FROM 1873--1890.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Julia A. Salmon and John F. Scally, both of Woburn, May 21, 1883.
Thomas W. Salmon and Bridget T. Keating, both of Woburn, Nov. 28, 1889.
SALTONSTALL- ("Last Saturday sev'night died very suddenly at Woburn, Nathaniel Saltonstall, Esq.; He was younger Brother to the late Governor Saltonstall of Connecticut; A Gentleman well respected among us." -- The Boston Weekly Post-Boy, July 2, 1739. See the News, Aug. 26,1893.)
Helen J. Samson and Albert D. Carter, both of Woburn, Oct. 10, 1880.
Sherman H. Sanborn and Clara T. Stephens, both of Woburn, Dec. 22, 1880.
Orin B. Sanborn and Alice M. Tupper, both of Woburn, Sept. 13, 1883.
Marilla M. Sanborn, of Tilton, N. H., and Arthur E. Gage, of Woburn, Dec. 5, 1883.
Lillian F. Sanderson, of Waltham, and Edward B. Simonds, of Woburn, May 5, 1880.
Marshall D. Sands, of Boston, and Mary E. Dunbury, of Woburn, May 25(?), 1885.
John Sargent and Catherine Clancy, both of Woburn, Oct. 18, 1885.
Nellie M. Sawtell and Charles D. Wade, both of Woburn, Nov. 14, 1877.
Frederick L. Sawyer and Sarah O. Bell, both of Woburn, Nov. 27, 1873.
William J. Scally and Elizabeth Keegan, both of Woburn, April 4, 1883.
John F. Scally and Julia A. Salmon, both of Woburn, May 21, 1885.
Mary Scanlon and John McGovern, both of Woburn, Oct. 30, 1874.
Bartholomew Scanlon and Mary Rafferty. both of Woburn, Jan. 2, 1876.
Patrick Scanlon, of Woburn, and Bridget Rourke, of Lynn, May 22, 1879.
Mary E. Scanlon and Robert Maguire, both of Woburn, May 20, 1886.
Bridget Scanlon and Patrick Byron, both of Woburn, July 8, 1886.
Christina A. Scantlan (2d) and James L. Fowle (2d), both of Woburn, Aug. 31, 1876.
William Schmidt, of Woburn, and Lizzie Ricker, of Boston, Oct. 24, 1888.
William Scott and Margaret Lynn, both of Woburn, June 3, 1874.
Elizabeth Scott and Cyrus B. Fetridge, both of Woburn, Dec. 12, 1883.
Patrick N. Scott and Lizzie J. Scott, both of Woburn, March 2, 1886.
Lizzie J. Scott and Patrick N. Scott, both of Woburn, March 2, 1886.
Mary (Ray) Scott (2d) and Edward Graham, both of Woburn, Oct. 12, 1886.
Ella Scott and Alfred K. Fetridge, both of Woburn, April 17, 1889.
Lizzie Scullar and Maurice Mack, both of Woburn, Jan. 25, 1880.
Robert P. Searls and Florence H. Stephens, both of Boston. Sept. 1, 1884.
Emma A. Searls, of Salem, and Joseph P. Jayne, of Woburn, Oct. 2, 1884.
Mary E. Seaver and John W. Waters, both of Woburn, April 16, 1873.
Herbert M. Seaver and Minnie W. Robie, botl, of Woburn, Jan. 10, 1882.
Jeanette Seavey and John Walsh, both of Woburn, Nov. 26, 1889.
Jessie A. Sellers and John L. Fowle, both of Woburn, Sept. 29, 1887.
Annie C. Severance, of Boston (2d), and Charles H. Brown, of Woburn, May 10, 1874.
Amelia Sevrens and Frank H. Wendell, both of Woburn, Sept. 29, 1873.
Marianna Sevrens and Erskine Ames (2d), both of Woburn, March 1, 1874.
William P. Sevrens and Elva M. Ward, both of Woburn, Feb. 24, 1884.
Oliver Sevrens, of Woburn, and Alice M. Fisk, of Billerica, Nov. 26, 1885.
Martha E. Sewall, of Burlington, and Thomas S. Curtis, of Woburn, July 3, 1879.
Carrie E. Seward and James E. Boutwell, both of Woburn, Oct 13, 1882.
Joseph J. Sexton and Maggie L. Doorly, both of Woburn, Feb. 10. 1880.
Annie A. Shanahan and Frank H. Bowen, both of Woburn, Sept. 27, 1886.
Catherine Shandly, and Thomas C. Boyce, both of Woburn, Sept. 13, 1888.
Andrew Shannon and Fannie Blakely, both of Woburn, May 2, 1879.
Herbert Shannon (2d) and Eliza Eagan (2d), both of Woburn, Aug. 6, 1880.
James Shannon and Ellen Mahon, both of Woburn, May 12, 1885.
Catherine Sharry and Thomas C. Bryant, both of Woburn, Jan. 20, 1873.
Patrick Sharry and Bridget Costello, both of Woburn, Oct. 13, 1877.
Margaret F. Sharry and Patrick Kane, both of Woburn, Aug. 4, 1887.
Patrick Sharry (2d) and Jennie Furlong (2d), both of Woburn Oct. 9, 1889.
SHATTUCK(Nathan J. Shattuck and Harriet Nelson, both of Woburn, were married at Medford, Oct. 29, 1861. — Medford Records.)
Amos Shattuck, of Woburn (2d), and Lucinda J. Fuller (3d), of Ohio, Oct. 28, 1874.
Edward L. Shaw and Nellie S. Thompson, both of Woburn, Feb. 18, 1875.
George F. Shaw and Lucy L. Richardson, both of Burlington, July 10, 1876.
Charles C. Shaw, of Woburn, and Carrie N. Wheelock, of South Carolina, April 20, 1880.
Martha W. Shaw and Charles Cummings, both of Woburn, Dec. 24, 1883.
Lizzie C. Shaw and Samuel Cummings, both of Woburn, Oct. 3, 1888.
Michael Shea and Mary Donovan, both of Woburn, June 14, 1873.
Mary Shea (2d) and Humphrey Lynch (2d), both of Woburn, Feb. 3, 1874.
Edward Shea, of Woburn, and Catherine Ahern, of Medford, Oct. 7, 1875.
John A. Shea and Catherine Weafer, both of Woburn, Nov. 4, 1875.
Ellen Shea and Thomas Harney, both of Woburn, Jan. 6, 1876.
Mary Shea and William F. Bradley (2d), both of Woburn, Nov. 28, 1877.
Mary E. Shea and John A. Walsh, both of Woburn, Nov. 20, 1879.
Kate Shea, of Winchester, and Daniel T. Porter, of Woburn, Feb. 10, 1880.
Dennis Shea, of Winchester, and Mary Matthews, of Woburn, Nov. 16, 1881.
Bridget E. Shea, of Cambridge, and Charles J. Quigley, of Woburn, Oct. 26, 1882.
Minnie Shea and Edward James, both of Woburn, May 16, 1888.
Jeremiah Shea and Kate Kennedy, both of Woburn, Sept. 18, 1890.
Sumner U. Shearman, of Boston, and Mary D. Wyman, of Woburn, June 12, 1877.
John Sheehan (2d) and Mary McDonald (2d), both of Woburn, Oct. 16, 1877.
Catherine Sheehan and Thomas T. Carroll, both of Woburn. Aug. 4, 1878.
Mary Sheehan and David Wall, both of Woburn, Nov. 28, 1878.
Hannah M. Sheehan and George Ferrin, both of Woburn, Oct. 31, 1880.
George F. Sheehan, of Boston, and Etta Meagher, of Woburn, Aug. 14, 1889.
Mary Sheeran and John Boyle, both of Woburn, April 18, 1876.
Maggie Sheeran and Charles L. Ellis, both of Woburn, Dec. 29, 1877.
Mary (Sheehan) Shegrew (2d) and William Armstrong (2d), both of Woburn, May 31, 1885.
Herbert F. Sheldon, of Wakefield, and M. Lizzie Stinson, of Stoneham, July 18, 1877.
Asa G. Sheldon, of Woburn, and Edna G. Bryant, of Somerville, Sept. 26, 1888.
Walter P. Sheldon, of Malden, and Belle B. Richardson, of Woburn, April 22, 1889.
Waiter Shepherd and Sarah E. Austin, both of Boston. Dec. 15, 1875.
Emma J. Sherburne, of Woburn, and Charles E. Eaton, of Lynn (2d), March 2, 1887.
Charlotte A. Sherburne and William R. McIntosh, both of Woburn, June 4, 1890.
Silas H. Sherman, of Boston, and Jane H. Bates, of Burlington (2d), Nov. 3, 1878.
George H. Sherman, of Boston, and Nellie Hood, of Woburn, Jan. 20, 1883.
William E. Sherman and Harriet G. Parker, both of Woburn, Nov. 9, 1887.
Maddie A. Shinkwin and William H. McManus, both of Woburn, Dec. 8, 1879.
John Short and Mary Tolan, both of Woburn, Aug. 31, 1877.
John J. Short and Margaret Green, both of Woburn, July 25, 1889.
George L. Sibley and Ella Wolfe, both of Cambridge, Jan. 30, 1883.
George A. Simonds and Elizabeth Hoskins, both of Woburn, Nov. 25, 1873.
Hiram D. Simonds and Florence M. Hutchinson, both of Lynn, Oct. 12, 1875.
Mary A. Simonds, of Burlington, and William D. Grammer (2d), Sept 19, 1877.
Harvey T. Simonds and Mary E. Chaplin, both of Woburn, Dec. 19, 1877.
Edward B. Simonds, of Woburn, and Lillian F. Sanderson, of Waltham, May 5, 1880.
Emma Simonds, of Burlington, and J. Francis Woodbury, of Sutton (2d), Nov. 16, 1881.
Carrie E. Simonds, of Woburn, and Aliston T. Blakely, of Chelmsford, Dec. 20, 1881.
Eliza Simonds, of Woburn, and Charles E. Conant, of Mt. Vernon, N. H., Aug. 16, 1882.
Mary E. Simonds and Edward F. Johnson, both of Woburn, Sept. 26, 1882.
Edward Simonds and Susan J. Rollins, both of Burlington, Nov. 14, 1883.
Sarah D. Simonson and William P. Symonds, both of Woburn, July 24, 1890.
Eliza Simpson and Nelson H. Gass, both of Woburn, Sept. 5, 1877.
Samuel W. Simpson, of Medfield, and CorabalI Wright, of Woburn, Feb. 11, 1885.
Annie Sinclair and Clarence H. Gustin, both of Winchester, July 22, 1886.
Mary E. Sine (2d) and Charles D. Onion (d), both of Woburn, Aug. 16, 1877.
David C. Sisson, of Boston, and Emma E. Butler, of Woburn, Dec. 3, 1873.
Arthur Sisson, of Franklin, and Mary A. Kenworthy, of Winchester, July 28, 1881.
Herbie Skay and Minnie E. Dickey, both of Woburn, Nov. 17, 1889.
Addle M. Skelton and Melvin E. Taylor, both of Woburn, Nov. 17, 1880.
Mary A. Skelton and J. H. Willis Nichols, both of Burlington, Feb. 25, 1881.
Carrie I. Skelton and Charles T. Forrest, both of Woburn, Nov. 29, 1882.
Alice S. Skinner and Herbert J. Pearsons, both of Woburn, Feb. 17, 1873.
Ada T. Skinner and Fred M. Downs, both of Woburn, March 7, 1883.
Francis L. Skinner and May H. Perkins, both of Woburn, June 5, 1889.
Hilda Skould and Carl Wieden, both of Woburn, July 24, 1890.
William H. Slater and Lydia Alward, both of Woburn, Aug. 3, 1874.
Fred R. Slater, of Somerville, and Millie E. Gilcreast, of Woburn, Sept. 25, 1890.
Theodore E. Sleeper, of Woburn, and Evelyn P. Flint, of Lexington, Jan. 28, 1885.
Lottie Smedberg and Bernard Olson, both of Woburn, Sept. 15, 1883.
James Smith and Margaret Kearnan, both of Woburn, May 21, 1874.
Louisa M. Smith and George W. McCabe, both of Woburn, July 31, 1875.
Anna M. Smith, of Lowell, and Richard Morris, of Woburn, Dec. 27, 1875.
Clara A. Smith, of Woburn, and Albert G. Johnson. of Lowell, June 21, 1876.
Nancy J. Smith, of Chelmsford, and George C. Bugbee, of Springfield, Vt., Jan. 3, 1877.
Louis L. Smith, of Chelsea, and Abbie W. Tidd, of Woburn, Feb. 1, 1877.
Clarence W. Smith and Jennie E. Howard, both of Woburn, Oct. 13, 1877.
William A. Smith, of Woburn, and Ella J. Kimball, of Hiram, Me., Aug. 7, 1878.
Charles E. Smith and Kate F. Giroux, both of Woburn, March 28, 1880.
Charles W. Smith and Sarah L. Thompson, both of Woburn, Sept. 14, 1881.
Mary E. Smith and Frederick Steele, both of Stoneham, Oct. 5, 1881.
L. Katherine Smith and Wilbur E. Cummings, both of Woburn, Nov. 9, 1881.
Henry E. Smith, of Woburn, and Ella J. Crockett, of Stoneham, Dec. 14, 1881.
Margaret Smith, of Boston (2d), and Lemuel Howard, of Woburn (2d), Jan. 26, 1882.
Peter Smith and Mary Curnan, both of Woburn, April 16, 1882.
Abby W. Smith, of Woburn (2d), and N. J. Watson, of Boston, April 27, 1882.
Vilorea Smith, of Reading, and Jacob Ames, of Woburn (2d), Jan. 3, 1883.
James W. Smith and Mary A. Gately, both of Woburn, Jan. 22, 1884.
Marshall J. Smith and Lillie L. Wood, both of Woburn, March 25, 1884.
Lottie F. Smith and Eugene A. Webster, both of Woburn, June 29, 1884.
Rufus Smith (2d) and A. Josephine C. Hartwell (2d), both of Woburn, Aug. 6, 1884.
William Smith and Sarah McDonald, both of Woburn, June 1, 1885.
Bertha S. Smith, of New Market, N. H., and Wesley S. Flint, of Woburn, Jan. 2, 1886.
Ellen Smith and James Fitzpatrick, both of Woburn, June 13, 1886.
Frederick Smith and Catherine Johnson, both of Boston, July 20, 1886.
Fanny Smith and Frank Legere, both of Woburn, Aug, 30, 1886.
Chares P. Smith, of Woburn, and Alice P. Cummings, of Reading, Nov. 24, 1886.
Mary F. Smith and Thomas H. Duffy, both of Woburn, Aug. 21, 1887.
William Smith (2d) and Lizzie Mahon, both of Woburn, July 3, 1888.
Josiah A. Smith, of Fayston, Vt., and Hattie L. LaBelle, of Waitsfield, Vt., Dec. 24, 1888.
George R. Smith and Bertha E. Morrill, both of Woburn, Aug. 29, 1889.
Marion I. Smith and Horace N. Conn, both of Woburn, Sept. 11, 1889.
Wilhelminia Smith and Hubbard Copeland, both of Woburn, Sept. 17, 1889.
Clarence A. Smith, of Orange, and Cora I. Caswell, of Woburn, Oct. 29, 1889.
Jacob Smith and Hortense Barnum, both of Woburn, Feb. 11, 1889.
Charles S. Smith and Adaline Winfree, both of Woburn. Dec. 17, 1890.
Fred W. Smith, of Tilton, N. H., and Bertha A. Lord, of Woburn, Dec. 24, 1890.
Charles H. Snell and Ida L. Blaisdell, both of Woburn, Oct. 5, 1878.
Anne M. Snow, of Winchester, and William M. Miller, of Woburn (2d), July 3, 1890.
George W. Soles, of Woburn, and Caroline E. Barnes, of Stoneham, June 2, 1880.
Fred R. Soles and Lillian (Baxter) Dyer (2d), both of Woburn, March 30, 1886.
Frank E. Soles and Fanny D. Stearns, both of Woburn, Sept. 11, 1890.
Johanna Sorensen and August Richter, both of Woburn, Sept. 23, 1883.
George E. Spaulding (2d) and Lizzie J. Reed, both of Woburn, Sept. 23, 1882.
Maud A. Spaulding and Fred D. Taylor, both of Woburn, Feb. 17, 1890.
Fanny Y. Spause, of Lynn, and James Graham, of Woburn, Aug. 17, 1883.
Charles F. Spear and Josie Russell, both of Woburn, Dec. 29, 1889.
Michael Spellman and Jennie (Porter) Upton (2d), both of Woburn, Jan. 28, 1888.
John M. Spicer (2d) and Julia M. Wright, both of Lowell, Oct. 8, 1881.
Annie Spillane, of Boston, and Timothy D. Kane, of Woburn, Oct. 24, 1883.
William E. Sprague, of Stoneham, and Jennie I. Cummings, of Woburn, Jan. 12, 1882.
Bridget Stack and John Donovan, both of Woburn, May 21, 1874.
Hannah Stackenberg and Gustav Anderson, both of Woburn, June 8, 1888.
Elmira Stacy, of Tamworth, N. H. (2d), and David W. Atwood, of Boston (2d), Dec. 16, 1875.
Mary Stafford and Patrick Sullivan, both of Woburn, Oct. 1, 1889.
Jairus W. Stanley and Mary S. Briggs, both of Woburn, Oct. 2, 1873.
Mary Stanton and William Nolan, both of Woburn, Sept. 22, 1883.
Frank E. Stark and Cora B. Hunt, both of Woburn, March 23, 1887.
Ellen A. Stearns, of Woburn, and Benjamin Hinckley, of Boston (2d), Sept. 8, 1874.
Delia A. Stearns and Francis H. Clarke, both of Woburn, Mays 11, 1876.
Clara E. Stearns, of Woburn, and Clarence A. Hayward, of Providence, Sept. 8, 1880.
Walter E. Stearns and Catherine A. Murray, both of Woburn, July 25, 1883.
Minnie E. Stearns and Eugene E. Wood, both of Woburn, Nov. 21, 1883.
Flora B. Stearns, of Woburn, and Frederick A. Very, of Boston, Aug. 25, 1888.
Fanny D. Stearns and Frank E. Soles, both of Woburn, Sept. 11, 1890.
Zelia P. Steaves, of Winchester, and William E. Stowers, of Cambridge, Jan. 1, 1884.
Frederick Steele and Mary E. Smith, both of Stoneham, Oct. 5, 1881.
Louise Steele and Alexander Pearsons, both of Woburn, Dec. 28, 1889.
Ellen A. Stephens (2d) and John R. Frazer (2d), both of Boston, Feb. 7, 1873.
Mary E. Stephens, of Woburn, and Theodore F. Emery, of Winchester, Sept. 12, 1877.
Clara T. Stephens and Sherman H. Sanborn, both of Woburn, Dec. 22, 1880.
Charles H. Stephens and Mary E. Anderson, both of Woburn, Aug. 1, 1881.
Flora A. Stephens and George W. Dinsmore (2d), both of Woburn, Aug. 21, 1883.
Annie J. Stephens (2d) and Thomas Quigley (2d), both of Winchester, Sept. 22, 1883.
Florence H. Stephens and Robert P. Searls, both of Boston, Sept. 1, 1884.
Eliza C. Stephens, of Chelsea, and Theodore G. Boutelle, of Woburn, June 22, 1887.
Lillian R. Stephens, of Woburn, and Samuel D. Weston, of Stoneham (2d), Dec. 3, 1889.
James E. Stephens, of Wilmington, and Hattie M. Hodges, of Woburn, Sept. 11, 1890.
Hamilton Stephenson and Mary A. Gibson, both of Woburn, Dec. 24, 1878.
John Stephenson and Janet Ross, both of Woburn, Sept. 25, 1884.
Mary J. Stephenson and Andrew Dobbins, both of Woburn. Nov. 13, 1884.
William J. Stephenson and Susan M. Ferguson, both of Woburn, Nov. 14, 1888.
Clarence P. Stetson, of Washington, D. C., and Caddie M. Kimball, of Woburn, Sept. 1, 1875.
Donald W. Stewart (2d) and Nellie McLellan, both of Woburn, May 28, 1873.
Isaac C. Stewart, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Emma S. Corbett, of Woburn, Aug. 20, 1873.
Elizabeth Stewart and Robert Porter, both of Woburn, Feb. 27, 1884.
John W. Stewart, of Boston, and Belle McLean, of Newton, May 8, 1889.
Emily J. Stewart and Edward A. Brooks, both of Woburn, Jan. 1, 1890.
Ruth E. Stewart and George B. Robertson, both of Woburn, Oct. 8, 1890.
Adaline Stickney and Loammi White, both of Woburn, April 27, 1885.
M. Lizzie Stinson, of Stoneham, and Herbert F. Sheldon, of Wakefield, July 18, 1877.
Maggie E. Stokes, of Woburn, and William Phinney, of Wilmington, July 31, 1889.
Clinton C. Stone, of Reading, and Minnie R. Flagg, of Woburn, Oct. 28, 1875.
Uri A. Stone, of Acton, and Martha J. Nay, of Boston, Jan. 6, 1879.
Arthur W. Stone and Nellie M. Dean, both of Woburn, Oct. 17, 1889.
Frances J. Story, of Woburn, and Lewis F. Woodbury, of Salem, N. H., March 8, 1887.
Charles H. Story and Mary E. Edmunds, both of Woburn, Aug. 13, 1890.
Mary F. Stowers, of Woburn, and William F. C. Blaisdell, of Medford, April 2, 1876.
Augusta H. Stowers and James P. Dickson, both of Woburn, Aug. 23. 1879.
Edward E. Stowers and Ella F. Butler, both of Woburn, Oct. 10, 1883.
William E. Stowers, of Cambridge, and Zelia P. Steaves, of Winchester, Jan. 1, 1884.
Amelia M. Streb, of Boston, and David A. Ray, of Woburn, March 27, 1884.
Myra Streeter and Cyrus B. Richardson (2d), both of Boston, June 3, 1886.
Charles M. Strout and Annie E. Thompson, both of Woburn, Feb. 15, 1876.
Howard E. Strout and Abbie E. Dimick, both of Woburn, March 13, 1879.
George F. Stygles and Bridget O'Donnell, both of Woburn, Feb. 8, 1884.
Mary Sullivan and Patrick Conniry, both of Woburn, Aug. 21, 1873.
Ellen Sullivan and Thomas Dillon, both of Woburn, Oct. 29, 1873.
Kate Sullivan and Daniel Hennigan, both of Woburn, Sept. 21, 1876.
Susan A. Sullivan (2d) and John C. Higgins, both of Woburn, Nov. 29, 1876.
Thomas H. Sullivan and Julia A. Muse, both of Woburn, April 13, 1879.
Dennis Sullivan and Rosa McCafferty, both of Woburn, June 20, 1880.
Nellie F. Sullivan, of Lowell, and Edward Pearsons, of Woburn, Aug. 8, 1883.
Kate A. Sullivan and James P. Collins, both of Woburn, Feb. 20, 1884.
Daniel Sullivan and Jennie Goodman, both of Woburn, Feb. 24, 1884.
Margaret Sullivan and Edward Callahan, both of Woburn, April 13, 1885.
Julia F. Sullivan, of Waltham, and Thomas J. Begley, of Woburn, Aug. 18, 1886.
John J. Sullivan, of Boston, and Hannah A. Mahoney, of Woburn, Sept. 11, 1887.
Mary L. Sullivan and Matthew L. D. Kennedy, both of Woburn, Jan. 14, 1889.
Patrick Sullivan and Mary Stafford, both of Woburn, Oct. 1, 1889.
Bridget Sullivan, of Lowell, and William H. Haggerty, of Woburn, June 10, 1890.
George H. Sutherland and Mary E. Ordway, both of Woburn, April 21, 1877.
Charles E. Sutherland and Carrie Russell, both of Woburn, June 1, 1887.
Harriet G. Swain, of Wilmington, and Arthur W. Lewis, of Woburn, April 26, 1881.
William E. Swain, of Peabody, and Lillie F. Taylor, of Burlington, Feb. 10, 1883.
Lawrence C. Swain, of Wilmington, and Mina A. Taylor, of Burlington, Dec. 24, 1883.
Charles F. Swan (2d) and Harriet M. McKenzie, both of Woburn, Dec. 22, 1873.
Willard J. Swan, of Fyreburg, Me., and Marcia W. Tillson, of Woburn, Jan. 5, 1886.
Mary C. Swanson and Swan Johnson, both of Woburn, Sept. 30, 1888.
Delia Sweeney and John Doorley, both of Woburn, Jan. 26, 1888.
Henry N. Sweetser and Susan W. Cowan (2d), both of Woburn, June 6, 1875.
Lilly A. Sweetser, of Woburn, and Emma A. Adams, of Wakefield, Dec. 14, 1881.
Alice H. Sweetser and William R. Emery, both of Woburn. Oct. 9, 1884.
John H. Sweetser and Caroline L. Horton, both of Woburn, April 2, 1890.
Maud E. Swift and John E. McClure, both of Woburn, June 13, 1876.
John Swymer and Margaret Fitzgerald, both of Woburn, Nov. 20, 1889.
Clara B. Sylvester, of Woburn, and Waterman Cummings, of Cerro Gordo, of Ill., March 10, 1874.
William P. Symonds and Sarah D. Simonson, both of Woburn, July 24, 1890.
Frank L. Tabbut and Emily E. Wyman, both of Woburn, April 4, 1879.
Rachel P. Tabbut, of Woburn, and William G. Richardson, of Winchester, May 5, 1880.
Ida B. Tabbut, of Newton, N. H., and Charles H. Lincoln, of Woburn, Jan. 7, 1890.
Catherine E. Taffe and William Breslin, both of Woburn, Nov. 1, 1877.
John Taffe and Rosanna O'Donnell, both of Woburn, Nov. 20, 1879.
James P. Taffe, of Woburn, and Catherine A. Comey, of Salem, Dec. 24, 1881.
John S. Tait and Ettie Gifford, both of Woburn, July 18, 1874.
John E. Talbot and Emily Wanstall, both of Woburn, May 27, 1886.
Thomas Talty and Susan Bradley, both of Woburn, April 7, 1875.
Mary U. Tapley, of Danvers, and Edward M. Munyan, of Woburn, June 24, 1885.
Hartley J. Tarr and Mary J. Carr, both of Woburn, July 22, 1883.
Mary M. Tarr and George W. Barden, both of Woburn, Nov. 25, 1883.
Edward W. Tatro and Kate Jordan, both of Woburn, Aug. 15, 1887.
Maria J. Tay and Reuben A. Buck, both of Woburn, Feb. 19, 1873.
Mary L. Tay and Albert E. Dodge, both of Woburn, June 5, 1881.
Lizzie J. Tay and George L. Gordon, both of Burlington, Oct. 6, 1883.
Sarah J. Taylor (3d) and Clement P. Jayne (2d), both of Woburn, Nov. 18, 1875.
Charles E. Taylor, of Woburn, and Josie A. Bell, of Wilmington, Dec. 5, 1875.
Edward E. Taylor and Lizzie M. Cherry, both of Woburn, Oct. 11, 1876.
John H. Taylor, of Burlington, and Nellie J. Peacock, of Nashua, N. H., Dec. 24, 1876.
Ida M. Taylor and Robert H. Magee, both of Woburn, Jan. 20, 1877.
Lillia Taylor and Charles W. McLucas, both of Woburn, Oct. 23, 1877.
Thomas C. Taylor and Sophia Carpenter, both of Woburn, Jan. 2, 1879.
Theodore F. Taylor, of Woburn, and Emma A. Fountain, of Malone, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1879.
Elbridge Taylor and Mary Cox, both of Woburn, Jan. 8, 1880.
Melvin E. Taylor and Addie M. Skelton, both of Woburn, Nov. 17, 1880.
Mary L. Taylor, of Burlington, and Donald K. Colgate, of Woburn, Sept. 1, 1881.
Lillie F. Taylor, of Burlington, and William E. Swain, of Peabody, Feb. 10, 1883.
Mina A. Taylor, of Burlington, and Lawrence C. Swain, of Wilmington, Dec. 24, 1883.
Rebecca Taylor and William Bezanson (2d), both of Woburn, Oct. 9, 1886.
Alma E. Taylor, of Wilmington, and George McKittrick, of Woburn, March 11, 1887.
Edward W. Taylor and Florence I. McCauley, both of Woburn, May 16, 1888.
Albert Taylor and Margaret E. Richardson, both of Woburn, Feb. 9, 1889.
Annie M. Taylor, of Woburn, and George C. Ketchum, of Lawrence, Oct. 29, 1889.
Fred D. Taylor and Maud A. Spaulding, both of Woburn, Feb. 17, 1890.
William Taylor and Margery M. Barnum (2d), both of Woburn, Aug. 1, 1890.
Charles H. Taylor, Jr., of Boston, and Marguerite Falck, of Woburn, Dec. 2, 1890.
Floyd D. Teague and Annie Thompson, both of Woburn, Dec. 25, 1886.
Ella I. Tebbetts, of Burlington, and George D. Getchell, of Medford, Aug. 13, 1884.
Edwin F. Tebbetts and Mary W. Wellington, both of Woburn, Dec 19, 1888.
Sarah B. Teel and Charles L. Weston, both of Woburn, Sept. 12, 1877.
Annie Tenney and Edward J. Clarke, both of Woburn. May 26, 1879.
Patrick E. Tenney, of Woburn (2d), and Kate Duffy, of Arlington, April 15, 1884.
Patrick Tenney, of Woburn, and Mary O'Brien, of Cambridge, July 26, 1888.
Margaret A. Tenney and William J. McGowan, both of Woburn, Nor. 28, 1888.
Ellen Tenney and James H. Meehan, both of Woburn, Nov. 26, 1890.
Richard Terrett (2d) and Margaret Qualters, both of Woburn, Sept. 18, 1881.
THAYER(Nov. 30, 1798, Joseph Thayer, lately from Woburn, Fever, (?) 23. Two years married. He has a wife, an Edgel. Are both from Woburn. He came into town in June last, and she in Aug. They have one child, a female. He was a carpenter employed by Mr. Lefavre." — Parish List of Deaths, Salem, Bentley, page 46.)
Annie B. Thayer, of Medford, and Isaac M. Phillips, of Woburn, Sept. 5, 1877.
Justin E. Thompson and Mary J. Murdock (2d), both of Woburn, June 2, 1873.
Jennie L. Thompson, of Woburn, and James Burbeck, of Greenfield, N. H., Dec. 30, 1874.
Nellie S. Thompson and Edward L. Shaw, both of Woburn, Feb. 18, 1875.
Josephine L. Thompson, of Lawrence, and Walter S. Miller, of Springfield (2d), June 15, 1875.
Annie E. Thompson and Charles M. Strout, both of Woburn, Feb. 15, 1876.
Lewis W. Thompson and Helen V. Brigham, both of Woburn, Oct. 25, 1876.
Kate Thompson, of Woburn, and Frank A. Winn, of Boston, Oct. 26, 1876.
Harriet N. Thompson and Charles H. Delano, both of Woburn, July 19, 1877.
Harriet F. Thompson (2d) and Amasa W. Nason, both of Woburn, Nov. 25, 1877.
Hibbert C. Thompson and Nancy M. Rowell (2d), both of Woburn, Aug. 14, 1878.
Helena Thompson and Nathan W. Eaton, both of Woburn, Nov. 16, 1878.
Samuel A. Thompson and Harriet E. Carter, both of Woburn, Nov. 27, 1879.
Sarah L. Thompson and Charles W. Smith, both of Woburn, Sept. 14, 1881.
Howard A. Thompson, of Haverhill, and Mary J. Ames, of Woburn, June 11, 1884.
Edwin P. Thompson, of Somerville, and Mary A. Durgin, of Woburn, Nov. 27, 1884.
Annie Thompson and Floyd T. Teague, both of Woburn, Dec. 25, 1886.
William Thompson and Annie Toole, both of Woburn, Aug. 28, 1886.
Joseph Thompson and Mabel Ronco, both of Woburn, Nov. 17, 1887.
Melissa Thompson and Adelbert Maloney, both of Woburn, Jan. 21, 1888.
Charles E. Thompson and Mary L. C. Livingston, both of Woburn, Sept. 1, 1888.
Leonard S. Thompson, of Boston (2d), and Ella F. Wyman, of Woburn, June 30, 1890.
Emily Thorn and James G. Mobbs, both of Woburn, Oct. 8, 1881.
David Thorn, of Woburn (2d), and Bertha Erskine, of Wlnchester, Sept. 6, 1890.
Harry J. Thumert and Sarah B. F. Norris, both of Burlington, Nov. 24, 1887.
George A. Tidd and Mary E. Cowdry, both of Woburn, July 25, 1874.
Abbie W. Tidd, of Woburn, and Louis L. Smith, of Chelsea, Feb. 1, 1877.
Sarah A. Tidd, of Woburn, and Nathan H. Marion, of Burlington, June 19, 1877.
Marion A. Tidd and Herbert H. Dockham both of Woburn, Sept. 3, 1885.
Bridget Tierney and Charles McCormick (2d), both of Woburn, May 14, 1874.
Thomas W. Tierney, of Woburn, and Kate P. Murray, of Boston, Oct. 7, 1882.
Mary E. Tierney and Patrick D. Conlon, both of Woburn, Oct. 11, 1883.
Edwin E. Tiffany, of Southbridge, and Helen M. Hyde, of Woburn, Jan. 8, 1879.
Susette E. Tillson and Tracy W. Nichols, both of Woburn, Nov. 7, 1877.
Marcia W. Tillson, of Woburn, and Willard J. Swan, of Fryeburg, Me., Jan. 5, 1886.
Sarah E. Tilton and William Bushby, 2d (2d), both of Peabody, Jan. 5, 1876.
Elizabeth R. Timson, of Woburn, and Herbert A. Warren, of Winchester, Jan. 7, 1880.
Mary E. Todd and Thomas G. Beggs, both of Woburn, Nov. 21, 1877.
Florence A. Todd and Frank E. Morse, both of Woburn, March 6, 1878.
Mary Tolan and John Short, both of Woburn, Aug. 31, 1877.
Ellen Tolan, of Winchester, and John E. McQuillan, of Woburn, Sept. 29, 1878.
Kate Tolan and Leo Roberti, both of Woburn, Oct. 7, 1878.
Neil Tolan, of Woburn, and Sarah Gallagher, of Boston, April 20, 1884.
Letitia Tony, of Woburn, and James Wood, of Burlington, Jan. 9, 1890.
Annie Toole and William Thompson, both of Woburn, Aug. 28, 1886.
Humphrey T. Toomey and Mary A. Howard, both of Woburn, April 13, 1882.
Agnes Tracy (2d) and Patrick Donahoe, both of Woburn , April 30, 1876.
John W. Tracy and Mary Collins, both of Woburn, Aug. 3, 1881.
Thomas Tracy and Mary Doherty, both of Woburn. May 14, 1882.
Frank E. Tracy and Mary A. Battell, both of Woburn. Jan. 1, 1883.
Joseph N. Tracy, of Boston, and Sarah E. Burns, of Woburn, June 2, 1887.
John W. Tracy (2d) and Delia McLaughlin, both of Woburn, April 1, 1888.
Rose Tracy, of Woburn, and Patrick Culle, of Boston, Nov. 15, 1888.
Annie J. Tracy and John H. Clancy, both of Woburn, Nov. 22, 1888.
Lizzie M. Trafton and Leno C. Merrill, both of Woburn, Sept. 4, 1884.
Susan Trott and John Williams, both of Woburn, June 24, 1873.
Mary S. True and Arthur A. Brooks, both of Woburn, June 15, 1881.
Nellie F. True, of Woburn, and Charles W. Gilbert, of Worcester, Jan. ---, 1889.
S. Franksford Trull and Adelaide M. Pollard, both of Woburn, June 10, 1873.
John T. Trull and Evelyn M. Davis, both of Woburn. June 19, 1878.
Benjamin L. Trull and Lillie M. Richardson, both of Woburn, Dec. 24, 1885.
Cynthia J. Tuck, of Woburn, and George A. Brown, of Maiden, March 4, 1876.
Edward D. Tucker and Maggie Brennon, both of Woburn, March 20, 1875.
Martha Tucker (2d) and Robert West (2d), both of Woburn, June 24, 1877.
Susan G. Tufts, of Woburn, and George L. Putnam, of Cambridge, Dec. 18, 1873.
Clara B. Tufts, of Somerville, and Oliver Bacon, of Woburn, Oct. 20, 1881.
Alice M. Tupper and Orin B. Sanborn, both of Woburn, Sept. 13, 1883.
Charles K. Turner, of Reading, and Hattie A. Tweed, of Woburn, May 30, 1873.
S. Fanny Turner, of Reading, and George E. Parkhurst, of Woburn, July 27, 1875.
David Turner and Mary E. Dibbins, both of Woburn, July 21, 1877.
George Turner and Miriam Hickox, both of Woburn, Sept. 25, 1882.
Minnie E. Turner and George H. Lord, both of Woburn, Dec. 16, 1886.
Mary C. Tuttle, of Woburn, and William Butland, of Boston, July 16, 1874.
Hattie A. Tweed, of Woburn, and Charles K. Turner, of Reading, May 30, 1873.
Lydia E. Tweed and William H. Kimball, both of Woburn, March 31, 1875.
Frederick Twombley, of Winchester, and Grace L. Ellis, of Woburn, Nov. 16, 1885.
William M. Tyler, of Stoneham, and Emma A. Perkins, of Topsfield (2d), Sept. 16, 1886.
Cora M. Tyler, of Woburn, and William H. Norris, of Epping, N. H., Sept. 30, 1886.
TYNG(Three articles on the death, homestead, and life of Col. Jonathan Tyng (1642-1724), particularly in his relation to his connection with Woburn, were begun by W. R. Cutter, Esq., in The News, April 21, 1894.)
John Tyrell, of Waltham, and Dora Mosher, of Woburn, Oct. 10, 1885.
Charles Upton and Jane Porter, both of Woburn, May 2, 1874.
Jennie (Porter) Upton (2d) and Michael Spellman, both of Woburn, Jan. 28, 1888.
Emma Usher and George Flanders, both of Woburn, Aug. 26, 1873.
Allen H. Vaughn and Annie Butters, both of Woburn, Dec. 21, 1877.
Frederick A. Very, of Boston, and Flora B. Stearns, of Woburn, Aug. 25, 1888.
James Vickers and Eliza McLoud, both of Woburn, Dec. 28, 1875.
Minnie L. Vye and Frederick O. Lyman, both of Woburn, July 28, 1873.
Fred W. Vye, of Woburn, and Lizzie S. Wallace, of Virginia, May 6, 1880.
Catherine A. Vye, of Woburn, and Ernest C. Brown, of Medford, Aug. 14, 1889.
Charles D. Wade and Nellie M. Sawtell, both of Woburn, Nov. 14, 1877.
Mary A. Wade and Willis L. Gould, both of Woburn, Dec. 18, 1890.
Maria A. Waite and Hugh Neal, both of Stoneham, Nov. 21, 1873.
Annie Waite (2d) and John F. Bradley (2d), both of Woburn, June 7, 1884.
Susie E. Wakeford, of Woburn, and Charles F. Flint, of Paxton, Jan. 9, 1889.
B. Francis Waldron, of Manchester, N. H., and Gertrude M. Richardson, of Woburn, Nov. 9, 1881.
Hattie L. Walker and Charles S. Lowell, both of Woburn, Dec. 20, 1873.
Frank E. Walker, of Woburn, and Jessie H. Walton, of Stoneham, Feb. 25, 1878.
Sarah M. Walker and John O. Ray, both of Woburn, Sept. 19, 1883.
John H. Walker, of Hopkinton, and May L. Howard, of Woburn, Oct. 12, 1887.
Lillie G. Walker, of Woburn, and Erlon R. Chadbourne, of Lewiston, Me., June 22, 1887.
Nellie A. Walker, of Woburn, and John W. Denno, of Boston, Aug. 8, 1888.
Helen B, Walker, of Fryeburg, Me., and Alfred T. Carter, of Woburn, Oct. 23, 1890.
David Wall and Mary Sheehan, both of Woburn, Nov. 28, 1878.
Michael Wall and Ellen Bowman, both of Woburn, Oct. 21, 1879.
Mary Wall and John O'Brien, both of Woburn, Dec. 31, 1882.
Thomas F. Wall and Margaret E. Conway, both of Woburn, May 31, 1885.
Catherine Wall, of Woburn, and Jeremiah Fitzgerald, of Worcester (2d), Nov. 3, 1889.
Lizzie S. Wallace, of Virginia, and Fred W. Vye, of Woburn, May 6, 1880.
James A. Wallace and Kate E. Maguire, both of Woburn, Oct. 10, 1880.
John Wallace (2d) and Nellie Cronin, both of Woburn, Oct. 16, 1882.
John M. Wallace and Mary Davis, both of Woburn, Jan. 20, 1885.
Julia E. Wallace and Frank A. McSheffrey, both of Woburn, June 11, 1885.
William M. Wallace, of Woburn, and Jennie M. McElhaney, of Winchester, July 6, 1885.
John M. Wallace, of Woburn (2d), and Mary J. Castenson, of Watertown, Sept. 10, 1890.
Cora B. Wallingford, of Woburn (2d), and Ira A. Herrick, of Boston (2d), Sept. 2, 1886.
WALSH (see also WELCH)
John A. Walsh and Mary E. Shea, both of Woburn, Nov. 20, 1879.
Mary E. Walsh and Robert H. Corry, both of Woburn, July 6, 1881.
Michael Walsh, of Boston, and Margaret A. Keenan, of Woburn, April 25, 1886.
Martin J. Walsh and Marietta Kelley, both of Woburn, June 24, 1886.
John Walsh and Abbie Kelleher, both of Woburn, Jan. 26, 1887.
Kate Walsh, of Stoneham, and Patrick Mulrenan, of Woburn, April 28, 1887.
Bridget Walsh and Daniel O'Connor, both of Woburn, May 5, 1887.
Edward H. Walsh and Mary E. Doherty, both of Woburn, April 25, 1889.
John Walsh and Jeanette Seavey, both of Woburn, Nov. 26, 1889.
Patrick H. Walsh and Margaret B. Conway, both of Woburn, Sept. 24, 1890.
Alexander Walton and Mary Doherty, both of Woburn, Jan. 17, 1877.
Jessie H. Walton, of Stoneham, and Frank E. Walker, of Woburn, Feb. 25, 1878.
James W. Wannamaker, of Somerville, and Emma Murdock, of Woburn, March 19, 1890.
Emily Wanstall and John E. Talbot, both of Woburn, May 27, 1886.
Samuel Ward and Celia Gilman, both of Woburn, Sept. 9, 1873.
Lee E. Ward and Ruth Geddis, both of Woburn, December 21, 1881.
Elva M. Ward and William P. Sevrens, both of Woburn, Feb. 24, 1884.
Winfield S. Ward, of Woburn, and Jennie Cameron, of Winchester, March 12, 1885.
Anna A. Ward and George R. Russell (2d), both of Woburn, Dec. 23, 1886.
Annie L. Ward and William H. Rice, both of Woburn, Jan. 31, 1890.
Lewis Wardell and Lizzie A. Blandin, both of Stoneham, Jan. 20, 1873.
Frank Wardwell and Ida S. Caldwell, both of Burlington, Jan. 19, 1880.
James C. Wardwell, of Woburn, and Hattie G. Chase, of N. Andover, Sept. 15, 1880.
Amy M. Wardwell and Alfred Brown, both of Woburn, Nov. 17, 1882.
Catherine T. Warland, of Woburn, and Jonathan H. Buck, of Wilmington, Dec. 21, 1880.
Herbert A. Warren, of Winchester, and Elizabeth R. Timson, of Woburn, Jan. 7, 1880.
William Warren, of Haverhill, and Susie A. Dickson, of Woburn, Jan. 1, 1884.
Alton A. Warren and Carrie M. Harriman, both of Woburn, Jan. 22, 1885.
Fernando Waterman and Emma D. Brauer, both of Woburn, April 21, 1886.
John W. Waters and Mary E. Seaver, both of Woburn, April 16, 1873.
George E. Waters, of Woburn, and Mary P. Kirk, of Winchester, Feb. 23, 1881.
Minnie Waters, of Woburn, and Robert S. Maxwell, of Winchester, Oct. 5, 1883.
S. Jessie Waters and A. Austin Crowell, both of Woburn, June 29, 1885.
N. J. Watson, of Boston, and Abby W. Smith, of Woburn (2d), April 27, 1882.
Ellen M. Watson and Philip Flanders, both of Woburn, May 14, 1884.
George F. Watt and Annie F. McNamara, both of Woburn, Aug. 6, 1874.
Catherine Weafer and John A. Shea, both of Woburn, Nov. 4, 1875.
Thomas Weafer and Mary Flaherty, both of Woburn, Nov. 13, 1879.
Patrick Weafer, of Woburn, and Mary Motherway, of Somerville, Nov. 7, 1880.
John Weafer and Mary Joyce (2d), both of Woburn, Sept. 4, 1881.
Lizzie W. Webb and Walter O. Bacon, both of Woburn, Oct. 20, 1881.
Mary E. Webster, of Lynn, and John Menchin, of Woburn, May 26, 1875.
Annie C. Webster, of Hartford, Ct., and Lewis F. Bond, of Woburn, Jan. 4, 1881.
Eugene A. Webster and Lottie F. Smith, both of Woburn, June 29, 1884.
Lizzie A. S. Webster, of Woburn, and George E. Pratt, of Winchester, Jan. 9, 1889.
Anna (Murphy) Weden, of Danbury, Ct. (2d), and William Bristin, of Woburn, May 17, 1886.
Phebe Weeks, of Stoneham (2d), and George G. Hart, of Woburn, May 20, 1875.
WELCH (see also WALSH)
George P. Welch, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Maria H. Oliphant, of Woburn, June 23, 1873.
Michael Welch and Abby Foley, both of Woburn, Oct. 17, 1873.
Mary E. Welch and James Burke, both of Woburn, Nov. 18, 1880.
Walter M. Welch, of Malden, and Jessie Wood, of Burlington, Dec. 10, 1881.
Patrick Welch and Ellen Welch, both of Woburn, Aug. 23, 1883.
Ellen Welch and Patrick Welch, both of Woburn, Aug. 23, 1883.
Mary Welch and Patrick Foley, both of Woburn, Sept. 10, 1887.
Martin Welch, of Lexington, and Annie Murphy, of Woburn, April 24, 1888.
Nellie Welch, of Woburn, and William E. Carter, of Burlington, March 3, 1889.
Frank Welch, of Boston, and Teresa Rooney, of Woburn, April 25, 1889.
Richard Welch, of Charlestown, and Catherine Dunn, of Woburn, July 23, 1889.
James Welch and Margaret Doherty, both of Woburn, Oct 17, 1889.
Mary A. Welch and Bernard F. Matthews (2d), both of Woburn, April 24, 1890.
Daniel V. Weldon and Rosa Murray, both of Woburn, June 9, 1874.
Julia Weldon and William McGregor, both of Woburn, May 17, 1883.
William H. Weldon and Bessie Russell, both of Woburn, Feb. 5, 1883.
George H. Weldon and Jane Cantty, both of Woburn, April 23, 1889.
Mary W. Wellington and Edwin F. Tebbetts, both of Woburn, Dec. 19, 1888.
Frank A. Wellman and Ida M. Ingerson, both of Woburn, Nov. 19, 1879.
Ada F. Wellman, of Woburn, and William H. H. Barker, of Boston, April 28, 1880.
Frank W. Wells, of Woburn, and Carrie A. Richardson, of Arlington, May 27, 1880.
Frank H. Wendell and Amelia Sevrens, both of Woburn, Sept. 29, 1873.
Nellie O. Wentworth and John W. Willey, both of Woburn, Feb. 1, 1888.
Robert West (2d) and Martha Tucker (2d), both of Woburn, June 24, 1877.
George W. West (2d) and Mary E. Jennings, both of Woburn, May 18, 1881.
Elsie West and John Guy, both of Woburn, Oct. 31, 1888.
Peter T. Westland and Barbara L. Acorn, both of Chelsea, Sept. 24, 1885.
WESTON- (Oct. 29, 1803, William, of Nath. and Hannah Western, scarlet fever, six years. The mother, a Richardson from Woburn: have seven children left, one son.--Oct. 29, 1803. Lois, of same, same disease, three years. Father from Reading.--Nov. 11, 1804. Hannah Weston, Consumption, twenty years. The father, Nath'l, from Reading, [etc), Dec. 10, 1812. Nathaniel Weston, fever, fifty-three years. Lived in Salem nineteen years. Married, at twenty-three, a Richardson, [etc.]--Bentley's Parish List of Deaths, Salem.)
Henry Weston, of Woburn (2d), and Elmira L. Chase, of Boston (2d), July 28, 1875.
Alice M. Weston, of Woburn, and William H. Lane, of Medford, Nov. 17, 1875.
William S. Weston, Jr., and Ella M. Knowlton (2d), both of Nashua, N. H., July 3, 1877.
Charles L. Weston and Sarah B. Teel, both of Woburn, Sept. 12, 1877.
Isadora F. Weston, of Woburn, and Lewis B. White, of Stoneham, Oct. 26, 1885.
Samuel D. Weston, of Stoneham (2d), and Lillian L. Stephens, of Woburn, Dec. 3, 1889.
Elizabeth P. Wheeler and John R. Carter, both of Woburn, Jan. 22, 1873.
George S. Wheeler, of Boston, and Mary J. Draffin, of Woburn, Dec. 9, 1878.
Cornelia A. Wheeler and William W. Hill, both of Woburn, June 21, 1882.
Caroline A. Wheeler, of Woburn, and Charles H. Cooper, of Hanover, N. H., Jan. 10, 1883.
John S. Wheeler (2d) and Maria L. Dike, both of Woburn, June 3, 1890.
Frank H. Wheelock, of New Haven, Conn., and Edith M. W. Rich, of Woburn, April 11, 1878.
Carrie N. Wheelock, of South Carolina, and Charles C. Shaw, of Woburn, April 20, 1880.
George R. Whitcher, of Springfield, and Lillian L. Knox, of Woburn, Sept. 17, 1883.
Charles A. White, of Boston, and May I. Morgan, of Woburn, Dec. 31, 1873.
William White and Catherine Barr, both of Woburn, Feb. 17, 1874.
Johanna White and Patrick Donovan, both of Woburn, Oct. 3, 1874.
Thomas J. White and Addie A. Page, both of Woburn, Feb. 28, 1877.
Maggie M. White and Wright Davidson, both of Woburn, April 25, 1877.
Laura A. White and Elijah Farmer, both of Burlington, May 17, 1877.
Richard S. White, of South Hampton, N. H., and Charlotte S. Wright, of Woburn, Oct. 31, 1877.
Seymour White and Maggie A. McLeod. both of Woburn, Nov. 14, 1877.
John W. White and Charlotte Winder, both of Woburn, Sept. 11, 1878.
William W. White, of Woburn, and Nellie Anderson, of Boston, Dec. 11, 1880.
Henry K. White, of Woburn (2d), and Lydia Childs, of Hyannis, May 16, 1881.
Eliza White, of Woburn, and Patrick Dobbins, of Burlington, July 15, 1884.
Loammi White and Adaline Stickney, both of Woburn, April 27, 1885.
George White and Elizabeth Murray, both of Woburn, June 16, 1885.
Lewis B. White, of Stoneham and Isadora F. Weston, of Woburn, Oct. 26, 1885.
Elizabeth White and Maurice Castine, both of Woburn, June 16, 1886.
William J White, of Woburn, and Flora E. McKennon, of Cambridge, April 20, 1887.
Lewis A. White and Elvira L. Melendy, both of Woburn, April 12, 1888.
Charles H. White and Eliza A. Maguire, both of Woburn, May 16, 1889.
Eda Whitenick and Arthur Hewitt, both of Woburn, Sept. 20, 1888.
Mary F. Whitford and James E. Fowle, both of Woburn, June 5, 1873.
William S. Whitford, of Albany, Ga., and Mary E. Dimick, of Woburn, Aug. 21, 1876.
Bessie (Turner) Whitney, of Cambridge (2d), and Robert B. Wyman, of Woburn, June 13, 1889.
Fred F. Whitten and Mary M. Madison (2d), both of Woburn, July 31, 1882.
Eliza A. Widgery and Joseph P. Falt, both of Woburn, April 3, 1873.
Walter Wid&ery (2d) and Emily S. (Gould) Lincoln (2d), both of Woburn, Sept. 23, 1886.
Carl Wieden and Hilda Skould, both of Woburn, July 24, 1890.
Carrie F. Wiley, of Lynnfield, and Francis A. Buckman, of Woburn, April 23, 1873.
Hattie Wiley, of Lynnfield, and Willis J. Buckman of Woburn, Sept. 8, 1875.
Sarah Wilkins and Charles O. Blaisdell, both of Woburn, June 26, 1875.
Eugene Wilkins, of Lowell, and Caroline Wilson, of Boston. Aug. 31, 1877.
Ella Wilkins and Willie Blaisdell, both of Woburn, Nov. 28, 1877.
Martha E. Wilkins and Frederick W. Richardson, both of Boston, Dec. 25, 1882.
Cora I. Wilkins and Charles O. Blaisdell (2d), both of Wilmington, March 17, 1888.
Henry H. Willey, of Stoneham and Amanda F. Melendy, of Woburn, May 29, 1883.
John W. Wiley and Nellie O. Wentworth, both of Woburn, Feb. 1, 1888.
John Williams and Susan Trott, both of Woburn, June 24, 1873.
John M. Williams, of Malden, and Julia M. Cronin, of Woburn, June 30, 1883.
Harriet J. Willoughby and George H. Brauer, both of Woburn, June 1, 1887.
Edward K. Willoughby (2d) and Elizabeth E. Dill (3d), both of Woburn, July 25, 1889.
William Wilmot, of Woburn, and Carrie G. Hatch, of Andover, Sept. 20, 1877.
Robert W. Wilmot and Mary A. Conway, both of Woburn, June 14, 1880.
William Wilmot (2d) and Jennie Kidder, both of Woburn, Sept. 12, 1884.
Caroline Wilson, of Boston, and Eugene Wilkins, of Lowell, Aug. 31, 1877.
George H. Wilson, Jr.. and Lillian Nichols, both of Burlington, Nov. 1, 1877.
Frederick Wilson, of Woburn, and Jane Reddy, of Boston, Oct. 16, 1881.
Alexander B. Wilson, of Boston, and Lizzie R. Fowle, of Woburn, Dec. 19, 1883.
William Wilson and Rose Doherty, both of Woburn, July 3, 1888.
Robert Winbush and Moselle J. Carpenter, both of Woburn, May 30, 1883.
Charlotte Winder and John W. White, both of Woburn, Sept. 11, 1878.
Adaline Winfree and Charles S. Smith, both of Woburn, Dec. 17, 1890.
WINN- (In The News of March, 1894, appeared two articles relating to the Winn Family. See, also, note under Pierce.)
Frank A. Winn, of Boston, and Kate Thompson, of Woburn, Oct. 26, 1876.
John Winn and Maggie Maguire, both of Woburn, Jan. 29, 1878.
Kate Winn and Lewis J. Lyman (2d), both of Woburn, Sept. 6, 1882.
Frank Winn and Catherine McGourty, both of Woburn, Nov. 9, 1884.
Marah B. Winn, of Burlington, and Francis M. Pushee, of Woburn (2d), Oct. 4, 1886.
Joseph F. Winn, of Burlington, and Mary E. Jeffers, of Woburn, Aug. 2, 1887.
Charles H. Winn, of Winchester, and Mary E. Reed, of Woburn, Aug. 5, 1890.
Worcester L. Winslow (2d) and Mary L. Johnson, both of Stoneham, June 24, 1874.
Gustava F. Witburgh (2d) and M. Christian Carlson, both of Woburn, Dec. 11, 1889.
Abbie A. Withum and George E. Kendall, both of Woburn, May 25, 1880.
Teresa Withum and Arthur S. Moreland, both of Woburn, June 6, 1889.
Ella Wolfe and George L Sibley, both Of Cambridge, Jan. 30, 1883.
Kate E. Wood, of Woburn, and John A. Larkin, of Maiden. Dec. 29, 1880.
Jessie Wood, of Burlington, and Walter M. Welch, of Malden, Dec. 10, 1881.
Frank W. Wood, of Woburn, and Fannie E. Jones, of Middletown, N. Y., April 18, 1882.
Henry B. Wood and Emily W. Eaton, both of Woburn, March 21, 1883.
Susan E. Wood and John C. Meehan, both of Woburn, April 26, 1883.
Eugene E. Wood and Minnie E. Stearns, both of Woburn, Nov. 21, 1883.
Lillie L. Wood and Marshall J. Smith, both of Woburn, March 25, 1884.
Mary Wood and John Kenney (3d), both of Woburn, Nov. 26, 1884.
George H. Wood and Elizabeth H. Boutwell, both of Woburn, May 2, 1886.
Patrick J. Wood, of Woburn, and Olive Harding, of Malden, Nov. 30, 1888.
Elizabeth Wood and Thomas J. Maloney, both of Woburn, Aug. 1, 1889.
James Wood, of Burlington, and Letitia Tony, of Woburn, Jan. 9, 1890.
Catherine F. Woodberry, of Woburn, and George W. M. Hall, of Boston, July 30, 1879.
Ida B. Woodbury, of Woburn, and Arthur M. Boyington, of Highland Park, Ill., Oct. 18, 1880.
J. Francis Woodbury, of Sutton (2d), and Emma Simonds, of Burlington, Nov. 16, 1881.
Lewis F. Woodbury, of Salem, N. H., and Frances J. Story, of Woburn, March 8, 1887.
Charlotte Woodman, of Woburn, and Fred J. Ham, of Boston, Oct. 19, 1877.
Lucretia W. Woodman, of Burlington, and Edward F. Cutter, of Woburn, May 22, 1878.
Charles Woodman and Elizabeth M. Cheney, both of Burlington, Feb. 14, 1883.
Ada M. Woodman, of Haverhill, and Charles H. Bancroft, of Woburn, Sept. 19, 1888.
George B. Woodside, and Abbie M. Downs, both of Woburn, Dec. 8, 1887.
Frank B. Woodward and Annie E. Clement, both of Woburn, July 26, 1873.
Millie H. Woodward and Hiel J. Nelson (3d), both of Woburn, Nov. 10, 1887.
WRIGHT(See note under Fowle.)
Mary E. Wright, of Lynn, and Williston Fish, of Woburn, Dec. 11, 1873.
Helena Wright and James Jennings, both of Woburn, May 20, 1877.
Charlotte S. Wright, of Woburn, and Richard S. White, of South Hampton, N. H., Oct. 31, 1877.
Lettie Wright, of Groton, and Charles Eaton, of Woburn, April 13, 1880.
Henry F. Wright, of Woburn, and Minnie D. Russell, of Chelmsford, May 2, 1880.
Julia M. Wright and John M. Spicer (2d), both of Lowell, Oct. 8, 1881.
Coraball Wright, of Woburn, and Samuel W. Simpson, of Medfield, Feb. 11, 1885.
Ella F. Wright, of Maiden, and Fred A. Roble, of Woburn, June 18, 1889.
Alvin H. Wright, of Fitchburg, and Emma E. Hines, of Woburn, Nov. 7, 1889.
Edwin F. Wyer (2) and Mary A. (Bartlett) Cobson (2d), both of Woburn, April 4, 1889.
Ella C. Wvnian, and Sidney H. Buxton, both of Woburn, Jan. 14, 1875.
Mary D. Wyman, of Woburn, and Sumner U. Shearman, of Boston, June 12, 1877.
Emily E. Wyman and Frank L. Tabbut, both of Woburn, April 4, 1879.
Joseph S. Wyman (2d) and Annie E. McKay, both of Woburn, Oct. 14, 1883.
Delia M. Wyman and Amasa W. Nason (2d), both of Woburn, Oct. 21, 1888.
Robert B. Wyman, of Woburn, and Bessie Whitney, of Cambridge (2d), June 13, 1889.
Ella F. Wyman, of Woburn, and Leonard S. Thompson, of Boston (2d), June 30, 1890.
YORK - (Dr. Samuel A. Green, of Boston, the well-known antiquary, discovered the following item at Worcester, and Edmund M. Barton, Librarian of the American Antiquarian Society, communicated it.-C. From The Boston Weekly News-Letter, ''Thursday, March 31, 1743:--Ran away from his Master Gershom Flegg of Woburn, on the 21st Instant at night: a Negro-Man Servant, indented for seven Years, named Pompey York, about thirty-eight Years of Age, of middling Stature, speaks good English, can read and write. He had on, or with him when he went away, a grey homespun Coat turn'd and piec'd, fiat metal buttons, a blew Jacket, with metal Buttons; an old Camblet, one without Sleeves, also an old blew Shag loose Coat, and a brown Holland one; two good cotton and linnen Shirts, a pair of Leather Breeches wIth metal Buttons, grey Yarn Stockings, thick strong Shoes, two Castor Hats. one old, the other almost new, sundry wigs, and a striped Cap. He has also witb him Spoon Moulds, and other Tinkers' Tools. He walks stooping and waddles as he goes. On his right Hand there are several Specks like Warts. He sometimes undertakes to Exhort, and sometimes to tell Fortunes. "N. B. He had a Manumission of Freedom from Seth Ross and William Crosby of BilIerlca, before be was indented as aforesaid. Whosoever shall take up the said Servant and bring him to his Master, or secure him in Boston, Cambridge, or Charlestown Gaol, shall have Eight Pounds old Tenor Reward. and all necessary Charges paid. "All Masters of vessels and others are caution'd not to harbour, conceal or carry off the said Servant, as they would avoid the Penalty of the Law. Dated March 25, 1742, 3. " Note—Many of early members of the Flagg family in Woburn preferred to write the name Flegg, which accounts for the peculiar spelling of the above advertisement. Gershon Flagg,sbove, was a son of the first Gershon Flagg, of Woburn, who was killed in battle with the Indians, in the year 1690. The second Gershamm Flagg inherited his father's estate.
Both occupied the estate known in later times as the "Fox Place." This was a mansion house which once stood on a spot immediately behind the present Unitarian Church. A history of the estate appeared in the pamphlet, "Old Houses and Homes." Gershom Flagg, the second, in 1736. deeded one half of the estate to a third Gershom Flagg, his son, who died In 1743. The second Gershom Flagg died in 1755. Of the runaway servant, and apparent thief, no further information appears. Dr. Green states that the few copies of the News-Letter to be found at Worcester, are numbers of the paper which are missing from the sets in Boston.—W. R. Cutter.) -
Charles W. York and Ida M. Rowe, both of Haverhill, July 7, 1879.
Minnie S. York and Charles Hertkorn, both of Woburn, Nov. 12, 1879.
Mary Young, of Winchester, and James Greydon, of Woburn, Aug. 6, 1874.
Charles L. Young and Marcella J. Morris, both of Burlington, April 29, 1879.
Mary A. Young, of Newton, and Frank M. Messenger, of Mauch Chunk, May 13, 1879.
George H. Young, of Woburn (2d), and Lizzie B. Endicott, of Dedham, Aug. 17, 1881.
Edward Young and Mary E. Miller, both of Wilmington, Feb. 24, 1883.
Josie H. Young and Henry H. Bisbee, both of Wilmington, March 15, 1887.
Blanche M. Young, of Stoneham, and Charles M. Munroe, of Woburn, Nov. 23, 1887.