Uxbridge, Worchester Co., Massachusetts,
Vital Records To The Year 1849
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah of Providence, Feb. 14, 1798, a. 9 m. 9 d. G.R.1.
ADAM (see Adames, Adams) -
Josiah, Mar. 15, 1828 (Mar. 14, G.R.1.), a. 32 y. 2 m.
ADAMES (see Adam, Adams) -
James, s. of James and Elisabeth, June 20, 1755.
Ruth, d. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Sept. 12, 1761.
ADAMS (see Adam, Adames) -
Benjamin, Mar. 28, 1837, a. 72 y.
Betsey, w. of Benjamin Esq., Oct. 17, 1807, in her 38th y.
Betsey, d. of Benjamin Esq., Oct. 28, 1824, in her 21st y.
Charles G., s. of John and Fanny A., in Savannah, Ga., June 25, 1837, a. 14 y. G.R.1.
Christiania E., d. of Fleming (and Rebecca, G.R.1.), Nov. 1, 1846, a. 2 y. Dysentery. (Oct. 31, 1846, a. 2 y. 4 m. 22 d. G.R.1.)
Elisabeth, w. of Joseph, Mar. 1, 1773, in her 38th y.
Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth, July 9, 1773.
Fanny, d. of Benjamin (and Betty, G.R.1.), Mar. 9, 1797, a. 2 y 4 m.
George, s. of Benjamin Esq., Sept. 2, 1832, in his 31st y.
John, ----, 1842. G.R.1.
Joseph, June 1, 1833, in his 70th y.
Joseph, Dr., Dec. 15, 1833, a. 81 y.
Martha B., d. of John and Charlotte, Aug. 28, 1844, a. 17 y. 2 m. 13 d. G.R.1.
Moses, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth. "Was killed by falling and going under the water wheal of a Grissmill on the Eleventh day of October, 1788." (In his 19th y. dup.)
Sally, d. of Benjamin Esq., June 8, 1824, in her 19th y.
Sally, w. of Dr. Joseph (formerly of Mendon, G.R.1.) May 13, 1830. (a. 74 y. 4 1/2 m. G.R.1.)
Samuel (Samuel G., G.R.1.), s. of (Hon., G.R.1.) Benjamin, Mar. 21, 1828, in his 29th y.
Susannah, wid. of Benjamin, Oct. 13, 1840, a. 73 y.
Elizabeth, w. of Ellis, May 22, 1827.
James, Aug. 18, 1814.
Laura (Laura S., G.R.24.), d. of Ellis and Lavinia, Jan. 26, 1847, a. 18 y. Consumption. (Jan. 25, 1847, a. 17 y. 8 m. 21 d. G.R.24.)
----, s. of William and Dinah, Feb. 19, 1798. Twin.
----, s. of Laman, July 30, 1831, a. 4 d.
Abby E. (Abby Elizabeth. G.R.1.), d. of Valentine M. and Abigail (Abigail W., G.R.1.), Dec. 28, 1848, a. 9 m. 20 d. Dropsy in the head. (Dec. 29, 1848, a. 9 m. 11 d. G.R.1.)
Abel Jr., s. of Seth Jr., Aug. 14, 1810. Death caused by a fall from a tree.
Abel, Apr. 7, 1841, a. 91 y., in November, 1840. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Abel, Nov. 25, 1841, in his 53d y. G.R.1.
Abigail W., w. of Valentine M. and d. of Stephen Williams, Dec. 13, 1849. G.R.1.
Abraham, Sept. 22, 1811, a. 28 y.
Adaline, d. of Capt. Jesse, Aug. 28, 1834, a. 22 y. 9 m.
Almy, w. of Paul Jr., 6th day, 10th mo. 1829. C.R.4.
Alvin H., w. of Chauncey, Sept. 9, 1845, a. 30 y. Fits.
Amy, wid. of Seth, July 6, 1837, a. 93 y.
Anna, w. of Nehemiah, Sept. 22, 1813, a. 64 y.
Anna, 2d w. of John, 17th day, 2d mo. 1834. C.R.4.
Artemas, May 27, 1825, a. abt. 25 y.
Asahel, s. of Jesse, June 12, 1844, a. 47 y. Md. Consumption. (a. 47 y. 9 m. G.R.10.)
Austin, s. of Joseph, Aug. 23, 1825, a. 10 m.
Benjamin, s. of Seth Jr. and Audary, 3d day, 2d mo. 1812. C.R.4.
Brown, s. of David and Mary, 27th day, 4th mo. 1808. C.R.1.
Brown W., s. of John and Anna, 10th day, 7th mo. 1811. C.R.4.
Daniel, 6th day, 6th mo. 1812. C.R.4.
David, s. of David and Mary, 11th day, 11th mo. 1819. C.R.4.
David, 13th day, 7th mo. 182--. C.R.4.
Deborah, d. of Jacob and Joanna, Nov. 16, 1746.
Dinah, wid. of William, Feb. 8, 1839, a. 77 y.
Dorcas, w. of Ephraim, Aug. 30, 1811, a. 39 y.
Dorcas, d. of Peleg and 12th day, 11th mo. 1835. C.R.4.
Elisabeth, w. of John, 7th day, 1st mo. 1806. C.R.4.
Elisabeth, d. of John and Elisabeth, 23d day, 12th mo. 1820. C.R.4.
Elizabeth, w. of Abel, Nov. 19, 1837, a. 72 y.
Ellis, Oct. 2, 1838, a. 57 yr. 2 m. 7 d. G.R.1.
Elvira H., w. of Chauncey, Sept. 9, 1845, a. 29 y. 11 m. 16 d. G.R.1.
Emeline (Emily E., G.R.1.), d. of Chauncey (and Elvira H., G.R.1.), Oct. 18, 1842, a. abt. 3 m. (a. 3 m. 16 d. G.R.1.)
Emily (Emily M., G.R.21.), w. of Robert (Robert H., G.R.21.), July 28, 1840, a. 28 y. (a. 27 y. G.R.21.)
Enoch, Feb. 24, 1834, a. 82 y.
Ephraim, Aug. 24, 1826, a. 56 y. (25th day, 8th mo. 1826. C.R.4.)
Esther, d. of Jacob and Joanna, Feb. 19, 1754.
Esther, w. of Joel, June 12, 1808, a. 25 y.
George, s. of Abel, Nov. 30, 1802.
George Ellis, s. of Ellis and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1833, a. 14 m. G.R.1.
Gilbert Fay, s. of Lamond and Cynthia F., July 30, 1834, a. 4 d. G.R.1.
Hannah, w. of Ellis, Apr. 4, 1828, in her 37th y. G.R.1.
Hellen, d. of Joseph, Nov. 8, 1839, a. abt. 3 y.
Hetty D., w. of Jacob, Feb. 4, 1833, a. 35 y. G.R.16.
Issabel, 2d w. of Peter, 3d day, 4th mo. 1790. C.R.4.
Jacob, s. of Jacob and Joanna, Nov. 9, 1740.
James, s. of Otis, Aug. 4, 1835, a. 2 y.
Jesse, Capt., Oct. 5, 1845, a. 73 y. Md. Typhus fever.
Joel, Dec. 26, 1838, a. 66 y. (25th day, 12th mo. 1838. C.R.4.)
John, Mar. 25, 1750.
John, 11th day, 3d mo. 1838. C.R.4.
John Seagrave, s. of Joseph, Aug. 22, 1825, in his 11th y.
Jonathan R. (Jonathan Richard, C.R.4.), s. of Daniel H. (and Phebe M., G.R.16.), Sept. 12, 1841, a. abt. 3 y. (a. 2 y. 10 m. 12 d. G.R.16.)
Joseph, s. of Seth and Mary, Mar. 2, 1766, a. 1 y. 7 m.
Joseph, s. of Seth and Mary, July 23, 1785, a. 1 y. 2 m.
Joseph, 30th day, 12th mo. 1787. C.R.4.
Joseph, s. of Abel, Oct. 25, 1846, a. 57 y. Md. Consumption. (a. 58 y. G.R.1.)
Joshua, s. of Joseph, 23d day, 5th mo. 1790. C.R.4.
Joshua, s. of John and Elisabeth, 13th day, 3d mo. 1808. C.R.4.
Josiah, s. of Daniel, Mar. 21, 1834, a. 3 y. (Josiah W. (Josiah Wilcox, C.R.4.), s. of Daniel H. and Phebe M., Mar. 21, 1834, a. 3 y. 1 m. 8 d. G.R.16.)
Judith S., w. of Otis, Apr. 11, 1835, a. 44 y. G.R.23.
Lydia, d. of Benjamin and Lydia, July 26, 1788, a. nearly 5 y.
Lydia, wid. of Benjamin, May 20, 1824. (21st day, 5th mo. 1824. C.R.4.)
Maria, w. of Nathan, Aug. 16, 1844, a. 47 y. G.R.21.
Martha, d. of Samuel Jr. and Sarah, 6th day, 7th mo. 1791. C.R.4.
Martha, w. of Nathan, May 3, 1842, a. 54 y.
Martha, w. of Nathan, Aug. 13, 1845, a. 28 y. Consumption.
Mary, w. of Seth, 31st day, 12th mo. 1820. C.R.4.
Mary, w. of David, 10th day, 5th mo. 1842. C.R.4.
Mary B., w. of Jacob, June 16, 1816, a. 20 y. G.R.16.
Mary B., w. of Chauncey, June 19, 1849, a. 29 y. G.R.1.
Mary H., w. of Otis, Jan. 30, 1842, a. 31 y. 8 m. 17 d. G.R.23.
Mary R., d. of Jacob and Mary B., Aug. 3, 1817, a. 14. m. G.R.16.
Mehitabel, w. of Jacob, Feb. 4, 1833.
Merrit, s. of Joseph, Aug. 17, 1833, a. abt. 6 y. Drowned.
Nathaniel, Mar. 31, 1840, a. 87 y.
Nehemiah, Feb. 20, 1803, a. 53 y. 9 m.
Nelly, d. of Nathaniel, Jan. 31, 1785, a. 9 m.
Noah, s. of Noah and Sarah, Jan. 31, 1745.
Noah, 13th day, 5th mo. 1812. C.R.4.
Noah, Nov. 14, 1835, a. 76 y.
Paul, 28th day, 7th mo. 1834. C.R.4.
Penellepy, Dec. 5, 1752.
Peter, 17th day, 3d mo. 1799. C.R.4.
Phebe Saben, d. of Paul Jr. and Almay, 24th day, 11th mo. 1818. C.R.4.
Phila, d. of Obed, Dec. 11, 1826.
Polly, w. of Arnold, Dec. 7, 1845. Cramp in the stomach.
Rachel, w. of Nathaniel, Mar. 12, 1836, a. 82 y. (8th day, 10th mo. 1836. C.R.4.)
Rachel, d. of Paul and Mary, 16th day, 8th mo. 1820. C.R.4.
Robert Bruce, s. of Peleg and Huldah, 2d day, 2d mo. 1826. C.R.4.
Robert Hall, s. of Ephraim, Sept. 9, 1805, a. 4 y.
Roby, d. of George, Sept. 7, 1822.
Rufus, s. of Benjamin and Lydia, Feb. 6, 1787, a. 13 y.
Rufus (Rufus T., G.R.21.), s. of Seth, Oct. 24, 1835, a. 22 y. (Oct. 29, 1835, a. 22 y. 4 m. G.R.21.) (22d day, 10th. mo. 1835. C.R.4.)
Sally W., d. of Ellies and Hannah, Apr. 26, 1808, in her 4th y. G.R.1.
Samuel, s. of Samuel Jr. and Sarah, 30th day, 3d mo. 1794. C.R.4.
Samuel, 5th day, 7th mo. 1824. C.R.4.
Samuel, s. of George, Apr. 30, 1820, a. 26 y.
Samuel Jr., 5th day, 6th mo. 1820. C.R.4.
Samuel Cleark, s. of Samuel and Melissa, Jan. 24, 1846, a. 9 m. 12 d. G.R.21.
Sarah, w. of Noah, June 20, 1751.
Sarah, w. of Samuel Jr., 27th day, 12th mo. 1819 C.R.4.
Sarah, w. of Enoch, July 22, 1844, a. 63 y. G.R.10.
Sarah Jane, d. of Ellis and Sarah, Feb. 10, 1838, a. 4 y. G.R.1.
Seth, Oct. 15, 1737.
Seth, Dec. 26, 1817, a. 79 y.
Seth, June 5, 1824, a. 80 y.
Silas, June 15, 1798, a. 24 y.
Silvia, d. of Joseph, Dec. 24, 1826, a. 4 y. 9 m.
Susanna, w. of Paul, 3d day, 4th mo. 1804. C.R.4.
Susannah, w. of Capt. Jesse, May 20, 1837, a. 62 y.
Thankful, d. of William and Dinah, 19th day, 11th mo. 1802. G.R.4.
Waity, w. of Saval, June 23, 1841, a. abt. 60 y. (13th day, 7th mo. 1841. C.R.4.)
Willard, Nov. 6, 1839, a. 66 y.
William, s. of Remington, Sept. 21, 1832, a. abt. 14 m.
William, Feb. 1, 1837, a. 78 y. (2d day, 2d mo. 1837. G.R.4.)
Alanson, May 3, 1839, a. 26 y.
Polly, w. of Samuel, Aug. 11, 1840, a. 42 y.
----, s. of John, Feb. 8, 1838, a. 5 w.
Azubah, w. of John and d. of Willis and Margery Taft, July 15, 1834, a. 31 y. G.R.1.
Robert, Dr., Dec. 23, 1845, a. 56 y. Consumption.
----, d. of John Jr., Aug. 32, 1839, a. 11 m.
----, w. of John Jr., Oct. 9, 1844.
Eliza, d. of John, Aug. 28, 1844, a. 16 y. Consumption.
Emeline, d. of William, Apr. 19, 1836, a. 2 y.
Alise, d. of Elisha and Theodate, 24th day, 3d mo. 1793. C.R.4.
Benedict, 9th day, 2d mo. 1802. C.R.4.
Elisha, June 23, 1826, a. 70 y. (6th day, 7th mo. 1826. C.R.4.)
Hannah, w. of William, Oct. 21, 1844. G.R.21.
Lucy, d. of William (and Hannah, G.R.21.), Oct. 1, 1826, in her 20th y.
Prudence S., d. of Eber and Charlotte, Jan. 31, 1849, a. 11 y. 10 m.
Rachel, w. of Eber, Jan. 25, 1801 (in her 36th y. G.R.1.).
Sarah, wid. of Benedict, Feb. 14, 1836, a. 83 y.
Theodate, w. of Elisha, Jan. 25, 1817.
Asa of Natick, Oct. 13, 1810. Drowned.
Francis Loring, s. of (William and Eliza, G.R.1.), Aug. 27, 1839, a. abt. 18 m. (a. 18 m. 20 d. G.R.1.)
Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Martha, July 19, 1758.
Louis, Nov. 25, 1847, a. 82 y. G.R.16.
Miles, Mar. 17, 1830.
Solomon, s. of Jonathan and Martha, July 3, 1763.
William, Nov. 1, 1826. Apoplexy.
Louisa M., d. of Reuel, Aug. 5, 1847, a. 19 y. 6 m. 11 d. Typhus fever.
Polly, wid., Sept. 15, 1839, a. 69 y. (Mary, wid. of Dea. Stephen. G.R.1.)
----, ch. of John, Feb. 11, 1841, a. 3 w.
Caleb Strong, s. of Manasseh, Dec. 29, 1834, a. 18 y.
Ellen (Eleanor, G.R.1.), Aug. 5, 1840, a. 18 y. (a. 18 y. 1 m. 5 d. G.R.1.)
Esther, wid. of ----, 24th day, 7th mo. 1793. C.R.4.
Hannah D., d. of Manasseh, July 3, 1836, in her 23d y.
Lois, wid. of Capt. Manasseh, July 10, 1840, a. 66 y.
Manasseh, Capt., June 30, 1831, a. 66 y.
Sarah, w. of Manasseh, Jan. 19, 1793, a. 21 y.
Sawyer, s. of Manasseh, Oct. 14, 1802, a. 4 y. 11 m.
BALCKOM (see Balcom, Baulcom) -
Hannah, d. of Aaron and Phebe, Nov. 20, 1801.
BALCOM (see Balckom, Baulcom) -
Alanson, Col., Nov. 11, 1833, a. 26 y. G.R.1.
Mary Maria, d. of Col. Alanson and Maria, Aug. 27, 1835, a. 1 y. G.R.1.
Willard, s. of Martha Taft, Aug. 15, 1824, a. 34 y.
Betsey Ann, w. of James, Dec. 25, 1847, a. 37 y. G.R.1.
Ferdinand, s. of Ferdinand and Amy, Aug. ----, 1846. G.R.18.
Jerusha, d. of James, Jan. 10, 1750 (1751, a. 37 y. dup.)
Maribah, w. of James, Mar. 3, 1753.
Thomas, s. of John, Feb. 20, 1846, a. 9 y. Killed by accident in a machine shop.
BARTLET (see Bartlett) -
Elizabeth, wid. of (Walter Price of Salem, G.R.1.) and mother of wife of Rev. Samuel Judson, May 28, 1824. (a. 77 y. G.R.1.)
John, May 19, 1837, a. abt. 14 y.
BARTLETT (see Bartlet) -
----, w. of Jehu of Sutton, Apr. 23, 1815.
Betsey, Nov. 1, 1846, a. 64 y. Unm. Consumption. (Elizabeth Bartlett, youngest d. of Walter Price and Elizabeth of Salem, Oct. 31, 1846. G.R.1.)
BASSET (see Bassett) -
Hannah, d. of Joseph and Rachyal, 20th day, 6th mo. 1815. C.R.4.
James C. (James Cumstock dup.), s. of Ephraim and Mercy, Sept. 22, 1815, a. 2 m. (a. 3 m. dup.).
Margery, w. of William, 18th day, 8th mo. 1791. C.R.4.
Mercy, w. of Ephraim, Dec. 27, 1825.
William, s. of William and Margery, 14th day. 3d mo. 1792. C.R.4.
BASSETT (see Basset) -
Joseph, July 26, 1836, a. 84 y.
Rachal, w. of Joseph, Sept. 29, 1832, in her 72d y. (28th day, 9th mo. 1828. C.R.4.)
BATCHELLER (see Batchellor) -
----, ch. of William, July 30, 1839, a. 3 m.
Naomi, d. of Aaron, Aug. 19, 1838, a. abt. 8 or 9 y.
Perdiscus, Feb. 28, 1835, a. 30 y.
BATCHELLOR (see Batcheller) -
----, wid. of David, June 29, 1837.
Daniel H., July 2, 1846, a. 1 y.
BATTEY (see Batty) -
Mary, d. of Nicholas and ----, 24th day, 1st mo. 1800. C.R.4.
Ruth S., d. of Richard and Rachel A., 8th day, 8th mo. 1836. C.R.4.
BATTY (see Battey) -
Anna, d. of Richard, Aug. 19, 1838, a. 8 y.
BAULCOM (see Balckom, Balcom) -
Mary, Apr. 4, 1740. Burned to death about 9 O'clock in the evening.
Frances, ----, 1833. C.R.1.
Abigail, w. of (Dea., G.R.1.) Nicholas, Jan. 16, 1788, at 5 minutes after 2 O'clock in the afternoon on her 46th y. G.R.1.). (Abigail, G.R.1.), 3d w. of Dea. Nicholas, May 24, 1822 (in her 63d y. G.R.1.)
Adolpheus, s. of Nicholas and Abigail, Oct. 7, 1784, in his 5th y. G.R.1.
Alpheus, Oct. 25, 1826, a. 56 y.
Alpheus Wood, s. of Adolphus, Apr. 25, 1833, a. abt. 13 m.
Ephraim, s. of Alpheus, Sept. 21, 1848, a. 58 y. Md. Killed by a fall.
George (s. of Dea. Nicholas and Hannah, G.R.1.), June 12, 1795, in his 5th y.
Hannah, w. of Dea. Nicholas, Jan. 9, 1800. (Jan. 4, 1800, her 56th y. G.R.1.)
Nicholas, Dea., Jan. 19, 1831, in his 92d y.
Charles Augustus, s. of Ezra (Ezra T. and Pamelia A., G.R.1.), Oct. 13, 1833, a. abt. 13 m. (Oct. 14, 1833, a. 1 y. 18 d. G.R.1.)
Chloe, w. of Lieut. John, Apr. 25, 1826, in her 41st y. (Apr. 27, 1826, in her 42d y. G.R.1.)
John, s. of Lieut. John, Aug. 12, 1829, a. 10 y. (John M., s. of Capt. John and Chloe. G.R.1.)
John, Jan. 21, 1842, a. 60 y.
Charles, s. of Charles, June 23, 1836, a. 3 y.
Crawford (Crawford A., G.R.1.), s. of Uzeal (and Naomi, G.R.1.), Nov. 10, 1837, a. abt. 1 y. (a. 13 m. G.R.1.)
Mary, w. of Joseph, Aug. 1, 1800, in her 86th y.
----, d. of Joseph and Nancy, Apr. 15, 1849, a. 5 w. G.R.1.
Herbert J., s. Of Joseph and Nancy, Mar. 17, 1848, a. 2 y. 1 m. G.R.1.
Isaac, Apr. 15, 1830, a. 40 y.
Phebe Ann, d. of Joseph and Nancy, Apr. 17, 1848, a. 4 y. G.R.1.
Victoria, d. of Joseph (and Nancy, G.R.1.), Apr. 29, 1840, a. abt. 5 m. (Apr. 28, 1840. G.R.1.)
----, w. of Isaac, Feb. 6, 1846, a. 87 y. Md. Burned to death.
Betty, d. of Isaac and Hepziah, June 5, 1741.
Hepzibah, w. of Isaac, July 20, 1741.
Isaac, Apr. 28, 1753.
Isaac, Feb. 7, 1846, a. 92 y. Md.
Asa, Oct. 26, 1846, a. 74 y. 9 m. 22 d. Typhus fever.
Eliza Ann, d. of Thomas and Elisabeth, 3d day, 6th mo. 1811. C.R.4.
Ephraim, s. of Lemuel and Huldah, 7th day, 1st mo. 1791. C.R.4.
Isaac, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth, 24th day, 11th mo. 1798. C.R.4.
Smith, s. of Thomas and Elisabeth, 21st day, 11th mo. 1820. C.R.4.
Thomas, 3d day, 9th mo. 1842. C.R.4.
William S., Aug. 5, 1846, a. 35 y. Md. Consumption.
Hamlet, s. of Nathaniel and Rachel, Sept. 17, 1814, a. 15 m. G.R.1.
Rachel, w. of Nathaniel, Feb. 23, 1825, in her 51st y. (Feb. 22, 1825. G.R.1.)
Silas W. (Silas Wheelock, G.R.1.), s. of Nathaniell and (Rachel, G.R.1.), July 14, 1804, a. 2 y. 3 m. 5 d.
Betsey (d. of David and Sabra, G.R.1.), Oct. 16, 1802, a. 22 y.
Hannah, wid. of ----, 28th day, 4th mo. 1816, C.R.4.
George, Apr. 11, 1848, a. 14 y.
Samuel H., Oct. 12, 1827.
Lavinia, d. of George and Betsey of Farmington, Me., Aug. 25, 1847, a. 19 y. Typhus fever.
----, ch. of Pemberton, Sept. 20, 1839, a. abt. 3 w.
----, ch. of Salmon, May 19, 1840.
----, d. of Chauncey, Nov. ----, 1845, a. 1 m.
Abba Eliza, w. of Capt. Pemberton, Apr. 4, 1834, a. 25 y.
Andrus, Nov. 13, 1794. G.R.1.
Elihu, Oct. 25, 1840, a. 79 y. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Elizabeth, d. of Eleazer, Nov. 14, 1827, in her 18th y.
Francis, s. of Alpheus, Nov. 25, 1848, a. 23 y. Md. Consumption. (Nov. 26, 1848, a. 27 y. G.R.1.)
Frederic (Frederick Whitfield, G.R.1.), s. of Henry A. (and Ann, G.R.1.), Aug. 19, 1845. a. 7 y. 9 m. 16 d. Born in Maine. Typhus fever. (Aug. 18, 1845, a. 6 y. 9 m. 27 d. G.R.1.)
George, Oct. 3, 1831, a. 48 y. G.R.1.
Harriet F. E., d. of Henry and Harriet, July 30, 1844. (d. of H. A. and Ann, July 24, 1844, a. 6 w. 5 d. G.R.1.)
Jonathan of Seekonk, Feb. 14, 1823, a. 30 y.
Marcy, d. of Elihu, Dec. 30, 1796, a. 13 d.
Mercy, w. of Elihu, Sept. 9, 1839, a. 77 y. (a. 76 y. 23 d. G.R.1.)
Merrick D. F., s. of Martin S. and Clarissa (Clara L., G.R.1.), Apr. 25, 1848, a. 4 m. 13 d. Dysentery.
Sarah, w. of (Dr., G.R.1.), John B. and d. of Bezaleel Taft Esq., Nov. 12, 1808, a. abt. 25 y.
Sarah (Sarah A., G.R.1.), d. of Alpheus (and Martha, G.R.1.), Oct. 20, 1843, a. 19 y.
Thankful H., w. of Willis, Jan. 15, 1834, a. abt. 17 y. (Jan. 17, 1834. G.R.1.)
Walter, Capt., Mar. 18, 1845, a. 56 y. G.R.21.
William H., s. of Lewis, Aug. 1, 1838, a. 22 m.
Phinehas Esq., Oct. 5, 1809, in his 48th y. (Formerly of Machias, Oct. 3, 1809, a. 47 y. G.R.1.)
Benjamin, 2d day, 5th mo. 1798. C.R.4.
Farnum, s. of Benjamin and Olive, Apr. 8, 1820, a. 10 m. G.R.25.
Susan, d. of Benjamin and Ellen H., 23d day, 10th mo. 1848. C.R.4.
Baruch, Apr. 12, 1837, a. 78 y. (Apr. 10, 1837. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Elias (Elias D., G.R.1.), s. of Luther and Hannah, Sept. 22 (Sept. 23, G.R.1.), 1845, 18 y. (a. 16 y. 10 m. 5 d. G.R.1.) Typhus fever.
Hannah, w. of Luther, June 7, 1845, a. 50 y. Born in Oxford. Consumption. (a. 50 y. 6 m. 18 d. G.R.1.)
Julitta, wid. of Baruch, May 15, 1846, a. 84 y. G.R.1.
Luther, s. of Baruch and Julietta, Feb. 24, 1845, a. 59 y. 2 m. 21 d. G.R.1.
Samuel W. (S. of Baruch and Julitta, G.R.1.), Aug. 10, 1820, a. 21 y.
Basheby, w. of James, Feb. 20, 1810, in her 28th y.
Henry R. (Henry Rothman, G.R.1.), s. of Marcious E. (and Harriet N., G.R.1.), Sept. 16, 1838, a. 1 y. (Sept. 15, 1838. a. 11 m. 24 d. G.R.1.)
Lucius, s. of Amor C. and Elethear, June 30, 1849, a. 7 y. 17 d. Born is Woonsocket, R.I., Killed by kick of a horse.
James, s. of wid. ----, Sept. 24, 1848, a. 13 y.
Frances, d. of Jonathan, Mar. 17, 1833, a. 8 m.
Henry Clay, s. of Lyman, Oct. 20, 1830, a. 4 m. 26 d.
Wentworth, Mar. 23, 1831, a. 28 y. Scotchman.
Abigail, wid. of John, July 26, 1841, a. 83 y. (a. 82 y. G.R.1.)
Abigail M., w. of John W., May 22, 1828, in her 32d y. (May 21, 1828. G.R.1.)
Asenath, w. of John, Nov. 1, 1810 (Nov. 11, G.R.1.), at 4 O'clock in the morning, a. 46 y. wanting 28 d.
Catherine M., d. of John W. and Catherine, Dec. 29, 1844, a. 6 m. Lung fever. (Dec. 30, 1844, a. 6 m. G.R.1.)
Charles, Nov. 9, 1812, a. 63 y.
Charles, s. of Charles S., Sept. 6, 1837, a. 20 y. (a. 19 y. G.R.1.)
Charles S. (Charles Scott, G.R.1.), Sept. 20, 1836, a. 47 y. (a. 53 y. G.R.1.)
Hellen Maria, d. of Dea. William (William C. and Chloe D., G.R.1.), July 26, 1838, a. 12 y. 6 m.
Henry Clay, s. of Charles Scott, Dec. 21, 1829, a. abt. 6 m.
Jehosabell, wid. of Charles, Mar. 15, 1821. (Mar. 15, 1820, a. 62 y. G.R.1.)
John, July 11, 1836. a. 78 y. (a. 79 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
John, s. of John W. (and Catherine B., G.R.1.), Aug. 1, 1839, a. 1 y. (a. 14 m. G.R.1.)
Laura Southwick, d. of John, Oct. 27, 1823, a. 29 y.
Lucy Waldo, d. of John, Oct. 10, 1802, a. 3 y. 2 m. (Oct. 11, 1802. G.R.1.)
Mariah, d. of Charles (and Jehosheba, G.R.1.), Jan. 7, 1826, a. 24 y. (Jan. 7, 1826, a. 23 y. G.R.1.)
Phebe (Phebe C. G.R.1.), w. of Effingham L., Mar. 17, 1828.
Sarah W., d. of Charles S., Oct. 12, 1840, a. 17 y.
William Banfield, s. of John and Asenath. Drowned at Pomfret, Conn., July 10, 1789.
----, inf. s. of Daniel and Eunice, June 25, 1812. G.R.1.
----, ch. of Olny, Sept. 3, 1827, a. 2 y. 4 m.
----, d. of Daniel G., June 19, 1829, a. 2 d.
----, d. of Daniel G., May 9, 1831, a. 30 h.
----, s. of Daniel G., Oct. 8, 1834, a. abt. 20 h.
Ann, w. of Col. John, July 31, 1833. (a. 43 y. G.R.1.)
Henry, Capt., July 2, 1841, a. 30(?) y. G.R.1.
Joseph, July 26, 1813, a. 63 y. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Joseph L., s. of Joseph and Sabra, Oct. 5. 1839, a. 10 m. G.R.1.
Maria Theresa, d. of Daniel and Eunice, Sept. 30, 1798.
Mark, s. of Joseph (and Sabra, G.R.1.), July 6, 1848, a. 5 y., 9 m. Killed by a cart body falling on him.
Martha W., d. of William, May 6, 1819, a. 5 y.
Persis, wid. of Joseph, July 3, 1831, a. 80 y.
Sally Bartlett, d. of William (and Abial, G.R.1.), June 22, 1800. a. 14 m.
Sarah Ann, d. of Col. John (and Ann, G.R.1.), Dec. 13, 1823, a. 1 y. 3 m.
Nancy, w. of Alvan, July 23, 1808, a. 23 y. G.R.1.
Seth Augustus, s. of Edward, Dec. 13, 1839, a. 8 m.
Sarah E., d. of John and Hannah, Oct. 4, 1845, a. 2 y. 5 m. Born in Douglas. Croup.
CHAPEN (see Chapin) -
Marcy, d. of Joseph and Ruth, Nov. 22, 1760.
CHAPIN (see Chapen)
----, s. of Royal, July 20, 1827, a. 30 min.
Abigail, wid. of Henry, May 25, 1847, a. 74 y. Consumption. (May 23, 1847, a. 75 y. G.R.1.)
Amariah, Sept. 18, 1840 (Aug. 7, 1840, G.R.1.), a. 78 y. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Amos, Apr. 26, 1772, in his 72d y.
Anna, wid. of ----, Apr. 26, 1772.
Bartlet Judson, s. of Royal, Oct. 7, 1825, a. 10 d.
Deborah, w. of Gershom, Sept. 18, 1776, in her 42d y. G.R.1.
Edwin Fisk, s. of Caleb, Sept. 24, 1836, a. abt. 4 m.
Elizabeth, w. of Gershom, Sept. 11, 1761, in her 26th y. G.R.1.
Gershom, Aug. ---- (Aug. 23, 1801, in his 68th y., G.R.1.).
Henry, Capt., in White Pigeon, Mich., Oct. 6, 1844, a. 79 y. 6 y. G.R.1.
John S., Dec. 19, 1849, a. 70 y. 4 m. 17 d. Md. Dropsy.
Joseph, Col., Aug. 18, 1809, in his 79th y. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Josiah Godard, s. of John S. and Polly, Feb. 27, 1811, a. 3 m.
Mary, wid. of (Gershom, G.R.1.), Dec. 16, 1818, a. 76 y. (Dec. 15, 1819. G.R.1.)
Mary J. (Mary Judson, G.R.1.), d. of Samuel A. and Maria, July 30, 1844, a. 7 m. (July 31, 1844. G.R.1.)
Moses S. (Moses Smedley, G.R.1.), s. of Moses and Betsey (Nov. 14, G.R.1.), 1819, a. 3 y. 4 m. (a. 3 y. 3 m. G.R.1.)
Nancy, d. of John S., Nov. 30, 1843, a. 31 y. 11 m.
Olive, w. of Amariah, May 3, 1839, a. 69 y.
Phineas, Dea., May 2, 1839, a. 69 y.
Reuben, Apr. 17, 1836, a. 66 y.
Royal Sibley, s. of Josiah, Aug. 12, 1824, a. abt. 2 y.
Ruth, w. of Col. Joseph, June 27, 1797, in her 58th y. G.R.1.
Samuel, Dea., Apr. 27, 1753, in his 51st year.
Sarah, d. of Amariah and Olive, Sept. 1, 1803, a. 7 y. G.R.1.
Sarah Maria, d. of Royal, Sept. 6, 1824, a. 2 y. 6 m.
Stephen, Mar. 9, 1843, a. 42 y.
Thomas Hoit, s. of Bezaleel T. (and Martha O., G.R.1.), Aug. 14, 1840, a. 2 y. 6 m. (a. 2 y. 6 m. 3 d. G.R.1.)
W. P. B. Judson, s. of Royal and Maria T., Oct. 6, 1825. G.R.1.
Abigail, w. of Searle, May 31, 1831, in her 53d y.
Cyril, Dec. 23, 1831. Killed in the woods while at work felling a tree for Josiah Spring.
Thomas, ----, 1848. G.R.2.
Elisabeth, d. of Jonathan Jr. and Elisabeth, 4th day, 5th mo. 1822. C.R.4.
Emeline B., d. of Jonah, Sept. 5, 1824, a. 3 y. 4 m. 23 d.
Israel, 2d day, 3d mo. 1797. C.R.4.
Jonathan, 10th day, 8th mo. 1800. C.R.4.
Joseph, 13th day, 12th mo. 1818. C.R.4.
Joseph, s. of Jonathan Jr. and Elisabeth, 13th day, 11th mo. 1829. C.R.4.
Keziah, d. of Joseph and Isabel, 24th day, 5th mo. 1809. C.R.4.
Silas, s. of Israel and Matilda, 1st day, 1st mo. 1797. C.R.4.
Lucy, May 29, 1839, a. 21 y.
CHILLSON (see Chilson) -
David, Mar. 16, 1817, a. 59 y.
Jeremiah, Jan. 24, 1805.
Leah, Nov. 10, 1834, a. 77 y. (Nov. 12, 1834. G.R.1.)
Margaret or Peggy, Feb. 7, 1839, a. 73 y.
Rachal, wid. of Jeremiah, Feb. 23, 1824, a. 89 y.
CHILSON (see Chillson)
Alvina, w. of Henry, Feb. 17, 1844, a. 33 y.
Marietta, w. of Ned, b. in Smithfield, R.I., Sept. 3, 1844, a. 28 y. Typhus fever.
CLAP (see Clapp) -
Eleazer, Oct. 23, 1805, in his 75th y. G.R.1.
CLAPP (see Clap) -
Daniel, 8th day, 8th mo. 1849. G.R.4.
Isabella, w. of Daniel, 13th day, 3d mo. 1818. C.R.4.
Sarah, w. of Daniel, 4th day, 7th mo. 1848. C.R.4.
Susan (Susan Mariah, G.R.1.), d. of Hiram (and Susan. H., G.R.1.), July 27, 1833, a. 6 y. Cholera. (a. 6 y. 4 m. 4 d. G.R.1.)
COBURN (see Colburn) -
Ann Maria, d. of Josiah (and Betsey, G.R.1.), July 12, 1833, a. 6 m. (a. 6 m. 2 d. G.R.1.)
Betsey, w. of Josiah, Oct. 3, 1847, a. 35 y. G.R.1.
Josiah Aldrich, s. of Josiah and Betsey, Sept. 24, 1835, a. 6 m. 22 d. G.R.1.
Julieis Anagustus, s. of Josiah and Betsey, Aug. 25, 1841, a. 3 w. G.R.1.
(Mary, G.R.1.), wid. of (Ebenezer, G.R.1.), Apr. 3, 1818. (Apr. 2, 1818, a. 52 y. G.R.1.)
COLBURN (see Coburn) -
Delia E., d. of Charles O., Oct. 7, 1845, a. 10 m. Bowel complaint.
Salley, 22d day, 6th mo. 1811. C.R.4.
Mary, w. of Ariel, Oct. 27, 1848, a. 47 y. Consumption.
Abby C., d. of John S. and Sarah, July 11, 1845. a. 5 y. 6 m. Scarlet fever.
Daniel W., s. of John S., Jan. 11, 1837, a. 1 y. 10 m.
Mercy, Dec. 25, 1825, a. abt. 70 y.
Oscar Smith, s. of John S. and Sarah, Mar. 7, 1848, a. 3 y. 5 m. 24 d. Consumption.
Anna K. Earle, w. of Samuel H., 28th day, 3d mo. 1842. C.R.4.
COMINGS (see Cumings, Cummins, Cummings) -
Ebenezer, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1758.
Thomas, s. of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1765.
COMSTOCK (see Cumstock) -
Joseph, 2d day, 3d mo. 1800. C.R.4.
Susan, w. of Col. Silas A. and d. of Ezra and Chloe Southwick, July 22, 1843. G.R.18.
Albert, s. of Joshua and Sarah, 21st day, 10th mo. 1812. C.R.4.
Charles A., s. of Jennings B., Jan. 22, 1835, a. abt. 3 1/1 m.
Charles M., s. of William and Lydia H., 25th day, 8th mo. 1824. C.R.4.
Eliza Ann, d. of William and Lydia H., 2d. day, 10th mo. 1818. C.R.4.
Joseph, 2d day, 6th mo. 1834, a. 2 y. C.R.4.
Louisa, 23d day, 9th mo. 1836. C.R.4.
Susan M., d. of William and Lydia, 18th day, 8th mo. 1825. C.R.4.
Aaron, Apr. 11, 1814, a. 35 y. G.R.16.
Asenath, wid. of Aaron, June 29, 1838. (a. 56 y. G.R.16.)
Barton, s. of Amos, July 18, 1849, a. 38 y. 11 m. Md. Born in Cumberland.
Edwin Francis, s. of William and Abigail, June 8, 1846, a. 2 y. Scarlet fever.
Ellen A., d. of Joseph B. and Thankful, June 10, 1846, a. 3 y. Scarlet fever.
Emily A., w. of George W., Oct. 15, 1846, a. 27 y. 11 m. G.R.24.
Gertrude Irene, d. of Joseph B. and Thankful, June 24, 1846, a. 2 y. 2 m. Scarlet fever.
Hannah, w. of Jonathan, Feb. 11, 1763.
Helen A., d. of Joseph and Thankful, June 10, 1846, a. 3 y. G.R.7.
John, Lieut. (s. of Jonathan and Mehitable dup.), Apr. 13, 1753, in his 69th y.
Louis, d. of Jonathan, Mar. 13, 1827, a. 61 y.
Mehitable, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1744.
Mehitable, w. of Jonathan, Apr. 7, 1753.
Miriam A., d. of Alvin (and Maria R., G.R.16.), Mar. 20, 1835, a. 5 m. (Mar. 24, 1835, a. 4 m. 29 d. G.R.16.)
Paskco, 30th day, 7th mo. 1821. C.R.4.
Philadelphia (w. of Paskco, C.R.4.), Sept. 8, 1845, a. 70 y. Md. Old age. (9th day, 9th mo. 1845. C.R.4.)
Patience, 11th day, 3d mo. 1844. C.R.4.
----, d. of Lyman, Mar. 30, 1840, a. abt. 1 y.
Danforth, s. of Lyman and Phebe, Sept. 8, 1844, a. 5 m. 6 d. Typhus fever.
Phebe, d. of Lyman and Phebe, Mar. 29, 1840. G.R.1.
Esther, d. of Benjamin and Deborah, Jan. 18, 1773.
John, July 22, 1831, a. 84 y.
Keziah, w. of John, Jan. 19, 1831.
Mercy, wid. of Col. Samuel, Nov. 3, 1833, a. abt. 92 y.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Marcy, Aug. 10, 1791, in his 2d y. G.R.1.
Samuel, Col., June 22, 1825, a. 87 y. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Olive, w. of Ebenezer, May 7, 1848, a. 66 y. Consumption.
Mary, w. of ----, Jan. 24, 1843, a. 80 y. English woman.
Daniel, May 2, 1849, a. 37 y. 11 m. 24 d. G.R.1.
Sarah Josephine, d. of Daniel and Delphia B., Aug. 26, 1848, a. 7 y. 11 m. 9 d. G.R.1.
CUMINGS (see Comings, Cummins, Cummings) -
----, s. of Charles and Sarah, Apr. 27, 1845, a. 1 m. 12 d. Whooping cough.
Charles (Charles H., G.R.1.), s. of Reuben and Lois, Nov. 1, 1846, a. 38 y. 9 m. 7 md. (Nov. 1, 1847. in his 40th y. G.R.1.)
Isabella Frances, d. of Josiah (and Celia, G.R.1.), Sept. 14, 1836, a. 21 y. (a. 2 y. 5 m. G.R.1.)
John F., s. of Charles (and Sarah, G.R.1.), Apr. 25, 1843. a. 4 y. 9 m. (Apr. 24, 1843, a. 4 y. 10 m. G.R.1.)
John Norris (John F., G.R.1.), s. of Charles, May 20, 1838, a. 2 y. (a. 1 y. 9 m. 4 d. G.R.1.)
Lenard, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1740.
Maria, d. of Mary, ----, 1848. G.R.1.
Mary S., d. of Charles and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1842, a. 1 y. 4 m. 18 d. G.R.1.
Samuel, Lieut. May 13, 1758.
Samuel, s. of Samuel and Lucy, Sept. 14, 1778.
Samuel, s. of Reuben and Lois, Apr. 6, 1813, a. 18 y.
CUMMINS (see Comings, Cumings, Cummings)
----, ch. of Reuben, Oct 9. 1802, a. a few hours.
CUMMINGS (see Comings, Cumings, Cummins) -
Reuben, Oct 3, 1812. (a. 44 y. G.R.1.)
CUMSTOCK (see Comstock) -
Content, wid. of Laban, Jan. 22, 1843, a. 76 y. (a. 77 y. G.R.21.)
Laban, Sept. 24, 1829, a. 73 y.
Lucy, w. of Samuel, 3d day, 7th mo. 1825. C.R.4.
Samuel, 6th day, 6th mo. 1815. C.R.4.
Lydia (Lydia A., G.R.1.), w. of James, Oct. 1, 1842, a. 23 y. (a. 24 y. G.R.1.)
Magloria Jr., s. of Magloria and Catharine, Aug. 29, 1847, a. 1 y. 1 m. Fits.
James, s. of Judah, Nov. 9, 1807, in his 68th y. G.R.14.
Judah, mother of James, ----, 1784, in her 64th y. G.R.14.
Andrew, July 13, 1762, in his 87th y.
DAMMON (see Damon) -
Ebenezer, s. of Joseph and Mary, July 1, 1749.
Eunice, d. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 3, 1747.
Joseph, s. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 2, 1747.
Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 2, 1747.
Thomas, s. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 2, 1747.
DAMON (see Dammon) -
Joseph, Dea., Sept. 30, 1761.
Mary, w. of Dea. Joseph, May 18, 1758, in her 40th y.
----, ch. of Nathan, Sept. 12, 1839, a. 36 h.
Abraham, Dr., Dec. 16, 1752.
Alsy Fowler, w. of Adolphus, ----, 1832. G.R.3. (26th day, 2d mo. 1832. C.R.4.)
Diame, d. of David and Ruth, 15th day, 2d mo. 1842. C.R.4.
Hetta, d. of Nathan and Sarah, 4th day, 2d mo. 1833. C.R.4.
Huldah, d. of David and Ruth, 15th day. 12th mo. 1842. C.R.4.
John Milton, s. of Adolphus and Alice, June 25, 1810. a. 4 y.
Joseph, s. of Dr. Abraham, Aug. 8, 1753.
Josiah, s. of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 15, 1783 (in his 2d y. dup.).
Mary, wid. of Darius, Apr. 11, 1842, a. 93 y. (Apr. 10, 1842, a. 94 y. G.R.1.)
Nathan, s. of Ruth and David, 10th day, 5th mo. 1839. C.R.4.
Ruth, w. of David, 10th day, 7th mo. 1801. C.R.4.
Sarah, w. of Nathan, 5th day, 1st mo. 1814. C.R.4.
Sarah, d. of Nathan and Sarah, 18th day, 1st mo. 1827. C.R.4.
Sarah F., ----,. 1838. G.R.3.
Sarah Fowler, d. of Adolphus and Alice, June 24, 1810, a. 2 y.
Silence, d. of Nathan and Sarah, 26th day, 11th mo. 1804. C.R.4.
Abba Frances, d. of Benjamin, July 29, 1842, a. 5 m.
Atalatha, w. of Joshua, Dec. 20, 1833, a. 7(?) y. G.R.6.
Betsey, w. of Newton, Aug. 17, 1833, in (?)9th y. G.R.5.
Caroline, d. of Newton and Betsey, Oct. 30, 1832, a. 5 y. G.R.5.
Charles, s. of Charles, Aug. 2, 1833, a. 3 y.
Charles, s. of Lyman, Aug. 26, 1836, a. abt. 2 1/2 y.
Ebenezer, Sept. 3, 1835.
Hannah, w. of Jesse, 10th day, 4th mo. 1792. C.R.4.
Hannah A. Staples, w. of Cortes, Feb. 10, 1839, a. 29 y. 9 m. 28 d. G.R.1.
Josephine, d. of Newton and Malyna, Dec. 26, 1837, a. 8 y. 6 m. G.R.5.
Joshua, Apr. 21, 1834, a. 72 y. G.R.6.
Labiro, ch. of Joshua, July 3, 1799.
Leonard, Sept. 5, 1848, a. 26 y. G.R.5.
Malyna, w. of Newton, May 7, 1847, a. 49 y. G.R.5.
Margaret, w. of Stephen, July 14, 1832, a. 22 y.
Polly, w. of Nathan, May 26, 1846, a. 71 y. Born in Smithfield, R.I. Pleurisy. (May 25, 1846, a. 73 y. G.R.1.)
----, w. of Samuel, Mar. 4, 1837.
----, Aug. 2, 1846. Dysentery.
Mary Jane, d. of Alonzo, Apr. 30, 1847, a. 6 m. 6 d.
Victoria A., d. of Dow, Oct. 29, 1846, a. 1 y. 4 m. 4 d. Dysentery.
----, s. of James W. and Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1847, a. 1 m.
Daniel, widr., Oct. 26, 1848, a. 81 y. Consumption. (Oct. 23, 1848. G.R.1.)
Peter, s. of Daniel, Nov. 29, 1815. (In his 23d y. G.R.1.)
Silvia, w. of Daniel, Jan. 28, 1842, a. 77 y.
DEAN (see Deane) -
Calvin, at Savannah, Ga., Oct. ----, 1812. a. 39 y.
James, s. of Calvin, Nov. ----, 1811. (James Pitcher, s. of Calvin and Fanny, Nov. 15, 1811, a. 7 y. 3 m. 3 d. G.R.1.)
DEANE (see Dean) -
Francis Brown, s. of Francis Jr., Esq. (and Mary Jane, G.R.1.), Sept. 19, 1838, a. 17 m. 18 d.
James H. s. of James and Louisa, July 13, 1845, a. 6 m. Born in Taunton. Croup.
Elisabeth, w. of Obed, 12th day, 10th mo. 1840. C.R.4.
Hannah, d. of Obed and Elisabeth, 13th day, 9th mo. 1839. C.R.4.
Joseph, 24th day, 3d mo. 1822. C.R.4.
Sarah, w. of Joseph, 2d day, 12th mo. 1838. C.R.4.
Sarah C., d. of Asa and Sarah, 16th day, 8th mo. 1831. C.R.4.
Thomas C., s. of Obed and Elisabeth, 27th day. 9th mo. 1840. C.R.4.
George, s. of George, Nov. 3, 1833, a. abt. 7 m.
Mary Frances, d. of Henry and Hannah T., Aug. 1, 1844, a. 9 m. 3 d. G.R.1.
----, ch. of ----, Sept. 7, 1843, a. 2 y.
Adolphus, s. of David and Martha, Dec. 5, 1787. Burned to death when their house was burned (a. 6 y. dup.).
Anna, w. of Lieut. David, Dec. 5, 1787.
Darius, s. of David and Martha, Sept. 11, 1807, a. 15 y. G.R.1.
David, Lieut., Dec. 5, 1787 (a. 81 y. dup.). He and his wife, Anna, and his granddaughter and grandson burned to death when their house was burned.
David. Oct. 23, 1823, a. 81 y. (In his 83d y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Elisabeth, d. of David and Martha, Nov. 2, 1776.
Elisabeth, d. of David and Martha, Dec. 5, 1787, a. 10 y. Burned to death when her grandfather's house was burned.
Elizabeth, w. of David, Dec. 8, 1787. a. 8-- y.
Martha, w. of David, Jan. 25, 1803 (in her 51st y. G.R.1.).
Mary Thayer, w. of Frost, Aug. 16, 1832, a. 47 y. G.R.1.
Milo, s. of Danford and Roxanna, Aug. 20, 1825, in his 2d year. G.R.1.
Rebekah, d. of Adolpheus and Belinda, Aug. 26, 1826, in her 9th y. G.R.1.
Samuel Judson, s. of Frost and Mary T., Aug. 22, 1835. a. 3 y. G.R.1.
Amasa, Oct. 20, 1846, a. 54 y. Md. Consumption.
Mary (Miss, G.R.1.), Aug. 1, 1837 (in her 33d y. G.R.1.)
Deborah, 26th day. 12th mo. 1804. C.R.4.
Hannah, d. of Robert Jr. and Sarah, 3d day, 11th mo. 1795. C.R.4.
Homer, s. of Marmaduke and Elisabeth, 30th day, 8th mo. 1804. C.R.4.
John Fry, s. of Henry and Miriam, 31st day, 8th mo. 1814. C.R.4.
Jonah, s. of Robert Jr. and Sarah, 20th day, 1st mo. 1846. C.R.4.
Lydia, d. of Henry and Ruth, his 3d w., 28th day, 2d mo. 1848. C.R.4.
Mary Folger, d. of John Milton and Sarah Hussey, 25th day, 8th mo. 1826. C.R.4.
Melissa, d. of Henry and Miriam, 30th day, 4th mo. 1846. C.R.4.
Miriam, w. of Henry, 14th day, 10th mo. 1814. C.R.4.
Patience, w. of Pliny, ---- day, 11th mo. 1849. C.R.4.
Pliny, 29th day, 11th mo. 1832. C.R.4.
Richard, s. of Timothy and Ruth, 16th day, 10th mo. 1828. C.R.4.
Robert, 23d day, 1st mo. 1819. C.R.4.
Samuel, s. of Marmaduke and Elisabeth, 21st day, 6th mo. 1787. C.R.4.
Samuel Hussey, s. of John Milton and Sarah Hussey, 22d day, 9th mo. 1837. C.R.4.
Sarah, d. of Timothy and Ruth, 15th day, 3d mo. 1831. C.R.4.
Silas, s. of Silas and Rachel, 8th day, 4th mo. 1833. C.R.4.
Silas, 26th day, 11th mo. 1842. C.R.4.
Timothy, 23d day, 3d mo. 1819. C.R.4.
Albertine C. (Albertine A. C., G.R.1.), d. of Lyman T. (and Caroline J., G.R.1.), Aug. 20, 1841, a. 2 y. 7 m. (a. 2 y. 7 m. 7 d. G.R.1.)
Arnold, Oct. 8, 1834, a. 34 y.
Hannah, d. of Jesse and Sarah, 9th day, 10th mo. 1797. C.R.4.
Lyman, s. of Thomas and Sarah, 8th day, 6th mo. 1787. C.R.4.
Sarah, w. of Thomas, 20th day, 1st mo. 1787. C.R.4.
Sarah, w. of Jesse, 3d day, 8th mo. 1805. C.R.4.
Sarah, b. in Maine, Sept. 19, 1847, a. 20 y. Typhus fever.
Thomas, 5th day, 10th mo. 1786. C.R.4.
Henrietta, d. of William (William H. and Nancy S., G.R.1.), Mar. 29, 1844, a. 1 y.
Josephine, d. of William (William H. and Nancy S., G.R.1.), Feb. 27, 1844, a. 2 y. 10 m.
Nancy S., w. of William, Nov. 20, 1847, a. 31 y. Consumption.
Charles, s. of Charles (and Ruth, G.R.1.), Aug. 24, 1838, a. 4 m. (a. 4 m. 5 d. G.R.1.)
Ruth (Ruth Stearns, G.R.1.), w. of Charles, Feb. 1, 1841, a. 32 y.
Emily (Emily Augusta, C.R.1.) d. of Adolphus (Adolphus S. and Julia A. Hunt, G.R.1.), Oct. 8, 1843, a. 3 y. (a. 1 y. 11 m. G.R.1.)
Ezekiel, s. of Joseph, Oct. 27, 1825, a. abt. 16 y.
Joseph, Dec. 7, 1838, a. 66 y.
Julia Maria, d. of Adolphus (Adolphus S. and Julia A. Hunt, G.R.1.), Oct. 5, 1843, a. 5 m. (a. 3 m. 9 d. G.R.1.)
Lorena, d. of Joseph and Lucinda, Oct. 25, 1802, a. 2 y. 9 m. 7 d. G.R.1.
Louis, s. of Joseph and Lucinda, Oct. 25, 1802, a. 16 m. 25 d., G.R.1.
Lucinda, wid. of Joseph, Feb. 14, 1841, a. 63 y.
Mary L., d. of Willard (and Sylvia, G.R.1.), Sept. 8, 1843. a. abt. 9 m. (a. 9 m. 20 d. G.R.1.)
David, s. of Luke and Ruth, Jan. 17, 1756.
Eunice, w. of Samuel, Apr. 17, 1849, a. 68 y. G.R.1.
Jonathan, Apr. 27, 1842, a. 89 y. (Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Mary, d. of John, June 20, 1772.
Mary, w. of Jonathan, Oct. 14, 1841, a. 90 y.
Nathaniel, Feb. 6, 1846, a. 78 y. Md. Burned to death.
Pheeby, Jan. 1, 1760.
Reuben, s. of Lyman, Nov. 26, 1790, a. 10 m.
Rhoda, d. of Luke and Ruth, Feb. 10, 1763. "She expired of a Thursday at 3 O'clock in the afternoon."
Ruben, s. of Luke and Ruth, Feb. 7, 1763. "Died on Monday at 6 O'clock at night."
Susannah Rebekah, d. of James (James D. and Rebeckah W., G.R.1.), Apr. 4, 1836, a. abt. 5 w. (Apr. 5, 1836, a. 1 m. 5 d. G.R.1.)
Warren, s. of Samuel (and Eunice, G.R.21.), Apr. 15, 1817. (a. 11 y. G.R.21.)
Anna M., wid. of ----, Jan. 23, 1849, a. 48 y. Consumption.
Abby, d. of Joseph and Abby, June 20, 1843, a. 4y. 8 m. G.R.1.
Olney W., s. of Silas S. and Almira M., Aug. 25, 1845, a. 2 m. 19 d. Canker in the mouth.
Abigail, wid. of Cornet John, Feb. 21, 1759, a. 71 y. G.R.21.
Abigail, wid. of (Moses, C.R.3.), Oct. 2, 1773.
Adeline, d. of Capt. Thomas, Mar. 15, 1830, a. abt. 5 m.
Almira, d. of Easman, Jan. 24, 1829.
Amanda E., w. of Charles A., May 13, 1846, a. 44 y. G.R.1.
Amanda M., d. of Charles A. and Amanda E., Mar. 28, 1827, a. 4 m. 6 d. G.R.1.
Amanda M., d. of Charles A. and Amanda E., May 22, 1832, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R.1.
Asa N., s. of Thomas and Matilda, Aug. 1, 1842, a. 21 y. G.R.1.
Caleb, Lieut., Jan. 3, 1829, a. 75 y. (a. 76 y. Revolutionary soldier. G.R.1.)
Charles, s. of Capt. Thomas, Sept. 20, 1828, a. abt. 3 m.
Charles Augustus, s. of Thomas and Matilda, Feb. 17, 1816, a. 3 m. G.R.1.
Charles Valentine, s. of Thomas, Feb. 18, 1816, a. abt. 3 m.
Daniel, s. of Moses (Jr., C.R.3.) and Sarah, Oct. 14, 1772.
Daniel, Sept. 17, 1833, a. 58 y. (a. 59 y. G.R.1.)
David, 6th day, 5th mo. 1788. C.R.4.
David, Dec. 19, 1843, a. 72 y. G.R.1.
Deborah, w. of George, Nov. 8, 1827.
Elisabeth, wid. of Moses, 29th day, 4th mo. 1826. C.R.4.
Elizabeth, d. of George and Sarah, May 13, 1789.
Frost, s. of Royal, Feb. 8, 1845, a. 46 y. Unm.
George, 31st day, 12th mo. 1816. C.R.4.
George, Apr. 19, 1834, a. 74 y.
George, Mar. 15, 1837, a. 76 y.
George Augustus, s. of Charles A. and Amanda E., Feb. 5, 1836, a. 1 y. 2 m. G.R.1.
George L., s. of Charles A. and Amanda E., July 26, 1843, a. 9 m. G.R.1.
Hopestill, w. of David, Apr. 23, 1821, a. 44 y. G.R.1.
Job Pitts, s. of George and Deborah, Aug. 14, 1813, a. 3 y.
John, Cornet, Sept. 9, 1749, in his 78th y. G.R.21.
Jonathan S., s. of Daniel and Mary, July 21, 1814, a. 9 m. G.R.21.
Lois, w. of Lieut. Caleb, Feb. 10, 1792, in her 35th y.
Lois, d. of Lieut. Caleb and Azubah, July 25, 1822, a. 23 y. G.R.1.
Mary A., d. of Daniel and Mary, Dec. 31, 1829, a. 17 m. G.R.21.
Mary A., d. of Moses and Rachel, 29th day, 11th mo. 1836, a. 28 y. 3 m. 15 d. G.R.21.
Matilda, w. of Capt. Thomas, Aug. 28, 1830, a. 37 y.
Minerva E. (Minerva Elizabeth, C.R.4.), d. of Jona and Minerva, 22d day, 11th mo. 1828. G.R.21.
Moses, Sept. 8, 1770.
Moses, May 10, 1780, in his 50th y. (a. 49 y. 8 m. 14 d. G.R.21.)
Peter, 5th day, 5th mo. 1832. C.R.4.
Prudence, w. of Whipple, Aug. 30, 1833.
Rachel, w. of Moses, 11th day, 8th mo. 1846, a. 78 y. 7 m. 17 d. G.R.21.
Rosella, w. of Royal, Apr. 8, 1843, a. 80 y.
Ruth Daniels, d. of Moses and Rachel, Aug. 6, 1818, a. nearly 18 y. (a. 17 y. 10 m. 7 d. G.R.21.)
Sarah, w. of Moses, 1st day, 3d mo. 1776, a. 40 y. G.R.21.
Sarah, w. of George, Jan. 17, 1789.
Sarah, d. of George, Oct. 10, 1799, a. 4 y. 10 m. 7 d.
Stephen, s. of Moses and Abigail, Apr. 27, 1761.
Thomas, Sergt., s. of Capt. John, Nov. 9, 1765 (in his 40th y. G.R.1.).
Urania, w. of Daniel Esq., May 14, 1822, a. 44 y. G.R.1.
Charles M., s. of Granville P. and Jane R., Sept. 9, 1847, a. 1 y. 3 m. 3 d. G.R.1.
Abigail, wid. of ----, Oct. 18, 1790, m her 91st y.
Benjamin, Apr. 21, 1773, in his 40th y.
Hannah, d. of Nathaniel and Susannah, Mar. 26, 1763.
Nathaniel, Dec. 6, 1778, in his 56th y.
Olive, d. of Benjamin and Deborah, Aug. 28, 1757.
Reuben, s. of Nathaniell and Susanna, Aug. 27, 1762.
Stephen, Jan. 13, 1766.
Stephen, Jan. ----, 1767.
Susannah, d. of Nathaniel and Susannah, Aug. 30, 1762.
Susannah, w. of Nathaniel, June 22, 1767.
Susannah, d. of Capt. Nathaniel, Aug. 22, 1791, a. 11 d.
Zadock, s. of Nathaniel and Susannah, June 16, 1766.
Abigail (Abby Eliza, G.R.1.), d. of Josiah (Josiah S. and Alma M., G.R.1.), Oct. 27, 1832, a. 4 y. (a. 4 y. 7 m. 23 d. G.R.1.)
Adaline, d. of Josiah, Apr. 16, 1847, a. 6 m.
Adaline W., d. of Capt. Josiah S. and Alma M., Oct. 28, 1846, a. 1 y. 20 d. G.R.1.
Alma, d. of Capt. Josiah S. and Alma M., Apr. 7, 1847, a. 3 m. G.R.1.
Josiah, s. of Nathan and Zilpah, Apr. 11, 1799. G.R.1.
Lavinia, d. of Josiah S. and Alma M., Feb. 27, 1848, a. 23 y. Unm. Consumption.
Mary Ann, d. of Alfred, Aug. 12, 1827, a. 13 w.
Nathan, Mar. 21, 1847, a. 76 y. Md. Fit. (Feb. 21, 1847, a. 7 y. G.R.1.)
Zilpha, w. of Nathan, Feb. 24, 1848, a. 76 y. Consumption.
Abby Spring (Abba Elizabeth, G.R.1.), d. of Ephraim, Aug. 12, 1840. (Adopted d. of Josiah and Abba Spring, a. 5 y. 5 m. 17 d. G.R.1.)
Abram, May 18, 1848, a. 38 y. G.R.1.
Hannah, w. of Col. James and formerly w. of John Spring, Feb. 12, 1823, is her 76th y. G.R.1.
Olive, d. of Stacy and Rachel, ----, 1816, a. 4 y. G.R.16.
Olive, d. of Stacy and Rachel, 4th day, 2d mo. 1821. C.R.4.
Rachal, wid. of Stacy, Jan. 19, 1843, a. 54 y. (17th day, 2d mo. 1843. C.R.1.)
Stacy, Oct. 25, 1831.
Samuel W., Nov. 17, 1848, a. 42 y. Jaundice. (Nov. 8, 1848, a. 41 y. 10 m. G.R.1.)
----, Mr., of Taunton, Mar. 16, 1816.
George Bonfield, s. of Edward and Maranda, Aug. 21, 1810, a. 11 m. 25 d. G.R.1.
Maranda (Maranda C., G.R.1.), w. of Edward, Nov. 7, 1848, a. 53 y. Consumption. (Nov. 5, 1848, a. 59 y. G.R.1.)
Ruth, w. of Alpheus, Oct. 5, 1841.
Ann Smith, d. of Henrietta, Mar. 14, 1841, a. 10 m.
Barnerd, 4th day, 4th mo. 1843. C.R.4.
David, s. of Ezekiel and Sarah, 17th day, 11th mo. 1794. C.R.4.
Ezekiel, 10th day, 9th mo. 1841. G.R.4.
Hannah, w. of Samuel, 13th day, 4th mo. 1809. C.R.4.
Huldah, w. of John, 15th day, 12th mo. 1842. C.R.4.
Mary, d. of Ezekiel and Sarah, 6th day, 4th mo. 1795. C.R.4.
Rebecca, w. of Barnerd, 6th day, 2d mo. 1805. C.R.4.
Samuel, 12th day, 3d mo. 1819. C.R.4.
Sarah, d. of Ezekiel and Sarah, 21st day, 9th mo. 1797. C.R.4.
Sarah, w. of Ezekiel, 11th day, 9th mo. 1814. C.R.4.
Phillis, Aug. 15, 1842, a. between 60 and 70 y. Colored. (a. 68 y. G.R.1.)
Esther, w. of Sharp, 20th day, 8th mo. 1807.
Gideon, Dr., Jan. 7, 1835, a. 79 y. G.R.1.
Henrietta, w. of Dr. Gideon, Oct. 7, 1803 Cm her 49th y. G.R.1.).
Mary, d. of John and Miriam, 10th day, 4th mo. 1787. C.R.4.
Miriam, w. of John, 17th day, 5th mo. 1785. C.R.4.
Claudius B., s. of Emerson, Dec. 3, 1835, a. abt. 1 y.
Albert (Albert W., G.R.1.), s. of Joshua, Sept. 13, 1838, a. 10 m. (Feb. 15, 1838. G.R.1.)
Albert (Albert W., G.R.1.), s. of Joshua and Helena, June 30, 1845, a. 2 y. 8 d. Cholera infantum.
Andrew Jackson, s. of Joshua, Feb. 11, 1837, a. abt. 5 m.
Henry A., s. of Joshua and Helena, June 6, 1848, a. 3 y. 1 d. Throat distemper.
James A., s. of Joshua and Helena, Sept. 14, 1837. G.R.1.
(Kaira M., G.R.1.), ch. of Joshua (and Helena, G.R.1.), Sept. 26, 1834, a. abt. 10 m.
Amy, w. of Benjamin, Jan. 16, 1817, a. 71 y.
Ann, d. of Joseph, Apr. 14, 1835, a. abt. 8 y. (Anne D., d. of Joseph and Isabella M., 14th day, 4th mo. 1835, a. 8 y. 1 m. 13 d. G.R.21.)
Benjamin, Apr. 22, 1818.
Elizabeth. w. of Ezekiel, 14th day, 2d mo. 1823 C.R.4.
Ezekiel, s. of Benjamin, Oct. 21, 1815.
Hosea, Aug. 10, 1840. a. 61 y.
Joanna, d. of Benjamin and Amy, 11th day, 7th mo. 1785. C.R.1.
Joseph, 14th day. 4th mo. 1785. C.R.4.
Joseph (Joseph G., C.R.4.), s. of Joseph and Isabella M., 10th day, 9th mo. 1845, a. 1 m. G.R.21. (11th day, 9th mo. 1845. C.R.4.)
Lavinia, d. of Asa and Melissa M., 7th day, 2d mo. 1847. C.R.4.
Levina, d. of Benjamin and Amy, 10th day, 7th mo. 1785. C.R.4.
Lucy, July 25, 1785, in her 15th mo.
Nathan, s. of Benjamin and Amy, Apr. 16, 1779, a. 3 y.
Nathan, s. of Ezekiel and Elizabeth, Oct. 30, 1808, a. 5 y.
Susan Anne, d. of Joseph (and Isabella M., G.R.1.), Apr. 26, 1839, a. 2 1/2 y.
Verney, Apr. 19. 1795, in his 9th y. (25th day, 4th mo. 1795. C.R.4.)
----, ch. of Ananias, Mar. 23, 1827, a. 6 w.
----, s. of Ananias, July 26, 1839, a. abt. 1 y.
Ann, wid. of ----, June 15, 1833, in her 70th y.
Collins, s. of Seth, Mar. 31, 1827, a. 3 y.
Francis Henry, s. of Hastings and Maria, June 4, 1849, a. 1 y. 4 d. G.R.21.
Joanna, 30th day, 3d mo. 1798. C.R.4.
Mary Ann, d. of Farnum, Mar. 4, 1818, a. 1 y. 11 m.
Moses, Jan. 28, 1788, a. 18 m.
Sarah, d. of Seth, Sept. 6, 1783, a. 3 y.
Seth, June 1, 1824, a. 70 y.
Seth, Mar. 12, 1837, a. 42 y. (Mar. 19, 1837. a. 43 y. G.R.22.)
Thankful, wid. of Seth, May 24, 1841. (a. 49 y. G.R.22.)
Eunice, w. of Benoni, Nov. 27, 1833, a. abt. 30 y.
Eunice M., d. of Abraham W. and Agnes, Jan. 30, 1847, a. 2 y. 5 m. G.R.16.
James, Apr. 7, 1846, a. 39 y. Consumption.
Milton, s. of Stephen. May 4, 1838. a. 5 y.