INDEX Vital Records Of Wayland Massachusetts To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund Boston, Mass. 1910
Marriages - GALE to NURSE
[Transcribed by Dave Swedefeger]

Anna of Waltham, and John Cutting, Oct. 5, 1780, in Waltham.
James of Brighton, and Sarah Moore, Aug. 3, 1822.
Jonathan of Weston, and Abigail Beals of Sudbury, May 30, 1750, in Weston.
Hannah M. and Daniel Haynes, Nov. 1, 1841, in Weston.
Ruth and David Rice, Apr. 9, 1788, in Waltham.
Charles W., 23, shoemaker, s. Richard and Mary, and Irene W. Hammond, 19, d. Richard and Marcy, July 15, 1848.
Hiram, 28, farmer, s. Ezra and Charlottte, and Harriett [int. Harriet] Kent, 25, d. John and Mary, Jan. 6, 1847.
Lydea of Morburough, and Abraham Beman of Morlborough, Feb. 13, 1782. [Lydia of Marlboro, and Abraham Beaman of Marlboro, N.R.]
Lousia of Natick, and James B. Stone, housewright, s. Nevinson and w., May 3, 1849.
Rebecca of Needham, and Josiah Damon, int. Feb. 5, 1810.
GENERSON (see Jenison, Jenneson, Jennison)
Jane of Sudbury, and Hezekiah Howe, Oct. 11, 1746, in Framingham.
Henry Esq. [int. Georgen, omits Esq.] of Montreal, and Cynthia [int. adds M.] Swift, May 5, 1811. [Henry Georgen Esq. of Montreal, and Cynthia M. Swift, C.R.1.]
Isaac of Sudbury, and Lois Townsend, Jan. 2, 1755, in Hopkinton.
Nathaniel of Sudbury, and Abigail Richardson of Woburn, Apr. 18, 1753, in Medford.
Nathaniel of Sudbury, and Hannah Townsend, Mar. 5, 1761, in Hopkinton.
Patty of Sudbury, and James Gould, Apr. 21, 1799, in Sudbury.
Rebecca of Sudbury, and Joseph Farnsworth [of] Groton, May 4, 1727, in Concord.
Ellen E. A., 17, d. James and Catherine, and George W. Carter, 21, shoemaker, Nov. 29, 1849.
GLEASON (see Gleazen, Gleazon, Glezen)
Abel and Elizabeth Mann of Orford, N.H., int. Aug. 12, 1832.
Caroline and Rev. Ambrose P. Merrill of Frankfort, Me., int. July 11, 1841.
Dolly and Lawson Bruce, May 6, 1804.
Eliza [int. Glezen] and Nathaniel A. Jones of Needham, Nov. 25, 1832. [Gleason, C.R.1.]
Isaac Jr. and Martha G. Macomber of Boston, int. Aug. 12, 1832.
Luther, widr. [int. omits widr.], 37, gentleman, s. Luther and Abigail, and Lucretia H. Stone, 22, d. Luke and Lydia, Mar. 20, 1847.
Phineas and Dolly C. Bigelow, July 25, 1841.
Ruth and Micajah Reed of Hubbardston, int. ---- 28, 1806. [Gleazen, m. Apr. 27, C.R.1.]
GLEAZEN (see Gleason, Gleazon, Glezen)
Able and Mrs. Polly Noyes, int. Feb. 27, 1796.
Edward and Mrs. Anna Devan, int. Apr. 14, 1798.
Isaac and Rebecca Curtis, int. June 14, 1800.
Isaac, Capt., and Mrs. Dolly Parks of Cambridge, int. Aug. 2, 1812.
Luther and Abigail Staples, [Jan.] 8, 1797.
Nathan and Rebeca Whittemore [int. Rebeccah Whitemore], May 16, 1790.
Phinehas and Rebecca [int. Mrs. Rebecah] Pain, Feb. 15, 1791.
GLEAZON (see Gleason, Gleazen, Glezon)
Abigail of Sudbury, and Noah Morse of Sherborn, Nov. 4, 1714, in Sherborn.
Reuben [int. Gleazen] and Polly Paine [int. Panel July 22, 1792.
GLEZEN (see Gleason, Gleazen, Gleazon)
Anna and William Reed of Acton, Mar. 28, 1826.
Catharine and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Charles Cutting, July 2, 1821. [Capt. Charles, C.R.1.]
Eliza [int. adds A.] and Horace Heard, Oct. 5, 1828.
Lois and Abel Heard, [Apr.] 28, 1830.
Lucy and Capt. Jonathan Hoar, Sept. 11, 1783. [Glezin, M.R.]
Luther Jr. and Mary Eaton of Framingham, int. Mar. 18, 1831.
Maria and Jeremiah G. Hammond of Natick, ---- [rec. between Nov. 9 and Dec. 6] [int. Nov. 8], 1828.
Nancy and Henry Reeves, June 16, 1816.
Rebekah and Thaddeas Bond, Apr. 11, 1782. [Rebecca Gleason and Thaddeus Bond, M.R.]
Elizabeth of Sudbury, and William Jennison, June 20, 1700, in Charlestown.
Palmer [of] Sudbury, and Abagail Rice [of] Sudbury, Dec. 4, 1722, in Concord.
GOLDTHWAIT (see Goldwate)
Anna and William Johnsen 2d [dup. omits 2d], Apr. 6 [dup. Apr. 7], 1822. William 2d, Apr. 6, C.R.1.]
Willard of Weston, and Dolly Johnson, int. Mar. 27, 1819.
GOLDWATE (see Goldthwait)
Anna, Mrs., of Salem, and Capt. Caleb Moulten, int. Oct. 13, 1803.
Martha of Framingham, and Samuel Howe of Sudbury, Sept. 11, 1704, in Watertown.
GOODENOUGH (see Goodenow, Goodnow)
Joseph [int. Goodnow Jr.] and Martha [int. Patty] Stone of Framingham, Nov. 30, 1799, in Framingham.
Levi, Dr., of Derby, Vt., and Cynthia Rice, int. Jan. 8, 1830.
GOODENOW (see Goodenough, Goodnow)
Asahcl and Mrs. Frances Baldwin, Apr. 27, 1780.
Jessa of Sudbury, and Polly Bond of Lincoln, [Jan.] 28, 1781. [Josep, M.R.]
Josiah of Sudbury, and Sarah Smith, June 4, 1786.
Ruth of Sudbury, and Ephraim Barker, Mar. 27, 1783. [Baker, M.R.]
Thaddeas of Waltham, [and] Mihitable Travis, July 10, 1783. [Thaddeus and Mehitabel Travis, M.R.]
GOODNOW (see Goodenough, Goodenow)
Catherine, Mrs., of Sudbury, and Charles H. Sherman, int. Nov. 12, 1848.
Eleanor of Framingham, and Aaron Moulton, int. Apr. 8, 1829.
Jane and Edward Childs of Boston, int. Sept. 16, 1806.
Jesse and Ruammi Rice, int. Nov. 2, 1805. [Ruhamah, m. Jan. 23, 1806, C.R.1.]
John of Sudbury, and Mary Livermore of Watertown, Aug. 17, 1724, in Watertown.
Jonas [int. Goodenow] and Betsey [int. Elizabeth] Rice, [June] 21, 1795.
Joseph [of] Sudbury, and Dorothy Stratton [of] Concord, July 18, 1768, in Concord.
Josiah of Sudbury, and Benulah Treadway, Aug. 2, 1744, in Framingham.
Levi [int. Goodenow] and Sarah Haynes of Sudbury, Nov. 16, 1794, in Sudbury.
Luther of Sudbury, and Sally Abbott, int. Apr. 2, 1803.
Moses of Sudbury, and Lucy Russell of Lexington, Nov. 23, 1738, in Lexington.
Phimbas of Sudbury, and Lois Frost, Jan. 30, 1752, in Framingham.
Rebecca and Thomas G. Parmenter, May 27, 1840. [Rebecca of Sudbury, C.R.2.]
Ruth of Sudbury, and Joseph Lee of Concord, Oct. 8, 1713, in Watertown.
Ruth and Reuben Willis of Sudbury, int. Nov. 26, 1802.
Susan P. and Benjamin S. Williams of Hingham, July 6, 1826. [Susan Plympton Goodenow, C.R.1.]
Daniel F., 25, carpenter, and Sarah Dingley, 24, of Cambridge, Jan. 7, 1847.
Isaac and Rebeccah Parmenter, [D]ec. 11, [1]786.
James and Patty Gibbs of Sudbury, Apr. 21, 1799, in Sudbury.
John of Sudbury, and Pricilla ----- of Sudbury, Jan. 2, 1737-8, in Sherborn.
Nancy [int. Nancey] and Joseph Kendall [int. Kindall], July 21, 1806. [Nancy and Joseph Kendall, C.R.1.]
Ruth of Sudbury, and Benjamin Harrington of Weston, June 30, 1762, in Weston.
Nathaniel of Lincoln, and Jane Stone, Oct. 20, 1796.
Henry and Rebecca Moore, Mar. 29, 1829.
John of Sudbury, and Margaret Adams, Oct. 29, 1724, in Boston.
GRAVE (see Graves)
Hepzibah [int. Hepzibath Graves] and Abijah Meed [int. Abigah Mede] of Fitzburg, July 3, 1788.
GRAVES (see Grave)
Abigail of Sudbury, and Josiah Wright of Willmington, Mar. 28, 1737, in Marlboro.
Anna of Sudbury, and Abijah Livermore of Weston, Nov. ---, 1760, in Weston.
Ezra of Sudbury, and Thankful Bigelow of Weston, June 5, 1766, in Weston.
Ketuna of Sudbury, and Josiah Pratt of Sudbury, ---, 1734, in Stow.
Marcy and Jacob Jones, Feb. 24, 1785. [Mary, M.R.]
Mary of Sudbtry, and Henry Brooks of Woburn, Dec. 9, 1692, in Woburn.
Mary (see Marcy).
Ruth of Sudbury, and Francis Pierce Jr. of Sudbury, July 23, 1722, in Weston.
Thankful of Weston, and Isaac Rice of Sudbury, Apr. 26, 1769, in Weston.
Artimas of Needham, and Sally Dudley, Oct. 19, 1823.
Sophia and Abijah Wyman, ----- [int. Mar. 31], [1824].
Phinebas, Lt., of Princeton, and Mary Jenneson of Natick, [Oct.] 15, 1794.
Uriah of Weston, and Mrs. Nancy Biglow, June 1, 1826.
GRIFFIN (see Griffyn)
Almira and Walter Reeves, June 8, 1820.
Celinda and John Noyes Sherman, May 8, 1834.
Daniel and Sally Hews of Weston, Dec. 14, 1796, in Weston.
Deland A. and Sarah W. Jennings, Apr. 14, 1842.
Joseph and Hannah Carter, int. Aug. 16, 1799.
Martha and Abraham Hewes [int. Hews] of Weston, June 26, 1794.
Mary and Willard Richardson of Westford, [Apr.] 19, 1802.
Rachal and Aaron Damon, Jan. 12, 1786.
Relief and David Damon, Jan. 20, 1785. [Releif, M.R.]
GRIFFYN (see Griffin)
Abigail and Stephen Mireck [of] Prinston, Dec. 7, 1780. [Griffin, and Stephen Merrick, M.R.]
Charles and Lucinda Adams, Apr. 23, 1818.
Eunice of Sudbury, and Jonathan Underwood of Weston, Sept. 16, 1766, in Weston.
Jerusha and Newell Heard, Apr. 30, 1822.
Sally and Rev. John B. Wight, Jan. 1, 1818. [Sarah, C.R.1.]
Silas and Susannah Clapp [int. Susanna Clap] of Sherborn [int. Sherborn], Aug. 21, 1788, in Sherborn.
HAINES (see Hanes, Haynes, Hayns, Heans)
James [of] Sudbury, and Elenor Lee [of] Concord, Aug. 14, 1741, in Concord.
HAMMON (see Hammond)
Sarah E. and Ezra L. Howe, July 26, 1838.
HAMMOND (see Hammon)
Cynthia [int. Hammon] and Albert F. Carter of Natick, Apr. 23, 1839. [Hammon, C.R.2.]
Emeline R. [and] John S. Varney [of] Boston, int. Feb. 13 [1848].
Hannah of Waltham, and Isaac Cutting of Sudbury, Feb. 10, 1741-2, in Waltham.
Hannah of Weston, and David Smith of Sudbury, July 29, 1756, in Weston.
Irene W., 19, d. Richard and Marcy, and Charles W. Garland, 23, shoemaker, s. Richard and Mary, July 15, 1848.
James N., shoemaker, s. Richard and w., and Susan R. Hammond, d. William, Feb. 3, 1848.
Jeremiah G. of Natick, and Maria Glezen, ---- [rec. between Nov. 9 and Dec. 6] [int. Nov. 8], 1828.
Lydia of Natick, and Jonathan Bacon, int. May 17, 1817.
Otis of Natick, and Catharine C. Dudley, ---- [rec. between July 6 and [July] 16] [int. May 20], 1826.
Susan R., d. William, and James N. Hammond, shoemaker, s. Richard and w., Feb. 3, 1848.
William of Sudbury, and Kezia Hanes of Needham, Feb. 14, 1764, in Natick.
William Jr. shoemaker, s. William, and Hannah Corliss [int. of Natick], Apr. 5, 1849.
Zerviah C. [int. Hammon] and Charles Loker, June 24, 1385, in Natick.
Torry [int. Torrey] of Cambridge, and Issabella [int. Isabella] Rice, June 5, 1811.
HANES (see Haines, Haynes, Hayns, Heans)
Kezia of Needham, and William Hammond of Sudbury, Feb. 14, 1764, in Natick.
Ann of Waltham, and Dexter Robinson, int. Feb. 23, 1834.
Alpheus [int. Alphues], Rev., of Newsalem [int. New Salem], and Sarah Bridge, Oct. 10, 1808. [Rev. Alpheus of N. Salem, C.R.1.]
Lucinda of Medway, and Benjamin Sawin Jr., int. July 26, 1826.
Susanna [int. Sukey] and William Roby, Mar. 5, 1797.
Benjamin of Weston, and Ruth Gould of Sudbury, June 30, 1762, in Weston.
Betsey of Weston, and William Brown, [Oct.] 12, 1794.
Eliza and John V. [int. N.] Dudley, [July] 18, 1819.
Elizabeth of Weston, and Henry Coggin of Sudbury, Oct. 14, 1756, in Weston.
Enoch of Weston, and Elener Rice, int. June 12, 1799.
Esther of Weston, and Benjamin Underwood, Aug. 18, 1790 [int. July 30 [1791], sic], in Weston.
Marion S. and Charles Stearns of Sudbury, int. Mar. 15, 1845.
Martha, Mrs., of Weston, and George Parmenter, int. Nov. 8, 1823.
Martha and Alpheus H. Bigelow of Framingham, Dec. 8, 1842.
Rachell [int. Rachel] and Joseph Gay Whitney of Boston, Nov. 10, 1811. [Rachel, C.R.1.]
Ruth of Weston, and John Parmenter of Sudbury, Oct. 14, 1756, in Weston.
Amos of Groton, and Abigail Stone, int. June 2, 1799.
Mary of Worcester, and Ashbell Stone, int. Jan. 5, 1805.
George and Charlottte Meriam [int. Moore], June 10, 1819. [Moore, C.R.1.]
Susan Sophia and Elijah Conant of Stow, Oct. 4, 1838. [Elijah of Stowe, C.R.2.]
Reuben of Boylston, and Hannah Stone, int. Nov. 30, 1811.
Asenath [int. adds Mrs.] and Silas Hosmer of Montague, Oct. 7, 1835, [Dea. Silas, C.R.2.]
Lydia of Sherburn, and Solomon Biglow, int. Mar. 14, 1801.
William and Mrs. [dup. and int. omit Mrs.] Lucy Shepherd [dup. Sheapard] of Westown [dup. and int. Weston], Aug. 30 [dup. July 1], 1792, in Cambridge [dup. Weston].
William T. and Sarah H. Allen, int. May 10, 1835.
Edward and Polly [int. Patty] Johnson, [Nov.] 22, 1807. [Patty, C.R.1.]
Levi of Waltham, and Lucetta [int. Luetta] Bond, June 21, 1832. [Lucetta, C.R.1.]
Abigail and Amos Abott, May 8, 1787.
HAYNES (see Haines, Hanes, Hayns, Heans)
Anna of Waltham, and Benjamin C. Witherell, int. Oct. 17, 1835.
Betsey of Lincoln, and Enos Sherman, int. Nov. 3, 1833.
Daniel and Hannah M. Garfield, Nov. 1, 1841, in Weston.
Elisha W. of Sudbury, and Almira Sherman, int. Nov. 12, [18]36. [m. Dec. 1, C.R.1.]
Irene and Edmund Burrell of Sudbury, int. Nov. 19, [18]36. [m. Dec. 13, C.R.1.]
Joshua [of] Sudbury, and Anne Estabrook [of] Concord, Jan. 26, 1709-10, in Concord.
Joshua of Sudbury, and Rebecca Mead of Harvard, Jan. 4, 1750, in Harvard.
Moses [of] Sudbury, and Dorcas Jones [of] Concord, Mar. 9, 1769, in Concord.
Polly [and] John Badger Jr. [of] Natick, int. Feb. 27, 1790.
Ruth of Sudbury, and Dea. Daniel Stone of Framingham, Nov. 12, 1712, in Framingham.
Samuel Jr.. and Rebecca [int. Rebecca] Bunker of Charlestown, June 28, 1795, in Charlestown.
Samuel and Mrs. Ann Flinn of Boston, int. Oct. 18, 1804.
Sarah of Sudbury, and Levi Goodnow [int. Goodenow], Nov. 16, 1794, in Sudbury.
Shadrack [int. Shadrach] and Kezia [int. Keziah] Underwood of Lincoln, July 16, 1795.
Susanna and Nathaniel Kendall [int. Kendal, dup. int. Kendal of Framingham], Dec. 17, 1810. [Kendal, C.R.1.]
HAYNS (see Haines, Hanes, Haynes, Heans)
Emery and Mrs. Anna Parmenter, int. Apr. 14, 1832.
HAYWARD (see Heywood)
Caleb and Polly Rice, [May] 17, 1787.
John W. and Loa Bellows of Walpole, int. May 22, 1824.
HEANS (see Haines, Hanes, Haynes, Hayns)
Tabatha of Sudbury, and Elisha Herrenden of Holden, Mar. 14, 1749, in Holden.
Abby, 22, d. Newell and Jerusha, and Ellis Packard, widr. [int. omits wick.], 27, shoe manufacturer, of Bridgewater, s. Micah and Lucinda, June 15, 1847.
Abel and Lois Glezen, [Apr.] 28, 1830.
Charles and Mary [int. adds Harris] Rice, Nov. 21, 1822.
David and Eunice Baldwin of Natick, May 25, 1784.
David and Sybella [int. Sible] Sherman, Mar. 31, 1789.
David and Betsey Adams of Concord, int. Sept. 6, 1817.
Dorcas and Samuel Rice, June 15, 1815.
Eliza and Daniel Leland of Sherburn, int. Nov. 30, 1805. [Lealand, m. Jan. 21, 1806, C.R.1.]
Eunice and William Heard, int. ---- 30, 1808.
Franklin F. and Alexine S. Chase of Portsmouth, N.H., int. Sept. 23 [1848].
George and Elmira [int. Almira] Reed, Mar. ----, 1828. [Almira, Mar. 4, C.R.1.]
Horace and Eliza [int. adds A.] Glezen, Oct. 5, 1828.
Jonathan F. and Harriot Stratton [of] Weston, int. Apr. 13, 1815.
Mary [int. adds Mrs.] and Capt. Sam[ue]ll [int. Samuel] Frost of Framingham, Sept. 3, 1788.
Newell and Jerusha Grout, Apr. 30, 1822.
Priscilla [int. Pricilla] and George Stratton of Weston, Apr. 28, 1825. [Priscilla, C.R.1.]
Richard and Mary Maynard, Apr. 10, 1783.
Richard and Mrs. Mary Cutler, int. Nay 26, 1798.
Richard Jr. and Abigail Rice, Feb. 23, 1815.
Rosalia and Benjamin A. Dudley, May 8, 1839.
Samuel H. M., 22, farmer, s. William 2d and Susan, and Harriett M. Sherman, 24, d. Timothy and Maria, Mar. 1, 1849. [Harriet M., C.R.1.]
Sarah, 26, d. William and Eunice, and Charles H. Campbell, 24, farmer, s. Joseph and Mary, Oct. 27, 1847.
William and Eunice Heard, int. ---- 30 1808.
William and Susan Mann [of] Orford, N.H., int. Feb. 5, 1825.
Zachariah and Abigail Damon, [June] 24, 1784. [Zacchariah, M.R.]
HEMENWAY (see Hemingway, Hemmingway)
Persis of Framingham, and Luther Richardson of Sudbury, June ----, 1770, in Framingham.
HEMINGWAY (see Hemenway, Hemmingway)
Anna [int. Anne] and Henry Parmenter, Apr. 24, 1829. [Anna Hemmenway, C.R.1.]
Martin of Framingham, and Elizabeth Dudley, July 29, 1816. [Hemmenway, C.R.1.]
Polly [int. Heminway] and Rufus F. Draper of Waltham, [Dec.] 4, 1824.
HEMMINGWAY (see Hemenway, Hemingway)
Sally of Framingham, and Jonas Hunt, Feb. ----, 1788, in Framingham.
Elisha of Holden, and Tabatha Heans of Sudbury, Mar. 14, 1749, in Holden.
Ebenezer of Natick, and Sarah Dudley, int. May 6, 1843.
HEWES (see Hews)
Abraham [int. Hews] of Weston, and Martha Griffin, June 26, 1794.
HEWS (see Hewes)
Sally of Weston, and Daniel Griffin, Dec. 14, 1796, in Weston.
HEYWOOD (see Hayward)
Jonathan [of] Concord, and Rebecca Rice [of] Sudbury, Aug. 23, 1768, in Concord.
Josiah [of] Concord, and Thankful Balcom [of] Sudbury, Apr. 7, 1755, in Concord.
Lousia M., 24, d. Simeon H. and Elisabeth (Rice), and Horace Smith, 21, cordwainer, s. Oliver B. and Mary, June 22, 1846.
Lyman, Maj., of Albany, Albany Co., N.Y., and Sophia Cabot, Sept. 14, 1785.
Hiram of Poultney, Vt., and Sarah Smith, int. Sept. 8, 1827.
Jona[than], Capt., and Lucy Glezen, Sept. 11, 1783. [Glezin, M.R.]
Lois and Benjamin L. Rice, Dec. 26, 1812.
Ruth and Israel Moore, Aug. 27, 1787.
Josiah R. of Newton; and Lucy Francis, Oct. 20, 1842.
Abel of Sudbury, and Thankful Cutting of Waltham, Feb. 23, 1777, in Waltham.
Betsey of Sudbury, and Thomas R. Plymton, int. Mar. 23, 1805.
Mary [of] Concord, and James How [of] Sudbury, Aug. 26, 1741, in Concord.
Thomas and Sally Wills, Feb. 24, 1829.
Benjamin of Hopkinton, and Mary Damon, June 5, 1832.
Rufus and Mrs. Susanna Maynard, Jan. 31, 1808. [Susanna, wid., C.R.1.]
Nancy [int. Nancey] of Acton, and Josiah Russell, Sept. 30, 1819. [Nancy, C.R.1.]
Ruth [of] Concord, and Hope Brown [of] Sudbury, July 18, 1765, in Concord.
Silas of Montague, and [int. adds Mrs.] Asenath Haven, Oct. 7, 1835. [Dea. Silas, C.R.2.]
Thomas and Sally Weld, int. Feb. 6, 1829.
HOW (see Howe)
Abigail and Buckminster Rice, Jan. 12, 1798.
Elisha [of] Sudbury, and Hannah Spavally [of] Concord, Aug. 18, 1718, in Concord.
Esther [int. Howe] of Sudbury, and David Smith, Nov. 23, 1790, in Sudbury.
Lucy and Luther Stone, Feb. 3, 1825.
Tolmon of Weston, and Susanna Low of Weston, Oct. 9, 1782. [Talmon, M.R.]
HOWE (see How)
Benjamin L. of Waltham, and Eunice Moore, int. Oct. 5, 1843.
Edward K. and Harriett E. Oliver, Nov. 26, 1842. [Edward R. and Harriet E. Oliver, C.R.2.]
Elijah, 23, farmer, of Marlborough [int. Marlboro], s. Jabez and Roxana, and Emeline L. Ward, 18, d. William and Eunice, Apr. 19, 1849.
Ezra L. and Sarah E. Hammon, July 26, 1838.
Hezekiah and Jane Generson of Sudbury, Oct. 11, 1746, in Framingham.
James [of] Sudbury, and Mary Holden [of] Concord, Aug. 26, 1741, in Concord.
Samuel of Sudbury, and Martha Goodell of Framingham, Sept. 11, 1704, in Watertown.
Joseph of Sudbury, and Thankful Brown of Sudbury, Aug. 4, 1698, in Boston.
Mary [int. Hubbard] and [int. adds Col.] Ephraim Brigham of Marlborough [int. Marlboro], Mar. 15, 1815. [Hubbard, and Col. Ephraim Brigham of Marlb[orough], C.R.1.]
Abigail of Sudbury, and Josiah Sherman, int. Sept. 26, 1812.
Abigail of Sudbury, and Joseph Belcher, int. Dec. 18, 1813.
Catharine and William Felton of Marlboro, Nov. 20, 1791.
Charles and Harriet Hunt, Apr. 25, 1839. [Harriet of Sudbury, C.R.2.]
Deborah of Lancaster, and Jonathan Carter of Sudbury, Oct. 25, 1770, in Lancaster.
Harriet and Charles Hunt, Apr. 25, 1839. [Harriet of Sudbury, C.R.2.]
Jonas and Sally Hemmingway of Framingham, Feb. ----, 1788, in Framingham.
Mary of Sudbury, and Ebenezer Leland Sr. of Sherborn, Aug. 29, 1721, in Sherborn.
John S. B. and Mary Ann Tyler, int. Apr. 5, 1828.
John of Framingham, and Lucy Stone, June 11, 1826.
William H. of Framingham, and Caroline [int. adds C.] Brigham, Jan. 17, 1843.
Grindley of Sudbury, and Hepsabeth Flagg, May 30, 1753, in Framingham.
John of Sudbury, and Mercy Chadwick of Weston, Feb. 15, 1727-8, in Weston.
JENISON (see Generson, Jenneson, Jennison)
Rebecca, Mrs., of Worcester, and David Baldwin Esq., int. Mar. 7, 1818.
JENKINSON (see Jenkison)
Joseph of Sudbury, and Faith Loving, July 13, 1761, in Hopkinton.
Thomas [int. Jenkison] and Experience Bent of Sudbury, July 22, 1798, in Sudbury.
JENKISON (see Jenkinson)
Athaliah and Peter Underwood of Watertown, Oct. 2, 1794.
Betsey of Natick, and Ebeneezer Loker, int. Sept. 29, 1798.
JENNESON (see Generson, Jenison, Jennison)
Mary of Natick, and Lt. Phinehas Gregory of Princeton, [Oct.] 15, 1794.
Sarah W. and Deland A. Griffin, Apr. 14, 1842.
JENNISON (see Generson, Jenison, Jenneson)
Anna and Aaron Parks of Lincoln, Dec. 23, 1783, in Lincoln.
William and Elizabeth Golding of Sudbury, June 20, 1700, in Charlestown.
Mary [of] Sudbury, and Edmund Marble [of] Sudbury, Aug. 7, 1711, in Concord.
Henry P. of Boxborough, and Mary L. Damon, June 27, 1839.
Aaron and Nancy Rice, int. ---- 17, 1808.
Abigail and Caleb Moulten of Framingham, June 19, 1792.
Betsey and Jason Dudley, int. Mar. 14, 1801.
Charles W. and Martha S. Miles [of] Concord, int. Mar. 16, 1832.
Dolly and Willard Goldthwait of Weston, int. Mar. 27, 1819.
Ebenezer of Boston, and Emily Bullard, int. Mar. 3, 1838. [m. Mar. 29, C.R.1.]
Esther, Mrs., and William Loomis of Southborough, Sept. ----, 1832.
Joanna and William Rice of Framingham, [July] 30, 1795.
Josiah and Lorency [dup. Lorenna, int. Lorinna] Stone, Apr. 17 [dup. [Apr. 11], 1822. [Lorency, Apr. 17, C.R.1.]
Margaret and Thomas Park of Brighton, int. Mar. 31, 1809.
Mary and Tim[oth]y Emes, [May] 15, 1788.
Nathan S. and Lousia Bond, June 24, 1825.
Polly [int. Patty] and Edward Hawes, [Nov.] 22, 1807. [Patty, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Asahell Childs of Framingham, int. Nov. 23, 1805. [Sally and Asahel Childs of Framingham, m. Dec. 10, C.R.1.]
Squire of Granby, and Polly Underwood, int. Oct. 5, 1805. [m. Nov. 12, C.R.1.]
William of Sudbury, and Mary Bryant of Reading, Oct. 20, 1737, in Reading.
William and Hetty Stone of Natick, int. Aug. 27, 1796.
Will[ia]m, Dea., and Esther Smith, Jan. 8, 1818.
William 2d [dup. omits 2d] and Anna Goldthwait, Apr. 6 [dup. Apr. 7], 1822. [William 2d, Apr. 6, C.R.1.]
Almira and Lewis I. Clapp of Milton, int. June 19, 1847.
Coolidge and Persis Stone, Aug. 27, 1808.
Coolidge of Boston, and Hannah Stone, int. July 13, 1810.
Daniel of Boston, and Eunice Rice, [May] 17, 1808.
Dorcas [of] Concord, and Moses Haynes [of] Sudbury, Mar. 9, 1769, in Concord.
Elizabeth of Weston, and Samuel Baldwin of Sudbury, Mar. 23, 1741-2, in Weston.
Elizabeth of Framingham, and Josiah Smith, int. Feb. 15, 1806.
Eunice of Weston, and Benja[min] Peirce of Weston, Nov. 28, 1782.
Hannah and Warren Morse, int. Feb. 20, 1813.
Jacob and Marcy Graves, Feb. 24, 1785. [Mary, M.R.]
John and Nancy Maynard, Nov. 24, 1816. C.R.1.
Nathaniel A. of Needham, and Eliza Gleason [int. Glezen], Nov. 25, 1832. [Gleason, C.R.1.]
Thomas and Francess Barrett, int. Mar. 13 [1848].
David, Rev., of Framingham, and Mrs. Sarah Bridge of Framingham, [May] 27, 1781.
Hugh and Rosa McGauley, int. Aug. 12, 1844.
Chever [of] Framingham, and Dorothy Parris, Aug. 24, 1780. [Chevey and Dorothy Parus, M.R.]
Joseph [int. Kindall] and Nancy [int. Nancey] Gould, July 21, 1806. [Kendall, and Nancy Gould, C.R.1.]
Joshua [int. Kindall] and Betsey Stone, Dec. 26, 1802.
Nathaniel [int. Kendal, dup. int. Kendal of Framingham] and Susanna Haynes, Dec. 17, 1810. [Kendal, C.R.1.]
Paul of Watertown, and Susan Carter, int. June 21, 1804. [m. Sept. 9, C.R.1.]
Harriett [int. Harriet], 25, d. John and Mary, and Hiram Garrison, 28, farmer, s. Ezra and Charlottte, Jan. 6, 1847.
Olive of Natick, and Cuff Nims of Sudbury, Jan. 14, 1779, in Natick.
Edmund of Sharburn, and Nancy Berry, int. Feb. 2, 1801.
Eliza [int. Kemball] and Charles Loker of Brighton, [Oct.] 30, 1828. [Kimball, C.R.1.]
Cuff [of] Lincoln, [and] Dinah Young of Sudbury, Feb. 8, 1781. [Kneeland, M.R.]
Samuel of Sudbury, and Anna Earns of Framingham, Apr. 23, 1740, in Framingham.
Nathaniel and Eliza Baldwin of Lincoln, int. Jan. 30, 1802.
Silence [int. Knowlton] and John Oliver of Weston, Dec. 18, 1791.
Sarah of Spencer, and Isaac Rice Jr. of Sudbury, Jan. 14, 1771, in Spencer.
Solomon of Marlborough, and [int. adds Mrs.] Mary Willis, Apr. 6, 1837. [Mrs. Mary, C.R.2.]
Caroline W. of Grafton, and Abner Rice, int. Aug. 18, 1843.
Mary E. of Grafton, and Alpheus D. Loker, int. May 28, 1842.
John of Sudbury, and Hepzibeth Stimson of Reading, July 28, 1730, in Reading.
Azubah, Mrs., of Peperell, and Silas Flagg, int. Mar. 20, 1831.
Dana and Mrs. Lydia Maynard [of] Waltham, int. Apr. 4, [18]45. "April 19, 1845 Received a writing forbidding the Banns of the last named persons, from Jesse Viles, Nathan Hagar, and John Williams by their attorneys Mellen & Smith."
William [int. Lawrance Jr.] of Weston, and Susanna Tilton, July 7, 1791.
William F. of Newton, and Nancy Noyes, June 13, 1839. [Nancey, C.R.1.]
Phillip of Boston, and Mary Moran, int. Jan. 4, 1849.
LEARNARD (see Learned)
Benjamin Gibson of Cambridge, and Lucy Learnard, [Apr.] 30, 1809. [Learned, and Lucy Learned, C.R.1.]
Daniel and Rebecah Roby, int. Nov. 3, 1804. [Rebecca, m. Dec. 23, C.R.1.]
Hannah and Capt. William Curtis, May 14, 1807. [Learned, C.R.1.]
Lucy and Benjamin Gibson Learnard of Cambridge, [Apr.] 30, 1809. [Learned, and Benjamin Gibson Learned, C.R.1.]
Nancy and Dr. Erasmus V. Freeman of Effingham, N.H., int. Dec. 28, 1808.
LEARNED (see Learnard)
Abigail of Sherbarn, and John Woodward of Sudbury, Mar. 10, 1739-40, in Sherborn.
Daniel Jr. and Mary Stone of Sudbury, int., Mar. 10, 1816.
Arathusa [int. Arrathusa] and James Smith of Weston, Mar. 7 [1819]. [Arethusa, C.R.1.]
Caroline and Levi Colby of W. Cambridge, Oct. 9, 1839.
Cyrus and Maria Bond, Mar. 8, 1832.
Elenor [of] Concord, and James Haines [of] Sudbury, Aug. 14, 1741, in Concord.
Joseph of Concord, and Ruth Goodnow of Sudbury, Oct. 8, 1713, in Watertown.
Mary L. and William Ward Jr., int. Oct. 18, 1849.
Samuel and Mary Underwood, int. Feb. 16, 1805. [m. Mar. 24, C.R.1.]
Susan, d. Cyrus, and William Ward [int. Jr.], shoemaker, s. William Sr., May 1, 1844.
Daniel of Sherburn, and Eliza Heard, int. Nov. 30, 1805. [Lealand, m. Jan. 21, 1806, C.R.1.]
Ebenezer Sr. of Sherborn, and Mary Hunt of Sudbury, Aug. 29, 1721, in Sherborn.
Nabby of Sudbury, and James Smith, int. Nov. 20, 1806.
LIVERMORE (see Livermore)
William of Weston, and Tab[ith]a Tilton, int. Dec. 7, 1799.
LIVERMORE (see Livermoore)
Abijah of Weston, and Anna Graves of Sudbury, Nov. ---, 1760, in Weston.
David of Weston, and Sarah Tilton, Oct. 4, 1787.
Eph[rai]m of Weston, and Betsy [int. Betsey] Tilton, [May] 25, 1789.
Joseph of Spencer, and Martha Maynard, [June] 15, [1]786.
Lois of Weston, and Samuel Livermore of Sudbury, Mar. 4, 1756, in Weston.
Mary of Watertown, and John Goodnow of Sudbury, Aug. 17, 1724, in Watertown.
Mehitable of Weston, and Eliakim Rice of Sudbury, May 14, 1730, in Weston.
Miranda of Weston, and Joseph Moore, int. ----, 19, 1802.
Sally of Weston, and Ephraim Staples, June 30, 1799, in Weston.
Samuel of Sudbury, and Lois Livermore of Weston, Mar. 4, 1756, in Weston.
Caleb of Tewksbury, and Bular R. Loker, May 25, 1831.
Abigail, 32, d. Paul, and Elias S. Banfield, 32, shoemaker, of Holliston, s. Nathan, July 2, 1844.
Adeline A., 27, d. Paul and Abigail, and Ebenezer Loker, 32, farmer, s. Ebenezer and Betsey, Oct. 17, 1844.
Adeliza, 20, d. Otis and Betsey, and William D. Bullard, 25, shoemaker, s. Elijah and Olive D., Nov. 21, 1849.
Almira (see Elmira).
Alpheus D. and Mary E. Latham of Grafton, int. May 28, 1842.
Alpheus D., 24, shoemaker, s. Paul and Abigail, and Harriett Bowman, 23, d. Samuel and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1847.
Anna and William Devan, Oct. 24, 1790.
Bular R. and Caleb Livingston of Tewksbury, May 25, 1831.
Catherine and Joseph A. Penniman of Fitz William [int. Fitzwilliam], N.H. Apr. 17, 1838. [Catharine and Joseph A. Penniman of Fitzwilliam, N.H., C.R.2.]
Charles of Brighton, and Elza Kimball [int. Kemball], [Oct.] 30, 1828. [Kimball, C.R.1.]
Charles and Zerviah C. Hammond [int. Hammon], June 24, 1835, in Natick.
Ebeneezer and Betsey Jenkison of Natick, int. Sept. 29, 1798.
Ebenezer, 32, farmer, s. Ebenezer and Betsey, and Adeline A. Loker, 27, d. Paul and Abigail, Oct. 17, 1844.
Elmira [int. Almira] and John Cooper of Boston, Dec. 10, 1832. [Elmira, C.R.1.]
Ephraim and Susanna Loker, Apr. 28, 1796.
Faithe [int. Faithee L.] and Samuel Coggin of Natick, Sept. 26, 1824. [Faith, C.R.1.]
Hannah and John Felch of Natick, [June] 15, 1789.
Harriet and Joseph Bullard, May 8, 1834.
Isaac, Capt., and Mrs. Mehetable Ward of Needham, int. [Aug.] 27 [1791].
Isaac Jr. and Betsey Cutting, int. [Dec.] 28, 1793.
Jefferson and Caroline Whellock of Surry, N.H., int. Mar. 29, 1836.
John L. and Abigail Bent, May 19, 1831.
John L. and Hannah J. Parker of Lowell, int. Mar. 4, 1844.
Judith and Oliver Allen of Weston, int. Mar. 25, 1826. [m. Apr. 12, C.R.1.]
Loring and Hannah Smith of Needham, Feb. 1, 1832.
Lousia and Ira B. Draper, Mar. 20, 1838.
Mary and Elijah Brigham of Marlborough, int. May 4, 1827.
Otis and Betsey Allen, June 17, 1826.
Paul and Abigail Dudley, int. Nov. 29, 1799.
Paul Jr., 28, tradesman, s. Paul and Abigail, and Sarah B. Coggin, 23, d. Samuel and Faithee, June 24, 1847.
Polly and Windsor Moulten, Aug. 9, 1795.
Sarah of Sudbury, and Benjamin Mills Jr. of Needham, Jan. 16 [1779], in Needham.
Sarah and William Russell, June 13, 1822.
Susanna and Ephraim Loker, Apr. 28, 1796.
William, 22, farmer, s. Paul and Abigail, and Eliza J. [int. Jane] Dudley, 17, Nov. 7, 1844.
William of Southborough, and Mrs. Esther Johnson, Sept. ----, 1832.
Jonathan of Sudbury, and Elizabeth Woods of Marlboro, Jan. 21, 1740, in Marlboro.
Anna and William Bracket, [Nov.] 22, 1784. [Lauchlin, M.R.]
Lovell (see Lovewell, Lovwell)
Francis of Boston, and Benjamin Baker, int. Aug. 15, 1826.
LOVERING(sec Loving)
Daniel A., 23, bleacher, of Waltham, s. Joseph, and Olive M. Puffer, 23, of Waltham, d. Otis, May 24, 1846.
LOVEWELL (see Lovell, Lovwell)
Samuel [int. Lovwell] of Weston, and Chole [int. Chloe] Rice, Feb. 11, 1812. [Lovewell, and Chloe Rice, C.R.1.]
LOVING (see Lovering)
Faith and Joseph Jenkinson of Sudbury, July 13, 1761, in Hopkinton.
LOVWELL (see Lovell, Lovewell)
Samuel Jr. of Weston, and Lucretia B. Adams, int. Mar. 8, 1828.
Susanna of Weston, and Tolman How of Weston, Oct. 9, 1782. [Talmon, M.R.]
Martha G. of Boston, and Isaac Gleason Jr., int. Aug. 12, 1832.
Elizabeth of Orford, N.H., and Abel Gleason, int. Aug. 12, 1832.
Isabella of Orford, N.H., and Henry Wight, int. Apr. 29, 1848.
Mary and Sam[ue]ll Curtis, July 20, 1780. [Sam[ue]l, M.R.]
Robert [of] Sudbury, and Sarah Talbot [of] Sudbury, Mar. 17, 1700–1 , in Concord.
Samuel H. and Isabelle Ross, Oct. 28, 1829. [Samuel H. Esq., C.R.1.]
Susan [of] Orford, N.H., and William Heard, int. Feb. 5, 1825.
Dorothy [of] Sudbury, and Daniel Walker [of] Sudbury, Dec. 13, 1709, in Concord.
Edmund of Sudbury, and Mary Jewell [of] Sudbury, Aug. 7, 1711, in Concord.
Ann and Lewis Abbott, int. Oct. 12, 1827.
Esther of Roxbury, and George Bent, int. Dec. 3, 1820.
Mary of Sudbury, and Daniel Mellen of Framingham, June 20, 1744, in Framingham.
Nathaniel B. and Catherine [int. Catharine] E. Morrill, Jan. 8, 1843.
Abigail and Luther Moore, Jan. 25, [17]87.
Abigail and Samuel Russell [int. Jr.], [May] 26, 1788.
Ann S. of Framingham, and Nathaniel C. Dudley, int. June 1, 1844.
Daniel and Hannah Steadman of Weston, Dec. 15, 1793.
Debby, Mrs., and Robert Cutting Jr., int. Nov. 15, 1800.
Deborah [int. adds C.] and David Baldwin [int. Jr.], [June] 15, 1817. [Deborah and David Baldwin, C.R.1.]
Dorcas, Mrs., and William Baldwin Esq., [Apr.] 25, 1782.
Elizabeth, Mrs., and Joseph Shortlief, int. Apr. 24, 1813.
Jane and Elisha Meriam, Dec. 15, 1793.
John of Sudbury, and Eliza Neadom of Cambridge, Dec. 9, 1713, in Cambridge.
Jonathan of Sudbury, and Mehitable Neadom of Cambridge, -----, in Cambridge.
Lois and Oliver Damon, Mar. 13, 1782.
Lucretia of Rutland, and Thomas Eams of Sudbury, Oct. 9, 1773, in Rutland.
Lydia, Mrs., [of] Waltham, and Dana Lawrence, int. Apr. 4, [18]45. "April 19, 1845 Received a writing forbidding the Banns of the last named persons, from Jesse Viles, Nathan Hagar, and John Williams by their attorneys Mellen & Smith."
Martha and Joseph Livermore of Spencer, [June] 15, [1]786.
Martha and Josiah Appleton Thomas, Oct. 9, 1803.
Martha S. and Benjamin S. Williams of Hingham, July 9, 1822.
Mary and Richard Heard, Apr. 10, 1783.
Mary L. and Henry Norton of Londonderry, N.H., int. July 5, 1820.
Meliscent of Sudbury, and Micah Whitney of Leicester, Apr. 16, 1755, in Leicester.
Micah and Abigail Carter, Jan. 15, 1797.
Nancy and John Jones, Nov. 24, 1816. C.R.1.
Patty of Framingham, and Isaac Damon [int. Jr.], Jan. 1, 1798, in Framingham.
Ruben [int. Reuben] of Sudbury, and Betsey Smith, Oct. 22, 1789.
Susanna, Mrs., and Rufus Horsley, Jan. 31, 1808. [Susanna, wid., C.R.1.]
Susannah [of] Sudbury, and John Clark [of] Sudbury, June 29, 1741, in Concord.
Willard of Sudbury, and Rebecca Adams, int. Apr. 2, 1814.
Thomas and Ann Rogers, int. Feb. 21, 1845.
Rosa and Hugh Kelly, int. Aug. 12, 1844.
Martha E. of Acworth, N.H., and Charles A. Ward, int. June 8, [18]49.
MEAD (see Meed)
Rebecca of Harvard, and Joshua Haynes of Sudbury, Jan. 4, 1750, in Harvard.
MEED (see Mead)
Ahijah [int. Abigail Mede] of Fitzburg, and Hepzibah Grave [Int. Hepzibath Graves], July 3, 1788.
Daniel of Framingham, and Mary Maverick of Sudbury, June 20, 1744, in Framingham.
Edward Esq. and Sophia Whitney [of] Cambridge, int. Mar. 15, 1831.
MERIAM (see Merriam)
Charlottte [int. Moore] and George Hartshorn, June 10, 1819. [Moore, C.R.1.]
Elisha and Jane Maynard, Dec. 15, 1793.
James of Northfield, and Lucy Wilder Carter, Dec. 12, 1790.
Jane and Walter H. Stone, int. June 2, 1815.
Polly and Joseph Shortlief, Apr. 19, 1787.
MERRIAM (see Meriam)
John [of] Concord, and Abagail Norcross [of] Sudbury, Sept. 24, 1714, in Concord.
John of Sudbury, and Mary Bancroft of Lynn, Nov. 24, 1752, in Lynn.
Sophia [int. Meriam] and Jason Fish of Athol, [May] 30, 1818. [Meriam, C.R.1.]
MERRICK (see Mireck).
Ambrose P., Rev., of Frankfort, Me., and Caroline Gleason, int. July 11, 1841.
Alice of Cambridge, and John Shears of Sudbury, Apr. 9, 1688, in Cambridge.
Martha S. [of] Concord, and Charles W. Johnson, int. Mar. 16, 1832.
James [int. Milledge] of St. Johns [int. adds Newfoundland], and Catharine Curtis, Aug. 10, 1806. [Milledge of St. Johns, Newfound Land, C.R.1.]
Jeremiah [int. Nehemiah] of Westboro [int. Westborough], and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Jemima Rice, May 24, 1792, in Westboro.
Benjamin Jr. of Needham, and Sarah Loker of Sudbury, Jan. 16 [1779], in Needham.
Catherine C. and Jonathan Bacon 2d of Natick, ----- [int. Jan. 16] [1836].
Daniel Rice and Nancy Baker of Lincoln, int. June 28, 1812.
Josiah R. and Laura Ann Dudley, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
Katharine, Mrs., and Seth Savage Jr. of Princeton, int. June 26, 1803.
Stephen [of] Prinston, and Abigail Grillyn, Dec. 7, 1780. [Merrick, and Abigail Griffin, M.R.]
Anna of Watertown, and Isaac Rice of Sudbury, May 21, 1741, in Watertown.
MOALTON (see Moulten, Moulton)
Daniel Jr. and Bular Beeman of Bolton, int. Oct. 13, 1825. "Oct` 24 A D 1825 This Publishrnent forbid by the Above Said Daniel Moulton Ju."
Julia Ann E. and Samuel Moore, Feb. 26, 1840.
Jeremiah S. and Emeline [int. Evelina] Stone, Apr. 25, 1839. [Eveline, C.R.2.]
MOOR (see Moore)
William and Mrs. Eunice Corliss of Natick, int. Dec. 31, 1835.
MOORE (see Moor)
Anna [int. Ann Moor] and Jacob Farwell of Fitchburg [int. Fitchburgh], Mar. 19, 1816. [Anna Moore and Jacob Farwell of Fitchburg, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Benjamin Bancroft, int. Apr. 20, 1800.
Charlottte (see Charlottte Meriam).
Elisha 2d, 27, farmer, of Sudbury, s. Wheeler and Abigail of Sudbury, and Caroline E. [int. Elizabeth] Sherman, 17, d. Josiah M. and Abigail, June 12, 184$.
Eunice and Benjamin L. Howe of Waltham, int. Oct. 5, 1843.
Israel and Ruth Hoar, Aug. 27, 1787.
John of Sudbury, and Deborah Allen of Weston, Dec. 24, 1714, in Weston.
Joseph and Miranda Livermore of Weston, int. ---- 19, 1802.
Joseph and Polly Shearman [int. Sharman], Dec. 29, 1806. [Sharman, C.R.1.]
Luke of Sudbury, and Lucy Estabrook of Holden, Oct. 27, 1760, in Holden.
Luther and Abigail Maynard, Jan. 25, [17]87.
Lydia [int. Moor, adds Mrs.] and Amos Abbot, Mar. 10, 1795.
Rebecca and Henry Grandy, Mar. 29, 1829.
Samuel and Julia Ann E. Mohart, Feb. 26, 1840.
Sam[ue]ll and Olive Bent, [Oct.] 23, 1783. [Samuel, M.R.]
Sarah and James Gale of Brighton, Aug. 3, 1822.
Sarah Ann and Henry Smith of Sudbury, int. Nov. 11, 1849.
Sarah Marshall and Lafayette Dudley, int. Dec. 24, 1849.
Sophia and Warren Moore, farmer, of Sudbury, Apr. 17, 1844.
Warren, farmer, of Sudbury, and Sophia Moore, Apr. 17, 1844.
Mary and Philip Leany of Boston, int. Jan. 4, 1849.
Catherine [int. Catharine] E. and Nathaniel B. Maxwell, Jan. 8, 1843.
Ephraim and Eunice Noyes, Apr. 19, 1812.
Irene and Josiah Bridge, int. Feb. 15, 1806. [Eirene, m. Feb. 2 [sic], C.R.1.]
Isaac of Natick, and Lucy Damon, July 3, 1803.
Jonas N. and Sarah H. Scott of Leicester, int. Feb. 4, 1842.
Noah of Sherborn, and Abigail Gleazon of Sudbury, Nov. 4, 1714, in Sherborn.
Warren and Hannah Jones, int. Feb. 20, 1813.
MOSEMAN (see Mossman)
Moses of Sudbury, and Mary Willard of Lancaster, Apr. 2, 1775, in Lancaster.
MOSSMAN (see Moseman)
Timothy of Sudbury, and Alice Woodman of Dorchester, May 25, 1744, in Dorchester.
MOULTEN (see Moalton, Moulton)
Anna and William Dudley Jr., June 5, 1791.
Caleb of Framingham, and Abigail Johnson, June 19, 1792.
Caleb, Capt., and Mrs. Anna Goldwate of Salem, int. Oct. 13, 1803.
Daniel and Mehetable Davis, [Dec.] 20, 1793.
Hannah and William Clark, [Apr.] 16, 1782. [Moulton, M.R.]
Jane and Matthias Walker of Framingham, Mar. 14, 1793.
Joseph and Olive Underwood of Framingham, int. May 1, 1804.
Lois and Abraham Mullets of Boston, int. Sept. 11, 1825.
Patty [int. Polly] and Josiah Winch of Framingham, May ----, 1789, in Framingham.
Sally and Bohan Smith of Cambridge, int. June 15, 1801.
Windsor and Polly Loker, Aug. 9, 1795.
MOULTON (see Moalton, Moulten)
Aaron and Eleanor Goodnow of Framingham, int. Apr. 8, 1829.
Betsey and Wental Wright of Waltham, Dec. 6 [int. Dec. 17, sic], 1828. [Dec. 6, C.R.1.]
Charles, 28, carpenter, of Framingham, s. Windsor (Moultun) and Mary of Framingham, and Priscilla Thomas, 28, d. Josiah A. and Martha, June 19, 1845.
Dexter and Eliza Dudley, int. May 30, 1829.
Lois and Elijah Sanders of Marlborough, int. Sept. 16, 1826.
Roxana and Samuel Pratt of Waltham, Sept. 19, 1839. [Roxanna, C.R.2.]
Sarah Frances, 19, d. Nathan and Sarah, and Charles C. Pratt, widr. [int. omits widr.}, 27, stage-driver, of Upton, s. Calvin and Betsey, Mar. 5, 1848.
Abraham of Boston, and Lois Moulten, int. Sept. 11, 1825.
Phebe of Newton, and Nathan Bond, int. July 3, 1790.
Eliza of Cambridge, and John Maynard of Sudbury, Dec. 9, 1713, in Cambridge.
Mehitable of Cambridge, and Jonathan Maynard of Sudbury, -------, in Cambridge.
John F., 23, wheelwright, s. Benjamin F., and Mary Puffer, 18, of Sudbury, d. Otis, July 4, 1844.
NEEDHAM (see Neadom).
Jonathan R., merchant, of Boston, and Charlottte A. Bigelow of Weston, Nov. 15, 1843.
Elisabeth of Marlboro, and Asahel Sherman, int. Nov. 1, 1838.
Henry R. and Charlottte Seaverns of Weston, int. Apr. 1, 1838.
Levina and Asa Felch of Needham, July 23, 1793.
Polly of Weston, and Ezekiel Rice Jr., int. Dec. 28, 1798.
Hannah of Reading, and Samuel Curtice of Sudbury, July 25, 1749, in Reading.
Cuff of Sudbury, and Olive Kent of Natick, Jan. 14, 1779, in Natick.
Warren of Framingham, and Salome Rice, May 23, 1818.
Abagail [of] Sudbury, and John Merriam [of] Concord, Sept. 24, 1714, in Concord.
Henry of Londonderry, N.H., and Mary L. Maynard, int. July 5, 1820.
Anna [and] William Wyman, [Sept.] 26, 1780.
Elizabeth B. and H. Baylies Braman of Charlestown, int. Sept. 30, 1843.
Eunice and Ephraim Morse, Apr. 19, 1812.
James and Mary Staples, Mar. 23, 1791.
Jane and Abraham Smith of Sudbury, int. Oct. 17, 1801.
Luther S. of Acton, and Susan F. Wheeler of Acton, Sept. 2, 1839. [Sept. 22, C.R.2.]
Mary (see Polly).
Mary Jane and Jedediah L. Tower of Stow, Apr. 3, 1839.
Nabby Stone and Capt. John Bacon of Barnstable, int. Nov. 28, 1800.
Nancy and Haman Smith of Stow, June 17, 1807.
Nancy and William F. Lawrence of Newton, June 13, 1839. [Nancey, C.R.1.]
Polly, Mrs., and Able Gleazen, int. Feb. 27, 1796.
Polly [int. Mrs. Mary] and Thomas Richardson of Westford, Jan. 1, 1797.
Samuel S. and Mrs. Sally Cook, Apr. 25, 1824.
Samuel Stone and Mary Plympton of Sudbry, int. Nov. 11, 1809.
Sukey and Capt. John Bacon of Barnstable, int. June 17, 1798.
Susan R. and Thomas Rutter, int. Mar. 1, 1835. [m. Apr. 5, C.R.1.]
David of Westborough, and Clarissa [int. Clarissa] Smith, Nov. 13, 1820. [Clarissa, C.R.1.]
