Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - BICKNELL to BYRAM

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Edmund Bicknell and Nancy Gardner of Northport, int. Feb. 12, 1825, "Cert. Feb. 26."
Henry G. Bicknell and Luella Brown of Appleton, int. Dec. 8, 1874, "Certif. issued Dec. 12."
James Bicknell Jr. and Hannah P. McKeen, May 7, 1837.
James Bicknell of Belmont and Elvira Pitcher, Sept. 26, 1842.
James M. Bicknell [int. omits M] and Sarah S. Stevens of Northport, Sept. 21, 1851.
Nancy Bicknell of Belmont and Otis Cushman of Belmont, May 19, 1825.
Sarah C. Bicknell, Mrs. [int. wid.], and Erastus D. Freeman [int. widr., seaman], May 9, 1868.
Sarah M. Bicknell of Belmont and John Watson, Oct. 17, 1838.
Stephen G. Bicknell and Sarah W. Spratt of Etna, May 14, 1854, in Etna.
William Bicknell [int. Bicknel] and Christiana Hayforad [int. Hayfort]. June 21, 1823 [sic, int. "Certif. issued June 1, 1822."]
Amelia A. Billings of Northport and Henry M. Cox, Dec. 27, 1846.
Clarence H. Billings of Winthrop, Mass., and Mrs. Annette B. Collins of Boston, Mass., June 18, 1887.
Drusie F. Billings [int. Drusey] and Lewis E. Fernald, Nov. 15, 1879.
Dursilla G. Billings, wid., of Ellsworth, and Thomas Tapley, widr., caulker, int. Jan. 16, 1872, "Certif. issued Jan. 20."
Eunice I. Billings [int. Skillings, imits I.] and Daniel S. Gilson, Dec. 7, 1828.
James Billings of Canton, Mass., and Jane True, int. Sept. 23, 1833, "certif. issued Oct. 10th."
Mae M. Billings and William G. Preston, Dec. 24, 1890.
Rosina Billings, Mrs., of Deer Isle, and Capt. John L. Lawrey, int. Aug. 14, 1841, "certif. issued Sept. 8."
Albert Bingham Esq. and Harriet [int. adds F.] Lane, Nov. 22, 1830.
BIRD (also see Burd)-
Abigail Bird of Northport and Levi Murphy, int. Apr. 10, 1852, "Certif. issued July 26."
Charles N. Bird and Lucy J. Young, May 3, 1884.
Charlotte Bird and Samuel Hook of Searsmont, int. Jan. 31, 1827, "Certif. issued Feb. 21."
David Bird and Mary Ann Brainard of Northport, int. June 2, 1827, "Certif. issued June 17."
Frances J. Bird and George W. Patterson, Apr. 2, 1861, [Fannie J., Co.R].
Frank Bird [int. 24, furniture dealer] of Boston, Mass., and Nettie Hervey [int. Jeanette] [int. 24], Oct. 31, 1873.
Joanah Bird and Capt. Joshua Elwell of Northport, int. Dec. 6, 1834, "certif. issued Dec. 27."
John Bird and Mary Ann Smith, Feb. 8, 1835.
Mary E. Bird of Canden and John H. Day, int. Apr. 20, 1853.
Reuben Bird of Northport and [int. Mrs.] Lucy J. Woods, Oct. 15, 1882. [Lucy J., CR3].
Sally Bird and Ebenezer G. Burkmar [int. Buckmar] of Northport, June 9, 1825.
Samuel Bird [int. adds S.] and Lucy Elwell of Northport, July 21, 1816, in Hancock Co., Mass.
Samuel S. Bird and [int. Mrs.] Susan B. Brown [int. H.] Dec. 26, 1830.
Sarah Bird, Mrs., and Isaac Richards, int. July 19, 1826, "certif. issued Sept. 22."
James Birney and Lorinda Curtis, Dec. 22, 1852.
Hutson Bishop [int. Capt.] and Jane Cunningham, Oct. 27, 1819.
William Bishop and Mrs. Almira Luce of Union, int. June 30, 1849, "Certif. issued July 14."
Georgianna G. Bixby of Boston, Mass., and William H. Beckwith [int. farmer], Nov. 5, 1868. [William H., son Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), Oct. 3, PR111].
Ada I. Black and Charles W. Rogers, int. May 19 ,1880, "certif. issued June 3d."
Alexander Black and Patty Ames, May 8, 1806.
Anna Black and James Leach, Sept. 5, 1811. [Anne, CR2].
Benjamin T. Black of Oroville, Cal., and Mary E. Durham, Mar. 23, 1863. [Mar. 3, Co.R Mara. 22, PR53].
Charles H. Black of Boston, Mass., and N. J. Brown of Chelsea, Mass., int. July 20, 1874, "certif. issued July 28."
Ella Black [dup. Etta, int. 22] and Frank Clark [int. 23, tinsmith], Aug. 30, 1873.
Ella Black and Charles R. Malcolm, int. Nov .9, 1878. [m. Dec. 24, CR3].
Eugene Black and Jennie L. Lear of Northport, Jan. 12, 1890, in Northport.
Franklin H. Black of Frankfort and Abby H. Robinson, int. Nov. 8, 1848, "certif. issued Nov. 23."
Franklin H. Black and Carrie F. Durning, July 27, 1884.
Henry S. and Addie A. Newhall, int. Nov. 1, 1875. [Henry C., m. Nov. 6, CR3].
J. J. Black of Frankfort and Havilah M. Robinson, Oct. 17, 1854.
Jefferson J. Black of Frankfort and Martha H. Robinson, Feb. 23, 1859.
Joab Black and Hannah B. Barter of Deer Isle, int. Oct. 26, 1834, "Cerif. issued Nov. 8."
Joshua Black of Prospect and Eleanor M. Houston, Jan. 29, 1837.
Lilla M. Black and Frank G. Mixer, Sept. 6, 1890.
Mary Black [int. Prospect] and John Greely [int. Greeley], Feb. 12, 1812. [Mary and John Greeley, CR2].
Mary E. Black and Benjamin French, int. Dec. 4, 1841, "certif. issued Dec. 28."
Oris D. Black of Searsport and Ellen R. Collins, int. Oct. 11, 1851, "Certif. issued Oct. 31."
Roscoe Black and Mamie J. Herrick, Dec. 1, 1883.
Sally Black and Andrew Leach Jr., July 16, 1812.
Sarah R. Black and George W Lewis, Sep6. 6, 1863.
Susie D. Black and Charles A. Doe of Fort Payne, Ala., Oct. 8, 1889. [Susan D., dau. Benjamin T. and Mary E. (Durham) PR53].
Angelina Blackinton and Alexander Young of Thomaston, Oct. 6, 1831.
BLACKSTON (also see Blackstone)-
Ann Blackston [int. Blacktone], Mrs., and Louis Krous [int. Gabriel Louis Kraus], Apr. 4, 1822.
William Blacston [int. Blackstone] and ____ Boor [int. Sarah Booz], Oct. 12 [int. 24, "Certif. issued Nov. 14"], 1825.
BLACKSTONE (also see Blackston)-
Benjamin F. Blackstone and Mary Jame Kensell of Wolodobor, int. Sept. 18, 1833, "Certif. issued Oct. 10."
Mary G. Blaisdell of Ellsworth and Oscar A. Tompkins of Ellsworth, Jan. 12, 1872.
Abby L. Blake [int. 28] and Thomas F. Carter [int. 27, joiner]. Apr. 26, 1869.
Abby Sarah Blake [int. Abbie Sarah, 17] and Benjamin F. Perkins [int. 26, carpenter] of Gloucester, Mass., Oct. 4, 1865. [Abby Sarah and Benjamine F. Perkens of Gluceter, Mass., CoR].
Augusta N. Blake and William S. Leaver, int. Jan. 8, 1858, "Certif. issued Jan. 26."
Daniel Blake and Abigial McDonald, int. Oct. 3, 1824, "Certif. Oct. 17."
Elisabeth A. Blake and David G. [int. Y] Dyer, Sept. 14, 1842. [Elizabeth A. and David G. Dyer, Co.R].
Eugene A. Blake [int. 22, printer] and Mrs. Nettie Banks [int. adds Y.] [int. wid., 21], Nov. 22, 1867. [Nettie, CR3].
Jerusha D. Blake of Brooksville and Capt. William Farrow, int. May 1, 1842, "Certif. issued May 18th."
John Blake, Capt., of Brooksville and Mrs. Martha Sylvester, int. Nov. 8, 1840, "Certif. issued Nov. 22."
John E. Blake and Mary E. Libby, int. Aug. 3, 1854.
Joseph S. Blake and Harrie A. Ferguson of Dixmont, Mar. 28, 1882, "Certif. issued April 4."
Kezia Blake and John Thurston, int. Sept. 24, 1826, "Certif. issued Nov. 22."
Oscar F. Blake and Hannah E. Garland, Aug. 30, 1854.
Sarah Ann Blake and Reuben Ricker, int. Mar. 21, 1824, "cert. Apr. 4."
Seth E. Blake of Brooksville and Mrs. Sarah A. Andrews of Brooksville, Nov. 21, 1880.
Stephen Blake and Fanny George of Lincolnville, int. Aug. 17, 1828, "Certif. issued Sept. 1."
William Blake and Hannah Merrithew, June 22, 1819.
Alfred Blanchard and Margaret Clewly of Prospect, int. Oct. 21, 1830, "Certif. issued Nov. 6."
Edward D. Blanchard of Searsport and Elizabeth Simonton of Searsport, Feb. 19, 1863, in Searsport, CR1.
Elbridge G. Blanchard and Hannah Porter of Prospect, int. Nov. 3, 1836, "Certif. issued Nov. 25."
Gilbert L. Blanchard of Waldo and Eva Genthner of Waldo, Dec. 27, 1868.
Hollis H. Blanchard of Corinth and Hannah I. Stephenson, int. Dec. 7, 1848, "Certif. issued Dec. 11."
John C. Blanchard and Caroline Houston, int. Feb. 8, 1833, "Certif. March 9th."
Lincoln Blanchard of Stockton and Sarah J. Young, Apr. 1, 1876.
Lincoln Blanchard of Belmont and Mrs. Georgia A. Frost, Apr. 5, 1888.
Lucy J. Blanchard of Searsport and Phineas Nichols of Searsport, Feb. 14, 1861.
Martha A. Blanchard and Isaac Gilkey, int. Oct. 3, 1833, "Certif. issued Dec. 12."
Percival T. Blanchard, 23, farmer, of Mars Hill, son Robert, farmer (b. Gorham) and Hannah (Stevens) (b. Unity), and Susie C. Wood, 21, of Northport, dau. Samuel, brick mason (b. Freedom) and Sarah H. (Smith), (b. Meredith, N. H.), June 18, 1865. [Percival T. of Marsh Hill, Co.R].
Rosina Blanchard of Unity and Charles Read, int. Nov. 4, 1837. [m. Nov. 26, in Unity, Co.R. m. Nov. 26, PR166].
Shepherd Blanchard Jr. and Mary A. W Houston, int. May 22, 1841, "certif. issued June 5."
Simon W. Blanchard and Lorina Robinson, int. Aug. 2, 1846, "Certif. issued Aug. 16."
Urania M. Blanchard [int. Mrs., dup. int. wid., dau. George U. Russ Esq. dec'd] and [int. and dup. int. Dr.] Adolph J. Nockin of New York, Mar. 5, 1870. [Urania M. and Adolph J. Nockin of N.Y., CR1].
William W. Blazo and Nellie E. McKeen, May 6, 1886.
BLETHEN (also see Blithen)-
John Blethen of Lincoln Plantation, Hancock Co., and Rachel Hunter McClure, int. Jan. 11, 1814.
Marietta Blethen of Swanville and Thomas C. Smart, int. Sept. 29, 1849, "Certif. issued Oct. 13."
Mary Blethen of Lincoln Plantation and Adoniram Cates of Washington Plantation, int. Mar. 10, 1812.
Nathan W. Blethen and Mariah A. Wilson, int. Aug. 28, 1847, "Cert. issued Sept. 11."
Thompson Blethen [int. Bliffin] of Thorndike and Jane Shirley, Nov. 26, 1829.
Wealthy Blethen of Lincoln Plantation, Hancock Co., and Ebenezer Stickney of Washington Plantation, int. May 22, 1814.
Edward Blewet of Searsport and Evelyn Reed, int. June 29, 1847, "certif. issued July 13."
Thompson Bliffin [See Thompson Blethen].
BLITHEN (also see Blethen)-
Adaline Blithen of Thorndike and James Shirley, int. Mar. 9, 1832, "Certif. issued April 9th."
BLODGET (also see Blodgett)-
Alva Blodget [int. Alvan Blodgett, widr., carpenter] and Mary E. Calderwood, Dec. 25, 1872. [Alvan Blodgett, CR3].
Samuel A. Blodget and E. J. Bean, int. Apr. 14, 1847, "certif. issued Apr. 28."
BLODGETT (also see Blodget)-
Alvin Blodgett [int. of Morrill] and Mary E. Wentworth, Aug. 12, 1863. [Alvin of Morrill, in Searsmont, Co.R].
Ann S. Blodgett and John A. Libby, June 11, 1852.
Annie D. Blodgett and William H. Quimby, Oct. 4, 1886. [William H., son John Haraden and Annie M. (Noyes), PR118].
Frank P. Blodgett of Waldo and Ada A. Morey of Morrill, Nov. 3, 1888. CR3.
Lizzie M. Blodgett and Barzillai B. Foster of Portland, Oct. 24, 1885.
Mary H. Blodgett of Morrill and Adelbert E. Nickerson of Waldo, Dec. 22, 1884.
William H. Blodgett of Morrill and Olive E. Jackson of Montville, Nov. 16, 1884.
William H. Blodgett of Morrill and Orinda A. Wing of Morrill, Feb. 19, 1887.
Eleanor Blood, dau. Olive, and Timothy Chase, May 8, 1816, in Charlton, Mass. PR75.
Joel Blood of Waldo and Prudence Blood, int. Aug. 29, 1854.
Louisa E. Blood of Waldo and Thomas H. Gurney of Waldo, Apr. 8, 1865.
Lovell L. Blood of Lawrence, Mass., and Margaret Mathews of Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 31, 1867. {Matthews of Lawrence, Mass. Co.R].
Prudence Blood and Joe Blood of Waldo, int. Aug. 29, 1854.
Thirza Blood and Joseph H. Truseell, Nov. 4, 1860.
Israel Bloodgood [int. Gloodgoods] and Margaret Smith of Bangor, June 16, 1834.
Elizlabeth Boardman of Islesboro, Waldo Co., and Capt. Lorenzo Pendleton of Islesboro, Waldo Co., Nov. 5, 1860.
Emery Boardman and Caro A. Kaler, June 13, 1878.
Georgianna Boardman and Frank B. Frederick, Nov. 17, 1857. [Frederic, CR1. Georgiana and Frank B. Fredrick, Co.R].
Henrietta Boardman and Albert S. Luce, June 1, 1871, in Portland.
Isaac M. Boardman [int. Capt.] and Kezia Emery, July 9, 1848. [Isaac M., Co.R].
Rena Boardman of Northport and Lewis F. Gray, June 12, 1882.
Ruth E. Boardman [int. Ruth Ann] and George Dyer Jr. of Searsmont, Mar. 8, 1845. [Ruth E., Co.R].
William P. Boardman of Islesboro and Harriet L. Baker, int. Nov. 24, 1860, "Certif. issued Nov. 28."
John Bogan and Mary Jane Edwards, May 3, 1852.
Thomas Bogan and Bridgett Merriam [int. Bridget] of Bangor, Sept. 4, 1853.
Eliza Boggs of Waldo Plantation and Samuel Paul of Waldo Plantation, June 3, 1838.
BOLAN (also see Borland)-
Edwin F. Bolan and Annie E. Grant, int. July 7, 1884, "certif. issued Nov. 1st."
Frank Bolan, laborer, and Mary Morgan, int. Nov. 4, 1869, "certif. issued Nov. 8."
Hannah Bolton of Frankfort and Samuel Phillips of a plantation near Belfast [int. Quantabook], May 31, 1801.
Stephen B. Bond and Eliza Lawson, Oct. 9, 1828.
James Bonney and Bheuany [int. Mrs. Reuamy] Thompson, June 14, 1831.
Margaret Bonzey of Ellsworth and Emery Robbins of Ellsworth, July 4, 1867. [Bonsey of Ellsworth and Emery Robins of Ellsworth, CR1. Bonzey of Ellsworth and Emery Robbins of Ellsworth, CO.R].
Laura J. Boody of Jackson and Samuel W. Johnson of Jackson, Apr. 2, 1870.
Charles H. Booker of Milo and Hattie L. Gross of Swanville, Oct. 6, 1872.
BOOR (also see Booz)-
______ [int. Sarah Booz] and William Blackston [int. Blackstone], Oct. 12, [int. 24, "Certif. issued Nov. 14"]. 1825.
BOOZ (also see Boor)-
Charles Booz and Mrs. Sophia Johnson, int. Oct. 8, 1825. "Certif. issued Nov. 14."
BORLAND (also see Bolan)-
Ruth Ann Borland of Nobleboro and Maj. Ansel Lothrop, int. Mar. 22, 1845. [Ansel Jr., son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), m. Apr. 7, PR92].
Fred B. Bosworth of Rockingham, Vt., and Mattie W. Wentworth, July 6, 1891.
Angelia Boulter, Mrs., of Knox, and John M. Simmons, int. Apr. 16, 1880, "certif issued Apr. 22."
Ella M. Boulter and Willard L. Studley [int. sash maker] of Boston, Mass., Dec. 25, 1870.
Eugene A. Boulter of Unity and Lizzie M. Ellis of Brooks, Sept. 18, 1865.
Eugene A. Boulter of Unity and Clara P. Vickery of Unity, Dec. 23, 1878.
George W. Boulter of Waldo and Ellen E. Patterson, July 3, 1882.
Ervin L. Bowden and Lydia M. Dunbar, Sept. 12, 1890.
BOWEN (also see Bowin)-
Abbie L. Bowen and William A. Wood, Nov. 29, 1889. [Nov. 30, CR3].
Amos F. Bowen and Sarah V. Temple, Jan. 15, 1862. [Amos T., Co.R].
Asa Bowen Jr. of Swanville and Welthy Jane Sargent, int. May 21, 1850, "certif. issued June 8."
Caroline W. Bowen, Mrs., and Alfred Walton, July 12, 1890.
Clara E. Bowen of Morrell and Hamlen H. Murphy, June 22, 1871.
Elroy R. Bowen and Alice A. Hart, Oct. 30, 1886.
Esli A. Bowen, farmer, of Swanville, and Esther A. Thomas, int. Oct. 15, 1868, "certif. issued Oct. 23d."
Isaac T. Bowen [int. widr., truckman] and Caroline W. Edgecomb [int wid.], Sept. 21, 1870. [Isaac T. and Caroline W. Edgecomb, CR1].
Otis Bowen and Emma Shaw, Sept. 15, 1887.
Polly Bowen of Washington Plantation and Isaiah Roberts of Washington Plantation, int. Dec. 15, 1816, "certif. granted Dec. 31."
Samuel Bowen and Abigal Smith of Washington, int. Sept. 30, 1810.
BOWIN (also see Bowen)-
Alice Bowin, Mrs., and Aaron Eaton, int. Sept. 20, 1846, "certif. issued Oct. 4."
Ann G. Bowler, Mrs. [int. wid., 35], and Amasa T. Patterson [int. 52, farmer], Aug. 19, 1867. [Ann G., Co.R].
Lovina Bowler of Liberty and George B. Greeley of Mich., Oct. 31, 1872.
William E. Bowler [int. 19, seaman] and Sarah J. Shaw [int. 18], Mar. 7, 1875.
Celinda Bowles and Richard F. Patterson, Oct. 28, 1849.
William Parker Bowles and Rebeccah Alden Witherly [dup. marked "mistake," Witerlee of Northport] int. Apr. 27, 1822, "certif. granted May 29."
Maria Bowman, Mrs., and Joseph Jerome, Apr. 16, 1863.
William Bowman (see William Brennan).
William G. Bowman [int. J.] Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Maria Ann Bates, Dec. 25, 1852.
Thomas Bowser of St. Stephens, N. B., and Sarah B. Carr, int. Sept. 23, 1837. [m. Nov. 9, Co.R].
Jean Boyd, dau Capt. Samuel of Bristol, and David Otis, son Samuel of Bristol, June 6, 1799 [? in Bristol] PR13.
William A. G. Boyd and Hannah M. Whittier, May 26, 1842.
BOYINGTON (also see Boyinton, Boynton)-
Betsey Boyinton and Johnson Neal, int. June 29, 1810.
Daniel Boyinton of Green Plantation and Betsy Patterson of Saco, int. Jan. 17, 1808.
Samuel P. Boyington of Thomston and Emeline P. Ames, int. Aug. 26, 1838, "certif. issued Nov. 24."
BOYINTON (also see Boyington, Boynton)-
Amos R. Boyinton and Sarah Mariah W. Frye, int. Nov. 1, 1840, "certif. issued Dec. 16."
BOYNTON (also see Boyington, Boyinton)-
Annie Boynton [int. adds E.] of Montville and George E. Currier, Nov. 19, 1882.
Fannie E. Boynton of Rockland and Darius Shute [int. widr., seaman], Mar. 1, 1869.
Jennie Boynton (see ____ Boynton).
Louisa L. Boynton of Liberty and William E. Arnold, int. Jan. 2, 1849, "certif. issued Jan. 16."
Moses Boynton Jr. of Unity and Annie F. Dyer of Unity, Dec. 22, 1863.
Olive M. Boynton of Unity and Amaziah P. Woods of Unity, Oct. 8, 1855.
William Boynton and Susan Littlefield of York, int. Apr. 10, 1841, "certif. issued May 13."
______ [int Jennie Boynton of Rockland and Fred A. White, Oct. 23, 1875.
BRACKET (also see Brackett)-
Joana Bracket of Northport and Jedediah Brigs of Northport, Nov. 16, 1834.
Joanna Bracket and Samuel Rushfort, int. Feb. 28, 1823.
John Bracket and Fidelia Shibles, Apr. 3, 1837.
Lucy W. Bracket, 30, and Oscar F. Allenwood, 32, farmer, of Belmont, int. Aug. 30, 1869, "certif. issued Sept. 4th."
Sabrina Brackett [int. Rebecca S. Brackett] and Charles Rhodes of Northport, Nov. 15, 1830.
Addison Brackett and Pricilla Shibbles [int. Shibles], Dec. 25, 1826.
Albert E. Brackett and Melissa E. Flagg, Dec. 30, 1883.
Catharine Brackett and Silas Dilloway, int. Jan. 27, 1827, "Certif. issued Feb. 15."
Daniel W. Brackett of Clinton and Annie A. Bean, Sept. 7, 1890.
George E. Brackett and Lizzie L. Brown, June 22, 1870.
Horace W. Brackett of Lincolnville and Merinda S. [int. I.] Stone, Aug. 17, 1862. [Merinda S., CR1]
Isaac M. Brackett (see Isaac M. Beckett)
Joshua Brackett Jr. and Julia A. Hills of Lincolnville, int. Jan. 13, 1847, "certif. issued Feb. 13th."
Joshua Brackett, widr., 40, merchant, of Rockland, and Hannah C. Rhoades, 38, int. Oct. 21, 1865, "Certif. issued Oct. 26."
Julia A. Brackett, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and H. Nelson Patterson, July 14, 1851.
Martha A. Brackett and Isaac Watson, int. Aug. 10, 1875, "Certif. issued Aug. 14."
Martha Jane Brackett of Newmarket, N. H., and W. H. H. Treadwell, int. Nov. 3, 1839, "Certif. issued Nov. 30."
Mary C. Brackett and William F. Marriner, int. Feb. 4, 1857.
Mary Jane Brackett and William H. Rhoads of Thomaston, int. Jan. 27, 1847, "Certif. issued Feb. 11."
Rebecca Brackett and Thomas Franklin Hicks, int. Oct. 1, 1853.
Sarah A. Brackett [int. Bracket] and [int. Capt.] Hector McN. Rhoades of Northport, Dec. 5, 1843.
Sarah E. Brackett of Detroit and Daniel Kenniston, int. Aug. 16, 1852.
Susan Brackett [int. Bracket] and Benjamin Thomas, Mar. 14, 1835.
Abner W. Bradbury and Eunice Hall, May 3, 1814.
Albion H. Bradbury and Augusta A. Pishon, int. Apr. 2, 1860, "Certif. issued Apr. 6."
Albion H. Bradbury and Mrs. Martha E. Henderson, Apr. 5, 1877.
Charles W. Bradbury, Rev., of Fair Haven, Mass., and Sarah Merrill, int. Dec. 9, 1837, "Certif. issued Jan. 1, 1838."
Elmer E. Bradbury and Ida Albee, int. Apr. 22, 1886, "Cert. issued Apr. 29."
Julia Bradbury and Robert Franklin Patterson, son John Tufts Patterson and Jane (Ferguson), Dec. 13, 1855, PR119.
Martha A. Bradbury and James W. Frederick, Dec. 20, 1851. [Bradbury and James W. Frederic, Dec. 10, CR1. Martha Ann Bradbury and James Woodbury Frederick, Dec. 10, PR120. Martha Ann Bradbury, dau. Nathaniel H. Bradbury and Sophia, and James W. Frederick, Dec. 10, PR121].
Martha E. Bradbury and Horatio H. Johnson Jr., int. Sept. 23, 1881, "Cert. issued Sept. 29."
Nathaniel H. Bradbury and Sophia Moulton of York, int. June 10, 1881, "Cert. issued July 1."
Ruth Bradbury of York and William Tilden, int. Sept. 20, 1826, "Certif. issued Oct. 5."
Charles W. and Julia E. Spinney, Mar. 24, 1889. [Julia E. CR3].
Edward W. Bradford of Plymouth, Mass., and Janet A. Ellis, Sept. 21, 1875.
Hulda Bradford of Knox and Baruch Payson of Waldo Plantation, Aug. 3, 1828.
Herbert E. Bradman and Inex M. Nickerson of Searsport, Dec. 14, 1887.
Jennette Bradman and David W. Dyer, Dec. 3, 1843. [Jennett, Dec. 7, CO.R].
Sarah E Bradman and Joseph F. Stevens, Jan. 13, 1852.
Seth C. Bradman, Capt., and Sarah E. Shute, int. Sept. 4, 1847, "Cert. issued Sept. 21."
Sophia Ann Bradman and Col. William Ellingwood of Frankfort, int. Oct. 7, 1839, "Certif. issued Oct 22."
Alma L. Bradstreet and Israel A. Gardner, Jan. 1, 1888.
Lucy A. and John H. Hubbs, int. June 8, 1875, "Certif. issued June 12."
Mary Bradstreet of Palermo and Jeremiah Jewett, int. Mar. 3, 1862. [m. Mar. 11, in Palermo, Co.R].
S. A. Bradstreet, Mrs., [int. wid], and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Charles E. Brier [int. widr., mariner], Jan. 2, 1869.
Charles Bragson of Swansville and Mary Sickins of Swansville, Sept. 16, 1830.
Elijah Bragdon [int. in the vicinity of Belfast] and Sally Sekens [int. Sekins in the vicinity of Belfast], July 18, 1811.
Joseph P. Brainard and Elcy W. Wadlin of Northport, Apr. 6, 1836.
Mary Ann Brainard of Northport and David Bird, int. June 2, 1827, "Certif. issued June 17."
Reuben Brainard of Northport and Mrs. Jane B. Morrison of Northport, Mar. 1, 1863.
Alton K. Braley and Susan Hassell, Apr. 20, 1887. [Susan E., dau. Rufus P. Braley and Harriet (Parker), PR34].
Frances E. Braley and Edwin L. McCorison, Oct. 28, 1883.
George H. Braley and Susan Jane Corrrell, dau. Christopher Y. and Mary Ann (Lucas), June 30, 1877 [in Boston], PR134.
Gideon Braley and Susan E. Sanborn, int. Oct. 17, 1855.
Eben F. Bramhall and Alice A. Coombs, Oct. 3, 1887. [Eben Frank, CR3].
Eben P. Bramhall and Nancy C. Condon, May 1, 1843, in Martinicus, PR61.
Emma C. Bramhall [int. 21] and Richard P. Stickney [int. 22, tinsmith], Apr. 20, 1873.
Hattie L. Bramhall and Eli Cook, Jan. 13, 1880.
John C. Bramhall and Hannah E. Robinson, int. Apr. 17, 1846, "Certif. issued May 2nd."
Joshua Bramhall and Elmina Hall, Dec. 31, 1831, PR149.
Susan A. Bramhall and Alex J. Lowney, July 26, 1859. [Alexander J., Co.R. Susan Ann, dau. Joshua and Elmina (Hall), and Axel Lowney, PR149].
BRAN (also see Brawn, Brow, Brown)-
Charles Bran and Helpy Thurston, Dec. 7, 1818.
BRAWN (also see Bran, Brow, Brown)-
Sally Brawn, Mrs., and Jonathan Thurston, int. Sept. 16, 1820.
Ansel M. Bray and Fanny A. Russ, Feb. 28, 1861. [Rust, Co.R].
Charles H. Bray of Boston, Mass., and Harriet A. Holt, Apr. 25, 1864. [Harriet A., dau. William and Mary A. (Batson), PR31].
Hattie Bray, wid., 29, tailoress, dau. Sylvester Simpson, seaman (b. Brooksville) and Hannah, tailoress (b. Brooksville), and Ichabod Whitcomb, widr., 44, farmer, of Waldo, son Eben, farmer (b. Hope) and Polly (b. Abington), int. July 3, 1865, "Certif. issued July 8."
Joseph Bray of Boston [int. adds Mass.] and Rosilla Patterson, June 6, 1824.
Robert Bray of Waldo and Mrs. Belinda Scribner of Waldo, Oct. 9, 1881.
Eunice K. Brazier and Allen Carver, int. Feb. 24, 1838, "Certif. issuee April 5."
Joseph E. Brazier of Portland and Sirena B. Shaw, int. June 23, 1883, [m. June 30, CR3].
Nancy Brazier and Richard Lear, int. Mar. 17, 1838.
G. W. Breen and Georgia A. Barstow of Damariscotta, int. Sept. 22, 1875.
William Brennan of Boston and Mary A. Cunningham, int. Oct. 28, 1854. [William Bowman of Boston, m. Oct. 28 [? in Searsport], CoR].
Frances H. Brenner [int. Benner] and Charles A. Murch, July 20, 1860. [Brenner, CR3.]
Clara Brewer of Rockland and William J. Ash of Rockland, Sept. 10, 1871.
Lewis Brewster and Mrs. Joanna McCorrison, May 7, 1888.
Lewis Brewster and Mrs. Joanna McCloud, Feb. 4, 1890.
L. W. Brickett and Lizzie B. Stowell of Stockton Springs, int. Dec. 9, 1890, "Cert. issued Dec. 14."
Charles Bridges of Stockton and Sarah F. Frye of Stockton, June 27, 1865.
Isaac Bridges of Prospect and Mahetable Evens of Prospect, Nov. 7, 1811.
Abbie Brier [int. Abba, 22] and Henry H. Hayes [int. 24, currier], Nov. 16, 1865. [Abbie, Co.R].
Abigail Brier and Amos Grout Jr., June 22, 1842. [Amos Grant Jr., Co.R].
Adaline W. Brier and Leonard B. Cobbett, June 15, 1829.
Angia M. Brier [int. Angie] and James D. Tucker, Dec. 15, 1885. [Angia M., CR3].
Arbella Brier [int. Arabella, 20] and Ormon Albert Hopkins [int. 22, sailor], Jan. 10, 1867. [Arabella Baer and Orman A. Hopkins, CO.R].
Ardell Brier and Fred R. Downs, Nov. 24, 1879.
Caroline Brier and David B. Vose of Hampden, int. Sept. 30, 1838. [m. Oct. 30, CoR].
Charles Brier and Ella Linscott, int. July 27, 1875, "Certif. issued Aug. 21."
Charles E. Brier and Isabella Gammans, Oct. 27, 1850.
Charles E. Brier, Capt. [int. widr., mariner, omits Capt.], and Mrs. S. A. Bradstreet [int. wid.], Jan. 2, 1869.
Charles W. Brier [int. 27, painter] and Eliza W. Stinson [int. 20], Mar. 23, 1874.
Charles W. Brier and Emma M. Hanson, Nov. 20, 1884.
Daniel Brier and Eliza Padershall [sic, Pattershall, int. Badershall], Dec. 10, 1829.
Edwin Brier [int. 24, farmer] and Clara A. Brown [int. 21, of Waldo], Mar. 7, 1866.
Eliza Jane Brier and George W. White, Nov. 27, 1856.
Eveline Brier and John Eaton of Waldo, Sept. 4, 1859.
Franklin Brier and Mary Flowers, int. Oct. 9, 1830. [m. Nov. 15, Co.R]
George F. Brier and Louisa J. Whitmore, Dec. 24, 1858.
George H. Brier and Relief S. Downs of China, int. Oct. 7, 1857, "Certif. issued Oct. 27."
Henry Brier and Hannah M. Robbins, Nov. 23, 1884.
Isabel Brier and Oscar S. Erskine of Swan's Island, Nov. 6, 1810.
Josiah Brier and Eunis Low of Portland, int. Nov. 6, 1810.
Julia Brier and Lorenzo S. Smith of Hampden, int. Oct. 19, 1845, "Certif. issued Nov. 3."
Lewis F. Brier [int. farmer] and Annie Harper, Oct. 23, 1871.
Marianna Brier and Henry C. Bailey, Sept. 24, 1863.
Mary Ann Brier [int. Briar] and Joseph Heavnir of Brooks, June 21, 1818.
Moses Brier and Susanna Peirce [int. Perse], Nov. 4, 1810.
Moses Brier and Almira Sidensberger of Warren, int. Apr. 17, 1838, "Certif. issued May 3."
Moses Brier and Maria Mansur, int. Dec. 30, 1843, "Certif. issued Jan. 17, 1844."
Moses W. Brier, Capt., and Ann Eliza Tasker of Monroe, int. Feb. 1, 1848 [m. Feb. 22, Co.R].
Olive Brier and Joseph Havener of Brooks, int. Sept. 2, 1837. [m. Sept. 17, Co.R].
Robert Brier Jr. and Abby Doar, Aug. 7, 1841.
Robert Brier and Mrs. Lucinda Thompson, int. Sept. 21, 1854.
Russell Brier and Emma K. Field of Searsport, May 22, 1886.
Sally Brier of Washington Plantation and Wiliam Page of Jackson Plantation, int. Dec. 25, 1814.
Sally A. Brier, Mrs., of Liberty, and George U. White, Mar. 20, 1889, in Liberty.
Walter F. Brier and Sadie F. Sawyer, Sept. 10, 1889.
William Brier and Elizabeth Harper, Jan. 16, 1857.
Wilson Brier, Capt., and Eunice Shaw, int. July 22, 1838, "Certif. issued Dec. 11."
BRIGGS (also see Brigs)-
Alfreda C. Briggs, 22, and William A. Lear, 20, farmer, int. Sept. 6, 1869, "Certif. issued Sept. 11."
Eben K. Briggs and Rosalinda Briggs, int. Jan. 18, 1853.
Fannie E. Briggs and Charles H. Fleming, Apr. 24, 1878.
Isabel M. Briggs and Maitland B. Smith, Dec. 26, 1888.
John A. Briggs [int. widr., joiner] and Nettie B. Daniels of Camden, Apr. 3, 1869.
John A. Briggs and Annie L. Rhoades of Pittsfield, int. Dec. 18, 1891, "Cert. issued Jan. 8, 1892."
Josiah Briggs of N. Y. and Nancy A. Coffin, int. Oct. 18, 1852. [Josiah of Rome, N. Y. and Nancy A. Coffin of Bucksport, m. Oct. 18, CR1].
Mary J. Briggs and Charles B. Stover, int. May 19, 1876.
Meriam D. Briggs, Mrs., of Montville, and Benjamin P. Randall of Montville, Sept. 21, 1873.
Richard Briggs of Boston, Mass., and Mary Frances Town, Oct. 21, 1852.
Rosalinda Briggs and Eben K. Briggs, int. Jan. 18, 1853.
BRIGS (also see Briggs)-
Jedediah Brigs of Northport and Joana Bracket of Northport, Nov. 16, 1834.
James Brock and Margaret C. Waterman, int. Mar. 23, 1850, "Crf. issued April 24."
Nellie M. Brock, 18, of Ellsworth, and William R. Pearsons, 25, seaman, int. Apr. 2, 1866, "Certif. issued April 7."
Sarah E. Brock of Searsport and Howard L. Toule of Searsport, Sept. 8, 1872. [Sarah C. of Searsport and Howard L. Towle of Searsport, CR3].
Susan S. Brock and Leroy S. Scott, int. June 27, 1860. [m. Dec. 12, Co.R].
Katherine Brogan and Michael Fahy, widr., laborer, int. June 18, 1868, "Certif. issued June 22."
Patrick Brogan, stone cutter, and Mary Ward, int. Feb. 22, 1870, "Certif. issued Feb. 26."
Albert G. Brooks and Mary Jane Emerson, int. Dec. 15, 1849, "Certif. issued Dec. 29."
Caroline A. Brooks and Reuben Chapman, Oct. 18, 1849.
Catherine Brooks [int. Catharine], Mrs., and John Simpson of Castine, Jan. 27, 1854.
Edwin A. Brooks of Appleton and Abbie F. Prescott of Appleton, June 22, 1876.
Electa Brooks (see Lecty).
Ellen B. Brooks of Searsmont and Allen A. Henderson [int. mechanic], Feb. 13, 1868.
Emily P. Brooks of Orrington and Joseph H. Kaler Esq., int. Nov. 21, 1854. [Joseph H., son Joseph and Mary, m. Nov. 23, PR128].
Frank L. Brooks and Lillian Clark, Dec. 25, 1881.
Gardiner Brooks [int. Gardner] of Bangor and Catherine [int. Catharine] Dow, May 11, 1830.
Helon Brooks and Deborah Phillips, int. Oct. 24, 1824, "certif. issued Nov. 7."
Jane Brooks of Portland and Franklin Tinkham, int. Apr. 27, 1822, "certif. issued May."
John G. Brooks and Lizzie L. McIntire of York, int. Nov. 9, 1861, "certif. issued Nov. 16."
Lecty Temple Brooks of Princeton, Mass., and Henry W. Piper, int. Sept. 23, 1833. [Lucy Temple Brooks of Princeton, Mass., and Henry Wood Piper, m. Oct. 30, Co.R].
Lydia Brooks of Princeton, Mass. and Moses W. Ferguson, int. Sept. 27, 1828 [Moses Wason Ferguson, m. Oct. 27, in Princeton, Mass., PR17].
Nathan Brooks of Searsmont and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Susan Harriman, Mar. 21, 1853.
Thomas B. Brooks of Portland and Elizabeth A. Gordon, June 27, 1827.
BROW (also see Bran, Brawn, Brown)-
Charles Brow, divorced, 45, laborer, and Ruth E. Patterson, wid., 43, int. Oct. 19, 1865, "Certif. issued Nov. 6."
Mehitable Brow of Knox Plantation and Jesse Hardie, int. Dec. 26, 1805.
BROWN (also see Bran, Brawn, Brow)-
A. E. Brown and Mrs. Sally Brown, int. Oct. 6, 1821.
Aaron R. Brown and Nancy Conant, dau. Isaac and Nancy, Jan. 1, 1855, PR69.
Abigail Brown of Knox and Joshua Stevenson of Knox, Feb. 28, 1841, CO.R.
Abraham Brown and Betsey Witham, int. Nov. 25, 1820.
Addison Brown and Etta E. Leavitt, int. Jan. 2, 1879, "Cert. issued Jan. 7."
Adelbert E. Brown of Swanville and Georgie A. Clemons of Monroe, Nov. 28, 1889.
Alice M. Brown and Robert P. Chase, int. Aug. 31, 1882. [Robert Patterson Chase, son Alden Darwin Chase and Nancy J. (Patterson), m. Sept. 6, in Camden, PR75].
Amelia Brown of Northport and James Doyle of Northport, June 17, 1821.
Angelett O. Brown and Francis Marion Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), Jan. 18, 1844, PR108.
Angie Brown [int. 23] and Alphonzo Dodge [int. 26, harness maker], Sept. 26, 1865.
Ann Maria Brown and William Robbins, Nov. 29, 1875.
Anna C. Brown, wid., 51, of Benton, and Hamilton Bean, widr., 57, third m., farmer, int. July 17, 1866, "certif. issued July 23."
Annie E. Brown and Fred A. Baker, Nov. 15, 1884.
Annie M. Brown, 20, and Nahum L. Simmons, 25, blacksmith, int. Feb. 17, 1874, "certif. issued Feb. 21."
Arno M. Brown of Swanville and Adalaide C. Stevens, int. July 19, 1880, "cert. issued July 23."
Benjamin Brown and Harriet Patterson, int. July 13, 1844, "certif. issued Aug. 7."
Benjamin F. Brown and Lovina D. Brown, int. Apr. 23, 1842, "certif. issued July 16." -
Caroline A. Brown and Charles H. Baker of U. S. Navy, int. Sept. 20, 1858, "Certif. issued Sept. 23."
Cathrina E. Brown [int. Catherine] of Granville, N. S., and Charles R. Brown, Aug. 25, 1883. [Catherina E. Brown of Granvill, N. S., CR3].
Charles A. Brown and Sarah M. Durgin, int. Aug. 15, 1859, "Certif. issued Aug. 20."
Charles Augustus Brown [int. widr., shoemaker] and Anna Augusta Randall of New Durham [int. adds N. H.], Apr. 16, 1868.
Charles F. Brown and Cornelia F. Farwell of Dixmont, int. May 16, 1850. "certif. issued June 3."
Charles H. Brown and Nancy Haraden, int. May 20, 1843, "Certif. issued June 25."
Charles P. Brown Esq. of Bangor and Caroline M. Kimball, Feb. 14, 1854.
Charles R. Brown, 21, seaman, and Margaret A. Baker, 21, int. Apr. 27, 1874, "Certif. issued May 2nd."
Charles R. Brown and Cathrina E. Brown [int. Catherine] of Granville, N. S., Aug. 25, 1883. [Catherine E. of Granvill, N. S., CR3].
Charlotte M. Brown and James Aborn Jr. of Knox, int. Jan. 27, 1839. [m. Feb. 24, Co.R. m ____, 1839, PR72].
Clara A. Brown [int. 21, of Waldo] and Edwin Brier [int. 24, farmer], Mar. 7, 1866.
Clara I. Brown and Charles G. Proctor, Oct. 31, 1878.
Daniel R. Brown [int. 29, bookkeeper] olf Fall River, Mass., and Fannie M. Howard [int. 24], Oct. 17, 1866.
Dasie C. Brown of Searsport and H. Eugene McDonald, watchmaker, int. Nov. 1, 1871, "Certif. issued Nov. 10."
Della Brown [int. adds A.] and Annis [int. Amos] T. Richards, July 25, 1875.
Edgar Brown and Eva L. Mahoney of Northport, int. Mar. 30, 1880, "certif. issued April 3."
Edmund P. Brown and Joanna Pierce of Montville, int. May 18, 1844, "certif. issued June 3."
Elisha Brown of Davistown [int. Green Plantation] and Louis Cushman of Davistown [int. Green Plantation], Mar. 12, 1805.
Eliza Brown [int. Brawn] and Robert Lambert Jr., July 27, 1844.
Eliza Brown and John D. Walker of Northport, Oct. 19, 1881.
Elizabeth Brown and William Crosby [int. of Hampden], Nov. 23, 1819.
Elizabeth Brown, Mrs., and Nathaniel Holden, June 18, 1820.
Elizabeth Brown and Albion K. Pierce of Montville, int. June 4, 1846, "certif. issued Jan. 25."
Elizabeth Jane Brown and Noah Dodge of Islesborough, int. Jan. 8, 1829, "Certif. issued Jan. 25."
Ellen Brown [int. adds M.] and George S. Chase of New Castle, July 30, 1848.
Elsie E. Brown, 23, of N. Haven, and Joseph W. Banks, 28, farmer, int. Dec. 22, 1866. [Joseph W., son Benjamin Banks and Martha (Cross), m. Dec. 30, PR150].
Fred W. Brown and Jennie S. Thompson of Montville, Apr. 29, 1875.
Fred W. Brown and Hester M. Pierce of Ellsworth, int. June 26, 1880, "Cert. issued July 2."
George A. Brown of Prospect and Lizzie N. Cummings of Prospect, Aug. 7, 1889.
George G. Brown and Mrs. Mary A. Penney of Brooks, int. Aug. 26, 1882, "cert. issued Oct. 5."
George H. Brown [int. G.] and [int. Mrs.] Lucy Gilman, Oct. 7, 1883. [George G. and Mrs. Lucy Gilman, CR3].
George J. Brown and Luella C. Rowell, Feb. 10, 1886.
George W. Brown, Capt., of E. Thomaston, and Amanda M. Crockett of E. Thomaston, Apr. 8, 1849, CR.R.
Hannah Brown and John Harraden [int. Haraden], Dec/ 13, 1807. [Harridan, CR2].
Hannah Brown and Francis Stevenson, int. Oct. 23, 1813.
Hannah Brown and Russell G. Dyer, July 2, 1871.
Hannah T. Brown of N. Haven and Samuel V. Philbrook, int. Jan. 12, 1863, "Certif. issued Jan. 17."
Harriet M. Brown, Mrs., and Charles H. Frost of Thorndike, Nov. 3, 1862.
Henrietta M. Brown and Forrest [int. Forest] E. Cottrell, June 11, 1890.
Henry Brown of Northport and Priscilla P. Eells, int. Apr. 28, 1815, "Certif. issued May 13th."
Henry E. Brown, Capt., of Northport, and Sarah W. Carter, Dec. 20, 1838.
Horace Brown of Morrill and Ada E. Alexander of Morrill, Jan. 5, 1882.
Hudson C. Brown of Northport and Clara A. Yeaton of Northport, Dec. 4, 1875.
Ida Brown [int. 20] and Llewellyn Carter [int. sailor], Aug. 16, 1869.
Isaac Cochran Brown and Burtha Reed, Nov. 2, 1827.
Isaac Cole Brown Esq. and Sabria Oliver of Boston, Mass., int. Sept. 10, 1836, "Certif. issued Sept. 28."
Jacob C. Brown (see Joab C. Brown)
James Brown, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Eunice Hastings [int. Hestings], Dec. 30, 1862. [Capt. James and Eunice Hastings, Co.R].
James W. Brown and Susan H. Libby, Dec. 4, 1825.
Jane Brown, Mrs. [dup. int. omits Mrs.] and Peter Louran [int. Loughran, dup. int. Louren, laborer], Oct. 30, 1875. [Mary Jane and Peter Lourain, CR3].
Jane C. Brown of Jackson and Silas D. Brown, int. Aug. 16, 1840, "certif. issued Aug. 30." [m. ___, 1840. CoR].
Jennie S. Brown of Swanville and Frank J. Nickerson of Swanville, July 3, 1887.
Joab C. Brown [int. Jacob] and Joanna S. Cammett [int. Cammatt] of Belmont, Jan. 10, 1848.
Joanna Augusta Brown (see Joanna Augusta Lear.)
John Brown 3d and Sally McClure [int. McCleur], Nov. 20, 1806. [McCluer, CR2].
John Brown of Montville and Mrs. Nancy Nesmith, int. July 18, 1813.
John Brown and Marry Butman, int. June _, 1821, "Certif. granted."
John C. Brown and Mrs. Sarah Pote, Aug. 11, 1855.
John F. Brown of Prospect and Clarissa Ellis, int. Mar. 17, 1834, "Certif. issued April 14."
John G. Brown [int. omits G.] and Betey Miller [int. Betsy Miller], July 16, 1805.
John H. Brown [int. seaman] and Joanna Haugh [int. divorced], June 20, 1868.
John N. [int. John M. Browne] and Harriet Johnson, Dec. 3, 1845. [John N. Brown, Co.R.]
John W. Brown and Martha H. Haskall [int. Haskell], Oct. 31, 1844. [Haskell, Co.R].
Jonathan Brown and Patty Patterson, Nov. 6, 1814.
Jonathan M. Brown and Emeline D. Nickerson, Dec. 29, 1861.
Joseph Brown and Wealthy Jane Dodge [int. of Islboro], July 23, 1836.
Josephine A. Brown of Northport and Capt. William Carter, int. Nov .30, 1850, "Certif. Issd Dec. 17."
Julia J. Brown and Henry Taylor, int. Jan. 20, 1844, "Bans . . . forbiden by Parent."
Lavinia Brown and John Greely [int. Greeley] of Palermo, Jan. 30, 1828.
Lena H. Brown and James H. Frost [int. farmer], Feb. 23, 1868.
Levi T. Brown and Nancy Clark, int. Jan. 8, 1831, "Certif. issued Jan. 24."
Lewis A. Brown and Eliza J. Keith, int. July 31, 1880, "Cert. issued Aug. 7."
Lizzie L. Brown and George E. Brackett, June 22, 1870.
Lois A. Brown of Searsmont and George Michales, Dec. 28, 1860, in Montville, Co.R.
Lovina D. Brown and Benjamin F. Brown, int. Apr. 23, 1842, "certif. issued July 16."
Lucinda M. Brown and Alden Avery of Bangor, int. May 8, 1838. [m. May 8, Co.R].
Luella Brown of Appleton and Henry G. Bicknell, int. Dec. 8, 1874, "Cert. issued Dec. 12."
Luetta Brown and Everett Nason, Dec. 12, 1885.
Lydia A. Brown and Fred C. Wheeler [int. L.], May 11, 1863. [Fred L., CR3. Fred C., Co.R].
Martha Brown of Northport and George Burkmer of Northport, July 19, 1801.
Martha H. Brown and Capt. Frederick Wording, int. June 17, 1838. [m. July 3, Co.R].
Martha J. Brown [int. Jane] and Samuel Rideout of Orono [int. Old Town], Dec. 6, 1846. [Martha J. and Samue Rideout of Orono, Co.R].
Martha J. Brown of Swanville and John Stevens Jr. of Swanbille, Dec. 26, 1847.
Martha J. Brown and Enoch E. Heath, May 13, 1876.
Mary Brown and Samuel Gilmore, Oct. 24, 1812.
Mary Brown, Mrs., and John Gilmore, Dec. 13, 1825.
Mary Brown of Northport and Thomas K. Pilsbury of Thomaston, Jan. 9, 1845.
Mary A. Brown and George A. Beckett, Apr. 28, 1862.
Mary A. Brown and A. K. Pierce, June 18, 1876.
Mary Ann Brown and William Cunningham, int. Oct. 27, 1839. [m. Nov. 16, Co.R].
Mary L. Brown and George W. Smith, Apr. 27, 1885.
Minnie E. Brown of Swanville and Willie A. Gentner of Waldo, Mar. 17, 1887.
N. J. Brown of Chelsea, Mass., and Charles H. Black of Boston, Mass., int. July 20, 1874, "Certif. issued July 28."
Nancy Brown and Samuel M. Miller [int. W.], Apr. 23, 1809. [Samuel W., CR2. PR56. PR59].
Nathan E. and Maria M. Colson [int. Marie], Dec. 25, 1875.
Nellie M. Brown [int. Nelly] and Volney Thompson [int. carriage maker] of Montville, Sept. 29, 1872.
Nicholas C. Brown of Bangor and Jane Stepherson, Jan. 31, 1832.
Nicolas C. Brown [int. Browne] and Mary Morrill, Dec. 21, 1845.
P. C. Brown, Mrs. [int. Phoebe C. Brown, wid.], and Frank W. Berry [int. widr.], Nov. 25, 1869.
Parker Brown and [int. Mrs.] Elizabeth Merrithew, Dec. 1, 1814.
Patience Brown and Joseph Miller [int. Jr.], Dec. 9, 1819.
Phebe C. (see P. C.)
Philena Brown of Waldo and Capt. James Cunningham Jr., int. Jan. 29, 1831. [m. Feb. 23, 1821[sic dup. 1831] in Waldo, Co.R].
Rachael A. Brown and Allsbury L. Pearce [int. Allsbrey L. Pierce of Vinalhaven], Nov. 11, 1854. [Alsbury L. Peirce, both of Belfast, Co.R].
Rebecca H. Brown and Samuel F. Burd, Apr. 12, 1857.
Rouena M. Brown, Mrs., [int. Ruena M., divorced], of Searsport, and Andrew M. Patterson [int. widr., farmer], Dec. 15, 1871. [Mrs. Rowena M. of Searsport and Andrew M. Patterson, Dec. 16, CR3].
Ruth Brown and John B. Houston of Swansville, July 7, 1830.
Ruth A. Brown [int. of Swanville] and Jerome Stevenson [int. 3d], Jan. 21, 1851.
Sally Brown, Mrs., and A. E. Brown, int. Oct. 6, 1821, "certif. granted."
Sally Brown and Adin Daniels of Swanville, int. Nov. 11, 1821. [m. Nov. 29, Co.R].
Samuel Brown and Jane Cochran [int. Jean], Dec. 30, 1802. [Jane, CR2].
Sarah Brown of Liberty and Josiah Wood, int. Nov. 2, 1849.
Sarah B. Brown [int. 30] and Joseph H. Trussell [int. widr., 30, caulker], Nov. 17, 1867. [Joseph H., CR3.]
Sarah H. Brown of Knox and Hezekiah Long, int. Oct. 2, 1848, "Cert. issued Oct. 16."
Sarah J. Brown and James Aborn of Knox, int. May 19, 1848, "Cert. issued June 3." [Sarah J. (second w.), m. ___, 1848, in Montville, PR72].
Silas Brown [int. seaman] and Emma J. Rust [int. Russ], Dec. 26, 1870. [Rust, dau. William (Russ) and Nancy, PR44].
Silas D. Brown and Jane C. Brown of Jackson, int. Aug. 16, 1840, "certif. issued Aug. 30." [m. ___, 1840, CoR].
Silas D. Brown of Jackson and Minnie M. Dodge, Nov. 21, 1860, in Monroe, Co.R.
Susan B. Brown [int. H., Mrs.] and Samuel S. Bird, Dec. 26, 1830.
Sylvester H. Brown and Elcy Pendleton, int. Mar. 24, 1838, "Certif. issued April 14."
William H. Brown and Cordelia H. Drinkwater, int. Apr. 12, 140. [m. Apr. 26, Co.R].
William J. Brown, Capt., and Ann Bates, Dec. 22, 1852, Co.R.
William M. Brown and Vesta E. Frost of Montville, Sept. 23, 1876.
Willis O. Brown of Knox and Mary A. Cram of Brooks, Nov. 13, 1880.
Ruth E. Bruce and Henry Staples, Sept. 13, 1885.
Samuel J. Bruce [int. widr., truckman] and Mrs. Nancy J. Jipson [int. wid], Mar. 28, 1868. [Samuel J. and Nancy J. Jepson, CR3. Samuel J. and Nancy J. Jipson, Co.R].
Samuel J. Bruce and Mrs. Sarah J. Cross, Nov. 19, 1883.
Susie N. Bruce and Frank E. Nash, Oct. 2, 1889, in Morrill.
Maria G. Bryant of Portsmouth, N. H. [int. omits N. H.], and William W. Hartshorn [int. Hartson], Oct. 1, 1850.
Peleg E. Bryant and Lucy J. Wilson, Nov. 6, 1848.
Zilpha A. Bryant of Knox and Andrew C. Butterfield of Vassalborough, Aug. 27, 1868. -
Zimri Bryant and [int. Mrs.] Rebecca Fiske, May 7, 1864. [Rebecca, Co.R].
BUCK (also see Burk, Burke)-
Austin Buck [int. Austin Burke] and Ann Drew, Dec. 28, 1833.
Charles A. Bucklin of Camden and Viola C. Knowlton of Camden, Aug. 7, 1867.
Herbert Bucklin and Rose F. Kimball, int. Dec. 24, 1891, "Cert. issued Jan. 1, 1892."
James Bucklin and Mrs. Phebe P. (Warren) Phipps, Feb. 8, 1844, in Knox, PR39.
Leon O. Bucklin, son James and Phebe P. (Warren) (Phipps), and Susie Wallace of Hillsborough, Albert Co., Can., Nov. 17, 1873, in Hillsborough, Albert Co. Can., PR39.
Loira A. Bucklin and Stanely S. Crawford of Wassalboro, int. Sept. 29, 1883, "Certi. issued Oct. 4."
George W. Buckman (see G. W. Burkmar].
Hannah Buckman (see Hannah Bickmore).
Henry E. Buckman, widr., 51, third m., joiner, and Martha Kimball, wid., 31, of Brewer, int. Nov. 28, 1865, "Cert. issued Dec. 2."
BUCKMAR (also see Buckmore, Burkmar, Burkmer)-
Henry E. Buckmar, 50, second m., joiner, son Samuel, joiner (b. New London, N. H.) and Susan (b. Lincolnville, Waldo Co.), and Cornelia J. Tarbox, 35, of Thomastone, dau. James, potter (b. Biddeford, York Co.), and Mary (b. Biddeford, York Co.), int. June 20, 1864, "Certif. issued June 25."
Mary A. Buckmar and David Roax, int. Nov. 30, 1857, "Certi. issued Dec. 12."
BUCKMORE (also see Buckmar, Burkmar, Burkmer)-
Harriet E. Buckmore and Andrew I. Dean, int. Nov. 2, 1858, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
Martha Drew Buffet and Isaac McKeen, Jan. 9, 1798.
BULLEN (also see Bullin)-
Harriet J. F. Bullen of New Sharon and Rev. Samuel Cole, int. Oct. 22, 1853.
Moses Bullen of Swanville and Abby S. Staples of Swanville, Sept. 22, 1856. [Bullin of Swanville, CR1. Bullen of Swanville, Co.R].
BULLIN (also see Bullen)-
Samuel Bullin and Margaret West, Dec. 1, 1819.
Jane R. Bullock and Albrion K. Hart, Oct. 15, 1863, in Bangor, Penobscot Co. [Albion H., Co.R].
Lorana Bullock of Lincolnville and Charles H. Cobb of Brewer, Aug. 16, 1868.
BURD (also see Bird)-
Amelia A. Burd [int. Bird] of Northport and Alonzo Dutch, July 12, 1863. [Burd of Northport, Co.R].
David E. Burd and Lizzie J. Bailey, Jan. 1, 1863.
David E. Burd, divorced, second m., and Caroline M. Kilton, wid., int. June 28, 1867, "Cert. issued July 3."
Edwin D. Burd of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Eva T. Lewis, Dec. 24, 1887.
Emma F. Burd (see Emma F. Burr)
Flora A. Burd and Robert Whitehead, Nov. 14, 1870.
George A. Burd and Mary J. Moody, int. July 27, 181, "Cert. issued Aug. 3."
Mary E. Burd and William T. Dodge [int. F.] of Islesboro, Jan. 20, 1863. [William T. of Islesboro, Co.R].
Samuel F. Burd and Rebecca H. Brown, Apr. 13, 1857.
Alice M. Burdeen of Searsmont and Willard H. Walton, int. Dec. 20, 1879, "Cert. issued Dec. 30."
BURDEN (also see Burding)-
Esther Burden [int. Burding, Mrs.] and Luther Calderwood of Vilanhaven [int. Vinalhaven], Dec. 5, 1832.
BURDING (also see Burden)-
Calvin Burding and Esther Emery, int. Dec. 5, 1822, "Cert. issued Dec. 31."
BURGAN (also see Burgen, Burgin)-
Joseph Burgan [int. Joseph Burgin] and Sarah A. Harding, Oct. 14, 1841. [Burgin, Co.R].
BURGEN (also see Burgan, Burgin)-
Alvah Burgen and Sarah Tripp of Rockland, int. Jan. 25, 1856.
Harriet E. Burgen, Mrs. [int. Burgin, wid., 30], and Stephen Guptill [int. divorced, 36, paper maker], May 25, 1867. [Harriet E. Burgess, CR1. Harriet E. Burgin, Co.R].
BURGES (also see Burgess)-
Anny Burges [int. Amy Burges] and Joel Adams, Dec. 15, 1818.
Ebenezer Burges and Lydia Hopkins, Oct. 8, 1820.
BURGESS (also see Burges)-
Albert C. Burgess and Lizzie M. Kenney of Boston, June 27, 1887, in Boston, Mass.
Allice E. Burgess and Isaac H. Grant of Rockland, Sept .7, 1861, in Winterport. Co.R.
Annette Burgess and Roland C. Patterson, June 3, 1882.
Annie L. Burgess and Albert J. McKeen [int. seaman], July 20, 1869. [Albert J., son Joseph and Eliza (Holmes), PR46].
Annie L. Burgess and Reuben H. Burgess, Apr. 16, 1872. [Lydia A., dau. David and Catherine (Holmes), in Boston, PR51. Lydia nn and Capt. Reuben H. Burgess, in Boston, PR80].
Antonette Y. Burgess [int. Antoinette Burgess] and James M. Banks [int. Madison] [int. 2d] Aug. 12, 1863. [Antoinette Y. Burgess and James M. Banks 2d, CR3. Antoinett Y. Burgess and James M. Banks, Co.R].
Caroline Burgess and ____ ____, June 5, 1860, in Manchester, PR51.
David Burgess and Catherine Holmes, Jan. 1, 1827, in Charlestown, PR51.
Ebenezer Burgess and Margaret Frisby, int. Nov. 22, 1840.
Elby B. Burgess in Vinalhaven and James Arey of Vinalhaven, Feb. 17, 1848, Co.R.
Elsie L. Burgess and Augustus Clarke [int. Clark, clerk], Dec. 30, 1871.
Emma J. Burgess and Joseph Dunbar, Apr. 16, 1864.
Esther Ann Burgess, Mrs., and Charles M. Keene [int. Keen], Mar. 6, [int. Mar 7, sic] 1856. [McKeen, m. Mar. 6, Co.R].
Ezekiel Burgess, Capt., and Nancy Morang of Hope, int. Nov. 26, 1830, "Cert. issued Dec. 10." [Nancy P., m. ____, 1830, PR169].
Ezekiel Burgess of Vinalhaven and Rhoda Arey of Vinalhaven, Dec. 29, 1844, Co.R.
Ezekiel Burgess of Vinalhaven and Martha A. Clark of Vinalhaven, Jan. 12, 1848. Co.R.
George W. Burgess and Harriet Fletcher of Lincolnville, int. Jan .12, 1840. [George W., son John and Hannah, m. Feb. 2, PR168].
George W. Burgess and Esther Ann Webber of Munroe, int. July 17, 1841. [m. Aug. 8, Co.R. George W., son John and Hannah, m. Aug. 8, PR168].
George W. Burgess and Elizabeth A. McLane [int. McLean], Feb. 10, 1859. [McLain, Co.R. George Washington Burgess, son Ezekiel and Nancy P. (Morang), and Elizabeth McLean, PR169].
Hannah Burgess of Penobscot and David Pierce, int. Feb. 11, 1810.
Harriet A. Burgess and Eben D. Town [int. of Greenwood, Cal.], Feb. 10, 1859. [Ebenezer D. Tower of Belfast, Co.R. Harriet A., dau. Ezekiel and Nancy P. (Morang), and Eben D. Towne, PR169].
Harriet E. Burgess (see Harriet E. Burgen).
Henry C. Burgess and Harriet Perry of Rockland, int. Mar. 15, 1881, "Cert. issued Mar. 21."
Henry M. Burgess [int. Burgiss] and Sarah A. POor [int. of Belmont], June 3, 1860. [Burgess and Sarah A. Poor of Belfast, CR3].
Hiram E. Burgess, seaman, and Carrie L. Smith, int. Feb. 15, 1870, "Forbidden by Lewis C. Smith, father of C. L. S."
Isaac M. Burgess of Islesboro and Flora A. Marshall of Islesboro, Jan. 12, 1875.
J. Woodbury Burgess [int. Woodbury J.] and Lucy F. Ellis of Waterville, Dec. 25, 1880.
James Burgess and Nancy E. Sprague, Jan. 5, 1843.
James E. Burgess and Elizabeth A. Crosby of Swanville, int. Dec. 14, 1845. [Elizabeth H. of Swanville, m. Dec. 30. Co.R].
John Burgess and Nettie Poor, int. Mar. 4, 1876, "Certif. issued March 9th."
John N. Burgess of Vinalhaven and Mrs. Mary L. Young, Apr. 21, 1889, in Vinalhaven.
Julia A. Burgess and John W. Wight, Feb. 14, 1863. [John W., son Joseph and Sarah (Burgess), PR3].
Justina H. Burgess and Hollis M. Elwell [int. merchant], Dec. 30, 1871.
Leonoria H. Burgess [int. Lenoria] and Albert R. Yale, seaman, July 7, 1869.
Lizzie N. Burgess [int. 19] and Reuben H. Burgess [int. widr., 24, master mariner] of Islesboro, Dec. 7, 1866. [Reuben H. of Islesboro, Co.R].
Lucy E. Burgess and Horace S. Perkins, Dec. 13, 1855. [Lucy E., dau. David and Catherine (Holmes), m. Dec. 18, PR51. m. Dec. 13, PR52].
Lydia Ann Burgess (see Annie L. Burgess).
Mary A. Burgess [int. Ann] and James Murch of Belmont, Waldo Co., Feb. 23, 1856. [Mary A., Co.R].
Mary S. Burgess and George Collins [int. trader], Nov. 18, 1868.
May Burgess and William Gilbertson, int. July 29, 1885, "Cert. issued Aug. 5."
Nancy E. Burgess, dau. David and Catherine (Holmes), and _______, Dec. 7, 1866, PR51.
Nellie Florence Burgess and Edward W. Goodwin of Waltham, Mass., Oct. 28, 1889.
Olive M. Burgess and Nathaniel S. Pendleton, sailor, int. Jan. 29, 1870, "Cert. issued Feb. 3." ["give no other cf in this Miss B. forbids" written in pencil.]
Reuben H. Burgess [int. widr., 24, master mariner] of Islesboro and Lizzie N. Burgess [int. 19], Dec. 7, 1866. [Reuben H. of Islesboro. Co.R].
Reuben H. Burgess and Annie L. Burgess, Apr. 16, 1872. [Lydia A., dau. David and Catherine (Holmes) in Boston, PR51. Capt. Reuben H. and Lydia Ann Burgess, in Boston, PR80].
Samuel Burgess of Vinalhaven and Margerie Merchant of Deer Isle, Dec. 15, 1844, Co.R.
Sarah Burgess and Joseph Wight, int. Nov. 11, 1826. [m. Nov. 30, PR3].
Sarah A. Burgess, Mrs., and Franklin S. Coombs, July 14, 1888. [Sarah H., CR3. Sarah . and Franklin S. Coombs, son Robert and Jane P. (Gilkey), PR98].
Susan Burgess and George Hall of Camden, int. Mar. 28, 1831, "Cert. issued Apr. 16."
Woodbury J. Burgess (see J. Woodbury Burgess.)
BURGIN (also see Burgan, Burgen)-
Amanda M. Burgin, wid., 21, and Levi Butler, widr., 44, seaman, int. May 14, 1866, "Cert. issued May 19."
Ann Burgin, Mrs. [int. Ann R., omits Mrs.], and Edward Gilson, Nov. 15, 1849.
Arthur D. Burgin [int. Bergin] and Phoebe J. Jackson [int. Phebe Jane], Mar. 4, 1848.
Chesbrook Burgin and Amanda Maddocks [int. Maddox], Dec. 17, 1862. [Maddox, Co.R].
Hannah J. Burgin [int. Mrs.] and Aaron Lear, Apr. 22, 1876.
James Burgin and Ann Rebecca Jipson [int. Jepson], May 13, 1848.
James S. Burgin and Harriet E. Eaton, int. Apr. 13, 1852, "cert. issued April 24."
La Forrest E. Burgin [int. La Forest] and Nellie Grant of Northport, July 3, 1891. [La Forrest Burgin, CR3].
Lydia S. Burgin [int. Burgan] and William B. Richardson, Aug. 2, 1835.
Mary E. Burgin and Lot Alonzo Newbitt of Lincolnville, int. Oct. 15, 1878, "Cert. issued Oct. 19."
Rebecca Burgin, Mrs., and Josiah Wood, int. June 11, 1849.
BURK (also see Buck, Burke)-
Ellen Burk and Patrick Shehan of Liberty, int. Dec. 27, 1852.
Mary Burkk and James Crosbay, int. Apr. 7, 1839. [Burke and James Crosby, m. Apr. 18, Co.R.].
BURKE (also see Buck, Burk)-
John H. Burke of San Francisco, Cal., and Evie A. Carter [int. Eva], Dec. 5, 1883.
Nancy Burke and John Haugh, Nov. 10, 1852.
Abbie M. Burkett of Appleton and Selwyn Thomposn, Jan. 5, 1888.
Henry A. Burkett of Camden and Abby W. Hemmenway of Camden, Oct. 20, 1846.
N. K. Burkett of Union and Mrs. Eunice Caswell of Union, Aug. 18, 1883. [N. H. of Union, CR3].
BURKMAR (also see Buckmar, Buckmore, Burkmer)-
Abigail Burkmar [int. Buckmar of Northport], and Jonathan T. Quimby [int. Towle], Feb. 1, 1824.
Clarinda Burkmar of Northport and Thomas H. Smalley, June 7, 1862.
Ebenezer G. Burkmar [int. Buckmar] of Northport and Sally Bird, June 9, 1825.
Eliza Jane Burkmar and Isaac L. Dunton, int. Dec. 16, 1848, "Cert. issued Dec. 30."
G. W. Burkmar [int. George W. Buckman] and Almira Bassford [int. Basford], Apr. 3, 1827.
Henry E. Burkmar of Lincolnville and Emely H. Thomas of Lincolnville, Oct. 7, 1838.
Rebecca Burkmar of Northport and Timothy Thompson, Oct. 5, 1851.
Samuel Burkmar and Susan Ulmer of Lincolnville, int. Mar. 20, 1813.
Sarah Burkmar and Samuel Witham, int. Nov. 1, 1847, "Cert. issued Nov. 17."
BURKMER (also see Buckmar, Buckmore, Burkmar)-
George Burkmer of Northport and Martha Brown of Northport, July 19, 1801.
Nancy Burkmer of Northport and Samuel Prescott of Northport, _____ [rec. between Jan. 10 and Jan. 22], 1799.
BURLEIGH (also see Burley)-
John M. Burleigh of S. Berwick and Lucy A. Dickerson, Jan. 14, 1880.
Vallie M. Burleigh of Augusta and Joseph Williamson Jr., Nov. 19, 1891, in Augusta.
BURLEY (also see Burleigh)-
Rufus Burley of Sugar Mound, Lynn Co., Kansas, and Sarah A. Flanders of Northport, Oct. 5, 1857. [Bailey of Sugar Mound, Kansas, Co.R].
Caleb B. Burnap and Amelia Phillips, Nov. 13, 1828.
Edward K. Burnham of Gloucester, Mass., and Wilamette N. Read of Gloucester, Mass., June 10, 1875, CR1.
Mary Burnahm of Camden and Charles H. Webster, int. June 1, 1874.
Isadora Burns of Waldo and Nathan E. Clary of Waldo, July 4, 1871.
Leonora Burns, 21, of Waldo, and James G. Harding, 24, farmer, int. Feb. 9, 1866, "Cert. issued Feb. 14."
Thomas Burns and Mary Weed of Knox, int. Aug. 18, 1831, "Cert. issued Sept. 5."
Emma F. Burr [int. Burd] and Nathaniel S. Davis of Abbot, Mar. 6, 1876.
BURRELL (also see Burrill)-
William P. Burrell [int. Burrill] and Mary H. West, July 16, 1829.
BURRILL (also see Burrell)-
William P. Burrill [int. widr., trunk maker] and Mary E. Ellis [int. wid.], Sept. 12, 1870. [William P. and Mary E. Ellis, CR1.]
Willis S. Burrill of Waldo and Esther Ann Redman, Nov. 30, 1856.
Lindly Murray Burrington of Franklin, Mass., and Eliza Ann Dickerson, int. Sept. 15, 1884, "Cert. issued Sept 20."
Hattie E. Burroughs, 21, of Lowell, and John W. Young, 27, farmer, int. June 2, 1866, "cert. issued June 8."
William H. Burroughs and Frances Dunton, int. Dec. 11, 1841, "cert. issued Jan. 2, 1842."
Charles Burt and Mary Jane Whitney, int. Sept. 30, 1854, "Cert. issued Nov. 1."
Thomas Burton Jr. of Boston and Eliza A. Cunningham, Sept. 19, 1842. [Thomas Barton of Boston, Co.R].
Lizzie N. Bush of Vassalborough and Wellington Dinsmore, int. Sept. 10, 1875, "cert. issued Sept. 14."
George G. Butler and Louisa S. Turlott, int. Oct. 27, 1884.
James Butler [int. of Brunswick] and Polly Gray [int. of Green], July 7, 1808. [James and Polly Gray, CR2.]
Jefferson Butler of Searsmont and Jennnie Mahoney of Searsmont, Jan. 30, 1871.
Joseph Butler and Rosilla Wade, int. Apr. 16, 1861, "cert. issued Apr. 20."
Levi Butler, widr., 44, seaman, and Amanda M. Burgin, wid., 21, int. May 14, 1866, "Cert. issued May 19."
Marry Burman and John Brown, int. June _, 1821.
William Butman and Margaret Pendleton of Prospect, int. Jan. 3, 1835, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
Andrew C. Butterfield of Vassalborough and Zilpha A. Bryant of Knox, Aug. 27, 1868.
Amelia L. Buttie of E. Thomaston and Samuel C. Cobb of Boston, Nov. 21, 1848.
Lavinia Buxton of Freedom and Nathan Haywood, int. Oct. 13, 1827, "Cert. issued Nov. 14."
E. Lincoln Buzzell and Helen C. Emery, Nov. 1, 1862, in Rockport.
George A. Buzzell [int. 28, farmer] and Mary E. Michaels [int. 20], July 12, 1873.
Lydia Buzzell [int. adds H.] and John C. Ford [int. widr., farmer], Feb. 25, 1871.
Mary E. Buzzell, Mrs., and Eugene S. Achorn of Camden, int. Feb. 23, 1876, "Cert. issued Feb. 28."
W. W. Byram of Thomaston and Sarah A. Saunders of Swanville, Mar. 10, 1859. [Byrom of Thomaston, CR1. Byram of Thomaston, Co.R].