Trustee of the Fund. 1907.
Marriages - PAGE to YOUNG
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

PAGE (see Paige)
Mary Ann of Winchendon and James C. Breed, int. Aug. 30, 1833.
Sally and Zeba Simonds, Feb. 25, 1811.
PAIGE (see Page)
Rebekkah S. of S. Woodstock, Vt., and Joshua C. Upham, March 22, 1842.
Timothy of Ludlow, Vt. (s. Martin and Mary Ann, a. 26, mechanic), and Rebecca Richardson Osborn, Dec. 26, 1844.
Harriet and Jonathan Bozworth of Gardner, int. April 22, 1848.
Abigail and Oliver Stone of Bakersfield, Vt., March 8, 1804.
Daniel W. and Sarah B. Warren of Leicester, int. Oct. 26, 1847.
Dexter and Betsey Brown, Dec. 7, 1798.
Henry C. and Betsey B. Trask, March 9, 1840.
John and Mary Anne Fales of Shrewsbury, int. Aug. 7, 1823.
Lucinda of Hubbardston and Eli Gray, int. Aug. 4, 1832.
Luther and Dolly Byam, Jan. ----, 1822.
Mary and Noah Humphrey of Littleton, Jan. 29, 1809.
Relief and Josiah Hosmer Jr., May 21, 1807.
Robert of Worcester and Martha Cutting, June 1, 1829.
Sally of Worcester and Jotham Goodnow, int. Oct. 14, 1826.
Susan of Hubbardston and Sumner Davis, int. Jan. 23, 1835.
Sylvester of Westminster, Vt., and Alice Davis, Feb. 6, 1800.
Timothy and Sarah Bacon of Natick, Feb. 17, 1790. In Natick.
Maryann of Milford and Preston Thayer, int. Dec. 12, 1807.
Paul K. and Almira J. Partridge, Dec. 1, 1836.
Phinehas of Lebanon, N.H., and Persis Kendall, May 28, 1809.
Mehitabel and Jacob Symonds, int. Jan. 4, 1783.
Persis S. of Hubbardston and Joel D. Powers, int. Nov. 4, 1847.
Almira J. and Paul K. Parkhurst, Dec. 1, 1836.
Amanda and Uriah B. Moore, May 19, 1831.
Angeline and Joshua Sawyer Jr., July 1, 1839.
Anne and Rufus Whitcomb, both of Gardner, Feb. 25, 1807.
Anna P. [Palmer in int.] and Nelson Symonds, Oct. 2, 1828.
[Patridge in int.], Caroline and George W. Jones, Jan. 24, 1839.
Charlotte (d. Ezekiel and Anna, a. 27) and Joseph A. White of Boston, June 10, 1844.
Delina Ann and Nathaniel Goddard, May 8, 1836.
Edward E. of Spencer and Sarah Spear, Oct. 23, 1834.
Elizabeth and Ardin Welles, Nov. 10, 1839.
Grata and Jonas Rice, March 2, 1815.
Hannah and Uriah Merritt, May 23, 1824.
Harriot and Luther Baker of Gardner, Dec. 2, 1819.
[Patridge in int.], Harriot L. and Jordan H. Russell of Fall River, March 5, 1839.
Herman and Betsey Jones, April 10, 1823.
[Ithamar ?] and Harriot Allen of Foxborough, int. Feb. 1, 1817.
Lucy and Abel Davis, Nov. 20, 1823.
Maranda and Ezra Kendall of Boston, June 15, 1837.
Maria M. and William Bartlett, Oct. 14, 1837.
Mary and Augustus A. Jones, June 5, 1831.
Maynard of Royalston and Mary H. Upham, April 13, 1831.
Unity and Charles Richardson, Feb. 28, 1832.
Benjamin and Betty Hunt, Jan. 14, 1788.
Benjamin and Ruth Norcross, July 15, 1790.
Betsy and Amasa Lamb of Gerry, Dec. 21, 1806.
Elias and Hannah Hill, int. May 20, 1775.
Jonathan Jr. and Sally Sawyer, June 23, 1801.
Lydia of Fitzwilliam and Joseph Church, int. Feb. 7, 1805.
Mary of Stow and James Andersen, int. June 4, 1770.
Sarah and Ebenezer French Jr., Nov. 2, 1790.
Stephen P. of Ashby and Maria M. Felton, Dec. 29, 1840.
Sukey of Fitzwilliam and John Anderson, int. Aug. 31, 1811.
Mary of Shutesbury and Gillam Wilder, int. March 10, 1814.
David L. (s. Calvin and Eunice, a. 22, shoemaker) and Deantha C. Amsden, both of Petersham, May 8, 1846.
Chauncy of Boston and Jemima Bush, June 13, 1824.
Susan of Orange and Lewis Damon Rich, int. June 10, 1841.
Alfred and Hannah Ball of Athol, int. Dec. 13, 1840.
Anson (widr., s. Mordecai and Polly, a. 27, farmer) and Sophia Gage, April 1, 1845. In Gardner.
Ellis of Petersham and Mrs. Mehitable Larned, Jan. 1, 1792.
Hubbard of Petersham and Arathusa Johnson, Nov. 24, 1825.
Lucy of Dana and Eleazer S. Whitney, int. March 20, 1847.
PEIRCE (see Pierce)
Abigail of Woburn and Abijah Kendall, int. Aug. 29, 1807.
Charlotte of Royalston and Lucien Bryant, int. April 6, 1833.
George (s. Robert and Maria, a. 21, mechanic) and Caroline Watts, July 27, 1846.
Jonathan of Petersham and Sybil Dodge, Oct. 1, 1778.
Sally of Royalston and William Wright, int. June 9, 1827.
Esther of Shelburn and Eden A. Baldwin, int. June 7, 1841.
Joseph and Martha K. Shumway of Oxford, int. April 8, 1840.
Levina of Gardner and Uriah Merritt, int. Nov. 30, 1804.
Susan of Gardner and Increase Sumner Merritt, int. Sept. 14, 1822.
Tabitha C. of Gardner and Granville C. Williams, int. Oct. 31, 1823.
Asa and Mary Kendall of Gardner, int. Sept. 14, 1821.
Asa P. and Lucy Ann Austin of Gardner, int. July 25, 1846.
Abijah and Grace Locke of Rutland District, int. March 8, 1773.
Catherine M. of Worcester and Luther Alden, int. April 30, 1831.
William and Rebbecah Levrett (Sweett ?), July 19, 1813.
Benjamin of Andover, Vt., and Lucy Simonds, June 27, 1821.
Jonas and Abigail N. Gray, Oct. 25, 1840.
Samuel M. of Braintree and Martha W. Newton, int. Feb. 27, 1846.
Eliza S. and Zenas Stoddard, Aug. 30, 1827.
John and Olive H. Foye of Winchendon, int. May 2, 1823.
Jonathan Jr. and Dolly Sherwin of Winchendon, int. Nov. 30, 1820.
Jonathan and Catherine S. Baldwin, Oct. 15, 1822.
Levi and Submit Taft of Fitzwilliam, Sept. 26, 1835.
Mrs. Lydia and Robert Bradish of Winchendon, Oct. 14, 1779.
Sophia and Joel Bartlett of Cambridge, Nov. 19, 1823.
PIERCE (see Peirce)
Albigence of Strafford (Vt.) and Lucy Bryant, Jan. 7, 1813.
Dr. Albigence (widr., s. Willard and Susanna, a. 59, physician) of Stratford, Vt., and Mrs. Louisa Bryant, Nov. 15, 1848.
Azuba and Farwell Nichols, both of Gardner, May 27, 1824.
Charlotte M. of Royalston (wid., d. Zelotes and Lovina, ---- ?, a. 27 [Royalston P.R. or V.R. ?]) and Thomas B. Giles of Athol, Sept. 1, 1846.
Hannah of Royalston and Samuel Dadmun Esq., int. Oct. 7, 1837.
Lucy Anderson and Jonathan Goodwin Goldsmith, April 20, 1837.
Peter of Winchendon and Sophia Anderson, Dec. 13, 1814.
Peter (s. Peter and Sophia, a. 21, merchant) and Mary Burney, July 11, 1849.
Willard of Groton, N.Y., and Charlotte Hastings, Jan. 24, 1830.
Lefa (Susan in int.) and Solomon Davis, Oct. 11, 1792.
Docas and Judethan Wyman, Sept. 21, 1780.
Mary and Luther Moore of Gerry, May 9, 1811.
William and Lucinda Bates of Worcester, June 21, 1809.
Abner and Betsey M. Hammond of Sidney, Maine, int. Aug. 7, 1847.
Caleb and Keziah Houghton, July 6, 1772.
Hannah of Bolton and Abner Sawyer, May 26, 1763. In Bolton.
John of Westboro and Mary White, Jan. 8, 1777.
John and Sarah Willington, Aug. 1, 1784. In Athol.
Lois and Heman Forbush of Royalston, int. Sept. 27, 1834.
Louisiana of Royalston and Elisha Child, int. Aug. 21, 1827.
Noah and Sarah Newton, int. March 29, 1773.
Porter of Fitchburg and Martha Baldwin, May 14, 1833.
Ruth and John Shattuck, June 29, 1775.
Nancy of Warwick and Cyrus Brown, int. Jan. 3, 1804.
[Pomeroy in int.], Chester W. of Brattleboro, Vt., and Frances Townsley, March 16, 1831.
Betsey of Wrentham and Abiathar Fales, int. June 12, 1817.
Betsy R. of Westminster and Joel Newton, int. Oct. 21, 1823.
Lucy of Hubbardston and Rufus McClanathan, int. March 18, 1820.
John M. and Sally Stimson, Sept. 21, 1843. At Winchendon.
Phebe H. of Winchendon (d. John M. and Olive, a. 18, tailoress) and Henry N. Baldwin, Oct. 31, 1844. In Winchendon.
Abiather F. [Fales in int.] and Caroline Willis, Nov. 6, 1839.
Bennett Jr. and Louisa Wright of Hubbardston, int. Dec. 10, 1836.
Chloe E. (d. Bennett and Chloe, a. 24) and Harrison C. Wesson of Phillipston, Dec. 26, 1844.
Hartford and Kerza [Thursa?] M. Mervin, ---- ----, [1837 or 1838.]
John and Martha Jennison, Dec. 25, 1839.
Elijah and Harriet Negus of Greenwich, int. Oct. 21, 1825.
Joel D. and Persis S. Parmenter of Hubbardston, int. Nov. 4, 1847
Lydia of Phillipston and Franklin Norcross, int. July 16, 1836.
Sarah and Samuel Shattuck of Conway, int. March 1] 1775.
Justina and Nahum Mace, int. April 21, 1849.
Eunice of Lancaster and Joshua Whitcomb, Feb. 26, 1772. In Lancaster.
Dr. Jonas and Ruthy Kidder of New Ipswich, N.H., int. Nov. 17, 1794.
Nancy and Horatio Mason of Buckston (Maine), Oct. 31, 1808.
Abigail Irene (d. Lewis and Abigail, a. 21) and Rufus Wilkins of Marlboro', Sept. 2, 1846.
Betsey S. (d. Lewis and Abigail, a. 20) and Jonas Mirriam 3d of Westminster, March 18, 1847.
Franklin T. (s. D. and Abigail, a. 26, farmer) and Abigail Coolidge, both of Gardner, May 28, 1845. In Gardner.
Sarah L. of Littleton and Rev. Edwin G. Adams, int. Oct. 20, 1848.
Sylvester and Elizabeth K. Wright, Aug. 9, 1835.
Joseph H. of Athol (s. Joseph and Mary H., a. 26, manufacturer) and Lucia O. Baldwin, June 7, 1848.
Joseph of Athol and Mary Orcutt, Jan. 15, 1811.
Laurice (Luria in int.), Ann and Aaron Hunt, July 9, 1829.
Jacob and Sarah Gibson of Stow, int. April 21, 1766.
Lurinda and Asa Fairbanks, int. Feb. 22, 1823.
Samuel of Groten and Susan Brown, Sept. 18 or Oct. 31, 1838.
Daniel of Wendall and Judith Robinson, int. Aug. 6, 1787.
Amos of Gardner and Hepzibah Garfield, April 11, 1833.
Mark Woodbury and Rebekah H. Woodbury of Fitchburg, int. Aug. 10, 1839.
Sally M. of Gardner and David Howe, int. April 19, 1845.
Trask (s. James and Elcy, a. 25, merchant) and Mary E. Davis, May 9, 1844.
Elvira of Westminster and Samuel Flint, int. Sept. 18, 1832.
Hepzibah [Hepsabeth in int.] and Salmon Whitney, April 22, 1784.
Joseph and Elizabeth Kendall of Barre, int. Nov. 13, 1830.
Rebecca [Rebeckah in int.] and Joseph Foster of Gerry, Oct. 4, 1787.
Sarah of Westford and Isaac Needham, June 24, 1771. In Westford.
READ (see Reed)
Benjamin and Olive Robbins of Westford, int. May 5, 1783.
Olieve and David Holman, int. Oct. 28, 1771.
Olive and Oliver Holmes, Nov. 30, 1768.
Olive and Samuel Cutting Jr., July 21, 1813.
Phineas of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and Elizabeth Day, int. Dec. 15, 1788.
REED (see Read)
Benjamin and Mrs. Abigail Lock, March 6, 1791.
Harriet of Winchendon and Isaac Abbott, int. March 30, 1844.
Levina and Edmund Stone, Nov. 2, 1773.
Mary of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and Eli Sprague, int. Nov. 13, 1824.
Mary and Nathaniel Harrington Jr., int. Sept. 22, 1838.
Mary Ann of Winchendon and Paul H. Fisher, int. Oct. 17, 1835.
Nancy (d. Jonas N., a. 24) and Cyrus Cheney, Nov. 7, 1844.
Rev. Asaph of Westminster and Lucy Shattuck, July 7, 1796.
Betsy and Daniel Sargent, Dec. 31, 1811.
Clarissa and Rowland Hale of Hubbardston, June 13, 1833.
David of Winchendon and Eunice Hosmer, int. Oct. 8, 1790.
David and Lucy Brooks, June 18, 1818.
Elizabeth S. and Ebenezer A. Eaton of Fitzwilliam (N.H.) Oct. 7, 1834.
James of Barre and Mrs. Ruth White of Gerry, July 12, 1787.
Jerusha and Rufus Whitcomb of Hubbardston, April 15, 1819.
Jonas and Grata Partridge, March 2, 1815.
Joseph and Mrs, Sarah Wheeler, Feb. 3, 1780.
Lucy Wright and Isaac Follett of Hubbardston, Feb. 28, 1809.
Mary and Amos Jones Esq. of Gerry, int. July 14, 1810.
Mary W. (d. David and Hannah, a 26) and Dexter Winslow, April 26, 1849.
William and Lucy Wright, May 24, 1786.
William of Woodstock, Vt., and Sarah Stratton of Gerry, Dec. 5, 1791.
Lewis D. and Susan J. Nutting of Winchendon, int. Oct. 7, 1843.
Lewis Damon and Susan Peck of Orange, int. June 10, 1841.
Abigail and John Bigelow, Sept. 4, 1814.
Achsah and Dr. Alexander Campbell of Putney, Vt., July 29, 1819.
Amos and Mrs. Susanna Hudson, June 16, 1779.
Amos Jr. and Wid. Sarah Whitcomb of Gerry, Oct. 2, 1787.
Asa of Gardner and Olive Hancock, Sept. 27, 1835.
Azubah and Levi Stockwell of Athol, Aug. 23, 1787.
Benjamin Esq. of Sterling and Olive Holman, int. Oct. 16, 1790.
Betsy and Jonathan Shattuck, Feb. 21, 1803.
Charles and Unity Partridge, Feb. 28, 1832.
Charles and Miranda Cook, Jan. 23, 1838.
Edward and Mary Ann Burpee, Nov. 29, 1831.
Fanny of Woburn and John Vining, int. April 15, 1808.
Hannah K. and Simeon B. Wright, Dec. 11, 1837.
Israel and Miriam Wheeler, Dec. 14, 1784.
James and Adah Hinds, Jan. 12, 1800.
James and Miriam Gibbs, int. July 21, 1827.
Joel and Mary Haild, Jan. 1, 1815.
John and Rebecca Moot of Bolton, April 21, 1768. In Bolton.
John of Fairfax, Franklin Co., Vt., and Lydia Holden [int. Jan. 27], 1816.
Joshua and Abigail Sparhawk, Feb. 26, 1801.
Joshua 2d and Lucinda Sawtell of Phillipston, int. Nov. 3, 1816.
Lydia and Jonathan Holden, Nov. 28, 1793.
Lydia and Col. Leonard Stone, Oct. 26, 1819.
Mary H. and John L. Greenwood, June 28, 1840.
Rebeckah [Rebecca in int.] and Cyrus Brown, Oct. 11, 1814.
Rebekah and Elihu Hunt, July 17, 1803.
Ruth Ann and Lemuel B. Howe, Jan. 1, 1828.
Sarah and Aaron Wall, Nov. 4, 1788.
Sarah and Elisha Bolles of Richmond, N.H., Oct. 4, 1842.
Sarah Jane (d. John and Catherine, a. 33) and Charles A. Mirick of Princeton, June 7, 1849.
Silence and Washington Howe of Barre, int. April 4, 1806.
Thomas Jr. of Fitzwilliam (N.H.) and Lucy Wright, Jan. 26, 1826.
Edna and Samuel Dixon, Aug. 16, 1832.
RILEY (see Wriley)
Catharine and Charles Therel West, int. April 17, 1837.
[Buridge?] Erastus and Sally West, int. Jan. 9, 1819.
Phebe M. A. of Greenwich and Adison Alden, int. June 4, 1841.
James of Petersham and Polly Kendall, July 20, 1813.
ROBBINS (see Robins)
Elizabeth (d. Albert and Sally, a. 20) and Joseph B. Bates, July 3, 1849.
James F. and Milla Whetcomb, May 2, 1811.
Laura Jane and Keith White of Warwick, int. April 7, 1831.
Olive of Westford and Benjamin Read, int. May 5, 1783.
Philemon and Hannah Sawyer, March 14, 1803.
ROBBINSON (see Robeson, Robinson)
Catharine P. and Edward Kirkland, May 31, 1836.
Fanny and Dexter Gilbert, May 31, 1836.
[Robeson in int.], Hannah and Roger Ross, Sept. 16, 1776.
Edward (s. Thomas and Mary, a. 24, mechanic) and Sarah Watts, Oct. 18, 1846.
ROBESON (see Robbinson, Robinson)
Joseph Esq. of Fitzwilliam and Sally Kendall, int. April 29, 1808.
ROBINS (see Robbins)
Desiah R. and Almon Barber, both of Springfield, April 19, 1835.
Maria Y. and Emery Sawyer of Phillipston, Oct. 21, 1834.
ROBINSON (see Robeson, Robbinson)
Frances S. M. (d. Jonathan and Fanny, a. 25) and Edward Kirkland Esq. of Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 31, 1844.
Judith and Daniel Rand of Wendall, int. Aug. 6, 1787.
ROE(alias Munroe)
Susanna and Samuel Hanes, Sept. 19, 1776.
Lucy of Princeton and James Viner, int. April 25, 1825.
Abigail and James Wesson, March 25, 1784.
Ebenezer and Achsah Wilder of Lancaster, int. Jan. 16, 1769.
Hannah of Lancaster and Joseph Horton Jr., int. Feb. 13, 1775.
Mary and Silas Sawyer, Dec. 14, 1785.
Roger and Hannah Robbinson, Sept. 16, 1776.
Olive and Adonijah Horton of Chester, Vt., Feb. 25, 1788.
Sewell T. of Lancaster (s. John and Eliza, a. 24, blacksmith) and Persis Underwood, April 5, 1846.
Stephen and Sarah [Mary ?] Haskell, April 10, 1781.
Adelaide [Adelaide F. in int.] and Rev. Charles Wellington, July 27, 1831.
Elisabeth of Rutland and Lovell Walker Esq., int. Aug. 21, 1804.
Hepsibah A. of Gardner and John Goodale, int. July 27, 1849.
Jordan H. of Fall River and Harriot L. Partridge, March 5, 1839.
Levi of Hadley (widr., s. Daniel and Sally, a. 39, farmer) and Cylindia Stowell of Petersham, May 30, 1844. In Petersham.
Mrs. Rachel and Capt. Elijah Warner of Hardwick, May 15, 1786.
M. Elizabeth of New Ipswich, N.H., and Dr. George Jewett, int. Oct. 28, 1848.
SANDERSON (see Saunderson)
Abraham and Dorithy Trask, Feb. 28, 1787.
Albert H. and Louisa Young, both of Athol, Sept. 21, 1833.
Amos and Lucy Sawin of Westminster, int. Oct. 27, 1836.
Jonas of Gardner and Hannah Trask, Nov. 9, 1788.
Sophia of Petersham and Horace Maynard, int. April 30, 1837.
William and Sarah Farrar, Aug. 21, 1777.
Lydia Livermore and Nathan Barrett of Boston, May 26, 1816.
William and Susanna Townsend of Bolton, Sept. 5, 1790. In Bolton.
William Bently and Sarah Whitney of Bolton, int. May 31, 1823.
Merrick of Lancaster and Rebecca Cutting, Sept. 4, 1833.
[Sargeant in int.], Daniel and Betsy Rice, Dec. 31, 1811.
Harriet A. (d. Edmund and Candace, a. 24) and Moses Davis, Dec. 30, 1845.
Michael of Royalston and Mary Ann Collins, int. Aug. 29, 1846.
SAUNDERSON (see Sanderson)
John and Lydia Harris of Fitzburgh, int. May 29, 1819.
Frances of Hubbardston and George Lewis, int. April 23, 1831.
Mary of Princeton and Daniel Upham Jr., int. Oct. 5, 1804.
Daniel of Westminister and Lucy Byam, Dec. 9, 1782.
Josiah W. [Warren in int.] and Lucy Ann Smith of Sterling, May 10, 1837.
Lucy of Westminster and Amos Sanderson, int. Oct. 27, 1836.
Silence and David Adams of Rindge (N.H.) Nov. 24, 1812.
SAWTELL (see Sawtelle)
Abigail and Thomas Carless, Aug. 16, 1783. In Athol.
Benjamin and Relief Washburn, Nov. 30, 1775.
Frances Ann of Gardner and Daniel T. Gage, int. Aug. 11, 1849.
Hannah and Capt. Samuel Upham, July 19, 1826.
Henry of Phillipston and Rebeckah Farnsworth, March 15, 1815.
Lucinda of Phillipston and Joshua Richardson 2d, int. Nov. 3, 1816.
Richard and Sarah Grout, Dec. 31, 1776.
Sarah and Jonathan Warren of York State, June 22, 1778.
SAWTELLE (see Sawtell)
Arvilla of Rindge, N.H., and Ezra Hudson, int. July 23, 1836.
Eliza F. and Austin D. Ellenwood of Athol, Jan. 16, 1839.
Emily and Thomas Bryant, March 7, 1819.
Henry and Jerusha Hudson, April 4, 1768.
Lydia and John Smith, both of Phillipston, Oct. 10, 1819.
Mary L. and Thomas D. Brooks of Petersham, Jan. 27, 1836.
Abigail and George W. Whitney of Hubbardston, Sept. 19, 1838.
Abner and Hannah Piper of Bolton, May 26, 1763. In Bolton.
Adeline B. and Richard Fry of Athol, April 11, 1836.
Amelia or Aurelia M. and Larkin M. Leland of Augusta (Maine), Jan. 1, 1839.
Mrs. Beatrix [Miss Batrex in int.] and John Wilder Jr., Dec. 29, 1785.
Betsey and Nathaniel Kendall, int. Nov. 26, 1804.
Betsey and Asaph Knowlton, Dec. 23, 1806.
Betsey and Charles Church, March 10, 1831.
Betty and George Nickless, Feb. 9, 1769.
Catharine H. and Lorenzo Cheney of Gardner, June 30, 1833.
Cooper and Betsey Baldwin, May 24, 1801.
Dinah and Capt. Josiah Wilder, June 5, 1827.
Eden and Eliza Forristell of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. Nov. 17, 1832.
Elijah H. and Sophia E. Blackmer of Dana, int. Jan. 6, 1843.
Elisha and Esther Bruce of Gerry, int. Nov. 24, 1810.
Elisha E. (s. Elisha and Esther, a. 26, farmer) and Mary E. Church, Nov. 2, 1848.
Emery of Phillipston and Maria Y. Robins, Oct. 21, 1834.
Ephraim and Pegga Fisher of Winchendon, int. Sept. 14, 1772.
Ephriam and Sarah Houghton of Lancaster, Jan. 16, 1799. In Lancaster.
Eunice and Zadock Lincoln of Northfield, Feb. 5, 1799.
George and Lucy Merritt, int. July 3, 1786.
Mrs. Hannah of Gerry and Israel Lamb, Sept. 10, 1787.
Hannah and Jonas Lamb, April 1, 1790. In Gerry (now Phillipston.)
Hannah and Talmon Knight of Marlborough, N.H., March 15, 1791.
Hannah and James Badger of Athol, Feb. 20, 1799.
Hannah and Philemon Robbins, March 14, 1803.
James and Seraph Baldwin, Nov. 28, 1813.
Jerusha and Roswell Forbush of Royalston, int. Dec. 9, 1809.
Job and Becca Upham, Jan. 10, 1804.
John and Phebe Knight, Jan. 8, 1793.
John 3rd and Asenath Farbanks, March 28, 1802.
John 3rd and Lucy Balcomb, Feb. 11, 1811.
John Jr. and Mary Whitney of Sterling, int. Nov. 26, 1827.
Col. John and Lucy Cobleigh, May 23, 1833.
Capt. Joseph and Jerusha Blanchard of Royalston, int. Nov. 16, 1820.
Joshua and Sally Simonds, April 9, 1812.
Joshua Jr. and Angeline Partridge, July 1, 1839.
Jotham and Lucy Fisk, June 8, 1805.
Julia F. (d. Elisha and Esther, a. 29, seamstress) and Charles Leland, July 6, 1847.
Katharine and Elisha Gregory, April 17, 1796.
Lucy and Asa Hosmer, Nov. 6, 1793.
Lucy and Jonathan Jackson, April 28, 1799.
Luke and Lois Warren of Hubbardston, int. May 1, 1847.
Mary and Rufus Brooks, int. Feb. 3, 1821.
Mary W. and Charles Johnson of Topsham, Me., int. July 25, 1835.
Moses of Gardner and Sarah Byam, Sept. 28, 1798.
Nabby and Ezra Willis, June 30, 1810.
Phebe and Isaac Lamb, Jan. 9, 1797.
Phinehas and Rebekah Orcutt, Feb. 15, 1803.
Rebecca and Levi Barrett of Dublin, N.H., March 10 1791.
Rebekah and Silas Jones of Royalston, Dec. 25, 1811.
Sally and Jonathan Patch Jr., June 23, 1801.
Samuel and Phebe Cupper [Cooper] of Lancaster, int Jan. 18, 1768.
Samuel (s. Cooper and Betsey, a. 32, farmer) and Harriet L. Bryant, Dec. 17, 1846.
Silas and Mary Ross, Dec. 14, 1785.
Silas Jr. of Phillipston and Marcy Whitcomb, int. Nov. 30, 1820.
Thomas and Mrs. Prudence Carter of Bolton, int. Aug. 7, 1762.
Zilpah and Jonathan Holman Jr., March 12, 1786.
SEAVER (see Sever)
Lydia and Rufus Wright Kendall, int. July 9, 1826.
Polly of Gerry and Calvin Haskell, int. May 25, 1811.
SEVER (see Seaver)
Josiah Willis and Sarah Whitcomb, Dec. 28, 1769.
Luther of Gardner and Eunice Holden, June 25, 1822.
Dr. Benjamin and Lucy Barron of Pepperell, int. April 12, 1773.
Daniel and Elizabeth Washburn, int. Jan. 5, 1778.
Ephraim and Hannah Jordan of Barre, Jan. 15, 1784.
John and Ruth Piper, June 29, 1775.
Jonathan and Betsey Richardson, Feb. 21, 1803.
Lucy and Rev. Asaph Rice of Westminster, July 7, 1796.
Lucy Barron and Dr. Josiah How, July 19, 1796.
Polly and Theodore Bates, Sept. 1, 1785. In Athol.
Samuel of Conway and Sarah Prat, int. March 1, 1775.
Keziah of Thombelston and Eliezer Haywood, int. March 1, 1784.
Joanna and John Christianmellow, Dec. 6, 1781.
Charles M. (s. Leonard and Betsey, a. 20, wool sorter) and Polly E. Blood, Sept. 3, 1848.
Dolly of Winchendon and Jonathan Phillips Jr., int. Nov. 30, 1820.
Lucy and Joseph Day, both of Winchendon, March 14, 1799.
Lucy of Winchendon and Asa Baldwin, int. Sept. 14, 1827.
Nancy of Winchendon and Nathan Stoddard, int. Nov. 15, 1804.
Robert and Sybel Maynard, Aug. 28, 1817.
Sybil and Gilman Johnson, Oct. 10, 1824.
Charles A. and Adaline Davis of Hubbardston, int. July 13, 1844.
Harriet of Belchertown and Elbridge Smith, int. Aug. 19, 1826.
Martha K. of Oxford and Joseph Pelton, int. April 8, 1840.
Susa [Susanna in int.] and John Coalman Jr., of Athol, March 18, 1784. In Athol.
Sally [of Hubbardston] and Samuel Fisk, June 21, 1781.
Sophia H. and Austin C. Stratton, Jan. 17, 1843.
SIMMONS (see below)
Jonathan of Petersham and Polly Johnson, Jan. 1, 1824.
SIMONDS (see Simmons, Symonds)
Charles W. [Wesley in int.] and Martha Davenport of Newton, Jan. 1, 1838.
James and Sarah Knowlton of Shrewsbury, int. Feb. 17, 1766.
James Jr. and Elizabeth Gage of Hubbardston, int. March 31, 1788.
John and Patience Horton, Sept. 17, 1801.
John and Susan Willis of Newton, int. April 1, 1837.
Lucy and Benjamin Pettingill of Andover (Vt.), June 27, 1821.
Nelson and Eunice Lewis of Athol, int. Oct. 6, 1848.
Polly of Gardner and Calvin C. Taylor of Grafton, Vt., Feb. 15, 1818.
Sally and Joshua Sawyer, April 9, 1812.
Samuel and Mary Atwood, Jan. 16, 1797.
Samuel and Sally Knight, Nov. 8, 1809.
Stillman and Elvira Davenport of Newton, int. Dec. 28, 1839.
Warren and Mary Gage, Sept. 26, 1837.
Zeba and Sally Page, Feb. 25, 1811.
[Kimings in int.], Phebe and William Coolidge, July 27, 1779.
Harriot A. of Ware and Samuel N. Wilder, int. Sept. 17, 1836.
Isaac and Achseh Smith, both of Western, Dec. 30, 1810.
Joseph of Rutland and Catherine Johnson, Feb. 24, 1825.
James of Hubbardston and Sarah Trask, Dec. 4, 1783.
Jeremy and Sally Whitcomb, Feb. 20, 1809.
Achseh and Isaac Skinner, both of Western, Dec. 30, 1810.
Anna of Boston and Rev. Charles Wellington, int. May 20, 1807.
Betsy and Lieut. Josiah Wilder, Feb. 17, 1802.
Calvin and Susan Norcross, int. April 22, 1820.
Elbridge and Harriet Shumway of Belchertown, int. Aug. 19, 1826.
Francis J. of Springfield, N.H., and Levi N. Smith, int. Nov. 13, 1848.
Hannah of Gerry and Artemas Bush, int. April 15, 1812.
Hannah of Ashburnham and Benjamin Withington, int. March 26, 1836.
Harriet and Stephen White, int. Nov. 10, 1826.
John and Lydia Sawtelle, both of Phillipston, Oct. 10, 1819.
Joseph of Rutland and Cynthia Banks, April 30, 1822.
Leonard of Princeton (s. Cyrus and Prudence, a. 24, farmer) and Betsey P. Farnsworth, Nov. 12, 1846.
Levi N. and Frances J. Smith of Springfield, N.H., int. Nov. 13, 1848.
Lucy Ann of Sterling and Josiah W. Sawin, May 10, 1837.
Nathan and Betsey Whitcomb, Nov. 26, 1805.
Nathan the 2d and Sally Wood, Feb. 6, 1806.
Nathan of Gerry and Martha Foster, int. Jan. 31, 1807.
Nathan and Nancy Lamson of Mount Vernon, N.H., int. April 2, 1814.
Patrick and Catherine Terney, int. April 24, 1847.
Rebeckah of Gerry and John Brigham, int. Aug. 27, 1808.
Sally and Humphry Dolbear, March 10, 1802.
Sarah of Barre and Samuel Whitney, int. May 12, 1804.
Sarah and George W. Barnard of Leicester, Sept. 20, 1837.
Stephen and Abigail Wyman, Sept. 29, 1781. In Petersham.
Stephen and Melissa Marvin, int. Dec. 19, 1835.
Joseph of Aurora, Ill. (s. John and Esther, a. 30, baker), and Martha Ann Stearns, Aug. 15, 1849.
Abigail and Joshua Richardson, Feb. 26, 1801.
Rev. Ebenezer and Naomi Hill of Shutesbury, int. Nov. 29, 1773.
Elisabeth and Samuel Lee of Buckstown, Hancock County, Me., June 26, 1804.
Naomi and Oliver Sparhawk Esq. of Walpole, N.H., Sept. 15, 1819.
Oliver Esq. of Walpole, N.H., and Naomi Sparhawk, Sept 15, 1819.
Priscilla and Joseph Lee of Orland, District of Maine, Oct. 16, 1801.
Bezaleel of Townsend and Hannah Barrett [previous to June], 1785.
Bridget of Westminster (d. Zibina and Fanny, a. 50) and Ezra Hudson, April 21, 1846.
David W. and Bellona Whitcomb, Oct. 7, 1834.
Richard of Braintree and Mary Thayer, int. May 13, 1782.
Mrs. Sarah and John Brooks, March 31, 1824.
Sarah and Edward E. Partridge of Spencer, Oct. 23, 1834.
Mary Ann and Asa White, June 15, 1830.
Mason and Mary Sylvester of Winchendon, int. Nov. 18, 1805.
Eunice and Amasa Turner of Wadsbury, Vt., Feb. 4, 1801.
Betsee (Elizabeth in int.) and Joseph Knowlton, March 17, 1791.
Catharine and Daniel Wilkinson, May 20, 1827.
Eli and Mary Reed of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. Nov. 13, 1824.
Hezekiah and Rachel Byam, Aug. 13, 1768.
Israel of Athol and Mrs. Ruth Fisk, Oct. 16, 1783.
Jason of Wardsborough, Vt., and Huldah Osgood, Dec. 26, 1798.
Mrs. Joanna and Capt. Norman Clark of Princeton, May 23, 1786.
John and Betty Hayward, June ----, 1785.
Luke [Luke Watson in int.] and Polly Wilkinson, Dec. 27, 1824.
Mary and Lowell Stebbins of Mason, N.H., Jan. 19, 1835.
Rebecca Watson (d. Luke W. and Polly, a. 20) and Edwin Wright, Sept. 14, 1845.
Triphena and Miles Knowlton, Sept. 7, 1789.
William and Joanna Barron, May 24, 1781.
William and Lucy Watson of Brookfield, Feb. 21, 1792. At Brookfield.
John Jr. (s. John and Sarah, a. 22, mechanic) and Hannah F. Green, Feb. 20, 1848.
STEARNS (see Sternes)
Dolly and Jeremiah Lord, Feb. 13, 1812.
John D. and Harriot Darling of Winchendon, int. July 20, 1833.
Martha Ann (d. Jonathan and Tabatha, a. 28) and Joseph Snow of Aurora, Ill., Aug. 15, 1849.
William of Epping (N.H.) and Nabby Howe, Jan. 3, 1809.
Lowell of Mason, N.H., and Mary Sprague, Jan. 19, 1835.
[Stearns in int.], Joanna of Leominster and Noah Kendall, Jan. 3, 1782. In Leominster.
Gardner of Petersham and Mary Baker, March 26, 1783.
Luther of Ware and Mary H. Mann, Sept. 28, 1842.
STEWART (see Stuart)
Richard and Eunice Stuart, Oct. 11, 1764.
Rufus and Adaline Kendall of Gardner, Feb. 16, 1841.
Siles and Eunice Wood, int. Oct. 29, 1803.
John W. and Polly Maccarty of Keene, N.H., int. Sept. 26, 1801.
STIMPSON (see Stimson)
Elizabeth L. of Barre and Samuel Fletcher Fiske, int. Jan. 6, 1839.
Elmira Jane and Joel Goddard, Dec. 28, 1835.
STINSON (see Stimpson)
James and Hannah Flint of Winchendon, int. Sept. 16, 1815.
James and Louisa Josephine Baldwin, June 8, 1842.
Sally and John M. Poor, Sept. 21, 1843. At Winchendon.
Abel and Betsey Force of New Braintree, int. Jan. 11, 1792.
Austin and Lydia Bush, Feb. 23, 1826.
Betsey of Sterling and Asa Hoppin, int. Sept. 20, 1828.
Elsie M. of Royalston and Apollos Howard Jr., int. April 29, 1848.
Jesse of Athol and Annis Grout, April 3, 1782. In Athol.
Levi of Athol and Azubah Richardson, Aug. 23, 1787.
Eliza of Gardner and Rufus Coombs of Hubbardston, Aug. 10, 1806.
Eliza C. and Simeon R. Briggs, Nov. 18, 1841.
Hannah and John Atwood Jr., Aug. 21, 1777.
Nancy and Obed Adams of Hubbardston, Dec. 20, 1827.
Nathan and Nancy Sherwin of Winchendon, int. Nov. 15, 1804.
Polly of Winchendon and David Dunton, int. Sept. 5, 1785.
Richard and Rachel Hill, int. Jan. 27, 1772.
William and Mrs. Polly E. Johnson, Oct. 18, 1827.
Zenas and Eliza S. Phillips, Aug. 30, 1827.
Abigail B. (d. Leonard and Lydia, a. 26) and Algernon S. Lincoln, June 30, 1847.
Benjamin of an unincorporated place called Arscott in Lower Canada and Caty Kendall, Feb. 11, 1802.
Betsey and Hezekiah Hancock Jr., July 27, 1817.
Bulah of Rutland and Silas Jones, int. May 23, 1774.
Edmund and Levina Reed, Nov. 2, 1773.
Emme and Israel Whitcomb of Winchendon, int. July 17, 1805.
Ephraim Esq. and Eunice Wyman of Woburn, int. June 21, 1822.
Ephraim Esq. and Elizabeth Goodridge, int. April 28, 1849.
Eunice and Jeremiah Beal of Chesterfield, N.H., Feb. 22, 1810.
Gardner W. of Winchester, formerly of Fitzwilliam, (N.H.) and Mary L. Hasbom, Nov. 25, 1841.
Hannah and Joseph Wyman, Dec. 24, 1795.
Mrs. Hannah and George Orcutt, int. Sept. 24, 1813.
John of Jeffrey and Lydia Byam, Nov. 25, 1778.
Joseph and Rhoda Follett of Hubbardston, Oct. 23, 1809.
Josiah and Relief Burpee, April 4, 1839.
Leonard and Mrs. Katherine Kendall, int. Dec. 25, 1780.
Col. Leonard and Lydia Richardson, Oct. 26, 1819.
Leonard Jr. (s. Leonard and Lydia, a. 26, farmer) and Margaret C. Wellington, Oct. 26, 1848.
Lydia of Rutland and John Graham, int. Aug. 31, 1835.
M. Florilla of Phillipston and Jonathan Walter Dondolo Osgood, int. June 2, 1838.
Oliver of Bakersfield, Vt., and Abigail Parker, March 8, 1804.
Persis and Samuel C. Upham, Dec. 15, 1810.
Polly and William Hunting, March 16, 1809.
Rhoda of Groton and Simon Stone Jr., May 13, 1795. In Groton.
Sally and Orange Young, Dec. 23, 1804.
Simon and Hannah Whittemore, Feb. 27, 1770.
Simon Jr. and Rhoda Stone of Groton, May 13, 1795. In Groton.
Simon of Gardner and Sally Boynton of Winchendon, Nov. 16, 1800.
Suel [Sewall in int.] of Rutland and Susan W. Bush, May 1, 1823.
Susannah and Peter Howe of Gerry, March 14, 1792. In Gerry.
Nabby of Gerry and Daniel Norcross Jr., June 19, 1802.
Cylindia of Petersham (d. Asahel and Persis, a. 38) and Levi Russell of Hadley, May 30, 1844. In Petersham.
Austin C. and Sophia H. Sibley, Jan. 17, 1843.
Elizabeth of Athol and Benjamin Townshend, int. May 22, 1769.
Joseph of Athol and Martha West, Nov. 8, 1826.
Lucy and William Cutting, both of Gerry, Dec. 4, 1800.
Sarah of Gerry and William Rice of Woodstock, Vt., Dec. 5, 1791.
Franklin and Calista C. Collins of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. July 2, 1835.
Melinda and Stillman Howe of Rindge, Sept. 12, 1836.
Dr. Oliver and Mary Lord [Low ?] of Hutchinson (Barre), May 2, 1776. In Hutchinson.
STUART (see Stewart)
Eunice and Richard Stewart, Oct. 11, 1764.
Tabatha of Winchendon and Charles Knowlton, int. March 31, 1821.
Leonard and Eliza C. Gray of Worcester, int. April 10, 1836.
Sarah W. (d. Isaiah D. and Zebiah, a. 30) and Edson Higley, Jan. 21, 1846.
William A. (s. Isaiah D. and Zebiah, a. 26, mechanic) and Azubah H. Hager, both of Hubbardston, April 13, 1845.
Chauncey B. and Betsey T. Brown, both of Phillipston, Sept. 2, 1835.
Dexter and Nancy White, both of Phillipston, Dec. 29, 1831.
SWEETT (see Levrett.)
Timothy of Brimfield and Sarah Greenleaf, Dec. 13, 1815.
Mary of Winchendon and Mason Spooner, int. Nov. 18, 1805.
SYMONDS (see Simmonds, Simons)
Jacob and Mehitabel Parks, int. Jan. 4, 1783.
John and Priscilla Gage of New Marlborough, N.H., int. March 10, 1815.
Nelson and Anna P. Partridge, Oct. 2, 1828.
Sophia and Moses M. Gage, int. Aug. 9, 1828.
Stillman and Almira Phebe Greenwood, int. Jan. 3, 1829.
Ziba and Lidia Jackson of Hubbardston, May 26, 1805.
Abial of Mendon and Thomas Child, int. April 10, 1824.
Elizabeth of Westminster and Laben Gates, int. March 15, 1794.
Submit of Fitzwilliam and Levi Phillips, Sept. 26, 1835.
Dr. David of Gardner and Catherine Houghton of Sterling, April 7, 1788.
Josiah of Athol and Lydia Goodell, Aug. 22, 1815.
Betsy and Simeon Horton, Nov. 29, 1804.
Calvin C. of Grafton, Vt., and Polly Simonds of Gardner, Feb. 15, 1818.
Almira and Andrew Cummings, both of Millbury, Feb. 15, 1829.
Lucy and Rufus Hemmenway of Barre, Aug. 23, 1815.
Moses and Martha Allen of Weston, Dec. 28, 1780. In Weston.
Peter and Patty Brown, Nov. 17, 1802.
Samuel [Jr. in int.] and Lois Wheeler, Feb. 24, 1772.
Ahio and Betty Heywood, both of Gardner, May 12, 1789.
Luke and Mary A. Clark of Royalston, int. Sept. 25, 1847.
Samuel and Nancy Horton, April 6, 1840.
Solomon of Royalston and Thankfull Norcross, Oct. 6, 1829.
Catharine and Patrick Smith, int. April 24, 1847.
Benjamin E. of East Hampton (s. Emmons and Barbara, a. 26, farmer) and Mary Gray, April 13, 1847.
Mary and Richard Spear of Braintree, int. May 13, 1782.
Preston and Maryann Parkhurst of Milford, int. Dec. 12, 1807.
Margaret of Rutland and Paul Nickless, int. July 26, 1773.
Minerva of Greenwich and Eli Newton, int. Jan. 28, 1826.
THOMPSON (see Thomson)
Eliza s. of Phillipston and Artemas White, int. April 2, 1836.
Fanny of Royalston and Levi Hancock, int. Feb. 5, 1831.
Rutha [Jerusha ? in int.] and Ephraim Howe, Aug. 31, 1797.
THOMSON (see above)
Simeon and Sibbel Leland of Holliston, Feb. 9, 1794. In Holliston.
David and Eunice Whitney, April 16, 1766.
Charles of Lebanon, N.H., and Lucy Wesson, July 7, 1789.
Benjamin Jr. of Fitchburgh and Cordelia Merritt, Sept. 27, 1829.
Caroline M. and Sylvanus Wood of Fitchburg, int. Dec. 27, 1845.
Horatio N. of Worcester (widr., s. Jonas and Fanny, a. 38, carpenter) and Emeline Goodnow, Feb. 12, 1845.
Isaac of Rutland and Elizabeth Wheeler, int. Jan. 8, 1781.
Mrs. Mary of Worcester and Samuel Cook, int. June 1, 1805.
TOWNSEND (see Townshend)
Nancy of Putney, Vt., and Elias Greenleaf, int. Oct. 15, 1803.
Sarah and Jonas Gibbs, int. Dec. 30, 1765.
Sarah of Greenwich and James [Jonas ?] Gibbs, Sept. 3, 1776. In Greenwich.
Susanna of Bolton and William Sanger, Sept. 5, 1790. In Bolton.
Stephen of Putney, Vt., and Betsey Whitcomb, Nov. 28, 1799. (see above)
Benjamin and Elizabeth Stratton of Athol, int. May 22, 1769.
Frances and Chester W. Pomeroy of Brattleboro, Vt., March 16, 1831.
Betsey B. and Henry C. Parker, March 9, 1840.
Dorithy and Abraham Sanderson, Feb. 28, 1787.
Hannah and Jonas Sanderson of Gardner, Nov. 9, 1788.
Polly Eaton and Silas Wilson Johnson, Nov. 22, 1813.
Sarah and James Slocomb of Hubbardston, Dec. 4, 1783.
Wiliam Jr. and Eunice Eaton of Westminster, int. July 2, 1791.
William and Lydia Wheeler, May 6, 1834.
Lydia and Thomas Larned, March 4, 1789.
Patty and Jared Lewis, April 6, 1794.
Samuel and Sarah Nickless, June 18, 1766.
Mrs. Sarah and Robert Fitts, April 17, 1783.
Ruth and Joel Davis, Nov. 25, 1798.
Elisha of Winchendon and Sally Preston How, March 20, 1791.
Mary Simkins and Jerry Hodges, July 21, 1813.
Mrs. Sarah P. and Jacob Haskell of Harvard, Oct. 10, 1812.
Amasa of Wadsbury, Vt., and Eunice Sprague, Feb. 4, 1801.
- .
Asa and Nabby Baldwin, Dec. 8, 1790.
Asa and Wid. Susan Upham, Feb. 5, 1833.
Avary [Avery in int.] and Hannah Baker, Dec. 13, 1821.
Dulcena and William Whitney, Feb. 10, 1819.
Ellis and Thankful Fairbanks, Jan. 13, 1789.
Hannah F. and Luke Manning, Dec. 23, 1830.
Luis (Lewis in int.) and Susa Whitney, June 5, 1788.
Nabby and Benjamin Day, June 27, 1821.
Polly and David Hodgekins, Feb. 27, 1791.
Silvia and Marshall Alden, July 23, 1816.
Diodorus and Martha Johnson, April 22, 1827.
Persis (d. Diodorus and Martha, a. 18) and Sewell T. Rugg of Lancaster, April 5, 1846.
Adelaid R. (d. Samuel and Hannah, a. 21) and Thomas Martin, Dec. 31, 1849.
Becca and Job Sawyer, Jan. 10, 1804.
Daniel Jr. and Mary Savage of Princeton, int. Oct. 5, 1804.
John and Patty Holbrook, April 10, 1800.
John and Susanna Baker, Oct. 12, 1814.
Joseph and Elizabeth Howe, April 8, 1806.
Joseph and Catherine Bush, Jan. 1, 1833.
Joshua C. and Rebekkah S. Paige of S. Woodstock, Vt., March 22, 1842.
Joshua N. and Nancy C. Clark of Royalston, int. Nov. 2, 1846.
Laurinda S. [Sprague in int.] and Rev. Jonathan Farr of Harvard, April 12, 1834.
Mary H. and Maynard Partridge of Royalston, April 13, 1831.
Persis S. and Joel L. Fales, March 26, 1834.
Roxa and Chester Gilbert of Marlborough, Vt., Feb. 24, 1816.
Capt. Samuel and Hannah Sawtell, July 19, 1826.
Samuel B. and Marenda Fales, Dec. 8, 1840.
Samuel C. and Persis Stone, Dec. 15, 1810.
Wid. Susan and Asa Turner, Feb. 5, 1833.
Catherine and John W. Hodges of Oakham, April 13, 1831.
Luther and Phebe Elizabeth Nickols of Phillipston, int. Jan. 25, 1845.
Abigail and Wilder J. Melben of Ware, April 1, 1837.
James and Lucy Rolph of Princeton, int. April 5, 1825.
Fanny [Fanny R. in int.] and George W. Comee of Fitchburg, April 13, 1833.
John and Fanny Richardson of Woburn, int. April 15, 1808.
Willard and Miranda Cody of Webster, June 24, 1843.
Amos and Juliann Hooker, April 23, 1829.
Hannah of Petersham and Aaron Whitney, July 20, 1769.
Susan of Roxbury and Dr. David Goodridge, int. Oct. 25, 1813.
Elizabeth of Bolton and Caleb Church, July 11, 1764. In Bolton.
John Farmington of Mason, N.H., and Abigail Hastings, int. Jan. 9, 1823.
Lovell Esq. and Elisabeth Russell of Rutland, int. Aug. 21, 1804.
Lovell Esq. and Lydia Loring of Hingham, int. May 17, 1828.
Nancy of Brookfield and Austin Nichols, int. April 24, 1830.
William N. (s. Jacob and Anstis, a. 25, chair maker) and Minerva Horton, April 19, 1849.
Elizabeth and Reuben Nurse, Jan. 5, 1794.
Aaron and Sarah Richardson, Nov. 4, 1788.
Sally and Enoch Johnson, Nov. 18, 1794.
Abel and Fanna Johnson, March ----, 1798.
Rebecca Winthrop of Providence, R.I., and Eli Gray, int. July 12, 1829.
William H. of Athol and Lucy Lovering, Dec. 30, 1817.
Benjamin Barber and Betsey C. Gage, int. Aug. 15, 1843.
Samuel Jr. of Worcester and Sally Cutting, Dec. 3, 1834.
Welcome and Azubah Ingersol, both of Petersham, Sept. 23, 1824.
Capt. Elijah of Hardwick and Mrs. Rachel Samson, May 15, 1786.
Huldah of Connington and Joseph Knowlton Jr., int. Dec. 4, 1786.
Maria Ann and David Wright, Feb. 7, 1793.
Thomas Wildes and Persis Cutting, Feb. 20, 1798.
Alace W. of Hubbardston and Benjamin F. Coleman, int. Sept. 27, 1833.
David and Susa Fairbanks, March 2, 1808.
Jonathan of York State [of New Marlboro in int.] and Sarah Sawtell, June 22, 1778.
Lois of Hubbardston and Luke Sawyer, int. May 1, 1847.
Lucy and John Coaplemon of Granby, int. Dec. 18, 1780.
Nathan of Hubbardston and Dolly Brigham Howe, Dec. 17, 1815.
Nathan of Hubbardston and Betsey Davis, May, 29, 1822.
Peter Jr. and Anna Force of Newbraintree, int. April 26, 1805.
Sarah B. of Leicester and Daniel W. Parker, int. Oct. 26, 1847.
Elizabeth and Daniel Shattuck, int. Jan. 5, 1778.
Relief and Benjamin Sawtell, Nov. 30, 1775.
Lucy of Brookfield and William Sprague, Feb. 21, 1792. At Brookfield.
Caroline (d. William and Mary, a. 23) and George Peirce, July 27, 1846.
Sarah (d. William and Mary, a. 23) and Edward Roberts, Oct. 18, 1846.
WEATHERBEE (see Wetherbee)
Polley and Otis Coalman of Gerry, int. Aug. 22, 1789.
Uriah and Mary Nicolas, Oct. 9, 1764.
Ardin and Elizabeth Partridge, Nov. 10, 1839.
WELLINGTON (see Willington)
Almira (d. Charles, a. 26) and Joseph H. Baldwin of Savannah, Ga., Sept. 8, 1846.
Rev. Charles and Anna Smith of Boston, int. May 20, 1807.
Rev. Charles and Adelaide Russell, July 27, 1831.
Elisabeth S. and Leander Leland, Dec. 26, 1833.
Margaret C. (d. Charles and Anna, a. 26) and Leonard Stone Jr., Oct. 26, 1848.
Mary W. and Jacob Batchelder, Nov. 21, 1833.
Rebecca S. and Dr. Artemas L. Brown, June 19, 1834.
Abigail and Andrew Gardner, March 3, 1774.
[Weston in Rutland P.R. or V.R. ?] Charles B. and Polly Hooker of Rutland, int. Jan. 17, 1795.
Cynthia and Jonathan May, Nov. 25, 1813.
Harrison C. of Phillipston (s. Asa and Sally, a. 24, shoemaker) and Chloe E. Potter, Dec. 26, 1844.
James and Abigail Ross, March 25, 1784.
John and Hannah May of Sterling, int. Sept. 26, 1789.
Katy and James Johnson, March 22, 1791.
Lucy and Charles Tilden of Lebannon, N.H., July 7, 1789.
Theodosia Kimball and Andrew Gardner, int. July 21, 1798.
Benjamin W. [Whitney in int.] and Sarah Lawrence, April 31 (sic), 1844.
Charles Therel and Catharine Rindge, int. April 17, 1837.
John and Polly Whitney, both of Petersham, April 20, 1795.
Martha and Joseph Stratton of Athol, Nov. 8, 1826.
Sally and Erastus Buridge, Feb. 11, 1819.
WETHERBEE (see Weatherbee)
Hannah of Westminster and Samuel Whitney, int. Oct. 11, 1812.
Judith and Abner Foster, Oct. 12, 1798.
Abel and Thankful Osgood, Nov. 30, 1798.
Abigail R. [Richardson in int.] and Josiah B. Goodnow, Sept. 18, 1838.
Beaulah and Jesse Wilkinson, Jan. 29, 1800.
Benjamin S. and Julia H. Doggett of Mendon, int. June 2, 1849.
Dorathy and Abijah Wood of Westminster, int. Nov. 14, 1779.
Eden B. (s. John and Lucy, a. 29, mechanic) and Clarissa Wilder, Sept. 9, 1845.
Eden B. (widr., s. John and Lucy, a. 30, mechanic) and Mary Wilder, June 7, 1847.
Edmond and Caty Brown, Feb. 15, 1803.
Elizabeth and Isaac Tower of Rutland, int. Jan. 8, 1781.
Ezra Lovell (s. Josiah and Martha, a. 24, mason) and Mary Ann Wilder, Dec. 30, 1847.
John and Lucy Baldwin, May 27, 1810.
Josiah W. (s. Josiah and Martha, a. 24, mason) and Nancy K. Wilder, Nov. 29, 1849,
Joshuer [Joshua in int.] of Bolton, Abigail Greenleaf, Jan. 28, 1813.
Lois [Louis in int.] and Samuel Taylor, Feb. 24, 1772.
Lucy and Israel Lamb, Oct. 31, 1765.
Lydia and William Trask, May 6, 1834.
Maria P. at Royalston and Charles Everett, int. June 7, 1844.
Miriam and Israel Richardson, Dec. 14, 1784.
Rebecca and Levi Fish of Ashburnham, June 2, 1777.
Rebecca and David Frye of Royalston, int. Feb. 5, 1814.
Mrs. Sarah and Joseph Rice, Feb. 3, 1780.
Sarah and Towsend Barrett of Ashburnham, Feb. 18, 1830.
Thomas and Mary Childs of Westminster, int. Dec. 22, 1771.
Thomas Jr. and Lucy Hagar, May 27, 1783.
WHETCOMB (see Whitcomb)
Achseh, and Abijah Fisk, Nov. 26, 1801.
Jonathan Jr. and Milla Wright, May 25, 1790.
Liefy [Lepha in int.] and Lyman Knowlton, Dec. 17, 1795.
Milla and James F. Robbins, May 2, 1811.
Rufus and Anne Partridge, both of Gardner, Feb. 25, 1807.
Suel and Sally Newton of Gerry, int. May 16, 1807.
Lucinda and Aaron Hunt, Nov. 2, 1826.
WHITCOM (see Whetcomb)
Israel Stedman of Winchendon and Phebe J. Davenport, Nov. 28, 1842.
Bellona and David W. Spear, Oct. 7, 1834.
Betsey and Steven Burpee, both of Sterling, Oct. 28, 1787.
Betsey and Stephen Townshend of Putney, Vt., Nov. 28, 1799.
Betsey and Phinehas Wright of Westford, July 4, 1814.
Betsy and Nathan Smith, Nov. 26, 1805.
Edmund H. of Winchendon and Betsy B. Day, int. Nov. 7, 1840.
Eunice and Jonathan Cutting of Sudbury, Oct. 27, 1778.
Eunice and Isaac Gregory, Dec. 16, 1782.
Eunice and Samuel Gregory of Royalston, May 2, 1790.
Ezra and Joanna Bruce, int. June 13, 1774.
Franklin and Charlotte Johnson, Oct. 29, 1829.
Israel of Winchendon and Emme Stone, int. July 17, 1805.
Joanna and Robert Holden, Feb. 23, 1788.
Job and Abigail Whitney, int. March 6, 1769.
Job Jr. and Polly Gates, May 27, 1803.
Joshua and Eunice Prescott of Lancaster, Feb. 26, 1772. In Lancaster.
Levi and Hannah Baker of Littleton, int. Dec. 4, 1786.
Marcy and Silas Sawyer Jr. of Phillipston, int. Nov. 30, 1820.
Milla and Daniel Jackson, March 9, 1800.
Patience and Charles Gates, int. June 3, 1809.
Rufus of Hubbardston and Jerusha Rice, April 15, 1819.
Sally and Jeremy Slocomb, Feb. 20, 1809.
Sally and Theodore C. Gray, May 2, 1833.
Samuel and Betsey Bryant, May 8, 1803.
Sarah and Josiah Willis Sever, Dec. 28, 1769.
Wid. Sarah of Gerry and Amos Richardson Jr., Oct. 2, 1787.
Mrs. Sarah of Bolton and Capt. Stephen Brooks, int. Oct. 13, 1815.
Seney and Silas Osgood, Nov. 24, 1802.
Simeon and Sally Cutler, int. April 10, 1782.
Sophia H. [Houghton in int.] and George Davis of Westford, April 28, 1824.
Susa and John Hancock, Jan. 24, 1798.
Artemas and Eliza S. Thompson of Phillipston, int. April 2, 1836.
Asa and Mary Ann Spooner, June 15, 1830.
Benjamin and Ruth Wilson of Lincoln, int. April 12, 1773.
Comfort of Gerry and Stephen Knowlton, int. Oct. 5, 1795.
James W. [of Grafton in dup.] and Elizabeth Holden, Sept. 1838.
Dr. John of Westminster and Lucy B. Howe, Dec. 4, 1827.
Jonathan Jr. of Hadley and Achsah T. Wilder, int. Oct. 30, 1839. [No certificate given in consequence of the death of Miss Wilder.]
Joseph A. of Boston (s. Aaron and Mary, a. 43, merchant) and Charlotte Partridge, June 10, 1844.
Keith of Warwick and Laura Jane Robbins, int. April 7, 1831.
Mary and John Piper of Westboro, Jan. 8, 1777.
Nancy and Dexter Swan, both of Phillipston, Dec. 29, 1831.
Rebekah of Phillipston and Daniel Witt, int. Feb. 10, 1838.
Mrs. Ruth of Gerry and James Rice of Barre, July 12, 1787.
Stephen and Harriet Smith, int. Nov. 10, 1826.
Susanna and Hezekiah Whitney, Dec. 15, 1793.
Thomas and Prudence Haywood of Concord, int. Nov. 17, 1766.
William and Elizabeth Ball, March 24, 1777.
William and Rebecca Eveline Newton of Phillipston, int. March 31, 1838.
Windsor and Frances H. Whitney of Hubbardston, int. Sept. 11, 1841.
Winsor and Elizabeth P. Whitney, Dec. 7, 1842.
Aaron and Hannah Wait of Petersham; July 20, 1769.
Abigail and Job Whitcomb, int. March 6, 1769.
Abigail and Elisha Maynard of Westfield, N.Y., Jan. 26, 1792.
Bethiah of Westmorland and George Farrar, April ----, 1783.
Betsey of Sterling and Joshua Church, int. May 4, 1820.
Betsey (d. William and Dulcena, a. 17) and Charles W. Wilder, Sept. 13, 1847.
Betty and Thomas Maynard [Hayward ?] Jr. March 24, 1783.
Eleazer S. and Lucy Peckham of Dana, int. March 20, 1847.
Eliza B. of Petersham and Thomas B. Greenwood, int. Sept. 16, 1845.
Elizabeth B. and Winsor White, Dec. 7, 1842.
Eunice and David Thurston, April 16, 1766.
Frances H. of Hubbardston and Windsor White, int. Sept. 1, 1841.
George W. [Washington in int.] of Hubbardston and Abigail Sawyer, Sept. 19, 1838.
Capt. Henry of Gardner and Mary Ann S. Bassett, May 6, 1824.
Hezekiah and Susanna White, Dec. 15, 1793.
Jonathan and Lorena French, May 28, 1843.
Levi of Harvard and Sarah Davis, Jan. 6, 1812.
Mary of Sterling and John Sawyer Jr., int. Nov. 26, 1827.
Molla of Petersham and Samuel King, int. April 12, 1773.
Moses and Martha Cunningham of Barre, Dec. 17, 1782 [1783, Barre C.R.]. In Barre.
Moses and Tabitha Keyes of Gerry, int. June 23, 1798.
Phebe of Athol and Artemas Hancock, int. Nov. 16, 1811.
Polly and John West, both of Petersham, April 20, 1795.
Ruth and Silas Bruce, March 8, 1790.
Sally of Gardner and Luther Alden, int. May 14, 1819.
Salmon and Hepzibah Raymond, April 22, 1784.
Samuel and Sarah Smith of Barre, int. May 12, 1804.
Samuel and Hannah Wetherbee of Westminster, int. Oct. 1, 1812.
Sarah of Bolton and William Bently Sanger, int. May 31, 1823.
Sibel (d. William and Dulcena, a. 21) and Lisander Warren Benton of Buckland, Dec. 31, 1846.
Susa and Luis Turner, June 5, 1788.
William and Dulcena Turner, Feb. 10, 1819.
Hannah and Simon Stone, Feb. 27, 1770.
John (s. Levi and Mary, a. 23, farmer) and Lucy R. Gray, Nov. 18, 1845.
WIELEY see Wiley, Willey)
Moses and Lydia Homes of New Braintree, int. April 13, 1794.
Caroline (d. Thomas and Fanny, a. 20) and Aaron Gates, Nov. 9, 1847.
Abel of Lancaster and Hannah Merritt, Sept. 30, 1806.
Abigail and Elisha P. Cook, Feb. 2, 1826.
Achsah of Lancaster and Ebenezer Ross, int. Jan. 16, 1769.
Achsah T. and Jonathan White Jr. of Hadley, int. Oct. 30, 1839. [No certificate given in consequence of the death of Miss Wilder.]
Annis and Peter Newton, Nov. 3, 1813.
Aseenath and Capt. Silas Church, Oct. 1, 1817.
Asenath and Joel Grout Jr. of Gerry, June 2, 1789.
Betsy and Aaron Knight of Winchendon, Oct. 5, 1806.
Betty and Jonas Baker, Feb. 16, 1779.
Charles W. (s. Arden and Clarissa, a. 21, chair staff dresser) and Betsey Whitney, Sept. 13, 1847.
Clarissa (d. Josiah and Mary, a. 21, seating chairs) and Eden B. Wheeler, Sept. 9, 1845.
David and Clarisa Howe, Nov. 7, 1833.
Ephraim and Rebeckah ---- (Hunt in int.), April 12, 1827.
Eunice of Winchendon and Eli Bruce, int. Nov. 2, 1793.
Gillam and Mary Paul of Shutesbury, int. March 10, 1814.
Gillam and Annis Hunt, Jan. 25, 1820.
James L. and Adeline Bigelow of Westminster, int. Aug. 23, 1841.
John Jr. and Mrs. Beatrix Sawyer, Dec. 29, 1785.
John Jr. and Mary Hollon of Harvard, int. May 21, 1787.
Jonathan Jr. of Sterling and Mrs. Asenath Fairbank, Sept. 25, 1791.
Josiah and Sarah Orcutt of Wendall, ---- ----, 1791 [int. Nov. 6, 1790]. In Wendall.
Lieut. Josiah and Betsey Smith, Feb. 17, 1802.
Capt. Josiah Jr. and Rebekah Kendall of Athol, int. Aug. 14, 1807.
Capt. Josiah and Dinah Sawyer, June 5, 1827.
Levi and Sarah Moody, Nov. 30, 1783.
Mary [Marcy in int., Mercy in Petersham P.R. or V.R. ?] of Petersham and Benjamin Jones, Dec. 7, 1775.
Mary (d. Josiah and Polly, a. 27) and Eden B. Wheeler, June 7, 1847.
Mary Ann (d. Ephraim and Rebeckah, a. 19, dressmaker) and Ezra Lovell Wheeler, Dec. 30, 1847.
Mary P. and Henry Chase of Hubbardston, April 15, 1843.
Merrick and Catherine Rice Day, int. May 9, 1830.
Nancy of Leominster and Silas Bruce, int. Aug. 21, 1827.
Nancy K. (d. Ephraim and Rebeckah, a. 18) and Josiah W. Wheeler, Nov. 29, 1849.
Osgood and Betsy Farnsworth, int. March 11, 1809.
Samuel N. and Harriot A. Skinner of Ware, int. Sept. 17, 1836.
Silas and Lucy Johnson, Aug. 23, 1825.
Wells and Martha B. Newton, June 8, 1837.
WILEY (see Wieley, Willey)
Jane of Worcester and Samuel Nichols, Dec. 7 [Oct. 14, Worcester P.R. or V.R.?], 1769. In Worcester.
Phebe and Josiah Newton of Hubbardston, May 26, 1796.
Samuel of Athol and Nancy Norcross, Oct. 4, 1827.
Rufus of Marlboro' (s. Edward and Mary, a. 21, farmer) and Abigail Irene Priest, Sept. 2, 1846.
Amasa and Mary Goddard of Shewsbury, int. May 15, 1830.
Daniel and Catharine Sprague, May 20, 1827.
Daniel and Lucy Hale of Hubbardston, int. June 22, 1833.
Jesse and Beaulah Wheeler, Jan. 29, 1800.
Jesse and Rachel Howe, Sept. 17, 1809.
Polly and Luke [Watson] Sprague, Dec. 27, 1824.
Sarah [Sally Wilkinson in int.] and Joseph Lowell of Needham, April 10, 1796.
WILLEY (see Wieley, Wiley)
[Wiley in int.], Moses and Phebe Fitts of Worcester, June 14, 1774. In Worcester.
George Blackwell of Boston and Margaret O'Brien, int. Aug. 26, 1847.
Granville C. and Tabitha C. Penniman of Gardner, int. Oct. 31, 1823.
WILLINGTON (see Wellington)
Anna and Joseph C. Batchelder of Topsfield, Nov. 9, 1837.
Sarah and John Piper, Aug. 1, 1784. In Athol.
WILLIS (see Wills)
Caroline and Abiather F. Potter, Nov. 6, 1839.
Ezra and Nabby Sawyer, June 30, 1810.
Susan of Newton and John Simonds, int. April 1, 1837.
Dianna of Athol and Albirgence Bryant, int. May 17, 1846.
WILLS (see Willis)
Releaf and Thomas Davenport, both of Petersham, Oct. 11, 1787.
Caroline and Erastus Coy, int. Dec. 7, 1839.
Philomelia and Adolphus Clerk, both of Barre, Feb. 23, 1820.
Ruth of Lincoln and Benjamin White, int. April 12, 1773.
James and Sally Cobleigh, Nov. 30, 1826.
Mary and Walter Derby of Westminster, July 4, 1837.
Francis of Worcester and Nancy Holden, Nov. 6, 1833.
Margaret of Westminster and Ezra Jones, int. Aug. 30, 1823.
Dexter (s. Edwin and Nancy, a. 33, mechanic) and Mary W. Rice, April 26, 1849.
Aaron of Newbraintree and Polly Mower, April 20, 1794.
Mary B. and George F. Gray, both of Phillipston, Jan. 19, 1832.
Benjamin L. and Anna Edmands of Winchendon, int. Jan. 3, 1829.
Benjamin and Hannah Smith of Ashburnham, int. March 26, 1836.
Mary and Samuel Gilbert Davis, July 24, 1814.
Daniel and Rebekah White of Phillipston, int. Feb. 10, 1838.
Nelson of Hubbardston and Betsey Hartwell, int. Nov. 5, 1842.
WOOD (see Woods)
Abijah of Westminster and Dorathy Wheeler, int. Nov. 14, 1779.
Amos and Semira Hancock, Feb. 15, 1824.
Dolly of Gardner and John E. Baldwin, June 16, 1842.
Eunice and Silas Stickney, int. Oct. 29, 1803.
Jonathan of Gardner and Louis Carrell, Dec. 30, 1798.
Jonathan of Gardner and Mrs. Olive Morse, Nov. 6, 1833.
Joshua and Eliza Hovey of North Oxford, int. April 25, 1845.
Sally and Nathan Smith the 2nd, Feb. 6, 1806.
Susan S. (d. Amos and Lemira, a. 19), and Levi Greenwood Jr. of Winchendon, April 25, 1844.
Sylvanus of Fitchburg and Caroline M. Tourtelott, int. Dec. 27, 1845.
Winsor and Clarisa Fisher, Nov. 10, 1825.
John of Rutland, and Elizabeth Greenleaf, Oct. 31, 1816.
Harriot E. R. of Rutland and Benjamin J., Hawks, int. Aug. 9, 1834.
Martha M. of Fitchburg and Allen Loud Newton, int. Aug. 3, 1842.
Rebekah H. of Fitchburg and Mark Woodbury Ray, int. Aug. 10, 1839.
WOODS (see Wood)
Charles (s. Stephen and Silence, a. 25, mechanic) and Abigail L. Davis, both of Fitzwilliam, N.H., July 3, 1849.
Lois and William Fletcher, int. Aug. 20, 1787.
Philander of Barre and Sarah B. Brigham of Petersham, May 22, 1833.
Asa and Ann Chase, Jan. 3, 1793.
John Wright and Lucy Jones French, Jan. 23, 1840.
Mrs. Marth of Royalston and Alexander Parkman Davis, int. Nov. 14, 1785.
Abigail and Hervey Alden, Aug. 19, 1830.
David and Maria. Ann Warner, Feb. 7, 1793.
Edwin (s. Phineas and Betsey, a. 23, tanner and currier) and Rebecca Watson Sprague, Sept. 14, 1845.
Elizabeth K. and Sylvester Priest, Aug. 9, 1835.
Elvira of Hubbardston and James Goring, int. Jan. 30, 1826.
Emely B. of Winchester, N.H., and Lucius Brainerd, int. April 6, 1845.
Esther H. and Simeon Bruce of Phillipston, int. Nov. 23, 1839.
Joshua and Olive Church, Nov. 29, 1764.
Joshua and Patty Howard of Gerry, int. April 16, 1808.
Louisa of Hubbardston and Bennett Potter Jr., int. Dec. 20, 1836.
Louiza and Hiram Clark, both of Gardner, May 2, 1822.
Lucy and William Rice, May 24, 1786.
Lucy and Thomas Richardson Jr. of Fitzwilliam (N.H.) Jan. 26, 1826.
Martha [Martha Ann in int.] and Elijah B. Newton, June 24, 1830.
Milla and Jonathan Whetcomb Jr., May 25, 1790.
Phinehas of Westford and Betsey Whitcomb, July 4, 1814.
Rufus and Elisabeth Kendall, March 5, 1786.
Simeon B. and Hannah K. Richardson, Dec. 11, 1837.
Thomas and Jemima Knowlton, Feb. [March? int. Feb. 19, and certificate given March 7]7, 1791.
William and Sally Peirce of Royalston, int. June 9, 1827.
William of Brookfield and Sally Dean, Sept. 2, 1808.
Abigail and Stephen Smith, Sept. 29, 1781. In Petersham.
Almeda of Winchendon and Orren Norcross, int. April 10, 1845.
Amos of Fitchburg and Lydia L. Lovering, Feb. 7, 1828.
Amos and Betsey Dolbear, int. Feb. 21, 1846.
Eunice of Woburn and Ephraim Stone, Esq., int. June 21, 1822.
Jonathan and Olive Alger, both of Winchendon, April 19, 1812.
Joseph and Hannah Stone, Dec. 24, 1795.
Judethan and Docas Pike, Sept. 21, 1780.
Olive of Winchendon and Erastus W. Clark, int. Feb. 11, 1835.
Sophronia and Luke Hale, June 7, 1842. At Winchendon.
Susanna and Joseph Hager, int. March 25, 1802.
Elisabeth of Hopkinton and Thomas Hayward, int. Jan. 18, 1773.
Louisa and Albert H. Sanderson, both of Athol, Sept. 21, 1833.
Mary Ann and Amos Blodgett, June 20, 1839.
Mehitable of Athol and Artemas Church, int. April 6, 1832.
Orange and Sally Stone, Dec. 23, 1804.
Rozella and James A. Lord, int. Nov. 22, 1848.
William and Ann Bennett of Gardner, int. April 30, 1838.
