Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - SAFFORD to SMITH

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Aurora Safford of Hallowell and David Sargent, int. June 26, 1847, "Cert. issued July 10."
Gustavus A. Safford of Rockland and Almatia A. Rhoades of Rockland, Aug. 7, 1859. [Rhodes of Rockland, Co.R.]
Agnes C. Salmond and Joseph Richards, July 29, 1844.
Edwin Salmond and Ellen P. West, Jan. 27, 1858.
Eunice B. Salmond and Charles Giles, Aug. 17, 1843.
Lavinia A. Salmond and Alfred Richards of Franklin, Dec. 28, 1848.
Urania J. Salmond and [int. Capt.] James T. Tilden, Oct. 24, 1842. [Urania T. and James T. Tilden, Co.R.]
William Salmond [int. Salmon] and Mary Jane Ladd, Sept. 8, 1811. [Salmond, CR2.]
Catherine B. (see Catherine B. Sanborn).
SANBORN (also see Sandborn)-
Abbie M. Sanborn of Montville and Frederick Knowlton of Montville, Feb. 10, 1870.
Albert D. Sanborn of Salem, Mass., and Elvia H. Holt of Blue Hill, Mass., Oct. 4, 1885.
Catherine B. Sanborn [int. Samborn] and James Vickery, Sept. 30, 1840.
Charles H. Sanborn [int. 23, clerk] and Rose M. George [int. 22], Dec. 25, 1870.
Charles W. Sanborn of Waldo and Ellen L. Cammet of Morrill, Oct. 23, 1859. [Cammett of Waldo, CR1. Co.R.]
David Sanborn [int. Sandborn of Three Mile Square] and Patience Getchel [int. Gatchel] of Waldo Plantation or Three Mile Square, May 30, 1818.
Deborah P. Sanborn of Searsmont and Edwin C. Kimball, int. Apr. 9, 1836. [dup. Edward C.], m. Apr. 28, Co.R.]
Eben M. Sanborn [int. upholsterer] and Hattie A. Johnson, Oct. 25, 1871. [Eben M., son Josiah and Zilbiah P. (Fales), and Harriet A. Johnson, PR83.]
Eliza Sanborn of Waldo and Charles H. Keen, int. Apr. 1, 1848, "Cert. issued Apr. 17."
George C. Sanborn of Waldo and Elvira D. Peabody, July 4, 1850. [Elvira D. of Thomaston, CR1.]
Isaac Sanborn of Orono and Lucy Ann Mahoney of Northport, May 14, 1836.
John Sanborn of Knox and Susan Farrell of Waldo, Sept. 20, 1864.
Joseph Sanborn of Monroe and Mrs. Mary A. Durham of Monroe, May 1, 1843, Co.R.
Josiah Sanborn and Zibiah P. Fales, Nov. 11, 1831, PR83.
Mary Blanche Sanborn and John E. Craig, Oct. 9, 1878.
Martha H. Sanborn of Boston and James Lewis, int. Nov. 12, 1860, "Cert. issued Nov. 16."
Mary A. Sanborn of Lowell, Mass., and William F. Abbot, int. June 26, 1847, "Cert. issued July 10."
Moses K. Sanborn, son Josiah and Zibiah P. (Fales), and A. M. Phipps, Dec. 16, 1864, PR83.
Olive Anna Sanborn, dau. Josiah and Zibiah P. (Fales), and J. B. Payson, Dec. 25, 1851, PR83.
Percy A. Sanborn, 24, ornamental painter, and Carrie E. Poor, 26, int. June 12, 1873. [Percy A., son Josiah and Zibiah P. (Fales), m. June 18, PR83.]
Permit P. Sanborn of Swanville and Abby R. Cunningham of Swanville, Dec. 27, 1857 [sic, 1856]. [Dec. 27, 1856, Co.R.]
Reuben R. Sanborn and Elisabeth B. Robbins, int. July 23, 1842.
Susan E. Sanborn and Gideon Braley, int. Oct. 17, 1855.
Sylvina Sanborn of Appleton and Henry O. Emerson, int. July 8, 1876, "Cert. issued July 13."
Willard D. Sanborn and Carrie Stevens, Feb. 17, 1889.
William H. Sanborn [int. 26, blacksmith] and Helen M. Aldus [int. 26], Mar. 2, 1869.
SANDBORN (also see Sanborn)-
John Sandborn of Three Miles Square Plantation [int. adds Hancock Co.] and Sally Madden of same, Apr. 23, 1815.
John Sandborn of Monroe and Sally Sargent, Dec. __ [int. "Cert. issued Dec. 16."], 1819.
SANDERS (also see Saunders)-
David C. Sanders of Brookline, N. H., and Persis M. Neal, int. June 24, 1843, "Cert. issued Aug. 30."
David C. Sanders and Hannah B. Shaw of Albion, int. Apr. 6, 1845, "Cert. issued May 2."
David Sands [int. of Sebec] and Rebecca Eaton, Nov. 12, 1829.
SARGANT (also see Sargeant, Sargent]-
Mihal B. Sargant and Lucy Pace, int. May 23, 1835, "Cert. issued June 9."
SARGEANT (also see Sargant, Sargent)-
Mary B. Sargeant and Andrew M. Haskall of Garland, int. Jan. 1, 1842, "Cert. issued Jan. 22."
Winthrop Sargeant of Prospect and Mrs. Sarah Clewly of Prospect, Dec. 17, 1801, CR2.
SARGENT (also see Sargant, Sargeant)-
Alida M. Sargent and Fred G. Cox, Mar. 3, 1887.
Anne M. Sargent [int. Ann] and [int. Capt.] Sumner P. Lothrop, Jan. 6, 1850. [Ann M. and Sumner P. Lothrop, son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), PR92.]
Benjamin Sargent and Caroline J. Rogers, int. Aug. 28, 1847, "Cert. issued Sept. 11." [Caroline J., dau. Martin and Sarah M. (Grinnell), m. _____, PR136.]
Caro J. Sargent and Adoniram J. Howard, Oct. 20, 1862. [Caroline J., dau. Martin Rogers and Sarah M. (Grinnell), PR136.]
Carrie S. Sargent [int. Stacey] and Frederic W. Pratt [int. Frederick Wendell Pratt] of Somerville, Mass., June 8, 1874.
Charles Sargent of Monroe and Sarah Smith, Oct. 24, 1825, "Cert. issued Nov. 14."
Charles H. Sargent [int. 25, bleacher] and Delia A. Carter [int. 25], Mar. 2, 1867.
Clara Sargent of Searsport and Francis V. Patterson, int. Mar. 28, 1857. [Francis V., m. Mar. 28, in Searsport, Co.R.]
David Sargent and Aurora Safford of Hallowell, int. June 26, 1847, "Cert. issued July 10."
Eunice Sargent of Gouldsborough and Jonathan Durham, int. Nov. 8, 1817, "Cert. issued Nov. 28."
Franklin Sargent of Searsport and Adelia Dunnell [int. adds E.], Feb. 17, 1858. [Adelia, Co.R.]
Harriet M. Sargent and Capt. James F. Rice, Jan. 4, 1845, [m. Jan. 27, CO.R.]
Joanna B. Sargent and Joseph Morse, Jan. 9, 1844. [John, Co.R.]
John Sargent and Charity Low, Mar. 9, 1820.
John L. Sargent [dup. Thomas S. Sargent] of Searsport and Mary P. Rice of Searsport, June 4, 1862, [John S. of Searsport, Co.R.]
Sally Sargent and John Sandborn of Monroe, Dec. __ [int. "Cert. issued Dec. 16"], 1819.
Silvanus G. Sargent, Rev., and Martha A. Richards of Mount Vernon, int. May 13, 1838, "Cert. issued May 28."
Thomas S. Sargent [see John L. Sargent]
Welthy Jane Sargent and Asa Bowen Jr. of Swanville, int. May 21, 1850, "Cert. issued June 8."
Winthrop Sargent and Lydia Patterson, Sept. 4, 1823.
Winthrop Otis Sargent and Mrs. Esther F. Barker of Searsmont, June 17, 1891, in Lawrence, Mass.
SAUNDERS (also see Sanders)-
Caroline E. Saunders of Swanville and William N. Durham, Dec. 20, 1851.
Henry Saunders and Mrs. Ellen J. Smalley, July 22, 1881.
Henry Saunders and C. M. Gunn, Mar. 10, 1887.
Mary E. Saunders of Belmont and Nathan Whitten, May 19, 1888.
Samuel Saunders Jr. of Deer Isle and Lovinia Eaton of Deer Isle, Aug. 1, 1853.
Sarah A. Saunders of Swanville and W. W. Byram of Thomaston, Mar. 10, 1859. [Byrom of Thomaston, CR1. Byram of Thomaston, Co.R.]
Thomas Saunders of Orono and Sylvina Shute, int. June 26, 1832, "Cert. issued July 9."
Hiram Savage and Lucy Redman, int. Nov. 16, 1844, "Cert. issued July 28, 1845."
Orinda B. Savage of Rockland and James M. Shuman, mechanic, int. May 29, 1869. [James Madison Shuman, son John Marten and Sarah Mariah, m. June 10, PR47.]
Fred P. Savery of Searsport and Etta E. Piper, int. Oct. 20, 1879, "Cert. issued Oct. 24."
Jonathan Savery of Prospect and Polly Piper of Prospect, June 8, 1812.
A. V. Sawtelle and Mary E. Sawyer, Oct. 3, 1858.
Algernon V. Sawtelle, widr., 36, shoemaker, and Eveline L. Crowell, wid., 29, of Northport, int. Dec. 19, 1865, "Cert. issued 23."
William G. Sawtelle and Abbie S. Greer, June 30, 1887.
Aberine S. Sawyer of Searsport and R. W. Towle of Searsport, Feb. 28, 1863.
Anna Sawyer of Knox and N. A. Wiggin of Knox, Aug. 8, 1891.
Asa Sawyer of Bangor and Mrs. Ann Whittier, int. Sept. 19, 1824, "Cert. Oct. 3."
Chloe E. Sawyer, Mrs., of Northport, and Benjamin R. Field of Northport, Sept. 13, 1866.
Emily R. Sawyer [int. 19] and William F. Powars [int. William T. Powers, 27, seaman], Dec. 9, 1865. [Emily F. and William F. Powers, Co.R.]
Eugenia L. Sawyer of Knox and Oscar C. Wentworth of Knox, Apr. 3, 1886.
Flora D. Sawyer and Everett M. Hart, Oct. 6, 1888.
Harriet Sawyer of Castine and John Babbin, Aug. 27, 1868.
Harriet Sawyer [int. wid., third m.] of Castine and Austin Danforth [int. fisherman], Nov. 5, 1870. [Harriet of Castine, CR1.]
Lette Sawyer of Knox Plantation and Thomas McGlaughlen of Fairfax, int. Mar. 17, 1809.
Marcia Sawyer of Green and Daniel Dolloff of Green, int. Oct. 7, 1809.
Mary Sawyer of Newburyport and Nathan Wiggin Jr., int. July 7, 1810.
Mary E. Sawyer and A. V. Sawtelle, Oct. 3, 1858.
Nathan Sawyer of Thorndike and Susan R. Hassel, Mar. 20, 1861. [Hassell, CR1. Hassel, Co.R.]
Sadie F. Sawyer and Walter F. Brier, Sept. 10, 1889.
Abigail Sayward of Northport and Benjamin Stephens of Northport, Nov. 28, 1799.
Delphaet Scammon [int. Delphaett Scamman, 24, operative] and Lizzie L. Wyman [int. 23], Dec. 31, 1873.
Mary H. Schwartz [int. E.], black, 18, of Bangor, dau. William O. (Schawartz) (b. Charlestown, Mass.) and Belinda (b. Wilmington, Mass.) [int. b. Wilmanton, Vt.], and William N. Morrison, black, 26, laborer [int. cook] of Bangor, and Sarah (b. Bear Is., N.B.), Aug. 30, 1864. [Mary H. of Bangor, Co.R.]
William H. Scobles and Ruth E. Nash, int. Dec. 3, 1861, "Cert. issued Dec. 7."
Ann Sconse and David Robinson, abt. 1831, in Ireland, PR36.
Delora A. Scott and Howard Murphy, int. Feb. 14, 1855.
Leroy S. Scott and Susan S. Brock, int. June 27, 1860. [m. Dec. 12, CO.R.]
Nellie Scott and Edgar L. Macomber, Jan. 6, 1890.
Sadie A. Scott of Richmond and Percy S. Edgecomb, int. Apr. 29, 1882, "Cert. issued May 3."
Theodore Scott and Mrs. Ann S. Andrews, Sept. 21, 1879.
Augusta A. Scribner of Brooks and Alfred J. Card, mechanic, int. Jan. 29, 1872, "Cert. issued Feb. 2."
Belinda Scribner, Mrs., of Waldo, and Robert Bray of Waldo, Oct. 9, 1881.
Frances H. Scribner, wid., 21, and Thomas A. Dyer, 19, farmer, of Belmont, int. Nov. 27, 1865, "Cert. issued Dec. 2."
Herbert T. Scribner, farmer, of Searsport, and Ellen Nichols, int. Apr. 19, 1869, "Cert. issued Apr. 28."
Horatio G. Scribner and Elizabeth M. Spinney of Freedom, int. Jan. 11, 1851, "Cert. issued Jan. 25."
James E. Scribner of Lowell, Mass., and Rosetta E. Reynolds of Lowell, Mass., Oct. 7, 1865.
Joseph Scribner of Washington Plantation and Polly Cram of same, int. Feb. 15, 1812.
Oran S. Scribner and Caroline R. Payson, int. Oct. 25, 1851, "Cert. issued Nov. 7."
Orin S. Scribner of Bangor and Frances H. Knowles, int. Aug. 1, 1861. [Oren of Bangor, m. Aug. 10, in Belmont, Co.R.]
Thomas S. Scribner of Brooks and Hannah H. Nickerson of Swanville, June 28, 1838.
John E. Scruton of Lincolnville and Tamson D. Heal of Lincolnville, Aug. 14, 1875.
Deby Searle of Mason, N.H., and Simeon Ward, int. Aug. 2, 1807.
Benjamin Sears of Northport and Lucy J. Waterman, int. Nov. 1, 1834. [Benjamin Lear of Northport, m. Nov. 30, Co.R.]
Mercy Sears of Knox and John B. White of Knox, Jan. 1, 1820 [sic, ? 1821].
SEAVEY (also see Seavy)-
Charles T. Seavey [int. F.] of Frankfort and Georgianna H. Graisbary [int. Georgennis], Apr. 25, 1880. [Charles F. of Frankfort and Georgianna H. Graisbary, Apr. 15, CR3.]
Martha W. Seavey of Prospect and John Whitehouse of Prospect, July 4, 1856.
Rufus E. Seavey [int. 22, seaman] and Eva O. Wight [int. 19], Sept. 20, 1873.
SEAVY (also see Seavey)-
Mary J. Seavy and Elisha Thomas of Morrill, May 20, 1866, in Morrill, Co.R.
SEEGINS (also see Seekins, Seekness, Sekens, Sekins, Sickins, Sigins, Sikins) whew!-
Jonn Seegins of Swanville and Lois J. Seegins of Swanville, Dec. 2, 1867.
Lois J. Seegins of Swanville and John Seegins of Swanville, Dec. 2, 1867.
Sarah J. Seegins of Swanville and William P. Smith of Swanville, Jan. 14, 1867.
SEEKINS (also see Seegins, Seekness, Sekens, Sekins, Sickins, Sigins, Sikins)-
Ada Seekins of Swanville and John A. Harvey of Swanville, Sept. 17, 1883.
Alice Seekins of Swanville and Seth Robbins, Oct. 25, 1826.
Bertha A. Seekins of Swanville and George H. Robertson, Oct. 6, 1890.
Ella F. Seekins [int. 20] and Albert A. Nash [int. 22, shoemaker], May 12, 1874.
Fannie A. Seekins of Swanville and Eli W. Knowlton of Swanville, Oct. 2, 1887.
Georgianna A. Seekins [int. Seekens, omits A.] and Alexsus V. Patterson [int. Alexus V. Patterson], Oct. 10, 1883.
Lois J. Seekins of Swanville and Albert T. Harvey of Swanville, July 29, 1879.
SEEKNESS (also see Seegins, Seekins, Sekens, Sickins, Sigins, Sikins)-
Emeline Seekness, Mrs., of Swanville, and Austin C. Merrill of Swanville, Nov. 8, 1872.
Ephraim Seelye Jr. of Bennington, Vt., and Penelope Hewes of Islesborough, int. Jan. 29, 1831, "Cert. issued Feb. 14."
SEGAR (also see Segee, Seger)-
Edwin L. Segar [int. Seger] of Stockton and Mary E. Palmer, June 2, 1870.
SEGEE (also see Segar, Seger)-
Julia Ann Segee and Josiah Webber of Munroe, int. Dec. 24, 1836, "Cert. issued Jan. 19, 1837."
SEGER (also see Segar, Segee)-
Alexander Seger and Elizabeth T. Young, Feb. 24, 1856, Co.R.
SEKENS (also see Seegins, Seekins, Seekness, Sekins, Sickins, Sigins, Sikins)-
Sally Sekens [int. Sally Sekins in the vicinity of Belfast] and Elijah Bragdon [int. in the vicinity of Belfast], July 18, 1811.
SEKINS (also see Seegins, Seekins, Seekness, Sekens, Sickins, Sigins, Sikins)-
Benjamin Seekins in the vicinity of Belfast and Abigal Tyler of the vicinity of Belfast, Jan. 11, 1807.
Martha Sekins of Swanville and Jonathan Nickerson of Swanville, June 12, 1828.
SELLARS (also see Sellers)-
Alice M. Sellars and Charles H. Stinson of Rockland, int. Sept. 30, 1874, "Cert. issued Oct. 7."
Etta A. Sellars, 18, of Vinalhaven, and Roswell Tobin, 22, mariner, int. Oct. 26, 1865, "Cert. issued Oct. 31."
Phoebe A. Sellars, wid., 23, and Monroe Gray, widr., 25, seaman, int. Jan. 2, 1867.
Thomas A. Sellars and Phoebe A. Herrick, int. June 2, 1857, "Cert. issued June 16."
SELLERS (also see Sellars)-
Lilla B. Sellers and John Wade of Lincolnville, Apr. 29, 1888.
Wilder Sellers and Carrie L. Gray of Northport, May 24, 1885.
Isaac Senter and Hannah Patterson, Oct. 30, 1800.
Francis Seveno and Louisa Jordon, int. Dec. 30, 1843, "Cert. issued Jan. 13, 1844."
Ephraim Severence of Bangor and Susanna Morrill, int. May 27, 1838. [Severance of Bangor and Susan Morrill, m. June 18, Co.R.]
John J. Sewall, M.D., of Montville, and Abbie L. Atwood of Monroe, June 6, 1887.
Emily Shales [dup. Mrs., int. wid.] and James Hall [int. widr., trader] of Jefferson, Mar. 4, 1868. [Emily, Co.R.]
Lendall T. Shales and Emily P. Woods [int. Emma P. Woods], Nov. 13, 1876. [Emily P., CR3. Lendal T. and Emily P. Woods, PR151.]
Robert T. Shannon, Dr., of New York, and Lucy E. Alexander, int. Sept. 7, 1866, "Cert. issued Sept. 12."
SHAPHERD (also see Shepard, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard)-
Mary Shaperd and John M. Patterson, int. Oct. 20, 1804.
Diantha E. Shattuck of Washington and Luther C. Dodge of Bluehill, Oct. 9, 1863.
Patrick Shaughnessey, laborer, of Bangor, and Catherine Fahy, int. Feb. 2, 1869, "Cert. issued Feb. 6."
Alpheus Shaw [int. 47, painter] and Mrs. Hannah Newbitt [int. Newbit, wid., 38], June 12, 1866. [Miss Hannah Newbitt, Co.R.]
Alvira Shaw of Waldo Plantation and Andrew Fletcher, int. Mar. 26, 1829. [m. Apr. 12, 1827 [sic] Co.R.]
Annie M. Shaw and Thomas G. Small, Nov. 6, 1878.
Benjamin K. Shaw and Mrs. Betsy Wood, int. Oct. 16, 1858, "Cert. issued Oct. 20."
Charles F. Shaw and Annie B. Gordon of Brooks, int. Aug. 23, 1883, "Cert. issued Sept. 1."
Charles W. Shaw, 22, seaman, and Jane U. Gilson, 18, int. Apr. 25, 1873, "Cert. issued Apr. 30."
Dianna Shaw and William Gerry of Unity, int. June 24, 1838, "Cert. issued July 8."
Elizabeth E. Shaw and David S. Whittaker, int. Dec. 3, 1836. [m. Jan. 29, 1837, Co.R.]
Ella Shaw and Solomon Hamilton of Morrill, int. Aug. 16, 1875, "Cert. issued Aug. 23."
Elvira Shaw (see Alvira)
Emma Shaw and Otis Bowen, Sept. 15, 1887.
Emma A. Shaw of Northport and Lt. William Gillespie of Calais, Feb. 14, 1864, in Northport.
Ephraim O. Shaw and Ella V. Thomas, Dec. 31, 1885.
Eunice Shaw and Capt. Wilson Brier, int. July 22, 1838, "Cert. issued Dec. 11."
Eunice B. Shaw and George Linscott of Belmont, int. Nov. 4, 1876, "Cert. issued Nov. 8."
Hannah Shaw and Milton Tufts, int. Oct. 7, 1838, "Cert. issued Oct. 22."
Hannah B. Shaw of Albion and David C. Sanders, int. Apr. 6, 1845, "Cert. issued May 2."
James Shaw and Mary Howard of Alfred, int. Dec. 1, 1822, "Cert. granted Dec. 21."
John Shaw, widr., 45, laborer, and Hannah Hurd, wid., 36, of Swanville, int. Jan. 9, 1866, "Cert. forbidden by H. Hayford."
John Shaw [int. widr.] and Catherine McCauley [int. adds Hurley, divorced], Nov. 25, 1868. [John and Catharine H. Macauley, CR1.]
Joseph Shaw of Frankfort and Elizabeth Woods, int. Apr. 25, 1842, "Cert. issued May 14."
Mary S. Shaw and John Tufts, int. Dec. 4, 1860, "Cert. issued Dec. 8."
Nathaniel Shaw [int. 52, farmer] and Lydia Clark [int. 35] of Northport, May 11, 1867.
Samuel F. Shaw and Julia A. Estes of Troy, int. Aug. 16, 1861, "Cert. issued Aug. 22."
Sarah J. Shaw [int. 18] and William E. Bowler [int. 19, seaman], Mar. 7, 1875.
Sirena B. Shaw and Joseph E. Brazier of Portland, int. June 23, 1883. [m. June 30, CR3.]
Tisdell Shaw and Mrs. Lizzie F. Parkhurst of Knox, Mar. 26, 1883.
Wales M. Shaw and Mary A. Gordon of Franklin, Jan. 1, 1885.
Warren P. Shaw [int. of Bangor] and Olive P. Neal, Sept. 12, 1842. [Warren P., both of Belfast, Co.R.]
William F. Shaw and Cynthia M. Evans of Monroe, Dec. 8, 1886.
Zenas Shaw of Rockland and Mrs. Caro J. Prescott, int. Aug. 30, 1880, "Cert. issued Sept. 6."
Alden G. Shea of S. Thomaston and Bertha Coombs of S. Thomaston, Feb. 3, 1864. [Alden G. of S. Thomaston, Co.R.]
J. Shaw and Fanny Dawson, int. Dec. 29, 1855.
Patrick Shehan of Liberty and Ellen Burk, int. Dec. 27, 1852, "Cert. issued."
SHELDEN (also see Sheldon)-
Annie E. Shelden of Waldo and Maurice S. Wentworth of Waldo, Nov. 8, 1883.
SHELDON (also see Shelden)-
Abiel Sheldon and Mary Harden of Lincolnville, int. Mar. 11, 1825, "Cert. issued M. 25."
Abner Sheldon of Waldo Plantation and Ruth Smith of same, Dec. 2, 1830.
Abner F. Sheldon and Ida R. Lowe [Ruby I. written above Ida R. and crossed out] of Frankfort, int. June 19, 1884, "Cert. issued June 23."
Alfreda E. Sheldon and Abner B. Clement, Nov. 25, 1886.
Ephraim Sheldon [int. Jr.] of Camden and Mary Ann Smith, Jan. 18, 1828.
James F. Sheldon and Nellie M. Merriam of Morrill, int. Jan. 19, 1881, "Cert. issued Jan. 25."
Lucinda Sheldon and Edwin A. Staples, Feb. 3, 1864.
Malinda M. Sheldon of Waldo and Albert W. Philbrick, int. July 18, 1856. [Melinda W. Sheldon of Waldo, m. July 19, in Searsport, Co.R.]
Sarah E. Sheldon and Henry E. Patterson of Waldo, int. Nov. 17, 1879, "Cert. issued Nov. 22."
SHEPARD (also see Shaperd, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard)-
Clarissa M. Shepard and Americus V. Parker [int. Esq.] of Waldo, Oct. 24, 1848.
Fannie M. Shepard [int. Fannie M. Shepherd] and Edwin C. Getchell of Vassalborough, Jan. 22, 1882.
Lewis F. Shepard and Sarah Dow, Mar. 14, 1831, in Exeter, N.H. "removed to Belfast June 7, 1833."
SHEPHARD (also see Shaperd, Shepard, Shepherd, Sheppard)-
Frances M. Shephard and Adoniram H. Banks, son Benjamin and Martha (Cross), Dec. 12, 1860, PR150.
Freeman W. Shephard [int. Freeman W. Shepherd, 40, farmer] and Martha B. Dodge [int. 28] of Boston, Mass., Oct. 13, 1867, in Boston, Mass. [Shepherd, Co.R.]
SHEPHERD (also see Shaperd, Shepard, Shephard, Sheppard)-
Israel G. Shepherd [int. Israel G. Shephard] and Mary Whitcomb of Waldo, Dec. 6, 1856. [Israel G. Shepherd, Co.R.]
John W. Shepherd [int. John W. Shepard] and Elizabeth M. Kay, Dec. 10, 1826.
Lida F. Shepherd and Russell Cross of Morrill, Nov. 9, 1882.
Mary E. Shepherd and John Q.A. Davinson of Waldo, int. Nov. 19, 1842, "Cert. issued Dec. 12."
SHEPPARD (also see Shaperd, Shepard, Shephard, Shepherd)-
Clara R. Sheppard [int. Clara R. Shepard] and Albert L. Barnes [int. merchant] of Boston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1872. [Shephard, CR3.]
SHERBURN (also see Sherburne)-
Mary Sherburn of Hallowell and John Clark, int. Dec. 2, 1819, "Cert. issued Dec. 28."
SHERBURNE (also see Sherburn)-
Edwin D. Sherburne and Virginia M. Ray of Plymouth, int. May 17, 1884, "Cert. issued May 22."
Ardray C. Sherman [int. Ardrey C. Sherman] and Isaiah C. Neal of Belmont, Dec. 2, 1830.
Edward B. Sherman of Liberty and Martha Keniston, int. July 1, 1854.
Eliza J. Sherman, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] and Sullivan G. Small, Apr. 28, 1883.
Elmer A. Sherman and Kate L. Rankin, June 9, 1886. [Elmer Alfred and Kate Laura Rankin, dau. Walter B. and Charlotte C. (Kelly), Pr145.]
Frederick M. Sherman [int. farmer] and Margaret J. Murphy, Jan. 2, 1870.
Josephus Sherman [int. coachman] and Eliza Gray [int. Eliza Grey], Jan. 1, 1868 . [Shearman and Eliza Gray, CO.R.]
Louisa Sherman of Prospect and Thomas S. Shute of Searsport, Oct. 1, 1848.
Sylvina E. Sherman [int. Sylvania E. Sherman of Knox] and William W. Hartshorn [int. 30, farmer], Apr. 15, 1867. [Sylvina of Belfast, CR3. Sylvina E. of Belfast, Co.R.]
SHIBBLES (also see Shibles)-
Pricilla Shibbles [int. Pricilla Shibles] and Addison Brackett, Dec. 25, 1826.
SHIBLES (also see Shibbles)-
Almatia Shibles of Knox and John P. Wentworth of Knox, Nov. 20, 1855.
Augusta A. Shibles and William Gardner, int. July 21, 1849, "Cert. issued Aug. 4." [Augusta A., dau. Alexander and Julia A. (Maddocks), m. ___, 1849, PR160.]
Clara A. Shibles and Charles A. Merrill of San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 28, 1875. [Clara A., dau. Alexander and Julia A. (Maddocks), Pr161.]
Ellen M. Shibles and Bernes O. Norton, Nov. 29, 1891, in Searsmont.
Fidelia Shibles and John Bracket, Apr. 3, 1837.
Florence M. Shibles and Llewellyn Mahon [int. Mahar] of Wrentham, Mass., Oct. 25, 1880. [Florence M., dau. Alexander and Julia A. (Maddocks), and Llewellyn Mahar, PR161.]
John W. Shibles of Camden and Augusta Orcut of Camden, June 30, 1872.
Mary Shibles and Emery Sprague, int. Dec. 9, 1838, "Cert. issued Mar. 12, 1839."
Zadoc Shibles of Morrill and Celia J. Higgins of Morrill, Jan. 2, 1860. [Celea J. of Morrill, Co.R.]
SHIRLEY (also see Shorley)-
Harriet H. Shirley of Searsport and James Staples, int. Dec. 27, 1850, "Cert. issued Jan. 17, 1851."
Hugh Shirley and Mary McLure of Thorndike, int. Feb. 24, 1830, "Cert. Mar. 15."
James Shirley and Adaline Blithen of Thorndike, int. Mar. 9, 1832, "Cert. issued Apr. 9."
Jane Shirley and Thompson Blethen [int. Bliffin] of Thorndike, Nov. 26, 1829.
John Shirley and Sarah Bailey of Swanville, int. July 26, 1837. [m. Aug. 28, 1838, Co.R.]
Margaret Shirley and Ivory Carver, ____ [? 1842] [int. Oct. 15, 1842, "Cert. issued Oct. 31"]. [m. Nov. 3, 1842. Co.R.]
Mary Shirley and James Berry Jr. of Prospect, int. Apr. 2, 1828, "Cert. issued Apr. 16."
Elmira A. Sholes and Joseph A. McKeen, Jan. 23, 1890.
James Sholes and Hattie R. Clemons, Mar. 2, 1889.
SHORELY (also see Shirley)-
Betsey Shorely [Betsey written above Nancy crossed out] and George Dyer, int. July 25, 1832, "Cert. issued Sept. 27."
Alice E. Shorey of Waldo and Eugene L. Patterson of Waldo, Oct. 16, 1885.
James W. Shorey of Waldo and Nellie L. Hatch of Swanville, July 3, 1878.
John Shortil and Horriet Porter, int. July 4, 1838.
Alma J. Shuman and Otis K. Ryder [int. seaman], Dec. 5, 1868. [Alma Jane, dau. Elijah M. and Elsy J. (Robinson), PR48.]
Annie A. Shuman and Roscoe J. Cross of Morrill, int. Feb. 9, 1882. [Annie A., dau. Elijah M. and Elsy J. (Robinson), and Roscoe T. Cross, m. Mar. 13, in Morrill, PR48.]
Carrie A. Shuman and Harvey S. Cunningham, Dec. 24, 1880. [Harvery S., son William P. and Rachel F. (Smalley), PR51. Caroline A., dau. Elijah M. and Elsy J. (Robinson), PR48.]
Carrie F. Shuman [int. 19, of Waldo] and James F. Eustis [int. 19, clerk], Apr. 27, 1872.
Clara A. Shuman and Alonzo D. Twombly, Jan. 1, 1859. [Twombley, Co.R.]
Elijah M. Shuman and Elsy J. Robinson, Sept. 3, 1848, in Jefferson, PR48.
Elijah S. Shuman [int. 20, farmer] and Arabella R. Cunningham [int. B., 18] Dec. 25, 1867. [Elijah Souther Shuman, son John Marten and Sarah Mariah, and Arabella R. Cunningham, PR47.]
Elijah Souther Shuman, son of John Marten and Sarah Maria, and Millie T. Libby (second w.), Oct. 17, 1879, PR47.
James M. Shuman, mechanic, and Orinda B. Savage of Rockland, int. May 29, 1869. [James Madison Shuman, son John Marten and Sarah Mariah, m. June 10, PR47.]
John Shuman and Sally M. Jackson, Oct. 29, 1837.
Sarah M. Shuman, Mrs. [int. wid.] and Hosea Collins [int. farmer], Oct. 16, 1868.
Almira S. Shute of Searsport and Jonthan L. Frye, int. Apr. 2, 1845, "Cert. issued Apr. 17."
Alonzo Shute, Capt., and Margaret J. Russ [int. Jane], July 5, 1855. [Margaret J., CoR. PR45.]
Alphonzo Shute [int. farmer] of Stockton and Ann Eliza Stephenson, Dec. 25, 1869.
Azubah E. Shute [see Zuba E.)
Charles Shute Jr. of Hingham, Mass., and Eliza Jane Wellman, Oct. 17, 1852.
Daniel F. Shute and Emily I. Farrow of Machias, Dec. 25, 1859.
Darius Shute, Capt., and Lucy H. Arms [? Lucy H. Ames], int. Sept. 4, 1860, "Cert. issued Sept. 8."
Darius Shute [int. widr., seaman] and Fannie E. Boynton of Rockland, Mar. 1, 1869.
Elizabeth Stowers Shute of Prospect and Elisha Patterson, int. July 26, 1813.
Frank Shute, Capt., and H.J. Bickmore of Searsport, int. Sept. 8, 1855. [Hannah J. of Searsport, m. Sept. 9, in Searsport, Co.R.]
Fred A. Shute and Minna A. Ferguson of Alhambra, Cal., int. Apr. 20, 1885, "Cert. issued Apr. 27."
Hannah Shute and William Holt, July 3, 1823.
Harriet A. Shute and Jeremiah M. Bagley, int. Sept. 7, 1838. [m. Sept. 24, Co.R.]
Harriet A. Shute and Alvah Page, int. Feb. 11, 1843, "Cert. issued Feb. 25."
John Shute [int. of Prospect] and Sally Reed [int. Read], July 13, 1820.
John W. Shute, 31, seaman, and Althea L. Holt, 20, of Bucksport, int. Sept. 30, 1865, "Cert. issued Oct. 9."
Katherine E. Shute and Clinton S. Eastman of Wesbrook, Sept. 15, 1891.
Martha Jane Shute and James Gilmore, int. Oct. 27, 1831, "Cert. issued Nov. 28."
Nancy Shute and Lewis Bean 2d, July 20, 1828.
Polly Shute of Prospect and Robert Patterson 5th, int. Nov. 27, 1814.
Ralph Shute and Orilla C. Knight, Mar. 21, 1888. [Ralph D., son Alonzo and Margaret J. (Russ), PR45.]
Reuben S. Shute and Mary A. Dow of Frankfort, int. Dec. 12, 1847, "Cert. issued Dec. 26."
Sally Ann Shute and Isaac Wood, int. Mar. 28, 1837.
Sarah A. Shute and David W. Dyer, int. Oct. 20, 1839. [m. Nov. 4, Co.R.]
Sarah E. Shute and Capt. Seth C. Bradman, int. Sept. 4, 1847, "Cert. issued Sept. 21."
Sylvina Shute and Thomas Saunders of Orono, int. June 26, 1832, "Cert. issued July 9."
Thomas L. Shute and Clara E. Perry of Rockland, int. Jan. 28, 1882, "Cert. issued Feb. 1."
Thomas R. Shute, Capt., and Azubah A. Decrow of Freedom, int. Sept. 4, 1847, "Cert. issued Sept. 21."
Thomas S. Shute of Searsport and Louisa Sherman of Prospect, Oct. 1, 1848.
Tryphosa E. Shute and Robert Erskin of Stockton, int. Dec. 20, 1875, "Cert. issued Dec. 24."
William L. Shute, Capt., and Evelina Small of Searsport, Sept. 26 [int. Sept. 29 sic], 1854.
Zuba E. Shute and Daniel H. Strout [int. carpenter], Apr. 18, 1869.
A. Cutter Sibley and Margaret T. Ritchie, Nov. 7, 1877.
Edward Sibley [int. merchant] and Clara J. Thorndike, June 15, 1869.
Julia A. Sibley of Hope and Lyman P. Harwood of Hope, July 9, 1867.
Reuben Sibley and Margaret S. Read of Orono, int. Mar. 29, 1834, "Cert. issued Apr. 23."
Rubin Sibley and Hannah C. Cutter of Portland, int. June 9, 1839, "Cert. issued June 29."
SICKINS (also see Seegins, Seekins, Seekness, Sekens, Sekins, Sigins, Sikins)-
Mary Sickins of Swanville and Charles Bragdon of Swanville, Sept. 16, 1830.
SIDELINGER (also see Sidelinker, Sidlinder)-
Amasa Sidelinger [int. adds C., divorced, barber] and Jennie H. Kenney, Sept. 26, 1872.
SIDELINKER (also see Sidelinger, Sidlinder)-
Mary J. Sidelinker, Mrs., of Bangor, and Elisha Linscott, int. Oct. 2, 1875, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Sarah V. Sidelinker of Montville and Newman W. Vickory of Unity, Mar. 26, 1873. [Newman W. Vikery of Unity, CR3.]
SIDENSBERGER (also see Sidensburger)-
Almira Sidensberger of Warren and Moses Brier, int. Apr. 17, 1838, "Cert. issued May 3."
SIDENSBURGER (also see Sidensberger)-
George Sidensburger of Warren and Patience Pierce, Nov. 7, 1818.
Caroline A. Sides and Gardner L. Havner, int. Sept. 22, 1854.
Charles Sides and Sarah M. Kaler, Feb. 1, 1842. [Sarah Matilda (second w.), dau. Joseph and Mary, PR128.]
Elizabeth Ann Sides [int. N., omits Ann] and Augustus Benner of Waldo Plantation, Jan. 27, 1844. [Elizabeth Ann, Co.R.]
Emily A. Sides [int. 24] and Edmund M. Philbrick [int. 28, blacksmith], June 8, 1867.
George Sides and Mary Thurston, Feb. 11, 1856.
Henry H. Sides and Cora M. Clark, Dec. 1, 1887.
Isaac Sides and Susan Kaler, dau. Joseph and Mary, _____, Pr128.
Susie A. Sides and Webster L. Mathews [int. widr., blacksmith] of Waldoboro, Nov. 26, 1868.
SIDLINDER (also see Sidelinger, Sidelinker)-
Elizabeth Sidlinder and James Ryan, int. Aug. 29, 1824.
SIGINS (also see Seegins, Seekins, Seekness, Sekens, Sekins, Sickins, Sikins)-
Arron Sigins of Swanville and Phebe Ann Elwill, int. Aug. 16, 1846, "Cert. issued Sept. 19."
SIKINS (also see Seegins, Seekins, well you get the idea)-
Lucy Sikins of Swanville and Moses Curtis of Swanville, Oct. 17, 1839.
Allen J. Simmons and Addie L. Ray, Mar. 19, 1864.
Carrie E. Simmons and Melvin C. Murch, Sept. 3, 1887.
Hannah Simmons [int. Hannah Simmonds], Mrs., of Bristol, and David Varmun [int. adds M.] of Bristol, Mar. 1, 1824.
John M. Simmons and Mary J. Hall of Jefferson, int. May 26, 1862, "Cert. issued June 3."
John M. Simmons and Lois G. Llittlefield of Waldo, May 1, 1876.
John M. Simmons and Mrs. Angelia Boulter of Knox, int. Apr. 16, 1880, "Cert. issued Apr. 22."
Lucy Simmons and Sewall Gilbert, int. Mar. 24, 1827, "Cert. issued Apr. 8."
Margaret Simmons and Albion K. Jackson of Belmont, int. Jan. 30, 1850, "Cert. issued Feb 16."
Mary Simmons of Camden and Nathaniel Frost of Camden, July 5, 1841.
Mary A. Simmons and Richard W. Woodbury of Waldo, int. June 29, 1863, "Cert. issued July 8."
Mary J. Simmons of Waldo and Charles M. Wallace, June 13, 1888.
Nahum L. Simmons, 25, blacksmith, and Annie M. Brown, 20, int. Feb. 17, 1874, "Cert. issued Feb. 21."
Nathaniel Simmons Jr. [int. 26, blacksmith, son Nathaniel, blacksmith (b. Waldoboro) and Rosanna (b. Nobleboro) and Abbie E. Patterson [int. 22, dau. Robert, farmer (b. Appleton) and Susan (b. Fox Is.)], Nov. 20, 1864, in Knox.
Sarah E. Simmons and Frederick S. Johnson, Aug. 30, 1855.
Zebidee Simmons and Addie L. Paul of Searsmont, int. Nov. 28, 181, "Cert. issued Dec. 3."
Eliza A. Simonton of Camden and Robert White, int. Sept. 21, 1845, "Cert. issued Oct. 7."
Elizabeth Simonton of Searsport and Edward D. Blanchard of Searsport, Feb. 19, 1863, in Searsport, CR1.
Ella J. Simonton of Searsport and William A. Dolliver of Bangor, Nov. 15, 1870, in Searsport, CR1.
John W. Simonton of Camden and Ellen A. Wakefield, Oct. 27, 1863.
Margaret J. Simonton of Camden and Capt. James W. Clark of Camden, July 28, 1851.
Samuel A. Simonton [int. mariner] of Rockland and Edna E. Warren, Nov. 26, 1871.
Alfred K. Simpson of Newburg and Arletta Conden, int. May 8, 1856. [Smith of newburg and Arletta Condon, m. May 8, in Monroe, Co.R.]
Ann D. Simpson and William W. Chase of Ellsworth, Oct. 22, 1829.
John Simpson and Jane McKeen, Apr. 9, 1822.
John Simpson of Castine and Mrs. Catherine Brooks [int. Catharine], Jan. 27, 1854.
Josiah Simpson Jr. [int. Capt.] and Susan Giles, Nov. 7, 1824.
Mary E. Simpson and John S. Caldwell, int. Oct. 7, 1843. [Mary E. (first w.), m. Nov. 1, PR156.]
Mary E. Simpson and Dana B. Southworth, Apr. 20, 1891.
Mary S. Simpson and Alexis Morrill, Apr. 27, 1828.
Rachel Simpson and Capt. David Pierce, Dec. 16, 1821.
Sarah J. Simpson of Swanville and George Cunningham of Prospect, Jan. 9, 1845.
Ada E. Sinclair and Otis C. Cunningham of Oldtown, int. Aug. 4, 1885, "Cert. issued Aug. 12."
Hervey R. Skay and Lydia E. Drinwkwater of Northport, int. Apr. 22, 1889.
Hannah Skeen and John Haney, Mar. 3, 1852.
Eunice I. Skillings (see Eunice Billings).
Isaac Skillings [int. of Jackson Plantation, Hancock Co.] and Hannah Merrel of same [int. Merrill of Washington Plantation, Hancock Co.], Mar. 23, 1814.
Polly Skillings [int. of Jacks[bound in] and Joseph Cates. Apr. __, 1808. [Polly, CR2.]
Ezra W. Skinner, 23, machinist, of Biddeford, son Harris, farmer (b. Potton C.E.) and Betsey A. (b. Kingsey C.E._, and Rosilla F. Mayo, 18, dau. Alfred, farmer (b. Waldo) and Phoebe (b.N.H.), Sept. 17, 1864.
Philip Skinner [int. adds S.] and Mrs. Maria A. Davis [dup. omits A.], int. May 25, 1880, "Cert. issued June 5."
William Skinner and Anna Griffin, int. Sept. 16, 1810.
Emma C. Sleeper and Lorenzo G. Coombs, Nov. 6, 1871. [Lorenzo G., son Robert and Jane P. (Gilkey), Nov. 12, PR98.]
Francis H. Sleeper of Boston, Mass. and Harriet L. Osborn, Nov. 18, 1846. [Harriet L., dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), PR9.]
George A. Sleeper and C.A. Russell, int. Apr. 19, 1861, "Cert. issued Apr. 23."
George R. Sleeper [int. Reid] and Mary L. Barnes [int. Mary Lauriet Barns], Apr. 22, 1839.
Hannah W. Sleeper and Charles C. Cushman Esq. of Bangor, Sept. 18, 1833.
J.L. Sleeper and Ella A. Lancaster, Nov. 25, 1874. [Llewellyn Sleeper and Ella Angelett Lancaster, dau. Francis Marion and Angelett O. (Brown), Nov. 28, PR108.]
John W. Sleeper and Ida F. Knowlton, Dec. 31, 1886.
Llewellyn Sleeper (see J.L.)
Manasseh Sleeper [int. of Nobleborough] and Hannah Whittier, Jan. 21, 1808. [Manassah, CR2.]
Mary E. Sleeper and Cyrus R. Davis, Oct. 22, 1877.
Samuel L. Sleeper and Annie E. Collins, int. Jan. 8, 1870, "Cert. issued Jan. 13."
Sherburne Sleeper and Mary Elizabeth Longfellow of Hollowell, int. Mar. 11, 1837, "Cert. issued Apr. 1."
Sherburne Sleeper, Hon. [int. widr., 62, merchant] and Sarah E. Emerson [int. wid., 46], Jan. 22, 1874. [Sherburne and Sarah E. Emerson, CR1.]
Sherburne A. Sleeper [int. Sherberne A., merchant] and Laura J. Gammans, Aug. 31, 1868.
Waty Ann Sleeper and John T. Gleason of Thomaston, Aug. 2, 1836.
William Sleeper, Capt., of Rockland, and Rebecca F. Cobb of Warren, June 9, 1855.
Lydia A. Sloman of Eastport and Robert Hendrie, int. Apr. 3, 1844, "Cert. issued May 1."
Mary Susan Sloper and David W. Hazwell of Munroe, int. Dec. 7, 1845. [Mary Susan Staples and David W. Haswell of Monroe, m. Jan. __, 1846. Co.R.]
Abba F. Small and Jackson F. Kimball [int. omits F.], July 14, 1854.
Alfred A. Small and Ella A. White of Winthrop, int. Dec. 31, 1878, "Cert. issued Jan. 10, 1879."
Annette Small and George L. Wentworth of Boston, Jan. 26, 1882.
Benjamin W. Small [int. William] of Searsport and Ellen A. Woods, Nov. 7, 1860.
Elizabeth B. Small and Benjamin M. Dunbar, Dec. 23, 1856. [Elizabeth M., Co.R.]
Ellen B. Small of Searsport and Lauristen Putnam of Searsport, Jan. 13, 1864. [Lewiston Putnam of Searsport, Co.R.]
Ephraim H. Small of Waldo and Laura E. Ryan of Waldo, Nov. 14, 1875.
Evelina Small of Searsport and Capt. William L. Shute, Sept. 26, 1854 [int. Sept. 29, sic].
Ezekiel Small of Vassalboro and Mary H. Goodspeed of China, Nov. 26, 1873.
George C. Small, Capt., of Searsport and Amanda J. Merithew of Searsport, July 27, 1862. [Merrithew of Searsport, CR3. Merithew of Searsport, Co.R.]
Henrietta E. Small, 27, milliner, dau. Asa S., seaman, and Ruth S. (b. Deer Isle), and John A. Wheeler, 27, seaman, son John, seaman (b. St. George), and Abagail (Robinson) (b. Boothbay), Jan. 2, 1865.
Horrace G. Small and Lucy G. Mason, int. Nov. 30, 1844, "Cert. issued Feb. 28, 1845."
Irene Small, Mrs. [int. of Islesboro], and Horatio M. Welch, Nov. 6, 1886.
Jennie C. Small and Wilmot Hamilton, int. Feb. 21, 1881, "Cert. issued Feb. 25."
John Small Jr. of Searsport and Mary Ellen Fowler of Searsport, Oct. 6, 1859.
John V. Small [int. seaman] and Sarah E. Trimble [int. Tremble], Nov. 26, 1868.
Joseph W. Small, seaman, and Mary E. Patterson, int. Feb. 19, 1874.
Lucy R. Small [int. 18] and Albert L. Hall [int. 26, seaman], May 29, 1875.
Mary M. Small and John H. Adams, Jan. 9, 1875.
Matilda Small of Deer Isle and Jonathan Knowles Jr., farmer, int. Dec. 1, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 11."
Matilda H. Small of Clinton, Mass., and Frederick C. Stockwell of Sterling, Mass., Sept. 24, 1888.
Philena Small, 20, of Harpswell, dau. Mark, seaman (b. Harpswell), and Nancy (b. Bowdoinham), and Stephen W. Catlin, 22, fisherman, of Harpswell, son Richard, shoemaker (b. Damarrescotta), and Betsey (b. Damarrescotta), Jan. 11, 1865.
Sullivan G. Small and Mrs. Eliza J. Sherman, Apr. 28, 1883.
Thomas G. Small and Annie M. Shaw, Nov. 6, 1878.
Albert Smalley of Boston, Mass., and Lizzie H. Warren, Nov. 25, 1874.
Alexander D. Smalley and Eliza Stearns of Jackson, int. Jan. 1, 1876. [Alexander D., son Isaac W. and Mary (Farnham), and Lida Stearns, m. Jan. 14, PR27. Elza W., m. Jan. 14, in Unity, PR28.]
Alice R. Smalley of St. George and Albert L. Mudgett, Aug. 11, 1877.
Benjamin L. Smalley and Asenath F. Wilson, int. Aug. 17, 1849, "Cert. issued Sept. 1."
Castanous M. Smalley [int. Castanious M., 28, seaman] and Mary S. Redman [int. 24], Nov. 22, 1873. [Castanous M., son Isaac W. and Mary (Farnham), Nov. 22, 1874, PR27.]
Ellen J. Smalley, Mrs., and Henry Saunders, July 22, 1881.
Hannah W. Smalley [int. Smolley] and Michael R. Varnum, Feb. 15, 1848. [Smalley, Co.R.]
Harvey H. Smalley and Jane R. Holt, int. June 23, 1860. [Henry H., m. Sept. 23, Co.R. Jane R., dau. Richard and Elizabeth, m. Sept. 23, PR32.]
Isaac W. Smalley and Mary Farnham, Oct. 25, 1843, in Boothbay, PR27.
James F. Smalley, 25, caulker, and Ellen J. Rhoades, 19, int. June 23, 1866, "Cert. issued June 30."
James F. Smalley and Lottie S. Larrabee, int. Nov. 6, 1882.
John F. Smalley and Nettie G. Stevens, June 29, 1878. [John F., son Isaac W. and Mary (Farnham), PR27.]
Lydia A.W. Smalley and William Hatch, Dec. 14, 1861.
Martha J. Smalley and William W. Carter [int. seaman], Oct. 21, 1868. [Martha J., dau Isaac W. and Mary (Farnham), Oct. 22, PR27.]
Rachel F. Smalley and William O. Cunningham, Oct. 1, 1848.
Sherman T. Smalley, son Isaac W. and Mary (Farnham), and Hattie A. Tenny, Sept. 29, 1885, in Chelsea, Mass., PR27.
Thomas H. Smalley and Clarinda Burkmar of Northport, June 7, 1862/>br?>br?
Ann R. Smart and Obadiah W. Norton of Boston, int. Sept. 21, 1855.
Annie S. Smart [int. 23] and Byron Hart [int. adds A.] [int. 23, seaman], Dec. 14, 1866. [Byron, CR3. Co.R.]
Carrie E. Smart, Mrs., and Charles W. Smith, Nov. 4, 1882.
Evelina A. Smart, 21, dau. Joshua [int. adds D.], farmer (b. Swanville) and Anna L. (b. Sidney [int. adds Kennebec Co.]), and George W. Patterson, 25, seaman, son Washington, farmer, and Sarah G.[int. (Pomroy)] (b. Levant [int. adds Penobscot Co.]), Aug. 11, 1864. [Eveline A., Co.R.]
Hannah Smart and Elisha Persons 2d, int. Nov. 24, 1839. [Elisha Parsons, m. Dec. 19, Co.R.]
Hannah J. Smart of Swanville and Edward Stevens of Swanville, May 26, 1841.
Harriet Smart of Plymouth and John Pearsons, int. Aug. 19, 1843, "Cert. issued Sept. 2."
Hollis Smart [int. 20, seaman] and Caro E. Hart [int. Carrie, 20], Dec. 14, 1866. [Caro E., CR3. Co.R.]
John D. Smart and Annette G. Stinson, Sept. 12, 1863. [Annett G., Co.R.]
John D. Smart, widr., 30, seaman, and Sarah C. Perry, 23, int. Oct. 17, 1865. [Sarah E., m. Oct. 21, in Winterport, Co.R.]
Joshua Smart of Hampden and Nancy E. Lassell, May 19, 1860. [Lasselle, CR3. Lassell, Co.R.]
Maria N. Smart of Searsmont and Augustine O. Stoddard of Appleton, Oct. 9, 1870. [Martha Esther and Augustine Oliver Stoddard, PR55.]
Mary E. Smart of Searsport and Asa L. Ames of Searsport, Dec. 27, 1863.
Mary E. Smart [int. Mrs.] and Benjamin F. Richards, Oct. 24, 1879.
Nehemiah Smart and Mrs. Mary Michaels, May 28, 1847.
Richard Smart Jr. and Annis Tufts, int. Dec. 1, 1808.
Robert Smart of Vassalborough, Kennebec Co., and Sally Hinds, June 23, 1823.
Rosetta J. Smart and James H. Wing, Oct. 5, 1848.
Sally Smart [int. Mrs.] and Erastus Freeman, June __, 1825.
Silvina Smart and William B. Stinson of Prospect, int. Mar. 24, 1838, "Cert. issued Apr. 10."
Sulvina Smart and Josiah Pirrinton, int. June 11, 1834, "Publishment Taken down by S. Smart."
Susan E. Smart and Jonathan Nickerson of Swanville, int. May 2, 1859, "Cert. issued May 6."
Sylvina Smart (see Silvina and Sulvina).
Thomas C. Smart and Marietta Blethen of Swanville, int. Sept. 29, 1849, "Cert. issued Oct. 13."
Abbie M. Smith of Waldo and Jairus C. Coombs of Waldo, Feb. 1, 1880.
Abigal Smith of Green Plantation and Mathew Thatcher Mariam of same, int. Oct. 19, 1805.
Abigal Smith of Washington and Samuel Bowen, int. Sept. 30, 1810.
Abram B. Smith and Elvira A. Calverly of N. Newport, int. Apr. 22, 1859, "Cert. issued Apr. 26."
Adeline Smith and Horatio N. Palmer, Apr. 18, 1839.
Alfred K. Smith (see Alfred K. Simpson).
Almira Smith and Cornelius Lane [int. of Freeport], Feb. 15, 1821.
Ann C. Smith and William Winslow, int. Nov. 11, 1837. [m. Nov. 30, Co.R.]
Armeda E. Smith and John M. Clifford, Sept. 26, 1879.
Benjamin M. Smith of Lincolnville and Mrs. Elmira B. Dealing, int. Nov. 23, 1850, "Cert. issued Dec. 14."
Benjamin R. Smith of Waldo and Lucy F. Ordway of Morrill, June 27, 1869.
Carrie D. Smith [int. 16] of Waldo and Israel F. Monroe [int. 26, operative], Mar. 23, 1874.
Carrie Ella Smith and Aubrey G. Spencer [int. painter], Nov. 13, 1870.
Carrie L. Smith and Hiram E. Burgess, seaman, int. Feb. 15, 1870, "Forbidden by Lewis C. Smith Father of C.L.S."
Catherine D. Smith and John Nason, Aug. 26, 1857.
Charles C. Smith and Susan Larrabee, int. Oct. 3, 1854.
Charles W. Smith and Mrs. Carrie E. Smart, Nov. 4, 1882.
Charlotte G. Smith, Mrs., and William Hatch, int. Oct. 19, 1849, "Cert. issued Nov. 3."
Clarence H. Smith of Waldo and Mary A. Parker of Waldo, Sept. 15, 1878.
Clement A. Smith and Flora E. Dunbar, Sept. 14, 1889.
Dinsmore S. Smith [int. Densmore S. Smith] of Searsport and Annie B. Hayes, July 23, 1883. [Densmore S. of Searsport, CR3.]
Edgar L. Smith and Augusta E. Worthun [int. Augusta E. Worthen], Mar. 7, 1875. [Worthen, CR3.]
Eliza L. Smith of Palmyra and L.D. Hobbs of Pittsfield, Feb. 21, 1879, CR3.
Elizabeth D. Smith and Edward R. Thompson, int. July 13, 1844. [Edward K., m. July 28, Co.R.]
Ella J. Smith [int. 20] and John H. Gilmore [int. 28, merchant], June 30, 1867.
Emma Smith, 18, of Swanville, and Aaron W. Nickerson, 28, seaman, int. Aug. 29, 1867, "Cert. issued Sept. 6."
Emma S. Smith and Melville C. Hill of Northport, Feb. 15, 1880.
Esther Smith of Northport and William Murch, int. Apr. 8, 1826, "Cert. issued Apr. 22."
Frank H. Smith and Mary F. Whalen, Apr. 14, 1883.
George F. Smith and Mary Eliza Palmer, Nov. 5, 1857.
George W. Smith and Mary L. Brown, Apr. 27, 1885.
Hannah Smith of Prospect and Robert Pike of Prospect, Aug. 28, 1808.
Hannah Smith of Knox and Ephraim Philbrick, int. Mar. 27, 1829, "Cert. issued Apr. 14."
Hannah Smith and Endicott Hastings, Feb. 15, 1862.
Harvey Smith [int. Harvy] and Ann Jack [int. adds W.], May 15, 1842 [sic, int. Dec. 24, 1842, "Cert. issued Jan. 12, 1843."] [Harvey and Ann Jack, m. May 15, 1842, Co.R.]
Helen M. Smith and John H. Clifford, int. Mar. 1, 1840. [m. Mar. 12, Co.R.]
Henry T. Smith and Mary E. Howard, Aug. 10, 1878.
Herbert F. Smith and Illie A. Wentworth of Waldo, Nov. 27, 1890.
Herbert S. Smith and Annie M. Knowlton of Morrill, int. Apr. 20, 1833, "cert. issued May 4."
James Smith and Harriot Jones of Tamworth, N.H., int. Dec. 28, 1816, "Cert. granted Jan. 30, 1817."
James Smith and Harriet Horton of Unity, int. Mar. 3, 1839, "Cert. issued Mar. 18."
James Smith and Caroline Staples of Searsport, July 15, 1860.
James H. Smith Esq. and Mary French, int. Dec. 23, 1848, "Cert. issued Jan. 6, 1849."
Jennie Smith, Mrs., and James H. Hollowell, int. Dec. 1, 1874, "Cert. issued Dec. 5."
Joanna Smith of Prospect and Robert Patterson 3d, Apr. 14, 1803.
Joel B. Smith of Lincolnville and Sibyl C. Pishon, int. Oct. 2, 1841, "Cert. issued Oct. 29."
John M. Smith and Cora E. Cummings, Nov. 20, 1882.
Joseph Smith of Knox and Deborah Stevens, June 3, 1819.
Joseph N. Smith of Mt. Vernon and Harriet M. Cates, int. Feb. 24, 1844, "Cert. issued Mar. 15."
Josiah Smith of Knox and Rachael Clements of Waldo Plantation, May 31, 1830.
Julia F. Smith and Alpheus Dyer [int. caulker], Feb. 11, 1870.
Lelia C. Smith of Waldo and John A. Emmons, Apr. 7, 1889, in Waldo.
Lewis C. Smith and Susannah Oatherman of Boston, Mass., int. Jan. 24, 1849, "Cert. issued Apr. 7."
Lizzie V. Smith and Andrew J. Mason of Searsport, June 2, 1867. [May 23 [dup. June 2], Co.R.]
Lois Smith [int. Louis Smith of Green] William W. Cross of Green, Sept. 8, 1811. [Louis and William W. Cross, Sept. 12, CR2.]
Lorenzo S. Smith of Hampden and Julia Brier, int. Oct. 19, 1845,, "Cert. issued Nov. 3."
Luther Smith and Phoebe Southworth of Searsmont, int. Oct. 28, 1847, "Cert. issued Oct. 11."
Lydia Smith of Green and Nathaniel Cushman of Green, int. Oct. 26, 1805.
Lydia Smith and Benjamin J. Cambell [int. Benjamin J. Campbel], Nov. 24, 1816.
Lydia Smith [int. Mrs.] and Zebulon Murch, Oct. 19, 1826.
Lydia J. Smith and Anson G. Neal, stage driver, int. May 18, 1869, "Cert. issued May 25."
Lydia S. Smith, Mrs., and Theophilus Nickerson of Brewer, Aug. 5, 1845.
Maggie Smith and Preston A. Goodale [int. joiner] of Gardner, Mass., May 24, 1869.
Maitland B. Smith and Isabel M. Briggs, Dec. 26, 1888.
Margaret Smith of Bangor and Israel Bloodgood [int. Bloodgoods], June 16, 1834.
Margaret Smith and George Speed, int. Nov. 25, 1838, "Cert. issued Dec. 10."
Margaret A. Smith and Moses W. Frost, Mar. 6, 1859.
Maria P. Smith [int. Mariah, omits P.] and Albert G. Morey of Belmont, May 14, 1846.
Marriner W. Smith of Waldo and Ruth A. Wentworth of Waldo, Feb. 4, 1871.
Mary Ann Smith and Ephraim Sheldon [int. Jr.] of Camden, Jan. 18, 1828.
Mary Ann Smith and John Bird, Feb. 8, 1835.
Mary E. Smith of Ellsworth and Ivory C. Hall of Frankfort, Apr. 20, 1867. [Mary E. of W. Ellsworth, Co.R.]
Mary F. Smith, 16, of Waldo, and Samuel S. Towle, 20, farmer, int. Sept. 20, 1867, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
Mary F. Smith [int. 22] and John L. Davidson [int. S., 22, farmer], Aug. 3, 1873.
Mary J. Smith and Fred P. Mahoney, Apr. 6, 1889.
Mary Jane Smith and James Cunningham, int. Mar. 25, 1837. [Cunningham, m. Apr. 20, Co.R.]
Mary Jane Smith, Mrs., of Monroe, and Benaiah G. Marden, int. July 20, 1877, "Cert. issued July 25."
Matilda Smith [int. wid.] and Samuel Robbins [int. widr., sailor], Dec. 5, 1868.
Nancy Smith of Camden and Abel Barnes Jr. of Camden, Jan. 7, 1831.
Nancy Smith and Daniel L. Dyer, May 19, 1844. [David L., Co.R.]
Otis Smith Jr. of Belmont and Susan Jane Doyle, int. Sept. 17, 1831.
Peter Smith and Charlotte Jackson of Belmont, int. Apr. 6, 1846, "Cert. issued Apr. 20."
Priscilla Rogers Smith of Newmarket, N.H., and Isaac Thomson, Dec. 31, 1799.
Raphannah [sic, Rossanna Smith] of Waldo, Hancock Co., and Nathaniel Merchant of same, Jan. 11, 1821.
Rosetta S. Smith, Mrs., and James G. West, int. Jan. 12, 1875, "Cert. issued Jan. 16."
Ruth Smith of Waldo Plantation and Abner Sheldon of same, Dec. 2, 1830.
Ruth P. Smith, wid., of Islesboro, and Edward Cross, widr., trader, int. Sept. 14, 1869, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."
Sally Smith of [torn] and Calbe Huse, int. Nov. 9, 1805.
Samuel M. Smith, M.D., of Prospect and Mary E. Nickerson, int. Feb. 20, 1836. [m. Apr. 8, Co.R.]
Saphronia Smith and David Rider Jr., int. Dec. 27, 1840, "Cert. issued Jan. 10, 1841."
Sarah Smith and Charles Sargent of Monroe, int. Oct. 24, 1825, "Cert. issued Nov. 14."
Sidney Smith [int. 25, laborer] of Pungatogue, Md., and Melinda J. Leavitt [int. wid. 26], Feb. 2, 1874.
Sophia Smith and William G. Ordway of Newport, Jan. 22, 1818.