Vital Records of
Taunton, Bristol Co., Massachusetts,
To the Year 1850
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Explanations & Abbreviations
1. The fact that a birth, marriage, or death is recorded in Taunton does not prove that it occurred there, unless it is so stated in the record. When places other than Taunton and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given as they appear there; but when Taunton is named, the initial letter only is used, except in unusual phrases.
2. In all items from town records the original spelling is followed, and no attempt is made to correct errors appearing in the records.
3. A baptism is not printed, if it occurs within one year after the recorded date of birth of a child of the same name and parents or if it is clear that the child baptized is identical with the child of the birth record; but variations found in the baptismal record are added to the birth record.
4. The birth of a married woman is recorded under her maiden name, if it is known. But if the maiden name cannot be determined, the entry appears under the husband’s name, with a dash enclosed in brackets, i.e. {------}, to signify that the maiden name is unknown. If it is not known whether the surname is that of the married or unmarried women, “?m.” is placed in brackets after the Christian name.
5. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed; and where a marriage appears without the intention being recorded, it is designated with an asterisk.
6. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e., any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parenthesis are used to show variations in the spelling of a name in the same entry, to indicate the maiden name of a wife, to enclose an imperfect portion of the original text, and to separate clauses in the original text.
7. The Taunton fire of 1838 destroyed the original town records. To replace them a copy of the early records of births, marriages and deaths was made, under the direction of the town officials, from all original sources available, and this compilation has been used as the basis of the present printed volume.
8. The Vital Records of Rhode Island, compiled by James N. Arnold, contains many Taunton items, which have not been incorporated in this volume.
B.C.M.---Bristol County Marriages
C.R.1---church record, First Congregational Church (Unitarian)
C.R.2---church record, First Congregational Church (Trinitarian)(West Taunton)
C.R.3---church record, Broadway Congregational Church (Trinitarian)
C.R.4---church record, Lakeview and Taunton Precinct Congregational Church.
C.R.5---church record, Winslow Congregational Church (Trinitarian)
C.R.6---church record, Second Baptist Church.
C.R.7---St. Thomas Church (Protestant Episcopal)
C.R.8---St. Mary’s Church (Roman Catholic)
Dup.---duplicate entry.
G.R.1.---gravestone record, Plain Burying Ground, between Broadway and Washington Street, Taunton.
G.R.2.--- gravestone record, Crane Avenue Burying Ground, Taunton.
G.R.3.---gravestone record, Oakland Cemetery, (Glebe Street Burying Ground), Grebe Street, Taunton.
G.R.4---gravestone record, Pine Hill Cemetery, corner of Stevens and Pine Hill Streets, East Taunton.
G.R.5.---gravestone record, King Burying Ground, Middleborough Avenue, East Taunton.
G.R.6.---gravestone record, Staples Street Burying Ground, Seekell Street, East Taunton.
G.R.7.---gravestone record,Caswell Street Burying Ground, opposite Staples Street, East Taunton.
G.R.8.---gravestone record,Caswell Burying Ground, Middleborough Avenue, opposite the Fire Station, East Taunton.
G.R.9---gravestone record, Summer Street Burying Ground (Neck of Land), Taunton.
G.R.10--gravestone record, North Taunton Burying Ground, corner of Bay and Field Streets, North Taunton.
G.R.11--gravestone record, Westville Cemetery, between Cohannetand Winthrop Streets, Taunton.
G.R.12--gravestone record, Burt, Crane, Gulliver and Walker Family Burying Gound, Gulliver Street, West Taunton.
G.R.13--gravestone record,Hathaway Burying Ground, Somerset Avenue, between Railroad Avenue and the river. Taunton.
G.R.14--gravestone record, East Weir Cemetery, off Plain Street, between Beacon and Platt Streets, Taunton.
G.R.15--gravestone record,Old Episcopal Church Burying Ground,Tremont Street,between Norton Avenue and Glebe Street, Taunton.
G.R.16--gravestone record, Willis Burying Ground, Worcester Street, near Alfred Lord Boulevard, Taunton.
G.R.17--gravestone record, Mount Plkeasant Cemetery, Crocket Street, Taunton.
G.R.18--gravestone record, Padelford Burying Ground, Middleborough Avenue, East Taunton.
G.R.19--gravestone record, Richmond Cemetery, Richmond Street, Taunton.
G.R.20--gravestone record, Bassett family Burying Ground, Crane Avenue, near Harvey Street, Taunton.
G.R.21--gravestone record, Friends' burying Ground or Harvey Family Burying Ground, Crane Avenue near Harvey Street, Taunton.
G.R.22--gravestone record, Bassett Family Burying Ground, Field Street, near Bay Street, Taunton.
G.R.23--gravestone record, Field family Burying Ground, Field Street, Taunton.
G.R.24--gravestone record, Lincoln family Burying Ground,Bassett Street, near Bay Street, Taunton.
G.R.25--gravestone Record, Harvey Family Buring Ground, Fremont Street, near Bassett Street, Taunton.
G.R.26--gravestone record, Lincoln Family Burying Ground,Watson Street, near Bay Street, Taunton.
G.R.27--gravestone record, Wetherell Cemetery, corner of Lothrop and Prospect Hill Streets, Taunton.
G.R.28--gravestone record, Cooper Family Burying Ground, Berkley Street, near Pratt Street, Taunton.
G.R.29--gravestone record Phillips Cemetery,corner of Berkley and Pratt Streets, Taunton.
G.R.30--gravestone record, Walker Family Burying Ground,Laneway Farm, off Burt Street, Taunton.
G.R.31--gravestone record, Walker amily Burying Ground, Laneway Farm, off Burt Street, Taunton.
G.R.32--gravestone record, Reed Cemetery west of Somerset Avenue, between railroad Avenue and the river. Taunton.
G.R.33--gravestone record, Walker Cemetery, between Baker Road and Railroad Avenue, and between the railroad and the river. Taunton.
G.R.34--gravestone record, Sandy Hill Cemetery,near seventh Street, off Somerset Avenue. Taunton.
G.R.35--gravestone record, Knapp Burying Ground, Tremont Street, West Taunton.
G.R.36--gravestone record, Phillips Family Burying Ground, Staples Street, Taunton.
G.R.37--gravestone record, St.James Cemetery, Liberty Street, East Taunton.
G.R.38--gravestone record, Father Wilson Cemetery, Washington Street, Taunton.
G.R.39--gravestone record, St. Francis Cemetery, Glebe Street, West Taunton.
G.R.40--gravestone record, St. Joesphs'Cemetery, East Britannia Street, at Raynham line, Taunton.
G.R.41--gravestone record, St. Mary's Cemetery, East Britannia Street, near Broadway, Taunton.
G.R.42--gravestone record, Woodward Family Burying Ground, an eighth of a mile into the woods in the rear of the house of Chester Woodward, Norton Avenue, between Short Street and Norton Town line. Taunton.
G.R.43--gravestone record, Gilbert Family Burying Ground, between the Cooper Burying Ground and Pratt Street. Taunton.
G.R.44--gravestone record, Old Richmond Cemetery, in the woods, at the river, back of houses which are nearluy opposite the new Richmond Cemetery. Taunton.
G.R.45--gravestone record, Colored Cemetery, a little east of Precinct Street, Taunton.
G.R.46--gravestone record, Williams and Padelford Family Burying Ground, near Elliot's Corner, in the woods on Mr. L.W. King's estate, Taunton.
G.R.47--gravestone record, private burying ground, south of Stevens Street, on the west side of County Street, Taunton.
G.R.48--gravestone record, a small cemetery, opposite the junction of railroad Avenue and South Street, North Dighton.
G.R.49--gravestone record, Lincoln family Burying Ground, Davis Street, near Shores Street, Taunton.
G.R.50--gravestone record, Mayflower Hill Cemetery, Broadway, corner of Washington Street, Taunton.
G.R.51--gravestone record, one gravestone, lying flat, on the Soper farm, Williams Street, immediately in the rear of the County Street Schoolhouse, Taunton.
G.R.52--gravestone record, from a record of gravestones in the old burying grounds of the Precinct Congregational Society of Lakeville and Taunton, published in THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL and GENEALOGICAL REGISTER,vol.8.
G.R.53--gravestone record, two stones on Ox-Bow Farm, owned by Walter C. Baylies, Williams Street, Taunton.
G.R.54--gravestone record, a small family burying ground in the woods west from Richmond Street and nearly opposite the residence of Frank C. Robinson, Taunton.
G.R.55--gravestone record, a small family burying ground in the woods about one-third of a mile north of Rocky Woods Street, about opposite Range Avenue, Taunton.
h.---hours; husband.
int.---publishment of intention of marriage.
m.---marriage; married;month.
P.C.R.--Plymouth Colony Records.
P.R.1.--private record, from the account book of Edmund Williams, in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society of Taunton.
P.R.2.--private record, from the Bradford Rose Bible, in the possession (1911) of Miss I.A. Blake of New Brunswick N.J.
P.R.3.--private record, from a Blake family record, in the possession (1911) of Amasa E. Blake of Taunton.
P.R.4.--private record, from a Reed Bible, in the possession (1911) of Mrs. Eben A. Hall of Greenfield.
P.R.5.--private record, from the Tisdale-Lincoln Bible, in the possession (1911) of Mrs. Eben A. Hall of Greenfield.
P.R.6.--private record, from the Benjamin Lincoln Bible, in the possession (1911) of Mrs. Eben A. Hall of Greenfield.
P.R.7.--private record, from the original papers in the possession (1911) of Edward Seaver of Taunton.
P.R.8.--private record, from the original record of the Macomber family, in the possession (1905) of Miss Alice Hamlen Macomber of Augusta, Me.
P.R.9---private record, from an original record of the family of Joseph Macomber (son of John), in the possession (1905) of Miss Alice Hamlen Macomber of Augusta, Me.
P.R.10.-private record, from the Abiel Macomber Bible, in the possession (1905) of Charles F. Paul of Berkley.
P.R.11.-private record, from an Edward Blake family record, in the possession of the New England Historic Genealogical Society.
P.R.12.-private record, from the James Dean Bible as published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol.59.
P.R.13.-private record, from the Walter Dean Bible as published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol.59.
P.R.14.-private record, from a note published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol.60.
P.R.15.-private record, from a copy of a list of deaths kept by Rev. Isaac Backus, in the possession of The New England Historic Genealogical Society.
P.R.16.-private record, from gravestone records copied by Otis Allen of Mansfield, in the possession of The New England Historic Genealogical Society.
P.R.17.-private record, from the Abiel Dean Bible, in thje possession(1927) of Ralph E. Washburn of Marion.
P.R.18.-private record, from the Walker Baker Bible, in the possession(1927) of Mrs. E. Frank Baker of Taunton.
P.R.19.-private record, from the Seth Paul Bible, in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society of Taunton.
P.R.20.-private record, from the Dier Pratt Bible, in the possession(1927) of Miss Zilpha Chase of Taunton.
P.R.21.-private record, from an account book of Thomas Leonard, containing marriages from 1684 to 1713, in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society of Taunton.
P.R.22.-private record, from a journal of deaths begun by Nathaniel Leonard with 1793 and continued by his son Lemuel into 1848, in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society of Taunton.
P.R.23.-private record, from an account book of goods sold from a peddler's wagon, in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society of Taunton.
P.R.24.-private record, from a record of deaths kept by a Lemuel Leonard, in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society on Taunton.
P.R.25.-private record, from the marriage records of three Justices of the Peace, James Williams, his son Brig. Gen. James Williams, and his son Alfred Williams, 1737 to 1837,in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society of Taunton.
P.R.26.-private record, from a torn fragment relating to the Burt family, in the possession(1928) of Walter Kendall Watkins of Wakefield.
P.R.27.-private record,from an record book of the Rev. Thomas Clap, in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society of Taunton.
P.R.28.-private record, from an old record book by John Godfrey and George Godfrey, both Justices of the Peace, in the possession (1928) of Charles Godfrey Washburn of Taunton.
P.R.29.-private record,from a photographed copy of a Soper family Bible record, in the possession of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants.
P.R.30.-private record, from a photograph of a Soper-Paull marriage certificate in the possession of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants.
P.R.31.-private record, from the William Seaver Bible, in the possession (1911) of Edward Seaver of Taunton.
P.R.32.-private record, from a Blake family record, in the possession (1928) of Walter Kendall Watkins of Wakefield.
P.R.33.-private record, from the John Pipon Bible, in the possession of the Old Colony Historical Society of Taunton.
P.R.34.-private record, from an embroidered mourning picture,in the possession (1928) of Francis Apthorp Foster of Vineyard Haven.
P.R.35.-private record, from a sampler, in the possession (1928) of Francis Apthrop Foster of Vineyard Haven. The additions in brackets were supplied by Mr. Foster.
P.R.36.-private record, from the Bible of Mrs. Elizabeth L.Padelford, in the possession (1928) of Francis Apthorp Foster of Vineyard Haven.
P.R.37.-private record, from the Thomas Leonard Bible as published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register.
q.v.---which see;whom see.
R.R.---Rebellion Record.
S.C.F.--Suffolk Court Files.
T.P.R.--Taunton Proprietors' Records, a verbatim copy of the vital records found in the Proprietors' Records, used in conjunction with the modernized copy of the same made for the City Clerk's office after the fire of 1838.
w.---week; wife.