Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - TAGGART to VYLES

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

David Taggart and Anna Patterson, May 2, 1804.
Emily Taggart and Samuel Gilbreth, int. Apr. 24, 1821. [m. Jan.[sic] 13, 1821, in Waldo, Co.R.]
John Taggart and Hannah Patterson, June 2, 1805.
Ezra L. Talbot of Foxborough, Mass., and Hortense A. Littlefield, Nov. 27, 1884.
Almira W. Tandy, Mrs., and Hollis M. McDonald, int. Aug. 28, 1852, "Cerf issd."
Mary W. Tapley and William P. Powers of Boston, Mass., int. Jan. 13, 1838. [Powers of Boston, m. Feb. 4, Co.R.]
Sophia E. Tapley and Henry H. Forbes, Feb. 8, 1845.
Thomas Tapley, widr., caulker, and Drusilla G. Billings, wid., of Ellsworth, int. Jan. 16, 1872, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
Ezekiel Tarbot of the vicinity of Belfast and ELiza Coe of same, Dec. 6, 1812.
Cornelia J. Tabox, 35, of Thomaston, dau. James, potter (b. Biddeford, York Co.), and Mary (b. Biddeford, York Co.), and Henry E. Buckmar, 50, second m., joiner, son Samuel, joiner (b. New London, N.H.), and Susan (b. Lincolnville, Waldo Co.), int. June 20, 1864, "Cert. issued June 25."
Ann Eliza Tasker of Monroe and Capt. Moses W. Brier, int. Feb. 1, 1848. [m. Feb. 22, Co.R.]
Lydia Tasker of Dixmont and James Pattee, carriage painter, int. Sept. 10, 1869, "Cert. issued Sept. 14."
Carrie Taylor of Searsport and Isaac N. Closson of Searsport, Apr. 19, 1890. [Capt. Isaac N. of Searsport, CR3.]
George G. Taylor and Julia A. Jackson, int. May 4, 1845, "Cert. issued May 31."
Henry Taylor and Julia J. Brown, int. Jan. 20, 1844, "Bans . . .forbiden by the Parent."
Mary Taylor [int. Polly Taylor] and William Arnold of Palermo, July 18, 1819.
Polly Taylor, Mrs., and Solomon Kimball [int. Kimbal], Mar. 19, 1814.
Thomas Taylor [int. widr., carpenter] and Mrs. Annie M. Eastman [int. wid.], June 16, 1871.
Walter F. Taylor and Eldora Hartshorn, int. July 26, 1879, "Cert. issued July 30."
William Taylor and Mary Winn of Burnham, int. Dec. 25, 1886, "Cert. issued Dec. 30."
TEAGUE (also see Tyghe)-
James Teague of Warren and Ellen M. Henderson, int. Dec. 7, 1851, "Cert. issued Dec. 25."
Mary M.S. Teague of Tremont and George M. Swift [int. George W. Swift, clerk], Nov. 26, 1871.
Robert Telfer [int. Robert Telser] of Waltham, Mass., and Helen M. Hooke [int. Hook], Aug. 27, 1874.
Clara E. Temple and Almon L. Hopkins, Mar. 6, 1886.
Joseph Temple and Mary Ann Files of Thorndike, int. Sept. 2, 1843, "Cert. issued Nov. 16."
Lucy A. Temple and Giles Harrington, int. Oct. 19, 1850, "Cert. issued Nov. 3."
Lucy W. Temple and Benjamin P. Ryder, Nov. 7, 1853, PR49.
Mary J. Temple and Theodore J. Pike of Westbrook, July 2, 1854.
Sarah V. Temple and Amos F. Bowen, Jan. 15, 1862. [Amos T., Co.R.]
Adam Templeton and Bathsheba Atwood of Provinstown, Barnstable Co., int. Aug. 27, 1803.
Adam Templeton and Barbary Templeton, June 2, 1805.
Barbary Templeton and Adam Templeton, June 2, 1805.
TENNEY (also see Tenny)-
Jason W. Tenney of Northport and Caroline F. Herrick, Dec. 17, 1862.
TENNY (also see Tenney)-
Darcas G. Tenny and Alfred F. Herrick, Sept. 5, 1860. [Dorcas G. Tenney, both of Northport, CR1. Dorcas G. Tenney, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Hattie A. Tenny and Sherman T. Smalley, son Isaac W. and Mary (Farnham), Sept. 29, 1885, in Chelsea, Mass. PR27.
TERRILL (see Tirrell)
TEWKESBURY (also see Tewksbury)-
Charles T. Tewkesbury, 22, seaman, son Sargent J. (Tewksbury), tin pedlar (b. Sandwich, N.H.) and Clara (b. Palmyra), and Johanna Haugh, 17, dau. Charles, laborer (b. Ireland) and Margaret (b. Ireland), June 6, 1874. [Tewksbury and Joanna Haugh, Co.R.]
Clara Tewkesbury and Cyrus Mason, May 7, 1862. [Clara Tewksbury, Co.R.]
I.N. Tewkesbury [int. Ira Nelson Tewkesbury] and Mrs. Mary Clary, Oct. 20, 1861. [J.N. Tukesbury, CO.R.]
Mary J. Tewkesbury [int. Mary Jane Tewksbury] and S.L. Turner, Nov. 29, 1860. [Mary J. Tewksbury and S.S. Turner, CR3. Mary J. Tewksbury and S.L. Turner, Co.R.]
Prudanc Tewkesbury and Timothy Guptal of Swanville, int. Nov. 9, 1835, "Cert. issued Nov. 24."
TEWKSBURY (also see Tewkesbury)-
George T. Tewksbury [int. 21, farmer] and Sarah C. Hayes [int. 18], Apr. 23, 1866.
Sargent Tewksbury and Mary Piersons of Belmont, int. Aug. 16, 1833.
Rufus L. Thatcher and Mary Jeannette Hervey, dau. Calvin and Elizabeth (Plummer), Feb. 6, 1880, PR25.
Betsey Thaxter and William Colburn, Oct. 4, 1810, PR19.
Mary L. Thayer of Searsmont and Capt. Isaac D. Darby, divorced, third m., seaman, int. Jan. 24, 1871, "Cert. issued Jan. 28."
Issachar Thissel and Sally Houston, int. Dec. 8, 1816, "Cert. granted Dec."
THOMAS (also see Thomes)-
Abigail Thomas and Rufus B. Carter, int. Mar. 23, 1840, "Cert. issued Apr. 16."
Abigal Thomas of Lincolnville and Washington Webster, int. Dec. 9, 1809.
Adaline Eliza Thomas [int. Adeline] of Lincolnville and Richard H. Willson [int. Wilson], Oct. 19, 1845. [Adeline Eliza of Lincolnville and Richard H. Wilson, Co.R.]
Benjamin Thomas and Susan Brackett [int. Bracket], Mar. 14, 1835.
Betsey Thomas of Lincolnville and Nicholas Phillips, int. Jan. 11, 1812.
Betsey Thomas [int. Mrs. Betsy] and Lemuel Guptill, Aug. 28, 1859. [Betsey, Co.R.]
Caroline Thomas, 21, and Benjamin F. Spear, 26, farmer, of Braintree, Mass., int. Aug. 22, 1866, "Cert. issued Aug. 27."
Charity Thomas and George O. Robbins [int. seaman], Jan. 30, 1873.
Charles Thomas, Capt., and Mary Eldridge, int. Sept. 30, 1837. [m. Nov. 9, Co.R.]
Charles G. Thomas, 22, seaman, and Ella Jane Richards, 18, int. Aug. 2, 1869, "Cert. issued Aug. 10."
Charles W. Thomas and Mabel E. Hustus of Freedom, Oct. 24, 1891, in Freedom.
Elbredge Thomas [int. Elbridge Thomas, seaman] and Sarah E. Robbins, Jan. 22, 1873.
Eleanor Thomas of Lincolnville and Charles W. Millikin, int. Apr. 21, 1839. [m. May 5, Co.R.]
Elisha Thomas of Morrill and Mary J. Seavy, May 20, 1866, in Morrill, Co.R.
Eliza J. Thomas of Rockland and William H. Crosby, June 14, 1859. [William N., Co.R.]
Ella V. Thomas and Ephraim O. Shaw, Dec. 31, 1885.
Emely H. Thomas of Lincolnville and Henry E. Burkmar of Lincolnville, Oct. 7, 1838.
Esther Thomas and William P. Wood [int. Woods], July 26, 1829.
Esther A. Thomas and Esli A. Bowen, farmer, of Swanville, int. Oct. 15, 1868, "Cert. issued Oct. 23."
Etta E. Thomas of Morrill and John A. Nash, July 2, 1887.
Flora A. Thomas and Syreno P. Gilmore, int. Jan. 25, 1886, "Cert. issued Feb. 1."
George E. Thomas of Rockland and Mrs. Susie M. Hustus, int. Dec. 11, 1874, "Cert. issued Dec. 16." [Hustons, m. Dec. 25, CR3.]
George E. Thomas and Mrs. Emma H. Meservy, Oct. 27, 1888.
Huldah Thomas of Lincolnville and Thomas Bartlet, int. Jan. 9, 1808.
Jane Thomas and John Williamson of Thorndike, int. Jan. 31, 1841, "Cert. issued Feb. 19."
Jane A. Thomas of Morrill and George D. Nimblet of Salem, Mass., Oct. 24, 1857.
John Thomas and Betsy Richards of Camden, int. May 26, 1821, "Cert. issued June."
John Thomas and Mary Lane, Dec. 3, 1828.
John Thomas and Alvina Robinson [int. Elvina Robinson], Nov. 2, 1856. [Almira Robinson, Co.R.]
John B. Thomas and Nancy S. Rider, int. June 16, 1862, "Cert. issued June 20."
Joshua Thomas of Frankfort and Mary Dockam of Frankfort, Oct. 23, 1839.
Lavinia Thomas (see Lovina).
Lois M. Thomas, Mrs., of Palymyra, and William J. Thomas, Apr. 24, 1852.
Lovina Thomas and Edwin H. Spear, int. May 12, 1862, "Cert. issued May 16."
Lydia Ann Thomas and Royal M. Munroe, int. Feb. 4, 1836, "Cert. issued Feb. 20."
Martin Thomas and Carrie Dickey, Nov. 11, 1884.
Mary Thomas and Nathaniel French, Mar. 17, 1821 [sic, int. Jan. 28, 1822, "Cert. issued Mar. 16."
Mary Thomas, Mrs., and John Marze, int. Oct. 6, 1822, "Cert. issued Oct. 20."
Melzer Thomas and Sarah Greer of Belmont, May __, 1824.
Orville Thomas of Morrill and Ann Maria Whitcomb [int. omits Ann], Apr. 17, 1861. [Orvil of Morrill and Ann Maria Whitcomb, cR3. Orville of Morrill and Ann Maria Whitcomb, Co.R.]
Rachel Thomas, Mrs., and George Robinson, int. Sept. 30, 1848, "Cert. issued Oct. 14."
Rosealtha Thomas and George S. Robinson, int. Nov. 17, 1863, "Cert. issued Nov. 21."
Ruth Thomas and Robert McCluer, Apr. 30, 1825.
Sarah Thomas of Waldo and Henry Whitney of Waldo, Dec. 24, 1857.
Sarah Thomas [int. divorced, 36] and William H. Spear [int. 37, farmer], Apr. 15, 1867.
Sarah D. Thomas and Stephen Guptil [int. Guptill], Apr. 22, 1846. [Guptil, Co.R.]
Susan Thomas, Mrs., and Jordon P. Batcheldor, int. Aug. 24, 1844, "Cert. issued Sept. 7."
Susanna Thomas and Abraham French, int. Feb. 4, 1810.
Wealthy Thomas and Thomas Bendel, int. Sept. 23, 1820, "Cert. granted."
William H. Thomas, 24, and Mary A. Richards, 17, int. July 27, 1867, "Cert. issued Aug."
William H. Thomas and [int. Mrs.] Isabel A. Larrabee of [int. adds E.] Jackson, Dec. 25, 1878.
William J. Thomas and Mrs. Lois M. Thomas of Palmyra, Apr. 24, 1852.
Joseph S. Thombs and Ella Osborn, Oct. 12, 1856. [Ella N., dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), PR9.]
Joseph S. Thombs, widr., 38, ship master, and Alice I. Perry, wid., 32, of Lincolnville, int. June 12, 1873, "Cert. issued June 17."
THOMES (also see Thomas)-
Joseph Thomes of Morrill and Loiza Dodge, Apr. 30, 1860, in Morrill, Co.R.
Mahitable Thomes and John W. Curtis of Munroe, int. Sept. 30, 1843, "Cert. issued Oct. 28."
THOMPSON (also see Thomson)-
Alexander Thompson of Goose Pond Settlement and Hannah Layton of same, Oct. 6, 1808.
Alfred J. Thompson, farmer, and LIzzie F. Hart, int. Aug. 15, 1868, "Forbidden by Mayor Hayford Aug. 20."
Anna Thompson and Elisha Patterson, July 1, 1821.
Annie M. Thompson and Perry Adams of Northbridge, July 30, 1873.
Rheuany Thompson [int. Mrs. Rheuamy] and James Bonney, June 4, 1831.
Carrie E. Thompson and Fred Clements of Waldo, June 27, 1874.
Charity W. Thompson of Unity and Daniel W. Maddocks, int. Mar. 19, 1850. [Charity of Belfast, m. Apr. 7, in Unity, Co.R.]
Charles F. Thompson [int. seaman] and Rose L. Knowlton of Liberty, Aug. 30, 1870.
Charles H. Thompson of Frankfort and Abigail Davis of Brooks, Jan. 13, 1834.
Delia W. Thompson [int. wid., 34] and Horatio P. Thompson [int. widr., 37, paper manufacturer], Jan. 25, 1874. [Delia Wood Parker, dau. Rev. Wooster and Wealthy Ann (Pond), and Horatio Palmer Thompson, widr., son John and Mary (Palmer), PR165.]
Edmund W. Thompson of Searsport and Ella J. Ames, int. Oct. 23, 1876, "Cert. issued Oct. 28."
Edward P.H. Thompson [int. Capt.], 29, seaman, son John, farmer [int. merchant] (b. Somerworth, N.H.), and Mary [int. Palermo)] (b. Bristol [int. adds Lincoln Co.]), and Delia W. Parker, 24, music teacher, dau. Rev. Wooster (b. Underhill, Vt.] and Wealthy Ann [int. (Pond)] (b. Auburn, Mass.), Aug. 2, 1864. [Edward P.H., Co.R.]
Edward R. Thompson and Elizabeth D. Smith, int. July 13, 1844. [Edward K., m. July 28, Co.R.]
Elias R. Thompson of Searsmont and Rachel A. Maddocks of Searsmont, June 11, 1885. [Mrs. Rachel A. of Searsmont, CR3].
Eliza C. Thompson and Alfred W. Waterman, int. Oct. 20, 1853.
Ella F. Thompson, divorced, of Northport, and Isaac P. Jackson, farmer, int. Oct. 12, 1872, "Cert. issued Oct. 18."
Fred L. Thompson and Fannie M. Pendleton, int. Oct. 22, 1881.
Hannah Thompson of Frankfort and Chandler R. Merrill of Frankfort, July 4, 1843.
Horatio P. Thompson and Mary E. Parker, Oct. 17, 1861. [Horatio Palmer Thompson, son John and Mary (Palmer), and Mary Elizabeth Parker, dau. Rev. Wooster and Wealthy Ann (Pond), PR165.]
Horatio P. Palmer [int. widr., 37, paper manufacturer] and Delia W. Thompson [int. wid., 34], Jan. 25, 1874. [Horatio Palmer Thompson, widr., son John and Mary (Palmer), and Delia Wood Parker, dau. Rev. Wooster and Wealthy Ann (Pond), PR165.]
Ida E. Thompson and Fred V. Cottrell, June 1, 1882.
Isabella Thompson and Benjamin F. Stephenson, widr., upholsterer, int. Oct. 20, 1868, "Cert. issued Oct. 24."
Ithamar B. Thompson [int. widr., 43, farmer] of Montville and Mrs. Deborah B. Clement [int. T., wid., 43], Nov. 18, 1865. [Ithemar [dup. Ithamar] B. of Montville and Debora [dup. Deborah] B. Clement, Nov. 18, 1866, in Montville, Co.R.]
Jennie S. Thompson of Montville and Fred W. Brown, Apr. 29, 1875.
Jeremiah C. Thompson and ALmedia H. Handley of Hope, June 13, 1850.
Joseph Thompson [int. of Frankfort] and Mary Durham, Feb. 17, 1820.
Josephine Thompson of Round Point, Bristol, and Herbert J. Dow [int. carriage maker], July 11, 1868, in Bristol.
Love Thompson of Warren and Richard Howard, int. May 3, 1828, "Cert. issued May 18."
Lucinda Thompson, Mrs., and Robert Brier, int. Sept. 21, 1854.
Moses Thompson and Lucinda Pattershall [int. Parershall], Dec. 29, 1841. [Pattershall, Dec. 26, Co.R.]
Nancy M. Thompson of Freedom and Nathaniel H. McFarland, int. July 12, 1861, "Cert. issued July 19."
Rebecca Jane Thompson and James R. Horton of Camden, Aug. 14, 1852, Co.R.
Rheuamy Thompson, Mrs., and Abraham Cousiens of Sedgwick, int. Jan. 27, 1830, "Cert. Feb. 14."
Robert Thompson of Prospect and Eliza Stowers of Prospect, July 14, 1805.
Robert C. Thompson and Sarah Ann Childs, July 25, 1838.
Ruhamah Thompson (see Bheuany and Rheuamy).
Sellwyn Thompson and Abbie M. Burkett of Appleton, Jan. 4, 1888.
Timothy Thompson and Rebecca Burkmar of Northport, Oct. 5, 1851.
Volney Thompson [int. carriage maker] of Montville and Nellie M. Brown [int. Nelly], Sept. 29, 1872.
William Thompson and Mrs. Abigail Warren, int. Oct. 5, 1845.
William P. Thompson, Esq. and Emma J. Hilton, Oct. 2, 1880. [Emma Jane, dau. Enoch Crowell Hilton and Caroline Sarah (Haraden), PR40.]
Zebard Thompson and Nellie S. Perkins, int. Sept. 24, 1874, "Cert. issued Oct. 3."
THOMSON (also see Thompson)-
Isaac Thomson and Priscilla Rogers Smith of Newmarket, N.H., Dec. 31, 1799.
Joshua Thomson of Knox Plantation and Deborah Clements of same, int. Nov. 26, 1805.
Sarah F. Thomson and George W. Day, int. Sept. 7, 1845, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."
THORNDIKE (also see Thorndyke)-
Clara J. Thorndike and Edward Sibley [int. merchant], June 15, 1869.
Delia M. Thorndike of Union, Knox Co., and Abijah M. Crabtree of Hope, Knox Co., July 4, 1871.
Joseph M. Thorndike of Camden and Margaret W. Colley of Camden, Dec. 5, 1850.
Nancy Jane Thorndike of Appleton and Henry Pease of Appleton, June 13, 1850.
Sarah Frances Thorndike and John Pierce, June __, 1836, PR112.
Susan C. Thorndike of Rockland and Henry Ewell of Camden, Oct. 6, 1857.
Timothy Thorndike Esq. of Washington Plantation and Eliza Poland of same, int. Nov. 25, 1815, "Cert. granted Dec. 8."
William H. Thorndike of Rockland and Eliza J. Fletcher, int. Aug. 16, 1852, "Cert. issued."
William H. Thorndike of Camden and Mary E. Colley, int. Dec. 22, 1852, "Cert. issued."
THORNDYKE (also see Thorndike)-
Villa J. Thorndyke [int. Thorndike] and Veranus Condon, July 17, 1881.
Eliza Myra Thurlow (see Liza M.)
Horace M. Thurlow and Etta M. Mathews of Portland, int. Mar. 23, 1876. [Horace Moody Thurlow, son Samuel Greenleaf and Anne Whittier (Hutchinson), and Etta May Mathews, m. Mar. 30 in Portland, PR159.]
Liza M. Thurlow and Herbert I. Harmon, July 4, 1878. [Eliza Myra, dau. Samuel Greenleaf and Anne Whittier (Hutchinson), and I.H. Harmon, PR159.]
Marianna Thurlow and Hiram P. Farrow of Belmont, Dec. 2, 1888. [Marianne, dau. Samuel Greenleaf and Anne Whittier (Hutchinson), and Hiram Pitcher Farrlow, PR159.]
Samuel G. Thurlow and Anna W. Hutchinson of Readfield, int. Apr. 14, 1838. [Samuel Greenleaf Thurlow and Anne Whittier Hutchinson, m. May 2, in Readfield, PR159.]
Albert R. Thurston and Mrs. Catherine Peavy [int. Catharine, omits Mrs.] of Northport [int. Waldo], Feb. 2, 1889, in Northport.
Catherine Thurston, Mrs., and Patrick Cabben, Sept. 23, 1859.
Charles Thurston and Hattie A. Elliot [int. Elliott] of Hartland, Dec. 14, 1859. [Elliott of Hartland, CR1. CO.R.]
Francis Thurston and Lydia A. Wood [dup. E.], int. June 23, 1849, "Cert. issued July 6."
Granville Thurston [int. Grancello] and Mrs. Mary Spaulding, May 29, 1835.
Helpy Thurston and Charles Bran, Dec. 7, 1818.
Horatio Thurston [int. farmer] of Thorndike and Mrs. Elvira Dunbar [int. Elmira Dunbar, wid.] July 18, 1866. [Elvira, Co.R.]
John Thurston [int. Thusten] and Betsy French, Feb. 20, 1803. [Thurston, CR2.]
John Thurston and Kezia Blake, int. Sept. 24, 1826, "Certif issued Nov. 22."
Jonathan Thurston and Mrs. Sally Brawn, int. Sept. 16, 1820.
Jonathan Thurston and Mrs. _____[int. Hannah Maria] McIntosh, Oct. 20, 1821.
Mary Thurston and George Sides, Feb. 11, 1856.
Moses Thurston and Laura C. Eastman, May 28, 1863.
Myra A. Thurston and Willard F. French [int. Millard] of Lincolnville, Aug. 11, 1888.
Sarah Thurston and William Pote, int. Dec. 9, 1844, "Cert. issued Dec. 29."
Stephen Thurston [int. Jr.] and Anna P. Eastman, July 13, 1858. [Stephen, CR1. Stephen, July 30, Co.R.]
Stephen Thurston and Mary E. Hopkins, June 3, 1889.
William Thurston [int. 22, farmer] and Susan Ellen Hall [int. 19], Jan. 12, 1867.
Alpheus C. Tibbetts of Thomaston and Elizabeth F. Farrow, int. Aug. 9, 1840, "Cert. issued Aug. 29."
Cyrus E. Tibbetts and Clara D. Grant, Nov. 10, 1877.
Joseph M. Tibbetts of S. Thomaston and Louise M. Lowell, int. Mar. 24, 1884, "Cert. issued Mar. 28."
Leonal Tibbetts [int. Leonard H. Tibbetts] and Mary H. Dyer, July 3, 1876.
Timothy Tibbetts [int. Tebbits] and Betsy Yeaton, May 13, 1810. [Tebbits, CR2.]
TIGHE (see Teague, Tyghe.)
Amanda H. Tilden [int. 21] and Charles G. Critchett [int. 35, operative], Dec. 31, 1873.
Ann S. Tilden and William L. Clark of Boston, Mass., Oct. 18, 1848.
Charles K. Tilden [int. of Castin] and Mary Read, June 5, 1822.
Charles W. Tilden and Juliet Maria Osborn, dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), Nov. 19, 1854, in Boston, Mass., PR9.
Charles W. Tilden and Emma Osborn, dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), ____, 1879, PR9.
Emily S. Tilden and Thomas H. Marshall, Jan. 1, 1852.
Isabel Tilden and Alonzo Osborn of Searsmont, int. Aug. 15, 1824. [Isabella, m. Sept. 12, PR9.]
Isabella K. Tilden and George W. Harmon of Boston, Mass., May 24, 1843.
James T. Tilden [int. Capt.] and Urania J. Salmond, Oct. 24, 1842. [James T. and Urania T. Salmond, Co.R.]
Nathan Tilden [int. of Marshfield] and Narrassa Hatch [int. Narrissa Hatch], Apr. 5, 1812.
Peter E. Tilden [int. 35, blacksmith, son Seth, farmer (b. Belmont), and Margaret (b.Waldoboro)], and Mary E. Crossman [int. 22, dau. John R., farmer (b. Brunswick), and Philanda (b. Palermo)], Aug. 29, 1865.
Thomas Tilden, Capt., and Mary Ann Osborn, Dec. 25, 1827.
William Tilden and Ruth Bradbury of York, int. Sept. 20, 1826, "Cert. issued Oct. 5."
Emma T. Tilson of Northport and Freeman T. Crockett of Northport, Apr. 28, 1875. [Emma F. of Northport, CR3.]
Fred Timm [int. Fritz, 23, shoe maker] of Rockland and Caroline Furstenburg [int. Furstenberg, 22], Nov. 23, 1873.
Franklin Tinkham and Jane Brooks of Portland, int. Apr. 27, 1822, "Cert. granted May."
Margaret R. Tinkham and Gershom F. Cox, int. Mar. 28, 1824, "Cert. Apr. 11."
Mary Frances Tinkham of Wiscasset and Hon. John Wilson, int. Feb. 7, 1827, "Cert. issd Feb. 25."
Austina G. Tirrell [int. Terrill] of Northport and Joseph B. Wilson, Dec. 6, 1858. [Terrill of Northport, Co.R. Joseph Byron Wilson, son John and Eliza Ann, PR94.]
Lucy D. Tirrell [int. Tirrill] and Daniel M. Trussell, July 8, 1848.
Sarah D. Titcomb and Hiram Chase, son Timothy and Eleanor (Blood), Jan. 25, 1844, in Anson, PR75.
Western Titus and Sarah Emelton, int. July 31, 1832. [Emerton, m. Aug. 19, Co.R.]
Annie F. Tobey, 34, of Farmington, dau. Robert, farmer, and Benjamin F. Field, widr., 44, farmer, son Bohan P., lawyer (b. Conn.) and Abigial D. (b. Billerica), int. Feb. 18, 1865. [Annie (second w.) and Benjamin Franklin Field, son Bohan P. and Abigail (Davis), m. Mar. 5, PR155.]
Caroline E. Tobey [int. W.] and Benjamin F. Field, Nov. 25, 1858. [Caroline E., CR1. Caroline E. Toby, Co.R. Caroline Williams Tobey (first w.) and Benjamin Franklin Field, son Bohan P. and Abigail (Davis), PR155.]
Nancy K. Tobin, Mrs., and Rev. James P. Stone of St. Johnsbury, Vt., Oct. 16, 1849.
Roswell Tobin, 22, mariner, and Etta A. Sellars, 18, of Vinalhaven, int. Oct. 26, 1865, "Cert. issued Oct. 31."
Alexander Clark Todd and Olive Hill [int. Hills], Sept. 14, 1806. [Hill, CR2.]
Elisebath Todd and Thomas Kenaid, July 6, 1797. [Mrs. Elizabeth, CR2.]
Elizabeth Todd and John Carver of Prospect, int. Dec. 31, 1825, "Cert. issued Jan. 17, 1826."
Elizabeth Todd and John Bell, int. Jan. 6, 1838. [Belt, m. Jan. 28, Co.R.]
James Todd and Margaret E. Ames, June 23, 1836.
Margaret Todd and Asa Day, Sept. 14, 1852.
Margaret Ann Todd and John D. Cochran Jr. of New Boston, N.H., int. May 12, 1839, "Cert. issued May 31."
Mary Todd and Alva Dutch of Prospect, int. Aug. 8, 1829, "Cert. issued Aug. 29."
Olive Todd, Mrs., of Prospect, and John Ames, int. Aug. 10, 1844. [m. Aug. 25, Co.R.]
Cyrus S. Tolman of Keene, N.H., and Joanna B. Poor, int. Sept. 9, 1843, "Cert. issued Oct. 18."
Edward B. Tolman of Lincolnville and Mamie C. Beckett of Northport, Aug. 10, 1884.
Mary Tolman and Ephraim Fellowes, Nov. 30, 1826.
Minnie E. Tolman and William A. Clark, Dec. 5, 1887.
Olive H. Tolman of Matinicus and Thomas Stewart, int. July 19, 1834, "Cert. issued Aug. 2."
Sewall P. Tolman of Hinsdale, N.H., and Elizabeth D. Poor, int. Sept. 15, 1849, "Cert. issued Oct. 6."
Oscar A. Tompkins of Ellsworth and Mary G. Blaisdell of Ellsworth, Jan. 12, 1872.
TOOTHACER (also see Toothaker)-
Ruth Toothacer of Islesborough and Jacob French, int. Apr. 26, 1809.
TOOTHAKER (also see Toothacer)-
John Toothaker and Elvira M. Marriner, int. Apr. 27, 1852, "Cert. issued June 15."
Laura B. Toothaker of Searsmont and George B. Dyer of Searsmont, Dec. 8, 1887.
Mary A. Toothaker and John M. Clifford, Mar. 15, 1877.
TORREY (also see Torry)-
A.K.P. Torrey of Bangor and F.J. Emery, int. Sept. 24, 1847, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Lucy T. Torrey (second w.) and George R. Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), Feb. 26, 1885, PR108.
Sarah E. Torrey and William H. Dutton of Bangor, June 25, 1848.
TORRY (also see Torrey)-
Mary A. Torry and H.N. Lancaster [int. Humphrey N. Lancaster], Apr. 26, 1837. [Mary Amelia Torrey and Humphrey N. Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), Pr108.]
TOULE (also see Towl, Towle)-
Howard L. Toule of Searsport and Sarah E. Brock of Searsport, Sept. 8, 1872. [Towle of Searsport and Sarah C. Brock of Searsport, CR3.]
TOUNSEND (also see Townsend)-
Martine P. Tounsend and Chloe S. Pishon of Bangor, int. Nov. 15, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec 1846."
TOURTALETTE (also see Turlott)-
Martha H. Tourtalette of Ellsworth and Frank L. Holmes, Nov. 18, 1869.
Dunmer Toward of Freedom and Mary A. Dill of Northport, Nov. 7, 1861. [Dell of Northport, Co.R.]
Horace A. Toward of Skowhegan and [int. Mrs.] C.S. Gray, June 27, 1876. [Mary C. Grey, CR3.]
Pamelia Toward and Moses Prescott, int. Sept. 12, 1819, "Cert. issued Dec. 1."
Sophronia Toward and Abraham S. Cappers, int. Nov. 28, 1824, "Cert. Dec. 12."
TOWARS (also see Tower)-
Everett S. Towars [int. Everett S. Towers, 25, farmer] of Searsport and Lucretia A. Dunbar [int. 19], Dec. 10, 1865. [Towars of Searsport, Co.R.]
TOWER (also see Towars)-
Ebenezer D. Tower (see Eben D. Town).
Elisha J. Tower and Teresa H. Hathorn, int. Aug. 24, 1865, "Cert. issued Aug. 28."
Hannah V. Tower of Lincolnville and Wales Elms of LIncolnville, Mar. 5, 1888.
TOWL (also see Toule, Towle)-
Josiah Towl of Prospect and Polly Colcord of Prospect, Dec. 24, 1812.
Josiah Towl of Frankfort and Jane Lain of same, Dec. 1, 1814.
Stacy Towl of Frankfort and Isabel Burdick Lanphur of same, Nov. 5, 1812.
TOWLE (also see Toule, Towl)-
Abigail Towle [int. of Monmouth] and Martin P. White, June 26, 1825.
Alice Towle and Daniel Quimby, Oct. 12, 1825.
Calvin S. Towle and Sarah F. Young [int. Sarah J. Young, of Belmont], Feb. 21, 1852.
Franklin A. Towle [int. Frank L.] and Bella Pitcher [int. Belle Pitcher], Dec. 26, 1876.
Joshua Towle and Dorcas West, Apr. 20, 1830.
Mary F. Towle of Fryeburg and Rev. Samuel Souther Jr., int. May 29, 1847, "Cert. issued June 12."
Mary W. Towle [int. Mrs.], 39, tailoress, of Searsport, dau. Bateman Decrow, carriage maker (b. Lincolnville [int. adds Waldo Co.]), and Betsey (b. Knox [int. adds Walco Co.]), and Lucius C. Stephenson, 46, seaman, son Jerome, farmer (b. Cohasset [int. adds Mass.]), and Mary (b. Bucksport [int. adds Hancock Co.]), June 18, 1864. [Mary W. of Searsport, Co.R.]
R. W. Towle of Searsport and Aberine S. Sawyer of Searsport, Feb. 28, 1863.
Samuel S. Towle, 20, farmer, and Mary F. Smith, 16, of Waldo, int. Sept. 20, 1867, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
William H. Towle, 34, seaman, son Theophilas, farmer (b. Gorham) and Joanna (b. Windham), and Hannah Heard, wid., 33, dau. James Matthews, farmer, int. Jan. 3, 1865, "Cert. withheld by order of overseers of Swanville."
TOWN (also see Towne)-
Eben D. Town [int. of Greenwood, Cal.] and Harriet A. Burgess, Feb. 10, 1859. [Ebenezer D. Tower of Belfast, Co.R. Eben D. Towne and Harriet A. Burgess, dau. Ezekiel and Nancy P. (Morang), PR169.]
Mary Frances Town and Richard Briggs of Boston, Mass., Oct. 21, 1852.
TOWNE (also see Town)-
William R. Towne of Virginia City, Nev., and Nellie M. Mitchell, Oct. 5, 1886.
TOWNSEND (also see Tounsend)-
Delila W. Townsend and Paul J. Carter of Montville, int. Jan. 19, 1841. [Paul I. of Montville, m. Feb. 6, Co.R.]
Eliza J. Townsend, 21, teacher, dau. Jessee, farmer (b. Appleton), and Jennette [int. (Hinds)] (b. Northport), and John R. Hurd, 23, farmer, of Northport, son John, farmer (b. Hartland) and Lydia [int. (Griffin) (b. Lincolnville)], Nov. 22, 1864.
Isaac Townsend of Union and Fanny Joy, Jan. 1, 1846.
James R. Townsend, mechanic, and Lizzie J. Morrison, int. Aug. 20, 1871, "Cert. issued Aug. 24."
Jane K. Townsend and Valentine R. Lancaster, int. Sept. 11, 1841, "cert. issued Oct. 2."
Jese Townsend, Capt., and Jenette L. Hinds, int. Oct. 21, 1837. [Jesse and Jenett L. Hinds, m. Nov. 8, Co.R.]
Joseph C. Townsend and Verena A. Cottrell, Feb. 1, 1879.
Parthenia H. Townsend [int. 20] and Edgar W. Cunningham [int. M., 21, farmer], Sept. 15, 1867. [E.W.Cunningham, CR3. Edgar W., Co.R.]
Frank E. Tozier of Waldo and Nettie E. Gay of Waldo, May 1, 1873.
Lizzie Tozier and Elijah T. Walker, int. May 10, 1887, "Cert. issued June 10."
Laurence G. Tracy and Maria M. Carney of Bangor, int. May 12, 1862, "Cert. named May 16."
John Trafton and Caroline L. Clark, int. Apr. 13, 1844, "Trafton hung himself."
Joseph Trafton and Lois Sprague, June 4, 1837.
Lois Trafton, wid., 53, dau. John Sprague, farmer (b. R.I.), and Eunice (b. Block Is.), and Joseph Hodges Jr., divorced, 46, armer, of Belmont, son Joseph, farmer (b. Mass.) and Nancy, int. May 12, 1865. [m. May 20, in Belmont, Co.R.]
Abiezer Trash of Quantabacook and Polly Johnston of same, int. May 16, 1802.
Bersheba Trask [int. Bathsheba Trask] of the vicinity of Belfast and Nathaniel Tyler [int. Nathaniel Tylor] of same, _____ [int. Oct. 15], 1809.
Nellie A. Trask of Etna and A.L. Fowler of Monroe, June 22, 1879. [Mellie of Etna, CR3.]
Charles Treadwell and Isabella B. Durham [int. omits B.]. Sept. 21, 1828.
Garafelia M. Treadwell and John O. Stockham of Philadelphia, int. Oct. 2, 1860, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Isabella J. Treadwell and Alonzo D. White of Piermont, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1858.
W.H.H. Treadwell and Martha Jane Brackett of Newmarket, N.H., int. Nov. 3, 1839, "Cert. issued Nov. 30."
Amos B. Treat of Frankfort and Ann Maria Pierce, int. Nov. 1, 1836, "Cert. issued Nov. 28."
Phebe Tread of Prospect and Andrew J. Clifford of Prospect, Nov. 23, 1851.
John trefeatheren [int. John Trefeathern of Goospond Settlement] and Meriam Batchelder [int. Miriam Bachelder of Goospond Settlement], Mar. 5, 1812. [Trefeatheren and Meriam Batchelder, CR2.]
TREMBLE (also see Trimbel, Trimble)-
Mary Ann Tremble and Michael Gamon, int. Oct. 18, 1860, "Cert. issued Oct. 22."
Nancy Tremble, 20, and William Dunn, widr., 30, farmer, of Liberty, int. Mar. 4, 1867, "Cert. issued Mar. 9."
TREW (see Ttue).
TREWORGY (also see Trueworthy)-
Julia A. Treworgy of Blue Hill and Charles M. Littlefield, int. Aug. 31, 1874, "Cert. issued Sept. 5."
Leonard T. Tribou of Hamden and Emma E. Condon, Apr. 26, 1890. [Leonard P. of Hampden Corner, CR3.]
Abigail A. Trickey of Saco and Benjamin E. Pendleton, int. May 11, 1845, "Cert. issued June 12."
Elisabeth Trickey and Leonard Colson, May 23, 1842. [Elizabeth, Co.R.]
Jane Trickey of Sauco (Saco) and Paul P. Wakefield, int. Oct. 6, 1839, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
William F. Triggs and Augusta J. Emerton of Bucksport, int. Dec. 20, 1875. [William Franklin Triggs, m. Dec. 30, in Bucksport, PR50.]
TRIMBEL (also see Tremble, Trimble)-
Nancy M. Trimbel [int. 24] and Andrew J. Stevens [int. 34, merchant], Apr. 21, 1873.
TRIMBLE (also see Tremble, Trimbel)-
Matilda Trimble [int. adds R.] and George H. Lefavor, Dec. 22, 1856. [Mahitable, Co.R.]
Robert Trimble, widr., 50, laborer, son Matthew, trader (b. Ireland) and Matilda (Wilson) (b. Ireland), and Lucinda Wasson, wid., 48, dau. John Crawford, farmer (b. Ireland), int. Aug. 14, 1865, "Cert. issued Aug. 18."
Sarah E. Trible [int. Tremble] and John V. Small [int. seamsn], Nov. 26, 1868.
Alice Tripp [int. adds M.] of Swanville and Edward W. Woods, Dec. 17, 1864, in Swanville, Co.R.
Annie Tripp of Swanville and Frank Davis, int. Jan. 16, 1860, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
Augustus E. Tripp [int. 22, laborer] of Swanville and Mary E. Davis [int. 19], Sept. 3, 1873.
Elizabeth A. Tripp of Swanville and Thomas L. Stephenson, int. June 27, 1854.
Eugene L. Tripp of Lincolnville and Ella M. Drinkwater of same, Dec. 31, 1871.
Jerusha Tripp and Elijah Nickerson, int. Mar. 8, 1845, "Cert. issued Mar. 22."
Lucy Tripp, wid., 71, of Searsport, and Anial Howard, widr., 70, farmer, int. Aug. 23, 1873, "Cert."
Luther Tripp and Abigail Chase, int. Aug. 17, 1833, "Cert. issued Sept. 11."
Nathaiel Tripp [int. adds L.] of Freedom and Elizabeth B. Gilbreth, Nov. 21, 1848. [Nathaniel of Freedom, Co.R.]
Samuel Tripp [int. of Prospect] and Lucy Bean, June 20, 1823.
Sarah Tripp of Rockland and Alvah Burgen, int. Jan. 25, 1856.
Susan L. Tripp of Swanville and Isaac Mason, June 16, 1856.
William L . Tripp and Isabel R. Page, Nov. 30, 1876.
Abigal True and Daniel Field of Prospect, Oct. 10, 1805.
Charlotte S. True and Jonathan Dow of Prospect, Dec. 13, 1821.
Elizabeth True and Alexander Logan, int. Sept. 17, 1826, "Cert. issued Oct. 1."
Ezekiel P. True and Sarah P. Clark, int. Sept. 18, 1850, "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
Fanny True [int. Fanny Trew] and John McKeen, Mar. 19, 1812. [True, CR2.]
Harriet True and Grenville Palmer of Canton, Mass., int. Sept. 23, 1833, "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
Henry True and Sally Hadley, July 14, 1803.
Jane True and [int. Capt.] Miles Fowler, May __, 1813. [Miles, CR2.]
Jane True and James Billings of Canton, Mass., int. Sept. 23, 1833, "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
Samuel True and Grace Hamilton of Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., int. June 14, 1805.
Sarah True and William Wording [int. of Castine], Oct. __. 1911/ [William, CR2.]
William True and Harriet C. Randall, int. June 5, 1852, "Cert. issued June 5."
TRUEWORTHY (also see Treworgy)-
Walter Trueworthy and Grace E. Weed, Dec. 25, 1883.
Benjamin B. Trundy and Mary A. Nickerson of Bosotn, Aug. 31, 1881, CR1.
Frank E. Trundy and Lenora M. McCorison, Apr. 19, 1879.
George Trundy of Knox Plantation and Theodate Smith of same, June 30, 1812.
Lenora M. Trundy and A.O. Dearing of Lewiston, int. Feb. 12, 1886, "Cert. issued Feb. 23."
TRUSSEL (also see Trussell)-
Joshua Trussel and Nancy Lawrence, Jan. 1, 1834.
Lucy D. Trussel, Mrs., and Noah B. Dodge, int. Feb. 2, 1852, "forbidden by Mrs. L.D. Trussel."
Rebecca Trussel and Stephen D. Holt, June 19, 1841. [Trussell, Co.R.]
TRUSSELL (also see Trussel)-
Ada Trussell and Marcell Knowlton, Oct. 13, 1878.
Benjamin Trussell [int. adds F.] and Ann E. Young, July 17, 1856. [Benjamin, Co.R.]
Charles W. Trussell of Lynn, Mass., and Helen S. Drinkwater of Northport, Aug. 23, 1882.
Daniel M. Trussell and Lucy D. Tirrell [int. Tirrill], July 8, 1848.
John M. Trussell and Ann J. McCrillus, Oct. 2, 1856. [Anna J., dau. James and Jane (Durham), June 2, PR138.]
Joseph H. Trussell and Thirza E. Blood, Nov. 4, 1860.
Joseph H. Trussell [int. widr., 30, caulker] and Sarah B. Brown [int. 30], Nov. 17, 1867. [Joseph H. CR3. Co.R.]
Joshua B. Trussell and Mary M. Trussell, Mar. 22, 1855.
Lauretta E. Trussell [int. Lauetta] and Frank W. Prescott, Sept. 26, 1885. [Lauetta E. CR3.]
Mary M. Trussell and Joshua B. Trussell, Mar. 22, 1855.
Ruth L. Trussell and William R. Dyer, Mar. 23, 1854.
Benjamin F. Tucker, divorced, clerk, and Isadora W. Drinkwater, wid., of Lincolnville, int. Mar. 11, 1872, "Cert. issued Mar. 15."
James Tucker of Stoughton, Mass., and Mrs. Ann Avery, Sept. 9, 1852.
James D. Tucker and Nettie J. Knowlton, June 3, 1877.
James D. Tucker and Angia [int. Angie] M. Brier, Dec. 15, 1885. [Angia M., CR3.]
TUFFS (also see Tuft, Tufts)-
Milton Tuffs and Hannah Shaw, int. Oct. 7, 1838, "Cert. issueed Oct. 22."
TUFT (also see Tuffs, Tufts)-
Lizzie M. Tuft [int. Tufts] of Sullivan and William H. Hall, Apr. 7, 1875.
TUFTS (also see Tuffs, Tuft)-
Abba P. Tufts and Robert P. Walker, July 11, 1858. [Tuffts, Co.R.]
Annie Tufts and Richard Smart Jr., int. Dec. 1, 1808.
Catharine Tufts of Parsonfield and Nathaniel Wiggin of Washington Plantation, int. Jan. 11, 1812.
Elbridge C. Tufts [int. 24, farmer] and Eugenia L. Aborn [int. 24] of Knox, Feb. 24, 1867. [Eugenia L., dau. James and Charlotte M. (Brown), PR72.]
Eugenia L. Tufts, Mrs., of Knox, and Henry H. Cobbett, Dec. 25, 1875. [Eugenia L., second m., dau. James Aborn and Charlotte M. (Brown), PR72.]
Frank W. Tufts of Everett, Mass., and Hannah L. Flint, Nov. 25, 1879.
Freeman Tufts, Capt., and Harriet J. Hartshorn [int. Jane], Feb. 3, 1831.
John Tufts and Mary S. Shaw, int. Dec. 4, 1860, "Cert. issued Dec. 8."
Mary S. Tufts [int. wid., 45] and David Peirce 2d [int. 60, farmer], May 9, 1874.
William Tufts and Mealle West, Jan 10, 1799.
Louisa F. Tupper, 18, of Jonesboro, and Aurelius A. Mahoney, 19, clerk, int. June 13, 1866, "Cert. issued June 18."
TURLOTT (also see Tourtalette)-
Louisa S. Turlott and George G. Butler, int. Oct. 27, 1884.
Jane Turnbull and Dennis Emery, Dec. 8, 1817.
Asa Turner of Isle au Haut and Addie E. Collins of Waldo, Dec. 30, 1882.
Edward Turner and Rachael Bailey of Palermo, int. Sept. 8, 1842, "Cert. issued Nov. 25."
Fannie Turner and Fred L. Carter, Feb. 14, 1880.
Helen P. Turner [int. 19] and E. Howard Conant [int. 25, clerk], Jan. 10, 1874.
Lafayette M. Turner and Clara M. Carlton, int. Mar. 2, 1875, "Cert. issued Mar. 6."
Mary Jane Turner of Waterville and Capt. Charles R. Wormell, int. Jan. 27, 1850, "Cert. issued Feb. 10."
Reuben M. Turner of Thomaston and Elisabeth B. Douglass, Dec. 12, 1841. [Elizabeth B., Co.R.]
Roscoe G. Turner and Abigail W. Winslow of Albion, int. Dec. 7, 1855.
S.L. Turner and Mary J. Tewkesbury [int. Mary Jane Tewksbury], Nov. 29, 1860. [S.S. and Mary J. Tewksbury, CR3. S.L. and Mary J. Tewksbury, Co.R.]
Kate W. Turney and Alzo M. Carter, Mar. 13, 1889.
Abigail Tuttle and John McIntosh, int. June 22, 1845.
Adrian C. Tuttle and Minnie M. Wentworth, Dec. 26, 1888. [Adrian C., son William C. and Georgiana (Conant), and Minnie M. Wentworth (first w.), PR137.]
Samuel F. Tuttle of Portland and Cordelia I. Holland [int. S.], Aug. 25, 1833.
Sarah E. Tuttle, 22, dau. James [int. dec'd], laborer (b. Thomaston [int. adds Lincoln Co.]), and Abagail [int. Abigail] Tuttle McIntosh (b. Monmouth [int. adds Kennebec Co.]), and Allen F. Matthews, 25, seaman, son John, seaman (b. Lincolnville [int. adds Waldo Co.]), and Mary Jane (b. Hampden [int. adds Penobscot Co.]), June 30, 1864.
William C. Tuttle of Union and Georgiana Conant of Appleton, Nov. 30, 1867 [?in Union], PR137.
TWISS (also see Twist)-
Thomas W. Twiss of Prospect and Mrs. C.A. Chapman of Prospect, Sept. 24, 1882. [Mrs. L.A. of Prospect, CR3.]
TWIST (also see Twiss)-
Patrick Twist and Mrs. Nancy Clough, int. Oct. 28, 1838, "Cert. issued Nov. 19."
TWITCHEL (also see Twitchell)-
Josiah Twitchel and Comfort Pierce, Nov. 7, 1816.
Josiah Twitchel and [int. ? Mrs. over Miss] Mary Newcomb, Oct. 16, 1821.
TWITCHELL (also see Twitchel)-
Dorcas Twitchell and Horatio N. Hatch, Sept. 11, 1825.
Alonzo D. Twombly and Clara A. Shuman, Jan. 1, 1859. [Twombley, Co.R.]
Charles H. Twombly and Ella M. Partridge, Dec. 24, 1878. [Ella M., dau. Joshua Eustis and Mary Abbie (Arnold), PR129.]
Henry E. Twombly [int. merchant] of Boston, Mass., and Caroline M. Miller [M. crossed out, int. Carrie M.], Jan. 1, 1872. [Caroline M., CR1.]
Sadie Twombly and Walter S. Arey, Nov. 21, 1891.
Wesley Twombly and Lura N. Jackson, Dec. 24, 1881.
William Twombly and Mary Wentworth of Waldo, int. June 9, 1852, "Cert. issued June 9."
TYGHE (also see Teague)-
Michial Tyghe [int. Michael Tighe] and [int. Mrs.] Abigail Patterson, July 23, 1832.
Abigal Tyler of the vicinity of Belfast and Benjamin Sekins of same, Jan. 11, 1807.
Barsheba Tyler of Swanville and Horatio Spicer, int. Aug. 31, 1849, "Cert. issued Sept. 17."
Kate J. Tyler [int. 23] and George W. White [int. widr., 34, farmer], Jan. 12, 1867. [George U., CR3. George W., Co.R.]
Nathaniel Tyler [int. Tylor] of the vicinity of Belfast and Bersheba Trask [int. Bathsheba Trask] of same, ____ [int. Oct. 15], 1809.
Sarah Tyler of Frankfert and Capt. Charles Gordon, int. Dec. 7, 1827, "Cert. issued Dec. 23."
Grace Ulmer and Job White, May 19, 1831.
Lewis S. Ulmer of Rockland and Melissa A. Holt, int. Aug. 2, 1858. [Melissa Auburn Holt, dau. William and Hannah P. (Shute), m. Aug. 9, PR29.]
Mary Ann Ulmer, Mrs., of Appleton and James L. Moody, int. June 8, 1844, "Cert. issued June 25."
Susan Ulmer of Lincolnville and Samuel Burkmar, int. Mar. 20, 1813.
Joseph Underwood, Dr., and Sylvia Chapin of Mendon, Worcester Co., int. Nov. 14, 1800.
William P. Underwood and Annabel Miller [int. Annabelle Miller], Nov. 17, 1886.
Rebecca P. Upton of Washington City and Rufus B. Allyn Esq., int. Sept. 19, 1840, "Cert. issued Oct. 5."
David N. Utter [int. Rev.] and Rebecca S. Palfrey, Sept. 16, 1872. [David N., CR1.]
William Vague of Brooksville and Bertha L. Gray of Brooksville, May 3, 1883, CR3.
Sarah C. Varney, Mrs., and Fillmore M. Gilmore [int. Filmore], Mar. 20, 1877.
Viola J. Varney of Boston, Mass., and David W. Phipps, son Stephen E. and Phebe P. (Warren), Jan. _, 1866, PR39.
David Varnum [int. adds M.] of Bristol and Mrs. Hannah Simmons [int. Simmonds] of Bristol, Mar. 1, 1824.
Joseph B. Varnum, widr., carpenter, and Julia A. Chase of Bucksport, int. Mar. 10, 1868, "Cert. issued March 14."
Michael R. Varnum and Hannah W. Smalley [int. Smolley], Feb. 15, 1848. [Smalley, Co.R.]
Ella G. Varrell of Biddeford and John W. Pitcher, merchant, int. JUne 11, 1869, "Cert. issued June 16."
VEAZIE (also see Freesey, Veazy)-
Abbie J. Veazie [int. 20] and Nichols Pratt, [int. 24, U.S.Navy] of Cohasset, Mass., Nov. 8, 1866. [Nichols of Cohasset, Mass., Co.R.]
Josiah Veazie [int. 24, seamsn] and Mary A. Davis [int. 20], Feb. 21, 1869.
Phebe Veazie, Mrs., of Freeport, and Rev. Charles Soule, int. AUg. 1, 1824, "Cert. Aug. 15."
William G. Veazie, Capt., and Charlotte N. Hutchings, int. May 6, 1843, "Cert. issued May 22."
VEAZY (also see Feesey, Veazie)-
Hannah Veazy, Mrs., of Brooks, and Simon D. McDonald, int. Feb. 9, 1823, "Cert. issued Feb. 23."
Anna Verplers, wid., 32, of Bangor, and John B. Harris, widr., 36, seaman, int. July 2, 1866, "Cert. issued July 6."
VICKERY (also see Vickory)-
Clara P. Vickery of Unity and Eugene A. Boulter of Unity, Dec. 23, 1878.
Elizabeth S. Vickery of Waldo and Augustus S. Payson, int. Oct. 19, 1861. [Elizabeth S. of Belfast, m. Oct. 31, Co.R.]
James Vickery and Catherine B. Sanborn [int. Samborn], Sept. 30, 1840.
James P. Vickery of Providence, R.I., and Amy B. Gay, Oct. 9, 1881.
John F. Vickery of Morrill and Annie L. Storer of Morrill, Aug. 29, 1877.
Lavina Vicery of Waldo Plantation and Alfred Walton, int. Nov. 11, 1826, "Cert. issued Dec. 9." [Lovina of Waldo and Alfred W. [dup. omits W.] Walton, m. ____, 1826, Co.R.]
Lavinia W. Vickery [int. Lovinia] and John H. Poor [int. painter], Sept. 11, 1869.
Roxana J. Vickery of Unity and William R. Chandler of Unity, Nov. 5, 1843.
VICKORY (also see Vickery)-
Newman W. Vickory of Unity and Sarah V. Sidelinker of Montville, Mar. 26, 1873. [Vickery of Unity, CR3.]
Antonio Victory and Eliza J. Carson, Oct. 23, 1854.
Samuel E. Vinal [int. bookkeeper] of Chelsea, Mass., and Emma J. Ripley, Aug. 16, 1871.
Alwidla Vose [int. 23] and Frank L. Calderwood [int. 21, harness maker] of Lincolnville, July 5, 1873.
David G. Vose of Hampden and Caroline Brier, int. Sept. 30, 1838. [m. Oct. 30, Co.R.]
Edward R. Vose of Knox and Mrs. Linda Maria Clements of Knox, June 13, 1841.
Estelle Vose, 17, dau. William H., farmer (b. Montville) and Charlotte, and Elbridge C. Morrill, 23, carpenter, of Sebec, son Joseph, farmer (b. Sebec) and Hannah (b. Sebec), int. Nov. 1, 1864, "Cert. issued Nov. 5."
William C. Vose and Fannie E. Perkins, Nov. 17, 1881, "Cert. issued Nov. 23."
William H. Vose of Thomaston and Charlotte Pitcher, June 4, 1843.
Charles E. Vyles and Elmina M. Dunbar, int. Jan. 30, 1858, "Cert. issued Feb. 12."