Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - MEARS to OWNES

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Jane Mears and Otis D. Maddocks, int. Nov. 23, 1852, "Cert. issd."
Joseph R. Mears of Morrill and Emily E. Clark of Morrill, Apr. 29, 1855.
Ebeneezer Meder and Margaret Frisbee, int. Aug. 28, 1847, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
MEEK (also see Meeks) -
Annie Meek [int. 23] and Edgar Paul [int. 26, farmer], Dec. 23, 1866.
Sarah Meek and Barlow Hall Jr. [int. widr., lumberman] of Ellsworth, Oct. 5, 1868.
MEEKS (also see Meek) -
John Meeks [int. John Meek] and Margaret Harper, Jan. 8, 1854.
Margaret I. Meeks and John Angus of Bangor, June 11, 1854.
MELODY (also see Malody) -
Sarah J. Melody [int. 18] and George W. Pendleton [int. 20, compositor], Sept. 5, 1873.
Mary Meloon and Isaac Barker, int. Sept. 22, 1839, "Cert. issued Oct .1."
George A. Mendell [int. Mendall, seaman] and Fannie A. Richards [int. 17], Nov. 13, 1870.
Margerie Merchant of Deer Isle and Samuel Burgess of Vinalhaven, Dec. 15, 1844, Co.R.
Nathaniel Merchant of Waldo, Hancock Co., and Raphannah [sic, int. Rossanna Smith] of Waldo, Jan. 11, 1821.
MERITHEW (also see Merrithew) -
Amanda J. Merithew of Searsport and Capt. George C. Small of Searsport, July 27, 1862. [Merrithew of Searsport, CR3. Merithew of Searsport, Co.R.]
Eliza E. Merithew [int. Merethew] and Isaac L. Baker, Apr. 3, 1882.
Eliza E. Merithew and Llewellyn P. Moore, Apr. 30, 1885.
Geneva M. Merithew of Searsport and Benjamin R. Walker of Searsport, Jan. 25, 1864. [Merrithew of Searsport, CR3. Merithew of Searsport, Co.R.]
James A. Merithew and Charlena Deering of Jackson, Dec. 17, 1881.
James A. Merithew and Sarah C. Larabee, June 27, 1885.
MERREL (also see Merrill) -
Hannah Merrel of Jackson Plantation [int. Hannah Merrill of Washington Plantation, Hancock Co.] and Isaac Skillings [int. of Jackson Plantation, Hancock Co.], Mar. 23, 1814.
MERRIAM (also see Mariam, Marriam, Merrion) -
Bridgett Merriam [int. Bridget] of Bangor and Thomas Bogan, Sept. 4, 1853.
Charles F. Merriam and Lillie J. Nickerson, Sept. 22, 1888.
Eli C. Merriam, Lt., 25, U.S. Army [int. "33d U. S. Infy"], of Morrill, son Elisha, farmer (b. Belmont) and Martha C. (b. Whitefield), and Jennie E. Cunningham, 21, dau. Orren, farmer, and Lucinda (b. Prospect), Dec. 4, 1864.
Nellie M. Merriam of Morrill and James F. Sheldon, int. Jan. 19, 1881, "Cert. issued Jan. 25."
Patience Merriam and Seth W. Eells, Esq., Oct. 20, 1828.
Persis Merriam and Capt. James Holmes, Oct. 2, 1825.
Persis W. Merriam of Morrill and Timothy W. Heath, Nov. 4, 1866, in Morrill, Co.R.
Sarah Merriam and Patrick Kearney, int. Apr. 2, 1831, "Cert. issued Apr. 21."
MERRILL (also see Merrel) -
Adelaide Merrill and William Dyer, Nov. 17, 1853.
Albert Merrill [int. Esq.] of Frankfort and Aurelia A. Quimby, Nov. 11, 1842. [Morrill of Frankfort, Co.R.]
Austin C. Merrill of Swanville and Mrs. Emeline Seekness of Swanville, Nov. 8, 1872.
Chandler R. Merrill of Frankfort and Hannah Thompson of Frankfort, July 4, 1843.
Charles A. Merrill of San Francisco, Cal., and Clara A. Shibles, Jan. 28, 1875. [Clara A., dau. Alexander and Julia A. (Maddocks), PR161.]
Clarissa Merrill (see Clarissa Morrill).
Eugene Merrill of Searsport and Lillias L. Gilkey of Searsport, Oct. 7, 1865. [Lilias L. of Searsport, CR1. Lillias L. of Searsport, Co.R.]
Fanny Merrill and Archibald York [int. Yorke], Jan. 16, 1814.
George Merrill (see George Morrill).
Harriot B. Merrill of Nobleboro and Edward Bartlett, int. July 22, 1837, "Cert. issued Aug. 6."
Hattie E. Merrill, Mrs., and Franklin A. Jackson, Dec. 24, 1877.
Helen W. Merrill, 22, cloak maker, dau. Nathaniel, boat builder (b. Portland) and Caroline (b. Portland), and Willard R. Fowler, 26, saddler, son Asa, joiner (b. Vt.), and Eliza (b. Pembroke), Oct. 23, 1864. [Willard R., Co.R.]
Henry C. Merrill, boat builder, and Lizette Dolliver of Searsport, int. Feb. 13, 1868, "Cert. issued Mar. 3."
Judith Merrill and John Holmes, Nov. 4, 1804.
Julia N. Merrill, 20, dau. Nathaniel, boat builder (b. Portland) and Caroline (b. Portland), and Hugh J. Anderson Jr. [int. widr.], 42, second m., merchant, son Hugh J., lawyer, Dec. 26, 1864.
Mary C. Merrill and Wilder P. Clark of Portland, Feb. 3, 1864.
Sarah Merrill and Rev. Charles W. Bradbury of Fair Haven, Mass., int. Dec. 9, 1837, "Cert. issued Jan. 1, 1838."
Truman Allen Merrill, Rev., and Mrs. Susan Houdlette Call of Richmond, int. Mar. 13, 1861, "Cert. issued Mar. 16."
MERRIMAN (see Merryman).
MERRINER (also see Marriner) -
Ruth Merriner and Abel Baker, int. Jan. 14, 1804.
MERRION (also see Mariam, Marriam, Merriam) -
George Merrion, 24, bricklayer, and Hannah Hurd, wid., of Swanville, int. Feb. 22, 1869, "Cert. forbidden by M. S. Staples, Guardian."
MERRITHEW (also see Merithew) -
Abyrum Merrithew of Vinalhaven and Betsy C. Knowlton, int. Nov. 21, 1855.
Almira C. Merrithew (see Elmira C.)
Caroline Merrithew of Searsport and Tolford Durham, int. June 20, 1851, "Cert. issued July 12."
E. C. Merrithew and Amelia H. Knowlton of E. Boston, Mass., int. July 6, 1855. [Merithew and Annetta H. Knowlton of E. Boston, Mass., m. July 18, in Montville, CO.R.]
Elizabeth Merrithew [int. Mrs.] and Parker Brown, Dec. 1, 1814.
Elmira C. Merrithew and James F. Knowlton of Morrill, July 14, 1883.
Hannah Merrithew and William Blake, June 22, 1819.
L. Jane Merrithew of Prospect and J. Garland Dickerson of Prospect, Dec. 4, 1844, Co.R.
Polly Cristy Merrithew and John E. Gilman, July 4, 1818.
Rebecca Merrithew of John B. Douglass of Glasgow, int. Mar. 25, 1821.
Nehemiah T. Merritt and Mary E. Frederick, July 24, 1851.
David Merryman of Bangor and Margaret Gilmore, int. July 30, 1830, "Cert. issued Aug .18."
Emma H. Meservy, Mrs., and George E. Thomas, Oct. 27, 1888.
Georgia A. Meservy [int. Merservey], Mrs., of Morrill, and Alvin Frost, Sept. 19, 1880.
Sarah Meservy of Belmont and J. F. Cross of Belmont, Mar. 16, 1854. -
Willis A. Meservy and Abbie Gilmore of Searsmont, int. Oct. 10, 1882, "Cert. issued Oct. 19."
MICHAEL (also see Michaels, Michales) -
William P. Michaels and Frances Darby, int. Feb. 6, 1856. [Michaels and Frances Darby, m. Feb. 7, Co.R.]
MICHAELS (also see Michael, Michales) -
Elroy P. Michaels and Carrie E. Kendall of Northport, int. Feb. 28, 1881, "Cert. issued Mar. 9."
George E. Michaels and Mary I. Jordan of Holborok, Mass., int. Feb. 25, 1888, "Cert. issued Mar. 1."
Hiram Michaels and Ruth Roberts of Brooks, Dec. 27, 1885.
James L. Michaels and Philena Pendleton of Islesboro, int. Feb. 14, 1847, "Cert. issued Mar. 1."
M. A., Mrs. [int. 34] and Sears Nickerson [int. 49, second m., carpenter], Oct. 10, 1867.
Mary Michaels, Mrs., and Nehemiah Smart, May 28, 1847.
Mary E. Michaels [int. 20] and George A. Buzzell [int. 28, farmer], July 12, 1873.
Samuel Michaels of Monroe and Mary Perry, Mar. 28, 1821.
Samuel Michaels of Swanville and Mary A. Pendleton of Islesboro, int. Dec. 9, 1851, "Cert issd Dec."
Stephen Michaels and Sarah E. Ingraham of Camden, int. Mar. 12, 1859, "Cert. issued Mar. 19."
MICHALES (also see Michael, Michaels) -
George Michales and Lois A. Brown of Searsmont, Dec. 28, 1860, in Montville, Co.R.
Francis Miles of Palmira and Lovey Foss of Green Plantation, int. Mar. 17, 1809.
L. M. Miles of Brooklyn, Mass., and Miss R. B. Chase of Brooks, Sept. 19, 1855. [M. L. Miles of Brooklyn, Mass., Co.R.]
Elizabeth S. Millard and William R. Griffin of St. Andrews, N. B., July 12, 1863.
Annie E. Millburn and Charles J. Beal of Lewiston, int. Oct. 24, 1887, "Cert. issued Oct. 29."
Annie E. Millburn and Edward B. Fletcher, July 14, 1890.
Ada Miller and Edward H. Colby, Jan. 13, 1879. [Ada S., dau. George A. and Susan L. (Kellock), PR21.]
Annabel Miller [int. Annabelle Miller] and William P. Underwood, Nov. 17, 1886.
Betey Miller [int. Betsy Miller] and John G. Brown [int. omits G.], July 16, 1805.
Caroline M. Miller [M. crossed out, int. Carrie M.] and Henry E. Twombly [int. merchant] of Boston, Mass., Jan. 1, 1872. [Caroline M., CR1.]
Charles Miller and Isabella C. Kimball, Jan. 8, 1846. [Charles Hall Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), PR59.]
Ella S. Miller [int. dau. Samuel F., merchant, and Charlotte E. (Wording)] and Tyler R. Wasgatt Jr. of Hampden [int. "clerk Kennebec," of Bangor, son Tyler R.], Sept. 10, 1865. [Ella S. Mills, Co.R.]
Erva D. Miller and George H. Hunt, Dec. 30, 1885.
George A. Miller and Susan L. Kellock of Knox, int. May 10, 1840. [George Anson Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), m. May 24, in Knox, PR21. PR59.]
George H. Miller of Washington and Mary Ann Read, int. Jan. 12, 1853, "Cert. issd."
George W. Miller, 25, farmer, and Annette H. Pitcher, 24, int. May 16, 1870, "Cert. issued May 21."
George W. Miller of Brooks and Zeffie L. Elwell of Waldo, Oct. 10, 1891.
Georgiana P. Miller and Edward Johnson, son Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson), Sept. 15, 1870, in Dorchester, PR1.
Hope Miller of Northport and William Prescott, Aug. 27, 1829.
I. V. Miller of Lincolnville, Waldo Co., and Emma J. Witherly of Northport, Waldo Co., Oct. 8, 1865.
James Miller, Capt., and Sophia Miller, Feb. 18, 1830.
James B. Miller and Annette V. McFarland, Jan. 1, 1863. [Annette V., CR3. Annett V., Co.R.]
James H. Miller and Ann Patterson, Oct. 9 [sic, int. Oct. 18], 1856. [m. Oct. 9, CO.R.]
Jenney Miller and Capt. John Lymeburner, Jan. 10, 1799.
Joel M. Miller of Lincolnville and Lillian E. Dickey of Lincolnville, Feb. 25, 1884.
John Miller and Huldah Gray of Sedgwick, int. Sept. 21, 1811.
Joseph Miller Jr. and Patience Brown, Dec. 9, 1819.
Julia G. Miller [int. 21] and James F. McKeen [int. 30, farmer] of Swanville, May 1, 1866. [Julia G., dau. George A. and Susan L. (Kellock), PR21. James F., son Joseph and Eliza (Holmes), PR46.]
Justus G. Miller and Olivia Maria Lewis, Nov. 16, 1848. [Justus Gorham Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), Nov. 6, PR59.]
Leslie P. Miller and Mabel L. Wilson, Nov. 5, 1887. [Mabel Lennie, dau. James Albert and Hannah Augusta (Herrick), PR95.]
Lowicy Miller and Dr. C. C. Chandler, int. May 5, 1811.
Lucy E. Miller, Mrs., of Vinalhaven, and Frederick S. Walls, int. Nov. 16, 1880, "Cert. issued Nov. 29."
Matilda Miller [int. N. Matilda] and Charles A. Pitcher, Sept. 13, 1848. [Nancy Matilda, dau. Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), Sept. 18, PR59.]
Nancy M. Miller and Henry C. Marden of Washington, Dec. 25, 1882, [Nancy M., dau. George A. and Susan L. (Kellock), PR21.]
Olivia M. Miller and Thomas W. Pitcher, May 21, 1862.
Robert Miller and Margaret James [int. Margarett], Sept. 9, 1832.
Samuel Miller and Caroline M. Frothingham, Oct. 23, 1860.
Samuel F. Miller and Charlotte E. Wording, int. Oct. 15, 1842. [Samuel Freeman Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), m. Nov. 13, PR59.]
Samuel M. Miller [int. Samuel W. Miller] and Nancy Brown, Apr. 23, 1809. [Samuel W. CR2. PR56. PR59.]
Sarah Miller of Northport and Robert M. Griffin of Pittsburg, Mar. 24, 1836.
Sophia Miller and Capt. James Miller, Feb. 18, 1830.
Stephen W. Miller and Susan B. Staples of Swanville, int. Jan. 6, 1844. [Stephen Wier Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), m. Jan. 21, in Swanville, PR59.]
Wales L. Miller and Anne G. Lewis [int. Anna] of Thorndike, Apr. 22, 1856. [Anne G. of Thorndike, Co.R. Wales Lewis Miller, son Samuel W. and Nancy (Brown), and Annie G. Lewis, PR59.]
William P. Miller of Vassalboro and Phebe Y. Roberts of Brooks, Aug. 12, 1848.
MILLIKEN (also see Millikin) -
Annie F. Milliken [int. S.] and Melville S. Bagley of Bangor, Feb. 17, 1861. [Annie F., CR3. Co.R.]
Eliza Milliken and John Poor, Nov. 5, 1842.
Heard Milliken and Abigail H. Moody of Saco, int. Oct. 6, 1822, "Cert. graned Oct. 20."
John F. Milliken [int. widr. teacher] of Lincolnville and Mrs. Rachael A. Batchelder [int. Rachel, wid.], Nov. 11, 1866. [John F. Esq. of Lincolnville and Rachel A. Bachelder, CR3. John F. of Lincolnville and Rachel A. Batchelder, Co.R.]
Lavinia M. Milliken [int. Lovina M. Milliken] and Harrison Parker of Frankfort, Mar. 5, 1855. [Lavinia M. CR1. Co.R.]
Seth L. Milliken and Lizzie S. Arnold of Augusta, int. Dec. 2, 1859, "Cert. issued Dec. 6."
MILLIKIN (also see Milliken) -
Charles W. Millikin and Eleanor Thomas of Lincolnville, int. Apr. 21, 1839. [m. May 5, Co.R.]
S. L. Millikin and S. S. Jordan, int. July 15, 1854.
Mary J. Millner of Damariscotta and Lott J. Barstow [int. carpenter], July 29, 1870.
Charles Mills of Mary N. Walls [int. Mrs. Mary Nickerson], Aug. 20, 1832.
Charles Mills of Northport and [int. Mrs.] Hannah Basford, July 5, 1860. [Hannah, CR3. Co.R.]
Charles Mills and Mrs. Barbara Mudgett, Dec. 31, 1874.
Ella S. Mills (see Ella S. Miller).
MILNER (see Millner)
Susan Mink of Salem, Mass., and Daniel C. Hatch, int. June 1, 1849, "Cert. issued June 15."
MITCHAL (also see Mitchel, Mitchell) -
Ann Mitchal, Mrs., and James McCurdey, Nov. 30, 1776.
MITCHEL (also see Mitchal, Mitchell) -
Thomas D. Mitchel and Thankfull S. Patterson, int. Sept. 10, 1836, "Cert. issued Sept. 26."
William E. Mitchel [int. William E. Mitchell, Capt.] and Jane C. McKinley, Oct. 22, 1842. [William E. Mitchell, Co.R.]
MITCHELL (also see Mitchal, Mitchel) -
Charles H. Mitchell (see Charles S.)
Charles H. Mitchell [int. 31, merchant] and Mary F. Holmes [int. 25], Jan. 20, 1874.
Charles S. Mitchell of Montville and Sarah A. Randall of Montville, Nov. 3, 1860. [Charles H. Mitchel of Montville, Co.R.]
Dora H. Mitchell and Daniel H. Wagner, Aug. 6, 1890.
Edwin Mitchell [int. clerk] and Alma A. Rider [int. Alma A. Ryder], Dec. 20, 1869.
Elizabeth Jane Mitchell of Bangor and William S. Higgins, int. Jan. 4, 1851, "Cert. issd Jan."
James Mitchell of Saco and Edora V. Stewart, May 25, 1872. [Etta, dau. John Nelson and Sarah Ellen (Whitmore), PR60.]
James H. Mitchell [int. Mitchel] of Apalachicola, W. Fla., and Harriet L. Angier, Jan. 20, 1833.
James H. Mitchell [int. tailor] and Ada M. Pote, Oct. 10, 1871.
Jesse Mitchell of Aroostook Township No. 4 and Mary Ann Mitchell, Jan. 22, 1840, Co.R.
Margaret Mitchell and Robert Patterson 4th, Dec. 30, 1798. [Mitchel and Robert Patterson 2d, CR2.]
Mary Ann Mitchell and Jesse Mitchell of Aroostook Township No. 4, Jan. 22, 1840. Co. R.
Nellie M. Mitchell and William R. Towne of Virginia City, Nev., Oct. 5, 1886.
William E. Mitchell and Martha Ann McKinley of Concord, N. H., int. Mar. 30, 1848, "Cert. issued Apr. 13."
Frank G. Mixer and Lilla M. Black, Sept. 6, 1890.
Hiram Mixer of Waldo Plantation and Sarah Clements of same, June 8, 1837.
Martin W. Mixer of Lynn, Mass., and Sarah A. Hatch, Jan. 1, 1885.
Mary E. Mixer and F. P. Patterson, int. Apr. 30, 1875, "Cert. issed May 3."
Renie Mixer and Ambrose J. Dodge, May 11, 1881.
Verena Mixer of Knox and Ambrose J. Dodge, May 12, 1877.
MOER (also see Moor, Moore, Moors, More, Mower) -
Mary Moer and Daniel P. Waterman, int. Aug. 9, 1833. [Moore, m. Sept. 2, Co.R.]
MONRO (also see Monroe, Munroe) -
Margaret Monro and Thomas Maddock, Oct. 26, 1823.
MONROE (also see Monro, Munroe) -
Charles H. Monroe and Sadie E. Monroe, int. Jan. 16, 1879, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
Cordelia B. Monroe and Barker Baker of Hermon, int. Mar. 1, 1880, "Cert. issued March 12."
Israel F. Monroe [int. 26, operative] and Carrie D. Smith [int. 16] of Waldo, Mar. 23, 1874.
Lucinda H. Monroe and Joseph R. Winters, Apr. 20, 1879.
Luder Monroe of Livermore and Rev. Caleb Fuller Jr., int. May 7, 1831, "Cert. issued June 2."
Maria A. Monroe and Edson W. George [int. blacksmith] of Wrentham, Mass., Sept. 20, 1871.
Mary E. Monroe of Waldo and John G. Cook of Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1863.
Nahum P. Monroe [int. Munroe], Dr., and Ann Sarah Johnson, Oct. 29, 1843. [Nahum Parker Monroe and Ann Sarah Johnson, dau. Alfred Jr. and Nancy (Atkinson) PR1.]
Peter H. Monroe of Troy and Mrs. Celia V. Richards of Waldo, Mar. 22, 1875.
Phebe Monroe of Montville, Lincoln Co., and Daniel Johnson, int. Mar. 25, 1814.
Sadie E. Monroe and Charles H. Monroe, int. Jan. 16, 1879, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
William A. Monroe and Annie H. Hall, Sept. 27, 1879.
Josiah Montgomery [int. Isaiah Montgomery] of Penobscot and Lucy A. Herrick, Apr. 29, 1848. [Isaiah of Penobscot, Apr. 19, CO.R.]
MOODEY (also see Moody) -
Chandler Moodey of Prospect and Susanna Field of Prospect, Oct. 20, 1808.
MOODY (also see Moodey) -
Abbie C. Moody and Edwin A. Coffin, int. Nov. 11, 1857, "Cert. issued Nov. 22."
Abigail H. Moody of Saco and Heard Milliken, int. Oct. 6, 1822, "Cert. granted Oct. 20."
Augusta J. Moody and Asa A. Howes, June 14, 1860. [Augusta J., dau. Richard, M.D. and Eliza Jane (Hall), PR85. Augusta J. (first w.), PR144.]
Celestia A. Moody of Lincolnville and Elisha J. Tower of Lincolnville, July 13, 1872.
Elizabeth Moody and Nathaniel Jackson of Knox, int. Sept. 30, 1838, "Cert. issued Oct. 14."
Frederic P. Moody of Lincolnville and Lydia A. Jones of Lincolnville, May 3, 1867.
Henry W. Moody (see William H.)
Hollis B. Moody of Montville and Abbie L. Woodbury, Dec. 6, 1887.
James L. Moody and Mrs. Mary Ann Ulmer of Appleton, int. June 8, 1844, "Cert. issued June 25."
John Moody and Lydia Weeks of Jefferson, int. June 26, 1852, "Cert. issued June 26."
Lizzie S. Moody and John C. Hervey, Feb. 14, 1860.
M. Eleanor Moody of Searsmont and Rev. Edward Cunningham of Durham, Conn., June 21, 1871, CR3.
Margaret Moody and Nathaniel Jackson of Belmont, int. Sept. 27, 1836, "Cert. issued Oct. 15."
Mary E. Moody [int. Elizabeth] and James W. Webster, Sept. 28, 1826.
Mary H. Moody [int. Mrs.] and Capt. Jesse Higgins of Farmingdale, Apr. 2, 1862. [Mrs. Mary H., CR3. Mary H., Co.R.]
Mary J. Moody and George A. Burd, int. July 27, 1881, "Cert. issued Aug. 3."
Mary Jane Moody and Joseph Jackson of Belmont, int. Aug. 18, 1838, "Cert. issued Sept. 8."
Mary L. Moody of Thomaston and Frank H. Orcutt of Northport, Oct. 9, 1875.
Merritt A. Moody of Northport and Laura H. Herrick of Northport, May 4, 1889.
Olive B. Moody and Nicholas C. Wentworth, Apr. 10, 1843.
Orlando Moody and Edith C. Pierce, Nov. 26, 1891.
Richard Moody, M.D., and Eliza Jane Hall, int. Aug. 23, 1834. [m. Sept. 9, Co.R. PR85.]
Richard Moody [int. adds H., druggist] and Lizzie Hayford [int. adds M.], Feb. 20, 1873.
Stephen P. Moody and Mary H. Heath [int. omits H.], Nov. 7, 1848. [Mary H., Co.R. Mary H., dau. Simeon A. and Mary (Hinkley) PR63.]
Von Etta B. Moody of Searsport and Fred H. Young, Aug. 20, 1890.
William Moody Jr. of Lincolnville and Electa Patterson of Belmont, Feb. 5, 1868.
William H. Moody [int. Henry W. written above Wm. H. crossed out, 23, carpenter, son William, farmer (b. Nobleboro) and Clarinda (b. Jefferson)] and Mary A. Harriman [int. 23, dau. Jessee, farmer (b. Montville) and Mary (b. Kingston, N.H.), June 18, 1865. [William H. and Mary A. Herriman, Co.R.]
MOOR (also see Moer, Moore, Moors, More, Mower) -
Joshua Moor and Polly Stevens, Mar. 18, 1824.
Susan Moor, Mrs., of Montville and Abraham Libbey, int. Apr. 10, 1825, "Cert. issued May 1."
MOORE (also see Moer, Moor, Moors, More, Mowers) -
A. A. Moore [int. Addison A. Moore] and Mary A. Keating, Dec. 20, 1854. [Addison A., CR1. Co.R.]
Aaron P. Moore and Hannah M. Frost, Jan. 21, 1855.
Addison A. (see A. A.)
Albion King Paris Moore, widr., 45, mason, and Mary M. Page, 20, of Jackson, int. July 9, 1866, "Cert. issued July 14."
Annette W. Moore of Portland and George D. Loring of Portland, Nov. 8, 1876.
Calvin Moore [int. Dr., widr., dentist] and Amelia F. J. Locke [int. wid. seamstress], Oct. 28, 1865. [Calvin and Amelia F. J. Locke, CR1. Co.R.]
Charles Moore and Hannah E. Pierce, int. Oct. 2, 1830. [m. Nov. 11, Co.R.]
Clara Moore of Searsmont and Daniel H. Mansfield of Hope, Aug. 10, 1873.
Edwin Moore of E. Douglass, Mass. and Eliza P. Palmer, Sept. 30, 1841.
Ella C. Moore of Belmont and Frank A. Wagner of Belmont, Apr. 12, 1879.
Ellen Maria Moore of Lynn, Mass., and Elwin C. Collins of Lynn, Mass., Oct. 30, 1862.
Ezra E. Moore of Sebec and Martha Ella Hartshorn, int. July 16, 1877,"Cert. issued July 21."
H. Elizabeth Moore and Sameul Dunnells Jr., Nov. 21, 1857. [Dunnell Jr., Co.R.]
H. M. Moore, Mrs., and James H. Cunningham, Mar. 12, 1877.
Isabella K. Moore and Thomas B. Dinsmore [int. merchant], Sept. 18, 1872.
Leonard J. Moore of Ellsworth and Emma J. Cousens [int. Emma J. Cousins], Nov. 18, 1852. [Cousins, CR1.]
Llewellyn P. Moore and Eliza E. Merithew, Apr. 30, 1885.
Lorenzo D. Moore of Frankfort and Mary E. Durham, Jan. 6, 1860.
Melissa A. Moore of Searsport and W. H. Preston, int. July 18, 1855.
Michael Moore and Martha L. Keating of Hope, int. Aug. 1, 1830, "Cert. issued Aug. 15."
Samuel C. Moore and Alice W. Carrow, Dec. 24, 1891.
Sarah L. Moore and Roscoe Holmes, Oct. 30, 1862.
Sarah S. Moore of Augusta and Nathaniel Frost, int. Oct. 22, 1831, "Cert. issued Nov. 8."
Will D. Moore Jr. of Brockton, Mass., and Nellie A. Libby, June 13, 1887. [Annie, CR3.]
MOORS (also see Moer, Moor, Moore, More, Mower) -
James Moors and Jane Flagg, Jan. 11, 1838.
Sally Moors [int. Sally Moore] of Davistown Plantation and Baptist Gilmore, Nov. 23, 1802. [Mooers of Davistown, Nov. 25, CR2.]
Lucy B. Morang (see Susan B.)
Nancy Morang of Hope and Capt. Ezekiel Burgess, int. Nov. 26, 1830, "Cert. issued Dec. 10." [Nancy P., m. ____, 1830, PR169/]
Susan B. Morang [int. Morong] and Israel T. Snow, Nov. 18, 1854. [Lucy B. Morang, Co.R.]
MORE (also see Moer, Moor, Moore, Moors, Mower) -
John More, Capt., and Elizabeth L. Snell, int. Dec. 23, 1837. [Moore, m. Jan. 10, 1838, Co.R.]
Robert More and Harriot Knowlton of Northport, int. Oct. 18, 1812.
James Morehead and Mrs. Betsey Clark, Dec. 2, 1852.
MORELAND (also see Mortland) -
Emma Moreland and Charles H. Field, June 2, 1886.
MORETON (also see Morton) -
Love Moreton of Jackson Plantation and William Cilly of Washington Plantation, Apr. 13, 1813.
Sabrina Moreton of Belmont and Oliver Bean, int. Nov. 10, 1822, "Cert. granted Nov. 25."
Ada A. Morey of Morrill and Frank P. Blodgett of Waldo, Nov. 3, 1888, CR3.
Albert G. Morey of Belmont and Maria P. Smith [int. Mariah, omits P.], May 14, 1846.
Christiana B. Morey of Belmont and Elisha S. Cushman of Belmont, Mar. 3, 1844.
James Morgan [int. of Washington] and Polly Knights [int. of Jackson], Dec. 28, 1807. [Morgan and Polly Knights, CR2.]
Mary Morgan and Frank Bolan, laborer, int. Nov. 4, 1869, "Cert. issued Nov. 8."
MORISON (also see Morrison, Morrisson) -
Alice M. Morison and Alonzo A. Clark, June 23, 1882.
Ambrose J. Morison and Christiana F. Philbrooke [int. Philbrook] of Knox, Oct. 9, 1848. [Philbrick of Knox, CR1.]
Edward J. Morison and Clara A. Mathews, Oct. 25, 1876. [Clara Avis, dau. Spencer Walcott and Susan Church (Heath), PR64.]
Joseph Morison and Betsy Gray of Green Plantation, int. Mar. 20, 1805.
William K. Morison and S. Evelyn Pendleton of Searsport, int. Mar. 27, 1880, "Cert. issued Apr. 1."
MORRELL (also see Morrill) -
William Morrell and Mrs. Elizabeth Morrisson of Belmont, int. Apr. 1, 1815, "Cert. granted."
MORRILL (also see Morrell) -
Abigail Morrill and Comfort Pettingill of Livermore, int. Jan. 21, 1830, "Cert. Feb. 7."
Albert Morrill (see Albert Merrill).
Alexis Morrill of Belmont and George Morrill, int. Apr. 23, 1849. [Allexis Merrill of Belmont and George Merrill, m. May 13, Co.R.]
Albert Morrill (see Albert Merrill).
Alexis Morrill and Mary S. Simpson, Apr. 27, 1828.
Clarissa Morrill of Belmont and George Morrill, int. Apr. 23, 1849. [Clarissa Merrill of Belmont and George Merrill, m. May 13, Co.R.]
Elbridge C. Morrill, 23, carpenter, of Sebec, son Joseph, farmer (b. Sebec), and Hannah (b. Sebec), and Estelle Vose, 17, dau. William H., farmer (b. Montville) and Charlotte, int. Nov. 1, 1864, "Cert. issued Nov. 5."
Eligah Morrill Jr. and Lois Stephenson, int. Dec. 15, 1839, "Cert. issued Dec. 30." (trans. note: yes, it says Eligah).
Elijah Morrill of Portland and Priscilla Stephenson, Nov. 27, 1800.
Eliza A. Morrill of Parsonfield and William M. Baker, int. May 5, 1849, "Cert. issued May 19."
Ephraim T. Morrill and Caroline Frothingham, Dec. 21, 1825.
Ephraim T. Morrill and Harriet Crosby of Atkinson, int. Oct. 12, 1833, "Cert. issued Oct. 29."
George Morrill and Clarissa Morrill of Belmont, int. Apr. 23, 1849. [George Merrill of Belmont, m. May 13, CO.R.]
Hannah Morrill and Benjamin Nesmith, int. Jan. 4, 1805.
Helen A. Morrill and David Pierce [sic, Peirce, int. Jr.], May 24, 1835.
Jennett Morrill [int. Jennet] and Capt. Isaac Clark, Sept. 15, 1831.
Lindley E. Morrill and Cecil J. Ordway, Oct. 27, 1889.
Mary Morrill and Nicholas C. Brown [int. Browne], Dec. 21, 1845. [Brown, Co.R.]
Philip Morrill and Nancy Read, June 10, 1817.
Susanna Morrill and Ephraim Severance of Bangor, int. May 27, 1838. [Susan and Ephraim Severance of Bangor, m. June 18, Co.R.]
William Morrill of Portland and Susanna Stephenson, Dec. 11, 1800.
Abe Morris and Alice A. Parker, int. July 12, 1887, "Cert. issued July 17."
MORRISON (also see Morison, Morrisson) -
Ambrose J. Morrison and Ida M. Mace, Mar. 16, 1887.
Clara A. Morrison and Fred H. Mathews, Oct. 20, 1886.
Hattie N. Morrison and Edwin L. Howes, Dec. 14, 1886.
Ira Q. Morrison and Clista A. Knowlton of Swanville, int. May 28, 1853, "Cert. issd."
Jane B. Morrison, Mrs. of Northport, and Reuben Brainard of Northport, Mar. 1, 1863.
Lizzie J. Morrison and James R. Townsend, mechanic, int. Aug. 20, 1872, "Cert. issued Aug. 24."
Mahala Morrison, Mrs. [int. of Liberty], and Samuel Richards, May 6, 1856. [Mahalda, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Margaret Morrison of Windham, N. H., and Andrew W. Park, int. Oct. 5, 1823, "Cert. Oct. 19."
Margaret E. Morrison, 26, of Windahm, N. H., and Horace Park, 30, farmer, int. Jan. 20, 1868, "Cert. issued Jan. 25."
Mary S. Morrison [int. J.] and Alonzo S. Harriman (int. J.], May 15, 1856. [Mary S. and Alonzo S. Harriman, CR1. Co.R.]
William N. Morrison, black, 26, laborer [int. cook], of Bangor, son Peter, laborer (b. Windson 9int. Windsow, N. S.), and Sarah (b. Bear Is., N. B.), and Mary H. Schwartz [int. E.], black, 18, of Bangor, dau. William O. (Schwartz) (b. Charleston, Mass., and Belinda (b. Willmington, Mass.) [int. b. Willmanton, Vt.], Aug. 30, 1864. [Mary H. of Bangor, Co.R.]
MORRISSON (also see Morison, Morrison) -
Elizabeth Morrisson, Mrs., of Belmont, and William Morrell, int. Apr. 1, 1815, "Cert. granted."
MORRO (also see Morrow) -
James Morro and Mrs. Elizabeth Durham, Nov. 8, 1774.
MORROW (also see Morro) -
Thomas M. Morrow, Hon., of Searsport, and Sarah P. Lennan of Searsmont, June 19, 1855. [Hon. Thomas W. of Searsmont, Co.R.]
A. C. Morse of Belmont and Annie E. Achorn of Belmont, Dec. 1, 1890.
Betsey Morse [int. Mrs.] and Benjamin T. Elwell, Sept. 26, 1842. [Betsey, Co.R.]
Charles W. Morse [int. 27, clerk] of Boston, Mass., and Ella F. Spiller [int. 22], Nov. 19, 1873.
Clara A. Morse of Rockland and Charles A. Nickerson, int. Dec. 20, 1860, "Cert. issued Dec. 24."
Edson L. Morse and Frances A. Marsh of Deer Isle, May 28, 1878, in Deer Isle.
Edward Morse and Nellie S. Carter of Troy, int. June 8, 1886.
Edwin Morse of Worcester and Abigail M. Goodhue of Troy, Nov. 16, 1848. [Edwin of Worceser, Mass., CR1.]
Eleanor Morse and Reuben H. Davis of Unity, int. Dec. 19, 1877, "Cert. issued Dec. 24."
Elizabeth L. Morse and Thomas Gannan [int. blacksmith], Nov. 13, 1868.
Eunice Morse and John Cocheran, int. Jan. 19, 1840, "Cert. issued Feb. 8."
Harvey Morse [int. Harvy Morse] of Kingville and Sarah Gilmore [int. Sally Gilmore], Jan. 24, 1815.
Herbert G. Morse of Belmont and Nellie E. Elms of Belmont, Dec. 25, 1884.
James B. Morse and Mary A. Reed, Sept. 28, 1846.
John Morse and Mary Jane Grimes, Dec. 6, 1829.
John Morse (see Joseph Morse).
John P. Morse and Abba Y. Cottrill [int. Abby Y. Cottrell], Nov. 7, 1847.
Joseph Morse and Joanna B. Sargent, Jan. 9, 1844. [John, Co.R.]
Josie A. Morse and A. H. Stinson, Oct. 18, 1874.
Lizzie M. Morse, 20, and Francis Donley, 30, seaman, int. Nov. 20, 1865, "Forbidden by Miss Morse."
Mary B. Morse and [int. Capt.] Sylvester Y. Cottrell, Jan. 11, 1843. [Sylvester Y., Co.R.]
Perley Morse of Lowell, [int. Methen, Mass.] and Lucy C. Alden, Oct. 12, 1828.
Samuel Morse of Belmont and Isabella Poor, Dec. 21, 1889.
Sarah T. Morse [sic, int. Jane] of Troy and Erastus B. Stephenson, Dec. 13, 1838.
Sarah T. Morse and Alpheus Rowell of Knox, Nov. 18, 1877.
MORTLAND (also see Moreland) -
Samuel Mortland of Searsportg and Mary Kerr, Mar. 13, 1855.
MORTON (also see Moreton) -
Josephus Morton, widr., fourth m., 55, builder, of Dorchester, and Mary Ann Lothrop, wid. 48, int. Oct. 22, 1866, "Cert. issued Oct. 27."
Michael Morton of Thorndike and Minerva Philbrick of Thorndike, June 2, 1856.
Esther Mosher [int. Esther Moshier] and James Kellar, June 9, 1863. [Mosher, Co.R.]
Harriet P. Mosher, 19, of China, and Loretto Hayford, 22, farmer, int. Mar. 7, 1874, "Cert. issued March 13."
Albert C. Mosman and Nellie J. Hobbs, Sept. 10, 1888.
James Mosman and Mary Ford, Oct. 3, 1810.
William Mosman [int. Mossman, Capt.] of Hope and Syvil Parker [int. Mrs. Sibyl], May 8, 1842. [Mossman of Hope and Sybil Parker, Co.R. Mosman and Mrs. Sibyl Parker, May 8, 1829, sic, PR78.]
Tamer Mott of Montville and John Carrol, int. Jan. 20, 1838, "Cert. issued Feb. 13."
Sophia Moulton of York and Nathaniel H. Bradbury, int. June 10, 1820, "Cert. issued July 1."
Theodore M. Moulton of Freedom and Emaline Campbell, int. Sept. 21, 1833, "Cert. issued Oct. 12." [Trans. note: they must been cert. issued Oct. 22?]
Jennie B. Mowe of Boston and Frank L. Hovey of Mancheser, N. H., July 26, 1884.
MOWER (also see Moer, Moor, Moore, Moors, More) -
Irving B. Mower of Cambridge and Annie E. Caldwell [int. Anne E. Caldwell], June 28, 1881. [Rev. I. B. of Cambridge and Annie Elizabeth Caldwell, dau. John S. and Mary E. (Simpson) (first w.), Pr156.]
Abram Mudgett of Prospect and Barberry Carter of Northport, Oct. 29, 1853.
Albert L. Mudgett and Alice R. Smalley of St. George, Aug. 11, 1877.
Albert L. Mudgett and Eveline A. Hawkins of Waldo, Apr. 21, 1888.
Albina Mudgett of Albion and George E. Johnson, lawyer, int. May 27, 1869, "Cert. issued June 3."
Alvah Mudgett [int. clerk] of Stockton and Olivia McGilvery, Nov. 28, 1867. [Alva of Stockton, Co.R.]
Barbara Mudgett, Mrs., and Charles Mills, Dec. 31, 1874.
Charles A. Mudgett of Stockton and Maud I. Rackliff of Vinalhaven, Sept. 29, 1874.
Clarissa Mudgett of Northport and William Patterson, int. July 19, 1840, "Cert. issued Aug. 2."
Emma E. Mudgett of Stockton Springs and Edwin M. Crocker, Aug. 30, 1890, in Stockton Springs.
Eva E. Mudgett and Fred L. Banks, July 11, 1885.
George I. Mudgett and Generva J. Mahoney, Feb. 28, 1885. [George Irving Mudgett and Generva Jenkins Mahoney, PR109.]
Rufus L. Mudgett of Stockton and Ada F. Lafolley of Stockton, Jan. 8, 1881.
William H. Mudgett, Capt., of Prospect, and Laura E. Ford of Swanville, Mar. 21, 1866.
William Mugridge of Frankfort and Mrs. Allice Quinby, int. Oct. 1, 1836. [Quimby, m. Oct. 23, in Swanville, Co.R.]
MUNCEY (see Mansey, Muny).
MUNROE (also see Monro, Monroe) -
Benjamin Munroe [int. Benjamin Monroe] and Polly Lowley, Jan. 20, 1805.
John H. Munroe of Lincolnville and Emily H. Drinkwater of Lincolnville, May 31, 1867.
Royal M. Munroe and Lydia Ann Thomas, int. Feb. 4, 1836, "Cert. issued Feb. 20."
Joseph R. Munsell, Rev., and Sarah Rider of Brewer, int. May 29, 1854.
MUNSEY (see Mansey, Muny)
MUNY (also see Mansey) -
Nathaniel Muny and Margaret Cochran, June 13, 1799. [Nathaniel Muncey, CR2.]
Charles A. Murch and Frances H. Brenner [int. Benner], July 20, 1860. [Brenner, CR3. Co.R.]
Charlotte L. Murch and Frank W. Patteson, clerk, int. Apr. 28, 1868, "Cert. issued May 2."
George F. Murch [int. 24, block maker] and Annie J. Welch [int. 20], Mar. 9, 1872.
Hattie Murch [int. Nettie Murch, 17] and George W. Pearson [int. Parsons, 22, ship carpenter], June 2, 1866.
James Murch of Belmont, Waldo Co., and Mary A. Burgess, Feb. 23, 1856. [Mary A., Co.R.]
Lewis H. Murch and Elizabeth L. White, int. Sept. 10, 1855.
Lydia Murch, Mrs., and Judah Caval, int. Aug. 3, 1833, "Cert. issued Aug. 20."
Mary L. Murch and Edward H. Gay of Ellsworth, July 18, 1860. [Edmund H. of Ellsworth, CO.R.]
Melvin C. Murch and Carrie E. Simmons, Sept. 3, 1887.
Nettie Murch (see Hattie).
Stephen Murch and Mrs. Elizabeth Holden, Aug. 20, 1826.
Stephen L. Murch of Belmont and Carrie Perry, Dec. 26, 1887.
Susan Murch [int. adds C.] and Robert Myrick [int. adds Y.] of Hampden, Jan. 30, 1842. [Susan and Robert Myrick of Hamden, Co.R.]
William Murch and Esther Smith of Northport, int. Apr. 8, 1826, "Cert. issued Apr. 22."
Zebulon and [int. Mrs.] Lydia Smith, Oct. 19, 1826.
MURPHEY (also see Murphy) -
Elizabeth Murphey and Daniel Denen, int. June 9, 1837, "Cert. issued June 24."
MURPHY (also see Murphey) -
Hamlen H. Murphy and Clara E. Bowen of Morrell, June 22, 1871.
Howard Murphy and Delora A. Scott, int. Feb. 14, 1855.
Howard Murphy and Mrs. Hattie E. Perkins, int. June 3, 1889, "Cert. issued June 8."
John Murphy of Searsport and Joanna Collins, int. Dec. 15, 1849, "Cert. issued Dec. 29."
Levi Murphy and Abigail Bird of Northport, int. Apr. 10, 1852, "Cert. issued July 26."
Margaret J. Murphy and Frederick M. Sherman [int. farmer], Jan. 2, 1870.
Nellie F. Murphy and Ernest L. White, Dec. 25, 1883.
Theodore H. Murphy and Cora F. Beckett, Apr. 2, 1884.
Thomas W. Murphy and Jennie S. Knowlton, Dec. 7, 1882.
William E. Murphy and Emma B. Gorden [int. Gordon], Feb. 1, 1885.
MURRAY (also see Murry) -
Charles Murray of Boothbay and Mary E. F. Linnekin, int. Feb. 6, 1850, "Cert. issued Mar. 11."
William Murray of Vinalhaven and Delia Ward, int. Nov. 24, 1888.
MURRY (also see Murray) -
David Murry and Margret Ferseith of Chester, N. H., int. Jan. 3, 1808.
J. M. Muzzey, Dr. [int. Mussey, widr.] of La Porte, Cal., and Lois C. Davis, Jan. 8, 1868. [Muzzy of La Porte, Cal., Co.R.]
Eugene Myrick of Vinalhaven and Belle Knowlton of Deer Isle, Nov. 6, 1888.
Robert Myrick [int. adds Y.] of Hampden and Susan Murch [int. adds C.], Jan. 30, 1842. [Robert of Hampden and Susan Murch, Co.R.]
Albert A. Nash [int. 22, shoemaker] and Ella F. Seekins [int. 20], May 12, 1874.
Bertha L. Nash and Paul H. Graisbray, Aug. 2, 1890, in Palermo.
Clinton Nash of Swanville and Lucinda Harvey of Swanville, Mar. 4, 1827.
David Nash of Davistown and Polly Alexander of Green, int. ____ [rec. between Aug. 4 and Nov .9], 1806.
Frank E. Nash and Lillian M. Stevens, int. Jan. 24, 1885, "Cert. issued Jan. 28."
Frank E. Nash and Susie N. Bruce, Oct. 2, 1889, in Morrill.
Georgia E. Nash and Edwin W. Davis, May 13, 1877.
Helen E. Nash [int. Helen G. Nash] and Oliver E. Eaton, Nov. 16, 1882. [Helen E., CR3.]
J. W. Nash [int. John W. Nash] and Annie M. Jones [int. Anna M. Jones], Nov. 16, 1882. [John W. and Anna M. Jones, CR3.]
John A. Nash and Etta E. Thomas of Morrill, July 2, 1887.
John W. Nash and Elmira Dunbar, int. Dec. 27, 1860. [m. Dec. 31, Co.R.]
John W. Nash (see J. W.)
Leslie F. Nash of Montville and Maud C. Cain of Montville, May 17, 1890.
Lucy A. Nash of Waldo and George E. Wight, Mar. 14, 1854. [George E., son Joseph and Sarah (Burgess), Mar. 24, PR3.]
Minnie G. Nash and Albert W. Gordon, int. Nov. 19, 1883.
Minnie L. Nash and Edwin W. Heath [int. Edward W. Heath], May 22, 1880.
Ruth E. Nash and William H. Scobles, int. Dec. 3, 1861, "Cert. issued Dec. 7."
Addie H. Nason and Thomas C. Grady, Feb. 21, 1883.
D. E. Nason and Fannie Chase, Aug. 21, 1875.
Daniel Nason and Julia A. Pattershall, May 13, 1850.
Everett Nason and Luetta Brown, Dec. 12, 1885.
Fannie Nason, Mrs., and Sidney A. Carter, int. Sept. 23, 1880, "Cert. issued Sept. 30."
Helen M. Nason and George R. Sweetser, Dec. 10, 1876.
Helen M. Nason and Clifton E. Mayo of Stockton, Jan. 2, 1887. [Helen N., CR3.]
John Nason and Catherine D. Smith, Aug. 26, 1857.
Prescott H. Nason and Elizabeth McDonald, Jan. 11, 1852.
Anson G. Neal, stage driver, and Lydia J. Smith, int. May 18, 1869, "Cert. issued May 25."
Arobine Neal [int. 24] of Morrill and John J. Johnson [int. 33, "Lt. U.S. Rev. Service"], Dec. 13, 1866. [Heal of Morrill and John O. Johnson, Co.R.]
Isaac Neal and Hannah Hamilton, int. May 12, 1807.
Isaiah C. Neal of Belmont and Ardray [int. Ardrey] C. Sherman, Dec. 2, 1830.
James M. Neal of Belmont and Harriet Pitcher, Jan. 23, 1838.
John Neal and Mrs. Mary Wilson, int. Apr. 5, 1840, "Cert. issued Apr. 16."
Johnson Neal and ____ ____[torn], int. June 20, 1807.
Johnson Neal and Betsy Boyington, int. June 29, 1810.
Mary Neal, Mrs., and Luther West, Oct. 3, 1841.
Oliva Neal [int. Olevia Neal] of Green Plantation and Robert Cross of same, Jan. _, 1805.
Olive P. Neal and Warren P. Shaw [int. of Bangor] Sept. 12, 1842. [Warren P., both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Olivia Neal (see Oliva).
Persis M. Neal and David C. Sanders of Brookline, N. H., int. June 24, 1843, "Cert. issued Aug. 30."
Silas Neal of Belmont and Elizabeth Annis of Unity, Feb. 13, 1817.
Van Rensselaer Neal of China and Mrs. Margaret S. Jackson, Mar. 23, 1887.
NEALEY (also see Nealley) -
Joseph T. Nealey of Frankfort and Esther Houston, int. Oct. 26, 1823, "Cert. issued Nov. 9."
NEALLEY (also see Nealey) -
Charles A. Nealley of Jackson and Mrs. Mary F. Staples of Stockton, July 4, 1882.
William Henry Nelson of Belmont and Margaret Frisbee, int. Dec. 17, 1852, "Cert. issd."
Benjamin Nesmith and Hannah Morrill, int. Jan. 4, 1805.
Benjeman Nesmith and Marthew Houston, Dec. 29, 1796. [Benjamin and Martha Houston, CR2.]
Nancy Nesmith, Mrs., and John Brown of Montville, int. July 18, 1813.
Sarah E. Nesmith of Brooks and Robert G. Campbell of Winterport, Oct. 29, 1873.
Thomas Nesmith and Susannah Davidson [int. Davison], Dec. 25, 1808. [Davidson, CR2.]
Watson H. Ness and Helen M. Wing of Searsmont, int. Oct. 14, 1848, "Cert. issued Oct. 28."
NEWBERT (also see Newbit, Newbitt) -
Alvin Newbert of Appleton and Catherine C. Newbert, Nov. 9, 1861.
Catherine C. Newbert and Alvin Newbert of Appleton, Nov. 9, 1861.
Nellie E. Newbert and Hervey S. Ware [int. Harvey S. Ware] of New York [int. adds N.Y.], Sept. 13, 1882.
NEWBIT (also see Newbert, Newbitt) -
Ann Newbit of Hope and John D. Wentworth, int. Mar. 7, 1832, "Cert. issued Apr. 1."
Catherine Newbit and John Jones of Searsmont, Oct. 8, 1820.
NEWBITT (also see Newbert, Newbit) -
Hannah Newbitt, Mrs. [int. Newbit, wid., 38] and Alpheus Shaw [int. 47, painter], June 12, 1866. [Miss Hannah Newbitt, Co.R.]
Lot Alonzo Newbitt of Lincolnville and Mary E. Burgin, int. Oct. 15, 1878, "Cert. issued Oct. 19."
Allen Newcomb of Newburg and Lizzie A. Cook of Plymouth, Aug. 29, 1865.
Bethuel M. Newcomb [int. 23, clerk] and Annie S. Harkness [int. 23], Nov. 12, 1871.
Eliza A. Newcomb of Union and B. F. Whiting, Jan. 26, 1862, in Union. [B. F. Whitney, Co.R.]
Mary Newcomb [int. ? Mrs. over Miss] and Josiah Twitchel, Oct. 16, 1821.
NEWELL (also see Newhall) -
Alonzo C. Newell, 21, farmer, and Almatia Cross, 20, of Morrill, int. Oct. 8, 1866.
Ebenezer Newell Jr. of Montville and Olivle G. Record (first w.) of Hebron, ____, 1830. [? in Hebron], PR81.
Ebenezer Newell Jr. and Susan Worth McLaughlin (second w.), of China, Mar. 13, 1854 [? in China], PR81.
Etta O. Newell and Josiah E. Staples of Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 23, 1874. [Olivet and Josiah E. Staples, son Miles S. and Sarah (Ellingwood), Pr33. Olivet, dau. Ebenezer Jr. and Susan Worth (McLaughlin) (second w.), PR81.]
Frances C. Newell of Winslow and Shepherd S. Stevens, int. Sept. 10, 1842, "Cert. issued Sept. 19."
Marianna Newell of Winslow and Charles C. Edmonds, Jan. 31, 1840.
Olivet Newell (see Etta O.)
Peter Newell [int. widr., laborer] and Mary Gay, Jan. 30, 1869.
Rose Newell and John Sylvester, int. Apr. 12, 1876, "Cert. issued Apr. 16."
NEWHALL (also see Newell) -
Addie A. Newhall and Henry S. Black, int. Nov. 1, 1875. [Henry C., m. Nov. 6, CR3.]
Phebee Newton of Northport and Walter McFarland of Northport, Mar. 25, 1802.
Waldo B. Newton of Boston, Mass., and Anna E. Gilmore, Oct. 15, 1890.
NICHOLS (also see Nickels) -
Adam P. Nichols of Belmont and Mary A. Fanwick of Belmont, Dec. 26, 1854. [Fenwick, both of Belfast, Co.R.]
Albert S. Nichols of Searsport and Jennie Kneeland of Searsport, Oct. 5, 1862.
Alexander Nichols, Capt., widr., master mariner, of Searsport, and Caroline Steele, wid., int. Jan. 1, 1866, "Cert. issued Jan. 5."
Angeline Nichols of Searsport and William H. McLellan Esq. of Searsport, Mar. 3, 1863, in Searsport, Co.R.
Ellen Nichols and Herbert T. Scribner, farmer, of Searsport, int. Apr. 19, 1869, "Cert. issued Apr. 28."
Eva Nichols and Henry Garrow, int. Nov. 16, 1875, "Cert. issued Nov. 20."
Fred A. Nichols, 37, and Mary E. Nickerson, 22, of Swanville, int. Feb. 15, 1881, "Cert. issued Feb. 19."
Hannah Nichols of Prospect and Isaac Carver of Prospect, Mar. 30, 1797, CR2.
Joseph E. Nichols of Prospect and Elisabeth J. Mathews, int. Aug. 7, 1841, "Cert. issued Aug. 25."
Lizzie Nichols [int. adds B.] and L. D. Woodward [int. Llewellyn D. Woodward], Dec. 17, 1874.
Lucretia Nichols of Prospect and John W. Fenwick, int. Dec. 6, 1832, "Cert. issued Dec. 25."
Melvina C. Nichols, Mrs., of Searsport and Oliver H. Lampher of Stockton, Apr. 27, 1877. CR1.
Phineas Nichols of Searsport and Lucy J. Blanchard of Searsport, Feb. 14, 1861.
Shepard Nichols [int. widr., farmer] and Mrs. Sylvina Page [int. wid.], Apr. 11, 1868. [Shepard and Mrs. Sylvina Page [dup. of Frankfort, omits Mr., Nov. 19], in Frankfort, Co.R.]
NICKELS (also see Nichols) -
Nancy Nickels of Prospect and James Barrey of Prospect, May 2, 1799.
Peggy Nickels of Prospect and Capt. Samuel Park of Prospect, Feb. 20, 1805.
Aaron Nickerson of Swanville and Margaret P. White, Sept. 6, 1832.
Aaron W. Nickerson, 28, seaman, and Emma Smith, 18, of Swanviolle, int. Aug. 29, 1867, "Cert. issued Sept. 6."
Abigail Nickerson and Samuel Ames [int. of Goospond], Nov. 30, 1809. [Samuel, CR2.]
Adelbert E. Nickerson of Waldo and Mary H. Blodgett of Morrill, Dec. 22, 1884.
Albert Nickerson of Swanville and Ellen E. Richards, Mar. 28, 1859.
Albert T. Nickerson and Lydia A. Wetherbee, Nov. 13, 1845.
Alfred E. Nickerson of Swanville and Augusta H. Strout of Swanville, July 21, 1862.
Ann M. Nickerson of Swanville and Wilmot E. Cunningham of Swanville, Dec. 30, 1865.
Arletta J. Nickerson of Swanville and Henry M. Chase of Swanville, Dec. 3, 1871.
Augusta Nickerson [int. 20] and John Campbell [int. laborer], Feb. 2, 1867.
Benjamin Nickerson of Frankfort and Mehitable Ames of Frankfort, Apr. 8, 1810.
Benjamin F. Nickerson of Swanville and Lucy Ann Nickerson, int. July 25, 1851, "Cert. issued Aug. 15."
Betsey Nickerson of Goospond Settlement and Richard Robinson of same, int. ____ [rec. between July 29 and Aug. 13], 1809.
Charles A. Nickerson and Clara A. Morse of Rockland, int. Dec. 20, 1860, "Cert. issued Dec. 24."
Charles K. Nickerson and E. A. Larrabee [Elonia A. Larrabee], Aug. 12, 1862. [E. A., Co.R.]
David S. Nickerson and Martha Nickerson, int. Aug. 15, 1855.
Deborah Nickerson and Joseph Jerome, Oct. 30, 1852.
Dianna Nickerson of Swanville and William Cunningham of Swanville, May 29, 1828.
Elijah Nickerson and Jerusha Tripp, int. Mar. 8, 1845, "Cert. issued Mar. 22."
Elisha Nickerson of Swanville and Lucy Royal of Munro, Hancock Co., Dec. 15, 1822.
Eliza A. Nickerson and Enoch W. Robbins of Swanville, int. Dec. 29, 1852, "Cert. issd."
Eliza M. Nickerson and Samuel Otis, Dec. 27, 1832. [Samuel, son David and Jean (Boyd), ___, 1834, PR13. Eliza M. Nickerson, dau. Salathiel and Martha R. (McLure), Dec. 27, 1832, PR14.]
Elizabeth Nickerson, Mrs., and Joseph Pinkham of Montville, Oct. 1, 1887.
Ella J. Nickerson and Stillman D. Flood of Searsport, int. Mar. 10, 1890, "Cert. issued Mar. 17."
Emeline D. Nickerson and Jonathan M. Brown, Dec. 29, 1861.
Emily J. Nickerson and Seth R. Ellis of Swanville, int. Aug. 27, 1863, "Cert. issued Aug. 31."
Emily W. Nickerson and Llewellyn Durgin, Nov. 24, 1862. [Llewelly, Co.R.]
Frank E. Nickerson, Miss, and Sheman C. Patterson, June 25, 1861, PR14.
Frank J. Nickerson of Swanville and Jennie S. Brown of Swanville, July 3, 1887.
Franklin S. Nickerson Esq. of Searsport and Augusta A. Pitcher, int. Dec. 20, 1849. [Augusta Ann, m. Dec. 30, Co.R.]
George T. Nickerson of Swanville and Mary D. Nickerson of Swanville, July 6, 1856.
Georgietta J. Nickerson and Henry A. Whitten, Feb. 23, 1887.
Hannah Nickerson of Swanville and Pearl Richards, Nov. 22, 1832.
Hannah H. Nickerson of Swanville and Henry A. Heath, int. Mar. 2, 1855. [Henry A., son Simeon A. and Mary (Hinkley), m. _____, PR63.]
Hubbard Nickerson [int. Hubberd] of Goospond Plantation and Betey Crosby of same, Mar. 2, 1812.
Huldah J. Nickerson [int. Huldah Jane Nickerson] and Thomas C. Nickerson of Swanville, Sept. 27, 1853.
Inez M. Nickerson of Searsport and Herbert E. Bradman, Dec. 14, 1887.
James A. Nickerson and Cletie N. Bean, Dec. 25, 1890.
Jane Nickerson and Eleazer Davis, int. Jan. 22, 1820, "Cert. issued Feb. 3."
Jamima Nickerson of a plantation near Prospect and John Mason of Prospect, Oct. 18, 1799, CR2.
Jerusha Nickerson of Goospond Settlement [int. of Prospect] and Joseph Harris of Prospect, Dec. 30, 1800.
John B. Nickerson and Marie J. Pearsons, int. Nov. 27, 1854.
Jonathan Nickerson of Swanville and Martha Sekins of Swansville, June 12, 1828.
Jonathan Nickerson of Swanville and Susan E. Smart, int. May 2, 1859, "Cert. issued May 6."
Joshua Nickerson of Goospond Settlement and Thankful Eldrege [int. Elder] of same, Nov. 26, 1807.
Lewis M. Nickerson and Edith C. Stearns of Melrose, Mass., July 27, 1889, in Malden, Mass.
Lillie J. Nickerson and Charles F. Merriam, Sept. 22, 1888.
Lucy Ann Nickerson and Benjamin F. Nickerson of Swanville, int. July 25, 1851, "Cert. issued Aug. 15."
Lulu Nickerson of Swanville and Otis B. Patterson of Swanville, Nov. 14, 1885.
Lydia A. Nickerson [int. Mrs.] and John W. White, Sept. 23, 1860. [Lydia A., CR1. Co.R.]
Malachi Nickerson [int. Jr.] and Hannah Littlefield, May 1, 1842. [Malachi, Co.R.]
Margaret M. Nickerson and Prescot Hazeltine [int. Prescott Haseltine] of Boston, Mass., July 28, 1841. [Prescot Hazeltine of Boston, Co.R.]
Maria Nickerson of Swanville and Ira Goodhue of Bangor, Nov. 25, 1874.
Martha Nickerson and David S. Nickerson, int. Aug. 15, 1855.
Mary A. Nickerson of Boston and Benjamin B. Trundy of Boston, Aug. 31, 1881. CR1.
Mary Ada Nickerson of Searsport and Thomas C. Nickerson [int. Colby], Sept. 21, 1889.
Mary D. Nickerson of Swanville and George T. Nickerson of Swanville, July 6, 1856.
Mary E. Nickerson and Samuel M. Smith, M.D., of Prospect, int. Feb. 20, 1836. [m. Apr. 8, Co.R.]
Mary E. Nickerson, 22, of Swanville and Fred A. Nichols, 37, int. Feb. 15, 1881, "Cert/ issued Feb. 19."
Mary W. Nickerson and Thomas A. Crosby of Swanville, Oct. 23, 1861.
Nathaniel Nickerson of Swanville and Durzilla Parsons, int. May 29, 1841, "Cert. issued June 14."
Phebe Nickerson of Prospect and John George of Prospect, Apr. 6, 1809.
Phoebe Nickerson of Waldo and Alfred Mayhew, int. July 26, 1832, "Cert. issued May 4, 1833."
Polly Nickerson of Chatham and James Cuningham, int. July 30, 1804.
Rose Nickerson and Edmond Ames, int. July 26, 1886, "Cert. issued July 31."
Ruth Nickerson and Jacob Cuningham, int. Jan. __, 1808.
Salathiel Nickerson and Martha McCleur of Washington Plantation [int. "both of this Town"], July 27, 1812.
Salathiel C. Nickerson, Capt., and Abigail W. Carr of E. Thomaston, int. May 5, 1839. [Abby Weld Carr, m. May 20, PR14.]
Samuel Nickerson of the vicinity of Prospect and Hannah Leighton of same, int. ____ [rec. between Nov. 20 and Dec. 12], 1802.
Samuel Nickerson of Goospond Settlement and Polly Bee of same, int. Apr. 4, 1804.
Sarah Jane Nickerson of Swanville and Ephraim McKeen of Swanville, Nov.2 3, 1851. [Ephraim, son Joseph and Eliza (Holmes), Oct. _, 1857, PR46.]
Sears Nickerson [int. 49, second m., carpenter] and Mrs. M. A. Michaels [int. 34], Oct. 10, 1867.
Seth Nickerson of the vicinity of Prospect and Polly Hains from same, int. May 16, 1802.
Susan Nickerson and John Purdon, int. June 3, 1843, "Cert. issued June 23."
Theophilus Nickerson of Brewer and Mrs. Lydia S. Smith, Aug. 5, 1845.
Thomas Nickerson and Mary Pearsons of Belmont, int. Aug. 16, 1834, "Cert. issued Aug. 30."
Thomas C. Nickerson of Swanville and Huldah J. Nickerson [int. Jane], Sept. 27, 1853.
Thomas C. Nickerson [int. Colby] and Mary Ada Nickerson of Searsport, Sept. 21, 1889.
William Nickerson of Goospond Settlement and Polly Rogers of same, Sept. 20, 1806.
M. Clarence Niles of Cicero, Ill., and Sarah E. Hinds, Sept. 9, 1878.
George D. Nimblet of Salem, Mass., and Jane A. Thomas of Morrill, Oct. 24, 1857.
Adolph J. Nockin [int. and dup. int. Dr.] of New York and [int. Mrs.] Urania M. Blanchard [dup. int. wid., dau. George U. Russ Esq. dec'd], Mar. 5, 1870. [Adolph J. of N. Y. and Urania M. Blanchard, CR1.]
Rosalie Noel and Anthony Gray [int. Anthony Gay, laborer], Jan. 16, 1869.
James Nonan and Mrs. Ellen Crowell, int. Nov. 26, 1860, "Cert. issd."
Henry H. Norrington of Bay City, Mich., and Fannie E. White, Oct. 15, 1873.
James B. Norris and Charlotte A. Cunningham, July 1, 1833.
Naham Norris and Lydia J. Maxfield of Bangor, int. Aug. 16, 1846, "Cert. issued Aug. 23."
Martha J. North of Augusta and William H. Harris, int. Aug. 23, 1887, "Cert. issued Aug. 31."
Bell Norton and Charles B. Stover, int. Nov. 28, 1883.
Belle Norton and Thomas W. Finn of Boston, Mass., May 2, 1887.
Bernes O. Norton and Ellen M. Shibles, Nov. 29, 1891, in Searsmont.
Clara Norton and George Richards [int. laborer], Oct. 29, 1870.
Clara D. Norton and Richard H. Wilson of E. Thomaston, int. Jan. 14, 1850. [This entry crossed out.]
Clara E. Norton, 16, and James W. Patterson, 34, seaman, int. Nov. 13, 1866, "Cert. issued Nov. 17."
Clara E. Norton of Bangor and Frank Delaney of Bangor, Nov. 25, 1875.
George W. Norton and Philena Bennett [int. adds M.], Nov. 11, 1858. [Philena, CR1. Co.R.]
Ida J. Norton, 22, of Braintree, Mass., and John W. Carter, 28, carpenter, int. Sept. 8, 1866, "Cert. issued Sept. 18."
Mary Norton and James Calderwood, Jan. 1, 1833, PR71.
Mary O. Norton and Alonzo M. Gilman, int. July 15, 1862, "Cert . . . not called for."
Noah F. Norton and Mercy G. Eastman, Nov. 8, 1853.
Obadiah W. Norton of Boston and Ann R. Smart, int. Sept. 21, 1855.
Patrick Norton [int. laborer] and Mary Casey, Mar. 28, 1869.
Rosilla Norton and Lewis Robbins, Jan. 20, 1858. [Rosilla Weston, Co.R.]
Samuel Norton and Annie E. Washburne, Apr. 21, 1880.
NOWELL (see Noel).
Annie M. Noyes and John H. Quimby, June 21, 1859. [John Haraden Quimby, son Phineas P. and Susanna Burnham (Haraden), PR118.]
James F. Noyes and Harriet L. Stephenson of Waldo, May 5, 1887.
Joseph S. Noyes and Jane Haraden, May 27, 1856.
Alice P. Nutt of Waldo and Warren E. Marsh, Jan. 8, 1885.
David H. Nutt and Phebe A. Banks, dau. Benjamin and Martha (Cross), Sept. 16, 1860, PR150.
David James Nutt of Rockport and Caroline E. Clark, int. ____, 1853.
Nettie S. Nutter and Fred Ames of Bangor, July 4, 1891, in Searsmont.
Josiah S. Nutting of Concord, N. H., and Eleanor C. Mansfield, Oct. 1, 1883.
Susannah Oatherman of Boston, Mass., and Lewis C. Smith, int. Jan. 24, 1849, "Cert. issued Apr. 7."
Charles O'Connell and Fannie F. Clarke of Castine, int. Nov. 1, 1877, "Cert. issued Nov. 6."
Daniel O'Connell and Mary A. Lynskey of Bangor, int. Sept. 16, 1884, "Cert. issued Sept. 20."
Ellen O'Connell and Thomas Cullen, laborer, int. Feb. 9, 1871, "Cert. issued Feb. 14."
Ellen O'Conner and Timothy McMann, int. Nov. 22, 1858, "Cert. issued Nov. 27."
Sylvia P. OConner, Mrs., of Freedom, and Samuel B. Hanson, int. Oct. 25, 1855.
Joanna O'Leary and Martin Conry, int. May 29, 1866, "Cert. issued June 9."
Thomas O'Leary, 25, paper maker, and Katherine Ward, 20, int. Jan. 16, 1866, "Cert. issued Jan. 20."
OLESON (also see Olson) -
S. W. Oleson [int. S. W. Olson] of Sweden, Europe, and Mrs. S. C. Richards, May 31, 1863. [Oleson of Sweeden, Europe, Co.R.]
Sabria Oliver of Boston, Mass., and Isaac Cole Brown Esq., int. Sept. 10, 1836, "Cert. issued Sept. 28."
OLSON (also see Oleson) -
Peter Olson and Mrs. Eliza F. Crockett, Oct. 28, 1888.
ORCUT (also see Orcutt) -
Allen Orcut [int. Allen Orcutt] and Mary Eleanor Holt, Dec. 26, 1842. [Orcutt, Co.R. Orcutt and Mary Eleanor Holt, dau. William and Hannah P. (Shute), Dec. 29, PR29.]
Augusta Orcut of Camden and John W. Shibles of Camden, June 30, 1872.
ORCUTT (also see Orcut) -
Charles Orcutt of Northport and Martha Love of Northport, Feb. 3, 1845.
Charles A. Orcutt of Northport and Evie A. Lane of Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 2, 1871.
Charles A. Orcutt of Northport and Annie N. Wright of Northport, Apr. 24, 1882.
Damaetta H. Orcutt and Isaac A. Conant, Oct. 20, 1862. [Isaac N., Co.R.]
Eleanor J. Orcutt [int. 21] and George Dyer [int. 30, caulker], Jan. 9, 1868. [Elenor J., Co.R.]
Frank H. Orcutt of Northport and Mary L. Moody of Thomaston, Oct. 9, 1875.
George E. Orcutt of Northport and Mary A. Ames of Northport, Dec. 15, 1883.
ORDAWAY (also see Ordway) -
Abial Ordaway and Ruth Stephenson, int. Oct. 11, 1834, "Cert. issued Nov. 1." [Ordway, m. Oct. 2 sic, Co.R.]
Susan Ordaway, Mrs., of Belmont, Waldo Co., and Joseph Jewett of Searsmont, Waldo Co., Jan. 8, 1869.
ORDWAY (also see Ordaway) -
Abiel Ordway [int. Abial Ordway] and Mary M. Kelsey, Nov. 19, 1826.
Alvira Ordway [int. Almira Ordway] and Ebenezer H. Pratt, Jan. 27, 1853. [Alvira and Ebenezer M. Pratt, Co.R.]
Cecil J. Ordway and Lindley E. Morrill, Oct. 27, 1889. -
Elvira Ordway (see Alvira).
Elvira B. Ordway of Belmont, Waldo Co., and John F. Lawry of Searsmont, Waldo Co., Jan. 23, 1862.
Hannah W. Ordway, wid., of Belmont, and Comfort Whitcomb, widr., third m., farmer, int. Sept. 19, 1868, "cert. issued Sept. 19."
Harriet Ordway and Edward Edmonds [int. Edward Edmunds], Aug. 3, 1828.
Helen C. Ordway of Brooks and Winfield S. Foss of Brooks, Feb. 3, 1872.
Inez M. Ordway and Charles F. Marshall of Northport, Dec. 24, 1887.
Jonathan Ordway [int. Ordaway] of Green Plantation, Hancock Co., and Clarissa Cross of same, July 16, 1812.
Lucy F. Ordway of Morrill and Benjamin R. Smith, June 27, 1869.
Mahitable Ordway of Newport and John Stephenson, int. Feb. 2, 1832, "Cert. issued Feb. 20."
Nellie Ordway [int. 21] and Eugene Keith [int. Edwin Keith, 22, laborer], Jan. 2, 1874.
William G. Ordway of Newport and Sophia Smith, Jan. 22, 1818.
Zenophen Ordway and Sarah Freeman, int. Aug. 30, 1854.
James R. Orne of Vinalhaven and Emma E. Emerson, Apr. 26, 1855.
OSBORN (also see Osborne) -
Abigail Osborn and Dudley Griffin, Feb. 3, 1822.
Alenzo Osborn and Catherine W. Dillingham, int. Nov. 16, 1849, "Not posted up N. P. Cen. Nisi."
Alonzo Osborn of Searsmont and Isabel Tilden, int. Aug. 15, 1824. [Isabella, m. Sept. 12, PR9.]
Carrie L. Osborn [int. Orsborn] and Henry E. Kaler, Mar. 22, 1881. [Osborn CR1.]
Elizabeth Mannsy Osborn and Ezekiel Stearns of Thomaston, int. Apr. 12, 1833, "Cert. issued Apr. 22."
Ella Osborn and Joseph S. Thombs, Oct. 12, 1856. [Ella N., dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), PR9.]
Emma Osborn, dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), and Charles W. Tilden, ____, 1879, PR9.
George T. Osborn and Helen M. Pattershall, int. Mar. 21, 1860. [Oxborne, son Alonzo (Osborn) and Helen Mar Patershall, dau. Doane and Lovina (Larabee), m. Mar. 25, PR12.]
Harriet L. Osborn and Francis H. Sleeper of Boston, Mass., Nov. 18, 1846. [Harriet L., dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), PR9.]
Harriot S. Osborn, Mrs., and Edward Baker of Hallowell, int. July 15, 1837, "Cert. issued July 29."
Isabella Frances Osborn, dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), and Alfred Frederic Adams, Nov. 26, 1856, in Conway, Mass., PR9.
John Osborn and Lucy Crosby of Bileraca, int. Sept. 24, 1831, "Cert. issued Oct. 9."
John S. Osborn, Dr., and Nabby ____, Dec. 25, 1791. [? in Belfast], PR8.
John Walker Osborn, son Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden) and Minnie Bentz of Washington, D.C., Oct. 24, 1867, in Minneapolis, Minn., PR9.
Juliet Maria Osborn, dau. Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), and Charles W. Tilden, Nov. 19, 1854, in Boston, Mass., PR9.
Mary Ann Osborn and Capt. Thomas Tilden, Dec. 25, 1827.
OSBORNE (also see Osborn) -
Susan Osborne [int. Susan Osborn] and Oshea Page, Nov. 30, 1820.
Edward R. Osgood of Bluehill and Elizabeth Jane Arnold of Appleton, Oct. 1, 1856.
Elvira Osgood of Palermo and Charles G. Field, int. Oct. 9, 1841. [Elvira and Charles David Field, son Bohan P. ad Abigail (Davis), m. Nov. 10, PR155.]
Joseph Osgood of Lowell, Mass., and Frances C. Hanson, int. Feb. 14, 1853, "Cert. issd."
William Osgood, Dr., of N. Yamouth and Sarah E. Gammans, Nov. 20, 1869. [Gammons, Co.R.]
Abbie N. Otis and Gustavus C. Kilgore, Aug. 6, 1890.
David Otis, son Samuel of Bristol, and Jean Boyd, dau. Capt. Samuel of Bristol, June 6, 1799 [? in Bristol], PR13.
David Otis, son Samuel of Bristol and Helen Otis (second w.), Aug. 15, 1844, PR13.
Diana Otis of Alna and Capt. Henry Colburn, int. May 10, 1828. [Dianna, dau. David and Jean (Boyd), m. June 10, PR13.]
Faney Otis, dau. David and Jean (Boyd), and ____ ____, Nov. 1, 1841, PR13.
Helen Otis (second w.) and Davis Otis, son Samuel of Bristol, Aug. 15, 1844, PR13.
Margaret Otis, dau. David and Jean (Boyd), and ____ ____, Nov. 1, 1839, PR13.
Oliver Otis of Rockland and Mary S. Frohock of Rockland, Feb. 2, 1877.
Salathiel N. Otis, son Samuel and Eliza M. (Nickerson), and Mary Ann Maddox, Sept. 23, 1852, PR14.
Samuel Otis and Eliza M. Nickerson, Dec. 27, 1832. [Samuel, son David and Jean (Boyd), ____, 1834, PR13. Eliza M., dau. Salathiel and Martha R. (McLure), Dec .27, 1832, PR14.]
William B. Otis and Martha W. Stevens, int. Nov. 24, 1835, "Cert. issued Dec. 14." [William B., son David and Jean (Boyd), m. _____, PR13.]
William B. Otis [int. widr., farmer] and Mrs. Mary E. Fillmore [int. wid.], June 20, 1868.
Annet Otts and George Hopkins, Mar. 4, 1879.
OWENS (also see Ownes) -
Patrick Owens and Katy Hinds, int. Oct. 27, 1862, "Cert. issued Nov. 1."
OWNES (also see Owens) -
Terry Ownes and Mary Connell, int. July 8, 1849, "Cert. issued July 22."