INDEX Vital Records Of Wayland Massachusetts To The Year 1850
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund Boston, Mass. 1910
Marriages - ABBOT to FULLER
[Transcribed by Dave Swedefeger]

ABBOT (see Abbott, Abott)
Altheus [int. Alpheus Abbott] and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Lydia Fay of Westborough, Feb. 11, 1799, in Westboro.
Amos and [int. adds Mrs.] Lydia Moore [int. Moor], Mar. 10, 1795.
ABBOTT (see Abbot, Abott)
Abigail and Peter Smink of Boston, May 24, 1781. [Abbot, M.R.]
Lewis and Ann Marsh, int. Oct. 12, 1827.
Mary and Alexander Whitelaw of Needham, int. Aug. 15, 1800.
Sally and Luther Goodnow of Sudbury, int. Apr. 2, 1803.
Samuel of Sudbuy, and Joice Rice of Sudbuy, June 26, 1705, in Watertown.
ABOTT (see Abbot, Abbott)
Amos and Abigail Hayden, May 8, 1787.
Abigail (see Nabby).
Benjamin of Sudbury, and Mrs. Elizabeth Adams of Lincoln, Feb. 22, 1777, in Lincoln.
Betsey and Smith Adams Jr. of Newton, int. Aug. 4, 1810.
Betsey of Concord, and David Heard, int. Sept. 6, 1817.
Clarissa and Thomas S. Roby [int. Robie] of Gorham, Me., May 21, 1820. [Robie, C.R.1.].
Elizabeth, Mrs., of Lincoln, and Benjamin Adams of Sudbury, Feb. 22, 1777, in Lincoln.
John [and] Elisabeth Billings [of] Lincoln, Nov. 16, 1780. [Mrs. Elizabeth, M.R.]
Judith and Adam Stone of Fitzwilliam, [N]ov. 19, [1]786.
Lucinda and Charles Grout, Apr. 23, 1818.
Lucretia B. and Samuel Lovwell Jr. of Weston, int. Mar. 8, 1828.
Margaret and John Grant of Sudbury, Oct. 29, 1724, in Boston.
Mary and Silas P. Tarbell of Boston, Mar. 10, 1808.
Nabby [int. Abigail] and Elisha Tolman of Concord, Oct. 17, 1816. [Nabby, C.R.1.]
Polly and Micah Cutler of Woburn, Jan. 16 [int. [Mar.] 31, sic], 1796, in Woburn.
Rebecca and Willard Maynard of Sudbury, int. Apr. 2, 1814.
Samuel and Frances P. Stratton of Waltham, int. Mar. 6, 1837.
Seth and Betsey Briant, int. ---- 7, 1804. [m. Dec. 9, C.R.1.]
Sith [int. and dup. int. Seth] and Judith Briant, Nov. 13, 1796.
Smith Jr. of Newton, and Betsey Adams, int. Aug. 4, 1810.
Timothy D. and Nancy J. Oliver, int. June 18, 1842.
Zerriah of Framingham, [and] Samuel Brown of Sudbury, May 19, 1742, in Framingham.
Eliza B., 23, and Charles R. Rice, 22, blacksmith, Nov. 27, 1845.
William of Needham, and Susannah Whitney, May 1, 1788, in Needham.
Daniel of Ackworth [int. Aquith, N.H.], and Susanna Ewers [int. Eurs], Jan. 21, 1809. [Daniel of Ackworth, N.H., and Susanna Ewers, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Mrs. Nancy Eames of Natick, int. Dec. 13, 1845.
Betsey and Otis Loker, June 17, 1826.
Christiana H., and William Briar, ----, 1823.
Deborah of Weston, and John Moore of Sudbury, Dec. 24, 1714, in Weston.
Elijah of Weston, and Elizabeth Phillips, May 10, 1781, in Weston.
Frances J. and Park Boyes of Derry [int. Barry], N.H., Apr. 4, 1830. [Park of Derry, N.H., C.R.1.]
George and Caroline Pickering of Waltham, int. Apr. 10, 1830.
John [int. adds P.] and Sibbell [int. Sibbel] Reed, Nov. 7, 1824. [Sibbel, C.R.1.]
John and Mrs. Mary B. Roby of Boston, int. Nov. 20, 1824.
Mary and Dan[ie]ll Davis, [Nov.] 22, 1784. [Daniel, M.R.]
Nabby of Cambridge, and James Draper, int. May 10, 1826.
Nancy D. and James D. Walker, Apr. 18, 1837.
Oliver of Weston, and Judith Loker, int. Mar. 25, 1826. [m. Apr. 12, C.R.1.]
Sarah H. and William T. Haven, int. May 10, 1835.
Silence [of] Sudbury, and John Shattuck [of] Marlboro, Dec. 24, 1716, in Concord.
Susan [int. Susanna] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Jonas Pierce [int. Jr.] of Weston, Oct. 18, 1792, in Weston.
Ianthe Omphale of Boston, and Luther Sherman Jr., int. May 30, 1827. "May 31st-1827 Said Sherman forbid any further Proceedings."
Ebenezer, Dr., and Lucy Weeks of Marlborough, int. Dec. 3, 1814.
Mary L. [int. Lucy], 23, d. Ebenezer and Lucy, and Charles H. Rice, 28, mariner, s. Charles and Miranda, July 15, 1847.
Elizabeth and Samuel Stanhope of Sudbury, Nov. 6, 1755, in Framingham.
Joseph of Boston, and Nancy [int. Nancey] Wyman, Nov. 25, 1802.
Sophia and John Stratton, Apr. 22, 1823.
Richard T., Rev., and Susan S. Austin of Cambridge, int. May 28, 1837.
Susan S. of Cambridge, and Rev. Richard T. Austin, int. May 28, 1837.
BABCOCK (see Badcock)
Rufus and Abigail Child of Weston, int. Sept. 20, 1817.
Abigail and Jesse Wheeler, May 28, 1826.
Caroline of Natick, and Colins Damon, int. Apr. 22, 1797.
Elijah and Mehitable Winch of Framingham, int. Jan. 21, 1825.
Ellen of Barnstable, and Rev. Edmund H. Sears, int. Oct. 9, 1839.
Fanny of Natick, and Elijah Este, int. Dec. 25, 1824.
John, Capt., of Barnstable, and Sukey Noyes, int. June 17, 1798.
John, Capt., of Barnstable, and Nabby Stone Noyes, int. Nov. 28, 1800.
Jonathan and Lydia Hammond of Natick, int. May 17, 1817.
Jonathan 2d of Natick, and Catherine C. Mills, -----, [int. Jan. 16] [1836].
Mary [int. Polly R.] and Charles Underwood, Dec. 31, 1829. [Mary, C.R.1.]
BADCOCK (see Babcock)
Seth of Lincon, and Deborah Stone, Oct. 2, 1783. [Seth of Lincoln, M.R.]
John Jr. [of] Natick, [and] Polly Haynes, int. Feb. 27, 1790.
John [int. Jr.] of Natick, and Rebecca [int. Rebeca] Travis, Dec. 6, 1830. [John Jr. of Natick, and Rebeca Travis, C.R.1.]
William of Natick, and Harriot Rice, July 4, 1822. [Harriet, C.R.1.]
BAILEY (see Baley)
Benjamin and Francis [sic] Lovell of Boston, int. Aug. 15, 1826.
Ephraim (see Ephraim Barker).
Nancy of Lincoln, and Daniel Rice Mills, int. June 28, 1812.
Simon and Comfort Parmenter [of] Sudbury, int. Aug. 20, 1818.
Thomas [of] Littleton, and Buelah Dakin [of] Sudbury, July 18, 1765, in Concord.
Thankful [of] Sudbury, and Josiah Heywood [of] Concord, Apr. 7, 1755, in Concord.
David and Lydia Curtis, June 16, 1783.
David [int. Jr.] and Deborah [int. adds C.] Maynard, [June] 15, 1817. [David and Deborah Maynard, C.R.1.]
David Esq. and Mrs. Rebecca Jenison of Worcester, int. Mar. 7, 1818.
Eliza of Lincoln, and Nathaniel Knowlten, int. Jan. 30, 1802.
Eunice of Natick, and David Heard, May 25, 1784.
Frances, Mrs., and Asahel Goodenow, Apr. 27, 1780.
Henry of Brighton, and Mary Brackett, [Apr.] 24, 1817.
Samuel of Sudbury, and Elizabeth Jones of Weston, Mar. 23, 1741-2, in Weston.
William Esq. and Mrs. Dorcas Maynard, [Apr.] 25, 1782.
Eliphalet and Abigail Choate, Feb. 5, 1784. [Bailey, M.R.]
Richard of Sudbury, and Grace Rice of Leicester, Feb. 4, 1755, in Leicester.
Aaron Jr. of Princeton [int. Princton], and Betsey Cory, Feb. 7, 1802.
Benja[min] and Betsey Moore, int. Apr. 20, 1800.
Mary of Lynn, and John Merriam of Sudbury, Nov. 24, 1752, in Lynn.
Elias S., 32, shoemaker, of Holliston, s. Nathan, and Abigail Loker, 32, d. Paul, July 2, 1844.
Ephraim, Lt., of Marlborough, and Elisabeth Crosby of Marlborough, Oct. 11, 1781. [Elizabeth, M.R.]
Ephraim and Ruth Goodenow of Sudbury, Mar. 27, 1783. [Baker, M.R.]
Daniel S. .of Marlborough [int. Marlboro], and Martha Jane [int. Ann] Ward, Mar. 23, 1836. [Daniel S. of Marlborough, and Martha Ann Ward, C.R.2.]
John of Sudbury, and Comfort Sparhawk of Natick, Dec. 14, 1779, in Natick.
Thomas and Martha Bruce, Jan. 13, 1742-3, in Woburn.
Francess and Thomas Kain, int. Mar. 13 [1848].
William of Sudbury, and Lois Parmenter, June 25, 1809.
Laura S. [of] Boston, and Thomas H. Dudley, int. Mar. 25, 1816.
Joseph, Dea., [of] Grafton, [and] Sarah Tilten, [Sept.] 21, 1780. [Bachelor, and Mrs. Sarah Tilton, M.R.]
Samuel D. P. of Boston, and Margaret N. Bige10w of Weston, Sept. 29, 1840. C.R.2.
Abigail of Sudbury, and Jonathan Gale of Weston, May 30, 1750, in Weston.
Alanson W. [int. Esq.], 23, trader, of Pittsfield, Vt., s. James and Chloe B., and Mary C. Devan, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 20, Nov. 27, 1848.
BEEMAN (see Beman)
Bular of Bolton, and Daniel Moalton Jr., int. Oct. 13, 1825. "Oct` 24 A D 1825. This Publishment forbid by the Above Said Daniel Moulton Ju."
Joseph and Abigail Hunt of Sudbury, int. Dec. 18, 1813.
Sarah of Framingham, and William S. Brummot of Framingham, Sept. 26, 1844. C.R.1.
Elizabeth of Southborough, and Lot Rice, Apr. 7, 1778, in Southborough.
Elizabeth of Southborough, and Lot Rice Jr. [int. omits Jr.], May 15, 1788, in Westboro.
Loisa of Walpole, N.H., and John W. Hayward, int. May 22, 1824.
BEMAN (see Beeman)
Abraham of Morlborough, and Lydea Gates of Morlborough, Feb. 13, 1782. [Beaman of Marlboro, and Lydia Gates of Marlboro, M.R.]
Sarah of Lancaster, and Edmund Parmenter of Sudbury, June 5, 1759, in Lancaster.
Dan[ie]ll of Weston, and Polly Winch, Nov. 18, 1784. [Daniel and Patty Winch, M.R.]
Ephraim S., 26, butcher, s. William and Lucy, and Lucy Ann Draper, 24, d. Ira, Oct. 15, 1844.
Henry and Mrs. Hannah Curtis, int. Oct. 21, 1827.
James and Lois Walker of Sudbury, Nov. 29, 1785, in Sudbury.
John W. and Mary K. Fessenden of Shrewsbury, int. Oct. 5, 1844.
Mary J., 16, d. Luther and Rachael, and Simeon H. Sumner, 30, farmer, F. Jos[eph] A. and Hannah, May 31, 1846.
William H. [int. omits H.] and Eunice H. Ward, Dec. 30, 1841.
Stephen of Brookline, and Sarah Carter, int. Sept. 2, 1804. [m. Jan. 23, 1805, C.R.1.]
Stephin and Betsey Cummings [of] Troy, N.H., int. Oct. 29, 1820.
Abigail and John L. Loker, May 19, 1831.
Experience of Sudbury, and Thomas Jenkinson [int. Jenkison], July 22, 1798, in Sudbury.
George and Esther Marshall of Roxbury, int. Dec. 3, 1820.
Harriett and Calvin H. Saunders, int. Oct. 8, 1848.
Hopestill of Sudbury, and Mrs. Anna Fiske of Waltham, Apr. 26, 1763, in Waltham.
James M. and Martha T. Damon, int. May 4, 1838.
Lydia of Sudbury, and Joseph Underwood of Needham, Nov. 23, 1779, in Needham.
Mary, 25, d. William and Mary, and George A. Rice, 25, farmer, s. Samuel and Dorcas, Jan. 6, 1848.
Micah and Anna Stone of Framingham, int. Nov. 18, 1809.
Olive and Sam[ue]ll Moore, [Oct.] 23, 1783. [Samuel, M.R.]
Poler of Sudbury, and Sarah Pratt of Newton, June 17, 1774, in Newton.
Susannah and Lt. Josiah Willington, Aug. 4, 1782. [Susanna and Lt. Josiah Wellington, M.R.]
William Jr. and Polly Coolidge of Natick, int. Apr. 2, 1808.
Nancy and Edmund Kimball of Sharburn, int. Feb. 2, 1801.
BIGELOW (see Biglow)
Alpheus H. of Framingham, and Martha Harrington, Dec. 8, 1842.
Charlottte A. of Weston, and Jonathan R. Newell, merchant, of Boston, Nov. 15, 1843.
Dolly C. and Phineas Gleason, July 25, 1841.
Elizabeth H. of Weston, and Edwin C. Estes of N. Y., Oct. 22, 1835. [Elisabeth H. and Edison C. Estes of N.Y., Oct. 26, C.R.2.]
Jackson of S. Natick, and Susan F. Francis, June 16, 1842.
Jacob, Rev., of Sudbury, and Elizabeth Wells of Lancaster, Nov. 23, 1775, in Lancaster.
Jonathan of Weston, and Mary Rice of Sudbury, Jan. 19, 1741-2, in Weston.
Margaret N. of Weston, and Samuel D. P. Baxter of Boston, Sept. 29, 1840. C.R.2.
Thankful of Weston, and Ezra Graves of Sudbury, June 5, 1766, in Weston.
BIGLOW (see Bigelow)
Mary and Dr. Joseph Dix of Worcester, int. Dec. 27, 1800.
Nancy, Mrs., and Uriah Gregory of Weston, June 1, 1826.
Solomon and Lydia Haven of Sherburn, int. Mar. 14, 1801.
Thomas of Waltham, and Nancy Damon, [June] 3, 1817. [Bigelow, June 8, C.R.1.]
Abil of Lincoln, [and] Elisabeth Farrar, May 30,1780. [Abel Billing and Elizabeth Farrar, M.R.]
Elisabeth {of] Lincoln, [and] John Adams, Nov. 16, 1780. [Mrs. Elizabeth, M.R.]
Ezara of Carlisle, and Mrs. Mary Eveleth of Sudbury, Nov. 25, 1755, in Lexington.
Jonathan [of] Concord, and Rebecca Wood [of] Sudbury, Apr. 20, 1733, in Concord.
Artimas and Emily Roby, Feb. 11, 1821. [Artemas, C.R.1.]
Emily [int. adds R.], 21, d. Artemas and Emily, and Asa T. Pierce, 24, farmer, of Natick, s. Joel and Sarah, May 30, 1849.
John and Lois [int. Louis] Davis of Weston, Oct. 10, 1799, in Weston.
Lois of Westminster, and Aaron Rice, int. Dec. 13, 1806.
Lousia and Nathan S. Johnson, June 24, 1825.
Lucetta [int. Luetta] and Levi Hawes of Waltham, June 21, 1832. [Lucetta, C.R.1.]
Lucretia and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Hervey Reeves, Apr. 14, 1816. [Capt. Hervey, C.R.1.]
Lucy and Daneil [int. Daniel] Wyman, [Apr.] 27, 1830. [Daniel, C.R.1.]
Maria and Cyrus Lee, Mar. 8, 1832.
Nancy [of] Westminster, and Edward Rice, int. May 31, 1817.
Nathan and Phebe Murdock of Newton, int. July 3, 1790.
Phebe and Hervey Reeves, May 30, 1814.
Polly of Lincoln, and Jessa Goodenow of Sudbury, [Jan.] 28, 1781. [Josep, M.R.]
Thaddeas and Rebekah Glezen, Apr. 11, 1782. [Thaddeus and Rebecca Gleason, M.R.]
Thaddius, Capt., of Wesminster, and Relief Damon, int. [May] 31, 1788.
John of Roxbury, and Ann Roby, Apr. 15, 1798.
Harriett, 23, d. Samuel and Lucy, and Alpheus D. Loker, 24, shoemaker, s. Paul and Abigail, Oct. 27, 1847.
Park of Deny [int. Barry] N.H., and Frances J. Allen, Apr. 4, 1830. [Park of Derry, N.H., C.R.1.]
Mary [int. adds Mrs.] and Thomas Rutter, Apr. 23, 1809.
BRACKET (see Brackett)
William and Anna Louchlen, [Nov.] 22, 1784. [Lauchlin, M.R.]
BRACKETT (see Bracket)
John [int. of Weston] and Abigail Tilton, May 1, 1788.
Mary and Henry Baldwin of Brighton, [Apr.] 24, 1817.
Nancy and Elijah White of Brighton, [Apr.] 30, 1809. [Bracket, C.R.1.]
Sarah [int. Sally W.] and Joel Damon, Aug. 7, 1831. [Sarah, C.R.1.]
H. Baynes of Charlestown, and Elizabeth B. Noyes, int. Sept. 30, 1843.
Margaret and Michael Wilsh, int. Aug. 20, 1848.
Lucy and Asa Russell of Fitchburgh, Jan. 7, 1782. [Brown, and Asa Russell of Fitchburg, M.R.]
BRIANT (see Bryant)
Betsey and Seth Adams, int. ---- 7, 1804. [m. Dec. 9, C.R.1.]
James M. of Leicester, and Sarah Ann Cowley of W. Springfield, July 19, 1842.
Joel and Eunice Cutting, [Apr.] 23, 1797.
Judith and Sith [int. and dup. int. Seth] Adams, Nov. 13, 1796.
William and Christiana H. Allen, ----, 1823.
Anna and Rev. Luther Wright of Medway, int. Nov. 1, 1799.
Josiah and Irene Morse, int. Feb. 15, 1806. [Eirene, m. Feb. 2 [sic], C.R.1.]
Marthy [int. Martha] and John Prentiss [int. Prentice] of Rutland, Vt., Jan. 23, 1791.
Sarah, Mrs., of Framingham, and Rev. David Kellogg of Framingham, [May] 27, 1781.
Sarah and Rev. Alpheus [int. Alphues] Harding of Newsalem [int. New Salem], Oct. 10, 1808. [Rev. Alpheus of N. Salem, C.R.1.]
William Esq. [int. omits Esq.] and Eunice Rutter, [Nov.] 23, 1824.
Henry of Boston, and Almira Williams, Feb. 9, 1834.
Caroline [int. adds C.] and William H. Ingraham of Framingham, Jan. 17, 1843.
Elijah of Marlborough, and Mary Loker, int. May 4, 1827.
Ephraim [int. adds Col.] of Marlborough [int. Marlboro], and Mary Hubbert [int. Hubbard], Mar. 15, 1815. [Col. Ephraim of Marlb[orough], and Mary Hubbard, C.R.1.]
Jotham [of] Marlborough, and Lucy Thompson of Sudbury, Dec. 1, 1784. [Jonathan of Marlboro, M.R.]
Lucy of Princeton, and Samuel Russell, int. Oct. 11, 1806.
Lydia and Matthias [int. Mattheas] Walker [int. Jr.] of Cambridge, Sept. 9, 1830. [Matthias, C.R.1.]
Sophia and Josiah Stone Jr. of Framingham, Mar. 1, 1830. [Mar. 21, C.R.1.]
James M., wheelwright, of Sudbury, and Rebecca S. Oliver, Aug. 3, 1843, in Concord.
Deborah [of] Sudbury, and Josiah Pratt [of] Sudbury, Dec. 13, 1715, in Concord.
Henry of Woburn, and Mary Graves of Sudbury, Dec. 9, 1692, in Woburn.
Jonas of Jeff[re]y, N.H., and Mary Tilton, int. Dec. 1, 1798.
Abigail M. of Framingham, and George Parmenter of Sudbury, Mar. 28, 1841. [Mar. 23, C.R.2.]
Aligail [sic] [int. Abigail] of Sudbury, and Josiah Dudley, Aug. 31, 1797, in Sudbury.
Elisabeth of Sudbury, and Isaac Stone of Framingham, July 24, 1722, in Watertown.
Eliza and Leonard Spaulding [of] Boston, int. Jan. 12, 1818.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Hope [of] Sudbury, and Ruth Hosmer [of] Concord, July 18, 1765, in Concord.
James, Dea., of Sudbury, and Johanziah Singleterry of Framingham, May 20, 1731, in Framingham.
Jonas of Sudbury, and Sally [int. Sarah] Dudley, [Oct.] 26, 1794.
Lucy (see Lucy Brewer).
Margaret of Sudbury, and Joseph Foster of Bilerica [dup. Sudbury], Jan. 27, 1774, in Marlboro [dup. Billerica].
Mary [int. Polly] of Framingham, and Sam[ue]l Parris [int. Jr.], May 10, 1789.
Patty of Framingham, and Jesse Winch, Mar. ----, 1788, in Framingham.
Polly (see Mary).
Rhoda of Weston, and William Eager, Apr. 22, 1827.
Samuel of Sudbury, [and] Zerriah Adams of Framingham, May 19, 1742, Framingham.
Thankful of Sudbury, and Joseph Hubbert of Sudbury, Aug. 4, 1698, in Boston.
Thomas Esq., Maj., of Sudbury, and Mrs. Mary Phipps of Cambridge, Mar. 1, 1703-4, in Cambridge.
William and Betsey Harrington of Weston, [Oct.] 12, 1794.
Lawson and Dolly Gleason, May 6, 1804.
Martha and Thomas Barney, Jan. 13, 1742-3, in Woburn.
Mary of Watertown, and Thomas Reed of Sudbury, Dec. 3, 1701, in Watertown.
William S. of Framingham, and Sarah Bell of Framingham, Sept. 26, 1844. C.R.1.
BRYANT (see Briant)
Mary of Reading, and William Johnson of Sudbury, Oct. 20, 1737, in Reading.
Zachariah of Sudbury, and Cherry Wellington of Waltham, Oct. 9, 1764, in Waltham.
Emily and Ebenezer Johnson of Boston, int. Mar. 3, 1838. [m. Mar. 29, C.R.1.]
George of Framingham, and Mary Cutting Bullard, June 13, 1833.
Joanna, 25, d. Jotham and Anna, and Dr. Ira Perry, 30, of Weymouth, s. Abel and Mitty, Apr. 26, 1849.
Joseph and Harriet Loker, May 8, 1834.
Jotham of Holiston, and Anna Cutting, June 2, 1803.
Mary Cutting and George Bullard of Framingham, June 13, 1833.
William D., 25, shoemaker, s. Elijah and Olive D., and Adeliza Loker, 20, d. Otis and Betsey, Nov. 21, 1849.
Rebecca [int. Rebecca] of Charlestown, and Samuel Haynes Jr., June 28, 1795, in Charlestown.
Edmund of Sudbury, and Irene Haynes, int. Nov. 19, [18]36. [m. Dec. 13, C.R.1.]
Bela and Elizabeth Seager, June 5, 1785, in Sudbury.
Hannah and Sylvester Underwood, Nov. 25, 1841.
Lucinda and Reuben Sawin, Nov. 26, 1840.
Luther of Holliston, and Mary G. Smith, int. Apr. 14, [18]37.
Eldad of Sherburne, and Charlottte Reed, int. Mar. 13, 1836.
Sophia and Maj. Lyman Hitchcock of Albany, Albany Co., N.Y., Sept. 14, 1785.
Charles H., 24, farmer, s. Joseph and Mary, and Sarah Heard, 26, d. William and Eunice, Oct. 27, 1847.
Elizabeth of Worcester, and John Warren of Sudbury, July 24, 1776, in Worcester.
Abigail and Micah Maynard, Jan. 15, 1797.
Abigail and Josiah M. Sherman, ------ [rec. between Apr. 25 and Sept. 26] [int. May 29], 1824.
Albert F. of Natick, and Cynthia Hammond [int. Hammon], Apr. 23, 1839. [Hammon, C.R.2.]
Ame and Daniel Sanger of Watertown, Feb. 21, 1808. [Ama, C.R.1.]
Benjamin and Loes Whittemore, Sept. 4, 1780. [Lois, M.R.]
Elbridge J. of Natick, and Lucy Jane Dudley, May 13, 1839.
George W., 21, shoemaker, and Ellen E. A. Gillespie, 17, d. James and Catherine, Nov. 29, 1849.
Hannah and Joseph Griffin, int. Aug. 16, 1799.
Jonathan of Sudbury, and Deborah Hunt of Lancaster, Oct. 25, 1770, in Lancaster.
Jonathan Jr. of Sudbury, and Hannah Stevens of Braintree, June 11, 1774, in Braintree.
Lucy Wilder and James Meriam of Northfield, Dec. 12, 1790.
Sarah and Stephen Benjamin of Brookline, int. Sept. 2, 1804. [m. Jan. 23, 1805, C.R.1.]
Susan and Paul Kendall of Watertown, int. June 21, 1804. [m. Sept. 9, C.R.1.]
Susanna and Israil Wheeler of Sudbury, [A]pr. 6, [1]786.
Mary and Joseph R. Winch of Weston, int. Aug. 14, 1846.
Sally and Prentis [int. Prentiss] Sherman of Charleston, Dec. 2, 1824. [Prentiss of Charlestown, C.R.1.]
Mercy of Weston, and John Jackson of Sudbury, Feb. 15, 1727-8, in Weston.
William V., 31, carpenter, of Boston, s. Thomas and Lucy, and Mary B. Dudley, 22, d. Lewis and Martha, Nov. 1, 1848.
Mary and William Cheever of Boston, July 8, 1810.
Thomas Jr. of Waltham, and Nancey Clark, int. Oct. 16, 1813.
Alexine S. of Portsmouth, N.H., and Franklin F. Heard, int. Sept. 23 [1848].
William of Boston, and Mary Champney, July 8, 1810.
John of Sudbury, and Hannah Eaton, Dec. 11, 1753, in Framingham.
Thomas B. of Boston, and Susan Swift, int. May 16, 1812. [m. May 30, C.R.1.]
CHILD (see Childs)
Abigail of Weston, and Rufus Babcock, int. Sept. 20, 1817.
Elisha of Weston, and Almira Rice, int. Jan. 8, 1830.
CHILDS (see Child)
Asahell of Framingham, and Sarah Johnson, int. Nov. 23, 1805. [Asahel and Sally Johnson, m. Dec. 10, C.R.1.]
Edward of Boston, and Jane Goodnow, int. Sept. 16, 1806.
Edward of Boston, and Mrs. Emmeline [int. Emelin] Emes, Jan. 2, 1820. [Mrs. Emmeline Emmes, C.R.1.]
Geo[rge] Henry, 39, laborer, and Lydia Ann Draper, 21, Nov. 26, 1845. [Child, C.R.1.]
Abigail and Eliphalet Baley, Feb. 5, 1784. [Bailey, M.R.]
Lewis I. of Milton, and Almira Jones, int. June 19, 1847.
Susannah of Sherborn [int. Susanna Clap of Sherburn], and Silas Grout, Aug. 21, 1788, in Sherborn.
Abigail of Sudbury, and Jason Rice of Sudbury, May 31, 1722, in Watertown.
John [of] Sudbury, and Susannah Maynard [of] Sudbury, June 29, 1741, in Concord.
Nancey and Thomas Chapman Jr. of Waltham, int. Oct. 16, 1813.
Samuel, 26, farmer, of Brookline, s. Caleb and Nancy of Brookline, and Lucy Ann Russell, 24, d. Josiah and Nancy, Dec. 24, 1845.
Sarah Tilton and David Allen Davis, Oct. 23, 1806.
William and Hannah Moulten, [Apr.] 16, 1782. [Moulton, M.R.]
Andrew A. and Frances P. Damon, Sept. 8, 1842.
Harriet of Plympton, and Andrew J. Stone, int. May 21, 1841.
Harriett of Weston, and Jude Damon, int. Dec. 31, 1842.
Mary of Weston, and Nathan Russell, int. Apr. 30, 1823.
Susan A. of Weston, and Jude Damon, int. Mar. 22, [18]45.
Elisabeth I. of Natick, and Charles Fairbanks, int. Aug. 14, 1847.
Henry of Sudbury, and Elizabeth Harrington of Weston, Oct. 14, 1756, in Weston.
Lousia, 19, of Natick, d. Samuel and Faithee, and Benjamin F. Reed, 23, engineer, of Natick, s. John and Martha, Oct. 30, 1848.
Samuel of Natick, and Faithe [int. Faithee L.] Loker, Sept. 26, 1824. [Faith, C.R.1.]
Sarah B., 23, d. Samuel and Faithee, and Paul Loker Jr., 28, tradesman, s. Paul and Abigail, June 24, 1847.
Levi of W. Cambridge, and Caroline Lee, Oct. 9, 1839.
COLLER (see Collier)
Thomas of Natick, and Elizabeth Duntin of Sudbury, Jan. 19, 1720-1, in Weston.
COLLIER (see Coller)
Isaac and Elizabeth Smith, ----- [rec. Apr. 19, 1813].
Margaret and James W. Dudley, int. Aug. 19, 1848.
Sibbell and Isaac Rice [of] Sudbury, Sept. 27, 1690, in Concord.
CONANT (see Connant)
Amos of Sudbury, and Sarah Stone, Oct. 20, 1796.
Dolly of Sudbury, and Isreal [int. Israel] Stone, May 29, 1794, in Sudbury.
Elijah of Stow, and Susan Sophia Hartshorn, Oct. 41 1838. [Elijah of Stowe, C.R.2.]
John, widr. [int. omits widr.], 44, trader, s. James and Dorothy, and Mary P. Francis, 21, d. James and Lucy, Mar. 31, 1847.
Silas 2d of Sudbury, and Caroline Stone, [Mar.] 30, 1826.
CONNANT (see Conant)
Zaviah of Sudbury, and Israel Stone, int. ---- 26, 1806.
Sally, Mrs., and Samuel S. Noyes, Apr. 25, 1824.
Lydia of Weston, and William Pope of Sudbury, Feb. 4, 1762, in Weston.
Polly of Natick, and William Bent Jr., int. Apr. 2, 1808.
John of Boston, and Elmira [int. Almira] Loker, Dec. 10, 1832. [Elmira, C.R.1.]
Eunice, Mrs., of Natick, and William Moor, int. Dec. 31, 1835.
Hannah [int. of Natick] and William Hammond Jr., shoemaker, s. William, Apr. 5, 1849.
Abigail and Elisha Rice of Framingham, July 24, [1]786.
Benjamin and Aphia Prentice of Belchertown, int. Nov. 13, 1805.
Betsey and Aaron Ball Jr. of Princeton [int. Princton], Feb. 7, 1802.
Sarah and Jonathan Stearns Jr. of Waltham, Nov. 13, 1798, in Waltham.
Sukey and Elisha Whitney of Watertown, [July] 24, 1806.
COTTING (see Cutting)
Robert Jr. and Mrs. Debby Maynard, int. Nov. 15, 1800.
Sarah Ann of W. Springfield, and James M. Briant of Leicester, July 19, 1842.
Joseph and Nabby Wyman of Weston, Mar. 3, 1796, in Weston.
Emma A., Mrs., and William Sherman [int. 2d], May 15, 1842.
James of Cohassett, and Roxanna Pratt of Cohassett, Aug. ----, 1838. [James of Cohasset, and Roxanna Pratt of Cohasset, C.R.2.]
Charles G. of Boston, and Sarah A. Oliver, int. May 1, 1847.
Elisabeth of Marlborough, and Lt. Ephraim Barber of Marlborough, Oct. 11, 1781. [Elizabeth, M.R.]
Betsey [of] Troy, N.H., and Stephin Benjamin, int. Oct. 29, 1820.
Polly, Mrs., and Maj. [int. omits Maj.] Luther Ernes, Jan. 17, 1822.
CURTICE (see Curtis)
Samuel of Sudbury, and Hannah Nichols of Reading, July 25, 1749, in Reading.
CURTIS (see Curtice)
Catharine and James Millage [int. Milledge] of St. Johns [int. adds Newfoundland], Aug. 10, 1806. [Milledge of St. Johns, Newfound Land, C.R.1.]
Ephraim [int. of Charleston, N.H.] and Elizabeth Robie [int. Betsey Roby], June 6, 1796.
Hannah, Mrs., and Henry Bemis, int. Oct. 21, 1827.
Jane and Trowbridge Taylor of Southborough, Apr. 19, 1781. [Trowbridge of Sudbury, M.R.]
Lucy and John Flagg Jr. of Weston, [Jan.] 26, [1]786.
Lydia and David Baldwin, June 16, 1783.
Rebecca and Isaac Gleazen, int. June 14, 1800.
Sam[ue]ll and Mary Mann, July 20, 1780. [Sam[ue]l, M.R.]
William, Capt., and Hannah Learnard, May 14, 1807. [Learned, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth [of] Sudbury, and David Rice [of] Sudbury, Nov. 7, 1707, in Concord.
Mary [of] Sudbury, and Nathaniel Stone [of] Framingham, Aug. 10, 1711, in Concord.
Mary, Mrs., and Richard Heard, int. May 26, 1798.
Micah of Woburn, and Polly Adams, Jan. 16 [int. [Mar.] 31, sic], 1796, in Woburn.
Sukey of Sudbury, and William Stone, int. July 5, 1807.
CUTTING (see Cotting)
Abigail [int. Betsey] of Fram[ingham], and Aaron Stone, Oct. 23, 1795, in Framingham.
Anna and Jotham Bullard of Holiston, June 2, 1803.
Betsey and Isaac Loker Jr., int. [Dec.] 28, 1793.
Betsey (see Abigail).
Caroline [int. Cotting] and George S. Parks of Shrewsbury, [Apr.] 12, 1830. [Cotting, C.R.1.]
Charles, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Catharine Glezen, July 2, 1821. [Capt. Charles, C.R.1.]
Elisha and Hannah Seager, Nov. 1, 1787.
Elisha Jr. and Rebecca Plympton of Sudbury, int. Nov. 23, 1811.
Eunice and Joel Briant, [Apr.] 23, 1797.
Isaac of Sudbury, and Hannah Hammond of Waltham, Feb. 10, 1741-2, in Waltham.
John and Anna Gale of Waltham, Oct. 5, 1780, in Waltham.
Jonathan of Sudbury, and Eunice Whitcomb of Templeton, Oct. 27, 1778, in Templeton.
Reynolds S. and Nancy Reed, Jan. 13, 1824.
Sarah and Aaron Stone, int. ---- 22, 1806. [m. Mar. 18, C.R.1.]
Thankful of Waltham, and Abel Holden of Sudbury, Feb. 23, 1777, in Waltham.
Uriah of Waltham, and Mrs. Caty Puffer of Sudbury, Feb. 4, 1773, in Waltham.
Buelah [of] Sudbury, and Thomas Baker [of] Littleton, July 18, 1765, in Concord.
Dorothy [of] Sudbury, and Amos Wood [of] Concord, Feb. 24, 1763, in Concord.
Mary [of] Sudbury, and Jonas Puffer [of] Sudbury, May 12, 1757, in Concord.
John T. Esq., 29, lawyer, of Lancaster, s. John and Abigail, "formerly" of Lyme, N.H., and Eliza E. Reeves, 22, d. Walter and Elmira, June 11, 1845.
Aaron and Rachal Griffin, Jan. 12, [1]786.
Abigail and Zachariah Heard, [June] 24, 1784. [Zacchariah, M.R.]
Caroline and Josiah A. Thomas, Mar. 1, 1829.
Charles R. and Emily Estabrook of New Ipswich, N.H., int. Aug. 19, 1845.
Colins and Caroline Bacon of Natick, int. Apr. 22, 1797.
David and Relief Griffin, Jan. 20, 1785. [Releif, M.R.]
Elisabeth and Nathan Reed of Littleton, Oct. 3, 1841.
Frances P. and Andrew A. Clement, Sept. 8, 1842.
Isaac. Jr. and Persis Stone of Framingham, int. Sept. 26, 1789.
Isaac [int. Jr.] and Patty Maynard of Framingham, Jan. 1, 1798, in Framingham.
Jane E. and Ziba French of Brighton, Aug. ---, 1835.
Joel and Sarah [int. Sally W.] Brackett, Aug. 7, 1831. [Sarah, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Rebecca Forster [of] Charleston, int. May 3, 1817.
Josiah and Rebecca Gay of Needham, int. Feb. 5, 1810.
Jude and Harriett Coburn of Weston, int. Dec. 31, 1842.
Jude and Susan A. Coburn of Weston, int. Mar. 22, [18]45.
Lois and Purchas Stone of Framingham, Dec. 13, 1787.
Lois [int. adds M.] and Jonathan Dana Parmenter, [July] 16, 1826.
Lucy and Isaac Morse of Natick, July 3, 1803.
Lydia Ann L. and Stephen Stanton, Dec. 2, 1839.
Marshall and Esther Riley, int. Jan. 21, [18]36.
Martha T. and James M. Bent, int. May 4, 1838.
Mary and Benjamin Homer of Hopkinton, June 5, 1832.
Mary L. and Henry P. Jewett of Boxborough, June 27, 1839.
Nancy and Thomas Biglow of Waltham, [June] 3, 1817. [Bigelow, June 8, C.R.1.]
Oliver and Lois Maynard, Mar. 13, 1782.
Philendia and Nathaniel C. Dudley, int. Mar. 13, 1837. [m. Mar. 14, C.R.1.]
Rachel and Rev. Samuel H. Tolman of Shirley, [Oct.] 22, 1816.
Relief and Capt. Thaddius Bond of Wesminster, int. [May] 31, 1788.
Sarah and John Devan, [June] 26, 1823.
Sarah of Fitz William, N.H., and Asahel Sherman, int. Sept. 1, 1834.
Sewall and Martha Maynard Thomas, Jan. 25, 1827.
Thomas and Margeret Rice, wid., int. Dec. 6, 1799.
Thomas J. and Rachel Thomas, Dec. 18, 1834.
Hannah [of] Brookline, and Jonathan Parmenter, int. Sept. 7, 1793.
Lydia of Sherborn, and John Walker of Sudbury, Mar. 23, 1740, in Sherborn.
Dan[ie]ll and Mary Allen, [Nov.] 22, 1784. [Daniel, M.R.]
David Allen and Sarah Tilton Clark, Oct. 23, 1806.
Ellen, 21, of Framingham, d. Nathan and Hannah, and David Dutton, 22, shoemaker, s. Leonard and Betsey, Apr. 30, 1846.
Lois [int. Louis] of Weston, and John Bond, Oct. 10, 1799, in Weston.
Mehetable and Daniel Moulten, [Dec.] 20, 1793.
Salathiel and Hannah Parmenter, int. ---- 3, 1808.
Sumner and Olive A. Dudley of Framingham, Feb. 25, 1841.
Susannah [int. Susanna] and John Wilson [int. Willson] of Boston, May 8, 1816. [Susannah and John Wilson of Boston, C.R.1.]
Benjamin C. and Jubiania Shaw, Jan. 22, 1837. [Juliania, C.R.2.]
Anne [of] Stow, and Jonathan Rice [of] Sudbury, Mar. 25, 1702, in Concord.
Sarah and Denis Dunlar, int. Apr. 12, 1848.
Hannah and William Stone, Jan. 1, 1840.
Anna, Mrs., and Edward Gleazen, int. Apr. 14, 1798.
John and Sarah Damon, [June] 26, 1823.
Mary C., wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 20, and Alanson W. Beard [int. Esq.], 23, trader, of Pittsfield, Vt., s. James and Chloe B., Nov. 27, 1848.
William and Anna Loker, Oct. 24, 1790.
Lorana and Joseph A. Rice, Sept. 17, 1848.
Sarah, 24, of Cambridge, and Daniel F. Gould, 25, carpenter, Jan. 7, 1847.
Matilda and Frederick Stearle, int. Jan. 28, 1848.
Joseph, Dr., of Worcester, and Mary Biglow, int. Dec. 27, 1800.
Sarah of Littleton, and Dr. Edward Frost, int. May 8, 1829.
Eliza, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 43, d. Aaron Hapgood and Sally, and Freeman Smith, widr. [int. omits widr.], 45, farmer, of Sudbury, s. Abel and Dolly, Sept. 7, 1848.
Chester of Holliston, and Elisabeth A. Draper, int. Apr. 9, 1843.
Elisabeth A. and Chester Drake of Holliston, int. Apr. 9, 1843.
Ira and Eunice Rutter, July 6, 1828.
Ira B. and Lousia Loker, Mar. 20, 1838.
James and Nabby Allen of Cambridge, int. May 10, 1826.
James S. [int. Sumner] and Emeline A. [int. Amanda] Reeves, Aug. 18, 1834.
Lucy Ann, 24, d. Ira, and Ephraim S. Bemis, 26, butcher, s. William and Lucy, Oct. 15, 1844.
Lydia Ann, 21, and George Henry Childs, 39, laborer, Nov. 26, 1845. [Child, C.R.1.]
Rufus F. of Waltham, and Polly Hemingway [int. Heminway], [Dec.] 4, 1824.
DREWRY (see Drury)
David [of] Framingham, [and] Lydia Dudley, June 6, 1784. [Drury, M.R.]
DRURY (see Drewry)
Charles S. of Dorchester, and Elvira [int. adds S.] Roby, May 8, 1828. [Elvira S., C.R.1.]
Mary P. of Natick, and Calvin Rice, int. Nov. 25, 1820.
Caroline and David S. Thompson, Dec. 3, 1836. [Dudley, and David S. Thomson, C.R.2.]
DUDLEEY (see Dudley)
Benja[min] Jr. and Sibel Stevens [of] Needham, int. Aug. 3, 1793.
DUDLEY (see Dudleey)
Abby F., 17, d. Gary and Betsey K., and William M. Richards, 21, shoemaker, s. Eliakim and Fanny, Apr. 29, 1847.
Abigail and Paul Loker, int. Nov. 29, 1799.
Amanda and John Proctor of Natick, Mar. 29, 1836.
Benjamin of Sudbury, and Mary Walker of Weston, Dec. 14, 1752, in Weston.
Benjamin A. and Rosalia Heard, May 8, 1839.
Caroline (see Caroline Duby).
Caroline W., 19, d. Lewis and Martha, and Isaac Thompson, 22, teamster, of Charlestown, s. William and Mary, Aug. 16, 1849.
Catharine C. and Otis Hammond of Natick, ----- [rec. between July 6 and [July] 16] [int. May 20], 1826.
Eliza and Dexter Moulton, int. May 30, 1829.
Eliza J. [int. Jane], 17, and William Loker, 22, farmer, s. Paul and Abigail, Nov. 7, 1844.
Elizabeth and Sherebiah Evans of Milton, Jan. 29, 1795.
Elizabeth and Martin Hemingway of Framingham, July 29, 1816. [Martin Hemrnenway of Fram[ingham], C.R.1.]
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] and David Spofford of Weston, Apr. 1, 1841.
Elizabeth Ann and Solomon G. Farmer, Dec. 27, 1835.
James W. and Margaret Collins, int. Aug. 19, 1848.
Jane and Nathan Dudley, M[ar]. 14, [17]87.
Jason and Betsey Johnson, int. Mar. 14, 1801.
John V. [int. N.] and Eliza Harrington, [July] 18, 1819.
Josiah and Aligail [sic] [int. Abigail] Brown of Sudbury, Aug. 31, 1797, in Sudbury.
Joseph and Eliza Winch of Framingham, int. Nov. 7, 1812.
Joseph M. and Anne Pratt, Jan. 2, 1837.
Lafayette and Sarah Marshall Moore, int. Dec. 24, 1849.
Laura Ann and Josiah R. Mills, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
Lewis and Margaret [int. Martha] Winch, Jan. 7, 1819. [Margaret, C.R.1.]
Lucy Jane and Elbridgc J. Carter of Natick, May 23, 1839.
Luther and [int. adds Mrs.] Martha Willington, Oct. 17, 1791.
Lydia [and] David Drewry [of] Framingham, June 6, 1784. [Drury, M.R.]
Maria and George W. Stone of Sudbury, int. May 3, 1835.
Mary B., 22, d. Lewis and Martha, and William V. Chaloner, 31, carpenter, of Boston, s. Thomas and Lucy, Nov. 1, 1848.
Moses, Dr., of Westmoreland, N.H., and Abigail [int. Nabby] Roby, [Jan.] 16, 1798.
Nancy and Thomas Piper, May 3, 1808.
Nathan and Jane Dudley, M[ar]. 14, [17]87.
Nathaniel C. and Philendia Damon, int. Mar. 13, 1837. [m. Mar. 14, C.R.1.]
Nathaniel C. and Ann S. Maynard of Framingham, int. June 1, 1844.
Olive A. of Framingham, and Sumner Davis, Feb. 25, 1841.
Sally [int. Sarah] and Jonas Brown of Sudbury, [Oct.] 26, 1794.
Sally and Artimas Greenwood of Needham, Oct. 19, 1823.
Sarah and Ebenezer Hersey of Natick, int. May 6, 1843.
Thomas H. and Laura S. Barron [of] Boston, int. Mar. 25, 1816.
William Jr. and Anna Moulten, June 5, 1791.
William Jr. and Unity Rice, June 26, 1806.
William R., Capt., and Mary P. Sherman of Lincoln, int. Mar. 17, 1833.
Denis and Sarah Desmond, int. Apr. 12, 1848.
Catharine, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Ebenezer Wiley, [torn] 7 [torn] [? 1788] [int. [May] 17, 1788].
Elizabeth [int. Dun] and John Tillon [int. Tilton] Jr., Apr. 13, 1797.
Levinia [int. Levinea W.] and Moses [int. adds W.] Parmenter, June 16, 1831. [Lavinia and Moses Parmenter, C.R.1.]
DUNTIN (see Dunton)
Elizabeth of Sudbury, and Thomas Coller of Natick, Jan. 19, 1720-1, in Weston.
DUNTON (see Duntin)
Barbara of Cambridge, and Cyrus Rice of Cambridge, Oct. 12, 1837. C.R.1.
John and Mrs. Rebecca [int. Rebeca] Travis, [July] 9, 1820. [Rebecca, C.R.1.]
Sarah of Sudbury, and John Rice of Sudbury, Nov. 11, 1731, in Weston.
Betsey, Mrs., and Thomas J. Ware, Apr. 19, 1842.
David, 22, shoemaker, s. Leonard and Betsey, and Ellen Davis, 21, of Framingham, d. Nathan and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1846.
Ephraim [int. Aiger], 34, farmer, of Sterling, s. Uriah and Nancy, and Nancy Russell, 24, d. Ephraim and Rebecca, Dec. 31, 1846.
William and Rhoda Brown of Weston, Apr. 22, 1827.
EAMES (see Earns, Ernes)
Appleton P. of Milford, and Elizabeth D. Rice, int. Mar. 29, [18]35. [m. Apr. 23, C.R.1.]
Betsey of Framingham, and Walter Stone, Oct. 18, 1824, in Framingham.
Jesse [dup. Emes Jr.] and Miriam [dup. Meriam] Fay of Southborough [dup. Southboro], Nov. 5 [dup. [Dec.] 21], 1786, in Southborough.
Nancy, Mrs., of Natick, and Joseph Alexander, int. Dec. 13, 1845.
EAMS (see Eames, Emes)
Anna of Framingham, and Samuel Knight of Sudbury, Apr. 23, 1740, in Framingham.
Thomas of Sudbury, and Lucretia Maynard of Rutland, Oct. 9, 1773, in Rutland.
Hannah and John Cheney of Sudbury, Dec. 11, 1753, in Framingham.
Mary of Framingham, and Luther Glezen Jr., int. Mar. 18, 1831.
Samuel of Brattleborough, and Fanny Foster, int. Apr. 27, 1805. [Elliot Esq., M. May 26, C.R.1.]
Elisha and Rebecca Sherman, June 9, 1839.
EMES (see Eames, Eams)
Emmeline [int. Emelin], Mrs., and Edward Childs of Boston, Jan. 2, 1820. [Mrs. Emmeline Emmes, C.R.1.]
Hannah of Sudbury, and Matthew Stone, Jan. 24, 1794, in Sudbury.
Luther, Maj. [int. omits Maj.], and Mrs. Polly Cummings, Jan. 17, 1822.
Sarah of Sudbury, and Benjamin Stone, May 3, 1785, in Sudbury.
Tim[oth]y and Mary Johnson, [May] 15, 1788.
Anne [of] Concord, and Joshua Haynes [of] Sudbury, Jan. 26, 1709-10, in Concord.
Emily of New Ipswich, N.H., and Charles R. Damon, int. Aug. 19, 1845.
Lucy of Holden, and Luke Moore of Sudbury, Oct. 27, 1760, in Holden.
ESTE (see Estes)
Elijah and Fanny Bacon of Natick, int. Dec. 25, 1824.
ESTES (see Este)
Edwin C. of N.Y., and Elizabeth H. Bigelow of Weston, Oct. 22, 1835. [Edison C. and Elisabeth H. Bigelow, Oct. 26, C.R.2.]
Sherebiah of Milton, and Elizabeth Dudley, Jan. 29, 1795.
Mary, Mrs., of Sudbury, and Ezara Blood of Carlisle, Nov. 25, 1755, in Lexington.
Susanna [int. Eurs] and Daniel Alexander of Ackworth [int. Aquith, N.H.], Jan. 21, 1809. [Ewers, and Daniel Alexander of Ackworth, N.H., C.R.1.]
Charles and Elisabeth I. Coggin of Natick, int Aug. 14, 1847.
Henry D. and Jane Thurston of Southborough, int. De[c]. 17, 1836.
Solomon G. and Elizabeth Ann Dudley, Dec. 27, 1835.
Joseph [of] Groton, and Rebecca Gibson of Sudbury, May 4, 1727, in Concord.
FARRAR (see Farror)
Elisabeth [and] Abil Billings of Lincoln, May 30, 1780. [Elizabeth and Abel Billing, M.R.]
FARROR (see Farrar)
Zabediah [of] Lincoln, [and) Eunice Sherman, [Aug.] 31, 1780. [Zabediah Farrar and Eunice Sharman, M.R.]
Zebadiah and Abigail Sherman, May 16, 1785. [Farrar, and Abigail Shearman, M.R.]
Ephraim and Susan Stone, Oct. 22, 1826.
Jacob of Fitchburg [int. Fitchburgh], and Anna Moore [int. Ann Moor], Mar. 19, 1816. [Jacob of Fitchburg, and Anna Moore, C.R.1.]
Joseph of Concord, and Mrs. Matilda Reed, Apr. 26, 1827.
Lydia, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], of Westborough, and Altheus Abbot [int. Alpheus Abbott], Feb. 11, 1799, in Westboro.
Miriam [dup. Meriam] of Southborough [dup. Southboro], and Jesse Eames [dup. Emes Jr.], Nov. 5 [dup. [Dec.] 21], 1786, in Southborough.
Asa of Needham, and Levina Newton, July 23, 1793.
John of Natick, and Hannah Loker, [June] 15, 1789.
William of Marlboro, and Catharine Hunt, Nov. 20, 1791.
FERGUSON (see Forgason).
Mary K. of Shrewsbury, and John W. Bemis, int. Oct. 5, 1844.
Jason of Athol, and Sophia Merriam [int. Meriana], [May] 30, 1818. [Meriam, C.R.1.]
Stephen of Reading, and Abigail Parks of Sudbury, Jan. 7, 1722-3, in Reading.
FISK (see Fiske)
Charles C. of Framingham, and Lucy Frost of Framingham, May 4, 1834.
Mary of Sudbury, and Nathan Fisk of Weston, Feb. 21, 1738, in Weston.
Nathan of Weston, and Mary Fisk of Sudbury, Feb. 21, 1738, in Weston.
FISKE (see Fisk)
Anna, Mrs., of Waltham, and Hopestill Bent of Sudbury, Apr. 26, 1763, in Waltham.
George, widr. [int. omits widr.], 43, farmer, s. Robert and Nancy, and Eleanor Jane Travis, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 37, d. Jona[than] Dunton and Eliza, Nov. 17, 1846.
Ephraim and Rebeccah [int. Rebecca] Saunderson, Dec. 1, 1803. [Rebecca Sanderson, C.R.1.]
Hepsabeth and Grindley Jackson of Sudbury, May 30, 1753, in Framingham.
John Jr. of Weston, and Lucy Curtis, [Jan.] 26, [1)786.
Marshall and Sally Stiles of Boylston, "on or About" May 12, 1830.
Silas of Waltham, and Dorcas Saunderson, Dec. 4, 1794.
Silas and Mrs. Azubah Lawrence of Peperell, int. Mar. 20, 1831.
Ann, Mrs., of Boston, and Samuel Haynes, int. Oct. 18, 1804.
William of Sudbury, and Elizabeth Stratton of Watertown, Dec. 13, 1734, in Watertown.
FORSTER (see Foster)
Rebecca [of] Charleston, and Joseph Damon, int. May 3, 1817.
FOSTER (see Forster)
Fanny and Samuel Eliott of Brattleborough, int. Apr. 27, 1805. [Elliot Esq., m. May 26, C.R.1.]
Joel, Rev., and Mrs. Mary Winship of Cambridge, int. Sept. 10, 1803.
Joseph of Bilerica [dup. Sudbury], and Margaret Brown of Sudbury, Jan. 27, 1714, in Marlboro [dup. Billerica].
Isaac Jr. of Hopkinton, and Mary Stone, Dec. 22, 1842.
Lucy and Josiah R. Hodgdon of Newton, Oct. 20, 1842.
Mary P., 21, d. James and Lucy, and John Conant, widr. [int. omits widr.], 44, trader, s. James and Dorothy, Mar. 31, 1847.
Susan F. and Jackson Bigelow of S. Natick, June 16, 1842.
Erasmus V., Dr., of Effingham, N.H., and Nancy Learnard, int. Dec. 28, 1808.
Josiah of Boston, and Rebecca [int. Rebeca] Wyman, Feb. 13, 1820. [Rebecca, C.R.1.]
Ziba of Brighton, and Jane E. Damon, Aug. ----, 1835.
Edward, Dr., and Sarah Dix of Littleton, int. May 8, 1829.
Lois and Phinehas Goodnow of Sudbury, Jan. 30, 1752, in Framingham.
Lucy of Framingham, and Charles C. Fisk of Framingham, May 4, 1834.
Sam[ue]ll [int. Samuel], Capt., of Framingham, and [int. adds Mrs.] Mary Heard, Sept. 3, 1788.
Calvin [int. Calven] of Dedham, and Nabby [int. Abigail] Rutter, Dec. 5, 1817. [Calvin and Nabby Rutter, C.R.1.]
