Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - QUAREO to RYDER

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Joshua Quareo and Mary M. Ware of Northport, int. Sept. 26, 1854.
QUIMBY (also see Quinby)-
Abigial Quimby, Mrs., and Richard G. Eldridge, int. June 8, 1845, "Cert. issued June 22."
Annie E. Quimby and Ralph Durham [int. carpenter], Feb. 22, 1870.
Augusta S. Quimby [int. 32, dau. Dr. P. P. (b. Lebanon, N. H.) and Susanna B.] and James W. Frederick [int. widr., 39, merchant, son William, merchant (b. Gloucester, Mass.), and Mary (b. York), June 14, 1865. [Frederic, CR1. Frederick, Co.R. Susan Augusta Quimby, dau. Phineas P. and Susanna Burnham (Haraden), and James W. Frederick, PR118. Augusta S. (second w.), and James Woodbury Frederick, PR120.]
Aurelia A. Quimby and Albert Merrill [int. Esq.] of Frankfort, Nov. 11, 1842. [Morrill of Frankfort, Co.R.]
Betsy W. Quimby [int. Betsey] and Job White, Feb. 2, 1823.
Daniel Quimby and Alice Towle, Oct. 12, 1825.
George A. Quimby, merchant, of Belfast, and Rose A. Quimby, wid., of Elizabethport, N.J., int. Jan. 20, 1872. [George A., son Phineas P. and Susanna Burnham (Haraden), and Mrs. Rose A. Quimby, m. Jan. 31, PR118.]
George A. Quimby and Adelaide E. Chase, June 8, 1885. [George A., son Phineas P. and Susanna Burnahm (Haraden), Pr118.]
George T. Quimby and Georgianna R. Richardson, int. Apr. 23, 1858, "Cert. issued Apr. 28."
John H. Quimby and Annie M. Noyes, June 21, 1859. [John Haraden Quimby, son Phineas P. and Susanna Burnham (Haraden), PR118.]
Jonathan T. Quimby [int. Towle] and Abigail Burkmar [int. Buckmar of Northport], Feb. 1, 1824.
Julia M. Quimby and Daniel Haraden, Dec. 29, 1847.
Phineas Quimby [int. Phinehas Parkhurst Quimby] and Susannah B. Haraden [int. Susanna Burnham Haraden], Dec. 23, 1827. [Phineas P. and Susanna Burnham Haraden, PR118.]
Robert W. Quimby and Hannah Giles, Oct. 30, 1831.
Rose A. Quimby, wid., of Elizabethport, N.J., and George A. Quimby, merchant, of Belfast, int. Jan. 20, 1872. [Mrs. Rose A. and George A. Quimby, son Phineas P. and Susanna Burnham (Haraden), m. Jan. 31, PR118.]
Sally Quimby and John Wales, Feb. 9, 1812.
Susan Augusta Quimby (see Augusta S.)
Susan E. Quimby and Anson E. Durham, Jan. 1, 1860.
William Quimby and Apha Watson, int. Oct. 18, 1818, "Cert. issued Nov."
William H. Quimby and Annie D. Blodgett, Oct. 4, 1886. [William H., son John Haraden and Annie M. (Noyes), PR118.]
Z. M. Quimby of New York and Phoebe J. Mathews of Prospect, June 16, 1844.
QUINBY (also see Quimby)-
Allice Quinby, Mrs., and William Mugridge of Frankfort, int. Oct. 1, 1836. [Quimby, m. Oct. 23, in Swanville, CO.R.]
RACKLIF (also see Rackliff, Rackliffe)-
Ester M. Racklif of Brooks and Ebenezer Littlefield of Brooks, Oct. 20, 1839, Co.R.
RACKLIFF (also see Racklif, Rackliffe)-
Francis M. Rackliff, 22, farmer, of Knox, and Emma Chaples, 22, int. May 27, 1867. [Francis W. of Knox and Emma Staples, m. Aug. 20, in Knox, Co.R.]
Fred Rackliff of Lincolnville and Abbie M. Wadlin of Northport, Aug. 23, 1882.
Hosea B. Rackliff of Corinna and Helen O. Littlefield, Jan. 14, 1878.
Mary A. Rackliff of Searsport and William H. Larabee of Searsport, Nov. 7, 1866. [Larrabee of Searsport, CR3. Larabee of Searsport, Co.R.]
Maud I. Rackliff of Vinalhaven and Charles A. Mudgett of Stockton, Sept. 29, 1874.
Samuel N. Rackliff and M. A. McIntosh (int. Mattie A. McIntosh), Nov. 18, 1875.
RACKLIFFE (also see Racklif, Rackliff)-
Edith E. Rackliffe and John W. Batchelor of Melrose, Mass., Nov. 10, 1888. [Bachelder of Melrose, Mass., CR3.]
Mary Ragan, Mrs., of Rockland, and Luther Perry, int. Sept. 21, 1858, "Cert. issued Sept. 25."
Cynthia N. Rand and James G. Bagley, int. Dec. 24, 1851, "Cert. issued Jan. 10, 1852."
Mary Rand of Waterville and Jacob Clark, int. May 2, 1829, "Cert. issued May 17."
RANDAL (also see Randall, Rendall)-
John Randal and Abigial Cobbet, int. Nov. 7, 1835. [James Randall of Brooks and Abigail Cobbett, m. Nov. 26, Co.R.]
RANDALL (also see Randal, Rendall)-
Amelia G. Randall, Mrs., and Milton F. Carter, int. Sept. 20, 1879, "Cert. issued Sept. 24."
Anna Augusta Randall of New Durham [int. adds N.H.] and Charles Augusta Brown [int. widr., shoemaker], Apr. 16, 1868.
Benjamin P. Randall of Montville and Mrs. Meriam D. Briggs of Montville, Sept. 21, 1873.
Eliza A. Randall, 17, and Samuel R. Hodgkins, 24, farmer, of Jefferson, int. Mar. 15, 1867, "Cert. issued Mar. 19."
Harriet C. Randall and William True, int. June 5, 1852, "Cert. issued June 5."
John McG. Randall and Lena M. Knowlton, Dec. 19, 1891.
Lizzie Randall of Stockton and Capt. Adelbert J. Hichborn of Stockton, Sept. 3, 1879.
Mary P. Randall of Brooks and Amos Gibbs Jr. of Brooks, Nov. 15, 1856. [Amos P. Gibbs Jr. of Brooks, Co.R.]
Sarah A. Randall of Montville and Charles S. Mitchell of Montville, Nov. 3, 1860. [Charles H. Mitchel of Montville, Co.R.]
Elizabeth Rankin of Swanville and Jilford Davis of Swanville, Nov. 14, 1839.
F. W. A. Rankin of Boston, Mass., and Henrietta Park, Nov. 28, 1857. [sic, 1856]. [F.W.A. of Boston, Mass., and Henrietta Parks, Nov. 28, 1856, Co.R.]
Kate L. Rankin and Elmer A. Sherman, June 9, 1886. [Kate Laura Rankin, dau. Walter B. and Charlotte C. (Kelly), and Elmer Alfred Sherman, PR145.]
Laura A. Ranklin of Winterport and Benjamin Kelly Jr., int. Sept. 15, 1860. [m. Oct. 23, PR145.]
Mary E. Rankin of Richmond, Va., and Benjamin Kelley Jr., int. Sept. 19, 1863, "Cert. issued Sept. 23."
Persina Rankin of Rockland and Benjamin Kelley, int. Feb. 2, 1858, "Cert. issued Feb. 16."
Walter B. Rankin of Winterport and Charlotte Kelly [int. Kelley], Oct. 14, 1862. [Kelley, Co.R. Lottie C. Kelly, PR145.]
RANNEY (see Reaney, Renney).
Francis Ransom and Harriet Porter, int. June 8, 1838.
Fanny and Benjamin Joy, int. Jan. 24, 1808.
Addie L. Ray and Allen J. Simmons, Mar. 19, 1864.
Hannah R. Ray of Knox and Aaron Howard, int. May 1, 1852, "Cert. issued May 22."
Sally Ray of Castine and David Patch, int. Mar. 30, 1803.
Virginia M. Ray of Plymouth and Edwin D. Sherburne, int. May 17, 1884, "Cert. issued May 22."
William P. Ray, Rev., of E. Maine Conference, and Justina Bean, Feb. 25, 1861. [Feb. 9, Co.R.]
RAYMOND (also see Reymond)-
Austin B. Raymond of Lowell, Mass., and Ella A. Hopkins, May 24, 1882.
Dana C. Raymond of Poland [int. Machanic Falls] and Lucy M. Harris, Oct. 18, 1879. [Dana C. of Poland, CR3.]
Freeman C. Raymond and Mary Jane Stewart, int. Feb. 2, 1827, "Cert. Feb. 18."
William H. Raymond and Lucy Emery, int. Aug. 6, 1842, "Cert. issued Sept. 3."
William H. Raymond and Rachel Littlefield, int. Sept. 4, 1851, "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
READ (also see Reed)-
Charles Read and Rosina Blanchard of Unity, int. Nov. 4, 1837. [m. Nov. 26, in Unity, Co.R. m. Nov. 26, PR166.]
David Read and Lavina Young of Warren, int. Nov. 10, 1822, "Cert. granted Nov. 25."
George Read and Helen Stanwood, Dec. 23, 1870, PR166.
Margaret S. Read of Orono and Reuben Sibley, int. Mar. 29, 1834, "Cert. issued Apr. 23."
Mary Read and Charles K. Tilden of Castin, June 5, 1822.
Mary Ann Read and George H. Miller of Washington, int. Jan. 12, 1853, "Cert. issued."
Nancy Read and Phillip Morrill, June 10, 1817.
Wilamette N. Read of Gloucester, Mass., and Edward K. Burnham of same, June 10, 1875, CR1.
REAGAN (see Ragan)
REANEY (also see Renney)-
Elizabeth Reaney and George Conway, int. Aug. 29, 1849, "Cert. issued Sept. 14."
Olive G. Record (first w.) of Hebron and Ebenezer Newell Jr. of Montville, ____, 1830 [?in Hebron], PR81.
Abbie B. Redman, 19, dress maker, dau. John B., ship carpenter (b. Brooksville) and Jane (Dyer) (b. Brooksville), and Robert A. McCloy, 25 [int. 26], merchant, of Salem, Mass., son Robert [int. John], shoe maker (b. Salem, Mass.) and Isabella (b. Salem, Mass.), Oct. 31, 1864.
Alvah S. Redman and Alvia N. Hinkley [int. Alvira N. Hinckley] of Lowell, Mass., Feb. 24, 1878.
Alvan S. Redman of Brooksville and Eliza J. Crockett of Brooksville, June 15, 1856. [Alvah S. of Brooksville, Co.R.]
Charlotte B. Redman and David H. Kimball, Jan. 11, 1852.
Charlotte F. Redman of Brooksville and Frank M. Etheridge, Mar. 2, 1860. [Frank M. Eldridge, Co.R.]
Cora E. Redman and Frank H. Fairbanks of Boston, Nov. 1, 1882.
Ephraim Redman of Brooklin and Emily Whitney, int. Oct. 12, 1861, "Cert. issued Oct. 16."
Esther Ann Redman and Willis S. Burrill of Waldo, Nov. 30, 1856.
Lizzie Redman and Cornelius C. Cunningham, May 31, 1891.
Lucy Redman and Hiram Savage, int. Nov. 16, 1844, "Cert. issued July 28, 1845."
Mary S. Redman [int. 24] and Castanous M. Smalley [int. Castanious, 28, seamsn], Nov. 22, 1873. [Castanous M., son Isaac W. and Mary (Franham), Nov. 22, 1874, PR27.]
Viola Redman and Frank H. Mayo, July 1, 1891.
REED (also see Read)-
Adaline R. Reed, Mrs. [int. Adaline K., wid.], 26, dau Edmund Benner, miller (b. Waldoboro) and Mary [int. (Kellar)' (b. Warrne), and Jeremiah Avery [int. widr.], 55, second m., millwright, son Jeremiah, farmer (b. Parsonsfield), and Jane [int. (Hasty)] (b. Wells), Nov. 14, 1863. [Miss Adaline K., Co.R.]
Adelaide Reed and A. S. Lalsh of Thomaston, Mar. 3, 1858.
Almira Reed of Knox and Capt. Thomas King, int. Apr. 2, 1829, "Cert. issued Apr. 16."
Burtha Reed and Isaac Cochran Brown, Nov. 2, 1827.
Caroline M. Reed of St. Johns, N.B., and Lorenzo D. McGray, Oct. 8, 1853. [L.D. McGray, CR1.]
Charles J. Reed, 24, light mechanic, son Charles, farmer, and Rosina (b. Unity), and Mazilvah J. Sypher, 20, light, of Houlton, dau. David, farmer, and Sarah, int. May 30, 1865. [m. June 8, in Monroe, Co.R.]
Clarissa Reed and Nathan McDonald, May 28, 1809.
Edwin D. Reed and Fannie A. Beckwith, Dec. 13, 1884.
Elisabeth Reed and William Lunt of Camden, Apr. 28, 1797. [Elizabeth Reed and William Lunt of Camden, CR2.]
Elizabeth Reed and Starret Patterson, July 19, 1801.
Evelyn Reed and Edward Blewet of Searsport, int. June 29, 1847, "Cert. issued July 13."
Francis N. Reed of Thorndike and Justina H. Kent of Thorndike, Mar. 3, 1854.
George W. Reed and Sally B. Ellis, Dec. 29, 1825.
Hawes Y. Reed and Adeline R. Benner [int. K.], Aug. 19, 1857. [Hawes G. and Adaline R. Benner, Co.R.]
James Reed and Hannah Catland [int. Cadland], Aug. 2, 1836.
Lavina Reed [int. Lovinia Reed], Mrs., and Capt. Ebenezer Pierce [int. Eben], Feb. 6, 1856. [Mrs. Lovina and Capt. Ebenezer Pierce, Co.R.]
Louisa Reed and Asa F. Riggs of Essex, Mass., Apr. 21, 1853. [Louise and Asa Franklin Riggs, Apr. 23, PR103.]
Lovina Reed (seee Lavina).
Lucy A. Reed and Otis B. Woods, Esq., Jan. 1, 1864.
Margaret Reed and Nathaniel Ridley, Feb. 2, 1850.
Mary A. Reed and James B. Morse, Sept. 28, 1846.
Sally Reed and Daniel Gilbert, Mar. 6, 1806.
Sally Reed [int. Read] and John Shute [int. of Prospect], July 13, 1820.
Sampson A. Reed of Minneapolis, Minn., and Abbie E. Eells, int. Oct. 26, 1877, "Cert. issued Nov. 2."
Sarah A. Reed of Brewer and Josiah Ames, int. Feb. 13, 1845, "Cert. issued Feb. 27."
Sarah E. Reed [int. C.] and E.W.B. Austin of Rockland, May 1, 1861, [Sarah E., Co.R.]
Thomas Reed and Harriet E. Patterson, Mar. 20, 1857.
Charles H. Reeves, 25, salesman, and Lucy Ella Keith, 17, of Brooks, int. Aug. 17, 1869, "Cert. issued Aug. 26."
Fannie E. Reeves and Bainbridge H. Knowlton, Jan. 5, 1886.
James A. Reeves and Sardine E. Furbush, int. Sept. 11, 1860, "Cert. issued Sept. 15."
Leforest W. Reeves [int. Leforrest] and Blanche L. Hall of Montville, Sept. 13, 1884. [Leforest W. and Blanch L. Hall of Montville, CR3.]
Lucy E. Reeves, Mrs. [int. wid., 20], and J. S. Farrell [int. 24, millman], Oct. 12, 1873.
William Reeves and Sarah L. Hammons of Bangor, int. June 15, 1878, "Cert. issued June 25."
William H. Reeves and Phoebe Worthen, int. Nov. 11, 1874, "Cert. issued Nov. 16."
William H. H. Reeves and Mrs. Jane McFarland, Nov. 17, 1887.
RENDALL (also see Randal, Randall)-
Susie J. Rendall, 24, of Monroe, and Thomas W. Freeman, 21, carpenter, int. Dec. 11, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
RENNEY (also see Reaney)-
Frank Renney of Monroe and Mamie Fairbank of Monroe, Aug. 25, 1880.
REYMOND (also see Raymond)-
Myra Reymond, Mrs., and Lesley Robbins, Jan. 23, 1882.
REYNOLDS (also see Runnells)-
Emma C. Reynolds of Waldo and Ralph E. Cross, int. Jan. 24, 1881, "Cert. issued Jan. 28."
Lilla Reynolds of Waldo and Chesford Kavanah of Union, Nov. 26, 1885.
Oscar H. Reynolds and Carrie A. Young, Oct. 31, 1885.
Rosetta E. Reynolds of Lowell, Mass., and James E. Scribner of Lowell, Mass., Oct. 7, 1865.
RHOADES (also see Rhoads, Rhodes)-
Almatia A. Rhoades of Rockland and Gustavus A. Safford of Rockland, Aug. 7, 1859. [Rhodes of Rockland, Co.R.]
Annie L. Rhoades of Pittsfield and John A. Briggs, int. Dec. 18, 1891, "Cert. issued Jan. 8, 1892."
Bridgett Rhoades of Northport and Simon W. Draper of Boston, Mass., Jan. 13, 1871.
Catherine Rhoades and James Calderwood, int. Nov. 11, 1844. [Catherine (second w.), m. Dec. 1, PR71.]
Edward A. Rhoades, 45, second m., farmer, of Northport, son Jacob, farmer (b. Waldoboro), and Elizabeth (b. Bristol), and Atlanta A. McCobb, 30, teacher, of Lincolnville, dau. Andrew, farmer (b. Boothbay), and Almira (b. Northport), Dec. 18, 1864. [Edwin A. of Northport, Co.R.]
Ellen J. Rhoades, 19, and James F. Smalley, 25, caulker, int. June 23, 1866, "Cert. issued June 30."
Frank W. Rhoades and Annie M. Claderwood, Nov. 13, 1886.
Hannah C. Rhoades, 38, and Joshua Brackett, widr., 40, merchant, of Rockland, int. Oct. 21, 1865, "Cert. issued Oct. 26."
Hector McN. Rhoades [int. Capt.] of Northport and Sarah A. Brackett [int. Bracket], Dec. 5, 1843.
Jacob L. Rhoades of Northport and Nancy H. Dickey of Northport, Jan. 1, 1859.
Martha H. Rhoades of Northport and George A. Lynch of Cherryfield, Oct. 26, 1854.
Nancy J. Rhoades, 38, dau. Frank, farmer (b. Maine) and Celia [int. (Cory)] (b. Maine), and Charles Patterson, 39, farmer, son John M., farmer, and Polly [int. (Shepard)] (b. Vt.), Nov. 28, 1864. [Nancy S. Rhodes, Dec. 6, CR1. Nancy J. Rhoades, Nov. 28, Co.R.]
RHOADS (also see Rhoades, Rhodes)-
William H. Rhoads of Thomaston and Mary Jane Brackett, int. Jan. 27, 1847, "Cert. issued Feb. 11."
RHODES (also see Rhoades, Rhoads)-
Amelia D. Rhodes of Northport and John Dempsey, Jan. 10, 1823.
Charles Rhodes of Northport and Sabrina Bracket [int. Rebecca S. Brackett], Nov. 15, 1830.
Eliza A. Rice of Lowell, Mass., and Josiah H. Banks, son Benjamin and Martha (Cross), Oct. _, 1866, PR150.
George M. W. Rice [int. N.] of Montreal, Canada, and Sarah G. Walker of Boston, Mass., Dec. 13, 1869.
James F. Rice, Capt., and Harriet M. Sargent, int. Jan. 4, 1845. [m. Jan. 27, Co.R.]
Jesse Rice [sic] and Amy James, int. Sept. 9, 1833, "Cert. issued Jn. 1."
Mary A. Rice [int. 22] and Thomas O. Hayes [int. 35, tanner], July 1, 1866.
Mary P. Rice of Searsport and John L. Sargent [int. John S.] of Searsport, June 4, 1862. [John S. of Searsport, Co.R.]
Persis Amanda Rice and Samuel Robins, Dec. 26, 1839.
Sophia Rice of W. Meriden, Conn., and John S. Caldwell, int. Aug. 30, 1858. [Sophia (second w.) of Meriden, Conn., m. Oct. 18, in Meriden, Conn., PR156.]
William Rice and Sa[torn] ____[torn] of Green, int. May 30, 1807.
Eliza Rich of Lincoln Plantation, Hancock Co., and Amos Webb of same, int. May 22, 1813.
Isabella Rich of Jackson and Horace Edwards of Brooks, Oct. 11, 1871.
J. Frank Rich and Mary R. French [int. P.], June 19, 1886.
Lovey Rich of Lincoln and Ezekiel T. Hatch of Jackson, int. Oct. 13, 1812.
Lydia J. Rich, Mrs., of Searsport, and George A. Flowers, Oct. 20, 1877. [George A., son John and Mary (McCorrison), PR73.]
Mary Rich of Jackson and Robert Waterman, int. Mar. 28, 1847, "Cert. issued."
Moses W. Rich and Sarah B. Eells, June 5, 1859.
Oliva Rich [int. Olivia Rich] and Thomas Perce [int. Thomas Peirce], Sept. 4, 1803.
Sarah E. Rich, Mrs., of Stockton and Nathaniel G. Clifford of Stockton, Oct. 20, 1877.
Shubael C. Rich and Mary F. Dunbar, Feb. 23, 1887.
Vandoria D. Rich of Jackson and John F. Woodman of Amesbury, Mass., June 23, 1863.
Alfred Richards of Franklin and Lavinia A. Salmond, Dec. 28, 1848.
Annis T. Richards [int. Amos T. Richards] and Della Brown [int. adds A.], July 25, 1875.
Benjamin F. Richards and Harriet A. Howard, May 26, 1861.
Benjamin F. Richards and [int. Mrs.] Mary E. Smart, Oct. 24, 1879.
Betsy Richards of Camden and John Thomas, int. May 26, 1821, "Cert. issued June."
Celia V. Richards, Mrs., of Waldo, and Peter H. Monroe of Troy, Mar. 22, 1875.
Charles A. Richards of Northport and Evie M. Drinkwater of Northport, Oct. 9, 1873.
Charles T. Richards, carpenter, and Anna L. Hopkins of Brewer, int. May 11, 1868, "Cert. issued May 16."
Charlotte A. Richards of Burnham and Capt. William S. Clark, int. Nov. 2, 1845. [m. Dec. 25, in Burnham, CO.R.]
David Richards, Rev., of Lincolnville, and Susan Genn [int. Susan Ginn], Sept. 3, 1827.
Electa J. Richards and James F. Fernald [int. marble worker], June 4, 1868.
Eliza Richards of Searsmont and George Richards of Searsmont, Mar. 14, 1833.
Ella Jane Richards, 18, and Charles G. Thomas, 22, seaman, int. Aug. 2, 1869, "Cert. issued Aug. 10."
Ellen E. Richards and Albert Nickerson of Swansville, Mar. 28, 1859.
Emery Richards and Irena E. Howard, Mar. 21, 1864.
Evie M. Richards, Mrs., of Northport, and Charles P. Fernald, Aug. 17, 1878.
Fannie A. Richards [int. 17] and George A. Mendell [int. Mendall], seaman], Nov. 13, 1870.
George Richards of Searsmont and Eliza Richards of Searsmont, Mar. 14, 1833.
George W. Richards and Wililette Wentworth [int. Willette Wentworth] of Waldo, Aug. 24, 1875.
Hattie A. Richards and Henry M. French [int. N.], sailor, Nov. 16, 1872. [Henry M., CR3.]
Irena E. Richards [int. wid., 25], and John H. Hill [int. 29, farmer], Aug. 6, 1866. [Irenia E., CR1. Irena E. and John H. Hall, Co.R.]
Isaac Richards and Mrs. Sarah Bird, int. July 19, 1826, "Cert. issued Sept. 22."
Joseph Richards and Agnes C. Salmond, July 29, 1844.
Lucy Ann Richards and [int. Capt.] Darius Williams, June 3, 1858. [Darius, Co.R.]
Lydia Richards and John W. Dickey, int. June 1, 1835, "Cert. issued June 17."
Martha A. Richards of Mount Vernon and Rev. Silvanus G. Sargent, int. May 13, 1838, "Cert. issued May 28."
Martin Richards and Sarah C. Stephenson of Swanville, int. Sept. 9, 1850, "Cert. issued Sept. 23." [23 written above 19 crossed out].
Mary A. Richards, 17, and William H. Thomas, 24, int. July 27, 1867, "Cert. issued Aug."
Mary Abba Richards and Aniel Howard, widr., preacher, int. Jan. 10, 1872. "Forbidden Jan. 10 by Miss Richard."
Olive Richards and Salmone Eldridge, int. Oct. 31, 1835, "Cert. issued Nov. 21."
Pearl Richards and Hannah Nickerson of Swanville, Nov. 22, 1832.
S. C. Richards, Mrs., and S. W. Olson, of Sweden, Europe, May 31, 1863. [Oleson of Sweeden, Europe, Co.R.]
Samandel K. Richards (see Surmandel R.)
Samuel Richards and Nancy B. Bickmore of St. George, int. Dec. 8, 1832, "Cert. issued Dec. 28."
Samuel Richards and Mrs. Mahala Morrison [int. of Liberty], May 6, 1856. [Mahalda, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Samuel Richards, widr., 45, farmer, of Liberty, son Doty, farmer (b. Bristol), and Esther (b. Bristol), and Sarah Procter, 31, dau. _____, farmer, int. May 8, 1865, "Cert. issued May 12."
Surmandel R. Richards [int. Samandel K.] and Augusta B. Flagg, Mar. 15, 1863. [Surmandel R., CR3. Co.R.]
Walter A. Richards [int. H.] and Myra B. Wise, Feb. 17, 1887. [Walter H.Richards, CR1.]
Zelma S. Richards and Grace E. Heath, Dec. 21, 1891.
Carrie M. Richarson of Northport and Wilder W. Dodge of New Castle, Jan. 2, 1884, CR3.
Eben Richardson [int. 32, sailmaker] of Castine [int. son Ebenezer, laborer (b. Litchfield), and Sarah (b. Long Is.)], and Ellen M. Getchell [int. Marie Getchell [int. 21, seamstress, dau. Daniel, seaman (b. Isle au Haut) and Hannah (b. Keene, N.H.)], May 27, 1865. [Ellen M., Co.R.]
Georgianna R. Richardson and George T. Quimby, int. Apr. 23, 1858, "Cert. issued Apr. 28."
J. Richardson of Jamaca Plains and Marie M. Ames, int. Nov. 8, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec. 10."
Oliver Richardson and Bethena Green, int. July 4, 1832.
Rosanna Richardson and George H. Green of Portland, int. June 27, 1859.
William B. Richardson and Lydia S. Burgin [int. Burgan], Aug. 2, 1835.
Willis Richardson of Knox and Jennie H. Westcott of Knox, Jan. 14, 1882.
Addie L. Richmond and Frank B. Mathews, son Sanford H. and Clarrie S. (McDowell), Dec. 20, 1888, in Rochester, N. Y, PR89.
Joseph Ricker, Rev., and Lucy Maria Corey of Brookline, Mass., int. Apr. 10, 1849, "Apr. 24, '49" Cert. issued."
Reuben Ricker and Sarah Ann Blake, int. Mar. 21, 1824, "Cert. Apr. 4."
Eliza L. Riddle and William W. West, int. Mar. 26, 1834, "Cert. issued Apr. 27."
Lydia A. Rideout, Mrs., and Solomon Hollis of Unity, int. Jan. 24, 1852, "Cert. issd Feb. 7."
Samuel Rideout of Orono [int. Samuel of Old Town] and Martha J. Brown [int. Jane], Dec. 6, 1846. [Samuel of Orono and Martha J. Brown, Co.R.]
RIDER (also see Ryder)-
Alma A. Rider [int. Alma A. Ryder] and Edwin Mitchell [int. clerk], Dec. 20, 1869.
Benjamin P. Rider and Rebecca N. Baddershall, int. Nov. 4, 1838. [m. Nov. 22, Co.R. Ryder and Rebecca N. Patterson, m. Nov. 27, PR49.]
David Rider Jr. and Saphronia Smith, int. Dec. 27, 1840, "Cert. issued Jan. 10, 1841."
Maria S. Rider and Andrew J. Jones, Feb. __ [int. "Cert. issued Feb. 14"], 1838.
Martha A. Rider and George Webster, Nov. 8, 1859. [Nov. 18, Co.R.]
Nancy S. Rider and John B. Thomas, int. June 16, 1862, "Cert. issued June 20."
Orvilla Rider [int. Orrilla Rider] and Munroe Gray [int. Nonroe Gray], Nov. 22, 1862. [Orvilla and Munroe Gray, Co.R.]
Sarah Rider of Brewer and Rev. John R. Munsell, int. May 29, 1854.
Simeon and Lucy Ann Doar, int. July 27, 1845, "Cert. issued Aug. 10."
Edwin B. Ridge of Walpole, Mass., and Esther F. Walker of Waldo, Sept. 14, 1861.
Daniel Ridley of Prospect and Polly Basset of Prospect, Oct. 23, 1808.
Nathaniel Ridley and Margaret Reed, Feb. 2, 1850.
Annie T. Riggs and Jacob K. Dennett, int. Sept. 29, 1888. [m. Oct. 10, CR3. Annie T., dau. Asa Franklin and Louise (Reed), m. Oct. 10, PR103.]
Asa F. Riggs of Essex, Mass., and Louisa Reed, Apr. 21, 1853. [Asa Franklin Riggs and Louise Reed, Apr. 23, PR103.]
Frank Andrews Riggs, son Asa Franklin and Louise (Reed), and Harriet Chapin, Sept. 29, 1884, PR103.
Geneva E. Riggs and Fred G. Carter, Jan. 21, 1879. [Geneva E., dau. Asa Franklin and Louise (Reed), PR103.]
Julia L. Riggs and Jordan W. Coombs [int. seaman], Sept 14, 1871. [Julia C. and J. W. Coombs, son Robert and Jane P. (Gilkey), Sept. 11, PR98. Julia L., dau. Asa Franklin and Louise (Reed), and Jordan W. Coombs, Sept. 14, PR103.]
Mary B. Riggs and Roscoe W. Cottrell, Sept. 29, 1884. [Mary B., dau. Asa Franklin and Louise (Reed), PR103.]
Ada V. Riley and Frank E. Wiley, int. Sept. 24, 1880. [m. Oct. 13, CR3.]
Benjamin S. Riley Jr. and Nancy M. Guptil, int. Aug. 15, 1884, "Cert. issued Aug. 30."
Michael Riley (see Michael Betey).
Joseph I. Rinds and Mrs. Keziah Harding, Sept. 10, 1835.
Charles B. Ring, of Montville and Edna E. Groves of Montville, Sept. 25, 1890.
Daniel Ring and Dorithy G. Jones, int. Apr. 20, 1844, "Cert. issued May 18."
George E. Ring and Carrie N. Sylvester, int. July 8, 1878, "Cert. issued July 13."
Polly Ring and Daniel McLaughlin, int. Apr. 4, 1803.
Emma J. Ripley and Samuel E. Vinal [int. bookkeeper] of Chelsea, Mass., Aug. 16, 1871.
Nathaniel Ripley and Mrs. Prudence Dyer of Montville, int. Jan. 15, 1830, "Cert. issued Jan. 31."
Eliza R. Ritchie and Robert T. Emery [int. divorced, third m., master mariner], Nov. 24, 1869.
Margaret T. Ritchie and A. Cutter Sibley, Nov. 7, 1877.
Ella G. Rivers of Searsmont and Fred T. Churchill of Belmont, Aug. 18, 1886. [Churchell of Belmont, CR3.]
Ida Rivers, Mrs., and James E. Marden of Searsport, Apr. 20, 1879.
Margaret Y. Rix (see Margaret Y. Roix).
ROAX (also see Roix, Royex)
ROBARTS (also see Robberts, Roberts)-
Enoch Robarts of Washington Plantation and Eleanor Leathers of same, int. Apr. 19, 1812.
ROBBERTS (also see Robarts, Roberts)-
Sally Robberts of Washington Plantation and Shedrick Hall [int. Shadrack Hall of Washington Plantation], Sept. 26, 1802.
ROBBINS (also see Robens, Robins)-
Abagail Robbins, 15, and Charles Hamling, 23, seaman, of Portland, int. Nov. 14, 1873, "Cert. issued Nov. 26."
Albert Robbins and Hannah L. Stevens, Jan. 21, 1860.
Albert Robbins and Etta Eaton of Deer Isle, Mar. 6, 1884.
Alden Robbins and Laura Parsons of Lynn, Mass., July 17, 1888.
Andrew Leslie Robbins of Augusta and Mrs. Jane Dearborn of Augusta, May 1, 1886.
Benjamin Robbins [int. seamsn] and Sarah Dunbar, Dec. 15, 1869.
Betsy Robbins and Henry Holway, int. Jan. 17, 1847.
Ebenezer Robbins and Sarah Robbins, int. Nov. 13, 1844.
Elisabeth B. Robbins and Reuben R. Sanborn, int. July 23, 1842.
Eliza E. Robbins [int. Robins] and Walter L. Aldus, Mar. 4, 1879.
Elizabeth Robbins and Joseph Jenny [int. Jenney], Dec. 25, 1848.
Elizabeth B. (see Elisabeth B.)
Emerson Robbins and Mary Ann Flowers, Mar. 2, 1862. [Mary Ann, dau. John and Mary (McCorrison), PR73.]
Emery Robbins of Ellsworth and Margaret Bonzey of Ellsworth, July 4, 1867. [Robins of Ellsworth and Margaret Bonzey of Ellsworth, Co.R.]
Enoch W. Robbins of Swanville and Eliza A. Nickerson, int. Dec. 29, 1852, "Cert. issued."
Ephraim Robbins, Capt. [int. omits Capt.] and Martha Arey, July 28, 1860. [Capt. Ephraim, Co.R.]
Ephraim Robbins Jr. and Annie B. Young, June 27, 1888.
Frank A. Robbins of Searsmont and Mary C. Knight of Searsmont, Oct. 23, 1886.
George O. Robbins [int. seaman] and Charity Thomas, Jan. 30, 1873.
Hannah M. Robbins and Henry Brier, Nov. 23, 1884.
Henry G. Robbins [int. Harry] of Boston, Mass., and Nellie A. Forbes, Jan. 3, 1878.
James Robbins and Susan Patterson, Jan. 18, 1861.
Jesse Robbins and Louisa M. Dutton of Montville, int. Mar. 30, 1845, "Cert. issued Apr. 17."
Jessee Robbins, widr., third m., farmer, and Julia E. Berry, int. June 5, 1869, "Cert. issued June 11."
John Robbins and Jane French, int. July 27, 1845, "Cert. issued Aug. 10."
John R. Robbins, widr., 36, shoemaker, and Sarah E. Parsons, 30, int. June 24, 1873.
John W. Robbins and Lavina Batchelder of Brooks, int. Aug. 27, 1889, "Cert. issued Sept. 4."
Lesley Robbins and Mrs. Myra Reymond, Jan. 23, 1882.
Levi L. Robbins [int. 24, farmer] and Matilda N. Wight [int. 20], Dec. 24, 1865. [Robbinson and Matilda H. Wight, Co.R. Levi Lindley Robbins and Matilda Miller Wight, PR124.]
Lewis Robbins and Rosilla Norton, Jan. 20, 1858. [Rosilla Weston, Co.R.]
Lucy Ann Robbins and Joseph Dunbar, int. Feb. 28, 1849, "Cert. issued Mar. 14."
Lydia J. Robbins and James F. Hutchings of Winterport, Oct. 17, 1890, in Winterport.
Mabel Robbins and Frank H. Dunbar, Jan. 1, 1891.
Maria Robbins and FittzWilliam Patterson, int. July 23, 1842.
Marilla A. Robbins and Wellington E. Dunbar [int. seaman], Oct. 19, 1870.
Mary A. Robbins and Charles Knight of Saco, Nov. 13, 1860.
Matheus Robbins and Charlotte Matheues, int. Jan. 1, 1852, "Cert. issued Jan. 15."
Nancy I. Robbins of Swanville and Hiram Harvey of Swanville, Nov. 20, 1856.
Samuel Robbins Jr. and Mary Ann Barnes, Dec. 28, 1861.
Samuel Robbins [int. widr., sailor] and Matilda Smith [int. wid.], Dec. 5, 1868.
Samuel Robbins [int. widr., third m., seaman] and Mrs. Margee McEldridge [int. Margia] [int. wid., third m.] of Camden, Apr. 13, 1871.
Sarah Robbins and Ebenezer Robbins, int. Nov. 13, 1844.
Sarah Robbins and John Keller of Waldo, int. Jan. 17, 1847, "Cert. issued Feb. 8."
Sarah E. Robbins and Elbredge Thomas [int. Elbridge Thomas, seaman], Jan. 22, 1873.
Sarah E. Robbins, Mrs., and George W. Crockett of Prospect, int. June 1, 1878, "Cert. issued June 6."
Seth Robbins and Alice Seekins of Swanville, Oct. 25, 1826.
Susan Robbins [int. wid.[ and Zadoc McFarland [int. second m., fisherman], Nov. 24, 1868.
William Robbins and Mrs. Susan Dunbar, int. Feb. 28, 1851, "Withdrawn by order of Wm. Robbins."
William Robbins [int. Williams] and Susan Lear, Nov. 3, 1851.
William Robbins and Ann Maria Brown, Nov. 29, 1875.
William Robbins [int. 27] and Annie Dunbar [int. 19] of Deer Isle, Nov. 11, 1883.
ROBBINSON (also see Robinson)-
John Robbinson and Lucy Hinds, Oct. 21, 1821.
Levi L. Robbinson (see Levi L. Robbins)
ROBENS (also see Robbins, Robins)-
Ammiel Robens in the Vicinity of Prospect and Hannah Weekson, Feb. 19, 1799.
ROBERSON (also see Robertson)-
John Roberson Jr. and Sylvina Huchins, int. June 11, 1840, "Cert. issued July 6."
Lucy Roberson of Waldo Plantation and Enoch Flanders of Waldoboro, June 1, 1834.
Mary S. Roberson and Jere L. Flagg, joiner, int. Dec. 31, 1872, "Cert. issued Jan. 4, 73."
ROBERTS (also see Robarts, Robberts)-
Cementha Roberts, Mrs. [int. wid., 24] of Prospect and Cheney C. Dodge [int. 25, trader], Nov. 13, 1865.
Daniel J. Roberts and Mrs. Laura Jane Colline [int. Louisa], Dec. 19, 1875. [Laura J. CR1.]
Elizabeth Roberts of Washington [int. Waldo] Plantation, and John Cates of Jackson Plantation, Jan. 1, 1806.
Elmer G. Roberts of Brooks and Estelle E. Card, int. July 2, 1883, "Cert. issued July 11."
Esther Roberts of Washington Plantation and Daniel Hamilton, int. Sept. 16, 1815, "Cert. granted Oct. 21."
Freeman O. Roberts of Islesboro and Lydia Ellen Wood, int. Sept. 6, 1852, "Cert. issued."
Georgia A. Roberts of Jackson and James F. Knowlton of Waldo, Nov. 12, 1871.
Gilbert Roberts [int. of Washington Plantation] and Anna P. Leathers [int. Anne P. Leathers] of same, Mar. 31, 1810. [Gilbert and Anne P. Leathers, CR2.]
Gilbert Roberts of Brooks and Abigail S. Wilson of Brooks, June 13, 1856. [Abigail S. of Brooks, Co.R.]
Isabel E. Roberts of Bridgewater, Mass., and Benjamin F. Robinson of same, Sept. 16, 1891.
Isaiah Roberts of Washington Plantation and Polly Bowen of same, int. Dec. 15, 1816, "Cert. granted Dec. 31."
James E. Roberts of Vinalhaven and Emma A. Wise, Jan. 3, 1887.
James W. Roberts of Charlestown, Mass., and Lucy R. Hatch, int. Apr. 1, 1849, "Cert. issued Apr. 15."
John Roberts and Christiana Dodge, May 13, 1821.
Maggie Roberts and Cornelius Cunningham, Nov. 19, 1883.
Norman E. Roberts of Guilford and Eunice E. Edmunds, int. Sept. 19, 1835. [m. Oct. 2, Co.R.]
Norman E. Roberts and Caroline F. Alden, May 15, 1841.
Phebe Y. Roberts of Brooks and William P. Miller of Vassalboro, Aug. 12, 1848.
Ruth Roberts of Brooks and Hiram Michaels, Dec. 27, 1885.
Samantha Roberts (see Cemantha).
Winslow H. Roberts and Sarah B. Barter of Vinalhaven, int. Mar. 16, 1864, "Cert. issued Mar. 21."
Woodbury D. Roberts of Stockton and Evelyn H. Cheney of Stockton, June 14, 1879.
ROBERTSON (also see Roberson)-
George H. Robertson and Bertha A. Seekins of Swanville, Oct. 6, 1890.
William Robertson of Munroe and Elizabeth Parsons, int. Sept. 13, 1836, "Cert. issued Sept. 29."
ROBINS (also see Robbins, Robens)-
Samuel Robins and Persis Amanda Rice, Dec. 26, 1839.
ROBINSON (also see Robbinson)-
Abby H. Robinson and Franklin H. Black of Frankfort, int. Nov. 8, 1848, "Cert. issued Nov. 23."
Alice R. Robinson, 18, of Morrill, and Joseph K. Dickey, 24, shoemaker, int. Dec. 16, 1873, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
Alvina Robinson [int. Elvina Robinson] and John Thomas, Nov. 2, 1856. [Almira Robinson, Co.R.]
Artemas Robinson and Lucy Ann Higgins, int. Mar. 2, 1850, "Cert. issued Mar. 16."
Arthur W. Robinson and Nellie W. Carter [int. M.] of Northport, Nov. 17, 1875.
Augusta H. Robinson (see Gussie H.)
Benjamin Robinson [int. 23, blacksmith) and Ellen Crowell [int. 20], May 10, 1866. [Benjamine, May 11, Co.R.]
Benjamin F. Robinson of Bridgewater, Mass., and Isabel E. Roberts of same, Sept. 16, 1891.
Betsey Robinson and John T. Haley, int. July 8, 1826, "Cert. issued July 25."
Charles F. Robinson of Somerville, Mass., and Fannie J. Dunnells, Jan. 13, 1875. [Dunnell, CR1.]
David Robinson and Ann Sconse, abt. 1831, in Ireland, PR36.
Eliza A. Robinson of Litchfield and John C. Jones, int. Sept. 13, 1840, "Cert. issued Sept. 28."
Elizabeth M. Robinson and John Parker, Sept. 30, 1891. [Lizzie M., dau. Benjamin and Ellen (Crowell), PR37.]
Elsy J. Robinson and Elijah M. Shuman, Sept. 3, 1848, in Jefferson, PR48.
Elvina Robinson (see Alvina).
Fannie E. Robinson, 26, milliner, of Searsport, dau. Spencer H. (b. Boston) and Lydia (Yeaton) (b. Deer Isle), and Levi H. Rogers, 24, blacksmith, of Searsport, son Thomas, blacksmith (b. Vassalboro), and Nancy (Young) (b. Vassalboro), July 25, 1864.
George Robinson and Mrs. Rachel Thomas, int. Sept. 30, 1848, "Cert. issued Oct. 14."
George R. Robinson and Jane N. Ryder of Bucksport, int. Feb. 16, 1860, "Cert. issued Feb. 21."
George S. Robinson and Rosealthea Thomas, int. Nov. 17, 1863, "Cert. issued Nov. 21."
Gussie H. Robinson of Morrill and Alvin T. Knowlton of Morrill, Jan. 1, 1886.
Hannah E. Robinson and John C. Bramhall, int. Apr. 17, 1846, "Cert. issued May 2."
Havilah M. Robinson and J. J. Black of Frankfort, Oct. 17, 1854.
Ida M. Robinson, Mrs., and Samuel B. Holt, Aug. 12, 1890. [Samuel B., son William and Mary A. (Batson), PR31.]
James H. Robinson and Maria A. Westcott, June 6, 1878.
Jane Robinson and William S. Aldus, May 5, 1864.
John F. Robinson and Ida M. Bates [int. F.], July 3, 1875. [Ida M., CR3.]
Lizzie M. Robinson (see Elizabeth M.)
Lorina Robinson and Simon W. Blanchard, int. Aug. 2, 1846, "Cert. issued Aug. 16."
Martha H. Robinson and Jefferson J. Black of Frankfort, Feb. 23, 1859.
Mary Robinson and John Albert Lancaster, son Humphrey and Lucy (Elwell), Sept. 24, 1848, PR108.
Mary A. Robinson of Rockland and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] William Hart, Jan. 9, 1862. [Capt. William, CR3. Co.R.]
Mary J. Robinson and Leander J. Griffin of Edgewood, Siskiyou Co., Cal., int. Mar. 18, 1880, "Cert. issued Mar. 23."
MIriam A. Robinson of Montville and Hansford Crosby, int. Feb. 27, 1852, "Cert. issued Mar. 13."
Rachel W. Robinson of Camden and Joseph Ginn, int. Jan. 13, 1838. [Rachael W. of Camden, m. Dec. 20, Co.R.]
Richard Robinson of Goospond Settlement and Betsey Nickerson of same, int. ___ [rec. between July 29 and Aug. 13], 1809.
Richard J. Robinson of Bangor and Fannie A. Knowles, Sept. 30, 1866.
Susan L. Robinson of Thomaston and Andrew J. Benner of Thomaston, Sept. 27, 1853.
ROE (also see Rose, Rowe)-
Benjamin Roe Jr. of Brooks and Hattie L. Gibbs of Brooks, May 19, 1879. [Rowe Jr. of Brooks, May 17, CR3.]
ROGERS (also see Roggers)-
Amira E. Rogers (see Myra E.)
C. Selden Rogers and Rebecca Allen of Montville, int. Jan. 31, 1835, "Cert. issued Feb. 19."
Caroline J. Rogers and Benjamin Sargent, int. Aug. 28, 1847, "Cert. issued Sept. 11." [Caroline J., dau. Martina dn Sarah M. (Grinnell), m. _____, PR136.]
Charles W. Rogers and Ada I. Black, int. May 19, 1880, "Cert. issued June 3."
David Rogers and Abby Guernsey, int. Aug. 21, 1851 [sic ? 1852], "Cert. issued."
Georgie M. Rogers, Mrs., of Portland, and Elroy A. Atwood of Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 25, 1886. [Georgie W. of Portland, CR3.]
John F. Rogers and Nellie L. Wellman, July 4, 1877.
John F. Rogers and Pearl E. Knowlton, Dec. 24, 1891.
Levi H. Rogers, 24, blacksmith, of Searsport, son Thomas, blacksmith (b. Vassalboro) and Nancy (Young) (b. Vassalboro), and Fannie E. Robinson, 26, milliner, of Searsport, dau. Spencer H. (b. Boston) and Lydia (Yeaton) (b. Deer Isle), July 25, 1864.
Martin Rogers and Sally Grinnel, Jan. 16, 1812.
Mary Ann Rogers and Capt. Joshua Cottrell Jr., int. Oct. 16, 1840, "Cert. issued Nov. 19." [Mary A., dau. Martin and Sarah M. (Grinnell), and Joshua Cottrell, m. _____, PR136.]
Myra Rogers and [int. Capt.] John P. Bagley, Dec. 12, 1848. [Almira E. (second w.), dau. Martin and Sarah M. (Grinnell), and John P. Bagley, PR136.]
Phebe G. Rogers and James H. McCrillis, Dec. 29, 1835. [Phebe G., dau. Martin and Sarah M. (Grinnell), PR136. James H., son James and Jane (Durham), Dec. 25, PR138.]
Polly Rogers of Goospond Settlement and William Nickerson of same, Sept. 20, 1806.
Reuel Rogers [int. Rewell W. Rogers] and Angie E. Libby of Troy, Apr. 10, 1881.
Sarah P. Rogers [int. Rodgers] and Capt. Simon G. Cottrell, Jan. 17, 1836. [Rogers, dau. Martin and Sarah M. (Grinnell), and Simon Cottrell, PR136.]
Susan A. Rogers and Jones S. Davis, June 24, 1848.
Thomas Rogers of Hopsham and Susan P. Fisher of Winterport, Feb. 7, 1866. [Thomas of Topsham and Susan T. Fisher of Winterport, Co.R.]
William J. Rogers, Capt., and Frances Augusta West, int. Jan. 13, 1849. [m. Jan. 28, Co.R. William Thomas Rogers, m. Jan. 28, PR135. William T., son Martin and Sarah M. (Grinnell), and Augusta West, m. _____, PR136.]
William W. Rogers of Hampden and Mrs. Eunice S. Berry of Stockton, May 17, 1876.
ROGGERS (also see Rogers)-
Martin C. Roggers and Emma J. Doe, int. Nov. 4, 1843, "Cert. issued Nov. 19."
ROIX (also see Roax, Royex)-
Abbie Roix, Mrs., and Charles B. Farrow [int. Farrar] of Searsmont, Nov. 22, 1880.
Albert Roix [int. Roax sic, 26, seaman] and Abba J. Carter [int. 19], Dec. 30, 1865. [Albert A. Roax and Abbie J. Carter, Co.R.]
Alfred M. Roix and Mary A. Dennett, Oct. 8, 1861.
Margaret Y. Roix (Rix) 9int. Roix] and Samuel H. Walker, Jan. 26, 1860. [Rix, CR1. Margaret E. Roix and Samuel C. Walker, Co.R.]
Martha J. Roix and Dana B. Southworth, Feb. 19, 1863.
Mary A. Roix and Garrison B. Arey of Frankfort, June 14, 1854.
Mary L. Roix [int. Lenora] and Willard P. Young [P. for Page] of Haverhill, Mass., June 10, 1873.
William R. Roix and Lydia M. Dunbar, int. Oct. 18, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
ROLERSON (also see Rollerson)-
Georgie F. Rolerson and Cassius R. Dickey, July 19, 1890.
Ida M. Rolerson of Winterport and Burton S. Wight, Jan. 1, 1891.
Margaret S. Rolerson of Waldo and Simon G. Flanders of Waldo, Dec. 18, 1859. [Margaret S. Roleston of Waldo, Co.R.]
Mason L. Rolerson [int. 23, stone cutter] and Marietta Wight, June 22, 1873.
Ruby E. Rolerson and George Innes, Dec. 15, 1890.
Vesta M. Rolerson and Charles Frazier [reethy written in pencil above Frazier], of Searsmont, int. Sept. 18, 1884, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
ROLLERSON (also see Rolerson)-
Elbridge J. Rollerson and Etta J. Baker, Jan. 1, 1882.
Elbridge J. Rollerson Emma W. Eldridge, July 4, 1891.
Vesta Rolleson and Fred A. Baker, int. Sept. 8, 1883.
ROLLINGS (also see Rollins)-
Jacob Rollings and Jean Crooks, int. Aug. 4, 1806.
ROLLINS (also see Rollings)-
Elva A. Rollins of Lincolnville and James I. Jackson, int. June 26, 1876, "Cert. issued July 1."
John A. Rollins of Vassalboro and Aurelia F. Ladd, Oct. 21, 1835.
ROSE (also see Roe, Rowe)-
David H. Rose, Capt., of Islesboro, and Julia S. Knowlton of Northport, Jan. 17, 1861. [Julia A. of Northport, CR3. Co.R.]
Mary Rose, wid., of Searsport, and Ephraim K. Maddocks, widr., farmer, int. Nov. 8, 1870, "Cert. issued Nov. 12."
Mary E. Rose [int. 20] and James G. Campbell [int. 23, farmer] of Frankfort, June 10, 1866. [Row and Joseph G. Campbell of Frankfort, Co.R.]
Sarah A. Rose of Brooks and Roscoe G. Edwards of Brooks, Mar. 20, 1871.
Theresa R. Rose, 23, and James F. Grindell, 24, seaman, of Islesboro, int. Jan. 25, 1866, "Cert. issued Jan. 30."
Thiah Rose [?] of Green Plantation and Samuel Watson of same, int. Nov. 20, 1808.
Varnum W. Rose and Eva M. Marden of Searsport, int. Dec. 1, 1874, "Cert. issued Dec. 5."
Andrew J. Ross and Martha J. Fowler of Prospect, June 1, 1837.
Emily F. Ross and Charles Jackson of Plymouth, Mass., Sept. 16, 1863. [Russ, Co.R.]
Hugh Ross of Prospect and Betsey Clifford of Prospect, Mar. 17, 1808.
Hugh Ross Jr. [int. of Prospect] and Anna C. Gilkey, Dec. 3, 1844. [Hugh Jr., Co.R.]
John C. Ross of Prospect and Sally R. Kidder of Prospect, Oct. 19, 1833.
Rebecca J. Ross and William A. Swift, Dec. 31, 1835.
Susan C. Ross and [int. Capt.] Mark Ginn of Prospect, May 5, 1835.
William H. Rossiter of Northport and Inez T. Williams of Northport, Sept. 14, 1891.
ROWE (also see Roe, Rose)-
Abby M. Rowe of Morrill and Hiram H. Hawes of Troy, Nov. 10, 1863. [Hirom H. Howes of Troy, Co.R.]
Alfred Rowe and Mary E. White, Nov. 29, 1858.
Alvester M. Rowe of Morrill and Leander J. Hatch of Morrill, Mar. 20, 1870.
Benjamin Rowe of Brooks and Deborah H. Jones of Brooks, Oct. 21, 1838.
Christopher C. Rowe and Mrs. Della Berry, int. Dec, 1, 1891, "Cert. issued Dec. 29."
Cyrus Rowe [int. Esq.] and Sarah S. _____ [int. Grimes], Dec. 29, 1832.
Cyrus Rowe, Capt., and Harriet M. T. Dodge of Bluehill, int. June 26, 1847, "Cert. issued July 10."
Daniel W. Rowe [int. L.] and Ellen F. Young, Nov. 19, 1879. [Daniel L., CR3.]
Enoch Rowe [int. adds S.] and Mary Pierce [int. Sarah Peirce], Nov. 5, 1828.
Frances Rowe and Nathaniel M. Lowney [int. Esq.], Sept. 2, 1827.
Huldah Rowe and Thomas Cunningham 3d, int. Apr. 20, 1823.
Ida M. Rowe of Morrill and Gilbert R. Ellis, Feb. 14, 1882.
Julia A. Rowe and William A. McLean, June 17, 1875.
Mahala Rowe and John Chandler, June 3, 1838.
Mary Rowe and Robert R. Swett, int. July 29, 1831, "Cert. issued Aug. 17." [m. _____, 1831, PR130].
Peter Rowe 2d and Esther Royal, int. Oct. 21, 1833. [m. Nov. 10, Co.R.]
Robert Rowe and Susan Penny of Knox, int. Oct. 12, 1833, "Cert. issued Oct. 31."
Wealthy Rowe and Nathaniel M. Lowney Esq., Nov. 16, 1845.
Alpheus Rowell of Knox and Sarah T. Morse, Nov. 18, 1877.
Eliza Rowell of Augusta and Charles G. Anderson, int. Jan. 28, 1836, "Cert. issued Feb. 15."
Luella C. Rowell and George J. Brown, Feb. 10, 1886.
Esther Royal and Peter Rowe 2d, int. Oct. 21, 1833. [m. Nov. 10, Co.R.]
Hattaie F.M. Royal of Swanville and A.C. Phillips of Swanville, Jan. 1, 1884.
Isaiah K. Royal of Thorndike and Ruth M. McLaud [int. Ruth McLand], Mar. 31, 1842. [Isaiah R. of Thorndike and Ruth M. McLaud, Co.R.]
Lucy Royal of Munro, Hancock Co., and Elisha Nickerson of Swanville, Dec. 15, 1822.
ROYEX (also see Roax, Roix)-
William Royex of Three Mile Square Plantation and Alluria Mayhew of same, Nov. 1, 1816, in Hancock Co., Mass.
Nellie Rumery of Millbridge and Silas Beckwith [int. adds S.], Dec. 12, 1874.
RUNNELLS (also see Reynolds)-
George Runnells of Albion [int. Runnelds of S. Albion] and Mary A. Dutch, Apr. 29, 1867. [Runnells of Albion, Co.R.]
Samuel Rushfort and Joanna Bracket, int. Feb. 28, 1823.
RUSS (also see Rust)-
Almatia M. Russ and Gordon G. Clarke, int. Oct. 27, 1849, "Cert. issued Nov. 14."
Charles A. Russ and Sarah Fletcher of China, int. Dec. 31, 1830, "Cert. issued Jan. 15, 1831."
Charles F. Russ and Cynthia E. Johnson of Waldo, Aug. 17, 1878.
Emily F. Russ (see Emily F. Ross.)
Fanny A. Russ and Ansel M. Bray, Feb. 28, 1861. [Rust, Co.R.]
Frances A. Russ and Mary A. Fletcher of China, int. Nov. 24, 1836, "Cert. issued Dec. 8."
George A. Russ, 23, shoemaker, son George U. dec'd, merchant, and Almatia (later w. _____ Clark), and Eliza M. Clary, 18, student, dau. Daniel, farmer (b. Brooks, Waldo Co.), and Mary, int. July 5, 1864. [m. July 10, in Searsport, Co.R.]
George H. Russ and Jane B. Green, Oct. 16, 1856.
George U. Russ and Emily Huse, Nov. 9, 1823.
George U. Russ and Almatia M. Ladd, Sept. 22, 1834.
Jane A. Russ and Attilius A. Ladd, int. Jan. 12, 1840. [m. Feb. 2, Co.R.]
Margaret J. Russ [int. Jane] and Capt. Alonzo Shute, July 5, 1855. [Margaret J., Co.R. PR45.]
Mary E. Russ and G.W. Clark of Cahawba, Ala., int. June 24, 1838. [m. July 22, Co.R.]
Robert F. Russ [int. 24, farmer] and Lottie E. Knowlton [int. 18] of Belmont, Feb. 11, 1868.
Sarah Russ and George U. Willson, int. Nov. 15, 1834. [Wilson, m. Dec. 15, Co.R.]
Sarah E. Russ [int. 22] and Alonzo Bechwith [int. 24, farmer], Nov. 28, 1866. [Alonzo F., son Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), Nov. 27, PR111.]
Susan Russ of Orono and Alonzo Osborn, int. July 7, 1854.
William Russ and Mary W. Farrar, dau. John and Hannah, ____ 27, 1832, PR44.
Annie E. Russell and Francis H. Welch, July 7, 1889, in Searsmont.
Benjamin Russell Jr. of Munroe and Martha E. Gilmore, int. Mar. 7, 1844, "Cert. issued Mar. 28."
C. A. Russell and George A. Sleeper, int. Apr. 19, 1861, "Cert. issued Apr. 23."
Charles Henry Russell of Lawrence, Mass., and Rovena [int. Rovene] Burnette Wentworth, June 25, 1890.
Eugenia A. Russell of Searsmont and Alexander Cooper of Searsmont, Dec. 17, 1871. [Eugenie A. of Searsmont, CR3.]
Frank Hendee Russell [int. farmer] of Burlington, N. J., and Mary O. Field, Apr. 19, 1869.
George A. Russell [int. expressman] and Angelia E. Coombs, May 7, 1871.
Josephine H. Russell [int. Helena] and Charles E. Steward [int. Edward] of Skowhegan, Sept. 1, 1874.
Mary M. Russell and Ernest T. Cottrell, Dec. 25, 1880.
Sarah Russell and Frank Barney, blacksmith, of Waterville, int. Oct. 8, 1872, "Cert. issued Oct. 12."
Thomas Russell and Mary Patterson, Mar. _, 1808.
RUST (also see Russ)-
Albert S. Rust and Welthy B. McClure of Searsport, int. Nov. 19, 1853.
Almatia S. Rust [int. Russ] and Franklin O. Havener, June 29, 1856. [Rust and Franklin O. Havner, CR1. Rust and Franklin O. Havener, Co.R.]
Emma J. Rust [int. Russ] and Silas Brown [int. seaman], Dec. 26, 1870. [Ruse, dau. William (Russ) and Nancy, PR44.]
Eugene Rust and Nellie A. Case of Kenduskeag, int. Sept. 24, 1874.
James A. Rust, Capt., and Laura Ann Weymouth, int. Oct. 28, 1854.
Maria A. Rust [int. 23] and George G. Peirce [int. Pierce, 31, merchant], Dec. 29, 1867. [Maud A. and George Pierce, Co.R.]
Addison Ryan of Waldo and Fannie B. Wentworth of Waldo, Jan. 23, 1883.
Benjamin F. Ryan and Sylvia A. Hawes [int. Ames], Jan. 27, 1852. [Benjaman Franklin Ryan, son William and Nancy (McKeen), and Sylvia Ames, PR163.]
Catharine Ryan and Tuttle D. Leathers, int. May 17, 1829, "Cert. issued June 1."
Dennison W. Ryan of Three Mile Square Plantation and Mina Elwell of same, Aug. 3, 1820.
Edwin T. Ryan [int. L.] and Abbie E. Dunbar, Dec. 10, 1876.
Emily Ryan and Jacob Cunningham, Feb. 12, 1834.
G. P. [int. F.] and Miss E.P. Maddocks, May 10, 1862. [G.P., Co.R. George Flowers Ryan, son William and Nancy (McKeen), and Ellen P. Maddocks, dau. Samuel and Eliza (Weed), Mar. 10, PR164.]
Georgie E. Ryan and Leander S. Frost, Feb. 24, 1875.
Hannah Ryan of Three Mile Squre and James Leavit of same, int. Sept. 2, 1820, "Cert. issued."
Hannah Ryan and John Jones, int. Apr. 13, 1824, "Cert. Apr. 27."
Harriet E. Ryan and Charles Y. Groves of Smithfield, int. July 28, 1855.
James Ryan and Elizabeth Sidlinder, int. Aug. 29, 1824.
Julia Ryan, wid., of Waldo, and Arthur D. Matthews, laborer, int. Oct. 20, 1869, "Cert. issued Oct. 25."
Laura E. Ryan of Waldo and Ephraim H. Small of Waldo, Nov. 14, 1875.
Lewis Ryan and Jane Clary of Washington Plantation, Nov. 27, 1811.
Lewis H. Ryan and Martha E. Hopkins, int. Mar. 28, 1853. [Lewis H., son William and Nancy (McKeen), m. _____, PR163.]
Mary Ryan and David Elliot, int. Dec. 27, 1823, "Cert. Jan. 27, 1824."
Myra M. Ryan and William S. Wentworth, Apr. 9, 1881.
Rosilla Ryan and William H. Kimball [int. widr., seaman], Apr. 5, 1869.
Sally Ryan and Abner Weed of Knox, Feb. 24, 1821.
Thomas E. Ryan and Lydia S. Wyman, Nov. 24, 1857. [Thomas E., son William and Nancy (McKeen), PR163.]
William Ryan and Nancy McKeen, int. Mar. 25, 1812 [sic, ? 1820], "Cert. issued Apr. 8, 1820. [m. ____, PR163.]
William H. Ryan and Sarah A. Cunningham, May 14, 1850. [William Henry, son William and Nancy (McKeen), ____, 1846, PR163.]
RYDER (also see Rider)-
Annabelle Ryder and Lorin Cross, Oct. 22, 1878.
Benjamin P. Ryder and Lucy W. Temple, Nov. 7, 1853, PR49.
Ephraim D. Ryder, Capt., and Eunice A. Ames, Dec. 19, 1857.
Eugene M. Ryder [int. 25, seaman] and Lauriette Keller [int. Laurietta Kella, 20], Aug. 14, 1873.
Fannie A. Ryder and Eben Holmes, int. May 27, 1881.
G.W. Ryder and Ida E. Ryder of Vinalhaven, Oct. 17, 1874.
Hannah J. Ryder and George A. McDonald, int. Sept. 18, 1850, "Cert. issued Oct. 28."
Ida E. Ryder of Vinalhaven and G.W. Ryder, Oct. 17, 1874.
Jane N. Ryder of Bucksport and George R. Robinson, int. Feb. 16, 1860, "Cert. issued Feb. 21."
John W. Ryder and Eliza E. Dunbar, Dec. 10, 1876.
Maggie Ryder, Mrs., and John McCabe, int. Apr. 18, 1882, "Cert. issued Apr. 22."
Margaret F. Ryder and Henry C. Gray, int. Mar. 26, 1858. [Margarett Frances, m. Apr. 5, 1857, PR104.]
Mary A. Ryder and Phiney E. Dinsmore, int. June 19, 1860, "Cert. issued June 10."
Otis K. Ryder [int. seaman] and Alma J. Shuman, Dec. 5, 1868. [Alma Jane, dau. Elijah M. and Elsey J. (Robinson), Pr48.]
Thomas C. Ryder and Ann Maria Wheeler, int. Oct. 10, 1853.