Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - PACE to PUTNAM

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Ashbel Pace and Margaret R. Berry of Prospect, int. Jan. 13, 1845. [m. Jan. 28, CO.R.]
John Pace, Capt., and Abigail B. Snell, int. Aug .18, 1839. [m. Sept. 4, Co.R.]
Lettie A. Pace and Charles M. Mayo, int. Feb. 3, 1881, "Cert. issued Feb. 8." [m. Feb. 11, CR3.]
Lucy Pace and Mihal B. Sargent, int. May 23, 1835, "Cert. issued June 9."
Persis Pace and John Ames Jr., int. Nov. 11, 1838. [m. Nov. 29, Co.R.]
PACKARD (also see Peckard)-
Drusilla L. Packard of Northport and George W. Frisbee, June 21, 1877.
Lewella Packard [int. Luella A. Packard, 18] and Thomas J. Frisbee [int. 24, laborer], Oct. 23, 1873.
Libbeus Packard [int. Libbeas of Dixmont] and Ann Gilmore, May 24, 1821.
Lucy A. Packard, Mrs. [int. wid.] and Sands Frisbee [int. widr., seaman], July 3, 1869.
Luella A. (see Lewella).
Nathan Packard of Searsmnt and Polly Batchelder of Belmont, Nov. 29, 1821.
PADERSHALL (also see Baddeshall, Baddershall, Patershall, Patishall, Pattershall)-
Eliza Padershall [Eliza Padershall sic, Pattershall, int. Badershall], and Daniel Brier, Dec. 10, 1829.
Alden L. Page and Ella L. Jackson of Northport, July 20, 1879.
Alva Page [int. widr., 55, carpenter] and Mrs. Mary E. Whittier [int. widr., 53], Jan. 1, 1871.
Alvah Page and Harriet A. Shute, int. Feb. 11, 1843, "Cert. issued Feb. 25."
Fred L. Page and Marilla Littlefield of Thorndike, int. Sept. 13, 1888, "Cert. issued Sept. 24."
Isabel R. Page and William L. Tripp, Nov. 30, 1876.
John F. Page of Searsport, Waldo Co., and Martha J. Abbott of same, Nov. 2, 1863.
Kezia Page of Belgrade and James McCluer, int. Sept. 15, 1821, "Cert. granted."
Lydia A. Page of Frankfort and Josiah Colson, int. Oct. 29, 1842, "Cert. issued Nov. 17."
Martha E. Page [int. wid.] and William Fleming [int. William Flemming, widr., hostler], Oct. 25, 1871. [Martha E. and William Flemming, CR1.]
Mary M. Page, 20, of Jackson, and Albion King Paris Moore, widr., 45, mason, int. July 9, 1866, "Cert. issued July 14."
Oshea Page and Susan Osborne [int. Susan Osborn], Nov. 30, 1820.
Rachel Page of Frankfort and Arthur D. Mathews, int. Apr. 9, 1885.
Sylvina Page, Mrs., [int. wid.], and Shepard Nichols [int. widr., farmer], Apr. 11, 1868. [Mrs. Sylvina [dup. of Frankfort, omits Mrs.] and Shepard Nichols [dup. Nov. 19], in Frankfort, Co.R.]
William Page of Jackson Plantation and Sally Brier of Washington Plantation, int. Dec. 25, 1814.
PAINE (see Payne).
Rebecca S. Palfrey and [int. Rev.] David N. Utter, Sept. 16, 1872. [David N., CR1.]
Charles Palmer Esq. and Mrs. Zilpha Couillard of Frankfort, int. Aug. 13, 1847, "Cert. issued Aug. 27."
Dwight P. Palmer and Mary E. Patterson, Nov. 10, 1880.
Edwin B. Palmer and Thirza M. Field of Brunswick, int. Aug. 29, 1859, "Cert. issued Sept. 2."
Eliza P. Pamer and Edwin Moore of E. Douglass [int. adds Mass.], Sept. 30, 1841.
George D. Palmer and Clarissa B. McCrillis, Sept. 13, 1841. [Clarissa B., dau. James and Jane (Durham), PR138.]
Grenville Palmer of Canton, Mass., and Harriet True, int. Sept. 23, 1833, "Cert. issued Oct. 10."
Horatio N. Palmer and Adeline Smith, Apr. 18, 1839.
John Palmer and Susan V. Poor, Jan. 17, 1819.
Josiah Palmer and Rachel Wales, July 12, 1812.
Lemuel R. Palmer and Mary P. D. Hanford of Camden, int. Dec. 8, 1849. [m. Dec. 25, PR79.]
Lemuel R. Palmer and Frances A. Little of Castine, int. Aug. 29, 1857, "Cert. issued Sept. 14."
Lizzie M. Palmer of Monroe and Charles L. Berry of Bangor, Mar. 24, 1889, CR1.
Mary E. Palmer and Edwin L. Segar [int. Seger] of Stockton, June 2, 1870.
Mary Eliza Palmer and George F. Smith, Nov. 5, 1857.
Priscilla Palmer of Bristol and Thomas Pickard, int. Oct. 14, 1820, "Cert. issued Oct. 3 9sic."
Sarah P. Palmer and Coridon Prentice, int. Nov. 7, 1835. [Corudon, m. Nov. 22, Co.R.]
Susan M. Palmer and James M. Craig, Jan. 21, 1855.
Fannie J. Panno of Stockton and Capt. Fred B. Clifford of Stockton, May 23, 1881.
John L. Panno of Stockton and Mrs. Ellen M. Crocket of Stockton, Mar. 25, 1878. [Mrs. Ella M. Crockett of Stockton, CR1.]
PARK (also see Parke, Parks)-
Andrew W. Park and Margaret Morrison of Windham, N. H., int. Oct. 5, 1823, "Cert. Oct. 19."
Benjamin Park of Prospect and Amy Crary of Prospect, Oct. 31, 1808.
Eliza R. Park of Searsport and Jere Sullivan, baggage master, int. Feb. 29, 1872, "Cert. issued Mar. 5."
Henrietta Park and F. W. A. Rankin of Boston, Mass., Nov. 28, 1857 [sic, 1856]. [Parks and F. W. A. Rankin of Boston, Mass., Nov. 28, 1856, Co.R.]
Horace Park, 30, farmer, and Margaret E. Morrison, 26, of Windham, N. H., int. Jan. 20, 1868, "Cert. issued Jan. 25."
Katy K. Park of Prospect and John Dickro of Lincolnville, Feb. 21, 1805.
Margaret M. Park and Isaiah Dinsmoor of Windham, N. H., Sept. 9, 1852.
Samuel Park, Capt., of Prospect, and Peggy Nickels of Prospect, Feb. 20, 1805.
PARKE (also see Park, Parks)-
Edward C. Parke of Searsport and Frances N. Parke of Searsport, Jan. 29, 1882, [Edward C. Pike of Searsport, CR3.]
Frances N. Park of Searsport and Edward C. Parke of Searsport, Jan. 29, 1882. [Edward C. Pike of Searsport, CR3.]
Benjamin F. Parkens (see Benjamin F. Perkins).
Alice of Lincolnville and A. Lincoln Young of Lincolnville, May 30, 1888, CR3.
Alice A. Parker and Abe Morris, int. July 12, 1887, "Cert. issued July 17."
Americus V. Parker [int. Esq.] of Waldo and Clarissa M. Shepard, Oct. 24, 1848.
Annie B. Parker and Byron L. Pitcher, Sept. 27, 1883.
Delia W. Parker, 24, music teacher, dau. Rev. Wooster (b. Underhill, Vt.), and Wealthy Ann [int. (Pond)] (b. Auburn, Mass.), and [int. Capt.] Edward P. H. Thompson, 29, seaman, son John, farmer [int. merchant] (b. Somersworth, N. H.), and Mary [int. (Palermo)] (b. Bristol [int. adds Lincoln Co.]), Aug. 2, 1864. [Edward P. H., Co.R.]
Delia W. Parker (see Delia W. Thompson)
Eliza B. Parker and Andrew Armour, int. Dec. 3, 1836. [m. Dec. 25, CO.R.]
Elizabeth Parker of Waldo and Williard Walton, int. Jan. 14, 1848. [Elizabeth H. of Waldo, m. Jan. 30, Co.R.]
Elizabeth Parker, Mrs., and William Cree, May _ [int. "Cert. issued May 9th"], 1840.
Ellen E. Parker of Waldo and Henry D. McKinley of Jackson, Nov. 26, 1884.
Fanny Parker of Searsmont and George W. Warren of Searsmont, Feb. 8, 1820.
George A. Parker and Maria E. Patridge, Apr. 26, 1849, PR78.
Harriet P. Parker of Warren and Rufus B. Hassell, int. Nov. 11, 1852. [Rufus P., m. Nov. 15, PR34.]
Harrison Parker of Frankfort and Lavinia M. Milliken [int. Lovina], Mar. 5, 1855. [Lavinia M., CR1. Co.R.]
Henry S. Parker and Christina Locke of Mt. Vernon, int. Dec. 14, 1850, "Cert. issued Dec. 27." [Christina R. Lock, m. ____, 1850, "Cert. issued Dec. 27." [Christina R. Lock, m. ____, 1850, PR78.]
I. W. Parker [int. Israel W. Parker] and S. J. Stephenson [int. Sarah J. Stephenson], Jan. 25, 1863. [Israel W. and Sarah J. Stephenson, Co.R.]
Isaac Parker and Louisa H. West, int. Nov. 4, 1838.
Israel W. Parker (see I. W.)
John Parker and Elizabeth M. Robinson, Sept. 30, 1891. [Lizzie M., dau. Benjamin and Ellen (Crowell), PR37.]
Julia S. Parker and Barker B. Glidden, int. Nov. 28, 1851. [m. Dec. 25, PR78.]
Lizzie Parker of Islesboro and N. G. Pettengill, int. June 29, 1875, "Cert. issued July 3."
Mary A. Parker of Waldo and Clarence H. Smith of Waldo, Sept. 15, 1878.
Mary E. Parker and Horatio P. Thompson, Oct. 17, 1861. [Mary Elizabeth, dau. Rev. Wooster and Wealthy Ann (Pond), and Horatio Palmer Thompson, son John and Mary (Palmer), PR165.]
Nellie S. Parker and Willis B. Fletcher, Aug. 22, 1890. [Nellie S., dau. Israel W. and Sarah J. (Stephenson), PR82.]
Rebecca Parker and James W. Mahoney of Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 11, 1888.
Samuel Parker of Augusta and Mrs. Joanna E. French, int. May 20, 1843, "Cert. issued June 3."
Samuel S. Parker and Sophronia B. Drinkwater, Apr. 26, 1857, PR78.
Sarah Parker and Enoch Folsom, int. Apr. 24, 1830, "Cert. May."
Sibyl Parker (see Sybil).
Silas Parker, Capt., and Sibyl Drinkwater, Jan. 22, 1822. [? in Belfast], PR78.
Susan Parker and Ephraim S. Chaney of Whitefield, int. Nov. 7, 1828, "Cert. iss. Nov. 22."
Sybil Parker [int. Mrs. Sibyl] and [int. Capt.] William Mosman [int. Mossman] of Hope, May 8, 1842. [Sybil and William Mossman of Hope, Co.R. Mrs. Sibyl and William Mosman, May 8, 1829 sic, PR78.]
Abbie L. Parkhurst of Unity and Robert Sprague of Unity, Aug. 13, 1876.
Lizzie F. Parkhurst, Mrs., of Knox, and Tisdell Shaw, Mar. 26, 1883.
Sarah Parkhurst of Unity and George Swett [int. teacher], Mar. 6, 1872.
Charles S. Parkman (see Charles S. Perham).
PARKS (also see Park, Parke)-
Abigail Parks of Prospect and Benjamin Colcord of Prospect, Jan. 15, 1801.
Nancy Parks of Prospect and Green Pendleton of Prospect, May 2, 1797, CR2.
Polly Parks of Prospect and Samuel Ford of Lincolnville, Mar. 29, 1804.
Augustua C. Parlin of Wooster, Mass., and Nellie F. Ford, June 19, 1883.
Druzilla Parsons and Nathaniel Nickerson of Swanville, int. May 29, 1841, "Cert. issued June 14."
Elisha Parsons (seee Elisha Persons).
Elizabeth Parsons and William Robertson of Munroe, int. Sept. 13, 1836, "Cert. issued Sept. 29."
George W. Parsons (see George W. Pearson).
Laura Parsons of Lynn, Mass., and Alden Robbins, July 17, 1888.
Margery S. Parsons [int. 20] and Charles E. Sylvester [int. 22, seaman] of Castine, Nov. 21, 1866.
Miriam Parsons and Jacob Ames of Tamworth, N. H., int. Jan. 2, 1802.
Sarah E. Parsons, 30, and John R. Robbins, widr., 36, shoemaker, int. June 24, 1873.
PARTRIDGE (also see Patridge)-
Alice E. Partridge of Prospect and Charles O. Hatch of Morrill, Jan. 1, 1881, CR3.
Benjamin Partridge of Prospect and Mrs. Sarah C. Philbrook, Oct. 14, 1850.
Calvin H. Partridge of Prospect and Sarah J. Littlefield of Waldo, May 28, 1881.
Ella M. Partridge and Charles H. Twombly, Dec. 24, 1878. [Ella M., dau. Joshua Eustis and Mary Abbie (Arnold), PR129].
Rebecca Partridge, Mrs., and Andrew W. Bates, July 3, 1861. [Mrs. Rebecca Patridge, Co.R.]
David Patch and Sally Ray of Castine, int. Mar. 30, 1803.
George H. Patch (see George H. Hatch.)
PATERSHALL (also see Baddashall, Baddershall, Padershall, Patishall, Pattershall)-
Phebe Patershall and Michael S. Chapman, Feb. 26, 1844. [Pattershall and Michael S. Chapman, Co.R.]
Roxania Patershall and George E. Card [int. Carde], July 31, 1842. [Roxana Pattershall and George E. Card, Co.R.]
PATISHALL (see Baddashall, Baddershall, Padershall, Petershall, Pattershall)-
Roxani Patishall and Samuel Woods, int. Dec. 27, 1834, "Cert. issued Jan. 10, 1835."
PATRIDGE (also see Partridge)-
Maria E. Patridge and George A. Parker, Apr. 26, 1849, PR78.
Ezra Pattee, 23, farmer, of Monroe, son Collins, farmer (b. Monroe) and Ruth (b. Burnham), and Estelle E. Jeffards, 22, housekeeper, of Monroe, dau. Nicholas, farmer (b. Biddeford) and Susan (b. Waltham), Oct. 29, 1865.
Henry L. Pattee of Sullivan and Lottie E. Clark of Franklin, Oct. 31, 1885.
James Pattee, carriage painter, and Lydia Tasker of Dixmont, int. Sept .10, 1869, "Cert. issued Sept. 14."
Philemon Pattee of Lee Plantation and Relief Curtis of same, Dec. 25, 1806.
PATTEN (also see Pattens)-
Julia A. Patten of Augusta and H. G .K. Calef, int. Apr. 6, 1833, "Cert. issued Apr. 24."
Mary M. Patten of Augusta and William O. Folsom of Augusta, May 9, 1864.
PATTENS (also see Patten)-
Catherine M. Pattens of Belmont and Franklin A. Howard, int. Nov. 13, 1853.
PATTERSHALL (also see Baddashall, Baddershall, Padershall, Patershall, Patishall)-
Eveline R. Pattershall and Alexander N. Graisbary, Oct. 21, 1877. [Evaline R., dau. Doane and Lovina (Larabee) and Alexander Graisbury, PR12.]
Frederick Pattershall, 24, seaman, and Laura A. Knowlton, 20, int. July 9, 1866. [F. D. Patershall, son Doane and Lovina (Larabee), m. July 14, PR12.
George Pattershall [int. adds W.] and Effie Patterson [int. adds E.], Mar. 7, 1875. [George W. and Effie E. Patterson, CR3. G. W. Patershall, son Daone and Lovina (Larabee), and Effie E. Patterson, PR12.]
Helen M. Pattershall and George T. Osborn, int. Mar. 21, 1860. [Osborne, son Alonzo (Osborn) and Isabella (Tilden), m. Mar. 25, PR9. Helen Mar Patershall, dau. Doane and Lovina (Larabee), and George T. Osborne, m. Mar. 25, PR12.]
Julia A. Pattershall and Daniel Nason, May 13, 1850.
Lucinda Pattershall [int. Lucinda Patershall] and Moses Thompson, Dec. 29, 1841. [Pattershall, Dec. 26, Co.R.]
Martha A. Pattershall, 19, and Joseph H. Darby, 21, seaman, int. Nov. 17, 1865. [m. Nov. 25, in Searsport, Co.R. Patershall, dau. Doane and Lovina (Larabee), m. Nov. 25, PR12.]
Mary L. Pattershall and James A. Curtis of Swanville, int. Nov. 7, 1854. [Patershall, dau. Doane and Lovina (Larabee), m. Nov. 12, 1864 [sic, ? 1854] PR12.]
Valentine H. Pattershall and Grace E. White, June 22, 1882. [Valentine H., son Doane and Lovina (Larabee), PR12.]
A. J. Patterson [int. Augusta J. Patterson] and Wilber O. Colby, Oct. 3, 1875.
Abbie E. Patterson [int. 22, dau. Robert, farmer (b. Appleton) and Susan (b. Fox Is.), and Nathaniel Simmons Jr. [int. 26, blacksmith, son Nathaniel, blacksmith (b. Waldoboro) and Rosanna (b. Nobleboro), Nov. 20, 1864, in Knox.
Abbie H. Patterson and William M. Welch, Mar. 21, 1883.
Abigail Patterson [int. Mrs.] and Michial Tyghe [int. Michael Tighe], July 23, 1832.
Alexsus V. Patterson [int. Alexus V. Patterson] and Georgianna A. Seekins [int. Seekens, omits A.], Oct. 10, 1883.
Alfred Patteson and Mary Cunningham, Jan. 13, 1830.
Alfred Patterson and Louisa K. Foss, int. July 19, 1851, "Cert. issued Aug. 4."
Almenia M. Patterson and John S. Fernald, Oct. 8, 1877.
Amasa T. Patterson [int. 52, farmer] and Mrs. Ann G. Bowler [int. wid., 35], Aug. 19, 1867. [Ann G., Co.R.]
Amos P. Patterson, 25, seaman, son Sturgin, seaman (b. Camden [int. adds Knox Co.)] and Nancy J. (b. Thomaston, [int. adds Lincoln Co.)], and Sarah A. Whalen, 17, dau. James, laborer (b. Waldo [int. adds Waldo Co.]), and Rhoda [int. (Sylvester)], (b. Lincolnville [int. adds Waldo Co.]), Sept. 10, 1864.
Andrew Patterson and Polly Stephenson, Sept. 23, 1804.
Andrew Patterson and Mahitable Kenney of Knox, int. Apr. 5, 1834, "Cert. issued Apr. 22."
Andrew M. Patterson [int. widr., farmer] and Mrs. Rouena M. Brown [int. Ruena M. Brown] [int. divorced] of Searsport, Dec. 15, 1871. [Andrew M. and Mrs. Rowena M. Brown of Searsport, Dec. 16, CR3.]
Andrew M. Patterson and Caroline G. Patterson, July 23, 1882.
Andrew N. Patterson and Ann Stephenson, Dec. 20, 1835.
Andrew N. Patterson [int. widr.], 53, second m., farmer, son Andrew, mechanic, and Mary [int. (Stephenson)], (b. Cohasset), and Annah W. Clark [int. wid.], 30, second m., of Liberty, dau. Elbridge Davis, farmer (b. Liberty) and Julia A. [int. Sarah] (b. Liberty), Nov. 24, 1864. [Annah A. of Liberty, Co.R.]
Ann Patterson and Calvin Batcheldor [int. Calvin Batchelder] of Belmont, May 15, 1842. [Batchelder of Belmont, Co.R.]
Ann Patterson and James H. Miller, Oct. 9 [sic, int. Oct. 18], 1856. [m. Oct. 9, Co.R.]
Ann Maria Patterson and William G. Crosby, Esq. [int. George for G.], Oct. 2, 1831.
Ann Maria Patterson, dau. John Tufts and Jane (Ferguson), and Harvey Hutchinson, June 20, 1854, PR119.
Ann S. Patterson and John F. Foss, Feb. 14, 1859. [Feb. 14, 1857, Co.R.]
Anna Patterson and David Taggart, May 2, 1804.
Annette A. Patterson and Samuel B. Holt, seaman, int. Dec. 1, 1868. [Samuel B., son William and Mary A. (Batson), m. Dec. 3, in Boston, PR31.]
Arbella F. Patterson and Marcus M. Holloway, May 21, 1881.
Arthur M. Patterson of Whiting, Iowa, and Mary F. Clements of Waldo, Feb. 24, 1883.
Augusta A. Patterson and John B. Wiswell, blacksmith, of Ellsworth, int. Feb. 8, 1868. [m. Feb. 13, in Winterport, Co.R.]
Augusta J. Patterson (see A. J.)
Aurelia W. Patterson and Philander S. Goud of Lyndon, June 25, 1873. [Aurelia Whitney Patterson, dau. John Tufts and Jane (Ferguson), and Philo S. Goud, PR119.]
Betsey Patterson [int. Betsy Patterson] and Richard Holt, Oct. 13, 1814.
Betsy Patterson of Saco and Daniel Boyington of Green Plantation, int. Jan. 17, 1808.
Caroline Patterson and Frederick Crosby [int. Frederick Crosby] [int. merchant] of Southbridge, Mass., June 27, 1871.
Caroline A. Patterson and Nathaniel Farrow of Northport, int. Apr. 17, 1852, "Cert. issued July 27."
Caroline C. Patterson, Mrs., and William B. Hawes of Prospect, int. May 28, 1883. [m. June 9, CR3.]
Caroline G. Patterson and Andrew M. Patterson, July 23, 1882.
Charles Patterson, 39, farmer, son John M., farmer, and Polly [int. (Shepard)] (b. Vt.), and Nancy J. Rhoades, 38, dau. Frank, farmer (b. Maine) and Celia [int. (Cory)] (b. Maine), Nov. 28, 1864. [Nancy S. Rhodes, Dec. 6, CR1. Nancy J. Rhoades, Nov. 28, Co.R.]
Charles M. Patterson of Marysville, Cal., and Helen McLellan, Sept. 29, 1858. [Hellen, Co.R. Charles Milton Patterson, son John Tufts and Jane (Ferguson), and Helen McLellan, PR119.]
Cyrus Patterson and Abigail J. Cunningham of Swanville, int. Nov. 16, 1835. [Cyrus, son Nathaniel and Sally, and Abigail Jane Cunningham, m. Nov. 29, in Swanville, PR74.]
Daniel E. Patterson, seaman, and Mary Ann Wilson, int. Feb. 21, 1868, "Certificate forbidden."
Daniel Edward Patterson, 21, sailor, and Mary Ann Wilson, 17, int. May 28, 1868, "Forbidden by Harrison Hayford, May 28."
David Patterson, Capt., and Rhoda N. Holmes, Dec. 16, 1827.
David M. Patterson and Caroline W. Kimball, Aug. 21, 1842. [Caroline M., Co.R.]
Edna E. Patterson and Lewis E. Pitcher of Lincolnville, Aug. 29, 1875.
Ellie Patterson [int. adds E.] and George Pattershall [int. adds W.], Mar. 7, 1875. [Effie E. and George W. Pattershall, CR3. Effie E. and G. W. Patershall, son Daone and Lovina (Larabee), PR12.]
Electa Patterson of Belmont and William Moody Jr. of Lincolnville, Feb. 5, 1868.
Elisha Patterson and Elizabeth Stowers Shute of Prospect, int. July 26, 1813.
Elisha Patterson and Anna Thompson, July 1, 1821.
Eliza Patterson and Hezekiah Williams Esq. of Castine, May 31, 1826.
Elizabeth Patterson and Robert Cochran, Apr. 18, 1799.
Elizabeth Patterson and William Presby, Jan. 7, 1806.
Elizabeth A. Patterson and A. A. Heath, int. Sept. 21, 1858, "Cert. issued Sept. 25."
Ellen E. Patterson and George W. Boulter of Waldo, July 3, 1882.
Ellerson L. Patterson [int. Eleson L. Patterson] of Searsport and Mrs. Hannah J. Freeman, Mar. 16, 1856. [Ellerson L. Patterson of Searsport, Co.R. Elerson and Hannah Jane (Holt) Freeman, PR29.]
Emma J. Patterson and Fred H. Cousins of Monroe, int. Aug. 14, 1886, "Cert.issued Aug. 20."
Ernest O. Patterson and Hattie F. Barrett of Camden, May 7, 1883, "Cert.issued May 11."
Eugene L. Patterson of Waldo and Alice E. Shorey of Waldo, Oct. 16, 1885.
Eva A. Patterson and Herbert A. Pendleton, int. Dec. 15, 1879, "Cert. issued Dec. 19."
Everett Patterson and Sarah J. Curtis, int. Dec. 22, 1886.
F. P. Patterson and Mary E. Mixer, int. Apr. 30, 1875, "Cert. issued May 3."
Ferdinand F. Patterson of Northport and Ada A. Chapman of Northport, Aug. 30. 1868.
FittzWilliam Patterson and Maria Robbins, int. July 13, 1842.
FitzW Patterson and Susan M. Lear, Feb. 15, 1862.
Francis V. Patterson and Clara Sargent of Searsport, int. Mar. 28, 1857. [Francis V., m. Mar. 28, in Searsport, Co.R.]
Francis A. Patterson and Sarah Ann Patterson, int. June 7, 1840. [Francis A., son Robert and Joanna, m. June 26, PR11.]
Francis W. Patterson and Susan Frost, int. Oct. 7, 1843.
Frank A. Patterson and Ida M. Garland, Feb. 24, 1877.
Frank W. Patterson, clerk, and Charlotte L. Murch, int. Apr. 28, 1868, "Cert. issued May 2."
Frank W. Patterson and Carrie W. Linscott of Lewiston, int. Feb. 23, 1883. [Frank W., son Cyrus and Abigail Jane (Cunningham), m. Nov. 14, in Portland, PR74.]
Frederick A. Patterson and Florence I. Gilmore of Searsport, Dec. 31, 1891, in Searsport.
George Patterson and Hannah Lancaster of Bangor, int. Sept. 18, 1819, "Cert. issued Oct."
George G. Patterson, 20, merchant, and Isaphene M. Pitcher, 20, int. Aug. 21, 1869, "Cert. issued Aug. 25."
George W. Patterson and Hannah Jane Bagley, int. Mar. 10, 1839, "Cert. issued March 24."
George W. Patterson and Martha J. Mayhew, Feb. 9, 1852.
George W. Patterson and Frances J. Bird, Apr. 2, 1861. [Fannie J., Co.R.]
George W. Patterson, 25, seaman, son Washington, farmer, and Sarah G. [int. (Pomroy)], (b. Levant [int. adds Penobscot Co.]), and Evelina A. Smart, 21, dau. Joshua [int. adds D.], farmer (b. Swanville [int. adds Waldo So.]), and Anna L. (b. Sidney) [int. adds Kennebec Co.]), Aug. 11, 1864. [Eveline A., Co.R.]
Grizel Patterson and Nathaniel Woodbury, Sept. 3, 1809.
H. Amanda Patterson and Frank G. Young, int. July 8, 1852, "Cert. issued July 8."
H. Nelson Patterson and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Julia A. Brackett, July 14, 1851.
H. S. Patterson of Augusta and C. C. Peck of Boston, Mass., Nov. 25, 1872, in Augusta, CR1.
Hannah Patterson and Isaac Senter, Oct. 30, 1800.
Hannah Patterson and John Taggart, June 2, 1805.
Hannah E. Patterson and Thomas A. Beckwith [dup. Bickweth], Aug. 20, 1837.
Hannah F. Patterson and Elisha Hanning, Apr. 8, 1852.
Harriet Patterson and Benjamin Brown, int. July 13, 1844, "Cert. issued Aug. 7."
Harriet E. Patterson and Thomas Reed, Mar. 30, 1857.
Hattie F. Patterson and Charles M. Leavitt, Aug. 27, 1883.
Helen Patterson [int. 18] and William Kimball [int. 19, shoe maker], Dec. 31, 1873.
Henry E. Patterson of Waldo and Sarah E. Sheldon, int. Nov. 17, 1879, "Cert. issued Nov. 22."
Henry S. Patterson and Susan Bayley of Thorndike, int. Nov. 29, 1840, "Cert. issued Dec. 16."
Henry S. Patterson and Orsilla Bagley [int. Bayley], Dec. 14, 1843.
Hiram Patterson and Betsey Farrow of Belmont, int. Aug. 6, 1836, "Cert. issued Sept. 2."
Ida E. Patterson of Waldo and George W. McKenney [int. shoemaker], Dec. 15, 1872.
Isabel Patterson and John Carr, farmer, of Searsport, int. Aug. 12, 1871, "Cert. issued Aug. 19."
James Patterson Jr. and Nancy Furber, May 28, 1809.
James B. Patterson of Waldo Plantation and Abigail M. Perkins, Feb. 12, 1845. [Abigail Mead Perkins, dau. Joseph and Cyrena (French), PR158.]
James E. Patterson and Jennie Curtis, Mar. 30, 1889.
James E. Patterson and Jennie Dodge, Sept. 6, 1890.
James W. Patterson and Eunice M. Gilson [int. Eunica], Apr. 1, 1855. [Eunice M., Co.R]
James W. Patterson, 34, seaman, and Clara E. Norton, 16, int. Nov. 13, 1866, "Cert. issued Nov. 17."
James W. Patterson and Cora B. Walker, Oct. 11, 1877.
Jane Patterson and John Haskell [int. John Haskel], June 3, 1821.
Jane Patterson and Charles Clark, Feb. 21, 1822.
Jane Patterson and Dr. Daniel Sylvester, int. Jan. 6, 1839. [m. Jan. 21, Co.R.]
Jennie N. Patterson [int. M.] and Edgar S. McDonald [int. seaman], Apr. 10, 1872, in Chelsea. [Jennie N., in Chelsea, Mass., PR23.]
John Patterson and Hannah Lankister [int. Hannah Lankester], Oct. 11, 1804.
John M. Patterson and Mary Shaperd, int. Oct. 20, 1804.
John S. Patterson, Capt., and Sarah A. Gilmore, int. Jan. 3, 1841. [m. Jan. 18, Co.R]
John T. Patterson and Jane Ferguson, int. Mar. 25, 1826. [John Tufts Patterson, m. May 9, PR119.]
Lillian L. Patterson and Lorenzo E. McMahan, int. Sept. 13, 1881, "Cert. issued Sept. 17."
Lorenzo Patterson and Mrs. Annie S. Foss [int. Annis], Mar. 12, 1875.
Lydia Patterson and Winthrop Sargent, Sept. 4, 1823.
Margaret Patterson and Zebulon R. Davis, May 23, 1814.
Margaret Patterson and Capt. Benjamin Hazelton, Nov. 26, 1820.
Margaret A. Patterson and Harvey P. Hutchinson, May 16, 1848. [Margaret Augusta, dau. John Tufts and Jane (Ferguson), PR119.]
Marietta F. Patterson and James H. Dodge, Nov. 18, 1882.
Martha S. Patterson [int. Mrs.] and Isaiah B. Ames of Orrington, Aug. 15, 1861. [Martha S., CR3. Martha and Josiah B. Ames of Orrington, Co.R.]
Martine Patterson [int. Martin Patterson] and Allice Wilson [int. Wilsen], Dec. 7, 1800.
Mary Patterson and Aron Colby Hadly, Aug. 11, 1796.
Mary Patterson and Thomas Russell, Mar. _, 1808.
Mary Patterson and Job Pitcher of Northport, Dec. 27, 1823.
Mary Adalaide Patterson and W. H. Whidden [int. William H. Whidden], Apr. 7, 1854.
Mary E. Patterson [int. Elizabeth] and William Whittier, Aug. 12, 1832. [Mary E., dau. Robert and Joanna, and William F. Whitten, PR11.]
Mary E. Patterson, 18, and William McCabe, 21. hostler, int. Mar. 22, 1871.
Mary E. Patterson and John P. Davis, seaman, int. Nov. 19, 1872.
Mary E. Patterson and Joseph W. Small, seaman, int. Feb. 19, 1874.
Mary E. Patterson and Llewellyn Wood, Dec. 23, 1875.
Mary E. Patterson and Dwight P. Palmer, Nov. 10, 1880.
Mary L. Patterson and John D. Pottle, seaman, int. Mar. 24, 1869, "Cert. issued Mar. 28."
Milton Patterson and Eunice Hatch, Nov. 29, 1835. [Milton, son Robert and Joanna, and Eunice Kinsman Hatch, PR11.]
N. W. Patterson of Waldo and Josie A. Clements of Waldo, May 8, 1869.
Nancy Patterson and Capt. Elias Libby, Dec. 30, 1835.
Nancy Jane Patterson and Alden Chase [int. adds D.], Dec. 31, 1844. [Alden Darwin Chase, son Timothy and Eleanor (Blood), PR75. Alden D., PR170.]
Nathan F. Patterson and Ella M. Drake of Lincolnville, Dec. 31, 1874.
Nathaniel Patterson [int. Jr.] and Sally Cuningham, Nov. 4, 1810.
Nathaniel Patterson, Esq. and Mary E. Whittier, int. Apr. 24, 1852, "Cert. issued May 12."
Orsamus R. Patterson and Sarah Knowlton [int. adds J.] of Northport, Nov. 23, 1841. [Orasmus R. Patterson and Sarah T. Knowlton of Northport, Co.R.]
Otis Patteson, son Robert and Joanna, and Elisa Galvin of Westbrook, Feb. 15, 1836, in Calais, PR11.
Otis B. Patterson of Swanville and Lulu Nickerson of Swanville, Nov. 14, 1885.
Patty Patterson and Jonathan Brown, Nov. 6, 1814.
Paulina Patterson and Asa Pitcher of Belmont, int. Mar. 17, 1831, "Cert. issued April 2."
Polly Patterson and William Furber, Dec. 4, 1806.
R. E. Patterson [int. widr., 47, third m., master mariner] of Searsport and Mrs. Harriet S. Allen [int. wid., 40], Feb. 6, 1866. [Capt. R. E. of Searsport, Co.R.]
Racheal Patterson [int. Rachell Patterson] and Calvin Batcheldor of Belmont, Oct. 2, 1836.
Rebecca N. Patterson (see Rebecca N. Baddershall).
Rich Patterson [int. Richard Patterson] and Celinda Bowles, Oct. 28, 1849.
Robert Patteson 4th and Margaret Mitchell, Dec. 30, 1798. [Robert 2d and Margaret Mitchel, CR2.]
Robert Patterson 3d and Joanna Smith of Prospect, Apr. 14, 1803.
Robert Patterson 5th and Polly Shute of Prospect, int. Nov. 27, 1814.
Robert Patterson and Susan Douglass of Hope, int. Aug. 5, 1837, "Cert. issued Sept. 21."
Robert Patterson, widr., 81, third m., farmer, and Mary Jane Peasley of Union, int. Mar. 20, 1873, "Cert. issued March 26."
Robert F. Patterson [int. 24, seaman] and Viola J. Stimpeon, Dec. 31, 1870.
Robert Franklin Patterson, son John Tufts and Jane (Ferguson), and Julia Bradbury, Dec. 13, 1855, PR119.
Robert O. Patterson, Capt. [Robt written above Thomas crossed out.] and Lucy A. Gilmore, int. Feb. 6, 1846, "Cert. issued Feb. 25."
Robert O. Patterson, Capt. and Mary F. Spear of Montville, Nov. 21, 1855. [Nov. 4, CR1. Nov. 21, Co.R.]
Roland C. Patterson and Annette Burgess, June 3, 1882.
Rosilla Patterson and Joseph Bray of Boston, Mass., June 6, 1824.
Ruhama Patterson, wid., and Aaron Lear, laborer, int. Sept. 10, 1872, "Ruhama has one husband Chas Brow___ cf. refused by Clerk."
Ruth E. Patterson, wid., 43, and Charles Brow, divorced, 45, laborer, int. Oct. 19, 1865, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
Sally Patterson and John Gilmore [int. Gilmer Jr.], Dec. 31, 1803.
Samuel Patterson and Betey West, June 2, 1811.
Sarah A. Patterson [int. F.] and Benjamin J. Eaton, Dec. 24, 1863. [Sarah A., CR3. Co.R.]
Sarah Ann Patteson and Francis A. Patterson, int. June 7, 1840. [Francis A., son Robert and Joanna, m. June 26, PR11.]
Sewell Patterson and Roxulana Haycock, int. Nov. 23, 1845, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
Sherman C. Patterson and Miss Frank E. Nickerson, June 25, 1861, PR14.
Starret Patterson and Elizabeth Reed, July 19, 1801.
Sullivan Patterson and Almira Hichborn of Prospect, int. Mar. 28, 1835, "Cert. issued April 11."]
Susan Patterson and James Robbins, Jan. 18, 1861.
Susanna Patterson and Robert White, Dec. 24, 1799.
Thankfull S. Patterson and Thomas D. Mitchel, int. Sept. 10, 1836, "Cert. issued Sept. 26."
Thomas S. Patterson, Capt., and Martha Stephenson, int. Nov. 29, 1840, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
Washington Patterson and Sarah G. Pomroy, Dec. 3, 1835.
Washington Patteson and Mary A. Haskall [int. Mary Ann Haskell], Nov. 20, 1844. [Mary A. Haskell, Co.R.]
William Patterson 3d and Jane Cochran, June 15, 1797.
William Patterson 3d and Jenney Clary, Mar. 9, 1800.
William Patterson and Clarrisa Mudgett of Northport, int. July 19, 1840, "Cert. issued Aug.2."
William E. Patterson of Northport and Rose M. Wade of Lincolnville, Dec. 30, 1890. [Capt. William E. of Northport, CR3.]
Addie L. Paul of Searsmont and Zebidee Simmons, int. Nov. 28, 1881, "Cert. issued Dec. 3,"
Antoinette A. Paul of Camden and Edward R. Peirce of Winterport, Sept. 17, 1871.
Caroline Paul and John Wight, July 21 [dup. July 20], 1835.
Edgar Paul [int. 26, farmer] and Annie Meek [int. 23], Dec. 23, 1866.
Flavilla Paul and Joel P. Duffy of Camden, July 16, 1858.
J. G. Paul and Annie J. Leach, Dec. 19, 1874.
James Paul and Mrs. Abba W. Hathern of Bangor, int. May 22, 1854.
Joel Paul and Lucinda Dilloway, int. Aug. 12, 1837, "Cert. issued Sept. 1."
Josiah S. Paul and Blanchie O. Fletcher of Burnham, Nov. 18, 1891.
Louisa Paul and Capt. Cyrus T. Durham, Apr. 30, 1850.
Robert Paul and Welthy E. Green of Camden, int. Jan. 15, 1842, "Cert. issued Feb. 22."
Samuel Paul of Waldo Plantation and Eliza Boggs of same, June 3, 1838.
Sarah E. Paul and Sylvanus T. Edgecomb of Belmont, int. Mar. 10, 1853, "cert. issued."
Lydurgus V. Payne and Lydia B. Pendleton of Northport, Dec. 8, 1844.
Augustus S. Payson and Elizabeth S. Vickery of Waldo, int. Oct. 19, 1861. [Elizabeth S. of Belfast, m. Oct. 31, Co.R.]
Baruch Payson of Waldo Plantation and Hulda Bradford of Knox, Aug. 3, 1828.
Caroline R. Payson and Oran S. Scribner, int. Oct. 25, 1851, "Cert. issued Nov. 7."
Eben Payson of Waldo and Elizabeth G. Wall of Waldo, Feb. 23, 1852.
Eliza Payson of Knox and William A. McCabe, hostler, int. Jan. 7, 1872, "Cert. issued Jan. 11, 1873."
Emily N. Payson and Albert T. Peabody, May 2, 1863.
Fred L. Payson and Ellen J. Pierce, Nov. 3, 1890.
Huldah R. Payson and Albert McIntosh [int. seaman], Sept. 19, 1870.
J. B. Payson and Olive Anna Sanborn, dau. Josiah and Zibiah P. (Fales), Dec. 25, 1851, PR83.
John F. Payson and Ellen M. Gordon of Greenfield, int. Aug. 19, 1861, "Cert. issued Aug. 24."
Mary A. Payson and Martin Greer, Apr.7, 1861. [Martin Green, Co.R.]
Samuel Payson of Waldo Plantation and Rebecca Maddan of same, Feb. 17, 1827.
Simon A. Payson and Ellen M. White of Belmont, int. July 2, 1861, "Cert. issued July 6."
Simon A. Payson and Hattie Stiles of Jackson, May 2, 1891, in Jackson.
Susan E. Payson and William A. Carson, int. Mar. 14, 1863, "Cert. issued Mar. 20."
Albert T. Peabody and Emily N. Payson, May 2, 1863.
Elvira D. Peabody and George C. Sanborn of Waldo, July 4, 1850. [Elvira D. of Thomaston, CR1.]
PEACHEY (also see Peachy)-
William Peachey [int. Capt.] and Lurena Hopkins [int. adds S.], Mar. 2, 1843. [William Peachy and Lurena Hopkins, Co.R.]
PEACHY (also see Peachey)-
Mercy Peachy and Spencer Hopkins, int. Oct. 18, 1830, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
Henry Peaks and Sophia S. Wiggin, Dec. 4, 1823.
PEARCE (also see Peirce, Perce, Pierce)-
Allsbury L. Pearce [int. Allsbrey L. Pierce of Vinalhaven] and Rachael A. Brown, Nov. 11, 1854. [Allsbury L. Peirce, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Charllels S. Pearl [int. merchant] of Bangor and Abbie E. Field, Jan. 10, 1872.
PEARSON (also see Pearsons, Persons, Piersons)-
Ambrose Pearson of Morrill and Mabel Stewart of Montville, May 3, 1888.
Carrie L. Pearson of Morrill and Charles H. Hofses of Morrill, June 23, 1886.
George W. Pearson [int. Parsons, 22, ship carpenter] and Hattie Murch [int. Nettie as mid. name], June 2, 1866.
Walter R. Pearson of Lawrence, Mass., and Isabelle F. Libbey, Jan. 26, 1882.
PEARSONS (also see Pearson, Persons, Piersons)-
John Pearsons and Harriet Smart of Plymouth, int. Aug. 19, 1843, "Cert. issued Sept. 2."
Marie J. Pearsons and John B. Nickerson, int. Nov. 27, 1854.
Mary Pearsons of Belmont and Thomas Nickerson, int. Aug. 16, 1834, "Cert. issued Aug. 30."
Mehitable Pearsons and Moses M. Eaton of Plymouth, int. Jan. 8, 1831, "Cert. issued Jan. 24."
Olive Pearsons of Lincoln Plantation and Simon Whitcomb of same, int. Oct. 20, 1812.
S. W. Pearsons of Searsport and Mary T. Waterman, int. July 12, 1854. [Samuel W. of Searsport and Mrs. Mary T. Waterman, m. July 12 (? in Searsport) Co.R.]
Samuel W. Pearsons of Searsport and Charlotte G. Harvey, int. Feb. 7. 1854.
William R. Pearsons, 25, seaman, and Nellie M. Brock, 18, of Ellsworth, int. Apr. 2, 1866, "Cert. issued April 7."
Anna Pease and Albert W. Marsh of Orono, July 31, 1853.
Etta S. Pease of Monmouth and Charles M. Carter, int. Dec. 10, 1883, "Cert. issued Dec. 15."
Henry Pease of Appleton and Nancy Jane Thorndike of Appleton, June 13, 1850.
PEASLEE (also see Peasley)-
Ruth Peaslee and John L. Cummings of Unity, Apr. 29, 1823.
PEASLEY (also see Peasley)-
Mary Jane Peasley of Union and Robert Patterson, widr., 81, third m., farmer, int. Mar. 20, 1873, "Cert. issued Mar. 26."
PEAVEY (also see Peavy)-
A. J. Peavey of Montville and J. Imogen Pottle of Montville, Dec. 28, 1861.
Catherine Peavey, Mrs., of Northport [int. Catharine of Waldo, omits Mrs.], and Albert R. Thurston, Feb. 2, 1889, in Northport.
Darius Peavey and Susan Spearen of Howland, int. Dec. 19, 1847, "Cert. issued Jan. 3, 1848."
John W. Peavey of Swanville and Ada M. Gentner of Waldo, Mar. 5, 1881.
Mary I. Peavey of Swanville and William Hurd, int. Mar. 26, 1851, "Cert. issued Apr. 14."
Orren Peavey [int. Orrin Peavey] and Mary Ann Spearing, Oct. 22, 1848.
PEAVY (also see Peavey)-
Chandler Peavy and Betsey Matthews, Apr. 10, 1811. [Betsy Mathews, CR2.]
C. C. Peck of Boston, Mass., and H. S. Patterson of Augusta, Nov. 25, 1872, in Augusta, CR1.
Elizabeth Peck and Henry E. Carter, Sept. 13, 1835.
Lucy W. Peck and Capt. John Dyer of New York City, int. May 19, 1839. [m. June 2, Co.R.]
PECKARD (also see Packard)-
Lydia M. Peckard, Mrs., and William Fitzgerald, int. Dec. 14, 1878, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
PEIRCE (also see Pearce, Perce, Pierce)-
Ada H. Peirce of Bangor and Joseph Williamson, int. Oct. 3, 1857, "Cert. issued Oct. 20."
Albert Peirce of Frankfort and Frances Williamson, Sept. 10, 1891.
Betsy Peirce of Prospect and Thomas Jorden of Prospect, Aug. 29, 1811.
Charles W. Peirce [int. Charles W. Pierce Esq.] of Bangor and Mary L. Hanson, Jan. 16, 1854. [Pierce of Bangor, CR1.]
David Peirce (Pierce) [sic, int. Jr.] and Helen M. Morrill, May 24, 1835.
David Peirce Jr. [int, omits Jr.] and Emily Ellis of Brooks, Nov. 19, 1848.
David Peirce 2d [int. 60, farmer] and Mary S. Tufts [int. wid., 45], May 9, 1874.
E. Lena Peirce and Charles W. Frederick, June 12, 1889. [Emma Lena, CR1. Emma Lena and Charles Woodbury Frederick, son James Woodbury and Martha Ann (Bradbury), PR120.]
Edna L. Peirce [int. 18] and Roscoe A. Hankerson [int. 27, upholsterer], Nov. 1, 1865.
Edward R. Peirce of Winterport and Antoinette A. Paul of Camden, Sept. 17, 1871.
Emma Lena Peirce (see E. Lena)
Essie L. Peirce [int. Essie L. Pierce] and John Carle, July 12, 1881.
Frank R. Peirce, [int. saloon] and Carrie E. Sylvester, Dec. 5, 1869. [Robert Franklin Peirce, son John and Sarah Frances (Thorndike), and Carrie Etta Sylvester, PR112.]
Franklin Peirce [int. Franklin S. Pierce, merchant] of Boston, Mass., and Ella S. Banks, Aug. 7, 1869.
George G. Peirce [int. George G. Pierce, 31, merchant] and Maria A. Rust [int. 23], Dec. 29, 1867. [Pierce and Maud A. Rust, Co.R.]
Helen L. Peirce [int. Helen L. Pierce] and Moses H. Fuller, Jan. 13, 1855. [Helen H. Pierce, CR1. Helen L. Peirce, Co.R.]
Hiram E. Peirce and Maria Dorrance Cutter, Jan. 25, 1854.
John K. Peirce of Montville and Martha C. Carter of Montville, Mar. 27, 1870.
Lucinda Peirce and Isaac Watson, int. Dec. 15, 1839, "Cert. issued Dec. 25."
Patience Peirce and David Clough, int. Feb. 16, 1814. "This publishment stop'd. . . by order of Davd Clough."
Percy C. Peirce and Leola A. West, Apr. 3, 1890.
Polly Peirce [int. Polly Perce] and James Mansur [int. James Mansure], Apr. 7, 1805.
Robert Franklin Peirce (see Frank R.)
Simon W. Peirce and Cora N. Allenwood [int. Alenwood] of Belmont, Aug. 29, 1880.
Susanna Peirce [int. Perse] and Moses Brier, Nov. 4, 1810.
Phineas Pemberton (see Phineas Pendleton).
Ann R. Pendleton and E. G. Gould, M.D., int. June 26, 1852, "Cert. issued June 26."
Artemisia Pendleton of Islesboro and Philip Gilkey Jr., int. Oct. 6, 1830, "Cert. issued Oct. 25."
Benjamin E. Pendleton and Abigail A. Trickey of Saco, int. May 11, 1845, "Cert. issued June 12."
Caroline E. Pendleton of Northport and Lewis A. Knowlton, int. Nov. 25, 1848, "Cert. issued Dec. 9.." [m. _____, PR66.]
Charles Pendleton and Louisa W. Eaton, Sept. 26, 1833, PR67.
Dolly W. Pendleton of Northport and John R. Whiting, int. Aug. 21, 1842, "Cert. issued Sept. 4."
E. E. Pendleton, Capt., widr., seaman, and Artemisia L. Gilkey of Islesboro, int. Oct. 31, 1871, "Cert. issued Nov. 4."
Elcy Pendleton and Sylvester H. Brown, int. Mar. 24, 1838, "Cert. issued Apr. 14."
Elisha K. Pendleton, Capt., of Islesboro, and Catharine S. Knowls, int. Jan. 10, 1841, "Cert. issued Jan. 24."
Elizabeth Eaton Pendleton (see Lizzie E.)
Ellen Jane Pendleton of Islesborough and Girard Pendleton, int. Feb. 14, 1861, "Cert. issued Feb. 18."
Fannie M. Pendleton and Fred L. Thompson, int. Oct. 22, 1881.
Frances Amelia Pendleton of Northport and William F. Abbot, int. Nov. 15, 1852, "Cert. issued."
Frederic Clifford Pendleton, son Charles and Louisa W. (Eaton), and Georgia S. Alden, Jan. 29, 1885, PR67.
George W. Pendleton [int. mariner] and Martha A. Durgin, May 3, 1871.
George W. Pendleton [int. 20, compositor) and Sarah J. Melody [int. 18], Sept. 5, 1873.
Girard Pendleton and Ellen Jane Pendleton of Islesborough, int. Feb. 14, 1861, "Cert. issued Feb. 18."
Green Pendleton of Prospect and Nancy Parks of Prospect, May 2, 1797, CR2.
Herbert A. Pendleton and Eva A. Patterson, int. Dec. 15, 1879, "Cert. issued Dec. 19."
Lewis W. Pendleton [int. Dr., 23] and Caroline S. Conner [int. Carrie, 23] Oct. 9, 1867. [Lewis W. and Caroline S. Conner, CR!. Lewis W. and Carrie S. Conner, CO.R.]
Lizzie E. Pendleton of Camden and Lewis A. Knowlton, int. June 2, 1859. [Elizabeth Eaton Pendleton (second w.), dau. Charles and Louisa W. (Eaton), m .June 8, PR67.]
Lorenzo Pendleton, Capt., of Islesboro, Waldo Co., and Elizabeth Boardman of same, Nov. 5, 1860.
Louie F. Pendleton of Islesboro and Everett P. Ames of Anson, Nov. 7, 1891.
Louisa S. Pendleton of Boston and Isaac Allard Esq., int. Sept. 27, 1854.
Lydia B. Pendleton of Northport and Lycurgus V. Payne, Dec. 8, 1844.
Margaret Pendleton of Prospect and William Butman, int. Jan. 2, 1835, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
Mark P. Pendleton and Inez L. Matthews of Bangor, Sept. 10, 1889, in Bangor.
Mary A. Pendleton of Islesboro and Samuel Michaels of Swanville, int. Dec. 9, 1851, "Cert. issued Dec."
Mary B. Pendleton of Searsport and Samuel P. Griffin of Searsport, July 28, 1855.
Nathan Pendleton of Prospect and Lydia Gilkey, int. Jan. 17, 1832, "Cert. issued Feb. 9."
Nathan E. Pendleton [int. shoemaker] and Martha A. Storer [int. Stover], mutes, Dec. 30, 1871.
Nathaniel S. Pendleton, sailor, and Olive M. Burgess, int. Jan. 29, 1870, "Cert. issued Feb. 3." ["give no other cf in this Miss B forbids" written in pencil.]
Nathaniel S. Pendleton [int. seaman] and Emily C. Wood [int. Amelia] of Northport [int. adds E.], Apr. 15, 1873.
Neaby Pendleton [int. Niaby Pendleton] and John Batcheldor [int. John Batchelor], Sept. 2, 1835.
Philena Pendleton of Islesboro and James L. Michaels, int. Feb. 14, 1847, "Cert. issued Mar. 1."
Phineas Pendleton [int. Penis Pemberton of Prospect] and Nancy Gilmore [int. Gilmor], Mar. 6 [sic, int. Mar. 9] 1806. [Phineas Pendleton and Nancy Gilmore, CR2.]
Phineas Pendleton Jr. of Searsport and Emily F. Perry, Nov. 23, 1882. [Capt. Phineas and Emily Fowler Perry, dau. Augustus and Jane C. (Porter), PR160.]
Prudence Pendleton and James Curtis, int. May 20, 1837, "Cert. issued June 10."
Prudy G. Pendleton of Searsport and Selwyn N. McGilvery, int. Jan. 28, 1879, "Cert. issued Feb. 1."
Rebeccah Pendleton of Northport and William Howard, int. Sept. 15, 1821, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
Richmond Pendleton and Nancy Watson, Feb. 14, 1837.
S. Evelyn Pendleton of Searsport and William K. Morison, int. Mar. 27, 1880, "Cert. issued April 1."
Lydia Pennell of Buxton, York Co., and John White of Green, int. Oct. _, 1809.
PENNEY (also see Penny)-
Ida M. Penney [int. of Knox] and Clarence O. Gay, Apr. 12, 1890.
Mary A. Penney, Mrs., of Brooks, and George G. Brown, int. Aug. 26, 1882, "Cert. issued Oct. 5."
Susan Penney of Brooks and Eben Littlefield, int. Sept. 10, 1883, "Cert. issued Sept. 14."
PENNY (also see Penney)-
Dorcas Penny of Knox and Caleb Stepherson Jr., int. Dec. 5, 1832, "Cert. issued Dec. 24."
Salome Penny and Joshua Stephenson, ____ [int. "Cert. issued Sept. 9"], 10, 1835.
Susan Penny of Knox and Robert Rowe, int. Oct. 12, 1833, "Cert. issued Oct. 31."
PERCE (also see Pearce, Peirce, Pierce)-
Susanna Perce and Christopher Carlo, int. July 27, 1806.
Thomas Perce [int. Thomas Peirce] and Olivia Rich [int. Olivia Rich], Sept. 4, 1803.
Melville C. Percival and Alberta F. Coombs, July 12, 1877.
Charles S. Perham [int. 32, merchant] of Boston and Abbie F. Hersey [int. 20], May 17, 1866. [Charles S. Parkman of Boston, Co.R.]
Abigail M. Perkins and James B. Patterson of Waldo Plantation, Feb. 12, 1845. [Abigail Mead Perkins, dau. Joseph and Cyrena (French), PR158.]
Alexander C. Perkins and Eliza A. Darling of Bluehill, int. July 27, 1845, "Cert. issued Aug. 21."
Benjamin F. Perkins [int. 26, carpenter] of Gloucester, Mass., and Abby Sarah Blake [int. Abbie, 17], Oct. 4, 1865. [Benjamine F. Parkens of Glucester, Mass. and Abby Sarah Blake, Co.R.]
Bertie Perkins, Miss, and Lafayette Baker, int. Oct. 11, 1875, "Cert. issued Oct. 16."
Bethiah Perkins and George Anderson, Nov. 1, 1848. [Bethia, dau. Joseph and Cyrena (French), and George Anderson of Freeport, PR158.]
Charles M. Perkins and Abbie E. Jewett, Aug. 7, 1887.
Chester E. Perkins and Alice A. Cain of Montville, Sept. 20, 1887.
Daniel Perkins and Harriet E. Stevens of Northport, Nov. 20, 1857. [sic, 1856] in Northport. [Nov. 20, 1856, Co.R.]
Edward Perkins of Dixmont and Joanna Wight, int. May 29, 1827, "Cert. issued June 16."
Enoch Perkins and Nancy Hopkins, Jan. 7, 1810.
Enoch Perkins, Capt., of Searsport, and Mrs. Mary R. Kendall of Searsport, Mar. 21, 1877. [Mar. 2, CR3.]
Fannie E. Perkins and William C. Vose, int. Nov. 17, 1881, "Cert. issued Nov. 23."
Frank Perkins and Helen G. Dodge, int. Apr. 25, 1864, "Cert. issued Apr. 30."
Frank Perkins and Mary E. Larrabee of Thorndike, int. Oct. 4, 1875, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Fred W. Perkins and Carrie Beckwith, Oct. 12, 1886.
Hannah E. Perkins [int. A.] and John C. Conden [int. John C. Condon], Jan. 1, 1855. [Hannah A. and John C. Condon, CR1. Hannah E. and John C. Condon, Co.R.]
Harriet N. Perkins and George R. Carter, int. Feb. 3, 1859, "Cert. issued Feb. 7." [Harriet Newell Perkins, dau. Joseph and Cyrena (French), m. ____, PR158.]
Hattie E. Perkins, Mrs., and Howard Murphy, int. June 3, 1889, "Cert. issued June 8."
Horace S. Perkins and Lucy E. Burgess, Dec. 13, 1855. [Lucy E., dau. David and Catherine (Holmes), m. Dec. 18, PR51. m. Dec. 13, PR52.]
James H. Perkins [int. seaman] and Emma F. McKeen, May 22, 1869. [Emma F., dau. Joseph and Eliza (Holmes), PR46. James Henry Perkins, son Joseph and Cyrena (French), and Emma F. McKeen (first w.), PR158.]
Joseph Perkins and Cyrene French of Waldo, July 4, 1822. [Cyrena, PR158.]
Julia Perkins and Abner Jepson [int. Jipson, widr., divorced, third m., stone cutter], Apr. 20, 1872. [Jepson, CR3.]
Lena R. Perkins and Thomas E. West, Nov. 19, 1887.
Mattie H. Perkins [int. 18] and Matthew W. Welch [int. 21, painter], Aug. 8, 1867.
Nancy Perkins of Prospect and Charles Cunningham, June 12, 1831.
Nellie S. Perkins and Zebard Thompson, int. Sept. 24, 1874, "Cert. issued Oct. 3."
Peter Perkins of Prospect and Jane Ames of Prospect, Jan. 5, 1815.
Phebe H. Perkins and Frank H. Hoag, Nov. 1, 1884.
Sarah E. Perkins and Eben S. Clark, July 20, 1879.
Silas M. Perkins and Annie Clark, Dec. 3, 1857. [Silas McKeen Perkins, son Joseph and Cyrena (French), PR158.]
Vesta H. Perkins and Charles A. Mahoney, Sept. 12, 1889.
Alice I. Perry, wid., 32, of Lincolnville, and Joseph S. Thombs, widr., 38, ship master, int. June 12, 1873, "Cert. issued June 17."
Augustus Perry and Jane C. Porter of Prospect, int. Oct. 21, 1843. [m. Nov. 28, PR160.]
Carrie Perry and Stephen L. Murch of Belmont, Dec. 26, 1887.
Clara E. Perry of Rockland and Thomas L. Shute, int. Jan. 28, 1882, "Cert. issued Feb. 1."
Clarissa Perry and Ebenezer Cox, Feb. 7, 1829.
Edward A. Perry and Mary N. Lancaster, June 16, 1870. [Mary Nickels Lancaster, dau. Gorham and Esther (Holbrook), PR108. Edward Augustus, son Augustus and Jane C. (Porter), PR160.]
Edward E. Perry of Swanville and Emma M. Knowlton of Swanville, Dec. 15, 1874.
Emily F. Perry and Phineas Pendleton Jr. of Searsport, Nov. 23, 1882. [Emily Fowler Perry, dau. Augustus and Jane C. (Porter), and Capt. Phineas Pendleton, PR160.]
Harriet Perry of Rockland and Henry C. Burgess, int. Mar. 15, 1881, "Cert. issued Mar. 21."
Irwin L. Perry and Pearl Carter, Dec. 17, 1889.
Isabella J. Perry and Clarence O. Poor [int. merchant], Oct. 8, 1872. [Clarence Osgood Poor, son William Osgood and Lucretia McClure (Hunter), PR143. Isabella Jane, dau. Augustus and Jane C. (Porter), Oct. 8, 1871, PR160.]
James J. Perry of Searsport and Sarah Parnel Dutch of Searsport, Aug. 28, 1859.
John C. Perry and Eliza Derry of Camden, int. Nov. 22, 1836, "Cert. issued Dec. 5."
Justina I. Perry and John F. Foss, widr., third m., seaman, int. June 15, 1868, "Cert. issued June 19."
Luther Perry and Mrs. Mary Ragan of Rockland, int. Sept. 21, 1858, "Cert. issued Sept. 25."
Mary Perry and Samuel Michaels of Monroe, Mar. 28, 1821.
Mary Perry and Andrew Green, June 10, 1876.
Sarah C. Perry, 23, and John D. Smart, widr., 30, seaman, Oct. 17, 1865. [Sarah E., m. Oct. 21, in Winterport, Co.R.]
Susanna Perse (see Susanna Peirce).
PERSONS (also see Pearson, Pearsons, Piersons)-
Elisha Persons 2d and Hannah Smart, int. Nov. 24, 1839. [Parsons, m. Dec. 19, Co.R.]
Lois Persons [int. Lois Pearsons] of Belmont and Henry G. Warrin, July 21, 1839.
Moses Persons of Knox Plantation and Hulda Stetson of same, int. July 8, 1806.
Edward Peters [int. Edmund Peters, widr., colored, 33, seamsn] of Warren [int. son Benjamin, seamsn and Nancy] and Abby Bailey [int. wid., colored, 27, d. ____ Hall (laborer], May 21, 1865. [Edward of Warren and Abby Bailey, CO.R.]
Rebecca Peters [int. adds S.], Mrs., of Warren, and Alexander Jackson, Dec. 22, 1880.
PETERSON (also see Petterson)-
Lucy Peterson and Robert Fletcher [int. adds D.], May 9, 1819.
Gertie May Pettee and Albert P. Colson, Dec. 28, 1886.
PETTENGILL (also see Pettingill)-
N. G. Pettengill and Lizzie Parker of Islesboro, int. June 29, 1875, "Cert. issued July 3."
PETTERSON (also see Peterson)-
Ann Petterson and Enas West, Dec. 6, 1797. [Ann Peterson and Enos West, CR2.]
PETTINGILL (also see Pettengill)-
Comfort Pettingill of Livermore and Abigail Morrill, int. Jan. 21, 1830, "Cert. issued Feb. 7."
Solomon Phelps and Lydia Curtis of Frankfort, int. May 10, 1800.
PHILBRICK (also see Philbrook, Philbrooke, Phillbrook)-
Ada H. Philbrick and Daniel J. Kimball of Swanville, int. June 27, 1881, "Cert. issued July 2."
Albert W. Philbrick and Malinda M. Sheldon of Waldo, int. July 18, 1856. [Melinda W. of Waldo, m. July 19, in Searsport, Co.R.]
Charles Philbrick and Mrs. Abbie Higgins, int. Jan. 4, 1882, "Cert. issued Jan. 10."
Edmund M. Philbrick [int. 28, blacksmith] and Emily A. Sides [int. 24], June 8, 1867.
Ephraim Philbrick and Hannah Smith of Knox, int. Mar. 27, 1829, "Cert. issued Apr. 14."
Horace Philbrick of Knox and Almetia Cross of Morrill, Apr. 22, 1867. [Almatia of Morrill, Co.R.]
Mary C. Philbrick and Isaac Condon, Jan. 2, 1848.
Minerva Phlbrick of Thorndike and Michael Morton of Thorndike, June 2, 1856.
Sewall A. Philbrick [int. farmer] and Abby L. Kimball, Oct. 20, 1868.
Varrietta Philbrick of Waldo and George O. Bailey of Morrill, May 2, 1858. [Philbrook of Waldo, Co.R.]
Walter Philbrick Jr. of Hope and Rachel Walton, Jan. 14, 1829.
PHILBROOK (also see Philbrick, Philbrooke, Phillbrook)-
Amanda A. Philbrook of Knox, Waldo Co., and Joseph E. Johnson of same, Aug. 23, 1863.
Benjamin Philbrook of Thomaston and Elizabeth Maddocks, int. July 31, 1848. [Benjamin W. and Elizabeth Maddocks, dau. Samuel and Eliza (Weed), m. Aug. 29, PR164.]
James B. Philbrook of Montville and Mary E. Proal, int. Apr. 6, 1843,, "Cert. issued Apr. 29."
Mary F. Philbrook of Searsmont and William G. Mahoney of Searsmont, Jan. 1, 1856. [Philbrick and William S. Mahony, both of Searsmont, Co.R.]
Nancy Philbrookk of Knox and Henry Leach, int. June 15, 1846, "Cert. issued June 28."
Samuel V. Philbrook and Hannah T. Brown of N. Haven, int. Jan. 12, 1863, "Cert. issued Jan. 17."
Sarah C. Phlbrook, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Benjamin Partridge of Prospect, Oct. 14, 1850.
PHILBROOKE (also see Philbrick, Philbrook, Phillbrook)-
Christiana F. Philbrooke [int. Phlbrook] of Knox and Ambrose J. MOrison, Oct. 9, 1848. [Philbrick of Knox, CR1.]
PHILLBROOK (also see Philbrick, Philbrook, Philbrooke)-
Ann Phillbrook [int. Nancy Ann Philbrook] and Roderick [int. Rhoderick] R. Pishon of Thorndike, Sept. __ [int. "Cert. issued Sept. 15"]. 1834.
A. C. Phillips of Swanville and Hattie F. M. Royal of Swanville, Jan. 1, 1884.
Amelia Phillips and Caleb B. Burnap, Nov. 13, 1828.
Deborah Phillips and Helon Brooks, int. Oct. 24, 1824, "Cert. issued Nov. 7."
Nicholas Phillips and Betsey Thomas of Lincolnville, int. Jan. 11, 1812.
Samuel Phillips of Quantabacook and Mary Crooks of Northport, Mar. 7, 1799.
Samuel Phillips of a plantation near Belfast [int. Quantabook] and Hannah Bolton of Frankfort, May 31, 1801.
Sarah A. Phillips, Mrs., and Wellfleet, Mass., and Theodore N. Phillips, int. JUne 16, 1856.
Theodore N. Phillips and Mrs. Sarah A. Phillips of Wellfleet, Mass., int. June 16, 1856.
Thomas P. Phinney [int. F.] of Waterville and Sarah E. Pitcher [int. Sarah Lizzie Pitcher], Oct .31, 1858. [Thomas P. of Waterville and Sarah E. Pitcher, Co.R.]
Timothy Phinney and Adaline Walton, Sept. 7, 1828.
A. M. Phipps and Moses K. Sanborn, son Josiah and Zibiah P. (Fales), Dec. 16, 1864. PR83.
David W. Phipps, son Stephen E. and Phebe P. (Warren), and Viola J. Varney of Boston, Mass., Jan. _, 1866. PR39.
David W. Phipps of Seattle, son Stephen E. and Phebe P. (Warren), and Annie L. Davidson, Jan. 19, 1890, in Seattle. PR39.
Frederick A. Phipps of Port Richmond, Pa., and Mary E. Stanly, int. Mar.11, 1853, "Cert. issued."
Phebe P. Phipps (Warren), Mrs., and James Bucklin, Feb. 8, 1844, in Knox, PR39.
Stephen E. Phipps and Phebe P. Warren, Oct. 19, 1835, in Plymouth, PR39.
Thomas Pickard and Priscilla Palmer of Bristol, int. Oct. 14, 1820, "Cert. issued Oct. 3 [sic]."
Thomas Pickard and Mrs. Mary Ann Hoit, Sept. 25, 1828.
William Pickering Jr. [int. widr., 31, merchant] of Salem, Mass., and Helen S. Welch [int. 21], Oct. 6, 1873.
PICTCHER (see Pitcher).
PIERCE (also see Pearce, Peirce, Perce)-
A. K. Pierce and Mary A. Brown, June 18, 1876.
Albion K. Pierce of Montville and Elizabeth Brown, int. June 4, 1846, "Cert. issued June 26."
Ann Maria Pierce and Amos B. Treat of Frankfort, int. Nov. 1, 1836, "Cert. issued Nov. 28."
Betsey Pierce and John McHassel, Dec. 30, 1821.
Charles Pierce, Capt., of Orington, and Mary B. Atwell, int. Apr. 7, 1845, "Cert. issued Apr. 24."
Comfort Pierce and Josiah Twitchel, Nov. 7, 1816.
David Pierce, Capt., and Rachel Simpson, Dec. 16, 1821.
Ebenezer Pierce 9int. Eben Pierce], Capt., and Mrs. Lavina Reed [int. Lovinia Reed], Feb. 6, 1856. [Capt. Ebenezer and Mrs. Lovina Reed, Co.R.]
Edith C. Pierce and Orlando Moody, Nov. 26, 1891.
Eliza Pierce [int. Elizabeth Pierce] and John Worthing [int. Worthen], Nov. 3, 1833.
Ellen J. Pierce and Fred L. Payson, Nov. 3, 1890.
Frank S. Pierce and Mrs. Lula A. Springer, int. Sept. 4, 1890, "Cert. issued Sept. 13."
Hannah E. Pierce and Charles Moore, int. Oct. 2, 1830. [m. Nov. 11, Co.R.]
Hester M. Pierce of Ellsworth and Fred W. Brown, int. June 26, 1880, "Cert. issued July 2."
Hiram Pierce [Peirce] and Deborah K. Watson, Aug. 6, 1837.
Isabel S. Pierce of Belmont and George W. Knights of Belmont, July 30, 1876.
Jessie A. Pierce of Lincolnville and George M. Coombs of Lincolnville, Nov. 27, 1889.
Joanna Pierce of Montville and Edmund P. Brown, int. May 18, 1844, "Cert. issued June 3."
John Pierce and Sarah Frances Thorndike, June _, 1836. PR112.
Lizzie A. Pierce of Belmont and William Bassick of Waldo, Nov. 9, 1873.
Mary Pierce and Dr. Daniel Cass, Sept.6, 1828.
Mary Pierce [int. Peirce] and Enoch Rowe [int. adds S.], Nov. 5, 1828.
Mary E. Pierce and Charles E. White, Aug. 10, 1889.
Patience Pierce and George Sidensburger of Warren, Nov. 7, 1818.
Sarah Pierce {see Mary).
Sarah E. Pierce and W. Lincoln West, Feb. 15, 1890.
Sarah Elizabeth Pierce [int. Peirce] and David A. Elwell of Marysville, Cal., Sept. 14, 1859. [Pierce, CR1. Co.R. Peirce, dau. John and Sarah Frances (Thorndike), and David Augustus Elwel of Marysville, Cal. PR112.]
Sarah S. Pierce and Capt. John Cole of Bangor, int. Aug. 17, 1844, "Cert. issued Sept. 4."
True P. Pierce of Rockland and Addie S. Clark, Oct. 25, 1877.
PIERSONS (also see Pearson, Pearsons, Persons)-
Mary Piersons of Belmont and Sargent Tewksbury, int. Aug. 16, 1833.
Denison Pike of Auburn and Mary H. Johnson of Waldo, Oct. 17, 1868. [Oct. 18, Co.R.]
Dorothea Pike of Prospect and Charles Pray, int. Dec. 4, 1841, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
Edward C. Pike {see Edward C. Parke).
Fannie Pike of Rockland and Judson Knowlton, seaman, of Rockland, int. Aug. 21, 1871.
Harrietta H. Pike of Prospect and Ebenezer Stickney, int. Sept. 9, 1843, "Cert. issued June 27."
Mary J. Pike of Rockland and Fred Hall of Rockland, Oct. 25, 1870.
Robert Pike of Prospect and Hannah Smith of Prospect, Aug. 28, 1808.
Theodore J. Pike of Westbrook and Mary J. Temple, July 2, 1854.
Hattie P. Pilley, Mrs., and Hollis M. Longfellow of Searsmont, Oct. 22, 1891, in Searsmont.
PILLSBURY (also see Pilsbury)-
Abigail Pillsbury of Belmont and Caleb E. Frost of Belmont, Jan. 16, 1834.
Ada A. Pillsbury, Mrs., and James H. Elms, Mar. 23, 1881.
Albert Pillsbury, Esq. [int. Pilsbury] of Calais and Abby C. Porter, Mar. 23, 1836.
Bertha C. Pillsbury and Willie K. Keen, Nov. 25, 1879.
Daniel E. Pillsbury, 23, seaman, and Martha Jane Davis, 23, of Jackson, int. Dec. 14, 1865, "Cert. issued Dec. 20."
Ellen Pillsbury [int. adds A.], Mrs., and James Haney, Nov. 19, 1878.
Henry A. Pillsbury, pedler, and Ellenor A. Desmon, 24, of Portland, int. May 30, 1873, "Cert. issued June 5."
Hiram O. Pillsbury and Hattie Kaller, Apr. 26, 1871.
John H. Pillsbury and Abby R. Stuart of Northport, Sept. 10, 1853.
Martha Jane Pillsbury and James A. Leighton of Albion, Oct. 11, 1890, in Palermo.
Nancy M. Pillsbury of Northport and Elbridge G. Pitcher of Northport, Feb. 9, 1836, Co.R.
William M. Pillsbury [int. seaman] and Abbie N. Warren [int. Abby] of Islesboro, July 25, 1871.
PILSBURY (also see Pillsbury)-
Margaret Pilsbury of Belmont and Robert Alexander of Belmont, int. Mar. 21, 1814.
Thomas K. Pilsbury of Thomaston and Mary Brown of Northport, Jan. 9, 1845.
PINCKHAM (also see Pinkham)-
Darius D. Pinckham [int. Penckham] and Clarisa H. Libby, Dec. 3, 1835.
PINKHAM (also see Pinckham)-
James Pinkham of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Lucy Knowlton, July 6, 1882.
Joseph Pinkham of Montville and Mrs. Elizabeth Nickerson, Oct. 1, 1887.
Judith Pinkham and Richard Lear, Nov. 26, 1807.
Nellie E. Pinkham and George Flanders [int. adds C.], Feb. 1, 1887, in Washington.
Abigail B. Piper of Waldo and Mark Warren, int. Dec. 3, 1831, "Cert. issued Dec. 28."
Charles A. Piper, 22, farmer, and Eudora L. Pitcher, 17, int. Mar. 19, 1867, "Cert. issued Mar. 23."
Etta E. Piper and Fred P. Savery of Searsport, int. Oct. 20, 1879, "Cert. issued Oct. 24."
Georgia I. Piper and Charles F. Wood of Northport, Aug. 6, 1888.
Henry W. Piper and Lecty Temple Brooks of Princeton, Mass., int. Sept. 23, 1833. [Henry Wood Piper of Lucy Temple Brooks of Princeton, Mass., m. Oct. 30, Co.R.]
Isabella N. Piper, 26, cap maker, dau. Charles B., farmer (b. Northport [int. adds Waldo Co.], and Nancy (Frohock), seamstress (b. Searsmont) and Samuel F. Holt, 26, joiner, of N. Andover, Mass., son Peter, joiner (b. Bethel) and Louisa (Wilson) (b. Newburyport, Mass.), Sept. 20, 1864.
Louis Piper of Northport and Porter Whittier, int. Dec. 4, 1808.
Martha E. Piper, 23, teacher, dau. Rev. Charles B., farmer (b. Northport, Waldo Co.) and Nancy 9int. (Frohock)], tailoress (b. Searsmont), and Daniel Gibbs, 24, farmer, of Brooks, son Amos, farmer (b. Jackson, Waldo Co.) and Mary Eliza [int. (Foss) (b. Waldo), July 4, 1864. [July 4, 1865, Co.R.]
Mary Piper of Northport and Peter West, int. Mar. 1, 1812.
Nancy Piper of Swanville and Asa West of Three Mile Square, Dec. 29, 1818.
Polly Piper of Prospect and Jonathan Savery of Prospect, June 8, 1812.
Susan Piper of Swanville and Nicholas Jeffords, July 28, 1823.
Thomas Piper of Newburgh and Lucy Gilmore, Mar. 8, 1827.
Thomas Jefferson Piper of Waldo and Almira Jefferds, Nov. 10, 1825.
Josiah Pirrinton and Sulvina Smart, int. June 11, 1834, "Publishment Taken down by S. Smart."
Ann Pishon, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] and John Stephenson, June 25, 1842. [Ann, Co.R.]
Augusta A. Pishon and Albion H. Bradbury, int. Apr. 2, 1860, "Cert. issued Apr. 6."
Chloe S. Pishon of Bangor and Martine P. Tounsend, int. Nov. 15, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec. 1846."
Roderick R. Pishon [int. Rhodrick] of Thorndike and Ann Philbrook [int. Nancy Ann Philbrook], Sept. _ [int. "Cert. issued Sept. 15"] 1834.
Sibyl C. Pishon and Joel B. Smith of Lincolnville, int. oct. 2, 1841, "Cert. issued Oct. 29."
Ann M. Pitcher [int. Maria, 23] and Frederick A. Griffin [int. 24, seaman] of Stockton, Sept. 21, 1865. [Ann M., Co.R.]
Annette H. Pitcher, 24, and George W. Miller, 25, farmer, int. May 16, 1870, "Cert. issued May 21."
Anson Pitcher [int. 22, clerk] and Flora E. Gray [int. Grey, 20], Aug. 29, 1866. [Gray, CR1. Co.R.]
Asa Pitcher of Belmont and Paulina Patterson, int. Mar. 17, 1831, "Cert. issued April 2."
Augusta A. Pitcher and Franklin S. Nickerson Esq. of Searsport, int. Dec. 20, 1849. [Augusta Ann, m. Dec. 30, Co.R.]
Bella Pitcher [int. Belle Pitcher] and Franklin A. Towle, [int. Frank L. Towle], Dec. 26, 1876.
Byron L. Pitcher and Annie B. Parker, Sept. 27, 1883.
Calvin Pitcher and Joanna Prescott, int. Feb. 24, 1816, "Cert. granted Mar. 14."
Calvin Pitcher 2d and Lydia Winslow, int. Sept. 30, 1837. [m. Oct. 23, Co.R.]
Calvin Hartson Pitcher (see Hartson C. Pitcher).
Caroline A. Pitcher and William C. Frederick, July 4, 1852. [Frederic, CR1. Caroline A., dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), and William C. Frederick, PR172.]
Charles A. Pitcher and [int. adds N.] Matilda Miller, Sept. 13, 1848. [Nancy Matilda, dau. Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), Sept. 18, PR59.]
Charlotte Pitcher and William H. Vose of Thomaston, June 4, 1843.
Daniel L. Pitcher and Prudence C. Dunbar, Apr. 9, 1848.
Elbridge G. Pitcher of Northport and Nancy M. Pillsbury of Northport, Feb. 9 ,1836, Co.R.
Elbridge S. Pitcher and Emma B. Pitcher of Bethel, Dec. 31, 1889, in Bethel.
Electa B. Pitcher and Martin Stone, July 25, 1855. [Martin B., Co.R. Electa B., dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), and Martin Stone, PR172.]
Elvira Pitcher and James Bicknell of Belmont, Sept. 26, 1842.
Emma B. Pitcher of Bethel and Elbridge S. Pitcher, Dec. 31, 1889, in Bethel.
Ephraim A. Pitcher and Susan Houston, int. Jan. 1, 1831. [Mary Susan, m. Jan. 16, Co.R.]
Eudora L. Pitcher, 17, and Charles A. Piper, 22, farmer, int. Mar. 19, 1867, "Cert. issued Mar. 23."
Fisher A. Pitcher and Eliza Whittier of Searsmont, int. July 22, 1815. [m. Aug. 20, PR162.]
Frank C. Pitcher and Jennie L. Libby, Sept. 2, 1874.
Harriet Pitcher and James M. Neal of Belmont, Jan. 23, 1838.
Hartshorn C. Pitcher [int. widr., merchant] and Adella L. Lancaster, June 27, 1870. [Lucy Adella, dau. David and Rebecca (Knight), PR108. Calvin Hartson Pitcher, son Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), and Luch A. Lancaster, PR172.]
Hartson C. Pitcher of Bangor and Lydia A. Lancaster, Jan. 7, 1860. [Hartshorn C. and Lydia Ann Lancaster, dau. David and Rebecca (Knight), PR108. Calvin Hartson Pitcher, son Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), and Lydia A. Lancaster, PR172.]
Isabella T. Pitcher and Timothy D. Manning of Rockland, Oct. 12 [sic, int. Oct. 15], 1855. [Oct. 12, CR1. Co.R. Isabell T., dau. Fisher A. and Eliza (Whittier), Oct. 15, PR162].
Isaphene M. Pitcher, 20, and George G. Patterson, 20, merchant, int. Aug. 21, 1869, "Cert. issued Aug. 25."
Joanna Pitcher, dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), and Jonathan Pitcher, July 13, 1854, PR172.
Job Pitcher of Northport and Mary Patterson, Dec. 27, 1823.
John W. Pitcher, merchant, and Ella G. Varrell of Biddeford, int. June 11, 1869, "Cert. issued June 16."
Jonathan Pitcher and Eliza Stevenson [int. Steph[torn], Nov. 27, 1806. [Stevenson, CR2.]
Jonathan Pitcher and Joanna Pitcher, dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), July 13, 1854, PR172.
Lewis E. Pitcher of Lincolnville and Edna E. Patterson, Aug. 29, 1875.
Lottie B. Pitcher of Bethel and Harlen B. Ellis, int. Apr. 2, 1885, "Cert. issued Apr. 7."
Lucy E. Pitcher and Luther Farrow of Northport, int. Oct. 16, 1852, "Cert. issued."
Luette Pitcher and Herbert L. Gray, Aug. 10, 1877.
Luther A. Pitcher and Mrs. Almira Winslow, Jan. 16, 1839.
Luther A. Pitcher and Mary J. H. Richards, int. Mar. 13, 1853, "Cert. issued."
Mary Pitcher of Northport and Rufus P. Hills, int. Dec. 15, 1851, "Cert. issued Jan. 9, 1852 [sic].
Mary E. Pitcher and Robert Pote, Oct. 26, 1834. [Mary E., dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), Oct. 27, PR172.]
Nancy A. Pitcher [int. M.] and William A. White, Mar. 8, 1846. [Nancy M., dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), PR172.]
Nancy M. Pitcher, Mrs., and Jesse Hutchings, int. Dec. 12, 1848, "Cert. issued Dec. 26."
Oscar W. Pitcher, 22, merchant, and S. Louise Lovejoy, 21, of Rockland, int. Nov. 6, 1865, "Cert. issued Nov. 11."
Sally Pitcher of Northport and David Knowles, Feb. 24, 1820.
Sarah E. Pitcher [int. Sarah Lizzie] and Thomas P. Phinney [int. F.] of Waterville, Oct. 31, 1858. [Sarah E. and Thomas P. Phinney of Waterville, CO.R.]
Sarah W. Pitcher and Noah M. Mathews, Jan. 27, 1850. [Sally or Sarah W., dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), PR172.]
Tamzon W. Pitcher [int. Tamzen] and Albert D. Matthews [int. Mathews] of Liberty, Feb. 15, 1860. [Tamzen W. and Albert D. Matthews of Liberty, Feb. 14, Co.R. Tamzen W., dau Fisher A. and Eliza (Whittier), and Albert D. Mathews, PR162.]
Thomas W. Pitcher and Olivia M. Miller, May 21, 1862.
William Pitcher [Pictcher] and Betsy Adams of Stodard, N. H., int. Oct. 14, 1804.
William Pitcher and Sarah Winslow, int. Jan. 21, 1832. [m. Feb. 5, CO.R.]
Ira A. Pitman and [int. Mrs.] Julia A. Hoyt [int. of Appleton], Oct. 7, 1882.
Julia M. Pitman of Appleton and Winfield S. Chaples of Appleton, Oct. 6, 1872.
Charles Plummer and Phebe S. G. Young, Dec. 16, 1844.
Elizabeth D. Plummer of Bangor and Calvin Hervey, int. Aug. 30, 1846. [m. Sept. 17, PR25.]
Horace Plummer of Winterport and Julia R. Fisher of Winterport, Oct. 23, 1871.
June S. Plummer of Freedom and Luther C. Getchell of Freedom, Oct. 17, 1884.
Phebe S. Plummer [int. Mrs.] and Theodore Cary of Houlton, Dec. 24, 1874.
Elizla Poland of Washington Plantation and Timothy Thorndike Esq. of same, int. Nov. 25, 1815, "Cert. granted Dec. 8."
POMEROY (also see Pomroy)-
Ira E. Pomeroy of Swanville and Irena E. Hill, int. Mar. 13, 1884.
POMROY (also see Pomeroy)-
Sarah G. Pomroy and Washington Patterson, Dec. 3, 1835.
Henry Pooler and Helen Marcoo of Frankfort, int. Jan. 11, 1849, "Cert. issued Jan. 25."
Jane Pooler and Alphonse Juley, int. Nov. 25, 1846, "Cert. issued Dec. 19."
Levi Pooler and Lucy Lasker of Waterville, int. June 7, 1849, "Cert. issued June 2."
Sophia Pooler and Peter Baker, int. Oct. 17, 1849, "Cert. issued Nov. 9."
Ann P. Poor and Samuel L. Gould, M.D., of Prospect, int. July 26, 1834. [m. Aug. 11, Co.R.]
Annabella B. Poor and Nathan Swan, int. Feb. 17, 1812.
Benjamin Poor and Lydia Swan [int. Susan Swan], Jan. 16, 1819.
Benjamin W. Poor and Drusilla H. McCauslin, int. Dec. 28, 1844, "Cert. issued Jan. 13, 1845."
Carrie E. Poor, 26, and Percy A. Sanborn, 24, ornamental painter, int. June 12, 1873. [Percy A., son Josiah and Zilbiah P. (Fales), m. June 18, PR83.]
Catharine A. Poor and Hillyer H. Potter of Greenfield, Mass., int. Sept. 16, 1854.
Clarence O. Poor [int. merchant] and Isabella J. Perry, Oct. 8, 1872. [Clarence Osgood Poor, son William Osgood and Lucretia McClure (Hunter), PR143. Isabella Jane, dau. Augustus and Jane C. (Porter), Oct. 8, 1871, PR160.]
Cora V. Poor and Melvin A. Stephenson, int. May 20, 1885, "Cert. issued May 26."
Dolly B. Poor and Jeremiah Swan, int. Dec. 27, 1817, "Cert. granted Mar. 4, 1818."
Elizabeth D. Poor and Sewall P. Tolman of Hinsdale, N. H., int. Sept. 15, 1849, "Cert. issued Oct. 6."
Hollis M. A. Poor and Clementine N. Donnel of Searsmont, Waldo Co., June 20, 1865.
Isabella Poor and Samuel Morse of Belmont, Dec. 21, 1889.
James Poor, Capt., and Anna Johnson of Andover, int. [torn, ? Aug.] 11, 1807.
James J. Poor and Mary F. Waterman, int. Aug. 12, 1837. [m. Sept. 3, Co.R.]
Joanna B. Poor and Cyrus S. Tolman of Keene, N. H., int. Sept. 9, 1843, "Cert. issued Oct. 18."
John Poor and Eliza Milliken, Nov. 5, 1842.
John H. Poor [int. painter] and Lavinia W. Vickery [int. Lovinia], Sept. 11, 1869.
John T. Poor and Martha Farrington of E. Andover, int. Dec. 11, 1814.
Kate J. Poor and Porter S. Allen [int. merchant] of Boston, Feb. 15, 1871.
Nettie Poor and John Burgess, int. Mar. 4, 1876, "Cert. issued Mar. 9."
Sarah A. Poor [int. of Belmont] and Henry M. Burgess [int. Burgiss]. June 3, 1860. [Sarah A. of Belfast and Henry M. Burgess, CR3. Co.R.]
Sarah Francis Poor and Jonas Whitcomb of Fitchburg, Mass., Oct. 9, 1853.
Susan V. Poor and John Palmer, Jan. 17, 1819.
William O. Poor and Lucretia M. Hunter of Bristol, int. Jan. 3, 1841. [William Osgood Poor, son William and Sally (Farington), and Lucretia McClure Hunter, m. July 21, m. Bristol, PR143.]
Elijah Pope of Vassalboro and Susan G. Maddocks, Apr. 9, 1854.
Abby C. Porter of Albert Pillsbury Esq. [int. Pilsbury] of Calais, Mar. 23, 1836.
Bella S. Porter (see Rilla S. Porter).
Caroline R. Porter and William H. Conner, int. Sept. 22, 1839, "Cert. issued Oct. 8."
Edwin E. Porter of Searsport and Esther A. Wentworth of Searsport, Dec. 5, 1854.
Genny Porter of Prospect and William Clewly of Prospect, Dec. 24, 1801. CR2.
Hannah Porter of Prospect and Elbridge G. Blanchard, int. Nov. 3, 1836, "Cert. issued Nov. 25."
Harriet Porter and Francis Ransom, int. June 8, 1838.
Horriet Porter and John Shortil, int. July 4, 1838.
Jane C. Porter of Prospect and Augustus Perry, int. Oct. 21, 1843. [m. Nov. 28, PR160.]
Jenney Porter (see Genny Porter).
John Porter and Almira Barnard of Thomaston, int. Oct. 26, 1834, "Cert. issued Nov. 8."
Nancy Porter, Mrs., and Hon. Hezekiah Chase of Unity, int. Aug. 9, 1834. [Nancy, wid., m. Sept. 3, Co.R.]
Rilla S. Porter of Searsport and Melvin M. Whittum of Searsport, Nov. 22, 1866. [Bella S. Porter of Searsport, Co.R.]
Robert P. Porter and Ellen N. Jones, int. May 31, 1840. [Robert P. Pote, m. June 16, Co.R.]
Sarah A. Porter of Searsport and Alvin V. West of Searsport, July 1, 1879.
Ada M. Pote and James H. Mitchell [int. tailor], Oct. 10, 1871.
Augustus E. Pote of Bangor and Orilla Colcord of Searsport, Mar. 6, 11862. [Augustus E. Pottle of Bangor, Co.R.]
Caroline E. Pote and Sharon E. Banks, int. Jan. 3, 1846, "Cert. issued Jan. 24."
Eliza Pote and Naam H. Price [int. Naaman H. Price], Aug. 14, 1830.
Fanny E. Pote and Sharon E. Banks, Nov. 13, 1836.
Fred W. Pote, merchant, of Bangor, and Lizzie L. Lothrop, 21, int. Sept. 12, 1872, "Cert. issued Sept. 16."
George P. Pote, 30, merchant, and Ella F. Fifield, 22, of Boston, Mass., int. May 10, 1873, "Cert. issued May 16."
Nealie S. Pote and Wellington R. Holmes, Nov. 11, 1880.
Robert Pote and Mary E. Pitcher, Oct. 26, 1834. [Mary E., dau. Calvin and Joanna (Prescott), Oct. 27, PR172.]
Robert P. Pote (see Robert P. Porter).
Sarah Pote and Timothy W. Heath, int. Oct. 16, 1841, "Cert. issued Oct. 30."
Sarah Pote, Mrs., and John C. Brown, Aug. 11, 1855.
Sarah J. Pote and Henry Dunbar Jr., Nov. 20, 1856. [Henry Jr., son Henry and Phebe G. (Cottrell), PR115]
William Pote and Sarah Thurston, int. Dec. 9, 1844, "Cert. issued Dec. 29."
Evlin Potter and Samuel B. Littlefield, Feb. 13, 1886.
Hillyer H. Potter of Greenfield, Mass., and Catharine A. Poor, int. Sept. 16, 1854.
Augustus E. Pottle (see Augustus E. Pote).
Ellen Pottle and Franklin Atkins [int. Frank Atkins] [int. clerk] of Boston Mass., Jan. 17, 1870.
Emeline Pottle and Holly M. Bean, Dec. 29, 1857 [sic, 1856]. [Holley M., Dec. 29, 1856, Co.R.]
J. Imogen Pottle of Montville and Mary L. Patterson, int. Mar. 24, 1869, "Cert. issued Mar. 28."
Joseph Pottle of Montville and Mrs. Mary Kelly, int. Mar. 13, 1860, "Cert. issued Mar. 17."
POULEN (also see Pullen)-
Rosina Poulen and Peter Soan, int. Dec. 30, 1843, "Cert. issued July 16, 1844."
POWARS (also see Power, Powers)-
Charles P. Powars [int. 22, shoemaker] and Sarah V. Kittredge [int. 19], Jan. 4, 1866.
William F. Powars [int. William T. Powers, 27, seaman] and Emily R. Sawyer [int. 19], Dec. 9, 1865. [William F. Powers and Emily F. Sawyer, Co.R.]
William P. Powars of Boston, Mass., and Mary W. Tapley, int. Jan. 13, 1838, [Powers of Boston, m. Feb. 4, Co.R.]
Elizabeth Powell and William Catlin, int. Jan. 25, 1854.
POWER (also see Powars, Powers)-
Catharine Power and William Hill, int. Nov. 29, 1855.
POWERS (also see Powars, Power)-
Carthage Powers and Catherine Croady, int. Apr. 1, 1849, "Cert. issued Apr. 15."
Fraces Powers and William Double, int. Nov. 28, 1803.
Mary Powers [int. Sarah Powers], Mrs., and Joseph McDonald, Sept. 19, 1850.
Carrie S. Pratt and Frank E. Crowley, May 9, 1882.
Ebenezer H. Pratt and Alvira Ordway [int. Almira Ordway], Jan. 27, 1853. [Ebenezer M. and Alvira Ordway, Co.R.]
Edward H., widr., third m., shoemaker, and Mary A. Davis, int. Dec. 26, 1871, "Cert. issued Dec. 30."
Frederic W. Pratt [int. Frederick Wendell Pratt] of Somerville, Mass., and Carrie S. Sargent [int. Stacey Sargent], June 8, 1874.
Kendall D. Pratt [int. shoemaker] of Reading, Mass., and Ellen M. Hartshorn [int. Ella M. Hartshorn], Sept. 28, 1869.
Nichols Pratt [int. 24, U.S. Navy] of Cohasset, Mass., and Abbie J. Veazie [int. 20], Nov. 8, 1866. [Nichols of Cohasset, Mass., Co.R.]
Charles Pray and Dorothea Pike of Prospect, int. Dec. 4, 1841, "Cert. issued Dec. 22."
Laura F. Pray [int. Luella Pray] and Hiram E. Harvey, Apr. 21, 1880.
Merriam Prebble of Montville and Daniel Gardiner of Northport, July 23, 1831.
PRENTICE (also see Prentis)-
Coridon Prentice and Sarah P. Palmer, int. Nov. 7, 1835. [Corudon, m. Nov. 22, Co.R.]
PRENTIS (also see Prentice)-
Lydia Prentis of Dover, N. H., and Rev. William Frothingham, int. Dec. 23, 1820, "Cert. issued Jan. 1821."
William Presby and Elizabeth Patterson, Jan. 7, 1806.
Abbie F. Prescott of Appleton and Edwin A. Brooks of Appleton, June 22, 1876.
Addie S. Prescott of Northport and Cyrus R. Hills of Lincolnville, June 8, 1873.
Amasa Prescott of Northport and Martha H. Winslow, Sept. 13, 1846. [Amasa, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Annett Prescott of Northport and Giles White of Northport, Nov. 11, 1832.
Caro J. Prescott, Mrs., and Zenas Shaw of Rockland, int. Aug. 30, 1880, "Cert. issued Sept. 6."
Elvira W. Prescott and Eli O. Colson of Searsport, int. Aug. 20, 1857, "Cert. issued Sept. 5."
Frank W. Prescott and Lauretta E. Trussell [int. Lauetta E. Trussell], Sept. 26, 1885. [Lauetta E. CR3.]
Franklin H. Prescott of Northport, Waldo Co., and Hester A. Follett of same, Sept. 1, 1868.
Franklin R. Prescott of Northport and Adelaid B. Elwell of Northport, July 30, 1862. [July 29, CR3. July 30, Co.R.]
Jane Prescott of Northport and John Cummings of Belmont, Aug. 24, 1828.
Joanna Prescott and Calvin Pitcher, int. Feb. 24, 1816, "Cert. granted Mar. 14."
Julia A. Prescott of Northport, Waldo Co., and Edward E. Woodbury of same, Oct. 31, 1869.
Lizzie M. Prescott and Melville E. Hills of Lincolnville, Nov. 26, 1876, CR3.
Mary Prescott of Northport and Daniel Kirkpatrick, int. Mar. 20, 1803.
Mary D. Prescott of Northport and Francis C. Wood of Northport, Aug. 5, 1862.
Mary G. Prescott of Northport and Daniel G. Hinds, int. Dec. 16, 1837. [m. Jan. 1, 1838, Co.R.]
Moses Prescott and Pamelia Toward, int. Sept. 12, 1819, "Cert. issued Dec. 1."
Sally Prescott of Searsmont and Jesse Whittier of Searsmont, Aug. 31, 1817.
Samuel Prescott of Northport and Nancy Buekmer of Northport, _____ [rec. between Jan. 10 and Jan. 22], 1799.
Simon B. Prescott of Winthrop and Caroline Beckett, int. Oct. 22, 1829, "Cert. issued Nov.11."
William Prescott and Hope Miller of Northport, Aug. 27, 1829.
George Preston and Catharin Conoy, int. Aug. 14, 1852, "Cert. issued Aug. 14."
Samuel Preston of Stockton and Salley Flowers, Apr. 28, 1862, in Stockton, Co.R.
W. H. Preston and Melissa A. Moore of Searsport, int. July 18, 1855.
William G. Preston and Mae m. Billings, Dec. 24, 1890.
Naam H. Price [int. Naaman H. Price] and Eliza Pote, Aug. 14, 1830.
William J. Price of Northport and Carrie E. Maxey, Dec. 25, 1883.
Annie E. Priest of Northport and Edward A. Drinkwater of Northport, Oct. 7, 1868.
Jese Priest and Elizabeth Belden, Dec. 1, 1836.
Mary I. Priest of Northport and Nason F. Waterman of Northport, Aug. 8, 1868.
Sarah F. Prilay of Bangor and Roscoe S. Whiting, int. Feb. 15, 1879, "Cert. issued Feb. 21."
Eben L. Prime of Brooks and Lucy E. Cram of Brooks, Jan. 21, 1891.
Fannie Prince, Mrs., of Brooks, and A. J. Stephenson, int. July 23, 1860, "Cert. issued July 28."
Isaac Prince of Searsmont and Martha Wells, Jan. 1, 1851.
Joseph Prince and Mrs. Augusta Webber of Portland, int. May 21, 1836, "Cert. issued June 6."
Mary E. Proal and James B. Philbrook of Montville, int. Apr. 6, 1843, "Cert. issued Apr. 29."
PROCTOR (also see Proctor)-
Sarah Proctor, 31, dau. _____, farmer, and Samuel Richards, widr., 45, farmer, of Liberty, son Doty, farmer [b. Bristol), and Esther (b. Bristol), int. May 8, 1865, "Cert. issued May 12."
PROCTOR (also see Procter)-
Charles G. Proctor and Clara I. Brown, Oct. 31, 1878.
Sarah Helen Prouty, 17, of Lagrange, dau. Asa, farmer 9b. Hampden) and Sabrina (b. Orono), and Boynton Bantam, 23, painter, son Samuel, painter (b. Chelsea) and Rebecca (b. Trenton, N. J.), int. Dec. 10, 1864, "Cert. issued Dec. 21."
PULLEN (also see Poulen)-
Warren Pullen of Winthrop and Sally Fletcher, int. Apr. 11, 1824. [m. Apr. 25, Co.R.]
John Purdon and Susan Nickerson, int. June 3, 1843, "Cert. issued June 23."
PURRINGTON (see Pirrinton).
Barnes Putnam [int. of Dunstable, N. H.] and Sarah Dean [int. adds E.], Aug. 23, 1832.
Daniel Putnam and Marcia Hatch, Dec. 27, 1836.
Daniel Putnam and Mrs. Pamelia B. Hilton, int. Apr. 24, 1847. [David and Pamelia B. (Lothrop) Hilton, m. May 12, PR92.]
John Putnam of Searsport and Mary C. Hatch, Apr. 9, 1848.
Lauristen Putnam of Searsport and Ellen B. Small of Searsport, Jan. 13, 1864. [Lewiston Putnam of Searsport, Co.R.]