FROM 1640 TO 1873.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

McAULTY (see McNulty)
Owen, s. of Michael and Ann (b. in Ireland), Sept. 8, 1865; 70 y.
James A., s. of James and Ann, of premature birth, Oct. 8 [2, gravestone], 1866; 2 d.
Peter, s. of James and Ann, April 19, 1870; 2 h. [2 d., gravestone].
James, s. of Arthur and Nancy (b. in Ireland), of congestion of the lungs, May 12, 1871; 32 y.
John, s. of William and Jane, of consumption, April 16, 1867; 1 y. 7 m.
John, s. of William and Jane, of hydrocephalus, Sept. 10, 1872; 7 m.
Michael, s. of Peter and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Nov. 3, 1869; 24 y. 18 d.
Bridget Ellen [Ella B., gravestone], d. of Patrick and Elizabeth, of bronchitis, Aug. 18 [12, gravestone], 1871; 8 y. 6 m.
John, s. of Peter and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, Aug. 18, 1871; 28 y.
James, s. of ------------, (b. in Ireland), of diarrhoea, in Fortress Monroe, Va., Sept. 11,1862; 20 y.
Edward, s. of Joseph and Ellen, of cholera infantum, Aug. 24, 1847; 1 y.10 m.
Ellen M., d. of John and Mary, of cholera Infantum, Sept. 25, 1847; 1 y. 8 m. 11 d.
John, s. of Patrick and Barbara, of cholera infantum, Aug. 9, 1854; 8 m.
C., ------------, of Patrick and Catharine, drowned, July 31, 1855; 7 y. 1 m. 21 d.
Mary, d. of Thomas and Jane (b. in Winchester), of lung fever, Dec. 16, 1858; 5 y.
John, son of John and Catharine (b. in West Newbury), of croup, Dec. 30, 1860; 2 y. 4 m.
Mary M., d. of Patrick and Barbara, of croup, April 29, 1861; 3 m. 15 d.
Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary J., of inflammation of the lungs, Jan. 4, 1862; 1 m. 7 d.
Mary Ellen, d. of Thomas and Mary, of scarlet fever, Feb. 22, 1865; 1 y. 3 m. 15 d.
William, s. of John and Elizabeth (b. in Boston), of phthisis, April 12, 1865; 41 y. 8 m.
John, s. of John and Margaret (b. in Ireland), of diarrhoea, Nov. 13, 1866; 85 y. 8 m.
Margaret, wife of Michael, d. of Timothy and ------------, Shea (b. in Ireland), of puerperal convulsions, Jan. 8, 1868; 47 y.
Joseph, s. of Thomas and Mary, of cholera infantum, Sept. 13, 1868; 1 y. 3 m. 18 d.
John, s. of Maurice and Mary (b. in Ireland), burned, Jan. 1, 1870; 32 y.
John, s. of Michael and Margaret, Dec. 5, 1870; 10 y. 7 m.
Susan L., d. of -----------, Jan. 4, 1871; 18 y. 2 m. (Gravestone.)
Horace, s. of Jame W. and Mary E. (b. in Jersey City), of cholera infantum, Sept. 28, 1872; 3 m.
Timothy, s, of Daniel and Bridget (b. in Lowell), of croup, June 27, 1864; 2 y. 6 m.
Ann, d. of Daniel and Ann, of cholera infantum, Aug. 17, 1872; 1 y. 3 m.
Margaret, d. of James and Grace, of fits, Aug. 8, 1853; 3 m.
Hugh, s. of James and Grace, of cholera infantum, Aug. 10, 1861; 1 m. 7 d.
Hannah, d. of Neal J. and Hannah, of pneumonia, Dec. 25, 1865; 5 m. 14 d.
Daniel Francis, s. of Neal J. and Hannah, of cholera infantum, Oct. 17, 1867; 1 y.
Hannah, wife of Neal J., d. of Bartholomew and Mary O'Mella (b. in Ireland), of phthislis, Nov. 2, 1867; 37 Y.
Catharine, wife of Bernard, d. of John Tolan (b. in Ireland), of congestion of the lungs, Dec. 26, 1867; 84 y.
Catharine, wife of Roger, d. of Hugh and Margaret Milliken (b. in Ireland), of childbirth, Jan. 25, 1862; 39 y. [Jan. 7, 1866, gravestone].
James, s. of -----------, (b. Jan. 6, 1866), Sept. 16, 1866. (Gravestone.)
Richard, s. of -----------, Nov. 22, 1867; 47 y. (Gravestone.)
Thomas F., s. of Richard and Mary, July 21, 1869; 10 y. (Gravestone.)
James, s. of Alexander and Jane (b. in Ireland), of disease of bladder, June 24, 1868; 68 y. 8 m.
McCUE (sec McHugh)
John, s. of Larkin and Bridget, March 31, 1861; 1 y. 3 m.
Patrick, s. of Patrick and Mary (b. in Ireland), of fever, Aug. 15, 1863; 31 y.
James, s. of George and Elizabeth, of membranous croup, June 24, 1864; 9 m. 10 d.
Mary, widow of -----------, d. of -----------, Duffy (b. in Ireland), of dysentery, Oct. 12, 1865; 68 y.
Ann, d. of Thomas and Mary, of croup, Jan. 5, 1868; 4 y.
Margaret, d. of George and Elizabeth, of convulsions, Jan. 27, 1868; 24 d.
Ellen, d. of John and Rosa, Aug. 21, 1871; 9 m.
-----------, child of -----------, April 15, 1786; under 1 m.
Margaret, d. of -----------, (b. in Cambridge), of consumption (at the poorhouse), June 15, 1851; 28 y.
Ann, wife of Michael, d. of Thomas and Mary Agnew (b. in Ireland), of childbirth, Aug. 28, 1855; 32 y.
Calista A. [Clysta, gravestone], d. of Peter and Sarah, of scarlet fever, Oct. 2, 1855; 4 y. 8 m. 20 d.
Charles A., s. of Charles A. and Sarah, of affection of lungs, Dec. 6, 1858; 1 m. 14 d.
Rose Mary, d. of Patrick and Mary, of diarrhoea, Aug. 27, 1861; 8 m.
Margaret, d. of James and Mary, of cholera infantum, July 26, 1864; 1 y. 4 m. 26 d.
Winifred B., d. of Patrick and Mary, of dysentery, Oct. 20, 1864; 2 m. 15 d.
Mary E., d. of James and Ann, of hydrocephalus, March 17, 1866; 4 y. 6 m.
Ann, wife of James, d. of -----------, Fox (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, March 27, 1866; 36 y.
Maggie J., d. of James and Ann, of cholera infantum, Sept. 2, 1866; 6 m.
Eunice B., wife of Willlam B., d. of Joseph B. and Lucy Wyman (b. in Charlestown), of apoplexy, June 26, 1867: 55 y. 7 m. 5 d.
Jane, wife of -----------, d. of Michael and Catherine McHugh (b. in Ireland), of inflammation of the bowels, Sept. 30, 1869; 25 y.
Mary, widow of -----------, d. of William and Mary Allison (b. in Scotland), of apoplexy, June 29, 1870; 76 y. 11 m.
Patrick Henry, s. of James and Mary, of cholera infantum, Aug. 8, 1872; 1 y. 3 m.
Annie Maria, d. of James and Mary, of cholera infantum, Aug. 20, 1872; 6 m. 20 d.
Alexander, s. of James and Mary, of croup, Oct. 8, 1872; 2 m. 24 d.
John, s. of Martin and Mary, of teething, Dec. 17, 1868; 1 y.
Kate, d. of Martin and Mary, of cholera infantum, Nov. 16, 1870; 1 y. 21 d.
Bernard, s. of John and Margaret, of scarlet fever, May 14, 1863; 1 y. 11 m. 6 d.
William, s. of John and Margaret, of scarlet fever, May 23, 1863; 5 y. 5 m. 18 d.
James, s. of Edward and Bridget, of cholera infantum, Dec. 23, 1872; 10 m. 10 d.
Sarah A., d. of John and Mary, of scarlet fever, April 16, 1860; 2 y. 3 m. 25 d.
Agnes, d. of John and Mary, of scarlet fever, April 20, 1860; 6 m. 15 d.
James Henry, s. of John and Mary, of hip disease, June 1, 1870; 7 y.
John, s. of Hugh and Ellen (b. in Ireland), of paralysis, Sept. 7, 1872; 50 y.
McEVOY (see McAvoy)
Eliza Ann, d. of James and Eliza (b. in Boston), of consumption, March 11, 1850; 13 y. 5 m.
Bridget, wife of -----------, d. of Michael and Mary Mallary (?) (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Nov. 23, 1856; 36 y.
McGINNIS (see McGuinnis)
Margaret, d. of James and Bridget, of scarlet fever, Sept. 8, 1871; 8 m. 7 d.
Catherine, wife of Owen (b. in Ireland ), in Libertyville, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1865; 37 y. (Gravestone)
Anna, d. of John and Mary, of infantile bronchitis, May 11, 1867; 11 m. 23 d.
John, s. of John and Ann, of water on the brain, Nov. 1, 1863; 3 m.
James, s. of -----------, June 2, 1868; 38 y. (Gravestone)
Lawrence, s. of -----------, (b. in Ireland, Feb. 9, 1790), Jan. 2, 1853. (Gravestone)
Matthew, s. of -----------, (b. April 6, 1826), March 10, 1864. (Gravestone.)
Catharine, d. of Thomas and Ellen C., June 11, 1867; 1 m. 7 d.
-----------, s. of Thomas and Ellen, stillborn, Dec. 9, 1868.
John, s. of -----------, (b. May 10, 1836), Dec. 15, 1869. (Gravestone.)
Mary, wife of -----------, d. of James and Mary Matthews (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Nov. 25, 1865; 27 y.
Thomas, s. of Andrew and Mary, Nov. 27, 1862; 4 y. 7 d. (Gravestone.)
Betsey [Bessie, gravestone], d. of Philip and Rosa (b. in Ireland), of dropsy of the brain, Feb. 5, 1866; 20 y. [1865; 19 y. 6 m., gravestone].
Jane, d. of -----------, Sept. 30, 1869; 25 y. (Gravestone.)
Thomas, s. of Hugh and Cecilia (b. in Ireland), of heart disease, Aug. 9, 1870; 62 y.
Charles, s. of John and Ann, Nov.15, 1871; 5 d.
John, s. of -----------, May 15, 1788; 83 y.
Jenny, d. of -----------, May 12, 1789; 90 y.
-----------, widow of -----------, (originally from Ireland), July 3, 1798; 83 y.
An infant of Joseph, Oct. 21, 1793.
Caleb, s. of -----------, March 1, 1836; 31y. (Gravestone.)
Abi F., d. of -----------, June 1, 1841; 32 y.
-----------, d. of Joseph and Esther, of fits of weakness, June 27,1843; 2 d.
Sarah, widow of Joseph (b. in Beverly), of old age, Dec. 1, 1848; 85 y.
-----------, Margaret, d. of Patrick and Ellen, of cholera infantum, July 22, 1864; 9 m.
Susan, wife of -----------, d. of John Kelley (b. in Ireland), May 31, 1865; 55 y.
Bridget, d. of John and Susan (b. in Ireland), of enlargement of the liver, Dec. 11, 1867; 13 y.
Fanny, wife of Joseph W., d. of Peter B. and Ruth J. F. Buckman, of consumption, Jan. 8, 1869: 26 y. 7 m. 28 d.
James W., s. of James and Diana S. (b. in Somerville), of cousumption, Oct. 18, 1869; 26 y. 11 m. 28 d.
Margaret, d. of Patrick and Ellen, drowned, June 13, 1871; 1 y. 9 m. 3 d.
David, s. of Duncan and Mary (b. in Pictou, N. S.), of dysentery, Oct. 19, 1857; 2 y. 8 m.
Charlie, s. of Duncan and Mary A., of infantile debility, May 31, 1861; 1 m. 14 d.
George, s. of Duncan and Mary A., of cholera infantum, Sept. 9, 1861; 6 m.
Howard, s. of Duncan and Mary A., of inflammation of the bowels, June 11, 1862; 7 d.
Annie, d. of Duncan and Mary Ann, of whooping cough, Oct. 13, 1863; 2 m. 20 d.
Duncan R., s. of David and Sarah (b. in New Glasgow, N. S.), of consumption, Dec. 22, 1866; 36 y. 6 m.
John, s. of -----------, Feb. 16, 1861; 21 y. 3 m. 10 d. (Gravestone.)
Annie Lorraine, d. of John and Margaret (b. in N. S.), of whooping cough, Nov. 14, 1865; 5 y. 6 m.
Mary E., wife of Timothy, d. of Patrick and Mary Wiggan (b. in Ireland), of consumption, July 9, 1872; 20 y.
Mary, wife of Alexander, Oct. 21, 1808; 45 y.
William A., s. of Robert and Catharine, of canker, Sept. 20, 1861; 1 m. 14 d.
Warren E., s. of William and Elizabeth R. (b. in Chelmsford), of consumption, Jan. 7, 1870; 26 y.
Philip, s. of Patrick and Mary, of weakness, Dec. 31, 1854; 3 d.
Peter, s. of Peter and Catharine, of measles, Jan. 19, 1856; 5 y.
John, s. of Peter and Catharine, of measles, Jan. 27, 1856; 2 y. 4 m. 27 d.
Margaret, d. of Philip and Margaret, of cholera infantum, July 18, 1858; 10 m. 18 d.
Catharine, d. of Peter and Catharine (b. in -----------,), of fever, Nov. 10, 1859; 10 y. 7 m.
Richard, s. of William and Mary A., of throat disease, Jan. 29, 1863; 4 y. 3 m. 11 d.
Francis, s. of Thomas and -----------, (b. in Ireland), run over on the B. & L. R. R., Feb. 8, 1863; 49 y.
Mary, d. of Francis and Mary (b. in Ireland), of consumption, July 17, 1863; 19 y.
Peter, s. of James and -----------, (b. in Ireland), by the discharge of a blast, Sept. 13, 1867; 54 y.
John, s. of -----------, (b. in Ireland), Dec. 16, 1868; 26 y.10 m. (Gravestone.)
Catharine, widow of -----------, d. of Michael and Catharine McNamara (b. in Ireland), of dysentery, Aug. 12, 1870; 63 y.
Mary A., d. of John and Ann, of diphtheria, Dec. 28, 1863; 2 y. 4 m. 6 d.
Mary E., d. of Patrick and Mary A., of diphtheria, Jan. 9, 1870; 14 d. [7 y. 16 d., gravestone].
Edward, s. of James and Rose, of convulsions, April 6, 1871; 8 d.
Eveline J., wife of A. A., d. of James and Sarah Phillips (b. in Baltimore, Md.), of consumption, July 21, 1872; 34 y. 11 m.
McLAUGHLIN (see also O'Loughlin)
Patrick, s. of -----------, (b. in Ireland), of typhoid fever, Oct. —, 1847.
Mickey, s. of Patrick and Unity (b. in Charlestown), drowned, April 28, 1848; 7 y.
John, s. of John and Cecilia, of whooping cough, Feb. 16, 1852; 5 m.
Edward J., s. of Neal and Bridget, of whooping cough, Dec. 14, 1858; 2 y. 2 m. 17 d.
Mary E., d. of John and Catharine, April 16, 1859; 4 m.
Ellen, wife of -----------, d. of James and Hannah Coleman (b. in Wilmington), of consumption, July 29, 1859; 19 y. 8 m.
Philip, s. of Daniel and Ellen, of scarlet fever, March 16, 1863; 10 m. 7 d.
Patrick, s. of -----------, Aug. 19, 1863; 48 y. (Gravestone.)
Margaret, d. of Daniel and Ellen, Feb. 10, 1864; 1 d.
Mary, widow of George, d. of -----------, McFall (b. in Ireland), of old age, March 13, 1864; 97 y.
John N., s. of Neal and Bridget, of dysentery, Aug. 21, 1864; 9 m. 21 d.
Hannah, d. of John and Cecilia, of inflammation of the throat, Oct. 28, 1860; 5 d.
Patrick, s. of Patrick, Jan. 7, 1871; 20 y. 8 m. (Gravestone.)
John, s. of Patrick and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of typhoid fever, Feb. 27, 1872; 25 y.
Ellen, d. of John and Margaret, of consumption, March 2, 1872; 20 y.
John F., s. of Edward and Mary (b. in Dorchester), of typhoid fever, Sept. 21, 1859; 6 y.
Maggie, d. of Daniel and Ellen, of cholera infantum, Aug. 31, 1863; 1 y. 4 m.
Lewis F., s. of Frank and Catharine, of consumption, Aug. 2, 1865; 1 y. 8 m. 5 d.
Francis, s. of Francis and Catharine, of convulsions, Feb. 14, 1868; 4 m.
John, s. of Daniel and Ellen, Aug. 20, 1868; 2 y. 5 d.
Katie, d. of Patrick and Catharine, of consumption of the blood, Sept. 1, 1871; 9 y. 5 m. 1 d.
William, s. of Francis and Catharine, June 15, 1872; 2 y. 6 m. 7 d.
Michael F., s. of Michael and Ann, of cholera infantum, Aug. 13, 1872; 1 y.
Catharine, wife of James, d. of Bernard and Ellen Lynch (b. in Ireland), of peritonitis, July 9, 1860; 28 y.
Catharine, d. of James and Catharine, Feb. 16, 1863; 7 m.
Mary Jane, d. of James and Catharine, of dropsy on the brain, Dec. 8, 1863; 19 d.
Mary Ann, d. of James and Catharine, of premature birth, Dec. 31, 1864; 6 h.
Bartholomew, s. of Daniel and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of hepatitis, Nov. 18, 1867; 61 y. 3 m. [1868; 63 y., gravestone].
Peter, s. of Daniel and Ann, of premature birth, July 31, 1868; 12 h.
Hugh L., s. of -----------, Oct. 10, 1860; 8 m. (Gravestone.)
Thomas, s. of -----------, May 28, 1867; 1 y. (Gravestone.)
Michael, s. of Patrick and Ellen (b. in Ireland), drowned in Horn Pond, Aug. 18, 1867; 21 y.
Elizabeth, wife of Roger, Nov. 24, 1870; 37 y. (Gravestone.)
Ann, d. of Dennis and Ann (b. in Ireland), Dec. 18, 1855; 8 y. (Gravestone.)
Ann, wife of Dennis, Nov. 5, 1857; 38 y. (Gravestone.)
James L., s. of Hugh and Margaret, from a fall down stairs, Oct. 1, 1857; 1 y. 6 m. 18 d.
Hugh. s. of Hugh and Nancy (b. in Ireland), of a wound, July 16, 1868; 50 Y.
Dennis, s. of Hugh and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, April 13, 1869; 58 y. [59 y., gravestone].
Rosa, d. of -----------, Aug. 14, 1872; 25 y. (Gravestone.)
Thomas, s. of -----------, Dec. 30, 1872; 25 Y. (Gravestone.)
Thomas, s. of Patrick and Sarah (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Dec. 28, 1863; 28 y.
John, s. of Patrick and Barbara, of inflammation of the bladder, Oct. 13, 1872; 20 d.
McSWEENEY (see Sweeney)
Ellen, d. of Dominick and Mary, of dropsy on the brain, May 9,1867; 11 m.15 d.
Emeline, d. of John and Iza (b. in Randolph), of consumption, April 21, 1861; 42 y.
John T., s. of ---------, Oct. 21, 1863; 40 y. (Gravestone.)
Iza, wife of John, d. of Thaddeus and Susanna Dean (b. in Bedford), of dropsy, Jan. 16, 1866; 70 y. 10 m. 16 d.
Charles, s. of John and Mary (b. in Ireland), of pneumonia, Nov. 19, 1872; 47 y.
Bridget, d. of John and Bridget, of scrofula, March 18, 1872 ; 10 d.
Charles James, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, of diphtheria, March 13, 1863; 7 y. 4 m. 13 d.
Thomas Henry, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, of diphtheria, March 17, 1863; 5 y. 2 m. 18 d.
William, s. of Michael and Ann, of cholera infantum, Sept. 24, 1868; 10 m. 15 d.
Mary, widow of Philip, d. of Michael and Ann Doyle (b. in Ireland), of hernia, Sept. 17, 1871; 39 y.
James Edward, s. of James and Elizabeth (b. in Roxbury), of dropsy, Sept. 20, 1871; 4 y. 3 m.
Thomas, s. of James and Elizabeth (b. in Roxbury), of scarlatina, Nov. 2, 1871; 2 y. 3 m.
Francis J., s. of John and Mary, of marasmus, Feb. 16, 1872; 8 m.
Margaret Ann, d. of Michael and Ann, of meningitis, March 8, 1872; 1 y. 10 m. 27 d.
Patrick N., s. of Patrick and Mary, of premature birth, Sept. 10, 1872; 2 d.
James A., s. of John J. and Ellen, of croup, April 4, 1863; 1 y. 1 m. 17 d.
Eliza Ellen, d. of John J. and Ellen J., of diphtheria, May 26, 1863; 6 y. 7 m. 17 d.
Timothy, s. of Cornelius and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of lung fever, Dec. 27, 1868; 48 y.
Hannah, wife of Timothy, Feb. 26, 1871; 55 y. (Gravestone.)
Ellen, d. of James and Hannah, of measles, April 13, 1872; 11 m. 28 d.
Jeremiah, s. of James and Hannah, of convulsions, June 3, 1872; 1 y. 8 m. 10 d.
Mary E., d. of John and Catharine, of bronchitis, Dec. 2, 1871; 5 m.
---------, s. of Patrick and Elizabeth, June 9, 1872; 5 min.
Mary V., wife of William (b. in Salem), of consumption, Feb. 17, 1850; 59 y.
John, killed at battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; 35 y. (Gravestone.)
Abigail, wife of Levi, Nov. 4, 1849; 64 y.
Levi, s. of Levi and Patience (b. in Harvard), of consumption, April 11, 1853; 73 y. 3 m.
Jonas, s. of ---------, Jan. 30, 1844; 60 y. [58 y., gravestone].
Sarah, d. of Dea. Uriah and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1846; 27 y. (Gravestone.)
Sarah, wife of Uriah, d. of Josiah and Sarah Walker, of paralysis, March 8, 1851; 60 y. 22 d.
Mary W., widow of Jonas, d. of Josiah and Mary Wright, of cholera morbus, July 18, 1854; 72 y. [71 y., gravestone].
Jane, d. of James and Mary, of cholera infantum, Oct. 11, 1855; 7 m.
Urlah, s. of Thomas and Rebecca (b. in Tewksbury), of paralysis, May 22, 1862; 76 y. 6 m. 7 d.
Rosanna, wife of Joseph, d. of John and Ellen Carton (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Dec. 15, 1865; 31 y. 9 m.
Catharine, d. of Mark and Elizabeth (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, Dec. 29, 1865; 53 y. 9 m.
H. M., wife of Uriah, d. of Freeman G. and Hannah Hovey (b. in Cambridgeport), of puerperal peritonitis, Oct. 6, 1866; 33 y. 7 m. 2 d.
Barbara Ann (?), d. of ---------, of cholera infantum, Aug. 18, 1851; 5 m.(Left on Wm. Vaughn's doorstep. Afterwards adopted by Miss M. E. Boutwell. Called March because born in March.)
Jane P., wife of Rev. Daniel, d. of Abel and Ann Gilson (b. in Reading, Vt.), of consumption, Feb. 27, 1857; 39 y.
Anna P., d. of Daniel and Jane P., Aug. 26, 1863; 21 y. (Gravestone.)
Judith, widow of ---------, Oct. 25, 1790; 74 y.
Emma J., d. of Charles W. and Amelia, of convulsions, Oct 19, 1870; 4 m. 1 d.
Maroea, formerly a negro servant of Dea. Leathe, Dec. 21, 1800; ab. 90 y.
Thomas Francis, s. of Peter and Catharine, of dysentery, Sept. 27, 1862; 1 y. 8 m. 23 d.
Thomas, s. of Peter and Margaret (b. in Ireland), of dyspepsia, in Annapolis, Md., Oct. 24, 1864; 26 y.
Mary, d. of Thomas and Margery, of consumption, Jan. 8, 1866; 5 y.
---------,Infant s. of Rev. John, June 16, 1782 ; 3 h.
Jane, d. of James and Mary, of water on the brain, May 10, 1864; 1 y. 7m.
Carrie A., d. of Daniel R. and Rosanna R. (b. in Nashua, N. H.), of cholera infantum, Aug. ---------,1860; 1 y. 9 m.
Charles Pratt, s. of John, Esq., and Mrs. Elizabeth, of Boston, Oct. 20, 1775; 9 m.
Geraldl S., d. of James and Judith C., of scarlet fever, Sept. 28, 1855; 5 y. 8 m.
Alice, wife of Capt. William (b. in Dorchester), of dropsy, Aug. 12, 1846; 62y.
William. s. of William and Nancy (b. in Lancaster Co., Va.), of old age, Dec. 23, 1849; 66 y. 6 m.
Lemuel P., s. of ---------, June 26, 1869; 15 y. (Gravestone.)
---------, mother of Mrs. (Chellis), July —,1824.
---------, child, s. of R. T., July 30, 1841.
Daniel, s. of Daniel, Jan. 26, 1854; 1 d. (Gravestone.)
Ann, d. of Daniel and Mary, of cholera infantum, Aug. 13, 1859; 7 m.
Patrick, s. of Lawrence and Mary (b. in Ireland), of dysentery, Dec. 10, 1866; 48 y.
Bridget, widow of James, d. of ---------, Cassidy (b. in Ireland), of dropsy of the chest, June 19, 1868; 75 y.
Rose, widow of ---------, d. of ---------, Corrigan (b. in Ireland), of bronchitis, Jan. 22, 1869; 52 y. (?)
Catharine, widow of Owen, d. of Owen and Rosa Marren (b. in Ireland), of old age, June 27, 1870; 72 y.
Joanna T., d. of Stephen and Sarah (b. in Gilmauton, N. H.), of bowel complaint, Sept. 6, 1847; 6 m.
Joanna F., d. of Stephen R. and Sarah, of cholera Infantum, Sept. 18, 1850; 7 d.
Emily, d. of Stephen B. and Sarah, of cholera infantum, Aug. 26, 1852; 1 m. 21 d.
Aaron, Sen., s. of ------------, July 20, 1799; 70 y., of more.
Abigail, widow of ------------, Jan. 16, 1806; 88 y.
Mary, d. of Dennis and Mary, of lung fever, Jan. 11, 1857; 8 m.
John, s. of James and Judith (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Jan. 18, 1854; 20 y.
John, s. of James and Bridget, Aug. 21, 1854; 1 y. 5 m. 8 d. (Gravestone.)
John H., s. of James and Bridget, of whooping cough, Sept. 20, 1856; 1 y. 2 m. 4 d.
Bernard, s. of Janes and Judith (b. in Ireland), of lung fever, April 11, 1857; 26 y. 6 m.
Edward, s. of James and Bridget, July 8, 1858; 11 m. 19 d.
Bernard S., s. of Bernard and Mary, of typhoid fever, Aug. 16, 1858; 2 y. 7 m. 14 d.
------------, s. of James and Bridget, of convulsions, Nov. 16, 1860; 10 h.
Margaret M., d. of James and Bridget, of rheumatic fever, Aug. 3, 1862; 12 y. 5 m.
Sarah, d. of John and Margaret, of cholera infantum, July 6, 1863; 2 y. 9 m.
Michael, s. of James and Judith (b. in Ireland), of lung disease, March 18, 1865; 26 y. 7 m. 11 d.
Mary, wife of ------------, (b. May 5, 1836), Nov. 25, 1865. (Gravestone.)
Michael, s. of James and Bridget, of pneumonia, Feb. 26, 1866; 11 m. 1 d.
Patrick, s. of James and Judith (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, Dec. 16, 1867; 46 y.
Thomas F., s. of James and Julia (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Sept. 28, 1868; 26 y.
James, s. of James and Judith (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, Sept. 6, 1871; 47 y.
Thomas J., s. of ------------, Oct. 20, 1855; 52 y. 10 m. (Gravestone.)
George E., s. of Edward and Martha A. (b. in New Ipswich), of dysentery, Aug. 19, 1849; 1 y. 4 m.
Alice J., wife of William (b. in Ireland), of dysentery, Sept. 13, 1849; 31 y. 4 m. 25 d.
Marcus, s. of ------------, suicide, July 9, 1829; 17 y.
Abigail, d. of Levi and Lydia (b. in Berlin), of consumption, April 1, 1848; 54 y.
Mc (for names with this prefix, see page 116. Mc is treated as if spelled Mac).
------------, wife of David, ------------,1711.
David, s. of ------------, Oct. —, 1727.
Mary, d. of ------------, June 30, 1740.
Jeremiah C., s. of Rev. Samuel and Susan, Feb. 15, 1832; 19 y.
Susan, widow of Rev. Samuel, May 10, 1838; 70 y.
Nabby, widow of ------------, d. of John and Abigail Eames, of lung fever, June 20, 1858; 77 y.
Michael F., s. of Michael and Bridget (b. in Rockport, Me.), of Cholera infantum, Aug. —,1870; 1 y. 2 m.
Richard, s. of Richard and Catharine (b. in Peacham, Vt.), of dysentery, Feb. 22, 1849; ab. 40 y.
Mary J., wife of Alfred, d. of Edward and Ellen Craig (b. to Albany, N. Y.), of consumption, July 22, 1851; 27 y.
Mary A., d. of Peter and Alice, of croup, June 5, 1853; 2 y.
Bridget, wife of Peter (b. in Ireland), of childbirth, Jan. 21, 1855; 32y.
James H., s. of ------------, of scarlet fever, May 8, 1860; 1 y. 2 m.
------------, s. of Patrick and Catharine, Feb. 15, 1862; 1 d.
Honora, widow of John, d. of John and Ann Connor (b. in Ireland), of hemorrhage, Sept. 10, 1863; 80 y. (?)
Michael, s. of John and Anna (b. in Ireland), of heart disease, Oct. 24, 1863; 25 y.
James, s. of Bryan and Mary, of premature birth, Oct. 16, 1870; 16 d.
Susan Jane, d. of Samuel G. and Lucinda, of consumption, Oct. 1, 1861; 1 m.
Georgianna, d. of George and Mary Ann, of dropsy on the brain, May 1, 1850; 2 y. 7 m. 10 d.
Franklin Ellsworth, s. of William and Bridget E., of congestion of the lungs, Feb. 15, 1863; 1 y. 2 m.
William D., s. of WillIam and Elizabeth (b. in Woburn), drowned in Horn Pond, July 9, 1869; 14 y. 1 m. 11 d.
Eliza J., d. of Robert and Rebecca, of phthisls, Aug. 1, 1867; 31 y. 7 m. 10 d.
Rebecca, wife of Robert, d. of Ebenezer and Lydia Carter (b. in Wilmington), of pneumonia, Nov. 19, 1870; 73 y. 6 m. 19 d.
Ida J., d. of Charles L. and Lucy J. (b. in Boston), of heart disease, May 19, 1869; 8 y. 6 m. 17 d.
Thomas G., s. of Alpheus and Rebecca, of fits, Sept. 19, 1847; 2 y. 8 m.
Mary G., d. of Alpheus and Rebecca, of heart complaint, Feb. 23, 1848; 4 m. 6 d.
Alpheus, s. of Alpheus and Rebecca, of typhoid fever, Sept. 22, 1852; 14 y. 5 m.
Joseph Hamilton, s. of Alpheus and Rebecca, of wounds, in Richmond, Va., July 11, 1862; 26 y. 3 m.
Alpheus, s. of Jonathan and Polly (b. in Leominster), of lung fever, Jan. 8, 1864; 64 y. 11 m. 5 d.
Sergt. Charles, s. of Alpheus and Rebecca, killed in battle, at Laurel Hill, Va., May 10, 1864; 24 y. 2 m. 2 d.
Charles H., 8. of ------------, and ------------, of bowel complaint, Aug. 12, 1843; 1 y.
Diantha, wife of James, d. of Freeman and Susan Botsford (b. in Woodbury, Conn.), of anaemia, May 12, 1857; 35 y.
James W., s. of Moses and Betsey (b. in Amesbury), of consumption, Oct. 18, 1863; 38 y.
John W., s. of George W. and Mary R. (b. in No. Reading), of phthisis, Jan. 18, 1870; 20 y. 2 m.
Grace E., d. of William R. and Lucella J., of pneumonia, Feb. 7, 1870; 8 m.
Joseph D., s. of William and Sarah, of consumption, April 8, 1850; 3 y. 3 m.
William, s. of Josiah and Mary (b. in Sanbornton, N. H.,), of consumption, June 11, 1851; 64 y. 10 m.
Job, s. of ------------, Nov. 2, 1832; 83 y.
Sarah E., d. of John and Sally B., May 1, 1841; 8 m. 10 d.
Sarah, wife of Job, April 28, 1843; 88 y.
Rhoda J., d. of Daniel and Sarah J. (b. in Danvers), of scrofula, Sept. 27, 1853; 4 m. 19 d.
Sally, wife of John, d. of Jeremiah and Sally Converse, of consumpthin, in Reading, Jan. 28, 1853; 36 y.
Elias P., s. of Shadrach and Martha (b. in Westborough), of dropsy on the chest, May 31, 1860; 73 y. 4 m.
Margaret, wife of Philip R., d. of Andrew and Margaret Scott (b. in Glasgow, Scotland), of typhoid fever, Sept. 30, 1861; 37 y.
MONROE (see Munroe)
Edward T., s. of ------------, May 14, 1868; 30 y. 2 m. (Gravestone.)
MOORE (see also Mower)
Mrs. Sarah, wife of ------------, Jan. 3, 1842; 57 y.
Elizabeth Julia Ann, wife of Alden, d. of William and Elizabeth Beers, of fever, March 28, 1844: 21 y.
Charles F., s. of Charles L. and ------------, of consumption, April 4, 1844; 1 y. 7 m.
Elsie K., d. of Alden and Elsie K., of cholera infantum, Oct. 11, 1846; 5 m.
John J. M., s. of John W. and Phebe, of cholera infantum, Sept. 15, 1848; 2 m.
William C., s. of Clark and Mary Ann (b. in Cambridgeport), of consumption, May 9, 1851; 20 y. 1 m.
Elizabeth, d. of Jolin W. and Phebe, of weakness, May 11, 1852; 8 h.
John W., s. of Samuel and Jane, of consumption, Oct. 1, 1863; 22 y. 11 m.
Edwin H., s. of Charles and Mary A., of consumption, March 2, 1866; 20 y. 5 m.
Samuel, s. of Stephen and Amelia (b. in Waterford, Me.), of phthisis, March 28, 1867; 55 y. 5 m.
Jane, widow of Samuel, d. of Jonathan Wright (b. in Boston), of consumption, Sept. 2, 1868; 59 y.
Charles L., s. of ------------, (b. in ------------,), of consumption, Sept. 5, 1872; 64 y. 11 m.
MOREAU (see Morrow)
Leonard N., s. of Amos and Cynthia, of dropsy, July 16, 1845; 14 y.
Alice M., d. of Stephen R. and Sarah, of scarlet fever, April 30, 1856; 9 y. 9 m. 6 d.
Francis E., s. of ------------, Oct. 23, 1856; 1 y. 26 d. (Gravestone.)
William J., s. of ------------, Sept. 8, 1860; 1 y. 7 d. (Gravestone.)
Amos D., s. of William and Elizabeth (b. in Hudson, N. H.), of bronchitis, Jan. 28, 1869; 69 y. 10 m.
Joseph, s. of ------------, May 14, 1871; 3 y. 23 d. (Gravestone.)
Thomas (b. in Salem, Oct. 13, 1797), in Cahawha, Ala., Sept. 13, 1835. (Gravestone.)
John, s. of John and Martha (b. in Salem), of dropsy, Sept. 2, 1849; 82 y.
Hannah, wife of John, April 8, 1850; 76 y. 8 m. (Gravestone.)
Mary L., d. of Thomas and Mary, of hemorrhage, Jan. 11, 1852; 1 d.
Travers, s. of ------------, (b. in Cahawha, Ala., Aug. 24, 1834), in Holliston, Jan. 8, 1862. (Gravestone.)
J. C. Travers, relict of T. Morong. widow of Edward A. Wilson (b. in Newmarket, Md., July 28, 1810), in Holliston, Mass., Aug. 7, 1865. (Gravestone.)
Mary E., wife of Moses, widow of Charles Wyman, d. of Samuel and Hannah Balch (b. in Portsmouth, N. H.,), of consumption, Dec. 12, 1851; 47 y. 7 m. 12 d.
Moses, s. of Moses and Sarah E., Dec. 7, 1871; 17 y. 8 m. (Gravestone.)
Louisa M., widow of ------------, d. of Leonard and Jane H. Parke (b. in Walpole, N. H.), of congestion of the lungs, March 1, 1870; 51 y. 6 m.
Creely, ------------, of —, --, 1831.
Martha L., d. of Ira and Clara A., of chronic croup, June 10, 1850; 2 y. 2 m. 8 d.
Abby H., d. of ------------, (b. in Portsmouth, N. H.), of general debility, Aug. 9, 1863; 65 y. 9 m.
Ellen, wife of James, d. of Daniel and Ellen Doyle (b. in Ireland), of puerperal, Aug. 19, 1861; 25 y.
Arthur G., s. of James A. and Maria, of cholera infantum, Aug. 6, 1869; 1 y. 2 m.
Mary Parsons, d. of Joseph P. and Mary B. (b. in Charlestown), of fits, April 2, 1848; 3 y.
Samuel B., s. of Joseph P. and Mary B., of cholera infantum, Sept. 11, 1857; 10 m. 9 d.
Harriet L., d. of John B. and Louisa (b. in Lynn), of hemorrhage, Sept. 11, 1861; 23 y. 3 m.
Roger H., s. of Joseph P. and Mary B., of dysentery, in Westborough, Mass., Sept. 3, 1865; 13 y. 11 m. 17 d.
Deacon John, s. of ------------, March 27, 1665.
John, s. of ------------, April 2, 1698.
Emma R., d. of Jere W. and Susan T., April 11, 1871; 2 m. 22 d.
Daniel, s. of John and Mary, of consumption, Sept. 21, 1872; 28 y. 6 m. 4 d.
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Jane, of dropsy, Oct. 12, 1854; 3 m.
James, s. of Joseph and Jane, May 24, 1862; 2 m. 2 d. (Gravestone.)
Edward, s. of Joseph and Jane, of convulsions, Jan. 25, 1866; 14 y. 8 m.
Margaret, d. of Joseph and Jane, of diarrhoea, Aug. 5, 1868; 1 y. 3 m.
James [Patrick, gravestone], s. of Patrick and Margaret (b. in Ireland), of congestion of the lungs, Oct. 8, 1865; 18 y. 7. m.
Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah and Mary, of cholera infantum, May 1, 1868; 2 m. 20 d.
William H., s. of Henry and Margaret (b. in Canada), of consumption, Oct. 28, 1872; 57 y. 2 m.
Eliza, d. of Bernard and Ann, of cholera lnfantum, Aug. 20, 1864; 1 y.
Charles F., s. of Nathaniel and Sarah (b. in Cambridge), killed in battle, at Malvern Hlll, Va., July 1, 1862; 24 y.
Charles F., s. of Charles and Eliza M., of scarlet fever, April 16, 1863; 8 y. 5 m. 14 d.
Mr. Jonathan, s. of ------------, ab. June 1, 1772.
Mr. Isaac, s. of ------------, of a strange swelling over the eye, etc., which then afflicted many, July —, 1791.
Abigail, wife of Jonas, Dec. 28, 1815; 42 y.
Jonas, s. of ------------, Oct. 7, 1829; 60 y.
Mr. Jephthah, s. of ------------, July 28, 1833; 40 y.
William, s. of Jephthah and Fanny, Oct. 29, 1834; 18 y. (Gravestone.)
Miss Arethusa, d. of Dennis and Elizabeth, Nov. 4, 1835; 19 y.
Mrs. Fanny, wife of Jephthah, Oct. 17, 1836; 37 y. (Gravestone.)
Lavinia N., d. of Jephthah and Fanny, July 29, 1844; 13 y.
Abigail, widow of Jonas (b. in Bedford), of old age, April 24, 1847; 78 y. 6 m.
Rhoda, widow of Joseph, d. of Elijah and Mary Loathe, of fracture of hip bone, April 14, 1848; 84 y.
Dennis, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth (b. in Lexington), of tumor, May 3, 1850; 53 y.
Joseph, s. of Jephthah and Fanny, of consumption, in Boston, Oct. 19, 1853; 30 y.
Dennis, s. of Dennis and Eliza, of consumption, Feb. 16, 1859; 37 y.
Elliot, wife of Cyrus, d. of Roger and Zelina Lane (b. in Bedford), of consumption, June 12, 1859; 22 y. [21 y., gravestone].
John Trull, s. of John I. and Ada, of cholera infantum, Aug. 22, 1868; 8 m. 9 d.
Mary E., d. of Harris and ------------,(b. in ------------,) of suicide, Dec. 20, 1871 29 y.
Mary, d. of John and Catharine, of lung fever. May 12, 1857; 7 m.
Patrick H., s. of Peter and Mary (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Oct. 1, 1859; 20 y. 10 m.
Joseph, s. of ------------, May 18, 1861; 1 y. 6 m. (Gravestone.)
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Feb. 29, 1864; 2 y. 8 m.
John, s. of John and Joanna (b. in Ireland), of gangrene of the lungs, May 21, 1864; 60 y.
Jeremiah, s. of Daniel and Catharine (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Oct. 10, 1865; 18 y. 6 m.
Ellen, d. of John and Ann (b. in Boston), of meningitis, March 18, 1866; 6 y. 24 d.
Mary, wife of ------------, d. of ------------, and Julia Sullivan (b. in Ireland), of psoas abscess, Aug. 10, 1866; 45 y.
Catharine, widow of John, d. of Cornelius and Ellen O'Neal (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Dec. 2, 1866; 60 y.
Mary Ann, d. of Patrick H., and Ann, of cholera infantum, Aug. 11, 1867; 11 m. 11 d.
Michael, s. of James and Marcella (b. in Ireland), of typhoid fever, Dec. 1, 1867; 21 y. 6 m.
Joanna, d. of John and Catharine (b. in Lowell), of consumption, April 4, 1868; 21 y. 9 m.
Jerry, s. of John and Catharine (b. in Lowell), of consumption, July 25, 1869; 28 y.
Dennis, s. of Daniel and Catharine (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, Oct. 11, 1869; 26 y.
William, s. of ------------, Oct. 12, 1869; (Gravestone.)
Dennis, s. of John and Mary, Nov. 22, 1870; 5 y. 10 m. 12 d.
John, s. of John and Mary, of scarlatina, Nov. 7, 1871; 8 y. 5 m. 6 d.
Nellie, d. of Patrick H. and Ann, of cholera infantum, Aug. 18, 1872; 2 y. 9 m. 15 d.
Clarence E., s. of John and Susan, of scarlet fever, Nov. 28, 1848; 1 y.
Elizabeth, wife of James, June 13, 1850; 70 y. (Gravestone.)
James, s. of ------------, Feb. 2, 1851; 77 y. (Gravestone.)
Patrick, s. of George and Catharine (b. in Ireland), of scrofula, Sept. 29, 1851; 17 y. 9 m.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Catharine (b. in England), of consumption, Nov. 15, 1852; 31 y.
Thomas Henry, s. of John and Susan, of inflammation of the brain, April 5, 1853; 1 y. 8 m.
Joanna, d. of Patrick and Catharine, of weakness, Nov. 15, 1854; 10 d.
Mary, d. of Patrick and Catharine, of weakness, Nov. 11, 1854; 6 d.
John H., s. of James and Mary, of consumption, May 3, 1856; 5 m. 12 d.
John F., s. of John and Susanna, of fever sore, Sept. 25, 1858; 14 y.
Mary C., d. of James and Mary, of fits, June 20, 1859; 1 y. 4 m.
Catharine, d. of Dennis and Catharine, of cholera infantum, Aug. 25, 1859; 9 m.
John, s. of Thomas and Susan M. (b. in England), of consumption, June 11, 1860; 36 y. 5 m. 17 d.
Mary, d. of Dennis and Catharine, Aug. 31, 1860; 17 d.
Catherine, d. of ------------, Feb. 10, 1861; 2 y. 1 m. (Gravestone.)
James W., s. of James, 2d, and Mary, of cholera infantum, June 5, 1862; 9 m. 14 d.
Thomas, s. of ------------, (b. in Ireland), killed in battle, at Fredericksburg. Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
Catherine F., d. of ------------, July 6, 1863; 1 y. 2 m. (Gravestone.)
James, s. of John and Margaret (b. in Ireland), of pleurisy, March 24, 1864; 32 y. 6 m.
Timothy, s. of James and Mary, of weakness, Nov. 12, 1864; 3 d.
John F., s. of Dennis and Catharine (b. in Ireland), killed in battle, at Petersburg, Va., June 20, 1864; 21 y. 2 m. 16 d.
Annie, d. of ------------, Feb. 13, 1865; 7 y. 9 m. (Gravestone.)
Michael, s. of James and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, March 4, 1866; 41 y. 6 m.
Mary, d. of James and Mary, of pneumonia, April 5, 1866; 3 y. 6 m.
Mary, d. of William W. and Mary, Sept. 1, 1868; 23 y. 3 m. 5 d.
Elizabeth E., wife of ------------, d. of John and Mary Elliot (b. in Ireland), of dysentery, Sept. 10, 1868; 43 y.
William E., s. of John and Susanna B., of phthisis, May 16, 1869; 19 y. 7 m. 22 d.
Martin, s. of James and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of phthisis, Sept. 12, 1869; 47 y. [45 y., gravestone]
Mary Ella, d. of James and Mary, of scrofula, Nov. 8, 1870; 6 y. 4 m. 4 d.
Elizabeth, d. of James and Ann, June 29, 1871; 6 d.
Alice A., d. of Peter and Mary (b. in Stoneham), of general debility, Feb. 27, 1872; 8 y. 5 d.
James, s. of James and Mary, of consumption, June 9, 1872; 13 y. 9 m. 8 d.
John, s. of ------------, July 2, 1872; 4 d. (Gravestone.)
Mary Ann, d. of Edward and Mary, May 4, 1865; 6 y. 6 m. (Gravestone.)
Mary, wife of Bernard, d, of Matthew and Unity Duncan (b. in Ireland), of cancer, Jan. 12, 1865; 50 y.
Mary Jane, d. of Bernard and ------------, March 27, 1869; 2 y.
Dudley, s. of Moses and Abigail (b. in Milton, Me.), of consumption, Oct. 27, 1865; 45 y.
Beulah Allen, s. of ------------, Feb. 20, 1839; 29 y.
Richard, s. of James and Sarah (b. in Ireland), of consumption, March 2, 1868; 40 y.
Bridget, d. of Richard and Bridget, Dec. 4, 1871; 7 y. 1 m.
------------, child of Calno and Mary Ann, Oct. 17, 1833; 3 m.
------------, d. of Calno, Aug. 22, 1841; 3 m.
------------, s. of A. H., March 11, 1842; 8 m.
Alvira, d. of ------------, Aug. 15, 1842; 14 m.
Mary, wife of John, d. of Nathan and Esther Wyman, of convulsions, Sept. 14, 1844; 19 y.
Calno, s. of Jonathan and Sarah (b. in Sutton, N. H.), of consumption, Feb. 14, 1846; 35 y. [36 y., gravestone].
Maria S., wife of Charles (b. in Ireland), of childbirth, Aug. 24, 1848; 22 y.
Charles, s, at Jonathan and Sarah (b. in Bosanwen, N. H.), of consumption, Sept. 5, 1848; 19 y. 6 m.
Marta J., wife of Horatio J. (b. in Boston), of consumption, May 30, 1849; 23 y.
Michael S., s. of George and Nancy, of dropsy on the brain, March 16, 1858; 2 y. 2 m.
Nancy, wife of George, d. of Andrew and Bridget Porter (b. in Ireland), of abscess, June 15, 1858; 28 y.
Albert H., s. of Dr. John and Lucinda (b. in Milford), of softening of the brain, in Somerville, June 27, 1858; 46 y. 6 m.
Catherine, wife of -------------, d. of James and Mary McDevitt (b. in Ireland), of inflammation, April 8, 1860; 28 y.
Lucinda, wife of John, d. of Jonas and Mary Parkhurst (b. in Milford), of marasmus, Nov. 29, 1860; 71 y.
John, s. of Josiah and Ann (b. in Milford), of bronchitis, March 21, 1864; 73 y. 3 m.
Mary C., d. of Jonathan and Sally (b. in Boscawen, N. H.), of consumption, March 29, 1864; 37 y. 2 m. 28 d.
Richard, s. of -------------, Nov. -------------,1709.
-------------, widow of -------------, March 15, 1720.
Mrs. Mary, wife of Samuel, Jr., Aug. 18, 1776; 30 y.
-------------, child of Samuel, Jr., Oct. 3, 1776; 3 m.
Samuel, s. of -------------, Jan. 9, 1799; 83 y. 6 m.
Marietta, d. of Samuel G. and Mary, March 15, 1840; 3 y. 9 m. (Gravestone.)
William E., s. of William L. and Betsey, of measles, Feb. 24, 1849; 9 m. 9 d.
James, s. of James and Mary M., of tumor, March 8, 1850; 2 y. 7 m.
James, s. of James and Mary M,, of fits, Nov. 12, 1852; 11 m. 9 d.
Warren, s. of James and Mary M., of croup, June 4, 1854; 4 y. 8 m. 11 d.
George H., s. of George A. and Eliza M., of cholera infantum, Aug. 25, 1853; 1 y. 8 m. 8 d.
Emarantha M., d. of John H. and Sarah (b. in Winthrop), of scarlatina, Aug. 11, 1867; 4 y. 10 m. 21 d.
Timothy, s. of Dennis and Hannah (b. in Ireland), of dysentery, Oct. 6, 1853; 8 y.
Henry, s. of Amos, Feb. 2, 1815; 6 w.
Sally, widow of -------------, d. of Caleb and Sally Swan (b. in Charlestown), of old age, April 26, 1864; 76 y. 9 m.
Edwin Gilman, s. of Luther C. and Abby C., of cholera infantum, Aug. 24, 1868; 2 y. 9 m.
Mr. William, s. of -------------, Feb. 26, 1790; 40 y.
-------------, relict of William, April 1, 1790; 40 y.
Mary, youngest child of William, July 11, 1803.
William, s. of -------------, Feb. 22, 1806; 28 y.
-------------, infant of Stephen, Jan. 30, 1808; 11 d.
Franklin Tldd, s. of Stephen, of dysentery, Sept. 26, 1817; 5 y.
-------------, child of Mr., Sept. (11?), 1828; 6 m.
-------------, d. ofAmos, -------------, 1831.
-------------, child of Stephen, Jr., and Mary Ann, Jan. 13, 1833.
Mrs. Eliza, wife of Osgood, June 15, 1833; 27 y.
-------------, child of Osgood, Nov. 24, 1833; 6 m.
Louisa, wife of Tracy C., April 20, 1837; 31 y.
Henry Alden, s. of Sylvester and Fanny, Oct. 1, 1839; 3 y. 6 m.
Clarissa F., d. of -------------, July 17, 1842; 8 y. 8 m.
Ora, s. of William and Sarah, of scarlet fever, June 9, 1845; 4 y. 3 m.
William, Jr., s. of WIlliam and Sarah, of heart complaint, June 13, 1845; 19 y. 6 m.
Edward Jeremy, s. of Stephen, 2d, and Hannah, of scarlet fever, Feb. 24, 1849; 5 m.
Josephine, d. of Charles and Mary, of inflammation of the bowels, Jan. 2, 1850; 8 y.
Mary, wife of Charles, d. of Noah and Esther Eaton, of premature childbirth, Jan. 10, 1850; 31 y.
Mary, d. of William and Pamela, of scarlet fever, June 3, 1851; 2 y.
Frank Winn, s. of Stephen and Mary Ann, of scarlet fever, Jan. 6, 1853; 3 y.
Mary E., d. of William and Sally, of scarlet fever, Feb. 25, 1853; 10 y. 2 m.
Capt. Stephen. s. of William and Mary (b. in Reading ?), of pleurisy, Dec. 16, 1854; 68 y. 7 m.
Abigail, wife of Stephen, d. of Jonathan and Rhoda Tldd, of cancer, Dec. 16, 1854; 67 y. 6 m.
Joanna C., wife of Eben, d. of Amariah and Susan Ball (b. in Boylston, Mass.), of consumption, Feb. 12, 1858; 32 y. 2 m. [34 y., gravestone].
Adelle B., wife of Oliver, d. of J. W. and R, W. Brooks (b. in Medford, Dec. 23, 1832), at Fort Dodge, Ia., Oct. 22, 1859. (Gravestone.)
Ella Chase, d. of Eben W. and Ella J., of internal hemorrhage; April 22, 1861; 1/2 d.
Stephen, Jr., s. of Stephen and Mary A., of congestion, Nov. 17, 1861; 24 y. 8 m. 1 d.
Charles O., s. of Nathan H. and Harriet N., of cholera infantum, Oct. 9, 1862; 10 m. 5 d.
Amos, s. of Amos and -------------, (b. in Reading), of consumption, July 9, 1863; 43 y. 11 m. 5 d.
Mary Augusta, d. of Nathan H. and Harriet N., of cholera infantum, Aug. 26, 1863; 5 m. 4 d.
Nellie F., d. of Stillman and Hannah F., July 10, 1864; 6 y. 10 m. 17 d. (Gravestone.)
Ida J., d. of Charles and Sarah, of throat distemper, July 10, 1864; 9y. 6 m. 21 d.
George. s. of -------------, Jan. 28, 1865; 30 y. (Gravestone.)
Lydia C., wife of Willlam R., d. of Willlam and Ruth Edmonds (b. in Saugus), of consumption, Jan. 12, 1869: 32 y. 2 m.
Sylvester, s. of William and Fanny, of heart disease, Jan. 15, 1869; 63 y. 8 m.
Carrie May, d. of Charles A. and Evie O., of dysentery, Sept. 26, 1869; 2 y. 2 m.
Clifford B. F., Illegitimate s. of C. B. Fowle and Hannah, of hemorrhage of the bowels, April 5, 1853; 6 d.
Franklin W., s. of George W. and Mary, of cholera infantum, Sept, 5, 1854; 1 y. 6 m.
George W., s. of Jonathan and Mary (b. in Stoneham), of inflammation of the bowels, Oct. 5, 1858; 56 y.
Ellen L., wife of George, d. of John and Eunice McC-------------, (b. in Boston), of meningitis, Nov. 13, 1867; 20 y. 8 m. 12 d.
Hannah P., d. of George W. and Mary E. (b. in Stoneham), of phthisis, Nov. 6, 1871; 36 y.
John F., s. of George and Ellen E., of inflammation of the bowels, Feb. 7, 1872; 8 y. 2 m. 8 d.
Julia, d. of -------------, Oct. 14, 1862; 68 y. (Gravestone.)
Timothy, s. of Dennis and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1853; 8 y. (Gravestone.)
Dennis, s. of Michael and Margaret (b. in Ireland), Oct. 27, 1858; 45 y.
Bridget, wife of Michael, d, of Michael and Bridget Talty (b. in Ireland), April 20, 1865; 22 y.
John Francis, s. of Dennis and Hannah (b. in Ireland), Feb. 1, 1870; 20 y.
Mary E., d. of Michael and Alice, of cholera infantum, Aug. 13, 1871; 8 m. 13 d.
Dennis, s. of Michael and Alice, of pneumonia, Jan. 21, 1872; 8 m. 7 d.
George L., s. of John and Mary (b. in Natick), of phthisis, April 4, 1870; 51 y. 3 m.
James H., s. of Michael and Mary (b. in Dorchester), of dropsy on the brain, Dec. 31, 1855: 2 y. 3 m.
Michael, s. of James and Hannah (b. in Ireland), of erysipelas, Feb. 23, 1836; 33 y.
Lucretia, wife of -------------, d. of Daniel and Charlotte Totman (b. in Medford), of heart disease, May 14, 1871; 61 y.
Rosanna, d. of Peter and Rose, of cholera lnfantum, July 23, 1855; 11 m. 4 d.
William H., s. of William and Ellen, of scarlet fever, Feb. 11, 1856; 1 y. 3 m.
Mary A., d. of David and Margaret, of lung fever and whooping cough, Dec. 29, 1858; 1 y. 1 m. 3 d.
John, s. of John and Mary, of brain fever, Aug. 2, 1859; 1 m. 27 d.
Mary, d. of -------------, (b. in Ireland), March 19, 1862; 67 y. (Gravestone.)
John, s. of -------------, April 22, 1864; 48 y. (Gravestone.)
Willlam, s. of James and Mary (b. in Ireland), March 14, 1866; 32 y. 9 m.
Ann, d. of John and Ann, Dec. 22, 1871; 2 d.
Catharine, widow of John, d. of Willlam Foley (b. in Ireland), of old age, Jan. 18, 1872; 80 y.
John, s. of -------------, Aug. 23, 1872; 10 m. 15 d. (Gravestone.)
Thomas Patrick, s. of Maurice and Ann, of cholera infantum, Aug. 9, 1872; 7 m. 27 d.
Jeremiah, s. of John and Ellen (b. in Winchester), of consumption, Jan. 8, 1856; 4 y. 7 m. 9 d.
Bridget, wife of Thomas, d. of James and Sarah -------------, (b. in Ireland), of peritonitis, July 25, 1860; 37 y.
Margaret, d. of John O. and Ellen, of measles, May 22, 1862; 4 y. 6 m.
John, s. of Cornelius and -------------, (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Aug. 25, 1862; 41 y.
David, s. of Thomas and Mary, Nov. 9, 1864; 5 d.
Mary A., d. of -------------, Dec. 11, 1868; 28 y. 5 m. (Gravestone.)
Edward P., s. of -------------, Oct. 11, 1869; 32 y. 7 m. (Gravestone.)
Thomas, s. of -------------, and Bridget (b. in Ireland), of pneumonia, Feb. 1, 1870; 55 y.
O'DOHERTY (see also Doherty)
Margaret, d. of -------------, July 25, 1866; 8 m. 25 d. (Gravestone.)
Margaret Theresa, d. of -------------, Aug. 12, 1871; 4 y. 9 m. (Gravestone.)
John, s. of Neal and Nancy, of scarlatina, Nov. 28, 1858; 1 y. 4 m. 22 d.
Bernard, s. of Charles and Sarah (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Nov. 27, 1864; ab. 29 y. [28 y., gravestone].
Charles, s. of Bernard and Nancy, of whooping cough, April 4, 1865; 10 m. 6 d.
Patrick, s. of Bernard and Margaret, Dec. 25, 1870; 2 d.
Nancy, wife of John, d. of John and Ann Doherty (b. in Ireland), of cancer, Jan. 18, 1872; 42 y.
Michael, s. of John and Alice (b. in Ireland), of cantinued fever, Jan. 13, 1870; 61 y. 11 m.
Patrick, s. of John and Mary E. (b. in Ireland), of chronic fever, April 27, 1854; 24 y.
O'LEARY (see also Leary)
Sergt. John O., s. of Jeremiah and Catharine (b. in Ireland), killed in battle, at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862; 28 y.
Jeremiah O., s. of -------------, (b. in Ireland), of pleurisy, Sept. 1, 1863; 76 y. [79 y., gravestone].
Daniel Joseph, s. of Dennis and Bridget, of measles, July 8, 1867; 9 m. 7 d.
Timothy, s. of Jeremiah and -------------, (b. in Ireland), of consumption, Oct. 1, 1869; 22 y. 6 m.
William B., s. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (b. in Boston), of disease of the heart; July 26, 1855; 49 y. 7 m.
Ann, d. of -------------, (b. in Ireland), April 22, 1868; 22 y. (Gravestone.)
Eugene, s. of -------------, (b. in Lynn), of consumption, Dec. 23, 1855; 26 y.
Patrick, s. of Edward and -------------, (b. in Ireland), of consumption, July 9, 1858; 28 y.
John, s. of -------------, May 11, 1867; 40 y. (Gravestone.)
Margaret [Margery, gravestone], d. of James and Ellen, of scarlet fever, Aug. 24, 1871; 4 y. 22 d.
ElizAbeth Ann, d. of James and Ellen, of cholera infantum, Aug. 19, 1872; 11 m. 9 d.
Ellen, widow of -------------, d. of John and Catharine Murphy (b. in Ireland), of old age, Sept. 2, 1872; 96 y. 5 m. 16 d.
Nancy L., d. of Asa F., Jr., and Nancy D. (b. in W. Roxbury), of fits, Dec. 25, 1863; 15 y. 10 m.
Asa F., s. of Asa F. and Asenath (b. in Bellingham), of fits, Oct. 11, 1871; 52 y.
Angeline E., d. of Frederick and Susan, killed by the engine at the Woburn depot, Aug. 8, 1857; 7 y. 2 m. 13 d.
Freddy E., s. of Frederick and Susan J., Feb. 28, 1861; 3 m. 6 d.
Charles C., s. of Enoch and Mary E. (b. in Derry, N. H.), of consumption, Dec. 12, 1866; 35 y. 7 m.
O'RILEY (see also RILEY)
William O., s. of Patrick and Catharine, of congestion of the lungs, April 5, 1872; 9 m. 16 d.
Emily F., d. of -------------, of consumption, Jan. 5, 1861; 24 y. 7 m.
Sarah M., d. of Augustus N. and Mary E. (b. in Lowell), of consumption, Aug. 18, 1863; 15 y. 8 m. 15 d.
Warren W., s. of Samuel and Charlotte G. (b. in Burlington), killed in battle, in Petersburg, Va., July 29, 1864; 25 y. 5 m. 21 d.
Freddie P., s. of Amos J. and Ann J., of cholera infantum, Sept, 4, 1868; 2 y. 21 d.
Benjamin D., s. of Lewis C. and Mary A. (b. in Charlestown, N. H.), of rheumatism of the brain, June 13, 1869; 46 y. 6 m. 24 d.
Ella F., d. of Benjamin D. and Elizabeth F. (b. in Boston), of rheumatism, Jan. 23, 1872; 12 y. 6 m. 5 d.
Abigail F., wife of Baxter B., April 4, 1832; 22 y.
William E., s. of -------------, (b. in Charlestown, Jun. 1, 1796), April 21, 1842; 42 y.
William Lincoln (b. in Boston, June 5, 1830), in California, Feb. 1, 1869. (Gravestone.)
Susan H., wife of William E. (b. in Medford, March 1, 1790), in Chelsea, Dec. 29, 1872. (Gravestone.)
Mary Ann, d. of Capt. Jonathan and Lucy, June 18, 1820; 1 y. 11 m.