FROM 1640 TO 1873.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Mary C. Salisbury and Hugh Kenney, both of Woburn, July 3, 1868,
Thomas Salmon and Ann Gargan, both of Woburn, June 19, 1859.
Oren Sanborn and Hannah M. Osgood, both of Woburn, Feb. 24, 1858.
Mary A. Sanborn of Woburn and W. H. Orne of Winchester, Oct. 2, 1860.
F. B. Sanborn of Concord and Louisa A. Leavitt of Woburn, Aug. 16, 1862.
John W. Sanborn of Woburn and Mary J. Foss of Charlestown, Dec. 18, 1867.
Amelia Sanborn of Chelsea and Cyrus Munroe of Woburn, Nov. 13, 1870.
Sarah Sanderson of Watertown and Andrew White, Feb. 4, 1696.
John Sanderson and Hannah Stratton, both of Watertown. Jan 10, 1701.
Harriet Sanderson and Mr. Nathaniel Hutchinson, both (?) of Woburn, Dec. 14, 1819.
George Sanderson and Abble Richardson, both of Woburn, April 16, 1846.
George A. Sanderson and Georgianna G. Plympton, both of Woburn, April 30, 1857.
Mary Sargent of Malden and Thomas Burdett, Sept. 28, 1705.
Rev. Samuel Sargent of Woburn and Miss Nabby Blaney of Malden, May 10, 1787. (According to Malden records the marriage was solemnized at Malden.)
Hannah Satall and Increase Winn, July 13, 1665.
Sarah Satle of Woburn and Philip Alexander, July 1, 1736.
Obadiah Saunders of Billerica and Mary Snow of Woburn, Sept. 14, 1742.
David Saunders of Billerica and Abigail Snow of Woburn, at Billerica, Nov. 23, 1743.
John Saunders of Billerica and Sal Merriam of Woburn, at Billerica, Dec. 8, 1774.
Eliza W. Saunders of Stoneham and Henry Tyler of Woburn, Nov. 6, 1851.
Sophronia G. Saunders of Bucksport, Me., and George W. Melendy of Woburn, Aug. 15, 1866.
Ellen M. Saurin and Francis C. Muckler, both of Stoneham, Oct. 9, 1858.
George T. Savage of Greenfield, N. H., and Isabella D. Morton of Woburn, Jan. 1, 1867.
Miss Maria Sawtell and Mr. George F. Swan, both of Woburn, Dec. 31, 1834.
Mr. Joseph B. Sawtell and Miss Harriet Reed, both of Woburn, Nov. 18, 1842.
Harriet A. Sawtell and Frederick G. King, both of Woburn, Aug. 4, 1864.
Emma L. Sawtell and William W. Davis, both of Woburn, Dec. 22, 1870.
SAWYER (John Sawyer [of Haverhill] and Abigail Thompson [born in Woburn, Feb. 2, 1718] were married. Haverhill Records.)
Mary Sawyer and Robert Converse, Dec. 19, 1698.
Abigail Sawyer and John Converse, May (?) 22, 1699.
Sarah Sawyer and Thomas Reed, both of Woburn, Feb. 1, 1705.
Joshua Sawyer and Mary Carter, both of Woburn, at Charlestown, May 22, 1705.
Hannah Sawyer and Josiah Converse, both of Woburn, Dec. 30, 1700.
Elizabeth Sawyer and Joseph Blodgett, both of Woburn, at Medford, Dec. 16, 1718.
Mary Sawyer and Stephen Richardson, both of Woburn, Aug. 26, 1736.
Joshua Sawyer and Catherine Richardson, Feb, 3, 1736.
Phebe Sawyer and Samuel Tidd, Sept. 14, 1738.
Jonathan Sawyer of Woburn and Elizabeth Tenney of Sudbury, at Sudbury, March 5, 1752. (County Record)
Elisha Sawyer, Jr., of Lancaster, and Mary Belknap of Woburn, May 3, 1770.
Moss H. Sawyer of Medford and Letitia Crow of Woburn, July 19, 1849.
Harriet E. Sawyer and Albert C. Dawes, both of Boston, Oct. 9, 1858.
Eliza A. Sawyer and Albert Parker, both of Amesbury. Nov. 2, 1862.
Millie S. Sawyer and Charles West, both of Woburn, Nov. 25, 1868.
Thomas S. Scales and Mary C. Snow, both of Woburn, Oct. 28, 1858.
Edward P. Scales and H. Lizzie Fowle, both of Woburn, May 4, 1859.
Thomas S. Scales of Woburn and Sarah J. Matthews of Lowell, July 13, 1859.
Jane Scales and William B. Graydon, both of Woburn, May 4, 1871.
John Scanlon and Mary Leighton, both of Woburn, May 13, 1871.
Frederick Schultz of Boston and Margaret Mahoney of Woburn, April 14, 1866.
James Scott of Benecia, Cal., and Marautha Richardson of Woburn, Jan. 3, 1859.
Charles Scott and Susan C. Goodwin, both of Woburn, Jan. 19, 1860.
Susan C. Scott and Eustace Cummings, both of Woburn, July 18, 1866.
Elizabeth Scott and Andrew McAfee, both of Boston, Sept. 26, 1868.
John W. Scott of Boston and Charlotte E. Mead of Woburn, Aug. 11, 1869.
Lydia Scottow and Benjamin Mirick, both of Woburn, Jan. 3, 1776.
Lydia Scottow of Woburn and William Emerson of Reading, Oct. 9, 1794.
Mary Scottow and Alpha Thompson, both of Woburn, Jan. 4, 1810.
John Sears and Heather Mason, Nov. 20, 1677. (In 1653 (?), "John Seir is alowed by this Court to keep a house of Comon entertainment at Woborne."—Middlebury County Court Records, Vol. I., page 39. This license was renewed for several successive years. In April, 1662, "John Seir of Woburn, [and others elsewhere] are licensed to continue their houses for common entertainment & to sell wine by retaling the same, but are prohibited retaleing strong Waters." It was at the same term of court that, for the first time, Samuel Waters of Woburn is "granted liberty to still strong waters & to retale the same for one yeare ensuring conditions above expressed."
      These conditions were: " that no strong waters be suffered to be tipled or dranke in or about any house or place of any such their retaking, nor sold to any but to masters of familyes of good report, or travelers in their Journey. On penalty of forfeiting their licenses, and five pounds to the Count & that they give bond to ye vallew of 20 (?) a peece for the performance of this order of Court." (See notes under Carter and Walker.) (?) Was not Mt. Seir, the earliest name given to the present Powder House Hill, named after Woburn's first inn-holder?) -
John Sears and Ann Farrar, Nov. 2, 1680.
Emma J. Sears and Llewellyn R. Wass, both of Woburn, Sept. 30, 1872.
Stephen T. Seaver and Eliza A. Farrington, both of Woburn, Nov. 29, 1871.
Sophronia B. Seeley and Timothy Frye, both of Woburn, May 25, 1853.
Montreesor S. Seeley and Mary A. Smith, both of Woburn, Dec. 25, 1867.
Catharine M. Seister and Charles H. Pingree, both of Woburn, Oct. 26, 1863.
Martha W. Seloy and John W. Lank, both of Woburn, Oct. 13, 1870.
William Sentner and Elizabeth O'Hara, both of Woburn, June 28, 1860.
Carrie Severance and Frank G. Richardson, both of Woburn, Nov. 27, 1872.
Rev. Samuel Sewall and Martha Marrett, both of Burlington, at Burlington, Jan. 1, 1818.
Samuel G. Sewall of Cambridge and Sarah C. Otis of Woburn, May 1, 1845.
William R. Seward of Rochester, N. Y., and Josephine Coburn of Woburn, March 20, 1861.
Joseph Sharp and Harriet Damon, both of Woburn, June 16, 1856.
Mr. Amos Shattuck and Miss Susan Jaquith, both of Woburn, April 8, 1830.
Miss Mary Ann Shattuck of West Cambridge and Mr. Amos H. Burgess of Woburn, Oct. 1, 1834.
Lewis Shaw and Mary Cummings, both of Woburn. July 11, 1850.
George F. Shaw and Ann E. French, both of Woburn, June 18, 1858.
Lydia Shaw and Albert P. Holden, both of Woburn, July 1, 1858.
Auriila Shaw and Orando B. Watson, both of Stoneham, Oct. 5, 1864.
Elizabeth Shaw of Woburn and John W. Merrill of Bath, Me., Jan. 11, 1869.
John Shea and Mary Dwyer, both of Woburn, Jan. 17, 1858.
Bridget Shea and Thomas Lynch, Jr., both of Winchester, Feb. 19, 1860.
John Shea of Boston and Fanny M. Fuller of Woburn, Jan. 3, 1864.
Mary Shedd and Abraham Chamberlain, both of Billerica, July 23, 1718.
Lydia Shedd of Burlington and Jonathan Butters of Littleton, at Burlington, Dec. 3, 1818.
Samuel Shedd, Jr., and Sarah Skelton, both of Burlington, at Burlington, April 25, 1822.
Sarah S. Shedd and Cyrus Cummings, both of Woburn, Aug. 23, 1848.
Alsina Shedd and Daniel Hartford, Jr., both of Billerica, Jan. 29, 1860.
Jefferson J. Shedd of Charlestown and Lucy A. Streeter of Woburn, Dec. 21, 1863.
Almira Shedd and Bradford Skelton, both of Burlington, Dec. 29. 1863.
Lydia J. Shedd of Woburn and Zebard T. White of Winchester, June 6, 1867.
Margaret Sheehan and Patrick Kelley, both of Woburn, Nov. 1, 1857.
Mary Sheehan and Joshua Miller, both of Burlington, Jan. I6, 1858.
Mary Sheehan and Patrick Cogan, both of Woburn, Jan, 31, 1864.
Bridget Sheehan and Patrick Halloran, both of Woburn, Dec. 30, 1865.
Timothy Sheehan of Woburn and Katie McMorrow of Winchester, Oct. 7, 1869.
Julia Sheehan and Dennis Murray, both of Woburn, May 16, 1872.
Thomas Sheeran and Catharine Cogan, both or Woburn, Oct. 26, 1871.
John Sheldon and Mary Thompson, widow, at Billerica, Feb. 1, 1659. (Was not Mary Thompson the widow of Simon Thompson of Woburn, who died in May, 1658? John Sheldon was rated for the new Meeting House in Woburn in 1672."---S. Sewall.)
Harriet A. Sheldon of North Reading and Origen P. Beers of Woburn, Oct. 28, 1860.
Benjamin Shepherd of Boston and Rebecca Skelton of Burlington, at Burlington, May 8, 1814.
Andrew N. Shepherd and Harriet W. Brown, both of Woburn, Jan. 1, 1850.
Louisa C. Shepherd and John K. Richardson, both of Woburn, Aug. 18, 1869.
Emeline Sherburne and Thomas Rice, both of Woburn. Sept. 14, 1858.
Rev. Josiah Sherman of Woburn and Martha Minot of Concord, at Concord, Jan. 24, 1757.
Mary Shields of Woburn and Stephen Fifield of Lowell, Oct. 19, 1864.
Michael Shields and Margery Harkins, both of Woburn, Oct. 31, 1868.
Dennis Shields and Bridget McNally, both of Woburn, Oct. 20, 1872.
Isaac Shipsy and Sarah Bradford, both of Woburn, Sept. 4, 1869.
Isabella Sholes and Edward Johnson, both of Woburn, Feb. 26, 1866.
Toby Shrimp and Pauline Ochsaler, both of Woburn, April 27, 1857.
Lydia Shute of Malden and William Watts of Woburn, at Malden, June 6, 1765.
Mr. James Shute of Woburn and Miss Priscilla A. Fisk of Charlestown, Sept. 3, 1838.
James G. Shute and Harriet N. Horn, both of Dover, N. H., Oct. 2, 1849.
Valorous A. Simmons and Mary McNeil, both of Watertown, Oct. 4, 1871.
SIMONDS- (In a document on file in Middlesex Court House in re Benjamin Simonds and Elisabeth Peirce, daughter of Robert Peirce, the said Robert Peirce speaks of "being ordered to be in the widdo Simons house, it being Appoynted a fortified house," and because of the "Unciuell Cariages" of Benjamin Simonds and Mary Tidd, the said Robert Peirce went" to the next garrison which was goodman bakens, where being somewhat more straittened then at ye other place," his wife desired to return etc. The letter refers to having seen Benjamin Simonds and Mary Tidd dance together '' and smoke tobacco, and concludes by saying "that the time I was in the widdo Simoms garrison was the first month of this present 76 and about the begining of the second month I went from it." " eotea to Locke told Tort ugh on. See notes to Locke and Tottingham.)
William Simonds and Judith Hayward, Jan. 18, 1644. [March 18, 1643. County Record.] (See note under Bacon. In June. 1672, administration on the estate of William Simonds of Woburn was granted to Judith, his relict widow, and to Caleb & William Simonds, his sons. Joseph Simonds, aged 10, chose John Wyman, Senior, his guardian, Benjamin, aged 18, and James, aged 25, chose Francis Kendall guardian. In Dec., 1672, administration is granted to John Barker, on the estate of William Simonds [son of William], late of Concord. For a Simonds genealogy see Woburn Record of Deaths, star page 52.) -
Caleb Simonds and Sarah Bacon, Sept. 23, 1677.
Huldah Simonds and Samuel Blodgett, April 30, 1683.
James Simonds and Susanna Blodgett, Dec. 29, 1685.
Bethiah Simonds and John Walker, Aug. 13, 1696.
William Simonds of Woburn and Elizabeth Wilson of Billerica, at Concord, Dec. 26, 1704.
James Simonds and Mary Fowle, both of Woburn, June 17, 1714.
Judith Simonds and Samuel Eames, both of Woburn, July 2, 1717.
Sarah Simonds and Samuel Wilson, both of Woburn, Oct. 29, 1719.
Huldah Simonds and Nathan Wyman, both of Woburn, Jan. 29, 1723.
Ruth Simonds and John Fowle, both of Woburn, Feb. 21, 1723.
Benjamin Simonds and Abigail Wood, both of Woburn, Aug. 7, 1723.
Nathan Simonds and Esther Fowle, both of Woburn, Nov. 2, 1726.
Josiah Simonds and Elizabeth Converse, both of Woburn, Dec. 9, 1730.
Sarah Simonds and Caleb Eames, both of Woburn, April 5, 1732.
Mary Simonds and John Lawrence, Oct. 23, 1736.
Phebe Simonds and Jonathan Brooks, Aug. 23, 1738.
James Simonds of Woburn and Abigail Bacon, of Bedford, at Bedford, July 26, 1739.
James Simonds and Anna Lawrence, both of Woburn, May 12, 1740.
Joshua Simonds and Jerusha Waters, both of Woburn, Feb. 1, 1742.
Lydia Simonds and Samuel Chamberlain, both of Woburn, Sept. 20, 1744.
Caleb Simonds and Susanna Converse, March 26, 1746.
Joshua Simonds of Woburn and Rebecca Hamblet of Wilmington, at Wilmington, Aug. 27, 1746.
Abigail Simonds and Samuel Wood, both of Woburn, Oct. 22, 1747.
Abigail Simonds of Woburn and James Thompson of Wilmington, April 23, 1747.
Benjamin Simonds, Jr., and Susanna Simonds, both of Woburn, March 29, 1748.
Susanna Simonds and Benjamin Simonds, Jr., both of Woburn, March 29, 1748.
Zebedee Simonds and Ruth Simonds, both of Woburn, May 30, 1749.
Ruth Simonds and Zebedee Simonds, both of Woburn, May 30, 1749.
Abigail Simonds of Lexington and Isaiah Tay of Woburn, May 29, 1753.
Nathan, Simonds and Abigail Cutler, both o! Woburn, April 22, 1762.
Esther Simonds and Samuel Richardson, both of Woburn, ----------, 1763.
Nathan Simonds and Abigail Reed, both of Woburn, June 2, 1763.
James Simonds [3rd] of Woburn and Elizabeth [Hall] of Bedford, at Lexington, June 30, 1763.
Silas Simonds and Molly Dean, both of Woburn, Nov. 20, 1766.
Anna Simonds and Ebenezer Whitney, both of Woburn, June 3, 1767.
Jesse Simonds of Woburn and Elizabeth Simonds of Lexington, Nov. 16, 1769.
Elizabeth Simonds of Lexington and Jesse Simonds of Woburn, Nov, 16, 1769.
Jerusha Simonds of Woburn and Joseph Lakin of Groton, Oct. 23, 1770.
Hannah Simonds of Bedford and Joseph Trask of Woburn, June 10, 1772.
Asahel Simonds and Mary Tidd, both of Woburn, March 9, 1773. (Hazael. See births 1752 & 1775.)
Caleb Simonds of Woburn and Mary Munroe of Lexington, at Lexington, Dec. 6, 1774.
Luther Simonds and Bathsheba Hayward, both of Woburn, Feb. 28, 1775.
Calvin Simonds and Abigail Simonds, both of Woburn, May 28, 1776.
Abigail Simonds and Calvin Simonds, both of Woburn, May 28, 1776.
Lydia Simonds and Amos Reed, both of Woburn, Oct. 7, 1781.
Miss Susanna Simonds of Woburn and Mr. Ebenezer Page of Bedford, Dec. 4, 1781.
Jonathan Simonds and Phebe Cummings, both of Woburn, Dec. 13, 1781
Mary Simonds and Mr. Samuel Cutler, both of Woburn, Jan. 13, 1782.
Sarah Simonds of Woburn and Mr. Samuel Smith of Leominster, June 11, 1782.
Mr. Caleb Simonds and Miss Abigail Cummings, both of Woburn, Jan. 2, 1783.
Benjamin Simonds of Woburn and Ruth Simonds of Leominster, at Leominster, May 22, 1783.
Ruth Simonds of Leominster and Benjamin Simonds of Woburn, at Leominister, May 22, 1783.
Achsah Simonds and John Johnson, both of Woburn, Dec. 9, 1783.
Ruth Simonds and Andrew Munroe, both of Woburn, March 22, 1785.
Gideon Simonds and Rebecca Wilson, both of Woburn, Oct. 16, 1785.
Abigail Simonds of Woburn and Lt. David Reed of Bedford, Dec. 29, 1791.
Keziah Simonds and Daze Skelton, both of Woburn, at Concord, Feb. 12, 1792.
Abigail Simonds of Woburn and William Blood of Dunstable, N. H., May 29, 1794.
Nathan Simonds and Bathsheba Simonds, both of Woburn, May 21, 1795.
Nathaniel Simonds of Lexington and Miss Dorothy Johnson of Woburn, Sept. 21, 1800.
Calvin Simonds, Jr., and Dorcas Winn, both of Burlington, at Burlington, Dec. 19, 1802.
Martha Simonds of Woburn and David Reed of Bedford, March 28, 1804.
Olive Simonds of Burlington and David Fitch, Jr., of Bedford, at Burlington, Jan. 8, 1805.
Lydia Simonds of Burlington and Washington Jewett of Readfield, Me., at Burlington, June 7, 1808.
Jacob Simonds and Abigail Reed, both of Burlington, at Burlington, Sept. 27, 1808.
Abigail Simonds of Burlington and Joel Locke of Concord, at Burlington, April 20, 1809.
Mixter Simonds and Susanna Converse, both of Burlington, at Burlington, Aug. 19, 1810.
Abigail Simonds of Burlington and William Butters of Medford, at Burlington, Nov. 21, 1811.
Lucy Simonds of Burlington and William Page, Jr., of Bedford, at Burlington, Nov. 21, 1811.
Susanna Simonds of Woburn and Mr. Joseph Wyman of Carlisle, Nov. 24, 1811.
Phebe Simonds and Stephen Skelton, both of Burlington, at Burlington, May 8, 1817.
Miss Lucy Simonds and Mr. Simon Barnard, both of Woburn, Feb. 12, 1818.
Martha Simonds of Burlington and William Whitney of Boston, at Burlington, March 29, 1819.
Joanna Simonds and Samuel Cummings, both of Burlington, at Burlington, May 30, 1820.
Rebecca Simonds and Elias Perkins, both of Burlington, at Burlington, Sept. 3, 1820. (See note under Perkins)
Mrs. Abigail Simonds and Mr. Jacob Leathe, both of Woburn, Nov. 30, 1820.
Hitty Cummings Simonds of Burlington and David Rich, Jr., of Malden, at Burlington, May 1, 1822.
Abigail Simonds and Jonas Haven, both of Burlington, at Burlington, Dec. 5, 1822.
Jonathan Simonds, Jr., and Betsey Munroe, both of Burlington, at Burlington, Oct. 2, 1823.
Mr. Bradley Simonds of Lexington and Miss Mary Ann Pierce of Woburn, May 26, 1824.
Mr. Sullivan Simonds of Charlestown and Eliza Reed of Woburn, April 26, 1827.
Miss Mary D. Simonds of Reading and Mr. Thomas J. Evans of Woburn, Dec. 1, 1836.
Sarah A. Simonds and Cyrus Bancroft, Esq., both of Woburn, Feb. 5, 1840.
Miss Betsey Simonds and Mr. William Holden, Sen., both of Woburn, Dec. 21, 1841.
Miss Prudence Simonds of Billerica and Mr. Abraham Duren of Worburn, April 5, 1842.
Artemas Simonds of Woburn and Julia A. Lombard of Augusta, Me., May 14, 1844.
Edward Simonds and Mary Tidd, both of Woburn, June 13, 1844.
Sarah B. Simonds of Woburn and J. D. Leathe of Cambridgeport, Nov. 5, 1845.
Almira imonds and J. R. Elkins, both of Wilmington, Dec. 7, 1845.
Caleb Simonds and Susan Cutter, both of Woburn, June 10, 1846.
Artemas Simonds an4 Mary Ann C. Beers, both of Woburn, March 12, 1847.
Mary A. P. Simonds and James Walker, both of Woburn, May 18, 1847.
Henry Simonds of Woburn and Jane Lewis of Lynn, Nov. 16, 1848.
Sarah S. Simonds of Lowell and James A. Cutler of Woburn, Nov. 8, 1859.
George Simonds, Jr., and Mary E. Brennan, both of Lexington, Dec. 30, 1863.
John Francis Simonds and Sarah Abby Hatch, both of Woburn, Nov. 24, 1864.
Nathan J. Simonds of Woburn and Mary A. Richardson of Billerica, July 26, 1865.
George C. Simonds and Ellen M. Wade, both of Woburn, Nov. 29, 1871.
Czarina C. Simpson of Woburn and Charles M. Pray of Boston, Oct. 18, 1860.
Annie M. Sisson of Boston and Francis H. Pollard of Woburn, June 21, 1871.
SKELTON - (In 1653, Joseph Skelton was servant to Ensign John Carter and for "stubbornes & rebellion agst his master, shall be openly and severly whipped, at Woborn not exceeding ten stripes."---Middlesex County Court Records, Vol., l., page 45.)
Thomas Skelton and Mercy Craggen, Dec. 29, 1701.
Thomas Skelton and Ruth Reed, both of Woburn, Oct. 30, 1729.
Mercy Skelton of Woburn and Elkanah Welch of Cambridge, Jan. 18, 1753.
Susanna Skelton of Woburn and Simeon Blodgett of Lexington, Dec. 24, 1761.
Sarah Skelton and Abiathar Johnson, both of Woburn, July 9, 1767.
John Skelton and Joanna Johnson, both of Woburn, Feb. 2, 1768.
Thomas Skelton, Jr., and Elizabeth Johnson, both of Woburn, May 10, 1768.
Matthew Skelton and Sarah Wyman, both of Woburn, Sept. 6, 1769.
Daze Skelton of Woburn and Ruth Hartwell of Bedford, June 19, 1770.
Anna Skelton and Mr. Ed-ward Wood, both of Woburn, March 7, 1782.
Daze Skelton and Keziah Simonds, both of Woburn, at Concord, Feb. 12, 1792.
Elizabeth Skelton and Ishmael Munroe, both of Woburn, Feb. 27, 1794.
Ruth Skelton and William Kendall, both of Woburn, June 8, 1797.
Matthew Skelton, Jr., and Elizabeth Winn, both of Woburn, Sept. 30, 1798.
Matthew Skelton of Charlestown and Pamela Wyman of Burlington, at Burlington, March 8, 1801.
Thomas Skelton, Jr., and Nancy Wyman, both of Burlington, at Burlington, March 1, 1804.
Ruth Skelton of Burlington and Ebenezer Cummings, Jr., of Woburn, at Burlington, Nov. 6, 1804.
Francis Skelton and Nancy Berry, both of Burlington, at Burlington, Nov. 26, 1807.
Elijah Skelton and Sarah Skelton, both of Burlington, at Burlington, April 7, 1812.
Sarah Skelton and Elijah Skelton, both of Burlington, at Burlington, April 7, 1812.
Rebecca Skelton of Burlington and Benjamin Shepherd of Boston, at Burlington, May 8, 1814.
Stephen Skelton and Phebe Simonds, both of Burlington, at Burlington, May 8, 1817.
Sarah Skelton and Samuel Shedd, Jr., both of Burlington, at Burlington, April 25, 1822.
Mr. Samuel C. Skelton of Woburn and Miss Almira Caldwell of BurIington, July 3, 1838.
Miss Clarissa Skelton and Mr. Jephtha Munroe, both of Woburn, April 30, 1840.
Susan K. Skelton and Charles W. Bennett, both of Burlington, Nov. 27, 1845.
Daniel C. Skelton of Burlington and Mary J. Fisk of Woburn, Oct. 4, 1860.
Bradford Skelton and Almira Shedd, both of Burlington, Dec. 29, 1863.
Emily Skelton and John P. Kimball, both of Woburn, Jan. 28, 1868.
Melina Skelton and James Skinner, both of Woburn, Nov. 3, 1869.
James H. Skelton and Mary S. C. Walker, both of Woburn, July 14, 1872.
Mehetabel Skinner of Woburn and Jacob Watson of Cambridge, June 4, 1761.
Joseph Skinner and Sarah Brooks, both of Woburn, Nov. 1, 1768.
Abraham Skinner and Susanna Brooks, both of Woburn, July 6, 1769. (County Record. The Town Record gives the name as Wright.)
John Skinner and Susanna Fasset, both of Woburn, Sept. 8, 1774.
Abraham Skinner and Mary Brooks, both of Woburn, Dec. 30, 1777.
Hephzibah Skinner of Woburn and Joshua Felton, Jr., of Roxbury, June 19, 1808.
Elizabeth Skinner of Woburn and Joshua Humphreys of Boston, Feb, 22, 1809.
Miss Hannah B. Skinner of Woburn and Mr. John Hurd of Charlestown, Oct. 17, 1815.
Mr. Lorenzo Skinner of Woburn and Miss Mehetabel Butters of South Reading, Aug. 4, 1817.
Mr. Stephen Skinner and Miss Sally Knight, both of Woburn, Dec. 3, 1818.
Mr. Jacob Skinner and Miss Sarah Ann Spaulding, both of Woburn, Aug. 3, 1838.
Stephen Skinner, 2nd, and Lucy R. Reed, both of Woburn, April 25, 1845.
Mary B. Skinner of Woburn and Hubert G. Woodbury of Portland, Me., Nov. 14, 1848.
Charles L. Skinner and Elizabeth R. McGee, both of Wilmington, Jan. 22, 1853.
Sarah L. Skinner and Jonas P. Barrett, both of Woburn, June 1, 1855.
Christina M. Skinner and John K. Murdock, both of Woburn, Oct. 17, 1867.
James Skinner and Melina Skelton, both of Woburn, Nov. 3, 1869.
Lucy Jane Skinner and Otis S. Harris, both of Woburn, Nov. 16, 1870.
John J. Skinner and Ida White, both of Woburn, Nov. 28, 1841.
Miss Lydia Sleeper and Mr. William Pierce, both of Woburn, June 19, 1828.
Miss Diantha Sloan of Wilmington and Mr. Henry Thompson of Woburn, Dec. 13, 1830.
Patrick Sloan and Mary McHugh, both of Woburn, June 1, 1870.
Mr. Nathaniel R. Small of Woburn and Miss Margaret C. Nurse of Danvers, July 28, 1828.
Charlotte G. Small and William Leathe, both of Woburn, Dec. 26, 1846.
Prudence B. Small and John Pierce, both of Woburn, Nov. 3, 1850.
Susan T. Small and Christopher P. Hosmer, both of Woburn, Feb. 6, 1853.
Ann M. Small of Woburn and Gideon F. Emery of Biddeford, Me., June 20, 1855.
John Smith and Abigail Carter, May 7, 1674.
Matthew Smith as Mary Cutler, June 20, 1684. (In Oct. 1672, John Wright, Isaac Cole, Robert Pierce and Matthew Smith, were convicted "of disorderly withdrawing from the comunion of their brethren of ye church in the holy things of God," and were sentenced to admonished and to pay costs. Middlesex County Court Records, Vol. III., page 42.)
Hannah Smith of Cambridge and Thomas Mead, Jan, 31, 1695.
Jonathan Smith of Exeter and Mary Eames of Woburn, March 17, 1714.
Mary Smith of Lexington and Jabez Wyman of Woburn, at Lexington, Dec. 30, 1730.
Lydia Smith and Thomas Dean, March 14, 1737.
Mary Smith and Kendall Pearsons, both of Wilmington, March 14, 1738.
Jonathan Smith of Kingston and Sarah Pearsons of Wilmington, April 12, 1739.
Sarah Smith of Woburn and William Henderson of Lunenburg, March 13, 1740.
Sarah Smith of Lexington and Abiel Richardson of Woburn, Jan. 14, 1742.
Jonathan Smith of Reading and Martha Webb of Woburn, at Reading, Nov. 29. 1743.
Thomas Smith and Sarah Raymond, both of Lexington, April 12, 1753.
Dorcas Smith of Lexington and John Wood, " resident in Cambridge," at Lexington, April 4, 1764.
Ruth Smith of Woburn and Benjamin Pierce of Medford, May 24, 1768.
Rebecca Smith of Woburn and Daniel Green Brown of Stoneham, May 2, 1771.
Mary Smith and Joshua Reed, both of Woburn, June 6, 1775.
Martha Smith of Woburn and Samuel Blanchard, Jr., of Medford, Jan. 11, 1776.
Mary Smith and Thomas Bennett, both of Woburn, June 21, 1776.
Lucy Smith and David Wyman, both of Woburn, Sept. 9, 1777.
Abigail Smith of Lexington and Sylvanus Wood of Woburn, at Lexington, June 3, 1778.
Daniel Smith of Lexington and Mary Poole of Woburn, at Lexington, March 23, 1780.
Daniel Smith of Lexington and Mary Poole of Woburn, at Lexington, March 23, 1780.
Mr. Samuel Smith of Leominster and Sarah Simonds of Woburn, June 11, 1782.
Mr. Jonathan Smith and Miss Judith Wyman, both of Woburn, Oct. 24, 1790.
Jonathan Smith and Hannah Tay, both of Woburn, Jan. 9, 1794.
Mary Smith of Boston and Zadok Richardson, Jr., of Woburn, March 23, 1797.
Anna Smith of Woburn and Abijah Wyman of Billerica (?), at Leafington, Dec. 16, 1800.
Miss Hannah Smith of Woburn and. Mr. Peter Hazelton of Dracut, Sept. 6, 1812.
Maria Smith of Lexington and Nathan Brooks of Woburn, at Lexington, Jan. 20, 1814.
Ruth Smith of Lexington and Lot Eaton, Jr., of Woburn, at West Cambridge, April 17, 1817.
Hephzibah Smith of Lexington and Benjamin Eaton of Woburn, at Lexington, April 19, 1821. (April 12, according to Lexington Church records)
Mr. Samuel Smith and Miss Elizabeth Locke, both of Woburn, May 20, 1824.
Mary M. Smith of Lexington and John C. Brackett [of Woburn?], at Lexington, May 15, 1827.
Dorcas Smith and Mr. David Lewis, both of Woburn, April 15, 1829.
Mr. Asa C. Smith and Esther T. Eaton, both of Woburn, Sept. 27, 1829.
Frank Smith of Waltham and Harriet Tidd of Woburn, Jan.10, 1832.
Miss Sarah E. Smith of Woburn and Rev. Mr. David Eastman of Amherst, Jan. 31, 1839.
Miss Mary Ann Smith of Waterborough, Me., and William P. Wood of Woburn, May 9, 1839.
Elijah H. Smith and Anna E. Tidd, both of Woburn, Sept. 2, 1845.
Caroline E. Smith of Woburn and William H. Richardson of West Cambridge, May 28, 1846.
Maria L. Smith of Lincoln and Leonard Thompson, Jr., of Woburn, at Lincoln, May 26, 1847.
Laura A. Smith and Leonard W. Horn, both of Woburn, July 12, 1849.
Elizabeth P. Smith and Joseph W. Hammond, both of Woburn, Aug. 20, 1851.
Susan Smith and John Miller, both of Woburn, Feb. 9, 1854.
Elizabeth Smith of Lowell and Nathan Clemson of Woburn, June 21, 1856.
Juliette A. Smith and Orlando P. Hall, both of Keene, N. H., Jan. 13, 1857.
Catharine Smith of Nashua, N. H., and Alexander Frazier of Woburn, Oct. 5, 1857.
Michael Smith and Catharine L. Smith, both of Woburn, March 27, 1862.
Catherine L. Smith and Michael Smith, both of Woburn, March 27, 1862.
Benjamin F. Smith of Salem and Susan Flint of Woburn, March 2, 1864.
George F. Smith and Anna Kemmick, both of Woburn, Sept. 22, 1866.
Mary A. Smith and Montressor S. Seeley, both of Woburn, Dec. 25, 1867.
Anna J. Smith of Lowell and Warren Wade of Woburn, Feb. 7, 1869.
Larkin Smith and Charlotte J. Bennett, both of Lexington, June 26, 1870.
Alexander Y. Smith and Annie E. Drew, both of Woburn, Sept. 12, 1871.
Annie L. Smith of Edgartown and Arthur B. Wyman of Woburn, Sept. 12, 1871.
Charles Smith and Charlotte L. A. Miller, both of Woburn, Nov. 1, 1871.
Sarah G. Smith of Strafford, Vt., and Carlos R. Gilman of Woburn, March 14, 1872.
- (In 1659, Richard Snow is dismissed from ordinary training in consideration of his insufficiency to bear arms. Middlesex Country Court Records, Vol. I., page 183. In June, 1677, the will of Richard Snow was presented to Court by Zachariah Snow, executor, and attested by Francis Wyman and Allen Converse. Ibis, Vol. III., page 182)
Samuel Snow of Woburn and Sarah Parker of New Cambridge (Newton), Aug. 9, 1686. (He was employed in 1720 as chief workman in building the new meeting house in Andover North Parish.)
John Snow and Sarah Stephens, Feb. 13, 1693.
Daniel Snow and Rachel Jones, Aug. 5, 1696.
Zerubbabel Snow and Jemima Cutler, Sept. 22, 1697.
Hannah Snow and John Cutler of Cambridge Farms, Feb. 6, 1701.
Richard Snow and Elizabeth Reed, both of Woburn, Jan. 1, 1706.
Timothy Snow and Lydia Pierce, Jan. 16, 1706.
Ebenezer Snow of Woburn and Mary Pudney of Salem, at Salem,-------, 1714.
Samuel Snow of Woburn and Sarah Locke of Lexington, June 10, 1718.
Daniel Snow of Woburn and Mary Barney of Sudbury, at Sudbury, July 20, 1721.
Zerubbabel Snow and Elizabeth Wyman, both of Woburn, Aug. 11, 1721.
Sarah Snow of Woburn and Joseph Harris of Concord, April 8, 1724.
Jonathan Snow of Woburn and Easter Barney of Sudbury, at Sudbury, April 18, 1727.
Jemima Snow of Woburn and Abraham Joslin of Marlborough, May 9, 1728.
William Snow and Elizabeth Stephens, both of Woburn, Dec. 10, 1730.
Isaac Snow and Esther Converse, both of Woburn, July 18, 1732.
Lydia Snow and Jabez Thompson, Nov. 13, 1735.
Isaac Snow and Phebe Richardson, both of Woburn, April 18, 1738.
Richard Snow and Abigail Coggin, May 31, 1739.
Jacob Snow and Abigail Wyman, both of Woburn, April 8, 1740.
Mary Snow of Woburn and Obadiah Saunders of Billerica, Sept. 14, 1742.
Judith Snow and Isaac Marion, June 2, 1743.
Abigail Snow of Woburn and David Saunders, of Billerica, at Billerica, Nov. 23, 1743.
James Snow and Persia Gray, both of Woburn, Dec. 28, 1756.
Hannah Snow and Joseph Johnson, 3rd, both of Woburn, July 26, 1759.
Esther Snow and Abijah Thompson, both of Woburn, Dec. 13, 1759.
Phebe Snow and Daniel Thompson, both of Woburn, Oct. 29, 1760.
Bridget Snow and Hiram Thompson, both of Woburn, Feb. 3, 1767.
Ruth Snow and Ebenezer Reed, both of Woburn, June 23, 1777. (Ann. Marriage Intention and Precinct Church record)
Miss Betsey Snow of Wilmington and Mr. William Converse of Woburn, Jan. 9, 1843.
Miss Sarah Snow of Wilmington and Mr. John Dean of Woburn, April 25, 1843.
Hannah A. Snow and John S. Nichols, both of Burlington, July 19, 1857.
Mary C. Snow and Thomas S. Scales, both of Woburn, Oct. 18, 1858.
Sarah P. Snow of Woburn and Stephen Thompson of Winchester, Sept. 11, 1866.
Edward O. Soles of West Cambridge and Abigail Taylor of Woburn, June 7, 1848.
Mr. Augustus W. Somerby and Miss Sarah O. Wyman, both of Woburn, March 22, 1835.
SOMERS - (See note under Russell. In May, 1682, Henry Somers was licensed to keep ordinary in Woburn---Middlesex County Court Records, Vol. IV., page 33. (See note under Walker.) In April, 1684, Henry Somers petitioned for administration on his father's estate. --Ibid, page 104. In Oct. 1684, Henry Somers brings a suit against Francis Wyman, attorney to his mother-in-law, Mabel Somers, in an action of appeal from a judgement granted by William Johnson, Esq., Aug. 25, 1684, for
non-payment of a debt of forty shillings silver due for "one quarter of a year's Tabling of the said mabel Somers "where judgement was granted for the plaintiff, Francis Wymen. The verdict in this case was in favor of Somers and in reversion of former judgements.---ibid, page 126. Henry Somers continued to have litigation about his mother-in-law's support.---ibid. pages 157 (1685) where she is referred to as being "so weak & infirme as renders her uncapable to take care for herself."
      In June, 1690, her will was exhibited in court by George Reed, the executor, but there was afterwards trouble about the contents of the will.) -
Henry Somers, Sen., and Mabel Reed, Nov. 21, 1660.
Abigail Somers, alias Warren, and William Pierce, April 8, 1690.
Henry Somers of Charlestown and Hannah Converse of Woburn, at Charlestown, Nov. 22, 1708.
Lydia Somerset of Billerica and Amos Fortune of Woburn, at Lexington,July 8, 1778.
Lizzie Sowersby and George Henry Edgecomb, both of Woburn, Sept. 5, 1871.
Ellis Sparrook of Worcester and Lucy H. Norcross of Woburn, Sept. 12, 1870.
Timothy Spaulding of Chelmsford and Rebecca Winn, March 5, 1700.
Susanna Spaulding of Groton and Mousall Wright of Woburn, April 5, 1733.
Simeon Spaulding of Chelmsford and Abigail Wilson of Woburn, Nov, 13, 1751.
Owen Spaulding of Chelmsford and Eliza Wright of Woburn, May -----, 1823.
Miss Sarah Ann Spaulding and Mr. Jacob Skinner, both of Woburn, Aug. 3, 1838.
Esther L. Spaulding and Parker Nichols, both of Woburn, Jan. 7, 1852.
Maria Spaulding and John H. Staples, both of Woburn, Jan. 23, 1853.
Huldah A. Spaulding and George A. Holland, both of Woburn, Oct. 31, 1854.
Philemon C. Spaulding and Julia A. Pearsons, both of Woburn, June 3, 1862.
Eliza Spaulding and John B. Tay, Jr., both of Woburn, Feb. 14, 1866.
S. Carrie Spaulding of Charlestown and Everett H. Nichols of Woburn, Dec. 17, 1872.
Angelina Spear and William H. Paynton, both of Woburn, Jan. 30, 1853.
Sarah L. Spelman and Frank S. Dalton, both of Stoneham, July 6, 1856.
Ebenezer R. Spencer and Ann M. Keniston, both of Woburn, July 3, 1851.
Michael Spencer and Ann Agen, both of Woburn, Jan, 26, 1867.
Eunice L. Spinney and William H. Matthews, both of Woburn, June 13, 1868.
Marianna Spinney and Clarence H. Leathe, both of Woburn, June 12, 1872.
Joanna Sprague and Edward Converse, Sept. 9, 1662.
Samuel Sprague of Woburn and Louise Burrill of Lynn, at Boston, June 5, 1695.
Mr. John Sprague of Stoneham and Miss Martha A. Sprague of Woburn, Nov. 5, 1840.
Miss Martha A. Sprague of Woburn and Mr. John Sprague of Stoneham, Nov. 5, 1840.
John B. Sprague and Mary E. Fowle, both of Woburn, Dec. 16, 1845.
George H. Sprague of Boston and Sarah E. Kendall of Woburn, Feb. 17, 1866.
Marietta Stacy and John F. Corbin, both of Woburn, Nov. 25, 1866.
Esther Stafford of Cambridgeport and William W. Barney of Winchester, May 21, 1859.
George Stanley and Bridget McCarron, both of Woburn, Feb. 17, 1863.
John H. Staples and Maria Spaulding, both of Woburn, Jan. 23, 1853.
John Staunton of Boston and Betsey Wilson of Burlington, at Burlington, Nov. 4, 1804.
Mary Stearns and Isaac Learned, July 9, 1646.
Abigail Stearns of Billerica and William Wyman of Woburn, at Watertown, Oct. 22, 1712.
John Stearns, Jr., of Billerica, and Esther Johnson of Woburn, at Billercia, "about January," 1716.
Sarah Stearns of Billerica and Ebenezer Johnson, Jr., of Woburn, at Billerica, May 19, 1725.
Timothy Stearns and Elizabeth Jenkins, both of Wilmington, Nov. 3, 1737.
John Stearns of Billerica and Susanna Winn of Burlington, at Burlington, May 13, 1817.
Abijah Steams of Middlebury, Vt. (?), and Sally Tyler of Woburn, Sept. 17, 1818.
Isaac D. Stearns and Katie L. Knight, both of Woburn, Sept. 16, 1857.
Charles Stearns and Eunice Nichols, both of Burlington, March 22, 1860.
Sarah Stedman and Joseph Glazier, Oct. 8, 1702.
William Stedman of Medford and Martha Russell of Woburn, March 28, 1721.
Miss Sarah Steele and Mr. Calvin Richardson, both of Woburn, Feb. 5, 1800.
Joseph Steele and Sally Wood, both of Woburn, Jan. —, 1823.
Miss Hannah Steele and Mr. Samuel H. Davis, both of Woburn, March 20, 1825.
Mr. James Steele, Jr., and Miss Mary B. Kittredge, both of Stoneham, Oct. 17, 1838.
Sarah Stephens and John Snow, Feb. 13, 1693.
Joseph Stephens and Elizabeth Tidd, Sept. 24, 1701.
Elizabeth Stephens and William Snow, both of Woburn, Dec. 10, 1730.
Jedediah Stephens and Elizabeth Reed, both of Burlington, at Burlington, May 5, 1800.
Miss Almira Stephens and Mr. Charles Calhoun, both of Boston, Oct. 13, 1837.
Mr. Charles W. Stephens and Miss Mary R. Bell, both of Woburn, June 25, 1837.
Mr. Benjamin Stephens and Mrs. Hannah Converse, both of Woburn, Nov. 30, 1842.
Joseph Stephens and Eunice Robinson, both of Woburn, Feb. 13, 1845.
Benjamin Stephens and Mehetabel Dean, both of Woburn, July 27, 1845.
Aaron S. Stephens and Sophia B. Davis, both of Woburn, June 30, 1848.
Joseph H. Stephens of Woburn and Julia A. Barnard of Burlington, March 24, 1859.
Charles H. Stephens and Jeannette McPherson, both of Winchester, March 22, 1860.
John P. Stephens and Emma A. Tileston, both of Woburn, March 24, 1861.
Francis E. Stephens and Mary J. Tuck, both of Woburn, Dec. 6, 1865.
Charles E. Stephens and Nellie A. Howland, both of Woburn, Dec. 10, 1867.
Emma F. Stephens and Frederick D. Merrill, both of Woburn, Aug. 23, 1871.
Harriet P. Stephens and Allen Thompson, both of Woburn, April 3, 1872.
Mary Stephenson and Thomas Richardson, at Billerica, Jan. 5, 1670. (See note under Richardson)
William R. Stewart of Rockport, Me., and Marianna Pierce of Kittery, Me., Sept. 15, 1862.
Joseph E. Stewart and Isabella Graydon, both of Woburn, Dec. 17, 1862.
Dorothy Stickney and Joseph Tidd, both of Lexington, July 21, 1731.
Stephen O. Stickney and (Mrs.) Jemima B. Reed, both of Woburn, Nov. 19, 1843.
Clarissa A. Stiles of Woburn and William Fairfield of Boston, Aug. 14, 1853.
Charles F. Stiles and Susan Town, both of Woburn, Oct. 2, 1854.
Catharine Stiles and William Jordan, both of Woburn, Nov. 4, 1860.
Thomas Stimpson and Mary Taylor of Reading, Jan. 8, 1696.
Mary Stimpson of Reading and Robert Fisk of Lexington, May 26, 1718.
Mary Stocker and Samuel Chadwick, Jan. 22, 1685. [Dec. 22, 1684. County Record.]
Mr. Joshua Stoddard and Miss Almira Colburn, both of Woburn, May 6, 1819. (Coburn. Church Record)
Miss Almira E. Stoddard and Mr. John Symmes, Jr., both of Woburn,---------, 1841.
Catharine G. Stoddard of Woburn and George B. Pickett of Boston, Oct. 17, 1850.
Evelyn A. Stoddard and Thomas A. Chandler, both of Woburn, Feb. 12, 1854.
Mary A. Stoddard and Frederick W. Bosworth, both of Woburn, June 10, 1858.
Helen Stoddard and Lincoln Emerson, both of Woburn, July 19, 1859.
Sarah Stone and Edward Converse, Nov. 5, 1684.
Samuel Stone of Concord and Abigail Reed of Woburn, at Concord, April 3, 1706.
Rev. Mr. Nathan Stone of Southborough and Mrs. Judith Fox of Woburn, Oct. 21, 1734.
Lucy Stone and Solomon Wood Jr., both of Woburn, March 28, 1776.
Mr. Ephraim Stone of Templeton and Miss Eunice Wyman of Woburn, July 16, 1822.
Mr. Aaron Stone of Worcester and Miss Sophia Reed of Woburn, Oct. 29, 1835.
Dorinda Stone and Ephraim W. Hadley, both of Woburn, Oct. 20, 1861.
Catharine Stonehouse and James Adams, both of Medford, Oct. 6, 1861.
Anna Stowers and Henry Jefts, Sept. 13, 1647.
Thomas P. Stowers and Maria M. Graydon, both of Woburn, Sept. 27, 1857.
Martha E. Stowers of Woburn and George E. Hooper of Reading, Aug. 21, 1871.
Mary Stratton of Watertown and Edward Winn of Woburn, at Watertown, Jan. 3, 1698.
Hannah Stratton and John Sanderson, both of Watertown, Jan. 10, 1701.
Josiah Stratton of Watertown and Sarah Russell of Woburn, April 21, 1808.
Miss Lydia R. Stratton of Woburn and Mr. Albert Richardson of Medford, April 15, 1832.
Josiah Stratton, Jr., and Abigail Richardson, both of Woburn, July 8, 1847.
Samuel Straw and Abigail Pollard, both of Woburn, May 29, 1776.
Lucy A. Streeter of Woburn and Jefferson J. Shedd of Charlestown, Dec. 21, 1863.
Helen E. Streeter and Elisha J. Brown, both of Woburn, June 18, 1869.
Ione Gertrude Streeter of Woburn and William Robinson of Watertown, Jan. 17, 1870.
Nicholas Stricker of Roxbury and Phebe Hooper of Wilmington, Nov. 29, 1731.
Addie Strout of Woburn and Gilman P. Lombard of Belfast, Me., Sept. 26, 1871.
Mary F. Sturtevant of Mattapolsett and Alfred H. Binden of Woburn, Sept. 24, 1863.
Charles A. Sturtevant and Martha Tay, both of Woburn, Nov. 7, 1866.
Betsey Stygles of Woburn and Timothy C. Godfrey of Wolcott, Vt., Nov. 7, 1867.
Nellie E. Stygles and Charles W. Edgecomb, both of Woburn, Aug. 15, 1871.
John A. Stygles and Nettie Bancroft, both of Woburn, May 5, 1872.
SUE* (See entry under Wyman of date June 24, 1684. In June, 1677, Sue, negro servant to Lieut. John Wyman, and Thomas K (?)eny, negro servant to Francis Wyman, were convicted in court and sentenced to be whipt ten stripes---Middlesex County Court Records, Vol., III., page 176. James Carrioubone (?) and Sue were in court in Dec., 1684, and both fined and whipt.---ibid., Vol. IV., page 141.)
John Sulger, Jr., and Elizabeth A. Church of Melrose, Nov. 9, 1870.
Julius L. D. Sullivan and Mary F. Marvin, both of Woburn, March 26, 1856.
Rebecca S. Sullivan and Ephraim Cutter, both of Woburn, Oct. 7, 1856.
Ellen Sullivan and Charles H. Boston, both of Woburn, Sept. 2, 1862.
Martha W. Sullivan and Samuel W. Abbott, both of Woburn, Jan. 7, 1864.
Michael J. Sullivan and Susan A. Ferrin, both of Woburn, Sept. 13, 1865.
Catharine Sullivan and Cornelius Kerrigan, both of Woburn, Sept. 16, 1866.
John Sullivan and Hannah Coughlin, both of Woburn, Nov. 6, 1866.
John Sullivan and Catharine O'Brien, both of Woburn, May 19, 1867.
Hannah Sullivan and Michael Ryan, both of Woburn, Oct. 9, 1868.
Julia A. Sullivan and John S. Brown, both of Woburn, Feb. 3, 1869.
Mr. Enos Sumner of Boston and Abigail Caldwell of Woburn, Sept. 7, 1795.
John Sumner of Quincy and Mary F. Goodell of Woburn, Aug. 9, 1860.
Addle C. Sumner of Bellevue, Ohio, and P. C. Morass of Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1865.
Abner J. Sutherland and Caroline E. Bumpus, both of Lowell, May 20, 1854.
Evie O. Sutherland and Charles A. Nichols, both of Woburn, March 30, 1865.
Colin Sutherland and Mary Jane Henderson, both of Woburn, Oct. 13, 1870.
Susanna Sutton and Richard Post, Feb. 27, 1650.
Elizabeth Sutton and Howard N. Nash, both of Woburn, Aug. 2, 1862.
Charles E. Sutton and Jesse E. Edmunds, both of Woburn, Sept. 7, 1867.
Sarah Swain of Reading and Benjamin Wyman of Woburn, at Reading, Nov. 16, 1752.
Sarah Swain of Woburn and John Vinton of Reading, at Reading, April 10, 1755.
Elizabeth Swain and Benjamin Wyman, Jr., both of Woburn, Oct. 31, 1765.[Jan. 23, 1765. County Record.]
Edward E. Swain and Harriet Ames, both of Wilmington, Feb. 2, 1860.
Ambrose Swallow and Sarah Barrett at Chelmsford, Dec. 8, 1696.
Elizabeth Swan of Cambridge and Ezekiel Richardson of Woburn, July 27, 1687.
John Swan and Sarah Thompson, April 11, 1692.
Ebenezer Swan and Elizabeth Bruce, March 2, 1698.
Joshua Swan, formerly of Haverhill, but now a mariner, and Sarah Ingles of Andover, at Woburn, Jan. 6, 1701.
Ruth Swan and Theophilus Richardson, both of Woburn, at Watertown, April 24, 1711.
Abigail Swan of Cambridge and John Richardson of Woburn, at Cambridge, July 1, 1714.
John Swan of Cambridge and Elizabeth Cowdry of Reading, March 25, 1725.
Hannah Swan of Woburn and Stephen Williams of Stoneham, July 13, 1737.
Susanna Swan of Cambridge and Samuel Watts of Woburn, at Cambridge, April 4, 1757.
Esther Swan of Cambridge and Zebadiah Richardson of Woburn, at West Cambridge, April 19, 1759.
Miss Sarah Swan and Mr. Amos Newton, both of Woburn, Nov. 26, 1805.
Joanna Swan of Woburn and Jonathan French of Orford, N. H., Nov. 22, 1810.
Mr. George F. Swan and Miss Maria Sawtell, both of Woburn, Dec. 31, 1834.
Mary R. Swan of West Cambridge and James T. Langley South Arlington, May 23, 1844.
Charles Swan, 2d, of West Cambridge, and Mary R. Parker of Woburn, April 21, 1846.
Stephen Swan of Winchester and Susan A. Parker of Reading, May 17, 1864.
H. Maria Swan and T. Marvin Parker, both of Woburn, Aug. 16, 1866.
James Swaney and Susan M. Foster, both of Woburn, June 1, 1858.
Cornelia F. Swaney and Charles Symmes Parker, both of Woburn, Jan. 19, 1863.
Mr. Benjamin F. Swanton of Lexington and Sarah F. Hale of Woburn, July 15, 1829.
Isaac Swasey and Lavinia R. Eames, both of Stoneham, July 19, 1857.
Seth Sweetser and Sarah Clark, both of Charlestown, Jan. 12, 1692.
Mr. Amos Sweetser of Reading and Miss Abigail Flagg of Woburn, Nov. 4, 1830.
Mr. Brown Sweetser of Stoneham and Miss Eliza Kittredge of Woburn, July 12, 1835.
Mr. Seth Sweetser and Mrs. Mehetabel Ramsdell, both of Woburn, Dec. 19, 1842.
H. L. Sweetser and George Symmes, both of Stoneham, May 8, 1859.
Charles A. Sweetser of Stoneham and Abby W. Horn of Woburn, Oct. 9, 1859.
Francena E. Sweetser and Francis H. Tarbell, both of Woburn, Oct. 27, 1870.
Calista A. Sweetser and George F. Eaton, both of Woburn, Feb. 15, 1871.
William Symmes and Ruth Converse, Dec. (7?), 1704.
Mr. Zachariah Symmes and Judith Eames, both of Woburn, Oct. 29, 1741.
Mary Symmes of Charlestown and David Wyman of Woburn, at Charlestown, Jan. 26, 1743.
Samuel Symons and Susanna Richardson, both of Woburn, June 4, 1771.
Judith Symmes of Woburn and Isaiah Dickson of Cambridge, Nov. 16, 1773.
Ruth Symmes of Woburn and Thomas Prentice of Cambridge, July 20, 1774.
Abigail Symmes of Medford and Seth Johnson of Woburn, at West Cambridge, Feb. 10, 1780.
John Symmes, Jr., of Medford, and Elizabeth Wright of Woburn, at West Cambridge, Oct. 31, 1780.
Sukey Symmes and Jesse Johnson, both of Woburn, Dec. 19, 1792.
Rebecca Symmes of Woburn and Francis Waite of Medford, at Medford, June 5, 1794.
Mr. Zachariah Symmes, Jr., and Miss Hannah Richardson, both of Woburn, Oct. 6, 1801.
Elizabeth Symmes of Medford and George W. Reed of Woburn, at Cambridge, Dec. 13, 1801.
John Symmes, 3d, of Medford, and Pamela Richardson of Woburn, June 28, 1804.
Samuel Symmes, 2d, and Mary Richardson, both of Woburn, April 23, 1807.
Josiah Symmes of Medford and Betsey Johnson of Woburn, at Medford, May 28, 1807.
Mary Symmes of Woburn and Rev. Jacob Coggin of Tewksbury, Nov. 10, 1807.
Joseph B. Symmes and Lydia Wyman, both of Woburn, Nov. 1, 1808.
Zachariah Symmes and Nancy Richardson, both of Woburn, March 28, 1809.
Nancy Symmes of Woburn and James Hill of Stoneham, March 28, 1811.
Mr. Horatio Symmes and Miss Charlotte Johnson, both of Woburn, Nov. 11, 1819.
Miss Hannah Symmes and Mr. Samuel B. Tidd, both of Woburn, March 2, 1820.
Miss Mehetabel Symmes and Mr. Ira Buckman, both of Woburn, Nov. 24, 1825.
Martha Symmes of West Cambridge and William Wyman of Woburn, at West Cambridge, April 16, 1828.
Miss Lydia W. Symmes and Mr. Jefferson Ford, both of Woburn, Oct. 9, 1835.
Mr. John Symmes, Jr., and Miss Almira E. Stoddard, both of Woburn,----------, 1841.
Miss Harriet P. Symmes of West Cambridge and Mr. Josiah Locke of Woburn, Jan. 5, 1843.
Gardner Symmes of Woburn and Adeline M. Hutchinson of West Cambridge, Nov. 19, 1843.
Johnson Symmes of Woburn and Ambrosia Tenney of Tewksbury, June 21, 1844.
Jerusha R. Symmes of Woburn and Joseph Wyman of West Cambridge, March 5, 1846.
Joseph Symmes and Hannah Wyman, both of Woburn, Dec. 24, 1847.
Horatio Symmes, Jr., and Rhoda C. Fowle, both of Woburn, Sept. 24, 1848.
George Symmes and H. L. Sweetser, both of Stoneham, May 8, 1859.