Taunton, Bristol Co., MA, 1678 Purchase Rights
Extracted from
Our County & Its People
A Descriptive & Biographical Record of
Bristol County
Alanson Borden
Page 235-236

There was some complaint made in 1662 as to the manner of division of the lands, which was somewhat modified, particularly in 1669, by a committee of ten appointed for the purpose, and again in 1680. On the 25th of May in this year the inhabitants voted as follows:
The town hath voted that they accept of what the committee hath done; by the committee is understood those that did this day present what they had caused to be entered on the town book of Town Orders, concerning settling our land and town orders.
This "settling of our lands" is thus set forth in the report:
A list of the names of the present purchasers or proprietors of the Town of Taunton unto whom the town hath already granted or divided lands by virture of their enjoying either purchase lots or purchase rights to divisions of land as followeth:
Richard WILLIAMS on his own rights, & on that which was Henry UXLEY's, & on that which was Anthony SLOCUM's, and that which was John GINGIL's.
John HALL and Samuel HALL on their two rights which were Joseph WILSON's and Benjamin WILSON's.
Joseph HALL on the rights which was his father's.
Captain William POOLE's heirs on his rights.
Lieutenant George MACEY on his own rights and on that which was Mr. BISHOP's.
William HARVEY on his own rights.
Edward REW on the rights that was William COY's.
Hezekiah HOAR on his own rights.
Walter DEAN on his own rights.
John DEAN on his father's rights.
Henry ANDREWS on his father's rights.
Increase ROBINSON on the rights that was Thomas COOK's.
John COBB on the rights that was John SMITH's.
Thomas FARWELL's heirs on his rights.
Shadrach WILBORE on the rights that was Edward CASE's.
Thomas CASWELL on the rights that was John KINGSLOW's.
James LEONARD, Junior, on the rights that was Richard PAUL's.
Joseph WILBORE on the rights that was Richard SMITH's.
John SMITH, Senior, on half the rights that was Mr. John GILBERT's.
James PHILLIPS on the rights that was his father's, on the rights that was Mr. Francis DOUBTYE's [DOUGHTY].
Jonah AUSTIN, Senior, onthe rights that was William HOLLOWAY's.
Jonah AUSTIN, Junior, on the half purchase rights of the Widow RANDIL's.
William WITHERELL on his own rights, & that which was Mr. DUNN's.
John BRYANT on the rights which was his father's and that which was William SCADDING's.
Mary STREETE on the rights that was her father's.
Joseph WILLIS on the rights that was Hugh ROSSITER's.
Eleazer GILBERT on the rights of John GILBERT.
Thomas GILBERT on the rights that was his father's.
Malachi HOLLOWAY on the rights that was Richard HART's.
Francis SMITH on the rights that was Oliver PURCHASE's.
Samuel SMITH on the rights that was Jacob WILSON's.
James BURT on his own rights.
John TISDIL, Junior, on the rights that was Mr. DRAKE's.
James WALKER, Senior, on his own rights & on that which was Mr. John BROWN's & on the rights which was John LUTHER's.
Mr. John POOLE on the rights that was Miss Elizabeth POOLE's.
James WIAT's heirs on his own rights.
Thomas HARVEY, Junior, on his father's rights.
On John STRONG's rights we find several claimers.
Christopher THRASHER onhis own rights.
William SHEPARD's heirs on his rights.
John HATHAWAY on the rights that was his father's.
Peter PITTS on the rights that was Richard STASIE's and on the rights that was William PARKER's.
Thomas COGGAN's heirs on his rights.
John CACOMBER, Senior, on his own rights.
Aaron KNAP's heirs on his rights.
Henry HODGES on the rights that was John GOLLUP's.
Richard GODFREE, Senior, on half the purchase rights that was Thomas JOAN's.
Thomas LINCOLN, Senior, on his own rights.
Thomas LINCOLN, Junior, on his own rights.
George WATSON on the rights that was Giles GILBERT's.
Giles GILBERT on the rights that was Joseph GILBERT's.
Robert CROSSMAN on his own rights.
Robert THORNTON on his own rights.
John TURNER on his own rights.
James LEONARD, Senior, on his own rights.
Mr. John PAINE on the rights that was Ralph RUSSELL's.
Thomas LEONARD on the rights that was Henry LEONARD's & on half the purchase rights that was Thomas JONES'.
Edward BOBBITT on his own rights.
Samuel HOLLOWAY on his own rights .
Jonathan BRIGGS on the rights that was Benjamin DUNHAM's.
Nicholas WHITE, Senior, on the rights that was David CURWITHIE's and on the rights that was Giles SLOCUM's.
John PARKERS heirs on his own rights.
Mr. George SHOVE on his own rights.
William HAYLSTON on his own rights.
Mr. William BRENTON on the rights that was Mr. Micholas STREETE's.
These purchasers or proprietors, fore-mentioned, are hereby and by virtue hereof entitled and interesed only unto the first purchase of the township of Taunton and not unto any later purchases.
This list was made and agreed upon and concluded and confirmed by us whose names are underwritten, being the major part of the committee chosen by the town for that end. Dated May 14, 1678.
Walter DEAN