FROM 1640 TO 1873.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Christine, d. of Charles and Christine, Sept. 21, 1865.
William, s. of Charles and Christine, Aug. 9, 1867.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Lois, Aug. 11, 1799.
Sally, d. of David and Sally, Jr., Oct. 14, 1800.
Reuben, s. of Daniel and Lois, Oct. 28, 1802.
Lois, d. of Daniel and Lois, June 5, 1805.
Elizabeth, d. of Daniel and Lois, March 21, 1811.
Stephen, s. of Daniel and Lois, Aug. 30, 1814.
Nancy Howe Lincoln, d. of Willis and Abigail, Jr., Aug. 13, 1817.
Oliver, s. of Willis and Abigail, Feb. 23, 1819.
Cyrus, s. of Daniel and Sally, Jr., Aug. 16, 1823.
Sally Emeline, d. of Daniel and Sally, Jr., Nov. 27, 1827.
AImira, d. of Daniel and Sally, Jr., Oct. 31, 1829.
Francis, s. of Reuben and Sally, Aug. 20, 1831.
Alonzo Stephen, s. of Stephen and Anna, Sept. 12, 1837.
Julia Ann, d. of Daniel, Jr., and Sally, Dec. 14, 1839.
Henry, s. of Reuben and Sarah, March 9, 1839.
Meriuda L., d. of Josiah and Eliza, Nov. 2, 1840.
Antha M., d. of Stephen and Anna, Jan. 20, 1843.
Charles B., s. of Ephraim and Harriet W., Dec. 31, 1848.
Frank Alonzo, s. of EphraIm W. and Harriet N., Feb. 6, 1853.
Ella Jane, d. of Darius and Mary A., May 28, 1857.
Marietta Amanda, d. of Darius and Mary A., July 21, 1858.
Ellen Maria, d. of Daniel and Ann, Aug. 4, 1859.
Hattie Esther, d. of Ephraim W., and Dorinda, July 15, 1862.
Lena Louisa, d. of Ephraim W. and Dorinda, July 18, 1872.
Margaret, d. of Bernard and Joanna, Aug. 3, 1860.
Mary Ellen, d. of Barney and Hannah, July 13, 1863.
Jeremiah, s. of Patrick and Rose, Jan. 28, 1865.
Edward, s. of Bernard and Joanna, July 19, 1865.
John, s. of John and Mary A., April 20, 1866.
Philip Henry, s. or Patrick and Rose, Sept. 28, 1867.
Mary, d. of Patrick and Rose, March 31, 1870.
James, s. of John and Mary Ann, April 8, 1870.
William, s. of Charles and Mary, June 26, 1872.
Mary Ann, d. of John and Mary Ann, Sept. 9, 1872.
Charles Henry, s. of Edwin R. and Annie B. Nov. 9, 1870.
Benjamin Henry, s. or Edward H. and Fanny J., March 3, 1868.
Jonas S., s. of Jonas and Sarah, Sept. 24. 1807.
Sarah Fowle, d. of Jonas and Sarah. Nov. 8, 1809.
Mary Ann. d. of Jonas and Sarah, March 12, 1812.
Joseph Lovell, s. of Jonas and Sarah, May 26, 1814.
Sumner Spaulding, s. of Jonas S. and Sarah, Sept. 19, 1835.
John, s. of Jonas S. and Hannah, Oct. 13, 1843.
Joseph, s. of Jonas and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1845.
Charles, s. of Jonas and Hannah, Sept. 4. 1845.
Robert Matthew, s. of Jonas and Hannah, Aug. 3, 1847.
William W., s. of Jonas and Hannah, Dec. 29, 1850.
Henry E., s. of Edmund A. and Mary A., Nov. 5, 1861.
Dominic, s. of John and Susan, May 1, 1851.
John, s. of John and Susan, Dec. 1, 1852.
Edward Dan, s. of John and Susan, April 4, 1854.
Ann, d. of John and Susan, April 10, 1857.
Elizabeth, d. of Thomas, Dec. 14, 1674.
Abigail, d. of Thomas, Aug. 20, 1681.
Elizabeth, d. of Martin and Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1845.
Harriet Eliza, d. of Joseph P. and Czarina, Feb. 24, 1847.
John, s. of Martin and Elizabeth, June 5, 1847.
Hannah Colcord, d. of Abiathar and Sophia J., June 12, 1847.
Maria Louise, d. of Abiathar M. and Sophia J., Sept. 28. 1848.
Hannah Arbelis, d. of Abiathar and Sophia J., Feb. 15, 1850.
Jay Cady, s. of Nelson and Rosanna, April 12, 1850.
Frances Ann, d. of Abithar M. and Sophia J., May 12, 1851.
Adelia, d. of Nelson and Rosanna, Jan. 9, 1852.
Martin, s. of Martin and Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1852.
Carribella, d. of Abithar and Sophia J., Nov. 19, 1854.
----------, s. of Martin and Mary, March 29, 1859.
Charles Clarence Hamlin, s. of Abithar M. and Mary, July 13, 1860.
John Thomas, s. of Alexander and Mary, Dec. 17, 1860.
Ellen, d. of Martin and Ellen, June 20, 1862.
Minnie Preston, d. of George A. and Mary U., Dec. 14, 1866.
Hattie. d. of F. O. and Lucinda P., March 11, 1867.
Nellie May, d. of F. O. and L. P., March 1, 1868.
Elizabeth Lucilla, d. of William and Helen, May 28, 1872.
James, s. of John and Mary, Nov. 25, 1869.
Bartholomew, s. of Bartholomew and Ann, March 17, 1872.
James Henry, s. of Thomas and Margaret, Oct. 11, 1871.
Catharine, d. of James and Martha, May 8, 1850.
Eliza Ann, d. of James H. and Martha, Aug. 4, 1851.
George Prescott, s. of Mark W. and Martha, July 25, 1861.
----------, s. of Mark W. and Maria, Aug. 17, 1863.
John, s. of James and Mary, Sept. 15, 1869.
Frederick Thornton, s. of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 1, 1848.
Jacob, s. of Jacob, Aug. 1, 1680.
Joseph, s. of Jacob, Aug. 31, 1681.
William, s. of Jacob, Sept. 8, 1683.
Jacob, s. of Jacob, Jan. 4, 1686.
Henry, s. of Jacob and Mary, Feb. 6, 1688.
Abigail, d. of Jacob and Mary, March 25, 1689.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Susanna, July 5, 1708.
John, s. of Joseph and Susanna, March 17, 1710.
Susanna, d. of Joseph and Susanna, April 26, 1712.
Mary, d. of Joseph and Susanna, Jane 16, 1714.
Anan, d. of Joseph and Susanna, Nov. 11, 1716.
William, s. of Joseph and Susanna, Aug. 30, 1718.
Hezekiah, s. of Joseph and Susanna, Aug. 31, 1720.
Harriet Josephine, d. of Joseph W. and Elizabeth, Oct. 16, 1852.
William Henry, s. of Joseph W. and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1855.
Anna Elisabeth, d. of Joseph W. and Elizabeth P., Nov. 4, 1857.
Winthrop, s. of Joseph W. and Elizabeth P., Nov. 23, 1863.
Hannah, d. of Daniel and Ann, March 11, 1856.
Margaret, d. of Daniel and Ann, Oct. 25, 1857.
Angeline, d. of Daniel and Ann, Jan. 24, 1861.
Timothy E., s. of Daniel and Ann, Feb. 17, 1863.
Mary Agnes, d. of Daniel and Ann, March 29, 1865.
Flora Louisa, d. of Phineas and Helen N., Aug. 22, 1860.
Ellen Amelia, d. of Marquis and Catharine E., Feb. 27, 1865.
Helen Maria, d. of Phineas G. and Helen F., Jan. 6, 1870.
George Franklin, s. of George W. and Frances S., Feb. 6, 1870.
Sarah Lewis, d. of Marquis A. and Julia A. C., Feb. 2, 1872.
Edith Abbie, d. of James I. and Helen C., May 22, 1872.
Joseph O'Neil, s. of Bryan and Nancy, July 20, 1872.
Mellent, d. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 30, 1742.
Leavitt. s. of Thomas and Mary, born In Bradford, Dec. 21, 1744.
Judith, d. of Thomas and Mary, June 8, 1746.
Ammi, s. of Thomas and Mary, born in Bradford, Jan. 1, 1748.
Ishmael, s. of Thomas and Mary, born in Bradford. Nov. 17, 1749.
Ashur, s. of Thomas and Mary, born In Bradford. May 28, 1751.
John Dudley, s. of George and Mary, Sept. 21, 1860.
Mary Ann, d. of Peter and Mary, March 2, 1861.
Edward, s. of Michael and Eliza, Feb. 24. 1864.
Mary E., d. of Michael and Eliza, Aug. 22, 1865.
Mary, d. of Martin and Bridget, Oct. 28, 1867.
Michael F., s. of Martin and Bridget, Aug. 11. 1869.
Edward D., s. of William and Margery, Dec. 5, 1869.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of William and Margery, July 13, 1871.
Margaret, d. of Martin and Bridget, Aug. 17, 1871.
Patrick. s. of Edward and Ann, Dec. 1, 1871.
----------, s. of Michael and Nancy, Nov. 8, 1871.
Thomas, s. of Daniel and Bridget, Nov. 20, 1872.
----------, d. of Patrick and Mary, Nov. 28, 1872.
Maggie, d. of John and Mary Ann, Jane 6, 1872.
Abby, d. of Michael and Catharine, April 15, 1854.
Abba Maria, d. of Michael and Catharine, May 16, 1856.
Edward, s. of Michael and Catharine, June 23, 1858.
George, s. of Michael and Catharine, Sept. 20, 1860.
Josephine, d. of Michael and Catharine, Nov. 26, 1862.
John Edward, s. of Michael and Catharine, Dec. 23, 1864.
George, s. of Michael and Kate, Aug. 27, 1868.
Thomas, s. of Michael and Kate, Sept. 8, 1870.
Carrie May, d. of Hiram and Ruth B., May 16, 1861.
----------, s. of Hiram and Ruth B., May 22, 1867.
Betsey, d. of Nathan and Elizabeth, April 27, 1788.
Dorcas, d. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Jan. 28, 1790.
Nathan, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Feb. 29, 1792.
Tryphena, d. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1794.
Daniel, s. of Nathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1796.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of John B. and Phebe, Aug. 3, 1831.
Hannah Eliza, d. of William B. and Eliza, March 29, 1832.
Luther Malcom, s. of William B. and Eliza, July 5, 1833.
Hannah Melvina, d. of John B. and Phebe, Feb. 27, 1834.
James William, s. of William B. and Eliza, March 28, 1834.
George Henry, s. of William B. and Eliza, May 17, 1836.
William Henry, s. of John B. and Phebe, Jan. 1, 1836.
Thomas W., s. of John B. and Phebe, Nov. 7, 1837.
Luther Malcom, s. of William B. and Eliza, July 5, 1838.
Louisa Fowle, d. of John B. and Phebe, Nov. 4, 1840.
Hugh Murray, s. of William B. and Eliza, Dec. 9. 1840.
John, s. of John B. and Phebe, April 26, 1842.
Andrew Jackson, s. of William B. and Eliza, March 15, 1843.
Irene Parker, d, of William B. and Eliza, June 3, 1854.
----------, d. of Leonard W. and Mary E., Nov. 10, 1859.
Llzzle Ella, d. of George H. and Harriet E., Feb. 13, 1860.
Flora J., d. of John and Mary, April 13, 1860.
Lilly Adelaide, d. of William and Lucy A., May 25, 1860.
John Andrew Jackson Brooks, s. of Leonard W. and Mary, Nov. 28, 1861.
Andrew Jackson, s. of George and Harriet, July 4, 1862.
Emma L., d. of Leonard W. and Mary E. July 2, 1863.
Hattie Eliza, d. of George H. and Harriet E., Aug. 9, 1864.
----------, d. of Leonard W. and Mary E., Feb. 16, 1865.
Nancy Jane, d. of Leonard W. and Mary E., Jan. 24, 1867.
Freddy Jackson. s. of George and Harriet E., Sept. 8, 1867.
Fred. W., s. of Leonard W. and Mary E., Oct. 17, 1868.
Joseph, s. of Henry and Catherine, born In Lewiston, Me., Jan. 18, 1870.
Joseph Garfield, s. of Leonard W. and Mary E., July 19, 1870.
Henry Ellsworth, s. of Otis S. and Lucy J., Nov. 18, 1870.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of William H. and Susan A., April 11, 1870.
Emma Louise, d. of Otis S. and Lucy J., Oct. 21, 1872.
Henry Thomas, s. of Charles J. and Alcesta, Aug. 17, 1849.
Mehetabel, d. of Thomas ----------, March 26, 1729.
Charles Choate, s. of David D. and Ruth R., Sept. 5, 1845.
George Gould, s. of David D. and Ruth R., March 1, 1848.
Ward Wyman, s. of David D. and Ruth, Jan. 31, 1850.
David Dexter, s. of David D. and Ruth, Dec. 27, 1851.
Lavina Louisa, d. of David D. and Ruth R., July 11, 1854.
Nelly, d. of Benjamin and Emeline, June 27, 1862.
Edwin Judson, s. of Orlando J. and Abba, May 6, 1864.
David Dexter, s. of Charles C. and Eleanor G , Sept. 15, 1869.
Mary Colburn, d. of Charles C. and Philena G., June 6, 1871.
Abby Augusta, d. of George A. and Hannah, March 7, 1838.
Edward A., s. of Edward and Harriet C., April 17, 1846.
Ellen Susanna, d. of Joseph E. and Evelyn, March 28, 1847.
Ella Edrietta, d. of Edward A. and Harriet, June 20, 1847.
George Franklin, s. of George A. and Hannah, May 18, 1852.
Ruhamah, d. of Joseph and Ruhamah, April 12, 1708.
Fanny Taylor, d. of Fred. A. and Lavinia A., Aug. 13, 1868.
Harry Gardner, s. of Fred A. and Lavinia A., Aug. 24, 1871.
Mary, d. of James and Sarah, Oct. 3, 1740.
Joel Jenkins, s. of James and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1745.
Sarah Jane, d. of William A. and Martha A., Oct. 11, 1854.
William Alexander, s. of William A. and Martha A., Sept. 10, 1857.
Harriet, d. of Maj. John and Lydia, Sept. 20, 1784.
Amelia, d. of Maj. John and Lydia, March 13, 1786.
Elizabeth Colton, d. of Maj. John and Lydia, Oct. 8, 1787.
Edmund Trowbridge, s. of Maj. John and Lydia, May 15, 1789.
Frances Maria, d. of Maj. John am Lydia, Oct. 2, 1792.
Almira, d. of Maj. John and Lydia, June(?) 3, 1794.
Mary Augusta, d. of Maj. John and Lydia, Oct. 21, 1798.
Henry Nelson. s. of Horace N. and Augusta A., June 15, 1856.
Charles Houghton, s. of Horace N. and Augusta, July 20, 1858.
Wilmot Reed, s. of Horace N. and Augusta, June 28, 1860.
Etta Augusta, d. of Horace N. and Augusta A. H., Sept. 8, 1862.
Benjamin Franklin. s. of Daniel P. and Sally, Sept. 16, 1838.
Marla J., d. of Horace and Esther, Dec. 26, 1843.
Horace Thompson, s. of Horace and Esther, June 17, 1848.
Edward Kimball, s. of Aaron K. and Mary A., Aug. 21, 1838.
Mary Annette, d. of Aaron K. and Mary A., July 19, 1840.
-----------, s. of William and Sarah, July 21, 1847.
Lewis Greenleaf, s. of Greenleaf and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1859.
Lucetta Maria, d. of Greenleaf and Sarah, Jan. 23, 1861.
Albert Edwin, s. of Greenleaf C. and Louisa T., Feb. 7, 1861.
-----------, s. of Wm. R. and Ann M., Nov. 22, 1865.
Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, March 26, 1763.
Jonathan Pierpont, s. of John and Sarah, March 22, 1765.
Charlotte, d. of John and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1766.
Charles, s. of Dr. John and Sarah, June 18, 1768.
Abigail, d. of Dr. John and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1771.
Elizabeth, d. of Dr. John and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1773.
Pamela, d. of John and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1774.
Anna, d. of John and Sarah, April 5, 1776.
John, s. of John and Sarah, Aug 12, 1777.
George, s. of Dr. John and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1779.
George Henry, s. of John and Marla, June 24, 1848.
James, s. of Edward and Eliza, July 16, 1855.
Mary Ann, d. of Edward and Hannah, March 23, 1857.
John T., s. of Edward and Hannah, Dec. 18, 1859.
-----------, s. of Michael and —, Aug. 9, 1860.
Mary, d. of Charles and Mary Ann. Dec. 22, 1867.
Timothy John, s. of Charles and Mary, Aug. 3, 1871.
Rebecca, d. of James, Dec. 4, 1642.
Bathsheba, d. of James and Bathsheba, April 28, 1711.
James, s. of James and Bathsheba, April 16, 1712.
Huldah, d. of James and Bathsheba, April 18, 1714.
Abigail, d. of James and Bathsheba, July 23, 1716.
James, s. of James and Bathsheba, Aug. 24, 1718.
Nathaniel, s. of James and Bathsheba, March 15, 1722.
Thomas, s. of James and Bathsheba, March 22, 1724.
Mary, d. of James and Bathsheba, June 5, 1728.
Ruth, d. of Jonathan and Ruth, Feb. 23, 1737.
Mary, d. of Jonathan and Ruth, Feb. 23, 1737.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Ruth, Feb. 16, 1739.
Susanna, d. of James and Susanna, Oct. 7, 1742.
James, s. of James and Susanna, Nov. 7, 1744.
Samuel, s. of James and Susanna, May 2, 1747.
Sarah, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, June 24, 1747.
Mary, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1748.
Esther, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1749.
Sarah, d. of James and Susanna, Jr., April 12, 1750.
Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, June 15, 1751.
Lemuel, s. of James and Susanna, April 6, 1752.
Abigail, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1753.
John, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, March 28, 1755.
Benjamin, s. of James and Susanna, July 6, 1755.
Wilson, s. of James and Susanna, Feb. 15, 1756.
Huldah, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, May 15, 1757.
Joseph, s. of James and Susanna, Nov. 9, 1758.
Rachel, d. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept 1, 1759.
Joshua, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1761.
William, s. of Nathaniel and Sarah, July 5, 1763.
James, s. or Nathaniel and Louisa, Feb. 5, 1839.
Mary B., d. of Nathaniel and Louisa, Oct. 23, 1840.
William H., s. of Nathaniel and Louisa, June 22, 1843.
George William, s. of Justin and Hannah, March 4, 1854.
Arza Herbert, s. of Arza H. and Ann J., July 1, 1855.
Frank Sidney, s. of Arza H. and Ann J., Nov. 24, 1857.
Jacob Bigelow, s. of A. H. and Ann J., Feb. 22, 1860.
Mary Augusta, d. of A. H. and Ann J., June 5, 1862.
Alice Sophia, d. of George and Sophia, Jan. 8, 1865.
Arthur Amory, s. of George and Sophia E., Oct. 9, 1866.
George, s. of George and Ellen, March 7, 1867.
Joseph Albert, s. of George H. and Nellie, Dec. 2, 1868.
Theodore, s. of George and Nellie, Oct. 14, 1871.
William Henry, s. of James and Mary, July 14, 1859.
Mary Frances, d. of James and Mary, March 28, 1863.
Catharine, d. of James and Mary, Jan. 22, 1865.
-----------, s. of James and Mary, April 25, 1867.
Simon, s. of William and Harriet, June 6, 1849.
Arthur, s. of John and Frances, Oct. 16, 1868.
Edwin Earnest, s. of John and Frances, Oct. 16, 1870.
Wilson Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Sept. 25, 1849.
James Henry, s. of Thomas and Bridget, Jan. 26, 1860.
Maria, d. of Patrick and Catharine, Jan. 26, 1860.
Thomas Francis, s. of Thomas and Bridget. March 1, 1862.
Charles William, s. of Thomas and Bridget, Aug. 7, 1866.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Mary, May 8, 1850.
----------, d. of David and Eliza, April 8, 1851.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, May 26, 1721.
Israel, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Jan. 18, 1724.
David, s. of Joseph and Sarah, June 25, 1727.
David, s. of Joseph and Sarah, June 23, 1729.
John, s. of Joseph and Sarah, April 15, 1733.
Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, May 13, 1738.
HENLY (see Handly)
Nora Anastasia, d. of John and Anastasia, March 20, 1852.
James Simon. s. of John and Anastasia, June 20, 1853.
Hannah, d. of Michael and Margaret, Oct.------, 1854.
Stephen Patrick, s. of John and Anastasia, March 21, 1855.
Charles Thomas, s. of John and Anastasia, April 23, 1857.
Richard William, s. of John and Anastasia, March 31, 1860.
Patrick. s. of Patrick and Hannah, April —, 1868.
Jeremiah, s. of Patrick and Hannah, Nov. 18, 1869.
Elizabeth, d. of Thomas, July 30, 1678.
Thomas, s. of Thomas, Nov. 17, 1680.
Hannah, d. of Thomas, May 21, 1683.
William, s. of Thomas, Nov. 25, 1685.
Samuel, s. of Thomas and Hannah, March 13, 1688.
Ebenezer, s. of Thomas, March 1, 1691.
Josiah, s. of Thomas and Hannah, March 1, 1695.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 1, 1713.
William, s. of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 21, 1715.
Isaac, s. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 22, 1719.
Joshua, s. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 1, 1721.
Mary, d. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 7, 1721.
Oliver, s. of Thomas and Mary, March 14, 1726.
Kezia, d. of Thomas and Kezia, May 11, 1742.
Henry, s. of Thomas A. and Susanna, Feb. 8, 1858.
Ann Maria, d. of Thomas A. and Susan, Nov. 10, 1862.
Lala Jane, d. of Thomas A. and Susan, Oct. 9, 1867.
Michael, s. of Patrick and Bridget. Feb. 16, 1862.
Daniel, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 31, 1862.
----------, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1863.
James, s. of Patrick and Bridget, Feb. 21, 1864.
Margaret, d. of Patrick and Bridget, Dec. 17, 1865.
Ann Marla, d. of Michael and Mary, April 2, 1860.
Thomas Francis, s. of Michael and Mary, July 6, 1867.
Mary, d. of Patrick and Bridget, Aug. 31, 1867.
Bridget, d. of Patrick and Bridget, May 30, 1869.
Margaret Josephine, d. of Michael and Mary, July 10, 1869.
Mary Hortense, d. of Michael and Mary, Oct. 31, 1871.
Edwin Forrest, s. of Michael and Mary, Dec. 20, 1872.
Eliza, d. of William and Jane, June 20, 1851.
Mary, d. of Thomas and —, July 3, 1869.
Honora Agnes, d. of Thomas and Winifred, Nov. 4, 1871.
Persis, d. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Nov. 25, 1691.
Joanna, d. of isaac and Elizabeth, Nov. 16, 1695.
Jonathan, s. of Ralph, April 20, 1646.
Sarah, d. of Amos and Sarah, June 16, 1807.
Amos, s. of Amos and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1808.
Abigail K., d. of Amos and Abigail, —, 1811.
James. s. of James and Nancy, March 18, 1815.
Otis, s. of James and Nancy, Jan. 1, 1818.
Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, July 29, 1819.
Rowena, d. of James and Nancy, Jan. 28, 1820.
Louisa, d. of Zachariah and Hannah, June 19, 1827.
Lavinia, d. of James and Nancy, Nov. 21, 1828.
Joseph Bennett, s. of Zachariah and Hannah, April 13, 1832.
----------, s. of Jotham and Lucy, Oct. 18, 1844.
Jothum Francis. s. of Jotham and Lucy F., May 16, 1847.
John T., s. of Alexander and Mary, Dec. 10, 1861.
Willie Andrew, s. of John T. and Adelia L., Aug. 22, 1870.
William Conrey, s. of Thomas H. and Alice, born in Boston, Sept. 29, 1870.
Mabel Alice, s. of Thomas H. and Alice A.. Nov. 5, 1871.
John Edward, s. of Thomas H. and Alice, Nov. 25, 1872.
Dora, d. of Dennis and Ann, Aug. 26, 1871.
William, s. of Matthew and Mary, Feb. 14, 1849.
Charles Russell, s. of E. Russell and Fanny E., Nov. 29, 1849.
Charles Stephen, s. of Stephen and Ellen E., Jan. 5, 1858.
Ellen E., d. of Stephen and Ellen E., June 29, 1863.
Leanore Bell, d. of George J. and Julia E., March 13, 1864.
Leonora Bell, d. of George J. and Julia E., March 14, 1865.
Francis, s. of Francis and Susan, April 16, 1848.
Emma, d. of Francis and Susan, April 19, 1853.
Patrick, s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 1, 1851.
Thomas William, s. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 20, 1852.
Mary Ann, d. of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 6, 1854.
Margaret, d. of Thomas and Mary, Oct. 15, 1856.
Josiah, s. of Josiah, Aug. 6, 1685.
Mary, d. of Josiah and Mary, March 16, 1687.
Susanna, d. of Josiah and Mary, Nov. 24, 1688.
Anna, d. of William and Ann, Aug. 6, 1860.
Elizabeth Viola, d. of James M. and Mary, born in Chelsea, May 19, 1868.
Alice Varnia, d. of John C. and Mary E., June 4, 1867.
John, s. of John C. and Mary E., May 28, 1869.
Mary Eliza, d. of John and Mary E., May 10, 1871.
Emma Agnes, d. of John and Mary E., Nov. 25, 1872.
Timothy, s. of Jeremiah and Maria, --,1855.
John Thomas, s. of Daniel and Ann, Jan. 18, 1860.
John Thomas, s. of Peter and Bridget, May 2, 1861.
Mary Jane, d. of Thomas and Catharine, July 9, 1868.
Thomas Joseph s. of Thomas and Catharine, June 28, 1871.
James Edward, s. of Daniel and Ann, born in South Abington, July 24, 1871.
Charles Augustus, s. of Stillman M. and Margaret J., April 12, 1848.
----------, s. of Stilman W. and Jane, Oct. 26, 1849.
John, s. of Richard, March 17, 1650.
Ebenezer, s. of Justinian and Mary, May 11, 1690.
Sarah, d. of John, Feb. 25, 1691.
Abigail, d. of John and Sarah, March 26, 1693.
Martha, d. of John and Sarah, May 28, 1695.
John, s. of John and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1698.
Thomas, s. of John and Sarah, June 3, 1700.
Jonathan, s. of John and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1703.
Martha, d. of John and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1706.
Elizabeth, d. of John and Sarah, May 17, 1708.
Rebecca, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Nov. 22, 1723.
Sarah, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, March 13, 1725.
Mary, d. of John and Mary, Jan. 3, 1726.
Kezla, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Dec. 26, 1726.
Phebe, d. of John and Mary, Oct. 9, 1727.
Ruth, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Aug. 31, 1728.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Feb. 23, 1731.
John. s. of John and Mary, Dec. 25, 1731.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Joanna, Sept. 2. 1732.
David, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Sept. 15, 1732.
Joanna, d. of Jonathan and Joanna, Feb. 26, 1734.
Thomas, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Dec. 31, 1734.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Joanna, May 26, 1735.
Joshua, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, March 22, 1737.
Abigail, d. Jonathan and Joanna, May 10, 1737.
Nathaniel, s. of Jonathon and Joanna, May 7, 1739.
Amy, d. of Jonathan and Joanna, Dec. 22, 1740.
Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan and Joanna, Oct. 26, 1742.
Ruth, d. of Jonathan and Joanna, Nov. 20, 1745.
Henry, s. of John and Sybil, Jan 21, 1787.
Sally, d. of John and Sybil, June 14, 1789.
Sally Tay, d. of William and Sally, Jr., Jan. 25, 1821.
Elizabeth Brown, d. of William and Catharine, Jr., March 28, 1822.
Susan Floyd. d. of William, Jr., and Catharine, Jan. 3, 1824.
Stoughton Brooks, s. of Luther and Mary R., March 31, 1828.
Albert, s. of Simon and Mary, Aug. 23, 1829.
Clifford Ward, s. of William, Jr., and Catharine T., May 9, 1830.
Emily Tufts, d. of William, Jr., and Catharine, June 1, 1832.
Sarah Frances, d. of Simon and Sarah, March 26, 1835.
Florence Kidder, d. of Wliliiam, Jr. and Catharine, Feb. 21, 1838.
Luther Loud, s. of Luther and Mary R., June 23, 1838.
Frances Ann, d. of George and Ellen B., April 4, 1845.
Joshua Bennett, s. of George and Ellen B., March 5, 1850.
Mary Louisa, d. of Stoughton B. and Emeline L., Aug. 17, 1852.
Albert Luther, s. of Albert P. and Lydia, April 4, 1859.
Alfred Simon, s. of Albeit P. and Lydia, April 4, 1859.
Nebuther, s. of Stoughton B. and Emeline L., April 18, 1871.
-----------, d. of Patrick and Catharine, March 29, 1845.
CatharIne, d. of Patrlck and Catharine, Dec. 27, 1846.
Margaret, d. of Patrick and Catharine, Nov. 10, 1848.
Bridget, d. of Jeremiah and Mary, Sept. 26, 1856.
George, s. of George A. and Huldah H., Feb. 11, 1858.
Julia, d. of Timothy and Julia, Feb. 8, 1862.
George, s. of John and Mary, March 15, 1871.
Timothy, s. of Peter and Ellen, June 27, 1871.
George, s. of Robert and Ann, Aug. 10, 1861.
Lambert, s. of Robert and Ann, June 17, 1863.
George Robert, s. of Robert and Ann, Feb. 13, 1865.
Charlotte, d. of Robert and Ann, March 1, 1867.
Mary Jane, d. of Robert and Ann, July 4, 1870.
Catharine, d. of Robert and Ann, June 4, 1872.
HOLLORAN (see Halloran)
Silas Leander, s. of Joshua R. and Mary L., March 23, 1853.
Esther, d. of Joshua B. and Hannah, March 27, 1854.
John, s. of John and Sarah, July 26, 1744.
James Griffin, s. of Asa and Mary, Sept. 9, 1835.
James D , s. of Asa and Mary, March 3, 1840.
Martha J., d. of Asa and Mary, Dec. 29, 1841.
Susan Ann, d. of Asa and Mary, Jan. 29, 1847.
Rebecca, d. of Robert and Rebecca, March 5, 1763.
John, s. of Robert and Rebecca, June 6, 1767.
Jesse, s. of Robert and Rebecca, June 26, 1785.
------------, d. of Samuel S. and Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1857.
Charles A., s. of Samuel S. and Elizabeth P., Aug. 4, 1864.
Mary T., d. of Abraham and —, April 6, 1838.
Abraham. s. of Abraham and M., Dec. 7, 1839.
Charles C., s. of Abraham and M., Nov. 27, 1841.
Almira, d. of Abraham and Lovey M., July 27, 1843.
Mary Agnes, d. of James and Mary A., June 15, 1857.
Oliver Jaquith, s. of Thomas and Mary, —, 1809.
George Edward, s. of Elmer W. and Olive, Aug 20, 1846.
Eleazer, s. of Eleazer F. and Olive, July 1, 1848.
Caroline Francs, d. of Thomas M. and Sarah F., Sept. 4, 1853.
Thomas Wood, s. of Thomas M. and Sarah F., March 31, 1855.
William Munroe, s. of Thomas M. and Sarah F., March 25, 1856.
Henry Augustus, s. of Thomas M. and Sarah F., Dec. 1, 1857.
Henry, s. of Samuel F. and Bridget, May 30, 1859.
------------, s. of Thomas M. and Sarah F., Oct. 4, 1859.
Catharine, d. of Samuel and Bridget, Aug. 26, 1861.
------------, d. of Thomas and Sarah, June 1, 1863.
Eleazer Wyer, s. of Thomas M. and Sarah F., Aug. 5, 1865.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Bridget, March 25. 1865.(?)
George, s. of Samuel and Bridget, Jan. 4, 1568.
Martin. d. of Samuel and Bridget, Oct. 16, 1869.
George Edward, s. of George E. and Martha E., Sept. 12, 1871.
Francis Walker, s. of John and Harriet, July 26, 1849.
Laura Isadore, d. of Leonard and Laura, Oct. 8, 1851.
Georgiannn Warren, d. of Daniel H. and Maria L., April 24, 1852.
Charles Leonard, s. of Leonard W. and Laura A., Feb. 3, 1854.
Eliza Mildred, d. of Daniel H. and Maria L., May 12, 1854.
Albert Earnest, s. of Stephen P. awl Abigail, April 11, 1864.
Mary Blake, d. of John B. and Mary W., July 7, 1865.
HORTON (see, also, Houghton)
Caroline Louisa, d. of Sparrow and Mary J., May 2, 1865.
Horace Brooks, s. of Sparrow and Josephine, Jan. 9, 1869.
Tessa Donne, d. of Sparrow and Mary J. G., Oct. 30, 1871.
David Clary, s. of William and Mary, July 31, 1854.
Philip Stanhope, s. of William and Mary, June 10, 1857.
Albert Frederick, s. of William and Mary, July 18, 1860.
Frederick William, s. of Edward and Mary, Dec. 12, 1872.
Christopher P., s. of Chrlstopher P. and Nancy, Feb. 23, 1813.
Charles, s. of Christopher P. and Nancy, Feb. 8, 1815.
Roswell, s. of Christopher P. and Nancy, Feb. 8, 1815.
Charles Roswell, s. of Christopher P. and Nancy, Oct. 1, 1816.
Nancy Thompson, d. of Christopher P. and Nancy, Feb. 18, 1818.
Sally Bond, d. of Christopher and Nancy, March 27, 1820.
Abigail Thompson, d. of Christopher P. and Nancy, July 10, 1822.
Abijah, s. of Christopher P. and Nancy, July 10, 1822.
Mary Jane, d. of Christopher P. and Nancy, Dec. 29, 1823.
Alvan, s. of Christopher P. and Nancy, March 29, 1827.
Orrin Skinner, s. of Christopher P. and Nancy, Oct. 16, 1829.
Frank Alvan, s. of Alvan and Octavia, Nov. 14, 1853.
Marion Thompson, d. of Alvan and Octavia E., May 6, 1857.
Ellen, d. of Daniel and Hannah, March 20, 1861.
HOUGHTON (see, also, Horton)
Henry, s. of John, Feb. 23, 1676.
Joseph, s. of John, Feb. 26, 1678.
Benjamin, s. of John, Feb. 26, 1878.
Mary, d. of John, Feb. 7, 1680.
Mercy, d. of John, March 15, 1682.
Isabel, d. of Robert, Aug. 6, 1862.
Edward, s. of Richard and Catharine, Dec. 12, 1867.
David, s. of John and Bridget, April 8, 1681.
Margaret, d. of James and Joanna, Dec. 23, 1864.
James O., s. of Thomas and Susan F., June 7, 1841.
Abel Winn, s. of Thomas and Susan F., June 22, 1843.
Isabel Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Susan, Aprli 11, 1846.
William Frederick, s. of Frederick and Rachel M., July 8, 1852.
Leonora, d. of Nathan and Evelyn, born in East Boston, June 16, 1852.
Josiah Woodman, s. of Josiah and Harriet L., Sept. 23, 1868.
John, s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 18, 1860.
Evellne, d. of James and Harriet, July 25, 1828.
Harriet, d. of James and Harriet, Feb. 5, 1830.
Eliza, d. of James and Harriet, Dec. 24, 1831.
James Oliver, s. of James and Harriet, Dec. 31, 1834.
Otis, s. of Joseph P. and Cynthia, May 9, 1834.
Malvina, d. of James and Harriet, Nov. 13, 1836.
Warren, s. of James and Harriet, July 11, 1840.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of James and Harriet, Jan. 13, 1845.
Eliza Jane, d. of Henry and Eliza J., Feb. 11, 1860.
John Whitmore, s. of Henry and Eliza J., Aug. 25, 1861.
Maria Louisa, d. of Henry and Eliza J., Oct. 21, 1864.(Also recorded 1865)
Timothy, s. of Enos and Mary, March 28, 1748.
Joseph Franklin, s. of Henry M. and Henrietta, March 1, 1852.
Flora, d. of Henry M. and Henrietta, Oct. 3, 1870.
Mary Ella, d. of Michael and Catharine, Aug. 30, 1857.
James Joseph, s. of Michael and Catharine, Feb. 7, 1859.
Charles Francis, s. of Munson and Emma, born in Weston, July 28, 1865.
John, s. of Lazarus and Abigail, Sept. 22, 1767.
Esther Louisa, d. of Charles W. H. and Nancy, Dec. 9, 1852.
John, s. of Andrew and Abigail, Aug. 30, 1781.
Andrew, s. of Andrew and Abigail, Feb 19, 1784.
Joseph, s. of Andrew and Abigail, Dec. 3, 1785.
Abigail, d. of Andrew and Abigail, Nov. 20, 1787.
Patty, d. of Andrew and Abigail, Aug. 7, 1788.
John, s. of Andrew and Abigail, Aug. 30, 1791.
Isaac, s. of Andrew and Abigail, July 14, 1792.
Thomas, s. of Andrew and Abigail, Sept. 1, 1793.
Edward Eugene, s. of Joseph and Mary T., Sept. 13, 1845.
Mary Eastman, d. of Joseph and Mary, March 7, 1848.
Frances Alvira, d. of John and Ann, Aug. 14, 1851.
John, s. of John and Ann, July 17, 1853.
Mary Florinda, d. of John and Ann, Aug. 27, 1857.
Josephine, d. of John and Ann, Sept 30, 1860.
John, s. of John and Ann, Feb. —, 1862.
James, s. of John and Ann, Nov. 7, 1863.
Mark, s. of John and Ann, March 19, 1867.
Thomas, s. of John and Ann, March 19, 1867.
Charles Osborn, s. of John O. and Lydia, Jan. 16, 1845.
Henry Adams, s. of John O. and Lydia A., May 9, 1846.
William Francis. s. of John O. and Lydia A., Feb. 28, 1851.
Mary Jane, d. of John O. and Lydia A., Sept. 16, 1852.
Annie, d. of John O. and Lydia R., Aug. 5, 1857.
Amos, s. of Joseph and Mary, June 19, 1827.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 14, 1828.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Mary, April 10, 1832.
William Henry, s. of Joseph and Mary, May 17, 1835.
George G., s. of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 27, 1841.
Charles D., s. of Joseph and Mary, April 17, 1843.
------------, d. of George L. and Mehetabel, Sept. 13, 1847.
Emma Louisa, d. of Allen D. and Emeline L., June 29, 1848.
Joseph L., s. of George L. and Mehetabel, Oct. 24, 1848.
------------, s. of David and Susan, Dec. 31, 1860.
Frank Adelbert, s. of William H. and Eliza, Dec. 26, 1861.
-----------, s. of William and Ellza, Oct. 4, 1863.
------------, d. of William H. and Eliza A., June 21, 1868.
Ella May, d. of William H. and Mary Caroline, May 24, 1871.
James Albert, s. of James W. and H. Jane, April 12, 1867.
Ellen, d. of Michael and Hannah F., April 24, 1853.
Maggie, d. of Michael and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1854.
David, s. of David and Joanna, -----------, 1855.
James, s. of Dennis and Catharine, Oct. 24, 1855.
Honora, d. of David and Joanna, Nov. 22, 1856.
John, s. of Michael and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1857.
Dennis. s. of Dennis and Catharine, July 26, 1857.
Catharine Margaret, d. of David and Joanna, Oct. 27, 1858.
John, s. of Dennis and Catharine, March 28, 1859.
William Harry, s. of Michael and Hannah, April 10, 1859.
Daniel, s. of Dennis and Catharine, Dec. 28, 1860.
Mary Eliza, d. of Michael and Hannah, May 11, 1862.
Margaret, d. of Dennis and Catharine, Nov. 9, 1863.
HUSE (see Hughes)
Mary Jane, d. of Samuel and Lucette, Dec. 17, 1817.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Lucette, Dec. 25, 1819.
James Richardson, s. of — Cynthia, Dec. 2, 1821.
Harriet Newell, d. of Nathaniel and Harriet, Aug. 22, 1821.
Almira, d. of Samuel and Lucette, Nov. 1, 1821.
Eliza Baxter, d. of Nathaniel and Harriet, Jan. 23, 1824.
Eliza Ann, d. of Samuel and Lucette, May 29, 1824.
Oliver P., s. of Samuel and Lucette, April 1, 1827.
Roger William, s. of Nathaniel and Harriet, Oct. 3, 1829.
Lydia L., d. of Samuel and Lucette, July 27, 1829.
Henry A., s. of Samuel and Lucette, Jan. 18, 1832.
Harriet Newell, d. of Nathaniel and Harriet, April 3, 1833.
Caroline E., d. of Samuel and Lucette, May 26, 1836.
William P., s. of Samuel and Lucette, Feb. 14, 1839.
Emeline Smith, d. of William and Eliza J., Sept. 17, 1855.
Nathan Hastings, s. of Nathan H. and Louisa A., Sept. 26, 1854.
Loretta Abba, d. of Nathan H. and Lorena A., Sept. 22, 1855.
Helen Maria, d. of Nathan H. and Lorena A., Oct. 10, 1858.
Harriet Hastings, d. of Nathan H. and Lorena, Nov. 26, 1862.
Minnie Viola, d. of Nathan H. and Lorena A., April 20, 1865.
Anna R., d. of Ezra and Ruth, Dec. 30, 1841.
Louisa Brown, d. of Ezra and Ruth, Dec. 3, 1845.
Elizabeth Page, d. of Ezra C. and Ruth, Aug. 28, 1850.
George Lewis, s. of George L. and Sophronla, Jan. 16, 1848.
-----------, d. of George and Sophronla, Oct. 22, 1850.
Nathaniel Kittridge, s. of Nathaniel and Abby, June 29, 1859.
Frank Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Abby, Feb. 9, 1862.
Blanche, d. of Nathaniel and Mary A., May 4, 1868.
Clara Josephine, d. of John and Mary, July 6, 1859.
Sarah Ann, d. of John and Mary, Oct. 31, 1853.
George Henry, s. of John and Mary E., Dec. 24, 1855.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1720.
Hannah, d. of Samuel and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1724.
Emma Jane, d. of William and Lucy, May 6, 1868.
Lizzie, d. of William and Lucy, Dec. 8, 1870.
William James, s. of William and Lucy, Oct. 16, 1872.
Henry Franklin, s. of Henry P. and Emma H., Feb. 4, 1855.
Carrie Emma, d. of George K. and Phebe, Feb. 12, 1860.
Caroline M., d. of Andrew and Lucinda, April 30, 1849.
Nathan Andrew, s. of Andrew and Lucinda, April 4, 1851.
Helen Marietta, d. of John and Marietta T., Jan. 3, 1857.
Lillian Ingalls, d. of Robert E. and Anna R., born In Kingston, N.C., July 14, 1866.
Abraham, s. of Abraham, Feb. 17, 1673.
Elizabeth, d. of Abraham, May 19, 1675.
Sarah, d. of Abraham, Sept. 21, 1677.
Abrahams, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1701.
Sarah, d. of Abraham and Sarah, March 8, 1703.
John, s. of Abraham and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1704.
Mary, d. of Abraham and Sarah, Sept. 1, 1706.
Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Sarah, June 5, 1708.
Adford, s. of Abraham and Sarah, April 15, 1710.
Abigail, d. of Abraham and Sarah, June 10, 1712.
Ebenezer, s. of Abraham and Sarah, June 3, 1714.
Benjamin, s. of Abraham and Sarah, June 27, 1716.
William, s. of Abraham and Sarah, May 1, 1718.
Lydia, d. of Abraham and Sarah, May 1, 1718.
Hannah, d. of Abraham and Sarah, July 19, 1719.
Ruth, d. of Abraham and Sarah, April 10, 1722.
Susanna, d. of Abraham and Sarah, June 23, 1723.
Seth, s. of Abraham and Sarah, June 5, 1724.
Abraham, s. of Abraham and Hannah, Jan. 3, 1727.
Isaac, s. of Isaac and Ursula, Jan. 10, 1774.
Prudence, d. of Isaac and Prudence, March 31, 1776.
Ursula, d. of Isaac and Prudence, April 15, 1777.
Ellen Augusta, d. of Nathan, Jr., and Esther M., July 9, 1847.
Martha Thompson, d. of Nathan, Jr., and Elizabeth, June 10, 1848.
Mary Inez, d. of Nathan, Jr., and Elizabeth G., Oct. 26, 1849.
Eugene, s. of Simeon and Minerva, Dec. 8, 1860.
Eugenie, d. of Simeon and Minerva, Dec. 8, 1860.
Nellie Florence, d. of J. Forrest and Melina, March 8, 1861.
Mary Ella, d. of Augustus W. and Ellen, Oct. 19, 1857.
Freddie Montgomery, s. of A. W. and Ellen, Sept. 30, 1868.
John, s. of Henry, May 11, 1651.
Henry Franklin, s. of Henry P. and Emma H., Feb. 4, 1855.
Mary Elizabeth, d. of John and Mary, born In S. Boston, May 26, 1861.
Sarah Maud, d. of John and Mary, Dec. 28, 1863.
Ann Louisa, d. of John and Mary, April 16, 1866.
Edward, s. of Edward and Catharine, Nov. 5, 1650.
William, s. of William, Feb. 26, 1656.
Edward, s. of William, March 19, 1658.
John, s. of John, Jan. 24, 1659.
Bethiah, d. of John, Jan. 20, 1660.
Ebenezer, s. of William, March 29, 1660.
William, s. of John, Sept. 29, 1662.
Esther, d. of William, April 13, 1662.
Joseph, s. of William, June 14, 1664.
Obadiah, s. of John, June 15, 1664.
Rebecca, d. of Matthew, March 1, 1665.
Benjamin, s. of William, Oct. 15, 1666.
Matthew, s. of Matthew, March 18, 1667.
Josiah, s. of William, Jan. 15, 1669.
Hannah, d. of Matthew, April 23, 1669.
Samuel, s. of John, Oct. 23, 1670.
Susanna, d. of William, June 29, 1671.
Samuel, s. of Matthew, April 28, 1672.
Nathaniel, s. of John, May 15, 1673.
Abigail, d. of William, Oct. 4, 1674.
Ruth, d. of Matthew, Jan. 1, 1675.
Sarah, d. of Matthew, April 14, 1677.
Henry, s. of Matthew, April 7, 1688.
William, s. of William and Esther, March 28, 1686.
Edward, s. of Edward and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1687.
Edward, s. of Edward and Sarah, May 4, 1689.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, April 11, 1692.
Sarah, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1693.
Esther, d. of Edward and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1694.
Samuel, s. of Edward and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1696.
Mary, d. of Matthew and Mary, Sept. 12, 1696.
Abigail, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, June 13, 1697.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1699.
William, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1699.
Hannah, d. of Matthew and Mary, Nov. 28, 1699.
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, Oct. 8, 1700.
Susanna, d. of Edward and Sarah, Jan. 14, 1701.
Joseph, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1702.
Josiah, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, July 28, 1702.
Matthew, s. of Matthew and Mary, Sept. 8, 1702.
Ichabod, s. of Edward and Sarah, April 22, 1703.
Sarah, d. of Matthew and Mary, Sept. 15, 1703.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, July 7, 1705.
Timothy, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, July 15, 1705.
Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Abigail, Nov. 6, 1705.
Martha, d. of Josiah and Martha, Nov. 3, 1706.
Mary, d. of Samuel and Mary, Jan. 8, 1707.
Seth, s. of Benjamin and Sarah, April 23, 1707.
Joseph, s. of Edward and Abigail, June 22, 1708.
Daniel, s. of Samuel and Mary, Aug. 20, 1708.
Abigail, d. of Josiah and Martha, April 4, 1708.
Sarah, d. of William and Sarah, May 3, 1709.
Sarah, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, March 19, 1709.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Martha, Feb. 24, 1710.
Dole, s. of William and Sarah, Sept. 30, 1710.
Hannah, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1710.
Francis, s. of Josiah and Martha, Feb. 13, 1712.
Rebecca, d. of Edward and Rebecca, April 22, 1712.
Joshua, s. of Samuel and Mary, April 17, 1712.
Mary, d. of Edward and Rebecca, Oct. 26, 1713.
Edward. s. of Edward and Rebecca, Sept. 28, 1715.
Esther, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, Feb. 2, 1715.
Hannah, d. of Josiah and Martha, Aug. 19, 1716.
Joshua, s. of Edward and Rebecca, Feb. 16, 1717.
Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Mary, Dec. 20, 1717.
William, s. of William and Hannah, March 27, 1718.
Giles, s. of. Josiah and Deborah, April 12, 1718.
Ellezar, s. of Edward and Rebecca, Feb. 27, 1719.
Hannah, d. of William and Hannah, March 31, 1719.
Rebecca, d. of Benjamin and Rebecca, May 4, 1719.
Joseph, s. of William and Hannah, April 28, 1720.
Jonathan, s. of Edward and Rebecca, June 13, 1720.
Esther, d. of Benjamin and Rebecca, May 8, 1721.
Enoch, s. of William and Hannah, Sept. 16, 1721.
Nathan, s. of Edward and Rebecca, Nov. 11, 1721.
Rebecca, d. of William and Hannah, April 8, 1728.
Abigail, d. of Edward and Rebecca, July 15, 1723.
Hezekiah, s. of William and Hannah, May 12, 1724.
Ichabod, s. of Edward and Rebecca, Dec. 23, 1724.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Mary, May 18, 1725.
Lucy, d. of Edward and Rebecca, Jan. 3, 1726.
Azariah, s. of Willlam and Hannah, Nov. 18, 1726.
Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1726.
Reuben, s. of Samuel and Mary, May 12, 1727.
Esther, d. of William and Hannah, Dec. 30, 1727.
Jonas, s. of Edward and Rebecca, Jan. 17, 1728.
Matthew, s. of Matthew and Anna, Sept. 27, 1728.
Sarah, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1728.
Asa, s. of Edward and Rebecca, Feb. 16, 1729.
Joel, s. of Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 31, 1729.
Experience, s. of William and Hannah, July 19, 1729.
Susanna, s. of Edward and Rebecca, Oct. 23, 1730.
Mary, d. of William and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1730.
Mary, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Nov. 6, 1730.
James, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, May 8, 1731.
Ruth, d. of William and Hannah, May 5, 1732.
Azel, s. of Benjamin and Mary, July 9, 1732.
Mary, d. of Samuel and Judith, Jan. 22, 1733.
William, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Feb. 25, 1788.
Mary, d. of Seth and Mary, Feb. 24, 1784.
Martha, d. of Seth and Mary, Feb. 24, 1734.
Judith, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Feb. 26, 1734.
Sarah, d. of Joseph and ElIzabeth, March 17, 1734.
Mary, d. of Timothy and Mary, July 30, 1735.
Elizabeth, d. of William and Elizabeth, Dec. 10, 1736.
Seth, s. of Seth and Mary, Nov. 23, 1736.
Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Mary, April 12, 1736.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1736.
Shubael, s. of Benjamin and Mary, March 12, 1738.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1738.
Ruth, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Dec. 3, 1738.
Katharine, d. of William and Elisabeth, Sept. 15, 1738.
Silas, s. of Seth and Mary, Jan. 24, 1739.
Olive, d. of William and Elisabeth, April 16, 1740.
Hannah, d. of Josiah and Hannah, May 14, 1740.
Giles, s. of Giles and Abigail, Oct. 12, 1741.
Kezia, d. of Benjamin and Mary, April 9, 1741.
AbIgail, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 30, 1741.
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, May 22, 1741.
David. s. of Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 7, 1742.
Rebecca, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, March 31, 1742.
William, s. of William and Elizabeth, Oct. 2, 1742.
Amos, s. of Seth and Mary, Feb. 16, 1743.
AbigaIl, d. of Giles and Abigail, Oct. 9, 1743.
Edward, s. of Samuel and Priscilla, Oct. 23, 1743.
Abiathar, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1743.
Ruth, d. of Benjamin and Mary, June 1, 1743.
Martha, d. of Josiah and Hannah, Dec. 30, 1743.
Sarah, d. of Francis and Sarah, Dec. 4, 1743.
Ruth, d. of William and Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 1744.
Elizabeth, d. of Giles and Abigail, May 11, 1745.
Silas, s. of Seth and Mary, July 18, 1745.
Sarah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1745.
Abijah, s. of Benjamin and Mary, June 13, 1745.
Daniel, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1746.
Jerusha, d. of William and Elizabeth, July 18, 1746.
Francis, s. of Francis and Sarah, April 2, 1746.
Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 12, 1747.
Sybil, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1747.
Abel, s. of Seth and Mary, May 28, 1748.
Susanna, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1748.
John, s. of Francis and Sarah, Aug. 14, 1748.
Enoch, s. of Benjamin and Mary , May 12, 1748.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and ElIzabeth, Jan. 20, 1749.
Israel, s. of Giles and Abigail, Sept. 22, 1749.
Isaac, s. of Josiah and Hannah, Oct. 6, 1749.
Jonas, s. of Seth and Mary, June 16, 1750.
Seth, s. of Francis and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1750.
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Feb. 1, 1751.
Jonathan, s. of William and Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1751.
Sarah, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Jr., Jan 26, 1752.
Lucy, d. of Giles and Abigail, Aug. 28, 1752.
Sarah, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 20, 1752.
Jotham, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 28, 1753.
Esther, d. of Francis and Sarah, May 3, 1753.
Micah, s. of William and Elizabeth, June 18, 1754.
Roxana, d. of Giles and Abigail, Oct. 14, 1755.
Mary, d. of Reuben and Sarah, April 10, 1756.(The following record of baptisms appear on church records of Burlington; Reuben, Abiel, Sarah, Lydia and Mary, or Melle, and Lucy, all children of Reuben and Sarah Johnson, were baptized Aug. 23, 1761. Mary, or Melle, Johnson married Jesse Dean.)
Obadiah, s. of Ebenezer and Deborah, Feb. 2, 1757.
John, s. of Francis and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1757.
Abigail, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, April 26, 1757.
Rebecca, d. of Azel and Rebecca, June 1, 1758.
Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, May 24, 1759.
Frederick, s. of Francis and Sarah, March 29, 1759.
Rhoda, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Aug. 20, 1759.
Benjamin, s. of Azel and Rebecca, Feb. 29, 1760.
Hannah, d. of Joseph and Hannah, May 25, 1761.
William, s. of William and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1761.
Josiah, s. of Francis and Sarah, April 25, 1761.
Lucy, d. of Jonathan and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1761.
Nathaniel, s. of William and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1762.
Azel, s.of Azel and Rebecca, Nov. 27, 1762.
Shubael, s. of Shubael and Mary, March 31, 1762.
Sarah, d. of Josiah and Sarah, March 11, 1762.
Amy, d. of Azel and Rebecca, Nov. 10, 1762.
Olive, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Aug. 18, 1762.
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 5, 1763.
Noah, s. of Francis and Sarah, June 3, 1763.
Martha, d. of Josiah and Sarah, Dec. 20, 1763.
Mary, d. of Shubael and Mary, Sept. 1, 1764.
Sarah, d. of Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1764.
Sarah, d. of William and Sarah, Feb. 8, 1764.
John, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, May 20, 1764.
Rufus, s. of Ebenezer and Deborah, May 17, 1764.
Icabod, s. of Jonathan and Sarah, Sept. 6, 1764.
Martha, d. of William and Sarah, Sept. 28, 1765.
Josiah, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1766.
Anna, d. of William and Sarah, Aug. 19, 1767.
Miles, s. of Edward and Mary, April 18, 1767.
Abigail, d. of William and Abigail, Oct. 28, 1767.
Enoch, s. of Shubael and Mary, April 19, 1767.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1767.
Jesse, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1767.
Martha, d. of Abijah and Mary, Feb. 28, 1767.
Milly, d. of Abijah and Mary, March 1, 1767.
Abithar, s. of Abithar and Sarah, Jan. 19, 1768.
Abigail, d. of Giles and Elizabeth, July 11, 1768.
Jesse, s. of Josiah and Sarah, June 22, 1768.
Isaac, s. of Isaac and Judith, Nov. 19, 1768.
Lucretia, d. of William and Sarah, July 11, 1769.
Joel, s. of Azel and Rebecca, June 14, 1769.
Abijah, s. of Abijah and Mary, July 20, 1769.
Catharine, d. of William and Abigail, Jan. 31, 1770.
Fanny, d. of Shubael and Mary, April 2, 1770.
Hannah, d. of Josiah and Sarah, May 20, 1770.
Martha, d. of Isaac and Judith, July 17, 1771.
Joanna, d. of Daniel and Joanna, Sept. 9, 1771.
William, s. of Abiathar and Sarah, April 29, 1772.
Jonas, s. of Azel and Rebecca, Feb. 13, 1772.
Mary, d. of Abijah and Mary, July 8, 1772.
Hannah, d. of Isaac and Judith, Aug. 25, 1773.
Sarah, d. of Azel and Rebecca, — 17, 1774.
Asa, s. of Abijab and Mary, Nov. 25, 1774.
Eunice, d. of Jotham and Eunice, Sept. 29, 1775.
Nathan, s. of Azel and Rebecca, Oct. 12, 1776.
Phebe, d. of Abijah and Mary, April 4, 1776.
Susanna, d. of Daniel and Anna, June 14, 1777.
Jotham, s. of Jotham and Eunice, May 6, 1778.
Levi, s. of Abiathar, baptized July 26, 1778.
Luther, s. of Abijah and Mary, Sept. 12, 1779.
Abigail. d. of Reuben and Kezia, Oct. 10, 1779.
Surviah, d. of Jotham and Eunice, July 2, 1780.
Ezekiel, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Aug. 18, 1781.
Daniel, s. of Daniel and Anna, Feb. 27, 1781.
Cycus, s. of Abijah and Mary, Sept. 8, 1781.
Kezia, d. of Reuben and Kezia, March 22, 1781.
Reuben, s. of Reuben and Kezia, Oct. 19, 1782.
Alphou(?), s. of Jotham and Eunice, Jan. 1, 1783.
Levi, s. of Josiah and Sarah, Dec. 22, 1783.
Isaac, s. of Daniel and Anna, Dec. 13, 1784.
Marshall, s. of Reuben and Kazia, July 25, 1784.
Sarah, d. of John and Achsah, Sept. 25, 1784.
Lucy, d. of Jotham and Eunice, March 8, 1785.
Sarah, d. of Ichabod, baptized May 15, 1785.
Lucy, d. of Abijah and Mary, Aug. 4, 1785.
Luke, s. of Reuben and Kezia, Sept. 6, 1786.
Susanna, d. of John and Achsah, Feb. 11, 1786.
Susanna, d. of Jotham and Eunice, Aug. 9, 1787.
John, s. of Reuben and Kazia, April 28, 1788.
John, s. of John and Achsah, Dec. 16, 1789.
Lucy, d. of Jotham and Eunice, March 6, 1790.
Charles, s. of John and Achsah, May 29, 1792.
Sukey, d. of Jesse and Sukey, Sept. 13, 1793.
Edward, s. of Jotham and Eunice, July 12, 1794.
Mary, d. of Jesse and Sukey, Oct. 9, 1799.
Betsey, d. of Jesse and Sulkey, Oct. 9, 1801.
Francis, s. of Francis and Mehetabel, April 18, 1818.
John, s. of John and Sally, Feb. 12, 1814.
Betsey, d. of Maj. Francis and Mebetabel, Aug. 15, 1815.
Hannah, d. of Ezekiel and Hannah, Nov. 1, 1815.
Adeline, d. of Ezekiel and Hannah, Sept. 10, 1817.
Eliza, d. of Reuel and Betsey, March 13, 1818.
Reuben, s. of John and Sally, Nov. 12, 1818.
Mary, d. of Ezekiel and Hannah, May 23, 1819.
Joseph, P. of Ezekiel and Hannah, May 23, 1819.
Mary, d. of Reuel and Betsey, May 5, 1820.
Reuben, s. of John and Sally, July 31, 1820.
Almira, d. of Nathan B. and Almira, July 26, 1821.
Sarah Gardner, d. of Levi and Ruth, July 19, 1822.
Henry, P. of Ezekiel and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1823.
Mary, d. of Nathan B. and Almira, Jan. 26, 1823.
Zelende Dearborn, d. of Levi and Ruth, Jan. 14, 1824.
David Warren, s. of Ezekiel and Hannah, Dec. 11, 1824.
Mehetabel, d. of Frances and Mehetabel, Oct. 23, 1824.
Sarah Kendall, d. of John and Sally, Sept. 19, 1824.
Phillip, s. of Reuel and Betsey, born in Atkinson, N.H., June 20, 1824.
Obadiah Kendall, s. of Reuel and Betsey, born In Atkinson, N.H., Oct. 7, 1826.
Elizabeth Ann, d. of Levi and Ruth, April 6, 1827.
Warren, s. of Francis and Mehetabel, Aug. 3, 1827.
Charlotte Jane, d. of Nathan M. and Charlotte, Nov. 21, 1828.
Caroline, d. of Levi and Ruth, Dec, 31, 1828.
Sophronia, d. of Ezekial and Hannah, Nov. 10, 1828.
Harriet Newall, d. of Nathan B. and Almira, Oct. 4, 1829.
Elizabeth Miles, d. of John and Sally, Sept. 11, 1829.
Elizabeth, d. of Ezekiel and Hannah, Nov. 8, 1830.
Oscar Elnathan, s. of Nathan and Charlotte, June 7, 1831.
Albert Butman, s. of Reuel and Jane, born in Lowell, Nov. 20, 1832.
Franklin Munson, s. of Munson, Jr., and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1834.
Anilida Jullette, d. of Nathan M. and Charlotte, July 25, 1834.
Arethusa Munroe, d. of Munson, Jr., and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1836.
Edward Payson, s. of Nathan B. and Almira, Dec. 4, 1837.
Caroline Maria, d. of Josephus and Maria, June 6, 1837.
Alpha Thompson, s. of Munson, Jr., and Sarah, March 31, 1838.
Brackett, s. of Reuel and Jane, March 9, 1838.
Martha, d. of Nathan B. and AImira, Nov. 14, 1841.
Phylena Wright, d. of Nathan M. and Charlotte, Dec. 31, 1842.
Charles Henry, s. of Joseph and Susan W., Sept. 19, 1843.
Leander Thompson, s. of Munson, Jr. and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1843.
Abby Fletcher, d. of Seth and Susan, Dcc. 14, 1844.
Rosella Annette, d. of John, Jr., and Rosella M., May 11, 1845.
Sarah Ella, d. of Munson, Jr., and Sarah S., March 6, 1846.
Susan Josephine, d. of Joseph and Susan W., Sept. 18, 1847.
Edward, s. of Munson, Jr., and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1848.
Pamelia Sawyer, d. of Seth and Susan, March 12, 1848.
Rosella Maria, d. of John, Jr., and Julia A., Jan. 9, 1849.
Amanda Augusta, d. of John and Eliza, April 8, 1849.
Henry Francis, s. of Francis H. and Maria, Jan. 11, 1850.
Mary Caroline, d. of Munson, Jr., and Sarah, March 22, 1851.
Ella Louisa, d. of Joseph W. and Susan, June 8, 1821.
John Warren, s. of John and Julia A., Oct. 1, 1852.
Hugh Franklin, s. of Hugh and Bridget, July 6, 1855.
Eva Maria, d. of Albert B. and Abba M., July 19, 1855.
Edward Francis, s. of John, Jr., and Julia A., Oct. 22, 1856.
Thomas Edward, s. of Joseph and Susan, July 31, 1857.
Charles Brackett, s. of Albert B. and Abba A., Oct. 13, 1857.
Cora Jane, d. of Albert B. and Abbe A., Nov. 18, 1858.
----------, s. of George W. and Sarah E., Oct. 16, 1859.
George Henry, s. of Albert B. and Abba A., Dec. 7, 1859.
Emily Etta, d. of John H. and Agnes A., June 15, 1864.
Mary M., d. of John H. and Agnes A., Oct. 16, 1866.
Frank Poole, s. of Charles H. and Caroline A., Nov. 30, 1870.
Mary Lumley, d. of Charles W. and Anastasia, July 25, 1872.