. 29."
Mary E. Davidson and H. C. Crockett of Big Rapids, Mich., Oct. 2, 1883.
Sarah Jane Davidson and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Alexander P. Doak of Searsport, May 22, 1855.
Susannah Davidson [int. Davison] and Thomas Nesmith, Dec. 25, 1808. [Davidson, CR2.]
DAVINSON also see Davidson)-
John Davinson [Davinson sic John Davidson] and Eliza Ann Gannet, May 9, 1835. [Davidson and Eliza Ann Gannett, m. June 4, Co.R.]
John Q. A. Davinson of Waldo and Mary E. Shepherd, int. Nov. 19, 1842, "Cert. issued Dec. 12."
Abigail Davis of Brooks and Charles H. Thompson of Frankfort, Jan. 13, 1834.
Abigal Davis (_____) [int. Davis of Billrica] and Bohan P. Field [int. Esq.], Oct. 23, 1807. [Abigail Davis and Bohan P. Field, PR155.]
Alice M. Davis and David Everett of Boston, Aug. 26, 1884.
Ann Davis of Thomaston and David Gay Jr. of Belmont, Sept. 13, 1835.
Ansel Davis and Mary B. Conner, int. Nov. 6, 1830. [m. Nov. 25, Co.R.]
Benjamin Davis and Jane Stephenson, Dec. 28, 1814.
Benjamin Davis and Elizabeth Whittier of Newburyport, int. June 3, 1847, "Cert. issued June 22d."
Betsey Davis [int. Betsy Davis] and William Horn of Vassalborough, Jan. 16, 1822.
Betsey Davis, Mrs., and Theophelas Colson of Prospect, int. Aug. 9, 1837. [Theophilus of Prospect, m. Sept. 3, Co.R.]
Betsy Davis of Swanville and Moses Grover of Swanville, Jan. 6, 1839.
Cyrus R. Davis and Mary E. Sleeper, Oct. 22, 1877.
Dolly Davis and Benjamin F. Stephenson, Mar. 27, 1853.
E. P. Davis of Lewiston and Bertha A. Casey, int. Sept. 2, 1885, "Cert. issued Sept. 7."
Edward Davis and Christina L. Hayford, Apr. 13, 1854.
Edwin W. Davis and Georgia E. Nash, May 13, 1877.
Eleanor Davis and Nathan Cole, Nov. 8, 1826.
Eleazer Davis and Jane Nickerson, int. Jan. 22, 1820, "Cert. issued Feb. 3."
Emma R. Davis and Joseph V. Bartlett of Waldo, Mar. 29, 1864, in Monroe. Co.R.
Emmie A. Davis, Mrs., and Walter D. Staples, Mar. 25, 1890. [Walter O., CR3.]
Esther Davis [int. adds M.] and John H. Fogg of Brooks, Sept. 28, 1844. [Esther, Co.R.]
Eunice S. Davis of Montville and Henry York, int. Jan. 13, 1838, "Cert. issued Jan. 30."
Fannie A. Davis [int. 25] and William J. Dennett [int. 24, sailmaker], Nov. 12, 1865.
Frank Davis and Annie Tripp of Swanville, int. Jan. 16, 1860, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
Frank E. Davis [int. T.] and Hattie M. Spiller, Apr. 29, 1876.
George H. Davis and Nettie E. Stinson, int. Oct. 24, 1881, "Cert. issued Oct. 29."
George W. Davis and Ella M. Cunningham of Waldo, int. Feb. 17, 1879, "Cert. issued Feb. 24."
Guilford David (see Jilford).
Harriet L. Davis and Samuel Webber of Searsport, int. Nov. 25, 1849, "Dec. 4, cert. issued."
Herman H. Davis [int 21, hostler] and Philena Barnes [int. Lena E. Barnes, 18] of Waldo, Dec. 17, 1873.
J. E. Davis and Mary E. Lewis, Apr. 29, 1876.
James Davis and Ann Hopkins, Mar. _ [int. "Cert. issued Mar. 28"], 1824.
James P. Davis and Adelaid Cookson [int. Adaline Cookson], June 1, 1858. [Adalaid, Co.R.]
Jilford Davis of Swanville and Elizabeth Rankin of Swanville, Nov. 14, 1839.
John L. Davis of Readfield and Mrs. Grace U. Crosby, Jan. 7, 1880.
John P. Davis, seaman, and Mary E. Patterson, int. Nov. 19, 1872.
Jones S. Davis and Susan A. Rogers, June 24, 1848.
Joseph E. Davis and Sylvina J. Gilmore, Dec. 19, 1858.
Leander Davis and Eliza Cunningham, dau. Benjamin and Betsey (Stephenson), May 27, 1841, in Knox, PR93. PR110.
Leander L. Davis and Clara A. Wescott of Castine, Sept. 16, 1880.
Lizzie F. Davis and Jefferson F. Wilson [int. truckman], Apr. 18, 1868. [Lizzie F., dau. Leander and Eliza (Cunningham), Pr93.]
Lois C. Davis and Dr. J. M. Muzzey [int. Mussey, widr.] of LaPorte, Cal., Jan. 8, 1868. [Muzzy of LaPorte, Cal. Co.R.]
Lucy Davis and John Wales Jr. of Freedom, int. Dec. 20, 1840. [m. Feb. 28, 1841, Co.R.]
Luther Davis of Freedom and Mary P. Jackson, int. Dec. 19, 1874, "Cert. issued Dec. 26."
Lydia Davis (see Mary).
Margarett Davis [int. Margaret Davis] and George Watson, Feb. 12, 1832.
Maria A. Davis [dup. omits A.] Mrs., and Philip [dup. adds S.] Skinner, int. May 25, 1880, "cert. issued June 5."
Martha A. Davis and Henry W. Mason, int. Sept. 14, 1845, "Cert. issued Oct. 2."
Martha Jane Davis, 23, of Jackson, and Daniel E. Pillsbury, 23, seaman, int. Dec. 14, 1865, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
Mary Davis and William Greely [int. of Northport], Apr. 16, 1809. [William, CR2.]
Mary Davis and Jonathan L. Frye, int. Dec. 30, 1837. [Lydia, m. Feb. 11, 1838, Co.R.]
Mary A. Davis [int. 20] and Josiah Veazie [int. 24, seaman], Feb. 21, 1869.
Mary A. Davis and Edward H. Pratt, widr., third m., shoemaker, int. Dec. 26, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 30."
Mary E. Davis [int. 19] and Augustua E. Tripp [int. 22, laborer] of Swanville, Sept. 3, 1873.
Mary Elizabeth Davis and Philo Chase, May 12, 1857.
Mary H. Davis (see May H.)
Mary R. Davis and William R. Stoddard, int. Nov. 12, 1842, "Cert. issued Jan. 3, 1843."
May H. Davis [int. Mary H. Davis] of Bristol and Wellington Young, June 21, 1886, in Bristol.
Nathaniel S. Davis of Abbot and Emma F. Burr [int. Burd], Mar. 6, 1876.
Reuben H. Davis of Unity and Eleanor Morse, int. Dec. 19, 1877, "Cert. issued Dec. 24."
Samuel W. Davis and Ardell R. Clifford, Sept. 14, 1879.
Sarah E. Davis and Jeremiah G. Hall [int. E.], May 1, 1851.
Suky Davis and Ebenezer B. Greely [int. Greeley], Oct. 5, 1806. [Sukey and Ebenezer B. Greeley, CR2.]
Susan J. Davis and Benjamin F. Stephenson, Dec. 19, 1842.
Sylvina J. Davis, Mrs., [int wid.] and Cyrus J. Hall [int. merchant], June 1, 1868.
William Davis and Bitsey Marble [int. Betsy Marble], Dec. 20, 1810. [Betsy, CR2.]
William Davis and Eliza Cobbet, Nov. 18, 1824.
William Davis and M____ A. Mason, int. Feb. 15, 1850, "Cert. issued Mar. 4."
Zebulon R. Davis and Margaret Patterson, May 23, 1814.
DAVISON see Davidson, Davinson)
DAWSON also see Dorson)-
Fanny Dawson and J. Shea, int. Dec. 29, 1855.
Asa Day and Margaret Todd, Sept. 14, 1852.
George W. Day and Sarah F. Thomson, int. Sept. 7, 1845, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."
Joanna Day and Nathaniel French, int. Sept. 30, 1837, "Cert. issued June 6, 1838."
John H. Day and Mary E. Bird of Camden, int. Apr. 20, 1853.
Lydia Day of Waldo Plantation and Vinal Mayhew, Dec. 11, 1823.
Otis B. Day of Rockland and Victoria Clark of Northport, Oct. 17, 1863.
Stephen B. Day and Mary Ann McCrillis, Jan. 10, 1841. [m. Jan. 24, Co.R. Mary Ann, dau. James and Jane (Durham), m. June 16, PR138.]
Thomas Day of Plantation No. 5, Somerset Co., and Diana Mayhew, Jan. 18, 1827.
Elmira B. Dealing, Mrs., and Benjamin M. Smith of Lincolnville, int. Nov. 23, 1850, "Cert. issued Dec. 14."
DEAN also see Deane)-
Andrew I. Dean and Harriet E. Buckmore, int. Nov. 2, 1858, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
Charles E. Dean [int. Deane, omits E.] 24, blacksmith, son Andrew, blacksmith, (b. N. H.) and Sarah [int. (Hale)] (b. N. H.), and Hattie F. Cunningham, 22, cutter in paper mill, dau. William, joiner (b. Swanville) and Mary (int. (Brown)], Dec. 10, 1864. [Charles E. Dean, Co.R.]
Dora A. Dean and John M. Crosby, Jan. 18, 1882.
Horace Dean [int. 22, axe maker] and Mary E. Cottrill [int. 21], May 5, 1866. [Cottrell, dau. C. Y. and Mary A. (Lucas), PR133, Mary Eliza Cottrell, dau. Christopher Y. and Mary Ann (Lucas), PR134.]
Lucy Margaret Dean (second w.) and David Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), Mar. 18, 1847, PR108.
Sarah Dean [int. adds E.] and Barnes Putnam [int. of Dunstable, N. H.), Aug. 23, 1832.
Sarah I. Dean of Brooks and Thomas S. Cottrill, int. Nov. 15, 1859, "Cert. issued Nov. 19."
DEANE also see Dean)-
Hattie L. Deane [int. Dean, 26] and Augustus H. Stephenson, [int. 24, paper maker], Nov. 3, 1867. [Dean, Co.R.]
Jane Dearborn, Mrs., of Augusta, and Andrew Leslie Robbins of Augusta, May 1, 1886.
John C. Dearborn of Dover and Katie A. Lattie of Dover, July 24, 1866.
DEARING also see Deering)-
A. O, Dearing of Lewiston and Lenora M. Trundy, int. Feb. 12, 1886, "cert. issued Feb. 23."
DECROW also see Dickro, Dicrow)-
Azubah A. Decrow of Freedom and Capt. Thomas R. Shute, int. Sept. 4, 1847, "Cert. issued Sept. 21."
Myra E. Decrow of Searsport and William L. Hanson, May 1, 1884.
Edward J. Deegan and Isabel Flowers, dau. John and Mary (McCorrison), Feb. 5, 1879, PR73.
Isabel Deegan, second m., dau. John Flowers and Mary (McCorrison), and William H. Hooper, _____, PR73.
DEERING also see Dearing)-
Charlena Deering of Jackson and James A. Merithew, Dec. 17, 1881.
Frank Delaney of Bangor and Clara E. Norton of Bangor, Nov. 25, 1875.
Nathaniel W. Delano, barber, of Searsport, and Caro Jones, int. Nov. 29, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 11."
Mary A. Dell (see Mary A. Dill).
John Dempsey and Amelia D. Rhodes of Northport, Jan. 10, 1823.
Daniel Denen and Elizabeth Murphey, int. June 9, 1837, "Cert. issued June 24."
Clara J. Dennett [int. 22] and Joseph A. Gilmore [int. 23, seaman], June 16, 1867. [Clara A., Co.R. Joseph A., son David and Eliza (McKeen) PR106].
George W. Dennett, 21, sailmaker, and Mary A. Coombs, wid., 33, int. Nov. 1, 1865, "Cert. forbidden by Mr. Joseph Dennett."
Jacob K. Dennett and Annie T. Riggs, int. Sept. 29, 1888. [m. Oct. 10, CR3. Annie T., dau. Asa Franklin and Louise (Reed), m. Oct. 10, PR103.]
Mary A. Dennett and Alfred M. Roix, Oct. 8, 1861.
William J. Dennett [int. 24, sailmarker] and Fannie A. Davis [int. 25] Nov. 12, 1865.
Hannah E. Dennis of Hallowell and H. G. O. Washburn, int. Oct. 4, 1834, Cert. issued Oct. 21."
DENSMORE also see Dinsmoor, Dinsmore)-
Sarah Densmore of Windham, N. H., and Henery Davidson, int. July 28, 1819, "Cert. issued Aug. 24."
DERBY also see Darby)-
Mary S. Derby of York and William Fredrick, int. Dec. 26, 1818. [Mary Swett Derby of York and William Frederick, m. Jan. 10, 1819, in York, PR122.]
Rufus Derby and Harret McDonnald, int. Nov. 24, 1832, "Cert. issued Dec. 19."
Eliza Derry of Camden and John C. Perry, int. Nov. 22, 1836, "Cert. issued Dec. 5."
Jean Gabriel De Sibourg of France and Mary Louise Johnson, dau. Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), May 22, 1860, in Boston, PR1.
DESMON also see Desmond)-
Ellenor A. Desmon, 24, of Portland, and Henry A. Pillsbury, 25, pedler, int. May 30, 1873, "Cert. issued June 5."
DESMOND also see Desmon)-
Maggie Desmond and Leslie Kellar, int. Oct. 23, 1880, "Cert. issued Oct. 28."
John Dexter [int. widr., seaman] of N. S. and Anna Sudbury, Nov. 24, 1869. [John of N. S., CR1.]
Hiram Dicker of Milo and Susannah Cookson, int. July 13, 1845, "Cert. issued Aug. 8."
Charles B. Dickerson and Emma Eastman of Milford, int. Dec. 8, 1884.
Eliza Ann Dickerson and Lindly Murray Burrington of Franklin, Mass., int. Sept. 15, 1884, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."
Ellen L. Dickerson and [int. Col.] Edward H. Leib [int. Lieb, U.S.A.] of Portsville, Pa., Feb. 21, 1867. [Leib of Portsville, Pa., CR1. Co.R.]
J. Garland Dickerson of Prospect and L. Jane Merrithew of Prospect, Dec. 4, 1844, Co.R.
Lucy A. Dickerson and John M. Burleigh of S. Berwick, Jan. 14, 1880.
Adelbert Dickey of Northport and Nellie W. Wentworth, int. Nov. 10, 1885, "Cert. issued Nov. 15."
Albert Dickey and Hannah M. Clark, int. Jan. 11, 1855.
Andrew Dickey of Prospect and Betsy Lancaster of Prospect, Dec. 26, 1797, CR2.
Annie S. Dickey of Searsmont and Clarence L. Hagar of Union, Nov. 25, 1885.
Carrie Dickey and Martin Thomas, Nov. 11, 1884.
Cassius R. Dickey and Georgie F. Rolerson, July 19, 1890.
Cyrissia M. Dickey and Charles E. Washburn of Middleboro, Mass., Oct. 16, 1888.
Fannie M. Dickey of Northport and Bartlet Wadlin [dup. Barlett Wadlin] of Northport, Dec. 5, 1873.
Frederic A. Dickey of Northport and Harriet L. Knowlton of Northport, Jan. 2, 1853.
Hannah E. Dickey and Henry A. Condon [int. seaman], Nov. 19, 1871.
Hattie A. Dickey and Ambrose B. Hanson of Palermo, Jan. 9, 1877.
John W. Dickey and Lydia Richards, int. June 1, 1835, "Cert. issued June 17."
Joseph K. Dickey, 24, shoemaker, and Alice R. Robinson, 18, of Morrill, int. Dec. 16, 1873, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
Lillian E. Dickey of Lincolnville and Joel M. Miller of Lincolnville, Feb. 25, 1884.
Melvin F. Dickey of Lincolnville and Alice M. Mahoney of Lincolnville, Nov. 25, 1884.
Myra C. Dickey of Monroe and William H. Staples, int. Aug. 27, 1881, "Cert. issued Sept. 10."
Nancy H. Dickey of Northport and Jacob L. Rhoades of Northport, Jan. 1, 1859.
Sara Dickey of Lincolnville and Samuel Gardiner of Northport, Sept. 22, 1830.
Sarah Dickey of Prospect and William Collins of Prospect, May 1, 1804.
Sarah Dickey and James O. Bean, int. July 20, 1859, "Cert. issued July 30."
DICKRO also see Decrow, Dicrow)-
John Dickro of Lincolnville and Katy K. Park of Prospect, Feb. 21, 1805.
DICROW also see Decrow, Dickro)-
Exce [sic] of Ducktrap and William Kidder of Ducktrap, Feb. 20, 1800.
Mary A. Dill of Northport and Dunmer Toward of Freedom, Nov. 7, 1861. [Dell of Northport, Co.R.]
Nellie Dill and Augustus F. Marshall, July 4, 1891.
DILLAWAY also see Dilloway)-
Catharine Dillaway and John Herrick, int. Jan. 31, 1841, "Cert. issued Feb. 16."
Lovisa C. Dillaway and Alexander Farrow of Searsmont, int. Nov. 27, 1843, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
Samuel Dillaway and Nancy Hall, Jan. 6, 1814.
Samuel Dillaway, divorced, merchant, and Melissa J. Colcord, int. Oct. 22, 1869, "Cert. issued Oct. 26."
Mary H. Dilling of Albion and Sylvanus G. Cottrell, Sept. 27, 1884.
Benjamin P. Dillingham and Lucy Jameson of St. George, int. Nov. 18, 1824, "Cert. Dec. 2nd."
Catharine W. Dillingham and Patrick Kearney, int. Jan. 5, 1855.
Catherine W. and Alenzo Osborn, int. Nov. 16, 1849, "Not posted up N. P. Cen Nisi."
DILLOWAY also see Dillaway)-
Lucinda Dilloway and Joel Paul, int. Aug. 12, 1837, "Cert. issued Sept. 1."
Silas Dilloway and Catharine Brackett, int. Jan. 27, 1827, "Cert. issued Feb. 15."
Patrick Dimon of Castine and Mrs. Ann Welch, int. Mar. 22, 1862, "Cert. issued 26th."
Hattie B. Dingly of Waterville and Stephen S. Lewis, int. May 7, 1861, "Cert. issued May 11."
DINSMOOR also see Densmore, Dinsmore)-
Isaiah Dinsmoor of Windham, N. H., and Margaret M. Park, Sept. 9, 1852.
DINSMORE also see Densmore, Dinsmoor)-
Bounds C. Dinsmore, widr., merchant, and Sarah B. Whitten, int. Aug .9, 1872, "Cert. issued Aug. 16."
Cynthia Ellen Dinsmore and Waldo Burrill [int. Burrell] Washburne, Feb. 7, 1876.
Jane More Dinsmore [? Ware] of Windham, N. H., and Henry Davidson, int. May 14, 1809.
Loviza Dinsmore of Windham, N. H., and Samuel Jackson, int. Dec. 5, 1825, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
Pliny E. Dinsmore and Mary A. Ryder, int. June 29, 1860, "Cert. issued June 10."
Thomas B. Dinsmore [int. merchant] and Isabella K. Moore, Sept. 18, 1872.
Wellington Dinsmore and Lizzie N. Bush of Vassalborough, int. Sept. 10, 1875, "cert. issued Sept. 14."
Alexander P. Doak, Capt., of Searport, and Sarah Jane Davidson, May 22, 1855.
Mary A. Doak [int. Anna] and James B. [int. Bacon] Crocker [int. Jr.] of Boston, Mass., June 14, 1877.
DOAR also see Dorr)-
Abby Doar and Robert Brier Jr., Aug. 7, 1841.
Lucy Ann Doar and Simeon Rider, int. July 27, 1845, "Cert. issued Aug. 10."
DOCKAM also see Dockham)-
Mary Dockam of Frankfort and Joshua Thomas of Frankfort, Oct. 23, 1839.
DOCKHAM also see Dockam)-
Addie Dockham, Mrs., and John McIntyre [int. McIntire], Nov. 29, 1888. [McIntyre, CR3.]
Ephraim Dockham of Frankfort and Mary E. Howard, int. Oct. 19, 1861, "Cert. issued Oct. 26."
Alphonzo Dodge [int. 26, harness maker] and Angie Brown [int. 23], Sept. 26, 1865.
Althea H. Dodge and Stephen F. Collins of S. Washington [int. S. Framingham, Mass.], Jan. 14, 1883.
Amborse J. Dodge and Verena Mixer of Knox, May 12, 1877.
Ambrose J. Dodge and Renie Mixer, May 11, 1881.
Charles Dodge and Lizzie Cook, Sept. 8, 1891.
Cheney C. Dodge [int. 25, trader] and Mrs. Cemantha Roberts [int. wid., 24] of Prospect, Nov. 13, 1865.
Christiana Dodge and John Roberts, May 13, 1821.
Elizabeth E. Dodge (see Lizzie E.)
Ferdinand Dodge and Eliza Ann Lancaster, dau. James and Susan (Knight), May 29, 1855, PR108.
Ferdinand Doge and Fida P. Hinds, July 8, 1860.
H. Lizzie Dodge and Charles H. Snell of Natick, Mass., Apr. 10, 1855.
Harriet M. T. Dodge of Bluehill and Capt. Cyrus Rowe, int. June 26, 1847, "Cert. issued July 10."
Harriet N. Dodge and George W. Kimball, int. Sept. 9, 1852.
Helen G. Dodge and Frank Perkins, int. Apr. 25, 1864, "Cert. issued April 30."
Henry O. Dodge of Brooks and M. A. Webster of Brooks, July 4, 1874.
Isabelle M. Dodge and Parker V. Webb of Deer Isle, May 1, 1877, "Cert. issued May 7."
Jacob H. Dodge (see Jacob H. George).
James H. Dodge and Judith B. Lear, Apr. 28, 1852.
James H. Dodge and Marietta F. Patterson, Nov. 18, 1882.
Jennie Dodge and James E. Patterson, Sept. 6, 1890.
Lizzie E. Dodge and Edward H. Dunbar, Jan. 16, 1884. [Elizabeth E. Dodge and Edward H. Dunbar, son Henry Jr. and Sarah J. (Pote), PR115.]
Loiza Dodge and Joseph Thomes of Morrill, Apr. 30, 1860, in Morrill, Co.R.
Luther C. Dodge of Bluehill and Diantha E. Shattuck of Washington, Oct. 9, 1863.
Martha B. Dodge [int. 28] of Boston, Mass., and Freeman W. Shephard [int. Shepherd, 40, farmer], Oct. 13, 1867, in Boston, Mass. [Shepherd, Co.R.]
Minnie M. Dodge and Silas D. Brown of Jackson, Nov. 21, 1860, in Monroe, Co.R.
Noah Dodge of Islesborough and Elizabeth Jane Brown, int. Jan. 8, 1829, "Cert. issued Jan. 25."
Noah B. Dodge and Mrs. Lucy D. Trussel, int. Feb. 2, 1852, "forbidden by Mrs. L. D. Trussel."
Sarah Dodge, Mrs., and Josiah Wood, int. Feb. 13, 1836.
Sarah C. Dodge of Liberty and Wilder H. Worthing, int. June 1, 1850 [m. June 30 in Palermo, Co.R.]
Susan Doge of Swan Plantation and Cornelius Malony, June 6, 1816.
Wealthy Jane Dodge [int. of Islboro] and Joseph Brown, July 23, 1836.
Wilder W. Dodge of New Castle and Carrie M. Richardson of Northport, Jan. 2, 1884. CR3.
William T. Dodge [int. F.] of Islesboro and Mary E. Burd, Jan. 20, 1863. [William T. of Islesboro, Co.R.]
Alvina Etta Doe [int. Albia] and Frank Clark, Jan. 14, 1880.
Annie Doe and Llewellyn Jipson, July 21, 1874.
Aurinda B. Doe and George D. McCrillis, int. Aug. 28, 1852. [George D., son James and Jane (Durham), m. Aug. 29, PR138.]
Charles A. Doe of Fort Payne, Ala., and Susie D. Black, Oct. 8, 189. [Susan D., dau. Benjamin T. and Mary E. (Durham), PR53.]
Ella A. Doe and Frank O. Critchett, Oct. 29, 1879.
Emma J. Doe and Martin C. Roggers, int. Nov. 4, 1843, "Cert. issued Nov. 19."
Lizzie B. Doe and Albert T. Worthing of Clinton, Jan. 5, 1879.
Orinda B. Doe (see Aurinda B.)
Charles A. Dolliver, widr., painter, and Hannah E. Farrar of Washington, int. Aug. 26, 1869, "Cert. issued Sept. 1"
Lizette Dolliver of Searsport and Henry C. Merrill, boat builder, int. Feb. 13, 1868, "Cert. issued Mar. 3."
William Dolliver and Lucena Coombs, int. Dec. 10, 1831. [Doliver, m. Dec. 25, Co.R.]
William A. Dolliver of Bangor and Ella J. Simonton of Searsport, Nov. 15, 1870, in Searsport, CR1.
DOLLOFF also see Doloff)-
Betsy Dolloff of Green Plantation and Ezra Woodman of Green Plantation, int. Jan. 5, 1803.
Daniel Dolloff of Green and Marcia Sawyer of Green, int. Oct. 7, 1809.
Jacob Dolloff of Green and Sally Ward of Green, int. Jan. 24, 1812.
DOLOFF also see Dolloff)-
Mary Ann Doloff and Daniel Lang on Brooks, int. Apr. 27, 1846, "Cert. issued May 12."
Francis Donley, 30, seaman, and Lizzie M. Morse, 20, int. Nov. 20, 1865, "Forbidden by Miss Morse."
Mary J. Donley and William R. Dutch [int. B.] of Searsport, Dec. 25, 1858. [William B. of Searsport, Co.R.]
DONNEL also see Donnell)-
Clementine Donnel of Searsmont, Waldo Co., and Hollis M. A. Poor, June 20, 1865.
DONNELL also see Donnel)-
Ann Maria Donnell, dau. Samuel and Eliza (Wyman), and Henry Wadwroth Marriner, son Alden and Sybil (Lakin), Mar. 31, 1866, in Lincolnville, PR167.
Phelia E. Donnell of Belmont and Austin A. Greer of Somerville, Mass., Aug. 19, 1883.
Julia Donovan and John Sullivan of Searsport, int. Apr. 20, 1875, "Cert. issued Apr. 24."
Gracie C. Dority of Boston, Mass., and Enoch R. Cain of Montville, May 28, 1870.
DORR also see Doar)-
Frank I. Dorr and Nancy C. Gray, Nov. 6, 1889.
DORSON also see Dawson)-
Bridget Dorson and Thomas Haugh, int. Jan. 13, 1847, "Cert. issued Jan. 27."
DOTTY also see Doty)-
Eletta I. Dotty of Montville and Frank W. Swett of Knox, Nov. 26, 1872. [Doty of Montville, CR3.]
DOTY also see Dotty)-
Paul Doty and Betsey Lucas of Green Plantation, int. Oct. 31, 1805.
William Double and Frances Powers, int. Nov. 28, 1803.
Abby B. Douglass and Noah G. Clark, int. Nov. 9, 1850, "Cert. issued Nov. 23."
Betsey Douglass of Waldo and Nathaniel Gurney of Waldo, Nov. 25, 1847.
Elisabeth B. Douglass and Reuben M. Turner of Thomaston, Dec. 12, 1841. [Elizabeth B., Co.R.]
Elisha Douglass of Knox and Mrs. Lydia Larrabee of Jackson, Nov. 26, 1879.
Elizabeth B. Douglass (see Elisabeth B.)
John Douglass, Capt. [int Jr. omits Capt.], and Harriet Cousins, Dec. 4, 1838.
John B. Douglass of Glasgow and Rebeccah Merrithew, int. Mar. 26, 1821.
Mary R. Douglass and Thomas Luce of Hempden, int. Dec. 17, 1843, "Cert. issued July 15, 1844."
Rhoda R. Douglass and Simeon A. Larabee, int. Nov. 26, 1842, "Cert. issued Nov. 22, 1843."
Susan Douglass of Hope and Robert Patterson, int. Aug. 5, 1837, "Cert. issued Sept. 21."
DOW also see Dowe)-
Amanda M. Dow and George H. Herrick, int. Nov. 24, 1863, "Cert. issued Nov. 28."
Atlanta E. Dow of China and Willard L. Maddocks, int. Aug. 4, 1855.
Betsey F. Dow [int. Betsy] of China and Alexander H. Maddocks, Nov. 24, 1855. [Betsy F. of China, CO.R.]
Catherine Dow [int. Catharine Dow] and Gardiner Brooks [int. Gardner Brooks] of Bangor, May 11, 1830.
Herbert J. Dow [int. carriage maker] and Josephine Thompson of Round Point, Bristol, July 11, 1868, in Bristol.
Jonathan Dow of Prospect and Charlotte S. True, Dec. 13, 1821.
Josie H. Dow, Mrs., and Otis W. McKenney, Dec. 25, 1877.
Marcellus J. Dow of Brooks and Ermina Lane of Brooks, Nov. 15, 1873.
Mary A. Dow of Frankfort and Reuben S. Shute, int. Dec. 12, 1847, "Cert. issued Dec. 26."
Mary R. Dow [dup. Mary K. Dow], Mrs., and William C. Adams, Mar. 21, 1875. [Mary H., CR3.]
Mehitable J. Dow, Mrs., [int. 36, divorced], and Henry Wyman [int. widr., 50, merchant], Feb. 3, 1874.
Moses W. Dow of Brooks and Maria H. Jellison of Waldo, Aug. 24, 1856.
Richard C. Dow of Stockton and Annie M. Snow of Northport, Sept. 14, 1863.
Sarah Dow and Lewis F. Shepard, Mar. 14, 1831, in Exeter, N. H., "removed to Belfast June 7, 1833."
Weston W. Dow [int. 27, carriage maker] and Jane N. Havener [int. Jennie Havener] [int. 23], Nov. 27, 1867. [Jane N., Co.R.]
DOWE also see Dow)-
Charles W. Dowe, shoemaker, of Dover, N. H., and H_____ ____, int. ___, 1872. [This entry marked "Error."
DOWNES also see Downs)-
Ella F. Downes [int. Ella F. Downs] and William H. McCarty, Jan. 12, 1875. [Downs and William H. MacCarty, CR1.]
DOWNS also see Downes)-
Fred R. Downs and Ardell Brier, Nov. 24, 1879.
Phebe Y. Downs of Swanville and Paul N. Freeman of Dixmonth, Dec. 16, 1855. [Phoebe G. of Swanville, Co.R.]
Relief S. Downs of China and George H. Brier, int. Oct. 7, 1857, "Cert. issued Oct. 27."
William C. Downs, widr., 26, shoemaker, and Eva S. Collins, 25, of Liberty, int. Nov. 13, 1866, "Cert. issued Nov. 17."
James Doyle of Northport and Amelia Brown of Northport, June 17, 1821.
John Doyle of Northport and Charlotte Woodworth of Northport, Feb. 16, 1832.
Susan Jane Doyle and Otis Smith Jr. of Belmont, int. Sept. 17, 1831.
Ella M. Drake of Lincolnville and Nathan F. Patterson, Dec. 31, 1874.
Frank O. Drake of Brockton, Mass., and Lucy I. Stimpson, int. May 20, 1885, "Cert. issued May 24."
Simon W. Draper of Boston, Mass., and Bridgett Rhoades of Northport, Jan. 13, 1871.
Irael Dresser of Belmont and Betsy Banks, Sept. 12, 1824.
Ann Drew and Austin Buck [int. Austin Burke], Dec. 28, 1833.
Alice V. Drinkwater of Lincolnville and Edgar F. Whitney of Warren, Minn., Dec. 15, 1881, CR3.
Charles F. Drinkwater of Northport and Minnie R. Lane of Northport, Sept. 27, 1886.
Cordelia H. Drinkwater and William H. Brown, int. Apr. 12, 1840. [m. Apr. 26, Co.R.]
Edward A. Drinkwater of Northport and Annie E. Priest of Northport, Oct. 7, 1868.
Ella M. Drinkwater of Lincolnville and Eugene L. Tripp of Lincolnville, Dec. 31, 1871.
Emily H. Drinkwater of Lincolnville and John H. Munroe of Lincolnville, May 31, 1867.
Emma Drinwater and Hiram Clary, int. ___ [rec. between May 18 and May 22], 1869. [This entry written in pencil].
Emma A. Drinkwater of Lincolnville and Fred S. Dyer of Portland, Dec. 1, 1866.
Euphenia J. Drinkwater of Northport and David O. Alden, June 16, 1858.
Evie M. Drinkwater of Northport and Charles A. Richards of Northport, Oct. 9, 1873.
F. A. Drinkwater of Northport, Waldo Co., and Carrie D. Lindsey of Northport, Dec. 11, 1870.
Georgia N. Drinkwater of Northport and Fred A. Yeaton of Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 12, 1880.
Helen S. Drinkwater of Northport and Charles W. Trussell of Lynn, Mass., Aug. 23, 1882.
Isadora W. Drinkwater, wid. of Lincolnville and Benjamin F. Tucker, divorced, clerk, int. Mar. 11, 1872, "Cert. issued Mar. 15."
Joseph Drinkwater [int. of N. Yarmouth] and Elizabeth McKinley [int. wid.], Oct. 7, 1806. [Capt. Joseph and Elizabeth McKinly, CR2.]
L. W. Drinkwater of Lincolnville and Nellie M. Knight of Lincolnville, May 1, 1884.
Lilliam E. Drinkwater of Lincolnville and E. A. Barker of Fitchburg, Mass., Jan. 17, 1884.
Lydia E. Drinkwater of Northport and Hervey R. Skay, int. Apr. 22, 1889.
Mary Elizabeth Drinkwater, dau. Richard Holt and Elizabeth, and ____ ____, Jan. 29, 1852, PR32.
Rachael F. Drinkwater of Northport and Capt. Job R. Herrick of Northport, Nov. 10, 1858. [Job B. of Northport, Co.R.]
Rodney Drinkwater of Northport and Mary E. Holt, Jan. 1, 1843. [Mary Elizabeth, dau. Richard and Elizabeth, PR32.]
Sibyl Drinkwater and Capt. Silas Parker, Jan. 22, 1822 [? in Belfast], PR78.
Sophronia B. Drinkwater and Samuel S. Parker, Apr. 26, 1857, PR78.
Venie M. Drinkwater of Northport and Charles T. Elwell of Northport, Sept. 26, 1876.
William G. Drinkwater of Northport, Waldo Co., and Hannah A. Dyer of Northport, Dec. 21, 1870.
Andrew A. Drury and Edith L. Bashaw of Stowe, Vt., May 2, 1891.
Matilda H. Drury of Enfield and Albert E. Clark, int. Dec. 14, 1854.
Dora C. Dudley, Mrs., and William Engle [int. adds M.] of Holyoke, Mass., Oct. 27, 1890.
John Dudley and Elisabeth L. Isley, int. Sept. 11, 1830, "Cert. issued Sept. 27."
DUFFIE also see Duffy)-
Ellen A. Duffie and Everard A. Wilson, Oct. 7, 1889.
DUFFY also see Duffie)-
Joel P. Duffy of Camden and Flavilla Paul, July 16, 1858.
Robert C. Duffy of Camden and Fidelia A. Speed, int. Feb. 13, 1853 [m. Feb. 17, in Camden, Co.R.]
Eliza Dummer and Samuel Cunningham, July 9, 1820.
Martha Dummer [int. adds Jane] and Hugh J. Anderson Esq., Mar. 4, 1832.
Abbie E. Dunbar and Edwin T. Ryan [int. L.]. Dec. 10, 1876.
Almira Dunbar (see Elmira and Elvira).
Annie Dunbar [int. 19] of Deer Isle and William Robbins [int. 27], Nov. 11, 1883.
Benjamin M. Dunbar and Elizabeth B. Small, Dec. 23, 1856. [Elizabeth M. Co.R.]
Betsy Dunbar and Isaac Wood, July 1, 1838.
Edward H. Dunbar and Lizzie E. Dodge, Jan. 16, 1884. [Edward H., son Henry Jr. and Sarah J. (Pote), and Elizabeth E. Dodge, PR115.]
Eliza E. Dunbar and John W. Ryder, Dec. 10, 1876.
Elmina M. Dunbar and Charles E. Vyles, Jan. 30, 1858, "Cert. issued Feb. 12."
Elmira Dunbar and John W. Nash, int. Dec. 27, 1860. [m. Dec. 31, Co.R.]
Elvira Dunbar, Mrs., [int. Elmira, wid.], and Horatio Thurston [int. farmer] of Thorndike, July 18, 1866. [Elvira, Co.R.]
Flora E. Dunbar and Clement A. Smith, Sept. 14, 1889.
Frank H. Dunbar and Mabel Robbins, Jan. 1, 1891.
Henry Dunbar and Phebe G. Cottrell, Nov. 22, 1827, PR115.
Henry Dunbar Jr. and Sarah J. Pote, Nov. 20, 1856. [Henry Jr., son Henry and Phebe G. (Cottrell), PR115.]
Isaac Dunbar, Capt., and Barbara A. Hodgden [int. Hodgdon], July 7, 1861. [Hodgdon, CR3. Co.R.]
Isaac Dunbar and Etta H. Jones, Nov. 26, 1874.
Joseph Dunbar and Emma J. Burgess, Apr. 16, 1864.
Joseph Dunbar and Clara D. Batchelder, int. May 28, 1875, "Cert. issued May 24."
Joshua Dunbar and Sarah Elizabeth Wood, int. Apr. 15, 1857.
Lucretia A. Dunbar [int. 19] and Everett S. Towars [int. Towers, 25, farmer] of Searsport, Dec. 10, 1865. [Towars of Searsport, Co.R.]
Lydia Dunbar and William H. Clarke, int. Apr. 17, 1845, "This Publishment Countermanded by order of Lyear Dunbar."
Lydia M. Dunbar and William R. Roix, int. Oct. 18, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
Lydia M. Dunbar and Ervin L. Bowden, Sept. 12, 1890.
Mary F. Dunbar and Shubael C. Rich, Feb. 23, 1887.
Medora Ella Dunbar and George F. Hassell, int. May 24, 1877, "Cert. issued May 29."
Phebe E. Dunbar and Charles E. Crawford, Oct. 29, 1888. [Charles E. of New York City, CR1. Phebe Elizabeth, dau. Henry Jr. and Sarah J. (Pote), PR115.]
Prudence C. Dunbar and Daniel L. Pitcher, Apr. 9, 1848.
Sarah Dunbar and Ephraim Garland, int. May 15, 1842, "Cert. issued May 29."
Sarah Dunbar and Benjamin Robbins [int. seaman], Dec. 15, 1869.
Sarah E. Dunbar, Mrs., and James W. Wood, Feb. 28, 1889.
Susan Dunbar and Richard Lear Jr., int. Feb. 12, 1840, "cert. issued Mar. 1."
Susan Dunbar, Mrs., and William Robbins, int. Feb. 28, 1851, "Withdrawn by order of Wm. Robbins."
Wellington E. Dunbar [int. seaman] and Marilla A. Robbins, Oct. 19, 1870.
William M. Dunbar and Elvira Wood, Mar. 10, 1861.
Charles C. Duncan of Rockland and Hattie P. Farrow, int. Sept. 25, 1858, "Cert. issued Oct. 1."
George H. Duncan and Carrie E. Gardiner [Gardner], May 15, 1875.
Lavinia M. Duncan of Rockland and Greenleaf Childs of Rockland, Mar. 28, 1862. [Lavina M. of Rockland, Co.R.]
Mira C. Duncan of Northport and Clifford B. Jones of Lynn, Mass., Dec. 23, 1885.
Thomas Dunham Esq. [int. of Tisbury, Mass.] and Paulina Hodgedon, July 23, 1820.
Ephraim Dunlap of Camden [int. Embden] and Mary A. Lord [int. Mary Ann Lord], Feb. __ [int. "cert. issd. Feb. 2"], 1826.
Jane Dunlap of Boston and Francis Anderson, int. July 14, 1803.
William Dunlevy of Sing Sing, N. Y., and Julia C. Dwelley, Apr. 2, 1883.
William Dunn, 30, farmer, of Liberty, and Nancy Tremble, 20, int. Mar. 4, 1867, "Cert. issued Mar. 9."
DUNNELL also see Dunnells, Dunnels)-
Adelia Dunnell [int. adds E.] and Franklin Sargent of Searsport, Feb. 17, 1858. [Adelia, Co.R.]
DUNNELLS also see Dunnell, Dunnels)-
Fannie J. Dunnells and Charles F. Robinson of Somerville, Mass., Jan. 13, 1875. [Dunnell, CR1.]
Samuel Dunnells Jr. and H. Elizabeth Moore, Nov. 21, 1857. [Dunnell Jr., Co.R.]
DUNNELS also see Dunnell, Dunnells)-
Ellen L. Dunnels and Samuel Gillum, int. July 5, 1852, "cert. issued July 5."
Jane Dunnels [int. Jane Dunnells], Mrs., and Alexander M. Graisbary, Dec. 24, 1874.
Charles E. Dunton and Hattie L. Mayo, June 4, 1880.
Eliza Dunton [int. wid., 48] and H. W. Ellis [int. widr., 55, carpenter], Mar. 12, 1874.
Fannie A. Dunton and Charles A. Ellis, Apr. 7, 1871.
Frances Dunton and William H. Burroughs, int. Dec. 11, 1841, "Cert. issued Jan. 2, 1842."
Frances L. Dunton and George W. Lindsey, int. Oct. 23, 1840.
Isaac L. Dunton and Eliza Jane Burkmar, int. Dec. 16, 1848, "Cert. issued Dec. 30."
Jennie A. Dunton and Orren H. Cunningham [int. hostler], Oct. 21, 1871.
Julia A. Dunton of Searsmont and Alfred H. Wardwell of Martinicus, May 15, 1884.
Osie E. Dunton [see Osie E. Dutton].
Robert F. Dunton and Lizzie M. Farrow of Searsmont, int. May 18, 1878, "Cert. issued June 4."
Shubael M. Dunton 2d of Lincolnville and Edna L. McCobb of Lincolnville, Dec. 24, 1890.
Valrous Dunton [int. Valorous Dunton, 18, axe maker] and Sarah Abba Cottrill [int. 21], June 3, 1871. [Cottrell, dau. C. Y. and Mary A. (Lucas) PR133. Valorous and Sarah Abbie Cottrell, dau. Christopher Y. and Mary Ann (Lucas), PR134.]
Lizzie Durant of Searsport and Andrew W. Johnson, int. Mar. 30, 1876, "cert. issued Apr. 3."
Edward H. Durell of Lowell, Mass., and Abba Waterman [dup. Abbie Waterman] Feb. 20, [sic, int. Feb. 21, "Cert. issued Feb. 26."], 1877.
Charles Duren, Rev., of Sangerville, and Serena McKeen, int. Aug. 28, 1841, "Cert. issued Sept. 13."
David Durgin and Mrs. Sarah Garland, int. Apr. 21, 1860, "Cert. issued Apr. 25."
Julana W. Durgin, teacher, dau. David, marketman, and Thomas B. Wyman of Vassalboro, Aug. 21, 1865. [Julia W. Dyer, Co.R.]
Llewellyn Durgin and Emily W. Nickerson, Nov. 24, 1862. [Llewelly, Co.R.]
Martha A. Durgin and George W. Pendleton [int. mariner], May 3, 1871.
Sarah M. Durgin and Charles A. Brown, int. Aug. 15, 1859, "Cert. issued Aug. 20."
Susanna Durgin and Job Allard, son David Sr. and Lydia (Berry), Oct. 30, 1791, PR77.
Ann Durham and Capt. William Avery, June 4, 1820.
Annie A. Durham and Ben Hazeltine, July 25, 1888. [Annie Agness, dau. Franklin H. and Sarah Ellen (Wight), PR4. Benjamin, son Charles B. and Frances L. (Jones), PR26.]
Annie S. Durham, 25, teacher, dau. George S., seaman, and Mary Ann Nealley, and Franklin Berry, 32, caulker, of Stockton, son Joseph, carpenter (b. Prospect), and Lucy (b. Lincolnville), int. July 17, 1865, "Cert. issued July 22."
Anson E. Durham and Susan E. Quimby, Jan. 1, 1860.
Betsey Durham [int. Elizabeth Durham] and Alven Edmunds, Nov. 6, 1806. [Elizabeth and Alvan Edmunds, CR2.]
Cyrus T. Durham, Capt., and Louisa Paul, Apr. 30, 1850.
Elizabeth Durham, Mrs., and James Morro, Nov. 8, 1774.
Elizabeth (see Betsey).
Frank H. Durham and Sarah E. Wight, Nov. 15, 1857. [Sarah E., dau. Joseph and Sarah (Burgess), Pr3.]
George L. Durham of Bangor and Frances M. Eaton of Bangor, Mar. 10, 1863.
George S. Durham and Mary Ann Carpenter of Thomaston, int. May 18, 1834, "Cert. issued June 7."
Georgia Durham and Simeon C. Knights of Bridgeton, Nov. 11, 1880.
Harriet C. Durham and James A. Forbes [int. shoe cutter] of W. Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 24, 1869.
Harriet Durham and Simon Cross of Orono, Mar. 23, 1837.
Isabella B. Durham [int. omits B.] and Charles Treadwell, Sept. 21, 1828.
Issabel Durham, Mrs., and John Barnett, Sept. 27, 1774.
James Durham and Nancy McCrillis, int. Apr. 28, 1811.
James Durham and Betsy Mathews of Prospect, int. Sept. 19, 1818.
Jane Durham and James McCrillis, Sept. 22, 1808.
Jane M. Durham and Charles A. Stephenson, int. Nov. 9, 1844, "Cert. issued Nov. 23."
John B. Durham and Kiziah Hall [int. Kezia Hall of Augusta], May 7, 1818.
Jonathan Durham and Eunice Sargent of Gouldsborough, int. Nov. 8, 1817, "Cert. issued Nov. 28."
Jonathan Durham 2d and Susan Field of Prospect, int. Feb. 20, 1830, "Cert. Mar. 7."
Joshua T. Durham of Waldo and Mary Ann Clements of Monroe, Dec. 27, 1838, Co.R.
Margaret Durham and Joseph Matthews 2d of Prospect, Oct. 31, 1822.
Mary Durham and Joseph Thompson [int. of Frankfort], Feb. 17, 1820.
Mary Durham of Monroe and William Ford of Monroe, May 22, 1844. Co.R.
Mary A. Durham, Mrs., of Monroe, and Joseph Sanborn of Monroe, May 1, 1843, Co.R.
Mary Ann Durham and Hon. David W. Lothrop, int. Sept. 24, 1842. [David W., son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), m. Oct. 11, PR92.]
Mary E. Durham and Lorenzo D. Moore of Frankfort, Jan. 6, 1860.
Mary E. Durham and Benjamin T. Black of Oroville, Cal., Mar. 23, 1863. [Mar. 3, Co.R. Mar. 22, PR53.]
Ralph Durham [int. carpenter] and Annie E. Quimby, Feb. 22, 1870.
Sarah Durham and Henry Cargill, int. Apr. 15, 1826, "Cert. issued May 15."
Sarah E. Durham and Edmund Wilson Jr., int. May 23, 1847, "Cert. issued June 5."
Sarah E. Durham and Henry Fuller, July 9, 1854.
Sarah J. Durham and Leander Mathews, int. Nov. 23, 1842, "Cert. issued Dec. 10."
Tolford Durham and Caroline Merrithew of Searsport, int. June 20, 1851, "Cert. issued July 12."
Tolford Durham and Maria F. Maddocks, dau. Samuel and Eliza (Weed), _____, PR164.
William Durham and Selena Hatch, Apr. 26, 1810.
William Durham [int. 2d] and Emily Whittier, Dec. 27, 1831.
William N. Durham and Caroline E. Saunders of Swanville, Dec. 20, 1851.
Carrie F. Durning and Franklin H. Black, July 27, 1884.
Alonzo Dutch and Amelia A. Burd [int. Bird] of Northport, July 12, 1863. [Burd of Northport, Co.R.]
Alva Dutch of Prospect and Mary Todd, int. Aug. 8, 1829, "Cert. issued Aug. 29."
George A. Dutch [int. seaman] and Evelyn M. Flagg, Feb. 27, 1869.
Lilla May Dutch and Arvida Whitney of Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 13, 1885.
Mary A. Dutch [int. Ann] and Isaac D. Darby, Sept. 19, 1861. [Mary A., CR3. "cert. issued Apr. 7."
Mary A. Dutch and George Runnells of Albion [int. Runnelds of S. Albion], Apr. 29, 1867. [Runnells of Albion, Co.R.]
Samuel Dutch and Mrs. Mary Jane Hinckley, int. Nov. 5, 1836, "Cert. issued Nov. 25."
Samuel A. Dutch and Rebecca A. Stickney, int. June 15, 1859, "Forbidden by Miss Rebecca A. Stickney."
Samuel A. Dutch and Augusta B. Flagg, int. June 8, 1863, "Cert. issued June 12."
Sarah F. Dutch and Phineas G. Gross [int. A.] [int. blacksmith], Mar. 25, 1871.
Sarah Parnel Dutch of Searsport and James J. Perry of Searsport, Aug. 28, 1859.
Statira Dutch and Hezekiah Eaton, int. Feb. 10, 1838. [m. Mar. 11, Co.R.]
Stephen Dutch and Sally Wood, Nov. 2, 1837.
William R. Dutch [int. B.] of Searsport and Mary J. Donley, Dec. 25, 1858. [William B. of Searsport, Co.R.]
Ella F. Dutton [int. 22] and James S. Harriman Esq. [int. 24, attorney], Sept. 17, 1873.
Jacob Dutton of Knox Plantation and Martha Aborn of Knox Plantation, int. Oct. 6, 1811.
Louisa M. Dutton of Montville and Jesse Robbins, int. Mar. 30, 1845, "Cert. issued April 17."
Osie E. Dutton of Waldo and Celie I. Wentworth of Waldo, Aug. 21, 1887. [Dunton of Waldo, CR3.]
William H. Dutton of Bangor and Sarah E. Torrey, June 25, 1848.
DWELLEY also see Dwelly)-
Julia C. Dwelley and William Dunlevy of Sing Sing, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1883.
Mary A. Dwelley and Edwin D. Curtis, Jan. 19, 1880.
William Dwelley of Brooks and Mary Banks, int. Mar. 19, 1835. [Dwelly of Brooks, m. Apr. 2, Co.R.]
DWELLY also see Dwelley)-
Annie M. Dwelly and Joseph B. Leathers of Brooks, Dec. 19, 1856.
Deborah Dwelly of Prospect and William Curtis of Frankfort, Jan. 10, 1811.
Alpheus Dyer [int. caulker] and Julia F. Smith, Feb. 11, 1870.
Annie F. Dyer of Unity and Moses Boynton Jr. of Unity, Dec. 22, 1863.
Annie N. Dyer and Horatio J. Locke, int. Apr. 20, 1863, "Cert. issued April 24."
Annie T. Dyer [int. I.] and Edward L. Warren, Aug. 18, 1883.
Benjamin R. Dyer of Brooksville and Eliza A. Eaton, June 29, 1862.
Clara Dyer and Joseph C. Walker, farmer, of Island Falls, int. Jan. 1, 1872, "Cert. issued Jan. 5."
Daniel L. Dyer and Nancy Smith, May 19, 1844. [David L., Co.R.]
David G. Dyer [int. Y.] and Elisabeth A. Blake, Sept. 14, 1842. [David G. and Elizabeth A. Blake, Co.R.]
David L. Dyer (see Daniel L.)
David W. Dyer and Sarah A. Shute, int. Oct. 20, 1839. [m. Nov. 4, Co.R.]
David W. Dyer and Jennette Bradman, Dec. 3, 1843. [Jennett, Dec. 7, Co.R.]
Edward M. Dyer and Hannah R. Lineken, Feb. 23, 1862. [Linekin, Feb. 23, 1863, Co.R.]
Eliza Dyer, wid., and Charles A. Bean, farmer, int. Jan. 18, 1870, "Cert. issued Jan. 22."
Eliza Ann Dyer and Simeon Staples, int. Nov. 22, 1840, "Cert. issued Dec. 10."
Fred S. Dyer of Portland and Emma A. Drinkwater of Lincolnville, Dec. 1, 1866.
George Dyer and Betsey Shorley [Betsey written above Nancy crossed out], int. July 25, 1832, "Cert. issued Sept. 27."
George Dyer Jr. of Searsmont and Ruth E. Boardman [int. Ruth Ann], Mar. 8, 1845. [Ruth E., Co.R.]
George Dyer [int. 30, caulker] and Eleanor J. Orcutt [int. 21], Jan. 9, 1868. [Elenor J., Co.R.]
George B. Dyer of Searsmont and Laura B. Toothaker of Searsmont, Dec. 8, 1887.
H. A. Dyer [int. seaman] and Maggie A. Kellar, Dec. 17, 1868.
Hannah A. Dyer of Northport, Waldo Co., and William G. Drinkwater of Northport, Dec. 21, 1870.
James S. Dyer [int. carpenter] of Searsport and Orianna Staples, Nov. 27, 1872.
Jane C. Dyer and Joseph Chase of Unity, July 5, 1841. [Jane E., Co.R.]
John Dyer, Capt., of New York City, and Lucy W. Peck, int. May 19, 1839. [m. June 2, Co.R.]
Julia W. Dyer (see Julana W. Durgin).
Mary E. Dyer and John H. Hayden of Pembroke, Nov. 23, 1863.
Mary H. Dyer and Leonard H. Tibbetts, July 3, 1876.
Melzer T. Dyer and Ellen S. Hall, int. Oct. 18, 1862, "Cert. issued Dec. 4."
Prudence Dyer, Mrs., of Montville, and Nathaniel Ripley, int. Jan. 15, 1830, "Cert. issd Jan. 31."
Relief Dyer (see Rileif)
Reubin Dyer Jr. and Ruth Colson, int. Mar. 15, 1840, "Cert. issued Apr. 1."
Rilief Dyer and Samuel S. Hersey, int. Oct. 29, 1836, "Cert. issued Nov. 16."
Rufus Dyer [int. widr., 36, cooper] and Florence R. Lincoln [int. 32], Nov. 17, 1867. [Rufus and Florence B. Lincoln, CR3. Rufus and Florence R. Lincoln, Co.R.]
Russell G. Dyer and Hannah Brown, July 2, 1871.
Sarah E. Dyer, 24, dau. David W., ship caulker {b. Steuben [int. adds Hancock Co.]), and Sarah Ann [int. (Shute)], and H. H. McDonald [int. Henry], 29, harness maker, son George, shoemaker, and Sarah [int. (Hutchins))] (b. Penobscot [int. adds Hancock Co.]), Sept. 5, 1864. [Sarah Ellen Dyer and Henry H. McDonald, CR1. Sarah E. adn H. H. McDonald, Co.R.]
Sarah M. Dyer of Brooksville and Simon Larrabee, int. Feb. 24, 1849, "Cert. issued Mar. 9."
Thomas A. Dyer, 19, farmer, of Belmont, and Frances H. Scribner, wid., 21, int. Nov. 27, 1865, "Cert. issued Dec. 2."
William Dyer and Adelaide Merrill, Nov. 17, 1853.
William P. Dyer, ship master, and Carrie P. Anderson, int. Oct. 8, 1872, "Cert. issued Oct. 12."
William P. Dyer and Fannie Wescott of Castine, int. Dec. 19, 1874, "Cert. issued Oct. 26."
William R. Dyer and Ruth L. Trussell, Mar. 23, 1854.