Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - WADE to WHITEHEAD

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

WADE (also see Waide)-
Abigail Wade and John McIntosh, Jan. 21, 1847.
Bertha E. Wade [int. 17] of Lincolville and John A. Hartshorn [int. 22, farmer], Mar. 4, 1871.
John Wade of Lincolnville and Lilla B. Sellers, Apr. 29, 1888.
Lincoln C. Wade of Lincolnville and Bertelle Fenwick of Morrill, Dec. 1, 1890.
Orin A. Wade and Dellie E. Wentworth, Aug. 27, 1886.
Rose M. Wade of Lincolnville and William E. Patterson of Northport, Dec. 30, 1890. [Capt. William E. of Northport, CR3.]
Rosilla Wade and Joseph Butler, int. Apr. 16, 1861, "Cert. issued Apr. 20."
WADLIN (also see Wadling, Wadlon)-
Abbie M. Wadlin of Northport and Fred Rackliff of Lincolnville, Aug. 23, 1882.
Alice M. Wadlin of Northport and Oscar W. Gould of Lincolnville, May 27, 1882.
Bartlet Wadlin [int. Bartlett Wadlin] of Northport and Fannie M. Dickey of Northport, Dec. 5, 1873.
Clarissa Wadlin and Patrick Woods, Nov. 8, 1829.
Daniel Wadlin and Olive Bartlett, int. July 9, 1842, "Cert. issued Aug. 5."
Elcy W. Wadlin of Northport and Joseph P. Brainard, Apr. 6, 1836.
George E. Wadlin and Belle Knowlton, Feb. 12, 1879.
John Wadlin Jr. of Northport and Mrs. Bethiah Barrott of Northport, Sept. 28, 1845.
John B. Wadlin and Rebecca Gamman [int. Gammans], Oct. 22, 1850.
Pamelia R. Wadlin and Ariel D.L. Hayes of Portland, Oct. 21, 1886.
S. Ardella Wadlin of Northport and Edwin Woodside of Webster, Jan. 24, 1871.
WADLING (also see Wadlin, Wadlon)-
Charity Wadling and Librty B. Witherbee, July 4, 1821.
WADLON (also see Wadlin, Wadling)-
Eliza J. Wadlon [int. Eliza Jane Wadlin] of Northport and Webber Banks, Sept. 11, 1831.
Esther A. Wadsworth of Searsport and Edwin E. Foster of Searsport, Dec. 5, 1854, Co.R.
William J. Wadsworth {see William J. Wentworth).
Daniel H. Wagg and Dora H. Mitchell, Aug. 6, 1890.
Frank A. Wagg of Belmont and Ella C. Moore of Belmont, Apr. 12, 1879.
WAIDE (also see Wade)-
Frank H. Waide and Flora E. Cole of Gorham, int. Jan. 25, 1881, "Cert. issued Feb. 7."
Joseph Waite and Eliza Clark, June 2, 1831.
Ellen A. Wakefield and John W. Simonton of Camden, Oct. 27, 1863.
Paul P. Wakefield and Jane Trickey of Sauco, int. Oct. 6, 1839, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Henry Walcutt of Milford, Mass., and Lydia Evans of Waldo, Aug. 23, 1855. [Walcott of Milford, Mass., Co.R.]
Eliza Waldren of Frankfort and William P. Cunningham, int. Jan. 18, 1833, "Cert. Mar. 5."
WALDS (see Walls).
George W. Wales and Elizabeth S. Howe of Bucksport, int. Oct. 6, 1849, "Cert. issued Oct. 20."
John Wales and Sally Quimby, Feb. 9, 1812.
John Wales Jr. of Freedom and Lucy Davis, int. Dec. 20, 1840. [m. Feb. 28, 1841, Co.R.]
Julia Maria Antoinett Wales and Joseph Wheeler, June 11, 1842.
M. Alice Wales and Ivory S. Cornish Jr. of Boston, Mass., Dec. 25, 1879.
Rachel Wales and Josiah Palmer, July 12, 1812.
Avis Walker and Ephraim Swett, int. Oct. 14, 1843, "Cert.issued Oct. 30."
Benjamin F. Walker of Newburg [int. Newbury] and Philena E.C. Mason, Mar. 12, 1864. [Benjamin F. of Newburg, CR3. Co.R.]
Benjamin R. Walker of Searsport and Geneva M. Merithew of Searsport, Jan. 25, 1864. [Merrithew of Searsport, CR3. Merithew of Searsport, Co.R.]
Celeste A. Walker, 26, of Northport, and Henry L. Lord, 28, tailor, int. Feb. 12, 1867, "Cert. issued Feb. 16."
Charles B. Walker of Unity and Oriana Stevens, int. Nov. 3, 1883, "Cert. issued Nov. 8."
Charles L. Walker of Swanville and Rose A. Curtis of Swanville, _____ [rec. after July 26, 1875.]
Chester M. Walker of Rockland and Mary H. Heath, Oct. 28, 1887.
Cora B. Walker and James W. Patterson, Oct. 11, 1877.
Elijah T. Walker and Lizzie Tozier, int. May 10, 1887, "Cert. issued June 10."
Esther F. Walker of Waldo and Edwin B. Ridge of Walpole, Mass., Sept. 14, 1861.
Excey Walker of Knox and William Lenard of Knox, int. ___ [rec. between Mar. 9 and June 12], 1806.
Frank A. Walker, Miss, and Thomas Haugh, Aug. 13, 1879.
James Walker and Lorinda Bar[torn] of Knox, int. Dec. 16, 1806.
Jeremiah Walker and Sally Hartshorn, Aug. 27, 1809. [Hartshorne, CR2.]
John D. Walker of Northport and Eliza Brown, Oct. 19, 1881.
Joseph C. Walker, farmer, of Island Falls, and Clara Dyer, int. Jan. 1, 1872, "cert. issued Jan. 5."
Julia P. Walker and Silas L. Woodbury, Mar. 30, 1875.
Lucy Walker and James McCauley [int. divorced, laborer], Mar. 27, 1869.
Minnie E. Walker and George Jones, Dec. 31, 1884.
Nathan Walker [int. widr., sheriff] of Ellsworth and Henrietta Lewis, Sept. 8, 1867. [Nathan of Ellsworth, CR1. Co.R.]
Nettie S. Walker of Brooksville and Oliver W. Laine of Frankfort, Nov. 26, 1878.
Proctor S. Walker of Knox and Sophia Wentworth of Knox, Mar. 24, 1825.
Robert P. Walker and Abba P. Tufts, July 11, 1858. [Tuffts, Co.R.]
Samuel H. Walker and Margaret Y. Rix [int. Margaret Y. Roix], Jan. 26, 1860. [Rix, CR1. Samuel C. and Margaret E. Roix, Co.R.]
Sarah A. Walker and Eliakim H. Ellis of Waldo, int. May 17, 1842, "Cert. issued June 11."
Sarah G. Walker of Boston, Mass., and George M. Rice [int. George N. Rice] of Montreal, Can., Dec. 13, 1869.
Susan E. Walker of Camden and Ezra Young of Frankfort, Sept. 16, 1862.
William Walker of Montville [int. Belmont] and [int. Mrs.] Persis Holms, Jan. 15, 1832.
WALL (also see Walls)-
Elizabeth G. Wall of Waldo and Eben Payson of Waldo, Feb. 23, 1852.
Charles M. Wallace and Mary J. Simmons of Waldo, June 13, 1888.
Susie Wallace of Hillsborough, Albert Co., Can., and Leon O. Bucklin, son James and Phebe P. (Warren) (Phipps), Nov. 17, 1873, in Hillsborough, Albert Co., Can. PR39.
WALLS (also see Wall)-
Frederick S. Walls and Mrs. Lucy E. Miller of Vinalhaven, int. Nov. 16, 1880, "Cert. issued Nov. 29."
James Walls [int. James Walds) and Polly Covel, Mar. 1, 1807. [Walls and Polly Covil, CR2.]
Lizzie H. Walls of Waldo and Ames C. Staples, int. Aug. 14, 1884, "Cert. issued Aug. 18."
Mary N. Walls [Nickerson, Mrs.] and Charles Mills, Aug. 20, 1832.
Abner T. Walton and Julia Ann Frost of Waldo Plantation, int. May 26, 1839, "Cert. issued June 18."
Adaline Walton and Timothy Phinney, Sept. 7, 1828.
Albert Walton and Sarah D. Winslow, Jan. 17, 1861. [Albert, son John and Mary (Whalen), Jan. 5, 1860, PR126.]
Alfred Walton and Lavina Vickery of Waldo Plantation, int. Nov. 11, 1826, "Cert. issd Dec. 9." [Alfred W. [dup. omits W.] and Lovina Vickery of Waldo, m._____, 1826, CO.R.]
Alfred Walton and Mrs. Lydia K. Lord, Sept. 10, 1859.
Alfred Walton and Mrs. Caroline W. Bowen, July 12, 1890.
Charles Walton of Belmont and Rebecca H. Emmons, Apr. 23, 1868, in Belmont, Co.R.
Elizabeth H. Walton, Mrs., and Thomas Gurney of Waldo, int. Jan. 20, 1883, "Cert. issued Jan. 26."
George F. Walton of Jersey City, N.J., and Mildred E. Clements of Waldo, Dec. 15, 1890.
John Walton and Mary Whaling, Jan. 22, 1826. [John Whalen, Jan. 1, PR126.]
John B. Walton [int. 23, farmer] and Jennie Benner [int. 19], Sept. 15, 1867. [Nov. 13, CR3. Sept. 15, Co.R. John B., son John and Mary (Whalen), and Jennie Benner (first w.), PR126.]
John B. Walton and Lizzie E. Springer, Nov. 13, 1884. [John B., son John and Mary (Whalen), and Lizzie E. Springer of Northport (second w.) PR126.]
John B. Walton and Emma B. Leathers, July 6, 1887. [John B., son John and Mary (Whalen), and Emma B. Leathers of Brooks (third w.), PR126.]
Louisa Walton of Hull, England, and Charles W. Sweetser, son Samuel L. and Susannah H. (Stephenson), Aug. 31, 1869, PR125.
Lucius Walton and Josephine T. Sweetser, Dec. 31, 1862. [Lucius P. and Josephine T. Sweetser, dau. Samuel and Susannah H. (Stephenson), PR125. Lucius P., son John and Mary (Whalen), PR126.]
Lucy E. Walton and Jeremiah J. Hennessy, June 12, 1877. [Lucy E., dau. John and Mary (Whalen), and Jeremiah J. Hennessy of Fredericton, N.B., PR126.]
Martha Walton and Mark Warren of Brooks, int. Jan. 18, 1849, "Cert. issd Feb.3."
Mary J. Walton [int. Jane] and Everett S. Carter, Feb. 16, 1854. [Mary J., dau. John and Mary (Whalen), PR126.]
Rachel Walton and Walter Philbrick Jr. of Hope, Jan. 14, 1829.
Salathel Walton and Susan F. Watt of Augusta, int. Oct. 29, 1853. [Salathiel F. Walton, son John and Mary (Whalen), and Susan Watts of Knox, m. Oct. 31, PR126.]
Sally Walton and Samuel Fletcher [int. James], Feb. 26, 1815.
Sarah A. Walton and Enoch C. Hilton, Oct. 23, 1874. [Enoch Crowell Hilton, PR40. Sarah A., dau. John and Mary (Whalen), and Enoch Hilton, PR126.]
Sarah D. Walton and Collins McCarty Jr., Mar. 16, 1877.
Willard Walton and Elizabeth Parker of Waldo, int. Jan. 14, 1848. [Elizabeth H. of Waldo, m. Jan. 30, Co.R.]
Willard H. Walton and Alice M. Burdeen of Searsmont, int. Dec. 20, 1879, "Cert .issued Dec. 30."
Benjamin Ward Jr. [int. of Goospond] and Elizabeth Jordan [int. Jorden of Washington Plantation], Apr. 17, 1809. [Benjamin Jr. and Elizabeth Jordan, CR2.]
Delia Ward and William Murray of Vinalhaven, int. Nov. 24, 1888.
Hannah Ward of Belmont and James Holmes of Belmont, Apr. 15, 1832.
John Ward [int. of Toddy Pond] and Sally Jordon [int. Sally Jorden of Washington Plantation], Mar. 21, 1810. [John and Sally Jordan, CR2.]
John A. Ward [int. laborer] and Pheobe Clark [int. Phoebe Clark]. Dec. 25, 1868.
Katherine Ward, 20, and Thomas OLeary, 25, paper maker, int. Jan. 16, 1866, "Cert. issued Jan .20."
Margaret Ward and Martin Sullivan of Linton Township, Iowa, int. Apr. 21, 1863, "Cert. issued April 25."
Mary Ward and Patrick Brogan, stone cutter, int. Feb. 22, 1870, "Cert. issued Feb. 26."
Nancy Ward and John Clark [int. of Northport], Mar. 8, 1823.
Peter Ward and Ann Malody, int. Mar. 30, 1853, "Cert. issd."
Ruel S. Ward, farmer and teacher, of Thorndike, and Flora E. Bagley, int. Nov. 20, 1868, "Cert. issued Nov. 25."
Sally Ward of Green and Jacob Doloff of Green, int. Jan. 24, 1812.
Sarah Ward and Michael Fogerty [int. Foggerty], Jan. 25, 1854.
Sarah P. Ward of Thorndike and George O. Beckwith, int. July 17, 1882, "Cert. issued July 21."
Simeon Ward and Deby Searle of Mason, N.H., int. Aug. 2, 1807.
William B. Ward of Prospect and Hattie E. Ellis of Stockton, Sept. 8, 1881.
Alfred H. Wardwell of Martinicus and Julia A. Dunton of Searsmont, May 15, 1884.
Amelia F.J. Wardwell and Samuel W. Locke, Nov. 20, 1853.
Percival G. Wardwell, Rev., of Whitneyville, and Lydia J. Greenlaw of Lawrence, Mass., May 7, 1861.
Eliza M. Ware of Northport and Samuel Wight, int. Sept. 23, 1849, "Cert. issd Oct. 6."
Hervey Ware [int. Harvey S. Ware] of New York, N.Y., and Nellie E. Newbert, Sept. 13, 1882.
Mary M. Ware of Northport and Joshua Quareo, int. Sept. 26, 1854.
WARREN (also see Warrin)-
Abbie N. Warren of Islesboro and William M. Pillsbury [int. seaman], July 25, 1871.
Abigail Warren, Mrs., and William Thompson, int. Oct. 5, 1845.
Clarissa Warren and Isaac Eldridge of Bucksport, Sept. 19, 1827.
Dallas H. Warren and Lillian M. Collemor of Lincolnville, int. Mar. 16, 1878, "Cert. issued Mar. 21."
Edith A. Warren of Islesboro and William E. Garland, int. Nov. 24, 1885, "Cert. issued Dec. 1."
Edna E. Warren and Samuel A. Simonton [int. mariner] of Rockland, Nov. 26, 1871.
Edward L. Warren and Annie T. Dyer [int. Annie I. Dyer], Aug. 18, 1883.
Florence H. Warren and George R. Ames of Chelsea [int. Boston], Mass., Nov. 26, 1883.
George W. Warren of Searsmont and Fanny Parker of Searsmont, Feb. 8, 1820.
Hannah Warren and Winthrop Cottle of Bucksport, int. Oct. 22, 1827, "Cert. issd Nov. 14."
Harriet N. Warren, wid., 41, and Andrew D. Bean, widr., 53, merchant, int. Apr. 10, 1866. [m. May 22, in Montville, CO.R.]
Henry G. Warren and Nancy Wing, int. Apr. 8, 1843, "Cert. issued May 11."
Jeremiah H. Warren, Capt., of Gloucester [int. Deer Isle, omits Capt.], and Mary D. Haskins of Gloucester, Jan. 21, 1872.
Libanus Warren and Sarah Waterman, int. Mar. 25, 1843, "Cert. issued Apr. 13."
Lizzie H. Warren and Albert G. Smalley of Boston, Mass., Nov. 25, 1874.
Mark Warren and Abigail B. Piper of Waldo, int. Dec. 3, 1831, "Cert. issued 28 Dec."
Mark Warren of Brooks and Martha Walton, int. Jan. 18, 1849, "Cert. issued Feb. 3."
Mary T. Warren and Richard W. Waterman, int. Apr. 13, 1843, "Cert. issued Apr. 30."
N. B. Warren [int. 28, seaman] and Julia A. White [int. 28], May 16, 1866.
Nancy Warren, Mrs., and Joseph Webb of Unity, int. Dec. 7, 1844. [Miss Nancy, m. Jan. 2, 1845, Co.R.]
Nicholas P. Warren and Harriet Howard, Jan. 9, 1843.
Phebe P. Warren and Stephen E. Phipps, Oct. 19, 1835, in Plymouth, PR39.
Royal W. Warren [int. 27, seaman] and Linda P. Southworth [int. 25, teacher], Jan. 21, 1866.
T.W. Warren, Capt., seaman, and Ada Havener of Rockland, int. Nov. 13, 1872, "Cert. issued Nov. 18."
WARRIN (also see Warren)-
George W. Warrin and Abigail Chase, Aug. 31, 1838.
Henry G. Warrin and Lois Persons [int. Lois Pearsons] of Belmont, July 21, 1839.
WASGATT (also see Wescott, Westcott)-
Louise M. Wasgatt of Bangor and R. Warren Hurd of Bangor, Jan. 2, 1888.
Tyler R. Wasgatt Jr. of Hampden [int. "clerk Kennebec," of Bangor, son Tyler R.] and Ella S. Miller [int. dau. Samuel F., merchant, and Charlotte E. (Wording), Sept. 10, 1865. [Ella S. Mills, Co.R.]
WASHBURN (also see Washburne)-
Charles E. Washburn of Middleboro, Mass., and Cyrissia M. Dickey, Oct. 16, 1888.
Edward F. Washburn, 21, painter, of China, and Martha J. Bent, int. Sept. 1, 1866, "Cert. issued Sept. 6."
Emma H. Washburn [int. 20] and Edward S. Hayward [int. 25, merchant] of Boston, Oct. 18, 1866.
H.G.O. Washburn and Hannah E. Dennis of Hallowell, int. Oct. 4, 1834, "Cert. issued Oct. 21."
H.G.O. Washburn and Charlotte M. Furber, Sept. 16, 1844.
Olive Washburn and Luther Gannett, Apr. 12, 1810. [in E. Bridgewater], "October, 1820, . . . they moved to Belfast, & remained here until 1841. when they moved to Milford Penobscot County."
WASHBURNE (also see Washburn)-
Annie E. Washburne and Samuel Norton, Apr. 21, 1880.
Waldo Burrill [int. Waldo Burrell] and Cynthia Ellen Dinsmore, Feb. 7, 1876.
WASON (also see Wasson)-
Jane Wason and Jonathan Ferguson, Oct. 31, 1800, PR16.
WASSON (also see Wason)-
Lucinda Wasson, wid., 48, dau. John Crawford, farmer (b. Ireland) and Robert Trimble, widr., 50, laborer, son Matthew, trader (b. Ireland), and Matilda (Wilson) (b. Ireland), int. Aug. 14, 1865, "Cert. issued Aug. 18."
Asa H. Waterhouse of Gardiner and Margaret young, int. July 1, 1837, "Cert. issued July 17."
Keziah Waterhouse [int. of Green] and Samuel Hardy, May 21, 1807. [Keziah, CR2.]
Abba Waterman [dup. Abbie Waterman] and Edward H. Durell of Lowell, Mass., Feb. 20. [sic, int. Feb. 21, "Cert. issued Feb. 26"], 1877.
Alfred W. Waterman and Eliza C. Thompson, int. Oct. 20, 1853.
Daniel P. Waterman and Mary Moer, int. Aug. 9, 1833. [Moore, m. Sept. 2, CO.R.]
Henry A. Waterman [int. 26, seaman] of Northport and Ada M. Gilson [int. 18], Dec. 25, 1873.
James B. Waterman and Georgie E. Forbes of Brooks, July 20, 1889.
John R. Waterman and Gussie H. Banks, Nov. 27, 1888.
Joseph M. Waterman and Rachael [int. Rachel] P. Cunningham, Nov. 10, 1839. [Rachael P., Co.R.]
Julia E. Waterman and M.V.B. Knowlton, int. June 22, 1883. [m. June 30, CR3.]
Lucy J. Waterman and Benjamin Sears of Northport, int. Nov. 1, 1834. [Benjamin Lear of Northport, m. Nov. 30, CO.R.]
Margaret C. Waterman and James Brock, int. Mar. 23, 1850, "Ctf issd Apr. 24."
Mary Waterman, Mrs., and Josiah D. Hinds, int. Aug. 6, 1831, "Cert. issued Aug. 25."
Mary F. Waterman and James J. Poor, int. Aug. 12, 1837. [m. Sept. 3, Co.R.]
Mary T. Waterman and S.W. Pearsons of Searsport, int. July 12, 1854. [Mrs. Mary T. and Samuel W. Pearsons of Searsport, m. July 12 [? in Searsport], Co.R.]
Nason F. Waterman of Northport and Mary I. Priest of Northport, Aug. 8, 1868.
Richard W. Waterman and Mary T. Warren, int. Apr. 13, 1843, "Cert. issd Apr. 30."
Robert Waterman and Lizzie M. West, int. Aug. 30, 1879, "Cert. issued Sept. 3."
Sarah Waterman and Libanus Warren, int. Mar. 25, 1843, "Cert. issued Apr. 13."
Susan S. Waterman and Levi Fisher of Charlotte, Nov. 21, 1844.
Apha Watson and William Quimby, int. Oct. 18, 1818, "Cert. issued Nov."
Clarisa Watson of Green and Charles White Jr. of Green, int. May 2, 1810.
Deborah K. Watson and Hiram Pierce [sic, Peirce], Aug. 6, 1837.
Elisha Watson and Sarah A. Clark, int. Sept. 1, 1849, "Cert. issd Sept. 22."
Eliza L. Watson and William Stevens Esq., Dec. 14, 1825.
George Watson and Margarett David [int. Margaret Davis], Feb. 12, 1832.
Isaac Watson and Lucinda Peirce, int. Dec. 15, 1839, "Cert. issued Dec. 25."
Isaac Watson and Martha A. Brackett, int. Aug. 10, 1875, "Cert. issued Aug. 14."
John Watson and Sarah M. Bicknell of Belmont, Oct. 17, 1838.
John Watson and Lucy A. Knight, int. Nov. 7, 1854.
Lydia Watson and John H. Conner, Apr. 7, 1811. [Connor, CR2.]
Margaret Watson of Belmont and Enoch Folsom of Belmont, Sept. 10, 1824.
Martha Watson [int. adds A., Mrs.] and Elijah L. Knowlton of Belmont, Nov. 8, 1882.
Nancy Watson and Richmond Pendleton, Feb. 14, 1837.
Samuel Watson of Green Plantation and Thiah [?] Rose of same, int. Nov. 20, 1808.
WATT (also see Watts)-
Bridgett Watt and James Gillan, int. Jan. 31, 1852, "Cert. issued Feb. 16."
Susan F. Watt of Augusta and Salathel Walton, int. Oct. 29, 1853. [Susan Watts of Knox and Salathiel F. Waton, son John and Mary (Whalen), m. Oct. 31, PR126.]
WATTS (also see Watt)-
John Watts Jr. of St. George and Sarah K. Linnekin, int. July 27, 1849, "Cert. issued Aug. 17."
Harriet Ann Way and Samuel Maddocks, son Samuel and Eliz (Weed), Oct. 19, 1870, PR164.
WEATHERBEE (see Wetherbee, Witherbee)
Samuel Weaver of Penobscot and Mary Averell, int. Aug. 25, 1816.
Albert and Susan D. Allard, int. May 4, 1845, "Cert. issued May 22."
Amos Webb of Lincoln Plantation, Hancock Co., and Eliza Rich of same, int. May 22, 1813.
Harriet M. Webb of Frankfort and John Wiggin, int. Apr. 27, 1845, "Cert. issued May 13."
Hattie H. Webb of Knox and Judson Wiggin of Knox, June 5, 1882.
Joseph Webb of Unity and Mrs. Nancy Warren, int. Dec. 7, 1844. [Miss Nancy, m. Jan. 2, 1845, Co.R.]
Laforest E. Webb of Unity and Annie L. Condon, Sept. 15, 1889. [LaForest E. of Unity, CR3.]
Parker V. Webb of Deer Isle and Isabelle M. Dodge, int. May 1, 1877, "Cert. issued May 7."
Velzora H.S. Webb of Deer Isle and Lewis O. Fernald, int. Dec. 12, 1877, "Cert. issued Dec. 17."
William Webb and Agnes Allen, Jan. 21, 1854.
Augusta Webber, Mrs., of Portland, and Joseph Prince, int. May 21, 1836, "Cert. issued June 6."
David Webber of Searsport and Adaline O. Crockett [int. Adeline A. Crockett], Feb. 8, 1857. [Adaline O., Co.R.]
Esther Ann Webber of Munroe and George W. Burgess, int. July 17, 1841. [m. Aug. 8, Co.R. George W., son John and Hannah, m. Aug. 8, PR168]
Frank Webber and Mrs. Annie M. Carter, Aug. 16, 1891, in Searsport.
Hubbard Webber of Round Pond and Grace A. Hart, Dec. 11, 1882.
Josiah Webber of Munroe and Julia Ann Segee, int. Dec. 24, 1836, "Cert. issued Jan. 19, 1837."
Mabel L. Webber and Nathan B. Foss, int. Aug. 2, 1886, "Cert. issued Aug. 7."
Samuel Webber of Searsport and Harriet L. Davis, int. Nov. 25, 1849, "Dec. 4 Cert. issued."
Sarah Webber and Asa Becket [int. Asa Beckett], June 13, 1830.
Sarah A. Webber of Searsport and Phineas P. Carver of Searsport, Feb. 15, 1859.
Winslow H. Webber and Mrs. Maria L. Cleaves, Sept. 1, 1886.
Abby S. Webster, 18, of Waldo, dau. Stillman, farmer (b. Castine), and Esther, and Lorenzo M. Ellis, 35, miner, of Waldo, son Manoah, farmer (b. Prospect) and Sarah (b. Prospect), May 18, 1865.
Betty Webster {see Elizabeth).
Caroline E. Webster and William A. Atkinson of Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. 4, 1853.
Charles H. Webster and Mary Burnham of Camden, int. June 1, 1874.
David Webster and Polly Atwood of Frankfort, int. Sept. 18, 1803.
David Webster and Mary Wilson of Castine, int. Nov. 2, 1816, "Cert. granted Jan. 6, 1817."
Elcy W. Webster and William B. White, Dec. 8, 1842.
Elizabeth Webster [int. Betey] and Paul Giles, June 16, 1802. [Elizabeth, CR2.]
George Webster and Martha A. Rider, Nov. 8, 1859. [Nov. 18, Co.R.]
James W. Webster and Mary E. Moody [int. Elizabeth], Sept. 28, 1826.
John D. Webster of Waldo and Emily T. Gilbreth, Nov. 27, 1862.
Leonard A. Webster and Louisa L. Hall, Jan. 4, 1868. [Leonard A. of Waldo and Louisa L. Hall of Nobleboro, CR3, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
M.A. Webster of Brooks and Henry O. Dodge of Brooks, July 4, 1874.
Martha A. Webster, Mrs. [int. wid., 23], and Henry B. Arey [int. 25, seaman], Nov. 15, 1867. [Martha A. and Henry B. Arey, Nov. 15, Co.R.]
Nathan P. Webster of Rockland and Anna L. Higgins of Rockland, Jan. 13, 1855.
Polly Webster and John McDonald [int. McDoneld], Oct. 4, 1806. [McDonald, CR2.]
Stephen Webster and Nancy Holmes of Frankfort, int. Apr. 6, 1803.
Washington Webster and Abigail Thomas of Lincolnville, int. Dec. 9, 1809.
Abner Weed of Knox and Sally Ryan, Feb. 24, 1821.
Benson B. Weed of Knox and Amanda M. Adams of Lincolnville, Sept. 4, 1865.
Florence M. Weed and Frank H. French, July 24, 1887.
Grace E. Weed and Walter Trueworthy, Dec. 25, 1883.
Mary Weed of Knox and Thomas Burns, int. Aug. 18, 1831, "Cert. issued Sept. 5."
Betsy Weeks and Daniel Whittier, Dec. 27, 1818.
Lydia Weeks of Jefferson and John Moody, int. June 26, 1852. "Cert. issued June 26."
Martha Weeks of Monmouth and Cyrus Hall, int. Sept. 16, 1820, "Cert. issued Oct."
Thanksful Weeks, Mrs., of Goospond Settlement [int. Miss Thankfull of the vicinity of Prospect], and Benjamin Bachelder of same, June 15, 1800. [Thankful, wid., and Capt. Benjamin Bachelder, both of plantation near Belfast, CR2.]
Hannah Weekson and Ammiel Robens in the Vicinity of Prospect, Feb. 19, 1799.
Ann Welch, Mrs., and Patrick Dimon of Castine, int. Mar. 22, 1862, "Cert. issued 26th."
Annie J. Welch [int. 20] and George F. Murch [int. 24, block maker], Mar. 9, 1872.
Francis H. and Annie E. Russell, July 7, 1889, in Searsmont.
Helen S. Welch [int. 21] and William Pickering Jr. [int. widr., 31, merchant] of Salem, Mass., Oct. 6, 1873.
Horatio M. Welch and Clara E. Clough, Oct. 25, 1879. [Welsh, CR3.]
Horatio M. Welch and Mrs. Irene Small [int. of Islesboro], Nov. 6, 1886.
Mark Welch and F.E. Mahoney, Dec. 31, 1846, in E. Northport, PR96.
Matthew W. Welch [int. 21, painter] and Mattie H. Perkins [int. 18], Aug. 8, 1867.
William M. Welch and Abbie H. Patterson, Mar. 21, 1883.
Eliza Jane Wellman and Charles Shute Jr. of Hingham, Mass., Oct. 17, 1852.
Emma F. Wellman of Belmont and Ernest E. Clark of Northport, Dec. 21, 1878.
Josie A. Wellman and J. Leslie Adams, Aug. 12, 1877.
Nellie L. Wellman and John F. Rogers, July 4, 1877.
Nora Wellman and William McCabe, Mar. 15, 1879.
Viola M. Wellman and Henry W. Ames, July 3, 1878.
Willard F. Wellman [int. 23, mechanic] and Mary L. Garey [int. 22], May 17, 1874.
Benjamin F. Wells and I.J. Coolen, May 31, 1874.
Elizabeth Wells and Christopher J. Lawton of Prospect, int. Dec. 11, 1814.
Emma A. Wells and A.M. Capen of Danville, int. Feb. 13, 1861, "Cert. issued Feb. 26."
George G. Wells [int. 25, boat agent] and Annette N. Cross [int. 25], Oct. 22, 1865.
Martha Wells and Isaac Prince of Searsmont, Jan. 1, 1851.
Mary Ann Wells and Henry Ames Jr., int. Nov. 12, 1852, "Cert. issued Nov. 20, 1844.[sic]"
WELSH (see Welch).
Abby E. Wentworth and Charles G. West, int. Dec. 18, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 23."
Albion K. Wentworth and Margaret S. Hartshorn, int. Oct. 8, 1851, "Cert. issued Nov. 13."
Almond Wentworth and Delinda Wentworth, May 4, 1843.
Alvira A. Wentworth and Daniel A. Swan of Lowell, Mass., July 20, 1868.
Angelia Wentworth and William J. Gordon, int. June 18, 1883, "Cert. issued June 24."
Celie I. Wentworth of Waldo and Osie E. Dutton of Waldo, Aug. 21, 1887. [Dunton of Waldo, CR3.]
Dana H. Wentworth [int. 22, millman] and Geneva M. Hartshorn [int. 21], Mar. 18, 1871.
Delia M. Wentworth of Searsmont and Coreden J. Emmons, Oct. 5, 1874.
Delinda Wentworth and Almond Wentworth, May 4, 1843.
Dellie E. Wentworth and Orin A. Wade, Aug. 27, 1886.
Diantha Wentworth and Freeland A. Wentworth, Dec. 25, 1851.
Elvira Wentworth (see Alvira).
Esther A. Wentworth of Searsport and Edwin E. Porter of Searsport, Dec. 5, 1854.
Fannie B. Wentworth of Waldo and Addison Ryan of Waldo, Jan. 23, 1883.
Flora A. Wentworth of Waldo and Samuel J. Clifford, Nov. 28, 1881.
Freeland A. Wentworth and Diantha Wentworth, Dec. 25, 1851.
Freeman T. Wentworth and Flora E. Erskine, Sept. 29, 1878.
George L. Wentworth of Boston and Annette Small, Jan. 26, 1882.
Hattie E. Wentworth or Lawrence, Mass., and Daniel W. Sutcliffe of N. Andover, Mass., Oct. 10, 1878. [Sept. 26, CR3.]
Hezekiah Wentworth and Betsey Frost, int. Nov. 11, 1821. [m. Nov. 30, Co.R.]
Hezekiah Wentworth and Louisa A. Farnham of Belmont, int. Sept. 28, 1844, "Cert. issued Oct. 19."
Illie A. Wentworth of Waldo and Herbert F. Smith, Nov. 27, 1890.
John Wentworth and Diantha French of Three Mile Square Plantation, Sept. 28, 1817.
John D. Wentworth and Ann Newbit of Hope, int. Mar. 7, 1832, "Cert. issued Apr. 1."
John P. Wentworth of Knox and Almatia Shibles of Knox, Nov. 20, 1855.
Lottie E. Wentworth [int. 26] and Charles F. Beckwith [int. 25, farmer], Dec. 16 [dup. Dec. 24], 1873. [Charles F., son Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), Dec. 21, PR111.]
Louisa M. Wentworth of Brooks and John G. Woods of Waldo, May 7, 1857.
Lydia C. Wentworth and Capt. James N. Carver of Searsport, int. Apr. 5, 1845, "Cert. issued Apr. 19."
Mary Wentworth of Waldo and William Twombly, int. June 9, 1852, "Cert. issued June 9."
Mary E. Wentworth of Searsport and James N. Fowler of Searsport, Nov. 22, 1855. [Mary Ellen of Searsport, CR1. Mary E. of Searsport and James M. Fowler of Searsport, Co.R.]
Mary E. Wentworth and Alvin Blodgett [int. of Morrill], Aug. 12, 1863. [Alvin of Morrill, in Searsmont, Co.R.]
Mattie W. Wentworth and Fred B. Bosworth of Rockingham, Vt., July 6, 1891.
Maurice S. Wentworth of Waldo and Annie E. Shelden of Waldo, Nov. 8, 1883.
Minnie M. Wentworth and Adrian C. Tuttle, Dec. 26, 1888. [Minnie M. (firsr w.) and Adrian C. Tuttle, son William C. and Georgiana (Conant), PR137.]
Nancy Wentworth and Isaac Conant, Nov. 19, 1814, PR68. [Nov. 9, PR69.]
Nellie N. Wentworth and Adelbert Dickey of Northport, int. Nov .10, 1885, "Cert. issued Nov. 15."
Nicholas C. Wentworth and Olive B. Moody, Apr. 10, 1843.
Oscar C. Wentworth of Knox and Eugenia L. Sawyer of Knox, Apr. 3, 1886.
Rovena Burnette Wentworth [int. Rovene] and Charles Henry Russell of Lawrence, Mass., June 25, 1890.
Ruth A. Wentworth of Waldo and Marriner W. Smith of Waldo, Feb. 4, 1871.
Sarah J. Wentworth, Mrs., of Waldoboro, and William B. Conant, int. July 13, 1800. [S.J. (second w.) and William B. Conant, son Isaac and Nancy, m. July 20, PR69.]
Sophia Wentworth of Knox and Proctor S. Walker of Knox, Mar. 24, 1825.
Sophia W. Wentworth and Henry H. Hartshorn [int. farmer], Aug. 27, 1870.
Thomas P. Wentworth [int. T.] and Mary A. Hartshorn, Jan. 1, 1852.
Willette Wentworth (see Williette).
William J. Wentworth and Adeline M. Hilt, June 13, 1855. [William J. Wadsworth, Co.R.]
William J. Wentworth [int. S.] and Jennie E. Lassell of Burnham, Sept. 4, 1891. [William S., CR3.]
William S. Wentworth and Myra M. Ryan, Apr. 9, 1881.
Williette Wentworth [int. Willette] of Waldo and George W. Richards, Aug. 24, 1875.
WESCOTT (also see Wasgatt, Westcott)-
Clara A. Wescott of Castine and Leander L. Davis, Sept. 16, 1880.
Edward E. Wescott and Annie J. Aldus, June 29, 1887.
Fannie Wescott of Castine and William P. Dyer, int. Dec. 19, 1874, "Cert. issued Oct. 26."
August Andre Weshe [int. 26, shoemaker] and Johanna Margaret Furstenburg [int. Johanna Margret Furstenberg, 26] of Searsport, June 9, 1873.
Abbie E. West and Lewis S. Banks of Scarboro, Nov. 9, 1889.
Agnes L. West and Charles W. Coombs, Apr. 3, 1886.
Almatia West and William Mayhew Jr., Feb. 18, 1830.
Alvin V. West of Searsport and Sarah A. Porter of Searsport, July 1, 1879.
Asa West of Three Mile Square and Nancy Piper of Swanviulle, Dec. 29, 1818.
Asenath West and Capt. William Flowers, Oct. 18, 1832.
Austin P. West and Lucy Auspland, int. Sept. 16, 1846, "Cert. issued Oct. 12."
Betey West and Samuel Patterson, June 2, 1811.
Charles G. West and Abby E. Wentworth, int. Dec. 18, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 23."
Dorcas West and Joshua Towle, Apr. 20, 1830.
Eleanor I. West and Abial Abbot Jr. of Waldo, int. Dec. 2, 1833, "Cert. issued Dec. 21."
Elijah West and Charlott Foss, Aug. 2, 1833.
Elizabeth West of Waldo Plantation and James Gordon of same, Apr. 3, 1823.
Ellen P. West and Edwin Salmond, Jan. 27, 1858.
Emma L. West [int. 21] and William F. Clark [int. 26], Apr. 26, 1884.
Enas West and Ann Petterson, Dec. 6, 1797. [Enos West and Ann Peterson, CR2.]
Frances Augusta West and Capt. William J. Rogers, int. Jan. 13, 1849. [m. Jan .28, Co.R. William Thomas Rogers, m. Jan. 28, PR135. Augusta and William T. Rogers, son Martin and Sarah M. (Grinnell), m. ____, PR136.]
Franklin M. West, farmer, and Almeda E. Hodges, int. Sept. 4, 1868, "Cert. issued Sept. 9."
George W. West [int. 23, seaman] and Ella E. White [int. 18], Dec. 10, 1866.
Harriet West, Mrs., and William E. Stevens of Brownsville, int. Feb. 15, 1877. "Cert. issued Feb. 20."
Harriet E. West and John T. Frost, June 4, 1858.
James G. West and Martha F.M. Foster, int. Mar. 20, 1852, "Cert. issued Apr. 4."
James G. West and Eliza E. Gibbs, Mar. 8, 1862.
James G. West and Mrs. Rosetta S. Smith, int. Jan. 12, 1875, "Cert. issued Jan. 16."
John West and Harriet Hartshorn of Reading, Mass., int. Mar. 24, 1839. [m. Apr. 11, Co.R.]
Lavinia B. West (see Lovina B.)
Leola A. West and Percy C. Peirce, Apr. 3, 1890.
Lewis B. West of Boston and Maria E. Ames, Sept. 4, 1850.
Lizzie M. West and Robert Waterman, int. Aug. 30, 1879, "Cert. issued Sept. 3."
Louisa H. West and Isaac Parker, int. Nov. 4, 1838.
Louisa J. West and Stephen Giles, Dec. 7, 1841.
Lovina B. West of Searsport and Eli W. Adams of Monroe, Apr. 27, 1878.
Luther West of Three Mile Square and Hannah Johnson of Knox Plantation, int. Apr. 25, 1818, "cert. issued Sept."
Luther West and Mrs. Mary Neal, Oct. 3, 1841.
Luther West and Mary O. Danforth, int. Feb. 21, 1846, "Cert. issued Mar. 12."
Margaret West and Samuel Bulliin, Dec. 1, 1819.
Mary Etta West and Dana S. Frisbee, int. Nov. 8, 1883.
Mary H. West and William P. Burrell [int. Burrill], July 16, 1829.
Mealle West and William Tufts, Jan. 10, 1799.
Melvin J. West of Frankfort and Sarah C. Ham of Frankfort, Apr. 5, 1890.
Peter West and Mary Piper of Northport, int. Mar. 1, 1812.
Peter West and Mrs. Hannah Cunningham, int. Nov. 26, 1831, "Cert. issued Dec. 17."
Rufus West [int. Eustes, widr., 54, third m.] Mar. 30, 1873. [Rufus of Frankfort and Mrs. Lovey Eustes, CR3.]
Sally West and Jacob White, int. Apr. 29, 1807.
Thomas E. West and Lena R. Perkins, Nov. 19, 1887.
W. Lincoln West and Sarah E. Pierce, Feb. 15, 1890.
Walter H. West and Annie G. Abbott, Oct. 20, 1878. [Anna G., CR1.]
William West and Abigial Hartshorn of Marrimack, Hillsborough Co., N.H., int. Feb. 22, 1801.
William G. West [int. seaman] and Emma H. Marden, Dec. 20, 1868.
William W. West and Eliza L. Riddle, int. Mar. 26, 1834, "Cert. issued Apr. 27."
WESTCOTT (also see Wasgatt, Wescott)-
Jennie H. Westcott of Knox and Willis Richardson of Knox, Jan. 14, 1882.
Maria A. Westcott and James H. Robinson, June 6, 1878.
Alonzo Weston (see Alonzo Wilson.)
George C. Weston of Waltham, Mass., and Flora I. Daggett, Sept. 27, 1882.
George W. Weston and Mrs. Joanna E. French, int. Oct. 22, 1842, "Revoked by Mrs. J.E. French."
Mary Weston of Manchester, Essex Co., and Paul Hunt of Washington Plantation, int. Dec. 1, 1811.
Rosilla Weston (see Rosilla Norton).
WETHAM (also see Witham)-
Elizabeth Wetham of Castine and Ebnezar Whitney of Castine, July 15, 1801.
WETHERBEE (also see Witherbee)-
Abby A. Wetherbee [int. Abby A. Weatherbee] and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] George W. Ellis, Dec. 7, 1848.
Eliza A. Wetherbee and M.V. Stetson, June 23, 1858.
Liberty Wetherbee [int. of Belmont] and Sarah A. Stewart [int. Stuart], Oct .21, 1851.
Lydia A. Wetherbee and Albert T. Nickerson, Nov. 13, 1845.
George Weymouth of Belmont and Polly Johnson, Oct. 25, 1820.
Laura Ann Weymouth and Capt. James A. Rust, int. Oct. 28, 1854.
Lavinda A. Weymouth [int. Lovanda A., 26, dau. John, farmer (b. Epping, N.H.), and Lois (b. Wells)], and George P. Ames [int. 28, seaman, son Jacob ship carpenter (b. Hope), and Eunice (b. N. Haven)], May 2, 1865. [Lavanda A. Co.R.]
Rose L. Weymouth and James K. Greer [int. laborer], July 3, 1872.
WHALAND (also see Whalen, Whaling)-
Moses Whaland and ____ Hart, int. June 9, 1822.
WHALEN (also see Whaland, Whaling)-
Mary F. Whalen and Frank H. Smith, Apr. 14, 1883.
Sarah A. Whalen, dau. James, laborer (b. Waldo [int. adds Waldo Co.]), and Rhoda (int. Sylvester)] (b. Lincolnville [int. adds Waldo Co.]), and Amos P. Patterson, 25, seaman, son Sturgin, seaman (b. Camden [int. adds Knox Co.]), and Nancy J. (b. Thomaston [int. adds Lincoln Co.]), Sept. 10, 1864.
WHALING (also see Whaland, Whalen)-
James Whaling and Rhoda Ann Sylvester, int. July 7, 1844m "Cert. issued Sept. 5."
Mary Whaling and John Walton, Jan. 22, 1826. [Whalen, Jan. 1, PR126.]
James Whatten (see James Whitten).
Ann Maria Wheeler and Thomas C. Ryder, int. Oct. 10, 1853.
Fred C. Wheeler [int. L.] and Lydia A. Brown, May 11, 1863. [Fred L., CR3. Fred C., Co.R.]
John A. Wheeler, 27, seaman, son John, seaman (b. St. George) and Abagail (Robinson) (b. Boothbay), and Henrietta E. Small, 27, milliner, dau. Asa S., seaman, and Ruth S. (b. Deer Isle), Jan. 2, 1865.
Joseph Wheeler and Julia Maria Antoinett Wales, June 11, 1842.
Julia Ella Wheeler and Phineas H. Longfellow [int. clerk of Courts] of Machias, Sept. 28, 1865. [Juila Etta, CR1. Julia Ella, Co.R.]
Susan C. Wheeler (second w.) and William Holt, June 27, 1886, PR31.
Henry Wheldon of Frankfort and Susan F. Jones, int. Feb. 10, 1849, "Cert. issued Feb. 23."
John Whibby and Elizabeth McGowan, int. Feb. 2, 1853, "Cert. issued."
W.H. Whidden [int. William] and Mary Adalaide Patterson, Apr. 7, 1854.
WHITAKER (also see Whittaker, Whittiker)-
Augustus Whitaker of Montville and Mary J. McFarland of Montville, Feb. 23, 1842.
John H. Whitaker of Northport and Eliza A. Mahoney of Northport, Dec. 25, 1850.
John W. Whitaker and Martha C. Crosby of Madison, int. Nov. 30, 1845, "Cert. issued Dec. 27."
Joseph T. Whitaker and Celia L. Hoxie of Sandwich, Mass., int. Jan. 16, 1878, "Cert. issued Jan. 21."
Ann Maria Whitcomb [int. omits Ann] and Orville Thomas of Morrill, Apr. 17, 1861. [Ann Maria and Orvil Thomas of Morrill, CR3. Ann Maria and Orville Thomas of Morrill, Co.R.]
Charles H. Whitcomb of Bangor and Eleanor M. Carlen of Searsport, July 26, 1862.
Comfort Whitcomb, widr., third m., farmer, and Hannah W. Ordway, wid., of Belmont, int. Sept. 19, 1868, "Cert. issued Sept. 19."
Ichabod Whitcomb, widr., 44, farmer, of Waldo, son Eben, farmer (b. Hope), and Polly (b. Abington), and Hattie Bray, wid., 29, tailoress, dau. Sylvester Simpson, seaman (b. Brooksville) and Hannah, tailoress (b. Brooksville), int. July 3, 1865, "Cert. issued July 8."
Ira Whitcomb of Hope and Sally Gurney of Three Mile Square, Sept. 18, 1817.
Jonas Whitcomb of Fitchburg, Mass., and Sally Francis Poor, Oct. 9, 1853.
L.A. Whitcomb [int. Lydia A. Whitcomb] and George H. Flye of Freedom, Dec. 27, 1874.
Lewis A. Whitcomb and Abbie S. Cross of Waldo, int. Mar. 24, 1882, "Cert. issued Mar. 31."
Lydia A. Whitcomb (see L.A.)
Maria Whitcomb (see Ann Maria)
Mary Whitcomb and Israel G. Shepherd [int. Israel G. Shephard], Dec. 6, 1856. [Israel G. Shepherd, Co.R.]
Nora J. Whitcomb and Thomas S. Erskine of Morrill, June 21, 1889.
Oliver Whitcomb and Thankful Ellis, June 8, 1828.
Roscoe Whitcomb of Waldo and Eva J. Woodbury of Morrill, July 2, 1871.
Rosilla Whitcomb and John D. Cookson [int. widr., clerk], Sept. 16, 1866. [John D., Co.R.]
Simon Whitcomb of Lincoln Plantation and Olive Pearsons of same, int. Oct. 20, 1812.
William F. Whitcomb and Carrie L. Holmes of Swanville, Mar. 8, 1890.
Alonzo D. White of Piermont, N.Y., and Isabella J. Treadwell, Nov. 10, 1858.
Ann E. White and Benjamin B. Bean, July 18, 1850.
Annie J. White and John M. Hinchman of Detroit, Mich., Feb. 19, 1891.
Ansel L. White [int. Maj., merchant] of New York and Mary Alden, Nov. 24, 1869. [Ansel L. of N.Y., CR1.]
Charles White Jr. of Green and Clarisa Watson of Green, int. May 2, 1810.
Charles B. White of Jackson and Thankful Ellis, int. Oct. 20, 1839. [m. Nov. 7, Co.R.]
Charles E. White and Mary E. Pierce, Aug. 10, 1889.
Dolley White and Ruben Whitier, int. _____ [rec. between Nov. 28 and Dec. 2], 1803. [This entry crossed out.]
Dorothy White of Green and William White 2d of Green, int. Oct. 29, 1811.
Dorothy White [dup. int. of Washington Plantation] and Michael Caton [dup. int. of Washington Plantation], Jan. 16, 1824.
Elizabeth White and Nathan Cram, int. Sept. 5, 1802.
Elizabeth L. White and Lewis H. Murch, int. Sept. 10, 1855.
Ella A. White of Winthrop and Alfred A. Small, int. Dec. 31, 1878, "Cert. issued Jan. 10, 1879."
Ella E. White [int. 18] and George W. West [int. 23, seaman], Dec. 10, 1866.
Ellen M. White of Belmont and Simon A. Payson, int. July 2, 1861, "Cert. issued July 6."
Emma C. White and Frederick Barker [int. Fred, merchant] of Elmira, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1872. [Frederic of Elmira, N.Y., CR1.]
Ernest L. White and Nellie F. Murphy, Dec. 25, 1883.
Fannie E. White and Henry H. Norrington of Bay City, Mich., Oct. 15, 1873.
Flora J. White and Edwin W. Heath[int. Edward W. Heath], Dec. 24, 1889.
Fred A. White and ____ [int. Jennie] Boynton of Rockland, Oct. 23, 1875.
G. Nelson White (see G. Nelson Wight).
George F. White and Margaret S. Hazeltine, Jan. 1, 1855.
George U. White and Mrs. Sarah A. Brier of Liberty, Mar. 20, 1889, in Liberty.
George W. White and Eliza Jane Brier, Nov. 27, 1856.
George W. White [int. widr., 34, farmer] and Kate J. Tyler [int. 23], Jan. 12, 1867. [George U., CR2. George W., Co.R.]
Giles White of Northport and Annett Prescott of Northport, Nov. 11, 1832.
Grace E. White and Valentine H. Pattershall, June 22, 1882. [Valentine H., son Doane and Lovina (Larabee), PR12.]
Grace U. White and Willis S. Hatch, May 19, 1881.
Harriet White and William Greeley [int. Greely], Nov. 21, 1830.
Hattie E. White, Mrs., and Wallace B. White, Jan. 21, 1878.
Hortense E. White and Eben W. Keyes of Dedham, Mass., Nov. 19, 1855. [Keys, Co.R.]
Ida E. White and John G. Aborn, June 14, 1874. [John G., son James and Sarah J. (Brown), PR72.]
Ida M. White and Walter G. Hatch, Feb. 1, 1879.
Isabella White [int. 23] and [int. Dr.] David P. Flanders [int. widr., 32], Nov. 8, 1866. [David P., CR1. Co.R.]
Jacob White and Sally West, int. Apr. 29, 1807.
James White Esq. and Lydia Shaw Wood of Winthrop, int. May 20, 1831, "Cert. issued June 4."
James E. White, 28, farmer, of Northport, son Giles, shoemaker (b. Penobscot) and Annette (b. Northport), and Lizzie F. Herrick, 24, seamstress, dau. Reuben, farmer (b. Penobscot) and Roselle (b. Brooksville), int. Apr. 17, 1865, "Cert. issued Apr. 21."
James P. White and Mary Ann Clark of Waterville, int. Dec. 26, 1824, "Cert. Jan 10, 1825."
James W. White and Sarah J. Gilmore, Dec. 12, 1847.
Jane White of Green Plantation and Luther Gray of same, Jan. _, 1805.
Job White and Betsy W. Quimnby [int. Betsey W. Quimby], Feb. 2, 1823.
Job White and Grace Ulmer, May 19, 1831.
John White of Green and Lydia Pennell of Buxton, York Co., int. Oct. _, 1809.
John B. White of Knox and Mercy Sears of Knox, Jan. 1, 1820 [sic, ? 1821].
John W. White and [int. Mrs.] Lydia A. Nickerson, Sept. 23, 1860. [Lydia A., CR1. Co.R.]
John Warrin White and Charlotte W. Spring, int. May 4, 1839. [Charlotte W., dau. Samuel and Betsy Colburn, m. May 27, PR20.]
Julia A. White [int. 28] and N.B. Warrin [int. 28, seaman], May 16, 1866.
Julia E. White and Walter B. Alden [int. Esq.], Oct. 29, 1855. [Walter B., CR1. Co.R.]
Margaret P. White and Aaron Nickerson of Swanville, Sept. 6, 1832.
Margarett White and Matthew White, Nov. 14, 1809. [Margaret, CR2.]
Maria A. White [int. Antonette] and Joseph Bean 2d, May 10, 1841. [Maria A., Co.R.]
Martha A. White [int. Ann] and Samuel C. Heath, Mar. 6, 1856. [Martha A., CR1. Co.R. Martha A. and Samuel C. Heath, son Simeon A. and Mary (Hinkley), PR63.]
Martin P. White and Abigail Towle [int. of Monmouth], June 26, 1825.
Mary Ann White and Daniel Faunce, May 10, 1841. [May 11, PR147.]
Mary E. White and Alfred Rowe, Nov. 29, 1858.
Mary Jane White and David W. Lathrop [sic, int. Lothrop], Jan 22, 1832. [David W. Lothrop, son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), PR92.]
Matthew White and Margaret White, Nov. 14, 1809. [Margaret, CR2.]
Relief White of Belmont and Michael Gordon, Dec. 27, 1821.
Robert White and Susanna Patterson, Dec. 24, 1799.
Robert White Jr., Capt. and Lois Lothrop of Searsmont, Oct. 7, 1832. [Lois, dau. Ansel and Lois (Whittier), PR92.]
Robert White and Eliza A. Simonton of Camden, int. Sept. 21, 1845, "Cert. issued Oct. 7."
Susan J. White and Samuel D. Bailey [int. widr.] of Bath, Nov. 27, 1873.
Wallace B. White and Harriet E. Cunningham, May 1, 1860.
Wallace B. White and Mrs. Hattie E. White, Jan. 21, 1878.
William White 2d of Green and Dorothy White of Green, int. Oct. 29, 1811.
William White [int. Esq.] and Maria A. Ashmun of Washington Plantation, Jan. 16, 1814.
William White 2d and Mary Hall, Dec. 3, 1822.
William A. White and Nancy A. Pitcher [int. M.], Mar. 8, 1846. [Nancy M., dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), PR172.]
William B. White and Elcy W. Webster, Dec. 8, 1842.
Robert Whitehead and Flora A. Burd, Nov. 14, 1870.