Extracted From
Worcester, Births, Marriages & Deaths
Worcester, Mass.: Worcester Society of Antiquity
[Transcribed by Coralynn Brown]

This printed register includes all the Births recorded in Worcester from the date of the earliest, November 7th, 1714, to January 1st, 1849.
Ann, d. of George and Ann, July 8, 1848.
Abisha, s. of Wareham-D. and Hannah, Feb. 3, 1829.
Elizabeth, d. of William-D. and Sarah-E. Feb. 14, 1845.
George-B., s. of Wareham-D. and Hannah, March 25, 1831.
Martha-Coburn, d. of Calvin and Elizabeth, Sept. 11, 1818.
William-Albert, s. of William-D. and Sarah-E., Oct. 8, 1843.
Benjamin, (twin) s. of Samuel and Ruth, April 28, 1751.
Josiah. (twin) s. of Samuel and Ruth, April 28, 1751.
Dolly, d. of John and Grace, Oct. 3, 1807.
Lucy, d. of John and Grace, Sept. 28, 1801.
Sally, d. of John and Grace, Sept. 16, 1797.
Isaac, s. of ____ and Rebecca, Jan. 11, 1824. Central Church.
Lewis, s. of ____ and Rebecca, Jan. 11, 1824. Central Church.
Mary-Emma, d. of Madison and Mary-A., July 9, 1844.
Ralph-Parker, s. of ____ and Rebecca, Jan. 11, 1824. Baptism Central Church.
Willis-Madison, s. of Madison and Mary-A., Feb. 3, 1846.
William, s. of John and Margaret, Sept. —, 1845.
Abigail-Temple, d. of Deming-J. and Abigail-P.-B., Sept. 21, 1837.
Davis-Nelson, s. of Deming-J. and Abigail-P.-B., Feb. 8, 1840.
Helena-Caroline, d. of George-L. and Mary-G., Jan. 26, 1848.
Julia-Putnam, d. of Orrin and Julia-P., May 7, 1842.
Wallace-K., s. of Harrison-R. and Julia-E., Aug. 31, 1846.
____ , d. of Caleb and Ann-Maria, Aug. 10, 1847.
Ann, d. of Warren and Sarah, March 26, 1847.
Edward-Franklin, s. of Tilly and Mercy-R., Sept. 17, 1833.
Edward-Tilly, s. of Tilly and Mercy-R., Aug. 8, 1844.
Frederick-Randall, s. of Tilly and Mercy-R., June 11, 1846.
John-Arnold, s. of Tilly and Mercy-R., Feb. 12, 1836.
Corrected by Maj. E.-T. Raymond.
Abigail-Curtis, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, April 28, 1818.
Ebenezer-Chapin, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, May 10, 1820.
Frances-Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1829.
John-Alexander, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1822.
Sarah-Elizabeth, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, May 20, 1826.
Ann, d. of Peter and Mary, Feb. 23, 1847.
Charles-L., s. of Charles-L. and Susan-C., March 30, 1847.
Charles, s. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. —, 1803. (In Boston.)
Mary-Stearns, d. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 19, 1806.
____, s. of Jonathan-B. and Eliza, April 12, 1845.
Clara-Madonna, d. of Thaddeus and Mary-R., Nov. 9, 1847.
Thomas, s. of Matthew and Ann, Jan. 2, 1848. St. John's R. C. Church.
Addison-L., s. of Addison and Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1846.
Ellen-Lucretia, d. of Marvin and Mary, April 7, 1844.
Rufus-Alonzo, s. of Marvin and Mary, April 29, 1842.
Aaron, s. of Moses and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1724-5.
Abby-Irena, d. of Thomas-H. and Abigail, March 18, 1846.
Abel, s. of Adonijah and Percis, March 29, 1746.
Abigail, d. of Moses and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1722-3.
Abigail, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, March 28, 1732.
Abigail, d. of Jezeniah and Lydia, March 5, 1743-4.
Abigail, d. of Absalom and Elisebath, Oct. 7, 1746.
Abigail, d. of Adonijah and Persis, May 27, 1753.
Abisha, s. of Abisha and Frances, Oct. 14, 1740.
Absalom, s. of Absalom and Elisebath, Jan. 1, 1753.
Adonijah, s. of Jonas and Mary, Nov. 7, 1714.
Adonijah, s. of Adonijah and Persis, Sept. 12, 1742.
Alfred-Lewis, s. of Ebenezer-M. and Sarah-A., July 18, 1845.
Amelia-Washburn, d. of Sewall and Hannah-D., April 14, 1830.
Amos, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1727.
Ann, d. of Zephaniah and Mary, Aug. 7, 1729.
Anna, d. of Jezeniah and Lidia, Oct. 24, 1735.
Anna-J., d. of Thomas-C. and Eliza, Dec. 15, 1848.
Artemas, s. of Moses and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1734.
Arthur-Waldo, s. of George-T. and Elizabeth-S., Oct. 29, 1847.
Asa, s. of Abisha and Frances, Feb. 8, 1731-2.
Austin-Curtis, s. of Curtis and Elizabeth, June 10, 1827.
Azubah, d. of Absalom and Elesebath, March 12, 1735.
Azubah, d. of Jonathan and Eunice, April 24, 1768.
Barzilai, s. of Jezeniah and Lidy, Feb. 9, 1742.
Bathshebe, d. of Matthias and Mary, Oct. 14, 1741.
Bathsheba, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, June 3, 1742.
Bathshiba, (twin) d. of Matthias and Mary, Aug. 21, 1744.
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin-P. and Deborah-C., Oct. 24, 1831.
Bertrand-Josiah, s. of Josiah and Julia, Feb. 21, 1843.
Beulah, d. of James and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1716.
Beulia, d. of Jezeniah and Lidia, March 24, 1740.
Betty, d. of Comfort and Martha, May 27, 1768.
Betty, d. of Jonathan and Unis, May 11, 1771.
Calvin, s. of Jabez and Mary, Jan. 13, 1833.
Calvin-Hart, s. of Elijah and Betty, July 30, 1826. Baptism Central Church.
Caroline-Chamberlin, d. of Jabez and Mary, Nov. 25, 1834.
Catherine, d. of Jonas and Esther, Sept. 24, 1813.
Charles-Austin, s. of Washington and Sally, April 9, 1839.
Charles-Edgar, s. of Charles-E. and Mary-E., Oct. 31, 1844.
Charles-Goulding, s. of William and Patty, Nov. 1, 1799.
Chloe-Chapin, d. of Josiah and Cynthia, Feb. 17. 1813.
Clara-Elvira, d. of Peter and Sarah-E., Sept. 7, 1848.
Clarissa-Warner, d. of Curtis and Elizabeth, July 3, 1825.
Comfort, s. of Gershom and Hester, Aug. 10, 1729.
Cornelia-Augusta, d. of Charles-W. and Cornelia-A., Jan. 8, 1835.
Cyrus, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Dec, 10, 1726.
Daniel, s. of Eliakem and Mehitable, Dec. 29, 1733.
Daniel, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1794.
Daniel, s. of Curtis and Elizabeth, March 16, 1819.
Darius, s. of Gershom and Hester, June 23, 1723.
Darius, s. of Gershom and Hester, March 21, 1731.
Darius, s. of Comfort and Martha, Nov. 2, 1766.
Dency-Emma-Theresa, d. of Erastus-D. and Dency-L., June 3, 1845.
Dinah, d. of Moses and Sarah, Jan. 2, 1726-7.
Ebenezer-Murray, s. of Elijah and Betty, July 30, 1826. Baptism Central Church.
Edward, s. of Comfort and Martha, March 27, 1773.
Edward-B., s. of Edward-B. and Harriet, May 3, 1835.
Elbridge-Merrick, s. of Curtis and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1834.
Eliakem, s. of Eliakem and Mehitable, April 4, 1736.
Elijah, s. of Barzilai and Abigail, Sept. 14, 1740.
Elijah-Lorenzo, s. of Elijah ? and Betty, April 15, 1827. Baptism Central Church.
Eliner, d. of Tiros and Eliner, June 29, 1728.
Eliza, d. of Levi and Betsey, May 14, 1810.
Elesibeth, d. of Gershom and Hester, March 31, 1721.
Elesabeth, d. of Gershom and Easter, Feb. 1, 1726-7.
Elisebath, d. of Zebediah and Elisebath, Jan. 21, 1739-40.
Elisebath, of Absalom and Elisebath, April 12, 1742.
Elizabeth, d. of Eliakem and Mehitable, July 31, 1748.
Elizabeth-Jane, d. of George-M. and Rutha, Nov. 15, 1841.
Elizabeth-Mary, d. of Luke and Mary, May 20, 1813.
Elizabeth-Waldo, d. of Benjamin-P. and Deborah-C., May 25, 1833.
Ellen-Maria, d. of Darius and Rhoda-F., March 1, 1838.
Ellen-Williams, d. of Charles-W. and Cornelia, Aug. 23, 1841.
Ellena-Sophia, d. of Charles-H. and Joanna, Nov. 10, 1848.
Emily, d. of Jonas and Esther, April 24, 1818.
Erastus-Brooks. s. of Josiah, 2d and Mary, June 24, 1821. (In Holden.)
Esther, d. of Comfort and Martha, Dec. 29, 1755.
Esther, d. of Lemuel and Abigail, Jan. 24, 1766.
Esther-Clark, d. of Jonas and Esther, Dec. 4, 1810.
Esther-Maria, d. of Emerson-K. and Maria, Sept. 26, 1845.
Eunice, d. of Jonathan and Eunice, Jan. 9, 1762.
Eunice, d. of Jonathan and Eunice. Feb. 12, 1766.
Eunice-Whipple, d. of Jonas and Esther, Dec. 25, 1802.
Ezekiel, s. of Eliakem and Mehitable, Dec. 21, 1742.
Ezra-Beaman, s. of Jabez and Mary, Oct. 17, 1825.
Frances, d. of Jabez and Mary, Jan. 7, 1837.
Frances-Elvira, d. of Edward and Elvira, Feb. 16, 1845.
Frances-Irena, d. of Thomas-H. and Irena, _____, 1837.
Francis-Blake, s. of George-T. and Elizabeth, April 12, 1835.
George-F., s. of George-F. and Elizabeth, May 31, 1843.
George-Henry, s. of Darius and Rhoda-F., Nov. 28, 1840.
George-M., s. of Edward-B. and Harriet, March 24, 1831.
George-Merrick, s. of George-M. and Rutha-Jane, March 29, 1833.
George-Murray, s. of Ebenezer-M. and Sarah-A, Oct. 20, 1843.
George-Parkman, s. of James-C. and Sarah-M., Aug. 14, 1848.
George-Tilly, s. of George-T. and Elizabeth, Oct. 27, 1831.
Grace, d. of Tyrus and Elener, Aug. 7, 1730.
Grace, d. of Abisha and Frances, Nov. 23, 1733.
Hannah, d. of Thomas and Mary, March 5, 1729-30.
Hannah, d. of Tiras and Elener, June 17, 1733.
Hannah, d. of Zebediah and Elisebath, March 19, 1753.
Harriet, d. of Jabez and Mary, May 9, 1824.
Harriet-Eldora, d. of John, 2d and Elizabeth-A., Oct. 2, 1848.
Harriet-Eliza, d. of Curtis and Elizabeth, Feb. 16, 1821.
Harriet-Judson, d. of Josiah, 2d and Mary, Sept. 6, 1842.
Henrietta-Heard, d. of George-M. and Rutha-J., March 15, 1840.
Henry-Hapgood, s. of Benjamin-P. and Deborah-C., Dec. 26, 1837.
Herbert-Maynard, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth-P., Jan. 24, 1845.
Ithamer, s. of Matthias and Mary, Nov. 25, 1743.
Jabez-Milton, s. of Jabez and Mary, Aug. 15, 1831.
James, s. of Abishai and Frances, Aug. 7, 1730.
James, s. of Zebediah and Elisebath, July 4, 1744.
Jean, d. of Jonas and Jean, Aug. 17, 1734.
Noel, s. of Jonas and Bathsheba, Aug. 23, 1752.
John, s. of Matthias and Mary, Dec. 17, 1738-9.
John-Abbot, s. of Benjamin-P. and Deborah-C., Dec. —, 1836.
John-Green, s. of Enoch-P. and Mary-E., Sept. 22, 1848.
Jonas, s. of Jonas and Jean, Aug. 5, 1732.
Jonas, s. of Adonijah and Persis, June 29, 1755.
Jonas, s. of Jonathan and Eunice, Nov. 4, 1775.
Jonathan, s. of Absalom and Elisebath, April 8, 1736.
Jonathan, s. of Zebediah and Elisebath, May 13, 1750.
Jonathan, s. of Comfort and Martha, July 24, 1737.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Eunice, Jan. 25, 1764.
Jonathan, s. of Comfort and Martha, March 7, 1764.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Eunice, May 2, 1778.
Jonathan, s. of Jonas and Esther, Feb. 28, 1801.
Jonathan-L., s. of Lemuel and Abigail, Sept. 7, 1768.
Joseph-Henry, s. of Elijah and Betty, July 30, 1826. Baptism Central Church.
Josiah, s. of Matthias and Mary, Aug. 20, 1746.
Josiah, s. of Thomas and Judeth, Nov. 10, 1757.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1780.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Cynthia, Sept. 19, 1807.
Judeth, d. of Thomas and Judeth, July 27, 1751.
Judith, d. of Thomas and Lydia, Nov. 5, 1782.
Judith-Adams, d. of Sewall and Hannah-D., Feb. 15, 1834.
Kesiah, d. of Gershom and Easter, Sept. 15, 1724.
Keziah, d. of Gershom and Hester, June 14, 1734.
Leonard, s. of Josiah and Cynthia, Oct. 12, 1805.
Levi, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, May 27, 1772.
Lois, d. of Absalom and Elisabeth, Dec. 31, 1748-9.
Louisa-Mary, d. of Josiah, 2d and Mary, Aug. 14, 1832. (In West Boylston.)
Loveniah, d. of Josiah and Sarah, May 5, 1728.
Lucien-Jerome, s. of Thomas-H. and Abigail, Aug. 14, 1841.
Luce, d. of Abisha and Frances, Oct. 2, 1724.
Lucy, d. of Luke and Mary, Jan. 20, 1811.
Lucy-Rand, d. of Peter and Sarah, Jan. 25, 1818.
Luther, s. of Josiah and Cynthia, April 1, 1810.
Lydia, d. of Jezeniah and Lydia, Nov. 26, 1737.
Lydia, d. of Absalom and Elizebeth, Nov. 18, 1740.
Lydia, d. of Zebediah and Elisebath, June 9, 1746.
Lydia, d. of Thomas and Lydia, July 18, 1785.
Maria-Watson, d. of Curtis and Elizabeth, Feb. 5, 1833.
Martha, d. of Jotham and Mary, May 5, 1735.
Martha, d. of Jezeniah and Lydia, May 30, 1749.
Martha-Amelia-Jerusha, d. of Josiah 2d and Mary, Jan. 22, 1835.
Martha-Hubbard, d. of Thomas-H. and Abigail, March 6, 1844.
Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary, April 26, 1727.
Mary, d. of Zepheniah and Mary, June 22, 1727.
Mary, d. of Jonas and Jean, May 18, 1737.
Mary, d. of Zebediah and Elesebeth, Dec. 17, 1737.
Mary, d. of Absalom and Elesebath, Feb. 5, 1743-4.
Mary, d. of Adonijah and Percis, Feb. 10, 1750.
Mary, d. of Thomas and Judeth, July 26, 1750.
Mary, d. of Comfort and Martha, Feb. 27, 1761.
Mary, d. of Jonathan and Eunice, May 9, 1781.
Mary-A., d. of Benjamin-P. and Hannah-S., Oct. 26, 1846.
Mary-Catherine, d. of B.-P. and ____ , Aug. 7, 1842. Baptism Central Church.
Mary-Eliza, d. of Thomas-H. and Irene, Dec. 8, 1835.
Mary-Elizabeth, d. of Josiah, 2d and Mary, May 2, 1825. (In Lancaster.)
Mary-Elizabeth, d. of Jabez and Mary, Dec. 14, 1828.
Mary-Gates, d. of Peter and Sarah, March 14, 1816.
Mary-Louisa, d. of George-M. and Rutha-Jane, Aug. 4, 1848.
Mehitable, d. of Eliakem and Mehitable, Sept. 10, 1731.
Mercy, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, April 11, 1730.
Micah, s. of Abisha and Frances, July 21, 1735.
Molly, d. of Comfort and Martha, March 8, 1761.
Molly, d. of Lemuel and Abigail, Oct. 19, 1774.
Moses, s. of Jonas, Jr. and Jean, Nov. 16, 1729.
Nahum, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, March 10, 1780.
Nancy, d. of Comfort and Martha, Oct. 27, 1762.
Nancy, d. of Jonas and Esther, Nov. 20, 1804.
Nancy-Augusta, d. of Sewall and Hannah-D., Oct. 23, 1828.
Nathan, s. of Abisha and Frances, Sept. 26, 1726.
Nathan-Perry, s. of Josiah and Julia, July 1, 1833.
Peter, s. of Gershom and Easter, March 31, 1739.
Peter, s. of Comfort and Martha, July 22, 1771.
Persis, d. of Zephaniah and Mary, Oct. 8, 1725.
Percis, d. of Adonijah and Percis, April 3, 1740.
Phinehas, s. of Abisha and Frances, Nov. 7, 1728.
Phineas, s. of Zebediah and Elisebath, May 7, 1748.
Polly, d. of Thomas and Lydia, Dec. 1, 1789.
Prudence-Goulding, d. of Luke and Mary, Oct. 17, 1815.
Rebecca-Putnam, d. of Curtis and Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1822.
Rebecca-Waldo, d. of Benjamin-P. and Deborah-C., Sept. 23, 1840.
Reuben, s. of Jezeniah and Lydia, April 6, 1734.
Rodney-Merrick, s. of Jabez and Mary, March 17, 1827.
Ruth-Sophia, d. of Charles-H. and Joanna-S., May 16, 1844.
Sally, d. of Jonas and Esther, Sept. 15, 1808.
Samuel, s. of Zebediah and Elesebath, May 9, 1742.
Sarah, d. of Josiah and Sarah, March 27, 1730.
Sarah, d. of Abisha and Frances, April 1, 1739.
Sarah. d. of Thomas and Judith, Aug. 22, 1756.
Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Eunice, June 5, 1773.
Sarah, d. of Josiah and Betty, March 5, 1780.
Sarah, d. of Josiah and Synthia, March 12, 180[3?].
Sarah-Ann, d. of Edward-B. and Harriet, March 24, 1832.
Sarah-Deborah, d. of Benjamin-P. and Deborah-C., Feb. 21, 1839.
Sarah-Elizabeth, d. of Darius and Rhoda-F., Oct. 4, 1829.
Sarah-Ellen, d. of Edward and Elvira, Oct. 30, 1847.
Sarah-Flagg, d. of Benjamin-P. and Deborah-C., April 12, 1835.
Sarah-Tatman, d. of Thomas and Lydia, Feb. 23, 1781.
Seth, s. of Adonijah and Persis, April 24, 1748.
Sewall, s. of Jonas and Esther, Nov. 3, 1798. (At Leicester.)
Sibbela, d. of Jezeniah and Lydia, Jan. 26, 1747-8.
Silas, s. of Elisha and Elisebath, April 28, 1719.
Silence, d. of Jonas, Jr. and Jean, May 25, 1739.
Susanna-Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth-Ann, March 10, 1844.
Silvanus, s. of Moses and Sarah, Jan. 6, 1728-9.
Teamer, d. of Moses and Sarah, June 15, 1732.
Thomas, s. of Jonas, Jr. and Jean, Oct. 5, 1741.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Judith, March 17, 1753.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Oct. 14, 1779.
Walter-Lee, s. of Thomas-H. and Irene, June 25, 1831.
Walter-Scott, s. of Thomas-H. and Irene, Dec. 30, 1833.
William-Henry, s. of Charles-H. and Joanna-S., April 8, 1846.
William-Winthrop-Josiah, s. of Josiah, 2d and Nlary, Nov. 21, 1837.
Willis-Timothy, s. of Jonathan and Elizabeth-F., Sept. 7, 1847.
____ , ? of Edward-B. and Harriet, March 8, 1834. (Lived four weeks.)
Benjamin, s. of Peter and Sylvia, Feb. 18, 1798. (Colored.)
Charles, s. of Peter and Sylvia, July 2, 1806. (Colored.)
Cordelia, d. of Peter, Jr. and Mary, June 16, 1833. (Colored).
Eliza, d. of Peter and Sylvia, April 20, 1804. (Colored).
Harris, s. of Peter and Sylvia, Feb. 21, 1818. (Colored).
Henry-Elkanah, s. of Elkanah and Maria, Dec. 24, 1844. (Colored).
Lucy, d. of Peter and Sylvia, July 19, 1815. (Colored.)
Mary-Ann, d. of Peter and Sylvia, June 26, 1811. (Colored).
Nancy, d. of Peter and Sylvia, Aug. 20, 1795. (Colored).
Peter, s. of Peter and Sykia, Nov. 16, 1793. (Colored).
Rebeckah, d. of Peter and Sylvia, Dec. 20, 1808. (Colored).
Sylvia, d. of Peter and Sylvia, May 1, 1802. (Colored).
William, s. of Peter and Sylvia, May 2, 1800. (Colored).
Charles-Frederic, s. of ____ and Charlotte, June 15, 1822. (Colored.)
Ella-Adotia, d. of Ransom and Martha-W., Sept. 6, 1842.
Harriet-Elizabeth, d. of John and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1839.
Herbert, s. of John and Elizabeth, April 23, 1845.
Josephine-Aurelia, d. of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1842.
Anna-Maria, d. of George-W. and Lucy-D., Oct. 7, 1836.
Asa, s. of David and Rebeckah, Nov. 29, 1763.
Azuba, d. of Thomas and Mehitable, Sept. 18, 1757.
David, s. of Thomas and Margaret, Dec. 22, 1738.
Edward-Payson, s. of Josiah and ____, Nov. 22, 1846. Baptism Central Church.
Ellen-Augusta, d. of Edwin and Sarah-Ann, April 13, 1844.
Henry-Thomas, s. of Henry-A. and Harriet, Jan. 20, 1846.
Jonas, s. of Thomas and Margaret, Jan. 18, 1742.
Lucretia, d. of Thomas and Margaret, June 29, 1753.
Lucy, d. of Thomas and Margaret, Nov. 6, 1740.
Lydia, d. of David and Rebeckah, Feb. 23, 1770.
Nathan, s. of David and Rebeckah, Oct. 24, 1772.
Peter, s. of Thomas and Margaret, Feb. 18, 1745-6.
Peter, s. of David and Rebeckah, Aug. 23, 1766.
Rebekah, (twin) d. of Thomas and Margaret, May 19, 1747.
Reuben, s. of Thomas and Margaret, Dec. 13, 1737.
Sarah, (twin) d. of Thomas and Margaret, May 19, 1747.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Margaret, Feb. 26, 1750.
Zachariah, s. of David and Rebekah, Dec. 21, 1761.
Ella-Frances, d. of Alexander and Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1848.
Elisebath, d. of John and Jeane, May 8, 1741.
Israel, s. of John and Jean, Jan. 22, 1748-9.
James-A., s. of James-M. and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1846.
Ellen-Matilda, d. of Robert and Mary, Oct. 24, 1840.
Lucy-Amelia, d. of Robert and Mary, Sept. 11, 1843.
William-Snipson, s. of Robert and Mary, Jan. 23, 1838.
Caroline-Augusta, d. of Jonas and Nancy, Aug. 3, 1843.
Sarah-Coburn, d. of James and Faithy, June 23, 1802.
Arthur, adopted s. of Widow Huldah, Dec. 27, 1844.
Margaret-Ann, d. of John and Maria, July 23, 1844.
Thomas, s. of Matthew and Ann, Jan. 2, 1848.
William, s. of Owen? and Julia, July 24, 1848.
Joseph-Herbert, s. of Joseph-B. and Sarah-P., Aug. 18, 1843.
Sarah-Josephine, d. of Joseph-B. and Sarah-P., May 12, 1841.
John-Henry, s. of John and Bridget-Campbell, July 16, 1842.
Aaron, s. of Samuel-L. and Eunice, Jan. 15, 1844.
Elijah and Elisha, (twins) of Nathaniel and ____, Dec. 16, 1781.
Eunice-Elizabeth, d. of Samuel-L. and Eunice, Jan. 28, 1846.
Eveline-B., d. of Seth-M. and Eveline, Nov. 14, 1846.
George, s. of Amos and Lucy, Sept. 6, 1834.
John, s. of Amos and Lucy, June 19, 1836.
Luther, s. of Nathaniel and ____, May 4, 1783.
Mary-Ellen, d. of Seth-M. and Eveline, Dec. 7, 1844.
Mary-Lucinda, d. of Daniel and Lucinda, Feb. 20, 1844.
Nancy, d. of Nathaniel and ____, Feb. 20, 1780.
Susan-F.-M., d. of Samuel-L. and Eunice, Feb. 20, 1847.
Sarah-H., d. of William-H. and Mary-B., July 5, 1846.
Catharine-Cavender, d. of Jeremiah and Polly, May 20, 1805.
Emma, d. of Thaddeus and Catherine-O., Feb. 17, 1847.
Fanny, d. of Jeremiah and Polly, Sept. 12, 1809.
Francis, s. of Thaddeus and Catherine, March 13, 1845.
Harriet, d. of Jeremiah and Polly, Nov. 26, 1811.
John-Dix, s. of ____ and Sarah-Wheaton, April 26, 1814.
Frost, s. of Frost and Sally, June 10, 1793. (At Oxford.)
John, s. of Frost and Sally, July 5, 1791. (At Oxford.)
Mary, d. of Frost and Sally, Sept. 17, 1795. (At Oxford.)
____, s. of Rufus and ____, Jan. 19, 1828. Dr. Austin Flint's record of births attended in Worcester.
Baldwin-Cooledge, s. of Henry and Betsy, Feb. 28, 1820.
Charles-Owen, s. of Henry and Betsy, Sept. 29, 1818.
Ellen-Frances, d. of Thomas-M. and Mary-S., July 7, 1844.
Henry, s. of Henry and Sally, July 30, 1811.
Mary-Bennett, d. of Nathan, Jr. and Lucretia, Oct. 4, 1828.
Walter-Thomas, s. of Thomas-M. and Mary-S., Sept. 23, 1847.
Flora-Emily. d. of Calvin-H. and Emily-H., Dec. 1, 1848.
Abigal, d. of Ephriam and Sibbelah, March 11, 1721-2.
Danil, s. of Ephriam and Sibbeleh, Oct. 2, 1730.
Hannah, d. of Ephriam and Sibbelah, March 3, 1728-9.
John, s. of Ephraim and Sibbelah. Oct. 27, 1725.
Nathaniel, s. of Ephraim and Sibbelah, March 2, 1726-7.
Ruth, d. of Ephriam and Siblah, Jan. 14, 1723-4.
Caroline-Blake, d. of Draper and Caroline-B., April 2, 1840.
Ella-Frances, d. of Isaac-D. and Catherine, Aug. 28, 1847.
Emma-L. d. of Draper and Caroline, Sept. 3, 1846.
Jane-Elizabeth, d. of Draper and Caroline-B., Aug. 2, 1843.
Sarah-Ann, d. of Draper and Caroline-B., Feb. 2, 1839.
____, and ____, s. (twins) of Burton and Anna, March 28, 1847.
Ann, d. of Thomas and Margaret, Sept. 7, 1845.
Addison-C., s. of Isaiah-D. and Maria, Feb. 7, 1847.
Frances-Jane, d. of George-W. and Susan-M., Nov. 29, 1838.
Francis-Faulkner, s. of George-W. and Susan-M., Feb. 4, 1841.
George-Denny, s. of Simon and Mary-Louisa, June 4, 1848.
George-Lansford, s. of James-M. and Mary-B., April 15, 1845.
Harriet-Lucinda,, d. of James and Mary-B., March 11, 1837.
James, s. of John and Mary-E., May 1, 1848.
John, s. of John and Mary-E., Nov. 8, 1844.
Susan-Maria-Faulkner, d. of George-W. and Susan-M.-F., Sept. 22, 1847.
Mary-Jane, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Dec. 29, 1840.
Dennis, s. of Jeremiah and Ellen, June 25, 1848.
George, s. of John and Mary, Feb. 7, 1848. St. John's R. C. Church.
Mary-Elizabeth, d. of John and Mary-E., Feb. 2, 1846.
George-Henry, s. of George-F. and Abigail-A., April 26, 1845.
Edward-Tuckerman, s. of Stephen and Elizabeth, May 7, 1803.
Elizabeth-Tuckerman, d. of Stephen and Elizabeth, March 9, 1800.
Joseph-Sewall, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth of Boston, Nov. 1, 1779.
Josiah, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1781.
Rebecca-Waldo, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Aug. 15, 1776.
Sally, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 19, 1782.
Stephen, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 27, 1778.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Elizabeth, March 8, 1798.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Rebekah-S., March 31, 1835.
Abigail-V., d. of Joshua-H. and Mary, March 31, 1841.
Alonzo-Homer, s. of Joshua-H. and Mary, Nov. 4, 1838.
Ellen, d. of David and Naomi, March 24, 1846.
.Elvira-Jane, d. of Joshua-H. and Mary, April 2, 1843.
Henrietta-E., d. of Joshua-H. and Mary, Jan. 24, 1847.
Elizabeth, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, June 3, 1764.
Jonathan-Childs, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, May 4, 1766.
Tabitha, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, June 6, 1761.
Abigail, d. of Isaac and Mary, June 7, 1730.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Cordelia, Oct. 30, 1848.
Amos, s. of Jabez and Abigail, April 7, 1753.
Elbridge-Mason, s. of Horace-C. and Cynthia, Dec. 2, 1848.
Eliza, d. of Samuel and Matilda, May 15, 1796.
Emily, d. of Joseph and Emily, Nov. 26, 1843.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Emily, Oct. 17, 1842.
Mary-Felton, d. of Joseph and Emily, Dec. 16, 1845.
Mary-Wheeler, d. of William, Jr. and Polly, March 15, 1826.
Nabby, d. of Samuel and Matilda, Jan. 10, 1796.
Nahum, s. of Jabez and Abigail, March 26, 1758.
Samuel, s. of Jabez and Abigail, Nov. 9, 1755.
William-Preston, s. of William, Jr. and Polly, Dec. 31, 1824.
____, s. of Elbridge and Lurena-B., Jan. 20, 1848.
Jane, d. of Michael and Mary-A., June 25, 1847.
Gilbert-Henry, s. of William and Sarah, July 25, 1845.
Abijah, s. of Stephen and Abigail, July 14, 1754.
Anna-M., d. of Charles-M. and Lucy-W., Feb. 11, 1847.
Daniel, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 19, 1759.
Elizabeth, d. of Stephen and Abigail, Jan. 16, 1748.
Henry-Belia, s. of Charles-H. and Enieline, May 16, 1847.
James, s. of Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 27, 1761.
Molly, d. of Samuel and Mary, Nov. 21, 1762.
Reuben, s. Stephen and Abigail, Sept. —, 1753.
Sarah, d. of Stephen and Abigail, Jan. 23, 1857.
Mary-Eliza, d. of William and Mary, April 25, 1846.
Ida-Amelia, d. of Isaac-G. and Mary, Sept. 5, 1848.
Lucy-Fairbanks, d. of Stephen and Lucy-F., Dec. 29, 1847.
Michael, s. of Michael and Margaret, July 28, 1845.
Elizabeth-I., d. of John and Sarah, June 8, 1846.
Elizabeth-Jane, d. of John-W. and Sarah, Sept. 13, 1847.
SCHUYLER- (Colored.)
Arthur-T., s. of Peter and Lucy, Nov. 20, 1847.
Mary-Susan, d. of Peter and Lucy, Sept. 1, 1840.
Orrin-A., s. of Peter and Lucy-A., July 1, 1846.
Keziah. d. of Richard and Jemima, July 26, 1736.
Mary, d. of Callahan and Catherine, June 12, 1848.
David, s. of Thomas and ____, May 2, 1779.
Charles-Herbert, s. of Gilman and Clarissa-H., Oct. 13, 1847.
Clara-Dow, d. of Gilman and Clarissa, Aug. 24, 1843.
Edward-Oliver, s. of William-Alfred and Caroline-A., May 12, 1848.
Gilman-Eleazer, s. of Gilman and Clarissa, May 25, 1845.
Ellen-Maria, d. of Benjamin-F. and Abby-F., Aug. 20, 1848.
Maria, d. of James and Johanna, July 12, 1847.
Charles-W., s. of Philander and Bethiah, Sept. 13, 1835.
Philander-F., s. of Philander and Bethiah, March 4, 1838.
Andrew-Penniman, s. of Leonard and Cynthia, Sept. 13, 1847.
Ann-Eliza, d. of Pearley and Julia, Feb. 13, 1846.
Charles-Edson, s. of Pearley and Julia-M., Dec. 25, 1843.
William-Titus, s. of Pearley and Julia-M., Sept. 5, 1838.
____, d. of Leonard and Cynthia, March 2, 1845.
Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Elizabeth, May 11, 1844.
John, s. of Edward and Elizabeth, Feb. 5, 1741.-2.
____, s. of George and Mary, April 17, 1846.
Almira, d. of Edward and Lucretia, July 22, 1804.
Ann-Warren, d. of William and Mary, Oct. 24, 1789.
Arathusa, d. of Edward and Lucretia, July 6, 1799.
Elizabeth, d. of Edward? and ____, Jan. 18, 1801.
Joseph, s. of Edward and Lucretia, July 6, 1799.
Lucretia, d. of Edward and Lucretia, May 1, 1803.
Mary-Ann, d. of William and Mary, Oct. 25, 1789.
Mary-Harris, d. of Edward and Lucretia, Jan. 18, 1801.
William-James, s. of William and Mary, Aug. 18, 1793.
William-Parker, s. of Edward and Lucretia, July 6, 1799.
Hannah, d. of Conrad and Katharine, Hessian prisoners of War, Monday, Dec. 21, 1778.
Mary-Ann, d. of Dennis and Julia, Jan. 31, 1845.
Helen-Maria, d. of Samuel-F. and Louisa-H., Oct. 11, 1835.
Samuel-Henry, s. of Samuel-F. and Louisa-H., March 5, 1838.
Sarah, d. of Daniel and Martha, Aug. 8, 1720.
Lydia-Ann, d. of John, Jr. and Persis-D., July 17, 1837.
Mary-E., d. of Joseph-W. and Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1846.
Permelia, d. of Elmer and Permelia, Nov. 5, 1825.
William-Henry, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1848.
Julia, d. of Leander and Amelia, June 28, 1848.
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Bridget, Nov. 9, 1845.
Eliza-Ann, d. of James and Nancy, March 8, 1846.
James, s. of Michael and Abigail, Aug. 9, 1846.
Mary-Ann, d. of John and Ellen, Oct. 27, 1843.
Michael, s. of Andrew and Bridget, Oct. 19, 1843.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Ellen, July 21, 1844.
James, s. of Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 9, 1848.
Joanna, d. of James and Nancy, Sept. 11, 1844.
Mary, d. of James and Nancy, Sept. 20, 1848.
Abraham-Watson, s. of Thomas and Lydia, July 21, 1796.
Anna-A., d. of Samuel and Louisa-M., Oct. 7, 1846.
Charles, s. of Thomas and Lydia, July 11, 1708.
Charles, s. of Paul and Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1804. (At Holden.)
Elizabeth, d. of Paul and Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 1802. (At Holden.)
Ellen-Adelaide, d. of Russell-R• and Sarah-H., Aug. 5, 1838.
Emeline, d. of Paul and Elizabeth, July 15, 1808.
Emma-Jane, d. of Constant and Sabra, Nov. 1, 1843.
George-Curtis, s. of Luther and Adeline, July 5, 1843.
Jarvis-Eaton, s. of Paul and Elizabeth, Nov. 2, 1818.
John, s. of Thomas and Lydia, March 8, 1801.
Lucy-Prentice, d. of Thomas and Lydia, April 2, 1792.
Luther-Goulding, s. of Paul and Elizabeth, May 5, 1814.
Mary-Isabella, d. of Samuel and Louisa-M., Jan. 18, 1845.
Nancy, d. of Paul and Elizabeth, Sept. 16, 1800.
Nancy-Davis, d. of Thomas and Lydia, March 2, 1804.
Olive-E., d. of Samuel and Sarah-K., Nov. 15, 1838.
Russell-Rice, s. of Paul and Elizabeth, April 25, 1812.
Samuel, s. of Paul and Elizabeth, Aug. 22, 1810.
Sarah-Hill, d. of Russell-R. and Sarah-H., May 7, 1842.
Sarah-Louisa, d. of Samuel and Louisa-M., Jan. 28, 1843.
Sophia, d. of Paul and Elizabeth, April 9, 1806.
Sophia, d. of Stephen and Sophia, Sept. 4, 1808.
- T
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1793.
Cornelius-Frederick, s. of James and Catherine, Jan. 30, 1848. St. John's R. C. Church.
Edward-Mortimer, s. of Aaron and Elizabeth-C., Nov. 25, 1844.
George-Henry, s. of Daniel-A. and Isabella, March 23, 1844.
Louisa-Arminda, d. of Stephen and Sarepta, July 30, 1848.
Elizabeth, d. of Tuffill and Elizabeth-B., Oct. 31, 1847.
Augustus-Lucien, s. of Joel-S. and Eunice, Sept. 14, 1845.
Josephine-Hancock, d. of Rufus and Laura, Sept. 16, 1837.
Laura-Hancock, d. of Rufus and Laura, Oct. 25, 1835.
Alonzo, S. of Joel and Abigail, _____.
Charles-Marshall, s. of Joel and Abigail, _____.
Cordelia, d. of Joel and Abigail, Ang. 1, 1829.
Edward-Almeron, s. of Elbridge and Clarissa, Oct. 20, 1845.
Frank, s. of David and Anna, Sept. 2, 1848.
Ann-Eliza, d. of John and Hannah, Jan. 26, 1837.
Charles-Edward, s. of John and Hannah, Oct. 13, 1834.
George-Henry, s. of John and Hannah, Sept. 22, 1839.
Henry-Walter, s. of John and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1841.
Horace-E., s. of John and Hannah, June 14, 1846.
John-Albert, s. of John and Hannah, July 2, 1831.
____, s. of John-F. and Maria, Oct. 6, 1848.
Oscar-Merrill, s. of James and Augusta, June 2, 1847.
Nicholas, s. of Mark (or Marcus) and Catherine, Dec. 1, 1843.
Anna-Elizabeth, d. of Franklin and Eliza, Dec. 7, 1847.
Andrew, s. of Peter and Zilpah, March 4, 1790.
Andrew-Chapin, s. of Andrew and Persis, March 31, 1819.
Benjamin, s. of Peter and Zilpah, July 2, 1810.
Elizabeth, d. of Peter and Zilpah, April 24, 1799.
Elizabeth, d. of Peter, Jr. and Nancy, May 28, 1815. (At Leicester.)
Eunice, d. of Peter and Zilpah, July 20, 1800.
Eunice, d. of Andrew and Persis, March 13, 1816.
Israel, s. of Peter and Zilpah, July 21, 1806.
James, s. of Peter and Zilpah, April 24, 1785.
John, s. of Peter and Zilpah, May 24, 1792.
John-Peter, s. of Peter, Jr. and Nancy, Aug. 8, 1824.
Leonard, s. of Peter and Zilpah, Nov. 10, 1802.
Luther, s. of Peter and Zilpah, Sept. 22, 1793.
Luther, s. of Peter, Jr. and Nancy, Jan. 28, 1818.
Maria, d. of Peter and Zilpah, Jan. 16, 1805.
Mary-Elmira, d. of Peter, Jr. and Nancy, Nov. 30, 1828.
Nancy-Catherine, d. of Peter, Jr. and Nancy, Sept. 23, 1820.
Peter, s. of Peter and Zilpah, Oct. 5, 1786.
Samuel, s. of Peter and Zilpah, May 20, 1788.
Sarah, d. of Peter and Zilpah, Feb. 11, 1796.
Seth, s. of Peter and Zilpah, _____.
Seth-Sullivan, s. of Peter and Mary, Aug. 11, 1831.
William, s. of Peter and Zilpah, Aug. 29, 1797.
Phebe, d. of Anthony and Mary, May 1, 1805.
SLOAN ? (Sloone and Slone in the records.)-
James, s. of James and Abigail, Aug. 23, 1741.
John. s. of James and Mary, born in Ireland, April 29, 1733.
Mary, d. of James and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1748.
Samuel, s. of James and Abigail, April 23, 1746.
Alfred-Dwight, s. of Elam and Louisa-Jane, Aug. 9, 1842.
Aaron, s. of Elisha and Susannah, April 6, 1760.
Aaron-B., s. of John-G. and Miranda, Sept. 10, 1835.
Alba-Putnam, d. of Levi and Nancy-A., Oct. 19, 1832.
Abigail, d. of Robert and Sarah (first wife), July 27, 1752.
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1768.
Albert-Dresser, s. of Estes and Sarah-R., Dec. 2, 1835.
Alden, s. of Jarvis and Susan-M., July 25, 1848.
Allen, s. of Abraham and Lucy, April 6, 1770.
Amos, s. of Robert and Sarah, Feb. 10, 1760.
Anna. d. of Elisha, Jr. and Persis, Sept. 1, 1799.
Anna, d. of Ithamar and Sarah, May 25, 1796.
Anna, d. of Benoni and Lucy-L., July 21, 1823.
Annette-Olivia, d. of Benjamin-F. and Caroline-M., June 25, 1837.
Asa, (twin) s. of Daniel and Allis, Oct 7, 1798.
Augusta, (twin) d. of Hezekiah-M. and Abigail-W.-R., Nov. 28, 1842.
Augustus, (twin) s. of Hezekiah-M. and Abigail-W.-R., Nov. 28, 1842.
Benjamin-Franklin, s. of Benjamin-F. and Mary-C., April 29, 1830.
Benjamin-Franklin, s. of Benoni and Lucy-L., April 10, 1835.
Benoni, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Persis, Sept 26, 1786.
Benoni, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Persis, May 2, 1793.
Betsey, d. of Solomon and Hannah, April 26, 1771.
Betsey, d. of John and Sarah, June 15, 1779.
Betsey, d. of Ithamar and Sarah, May 18, 1794.
Betty, d. of Robert and Sarah, Jan. 30, 1764.
Candace-Rand, d. of Levi and Nancy-A., March 29, 1826.
Caroline-Mary, d. of Benjamin-F. and Mary-C., March 2, 1833.
Caty, d. of Ezekiel and Hepzibah, Aug. 23, 1798.
Charles, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Perces, Jan. 1, 1796.
Charles-Augustus, s. of Estes and Sarah-R., June 23, 1832.
Charles-Converse, s. of Amos and Sally, Dec. 25, 1814.
Charles-Dickens-Bullard, s. of Chandler and Harriet-B., July 15, 1841.
Charles-Edward, s. of Hiram and Mary-L., Sept. 30, 1844.
Charles-Lorenzo, s. of Benoni and Lucy-L., May 2, 1821.
Clemmons, s. of Morton and Mary, Sept. 11, 1848.
Daniel, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Perces, Sept. 21, 1774.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Allis, Oct. 7, 1798.
Daniel, s. of Benoni and Lucy-L., June 15, 1822.
David, s. of Robert and Sarah, April 27, 1758.
Delight, d. of Joel and Deborah, May 29, 1773.
Dennis, s. of Dennis and Ann, Nov. 6, 1789.
Edwin, s. of Amos and Sally, Jan. 27, 1817.
Edwin-Braman, s. of William-B. and Eunice-P., Dec. 15, 1848.
Elisha, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, July 6, 1744 or Jan. 6, 1745.
Elisha, s. of Elisha and Perces, Nov. 29, 1776.
Eliza, d. of Ezekiel and Hepsabeth, June 24, 1806.
Elisebeth, d. of John and Elisibeth, Jan. 6, I740—1.
Elisebath, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, Jan. 6, 1744-5.
Elizabeth, d. of Robert and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1756.
Elizabeth, d. of ____ and Widow Mary, May 30, 1756. Died same night.)
Elizabeth, d. of ____ and Elizabeth, May 25, 1766.
Ellen-Augusta, d. of William-L. and Lucy-M., Sept. 11, 1840.
Emeline-Maria, d. of William-L. and Lucy-M., Jan. 9, 1838.
Emma-Louisa, d. of William-L. and Lucy-M., Dec. 18, 1841.
Ephriarn, s. of Elisha and Susanah, March 25, 1743.
Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and ____, Sept. 22, 1771.
Esther, d. of Robert and Elizabeth, March 2, 1771.
Esther, d. of Ithamer and Sarah, March 18, 1792.
Eugene-Preston, s. of George and Clarenda, Jan. 27, 1846.
Eunice, d. of Laben and Dolly, Nov. 28, 1793.
Eunice-Childs, d. of Ezekiel and Hepsabah, May 18, 1796.
Ezekiel-Joy, s. of Ezekiel and Hepsibah, Sept. 23, 1801.
Frances-Maria, d. of George and Clarinda, Feb. 18, 1844.
Frances-Natilla, d. of Levi and Nancy-A., Oct. 14, 1828.
Francis, s. of Francis and Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1749.
Frederick-B., s. of Henry-O. and Isabella, Feb. 4, 1847.
George, s. of Laben and Dolly, Feb. 22, 1796.
George-Austin, s. of Austinella and Mary, April 30, 1846.
George-Francis, s. of Elijah-H. and Lucinda, May 2, 1842.
George-Washington, s. of Sidney and Nancy, May 8, 1848.
Georgianna-Augusta, d. of George-L. and Almira, Feb. 8, 1848.
Hannah, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susanna, May 21, 1758.
Hannah, d. of Joseph and ____, May 22, 1763.
Hannah, d. of John and Sarah, Dec. 6, 1780.
Hannah, d. of Ezekiel and Hepsabah, Nov. 1, 1792.
Harriet, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1788.
Harriet-Amelia, d. of Samuel and Harriet-B., May 26, 1844. (At Uxbridge.)
Harrison-A., s. of Hiram and Mary-S., Jan. 31, 1847.
Henry-Arthur, s. of George-H. and Mary-A., May 28, 1844.
Horace, s. of Jacob and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1790.
Horace, s. of Jacob and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1792.
Horace, s. of Amos and Sally, Jan. 1, 1821.
Henry, s. of Laben and Dolly, June 26, 1798.
Isaac, (twin) s. of Abraham and Lucy, Feb. 12, 1772.
Ithamer, s. of Jacob and Kesia, Sept. 6, 1754.
Ithamar, s. of Ithamar and Sarah, July 27, 1801.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Kesia, March 17, 1741.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Kesia, Nov. 9, 1760.
Jacob, (twin) s. of Abraham and Lucy, Feb. 12, 1772.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Sarah, April 13, 1799.
James, s. of John, Jr. and ____, Feb. 9, 1766.
James, (twin) s. of John and Sarah, June 15, 1777.
James, s. of Dennis and Ann, Sept. 3, 1791.
James-Brown, s. of Benoni and Lucy-L., Jan. 29, 1833.
James-Henry, s. of Amos and Sally, July 3, 1811.
Jane, d. of Francis and Elizabeth, Sept. 2, 1746.
Jean, d. of John and Elizabeth, Aug. 16, 1747.
Jesse, s. of Robert, Jr. and Elizabeth, June 26, 1768.
Joel, s. of Jacob and Kesia, Aug. 19, 1743.
Joel, s. of Solomon and Hannah, Nov. 30, 1778.
John, s. of John and Rebeckah, May 24, 1729.
John, s. of Francis and Elizabeth, Sept. 20, 1747.
John, s. of Robert and Elizabeth, March 31, 1754.
John, s. of Samuel and Margaret, June 7, 1765.
John, s. of John and Sarah, June 18, 1769.
John, s. of John and Sarah, Dec. 21, 1770.
John, s. of Solomon and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1782.
John, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Persis, Aug. 15, 1784.
John, s. of Laben and Dolly, March 5, 1789.
John-Childs, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Perces, May 20, 1784.
Jonathan, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, Oct. 11, 1746.
Jonathan-Warren, s. of Jacob and Kesia, Feb. 26, 1748.
Joseph, s. of John and Rebeckah, Nov. 22, 1732.
Joseph, s. of Jacob and Kesia, June 2, 1752.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and ____, March 10, 1765.
Julia-A., d. of Levi and Nancy-A., March 26, 1820.
Katty, d. of Ezekiel and Hepsibah, May 27, 1804.
Kesia, d. of Jacob and Kesia, Nov. 10, 1745.
Kesia-Warren, d. of Ithamar and Sarah, July 19, 1798.
Laura-Jane, d. of Thomas and Phoebe, Sept. 20, 1842.
Levy, (twin) s. of Jacob and Kesia, March 28, 1757.
Levi, s. of Salomon and Hannah, July 25, 1784. (At New Salem.)
Levi, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Perces, May 12, 1791.
Loammi, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Persis, March 14, 1779.
Lois, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, Nov. 21, 1756.
Luce, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, Dec. 25, 1751.
Lucy, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, Nov. 15, 1752.
Lucy-Tenny, d. of William-L. and Lucy-M., July 23, 1843.
Lydia, d. of Robert and Sarah, May 14, 1754.
Margaret, d, of Samuel and Margaret, Oct. 15, 1768.
Martha, d. of John and Rebeckah, Oct. 27, 1734.
Martha, d. of Robert and Elizabeth, April 11, 1756.
Mary, d. of Moses and Elisabeth, May 5, 1736.
Mary, d. of John and Rebekah, Feb. 15, 1738-9.
Mary, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susanna, Oct. 11, 1741.
Mary, d. of Samuel and Margaret, April 10, 1763.
Mary, d. of John, Jr. and ____, Oct. 23, 1763.
Mary, d. of Joseph and ____, July 26, 1767.
Mary, d. of Solomon and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1771 .
Mary, d. of Ezekiel and Hepsabeth, Sept. 30, 1804.
Mary, d. of Hezekiah-M. and Abigail-W.-R., Feb. 2, 1840.
Mary-Augusta, d. of Hiram and Mary-W., May 30, 1836.
Mary-Elizabeth, d. of Levi and Nancy-A., Sept. 27, 1841.
Mary-Frances, d. of Charles-L. and Mary-E., May 11, 1848.
Mary-I., d. of Charles-D. and Catherine-W., April 7, 1846.
Mary-Mira, d. of John-G. arid Miranda, March 22, 1837.
Michael, s. of Dennis and Ann, April 20, 1785.
Molly, d. of Abraham and Lucy, Nov. 20, 1766.
Molly, d. of Solomon and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1773.
Moses, s. of Elisha and Susannah, Aug. 19, 1762.
Nabby, d. of Ezekiel and Hepsabah, Sept. 30, 1794.
Nahum, s. of Laben and Dolly, April 8, 1791.
Nancy, d. of Jacob and Sarah, March 20, 1794.
Nancy-Maria, d. of Levi and Nancy-A., April 19, 1822.
Percis, d. of Elisha and Susanah, Sept. 5, 1766.
Perces, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Perces, Aug. 5, 1781.
Phinehas, s. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, Jan. 7, 1755.
Polly. d. of John and Sarah, Aug. 4, 1773.
Priscilla-Howard, d. of Ithamer and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1781.
Prudence, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, March 30, 1753.
Rebeckah, d. of Samuel and Margaret, March 9, 1770.
Roalany, d. of Joel and Deborah, Feb. 23, 1775.
Robert, s. of John and Rebeckah, Jan. 8, 1730-31.
Robert, s. of Robert and Elizabeth, Dec. 11, 1763.
Rodney-Augustine, (twin) s. of Benoni and Lucy-L., Sept. 30, 1837.
Roswell-Augustus, (twin) s. of Benoni and Lucy-L., Sept. 30, 1837.
Roxany. d. of Jacob and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1796.
Rufus-Chandler, s. of Abraham and Lucy, May 15, 1774.
Ruhamah. d. of Elisha. Jr. and Perces, March 1, 1779.
Ruth, d. of Jacob and Kesiah, Sept. 16, 1739.
Ruth, d. of Robert and Elizabeth (2d wife), Oct. 8, 1768.
Ruth, d. of Solomon and Hannah, March 15, 1775.
Sabra, d. of Ithamer and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1787.
Samuel, s. of John and Sarah, July 28, 1775.
Samuel, s. of John and Rebeckah, Jan. 31, 1736-7.
Samuel, s. of John and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1782.
Samuel, (formerly City Clerk of Worcester), Sept. 24, 1806. (At Mendon.) See Blackman, Harriet, (his wife.)
Sarah, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, Nov. 7, 1748.
Sarah, d. of Francis and Elizabeth, Nov. 27, 1751.
Sarah, d. of Joseph and ____, May 22, 1763.
Sarah, d. of Robert and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1766.
Sarah, d. of Jacob and Sarah, May 1, 1801.
Sarah, d. of Jacob and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1803.
Sarah-Jane, d. of Estes and Sarah-R.: July 14, 1841.
Sarah-Maria, d. of Samuel and Harriet-B., March 21, 1834. (At Uxbridge.)
Sardius, s. of Ithamer and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1789.
Simeon, (twin) s. of Jacob and Kesia, March 28, 1757.
Simeon, s. of Solomon and Hannah, July 25, 1784. (At New Salem.)
Solomon, s. of Jacob and Kesia, March 18, 1749.
Solomon, s. of Solomon and Hannah, Sept. 3, 1780.
Sophia-Persis, d. of John-H. and Martha-G., Oct. 17, 1845.
Susan-Frances, d. of Jarvis and Susan-M., Sept. 7, 1844.
Susannah, d. of Elisha, Jr. and Susannah, March 21, 1750.
Thomas-H., s. of Hezekiah-M. and Abigail-W.-R., Jan. 29, 1834.
Walter-Willey, s. of Thomas and Phcebe, Oct. 23, 1845.
William, s. of Robert and Elizabeth, July 30, 1758.
William, s. of Samuel and Margaret, Nov. 1, 1767.
William, (twin) s. of John and Sarah, June 15, 1777.
William-Henry, s. of John-G. and Miranda, May 29, 1840.
William-Spencer, s. of Francis and Elizabeth, April 1, 1754.
Woodbury-Comstock, s. of Samuel and Harriet-B., Dec. 5, 1836. (At Uxbridge.)
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Kata-Rodman, March 12, 1805. (All Blacks.)
Betsey, d. of Joseph and Charlotte, Jan. 10, 1828.
Charles-Whittridge, s. of Lemuel and Abigail, Jan. 8, 1817.
Eliza-A., d. of Alonzo and Eliza, April 30, 1847.
Ellen-O., d. of ____ and Annette-H., Oct. 14, 1847.
Florentine-Eldora, d. of Alonzo and Elizabeth, April 27, 1845.
Maria, d. of Joseph and Charlotte, May 4, 1829.
Francis-White, s. of John-P. and Sarah, Feb. 10, 1840.
James-Stewart, s. of John-P. and Sarah-S., Oct. 8, 1842.
Herbert-K., s. of James-N. and Emeline-G., May 16, 1847.
James-Halvor, s. of George and Lucia-B., Oct. 9, 1847.
Roselle-Bechas, d. of Gilbert and Mary-R., Nov. 25, 1847.
Sarah-Louisa, d. of George and Lucia-B., Dec. 5, 1845.
Jane, d. of William and Mary, Feb. 26, 1846.
Margaret, d. of William and Mary, June 26, 1843.
Ella-Josephine, d. of Moses and Angeline, March 28, 1848.
Celia, d. of Joseph and Mary, May 7, 1780.
Ebed, s. of Miles and Peggy, Jan. 15, 1796.
Lincoln, s: of Miles and Peggy, Feb. 10, 1800.
Lydia, d. of Miles and Peggy, Oct. 29, 1802.
Miles, s. of Miles and Peggy, Oct. 20, 1794.
Samuel, s. of Miles and Peggy, March 15, 1806.
Samuel-Augustus, s. of Augustus-B.-R., and Elizabeth-J., June 17, 1847.
Timothy, s. of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 29, 1778.
Edgar-Francis, s. of Charles-C. and Ellen, July 18, 1848.
Ephriam, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Sept. 24, 1742.
Martha, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. 30, 1747.
Mary-Louisa, d. of Luther-Q. and Abby-W., Oct. 7, 1848.
Charles-Zephaniah, s. of Zephaniah and Fanny, March 18,1848.
Esther-Elizabeth, d. of Zephaniah and Fanny, Nov. 16, 1842.