Vital Records Of Windsor Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms.
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town Record Fund Boston, Mass. 1917
Marriages - ABBE to HYDE
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Polly G. and James D. Hathway, int. Mar. 24, 1838. [m. Apr. 17, 1839, C.R.]
John of Hinsdale and Mary M. Chapman, Oct. 9, 1842, C.R.
Celina H. of S. Deerfield and Horatio R. Bardwell, int. Oct. 25, 1845.
Abagail of Providence, R.I., and Abner M. Jordan, int. Oct. 20, 1840.
Almon of Cummington and Polly Bates, Sept. 1, 1819.
Erastus G. and Julia A. Robinson of Worthington, int. Jan. 1, 1848. [Erastus G., s. Josiah and Sally, m. Jan. 20, P.R.3.]
Harriet N. and Priestly Mitchell, Apr. 27, 1843, C.R.
Josiah and Sally Kingsbury, int. Nov. 13, 1820. [m. Nov. 23, C.R.]
Martha and Levi W. Thatcher, int. Mar. 9, 1846. [Martha, d. Josiah and Sally, m. Apr. 6, P.R.3.]
Mehitable and Jonathan Oakes, int. July 20, 1822. [m. Aug. 22, C.R.]
Mehitable, d. Josiah and Sally, and ---- ----- [? Howland D. Capen], Mar. 14, 1843, P.R.3.
Priscilla [int. Priscella] and Clark Prince, Apr. 23, 1829. [Priscilla, C.R.]
Susana [int. Susannah] M. and Andrew Ford, May 18, 1818. [Susanna M., C.R. Susanna, P.R.3.]
Wait A. and Lucy Jencks, Nov. 20, 1830. [Wait Atwood Allen and Lucy Jinks, Nov. 24, C.R. Wait, Nov. 25, P.R.3.]
Thomas L., widr. [int. second m.], 27, farmer, of Conway, b. Conway, s. Isrial and Patty [int. Israel and Patty B.] of Conway, and Julia A. Johnson, wid. [int. second m.], 27, d. Jephthah Hollis and Miner[va], Apr. 4, 1848.
Deborah of Dedham and Rev. Samuel Shuttlewuth, Jan. I, 1792, in Dedham.
Nancy and Reuben Jones, int. Dec. 11, 1802.
ATXTELL (see Axtell)
Ellison [int. Axtill, dup. int. Axtell] Esq. [int. and dup. int. omit Esq.], 37, farmer, b. Peru, s. Ebenezer (Axtell) dec'd, and Sinai C. Converse [int. and dup. int. Conyers], 29, d. Amasa dec'd [int. Amasa dec'd and Esther], Nov. 6, 1849. [Axtell Esq. and Sinai C. Conyers, C.R.]
Elihu of Charlemont and Jerusha A. Chapman, int. Jan. 12, 1839. [m. Feb. 19, C.R.]
Emma of Cheshier and Ariel Prince, int. May 5, 1822.
AXTELL (see Atxtell)
Artemisia [dup. Artimesia] M., d. Ebenezer, and Henry D. Holcomb, labourer, of Cummington, b. Peru, s. Lora, int. Oct. 23 [dup. Oct. 25], 1847.
Ebenezer and Cynthia Fisk, wid., of Cheshire, int. Mar. 14, 1835.
Electa M. and Samuel D. Baldwin, int. Aug. 16, 1834.
Hyram of N.Y. and Hannah Padelford, int. Jan. 16, 1824.
Jullittee and Gideon H. Pierce, int. Mar. 21, 1835.
Sylvester [int. Axtill] and Hile Kanedy [int. Hiley Kenedy], Nov. 27, 1806. [Silvester Axtell and Hile Kennedy, C.R.]
Thomas of Peru and Mrs. Elizebeth [int. Elizabeth] Miner, Feb. 4, 1816.
Elvira G. and Joseph Prentice of Worthington, May 2, 1841, C.R.
Andrew J. of Savoy and Louisa A. Frink, int. Oct. 17, 1838.
BAILEY (see Baley).
Chauncey [int. Chancy] and Clarissa [int. Clarrissy] Hall, May 31, 1825. [Chauncey and Charissa Hall, C.R.]
Chauncey [int. Chauncy] and Harriet A. Hume, May 17, 1837. [Chancy, C.R.]
Elias J. [int. omits J.] and Olive R. Paine [dup. Olive Rockwell Payne], June 1 [dup. May 31], 1821. [Elias J. and Olive R. Paine, June 1, C.R.]
Ephriam [int. Capt. Ephraim] and Betsey Whitmarsh [int. Whitmash], May 14, 1812. [Ephraim and Betsey Whitmarsh, C.R.]
Esther E. and Noah K. Green, Nov. 5, 1834. [Esther Eliza and Noah Knight Green, C.R.]
- Lucy and Stephen Tyler [int. Tylor] Hume [dup. and int. Humes], Apr. 13, 1815. [Stephen Tyler Humes, C.R.]
Lydia [int. Lyda Baldwind] and Gad Chamberlain [int. Chamblin] of Nury, N.Y., Feb. 2, 1797. [Lydia Baldwin and Gad Chamberlain of Nury, N.Y., C.R.]
Mellisient [int. Milicent] and Francis Cooper, Apr. 19, 1798. [Miliscent, C.R.]
Millicint [int. Millicent] C. and Simon D. Wilson of Thompson, Conn., Apr. 21, 1830. [Milliscent C., C.R.]
Samuel D. and Electa M. Axtell, int. Aug. 16, 1834.
Esther [int. Bailey] and Cromwell Luther of Adams, Feb. 24, 1801. [Bailey, C.R.]
Amy [int. Ama] and George [int. Gorge] Monk, Feb. 1, 1823.
Ebenezer and Elizabeth Clark of Dalton, int. Jan. 25, 1817.
Horace and Charlotte Whitney of Pittsfield, int. Feb. 2, 1814.
Huldah [int. wid.] and James Meacham of Middlefield, Mar. 14, 1814. [Huldah, C.R.]
William and Sally Peirce, int. Jan. 6, 1821.
Sophia and Anthony [int. Anthoney] Waterman of Plainfield, Mar. 3, 1814. [Anthony of Plainfield, C.R.]
Angeline and Ezra M. Thompson, int. June 25, 1836.
Hannah and Asa Beals, Apr. 27, 1820.
Thomas Jr. and Susanah DeMeranville, Mar. 26, 1816.
Alpheus and Eunice Tyler, July 3, 1814.
Horatio R. and Celina H. Adams of S. Deerfield, int. Oct. 25, 1845.
Rebecca of Peru and Horace Johnson, int. Jan. 12, 1815.
William of Stockbridge and Mary A. Ford, int. Oct. 13, 1844.
Anna Matilda of Savoy and Rowland D. White, int. Apr. 10, 1835.
Chloe of Savoy and Ebenezer Dawes, int. Apr. 1, 1833.
Ebenezer of Williamsburge and Lucy Morse [int. Mors], Feb. 20, 1822. [Morse, C.R.]
Julius of Hinsdale and Eliza Hume, July 31, 1817. [Bartlet of Hinsdale, C.R.]
Lewis of Worthington and Laury A. Prince, int. Sept. 8, 1844.
Susannah and Ira Dill, int. Feb. 24, 1827.
Cornelius and Hannah Wheeler of Lanesborough, int. Sept. 29, 1804.
William Jr. and Eunice Phillips, Jan. 4, 1804.
Ann F. and Asahel Carpenter [int. Carpinter], ----, 1833 or 1834 [int. Nov. 11, 1833].
Debrough of Cumington and John Bird, int. May 12, 1799.
Hannah of Cummington and Chester Lamb, int. Dec. 3 [cert. Dec. 25], 1797.
John of Chester, Ohio, and Sarah Stearns, May 5, 1834. [May 6, C.R.]
Mehitable W. and Spencer Lowden, Jan. 17, 1828. [Mehetible W. and Spencer Lawden, C.R.]
Polly and Almon Allen of Cummington, Sept. 1, 1819.
Rufus Pratt and Abigail Bisby of Plainfield, int. June 10, 1804.
Sybil and Joseph Phillips, Apr. 20, 1826.
Virtue of Comington and Jacob Snow Jr., int. May 21, 1808.
William A. and Orra Hall, Dec. 12, 1833.
William H. and Laura Prince, int. Mar. 12, 1835.
BEALLS (see Beals)
Caleb of Cummington and Malinda Whitman, int. Nov. 26, 1844.
David and Lucy Bridges of Spencer, int. Dec. ----, 1804.
Esther E. and Stephens D. Tower of Cummington, June 2, 1831. [Esther C. and Stephen D. Tower of Cummington, C.R.]
Joshua [int. Beals] 3d and Polly Turner, Dec. 2, 1802. [Bealls 3d, C.R.]
Joshua 3d and Hannah Wilkes [int. Wilks], Dec. 2, 1830. [Wilkes, C.R.]
Lydia and Liberty Prince of Partridgefield, int. May 4, 1797.
Maria of Dalton and Henry Cady 2d, int. Mar. 22, 1836.
Susanna and Shadrick Hatheway [int. Shadrack Hathaway] of Spencer, Jan. 25, 1798.
BEALS (see Bealls)
Asa and Hannah Barber, Apr. 27, 1820.
Bela and Luthena Kenedy [int. Kennedy], Sept. 27, 1815.
Dolly and Louden Coleman, int. Aug. 10, 1815.
Edson and Jane Turner of Worthington, Jan. 2, 1807.
Hannah and Jephthah Turner of Cummington, int. Oct. 30, 1802.
James and Jerusha Cooley of Long Meadow, int. Dec. 26, 1815.
Levi of Plainfield and Olive Whitman, int. Apr. 18, 1846.
Mehatable and Thomas M. Cushing, int. Dec. 9, 1820.
Charlotte of Patridgefield and Joseph Dunbar, int. Aug. 1, 1800.
Sarah and Chancy Kennada, int. Feb. 24, 1812.
Phila and John Warren, Apr. 7, 1813.
Porter and Mary Edmonds of Cheshire, int. Dec. 27, 1815.
Betsey and David Thacher, int. June 4, 1808.
Dolly and Prentice Freeman, Jan. 23, 1832. [Bicknall, C.R.]
Ephriam and Eunice H. Rhodes of Chesterfield, int. Aug. 31, 1836.
John H. and Matilda C. Rhodes of Chesterfield, int. Apr. 21, 1838.
Loren and Mary Cady of Worthington, int. Mar. 5, 1836.
Silas, 27, farmer, of Conway, b. Conway, s. Samuel and Electa of Conway, and Jane E. Tower, 20, b. Worthington, d. Luther and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1848. [Oct. 27, C.R.]
Clarissa [int. Clarrissa] and James Tyrrell [int. Tirrel] of Plainfield, June 3, 1835.
Cyrus and Sukey Snow, Oct. 27, 1808.
Darius, 23, farmer, s. Lyman, and Mary J. [int. and dup. int. Jane] Reed, 22, d. Henry, Oct. 17, 1849.
Emily and Timothy N. Leonard of Plainfield, Nov. 30, 1837.
John and Debrough Bates of Cumington, int. May 12, 1799.
Lyman and Betsey Snow, May 8, 1811.
Minerva F. and Livi Ford, int. Mar. 5, 1849.
Rebecca [int. Rebecah] and William Windslow of Cumington, Jan. 26, 1804. [Rebecca, C.R.]
Sally (see Sally Bush)
Samuel of Hatfield and Susan Bird, Nov. 25, 1819.
Susan and Samuel Bird of Hatfield, Nov. 25, 1819.
Abigail of Plainfield and Rufus Pratt Bates, int. June 10, 1804.
Lemuel (see Samuel).
Rebecka of Dalton and Festus Read, int. Jan. 25, 1823.
Samuel [int. Lemuel] of Union, N.Y., and Eunice Kith [int. Keth], Jan. 6, 1799. [Samuel of Union, N.Y., and Eunice Keth, C.R.]
Ebenezer Jr. and Abigail Gillet of Savoy, int. June 23, 1801.
Seth and Lucy Stils, int. ----, 1796.
Seth and Lorinda [int. Lorenda] Wales, July 15, 1798.
Stephen and Rhoda Edson of Savoy, int. May 17, 1804.
Zerviah and Joseph McFarlin, int. Feb. 25, 1799.
Laura of Savoy and Walter W. White, int. May 28, 1835.
Serene of Savoy and Lydia Whitman, int. Jan. 14, 1837.
Salley of Amherst, Hamphsire Co., and Jonathan Marsh of Amherst, Hampshire Co., Jan. 30, 1809.
Charles H. of Hinsdale and Lucy Ann Parsons, Dec. 1, 1842, C.R.
Jacob and Metilda Stockwell of Plainfield, int. Jan. 25, 1823.
William [int. Bordo] and Sylvina Darbur [int. Durbar], Mar. 22, 1840.
Amos and Ruth Smith, int. Aug. 24, 1798.
James Jr. and Marinda Torrey of Hinsdale, int. July 4, 1828.
BRIDGES (see Bridgess)
Darius and Hannah Mason of Cummington, int. Nov. 18, 1815.
Lucy of Spencer and David Bealls, int. Dec. ----, 1804.
Polly of Spencer and Nathaniel Harwood, int. June 27, 1801.
BRIDGESS (see Bridges)
Orpha and Darius Ford, Apr. 2, 1837. [Bridges and Derius Ford, C.R.]
Daniel Jr. and Julia Moulton of Hardwick, int. Oct. 17, 1834.
Chauncy [int. Chancy] and Susanna Dawes [int. Davis], Aug. 5, 1805. [Chancy and Susanna Dawes, C.R.]
Abigail and Richard Humes [dup. and int. Hume], May 16 [dup. May 15], 1815. [Humes, May 16, C.R.]
Alpheus Jr. and Czarina Holbrook, int. Nov. 20, 1819.
Anna of Sandisfield and Isaac Phelps, Jan. 27, 1779, in Sandesfield.
David of Peru and Hannah Ellison of Peru, Feb. 25, 1813.
Esek [int. Esick] of Chesher and Lindey Chelson [int. Lucenda Chilson], Feb. 16, 1812. [Esek of Cheshire and Lucinda Chillson, C.R.]
Jane W. and Theadore Reed, Dec. 19, 1839, C.R.
John M. of Cheshire and Nancy Westcott, int. Jan. 20, 1820.
Phila and Silas Whipple of Lanesborough, May 15, 1823, C.R.
Polly and David Carvin, Sept. 18, 1825.
Robert of Worthington and Lucy Analine Miner of Peru, Sept. 28, 1824, C.R.
Mary and Amos Dodge of Dalton, int. Nov. 11, 1809.
Lucy and Otis Carlisle, int. Aug. 20, 1825.
Saloma and Samuel Davis of Williamsburgh, Feb. 28, 1796.
Levina [int. Livina] and Tristine [int. Tristan] Harwood of Litchfield, N.Y., Feb. 12, 1801. [Lovina and Tristine Harwood of Litchfield, N.Y., C.R.]
Sally [int. Bird of Cheshire] and Stephen Tyler Hume, Feb. 20, 1805.
Jesse and Nancy Morse of Worthington, Feb. 12, 1791, in Worthington.
Nancy and Alvah Hall, int. Nov. 10. 1820. Em. Dec. 12, C.R.]
Elias and Diadamia [int. Diedamia] Eldridge, Nov. 28, 1799. [Diadamia, C.R.]
Henry 2d and Maria Bealls of Dalton, int. Mar. 22, 1836.
Mary of Worthington and Loren Bicknell, int. Mar. 5, 1836.
Olive of Hendail and William Clarke, int. Apr. 7, 1810.
William and Junia Parsons, May 3, 1832.
William of Cheshire and Zipporah A. Chapman, Jan. 17, 1828. [Cane of Cheshire, C.R.]
David [int. Dad] and Irene A. [int. S.] Tower [int. of Cumington], Apr. 28, ---- [int. Apr. ----, 1840] [? in Cummington].
Howland D. (see Unidentified).
Solman and Betsy Thompson of Cummington, int. May ----, 1840.
Hannah of Pownel, Vt., and Robert Walker Jr., Jan. 21, 1817.
David and Dorcas White, Mar. 17, 1805.
Mary L. and Nathan Horton, int. Apr. 15, 1816. [Carlysle, m. June 3, C.R.]
Otis and Lucy Bullis, int. Aug. 20, 1825.
Asahel [int. Carpinter] and Ann F. Bates, ----, 1833 or 1834 [int. Nov. 1833].
Nathaniel (Carpenter), Maj., of Savoy, and Mrs. Mary Hayward, int.---- [cert. Dec. 31], 1797.
Susan [int. Carpentir] of Savoy and Thomas Ellison, ----, 1833 or 1834 [int. June 29, 1833].
David and Polly Brown, Sept. 18, 1825.
CETH (see Keith, Kith)
Mary of Partridgfield and Hezekiah Greene, int. ----, 1796.
CHAFEE (see Chafey, Chaffe)
Mary [int. Chaffe] and Levi Tedman, Nov. 15, 1805. [Chaffe, Nov. 25, C.R.]
CHAFEY (see Chafee, Chaffe)
Abither [int. Abiether] and Meriam Clark, Jan. 16, 1797.
CHAFFE (see Chafee, Chafey)
Esther and Robert Walker, Oct. 30, 1783.
Sinia and Amasa Conyers Jr., Feb. 10, 1799.
CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin)
Gad [int. Chamblin] of Nury, N.Y., and Lydia Baldwin [int. Lyda Baldwind], Feb. 2, 1797. [Chamberlain of Nury, N.Y., and Lydia Baldwin, C.R.]
CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain)
Albert S. of Dalton and Martha A. Mitchell, int. Sept. 6, 1834.
CHAPMAN (see Chatman)
Achsah [int. Achsa] and Thomas Torry of Hinsdale, May 12, 1836 [? in Adams].
Charles G., 25, farmer, s. Ezra, and Selinda [int. Celinda] Pierce, 20, d. Eber, Oct. 19, 1845. [Selinda, C.R.]
Cyrus A. [int. Chatman] and Mehitable Farnum of Cheshire, May 5, ---- [int. Apr. 16, 1819].
Esther [int. adds A.] and Samuel Miner Jr., Oct. 10, 1833. [Esther, Oct. 12, C.R.]
Ezra and Sarah Searl of Worthington, int. Feb. 13, 1830.
Hannah [int. Chatman] and Willard Cole, Sept. 22, 1803. [Chapman, C.R.]
Jerusha A. and Elihu Avery of Charlemont, int. Jan. 12, 1839. [m. Feb. 19, C.R.]
Maria A. [int. omits A.], 21, d. Ezra, and Roswell H. [int. omits H.] Warner, 34, farmer, of Dalton, b. Cummington, s. Elijah of Cummington, May 11, 1846.
Mary [int. Marey Chatman] and John Edmond [int. Edmonds] of Cheshire, May 10, 1804. [Mercy Chapman and John Edmonds of Cheshire, C.R.]
Mary M. and John Abbott of Hinsdale, Oct. 9, 1842, C.R.
Mercy M. and Ransford Miner, int. Jan. 5, 1831.
Minerva and Joseph Wentworth of Sandisfield, int. Aug. 31, 1829.
Seth and Clarrissa Hawood of Cheshire, int. Feb. ----, 1840.
Sylvina [int. Sylvia Chatman] and Benjaman Chilson [int. Benjamin Chisson Jr.], Dec. 14, 1806. [Sylvia Chapman and Benjamin Chillson Jr., C.R.]
Zipporah A. and William Cain of Cheshire, Jan. 17, 1828. [Cane of Cheshire, C.R.]
CHATMAN (see Chapman)
Ezra Jr. and Bettsy Taft of Menden, int. Dec. 31, 1803.
CHELSON (see Chilson)
Lindey [int. Lucenda Chilson] and Esek [int. Esick] Brown of Chesher, Feb. 16, 1812. [Lucinda Chillson and Esek Brown of Cheshire, C.R.]
Cirus of Worthington and Nancy Wintworth, Nov. 30, 1797.
CHILSON (see Chelson)
Benjaman [int. Benjamin Chisson Jr.] and Sylvina Chapman [int. Sylvia Chatman], Dec. 14, 1806. [Benjamin Chillson Jr. and Sylvia Chapman, C.R.]
CLARK (see Clarke)
Abner L. of E. Hampton and Maria L. Ford, Sept. 9, 1841, C.R.
Elizabeth of Dalton and Ebenezer Ball, int. Jan. 25, 1817.
Loren C. of Hinsdale and Mary E. Rice, int. Dec. 13, 1844. [both of Hinsdale, m. Jan. 1, 1845, C.R.]
Meriam and Abither [int. Abiether] Chafey, Jan. 16, 1797.
William of Conway and Olive Hall, Jan. 28, 1796.
William and Sophia Dexter of Rochester, int. Apr. 6, 1818.
CLARKE (see Clark)
William and Olive Cady of Hendail, int. Apr. 7, 1810.
CLEAVELAND (see Cleavland, Cleveland)
Lurinda of Dalton and Joseph Warren of Dalton, Nov. 20, 1800, C.R.
Melvina and Lester F. Hulbut of Pittsfield, int. Apr. 20, 1840.
William K. of Dalton and Elisabeth N. Mitchell, Dec. 15, 1841, C.R.
CLEAVLAND (see Cleaveland, Cleveland)
Asahel [int. Cleaveland] of Dalton and Lydia Holmes, May 15, 1800. [Ashel Cleavland of Dalton, C.R.]
CLEVELAND (see Cleaveland, Cleavland)
Elvira F. and Edward F. Wentworth [int. Wintworth], Apr. 11, 1844.
Sarah, Mrs., of Dalton, and Capt. Amasa Conyers, int. Mar. 2, 1815.
Samuel and Reuth Pratt of New Braintree, Jan. 27, 1785, in New Braintree.
Abigail and Roswell Russell, Mar. 17, 1814.
Hannah and Obediah [int. Obadiah] Woodward of Bath, N.Y., Feb. 5, 1809.
John Jr. and Lydia Miner, Mar. 24, 1796, C.R.
Jonathan and Silence Keith of Worthington, Oct. 9, 1791, in Worthington.
Polly and Joseph Newman, May 6, 1797.
Rebecca [int. Rebecah] of Cummington and John Millen, Jan. 28, 1802. [Rebecca of Cummington and John Miller, C.R.]
Samuel and Lucy Woodward [int. Woodard], Nov. 8, 1801. [Woodward, C.R.]
Willard and Hannah Chapman [int. Chatman], Sept. 22, 1803. [Chapman, C.R.]
COLEMAN (see Colman)
Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] and Zebina Dawes of Cummington, Oct. 12, 1830.
Horace and Louisa Snow, Dec. 2, 1830.
Josiah and Submit Erskins [int. Erskine], Nov. 2, 1806.
Louden and Dolly Beals, int. Aug. 10, 1815.
COLLSON (see Colson)
Clarissa [int. Clarisa] and Osman Staples of Cheshire, Nov. 18, 1821.
COLMAN (see Coleman)
Ambrose and Eunice M. Snow, int. Mar. 11, 1844.
COLSON (see Colison)
Bolton of Plainfield and Harriet Wait of Savoy, Nov. 29, 1810, C.R.
CONVERS (see Converse)
Adolphus [dup. Converse] and Hannah Cushman [dup. Chushman], Oct. 24, 1811.
Amasa Jr. and Sinia Chaffe, Feb. 10, 1799.
Amasa Jr. (Convers) [int. Lt.] and Esther Walker, Dec. 22, 1812. [Converse Jr., C.R.]
Amasa, Capt., and Mrs. Sarah Cleveland of Dalton, int. Mar. 2, 1815.
- Catharine of Dalton and Amasa Monk, int. Dec. 21, 1834.
Chapin [int. Chapen] and Lydia Jane Ford, Mar. 20, 1836. [Chapin Converse, C.R.]
Edward and Lydia Cushon, wid., of Comington, int. July 21 [1808].
Harriot [int. Harriet] and [int. Dr.] Sparrow Warren, Feb. 29, 1820. [Harriet Converse and Sparrow Warren, C.R.]
Henrietta T. and Cyrus M. Parsons of Worthington, int. May 10, 1845.
Polly and Bennit Pratt of Dalton, int. Oct. 8, 1819.
Susanna [int. Susannah] and Julius Resing [int. Julias Rising] of Suffield, Conn., Feb. 9, 1807. [Susannah Converse and Julius Rising of Suffield, Conn., C.R.]
Sylvina [int. Silvina] and Frederick [int. Fredrick] Dunham, Dec. 1, 1803. [Sylvina Converse and Frederick Dunham, C.R.]
CONVERSE (see Conyers)
Ansell and Olive Torrey of Plainfield, int. Oct. 11, 1812.
Charles A. and Jane Ann Pierce, June 17, 1841, C.R.
Julia Ann [int. Julian Conyers] and Charles Reed of Cummington, Nov. 6, 1834 [? in Cummington].
Olive and Willard Morse, int. Feb. 13, 1802.
Orlen E. and Laura Ford, Apr. 9, 1843, C.R.
Sinai C. [int. and dup. int. Conver ], 29, d. Amasa dec'd [int. Amasa dec'd and Esther], and Ellison Atxtell [int. Axtill, dup. int. Axtell] Esq. [int. and dup. int. omit Esq.], 37, farmer, b. Peru, s. Ebenezer (Axtell) dec'd, Nov. 6, 1849. [Conyers and Ellison Axtell Esq., C.R.]
COOLEY (see Cooly)
Jerusha of Long Meadow and James Beals, int. Dec. 26, 1815.
Joseph and Fanny Scoot of Worthington, int. Mar. 21, 1815.
COOLY (see Cooley)
Rodney O. and Susan A. Fobes, Mar. 30, 1825.
Ebenezer [int. Lt.] and [int. Mrs.] Lydia Dunbar, Feb. 2, 1819. [Ebenezer and Lydia Dunbar, C.R.]
Francis and Mellisient [int. Milicent] Baldwin, Apr. 19, 1798. [Miliscent, C.R.]
Porter and Sarah Nash of Hinsdale, int. Oct. 27, 1827.
Willard and Mary Sanders, June 20, 1805.
Ward and Abigail Grosvinor, Jan. 31, 1792.
Dexter of Chesterfield and Harriet Wilkes, int. Dec. 5, 1837.
Cynthia (see Syntha).
Lydia and Rowland Hammond, Jan. 23, 1814.
Syntha and Norman Miner, int. Jan. 24, 1824.
Harlow and Sarah McCloth of Chesher, int. Oct. 19, 1822.
Isaac Esq. of Oswego, N.Y., and Eliza Wright, Sept. 13, 1814.
Sally of Dalton and Syrel Snow of Dalton, Apr. 27, 1801, C.R.
CUSHING (see Cushon)
Gilmon [int. Gilman] and Mrs. Amy [int. Any] Monk, Apr. 3, 1836. [Gilman and Amy Monk, C.R.]
Royal and Lydia Peirce of Hinsdale, int. Sept. 19, 1835.
Thomas M. and Mehatable Beals, int. Dec. 9, 1820.
Warren and Minirva Randall of Belchertown, int. Oct. 3, 1835.
Hannah [dup. Chushman] and Adolphus Conyers [dup. Converse], Oct. 24, 1811.
CUSHON (see Cushing)
Lydia, wid., of Comington, and Edward Conyers, int. July 21 [1808].
Peter and Huldah Lewis of Savoy, int. Sept. 26, 1814.
Abigail P. and Capt. Silas A. Fobes, int. Mar. 1, 1816. [m. Mar. 14, C.R.]
Martha Fay and Nathan Spaulding [int. Spalding], Feb. 13, 1803. [Spalding, C.R.]
Sylvina [int. Durbar] and William Boudo [int. Bordo], Mar. 22, 1840.
DAREY (see Dairy)
Lydia of Thompson, Conn., and Moses Ford, int. Jan. 31, 1812.
Sally of Thompson, Conn., and Capt. Noah Green, int. July 8, 1804.
Samuel of Williamsburgh and Saloma Burden, Feb. 28, 1796.
Susanna (see Susanna Dawes).
DAWES (see Daws, Dors)
Dorothy and Stephen Shaw of Cummington, Nov. 30, 1837.
Ebenezer and Chloe Barney of Savoy, int. Apr. 1, 1833.
Harvey and Betsy [int. Betsey] Swift, Oct. 10, 1811. [Betsey, C.R.]
Ophir and Drusilla Thayer, Oct. 16, 1817.
Samuel and Lydia Torrey, d. Luther and Dorothy (Green), Mar. ----, 1785, P.R.5.
Samuel [int. Daws] Jr. and Philena Elliot Hume, Feb. 9, 1830. [Dawes Jr. and Philenia Elliot Hume, C.R.]
Susanna [int. Davis] and Chauncy [int. Chancy] Brooks, Aug. 5, 1805. [Dawes and Chancy Brooks, C.R.]
Sylvia and Darius L. Swasey of Springfield, int. Apr. 22, 1835.
Zebina of Cummington and Clarrissa [int. Clarissa] Coleman, Oct. 12, 1830.
DAWS (see Dawes, Dors)
John [int. Dawes] Jr. and Electa B. Hume, Mar. 3, 1831. [Dawes Jr. and Electa Baldwin Hume, C.R.]
Francis E., 23, laborer [dup. int. farmer], b. Savoy, s. Enos of Savoy, and Deborah J. Snow, 18, d. Solomon, Nov. 25, 1847.
Nancy Maria and John B. Warren of Albany, int. Aug. 25, 1839. [Dorn and John B. Wasson of Albany, N.Y., m. Sept. 16, C.R.]
Walter and Mrs. Olive Gallop of Dalton, int. Oct. 21, 1801. [Gallup of Dalton, m. Nov. 10, C.R.]
Phineas (De Meranville) [int. Phinehas De Meranville] and Almira Kenedy, Nov. 20, 1814.
Susanah and Thomas Barber Jr., Mar. 26, 1816.
Walter and Abigail Metcalf, int. Aug. 20, 1819.
Sophia of Rochester and William Clark, int. Apr. 6, 1818.
Ira and Susannah Bartlett, int. Feb. 24, 1827.
William and Laura Holdrich, int. Nov. 11, 1820.
Amos of Dalton and Mary Buckley, int. Nov. 11, 1809.
Lydia O. and Benjamin F. Gault of Springfield, May 5, 1836.
Nancy Maria (see Nancy Maria Dean).
Gordon, Rev., and Hannah Morgan of Preston, Conn., int. Dec. 24, 1798.
Mary and [int. Dea.] Ashley Williams Esq. [int. omits Esq.] of Hadley, Nov. 11, 1834. [Ashley of Hadley, Nov. 12, C.R.]
DORS (see Dawes, Daws)
Alexander [int. Dorrs] of Cummington and Lydia Holbrook, Feb. 10, 1813.
DOTA (see Doty)
Huldah and Isaac Remington, int. Dec. 2, 1809.
DOTY (see Dota)
Edward and Robay Cimmons Woodman of Rogester, int. Oct. 18, 1810.
Keziah of Worthington and Chancy Hathaway, int. Apr. 24, 1819.
Isaac and Abigail Weston, int. Oct. 18, 1835.
DUNBAR (see Dunber)
Joseph and Charlotte Belcher of Patridgefield, int. Aug. 1, 1800.
Lydia [int. Mrs.] and [int. Lt.] Ebenezer Cooper, Feb. 2, 1819. [Lydia and Ebenezer Cooper, C.R.]
Lydia and Benjamin Hathaway, int. July 14, 1826.
DUNBER (see Dunbar)
Susanah of Palmer and Joseph Ripley, int. ----, 1797.
Darius W. and Cynthia Holbrook, int. Mar. 27, 1834.
Frederick [int. Fredrick] and Sylvina [int. Silvina] Conyers, Dec. 1, 1803. [Frederick and Sylvina Converse, C.R.]
Gustavus and Lavinia Hadlock, int. Apr. 15, 1835.
Roccina [dup. Roxaina] C., 33, b. Canaan, N.Y., d. Frederick and Sylvina, and Roswell R. Hubbard, second m. [dup. omits second m.], 29, farmer, of Pittsfield, b. Pittsfield, s. Oliver and Eunice, int. June 20, 1847.
DURBAR (see Darbur)
Lydia [int. wid.] and Asahel [ int. Dr. Ashen Wright, May 17, 1807. [Lydia and Asahel Wright, C.R.]
Mary Ann and Daniel O. [int. Owen] Holbrook, Jan. 20, 1820. [Daniel Owen Holbrook, C.R.]
Charlotte [int. Charlottee] and Samuell Payson, Jan. 22, 1807. [Charlotte and Samuel Payson, C.R.]
Dexter and Sally Joslin of Plainfield, int. July 5, 1817.
Dorothy W. and Stillman Ford of Pleinfield, int. Dec. 3, 1833.
Harvey [int. Henry Eastan] of Martinsburgh, N.Y., and Sally [int. Sarah] M. Hume, Oct. 9, 1831. [Harvey Easton of Martinsbourgh, N.Y., and Sally Maria Hume, C.R.]
Anna and John Eddy, Mar. 16, 1797.
John and Anna Eddy, Mar. 16, 1797.
Samuel Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Lucy Stiles, Apr. 5, 1797. [Samuel Jr., C.R.]
EDMOND (see Edmonds)
John [int. Edmonds] of Cheshire and Mary Chapman [int. Marey Chatman], May 10, 1804. [Edmonds of Cheshire and Mercy Chapman, C.R.]
EDMONDS (see Edmond)
Mary of Cheshire and Porter Belknap, int. Dec. 27, 1815.
Phebe, wid., of Savoy, and Gallon Snow, int. Dec. 1, 1815.
Rhoda of Savoy and Stephen Blanchard, int. May 17, 1804.
Diadamia [int. Diedamia] and Elias Cady, Nov. 28, 1799. [Diadamia, C.R.]
ELLIS (see Allis)
Eunise [int. Eunice] of Peru and Elder [int. Eber] Peirce, Mar. ----, 1815.
Hannah of Peru and David Brown of Peru, Feb. 25, 1813.
Thomas and Susan Carpenter [int. Carpentir] of Savoy, ----, 1833 or 1834 [int. June 29, 1833].
Sally of Cumington and John Lowden, int. June 9, 1808.
Abigal and Benjamin Guillom [int. Guillam], Feb. 9, 1809.
Submit [int. Erskine] and Josiah Coleman, Nov. 2, 1806.
Susannah [int. Susanna Erskine] and Simeon Thayer of Commington, Aug. ----, 1808.
Clarisa of N. Brookfield and Willson Hathaway, int. Mar. 11, 1816.
Charles O. of Pittsfield and Fidelia Holbroock of Pittsfield, Mar. 18, 1824, C.R.
Mehitable of Cheshire and Cyrus A. Chapman [int. Chatman], May 5, ---- [int. Apr. 16, 1819].
Alexander and Mary Fisk, Apr. 9, 1811.
Cynthia, wid., of Cheshire, and Ebenezer Axtell, int. Mar. 14, 1835.
Mary and Alexander Fisk, Apr. 9, 1811.
Philander, Lt., and Nancy Warner of Comington, int. Sept. 6, 1801.
Silas A., Capt., and Abigail P. Dana, int. Mar. 1, 1816. [m. Mar. 14, C.R.]
Susan A. and Rodney O. Cooly, Mar. 30, 1825.
David of Patridgefield and Bettsy [int. Betsy] Miner, Dec. 21, 1800. [Betsey, C.R.]
Lucian of Lee and Esther Miner, int. Oct. 19, 1832.
Adillia (see Dilly).
Andrew and Susana [int. Susannah] M. Allen, May 18, 1818. [Susanna M., C.R. Susanna, P.R.3.]
Benjamin Jr. and Polly Ripley, July 6, 1800.
Benjamin [dup. and int. Jr.] and Adillia [int. Dillia] King, June 9, 1811. [Benjamin Jr. and Adillia King, C.R.]
Darius and Orpha Bridgess, Apr. 2, 1837. [Derius and Orpha Bridges, C.R.]
Dilly and Reuben Pierce [int. Peirce], Mar. 27, 1838. [Pierce, C.R.]
Eliza and John Jordan, Jan. 14, 1840, C.R.
Laura and Orlen E. Converse, Apr. 9, 1843, C.R.
Livi and Minerva F. Bird, int. Mar. 5, 1849.
Louisa [int. adds M.] and Reuben Peirce [int. Pierce], Mar. 4, 1834. [Louisa and Reuben Pierce, C.R.]
Lydia Jane and Chapin [int. Chapen] Conyers, Mar. 20, 1836. [Chapin Converse, C.R.]
Maria L. and Abner L. Clark of E. Hampton, Sept. 9, 1841, C.R.
Mary and Davied [int. David] Humes [of] Poltney, N.Y., Mar. 27, 1810. [David of Riga, N.Y., C.R.]
Mary A. and William Barnes of Stockbridge, int. Oct. 13, 1844.
Minerva and Jephthah Hollis, int. Dec. 17, 1814.
Moses and Lydia Davis of Thompson, Conn., int. Jan. 31, 1812.
Patty [int. Patta] and Asa Hall Jr., Jan. 1, 1801. [Patty, C.R.]
Peeter and Marey Read of Abington, int. Feb. 2, 1808.
Polly [int. Sally] and Daniel White Jr., Nov. 17, 1803. [Sally, C.R.]
Sarah Ann of Williamstown and Levi M. Winslow, int. Apr. 10, 1834.
Stillman of Pleinfield and Dorothy W. Dyer, int. Dec. 3, 1833.
Sylvia and Ebenezer Whitman 2d, int. Dec. 8, 1815. [Ebenezer Jr., m. Jan. 18, 1816, C.R.]
Festus of Dalton and Abigail [int. Abigail] Hall, Dec. 1, 1808. [Abigail, C.R.]
John of Hinsdale and Phanela Prince, Apr. 10, 1828. [Phanelia, C.R.]
FREEMAN (see Freman)
Martha and Daniel Morrs [int. Mors] of Commington, July 6, 1800. [Marrs of Cummington, C.R.]
Polly of Peru and Joseph Wintworth, int. Oct. 17, 1823.
Prentice and Dolly Bicknell, Jan. 23, 1832. [Bicknall, C.R.]
Sally of Peru and Sylvinus Wintworth Jr., int. Oct. 10, 1807.
FREMAN (see Freeman)
Lucindia [int. Lucinda Freeman] and Curtis Powel of Lanesborough, Jan. 19, 1806. [Locindia Freeman, C.R.]
Ziphaniah of Richford, Vt., and Betsy White, June 24, 1805. [Zephaniah of Richford, Vt., and Betsey White, C.R.]
Louisa A. and Andrew J. Babbet of Savoy, int. Oct. 17, 1838.
John C. [dup. int. Fressell], 24, farmer, of Peru, b. Peru, s. Socrates and Mary of Peru, and Cynthia Hathaway, 18, d. Willson [dup. int. Wilson] and Clarrissa, Nov. 9, 1848. [Frissell of Peru, C.R.]
Daniel and Olive Joy, wid., of Plainfield, int. July 14, 1832.
Olive, Mrs., of Dalton, and Walter Dean, int. Oct. 21, 1801. [Gallup of Dalton, m. Nov. 10, C.R.]
Polly of Dalton and Isaac Thayer, int. Mar. 14, 1805. "the next Day the said Isaac Thayer forbid the bans."
Lucy and John Newman, Dec. 19, 1799.
Benjamin F. of Springfield and Lydia O. Dorn, May 5, 1836.
Nathaniel [int. Green] and Sally Smith, Mar. 24, 1803. [Gear, C.R.]
William of Cummington and Nancy Wilks [int. Wilkes], Apr. 6, 1830. [Wilkes, C.R.]
Abigail of Savoy and Ebenezer Blanchard Jr., int. June 23, 1801.
Olive N. [int. Gloid, omits N.] and Isaiah Whitman [int. Jr.], Jan. 13, 1814.
Daniel [int. Godard] of Shrewsbury and Huldah Harwood [int. Howard], Nov. 23, 1796. [Goddard of Shrewsbury and Huldah Harwood, C.R.]
Lydia Maria, 26, of Worthington, b. Peru, d. Donal [int. Daniel] and Lydia of Becket, and Morgan Hall, widr. [int. second m.], 33, farmer, s. Asa and Martha of Pittsfield, Apr. 5, 1849.
Hannah and Araunah Woodard of Orwell, Vt., Mar. 12, 1801. [Aruna Woodward of Orwell, Vt., C.R.]
Loverna of Worthington and Silas S. Stearns, int. May 9, 1835.
GREEN (see Greene)
Alice [int. Alis] and Bezor [int. Besor] Whitman, Mar. 9, 1797. [Alice and Bezor Whitman, C.R.]
Dorothy and Luther Torrey, Nov. 28, 1751 "O.S.," in Thompson, Conn., P.R.5.
Jane H. of Dalton and James T. Thomas, int. Oct. 28, 1825.
Mehitable and Phineas Hayward [int. Howard], Apr. 16, 1797. [Hayward, C.R.]
Nathaniel (see Nathaniel Gear).
Noah, Capt., and Sally Davis of Thompson, Conn., int. July 8, 1804.
Noah Esq. and Betsey Harwood of Infield, int. Jan. 12, 1817.
Noah K. and Esther E. Baldwin, Nov. 5, 1834. [Noah Knight Green and Esther Eliza Baldwin, C.R.]
GREENE (see Green)
Hezekiah and Mary Ceth of Partridgfield, int. ----, 1796.
Abigail and Ward Cotton, Jan. 31, 1792.
Benjamin [int. Guillam] and Abigal Erskins, Feb. 9, 1809.
Lemuell [int. Lemual Hadin] of Comington and Mary [int. Nancy] Payson, Mar. 23, 1808. [Lemuel Hayden of Cumington and Nancy Payson, C.R.]
Lavinia and Gustavus Dunham, int. Apr. 15, 1835.
Lycander and Maria Thompson of Savoy, int. Feb. 18, 1836.
Abigail [int. Abigal] and Festus Francis of Dalton, Dec. 1, 1808. [Abigail, C.R.]
Alvah and Nancy Bussey, int. Nov. 10, 1820. [m. Dec. 12, C.R.]
Asa Jr. and Patty [int. Patta] Ford, Jan. 1, 1801. [Patty, C.R.]
Clarissa [int. Clarrissy] and Chauncey [int. Chancy] Baldwin, May 31, 1825. [Charissa and Chauncey Baldwin, C.R.]
Daniel and Lydia Smith of Hatfield, int. Feb. 9, 1805.
Morgan, 32, farmer, s. Asa [int. Asa and Martha], and Mary H. Snow, 27, b. Chester, d. Seth, Apr. 23, 1846.
Morgan, widr. [int. second m.], 33, farmer, s. Asa and Martha of Pittsfield, and Lydia Maria Goldthwait, 26, of Worthington, b. Peru, d. Donal [int. Daniel] and Lydia of Becket, Apr. 5, 1849.
Olive and William Clark of Conway, Jan. 28, 1796.
Orra and William A. Bates, Dec. 12, 1833.
Phanelia [int. Phamelia] and William Prince, Mar. 27, 1800. [Phanilia, C.R.]
Samul N. and Sarah W. Russell of Sunderland, int. Sept. 6, 1838.
Rowland and Lydia Crane, Jan. 23, 1814.
Othnial [int. Othniel] of Peru and Lucinda Walker, May 20, 1830. [Othniel of Peru, C.R.]
HARWOOD (see Haward, Hawood, Hayward)
Betsey of Infield and Noah Green Esq., int. Jan. 12, 1817.
Eunice (see Unice).
Huldah [int. Howard] and Daniel Goddard [int. Godard] of Shrewsbury, Nov. 23, 1796. [Harwood and Daniel Goddard of Shrewsbury, C.R.]
Ichabod, 45, farmer, s. Marvil, and Elizabeth Healy [int. of Cummington], Oct. 22, 1845 [sic, rec. Oct. 4, 1845].
John and [int. and dup. int. Mrs.] Elizabeth Smith, Feb. 10, 1805. [Elizabeth, C.R.]
John and Minirva Stetson of Cummington, int. Apr. 21, 1838.
Nathaniel and Polly Bridges of Spencer, int. June 27, 1801.
Rebecah and Daniel Morse, Oct. 15, 1795. [Rebecca, C.R.]
Sally and Ichabod Mason, Apr. 5, 1842, C.R.
Tristine [int. Tristan] of Litchfield, N.Y., and Levina [int. Livina] Burrows, Feb. 12, 1801. [Tristine of Litchfield, N.Y., and Lovina Burrows, C.R.]
- Unice [int. Eunice] and James Tracy of Peru, Oct. 10, 1813. [Eunice, C.R.]
William and Lucy Wilkes, Sept. 18, 1832.
Ezra W. [int. Haskings] of Planefield and Miria [int. Moriah] Vining, Oct. 13, 1825. [Hoskins of Plainfield and Maria Vining, C.R.]
Ziba and Molly Thomas, int. Dec. 1, 1831.
HATHAWAY (see Hatheway, Hathway)
Allen R. W. of Peru and Anna E. Hathaway of Savoy, ---- [1833 or 1834].
Amy C., 19, of Savoy, b. Savoy, d. Charles and Cynthia of Savoy, and Lyman Moulton, 25, farmer, s. Nathan and Sarah, Apr. 3, 1849.
Anna E. of Savoy and Allen R. W. Hathaway of Peru, [1833 or 1834]
Benjamin and Lydia Dunbar, int. July 14, 1826.
Betsey and George W. Hathaway of Hinsdale, int. Mar. 14, 1845.
Chancy and Keziah Drake of Worthington, int. Apr. 24, 1819.
Charles and Synthya [int. Cinthya] Peirce, Nov. 26, 1808.
Charles W. [int. Hathway] and Lavina [int. Lurana] T. Tracy, ---- [int. Aug. 17], 1830.
Chauncey (see Chancy).
Cynthia, 18, d. Willson [dup. int. Wilson] and Clarrissa, and John C. Frissell [dup. int. Fressell], 24, farmer, of Peru, b. Peru, s. Socrates and Mary of Peru, Nov. 9, 1848. [Frissell of Peru, C.R.]
George and Calistia Thompson of Cumington, int. Apr. 4, 1844.
George W. of Hinsdale and Betsey Hathaway, int. Mar. 14, 1845.
Joseph and Lois Mason of Cumington, int. Oct. 18, 1818.
Willson and Clarisa Ethridge of N. Brookfield, int. Mar. 11, 1816.
Wilson [int. Willson], widr., 51 [dup. int. second m., 55], farmer, s. Enos, and Eunice A. Pierce, 39, of Peru [int. late of Riga, N.Y.], d. ---- of Peru, June 28, 1846.
HATHEWAY (see Hathaway, Hathway)
Shadrick [int. Shadrack Hathaway] of Spencer and Susanna Bealls, Jan. 25, 1798.
HATHWAY (see Hathaway, Hatheway)
James D. and Polly G. Abbe, int. Mar. 24, 1838. [m. Apr. 17, 1839, C.R.]
Sarah Maria and Jonathan G. Miner, int. Feb. 26, 1835.
HAWARD (see Harwood, Hawood, Hayward)
Lucy and Henry Read, Dec. 15, 1824. [Harwood and Henry Reed, C.R.]
Sally of Plainfield and Elisha Mack, int. June 11, 1809.
HAWES (see Haws)
Elizabeth of New Braintree and Robert Town, Nov. 28, 1782, in New Braintree.
Lucy, Mrs., of Plainfield, and Stephen Town, May 28, 1795, in Plainfield.
Lowren and Eunice Torry of Hensdale, int. Oct. 17, 1823.
HAWOOD (see Harwood, Haward, Hayward)
Clarrissa of Cheshire and Seth Chapman, int. Feb. ----, 1840.
HAWS (see Hawes)
Louis of New Braintree and Norah Hutchins, Oct. 5, 1783, in New Braintree.
HAYDEN (see Haden)
HAYWARD (see Harwood, Haward, Hawood)
Mary, Mrs., and Maj. Nathaniel Carpenter of Savoy, int. ---- [cert. Dec. 31], 1797.
Phineas [int. Howard] and Mehitable Green, Apr. 16, 1797. [Hayward, C.R.]
Elizabeth [int. of Cummington] and Ichabod Harwood, 45, farmer, S. Marvil, Oct. 22, 1845 [sic, rec. Oct. 4, 1845].
Henry, Rev., and Sarah Mariah Wright, int. Jan. 25, 1835.
Nancy and Joshua Lowden, int. Mar. 20, 1805.
HOLBROOCK (see Holbrook)
Fidelia of Pittsfield and Charles O. Fanning of Pittsfield, Mar. 18, 1824, C.R.
HOLBROOK (see Holbroock)
Anna, Mrs., and Lt. Joseph Vining of Hawley, int. July 29, 1835.
Cynthia and Darius W. Dunham, int. Mar. 27, 1834.
Czarina and Alpheus Brown Jr., int. Nov. 20, 1819.
Daniel O. [int. Owen] and Mary Ann Dutton, Jan. 20, 1820. [Daniel Owin Holbrook, C.R.]
Hannah and Daniel Orman Jr. of Chester, int. Feb. 9, 1811.
Judith and Oramel L. Whitney, July 4, 1836.
Lucy and Martial Miner, Jan. 1, 1829.
Lydia and Alexander Dors [int. Dorrs] of Cummington, Feb. 10, 1813.
Nancy [int. Marcey] and William Hubbard of Commington, Nov. 24, 1806.
Olive and Joseph Warner Jr. of Cummington, Dec. 10, 1812.
Sarah and William Hubbard of Commington, int. Oct. 4, 1817.
Betsey and Chester Paysons [int. Parsons] of Worthington, Dec. 7, 1826. [Parsons of Worthington, C.R.]
Elam and Sarah Thomas of Worthington, int. Apr. 4, 1829.
Henry D., labourer, of Cummington, b. Peru, s. Lora, and Artemisia [dup. Artimesia] M. Axtell, d. Ebenezer, int. Oct. 23 [dup. Oct. 25], 1847.
HOLDRICH (see Holdridge)
Laura and William Dill, int. Nov. 11, 1820.
HOLDRIDGE (see Holdrich)
Mary and George Williams of Curtisville, July 4, ---- [int. June 9, 1838].
HOLERBERT (see Hulbut)
Eleanor of Dalton and Abel Wilder, int. July 2, 1819.
Jephthah and Minerva Ford, int. Dec. 17, 1814.
Julia and Gordon Johnson, int. Feb. 27, 1841. [Julia Ann, m. July 4, C.R.]
Lauriston (see Louriston).
Lenia of Savoy and David Stearns Jr. of Scipio, N.Y., Oct. 14, 1810, C.R.
Lenia Jane and Champion B. Rice of Hawley, May 23, 1837. [May 25, C.R.]
Louriston and Caroline Sturtefent of Savoy, int. Jan. 2, 1845.
Hirame of Cummington and Louise Parker, int. Nov. 3, 1831.
Lydia and Asahel Cleavland [int. Cleaveland] of Dalton, May 15, 1800. [Ashel Cleavland of Dalton, C.R.]
William and Betsey Millard, July 18, 1816.
Nathan and Mary L. Carlisle, int. Apr. 15, 1816. [Carlysle, m. June 3, C.R.]
Sophia and Holden Whaleing of Savoy, int. May 6, 1816.
HOSKINS (see Haskins)
HOWARD (see Harwood, Haward, Hawood, Hayward)
Almon of Ashfield and Jane R. Robbins, Dec. 2, 1841, C.R.
Edmond and Sally Goodsell Miner, Nov. 7, 1828, in New Lebanon, N.Y.
Roswell R., second m. [dup. omits second m.], 29, farmer, of Pittsfield, b. Pittsfield, s. Oliver and Eunice, and Roccina [dup. Roxaina] C. Dunham, 33, b. Canaan, N.Y., d. Frederick and Sylvina, int. June 20, 1847.
William of Commington and Nancy [int. Marcey] Holbrook, Nov. 24, 1806.
William of Commington and Sarah Holbrook, int. 0ct. 4, 1817.
HULBUT (see Holerbert)
Lester F. of Pittsfield and Melvina Cleaveland, int. Apr. 20, 1840.
George L. of Cummington and Clarissa [int. Clarisa] Whitman, Apr. 5, 1836. [Clarissa, C.R.]
HUME (see Humes)
Bathshaba [int. Bethsheba W.] and Azel Pease of Sumers [int. adds Conn.], Nov. 29, 1819. [Bathsheba West Hume and Azal Pease of Somers, Conn., C.R.]
Clarisa and Erastus Pease of Summers, Conn., int. Nov. 9, 1816. [Clarissa, m. Dec. 5, C.R.]
David H. and Catharine B. Penniman of Williamstown, int. Dec. 25, 1830.
Electa. B. and John Daws [int. Dawes] Jr., Mar. 3, 1831. [Electa Baldwin Hume and John Dawes Jr., C.R.]
Eliza and Julius Bartlett of Hinsdale, July 31, 1817. [Bartlet of Hinsdale, C.R.]
Eunice and Philander Packard of Cummington, Apr. 10, 1828.
Harriet A. and Chauncey [int. Chauncy] Baldwin, May 17, 1837. [Chancy, C.R.]
Philena Elliot and Samuel Dawes [int. Daws] Jr., Feb. 9, 1830. [Philenia Elliot Hume and Samuel Dawes Jr., C.R.]
Sally [int. Sarah] M. and Harvey Easton [int. Henry Eastan] of Martinsburgh, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1831. [Sally Maria and Harvey Easton of Martinsbourgh, N.Y., C.R.]
Stephen Tyler and Sally Bush [int. Bird of Cheshire], Feb. 20, 1805.
Stephen Tyler [int. Tylor, dup. and int. Humes] and Lucy Baldwin, Apr. 13, 1815. [Stephen Tyler Humes, C.R.]
HUMES (see Hume)
Davied [int. David] [of] Poltney, N.Y., and Mary Ford, Mar. 27, 1810. [David of Riga, N.Y., C.R.]
Richard [dup. and int. Hume] and Abigail Brown, May 16 [dup. May 15], 1815. [Humes, May 16, C.R.]
Ebenezer Jr. of Cummington and Meira [ int. Meria] Trow, Apr. 25, 1827. [Maria, C.R.]
HURLBURT (see Holerbert, Hulbut).
Norah and Louis Haws of New Braintree, Oct. 5, 1783, in New Braintree.
Elizabeth of Lenox and [int. Capt.] Denison Robinson, Apr. 11, 1799, in Lenox.