FROM 1640 TO 1873.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Elizabeth, d. of John, Sept. 12, 1679.
John, s. of John, Nov. 1, 1681.
Daniel, s. of John, July 19, 1686.
Anson, s. of Henry Derbon and Persia, May 13, 1811.
Lena L., d. of Ephraim and Marie, Dec. 28, 1871.
Lydia M., d. of Charles and Mary J., July 22, 1855.
Ann Jane, d. of John and Ellen, Dec. 3, 1868.
William. s. of John and Ellen, Dec. 8, 1869.
----------, of John and Ellen, Feb. 5, 1871.
----------, s. of John and Ellen, Feb. 21, 1872.
Alice Wyman, d. of George and Mary, Oct. 8, 1867.
Freddie Weston, s. of Eliphaz and Esther J., Aug. 9, 1872.
James, s. of James and Hannah, April 2, 1696.
Jonathan, s. of James and Hannah, June 23, 1698.
William. s. of James and Hannah, Dec. 14, 1704.
John, s. of James and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1704.
Hannah, d. of James and Hannah, July 24, 1706.
Esther, d. of James and Hannah. May 13, 1709.
Elizabeth, d. of James and Judith, April 20, 1718.
Judith, d. of James and Judith, Feb. 29, 1720.
James, s. of James and Judith, June 18, 1722.
Jonathan, s. of James and Judith, April 22, 1724.
William, s. of Thomas and Mercy, Sept. 2, 1726.
Hannah, d. of James and Judith, May 2, 1727.
Ablel, s. of Thomas and Mercy, March 19, 1728.
Mary, d. of James and Judith, March 24, 1729.
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Mercy, April 20, 1730.
Phebe, d. of Thomas and Mercy, Feb. 2, 1732.
William, s. of Thomas and Mercy, April 10, 1733.
Phebe, d. of Thomas and Mercy, Feb. 13, 1736.
James, s. of James and Abigail, Jan. 19, 1743.
John. s. of James and Abigail, June 1, 1746.
Thomas, s. of James and Abigail, July 28, 1748.
William Henry, s. of William and Ambrizine, Dec. 31, 1866.
----------, d. of Joseph and Rosanna, March 24, 1867.
Mary Elisabeth, d. of John and Mary, March 20, 1865.
Margaret, d. of John and Mary, Feb. 9, 1867.
Julia, d. of John and Mary, Dec. 21, 1868.
----------, s. of John s. and Mary, Jan. 5, 1872.
William Stanley, s. of William R. and Martha J., Sept. 2, 1858.
Frank A., s. of George Frank A. and Harriet A., Sept. 17, 1867.
Thomas, s. of Patrick and Jane, June 22, 1871.
Mary, d. of Michael and Margaret, May 23, 1872.
Elizabeth, d. of John and Catharine. Nov. —, 1858.
Bridget, d. of John and Catharine, Nov. 30, 1859.
Peter, s. of Peter and Alice, May 11, 1858.
James, s. of Peter and Alice, Sept. 20, 1863.
Allicia Octavia, d. of Samuel D. and Allicia O., July 22, 1849.
Herbert Lasalle, s. of Oliver S. and Elizabeth R., Feb. 29, 1872.
Margaret, d. of Thomas and Ann, Feb. 3, 1859.
Charles, s. of Thomas and Ann, Dec. 9, 1860.
Mary Ellen, d. of Thomas and Ann, June 11, 1862.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Ann, Aug. 24, 1864.
Mary Jane, d. of Hugh and Mary, March 15, 1866.
Mary Ellen, d. of Patrick and Jane, Feb. 13, 1867.
Margaret, d. of Hugh and Mary, Oct. 8, 1867.
John James, s. of Patrick and Jane, Oct. 10, 1868.
Charles Edward. s. of Hugh and Mary, Dec. 1, 1870.
Mary Ellen, d. of Thomas and Mary, April 6, 1872.
Hugh, s. of Thomas and Ann, July 5, 1872.
James, s. of James and Ellen, Dec. 2, 1872.
Sally, d. of John and Sarah, Jan. 30, 1785.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of James and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1853.
Mary, d. of James and Bridget, Aug. 9, 1855.
James, s. of Patrick and Margaret, July 15, 1860.
Mary Ann, d. of Owen and Rose, June 5, 1861.
Mary Ann, d. of Patrick J. and Margaret, July 23, 1862.
Margaret, d. of Patrick and Margaret, Nov. 6, 1864.
Charles, s. of Patrick and Margaret, Oct. 27, 1867.
Henry Francis, s. of Henry and Catharine, March 4, 1851.
George Arthur, s. of Henry and Catharine, April 16, 1853.
Sarah Adelaide, d. of Henry and Catharine, Jan. 1, 1858.
Edith Almira, d. of Julius F. and Almira S., Dec. 1, 1869.
Hananiah, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, July 28, 1739.
WIlliam Francis, s. of William M. and Lydia M., June 27, 1846.
Charles Sprague, s. of Willlam M. and Lydia M., Jan. 19, 1849.
Franklin Pierce, s. of Joshua and Mary A., Oct. 30, 1851.
----------, d. of Joshua and Mary A., June 19, 1854.
Arietta Eliza, d. of James M. and Ann R., June 29, 1847.
Josephine Amelia, d. of James M. and Ann R., Oct. 9, 1853.
James Munroe, s. of James M. and Ann R., Oct. 9, 1857.
Ann, d. of James M. and Ann, May 19, 1861.
Helen Gray, d. of Otis G. and Helen A., April 13, 1872.
Rosanna, d. of Webster B. and Eliza, March 28, 1846.
Samuel, s. of Nehemiah and Lydia, Oct. 24, 1773.
RAY (see, also, Wray)
James, s. of Andrew and Margaret, March 18, 1864.
Margaret Ellen, d. of Andrew and Margaret, June 10, 1862.
READE (see Reed)
READY (see Reddy)
Catharine, d. of Daniel and Mary, July 27, 1850.
John, s. of Daniel and Mary, Dec. 18, 1851.
Mary Ann, d. of Daniel and Mary, Dec. 21, 1853.
Margaret, d. of John and Margaret, Feb. 17, 1854.
Margaret, d. of Daniel and Mary, June 10, 1856.
Sarah Josephine, d. of Daniel and Mary, Dec. 30, 1858.
Delia, d. of Timothy and Margaret, Oct. 20, 1867.
John, s. of Walter and Mary, June 22, 1866.
Mary, d. of William and Mary, June 7, 1854.
Cornelius, s. of William and Mary, June 7, 1854.
Michael Andrew, s. of Michael and Ellen, Nov. 22, 1854.
Mary Ellen, d. of Bernard and Hannah, April 1, 1859.
Margaret, d. of Bernard and Hannah, June 20, 1860.
Cornelius Henry, s. of Bernard and Hannah, Nov. 20, 1862.
John Francis, s. of John and Ellen L., Dec. 4, 1863.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Mary, Nov. 13, 1864.
Eugene, s. of Eugene and Mary, Feb. 27, 1865.
Eugene, s. of Daniel and Mary, May 1, 1866.
Kitty, d. of Eugene and Mary, April 14, 1867.
James C., s. of John J. and Mary, April 2, 1867.
John, s. of John J. and Mary, March 14, 1868.
Mary, d. Michael and Mary A. L., July 22, 1868.
William Henry, s. of Eugene and Mary, Aug. 12, 1870.
Philip, s. of Daniel and Mary, Nov. 20, 1870.
James Cornelius, s. of John and Mary, Feb. 25, 1871.
Fanny, d. of Daniel and Mary, May 7, 1871.
Eugene, s. of Eugene and Mary, Dec. 3, 1871.
William, s. of Michael and Mary, Jan. 11, 1872.
Eugene, s. of Daniel and Mary, March 28, 1872.
Anna Mary, d. of William and Emily A., June 27, 1871.
REED(See "History of the Reeds and Winns", by Miss M. W. Carleton, Woburn).
Elizabeth, d. of George, July 29, 1653.
------------, s. of George, Nov. 14. 1654.
------------, s. of George, Nov. 14, 1654.
Samuel, s. of George, April 29, 1656.
Abigail, d. of George, June 27, 1658.
George, s. of George, Sept. 14, 1660.
William, s. of George, Sept. 22. 1662.
Sarah, d. of George, Feb 12, 1665.
Timothy, s. of Ralph and Mary, Feb. 14, 1664-5.
Hannah, d. of George, Feb. 18, 1670.
Mary, d. of Israel, Oct. 15, 1670.
John, s. of George, March 18, 1672.
Sarah, d. of Israel, Aug. 29, 1673.
Mary, d. of George, June 15, 1674.
Timothy, s. of George, Oct. 20, 1678.
------------, d. of Israel, Jan. 2, 1679.
Elizabeth, d. of Israel, Dec. 22, 1681.
Thomas, s. of George, July 15, 1682.
William, s. of William and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1682.
Ruth, d. of Israel, Jan. 6, 1684.
John, s. of John and Elizabeth, March 22, 1684.
Mary, d. of William, March 12, 1685.
Abigail, d. of George, Feb. 6, 1685.
Ralph, s. of John. Sept. 5, 1686.
Elizabeth, d. of William and Elizabeth, Feb. 23, 1686.
Israel, s. of Israel and Mary, March 17, 1687.
Jemima, d. of Israel and Mary, July 23, 1689.
Martha, d. of Timothy and Martha, March 1, 1689.
Elizabeth, d. of John, Feb. 25, 1690.
Ebenezer, s. of George and Abigail, March 6, 1690.
Timothy, s. of Timothy and Martha, June 11, 1692.
William, s. of Timothy and Martha, Oct. 5, 1694.
Phebe, d. of Joseph and Phebe, March 22, 1695.
Susanna, d. of Joseph and Phebe, Aug. 25, 1696.
George, s. of George and Abigail, Aug. 2, 1697.
Patience, d. of Israel and Mary, Dec. 8, 1697.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Phebe, June 22, 1698.
Benjamin, s. of Timothy and Martha, Jan. 31, 1699.
Elizabeth, d. of George and Abigail, June 14, 1700.
Joshua, s. of Joseph and Phebe, Oct. 1, 1700.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Sarah, Oct. 1, 1700.
Jonathan, s. of Timothy and Martha, Dec. 15, 1701.
Josiah, s. of John and Ruth, March 26, 1702.
Nathaniel, s. of Joseph and Phebe, March 28, 1704.
Seth, s. of Daniel and Susanna, March 28, 1705.
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1706.
Susanna, d. of John and Abigail, Sept. 13, 1706.
Elizabeth, d. of Timothy and Martha, Dec. 1, 1706.
Susanna, d. of Joseph and Phebe, Aug. 18, 1707.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 18, 1707.
Henry, s. of John and Abigail, June 18, 1708.
Ruth, d. of John and Ruth, Aug. ---, 1708.
Mary, d. of Timothy and Martha, Feb. 25, 1709.
Abigail, s. of Joseph and Phebe, July 29, 1709.
David, s. of Ralph and Mary, May 3, 1710.
Jonathan, s. of Ralph and Mary, May 3, 1710.
Amos, s. of John and Abigail, May 25, 1710.
Samuel, s. of Thomas and Sarah, June 5, 1710.
Persis, d. of Timothy and Persis, July 21, 1711.
John. s. of Ralph and Mary, April 14, 1712.
William, s. of William and Abigail, Dec. 7, 1712.
Hannah, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 2, 1713.
Timothy, s. of Timothy and Persis, Sept. 27, 1713.
Mary, d. of Ralph and Mary, Nov. 30, 1714.
PrIscilla, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1715.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Huldah, Sept. 26, 1715.
Jacob, s. of Timothy and Persis, Jan. 31, 1716.
Huldah, d. of Ebenezer and Huldah, Jan. 11, 1717.
Abigail. d. of Ralph and Mary, May 25, 1717.
Mary, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 6, 1718.
Jonathan, s. of Timothy and Persis, May 19, 1718.
Israel, s. of Israel and Hannah, Nov. 25, 1718.
Nathan, s. of Ebenezer and Huldah, Jan. 3, 1719.
Hannah, s. of Israel and Hannah, Aug. 27, 1720.
Alice, d. of Timothy and Persis, March 24, 1720.
Abigail, d. of Ebenezer and Huldah, April 3, 1721.
Abigail, d. of Thomas and Sarah, May 24, 1721.
Jonathan, s. of Ralph and Mary, March 9, 1722.
Amos, s. of Timothy and Persis, July 1, 1722.
Israel, s. of Israel and Hannah, Nov. 16, 1722.
Sarah, d. of Daniel and Mary, Sept. 8, 1723.
George, s. of Ebenezer and Huldah, Dec. 29, 1723.
James, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1723.
Joshua, s. of Ralph and Mary, June 18, 1724.
Abigail, d. of Israel and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1724.
Mary. d. of Daniel and Mary, May 24, 1725.
Eliphaz, s. of Ebenezer and Huldah, Feb. 11, 1726.
Mary, d. of Israel and Hannah, June 24, 1726.
Kezia, d. of Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1726.
Susanna, d. of Daniel and Mary, Sept. 9, 1726.
Amos, s. of Ralph and Mary, March 13, 1728.
Lucy, d. of Israel and Hannah. Oct. 4, 1728.
Ezekiel, s. of Timothy and Persis, Aug. 1, 1728.
Hannah, d. of Daniel and Mary, Jan. 28, 1728.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1729.
Charles, s. of Thomas and Sarah, May 11, 1730.
Ruth, d. of Daniel and Mary, July 9, 1730.
Rebecca, d. of Henry and Rebecca, June 1, 1732.
Henry, s. of Henry and Rebecca, May 27, 1734.
Mary, d. of Nathaniel and Hannah, April 15, 1734.
Kezia, d. of John and Kezia, Jan. 8, 1737.
AbIgail, d. of Henry and Rebecca. July 6, 1737.
Elizabeth, d. of Israel and Hannah, Dec. 17, 1737.
Lydia, d. of Thomas and Lydia, Oct. 17, 1738.
Sarah, d. of Henry and Rebecca, April 6, 1739.
Joshua, s. of Nathaniel and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1739.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Kezia, June 15, 1740.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Dec. 22, 1740.
Sarah, d. of Henry and Rebecca, June 13, 1741.
John, s. of John and Judith, Aug. 22, 1741.
James, s. of Daniel and Mary, April 4, 1741.
Joshua, s. of Joshua and Hannah, Dec. 14, 1742.
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Lydia, June 26, 1742.
Judith, d. of John and Judith, Aug. 14, 1743.
Abigail, d. of Thomas and Lydia. Aug. 21, 1743.
Nathan, s. of Nathan and Susanna, July 14, 1744.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Aug. 6, 1744.
Joseph, s. of Thomas and Lydia, Feb. 19, 1745.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, April 30, 1745.
Susanna, d. of Nathan and Susanna, Dec. 4, 1745.
Hannah, d. of Joshua and Hannah, April 2, 1745.
Huldah, d. of Timothy and Huldah, Feb. 24, 1745.
Judith, d. of John and Judith, Nov. 10, 1745.
Mary, d. of George and Mary, June 19, 1746.
Micah, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Sept. 28, 1746.
Kezia, d. of Thomas and Lydla, Aug. 24. 1746.
Ruth, d. of Daniel and Mary, Nov. 16, 1746.
Kezia, d. of George and Mary, Sept. 16, 1747.
Reuben, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, March 2, 1747.
Israel, s. of Israel and Mary, June 16, 1747.
Martha, d. of John and Judith, Dec. 31, 1747.
Elizabeth, d. of Eliphaz and Elizabeth, June 6, 1748.
Joseph, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, Aug. 2, 1748.
George, s. of George and Mary, Jan. 7, 1749.
Micah, s. of Samuel and Eunice, May 31, 1749.
John, s. of John and Judith, Jan. 19, 1750.
Elizabeth, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, April 18, 1750.
Joanna, d. of Eliphaz and Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1750.
Lucy, d. of ------------, and Huldah, Sept. 21, 1750.
Francis, s. of Samuel and Eunice, May 3, 1751.
Ebenezer, s. of George and Mary, Nov. 29, 1751.
Eliphaz, s. of Eliphaz and Elizabeth, Aug. 28, 1752.
Sarah, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, July 5, 1752.
Simeon, s. of George and Mary, Feb. 10, 1754.
Newall, s. of Eliphaz and Sarah, Feb. 10, 1754.
Eunice, d. of Samuel and Eunice, Feb. 19, 1754.
Amos, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, May 14, 1754.
Supply, s. of John and Judith, Sept. 9, 1754.
Lucy, d. of Joshua and Hannah, Nov. 25, 1754.
Sarah, d. of Eliphaz and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1755.
Abigail, d. of George and Mary, March 2, 1756.
Isaac, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1756.
Joel, s. of Eliphaz and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1757.
John, s. of Joshua and Hannah, March 29, 1757.
Abigail, d. of Samuel and Eunice, Aug. 13, 1757.
Jonas, s. of George and Mary, April 5, 1758.
James, s. of Joshua and Hannah, April 14, 1759.
Lucy, d. of Samuel and Eunice, Oct. 12, 1759.
Reuben, s. of Eliphaz and Sarah, March 8, 1760.
Ezekiel, s. of Ezekiel and Mary, Aug. 20, 1760.
Ruth, d. of George and Mary, July 31, 1760.
Molly, d. of Joshua and Rachael, June 3, 1760.
Jonathan, s. of Joshua and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1761.
Sarah, d. of Samuel and Eunice, Dec. 31, 1762.
Jotham, s. of George and Mary, Nov. 8, 1762.
Ward. s. of Eliphaz and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1762.
Nathaniel, s. of Ezekiel and Mary, Dec. 9, 1762.
Joshua, s. of Joshua and Rachael, Sept. 6, 1762.
Mary, d. of Joshua and Hannah, May 24, 1763.
Martha, d. of Joshua and Rachael, March 25, 1764.
Kezia, d. of George and Mary, April 22, 1765.
Hannah, d. of Thomas and Hannah, Dec. 20, 1765.
Abigail, d. of Joseph and Relief. Jan. 20, 1767.
Mary, d. of Samuel and Eunice. Aug. 11, 1767.
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Hannah, July 16, 1767.
Judith, d. of Joshua and Hannah, March 6, 1768.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 30, 1769.
Abigail, d. of Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1771.
Leonard, s. of Joshua and Rachel, Nov. 13, 1771.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Joanna, Jan. 6, 1772.
Micah, s. of Micah and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1773.
Francis, s. of Samuel and Joanna, Feb. 5, 1774.
George Washington, s. of Joshua and Rachel, Nov. 18, 1775.( First of that name to appear in the Woburn Records.)
Elizabeth, d. of Micah and Elizabeth, Jan. 2, 1777.
Ruth, d. of Ebenezer and Anna, March 20, 1778.
Joanna, d. of Samuel and Joanna, May 14, 1778.
Elizabeth, d. of Micah and Elizabeth, Feb. 25, 1779.
Rhoda, d. of Jonas and Rhoda, April 18, 1779.
George, s. of Simeon and Esther, Oct. 11, 1780.
Olive, d. of James and Olive, Feb. 26, 1780.
Anna, d. of Ebenezer and Anna, Feb. 28, 1781.
Jonas, s. of Jonas and Rhoda, June 27, 1781.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Anna, March 1, 1782.
Eunice, d. of Samuel and Joanna, April 3, 1782.
Lydia, d. of Amos and Lydia, April 18, 1782.
Elizabeth, d. of James and Olive, Feb. 26, 1782.
Benjamin, s. of Jonas and Rhoda, Feb. 24, 1784.
Lucy, d. of Simeon and Esther, Aug. 27, 1784.
Jacob, s. of Amos and Lydia, July 31, 1784.
Mary, d. of James and Olive, April 18, 1784.
William. s. of Isaac and Susanna, March 14, 1785.
Elizabeth, d. of Amos and Lydia, June 18, 1786.
Oliver, s. of Isaac and Susanna, Aug. 4, 1787.
John, s. of James and Olive, Nov. 26, 1787.
Rebecca, d. of Samuel, Jr., and Joanna, Nov. 23, 1788.
Bill, s. of Simeon and Esther, Feb. 20, 1788.
Nancy, d. of Amos and Lydia, April 29, 1789.
Joshua, s. of Joshua and Ann, Jr., July 24, 1790.
Patty, d. of Jonas and Rhoda, July 28, 1790.
Thomas, s. of Isaac and Susanna, Jan. 18, 1790.
Abigail, d. of James and Olive, May 19, 1790.
Leonard, s. of Leonard and Abigail, Jan. 12, 1791.
Reuben, s. of Isaac and Susanna. March 25, 1792.
Lucy, d. of James and Olive, Nov. 19, 1792.
Nancy, d. of Joshua and Anna, Sept. 30, 1793.
Hugh Maxwell, s. of Isaac and Susanna, Dec. 23, 1793.
Nancy, d, of Jonas and Rhoda, June 7, 1794.
John, s. of Joshua and Anna, Jr., March 19, 1795.
William, s. of James and Olive, Feb. 18, 1795.
Enos, s. of Isaac and Susanna, Aug. 21, 1796.
Bill, s. of Joshua and Anna, 2d, April 24, 1799.
Thomas Jefferson, s. of Joshua and Anna, 2d, May 16, 1801.
Mary Bridlge, d. of Luke and Mary, June 22, 1802.
Patty, d. of Joshua and Anna, Jr., Oct. 7, 1802.
George Washington, s. of George W. and Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1803.
Zachariah, s. of Joshua and Anna, Jr., Oct. 21, 1804.
Luke, s. of Luke and Mary, July 22, 1804.
Abigail, d. of Luke and Mary, Aug. 12, 1806.
Mary, d. of George W. and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1806.
Eliza, d. of George W. and Elizabeth, June 29, 1808.
Caroline, d. of Luke and Mary, March 31, 1809.
Ruth Brown, d. of Joshua and Anna, Feb. 6. 1810.
Caroline, d. of George W. and Elizabeth. March 11, 1810.
Delphina, d. of Luke and Mary, Nov. 23, 1811.
Warren, s. of George W. and Elizabeth, April 10, 1811.
Jackson, s. of George W. and Elizebeth, Jan. 25, 1813.
Mary P., d. of Joshua. Jr., and Mary, April 21, 1813.
Marla, d. of Joshua, Jr., and Mary, Feb. 9, 1814.
Delphia, d. of Luke and Mary, Jan. 15, 1815.
Sophia, d. of George W. and Elizabeth, May 19, 1816.
Joseph, s. of Joshua, Jr., and Mary, April 19, 1817.
Maria, d. of Joshua, Jr., and Mary, April 1, 1819.
Jacob George, s. of Jacob and Desire, April 2, 1820.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Eleanor, Nov. 25, 1820.
Sarah Ann, d. of Joshua, Jr., and Mary, June 10, 1821.
Rebecca, d. of Jacob and Desire, June 16, 1822.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Desire, April 8, 1824.
Eleanor, d. of Ebenezer and Eleanor, Sept. 8, 1824.
Harriet, d. of Joshua and Mary, Aug. 7, 1824.
Nancy Davis, d. of William and Nancy, April 3, 1825.
James, s. of Ebenezer and Eleanor, April 8, 1826.
Luke Winn, s. of Luke and Martha, Oct. 2, 1828.
Elizabeth, d. of George W. and Betsey, July 1, 1828.
Charles Fay, s. of Luke and Martha, Sept. 9, 1830.
Abigail Angelina, d. of Lewis and Mary A., Dec. 27, 1831.
Martha Caroline, d. of Luke and Martha, Oct. 6, 1832.
Brigham, s. of Luke and Martha, April 6, 183(?).
Mary, d. of Luke and Martha, April 16, 1837.
Elizabeth Symmes, d. of George W. and Betsey, Aug. 3, 1838.
Sarah K., d. of George W. and Betsey, May 3, 1840.
Romulus, s. of Luke and Martha, July 8, 1840.
George W., s. of Isaiah, Jr., and Mary B., July 28, 1840.
Josephine, d. of George W. and Betsey, Dec. 12, 1842.
Dana, s. of Luke and Martha, Feb. 26, 1842.
Joseph Martain, s. of Joseph and Mehetabel, Feb. 27, 1845.
Abigail, d. of Luke and Martha, born in Lenox. Penn., Aug. 9, 1846.
--------------, s. of Artemas and Elizabeth, Nov. 25, 1846.
Frances Adelaide, d. of James and Marietta Tenney, Sept. 14, 1847.
Artemas Winn, s. of Artemas and Elizabeth M., March 14, 1848.
Eliza S. , d. of George W. and Betsey, July 8, 1848.
Marietta, d. of James and Marietta, March 7, 1849.
George Frederick, s. of David and Sarah, Oct. 18, 1850.
George Henry, s. of Artemas and Elizabeth A., April 23, 1851.
Georgianna, d. of Artemas and Elizabeth A., April 23, 1851.
Arthur Johnson, s. of Artemas and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1854.
Ella Frances, d. of Charles C. and Mary A., Nov. 26, 1855.
Emma Augusta, d. of Charles C. and Mary A., June 25, 1858.
Ida May, d. of Charles C. and Mary A., Sept. 16, 1859.
Harry [Harvey], s. of Charles W. and H. Augusta, Jan. 26, 1867.
Emma Lawrence, d. of Lorenzo D. and Louisa, April 9, 1867.
Freddie Hartwell, s. of George D. and Susan R., Sept. 24, 1868.
Herbert, s. of Lorenzo D. and Louisa, Nov. 14, 1868.
Mary Emma, d. of George D. and Susau R., Oct. 1, 1870.
REGAN(see Reagan).
Adelaide Medora, d. of George A. and Aseneth, Aug. 17, 1850.
Laura Amanda, d. of George A. and Aseneth, Nov. 28, 1853.
Abba Ella, d. of Edward and Sarah J., Feb. 13, 1862.
Fanny Eliza, d. of Edward E. and Sarah M., Feb. —, 1859.
John, s. of George and Mary Ann, Aug. 15, 1866.
George Cornelius, s. of George and Mary Ann, Oct. 2, 1867.(Also recorded 1868.)
Mary June, d. of James and Ann, Oct. 28, 1869.
Charles, s. of George and Mary A., March 18, 1870.
Annie, d. of Richard and Margaret, born In Winchester, March 23, 1871.
John, s. of James and Ann, July 27, 1871.
Mary Frances, d. of George and Mary Ann, March 22, 1872.
Ellen S., d. of Samuel M. and Betsey J., Dec. 3. 1839.
Charles C., s. of Samuel M. and Betsey J., Oct. 3, 1842.
Edward Walter, s. of Abner and N. Georgianna, Sept. 5, 1846.
Charlotte Georgianna, d. of Abner and Nancy G., Oct. 16, 1847.
Mary Ella, d. of Curtis and Almira, Sept. 18, 1849.
Elizabeth Reeves, d. of Abner and Nancy G., March 25, 1850.
Helen Curtis, d. of Abner and Nancy G., Sept. 21, 185(?).
Winifred Rachel, d. of James and Emma, Feb. 25, 1871.
Mary Adelaide, d. of Isaac N. and Mary, Sept. 22, 1853.
Elia F., d. of Isaac N. and Mary, Nov. 9, 1854.
Edward Horton, s. of Daniel H. and Cynthia H., Aug. 14, 1858.
Hannah, d. of Samuel, March 8, 1642.
Isaac, s. of Thomas, May 24, 1643.
Joseph, s. of Samuel, July 27, 1643.
Ruth, d. of Ezekiel, Aug. 23, 1643.
Thomas, s. of Thomas, Oct. 4, 1643.
Samuel, s. of Samuel, May 22, 1646.
Ruth, d. of Thomas, April 14, 1647.
Phebe, d. of Thomas, Jan. 24, 1649.
Stephen, s. of Samuel, Aug. 15, 1649.
Nathaniel, s. of Thomas, Jan. 2, 1651.
Thomas, s. of Samuel, Dec. 31, 1651.
Ezekiel, s. of Theophilus, Oct. 28, 1655.
Mary, d. of Theophilus, Jan. 15, 1658.
Sarah, d. of Theophilus, April 23, 1660.
John, s. of John, Jan. 24, 1661.
Abigail, d. of Theophilus, Oct. 21, 1662.
Hannah, d. of Theophilus, April 6, 1665.
Joseph, of John, Jan. 3, 1667.
Hannah, d. of Joseph, Oct. 22, 1667.
John, s. of Theophilus, Jan. 16, 1668.
Mary, d. of Joseph, March 22, 1669.
Jonathan, s. of Isaac, Dec. 12, 1669.
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph, June 28, 1670.
Heather, d. of Theophilus, June 25, 1870.
Samuel, s. of Samuel, Nov. 5, 1670.
Thomas, s. of Samuel, Nov. 5, 1670.
Deborah, d. of Isaac, Jan. 22, 1672.
Joseph, s. of Joseph, May 19, 1672.
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel, Aug. 27, 1673.
Martha, d. of Samuel, Dec. 20, 1673.
Peirson, s. of John, Sept. 22, 1673.
Ruth, d. of Theophilus, Aug. 31, 1673.
Stephen, s. of Joseph. Feb. 7, 1674.
Joseph, s. of Isaac, June 25, 1674.
Benjamin, s. of Isaac, June 25, 1674.
James, s. of Nathaniel, Feb. 26, 1675.
Stephen, s. of Stephen, Feb. 20, 1676.
Jacob, s. of John, Feb. 15, 1676.
Mercy, d. of Isaac, Oct. 27, 1676.
Zachariah, s. of Samuel, Nov. 21, 1677.
Francis, s. of Stephen, Jan. 19, 1678.
William, s. of John, June 29, 1678.
William, s. of Stephen, Dec. 14, 1678.
David, s. of Isaac, Feb. 4, 1679.
Mary, d. of Nathaniel, March 10, 1679.
Francis, s. of Stephen, Jan. 15, 1681.
Phebe, d. of Isaac, Feb. 14, 1681.
Joshua, s. of Nathaniel, June 3, 1681.
John, s. of John, Jr., Aug. 13, 1681.
Thomas. s. of Samuel, Aug. 18, 1681.
Sarah, d. of Samuel, Aug. 20, 1682.
Timothy, s. of Stephen, Dec. 6, 1682.
Martha, d. of Nathaniel, —, 1683.
Mary, d. of Isaac, July 14, 1683.
Abigail, d. of Stephen, Nov. 14, 1683.
Susanna, d. of John, Jr., Aug. 5, 1684.
Thomas, R. of Samuel, Sept. 25, 1684.
John, s. of Nathaniel, Jan. (Dec.) 25, 1684.
Elizabeth, d. of Isaac, Nov. 8, 1685.
Prudence, d, of Stephen, Jan. 17, 1686.
Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Sarah, March 15, 1687.
Thomas, s. of Nathaniel and Mary. April 15, 1687.
Timothy, s. of John and Susanna, July 24, 1687.
Timothy, s. of Stephen and Abigail. Jan. 24, 1687.
Edward, s. of Isaac and Deborah, Feb. 2, 1688.
Theophilus, s. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, July 4, 1688.
Hannah, d. of Nathaniel and Mary, May ---, 1689.
------------, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. --, 1689.
Seth, s. of Stephen and Abigail, Jan. 16, 1689.
Elizabeth, d. of Ezekiel, Oct. 20, 1689.
Mary, d. of John and Deborah, Aug. 10, 1689.
Hannah, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1690.
Daniel, s. of Stephen and Abigail, Oct. 16, 1691.
Samuel, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, Sept. 24, 1691.
Theophilus, s. of Ezekiel, Jan. 7, 1692.
Willing, s. of John and Margaret, Oct. 5, 1692.
John, s. of John and Deborah, Dec. 29, 1692.
Eliezer, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 10, 1693.
Elizabeth, d. of John and Susanna, May 27, 1693.
Phineas, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, Feb. — , 1694.
Ezekiel, s. of Ezekiel and Elizabeth, April 22, 1694.
Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, Jan. 10, 1695.(Married Henry Baldwin, May 7, 1717, who died in Pelham. She afterwards married Col. Jones, of Hopklnton, and died in Shrewsbury, October,1798, aged 103 years and 9 months.)
Deborah. d. of John and Deborah, March 8, 1695.
Abigail, d. of Nathaniel and Abigail, Dec. 25, 1695.
Phebe, d. of Nathaniel and Mary, March 4, 1696.
Job, s. of John and Margaret, April 30, 1696.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Bridget, June 12, 1696.
Jonathan, s. of Samuel and Sarah, July 16, 1696.
Peirson, s. of Peirson and Mary, Aug. 6, 1696.
Mary, d. of Stephen and Abigail, May 3, 1696.
Abigail, d. of Ezekiel and Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 1697.
Hannah, d. of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 17, 1697.
Elizabeth. d. of Nathaniel and Abigail, —, 1697.
Rebecca, d. of Stephen and Abigail, June 10, 1698.
Joseph, s. of Stephen and Bridget, July 20, 1698.
Amos, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 10, 1698.
Sarah, d. of John and Deborah, March 12, 1698.
Mary, d. of Peirson and Mary, Nov. 17, 1698.
Rebecca, d. of Nathaniel and Abigail, Aug. 14, 1699.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Hannah, Sept. 3, 1699.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 9, 1699.
Thomas, s. of Stephen and Bridget, Feb. 5, 1700.
David, s. of Samuel and Sarah, April 14, 1700.
Benjamin, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, Aug. 27, 1700.
James, s. of James and Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1700.
Bartholomew, s. of Peirson and Mary, Feb. 4, 1701.
Josiah, s. of John and Deborah, Feb. 14, 1701.
Hannah, d. of Jacob and Hannah, April 7, 1701.
Bridget, d. of Stephen and Bridget, Oct. 15, 1701.
Aaron, s. of Ezekiel and Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1701.
Nathan, s. of John and Deborah, Jan. 24, 1702.
Josiah, s. of Joseph and Mary, Jan. 12, 1702.
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail, March 20, 1702.
Rachel, d. of Nathaniel and Abigail, March 20, 1702.
Solomon, s. of Stephen and Abigail, March 27, 1702.
Elizabeth, d. of Jacob and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1703.
Noah, s. of Peirson and Mary, March 5, 1703.
Benjamin, s. of Nathaniel and Abigail, Feb. 29, 1704.
Eunice, d. of John and Deborah, Jan. 3, 1704.
James, s. of James and Elizabeth, March 14, 1704.
Phebe, d. of Stephen and Brigdet, May 16, 1704.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Susanna, Sept. 15, 1704.
Reuben, s. of Joseph and Mary, June 12, 1704.
Rebecca, d. of William and Rebecca, Aug. 4, 1704.
Edward, s. of Jacob and Hannah, March 12, 1705.
Sarah, d. of Peirson and Mary, Nov. 26, 1705.
Lydia, d. of John and Lydia, Dec. 26, 1705.
Ichabod, s. of Stephen and Bridget, Jan. 11, 1706.
Josiah, s. of James and Elizabeth, May 15, 1706.
Hannah, d. of William and Rebecca, Oct. 28, 1706.
Oliver, s. of Joseph and Mary. Aug. 15, 1706.
Thomas, s. of Samuel and Susanna, Nov. 19, 1706.
Hannah, d. of Joshua and Hannah, Jan. 8, 1707.
Esther, d. of Jacob and Hannah, June 25, 1707.
Joanna, d. of John and Eunice, Nov. 22, 1707.
Jabez, s. of Peirson and Mary, April 26, 1708.
David, s. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 12, 1708.
Samuel, s. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 12, 1708.
Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Susanna, Jan. 18, 1709.
Sarah, d. of Francis and Sarah, Jan. 25, 1709.
Abigail, d. of William and Rebecca, April 18, 1709.
Enoch, s. of Jacob and Hannah, May 26, 1709.
Hezekiah, s. of John and Eunice, Oct. 19, 1709.
Adam, s. of Stephen and Bridget, April 10, 1709.
Mary, d. of Joshua and Hannah, March 13, 1710.
Israel, 8. of Nathaniel and Abigail, Aug, 16, 1710.
Francis, s. of Francis and Sarah, July 17, 1710.
Urlah, s. of Samuel and Susanna, June 30, 1710.
Charles, s. of Joseph and Mary, July 27, 1710.
Lydia, d. of Benjamin and Lydia, Nov. 28, 1710.
Rebecca, d. of James and Elizabeth, July 14, 1710.
Seth, s. of Seth and Mary, March 18, 1711.
Lydia, d. of Peirson and Mary, April 19, 1711.
Patience, d. of Jacob and Hannah, July 15, 1711.
Eunice, d. of John and Eunice, Dec. 28, 1711.
Martha, d. of Theophilus and Ruth, Feb. 4, 1711.
William, s. of William and Rebecca, April 17, 1712.
Mary, d. of Francis and Sarah, July 2, 1712.
Caleb, s. of John and Abigail, Feb. 23, 1713.
Ruth, d. of Joseph and Mary, June 17, 1713.
Susanna, d. of Samuel and Susanna, Nov. 3, 1713.
Asa, s. of Stephen and Bridget, Dec. 12. 1713.
Martha, d. of Joshua and Hannah, May 18, 1714.
Margaret, d. of Samuel and Sarah, May 25, 1714.
Sarah, d. of Jacob and Hannah, March 9, 1714.
Ruth, d. of Theophilus and Ruth, Sept. 1, 1714.
Stephen, s. of William and Rebecca, Sept. 27, 1714.
David, s. of Peirson and Mary, Oct. 3, 1714.
Katharine, d. of James and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1714.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Rebeeca, Feb. 15, 1715.
Gershom, s. of John and Abigail, May 4, 1715.
Eliezer, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, May 22, 1715.
Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Susanna, Dec. 4, 1715.
Edward, s. of Theophilus and Ruth, March 17, 1716.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah, July 16, 1716.
Joshua, s. of Joshua and Hannah, Oct. 18, 1716.
James, s. of Jacob and Hannah, April 23, 1716.
Nathaniel, s. of James and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1716.
Rebecca, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Dec. 21, 1716.
Mary, d. of William and Rebecca, April 18, 1717.
Mary, d. of Phineas and Mary, March 7, 1718.
Abigail. d. of John and Abigail, May 27, 1718.
Ebenezer, s. of Timothy and Abigail, March 31, 1718.
Isiah, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Oct. 13, 1718.
Theophilus, s. of Ezekiel and Lydia, Jan. 26, 1718.
Margaret, d. of Job and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1719.
Sarah, d. of Samuel and Sarah, June 1. 1719.
Richard, s. of Theophilus and Ruth, Nov. 9, 1719.
Mary, d. of James and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1719.
Ralph, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Jan. 3, 1720.
Zachary, s. of Samuel and Susanna, May 21, 1720.
Willing, s. of Job and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1720.
Abigail, d. of Timothy and Abigail, April 7, 1720.
Ezra, s. of John and Abigail, June 13, 1721.
Matthew, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, April 9, 1721.
Abigail, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1721.
Amos, s. of Amos and Abigail, Dec. 3, 1721.
Thomas, s. of Phineas and Mary, Oct. 30, 1721.
Moses, s. of Theophilus and Ruth, April 8, 1722.
Ebenezer, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Aug. 26, 1722.
Abiathar, s. of Timothy and Abigail, Aug. 15, 1722.
Martha, d. of Samuel and Susanna, March 22, 1723.
Anne, d. of Job and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1723.
William, s. of William and Mary, Feb. 21, 1723.
Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Abigail. Feb. 28, 1723.
James, s. of Phineas and Mary, April 19, 1724.
Joanna, d. of Daniel and Joanna, Sept. 21, 1724.
Rebecca, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Nov. 12, 1724.
Jasher, s, of John and Abigail, Dec. 8, 1724.
James, s. of Joseph and Susanna. March 1, 1724.
Nathan, s. of Nathan and Esther, April 21, 1725.
Judith, d. of Peirson and Elizabeth, May 14, 1725.
Mary, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, July 18, 1725.
Seth, s. of Joseph and Susanna, March 6, 1726.
Susanna, d. of Joseph and Susanna. March 6, 1726.
David, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Sept. 15, 1726.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1726.
Jabez, n. of Peirson and Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1727.
Mary, d. of William and Mary, Aug. 14, 1727.
Joseph, s. of Reuben and Esther, Feb. 9, 1727.
Esther, d. of Nathan and Esther, Aug. 6, 1727.
Deborah, d. of John and Abigail, March 26, 1728.
Zebadiah, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, July 2, 1728.
Elizabeth, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, May 19,1728.
Bethiah, d. of Aaron and Bethiah, Nov. 1, 1728.
Noah. s. of Noah and Phebe, Dec. 15, 1728.
Elizabeth, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1729.
Dorcas, d. of Job and Sarah, March 14, 1729.
Esther, d. of Reuben and Esther, April 16, 1729.
Mary, d. of Peirson and Elizabeth. June 7, 1729.
Rebecca, d. of Daniel and Joanna, Sept. 29, 1729.
James, s. of James and Sarah, Dec. 25, 1729.
Jesse, s. of Oliver and Lydia, Feb. 1, 1729.
James, s. of Phineas and Rebecca, April 30, 1730.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Abigail, Jan. 29, 1730.
Phebe, d. of Noah and Phebe, Aug. 6, 1730.
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Judith, May 10, 1730.
Israel, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Aug. 2, 1730.
Bartholomew, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, March 25, 1730.
Tabitha, d. of Nathan and Tabitha, April 14, 1730.
Abigail, d. of John and Abigail, Jan. 22, 1730.
Aaron, s. of Aaron and Bethiah, Dec. 24, 1730.
Abijah, s. of John and Abigail, Jan. 22, 1731.
Peirson, s. of Peirson and Elizabeth, June 22, 1731.
William, s. of James and Sarah, May 6, 1731.
William, s. of James and Rebecca, Feb. 27, 1731.
Hannah, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1731.
Jeremiah, s. of Edward and Jerusha, Aug. 18, 1731.
Reuben, s. of Reuben and Esther, Dec. 22, 1731.
Jonas, s. of Joseph and Martha. Jan. 1, 1732.
John, s. of Nathan and Tabitha, Feb. 5, 1732.
Edmund, s. of Noah and Phebe, July 9, 1732.
Converse, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, March 9, 1732.
Sarah, d. of James and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1732.
Hannah, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Dec. ---. 1732.
Dorothy, d. of Phineas and Rebecca, March 31, 1733.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Joanna, July 13, 1733.
Amos, s. of Nathan and Tabitha, Nov. 6, 1733.
Isaac, s. of Benjamin and Judith, April 18, 1733.
Phebe, d. of Aaron and Bethiah, April 28, 1733.
Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1733.
Silas, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, March 9, 1733.
Reuben, s. of Reuben and Esther, May 23, 1733.
Ruth, d. of Reuben and Esther, May 23, 1733.
Levi, s. of Joseph and Martha, Feb. 8, 1734.
Barnabas, s. of Edward and Jerusha, March 16, 1734.
Lemuel, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, July 31, 1734.
Paul, s. of Oliver and Lydia, Dec. 23, 1734.
Lydia, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Jan. 2, 1735.
Bartholomew, s. of Noah and Phebe, June 19, 1735.
Elizabeth, d. of Peirson and Elizabeth, March 24, 1735.
Jotham, s. of Nathan and Tabitha, Oct. 23, 1735.
Martha, d. of Joseph and Martha, Feb. 7, 1735.
Mary, d. of Enoch and Mary, Dec. 30, 1735.
Phineas, s. of Phineas and Rebecca, Jan. 9, 1735.
John, s. of Timothy and Abigail, Jan. 1, 1735.
Elizabeth, d. of Aaron and Bethiah, Sept. 13, 1736.
Jephtbah, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1736.
Isaac, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Sept. 20, 1736.
Abel, s. of Reuben and Esther, Oct. 23, 1736.
Sarah, d of Enoch and Mary, March 29, 1737.
Lucy, d. of Noah and Phebe, July 22, 1737.
Oliver, s. of Oliver and Lydia, April 28, 1737.
Judith. d. of Benjamin and Judith, Aug. 4, 1737.
Bridget, d. of Stephen and Mary, Sept. 30, 1737.
Mary, d. of Nathan andTabitha, Sept. 7, 1737.
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Sept. 11, 1737.
Jeduthun, s. of Thomas and Mary, April 16, 1738.
Patience, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, Dec. 22, 1738.
Caleb, s. of Reuben and Esther, Oct. 24, 1738.
Enoch, s. of Enoch and Mary, April 4, 1738.
Bethiah, d. of Aaron and Bethiah, Jan. 5, 1739.
Molly, d. of Stephen and Mary, April 23, 1739.
Esther, d. of Noah and Phebe, Sept. 29, 1739.
Hannah, d. of Joseph and Martha, Sept. 23, 1739.
Addison, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth. July 3, 1739.
Simeon, s. of Pierson and Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1739.
Lydia, d. of Oliver and Lydia, Dec. 21, 1740.
Lucy, d. of Joshua and Eunice, July 21, 1740.
Joel, s. of Benjamin and Judith, July 8, 1740.
David, s. of David and Mary Ann, Feb. 15, 1741.
Philemon, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, Feb. 20, 1741.
Nathaniel, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, May 21, 1741.
Rebecca, d. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, Aug. 4, 1741.
Hannah, d. of Asa and Hannah, Aug. 22, 1741.
Phebe, d. of Aaron and Bethiah, June 18, 1741.
Elijah, s. of Reuben and Esther, May 4, 1741.
Abigail, d. of Noah and Phebe, July 19, 1742.
Nathaniel, s. of Joshua and Eunice, March 20, 1742.
Leonard, s. of Asa and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1742,
Peter, s. of David and Mary Ann, Oct. 25, 1742.
Sarah, d. of Stephen and Mary, March 10, 1743.
Josiah, s. of isaac and Elizabeth, Nov. 17, 1743.
Lucretia, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, May 24, 1743.
Lucy, d. of Joshua and Eunice, Nov. 13, 1743.
Susanna, d. of Asa and Hannah, May 16, 1744.
Lucy, d. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, Jan. 18, 1744.
Susanna, d. of Oliver and Lydia, March 23, 1744.
Lydia, d. of Enoch and Mary, April 20, 1744.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Mary, Sept. 4, 1744.
Mary, d. of Reuben and Esther, Aug. 2, 1744.
Sarah, d. of Noah and Phebe, May 30, 1745.
Zachariah, s. of Zachariah and Phebe, April 1, 1745.
Relief, d. of Asa and Hannah, Aug. 3, 1745.
Zebulun, s. of Jacob and Elizabeth, June 6, 1745.
Willlam, s. of David and Mary Ann, Sept. 7, 1745.
Jerusha, d. of Reuben and Esther, June 2, 1745.
Joshua, s. of Joshua and Eunice, Feb. 14, 1746.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Rebecca, June 16, 1746.
Eliezer, s. of Eliezer and Susanna, June 29, 1746.
Josiah, s. of David and Mary Ann, Feb. 22, 1747.
Josiah. s. of Reuben and Esther, Nov. 8, 1747.
Surviah, d. of Jacob and Elizabeth, June 6, 1747.
Edward, s. of Edward and Abigail, Feb. 8, 1747.
Moses, s. of Edward and Abigail, Feb. 8, 1747.
Ichabod, s. of Asa and Hannah, March 3, 1747.
Phebe, d. of Zachariah and Phebe, Feb. 24, 1747.
Jude, s. of Noah and Phebe, Jan. 15, 1748.
Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 30, 1748.
Lucy, d. of Asa and Hannah, Nov. 15, 1748.
Rebecca, d. of Eliezer and Susanna, Nov. 19, 1748.
Samuel, s. of Oliver and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1748.
Israel, s. of Joshua and Eunice, March 29, 1748.
Thornton, s. of David and Mary Ann, Jan. 8, 1749.
Eunice, d. of hezekiah and Rebecca, Sept. 1, 1749.
Susanna, d. of Zachariah and Phebe, Aug. 18, 1749.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Abigail, April 8, 1749.
Loammi, s. of Reuben and Esther, Jan. 12, 1750.
Hannah, d. of James and Hannah, March 3, 1750.
John, s. of David and Mary Ann, Nov. 18, 1750.
Abel, s. of Nathan and Mary, Jan. 12, 1751.
Edmund, s. of Asa and Hannah, Aug. 4, 1751.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, June 4, 1751.
Sarah, d. of Hezekian and Rebecca, Dec. 15, 1751.
Abigail, d. of Joshua and Abigail, April 19, 1751.
James, s. of James and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1751.
Thaddeus, s. of Reuben and Esther, Aug. 7, 1752.
Elijah, s. of Enoch and Mary, April 19, 1752.
Judah, d. of Jacob and Judah, Oct. 6, 1752.
Lot, s. of David and Mary Ann, July 21, 1752.
Mary, d. of Nathan and Mary, Jan. 24, 1753.
John, s. of Zachariah and Phebe, May 15, 1753.
Judith, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, April 17, 1754.
Joseph, s. of Levi and Abigail, Jan. 5, 1754.
Israel, s. of Joshua and Abigail, March 11, 1754.
Lydia, d. of Mr. Jabez and Mrs. Mehetable, July 25, 1754.
Betty, d. of James and Sarah, April 23, 1754.
Mary, d. of David and Mary Ann, Feb 4, 1754.
Rebecca, d. of Jesse and Rebecca, Jan. 10, 1755.
Mary, d. of Nathan and Mary, Jan. 24, 1755.
Luke, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Dec. 31, 1755.
Betty, d. of Jacob and Judith, Dec. 30, 1755.
Edwin, s. of David and Mary Ann, Nov. 17, 1755.
Ruth, d. of Zachariah and Phebe, July 15, 1755.
Charles, s. of Reuben and Esther, Feb. 17, 1756.
James. s. of James and Sarah, April 4, 1756.
Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, July 10, 1757.
Herbert, s. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 15, 1757.
Martha, d. of Jonas and Martha, July 26, 1757.
Asa, s. of Joshua and Abigail, July 19, 1757.
Jesse, s. of Zachariah and Phebe, Sept. 26, 1757.
Joseph, s. of James and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1758.
Jerusha, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Feb. 28, 1758.
Barnabas, s. of Barnabas and Rebecca, Jan. 20, 1759.
John, s. of John and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1759.
Patience, d. of Jacob and Judith, Oct. 27, 1759.
Lois, d. of Jesse and Jemima, June 10, 1759.
Edmund. s. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 23, 1759.
Anne, d. of Zachariah and Phebe, Sept 16, 1759.
Hannah, d. of Phineas and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1760.
Partridge, s. of Bartholomew and Hannah, April 23, 1760.
Gideon, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Feb. 3, 1760.
Mary, d. of Silas and Mary, Oct. 31, 1760.
Jonas, s. of Jonas and Martha, May 4, 1760.
Alford, s. of Joshua and Abigail, Dec. 14, 1760.
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Rebecca, March 4, 1760.
Esther, d. of Zebadiah and Esther, Sept. 5, 1761.
Matthew, s. of John and Hannah, Sept. 28, 1761.
Jeduthun, s. of Jeduthun and Mary, Oct. 13, 1761.
Abijah, s. of Barnabas and Rebecca, March 20, 1761.
Ruhamah, d. of James and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1761.
Jesse, s. of Zachariah and Phebe, Aug. 20, 1761.
Esther, d. of Bartholomew and Hannah. Feb. 16, 1762.
Phineas, s. of Phlneas and Hannah, April 23, 1762.
Abel, s. of Abel and Mary, Aug. 25, 1762.
Esther, d. of Silas and Mary, Oct. 30, 1762.
Sarah, d. of Bartholomew and Sarah Converse, Aug. 27, 1762.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Judith, July 23, 1763.
Zebadiah, s. of Zebadiah and Esther, Aug 21, 1763.
Bethiah, d. of Amos and Bethiah, Sept. 5, 1763.
Lucy, d. of Jonas and Martha, June 1, 1763.
John, s. of Barnabas and Rebecca, March 10, 1764.
Amos, s. of Amos and Bethiah, Aug. 18, 1764.
Nathan, s. of John and Hannah, June 12, 1764.
Mary, d. of Jeduthun and Mary, Aug. 17, 1764.
Enoch, s. of Silas and Mary, Aug. 14, 1764.
Jotham, s. of Jotham and Phebe, Oct. 13, 1764.
Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1764.
Mary, d. of Abel and Mary, A ug. 18, 1764.
Judith, d. of Benjamin and Rebecca, Feb. 17, 1764.
Zadok, s. of Zadok and Sally, Sept. 7, 1764.
Bridget, d. of Edward and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1764.
Phebe, d. of Zachariah and Phebe, April 12, 1764.
Daniel, s. of ------------, Sept. 27, 1765.(Daniel Richardson, native of Woburn, Mass., born Sept. 27, 1765, died Monday, July 8, 1844. Nancy Closson, born Oct. 15, 1778, died Saturday, May 9, 1863. Daniel Richardson and Nancy Closson were united in marriage July 27, 1799, by Esquire Reed, in Rockingham, Vt. The children of Daniel Richardson and his wife Nancy were:
Henry, born July 13, 1800. died March 13, 1852.
Daniel, born March 9, 1802, died May 20, 1856.
George Washington, born July 8, 1804, died March 27, 1815.
Nathan Schuyler, born April 17, 1806, died about 1836.
Eliza Ann, born April 2, 1808, died Dec. 1, 1857.
Mary Minerva Jane, born Jan. 25, 1810, died March 29,1815.
Wilbur Clossen, born Nov. 7, 1812. died Feb. 19, 1845.
Aaron Leland, born April 15,1815, dled May 24, 1854.
Joseph, Born April 15, 1815 died April 8, 1838.
Julius Augustus, born Jan. 30, 1818, died Jane 19, 1880.
Charles Kimball, born Feb. 6, 1820.
Matthew James, born April 15, 1815, died Feb. 15, 1825.
Martha Jane, born April 15, 1815, died Aug. 5, 1853.
Eliza Ann married Thomas Gilbert.
Martha Jane married Ambrose P. Denerson.
All the children but Wilbur Closson were born in Rockingham, Vt. Wilbur was born in Westminster, Vt. -
Aaron, s. of Amos and Bethiah, March 8, 1766.
Noah, s. of Bartholomew and Abigail, July 7, 1766.
Rhoda, d.. of Zebadiah and Esther, July 17, 1766.
Josiah, s. of John and Hannah, Dec. 24, 1766.
Daniel. s. of Jotham and Phebe, Sept. 27, 1766.
Asa, s. of Zadok and Sally, Dec. 30, 1766.
Silas, s. of Silas and Mary, June 21, 1766.
Heman, s. of Edward and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1766.
Anne, d. of Zachariah and Phebe, May 19, 1766.
Sarah, d. of Jeduthun and Mary, Jan. 29, 1767.
Loammi, s. of Jacob and Judith, March 30,1767.
Abel, s. of Abel and Mary, Jan. 26, 1767.
Bethiah, d. of Amos and Bethiah, Nov. 9, 1767.
Lucinda, d. of Bartholomew and Abigail, May 8, 1768.
Hitty, d. of Silas and Mary, Sept. 17, 1768.
Hannah, d. of Simeon and Mercy, March 7, 1768.
Junius, s. of Barnabas and Rebecca, Oct. 23, 1768.
Jerusha, d. of Edward and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1768.
Richard, s. of Jotham and Phebe, Feb. 27, 1769.
Mary, d. of Amos and Bethiah, Nov. 5, 1769.
Lydia, d. of Amos and Bethiah, Nov. 5, 1769.
Susanna, d. of Bartholomew and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1769.
Leonard, s. of Leonard and Ruth, Dec. 24, 1769.
Ruby, d. of Abel and Mary, June 11, 1769.
Stephen Newhall, s. of Eliezer and Catharine, July 28, 1769.
Thomas, s. of Jeduthun and Mary, March 29, 1770.
Abigail, d. of Bartholomew and Abigail, March 25, 1770.
Abigail, s. of Zebulun and Abigail, Oct. 16, 1770.
Betty, d. of Jonas and Martha, March 24, 1770.
Jesse, s. of John and Hannah, June 29, 1770.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Mary, Dec 19, 1770.
Eliezer Carter, s. of Eliezer and Catharine, Oct. 13, 1770.
Sarah, d. of Edward and Sarah, April 11, 1770.
Joseph, s. of Barnabas and Rebecca, March 19, 1771.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Martha, April 29, 1771.
Icabod, s. of Icabod and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1771.
Lydia, d. of Abel and Mary, April 3, 1771.
Ethan, s. of Silas and Mary, Dec. 4, 1771.
Molly, d. of Edmund and Mary, June 9, 1771.
Ruth, d. of Bartholomew and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1771.
Phebe, d. of Mr. Jotham and Phebe, July 7, 1771.
Isaac, s. of Joel and Susanna, March 19, 1772.
Asa, s. of Leonard and Ruth, July 31, 1772.
Nabby, d. John and Hannah, July 18, 1772.
Jerusha Fitch, d. of Bartholomew and Abigail, Oct. 11, 1772.
Jesse, s. of Zadok and Sally, April 7, 1772.
John, s. of Eliezer and Catharine, March 18, 1772.
Samuel, s. of Jeduthun and Mary, June 26, 1772.
Levi, s. of Edmund and Mary, April 25, 1773.
Reuben, s. of Reuben and Mary, March 10, 1773.
Jesse, B. of Stephen and Martha, Feb. 24, 1773.
John, s. of Eliezer and Catharine, Dec. 22, 1773.
Lucretia, d. of Zebulun and Abigail, Feb. 19, 1774.
Luther, s. of Jeduthun and Mary, Aug. 25, 1774.
Rebecca, d. of Barnabas and Rebecca, Sept. 18, 1774.
Nathan, s. of Nathan and Lydia, May 5, 1774.
Mary, d. of Simeon and Mercy, Feb. 17, 1774.
Polly, d. of Reuben and Jerusha, Oct. 1, 1775.
Molly, d. of Stephen and Martha, Oct. 28, 1775.
Susanna, d. of Eliezer and Catharine, Aug. 8, 1775.
Hephzibah, d. of Edward and Sarah, May 4, 1775.
Betty, d. of Zebulun and Abigail, July 18, 1776.
Aaron, s. of John and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1776.
Phebe, d. of Bartholomew and Abigail, June 27, 1776.
Isaac, s. of Abel and Mary, Feb. 25, 1776.
Peter, s. of Abel and Anna, June 15, 1776.
Relief. d. of Edmund and Mary, July --, 1777.
Jerusha, d. of Jusiah and Jerusha, May 4, 1777.
Jemima, d. of Zadok and Sally, March 26, 1777.
Calvin, s. of Jeduthun and Mary, Feb. 5, 1777.
Martha, d. of Stephen and Martha, March 23, 1777.
Catharine, d. of Eliezer and Catharine, June 1, 1777.
Edward. s. of Edward and Sarah, Sept. 1, 1777.
Abel, s. of Abel and Anna, Aug. 1, 1777.
Edmund, s. of Bartholomew and Abigail, July 30, 1778.
Zebulun, s. of Zebulun and Abigail, July 11, 1778.
Hannah, d. of Nathan and Lydia, Aug. 23, 1779.
Fanny, d. of Lt. Jeduthun and Mary, May 20, 1779.
Enoch, s. of Abel and Mary, Nov. 17, 1779.
Wyman, s. of Stephen and Martha, Feb. 19, 1779.
Benjamin, s. of Ellezer and Catharine, Jan. 10, 1779.
James, s. of Abel and Anna, July 7, 1779.
James, s. of Joel and Susanna, July 26, 1780.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Jerusha, May 8, 1780.
Elizabeth, d. of Eliezer and Catharine, Dec. 20, 1780.
Elizabeth, d. of Zebulun and Abigail, Aug. 30, 1780.
Samuel Tidd, s. of Edward and Sarah, May 5, 1780.
Luke, s. of Luke and Mary, Aug. 18, 1781.
James, s. of James and Lucy, March 19, 1782.
Pamela, d. of Mr. Jeduthun and Mary, July 13, 1782.
Jesse, s. of Jesse and Submit, July 28, 1782.
Job, s. of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1782.
Gilbert, s. of Abel and Anna, May 22, 1782.
Hannah, d. of Mr. Bartholomew, Jr., and Mrs. Abigail, Oct. 11, 1783.
Mary, d. of Mr. Barnabus, Jr., and Mary, June 1, 1783.
Benjamin Brooks, s. of Mr. Josiah and Jerusha, Aug. 11, 1783.
William, s. of Gideon and Susanna, Feb. 14, 1783.
Rebecca, d. of Eliezer and Catharine, June 29, 1783.
Fanny, d. of Zebulun and Abigail, May 1, 1783.
Samuel. s. of Mr. Samuel and Anna, Jan. 4, 1784.
Joseph, s. of Josiah and Mary, May 27, 1784.
Nancy, d. of Barnabas and Mary, Nov. 18, 1784.
Zachariah, s. of Jesse and Submit, Dec. 6, 1784.
William, s. of Abel and Anna, July 21, 1784.
Abi, d. of Mr. Jeduthun and Mary, March 7, 1785.
Nancy, d. of Gideon and Susanna, Feb. 14, 1785.
Lemuel, s. of Capt. Josiah and Jerusha, Sept. 2, 1785.
Ruth, d. of Eleazer and Catharine, Jan. 9, 1785.
Phebe, d of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1785.
Jonathan Cutter, s. of Benjamin, Jr., and Mary, Feb. 5, 1786.
Silas, s. of Zebulum and Abigail, June 17, 1786.
Jacob. s. of Jacob and Ruth, Nov. 16, 1786.
Peter, s. of Abel and Anne, Jan. 28, 1786.
Eleazer Tyng Fox, s. of Gideon and Susanna, March 7, 1787.
Phebe, d. of Jesse and Submit, March 14, 1787.
Barnabus, s. of Barnabus and Mary, Jan. 15, 1787.
John, s. of Jesse and Submit, Aug. 23, 1787.
Sally, d of Samuel and Anna, Nov. 30, 1788.
Rebecca, d. of Benjamin and Mary, March 12, 1788.
Jason, s. of Edward and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1788.
Tufts, s. of Abel and Anna, Jan. 7, 1788.
Abijah, s. of Abijah and Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1789.
George, s. of Jacob and Ruth, March 8, 1789.
Jersuha, d. of Gideon and Susanna, March 14, 1789.
Jeduthun, s. of Jeduthun, Jr., and Sally, Feb. 28, 1790.
Amasa, s. of Deacon Josiah and Jerusha, May 30,1790.
Nancy, d. of Abel and Anna, March 17, 1790.
Asa, s. of Asa and Jerusha, June 21, 1790.
Sally, d. of Jeduthun, Jr., and Sally, Oct. 4, 1791.
Polly, d. of Barnahas, Jr., and Mary, Oct. 10, 1791.
Submit, d. of Jesse and Submit, Nov. 25, 1791.
Philemon, s. of Zebulun and Abigail, Aug. 13, 1791.
Sarah. d. of Stephen and Bridget, Sept. 28, 1791.
Rehoboam, s. of James and Lucy, April 29, 1791.
Silas, s. of Eethan and Mary, Aug. 6, 1792.
Asa, s. of Abel and Anna, April 28, 1792.
Marcia, d. of Jacob and Ruth, June 26, 1793.
Richard, s. of Abel and Anna, Sept. 1, 1793.
Stephen, s. of Stephen and Bridget, March 17, 1793.
Cornelius, s. of Barnabas, Jr., and Mary, May 15, 1794.
Asa, s. of Zebulun and Abigail, Jan. 28, 1794.
Desire Hartwell, d. of Jesse and Submit, 2d, Nov. 4, 1794.
Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew and Sarah, 3d, March 15, 1795.
Rebecca, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, July 4, 1795.
Nathan, s. of Richard and Sally, Oct. 3, 1795.
Alpheus, s. of Ethan and Mary, May 6, 1795.
Patty, d. of Abel and Anna, Aug. 23, 1795.
Bridget, d. of Stephen and Bridget, Jan. 8, 1795.
Abel, s. of Abel, Jr., and Lucy, Aug. 31, 1795.
Anna, d. of Samuel and Anna, Aug. 28, 1796.
Sally, d. of Ensign Bartholomew and Sally, June 29, 1796.
Ruthy Brown, d. of Jesse and Submit, 2d, Dec. 9, 1797.
Mary, d. of Ethan and Mary, April 13, 1797.
Hart, s. of Jesse, 3d, and Susanna, Nov. 27, 1797.
Hephzibah, d. of Stephen and Bridget, April 10, 1797.
Eunice Perkins, d. of Jethro and Sally Elliot, Jr., Sept. 2, 1798.
George Manley, s. of Joseph and Anna, Dec. 9, 1798.
Susanna, d. of Jesse and Susanna, 3d, Dec. 11, 1798.
Junius, s. of Junius and Phebe, Aug. 21, 1798.
Noah, s. of Ethan and Mary, Aug. 23, 1799.
Nathan, s. of Abel and Anna, Nov. 28, 1799.
Samuel, s. of Jesse and Submit, 2d, Feb. 26(?), 1800.
Harriet, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Sept. 10, 1800.
Warren, s. of Edward and Hannah, Jr., Jan. 31, 1801.
Calvin, s. of CaIvin and Sarah, April 1, 1801.
Thomas, s. of Joseph and Anna, Oct. 8, 1801.
Eliza, d. of Jesse and Susanna, 3d, June 5, 1801.
Lynda, d. of Stephen and Bridget, Feb. 24, 1801.
Clarissa, d. of Ethan and Mary, May 4, 1802.
Jeremiah, s. of Jethro and Sarah E., 2d, March 6, 1802.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, July 9, 1802.
Samuel Tidd, s. of Samuel T. and Esther, May 9, 1802.
Ede, d. of Bartholomew and Sarah, 3d, Sept. 24, 1802.
Abner, s. of Jesse and Susanna, 3d, Aug. 30, 1803.
Aaron Tay, s. of Junius and Phebe, Aug. 18, 1803.
Eliza, d. of Isaac and Betsey, Feb. 26, 1803.
Phebe, d. of Job and Nancy, April 13, 1804.
Isaiah, s. of Jethro and Sarah E., 2d, March 13, 1804.
Sarah, d. of Calvin and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1804.
Lewis Capet, s. of Jephthah and Rebecca, June 4, 1804.
Preston. s. of Samuel T. and Esther, Oct. 18, 1804.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Bebecca, May 31, 1804.
Roxana, d. of Isaac and Betsey, Dec 10, 1804.
Josiah Mertlebert, s. of Capt. Josiah and Hannah, July 16, 1805.
Susanna, d. of Jesse and Susanna, 3d, May 14, 1805.
Osborn, s. of Jethro and Sally Elliot, Jr., March 21, 1806.
Samuel Steele, s. of Calvin and Sarah, July 19, 1806.
Faxon, s. of Samuel T. and Esther, May 21, 1806.
Mary Ann, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Aug. 17, 1806.
Benjamin Franklin, s. of Jesse and Susanna, 3d, April 16, 1807.
Clark, s. of Junius and Phebe, June 20, 1807.
Lorenzo, s. of Isaac and Betsey, April 5, 1807.
Eliza, d. of Calvin and Sarah, July 17, 1808.
Joshua Gardner, s. of Caleb and Polly, Feb. 25, 1808.
John Coolidge, s. of Job and Nancy, March 29, 1808.
Jerusha, d. of Benjamin Brooks and Sally Bond, May 9, 1808.
Varnum, s. of Stephen and Bridget, May 29, 1808.
John Buckman, s. of Thomas and Rebecca. Dec. 15, 1808.
Ruth Buckman, d. of Jesse and Susanna, 3d, Match 17, 1809.
Phebe Tay, d. of Junius and Phebe, Oct. 20, 1809.
Catharine, d. of Isaac and Betsey, March 27, 1809.
Sally, d. of Benjamin D. and Sally Pond, July 28, 1810.
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin B. and Sally Boud, July 21(?) 1810.
John, s. of Josiah and Susanna, Oct. 28. 1810.
William Eustace, s. of Samuel and Sarah, July 16, 1810.
Submit Brooks, d. of Samuel Tidd and Esther, Dec. 10, 1810.
Susan, d. of Calvin and Sarah, July 31, 1810.
William Shepard, s. of Job and Nancy, June 26, 1810.
Betsey Eustace, d. of Silas and Betsey Eustace, Nov. 16, 1811.
Eliza, d. of Jesse and Susanna, 4th, May 9, 1811.
Almira, d. of Jesse and Lora, 3d, Feb. 28, 1811.
Sumner, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, March 7, 1811.
Mary Parker, d. of Caleb and Mary, May 20, 1811.
Walter A., s. of Zachariah and Esther, Aug. 12, 1811.
Freeman, s. of Isaac and Betsey, Oct. 4, 1811.
Esther, d. of Samuel Tidd and Esther, Jan. 8, 1812.
Abner, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 25, 1812.
Charlotte, d. of Calvin and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1812.
Marshall Lock, s. of Janius and Phebe, Nov. 11, 1812.
Almira. d. of Jesse and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1812.
Mary Winn, d. of George and Nancy, June 27, 1812.
Nancy Emeline, d. of Lemuel and Nancy, March 24, 1813.
Luther, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, May 28, 1813.
Submit Brown, d. of Zachariah and Esther, July 17, 1814.
Mary Howard, d. of Josiah and Susanna, Aug. 18, 1814.
Abner, s. of Jesse and Susanna, 2d, Oct. 30, 1814.
Mary, d. of Calvin and Sarah. May 14, 1814.
Caleb, s. of Caleb and Mary, July 27, 1814.
Lemuel Gerrish, s. of Lemuel and Nancy, March 10, 1815.
John Hathaway, s. of Jesse and Lora, Jan. 2, 1815.
Alvan Roswell, s. of Jason and Mary, Aug. 31, 1815.
Pierson Bartholomew, s. of Samuel T. and Esther, Oct. 30, 1815.
Fanny, d. of Isaac and Betsey, Jan. 13, 1815.
William, s. of Zachariah and Esther, Sept. 10, 1816.
Fanny, d. of Calvin and Sarah, Jan. 8, 1816.
Jeduthun, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, June 10, 1816.
George, s. of Abel and Mary, 5th, Oct. 11, 1816.
George, s. of Barnabas and Rachel, May 2, 1816.
Cornelius Roswell, s. of Cornelius and Susan, June 26, 1817.
Lydia Foster, d. of Loammi and Abigail, July 31, 1817.
Abigail, d. of Caleb and Mary, May 28, 1817.
Junius, s. of Junius, Jr., and Mary, April 8, 1817.
Abby, d. of Jason and Mary, Aug. 22, 1817.
Ethmore Bradley, s. of Cornelius and Susan, July 27, 1817.
Susan Winn, d. of George and Nancy, Feb. 17, 1817.
Mary, d. of Samuel and Nancy, June 14, 1818.
John, s. of Calvin and Sarah, Feb. 11, 1818.
Abi, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, May 17, 1818.
Sullivan, s. of Abel and Mary, 5th, Dec. 23, 1818.
Stephen Kendall, s. of Stephen, Jr., and Almira, April 23, 1818.
John I., s. of Isaac and Betsey, July 12, 1818.
Susanna, d. of Zachariah and Esther, Feb. 23, 1819.
Abigail, d. of Calvin and Sarah, July 11, 1820.
Linda, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Feb. 29, 1820.
Mary, d. of Abel and Mary, 5th, Oct. 12, 1820.
Nathaniel A., s. of Jesse and Lora, 3d, Aug. 23, 1820.
Cyrus, s. of Stephen, Jr., and Almira, Jan. 11, 1820.
Lucy, d. of Stephen, Jr., and Almira, Jan. 11, 1820.
Elizabeth, d. of Junius, Jr., and Mary, Dec. 23, 1820.
Jason, s. of Jason and Mary, May 15, 1820.
George, s. of George and Nancy, Oct. 8, 1820.
Sarah Clark, d. of Smuel T. and Esther, May 7, 1820.
William Harris, s. of Lemuel and Nancy, May 5, 1821.
Eliza Ann, d. of Loammi and Abigail, Jr., April 6, 1821.
Johnson, s. of Barnabas and Rachel, Nov. 19, 1821.
Anna Tufts, d. of Richard and Elizabeth, Jan. 22, 1821.
Harriet, d. of Zachariah and Esther, July 19, 1821.
Abigail Tay, d. of Oliver and Abigail, Aug. 29, 1821.
Emeline, d. of Abel and Mary, March 14, 1822.
Mary Wyman, d. of Junius Jr., and Mary, Jan. 17, 1822.
Barnabas, s. of Barnabas and Rachel, Aug. 22, l823.
Darius T., s. of Jesse and Lora, 3d, Sept. 6, 1823.
Fidelia Mead, d. of Richard and Elizabeth, April 21, 1823.
Marshall, s. of Stephen, Jr., and Almira, April 6, 1823.
AIfred Maxwell, s. of Jason and Mary, Nov. 18, 1823.
Sarah Bacon, d. of Oliver and Abigail, Sept. 10, 1823.
Jerusha, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1823.
Sally, d. of Samuel T., Jr., and Mebetabel, May 13, 1824.
James Cushing, s. of Benjamin B. and Abigail, April 3, 1824.
John, s. of Abel and Mary, 5th(?), Aug. 10, 1824.
Wyman Baldwin, s. of Wyman and Mary C., Dec. 8, 1824.
Adeline Annette, d. of Zachariah and Esther, Aug. 23, 1824.
Nelson Warren, s. of Warren and Beulah, Sept. 22, 1824.
Susanna Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Sukey, May 6, 1824.
Hannah Esterbrooks, d. of Gilbert and Hannah, April 7, 1825.
Elvira, d. of Richard and Elizabeth, March 4, 1825.