Belfast, Maine
Vital Records
to the Year 1892
Volume II - Marriages and Deaths
Editor Alfred Johnson, A. M., Litt. D.
Committee on Publication
William Davis Patterson and Alfred Johnson, A.M., Litt. D.
Published Under Authority of the
Maine Historical Society
Marriages - ABBOT to BICKNELL

[transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

ABBOT (also see Abbott)-
Abial Abbot Jr. of Waldo and Eleanor I. West, intentions Dec. 2, 1833, "certificate Issued Dec. 21."
Eliza Abbot of Andover and John Frost, int. May 26, 1827, "certif. Issued July 4."
William F. Abbot and Mary A. Sanborn of Lowell, Mass., int. June 26, 1847, "Cert. issued July 10."
William F. Abbot and Frances Amelia Pendelton of Northport, int. Nov. 15, 1852, "certif issu."
ABBOTT (also see Abbot)-
Annie G. Abbott and Walter H. West, Oct. 20, 1878 [Anna G., CR1].
Augusta Abbott [int. 18] and James Aldus [int. 18, soldier], Sept. 25, 1865.
Charlotte Abbott, Mrs., of Swanville, and Bancroft Wyman of Swanville, Oct. 31, 1857. [Charlott Abbot of Swanville, CO.R.]
Clara Ann Abbott of Farmington and Rev. Elbridge G. Cutler, int. Apr. 24, 1843, "Certif Issued May 13th."
Emma F. Abbott and Lucius F. McDonald [int. harness maker], Dec. 25, 1871. [Emma F., dau Nehemiah and Carolline W. (Belcher), PR22].
Martha J. Abbott of Searsport, Waldo Co., and John F. Page of Searsport, Waldo Co., Nov. 2, 1863.
Nehemiah Abbott and Caroline W. Belcher, June 28, 1836 [ ? in Belfast] PR22.
Sarah E. [int Abbot] and William Herring [int. Flemming], July 31, 1859 [Abbott and William Hemming, CO.R].
Sarah E. Abbott, Mrs., of Montville, and William Marshall of Montville, Aug. 9, 1876.
Eugenia L. Aborn [int. 24] of Knox and Elbridge C. Tufts [int. 24, farmer] Feb. 24, 1867 [Eugenia L., dau James and Charlotte M. (Brown), PR72].
James Aborn Jr. of Knox and Charlotte M. Brown, int. Jan. 27, 1839. [m. Feb. 24, CO.R. m ____, 1839, PR72].
James Aborn of Knox and Sarah J. Brown, int. May 19, 1848, "Certif. issued June 3." [Sarah J. (second w.), m. ____, 1848, in Montville, PR72].
John G. Aborn and Ida E. White, June 14, 1874 [John G., son James and Sarah J. (Brown), PR72].
Julia F. Aborn of Knox and Charles W. Grant of Rockland, Nov. 20, 1874. [Nov. 18, CR3. Julia F., dau James and Sarah J. (Brown), PR72].
Martha Aborn of Knox Plantation and Jacob Dutton of Knox Plantation, int. Oct. 6, 1811.
Annie E. Achorn of Belmont and A. C. Morse of Belmont, Dec. 1, 1890.
Eugene S. Achorn of Camden and Mrs. Mary E. Buzzell, int. Feb. 23, 1876, "Certificate issued Feb. 28th."
Ora L. Achorn of Camden and Edwin A. Jones, Dec. 23, 1891, in Camden.
ACKERMAN(see Akerman).
ADAMS (also see Addams)-
Alfred Frederic Adams and Isabella Frances Osborn, dau Alonzo and Isabelle (Tilden), Nov. 26, 1856, in Conway, Mass., PR9.
Amanda M. Adams of Lincolnville and Benson B. Weed of Knox, Sept. 4, 1865.
Betsy Adams of Stodard, N. H., and William Pictcher, int. Oct. 14, 1804.
Caroline Adams of Norridegwock and James A. Wilson, int. Apr. 8, 1837, "Certif. Issued April 22d."
Catherine Adams of Unity and James Garland of Carmel, June 6, 1857, in Kenduskeag.
Eli W. Adams of Monroe and Lovina B. West of Searsport, Apr. 27, 1878.
Elizabeth A. Adams and Nathan McDonald Jr., int. Mar. 2, 1854.
Ezra E. Adams and Etta C. York, int. Apr. 12, 1876, "Certif. issued Apr. 17th."
Hopey D. Adams and Henry W. Hallet of Deer Isle, int. Feb. 22, 1824, "Certif, Mar. 7."
J. Leslie Adams and Josie A. Wellman, Aug. 12, 1877.
Joel Adams and Anny [int. Amy] Burges, Dec. 15, 1818.
John H. Adams and Mary M. Small, Jan. 9, 1875.
Joshua Adams of Unity and Abigail Johnson, int. Dec. 2, 1815, "Certif. granted Dec. 27."
Mary E. Adams of Searsport and Hollis F. Curtis of Searsport, Nov. 19, 1877.
Mary L. Adams, Mrs., of Lowell, Mass., and Moses W. Ford of Lowell, Mass., Nov. 25, 1879.
Mettie L. Adams of Lincolnville and Roscoe D. McKeen of Danforth, Dec. 1, 1891.
Perry Adams of Northbridge and Annie M. Thompson, July 30, 1873.
Samuel Adams and Annie Kaler, Oct. 10, 1887.
William B. Adams of Waldo and Margaret H. Bassick of Waldo, Jan. 7, 1858.
William C. Adams and Mrs. Mary R. [dup. K.] Dow, Mar. 21, 1875. [Mary H., CR3].
ADDAMS (also see Adams)-
Hannah Addams and William Bassick Jr. of Waldo, int. Nov. 27, 1852, "Certif. issd."
Lydia J. Akerman of Portsmouth and Samuel Jackson Jr., int. Dec. 1, 1822, "Certif. granted Dec. 21st."
Henry B. Albee of Tremont and Annie B. Hart, Jan. 10, 1886.
Ida Albee and Elmer E. Bradbury, int. Apr. 22, 1886, "Cert. issued Apr. 29."
Appolos Alden and Priscilla Grinnel, Nov. _, 1807.
Caroline F. Alden and Norman E. Roberts, May 15, 1841.
David O. Alden and Euphenia J. Drinkwater of Northport, June 16, 1858.
Edward Alden of Willmington, Ill., and Adelaide G. Cousins [int. Counsens], Feb. 29, 1860, [Cousens, CR!. Courins, Co.R].
Esther C. Alden and Dr. Jonathan P. Alden, Sept. 20, 1825.
Georgia S. Alden and Frederic Clifford Pendleton, son Charles and Louisa W. (Eaton), Jan. 29, 1885, PR67.
Jonathan P. Alden, Dr., and Esther C. Alden, Sept. 20, 1825.
Lucy C. Alden and Perley Morse of Lowell [int. Methuen, Mass.], Oct. 12, 1828.
Mary Alden of Northport and Silvanus Gallison, int. Apr. 17, 1814.
Mary Alden and [int. Maj.] Ansel L. White [int. merchant] of New York, Nov. 24, 1869. [Ansel L., of N.Y., CR1].
Pricilla Alden, Mrs., and Capt. Joshua Cotterell, July 3, 1836.
Thomas A. Alden (see Thomas A. Aldus).
Walter B. [int. Esq.] Alden and Julia E. White, Oct. 29, 1855. [Walter B., CR1.].
William O. Alden [int. Capt.] and L. J. Emery, Jan. 31, 1864. [William O. CR1].
Annie J. Aldus and Edward E. Wescott, June 29, 1887.
Helen M. Aldus [int. 26] and William H. Sanborn [int. 26, blacksmith], Mar. 2, 1869.
James Aldus [int. 18, soldier] and Augusta Abbott [int. 18], Sept. 25, 1865.
Mary F. Aldus [int. Frances, 20] and James O. Clark [int. 21, seaman], Nov. 14, 1866. [Mary F. CO.R]
Thomas A. Aldus and Mary E. Clark, Aug. 29, 1858. [Alden and Mrs. Mary E. Clark, Co.R].
Walter L. Aldus and Eliza E. Robbins [int. Robins], Mar. 4, 1879.
William S. Aldus and Jane Robinson, May 5, 1864.
Ada E. Alexander of Morrill and Horace Brown of Morrill, Jan. 5, 1882.
Amelia S. Alexander [int. 26] and Jediah C. Cates Jr. [int. 29, clerk], Nov. 19, 1865.
David Alexander of Belmont and Eliza P. Kimball of Belmont, Mar. 4, 1858.
Emily A. Alexander of Montville and Mayo E. Harriman of Montville, Sept. 30, 1862.
Fred Alexander and Callie A. Hallowell, Mar. 16, 1889.
George Alexander and Tryphosa Corson, int. May 24, 1846, "Certf issued June 8."
Jenney Alexander of "Great Madows So Called" and Elias Wilkins of Sandy Stream Settlement, Mar. 18, 1802, [Charles Wilkins of Sandy Stream Settlement, CR2].
Lucy E. Alexander and Dr. Robert T. Shannon of New York, int. Sept. 7, 1866, "Certif. issued Sept. 12."
Polly Alexander of Green and David Nash of Davistown, int. ____ [rec. between Aug. 4 and Nov. 9], 1806.
Robert Alexander of Belmont and Margaret Pilsbury of Belmont, int. Mar. 21, 1814.
Sylvester Alexander and Biantha [sic ? Diantha] G. Larsell, int. Aug. 26, 1852.
Charity Alis (see Charity Ellis).
Abigail Allard, dau Job and Susanna (Durgin), and Silvanus Clark, Jan. 12, 1814. PR77.
David Allard, son Job and Susanna (Durgin), and Mary Leavitt, Nov. 21, 1819. PR77.
Isaac Allard Esq. and Louisa S. Pendleton of Boston, int. Sept. 27, 1854.
Isaac Allard Jr. and Mary Ellen Chase, Feb. 14, 1855. [Mary Eleanor, dau Timothy and Eleanor (Blood), PR75].
Job Allard, son David Sr. and Lydia (Berry), and Susanna Durgin, Oct. 30, 1791. PR77.
Susan D. Allard and Albert Webb, int. May 4, 1845, "Certif. issued May 22."
Wealthy A. Allard and Charles D. [int. L.] Low of Frankfort, Sept. 14, 1842. [Charles D. of Frankfort, Co.R].
ALLEN (also see Allyn)-
Agnes Allen and William Webb, Jan. 21, 1854.
Andrew L. Allen of Ellsworth and Harriet S. Edwards, June 28, 1848.
Asher L. Allen of E. Boston, Mass., and Emily F. Howe of E. Boston, Mass., Aug. 11, 1855.
Charles S. Allen [int. C.], 25, seaman, of St. George, son Daniel, seaman (b. St. George), and Hannah (b. St. George), and Mary E. Young, 22. factory operative, dau John, ship carpenter (b. Mt. Desert), and Patience (b. Charlestown [int. adds Mass.]), Dec. 20, 1864. [Charles S. of St. George, Co.R].
Clementine E. Allen of Fayette and L. W. Howes Esq., int. May 3, 1851, "certif. issd May 19."
Edna J. Allen and George W. Madden of Greenfield, May 6, 1889, in Monroe.
Eliza Allen of Swanville and Stephen Stickny of Swanville, ___ 1, 1832.
Harriet S. Allen, Mrs., [int. wid., 40], and R. E. Patterson [int. widr., 47, third m., master marriner] of Searsport, Feb. 6, 1866. [Capt. R. E. of Searsport, Co.R].
Porter S. Allen [int. merchant] of Boston and Kate J. Poor, Feb. 15, 1871.
Rebecca Allen of Montville and C. Selden Rogers, int. Jan. 31, 1835, "Certif. issued Feby. 19."
Sally Allen of Swanville and Ephraim Knowleton Jr. of Swanville, Sept. 23, 1839.
William Allen Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Charlotte Elwell [int. of Northport], Aug. 27, 1809. [William Jr. and Charlotte Elwell, CR2.]
ALLENWOOD (also see Ellenwood, Ellingwood, Ellinwood)-
Celestia H. Allenwood of Belmont and William A. Knight, int. Nov. 16, 1861 (m. Nov. 21, Co.R].
Cora N. Allenwood [int. Alenwood] of Belmont and Simon W. Peirce, Aug. 29, 1880.
N. B. Allenwood of Belmont and Rosina Hanson, Oct. 25, 1863. [W. B. of Belmont, Co.R].
Noah B. Allenwood of Belmont and Angie Hatch of Belmont, Aug. 9, 1869.
Oscar F. Allenwood, 32, farmer, of Belmont, and Lucy W. Bracket, 30, int. Aug. 30, 1869, "certif. issued Sept. 4th."
Oscar F. Allenwood, of Belmont, and Laura A. Griffin of Lowell, Mass., Dec. 5, 1875, CR3.
W. B. Allenwood (see N. B. Allenwood).
Ephraim Alley Jr. and Sarah Kidder of Dresden, int. Jan. 26, 1823, "certif. issued Feb. 9th."
Ephraim Alley and Evalina Kidder of Dresden, int. Oct. 1, 1830, "Certif. issued Oct. 18th."
ALLYN (also see Allen)-
Rufus B. Allyn Esq. and Rebecca P. Upton of Washington City, int. Sept. 19, 1840, "Certif. issued Oct. 5."
AMES (also see Eames)-
Abigail Ames and Ebnezar Cunningham, Apr. 4, 1802. [Eames and Ebenezer Cunningham, CR2].
Asa L. Ames of Searsportg and Mary E. Smart of Searsport, Dec. 27, 1863.
Charity Ames and John Hanson, int. June 30, 1826. "Certif. issd July 21."
Daisy M. Ames and Walter E. Mayo of Gloucester, Mass., June 3, 1891.
David G. Ames and Eliza Ames, int. May 16, 1824, "Certif. issued July 31."
Eliza Ames and David G. Ames, int. May 16, 1824, "Certif. issued May 30th."
Ella J. Ames and Edmund W. Thompson of Searsport, int. Oct. 23, 1876, "Cert. issued Oct. 28th."
Emeline P. Ames and Samuel P. Boyington of Thomaston, int. Aug. 26, 1838, "Certif. issued Nov. 24th."
Eunice A. Ames and Capt. Ephraim D. Ryder, Dec. 19, 1857.
Everett P. Ames and Louie F. Pendleton of Islesboro, Nov. 7, 1891.
Frances S. Ames of Belmont and Herbert E. Frohock, in. Nov. 21, 1877, "Cert. issued Nov. 26th."
Fred Ames of Bangor and Nettie S. Nutter, July 5, 1891, in Searsmont.
George P. Ames [int. 28, seaman, son Jacob, ship carpenter (b. Hope) and Eunice (b. N. Haven) and Lavanda [int. Lovanda] A. Weymouth [int. 26, dau john, farmer, (b. Epping N. H.), and Lois (b. Wells), May 2, 1865. [Lavanda A., Co.R.].
George R. Ames of Chelsea [int. Boston], Mass., and Florence H. Warren, Nov. 26, 1883.
Henry Ames Jr. and Mary Ann Wells, int. Nov. 12, 1842, "Certif. Issued Nov. 20th, 1844[sic]."
Henry W. Ames and Viola M. Wellman, July 3, 1878.
Isaiah B. Ames of Orrington and [int. Mrs.] Martha S. Patterson, Aug. 15, 1861. [Martha S., CR3. Josiah B. of Orrington and Martha Patterson, Co.R].
Jacob Ames and Miriam Parsons of Tamworth, N. H., int. Jan. 2, 1802.
Jane Ames of Prospect and Peter Pekins of Prospect, Jan. 5, 1815.
Jane Ames, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Samuel French of Prospect, July 27, 1851.
Jenette E. Ames and Capt. Edmund Wilson Jr., int. June 3, 1843, "certif. issued June 22d."
John Ames and Anna Cochran, July 18, 1805.
John Ames Jr. and Persis Pace, int. Nov. 11, 1838. [m. Nov. 29. Co.R].
John Ames and Olive Todd of Prospect, int. Aug. 10, 1844. [m. Aug. 25, Co.R].
John P. Ames [int. widr., 46, teacher] of Belmont and Juliette A. Gilmore [int. 24], May 14, 1866. [John P. of Belmont, CR1. Juliette A., dau David and Eliza (McKeen), PR106].
Josiah Ames and Sarah A. Reed of Brewster, int. Feb. 13, 1845, "Certif. issued Feby 27."
Josiah B. Ames (see Isaiah B.0
Lucy H. Ames (see Lucy H. Arms).
Margaret E. Ames and James Todd, June 23, 1836.
Maria E. Ames and Lewis B. West of Boston, Sept. 4, 1850.
Marie M. Ames and J. Richardson of Jamaica Plains, int. Nov. 8, 1846, "Certif. Issued Dec. 10."
Martha E. Ames and Peleg G. Berry of Prospect, Sept. 5, 1841.
Mary A. Ames of Northport and George E. Orcutt of Northport, Dec. 15, 1883.
Mary C. Ames [int. V.] and James N. Hall Jr., Aug. 25, 1845.
Mehitable Ames of Frankfort and Benjamin Nickerson of Frankfort, Apr. 8, 1810.
Nancy Ames, Mrs., and Thomas Jones, int. Oct. 11, 1828, "Certif. issued Oct. 26."
Nathaniel G. Ames [int. O] and Mary E. McDonald, Sept. 9, 1849.
Patty Ames and Alexander Black, May 8, 1806.
Rhoda Ann Ames, Mrs., and James Cook, int. Mar. 4, 1837, "Certif. issued March 19."
Sally Ames of Prospect and William Colcord of Prospect, Jan. 3, 1810.
Samuel Ames [int. Goospond] and Abigial Nickerson, Nov. 30, 1809. [Samuel, CR2].
Samuel Ames of Searsport and Hannah C. Lufkin, int. Nov. 2, 1850, "Certif. Issued Nov. 16."
Sarah C. Ames and Galen Hamblet of Dracut, Mass., Oct. 11, 1831.
Sarah O. Ames (see Sarah C. Annis).
Vincent W. Ames and Emma S. Larrabee, July 29, 1875.
Wealthy A. Ames and Joseph L. Havner, int. Oct. 26, 1844, "Certif. issued Nov. 10."
Carrie P. Anderson and William P. Dyer, ship master, int. Oct. 8, 1872, "certif. issued Oct. 12."
Charles G. Anderson and Eliza Rowell of Augusta, int. Jan. 28, 1836, "Certif. issued Feby 15."
Francis Anderson and Jane Dunlap of Boston, int. July 14, 1803.
George Anderson and Bethiah Perkins, Nov. 1, 1848. [George of Freeport and Bethia Perkins, dau. Joseph and Cyrena (French), PR158].
Hugh J. Anderson Esq. [int. widr.], 42, second m., merchant, son Hugh J., lawyer, and Julia N. Merrill, 20, dau. Nathaniell, boat builder (b. Portland), and Caroline (b. Portland), Dec. 26, 1864.
Mary Anderson of Warren and Ebenezar Clemmons of Knox, int. Nov. 12, 1809.
Sarah Anderson of Lincoln Plantation and Hall Clements of Knox Plantation, int. Mar. 29, 1809.
Abbie T. Andrews of Camden and George H. Cleaveland of Camden, June 26, 1870.
Angelia P. Andrews of Union and Robert T. Young of Union, Oct. 17, 1856. [Angelia T. of Union, CR1. Angelia P., both of Belfast, Co.R.].
Ann S. Andrews, Mrs., and Theodore Scott, Sept. 21, 1879.
Charles R. Andrews and Anna M. Sprague of Belmont, Sept. 13, 1877.
Ellen S. Andrews [int 19] and Albert E. Brackett [int. 21, farmer], Sept. 11, 1871.
Ellen S. Andrew and Charles Hanson of Palmyra, int. Aug. 4, 1883, "certif. issued Aug. 11th."
Sarah A. Andrews, Mrs., of Brooksville, and Seth E. Blake of Brooksville, Nov. 21, 1880.
Sarah F. Andrews of Lincolnville and Robert McCobb of Lincolnville, May 10, 1866.
Harriet L. Angier and James H. Mitchell [int. Mitchel] of Apalachiocola, W. Fla., Jan. 20, 1833.
John F. H. Angier [int. of Montville] and Jane Crosby, Sept. 3, 1832.
Oakes Angier Esq. and Frances Harthaway of Deighton, int. Apr. 22, 1809.
John Angus of Bangor and Margaret I. Meeks, June 11, 1854.
ANNICE (also see Annis)-
Elizabeth B. Annice, 23, dau. John, seaman (b. Vinalhaven), and Sarah, and Nathaniel B. Stover, 28, seaman, son James, seaman (b. Penobscot) and Emma G. (b. Castine), int. July 14, 1865, "Certif. issued July 18."
ANNIS (also see Annice)-
Elizabeth Annis of Unity and Silas Neal of Belmont, Feb. 13, 1817.
Sarah C. Annis, 16, dau. John, seaman (b. Vinalhaven) and Sarah, and George R. Stover, 21, seaman, son James, farmer (b. Penobscot), and Emma G. (b. Castine), int. June 7, 1865. [Sarah O. Ames, m. July 18, in Searsport, Co.R].
Amy C. Applin of Swanville and Edward F. Ellis, Oct. 28, 1890, in Swanville.
Garrison B. Arey of Frankfort and Mary A. Roix, June 14, 1854.
Henry B. [int. 25, seamsn] and Mrs. Martha A. Webster [int. wid., 23], Nov. 15, 1867. [Ary and Martha A. Webster, Nov. 17, CR3. Arey and Miss Martha A. Webster, Nov. 15, Co.R.].
Hiram Arey, seaman, of Camden, and Melissa Sylvester, int. July 16, 1872, "cerif. issued July 20."
James Arey of Vinalhaven and Elgy B. Burgess of Vinalhaven, Feb. 17, 1848. CoR.
Martha Arey and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Ephraim Robbins, July 28, 1860, [Capt. Ephraim, Co.R.]
Nancy S. Arey and Isaac S. Elliot, int. July 30, 1851, "certif. issued July 30."
Rhoda Arey of Vinalhaven and Ezekiel Burgess of Vinalhaven, Dec. 29, 1844. Co.R.
Susan M. Arey [int. 18] and Thomas Hustice [int. Hustus], 22, laborer, Sept. 25, 1873.
Walter S. Arey and Sadie Twombly, Nov. 21, 1891.
ARMOR (also see Armour)-
Betsey Armor [int. Betsy] and Thomas [int. adds A.] McLure [int. of Swanville], Nov. 30, 1823.
Gowin M. Armor and Eunice McFarland of Montville, int. Mar. 3, 1838, "Certif. issued March 17."
Robert W. Armor and Mary A. Clough of Bluhill, int. Jan. 7, 1854.
ARMOUR (also see Armor)-
Andrew Armour and Eliza B. Parker, int. Dec. 3, 1836. [m. Dec. 25, Co.R].
Lucy H. Arms [Arms? Ames] and Capt. Darius Shute, int. Sept. 4, 1860, "certif. issued Sept. 8."
Andrew B. Armstrong, teamster, of Rockland, and Elvira F. Knowles, int. June 1, 1872, "certif. issued June 6."
Abigail S. Arnold of Searsmont and Samuel C. Chamberlain, int. Dec. 23, 1840. [m. Jan. 17, 1841, Co.R].
Althea Arnold of Searsmont and Benjamin H. Banks, Sept. 2, 1856.
Elizabeth Jane Arnold of Appleton and Edward R. Osgood of Bluehill, Oct. 1, 1856.
Lizzie S. Arnold of Augusta and Seth L. Milliken, int. Dec. 2, 1859, "certif. issued Jany 16."
William J. Ash of Rockland and Clara Brewer of Rockland, Sept. 10, 1871.
Maria A. Ashmun of Washington Plantation and William White [int. Esq.], Jan. 16, 1814.
Mary Aspinwal [int. Aspinwall] and George M. Ferguson, July 21, 1825.
ASPLUND (also see Auspland, Ausplund)-
Jacob Asplund of Prospect and Polly Carter of Prospect, Dec. 20, 1810.
ASTIN (also see Austin)-
Polly Astin and Joseph Hinkson, Sept. 26, 1799.
Elizabeth Atkins of Bangor and John Hutchings, int. Apr. 21, 1816.
Franklin Atkins [int. Frank, clerk] of Boston, Mass., and Ellen Pottle, Jan. 17, 1870.
Amos Atkinson and Anna Knowlton, Sept. _, 1784 [in Newbury, Mass.] PR1.
Daniel Atkinson of Montville and Susan E. Cunningham of Montville, Sept. 28, 1857.
Nancy Atkinson of Newbury and Alfred Johnson Jr. Esq., int. Sept. 17, 1817. [m. Oct. 5, in Newbury, PR1].
William A. Atkinson of Syracuse, N. Y., and Caroline E. Webster, Jan. 4, 1853.
Mary B. Atwell and Capt. Charles Pierce of Orington, int. Apr. 7, 1845, "certif. issued April 24."
Abbie L. Atwood of Monroe and John J. Sewall, M. D., of Montville, June 6, 1887.
Bathsheba Atwood of Provinstown, Barnstable Co., and Adam Templeton, int. Aug. 27, 1803.
Elroy A. Atwood of Amesbury, Mass., and Mrs. Georgie M. Rogers of Portland, Nov. 25, 1886. [Georgie W. of Portland, CR3].
Joseph P. Atwood [int. carpenter] and Isabella A. Spencer, July 3, 1869.
Polly Atwood of Frankfort and David Webster, int. Sept. 18, 1803.
AUSLAND (also see Asplund, Ausplund)-
Georgietta Ausland of Searsport and George L. Closson of Searsport, Sept. 15, 1884.
Jacob M. Ausland, seaman, and Annie Foss, int. July 26, 1872, "certif. issued Augt. 3."
Lucy Ausland and Austin P. West, int. Sept. 16, 1846, "Certif. issued Oct. 12."
AUSPLUND (also see Asplund, Auspland-
Jacob M. Ausplund of Searsport and Nettie A. Garland of Searsport, June 27, 1888.
AUSTIN (also see Astin-
Charles L. Austin of Brooks and Lizzie M. Clifford of Brooks, Sept. 16, 1876.
E. W. B. Austin of Rockland and Sarah E. [int. C.] Reed, May 1, 1861, [Sarah E., Co.R].
AVERELL (alsoe see Averill)-
Mary Averell and Samuel Weaver of Penobscot, int. Aug. 25, 1816.
AVERILL (also see Averell)-
Hattie M. Averill and Charles E. Hall, int. June 18, 1889.
Alden Avery of Bangor and Lucinda M. Brown, int. May 8, 1838. [m. May 8, Co.R].
Ann Avery, Mrs., and James Tucker of Stoughton, Mass., Sept. 9, 1852.
Caroline M. Avery [int. 22] of Greenfield and Thomas H. Benner [int. 21, miller], Sept. 16, 1865. [Avory of Greenfield, Co.R.].
Elisabeth F. Avery and Daniel Lane Jr., int. Oct. 21, 1843, "certif. issued Nov. 4th."
Fred E. Avery of Lawrence, Mass., and Nellie J. McCrillis, int. Mar. 24, 1883. [int. Apr. 22, CR3].
Jeremiah Avery [int. widower[, 55, second m., millwright, son Jeremiah, farmer (b. Parsonfield) and Jane [int. Hasty] (b. Wells), and Mrs. Adaline R. Reed [int. K.] [int. wid.], 26, dau Edward Benner, miller (b. Waldoboro) and Mary [int. Kellar] (b. Warren), Nov. 14, 1864. [Miss Adaline K., Co.R].
John Avery of Frankfort and Lucy Caliard of Frankfort, int. Aug. 8, 1800.
John D. Avery and Mrs. Aroline B. Lane, Nov. 11, 1886, in Boston, Mass.
William Avery, Capt., and Ann Durham, June 4, 1820.
AYER (also see Eayrs)-
Melvin G. Ayer of Vinalhaven and May A. Crocker of Vinalhaven, Aug. 22, 1877.
Nancy Ayer and Benjamin Ellinwood, Dec. 26, 1805.
John Babbin and Harriet Sawyer of Castine, Aug. 27, 1868.
Edward E. Babcock and Ella L. Cottrell, Mar. 13, 1886.
BACHELDER (also see Batchelder, Batcheldor, Batcheller, Batchelor)-
Benjamin Bachelder Jr. and Olieve Latten, May 8, 1797. [Benjamin Jr. and Olive Latten, CR2].
Benjamin Bachelder of Goospond Settlement and Mrs. Thankful [int. Miss Thankfull] of Goospond Settlement, [int. of the vicinity of Prospect], June 15, 1800. [Capt. Benjamin and Thankful Weeks, wid., both of plantation near Belfast, CR2].
Benjamin Bachelder of Swanville and Eunis W. Curtis of Swanville, Feb. 19, 1829.
Hannah Bachelder of Goospond Settlement and Benjamin Curtis 3d of Goospond Settlement, int. Sept. 26, 1801.
William B. Bachelder [int. 25, blacksmith] and Althea Jackson [int. 18], Mar. 14, 1874.
Joseph A. Bacon of Unity and Ophelia Little of Unity, Sept. 12, 1861. [Orphelia Lillie of Unity, CR1. Ophelia Little of Unity, Co.R].
Sophia of Green Plantation and Calvin Gray, int. Nov. 5, 1805.
BADDASHALL (also see Baddershall, Padershall, Patershall, Patishall, Pattershall)-
Doane [Baddashall, sic, Pattershall] and Lavinia Laraby, int. Dec. 10, 1836, "Certif. issued Jan. 18th, 1837." [Patershall and Lovina Larabee, m. Jan. 18, 1856 [sic], PR12].
BADDERSHALL (also see Baddashall, Padershall, Patershall, Patishall, Pattershall)-
Rebecca N. Baddershall and Benjamin P. Rider, int. Nov. 4, 1838. [m. Nov. 22, Co.R Rebecca N. Patterson and Benjamin P. Ryder, m. Nov. 17, PR49].
James Badger and Anna M. Kinsley, int. Oct. 17, 1802.
Arabella Baer (see Arbella Brier).
Flora E. and Ruel S. Ward, farmer and teacher, of Thorndike, int. Nov. 20, 1868, "certif. issued Nov. 25."
Hannah Jane Bagley and George W. Patterson, int. Mar. 10, 1839, "cerif. issued March 24."
James G. Bagley and Cynthia N. Rand, int. Dec. 24, 1851, "Certif. issued Jan. 10, 1852."
Jeremiah M. Bagley and Harriet A. Shute, int. Sept. 7, 1838, [m. Sept. 24, Co.R].
John P. Bagley [int. Capt. J. Phillips Bagley] and Mrs. Sarah P. Cotterill [int. Mrs. Sarah I. Cottrell[, Oct. 1, 1844. [John P. and Sarah P. Cottrell, Co.R. John P. and Sarah P. Cottrell, dau. Martin Rogers and Sarah M. (Grinell) Pr136.]
John P. Bagley [int. Capt.] and Myra E. Rogers, Dec. 12, 1848. [John P. and Almira E. Rogers (second wife), dau. Martin and Sarah M. (Grinnell) PR136]
Melissa M. Bagley, Mrs., and Orlando I. Bagley, int. June 17, 1875, "certif. issued June 21."
Melville S. Bagley of Bangor and Annie F. [int. S.] Milliken, Feb. 17, 1861, [Annie F., CR3. Co.R].
Orlando I. Bagley and Mrs. Melissa M. Bagley, int. June 17, 1875, "certif. issued June 21."
Orsilla Bagley [int. Bayley] and Henry S. Patterson, Dec. 14, 1843.
Pearl W. Bagley, seaman, and Abbie E. Larabee of Albion, int. May 22, 1869, "certif. issued May 27."
Sarah A. Bagley of Liberty and Augustus J. Wilson of Liberty, Oct. 23, 1862.
Joseph Bagnell of Plymouth, Mass., and Lorinda L. Longfellow of Morrill, Sept. 16, 1874.
BAILEY (also see Bayley)-
Abby Bailey [int. wid., colored, 27, dau. ____ Hall, laborer] and Edward [int. Edmund] Peters [int. widr., colored, 33, seaman] of Warren [int. son Benjamin, seaman, and Nancy], May 21, 1865. [Abby and Edward Peters of Warren, Co.R].
Catherine B. Bailey and Benjamin W. Conant, son Isaac and Nancy (Wentworth), May 11, 1854, Pr68.
Frank M. Bailey and Mary E. Holmes, June 16, 1888.
George O. Bailey of Morrill and Varrietta Philbrick of Waldo, May 2, 1858. [Philbrook of Waldo, CO.R.]
Henry C. Bailey and Marianna Brier, Sept. 24, 1863.
Lizzie J. Bailey and David E. Burd, Jan. 1, 1863.
Lois V. Bailey of Knox and Henry J. Chaples, sailor, int. Apr. 2, 1873. [Lois Viola of Knox and Henry Joseph Chaples, m. Apr. 9, in Brooks, PR54].
Martin E. Bailey and Lizzie S. Cunningham, Apr. 17, 1882.
Mary Ann Bailey and Josiah Flagg, int. Feb. 28, 1841, "Certif. issued March 18."
Mary C. Bailey and George W. Chaples, May 17, 1890.
Racheal Bailey of Palermo and Edward Turner, int. Sept. 8, 1842, "certif. issued Nov. 25."
Rebecca Bailey and James Gammans, son James Sr., Sept. 17, 1822, in Washington, PR117.
Rufus B. Bailey (see Rufus B. Burley).
Samuel D. Bailey [int. widr.] of Bath and Susan J. White, Nov. 27, 1873.
Sarah Bailey of Swanville and John Shirley, int. July 26, 1837. [m. Aug. 28, 1838, Co.R].
Sarah L. Bailey and Alfred Cushman, Sept. 24, 1863.
William Bailey of Frankfort and Sarah A. Hall, Oct. 28, 1856.
Edward Bakeman and Mrs. Sophronia Gray of Castine, int. June 11, 1890, "Cert. issued June 16."
James Bakeman and Mrs. Sophronia Gray, int. Nov. 7, 1891, "Certif. issued Jan. 2, 1892."
Retta Bakeman and Luther Calderwood, Jan. 25, 1881.
Sarah Y. Bakeman of Brooksville and George P. Cottrell, int. Nov. 23, 1878. [Sadie and George P. Cottrell, son George W. and Amelia J. (Hodgson), m. Dec. 15, PR99].
Abel Baker and Ruth Merriner, int. Jan. 14, 1804.
Albert Baker and Elizabeth Green [int. Elizabeth L. Greene], Oct. 17, 1855. [Elizabeth Green, CO.R.]
Annie Bell Baker and George L. Knight [int. merchant, of Boston], Dec. 27, 1871.
Barker Baker of Hermon and Cordelia B. Monroe, int. Mar. 1, 1880, "ceritif. issued March 12."
Charles Baker of U. S. Navy and Caroline A. Brown, int. Sept. 20, 1858, "certif. issued Sept. 23d."
Edward Baker of Hallowell and Mrs. Harriot S. Osborn, int. July 15, 1837, "certif. issued July 29."
Edward W. Baker [int. painter] and Lucy A. Ellis, Mar. 26, 1868.
Emma Baker of Winterport and Hartshorn Clark [int. clerk], Dec. 29, 1869.
Etta J. Baker and Elbridge J. Rollerson, Jan. 1, 1882.
Fred A. Baker and Vesta Rollerson, int. Sept. 8, 1883.
Harriet L. Baker and William P. Boardman of Islesboro, int. Nov. 24, 1860, "certif. issued Nov. 28."
Hollis Baker of Hampden and Lillie M. Cilley of Brooks, July 10, 1890.
Isaac J. Baker and Julia A. Baker, June 22, 1883.
Isaac L. Baker and Eliza E. Merithew [int. Merethew], Apr. 3, 1882.
J. Y. Baker and Mrs. Susan Gilmore of Searsport, int. Mar. 17, 1854. [Hedediah G., m. Mar. 17, Co.R].
James Baker of Boston and Mary T. Lee, int. Sept. 20, 1817, "certif. issued Oct. 4."
Jedediah G. (see J. Y.
Julia A. Baker and Isaac J. Baker, June 22, 1883.
Julia E. Baker and William H. Staples, int. Oct. 19, 1878.
Lafayette Baker and Miss Bertie Perkins, int. Oct. 11, 1875, "certif. issued Oct. 16th."
Lafayette Baker and Annie I. G. Snowman, Nov. 10, 1878.
Lafayette Baker and Mrs. Julia A. Knowles, Apr. 1, 1882.
Margaret Baker and Benjamin R. Knowlton, Jan. 14, 1882.
Margaret Baker and Amos Hall, Aug. 29, 1885.
Margaret A. Baker, 21, and Charles R. Brown, 21, seaman, int. Apr. 27, 1874, "certif. issued May 2."
Peter Baker and Sophia Pooler, int. Oct. 17, 1849, "certif. issd Nov. 9."
Rebecca N. Baker of Lynn, Mass., and Herbert W. Edgecomb, int. Oct. 16, 1888.
William H. Baker and Isa [Isa written above Miriam crossed out] T. Hall, of Camden, int. Sept. 20, 1887, "certif. issued Sept. 27."
William M. Baker and Eliza A. Morrill of Parsonfield, int. May 5, 1849, "certif. issued May 19."
BANK (also see Banks)-
Abigail Bank and Robert Campbel, int. Apr. 22, 1820, "certif. issued May."
BANKS (also see Bank)-
Adoniram H. Banks, son Benjamin and Martha (Cross), and Frances M. Shephard, Dec. 12, 1860, PR150.
Almira E. Banks and Nathaniel Holmes of Mokelumne Hill, Cal., Feb. 16, 1858.
Annas Banks and Mary R. Jones, int. May 23, 1860, "certif. issued May 27."
Augusta H. Banks (see Gussie H.
Benjamin Banks and Martha Cross of Belmont, int. Oct. 8, 1828. [Martha of Morrill, m. Oct. 26. PR150].
Benjamin H. Banks and Althea Arnold of Searsmont, Sept. 2, 1856.
Benjamin H. Banks, son of Benjamin and Martha (Cross), and Martha C. Williams (first w.), Feb. 20, 1860. PR150.
Benjamin H. Banks, son Benjamin and Martha (Cross), and Virginia H. Jones (second w.), Sept. 23, 1869, PR150.
Betsy Banks and Israel Dresser of Belmont, Sept. 12, 1824.
Edwin C. Banks, clerk, and Ella M. Clements of Monroe, int. Dec. 30, 1872, "certif. issued Jan. 4, '73."
Elcia Banks, Mrs. [int. Elva, wid.] and Nathan Cunningham [int. widr., peddlar] of Castine, Nov. 20, 1867. [Elcie and Nathan Cunningham of Castine, CO.R.]
Ella S. Baniks and Franklin Peirce [int. Frankin S. Pierce, merchant] of Boston, Aug. 7, 1869.
Elva Banks (see Elcia).
Franklin Banks and Rhoda Hicks, int. Mar. 17, 1853.
Fred L. Banks and Eva E. Mudgett, July 11, 1885.
Gussie H. Banks and John R. Waterman, Nov. 27, 1888.
Horace W. Banks [int. 35, farmer] and Mary R. W. Carter [int. 24], Apr. 16, 1873.
James M. Banks [int. James Madison 2d] and Antonette [int. Antoinette] Y. Burgess, Aug. 12, 1863. [James M. 2d and Antoinette Y. Burgess, CR3. James M. and Antoinett Y. Burgess, Co.R].
John Banks Jr. and Relief Campbel, Apr. 28, 1822.
Joseph W. Banks, 28, farmer, and Elsie E. Brown, 23, of N. Haven, int. Dec. 22, 1866 [Joseph W., son Benjamin and Martha (Cross), m. Dec. 30, PR150].
Josiah H. Banks, son Benjamin and Martha (Cross), and Eliza A. Rice of Lowell, Mass., Oct. _, 1866. PR150.
Lewis S. Banks of Scarboro and Abbie E. West, Nov. 9, 1889.
Lizzie Banks and Charles J. Konitz of Belmont, Sept. 25, 1886.
Lucy M. and Thomas M. [int. K.] Clark, Jan. 27, 1850. [Lucy M., dau. Benjamin and Martha (Cross), and Thomas H. Clark, PR150].
Mary Banks and William Dwelley of Brooks, int. Mar. 19, 1835. [Dwelly of Brooks, m. Apr. 2, CO.R.]
Mary A. Banks and Benjamin R. Hutchinson, int. Jan. 20, 1853. [Mary A., dau Benjamin and Martha (Cross), m. Jan. 30, PR150].
Nettie Banks [int. adds Y.], Mrs. [int. wid., 21] and Eugene A. Blake [int. 22, printer], Nov. 22, 1867. [Nettie, CR3]
Phebe A. Banks, dau. Benjamin and Martha (Cross), and David H. Nutt, Sept. 16, 1860. PR150.
Sharon E. Banks and Fanny E. Pote, Nov. 13, 1836.
Sharon E. Banks and Caroline E. Pote, int. Jan. 3, 1846, "certif. issued Jan. 24."
Stella K. Banks and Chalres F. Haley of Searsmont, Mar. 3, 1891.
Webber Banks and Eliza J. Wadlon [int. Eliza Jane Wadlin] of Northport, Sept. 11, 1831.
Lucy F. Bannard of Knox and Jesse H. Frye of Montville, May 3, 1843. [Bannan of Knox, Co.R.]
Boynton Bantam, 23. painter, son Samuel, painter (b. Chelsea) and Rebecca (b. Trenton, N. J.), and Sarah Helen Prouty, 17, of Lagrange, dau. Asa, farmer (b. Hampden), and Sabrina (b. Orono), int. Dec. 10, 1864, "certif. issued Dec. 21st."
Celia Barber of Searsmont and Joseph Clark, int. Dec. 10, 1834, "certif. issued Dec. 27."
David Barker of Exeter and Susan Chase, Nov. 8, 1854. [Susan Rebeckah, dau Timothy and Eleanor (Blood), PR75. David of Exeter, son Nathaniel and Sarah (Pease), and Susan R. Chase, dau Timothy and Eleanor, PR76].
E. A. Barker of Fitchburg, Mass., and Lilliam E. Drinkwater of Lincolnville, Jan. 17, 1884.
Esther F. Barker, Mrs., of Searsmont, and Winthrop Otis Sargent, June 17, 1891, in Lawrence, Mass.
Frank Barker of Appleton and Mary A. Staples of Swanville, Dec. 5, 1874.
Frederic Barker [int. Fred, merchant] of Elmira, N. Y., and Emma C. White, Dec. 18, 1872. [Frederick of Elmira, N. Y., CR1].
Ida L. Barker of Montville and Benjamin F. Barlow of Freedom, Sept. 20, 1869.
Isaac Barker and Mary Meloon, int. Sept. 22, 1839, "certif. issued Oct. 1st."
[trans. note: it seems odd to have the final given name entry in this surname begin with an "I"..... might there be more that somehow isn't here?]
Benjamin F. Barlow of Freedom and Ida L. Barker of Montville, Sept. 20, 1869.
Llewellyn E. Barlow of Freedom and Fidelia Gould, int. Mar. 5, 1849, "certif. issued Mar. 19."
Almira Barnard of Thomaston and John Porter, int. Oct. 26, 1834, "Certif. issued Jan. 7, 1831."
Albert L. Barnes [int. merchant] of Boston, Mass., and Clara R. Sheppard [int. Shepard], Dec. 1, 1872. [Shephard, CR3].
Francis G. Barnes [int. J.] of Waltham, Mass., and Lydia J. Coombs, Mar. 1, 1854. [Francis G. and Lydia J. Coombs, dau. Robert and Jane P. (Gilkey), PR98].
Mary Ann Barnes and Samuel Robbins Jr., Dec. 28, 1861.
Mary L. Barnes [int. Mry Lauriet Barns] and George R. [int. Reid] Sleeper, Apr. 22, 1839.
John and Mrs. Issabel Durham, Sept. 27, 1774.
Frank Barney, blacksmith, of Waterville, and Sarah Russell, int. Oct. 8, 1872, "certif. issued Oct. 12."
BARNS (also see Barnes)-
Philena Barns [int. Lena E. Barnes, 18] of Waldo and Herman H. David [int. 21, hostler], Dec. 17, 1873.
Thomas Barr [int. seaman] and Mary R. Speed, Nov. 3, 1872. [Thomas D. and Mary R. Speed, dau. George W. and Margaret (Batchelder), PR62].
BARRETT (also see Barrott)-
Arethusa F. Barrett of Rockland and Richard Crain of Grafton, Mass., Aug. 9, 1863. [Crane of Graften, Mass., CR3. Crain of Grafton, Mass. Co.R].
Hattie F. Barrett of Camden and Ernest O. Patterson, int. May 7, 1883, "certif. issued May 11th."
Josie M. Barrett of Camden and Mary W. Calderwood of Camden, Dec. 21, 1869.
Lois Barrett (first w.) and Rev. William Frothingham, June 9, 1805, PR90.
BARREY (also see Barry)-
James Barrey of Prospect and Nancy Nickels of Prospect, May 2, 1799.
BARROTT (also see Barrett)-
Bethiah Barrott, Mrs., of Northport, and John Wadlin Jr., Sept. 28, 1845.
BARRY (also see Barrey)-
Richard E. Barry (see Richard E. Berry).
Georgia A. Barstow of Damariscotta and G. W. Breen, int. Sept. 22, 1875.
Lafayette Barstow of Medford, Mass., and Julia Farnsworth of Long Meadow, Mass., July 5, 1857.
Lott J. Barstow [int. carpenter] and Mary J. Millner of Damariscotta, July 29, 1870.
Thomas M. Barstow and Abby M. Gilchrist, int. Dec. 3, 1855.
Hannah B. Barter of Deer Isle and Joab Black, int. Oct. 26, 1834, "certif issued Nov. 8."
Sarah B. Barter of Vinalhaven and Winslow H. Roberts, int. Mar. 16, 1864, "Certif. issued Mar. 21."
BARTLET (also see Bartlett)-
Thomas Bartlet and Huldah Thomas of Lincolnville, int. Jan. 9, 1808.
BARTLETT (also see Bartlet)-
Clarabell Bartlett of Swanville and John Harvey of Swanville, Jan. 28, 1862.
Daniel Bartlett, Eld., of Sangerville, and Mary T. [int. Terry] Eells, Mar. 6, 1825.
Edward Bartlett and Harriot B. Merrill of Nobleboro, int. July 22, 1837, "Certif. issued Aug. 6."
George W. Bartlett of Waldo and Bessie A. Chase of Waldo, Sept. 8, 1872.
Joseph V. Bartlett of Waldo and Emma R. Davis, Mar. 29, 1864, in Monroe. Co.R.
Laura J. Bartlett of Waldo and George O. Holmes of Swanville, Jan. 29, 1876. CR1.
Lucy Ann Bartlett and Daniel Haraden, June 2, 1836.
Olive Bartlett and Daniel Wadlin, int. July 9, 1842, "certif. issued Aug. 5th."
Schuyler S. Bartlett [int. banker] of Boston, Mass., and Margaret [int. Margie] F. Hazeltine, Nov. 18, 1869. [Margaret F. CR1].
BARTON (see Burton)
Lorinda Bar[torn] of Knox and James Walker, int. Dec. 16, 1806.
BASFORD (see Bassford)-
Diana Basford and Luther Coombs of Islesborough, May 18, 1828.
Hannah Basford [int. Mrs.] and Charles Mills of Northport, July 5, 1860. [Hannah, CR3.]
Jonathan Basford [int. adds M.] and Hannah French, June 14, 1832.
Sabrina Basford and John Edwards of Palermo, Apr. 1, 1819.
Edith L. Bashaw of Stowe, Vt., and Andrew A. Drury, May 2, 1891.
BASSE (also see Besey)-
Keziah [int. Kezia Besse] and Daniel Hibberd, Sept. 30, 1801. [Keziah Besse, CR2].
BASSET (also see Bassett)-
Polly Basset of Prospect and Daniel Ridley of Prospect, Oct. 23, 1808.
BASSETT (also see Basset)-
Carrie J. Bassett of Bucksport and Frank W. Collins, Jan. 10, 1878.
Cynthia Bassett and Samuel Kingsbury of Boston, Mass., int. Aug. 30, 1840. [m. Sept. 25, CO.R].
Maria N. Bassett [int. Basset] and John H. Emery, Jan. 28, 1863. [Bassett and John E. Emery, in Bucksport Centre, CO.R]
BASSFORD (also see Basford)-
Almira Bassford [int. Basford] and G. W. Burkmar [int. George W. Buckman]. Apr. 3, 1827.
Henry S. Bassick of S. Thomaston and Flora M. Elms, Dec. 8, 1881.
Margaret H. Bassick of Waldo and William B. Adams of Waldo, Jan. 7, 1858.
William Bassick Jr. of Waldo and Hannah Addams, int. Nov. 27, 1852.
William Bassick of Waldo and Lizzie A. Pierce of Belmont, Nov. 9, 1873.
BATCHELDER (also see Bachelder, Batcheldor, Batcheller, Batchelor)-
Clara D. Batchelder and Joseph Dunbar, int. May 28, 1875, "certif issued May 24th."
Elizabeth Batchelder of Green Plantaion, Hancock Co., and Samuel Cunningham of Green Plantation, Hancock Co., Oct. 28, 1813.
Lavina Batchelder of Brooks and John W. Robbins, int. Aug. 27, 1889, "Cert. issued Sept. 4."
Margaret Batchelder and George W. Speed, Dec. 15, 1837, PR62.
Martha J. Batchelder, Mrs., and Arthur D. Mathews, Apr. 26, 1881.
Meriam Batchelder [int. Miriam Bachelder of Goospond Settlement] and John Trefeatheren [int. Trefeathern of Goospond Settlement], Mar. 5, 1812. [Meriam Batchelder and John Trefeatheren, CR2].
Polly Batchelder of Belmont and Nathan Packard of Searsmont, Nov. 29, 1821.
Rachael A. Batchelder, Mrs., [int. Rachel A., wid.] and John F. Milliken [int. widr., teacher] of Lincolnville, Nov. 11, 1866. [Rachel A. Bachelder and John F. Milliken Esq. of Lincolnville, CR3. Rachel A. Batchelder and John F. Milliken of Lincolnville, Co.R].
BATCHELDOR (also see Bachelder, Batchelder, Batcheller, Batchelor)-
Calvin Batcheldor of Belmont and Rachael [int. Rachell] Patterson, Oct. 2, 1836.
Calvin Batcheldor [int. Batchelder] of Belmont and Ann Patterson, May 15, 1842. [Batchelder of Belmont, Co.R].
John Batcheldor [int. Batchelor] and Neaby [int. Niaby] Pendleton, Sept. 2, 1835.
Jordon P. Batcheldor and Mrs. Susan Thomas, int. Aug. 24, 1844, "Certif. issued Sept. 7th."
Shurburn Batcheldor and Harriet Kimball of Belmont, Jan. 12, 1834.
BATCHELLER (also see Bachelder, Batchelder, Batcheldor, Batchelor)-
Edward Henry Batcheller of Mobile, Ala., and Angelina B. Carlton, int. Sept. 12, 1851, "Certif. issued Sept. Oct. 1."
BATCHELOR (also see Bachelder, Batchelder, Batcheldor, Batcheller)-
John W. Batchelor of Melrose, Mass., and Edith E. Rackliffe, Nov. 10, 1888. [Bachelder of Melrose, Mass. CR3].
Mary A. Bateman [int. omits A] and Henry McIntosh, Sept. 23, 1842. [Mary A., Co.R].
Andrew W. Bates and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Rebecca Partridge [int. Patridge], July 3, 1861. [Mrs. Rebecca Patridge, Co.R.]
Ann Bates and Capt. William J. Brown, Dec. 22, 1852, Co.R.
Ella J. Bates and David L. Cook, Jan. 17, 1872.
Ida M. Bates [int. F] and John F. Robinson, July 3, 1875. [Ida M., CR2]
Isaac M. Bates of Corinna and Nellie M. Kimball, int. June 13, 1883. [m. June 21, CR3].
Lucy E. Bates and George L. Elwell of Waldo, Nov. 5, 1887.
Maria Ann Bates and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] William G. [int. J.] Bowman, Dec. 25, 1852.
Phebe Bates and John McKennan [int. McKennon], Apr. 12, 1851.
Rossanna Bates and George W. Wise, int. Sept. 22, 1859, "Certif. issued Sept. 26."
Thomas Bates and Abby Jane Wise, Dec. 22, 1852.
Mary Batson of Boston, Mass., and David Libbey, int. July 21, 1824, "Certif. Aug. 3d."
BAYLEY (also see Bailey)-
Orsilla (see Orsilla Bagley).
Susan Bayley of Thorndike and Henry S. Patterson, int. Nov. 29, 1840, "Certif. issued Dec. 16th."
Charles J. Beal of Lewiston and Annie E. Millburn, int. Oct. 24, 1887, "Cert. issued Oct. 29."
Henry C. Beal of Swanville and Sarah J. McKeen of Swanville, July 2, 1874. CR3.
BEAN (also see Beane, Been)-
Abba A. Bean and Hamilton Bean, Oct. 4, 1853.
Alonzo C. Bean and Lucy P. Gilmore, int. Apr. 25, 1854.
Andrew D. Bean, widr., 53, merchant, and Harriet N. Warren, wid., 41, int. Apr. 10, 1866. [m. May 22 in Montville, Co.R].
Annie A. Bean and Daniel W. Brackett of Clinton, Sept. 7, 1890.
Benjamin B. Bean and Ann E. White, July 18, 1850.
Caroline S. Bean and Charles T. Gilmore, int. Jan. 4, 1855. [m. Jan. 4 [? in Searsport] Co.R).
Charles A. Bean, farmer and Eliza Dyer, wid., int. Jan. 18, 1870, "Certif. issued Jan. 22."
Charles N. G. Bean [int. omits G.] and Caroline C. Kenniston [int. Keniston] of Liberty, Nov. 3, 1847.
Cletie N. Bean and James A. Nickerson, Dec. 25, 1890.
E. J. Bean and Samuel A. Blodget, int. Apr. 14, 1847, "Cert. issued Apr. 28."
Elizabeth Bean and Rev. Stephen H. Hayes of Frankfort, Jan. 29, 1846.
Estella A. Bean and Charlie M. Young of Searsmont, June 8, 1889.
Eunice Bean, Mrs., and Henry I. Woods of Waldo, int. Dec. 27, 1858, "Certif. issued Jan. 2, '59."
George W. Bean Esq. and Eunice Stephenson, Apr. 22, 1838.
Hamilton Bean and Abba A. Bean, Oct. 4, 1853.
Hamilton Bean, widr., 57, third m., farmer, and Anna C. Brown, wid., 51, of Benton, int. July 17, 1866, "cert. issued July 23d."
Hannah Bean of Prospect and George Gilmore, Dec. 3, 1844.
Holly M. Bean and Emeline Pottle, Dec. 29, 1857 [sic, 1856]. [Holley M., Dec. 29, 1856, Co.R].
James O. Bean and Sarah Dickey, int. July 20, 1859, "Certif. issued July 30."
John W. Bean, 21, merchant, and Lois L. Clement, 20, of Palmyra [Palmyra written above Detroit crossed out], int. Jan. 23, 1866, "Certif, issued Jan. 27."
Joseph Bean 2d and Maria A. [int. Antoinette] White, May 10, 1841. [Maria A., Co.R].
Joseph H. Bean and Sarah W. Haskell of China, int. Mar. 12, 1856.
Josiah Bean Jr. of Brooks and Eunice S. Lane of Brooks, Nov. 25, 1851.
Justina Bean and Rev. William P. Ray of E. Maine Conference, Feb. 25, 1861. [Feb. 9, Co.R].
Lewis Bean and Tamsin Haskill of Harlem, int. Oct. 5, 1817, "Certif. issued Oct. 25."
Lewis Bean 2d and Nancy Shute, July 20, 1828.
Lucy Bean and Samuel Tripp [int. of Prospect], June 20, 1823.
Mary Bean and Nathaniel Gilmore, int. Aug .29, 1818, "Certif. issued Sept. 14."
Mary Bean and James P. Furber, Aug. 23, 1841.
Mary E. Bean and Charles C. Stephenson, Nov. 12, 1880.
Oliver Bean and Sabrina Moreton of Belmont, int. Nov. 10, 1822, "Certif. granted Nov. 25."
Paulina Bean and Levi Wyman, Apr. 9, 1818.
Phebe D. Bean of Searsport and Alfred W. Gilmore of Searsport, Dec. 3, 1848.
William Henry Bean and Abigail Ann Ferguson of Dixmont, int. Aug. 17, 1839, "Certif. issued Aug. 23."
BEANE (also see Bean, Been)-
Fred E. Beane [int. Bean] of Readfield and Orella [int. Orilla] G. McGilvery, Sept. 14, 1876.
BECKET (also see Beckett)-
Asa Becket [int. Beckett] and Sarah Webber, June 13, 1830.
Mary Becket and William Swett of Knox, int. Feb. 16, 1840. [Beckett, m. Mar. 12, Co.R].
Susan Becket [int. Susanna] and Joel Harriman, Sept. 5, 1832.
BECKETT (also see Becket)-
Caroline Beckett and Simon B. Prescott of Winthrop, int. Oct. 22, 1829, "Certif. issd Nov. 11th."
Cora F. Beckett and Theodore H. Murphy, Apr. 2, 1884.
Eliza Beckett [int. 50] and John Hunnewell [int. widr., 58, farmer] of Scarborough, Sept. 2, 1866. [Hannewell of Scarborough, CR3. Hunnewell of Scarborough, CO.R]
George A. Beckett and Mary A. Brown, Apr. 28, 1862.
George A. Beckett and Mrs. Mary E. Staples of Monroe, Sept. 9, 1887. [Becket, Sept. 10, CR3.]
Hannah Beckett and John M. Wood of Northport, Sept. 29, 1857.
Isaac M. Beckett, 45, cooper, son William, cooper {b. Salem [int. adds Mass.], and Mary [int. Mayo] (b. Provincetown), and Eliza Ann Stratton, 36, of Albion, dau. Ebenezer, farmer (b. Ipswich. N. H.) and Predelia (b. Readfield), Mar. 22, 1865. [Isaac M. Brackett, Co.R].
John R. Beckett [int. Becket] and Sarah E. Young, May 7, 1854.
Mamie C. Beckett of Northport and Edward B. Tolman of Lincolnville, Aug. 10, 1884.
Sophia M. Backett and Thomas W. Lothrop, int. May 24, 1846. [Sophia Matilda and Thomas Whittier Lothrop, m. June 11, PR91. Sophia M. Becket and Thomas W. Lothrop, son Ansel and Lois (Whittier), m. June 11, PR92].
William A. Beckett, Capt., and Lydia A. Pike, int. Apr. 23, 1842, "certif issued June 27."
Alonzo Beckwith [int. 24, farmer] and Sarah E. Russ [int. 22], Nov. 28, 1866. [Alonzo F., son Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), Nov. 27, PR111].
Alonzo T. Beckwith and Lizzie M. Choate of Windsor, int. Mar. 18, 1886. [Alonzo F., son Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), and Lizzie M. Choate (second w.), m. Mar. 29, PR111].
Carrie Beckwith and Fred W. Perkins, Oct. 12, 1886.
Carrie M. Beckwith and George Jones, Nov. 26, 1890.
Charles F. Beckwith [int. 25, farmer] and Lottie E. Wentworth [int. 26], Dec. 16 [dup. Dec. 24] 1873. [Charles F., son Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), Dec. 21, PR111].
Charles F. Beckwith and Lottie E. Keith of Waldo, Apr. 10, 1877.
Ellen M. Beckwith [int. 23] and Isaac N. Marsh [int. 26, carpenter], Nov. 28, 1867. [Isaac W., CR3. Isaac N., Co.R. Ellen Melissa, dau Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), PR111].
Emma J. Beckwith, 19, and George W. Collins, 23, seaman, int. Dec. 24, 1873, "certif. issued Dec. 30." [Emma J., dau. Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), m. Dec. 209[sic], PR111].
Fannie A. Beckwith and Edwin D. Reed, Dec. 13, 1884.
George O. Beckwith and Lucy A. Cross, Feb. 13, 1875.
George O. Beckwith and Sarah P. Ward olf Thorndike, int. July 17, 1882, "certif. issued July 21."
Silas Beckwith [int. adds S.] and Nellie Rumery of Millbridge, Dec. 12, 1874.
Thomas A. Beckwith [dup. Bickweth] and Hannah E. Patterson, Aug. 20, 1837.
William H. Beckwith [int. farmer] and Georgianna G. Bixby of Boston, Mass., Nov. 5, 1868. [William H., son Thomas A. and Hannah E. (Patterson), Oct. 3, PR111].
Polly Bee of Goospond Settlement and Samuel Nickerson of Goospond Settlement, int. Apr. 4, 1804.
BEEN (also see Bean, Beane-
Louisa Been [int. Lovisa Bean] and Warrin [int. Warren] Stephenson, Sept. 29, 1837.
Andrew J. (see Andrew J. Biather).
Caroline W. Belcher and Nehemiah Abbott, June 28, 1836 [? in Belfast], PR22.
Elizabeth Belden and Jese Priest, Dec. 1, 1836.
John Bell and Elizabeth Todd, int. Jan. 6, 1838. [Belt, m. Jan. 28, Co.R].
Mary Ann Bellows of Westborough, Mass., and Capt. Benjamin Hazeltine, int. Dec. 14, 1823, "Certif. dated Dec. 28."
Thomas Bendel and Wealthy Thomas, int. Sept. 23, 1820.
Abbie E. Benner, 30, and George L. Hatch, widr., 45, cooper, int. Sept. 2, 1865, "certif. issued Sept. 9."
Adeline R. Benner [int. K.] and Hawes Y. Reed, Aug. 19, 1857. [Adaline R. and Hawes G. Reed, Co.R].
Andrew J. Benner of Thomaston and Susan L. Robinson of Thomaston, Sept. 27, 1853.
Augustua Benner of Waldo Plantation and Elizabeth Ann Sides [int. N., omits Ann], Jan. 27, 1844. [Elizabeth nn, Co.R].
Frances H. Benner (see Frances H. Brenner).
Jennie Benner [int. 19] and John B. Walton [int. 23, farmer] Sept. 15, 1867. [Nov. 13, CR3. Sept. 15, Co.R. Jennie (first w.) and John B. Walton, son John and Mary (Whalen), PR126].
Thomas H. Benner [int. 21, miller] and Caroline M. Avery [int. 22] of Greenfield, Sept. 16, 1865. [Avory of Greenfield, CO.R.]
BENNET (also see Bennett)-
Andrew Bennet of Bucksport and Cynthia A. Herrick, Nov. 19, 1853.
Richard Bennet of Bucksport and Sarah E. Herrick, Aug. 26, 1857. [Bennett of Bucksport, CR1.]
Silas Bennet and Polly Maden of Gloseter, int. Dec. 6, 1803.
BENNETT (also see Bennet)-
Abel Bennett and Lucy Ann Frye, Mar. 19, 1849. [Fry, CR1].
Carrie M. Bennett of Searsport and Prescott D. H. Carter of Searsport, Oct. 16, 1885.
Philena Bennett [int. adds M.] and George W. Norton, Nov. 11, 1858. [Philena, CR1.]
Martha J. Bent and Edward F. Washburn, 21, painter, of China, int. Sept. 1, 1866, "certif. issued Sept. 6."
Minnie Bentz of Washington, D. C., and John Walker Osborn, son Alonzo and Isabella (Tilden), Oct. 24, 1867, in Minneapolis, Minn., PR9.
Charles L. Berry of Bangor and Lizzie M. Palmer of Monroe, Mar. 24, 1889. CR1.
Charles W. Berry of Montville and Nettie Manson, May 9, 1888.
Della Berry, Mrs., and Christopher C. Rowe, int. Dec. 1, 1891, "Certif. issued Dec. 29."
Eliza J. Berry of Bennington, N. Y., and Jonathan G. Dickerson, int. Apr. 30, 1859, "Certif. issued May 16."
Ellen M. Berry and James H. Cochran of E. Thomaston, Nov. 5, 1849, in Providence, R. I.
Eunice D. Berry [int. Mrs.] of New Portland and Dea. [int. omits Dea.] John W. Wilder, Jan. 22, 1853, in New Portland.
Eunice S. Berry, Mrs., of Stockton, and William W. Rogers of Hampden, May 17, 1876.
Faustina L. Berry and Enoch S. Ellis, farmer, int. Aug. 25, 1870, "certif. issued Aug. 31."
Frank W. Berry [int. widr.] and Mrs. P. [int. Phoebe] C. Brown [int. wid.], Nov. 25, 1869.
Franklin Berry, 32, caulker, of Stockton, son Joseph, carpenter (b. Prospect), and Lucy (b. Lincolnville), and Annie S. Durham, 25, teacher, dau. George S., seaman, and Mary Ann Nealley, int. July 17, 1865. "Certif. issued July 22."
Franklin W. Berry of Boston, Mass., and Abigial S. Marshall, Sept. 27, 1847.
Harriet J. Berry, 27, tailoress, of Gardner, dau. Elbridge, millman (b. Gardiner, Kennebec Co.), and Angeline (b. Bath, Sagadahoc Co.), and Augustus S. Lord, 27, paper maker, son Abram dec'd, moulder (b. Gardiner, Kennebec Co.), and Lydia K. (later w. ____ Walton), b. Gardiner, Kennebec Co., int. July 11, 1864, "certif. issued July 15."
James Berry Jr. of Prospect and Mary Shirley, int. Apr. 2, 1828, "Certif. issued Apr. 16."
Julia E. Berry and Jessee Robbins, widr., third m., farmer, int. June 5, 1869, "certif. issued June 11."
Margaret R. Berry of Prospect and Ashbel Pace, int. Jan. 13, 1845. [m. Jan. 28, Co.R].
Peleg G. Berry of Prospect and Martha E. Ames, Sept. 5, 1841.
Phebe C. Berry and William Hayman of Boston, int. Sept. 14, 1844, "certif. issued Oct. 9th."
Richard E. Berry [int. Barry] of Cambridgeport, Mass., and Elizabeth M. Kelly [int. Kelley], Jan. 15, 1886. [Barry of Camebridgeport, Mass. and Elizabeth M. Kelly, CR3].
Rufus Berry [int. Berrey of Unity] and Clarisa Stanley [int. Standley], Apr. 30, 1822.
BESEY (also see Basse)-
______ of Por[torn] and Isaac Jackson, int. Jan. 7, 1807.
Michael Betey [int. Michael Riley] and Mrs. Eunice Hassen [int. Hassain], Nov. 19, 1836.
Andrew J. Biather of Searsport and Lydia E. Knight of Searsport, May 19, 1857. [Beither of Searsport, Co.R].
Hudson B. Biather of Searsport and Eliza J. Martin of Searsport, May 21, 1860. [Eliza Jane of Searsport, Co.R].
Eliza Bickford and Samuel Campbell, int. July 6, 1833, "certif. issued July 20th."
Ezra Bickford and Lydia T. Swan, int. Apr. 5, 1840, "Certif. issued April 12th."
William E. Bickford, clerk, and Lenora R. Marriner, int. Oct. 11, 1869, "certif. issued Oct. 15."
H. J. of Searsport and Capt. Frank Shute, int. Sept. 8, 1855. [Hannah J. of Searsport, m. Sept. 9, in Searsport, Co.R].
Hannah Bickmore of Searsmont and William B. Gillis of Searsmont, July 3, 1852. [Hannah Buckman of Searsmont, Co.R]
Nancy B. Bickmore of St. George and Samuel Richards, int. Dec. 8, 1832, "certif. issued Dec. 28th."
Abba S. Bicknell and Joseph Ellis [int. Jr.] of Brooks, Nov. 19, 1857. [Joseph of Brooks, Co.R].
Alice Bicknell and John Thomas MacDonald Jr. of Boston [int. adds Mass.], Apr. 15, 1891. [Alice, dau. Stephen G. and Sarah W. (Spratt), and John T. MacDonald Jr. of Boston, PR114].
Christiana Bicknell [int. Christina] Mrs., and William R. Lowney Esq. of Sebac, Sept. 3, 1829.
Edmund Bicknell and Nancy Gardner of Northport, int. Feb. 12, 1825, "Cert. Feb. 26."
Henry G. Bicknell and Luella Brown of Appleton, int. Dec. 8, 1874, "Certif. issued Dec. 12th."
James Bicknell Jr. and Hannah P. McKeen, May 7, 1837.
James Bicknell of Belmont and Elvira Pitcher, Sept. 26, 1842.
James M. Bicknell [int. omits M.] and Sarah S. Stevens of Northport, Sept. 21, 1851.
Nancy Bicknell of Belmont and Otis Cushman of Belmont, May 19, 1825.
Sarah C. Bicknell, Mrs. [int. wid.] and Erastus D. Freeman [int. widr., seaman] May 9, 1868.
Sarah M. Bicknell of Belmont and John Watson, Oct. 17, 1838.
Stephen G. Bicknell and Sarah W. Spratt of Etna, May 14, 1854, in Etna.
William Bicknell [int. Bicknel] and Christiana Hayford [int. Hayfort], June 21, 1823 [sic, int. "Certif. issued June 1, 1822."]