in the Ancient Cemetery and
The Woodside Cemetery
Yarmouth, Massacusetts.
Literal Copies of the Inscriptions
Made at the Expense of
Thomas W. Thachter and Stanley W. Smith.
Compiled by
George Ernest Bowman
Editor of "The Mayflower Descndant"
"Vital Records of Brewster, Mass."
and "Vital Records of Halifax, Mass."
published by the
Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants
at the charge of the
Cape Cod Town Record Fund.
Boston, Massachusetts.
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

Sarah, wife of Rev. Timothy, died 28 October, 1796, in her 59th year.
Timothy (Rev.; A.M.), born 26 November, 1736, O.S.; graduated at Harvard in 1762; ordained at Yarmouth, 13 December, 1769; died 13 November 1828.
George, son of John and Elizabeth, died 25 July, 1801, in his 16th month.
Hannah, wife of W. M., 1811 - 1876. (on the Freeman Howes stone).
Mary H., 1836 - 1841. (on the Freeman Howes stone).
W. M., 1810 - 1887. (on the Freeman Howes stone).
Lydia A. (Mrs.), of Yarmouth, died 26 January, 1844, aged 61.
Oliver M., son of Sylvester and Sabra, died 13 July 1837, aged 3.
Sabra S., daughter of Sylvester and Sabra, died November, 1841, aged 15 years, 17 days.
Charles, son of Joshua and Betsey, drowned 6 July 1813, aged 16 years, 11 months.
Ebenezer, son of Joshua and Betsey, died 4 September, 1795, aged 29 months, 26 days.
Elizabeth, widow of Capt. John, died 2 March 1844, aged 88. (on her husband's stone).
Hannah, wife of Lieut. Nathan, died 26 February, 1790, in her 60th year.
Hannah H., daughter of John and Elizabeth, died 2 July, 1848.
John (Capt.), lost on George's Island, 9 October, 1805, aged 52.
John, son of John and Elizabeth, died 6 December 1795, aged 3 years, 2 months, 2 days.
John Beare, son of Joseph and Thankful, died 9 June 1780, in his 19th year.
Joseph, died 5 September, 1833, in his 95th year.
Joseph, son of John and Elizabeth, died 8 February, 1788, aged 5 months, 26 days.
Mercy, wife of Joseph, died 25 May, 1797, in her 48th year.
Nathan, son of Joshua and Betsey, died 13 November, 1829, in his 16th year.
Ruth, widow of Joseph, died 15 March, 1842, in her 84th year.
Thankful, wife of Joseph, born in 1736, died 22 December, 1774.
Thankful, daughter of Nathan and Hannah, died 12 December, 1762, aged 6.
Shobal (Esq.), died 12 April, 1741, aged 54.
Thomas, died 22 June 1713, in his 60th year.
John (Capt.), died 3 December, 1777, in his 75th year.
Thankful, widow of Capt. John, died 15 October, 1781, in her 76th year.
Daty, widow of Edmund, died 16 November, 1825, in her 84th year.
David (Capt.), died 14 March, 1806, "In the 69th Years."
Edmund, died 28 July, 1821, in his 82d year.
- \
Elizabeth Homer, wife of Capt. Reuben, 1817 - 1896. [On her husband's stone].
Frances, daughter of William and Mary, died 6 November, 1816, aged 2 years, 7 months, 9 days.
Hannah, wife of Reuben, died 14 December, 1823, in her 41st year.
Hannah, wife of William, died 14 April, 1794, in her 63d year.
Hannah H., 1835 - 1841. [On stone of Capt. Reuben].
Hannah H., 1842 - 1901. [On stone of Capt. Reuben].
Isaish (Col.), died 17 November 1847, aged 73.
Isaiah (Jr.), drowned in Matagorda Bay, 16 January, 1841, aged 32.
[The last two entries on one stone].
John, died 6 August, 1827, in his 60th year.
Lucy A., daughter of Eben and Rebecca, died 11 October, 1842, aged 7 years, 6 months, 9 days.
Mary G., wife of William, died 19 April, 1846, aged 72.
Melville, 1850-1885. [On stone of Capt. Reuben].
Oliver Hazard Perry, youngest son of Isaiah and Thankful, died 19 October, 1819, aged 9 months, 9 days.
Phebe, wife of Eben, died 25 January, 1827, in her 45th year.
Phebe, wife of Thomas, died 10 July 1845, aged 69. [On stone of Thomas].
Rebecca, widow of Capt. David, died 24 February, 1813, in her 70th year.
Rebecca, daughter of Eben and Rebecca, drowned in Weir Pond, 30 June, 1841, aged 12 years, 10 months, 17 days.
Rebecca, wife of William Jr., died 30 June, 1795, in her 29th year.
Rebecca M., widow of Eben, also widow of Joseph Crowell, died 10 March, 1872, aged 77 years, 1 month.
Reuben, died 18 February, 1844, in his 66th year.
Reuben (Capt.), 1812 - 1869.
Sarah, wife of William, died 8 April, 1765, in her 36th year.
Sukey, eldest daughter of Isaiah and Thankful, died 25 May, 1818, aged 17 years, 11 months.
Thankful, wife of Isaiah, died 17 June, 1819, in her 38th year.
Thomas, died 17 April, 1847, aged 72 years, 9 months [On stone with wife Phebe].
Thomas, son of Isaiah and Thankful, died 23 December, 1814, in his 8th year.
Thomas, son of Isaiah, Esq., and Thankful, died 15 August, 1836, aged 20.
William, died 22 August, 1805, in his 76th year.
William, died 9 May, 1849, aged 82.
Mercy F., wife of Joseph, died 3 May, 1847, aged 22 years, 10 months.
Mary, widow of James, died 15 January, 1813, aged 92.
Levina, widow of William Cobb of Nantucket, died 12 September, 1847, aged 64. "In Memory of My Mother."
Elizabeth Doane, born 5 May, 1812; died 17 May, 1895. [On stone of Hon. Elisha Doane].
Susan Doane, born 10 July, 1800; died 5 August 1851. [On stone of Hon. Elisha Doane].
William Henry, son of Nathaniel and Susan, died 30 June, 1830, aged 2 years, 3 months.
Sarah, wife of Sylvanus P., died 25 June, 1831, in her 29th year.
Desire, wife of Ensign Josiah, died 6 May, 1722, in her 34th year.
Josiah (Ensign), died at sea, 10 October, 1721, and was buried at Port Royal. [On his wife's stone].
Thankful (Mrs.), died 16 September, 1742, in her 42d year.
Abby Hedgem wife of Joseph A., died 25 March, 1850, aged 29 years, 9 months, 11 days.
Barnabas, died 30 December, 1853, in his 28th year.
Francis, son of Nathan and Anna, died 23 February, 1825, aged 17 months, 18 days.
Hannah, wife of John, died 6 October, 1853, in her 92d year.
John, died 28 February, 1825; aged 31 years, 2 months.
Joseph, died 4 July, 1825, aged 31 years, 2 months.
Lot, son of Capt. Lot and Hannah, died 27 may, 1769, in his 17th year.
Mercy, wife of Seth, died 3 May, 1761, in her 66th year.
Prince (Capt.), died 21 March, 1807, in his 43d year.
Seth, died 10 May, 1769, in his 79th year.
Charles, son of Henry and Sally, died 13 December, 1824, aged 7.
Emeline, daughter of Henry and Sally, died 14 April, 1840, aged 13 years, 7 months.
Hannah, widow of Capt. John, died 13 August, 1850, aged 86.
Henry, died in New Orleans, 9 October, 1841, aged 46.
Henry, son of Henry and Sally, died at Howes' Spring, Mo., 29 September, 1849, aged 30.
John (Capt.), a native of Virginia, died 9 November, 1810, aged 42.
Nancy C., daughter of Capt. John and Hannah, died 12 August, 1810, aged 14.
Sally, widow of Henry, died 12 April, 1864, aged 72.
Elisha (Hon.), born 27 June, 1768; died 8 October, 1848.
John Bear, son of Elisha and Susan, died 6 December, 1794, aged 1 year, 2 months.
Susan Bassett, wife of Hon. Elisha, born 14 August, 1769; died 3 January, 1859.
Mary, widow of Benjamin, who died in the Revolutionary War, died 4 February, 1839, in her 84th year.
Alexander C., only child of Frederick and Susan, died 5 August, 1847, aged 2.
Frederick A., son of Frederick and Susan, died 3 September, 1850, aged 2 years, 4 months.
Hannah,w ife of John H., died 9 May, 1831, in her 45th year.
John, son of John H. and Hannah, died 11 July, 1835, aged 19.
Mary B., wife of Albert, died 7 August, 1844, aged 30.
John (Dr.), died 4 June, 1796, in his 40th year.
Asa, son of Capt. Barnabas and Patience, died 1 July, 1791, in his 9th year.
Asa, son of John and Lucy, died 2 November, 1793, aged 15 months, 15 days.
Barnabas (Capt.), died 14 July, 1797, in his 60th year.
Barnabas, died 28 November, 1837, in his 67th year.
Bathiah, wife of David, died 28 August, 1826, in her 69th year.
Catherine, daughter of Joseph and Deborah, died 23 September, 1817, aged 10 months.
Christopher W., died 10 April, 1832, aged 9 months. [On stone of Reuben and Mary A.].
Christopher W., died 16 September, 1833, aged 5 months. [On stone of Reuben and Mary A.].
David, died 4 August, 1831, in his 81st year.
David G., son of Edmund and Nabby, died 17 May, 1819, aged 7 months, 16 days.
_____, son of Edmund and Nabby, died 4 April, 1815, aged 31 days.
Edward, son of John and Betty, born 11 September, 1813; died 30 June, 1832.
Edward, died 24 July, 1845, aged 3 years, 7 months. [On stone of Reuben and Mary A.].
Edward M., son of Ellery and Sarah, died 21 September, 1849, aged 1 year, 6 months, 10 days.
Eliza, daughter of Capt. John and Betty, died 3 July, 1805, aged 12 months, 7 days.
Eliza, daughter of Capt. John and Betty, died 16 April, 1825, aged 17.
Eliza, died 28 August, 1837, aged 1 month. [On stone of Reuben and Mary A.].
Ellery, son of Edmund and Nabby, died 3 August, 1810, aged 1 year, 7 months, 3 days.
Francis, son of Joseph and Deborah, died 20 September, 1807, aged 11 months.
Francis, died 25 February, 1835, aged 7 months. [On stone of Reuben and Mary A.].
Ira, son of Joseph and Deborah, died 31 January, 1812, aged 18 days.
Isaac, son of Joseph and Deborah, died 2 May, 1822m aged 4 days.
John, son of John and Lucy, died 17 June, 1795, aged 15 months, 10 days.
John (Esq.), died 3 July, 1818, aged 53. [Erected by his wife.].
Lucy, wife of Capt. John Jr., died 18 November, 1794, aged 27.
Lucy, daughter of Capt. John and Betty, died 17 October, 1820, aged 20.
Mary A., wife of Reuben, died 27 January, 1871, aged 62 years, 10 months.
Mary Ann, daughter of Reuben and Hannah, died 7 November, 1804, aged 1 year, 4 months, 17 days.
Oliver, son of John and Betty, born 4 October, 1815; died 21 October 1815.
Patience, widow of Barnabas, died 29 June, 1832, in her 92d year.
Reuben, died 3 September, 1887, aged 68.
Ruth, wife of Gorham, died 24 July, 1840, aged 39 years, 9 months, 14 days.
Ruth M., daughter of Gorham and Ruth, died 26 October, 1840, aged 5 months, 5 days.
Sarah M., daughter of Ellery and Sarah, died in Chelsea, 12 September, 1846, aged 1 year, 11 months, 6 days.
Zipporah, widow of Barnabas, died 7 July, 1846, in her 71st year.
Zipporah H., daughter of Barnabas and Zipporah, died 7 July, 1810, aged 1 year, 6 months, 14 days.
Nathaniel, son of Edmund (A.M.) and Martha, died 25 July, 1740, aged 16 months, 14 days.
E. [A field stone with nothing but these initials.]
Alexander, Captain of schooner Comet, taken sick 9 December, died 14 December, 1808, in his 27th year, in Tarpaulin Cove, on his passage from Savannah to Hyannis, where the vessel with his remains arrived 16 December.
Ebenezer (Jr.), died 10 August, 1808, aged 21 years, 10 months, 5 days.
Mercy, wife of Silvanus, died 11 January, 1842, in her 59th year.
Zenas, son of Silvanus and Mercy, drowned at Charleston, S.C., 8 June, 1844, aged 21 years 8 months.
Abigail, widow of Samuel, died 15 April, 1790, aged 62.
Edward (Capt.), died 20 November, 1824, aged 44 years, 11 days.
Elizabeth, daughter of David and Rebecca, died 25 October, 1778, in her 6th year.
Isaac (Capt.), died 11 July, 1814, in his 63d year.
Joseph, died 9 July, 1726, aged 72.
Joseph, son of Samuel and Abigail, died 26 July, 1751, aged 5.
Josiah, died 2 April, 1775, in his 83d year.
Mercy, wife of Josiah, died 25 March, 1775, in her 79th year.
Sally, wife of Isaac, died 28 January, 1809, in her 60th year.
Sally, widow of Capt. Edward, died 17 November, 1862, aged 80 years, 7 months. [On her husband's stone].
Samuel, died 12 May, 1789, aged 66.
Samuel (Jr.), died 20 September, 1790, aged 26.
Ann, wife of William, died 26 February, 1806, in her 23d year.
Chandler, son of Chandler and Lucy, lost at sea, 9 Marach, 1834, aged 20. [On same stone with Samuel and Thomas].
Edmund, son of William and Sally, died 15 September, 1826, aged 14 months.
Elizabeth, wife of Capt. John, died 16 May, 1814, in her 40th year.
Eunice (Miss), daughter of Capt. Joshua and Rebecca, died 7 March, 1841, aged 31 years, 7 months.
John (Capt.), died 21 February, 1838, aged 67.
Joseph, son of Capt. John and Elizabeth, died 2 February, 1805, in his 18th month.
Joshua (Capt.), died 31 March, 1791, in his 48th year.
Joshua (Capt.), born 2 October 1777; died 1 October, 1828, aged 51.
Joshua, son of widow Rebecca, died 22 July, 1829, aged 17 years, 9 months. [Epitaph mentions "a widowed Mother and Brothers & Sisters" still living.].
Lucy, wife of Chandler, died 4 October, 1825, in her 38th year.
Lydia, widow of Capt. Samuel, died 21 November, 1809, in her 61st year.
Mary, daughter of Chandler and Lucy, died 16 February, 1842, aged 19 years, 3 months.
Mary, daughter of Capt. Joshua and Mary, died 2 October, 1776, aged 3 years, 7 months, 6 days.
Mary, widow of Capt. Joshua, died 3 August, 1822, aged 76.
Mary W., wife of William Jr., died 27 May, 1845, aged 25.
Oliver, son of Capt. Samuel and Lydia, died 3 January, 1795, in his 18th year.
Phebe, widow of Capt. John, died 27 November, 1850, aged 75 years, 8 months.
Rebecca, widow of Capt. Joshua, born 30 June, 1778; died 7 August, 1846.
Sally, wife of William, died 17 March, 1829, in her 38th year.
Sally (Miss), daughter of William and Sally, died 13 October, 1846, aged 24 years, 4 months.
Samuel, son of Chandler and Lucy, died at New Orleans, 19 June, 1829, aged 21. [On the same stone with Chandler.].
Samuel (Capt.), died 28 November, 1801, in his 65th year.
Samuel, son of Capt. John and Elizabeth, died 26 October, 1810, aged 2 years, 5 months.
Samuel, the second son of Capt. John and Elizabeth, died 1 June, 1814, aged 2 months.
Temperance E., wife of William Jr., died 1 May, 1848, aged 24.
Thomas, son of Chandler and Lucy, lost at sea, 28 April, 1835, aged 19. [On the same stone with Chandler.].
Joseph Jr. (Rev.), Pastor of the West Church of Yarmouth, died 5 November, 1768, in his 42d year, and the 7th year of his ministry.
Desire (Miss), died 21 October, 1803, in her 41st year.
Hope, wife of the late Joseph of Yarmouth, died 5 January, 1784, in her 80th year.
Joseph (Capt.), died 9 March, 1816, in his 81st year.
Thankful, wife of Capt. Joseph, died 17 June, 1796, in her 58th year.
Thankful (Miss), died 19 November, 1809, in her 77th year.
Bethiah, daughter of John and Margaret, died 16 October, 1744, in her 39th year.
Elisha, died 25 June, 1800, in his 23d year.
Gershom, son of Capt. Gershom and Thankful, died 12 April, 1812, aged 4 months, 19 days.
Gershom, died 26 March, 1832, in his 61st year.
Hannah, wife of John, died 19 August, 1848, aged 62.
Hannah, widow of Isaac, died 7 August, 1828, in her 82d year.
Isaac, died 2 October, 1735, in his 24th year.
Isaac, died 27 November, 1826, in his 87th year.
Isaac, son of Gershom and Thankful, died 22 November, 1837, in his 25th year.
James (Capt.), died 20 June, 1803, in his 35th year.
John, died 21 March, 1735, in his 70th year.
John, died 1 March, 1745, in his 37th year.
Joshua, son of Gershom and Thankful, died 6 November, 1832, in his 17th year.
Margaret, wife of John, died 13 January, 1723/4, in her 56th year.
Mercy, daughter of Capt. Gershom and Thankful, died 7 March, 1812, aged 3 years, 3 months, 24 days.
Mercy, daughter of John and Mary, died 28 March, 1732, aged 34.
Shubael, son of Isaac and Susanna, died 23 November, 1791, in his 11th year.
Susannah, wife of Isaac, died 2 August, 1861, aged 88 years, 10 months.
Thankful, daughter of Isaac and Susanna, died 29 December, 1807, in her 25th year.
Thankful, wife of John, died 7 April, 1782, in her 83d year.
Thankful, widow of John, died 31 December, 1812, in her 71st year.
Abigail, wife of Benjamin, died 22 January, 1832, aged 65.
Abigail, wife of Jonathan, died 2 September, 1715, aged 53.
Abigail, daughter of Jonathan and Desire, died 26 June, 1728, aged 10 months.
Abigail, wife of Joseph, died 18 September, 1768, in her 68th year.
Alice, wife of Capt. Nathan, died 12 May 1811, in her 25th year.
Andrew, died 26 April, 1751, in his 68th year.
Arthur, son of Capt. Nathan and Sophia, died 17 June 1825, aged 14 months, 19 days.
Azubah, daughter of Nathan and Azubah, died 13 February 1801, age 20 months.
Azubah, wife of Nathan, died 7 July 1805, in her 35th year.
Barnabas, died 20 Sept. 1795, in his 38th year.
Benjamin, died 28 February, 1832, in his 77th year.
Betsey (Miss), died 21 June 1832, aged 87 years, 5 months.
Betty, daughter of Joseph and Ruth, died 30 August, 1779, aged 2 years, 10 months.
Charles (Capt.), died 15 November, 1821, age 70.
Charlotte, wife of Andrews, died 17 December, 1815, in her 35th year.
Daniel, son of Matthews C. and Eliza, died 19 May, 1839, aged 1 year, 3 months.
Desire, wife of Barnabas, died 19 February, 1790, in her 31st year.
Desire, wife of Deacon Jonathan, died 30 April, 1775, in her 79th year.
Desire, wife of Thomas, died 21 December, 1767, aged 56.
Dorcas, wife of Joshua, died 26 April, 1813, in her 72d year.
Ebenezer, died 28 June, 1760, in his 76th year.
Ebenezer, died 6 March, 1807, in his 88th year.
Ebenezer, died 29 October, 1832, aged 82.
Edward, died 8 March, 1796, in his 49th year.
_____, daughter of Capt. Edward B. and Anna, died 20 February, 1817.
Eleanor, wife of Moses, died 7 Sept. 1771, aged 39.
Elizabeth, wife of Ebenezer, died 1 July, 1797, in her 73d year.
Elizabeth, wife of Ebenezer, died 31 July, 1828, in her 74th year.
Elizabeth, widow of Josiah, died 7 July, 1825, in her 58th year.
Elizabeth, widow of Moses, died 9 March, 1821, age 89.
Elizabeth, wife of Timothy, died 23 October, 1744, in her 44th year.
Elizabeth, daughter of Timothy and Elizabeth, died 20 December, 1735, aged 1 month, 3 days.
Enoch (Esq.), Sheriff of Barnstable County, died 12 March, 1788, in his 52d year.
George, son of Andrews and Charlotte, died 4 September, 1825, in his 21st year.
Hannah, wife of Ebenezer, died 29 April, 1729, in her 40th year.
Hannah, wife of Ezekiel, died 30 September, 1826, in her 47th year.
Hannah, wife of Jeremiah, died 28 March, 1812, in her 76th year.
Hannah, wife of Lieut. Thomas, died 6 February, 1749/50, in her 50th year.
Hannah G., daughter of Joseph and Lucretia, died 19 April, 1828, aged 1 year, 10 months, 8 days.
Harriot (Miss), daughter of Capt. Nathan and Azubah, died 4 January, 1823, in her 31st year.
Hiram, died 6 November, 1839, aged 38.
Hope, daughter of Joshua and Lucy, died 1 May, 1825, aged 7 years, 6 months. [On the same stone with Polly.]
Isaac (Deacon), died 5 October, 1814, in his 73d year.
_____, son of Isaac and Elizabeth, born 8 March, 1777, died the same day.
Isaac, son of Samuel and Susanna, died 30 November, 1731, aged 25 days.
James, died 18 November, 1824, in his 72d year.
James, son of James and Susanna, died 12 May, 1796, aged 7 months.
Jeremiah, died 12 November, 1819, in his 87th year.
John, died 14 June, 1726, in his 76th year.
John (Esq.), died 8 April 1765, in his 78th year.
Jonathan (Deacon), died 23 May, 1783, in his 91st year.
Jonathan, died 27 December, 1837, in his 87th year.
_____, twin daughters of Jonathan and Desire, stillborn 7 Nov., 1720.
Joseph, died 28 January, 1836, aged 58.
Joseph T., son of Charles and Lydia, died 23 November, 1799, in his 18th year.
Joshua, died 19 August, 1821, in his 84th year.
Jotham, son of Capt. Nathan and Sophia, died 12 February, 1817, aged 4 months, 7 days.
Julia, wife of Jonathan Jr., died 29 December, 1816, in her 33d year.
Keziah (Miss), daughter of Moses and Phebe, died 12 February, 1806, in her 40th year.
Lucretia, widow of Joseph, died 29 November, 1850, aged 56.
Lucy, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, died 6 May, 1812, in her 18th year.
Lucy, wife of Jonathan, died 11 January, 1839, in her 34th year.
Lydia, widow of Capt. Charles, died 9 March, 1838, aged 82.
Lydia, third wife of Moses, died 15 February, 1791, in her 53d year.
Martha (Mrs.), died 4 December, 1794, in her 42d year.
Mary (Mrs.), died 22 April, 1750, in her 57th year.
Mary, daughter of Ezekiel and Hannah, died 7 February, 1840, aged 3 years, 2 months, 14 days.
_____, son of Matthews C. and Eliza, born 27 July, died 2 August, 1831.
Mehitable, widow of Andrew, died 28 October, 1767, in her 72d year.
Mercy (Mrs.), [A footstone. The headstone is missing.]
Mercy (Mrs.), died 13 November, 1747, in her 46th year.
Moses, died 14 December, 1809, in his 81st year.
_____, son of Moses and Lydia, stillborn 17 Jan., 1774.
Nancy (Miss), daughter of Ezekiel and Hannah, died 17 October, 1837, aged 28 years, 8 months, 8 days.
Nathan, son of Nathan and Azubah, died 26 August, 1803, aged 6 years, 4 months, 9 days.
Olive, daughter of Andrews and Charlotte, died 22 June 1804, aged 19 months.
Oliver, son of Capt. Edward B. and Anna, died 29 April 1819, aged 1 year, 1 months, 28 days.
Oliver, son of Ezekiel and Hannah, died 23 January, 1828, aged 4 years, 3 months, 5 days.
Patience, daughter of Joshua and Dorcas, died 1 September, 1779, aged 4 years, 4 months, 5 days.
Phebe (Miss), died 17 February, 1836, in her 73d year.
Phebe, wife of Moses, died 28 November, 1769, in her 39th year.
Polly, daughter of Joshua and Lucy, died 1 May, 1825, aged 3. [On the same stone with Hope.]
Prince, son of Jonathan and Desire, died 3 July 1728, aged 2 years, 9 months, 20 days.
Rebecca, wife of Ebenezer, died 23 March, 1725, in her 57th year.
Rebecca, wife of Matthews C., died 28 May, 1828, in her 42d year.
Roland, son of Joseph and Abigail, died 30 July, 1727, aged 4.
R. H., son of Matthews C. and Eliza, born 29 May, died 29 August, 1832.
Samuel, died 10 April, 1748, in his 54th year.
Sarah, widow of Edward, died 22 February, 1825, in her 77th year.
Sarah, wife of Jonathan, died 26 January, 1828, in her 77th year.
Sarah, wife of Thomas, died 31 January, 1719/20, in her 24th year.
Sarah, wife of Thomas, died 12 June 1800, in her 77th year.
Sarah A., daughter of Capt. Nathan and Sophia, died 7 October, 1823, aged 2 years, 1 month, 18 days.
Sophia, wife of Nathan, died 17 May, 1829, in her 39th year.
Stephen, died 13 November, 1802, in his 82d year.
Susanna, wife of James, died 4 September, 1823, in her 68th year.
Thacher, son of Matthews C. and Eliza, died 12 December, 1834, aged 11 months, 12 days.
Thacher, son of Matthews C. and Eliza, died 22 March, 1837, aged 1 year, 6 months, 14 days.
Thankful, wife of Timothy, died 10 January, 1722, in her 22d year.
_____, daughter, stillborn, lies with her. [The preceding two on the same stone.]
Thankful, daughter of Samuel and Susanna, died 19 September, 1732, aged 1 year, 7 months, 15 days.
Thankful, wife of Stephen, died 30 July, 1778, in her 46th year.
Thankful, wife of Enoch, Esq., died 9 December, 1778, in her 41st year.
Thomas (Lieut.), died 10 April, 1772, in his 82d year.
_____, child of Thomas and Sarah, stillborn 25 January, 1719.
Timothy, died 7 July, 1760, in his 66th year.
Timothy, son of Moses and Phebe, died 6 May, 1776, in his 17th year.
Warren, son of Capt. Charles and Lydia, died 8 February, 1811, aged 20.
Benjamin, son of Joseph and Susanna, died 14 August, 1789, in his 6th year.
Benjamin S., son of Joshua and Polly, supposed lost in the ship Albert Henry, on her passage from Realego to Boston, in 1847, in his 22d year.
Betty, wife of Isaac, died 11 February, 1814, in her 46th year.
Deborah, wife of Isaac, died 31 August, 1809, in her 75th year.
Deborah, only daughter of Seth and Lydia, died 18 May, 1822, in her 19th year. [On stone with her brother Seth].
Isaac, died 28 January, 1805, in his 69th year.
Isaac, son of Isaac and Sally, born 11 July, died 7 August, 1832. [On stone with Isaac who died 1871].
Isaac, died 12 December, 1871, aged 65 years, 11 months.
_____, son of Isaac and Sally, born 24 June, died 10 August, 1834. [On stone of Isaac who died 1871].
_____, son of Isaac and Sally, born 17 August, died 1 December, 1842. [On stone of Isaac who died 1871].
Joseph (Deacon), died 19 January, 1777, in his 75th year.
Joshua (Col.), died & May, 1826, aged 51.
Kezia, wife of Isaac, died 15 February, 1766, in her 26th year.
Lydia, wife of Isaac, died April, 1831, aged 58.
Mary, daughter of Isaac and Deborah, died 15 June 1774, aged 12 months.
Mary, daughter of Isaac and Sally, born 24 April, died 12 August, 1836. [On stone of Isaac, who died 1871].
Mary, daughter of Isaac and Sally, born 27 March, 1837, died 26 August, 1838. [On stone of Isaac, who died 1871].
Polly, widow of Col. Joshua, died 13 January, 1862, aged 79 years, 7 months.
Sally, wife of Joseph, died 7 Sept., 1834, aged 34. "Engraved on Nantucket by Wm. Sturgis."
Sally, wife of Isaac, died 10 January, 1885, aged 71 years, 5 months. [On stone of Isaac, who died 1871].
Sarah, daughter of Isaac and Sally, born 27 March, died 10 August, 1839. [On stone of Isaac who died 1871].
Seth, only son of Seth and Lydia, died 14 August, 1820, on his passage from the Sandwich Islands, in his 24th year. [On stone with his sister Deborah].
Anna (Miss), drowned 10 April, 1782, in her 17th year.
Anna (Miss), daughter of Deacon Joseph, died 26 January, 1819, in her 34th year.
Benjamin, died 23 October, 1815, aged 37.
Bethiah, wife of Deacon Joseph, died 8 September, 1745, in her 73d year.
Desire, widow of Joseph, died 24 February, 1798, in her 85th year.
Ebenezer (Capt.), died 7 October, 1727, in his 50th year.
Edmund (Capt.), died 14 March, 1831, in his 47th year.
Ezra (Capt.), died 31 March, 1811, in his 33d year.
J., son of John and Susanna, died 2 August, 1737, aged 15 months, 14 days. [Broken. "J. H." on the footstone].
Joseph (Deacon), died 16 November, 1752, in his 80th year.
Joseph, Jr. (Capt.), Master of the Schooner Jane, 14 day from Richmond to Hyannis Road, where he died on the day of his arrival, 21 October, 1807, after six day's sickness, in his 21st year.
Mercy, wife of Joseph, died 10 January, 1728, in her 58th year.
Prince, died 8 December, 1771, aged 62.
Sarah, widow of Capt. Ebenezer, died 9 January, 1741, in her 65th year.
Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer and Temperance, died October, 1800, aged 16.
Thankful, wife of Joseph Esq., died 2 January, 1840, in her 82d year.
Thomas, died 28 January, 1746/7, in his 46th year.
Abraham, died 29 May, 1762, in his 44th year.
Andrews, died 20 October, 1828, in his 71st year.
Betty, wife of Samuel, died February, 1758, aged 21.
Betty, wife of Samuel, died 10 February, 1766, in her 46th year.
Dinah, wife of Josiah, died 13 May, 1834, in her 55th year.
Dinah, widow of Thomas, died 18 April, 1835, in her 81st year.
Edmund, son of James and Hannah, born 7 February, 1829; died 20 February, 1834. [On stone of James who died 1854].
Elisha, died 17 May, 1732, in his 91st year.
Elisha (Capt.), died 4 September, 1807, in his 72d year.
Elisha, son of John and Thankful, died 16 June 1723, in his 16th year.
Emily, daughter of James and Hannah, born 7 September, 1824; died 21 October, 1827. [On stone of James who died 1854].
Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Dinah, died 28 August, 1778, aged 9 months, 24 days.
Hannah, wife of James; born 25 September, 1790; died 28 March, 1869. [On stone of James who died 1854].
James, born 14 April, 1784; died 23 June, 1854.
James, son of James and Hannah, born 18 May, 1817; died 2 June, 1853. [On stone of James who died 1854].
James, son of Thomas and Eliza B., born 16 September, 1850; died 16 September, 1852. [On stone of James who died 1854].
John (Esq.), died 15 June, 1746, in his 74th year.
John, died 6 February, 1761, in his 59th year.
Josiah (Deacon), died 27 April, 1778, in his 38th year.
Josiah, died 23 March, 1849, aged 72 years, 9 months.
Mary, widow of Capt. Elisha, died 11 October, 1828, in her 90th year.
Mercy, wife of Samuel, died 3 November, 1757, in her 41st year.
Mercy, wife of Andrews, died 29 September, 1807, in her 48th year.
Rebecca, daughter of James and Hannah, born 10 August, 1812; died 24 September, 1882. [On stone of James who died 1854].
Samuel, died 19 February, 1761, in his 54th year.
Thankful, daughter of John and Desire, died 5 July, 1736, aged 4 years, 10 months, 8 days.
Thankful, widow of William, died 15 May, 1825, in her 81st year.
Thomas, died 9 June, 1764, aged 45.
Thomas, died 19 November, 1795, in his 42d year.
Warren (Capt.), died 4 October, 1844, aged 56.
William, died September, 1734, in his 66th year.
William, died 12 October, 1812, in his 74th year.
Eliza Ann, daughter of Capt. Samuel and Eliza, died 16 April, 1804, aged 14 months, 21 days.
Frederic Warren, son of Luther and Mercy T. E., died 28 June, 1836, aged 8 months, 18 days.
Joseph, son of Thomas and Anna, died 10 June, 1798, aged 9 months, 3 days.
Asa, died 9 November, 1830, aged 21 years, 1 month. [On one stone with Benjamin].
Benjamin (Capt.), died at Bahia, South America, 16 November, 1828, aged 24 years, 10 months. [On stone with Asa].
Benjamin, died 23 October, 1776, in his 78th year.
Benjamin (Capt.), shipwrecked and frozen to death on schooner Huntress, on Sandwich beach, 13 December, 1825, in his 55th year. [On stone with Loren H.].
Benjamin, died 4 March, 1834, in his 55th year.
Elizabeth, widow of Benjamin, died 23 January, 1778, in her 78th year.
Elizabeth, widow of Stephen, died 13 October, 1814, in her 78th year.
Hannah, wife of Robert, and formerly widow of John THACHER, died 26 April, 1832, in her 85th year.
Jerusha, wife of Robert, died 15 August, 1803, aged 64.
Loren H., son of Capt. Benjamin, lost from Brig Massachusetts on her passage from Bremen to Boston, 8 October, 1823, in his 24th year. [On stone with Capt. Benjamin who died 1825].
Stephen, died 15 June, 1808, in his 75th year.
Ebenezer, died 20 February, 1811, in his 74th year.
Emily, wife of Freeman, 1832 - 1898. [On the stone with W. M. Anderson].
Freeman, 1828 - 1895. [On stone with W. M. Anderson].
George, son of Ebenezer and Patience, died 26 October, 1825, in his 17th year.
Jerusha Sturgis, daughter of Ebenezer and Ruth, died 20 July, 1786, in her 5th year.
John, son of Zenas and Rosanna, died 31 July, 1810, aged 10 months.
Loring, son of Ebenezer and Ruth, died 4 January, 1793, in his 7th year.
Lucy, daughter of Ebenezer and Pasha, died 24 March, 1807, aged 3 years, 7 months, 28 days.
Ruth, widow of Ebenezer, died 7 November, 1822, in her 79th year.
Gorham, Jr., son of Gorham and Hannah K., died on ship Robert G. Shaw, on passage from Charleston, S. C., to Havre, 28 October, 1847, aged 17 years, 4 months, 14 days.
Infant son of Gorham and Hannah, died 21 October, 1843, aged 2 months.
Fanny, wife of Ophir, died 20 April, 1850, aged 43.
Jeremiah, died 25 March, 1755, in his 35th year.
Maragery, wife of John, died 12 April, 1705, aged 30 years, 1 month.
Mercy, widow of Thomas, died 18 April, 1759, in her 69th year.
Samuel, died 29 July, 1741, in his 65th year.
Sarah E. M., wife of Samuel D.; daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah T. MATTHEWS; born 21 June, 1848; died 14 July, 1888; buried at South Yarmouth. [On stone of Nathaniel Matthews who died 1885].
Molly, wife of Benjamin, died 27 April, 1799, in her 24th year.
Bial, wife of William, died 4 May, 1833, aged 29.
Betsey H., daughter of Benjamin and Betty, died 13 July, 1815, aged 13 months, 12 days.
Mary B., daughter of Jacob and Sarah, died 21 August, 1818, in her 33d year.
Nancy, wife of Ephraim, died 18 October, 1846, aged 59.
Anna, wife of John, died 29 December, 1818, aged 37. [On stone with John].
George H., son of John and Elizabeth, died 3 October, 1830, aged 2 years, 6 months.
John, died 20 December, 1858, aged 72 years, 2 months. [On stone with Anna].
Mary, widow of Capt. Benjamin, died 2 June, 1795, in her 76th year.
Sarah, wife of Barnabas, died 22 November, 1761, in her 74th year.
Mary, daughter of Capt. Laban and Mary, died 19 November, 1773, aged 3 months.
Mercy Marston, wife of John, born 20 January, 1823; died 8 September, 1843.
Sarah, daughter of Joseph P. and Nancy, died in Falmouth, 7 September, 1840, aged 7 years, 8 months.
Sarah A., daughter of Joseph P. and Nancy, died 8 September, 1843, aged 13 months.
John, son of John and Temperance, died 6 February, 1859, aged 26 years, 8 months. [On stone with Luther].
Luther, son of John and Temperance, lost at sea, in 1847, aged 18. [On stone with John].
Richard M., son of John and Temperance, died 30 November, 1835, aged 6 years, 4 months.
Alfred, son of Asa E. and Betsy, died 23 August, 1834, aged 1 year, 5 months.
Anna, widow of David, died 2 March, 1821, in her 81st year.
Asa E., died 27 April, 1872, aged 75. [On stone with Joshua A.].
Atkins, died 11 April, 1833, aged 71.
Benjamin, died 18 July, 1812, aged 46 years, 9 months, 9 days.
Charles Edwin, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Thacher, born 10 April, 1850; died 4 September, 1892. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
David, died 10 July, 1819, in his 91st year.
Dorcas, wife of James, died 27 April, 1776, in her 75th year.
Ebenezer, died 4 June, 1819, in his 76th year.
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, supposed lost at sea, 3 October, 1841, aged 15 years, 4 days. [On stone with sister Phebe].
Eliza, wife of Henry, died 17 July, 1840, aged 33. [On stone of her husband].
Ella, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah, died 7 April, 1851, aged 16 years, 8 months. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
Elvira, wife of Thomas, died 26 July, 1843, aged 30 years, 5 months. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
Emily, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah Thacher, died 13 July, 1860, aged 18 years, 10 months. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
Emma, daughter of Thomas and Sophia, died 12 October, 1848, aged 15 months, 15 days. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
Eunice B., wife of Richard, died 19 July, 1843, aged 31.
Georgianna, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah Thacher, died 24 February, 1856, aged 16 years, 5 months. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
Hannah, born 10 February, 1772; died 6 December, 1846.
Hannah, wife of Isaac 2d, died 1 September, 1841, aged 23.
_____, infant daughter of Isaac 2d and Hannah, died 29 August, 1841, and buried in the same grave with her mother. [On the mother's stone].
Hannah Thacher, wife of Nathaniel, died 29 May, 1861, aged 49 years, 9 months. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
Heman, son of Reuben and Ruth, lost at sea, in the destructive gale of 3 October, 1841, aged 21. [On stone of his mother].
Henry, died 9 Septheber, 1876, aged 64 years, 2 months.
Ira, son of Benjamin and Jerusha, died 6 July, 1865, aged 24 years, 3 months. [On stone with his brother William].
Isaac 2d., lost at sea in destructive gale of 3 October, 1841, aged 29, "and all who sailed with him." [On stone with wife Hannah].
Isaac (Deacon), died 4 February, 1790, in his 79th year.
Isaac (Capt.), died 5 October, 1827, aged 55. "A husband dear, and as a parent kind."
Isaac, son of Isaac and Rebecca, died 5 February, 1808, aged 3 years, 8 months.
James, died 8 January, 1751, in his 52d year.
James, died 22 September, 1828, in his 20th year.
James, died 15 December, 1857, aged 78 years, 6 months. [On stone with wife Sally].
Joseph, 1797 - 1842.
Joseph Edwin, son of Thomas and Elivra, died 15 April, 1835, aged 14 months, 22 days. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
Joshua, died 7 September, 1813, in his 35th year.
Joshua, died 17 October, 1813, in his 72d year.
Joshua, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Thacher, died 21 January, 1856, aged 23 years, 2 months. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
Joshua A., lost at sea, 1847, aged 26. [On stone with Asa E.].
Maria, daughter of Henry and Rebecca, died 3 September, 1838, aged 5 years, 4 months, 19 days. [On stone of her father].
Mary, wife of Samuel, died 21 August, 1764, in her 52d year.
Mary, wife of Prince, died 21 July, 1819, in her 37th year.
Mary Ann, daughter of Prince and Mary, died 25 August, 1818, aged 11 months, 18 days.
Mary E., 1838 - 1887. [On stone of Joseph who died 1842].
Mercy, wife of Isaac Jr., died 10 September, 1774, in her 36th year.
Mercy (Miss), died 14 November, 1814, in her 38th year.
Nathaniel, died at New Bedford, 13 October, 1805, aged 24. He was buried in Cushnet Meeting House yard.
Nathaniel, born 30 July, 1806; died 16 May, 1885.
Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Thacher, born 25 October, 1836; died 5 April, 1886, buried at El Cajon, Cal. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
_____, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Thacher, died 10 January, 1855, aged 4 months, 17 days. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
Oliver, died 21 January, 1883, aged 72 years, 3 months.
Oliver L., son of Oliver and Phebe, died 12 September, 1849, aged 10 months, 12 days. [On stone of Oliver].
_____, son of Oliver and Phebe, died 19 April, 1855, aged 3 days. [On stone of Oliver].
Patty R., widow of Joshua, died 6 August, 1826, in her 41st year.
Paulina, wife of Joseph, 1810 - 1850. [On stone of Joseph who died 1842].
Pauline, 1825 - 1826. [On stone of Joseph who died 1842].
Phebe, wife of Thomas, died 4 September, 1802, aged 50.
Phebe, widow of Isaac, died 4 May, 1813, in her 70th year.
Phebe, daughter of Ebenezer and Elizabeth, died 9 June, 1816, aged 19 months, 9 days. [On stone with her brother Ebenezer].
Prince, son of James and Dorcas, died 5 August, 1757, in his 25th year.
Prince, son of Prince and Mary, died 21 December, 1811, aged 4 years, 4 months.
Prince, died 22 October, 1826, aged 56 years, 11 months, 9 days.
Rebecca, widow of Joshua, died 26 November, 1813, in her 71st year.
Rebecca, wife of Isaac, died 4 July, 1818, in her 44th year.
Rebecca, wife of Henry, died 17 February, 1838, aged 33. [On stone with Henry].
Reuben, died 17 April, 1787, in his 33d year.
Reuben (Capt.), died 3 September, 1826, aged 39.
Reuben (Capt.), Master of Br. Norfolk, supposed lost on passage from Philadelphia to Trinidad, P.S., 4 October, 1843, aged 29.
Russell, son of Asa E. and Betsy, died 1 April, 1837, aged 11 months, 23 days.
Ruth, widow of Reuben, died 6 October, 1828, aged 39.
Sally, wife of James, died 3 October, 1822, aged 38. [This record is duplicated on the stone of James who died 1857].
Samuel, son of Samuel and mary, died 26 August, 1756, in his 17th year.
Samuel (Deacon), died 14 October, 1846, in his 72d year.
Samuel Russel, son of Samuel and Helen, died 12 November, 1849, aged 2 years, 3 months, 14 days.
Sarah, wife of David, died 25 May, 1784, in her 55th year.
Sarah, wife of Isaac, died 12 May, 1761, in her 52d year.
Sarah Weld, widow of Isaac, and daughter of Rev. Timothy ALDEN, died 25 July, 1847, in her 70th year.
Sophia, wife of Thomas, died 25 May, 1882, aged 62 years, 8 months. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
Susanna B., 1836 - 1901. [On stone of Joseph who died 1842].
Sylvanus, son of Joshua and Rebecca, died 24 September, 1813, in his 23d year.
Sylvanus, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Thacher, died 28 January, 1849, aged 2 years, 9 months. [On stone of Nathaniel who died 1885].
Sylvanus, died in New Orleans, 25 November, 1844, aged 26 years, 8 months. Buried here, 30 December.
Thankful (Mrs.), died 18 March, 1782, in her 78th year.
Thomas, died 24 January, 1899, aged 90 years, 9 months.
Thomas, son of Thomas and Elvira, died 9 December, 1839, aged 20 months, 22 days. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
Thomas, son of Thomas and Elvira, died 9 January, 1856, off Cape of Good Hope, aged 16. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
Thomas, son of Thomas and Sophia, died 12 April, 1858, aged 7 months. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
_____, infant child of Thomas and Elvira, died 17 July, 1843. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
_____, daughter of Thomas and Sophia, died 4 November, 1852, aged 3 days. [On stone of Thomas who died 1899].
William, son of Benjamin and Jerusha, died 20 October, 1842, aged 16 years, 2 months. [On stone with his brother Ira].
Elisha, died 30 May, 1813, in his 67th year.
Hannah, wife of John, died 10 August, 1789, in her 69th year.
John, died 9 June, 1711, in his 80th year.
John, died 4 July, 1729, in his 48th year.
John, died 31 January, 1747/8, in his 29th year.
Josiah, son of Josiah and Mary, died 13 December, 1717, aged 4 years, 4 months, 15 days.
Josiah (Lieut.), died 15 April, 1729, in his 50th year.
Josiah, son of Josiah and Lydia, died 17 August, 1783, in his 17th year.
Margaret, wife of John, died 26 October, 1698, in her 61st year.
Mary, daughter of Josiah and Mary, died 22 September, 1724, aged 2 years, 9 months, 17 days.
Mary, wife of Elisaha, died 18 December, 1781, in her 33d year.
Mary, daughter of Elisha and Phebe, died 22 March, 1825, aged 40.
Lucy Ann, daughter of Isaac and Lucy, died 30 August, 1826, aged 17 months.
Desire, wife of William of Nantucket, born 17 March, 1760; died 28 September, 1818.
Samuel, son of William and Desire of Nantucket, killed by a windmill 2 February, 1805, aged 7 years, 7 months.
Desire, wife of Josiah, died 22 August, 1846, aged 51 years, 11 months. "To our Mother."
Olive, wife of Richard, only daughter of Josiah and Dinah Hedge, died 20 August, 1831, aged 32.
Anthony, drowned in Vineyard Sound, "on that Very Cold Day," 15 February, 1731, in his 22d year.
Benjamin, died 4 February, 1717/18, in his 43d year.
Mary, widow of Jacob, died 6 February, 1830 in her 84th year.
Azubah, wife of John, died 14 June, 1835, in her 32d year.
Harriet, wife of Reuben, born 29 march, 1794; died 5 February, 1839.
John, died 12 October, 1849, aged 46.
Joseph, died 28 April, 1789, in his 82d year.
Mary, wife of Joseph, died 30 April, 1789, in her 82d year.
Phebe (Miss), daughter of John and Thankful, died 9 December, 1845, aged 54.
Reuben, died 11 August, 1822, in his 60th year.
Ruthy, wife of Benjamin, died 6 September, 1812, in her 21st year.
Thankful, wife of Reuben, died 14 August, 1831, in her 67th year.
Cornelia, wife of Rev. Daniel M., died 10 March, 1845, aged 27.
Bethiah, wife of Capt. Eleazer, died 7 June, 1800, in her 57th year.
Collings, son of Prince and Achsah, died 14 May, 1795, aged 17 days.
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, died 13 September, 1788, aged 14 months, 24 days.
Eleazer, died 4 July, 1796, in his 92d year.
Eleazer, died 20 January, 1824, in his 85th year.
Lydia, wife of Eleazer, died 9 February, 1795, in her 67th year.
Mary, wife of Eleazer, died 10 November, 1765, in her 65th year.
Moody, died 24 November, 1795, in his 61st year.
Patience, wife of Thomas, died 22 January, 1783, in her 79th year.
Susanna, daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah, died 8 May, 1797, aged 5 months, 5 days.
Thomas, died 25 September, 1761, in his 28th year.
Thomas, son of Capt. Eleazer and Bethiah, died 15 October, 1780, in his 13th year.
Thomas, died 29 May, 1785, in his 85th year.
Warren, son of Ebenexer and Hannah, died 9 January, 1811, aged 9 months, 11 days.
Edwin, son of Isaac and Eunice, died 7 September, 1843, aged 7 months.
Eliza Ann, daughter of Isaac and Eunice, died 13 September, 1845, aged 15 years, 6 months.
Isaac, died 24 October, 1813, in his 41st year.
Sally, widow of Isaac, died 27 April, 1851, in her 75th year.
Nathaniel, son of Thomas and Judith, died 26 December, 1746, aged 6 months, 27 days.
Hannah, wife of Silvanus, and widow of the late John ELDRIDGE, died 22 July, 1825, in her 74th year.
John (Capt.), died 1 December, 1832, in his 47th year.
Abraham, son of Samuel Esq., and Lucretia, died 18 January, 1736, aged 2 months, 26 days.
Edward, died 1 June, 1738, in his 66th year.
James, died 3 January, 1717/18, in his 49th year.
James (Jr.), drowned 8 January, 1724, in his 17th year.
Lucretia, daughter of Samuel Esq. and Lucretia, died 3 February, 1737, aged 2 months, 13 days.
Mehitable, wife of Edward, died 20 January, 1744, in her 59th year.
Mercy, wife of Samuel Esq., died 28 August, 1723, in her 42d year.
Prince, son of Thomas and Rebecca, died 8 June, 1738, aged 10 months, 3 days.
Thomas, of Yarmouth, merchant, died 5 April, 1739, in his 30th year.
_____, son of Heman and Lydia, born 1 December, 1838; died 20 April, 1839.
Abigail, wife of Lothrop, died 17 July, 1834, aged 74.
Abigail, daughter of Deacon Shubael and Mercy, died 29 July, 1755, in her 21st year.
Albert, son of Benjamin and Miranda, died 3 April, 1841, aged 7 months, 15 days.
Anna, daughter of Lothrop and Abigail, died 1 October, 1819, in her 16th year.
Benjamin (Capt.), died 2 September, 1808, in his 39th year.
Benjamin, died 26 June, 1814, in his 76th year.
Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Miranda, died 9 May, 1849, aged 14 months, 9 days.
Betsey, daughter of Capt. Samuel and Lucretia, died 4 October, 1833, in her 37th year.
Daniel (Esq.), died 24 March, 1815, aged 93.
Daniel (Jr.), died 6 April, 1825, in his 63d year.
David, son of William and Abigial, died 14 May, 1793, aged 14 months.
Desire, wife of Daniel Jr., died 23 February, 1825, in her 57th year.
Ebenezer, died 10 October, 1770, in his 82d year.
Ebenezer, died 4 March, 1843, in his 83d year.
Elhanan, son of Ebenezer and Temperance, died 3 June, 1829, aged 5 months.
Elisha, died 3 February, 1740, in his 76th year. [The last figure of the age is doubtful].
Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Esq., died 2 December, 1812, aged 91.
Experience, wife of Capt. Jesher, died 17 December, 1764, in her 73d year.
Hannah, wife of Richard, died 18 November, 1733, in her 85th year.
Hannah, widow of James, died 24 March, 1782, in her 68th year.
Hannah, wife of Solomon, and daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth KNOWLES of Eastham, died 3 April 1832, in her 66th year.
Hezekiah, died 21 February, 1776, in his77th year.
Howes (Deacon), died 4 July 1831, in his 54th year.
Isaac, died 21 July, 1755, in his 73d year.
Isaac, son of Isaac and Mary, died 12 July, 1778, in his 17th year.
Isaac, died 23 March, 1842 in his 63d year.
James, died 15 September, 1779, in his 73d year.
James, died 25 April, 1790, in his 22d year.
Jesher, died 31 October, 1752, in his 67th year.
Keziah (Mrs.), died 12 August, 1801, in her 68th year.
Lot, son of Lothrop and Abigail, died 14 August, 1792, aged 9 months.
Lothrop, died 2 March, 1764, in his 41st year.
Lothrop, died 12 March, 1841, in his 80th year.
Mary, wife of Isaac, died 19 July, 1779, in her 54th year.
Mary, wife of Ebenezer, died 29 November, 1789, in her 89th year.
Mehitable, wife of Hezekiah, died 29 July, 1769, aged 68.
Molly, daughter of Lothrop and Abigail, died 20 June, 1810, in her 18th year.
Molly, widow of Howes, died 9 August, 1839, in her 65th year.
Nabby, daughter of Lothrop and Thankful, died 9 March, 1813, in her 15th year.
Obed, son of Lothrop and Thankful, died 4 September, 1769, aged 10.
Phebe C., daughter of Oliver and Polly, died 18 July, 1836, aged 7 months, 15 days.
Polly, wife of Oliver, died 9 July, 1840, aged 32.
Reuben, died 5 August, 1785, in his 56th year.
Richard, died 15 November, 1732, in his 81st year.
Ruth, daughter of Jesher and Experience, died 18 June, 1737, in her 24th year.
Ruth (Miss), daughter of Lothrop and Abigail, died 15 March, 1851, aged 50.
Sally, died 7 December, 1838, aged 33.
Samuel (Capt.), died 30 April, 1841, in his 86th year.
Seth (Capt.), died 17 December, 1721, in his 46th year.
Shubael (Deacon), died 29 February, 1739, in his 51st year.
Shubael, died 13 October, 1762, in his 27th year.
Shubael, died 27 November, 1792, in his 30th year.
Solomon (Capt.), died 6 June, 1836, aged 71.
Temperance, widow of Reuben, died 7 March, 1795, in her 64th year.
Temperance, daughter of Hezekiah and Sally, died 1 September, 1796, aged 17.
Thankful, wife of Ebenezer, died 5 March, 1843, in her 80th year. [On stone of Ebenezer who died 1843].
Thankful, wife of Richard, died 11 October, 1812, in her 81st year.
Thomas, son of Deacon Shubael and Mercy, died 29 October, 1756, in his 20th year, three days after his return from the Expedition to Crown Point.
Abigail, widow of Hon. David, died 25 April, 1803, age 76. [On her husand's stone].
Allen, son of Josiah and Lydia, died 6 August, 1812, aged 1 year, 8 days.
Anner[sic], wife of Lieut, Peter, died 17 January, 1784, aged 69.
Anthony, died 26 March, 1711, in his 2d year.
Betsey Howes, daughter of Peter and Betty, died 16 July, 1780, aged 5 weeks.
Betty, widow of Peter, died 28 July, 1820, aged 80.
_____, son of David and Sarah, died 18 October, 1790, aged 4 days.
David, son of David and Sarah, died 16 August, 1793, aged 6 months.
David (Hon.), died 9 November, 1801, aged 72.
Desire, daughter of Joseph and Ruth, died 27 April, 1722, aged 20 days.
Desire, wife of Lieut. Josiah, died 27 February, 1788, in her 52d year.
Ebenezer, son of Joseph and Susanna, drowned at Saco., 22 August, 1786, in his 13th year. [On stone with Joseph who died 1790].
Ebenezer, died 1 April, 1831, in his 77th year.
Elizabeth, wife of Capt. Josiah Jr., died 10 May, 1773, in her 36th year.
Eunice, daughter of James and Susanna, died 9 November, 1823, in her 24th year.
Hannah (Mrs.), died 14 June, 1748, in her 33d year.
Henry, son of Peter and Betty, died 20 March, 1776, aged 9 months.
Henry, son of Peter and Betty, died 26 August, 1777, aged 6 months.
Isaac H., son of Samuel and Polly, died 26 May, 1845, aged 4 months.
James, died 28 November, 1832, in his 69th year.
John (Hon.), died 8 May, 1713, in his 75th year.
John, died 12 August, 1799, in his 60th year.
Joseph (Col.) [The headstone is very badly worn. The name is from the footstone. He died 17 June, 1763. Town Records, III: 219].
Joseph, died 30 August, 1790, in his 22d year. [On stone with Ebenezer who died 1786].
Joseph Freeman, son of Joseph and Phebe, died 5 September, 1821, aged 4 years, 6 months, 24 days.
Josiah (Deacon), died 12 May, 1702, in his 36th year.
Judah (Esq), died 8 January, 1775, in his 82d year.
Judah, son of Josiah and Lydia, died 13 May, 1797, aged 1 year, 11 months, 2 days.
Lewis, son of Peter and Anna, died 24 November, 1742, age 8 months.
Lewis, died 7 November, 1778, aged 27.
Lydia, daughter of Thomas and Thankful, died 10 September, 1736, aged 10 days.
Lydia, wife of Hon. John, died 2 August, 1744, in her 83d year.
Lydia, wife of Peter, died 1 June, 1825, aged 45.
Mary, widow of Deacon Josiah, died 15 January, 1811, in her 67th year.
Mary, widow of Col. Thomas, died 24 November, 1841, aged 84.
Matilda, daughter of James and Susanna, died 8 April, 1824, aged 7 weeks.
Mehitable, daughter of David and Abigial, died 24 April, 1764, in her 5th year.
Mehitable, daughter of William and Thankful, died 2 April, 1774, in her 6th year.
Nancy, daughter of James and Susanna, died 19 October, 1804, aged 6 years, 1 month.
Peter (Esq.), died 13 February, 1736, in his 71st year.
Peter, son of Peter Jr. and Betty, died 19 March, 1773, aged 10 months.
Peter (Lieut.), died 21 August, 1775, in his 63d year.
Peter, died 27 September, 1802, aged 65.
Polly C., daughter of Thomas and Mary, died 25 April, 1826, aged 35.
Ruth, wife of Col. Joseph, died 3 May, 1772, in her 63d year.
Sally, daughter of Col. Thomas and Mary, died 16 July, 1802, aged 14 months.
Samuel, son of Peter Jr. and Betty, died 4 July, 1766, aged 5 months.
Sarah, wife of Judah Esq., died 20 October, 1771, in her 70th year.
Sarah, wife of David Jr., died 21 July, 1793, in her 23d year.
Solomon, died September, 1798, aged 49. [On stone with Solomon Jr.]
Solomon Jr., lost at sea, 30 September, 1811, aged 21. [On stone with Solomon].
Susanna, wife of James, died 28 September, 1823, in her 48th year.
Susanna, widow of James, died 2 September, 1862, aged 88 years, 10 months.
Tamsen, wife of Ebenezer, died 20 March, 1828, in her 65th year.
Thankful, widow of Peter, Esq., died 1 May, 1745, in her 71st year.
Thankful (Mrs.), died 5 March, 1764, in her 19th year.
Thomas, son of Lieut. Thomas and Mary, died 11 May, 1795, aged 16 months, 15 days.
Thomas (Col.), died 24 February, 1806, in his 50th year.
Hannah, wife of Zebulon, died 9 November, 1721, in her 66th year.
Alfred, son of Dr. Calvin and Catherine, born 1 May, 1809; died 14 July, 1809.
Gad Hitchcock, son of Dr. Calvin and Catherine, born 23 June, 1810; died 15 December, 1810.
Desire, daughter of Philip and Mercy, died 17 February, 1756, in her 19th year.
Mercy, wife of Philip, died 17 March, 1756, in her 62d year.
Philip, died 9 March, 1744, in his 62d year.
Andrew W., lost at sea, 1841, aged 19 years, 6 months. [On stone with Enoch].
Content, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah, died 1 June, 1794, aged 1 year, 8 months.
Content W., daughter of Jonathan and Sarah, died 1 March, 1854, aged 54.
Ebenezer, died 21 January, 1867, aged 81 years, 6 months [On stone with Andrew W,].
John Jr., died 30 June, 1797.
Jonathan, died 27 April 1822, aged 69.
Mary S., daughter of Jonathan and Sarah of Yarmouth, died 7 April 1834, aged 28.
Mercy, wife of Miller, died 13 May, 1779, in her 26th year.
Sarah, widow of Jonathan, died 17 June, 1827, aged 63, [On stone of her husband].
Sarah G., wife of Sylvanus, died 9 September, 1843, aged 21 years, 6 months.
Susanna, wife of John, died 10 November, 1752, in her 30th year.
Betsey, wife of Peregrine, died 24 October, 1831, in her 46th year.
Isaac Jr., died 16 September, 1835, in his 28th year.
Isaac, died 29 May, 1850, aged 74. "5.generation of the first white man born in New England."
Joseph, died 4 June, 1782, in his 80th year, "& Grandchild to the First Whtie man Born in New England."
_____, By the side of the preceding stone are fragments of another. When matched as far as possible the following portions of an inscription were made out:
[worn Men[worn] mr Jose'[worn] 4th, 1780 in [worn] 75th year [worn]er Age.
The space between the line on which Mem[ory] appears and that on which mr Jose[ph] was on the missing fragment. The sex is shown by the expression "[h]er Age," and the age, 75, indicates a wife rather than a daughter.
As these fragments lie beside the stone of Joseph White who died two years later, in 1782, at the age of 80, it seems safe to assume that they were formerly a part of his wife's stone.
White (Continued)
Joseph (Deacon), died 3 November, 1812, in his 71st year. "He is the fourth from the first man born in New England."
Joseph, died 3 July, 1816, in his 48th year. "He is the fifth generation of the first white-man Born in New England."
Joseph (Deacon), died 16 January, 1856, aged 60 years, 7 months. "He was the sixth generation of the first white child born in New England."
_____, son of Joseph and Susanna, died 21 July, 1822, aged 5 hours.
Lucy, daughter of Joseph and Susanna, died 20 July, 1818, aged 8 months, 7 days.
Otis, son of Joseph and Lucy, died 26 March, 1818, in his 21st year.
Peregrine, died 24 October, 1833, in his 49th year. "He is the fifth generation of the first White-man born in New England."
Rebecca, daughter of Deacon Joseph and Rebecca, died 21 May, 1807, aged 31.
Rebecca, widow of Deacon Joseph, died 14 November, 1827, in her 86th year. Epitaph "Composed by Rev. T. Alden aged 92."
Ruth, daughter of Isaac and Sarah, died 5 March, 1828, in her 27th year.
Sarah, wife of Isaac, died 9 June, 1845, aged 71.
Susanna, wife of Joseph, died 16 October, 1827, in her 34th year.
Florence Maria, daughter of James S. and Zipporah H., died 6 August 1838, aged 2 years, 7 months, 22 days.
_____, died __ 3, 1760, aged 97.
Catherine, wife of Thomas, died 6 March, 1836, aged 30.
Hannah, wife of Thomas, died 18 June, 1845, aged 32 years, 8 months, 11 days.
Mary, wife of Samuel, of Boston, died 25 August, 1847, aged 76.
Betsey B., widow of Joshua, died 17 June, 1850, aged 78 years, 3 months. [On her husband's stone].
Joshua, died 28 May, 1836, aged 67 years, 9 months. "A kind and affectionate Father and a loving praying Mother."
Isabella G., daughter of John A. and Elizabeth, died 25 December, 1842, aged 23 months, 11 days.
John A., son of John A. and Elizabeth, died 12 November, 1849, aged 2 years, 4 months, 18 days.
John G., son of John A. and Elizabeth, died 14 March, 1836, aged 5 weeks.
Priscilla B., daughter of John A. and Elizabeth, died 21 March, 1840, aged 19 months.
Sally T., wife of Lothrop L., died 5 April, 1849, aged 39.
Louisa, wife of Perkins, died 6 May, 1838, aged 29 years, 8 months. "affection never found a kinder mother."
Eliza, wife of Jonathan, also widow of John THACHER Jr., died 19 March, 1855, aged 60.
Daniel, son of Daniel and Lucinda D., died 17 October, 1841, aged 6 days.
Lucinda D., daughter of Daniel and Lucinda D., died 31 August, 1838, aged 18 months.
Mary S., daughter of Edward W. and Sally, died 9 September, 1830, aged 2 years, 12 days.
Mary S., daughter of Edward W. and Sally, died 17 March, 1832, aged 6 months.
Hannah, daughter of Otis and Sarah, died 20 September, 1834, aged 16 days.
Rodman, son of Otis and Sarah, died 18 July, 1844, aged 11 months, 2 days.
Charles, son of Eliphalet and Polly, drowned 16 March, 1840, aged 10.
Thomas, son of Eliphalet and Polly, died 20 September, 1843, aged 16.
Elizabeth, daughter of John and Kezia, died 13 July, 1838, aged 1 year, 27 days.
_____, daughter of John and Kezia, died 3 August, 1831, aged 4 days.
John, son of John and Keziah, died 22 April, 1828, aged 8 months, 15 days.
John, son of John and Keziah, died 4 Feburary, 1826, aged 2 years, 28 days.
Miriam Germain, daughter of William S. and Elizabeth I., died 20 September, 1846, aged 6 years, 2 months.
Esther, wife of Andrew, died 22 February, 1830, aged 41.
Ebenezer, died 1 November, 1830, aged 78 years, 3 days.
Jane, widow of Ebenezer, died 28 December, 1834, in her 75th year.
Almira, daughter of Thacher and Dinah, died 1 November, 1837, aged 1 year, 6 days.
Eleanor T., daughter of Sylvanus and Lydia, died 21 November, 1848, aged 29.
Hezekiah, born 1776; died 8 August, 1835, aged 59.
Thacher, son of Thacher and Dinah, died 2 October, 1842, aged 1 year 11 months.
Isabella, daughter of John and Sarah, died at Boston, 22 April, 1834, aged 15 years, 7 months.
John Jr., died 8 September, 1828, in his 35th year. Entombed at Chelsea, 9 Sept., and removed to this spot 12 December, 1828. "A husband, father, friend behold."
Joseph W., died 28 September, 1845, aged 31.
Joseph Warren, son of Joseph W. and Lucy, died 26 January, 1846, aged 6 months.
George H., son of Joseph and Sally H., born 2 July, 1843; died 15 July, 1848.
Henry, son of Joseph and Sally H., born 5 March, 1841; died 14 June, 1846.
Sally H., wife of Joseph, born 22 January, 1807; died 18 June, 1846.
Abner, born 28 March, 1764; died at Aux Cays, 7 January, 1797.
Anna, wife of Bangs, 1809 - 1887. [On her husband's stone].
Ansel (Capt.), died 3 February, 1832, aged 61.
Bangs, son of Bangs and Anna, born 3 September, 1838; died 21 April, 1839.
Bangs, 1807 - 1893.
_____, daughter of Bangs and Anna, born 6 March, 1837; died 1837.
_____, son of Bangs and Anna, died 24 June, 1843.
_____, son of Bangs and Anna, 1844 - 1844. [On his father's stone].
_____, daughter of Bangs and Anna, died 25 April, 1846, aged 7 weeks.
_____, daughter of Bangs and Anna, 1852 - 1852. [On her father's stone].
Charles, died 26 September, 1832, aged 43.
Charles Lewis, first officer of Bark Zamora, wrecked near Monument Point, Plymouth. He lost his life attempting to reach the shore to save the lives of those on board, 16 December, 1845, aged 25.
Charlotte, daughter of Edward and Rebecca, died 12 October, 1825, aged 1 year, 16 days.
Charlotte (Mrs.), died 26 September, 1848, aged 39 years, 7 months.
Edith, daughter of Edward and Rebecca, died 19 May, 1840, aged 4 months.
Edward B., born 16 March, 1782; died 5 September, 1847.
Eliza B., daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth, died 14 Decmeber, 1845, aged 5 years, 9 months, 8 days.
Elizabeth A., daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth, died 10 September, 1849, aged 1 year, 10 months, 28 days.
Ellen, daughter of Edward and Rebecca, died 9 May, 1840, aged 3.
Francis, lost at sea, 1846, aged 37.
George, son of Ebenezer and Olive, died at New Bedford, 12 January, 1847, aged 19.
Gideon E., died at Memphis, Tenn., 21 October, 1840, aged 30.
Gideon E., son of Edward and Rebecca, died 9 October, 1843, aged 6 months.
Grace, wife of Thomas, died 1 November, 1848, aged 21. [On her husband's stone].
James, son of James G. and Mary, died 17 April, 1839, aged 48 days.
_____, son of James G. and Mary, died 31 March, 1836, aged 3 days.
_____, son of James G. and Mary E., died 18 November, 1846, age 1 day.
Jeremiah, died 28 June, 1839, aged 64.
John C., son of Andrew and Hetty D., died 24 March, 1834, aged 3.
Joseph, born 6 October, 1819; died 27 October, 1849.
Josephine Comstock, daughter of Franklin and Meribah R., died 4 Decemeber, 1850, aged 14 months.
_____, child of Franklin and Meribah R., died 5 May, 1848, aged 5 days.
Lot, died 16 September, 1848, aged 70 years, 11 months.
Lovilla, wife of Joseph, died 26 December, 1846, aged 25. [On her husband's stone].
Lucy, wife of Joshua, died 31 December, 1846, aged 65 years, 9 months.
Lucy, died December, 1842, aged 4. [In lot with Lothrop and Catherine Hallet].
Marianne, daughter of Bangs and Anna, died 20 September, 1846, aged 3 years, 6 months, 4 days.
Mary, daughter of James G. and Mary, died 24 September, 1833, aged 10 days.
Mary, wife of Abner, born 1 September, 1762; died 4 May, 1845. [On her husband's stone].
Mercy, wife of Randal, died 8 September, 1831, in her 30th year.
Nathan, son of Ansel and Anne, died 26 March, 1806, aged 11 months.
O. H., son of Randal and Mercy, born 27 July, 1830; died 31 May, 1831.
Oliver, born 8 November, 1892; died 2 July, 1842.
Polly, wife of Timothy, died 23 September, 1840, aged 61.
Randal, died 19 March, 1832, in his 34th year.
Reuben, son of Ansel and Anna, died 26 April, 1814, aged 5 years, 17 days.
Thomas, died 1 September, 1861, aged 41.
William B., son of Francis and Lucy, died 2 November, 1843, aged 13 months, 19 days.
Winslow, son of Francis and Lucy, lost at sea, November, 1864, aged 24 years, 6 months. [On stone with Francis.].
Benjamin, 1798 - 1837.
Benjamin, 1836 - 1838. [On stone with Elizabeth].
Elizabeth, 1834 - 1837. [On stone with Benjamin].
Hannah, wife of Joseph, born 16 March, 1773; died 9 February, 1842.
Hannah S., 1800 - 1884. [On stone of Benjamin who died 1837].
Lucia D., child of Benjamin and Eleanor, died 21 September, 1833, aged 8 months, 14 days.
Thomas W., son of Benjamin and Eleanor, died 29 August, 1838, aged 13 months, 23 days.
Anna, widow of Shubael of Middleborough, died 10 June, 1842, aged 84.
Jacob G., son of Wilber and Hannah, died 23 February, 1840, aged 1 year, 5 months, 9 days.
Wilber K., son of Wilber and Hannah, died 23 July, 1837, aged 3.
Wilber K., died 29 October, 1845, aged 45.
Abram (Capt.), son of Dr. James and Abigail, Master of ship Coquimbo, died on his passage from Gibraltar to Boston, 24 April, 1848, aged 29.
Adeline, daughter of Dr. James and Abigail, died 25 August, 1836, aged 19 years.
Thankful, widow of Isaac, died 2 December, 1849, aged 81 years, 9 months.
Herbert, son of Joseph P. and Jane W., died 20 May, 1849, aged 5 months, 23 days.
Abigail, wife of Prince, died 13 May, 1833, aged 63. [On stone of Prince who died 1832].
Frederic Meriam, son of Frederic and Eliza F., born 12 March, 1841; died 31 December, 1845.
Lucy Ada, daughter of Frederic and Eliza F., born 9 October, 1843; died 27 December, 1845.
Olive, daughter of Ebenezer and Ruth, born 14 November, 1763; died 20 May, 1848.
Patience, wife of Ebenezer, died 29 August, 1834, aged 55.
Prince, died 27 September, 1832, aged 62.
Prince, died 13 April, 1842, aged 41.
Mary, wife of Thomas, died 9 April, 1844, aged 88.
Blana (Mr.), died 22 January, 1846, aged 41.
Nelson T., son of Eldred and Charity, died 17 October, 1842, aged 19 months.
Mary E., daughter of Warren and Elizabeth, died 1 August, 1846, aged 10 months.
Nabby, wife of David, died 29 January, 1846, aged 36.
_____, infant son of David and Nabby. [on his mother's stone].
Edwin, died at Charleston, S.C., 28 March, 1846, aged 21. [On stone with Theodore].
George, son of George and Alice, died 5 November, 1834, aged 15 days.
Lucy, wife of Nathaniel, also widow of Francis HALLETT, born 25 March, 1809; died 13 April, 1876. [On stone of Francis Hallett].
Prince, born 27 July, 1812; died 9 April, 1848.
_____, infant son of Prince and Lucy S., died 9 December, 1838.
Theodore, died 23 January, 1846, aged 24. [On stone with Edwin].
William A., died 18 June, 1836, aged 43.
Mary Ann, born 13 November, 1817; died 17 November, 1845.
Harriet Fiske, daughter of Timothy and Susan P., died 8 October, 1831, aged 16 weeks.
Susan Pierce, wife of Timothy Esq., died 5 July, 1831, aged 27. "Her children arise up & call her blessed."
Hester Ann R., daughter of Benjamin and Betsy, died 7 November, 1842, aged 15 years, 7 months, 28 days.
Preserved S., son of Benjamin and Betsy, died 1 January, 1840, aged 21.
Sarah Ann, wife of George, died 21 January, 1850, aged 27.
Theodore H., son of Edmund H. and Elizabeth A., born 12 August, 1845; died 3 September, 1847.
Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, died 13 September, 1788, aged 14 months, 24 days. [On stone with _____ and Warren].
Ebenezer (Capt.), a revolutionary soldier, died 17 September, 1835, aged 80.
Ebenezer, died in Boston, 29 May, 1845, aged 27. [On stone with Joshua].
Hannah, wife of Ebenezer, died 18 February, 1817, aged 47.
_____, daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah, died 8 May, 1797, aged 5 months, 5 days.
Joshua, died in Burlington, Wis., 8 October, 1837, aged 22 . [On stone with Ebenezer who died 1845].
Warren, son of Ebenezer and Hannah, died 9 January, 1811, aged 9 months, 11 days.
Eliza J. Thacher, wife of N.S., 1803 - 1836.
John, son of Capt. William and Emily, born in Baltimore, MD., died 1 February, 1842, aged 21 years, 8 months. "In memory of our Brother."
David, died in Nashua, N.H., 20 February, 1845, aged 35 years, 6 months.
Jane, wife of David, died 15 December, 1835, aged 22 years, 8 days.
Banabas, born 26 August, 1768; died 26 September, 1832.
Betsey Howes, daughter of Col. Rufus L. and Betsey, died 14 August, 1833, aged 6 months.
Charles, son of H. and E., died 21 August, 1824, aged 32 months, 20 days.
Cornelia, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, died 20 July, 1826, aged 21 months.
Elizabeth, wife of Henry Esq., died 17 December, 1846, aged 61.
George, son of Henry and Elizabeth, died 31 December, 1835, aged 19.
Harriet H., daughter of Paddock and Lucy, died 14 October, 1826, aged 1 year, 15 days.
Henry (Esq.), died 30 July, 1833, aged 55.
Henry G., son of Henry and Elizabeth, died 10 January, 1833, aged 27.
Jane H., daughter of Rufus L. and Betsey, died 14 February, 1844, aged 3 years, 2 months. [On stone with Rufus L. who died 1844].
John Jr., died 10 June, 1827, aged 44. [On stone of Mrs. Eliza Burgess].
Joshua, son of Edward and Lydia T., died 12 September, 1826, aged 18 months.
Joshua G., son of Edward and Lydia T., died 19 May, 1829, aged 1 month.
Lucy Ellen, daughter of Paddock and Lucy, died 1 June, 1839, aged 19 months.
Lydia T., wife of Edward, born 22 November, 1802; died 4 July, 1835.
Maria E, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, died 31 August, 1837, aged 23.
Mary, wife of Barnabas, born 28 August, 1769, died 11 August, 1838.
Mary B., daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, died 9 November, 1827, aged 18.
Mary Gorham, 2 February, 1822; 18 September, 1850.
Mary Gorham, 18 September, 1850; 14 October, 1850. [these two on one stone].
Rufus L., son of Rufus L. and Betsey, died 12 February, 1844, aged 1 year, 2 months. [On stone with Jane H.].
Russell, son of Paddock and Lucy, died 4 August, 1824, aged 15 months, 21 days.
Sally, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, died 19 March, 1826, aged 14.
_____, son of Thomas and Mary Gorham, died 16 August, 1846.
_____, daughter of Thomas and Mary Gorham, died 16 August, 1846.
Winslow L., son of Henry and Elizabeth, died 14 April, 1834, aged 26.
Prentiss, died at New Orleans, La., 24 August, 1842, aged 42.
John ELDREDGE, died of small pox, 6 January, 1797, in his 54th year.
Isaac MATTHEWS, died of small pox, 15 December, 1796, in is 61st year.
E. T. and S. T. on one stone between two graves.
[These three stones are in a private ground, northwest from Follen's Pond, and southeast from the house of David Whelden, which is on the road from Dennis to South Yarmouth].-
John HALL, died of small pox, 14 December, 1801, in his 64th year.
[This stone is in the wood lot of Albert Taylor, north of the State Road to Brewster, near the Dennis line.]