Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - CABBEN to COFFIN

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Patrick Cabben and Mrs. Catherine Thurston, Sept. 23, 1859.
Martha Cables [int. Mrs.] and Luther Sylvester, Dec. 25, 1828.
CADLAND (see Catland).
CAIN (also see Kane)-
Alice A. Cain of Montville and Chester E. Perkins, Sept. 20, 1887.
Ann Cain [int. Anna Cain] and Alexander Clark, May 24, 1821.
Enoch R. Cain of Montville and Gracie C. Dority of Boston, Mass., May 28, 1870.
Maud C. Cain of Montville and Leslie F. Nash of Montville, May 17, 1780.
Annie M. Calderwood and Frank W. Rhoades, Nov. 13, 1886.
Caro E. Calderwood of Lincolnville and Thomas Carter Jr., Nov. 17, 1853.
D. Calderwood [int. Deborah J. Calderwood] and John P. Wingate [int. widr., farmer] of Troy, Jan. 17, 1869. [D. J. and John P. Wingate of Troy, Co.R].
Frank L. Calderwood [int. 21, harness maker] of Lincolnville and Alwilda Vost [int. 23], July 5, 1873.
James Calderwood and Mary Norton, Jan. 1, 1833. PR71.
James Calderwood and Catherine Rhoades, int. Nov. 11, 1844. [Catherine (second w.), m. Dec. 1, PR71].
James Calderwood Jr. [int. farmer] and Ann Sarah Frohock, Jan. 15, 1873. [Jan. 5, CR3.]
Luther Calderwood of Vinalhaven and [int. Mrs.] Esther Burden [int. Burding], Dec. 5, 1832.
Luther Calderwood and Retta Bakeman, Jan. 25, 1881.
Luther Calderwood and Mrs. Althea Gardner, Apr. 27 [dup. Sept. 6], 1887. [Gardiner, Sept. 6, CR3.]
Mark W. Calderwood of Camden and Josie M. Barrett of Camden, Dec. 21, 1869.
Mary E. Calderwood and Alva Blodget [int. Alvan Blodgett, widr., carpenter], Dec. 25, 1872. [Alvan Blodgett, CR3.]
CALDWELL (also see Cordwell)-
Annie Caldwell [int. Anne E. Caldwell] and Irving B. Mower of Cambridge, June 28, 1881. [Annie Elizabeth, dau. John S. and Mary E. (Simpson) (first w.), and Rev I. B. Mower of Cambridge. PR156].
Emily H. Caldwell [int. 21] and Dr. George F. Hand [int. 26] of Binghampton, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1867. [Dr. George T. of Binghampton, N. Y. Co.R. Emily Heath Caldwell, dau. John S. and Mary E. (Simpson) (first w.), and Dr. George F. Hand of Binghamton, N. Y. PR156.]
John S. Caldwell and Mary E. Simpson, int. Oct. 7, 1843. [Mary E. (first w.), m. Nov. 1, PR156.]
John S. Caldwell and Sophia Rice of W. Meriden, Conn., int. Aug. 30, 1858. [Sophia (second w.) of Meriden, Conn., m. Oct. 18, in Meriden, Conn., PR156.]
Mary R. Caldwell and Amos Clement, Sept. 22, 1880. [Mary Riche Caldwell, dau. John S. and Sophia (Rice) (second w.), and Amos Clement of Mt. Desert, PR156.]
H. G. K. Calef and Julia A. Patten of Augusta, int. Apr. 6, 1833, "Cert. issued Apr. 24."
Lucy Caliard of Frankfort and John Avery of Frankfort, int. Aug. 8, 1800.
Susan Houdlette Call, Mrs., of Richmond, and Rev. Truman Allen Merrill, int. Mar. 13, 1861, "Cert. issued Mar. 16."
CALLENAN (also see Cullnan)-
Ann Callenan and James Haney, laborer, int. July 20, 1868, "Cert. issued Sept. 9."
Elvira A. Calverly of N. Newport and Abram B. Smith, int. Apr. 22, 1859, "cert. issued April 26."
CAMBELL (also see Campbel, Campbell)-
Benjamin J. Cambell (int. Campbel] and Lydia Smith, Nov. 24 1816.
CAMMET (also see Cammett}-
Ellen L. Cammet of Morrill and Charles W. Sanborn of Waldo, Oct. 23, 1859. [Cammett of Waldo, CR1. Co.R.]
CAMMETT (also see Cammet)-
Ira A. Cammett of Belmont and Cora E. Eastman, Nov. 10, 1875. [Cora E. Eston, CR3.]
Joanna S. Cammett (int. Cammatt] of Belmont and Joab C. Brown [int. Jacob C. Brown], Jan. 10, 1848.
Lovinia Cammett [int. Cammet] and A. Judson Card, Sept. 2, 1855. [Louisa Cammett, Co.R.]
CAMPBEL (also see Cambell, Campbell)-
Relief Campbel and John Banks Jr., Apr. 28, 1822.
Robert Campbel and Abigail Bank, int. Apr. 22, 1820, "cert. issued May."
CAMPBELL (also see Cambell, Campbel)-
Almira Campbell and John C. Winslow, Oct. 17, 1832.
Charlotte Campbell and Capt. Philip Eastman, Jan. 14, 1837.
Emaline Campbell and Theodore M. Moulton of Freedom, int. Sept. 21, 1833, "Cert. issued Oct. 12."
James G. Campbell [int. 23, farmer] of Frankfort and Mary E. Rose [int. 20], June 10, 1866. [Joseph G. Campbell of Frankfort and Mary E. Row, Co.R.]
John Campbell of Quantabaycook Settlement and Rhodey Evens of Quantabaycook Settlement, int. Aug. 15, 1803.
John Campbell [int. laborer] and Augusta Nickerson [int. 20], Feb. 2, 1867.
Joseph G. Campbell (see James G.)
Polly Campbell and James Harmon [int. Harmond] of Raymond, May 27, 1821.
Robert G. Campbell of Winterport and Sarah E. Nesmith of Brooks, Oct. 29, 1873.
Samuel Campbell and Eliza Bickford, int. July 6, 1833, "Cert. issued July 20."
Sylvia Campbell and Sullivan Hicks, Apr. 23, 1826.
Sylvia Campbell and Levi Stewart, int. Sept. 14, 1845, "Cert. issued Oct. 2."
Sadie M. Campian and William C. Cunningham, int. June 10, 1880, "cert. issued June 14."
James, seaman, and Margaret Kane, int. Dec. 5, 1868, "cert. issued Dec. 10."
A. M. Capen of Danville and Emma A. Wells, int. Feb. 13, 1861, "cert. issued Feb. 26."
Abraham S. Cappers and Sophronia Toward, int. Nov. 28, 1824, "cert. Dec 12."
A. Judson Carr and Lovinia Cammett [int. Cammet], Sept. 2, 1855. [Louisa Cammett, Co.R.]
Alfred J. Card, mechanic, and Augusta A. Scribner of Brooks, int. Jan. 29, 1872, "cert. issued Feb. 2."
Estelle E. Card and Elmer G. Roberts of Brooks, int. July 2, 1883, "cert. issued July 11."
George E. Card [int. Carde] and Roxania Patershall, July 31, 1842. [Card and Roxana Pattershall, Co.R.]
Georgie A. Card and Timothy McCarty [int. seaman], July 18, 1872.
Lavinia S. Card, Mrs., of Searsmont, and Ambrose A. Hall of Searsmont, Sept. 9, 1876.
CAREY (also see Cary)-
Alfred A. Carey of Medway, Mass., and Emily R. Ellis of Waldo, Nov. 28, 1853.
Mary E. Carey and Calvin A. Hubbard [int. sash maker], Feb. 21, 1870.
Susan E. Carey of Vassalboro and James E. Wing of Vassalboro, Nov. 17, 1855.
Henry Cargill and Sarah Durham, int. Apr. 15, 1826, "Cert. issued May 15."
George O. Carkin of Portsmouth, N. H., and Isabelle Cooper of Morrill, Nov. 6, 1889.
John Carle and Essie L. Peirce [int. Pierce], July 12, 1881.
Mary L. Carle and Augustine P. Mansfield, Sept. 18, 1878.
Eleanor M. Carlen of Searsport and Charles H. Whitcomb of Bangor, July 26, 1862.
CARLETON (also see Carlton)-
Henry Carleton of Bangor and Hepsibeth Eames of Bangor, Feb. 15, 1837.
Christopher Carlo and Susanna Perce, int. July 27, 1806.
CARLTON (also see Carleton)-
Angelina B. Carlton and Edward Henry Batcheller of Mobile, Ala., int. Sept. 12, 1851, "Cert. issued Sept. Oct. 1."
Clara M. Carlton and Lafayette M. Turner, int. Mar. 2, 1875, "Cert. issued March 6."
David R. Carlton and Sarah A. Hunt of Liberty, int. June 5, 1847, "Cert. issued June 19."
John W. Carlton, Capt., and Francis A. Everett of Montville, int. Dec. 29, 1851, "Cert. issued Jan. 22, 1852."
Rowland H. Carlton of Sedgwick and Edna A. Elwell, int. May 16, 1854.
Susan M. Carlton and William H. Hunt of Montville, int. June 9, 1849, "Cert. issued June 23."
Catherine Carney, Mrs., and Thomas R. Ellis, Jan. 1, 1877.
Maria M. Carney of Bangor and Laurence G. Tracy, int. May 12, 1862, "Cert. issued May 16."
Mary Ann Carpenter of Thomaston and George S. Durham, int. May 18, 1834, "Cert. issued June 7."
Abigail W. Carr of E. Thomaston and Capt. Salathiel C. Nickerson, int. May 5, 1839. [Abby Weld Carr, m. May 20, PR14.]
Elizabeth Carr [int. 26] and James A. Wise [int. 28, shoemaker], Apr. 10, 1867.
John Carr of Prospect and Jane Staples, int. Aug. 25, 1839, "Cert. issued Sept. 16."
John Carr and Martha J. Carr of Searsport, Dec. 13, 1861.
John Carr, farmer, of Searsport and Isbel Patterson, int. Aug. 12, 1871, "Cert. issued Aug. 19."
Martha J. Carr of Searsport and John Carr, Dec. 13, 1861.
Nancy M. Carr of Searsport and John S. Worthern, laborer, int. Dec. 27, 1869, "Cert. issued Jan. 1, 1870."
Octavia Carr of Hallowell and Williamson T. Snow, int. Apr. 27, 1846, "cert. issued May 12."
Sarah B. Carr and Thomas Bowser of St. Stephens, N. B., int. Sept. 23, 1837 [m. Nov. 9, Co.R]
William H. Carr of Searsport and Martha A. Carver, int. June 22, 1851.
John Carrol and Tamer Mott of Montville, int. Jan. 20, 1838, "Cert. issued Feb. 13."
Alice W. Carrow and Samuel C. Moore, Dec. 24, 1891.
Eliza J. Carson and Antonio Victory, Oct. 23, 1854.
Thomas J. Carson [int. divorced] and Mrs. Eliza J. Grindle [int. divorced], June 18, 1870.
William A. Carson and Susan A. Payson, int. Mar. 14, 1863, "Cert. issued Mar. 20."
A. J. Carter [int. Aurelia Carter] and Henry A. Carter [int. Henry Austin Carter], Nov. 16, 1853.
Abba J. Carter [int. 19] and Albert Roix [int. Roax, sic, 26, seaman], Dec. 30, 1865. [Abbie J. and Albert A. Roax, Co.R.]
Albert M. Carter and Sue M. Colburn, Dec. 10, 1890. [Susan M., CR1. Susan Maria, dau. William Thaxter Colburn and Olive (Giles), PR18].
Alonzo Carter, Capt., and Aurelia B. Carter of Bristol, int. May 1, 1858, "Cert. issued May 6."
Alzo M. Carter and Kate W. Turney, Mar. 13, 1889.
Anna M. Carter of Hampden and Phillip T. Eastman, int. June 15, 1860, "Cert. issued June 19."
Annie A. Carter of Unity and George Wilbur Chaney, widr., 31, painter, int. May 19, 1874, "Cert. issued May 27."
Annie M. Carter, Mrs., and Frank Webber, Aug. 16, 1891, in Searsport.
Aurelia B. Carter of Bristol and Capt. Alonzo Carter, int. May 1, 1858, "Cert. issued May 6."
Aurelia J. (see A. J.)
Barbara A. Carter and Samuel B. Herrick of Northport, Feb. 15, 1859.
Barberry Carter of Northport and Abram Mudgett of Prospect, Oct. 29, 1853.
Caroline A. Carter and Oscar F. Herrick, Dec. 25, 1857.
Charles M. Carter and Etta S. Pease of Monmouth, int. Dec. 10, 1883, "Cert. issued Dec. 15."
Columbia P. Carter and Fidelia A. Frye of Montville, int. Oct. 4, 1840, "Cert. issued Oct. 18."
Daniel A. Carter [int. seaman] and Esther A. Carter, Nov. 18, 1868.
Daniel J. Carter, 31, miner, of Cal., and Mary L. Carter, int. Sept. 26, 1865. [m. Oct. 1, in Montville, Co.R.]
Delia A. Carter [int. 25] and Charles H. Sargent [int. 25, bleacher], Mar. 2, 1867.
Elizabeth Carter and Erastus D. Freeman, Jan. 1, 1849.
Esther A. Carter and Daniel A. Carter [int. seamsn], Nov. 18, 1868.
Etta Carter and Beniaiah G. Marden, int. Nov. 3, 1884, "Cert. issued Nov. 10th." -
Everett S. Carter and Mary J. Walton [int. Jane], Feb. 16, 1854. [Mary J., dau. John and Mary (Whalen), PR126].
Evie A. Carter [int. Eva A. Carter] and John H. Burke of San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 5, 1883.
Fred G. Carter and Geneva E. Riggs, Jan. 21, 1879. [Geneva E., dau. Asa Franklin and Louise (Reed), PR103].
Fred L. Carter and Fannie Turner, Feb. 14, 1880.
George R. Carter and Harriet N. Perkin, int. Feb. 3, 1859, "Cert. issued Feb. 7." [Harriet Newell Perkins, dau. Joseph and Cyrena (French), m. _____, PR158.]
Helen A. Carter of Pembroke and Henry A. Carter [int. widr., ship carpenter] July 20, 1871.
Henry A. Carter [int. Henry Austin Carter] and A. J. Carter [int. Aurelia Carter], Nov. 16, 1853.
Henry A. Carter [int. widr., ship carpenter] and Helen A. Carter of Pembroke, July 20, 1871.
Henry E. Carter and Elizabeth Peck, Sept. 13, 1835.
Hiram P. Carter and Luella J. Hinds, Mar. 29, 1856.
Horatio H. Carter and Lorinda E. McCrillus, Dec. 30, 1844. [Lorinda E., dau. James and Jane (Durham), Dec. 31, 1845, PR138.]
Horatio H. Carter and Cora E. Cottrell, int. Aug. 24, 1885, "Cert. issued Aug. 28."
James A. Carter of Searsport and Georgie H. Holmes, Feb. 2, 1884.
Joanna M. Carter and Edwin R. Sullivan, Dec. 28, 1852.
John Carter, Capt., and Martha E. Crosby of Whiting, int. July 8, 1848, "Cert. issued July 22."
John W. Carter, 28, carpenter, and Ida J. Norton, 22, of Braintree, Mass., int. Sept. 8, 1866, "Cert. issued Sept. 18."
Josephine Carter and Gilbert M. Hart, Sept. 30, 1855.
Lillian E. Carter and Ward N. Hicks, Apr. 27, 1889, in Searsport.
Llewellyn Carter [int. sailor] and Ida Brown [int. 20], Aug. 16, 1869.
Lucy Ann Carter of Montville and Erastus B. Stephenson, int. May 15, 1841, "Cert. issued May 29th."
Martha C. Carter of Montville and John K. Peirce of Montville, Mar. 27, 1870.
Mary L. Carter and Daniel J. Carter, 31, miner, of Cal., int. Sept. 26, 1865. [m. Oct. 1, in Montville, Co.R.]
Mary R. W. Carter [int. 24] and Horace W. Banks [int. 35, farmer], Apr. 16, 1873.
Milton F. Carter [int. widr., merchant] and Clara G. Farwell [int. Clarissa G. Farwell] of Unity, Jan. 13, 1873.
Milton F. Carter and Mrs. Amelia G. Randall, int. Sept. 20, 1879, "Cert. issued Sept. 24."
Nellie S. Carter of Troy and Edward Morse, int. June 8, 1886.
Nellie W. Carter [int. M.] of Northport and Arthur W. Robinson, Nov. 17, 1875.
Nettie F. Carter [int. F., 20, dau. Horatio H., ship builder (b. Montville), and Laurinda] and Frank A. Follett [int. 22, merchant, son Charles V., farmer (b. Parkman) and Sarah J. (b. Parkman), Sept. 4, 1865. [Nettie F., Co.R.]
Paul J. Carter of Montville and Delila W. Townsend, int. Jan .19, 1841. [Paul I. Carter of Montville, m. Feb. 6, Co.R.]
Pearl Carter and Irvin L. Perry, Dec. 17, 1889.
Phoebe J. Carter [int. Phebe] and William S. Fuller of Freedom, Aug. 1, 1859. [Ohebe J., Co.R.]
Polly Carter of Prospect and Jacob Asplund of Prospect, Dec. 20, 1810.
Prescott D. H. Carter of Searsport and Carrie M. Bennett of Searsport, Oct. 16, 1885.
Rhoda Ann Carter and Moses McFarland, int. Oct. 7, 1837. [m. Dec. 25, Co.R.]
Richmond A. Carter, trader, and Abbie Henderson of Thomaston, int. July 8, 1872, "cert. issued July 13."
Rufus B. Carter and Abigail Thomas, int. Mar. 23, 1840, "Cert. issued April 6."
Sally Carter of Prospect and George Holmes of Prospect, July 4, 1832.
Sarah W. Carter and Capt. Henry E. Brown of Northport, Dec. 20, 1838.
Sewall (see Suel).
Sidney A. Carter and Mrs. Fannie Nason, int. Sept. 23, 1880, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
Suel Carter [sic, Sewall P. Carter] and Ellen G. Kimball of Gardiner, int. July 26, 1847, "cert. issued Aug. 9."
Susanna Carter of Northport and William Cuningham (Cunningham?) of Quantabacook, Sept. 1, 1800.
Thomas Carter Jr. and Caro E. Calderwood of Lincolnville, Nov. 17, 1853.
Thomas F. Carter [int. 27, joiner] and Abby L. Blake [int. 28], Apr. 26, 1869.
Viola J. Carter and Henry F. Knight [int. millman] of Belmont, Dec. 25, 1869.
Walter H. Carter of Searsport and Mary T. Mathews of Searsport, Jan. 26, 1881, CR3.
Wilda F. Carter, Mrs., and Parish L. Strout, int. July 12, 1880, "Cert. issued July 19."
William Carter, Capt., and Josephine A. Brown of Northport, int. Nov. 30, 1850, "Cert. issued Dec. 17."
William W. Carter [int. seaman] and Martha J. Smalley, Oct. 21, 1868. [Martha J., dau. Isaac W. and Mary (Farnham), Oct. 22, PR27.]
William W. Carter of Bath and Mary E. Gage of Bath, Aug. 26, 1883.
Allen Carver and Eunice K. Brazier, int. Feb. 24, 1838, "cert. issued April 5."
Ann L. Carver of Searport and Capt. John W. McGilvery of Searsport, Nov. 13, 1855.
Betsey L. Carver, Mrs., and Bancroft Wyman, int. Apr. 15, 1879, "Cert. issued April 21."
Charles F. Carver of Lincolnville, son Benjamin, and Cynthia E. Mathews of Lincolnville, dau. William, Dec. 24, 1864.
George W. Carver of Lincolnville and Alice O. Coombs of Morrill, Jan. 13, 1884.
Isaac Carver of Prospect and Hannah Nichols of Prospect, Mar. 30, 1797, CR2.
Ivory Carver and Margaret Shirley, _____ [? 1842] [int. Oct. 15, 1842, "cert. issued Oct. 31."] [m. Nov. 3, 1842, Co.R.]
James N. Carver, Capt., of Searsport and Lydia C. Wentworth, int. Apr. 5, 1845, "Cert. issued April 19."
John Carver of Prospect and Elizabeth Todd, int. Dec. 31, 1825, "cert. issued Jan. 17, 1826."
Martha A. Carver and William H. Carr of Searsport, int. June 22, 1851.
Phineas P. Carver of Searsport and Sarah A. Webber of Searsport, Feb. 15, 1859.
CARY (also see Carey)-
Theodore Cary of Houlton and [int. Mrs.] Phebe S. Plummer, Dec. 24, 1874.
Remijio Casanova of Panama and Susan F. Jones of Camden, Oct. 10, 1870. [Jose Remijio Casanova, CR1.]
Isaac Case of E. Thomaston and Mary A. Hall, July 8, 1849. Co.R.
Nellie A. Case of Kenduskeag and Eugene Rust, int. Sept. 23, 1874.
Bertha A. Casey and E. P. Davis of Lewiston, int. Sept. 2, 1885, "cert. issued Sept. 7."
Bridgett Casey and Thomas Hershen, Apr. 20, 1856.
Fannie M. Casey and Verrill Jones Jr., Mar. 17, 1886.
Mary Casey and Patrick Norton [int. laborer], Mar. 28, 1869.
Michael Casey and Mary Maley, int. May 17, 1851, "Cert. issued June 1."
Patrick Casey and Ellen Connell, Dec. 12, 1855.
William Casey and Nora Cullnan, Nov. 24, 1889.
Daniel Cass, Dr., and Mary Pierce, Sept. 16, 1828.
CASTLE (also see Castles)-
William W. Castle [int. paymaster U.S.N.] of Cleveland, Ohio, and Ellen N. Hazeltine, July 11, 1866. [Ellen H., Co.R.]
CASTLES (also see Castle)-
Apphia Castles and Peter Gilson, int. Jan. 11, 1824, "Cert. Jan. 25."
Eunice Caswell, Mrs., of Union, and N. K. Burkett of Union, Aug. 18, 1883. [N.H. of Union, CR3.]
CATE (also see Cates)-
Earl M. Cate of Boston, Mass., and Ellen H. Clarke of Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 3, 1880. [Ella H. of Lawrence, Mass., CR3.]
Michael (see Michael Caton).
CATES (also see Cate)-
Adoniram Cates of Washington Plantation and Mary Blethen of Lincoln Plantation, int. Mar. 10, 1812.
Comfort Cates of Thorndike and Rev. Benjamin F. Sprague, int. June 28, 1840. [m. July 14, Co.R.]
Edmund M. Cates and Mary Jane Mason of Monroe, int. June 30, 1839, "Cert. issued July 14."
Harriet M. Cates and Joseph N. Smith of Mt. Vernon, int. Feb. 24, 1844, "Cert. issued Mar. 15."
Jediah C. Cates Jr. [int. 29, clerk] and Amelia S. Alexander [int. 26], Nov. 19, 1865.
John Cates of Jackson Plantation and Elizabeth Roberts of Washington [int. Waldo] Plantation, Jan. 1, 1806.
Joseph Cates and Polly Skillings [int. of Jacks[bound in], April _, 1808. [Polly, CR2.]
Martha Cates (see Martha Coles).
Mary Cates of Lincoln Plantation and Aaron McKeen of Fryburg Plantation, Accademy Grant, int. Feb. 19, 1815.
CATLAND (also see Catlin)-
Hannah Catland [int. Cadland] and James Reed, Aug. 2, 1836.
CATLIN (also see Catland)-
Ann M. Catlin and William A. Worthen, int. Dec. 24, 1853.
Mary A. Catlin of Prospect and Charles F. Wise, int. Aug. 28, 1860. [m. Sept. 12, in Searsport, Co.R.]
Mary E. Catlin and Mark Wood [int. Woods], July 4, 1854.
Stephen W. Catlin, 22, fisherman, of Harpswell, son Richard, shoemaker (b. Damarrescotta) and Betsey (b. Damarrescotta), and Philena Small, 20, of Harpswell, dau. Mark, seaman (b. Harpswell) and Nancy (b. Borwoinham), Jan. 11, 1865.
William Catlin and Elizabeth Powell, int. Jan. 25, 1854.
CATON (also see Keaten, Keating)-
Lucinda Caton and William Wood, Feb. 8, 1829.
Michael Caton [dup & int. Caten of Washington Plantation] and Dorothy White [dup. & int. of Washington Plantation], Jan. 16, 1824.
Judah Caval and Mrs. Lydia Murch, int. Aug. 3, 1833. "cert. issued Aug. 20."
CAVANAUGH (see Kavanah).
William and Emily Martin of Hallowell, int. Sept. 24, 1831, "Cert. issued Oct. 15."
Scotland Chalmore [int. Chalmers] of Fairfax and Juda [int. Julia] Niles French of Three Mile Square, Jan. 3, 1819.
Samuel C. Chamberlain and Abigial S. Arnold of Searsmont, int. Dec. 23, 1840. [m. Jan. 17, 1841, Co.R]
Alden Chandler and Priscilla Cushman, Jan. 13, 1805.
C. C. Chandler, Dr., and Lowicy Miller, int. May 5, 1811.
John Chandler and Mahala Rowe, June 3, 1838.
John Chandler and Susan U. Wilson, Oct. 10, 1844.
William R. Chandler of Unity and Roxana J. Vickery of Unity, Nov. 5, 1843.
CHANEY (also see Chenery, Cheney)-
Ephraim S. Chaney of Whitefield and Susan Parker, int. Nov. 7, 1828, "cert. iss'd Nov. 22."
George W. Chaney of Searsport and Ruby A. Gray, Feb. 14, 1866.
George Wilbur Chaney, widr., 31, painter, and Annie A. Carter of Unity, int. May 19, 1874, "Cert. issued May 27."
CHAPELS (also see Chaples)-
Rachell Chapels of Isles Borough and Joshua Marshell of Isles Borough, Jan. 2, 1799.
Harriet Chapin and Frank Andrews Riggs, son Asa Franklin Riggs and Louise (Reed), Sept. 29, 1884, PR103.
Libbeus B. Chapin of Isle au Haut and Etta M. Mathews of Searsport, Mar. 1, 1878.
Sylvia Chapin of Mendon, Worcester Co., and Dr. Joseph Underwood, int. Nov. 14, 1800.
CHAPLES (also see Chapels)-
Emma Chaples, 22, and Francis M. Rackliff, 22, farmer, of Knox, int. May 27, 1867. [Staples and Francis W. Rackliff of Knox, m. Aug. 20, in Knox, Co.R.]
George W. Chaples and Mary C. Bailey, May 17, 1890.
Henry J. Chaples, sailor, and Lois V. Bailey of Knox, int. Apr. 2, 1873. [Henry Joseph and Lois Viola Bailey of Knox, m. Apr. 9, in Brooks, PR54.]
William Chaples and Sarah McCorison, int. Apr. 29, 1843, "Cert. issued May 13."
Winfield S. Chaples of Appleton and Julia M. Pitman of Appleton, Oct. 6, 1872.
Ada A. Chapman of Northport and Ferdinand F. Patterson of Northport, Aug. 30, 1868.
C. A. Chapman, Mrs., of Prospect, and Thomas W. Twiss of Prospect, Sept. 24, 1882. [Mrs. L. A. of Prospect, CR3].
Clarence E. Chapman of Fergus Falls, Minn., and Anna E. Frye, Feb. 19, 1884.
Eldora J. Chapman, 19, of Northport, and Justin L. McFarland, 24, sailor, int. Oct. 24, 1866, "Cert. issued Oct. 29,"
Francis Chapman [sic, Frances Chapman], Mrs., and Oliver Lampher of Stockton, int. June 22, 1880.
L. A. Chapman (see C. A. )
Michael S. Chapman and Phebe Patershall, Feb. 26, 1844. [Michael S. and Phebe Pattershall, Co.R.]
Nathaniel S. Chapman and Mary P. Cotrall of Northport, int. Sept. 13, 1846, "Cert. issued Nov. 5."
Nellie W. Chapman [int. F.] and Simon Jellison, Feb. 9, 1882.
Reuben Chapman and Caroline A. Brooks, Oct. 18, 1849.
Syrena A. Chapman, Mrs., of Rockland, and Robert Clark Jr. of Prospect, July 3, 1872.
Abigail Chase and Luther Tripp, int. Aug. 17, 1833, "Cert. issued Sept. 11."
Abigail Chase and George W. Warrin, Aug. 31, 1838.
Adelaide E. Chase and George A. Quimby, June 8, 1885. [George A., son Phineas P. and Susanna Burnham (Haraden), PR118.]
Alden Chase [int. adds D.] and Nancy Jane Patterson, Dec. 31, 1844. [Alden Darwin Chase, son Timothy and Eleanor (Blood), PR75. Alden D., PR170.]
Bertha F. Chase and Charles H. Field, May 16, 1877.
Bessie A. Chase of Waldo and George W. Bartlett of Waldo, Sept. 8, 1872.
Eliza Chase, Mrs., of Searsport, and Eliakim H. Ellis, int. July 24, 1875, "Cert. issued July 28."
Emma F. Chase and Albert R. Cheney [int. bootmaker] of Milford, Mass., Oct. 6, 1870.
Fannie Chase and D. E. Nason, Aug. 21, 1875.
George S. Chase of New Castle and Ellen Brown [int. adds M], July 30, 1848.
Harrison B. Chase of Fairfield and Annie D. Harvey of Swanville, Dec. 26, 1876.
Henry M. Chase of Swanville and Arletta J. Nickerson of Swanville, Dec. 3, 1871.
Hezekiah Chase, Hon., of Unity, and Mrs. Nancy Porter, int. Aug. 9, 1834. [Nancy, wid., m. Sept. 2, Co.R.]
Hiram Chase, son Timothy and Eleanor (Blood), and Sarah D. Titcomb, Jan. 25, 1844, in Anson, PR75.
Job Chase Jr. and Nancy McCluer, Jan. 15, 1818.
Joseph Chase of Unity and Jane C. Dyer, July 5, 1841. [Jane E., Co.R.]
Julia A. Chase of Bucksport and Joseph B. Varnum, widr., carpenter, int. Mar. 10, 1868, "Cert. issued March 14."
Lizzie W. Chase and Theodore N. Winslow, Oct. 12, 1882.
Mary Ellen Chase and Isaac Allard Jr., Feb. 14, 1855. [Mary Eleanor, dau. Timothy and Eleanor (Blood), PR75.]
Nellie J. Chase of Searsport and William Henry Staples of Searsport, May 8, 1884.
O. P. Chase and Miss D. A. Hatch, Feb. 24, 1876.
Oliver Chase of Monroe and Lavinia C. Ellis of Waldo Plantation, May 29, 1844.
Oliver P. Chase and Mrs. Lottie Ellis, int. Jan. 17, 1883, "Cert. issued Jan. 29."
Philo Chase and Mary Elizabeth Davis, May 12, 1857.
R. B. Chase, Miss, of Brooks, and L. M. Miles of Brooklyn, Mass., Sept. 19, 1855. [M. L. Miles of Brooklyn, Mass., Co.R.]
Robert P. Chase and Alice M. Brown, int. Aug. 31, 1882. [Robert Patterson Chase, son Alden Darwin and Nancy J. (Patterson), m. Sept. 6, in Camden, PR75.]
Sarah Ann Chase of Brooks and Nathaniel Wiggin Jr., int. Apr. 12, 1834, "Cert. issued April 29."
Susan Chase and David Barker of Exeter, Nov. 8, 1854. [Susan Rebeckah, dau. Timothy and Eleanor (Blood), PR75. Susan R., dau. Timothy and Eleanor, and David Barker of Exeter, son Nathaniel and Sarah (Pease), PR76.]
Thomas Chase of Jackson Plantation and Keziah Ellis of Jackson Plantation, Apr. 13, 1813.
Timothy Chase and Eleanor Blood, dau. Olive, May 8, 1816, in Charlton, Mass., PR75.
William W. Chase of Ellsworth and Ann D. Simpson, Oct. 22, 1829.
CHENERY (also see Chaney, Cheney)-
Richard Chenery of San Francisco, Cal., and Anne M. Johnson, wid., int. Nov. 8, 1873, "Cert. issued Nov. 13."
CHENEY (also see Chaney, Chenery)-
Albert R. Cheney [int. bootmaker] of Milford, Mass., and Emma F. Chase, Oct. 6, 1870.
Evelyn H. Cheney of Stockton and Woodbury D. Roberts of Stockton, June 14, 1879.
CHESLEY (also see Chestley)-
Polly Chesley and Norard Grover, int. Oct. 4, 1825, "Cert. issued Oct. 19."
CHESTLEY (also see Chesley)-
William Chestley and Mary Colson, int. July 23, 1831, "cert. issued Sept. 1st."
Thomas C. Chick of Bangor and Harriet M. Colborn, int. May 25, 1831, "Cert. issued July 13."
Greenleaf Childs of Rockland and Lavinia M. Duncan of Rockland, Mar. 28, 1862. [Lavinia M. of Rockland, Co.R.]
Sarah Ann Childs and Robert C. Thompson, July 25, 1838.
Abba E. Choate of Brooks and Henry W. Edwards of Brooks, Dec. 17, 1856.
Lizzie M. Choate of Windsor and Alonzo T. Beckwith, int. Mar. 18, 1886. [Lizzie M. (second wife), and Alonzo F. Beckwith, son Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), m. Mar. 29, PR111.]
Abbie E. Churchill, [int. 18] of Montville and Luther H. Emmons [int. 20, stone cutter], Jan. 14, 1867.
Fred T. Churchill of Belmont and Ella G. Rivers of Searsmont, Aug. 18, 1886. [Churchell of Belmont, CR3.]
Hannah Churchill and Rufus Henry, Mar. 5, 1807.
CILLEY (also see Cilly)-
Lillie M. Cilley of Brooks and Hollis Baker of Hampden, July 10, 1890.
Nancy Cilley of Washington and Luther Fogg of Washigton, int. Nov. 18, 1811.
Nelson R. Cilley of Waldo and Lydia J. Woodbury of Waldo, Jan. 5, 1873.
True P. Cilley of Brooks and Fannie A. Gibbs of Brooks, May 1, 1867.
William Cilley [int. farmer] and Ella M. Whittier, Jan. 5, 1869.
CILLY (also see Cilley)-
Emily Cilly and John McDonald, int. Nov. 16, 1843, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
William Cilly of Washington Plantation and Love Moreton of Jackson Plantation, Apr. 13, 1813.
CLARK (also see Clarke)-
Addie S. Clark and True P. Pierce of Rockland, Oct. 25, 1877.
Albert E. Clark and Matilda H. Drury of Enfield, int. Dec. 14, 1854.
Alexander Clark and Ann Cain [int. Anna], May 24, 1821.
Alonzo A. Clark and Alice M. Morison, June 23, 1882.
Annah W. Clark [int. wid.], 30, second m., of Liberty, dau. Elbridge Davis, farmer (b. Liberty) and Julia A/ [int. Sarah] (b. Liberty), and Andrew N. Patterson [int. widr.], 53, second m., farmer, son Andrew, mechanic, and Mary [int. Stephenson] (b. Cohasset), Nov. 24, 1864. [Annah A. of Liberty, Co.R.]
Annie Clark and Silas M. Perkins, Dec. 3, 1857. [Silas McKeen Perkins, son Joseph and Cyrena (French), PR158.]
Annie L. Clark and Henry D. Gilman, Nov. 27, 1863.
Benjamin F. Clark and Betsey H. Libby ,int. Feb. 17, 1849. [Libbey, m. Mar. 8, Co.R.]
Betsey Clark, Mrs., and James Morehead, Dec. 2, 1852.
Caroline E. Clark and David James Nutt of Rockport, int. ___, 1853.
Caroline L. Clark and John Trafton, int. Apr. 13, 1844, "Trafton hung himself."
Catharine Clark [int. Catherine] N. and Sanford B. Sylvester of Lincolnville, Mar. 12, 1864. [Catharine N., CR1. Catherine N. of Northport, Co.R.]
Charles Clark and Jane Patterson, Feb 21, 1822.
Charles A. Clark of Northport and Angela Knowles, int. July 16, 1860, "cert. issued July 20."
Cora M. Clark and Henry H. Sides, Dec. 1, 1887.
David Clark and Sally Flagg of Northport, Jan. 1, 1835.
Eben S. Clark and Sarah E. Perkins, July 20, 1879.
Eliza Clark and Joseph Waite, June 2, 1831.
Elvira F. Clark of Belmont and Simon Jackson of Belmont, Mar. 4, 1872.
Emeline Clark and Richard Greer of Belmont, June 6, 1851.
Emily E. Clark of Morrill and Joseph R. Mears of Morrill, Apr. 29, 1855.
Emma J. Clark, 16, and Orlando S. Knowles, 20, farmer, int. July 17, 1866. [m. Aug. 28 in Belmont, Co.R]
Ernest E. Clark of Northport and Emma F. Wellman of Belmont, Dec. 21, 1878.
Fannie E. Clark [int. 26] and Frederick A. Kimball [int. 30], June 19, 1873.
Fannie J. Clark and William A. Kimball, Oct. 22, 1881.
Frank Clark [int. 23, tinsmith] and Ella [dup. Etta] Black [int. 22], Aug. 30, 1873.
Frank Clark and Alvina [int. Albia] Etta Doe, Jan. 14, 1880.
Frank E. Clark and S. Alberta Whttaker, Nov. 10, 1888.
Frederick A. Clark of Searsport and Emma H. Cyphers of Searsport, July 24, 1861.
G. W. Clark of Cahawba, Ala., and Mary E. Russ, int. June 24, 1838. [m. July 22, Co.R.]
Hannah M. Clark and Albert Dickey, int. Jan. 11, 1855.
Harriet M. Clark of Bangor and Newell Mansfield, int. Feb. 7, 1860, "Cert. issued Feb. 14."
Hartshorn Clark [int. clerk] and Emma Baker of Winterport, Dec. 29, 1869.
Henry W. Clark and Carrie B. Mahoney, Aug. 1, 1889.
Isaac Clark, Capt., and Jennett [int. Jennet] Morrill, Sept. 15, 1831.
Isaac Clark Jr., Capt., and Mary Hutchinson, int. Apr. 8, 1847, "cert. issued Apr. 22."
Isaac Clark, Capt. [int. omits Capt.] and Mrs. Prudentia A. Clifford [int. omits A.], Apr. 22, 1875.
Jacob Clark and Mary Rand of Waterville, int. May 2, 1839, "Cert. May 17."
James O. Clark [int. 21, seaman] and Mary F. Aldus [int. Frances] [int. 20], Nov. 14, 1866. [Mary F. Co.R.]
James W. Clark, Capt., of Camden, and Margaret J. Simonton of Camden, July 28, 1851.
Joanna P. Clark and John C. Frye, Jan. 26, 1851.
John Clark and Mary Sherburn of Hallowell, int. Dec. 2, 1819, "Cert. issued Dec. 28."
John Clark [int. of Northport] and Nancy Ward, Mar. 8, 1823.
Joseph Clark of Northport and Melinda Jackson of Northport, Oct. 17, 1833.
Joseph Clark and Celia Barber of Searsmont, int. Dec. 10, 1834, "Cert. issued Dec. 27th."
Lillian Clark and Frank L. Brooks, Dec. 25, 1881.
Lottie E. Clark of Franklin and Henry L. Pattee of Sullivan, Oct. 31, 1885.
Lucinda Clark and Ebenezer Williams, int. Aug. 8, 1813.
Lydia Clark and Stephen Hadley, July 12, 1801.
Lydia Clark [int. 35] of Northport and Nathaniel Shaw [int. 52, farmer], May 11, 1867.
Martha A. Clark of Vinalhaven and Ezekiel Burgess of Vinalhaven, Jan. 12, 1848. Co.R.
Mary Clark of Northport and Hawley M. Clarke [int. Clark], Apr. 26, 1821.
Mary A. Clark of Bangor and Francis Whitmore, Jan. 1, 1877.
Mary A. Clark and Benjamin Libby, May 31, 1890.
Mary Ann Clark of Waterville and James P. White, int. Dec. 26, 1824, "cert. Jan. 19, 1825."
Mary E. Clark and Eben C. Hurd of Cal., Sept. 15, 1853.
Mary E. Clark and Thomas A. Aldus, Aug. 29, 1858, [Mrs. Mary E. and Thomas A. Alden, Co.R]
Mary M. Clark and Michael J. Collins, int. Feb. 15, 1879, "cert. issued Feb. 22."
Nancy Clark and Levi T. Brown, int. Jan. 8, 1831, "Cert. issued Jan. 24."
Nancy Clark of Northport and Walter Coffin, July 24, 1831.
Noah G. Clark and Abby B. Douglass, int. Nov. 9, 1850, "Certif. issued Nov. 23."
Olive B. Clark, Mrs. [int. wid.] and [int. Dr.] E. M. Martin [int. widr., third m.] of Hampden, Jan. 12, 1869.
Phoebe Clark and John A. Ward [int. laborer], Dec. 25, 1868.
Robert Clark of Castine and Susan Frost, int. Dec. 5, 1818.
Robert Clark Jr. of Prospect and Mrs. Syrena A. Chapman of Rockland, July 3, 1872.
Roxy A. Clark and Eben E. Frye, Nov. 28, 1854.
Sally Clark of Northport and Thomas Clark, Dec. 29, 1818.
Sarah Clark and Nathan McIntosh, Mar. 4, 1849.
Sarah A. Clark an Elisha Watson, int. Sept. 1, 1849, "cert. issued Sept. 22."
Sarah Jane Clark and Thomas P. Logan, Oct. 17, 1855.
Sarah P. Clark and Ezekiel P. True, int. Sept. 18, 1850, "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
Sherburne Clark and Lovisa Jackson, int. Aug. 9, 1830, "Cert. issued Aug. 23."
Silvanus Clark and Abigail Allard, dau. Job and Susanna (Durgin), Jan. 12, 1814. PR77.
Stephen D. Clark and Celia E. Hartshorn, Oct. 11, 1851.
Thomas Clark and Sally Clark of Northport, Dec. 29, 1818.
Thomas M. [int. K.] Clark and Lucy M. Banks, Jan. 27, 1850. [Thomas H. and Lucy M. Banks, dau. Benjamin and Martha (Cross), PR150.]
Victoria Clark of Northport and Otis B. Day of Rockland, Oct. 17, 1863.
Wilder P. Clark of Portland and Mary C. Merrill, Feb. 3, 1864.
Wililam A. Clark and Minnie E. Tolman, Dec. 5, 1887.
William F. Clark [int. 26] and Emma L. West [int. 21], Apr. 26, 1884.
William H. Clark and Mary E. French, July 11, 1848.
William L. Clark of Boston [int. adds Mass.] and Ann S. Tilden, Oc. 18, 1848.
William S. Clark, Capt., and Charlotte A. Richards of Burnham, int. Nov. 2, 1845, [m. Dec. 25, in Burnham, Co.R.]
CLARKE (also see Clark)-
Augustus Clarke [int. Clark, clerk] and Elsie L. Burgess, Dec. 30, 1871.
Ellen H. Clarke of Lawrence, Mass., and Earl M. Cate of Boston, Mass., Aug. 3, 1880. [Ella H. of Lawrence, Mass. CR3.]
Fannie F. Clarke of Castine and Charles O'Connell, int. Nov. 1, 1877, "cert. issued Nov. 6."
Gordon G. Clarke and Almatia M. Russ, int. Oct. 27, 1849, "Cert. issued Nov. 14."
Hawley M. Clarke [int. Clark] and Mary Clark of Northport, Apr. 26, 1821.
William H. Clarke and Lydia Dunbar, int. Apr. 17, 1845, "This Publishment Countermanded by order of Lyear Dunbar."
Abbie J. Clary [int. of Brooks] and W. C. Cunningham [int. William O. Cunningham], Oct. 2, 1875. [Abbie J. of Brooks and William O. Cunningham, CR3.]
Ashley C. Clary, bootmaker, and Alice C. Galbraith, int. Dec. 24, 1868, "Cert. issued Dec. 29."
Eliza M. Clary, 18, student, dau. Daniel, farmer [b. Brooks, Waldo Co.) and Mary, and George A. Russ, 23, shoemaker, son George U. dec'd, merchant, and ALmatia [later w. _____ Clark), int. July 5, 1864. [m. July 10, in Searsport, Co.R.]
Ellen M. Clary of Jackson and James M. Evans of Dixmonth, Oct. 7, 1861.
Hiram Clary and Emma Drinkwater, int. ___ [rec. between May 18 and May 22], 1869. [This entry written in pencil.]
Jane Clary of Washington Plantation and Lewis Ryan, Nov. 27, 1811.
Jenny Clary and William Patterson 3d, Mar. 9, 1800.
Mary Clary, Mrs., and I. N. Tewkesbury [int. Ira Nelson], Oct. 20, 1861. [J. N. Tukesbury, Co.R.]
Nathan E. Clary of Waldo and Isadora Burns of Waldo, July 4, 1871.
Olive A. Clary, Mrs., of Knox, and Solomon S. Gross of Morrill, May 14, 1891. [Rev. S. S. of Morrill, CR3.]
Paul H. Clary of Brooks and Mary W. Maddocks, dau. Samuel and Eliza (Weed), m. Feb. 22, 1844, PR164.]
Robert Clary and Ruth Hall, int. Sept. 15, 1824, "Cert. Sept. 29th."
Edwin Cleale of Sherborn, Mass., and Clara E. Stinson, Jan. 4, 1875.
CLEARY (see Cleary).
George H. of Camden and Abbie T. Andrews of Camden, June 26, 1870.
CLEAVES (also see Cleves)-
Maria L. Cleaves, Mrs., and Winslow H. Webber, Sept. 1, 1886.
CLEMENT (also see Clements, Clemmons, Clemons)-
Abner B. Clement and Alfreda E. Sheldon, Nov. 25, 1886.
Amos Clement and Mary R. Caldwell, Sept. 22, 1880. [Amos of Mt. Desert and Mary Rice Caldwell, dau. John S. and Sophia (Rice) (second w.), PR156.]
Deborah B. Clement [int. T.] Mrs. [int. wid., 43], and Ithamar B. Thompson [int. widr., 43, farmer] of Montville, Nov. 18, 1865. [Debora [dup. Deborah] B. and Ithermar [dup. Ithamar] B. Thompson of Montville, Nov. 18, 1866, in Montville, Co.R.]
Lois L. Clement, 20, of Palmyra [Palmyra written above Detroit, crossed out] and John W. Bean, 21, merchant, int. Jan. 23, 1866, "Cert. issued Jan. 27."
CLEMENTS (also see Clement, Clemmons, Clemons)-
Addie Clements of [int. adds S.] Newburg and Sanford Howard, Dec. 1, 1874. [Addie, PR102.]
Deborah Clements of Knox Plantation and Joshua Thomson of Knox Plantation, int. Nov. 26, 1805.
Ella M. Clements of Monroe and Edwin C. Banks, clerk, int. Dec. 30, 1872, "Cert. issued Jan. 4: 73." -
Fostina R. Clements of Waldo and A. [int. Arthur] C. Ellingwood, Jan. 23, 1875.
Frank H. Clements of Waldo and Abbie J. Cunningham, Nov. 30, 1882.
Fred Clements of Waldo and Carrie E. Thompson, June 27, 1874.
Hall Clements of Knox Plantation and Sarah Anderson of Lincoln Plantation, int. Mar. 29, 1809.
James Clements of Waldo Plantation and Lydia Stepherson of Waldo Plantation, Dec. 26, 1830.
Jane Clements of Prospect and Gillet Emerson of Prospect, Dec. 24, 1829.
Josie A. Clements of Waldo and N. W. Patterson of Waldo, May 8, 1869.
Linda Maria Clements, Mrs., of Knox, and Edward R. Vose of Knox, June 13, 1841.
Mary Ann Clements of Monroe and Joshua T. Durham of Waldo, Dec. 27, 1838, CO.R.
Mary F. Clements of Waldo and Arthur M. Patterson of Whiting, Iowa, Feb. 24, 1883.
Mildred E. Clements of Waldo and George F. Walton of Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 15, 1890.
Phebe A. Clements of Waldo and John D. Fraser, int. Apr. 11, 1881, "Cert. issued April 16."
Rachael Clements of Waldo Plantation and Josiah Smith of Knox, May 31, 1830.
Sarah Clements of Waldo Plantation and Hiram Mixer of Waldo Plantation, June 8, 1837.
Williette Clements of Waldo and Leonard L. Genthner of Waldo, June 9, 1877.
CLEMMONS (also see Clement, Clements, Clemons)-
Ebenezer Clemmons of Knox and Mary Anderson of Warren, int. Nov. 12, 1809.
CLEMONS (also see Clement, Clements, Clemmons)-
Georgie A. Clemons of Monroe and Adelbert E. Brown of Swanville, Nov. 28, 1889.
Hattie R. Clemons and James Sholes, Mar. 2, 1889.
CLEVELAND (see Cleaveland)CLEVES (also see Cleaves)-
Frank H. Cleves of Stockton and Florence K. Clifford of Stockton, May 27, 1879.
Margaret Clewly of Prospect and Alfred Blanchard, int. Oct. 21, 1830, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
Sarah Clewly, Mrs., of Prospect and Winthrop Sargeant of Prospect, Dec. 17, 1801. CR2.
William Clewly of Prospect and Genny Porter of Prospect, Dec. 24, 1801. CR2.
Andrew J. Clifford of Prospect and Phebe Treat of Prospect, Nov. 23, 1851.
Aradell R. Clifford and Samuel W. Davis, Sept. 14, 1879.
Betsey Clifford of Prospect and Hugh Ross of Prospect, Mar. 17, 1808.
Florence K. Clifford of Stockton and Frank H. Cleves of Stockton, May 27, 1879.
Fred B. Clifford, Capt., of Stockton and Fannie J. Panno of Stockton, May 23, 1881.
Henry L. Clifford of Prospect and Etta Larrabee of Swanville, Sept. 9, 1879.
John H. Clifford and Helen M. Smith, int. Mar. 1, 1840. [m. Mar. 12, Co.R.]
John M. Clifford and Mary A. Toothaker, Mar. 15, 1877.
John M. Clifford and Armeda E. Smith, Sept. 26, 1879.
Lewellyn M. Clifford and Rachael A. Danforth of Bucksport, int. Mar. 9, 1875, "Cert. issued March 22."
Lillie G. Clifford of Stockton and Frank M. Staples of Somerville, Feb. 16, 1880.
Lizzie M. Clifford of Brooks and Charles L. Austin of Brooks, Sept. 16, 1876.
Mary M. Clifford, Mrs., of Lynn, Mass., and William R. Stover, int. Feb. 4, 1879, "Cert. issued Feb. 8."
N. M. Clifford of Searsport and H. D. Harriman of Searsport, Apr. 23, 1882.
Nathaniel G. Clifford of Stockton and Mrs. Sarah E. Rich of Stockton, Oct. 20, 1877.
Prudentia A. Clifford [int. omits A.], Mrs., and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Isaac Clark, Apr. 22, 1875.
Samuel J. Cifford of Stockton and Georgia A. Knowlton, Aug. 9, 1875.
Samuel J. Clifford and Abbie F. Kimball, int. May 14, 1879, "Cert. issued May 20."
Samuel J. Clifford and Flora A. Wentworth of Waldo, Nov. 28, 1881.
Sarah W. Clifford and Zelotes Kenney, int. Oct. 5, 1845, "Cert. issued May 20."
Susan Clifford of Prospect and John Gilmore 3d, int. Aug. 31, 1826, "Cert. issued Sept. 23."
Willie R. Clifford and Emma J. Harris, Apr. 14, 1885.
Emma A. Clifton, Mrs., and William Cobbett, Sept. 9, 1874.
George L. Closson of Searsport and Georgietta Auspland of Searsport, Sept. 15, 1884.
Hannah Jane Closson of Prospect and Levi Staples, Nov. 30, 1844. Co.R.
Isaac N. Closson of Searsport and Carrie Taylor of Searsport, Apr. 19, 1890. [Capt. Isaac N. of Searsport, CR3.]
Clara E. Clough and Horatio M. Welch, Oct. 25, 1879. [Welsh, CR3.]
David Clough and Patience Peirce, int. Feb. 16, 1814. "This publishment stop'd . . . . by order of David Clough."
Elva E. Clough and Joseph G. Jewett, Dec. 31, 1874.
Joseph A. Clough and Madora F. Godfrey, Feb. 15, 1890.
Mary A. Clough of Bluhill and Robert W. Armor, int. Jan. 7, 1854.
Nancy Clough, Mrs., and Patrick Twist, int. Oct. 28, 1838, "Cert. issued Nov. 19."
Nathaniel Clough and Nancy Cross of Northport, int. June 10, 1821, "Cert. issued __ July 3."
Leander S. Coan of Pittston and Faustina M. Knowlton of Northport, July 5, 1860.
Charles H. Cobb of Brewer and Lorana Bullock o f Lincolnville, Aug. 16, 1868.
Rebecca F. Cobb of Warren and Capt. William Sleeper of Rockland, June 9, 1855.
Samuel C. Cobb of Boston and Amelia L. Buttie of E. Thomaston, Nov. 21, 1848.
William E. Cobb of Union and Elvira W. Snow of Union, Nov. 19, 1849.
COBBET (also see Cobbett, Corbett)-
Abigail Cobbet and John Randal, int. Nov. 7, 1835. [Cobbett and James Randall of Brooks, m. Nov. 26, Co.R.]
Eliza Cobbet and William Davis, Nov. 18, 1824.
John Cobbet and Eunice Craton of Thomaston, int. May 3, 1833.
COBBETT (also see Cobbet, Corbett)-
Charles F. Cobbett and Caroline F. Grier, Jan. 16, 1857. [Greer, Co.R.]
George Albert Cobbett and Hannah Curtis, July 4, 1859.
Henry H. Cobbett and Mrs. Eugenia L. Tufts of Knox, Dec. 25, 1875. [Eugenia L., second m., dau. James Aborn and Charlotte M. (Brown), PR72.]
Leonard B. Cobbett and Adaline W. Brier, June 15, 1829.
Moses K. Cobbett and Angerina Lincoln of Thomaston, int. Feb. 4, 1831, "Cert. issued Feb. 21."
William Cobbett and Mrs. Emma A. Clifton, Sept. 9, 1874.
COCHERAN (also see Cochran)-
John Cocheran and Eunice Morse, int. Jan. 19, 1840, "Cert. issued Feb. 8."
COCHRAN (also see Cocheran)-
Anna Cochran and John Ames, July 18, 1805.
James H. Cochran of E. Thomaston and Ellem M. Berry, Nov. 5, 1849, in Providence, R. I.
Jane Cochran and William Patterson 3d, June 15, 1797.
Jane Cochran [int. Jean Cochran] and Samuel Brown, Dec. 30, 1802. [Jane, CR2.]
John Cochran Jr. and Mary Cochran of Windham, N. H., int. Mar. 26, 1803.
John D. Cochran Jr. of New Boston, N. H., and Margaret Ann Todd, int. May 12, 1839, "Cert. issued May 31."
Margaret Cochran and Nathaniel Muny, June 13, 1799. [Nathaniel Muncey, CR2.]
Martha Cochran, Mrs., and James Gray, Dec. 23, 1799.
Mary Cochran of Windham, N. H. and John Cochran Jr., int. Mar. 26, 1803.
Mary Cochran and Parker Jewett of Prospect, int. Dec. 3, 1831. [Parker Jewell of Prospect, m. Dec. 27, Co.R.]
Nancy Cochran and Jonathan Williston [int. Willington], Apr. 26, 1810. [Williston, CR2.]
Peter Cochran and Peggy Hains [int. Margaret Hains] of Prospect, Sept. 29, 1812.
Rebecca Cochran and Jonathan Fisk, int. Nov. 22, 1840. [ m. Dec. 7, Co.R.]
Robert Cochran and Elizabeth Patterson, Apr. 18, 1799.
Sarah Cochran and Simeon Haines of Prospect [int. Hanes of Goospond], Sept. 30, 1812.
Wealthy H. Cochran of Searsport and William Williams of Searsport, June 28, 1846, Co.R.
Eliza Coe of the vicinity of Belfast and Ezekiel Tabot of the vicinity of Belfast, Dec. 6, 1812.
Charles M. Coffin [int. of Nantucket] and Eliza G. Folger, Sept. 30, 1850.
Edwin A. Coffin and Abbie C. Moody, int. Nov. 11, 1857, "Cert. issued Nov. 22."
Larkin Coffin and Mrs. Lydia Wood, June 20, 1858. [Woods, Co.R.]
Marilla M. Coffin of Thorndike and Dennison G. Ferguson of Hampden, Apr. 17, 1865.
Nancy A. Coffin and Josiah Briggs of N. Y., int. Oct. 18, 1852. [Nancy A. of Bucksport and Josiah Briggs of Rome, N. Y., m. Oct. 18, CR1.]
Walter Coffin and Nancy Clark of Northport, July 24, 1831.