Vital Records Of Sturbridge, To The Year 1850.
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund. Boston, Mass., 1906.
Marriages - SMITH to YOUNG, Unidentified & Negroes
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Abigail of Cantebury [dup. Canterbury], and Samuel Ellis, int. Mar. 10, 1749-50 [dup. 1749].
Abijah and Deborah McIntier, wid., int. Dec. 25, 1824.
Abraham [of] Cornish, and Abigail Blanchard, Feb. 9, 1797.
Almira [int. adds L.], 20, d. John and Emeline, and Edward W. Lathe, 27, farmer, of Charlton, s. Zepheniah and Prudence, Nov. 3 [int. Nov. 14, sic], 1848. [Edwards W., Nov. 30, C.R.1.]
Almira A. of Sprigfield, and Jesse F. Bridge, int. May 4, 1849.
Amy [int. Aimy] and Thomas B. Comming [int. Cummings] of Lowell, Jan. 22, 1832.
Barney and Dorcas Brown, int. Nov. 18, 1815.
Benjamin and Mahitable [int. Mehitable] Weld of Charlton, Feb. 28, 1792, in Charlton.
Betsey of Palmer, and Erasmus Holbrook, int. Sept. 12, 1819.
Betsy and Levi Fairbank of Brimfield, June 11, 1801. [Betsey and Levi Fairbanks, C.R.1.]
Captivity and Asahel Stearns [dup. Sterns], int. Dec. 22, 1783.
Clarisa and John Nichols, Nov. 28, 1824.
David and Mary Smith, Apr. 8, 1755.
David and Abigail Stacy, wid., Apr. 19, 1768.
David and Hannah Marsh, Dec. 12, 1778.
Ebenezer [dup. Ebenezer] and Rebecca [int. Rebekah, dup. int. Rebeckah] Knight of Worcester, Mar. 25, 1777, in Worcester.
Edwin H. [int. A.], mechanick, and Caroline R. Barrows, Apr. 7, 1847. [Edwin A., C.R.1.]
Garshom [dup. and int. Gershom] of Windsor [int. E. Winsor], and Thankfull White, Jan. 1, 1777.
Hannah and Jonathan Lyon of Holland, May 2, 1802.
Jedediah and Sarah Blanchard, Feb. 15, 1770.
Jedidiaah [dup. and dup. int. Jedediah, int. Jedediah] and Deborah Dunton [int. Dunten], Mar. 12, 1775.
Jerusha and Phillip Ammidown [dup. Ammidon] of Keene, Nov. 7, 1792.
John of Cazenovia, N.Y., and Diana Draper, int. Feb. 7, 1819. [Diana, d. Jacob, m. Mar. 2, P.R.1.]
John and Emeline Lamb of Charlton, int. Sept. 8, 1825.
Joseph Jr. [dup. and dup. int. omit Jr.] and Sarah Rice of Brookfield, Dec. 13, 1764.
Ketherine [int. Katherine, wid., dup. int. Cathrine] of Charlton, and Aaron Allen, Aug. 9, 1787.
Lois and Fletcher Foster, Dec. 25, 1774.
Lucy and John Welch of Brimfield, int. July 21, 1780.
Maria A. and Andrew J. Webster Jr. of Vernon, Conn., int. Aug. 19, 1848.
Mary and David Smith, Apr. 8, 1755.
Mary and Charles Howard, int. May 20, 1772.
Mary and Henry Allen, June 4, 1801.
Mehitable and Daniel Marble of Hardwick, Feb. 16, 1792.
Mehuman and Martha Serfs [dup. Scarls], int. Oct. 12, 1771.
Nahum and Ruth Newell, May 10, 1784.
Nathan of Hertford [dup. and int. Hartford] and Sarah Pike, Jan. 13 [int. Jan. 30, sic], 1768.
Nathan and Anne [dup. Anna] Damon of Western, int. Mar. 21, 1789.
Nathaniel and Mary Stone of Woodstock, Nov. 28, 1771.
Nathaniel M. and Lucy Knap, Jan. 1, 1823.
Oliver and Abigail Stacy, Apr. 26, 1773.
Persis and Joshua Lumbard. of W. [int. omits W.] Windsor, Vt., Feb. 25, 1816.
Polly and John Johnson, Dec. 28, 1794.
Polly and Samuel wider Jr., May 11, 1815.
Polly and Capt. Samuel Ward of Charlton, Feb. 23, 1817.
Rachel and Gilbert Alden, Feb. 16, 1815.
Royal and Caroline S. Williams of Dudley, int. Nov. 14, 1828.
Russell [dup. and dup. int. Russel] and Sarah Marcy, May 8, 1783.
Samuel C. of Moretown, Vt., and Mary Hitchcock of Brookfield, Sept. 29, 1836, in Brookfield.
Sarah and Parker Hooker, Dec. 25, 1774.
Sarah of Charlton, and Timothy Robbins, int. Feb. 16, 1788.
Silance [int. Silence] of Medfield, and Joshua [sic, John] Turner [int. John Tumor], Dec. 10, 1750, in Medfield.
Silvia and Joseph L. Reynolds of Monson, July 12, 1824.
Thankfull and Stephen Newell, int. Aug. 7, 1786.
Thomas and Tryphena Walton [dup. Walton], int. July 7, 1794.
Timothy and Hannah Pike, Dec. 3, 1778.
Willard of Palmer, and Mary Doolittle [int. Deulittle], Aug. 9, 1809. [Williard, C.R.1.]
Zechariah [int. Zachariah] and Mary Mason, wid., June 3, 1782.
Zubah of Brookfield, and Joseph Walker Jr. of Brookfield, Mar. 23, 1798.
Lois [of] Belchertown, and Abraham R. Murdock, int. Aug. 19, 1814.
Joseph and Susaane Jonson [Johnson, dup. and dup. int. Susanna Johnson, int. Susanah], Feb. 12, 1756. [Sollace, and Susannah Johnson, C.R.1.]
Susanna, wid., and Eliphelet [dup. and dup. int. Eliphalet, int. Eliphelit] Allen, July 17 [int. Aug. 20, sic], 1764.
SOUTHGATE (see Sathgate)
Judah of Leicester, and Susanna Taylor, May 27, 1798.
SPAULDING (see Spelding).
Elizabeth [int. adds wid.] of Spencer, and Joseph Pierce [int. Peirce], Dec. 17, 1789, in Spencer.
Nabby [int. Spaulding] of Charlton, and Aaron Stockwell, Aug. 29, 1799.
Eliza and William Remington, July 4, 1833.
Eliza of Southbridge, and Edwin Reynolds, int. Nov. 27, 1846.
Mahitable [int. Mehitabel] and Dyer Freeman of Webster [int. of Dudley], Apr. 3, 1832.
Martin Jr. and Hannah Child of Thompson, int. Mar. 20, 1794.
Matilda and Lewis Harwood, Feb. 20, 1823.
Nancy of Southbridge, and Edward B. Knapp, int. Oct. 16, 1827.
Thomas [of] Cincinnati, O., and Sarah L. [int. omits L.] Leonard, Sept. 5, 1842.
Ephraim [int. adds M.] of Leicester, and Patia Rice, May 21, 1838.
Abigail [dup. int Abagall] Jr., wid., and Rowland [dup. Roland] Taylor [dup. int. Roland Tayler], Aug. 8, 1765. [Stacey, C.R.1.]
Abigail, wid, and David Smith, Apr. 19, 1768.
Abigail and Oliver Smith, Apr. 26, 1773.
Caleb [dup. Shaw] and Abigail Bond, June 6, 1751.
Isaac and Eliezibath [dup. Elizabeth] Bond, int. June 9, 1754.
John Jr. [dup. int. omits Jr.] and Abigail Allen [int. Abegail Allin], Nov. 1, 1743.
Mark and Prudence Allen, int June 17, 1770.
Mary and John Blanchard, June 29, 1768.
Phebe and Jason Morse, Mar. 16, 1759.
Prudence and Elienai Robbins, May 4, 1782.
Sarah [dup. Stacey] and Elijah Marcy, Feb. 19, 1754. [Elijah Morey, C.R.1.]
Sarah, wid., and Joseph Morse, Oct. 20, 1762. [Oct 27, C.R.1.]
Sarah [int. Sary] and Peter Belknap [dup. and dup. int. Belnap], Jan. 25, 1770.
Zillah and Solomon Lee, int. May 2, 1774.
Robert [int. Staunton Jr.] of Monson, and Marsene [int. Masena] Upham, Dec. 6, 1810.
Milton and Lucinda Hasset [int. Hassettl Nov. 22, 1829.
STEARNS (see Sterns)
Asahel [dup. Sterns] and Captivity Smith, int. Dec. 22, 1783.
Nathan A., 21, harness maker, of Southbridge, s. Nathan and Susan, and Merinda [int. adds C.] Woodard, 17, d. Tilly and Merinda, Oct. 23, 1846. [Merinda C. Woodward, C.R.1.]
Orrin O. and Nancy C. Valentine of Cambridge, int. Aug. 21, 1837.
Orin T., shoemaker, of N. Brookfield, and Ruth S. Ainsworth, d. Jabez and w., Apr. 19, 1848. [Orrin F., C.R.1.]
STEDMAN (see Stedmen)
Beman and Lucinda Tiffany, Aug. 16, 1813.
Hannah, wid, and Dea. Job Hamant, Oct. 14, 1796.
Joseph of Charlton, and Matilda Clark, Oct. 19, 1806.
STEDMEN (see Stedman)
Lemuel [int. Stedman] and Hannah May, Nov. 23, 1819.
STEPHENS (see Stevens)
Mary of Brookfield, and Horace Hamant, int. June 7, 1830.
Sally, wid., of N. Providence, R.I., and Reuben Ammidown, int. Apr. 11, 1794.
STERNS (see Stearns)
Reuben [dup. and dup. int. Stearns] and Mehitabel [dup. and dup. int. Mehetable] Hamant, wid. [int. omits wid.], Apr. 24, 1777.
STETSON (see Stutson)
Hervey of Charlton, and Augusta Lamb, Mar. 29, 1818.
Samuel of Charlton, and Caroline Boyden, Dec. 2, 1818.
STEVENS (see Stephens)
Polly and David McFarling, Sept. 24, 1801.
Reuben and Nabby Richardson [of] Brookfield, int. Feb. 3, 1803.
Sally and Stephen Lyon of Holland, Nov. 29, 1804.
Tyler [int. Stephens] and Polly Richardson, May 27, 1795.
Silas of S. Brimfield, and Polly Bunn, int. Nov. 8, 1802.
Aaron and Nabby Spelding [int. Spaulding] of Charlton, Aug. 29, 1799.
Absalom Jr. and Lucina Ladd, May 10, 1837.
Hepziba [int. Hepsibah] and Wareham Tuller [int. Fuller] of Collinsville [int. of Canton], Conn., Dec. 22, 1836. [Fuller of Collingsville, Conn., C.R.1.]
Lucy M., 30, d. Absalom and Hephsebeth, and Larkin N. Howard, 30, farmer, s. Daniel and Lidia, Apr. 6, 1846. [Larken N., Apr. 2, C.R.1.]
Betsy [of] Brookfield, and Foster Newton, int. Oct. 12, 1805.
John [int. of Brookfield] and Sukey Rockwood, Aug. 24, 1800.
Lydia and Jotham Newton [int. Jr.], July 20, 1800.
Roswell and Joanna Lawton, Jan. 25, 1807.
Bassum and Rhoda Simpson, Dec. 17, 1799.
Betsey and Edmund R. Eddy of Charlton, int. Sept. 16, 1837.
Chester and Nancy Vinton of Cornish, Vt., int. Aug. 14, 1818.
George S. and Mary A. Lumbard of Brimfield, int. Apr. 12, 1849.
Horace and Maria Rockwell int. Oct. 17, 1844.
Josiah of Cornish, and Hannah Weld, int. Dec. 30, 1776.
Jotham of Hubbardston, and Sylvia [int. Silvia] Roper, Apr. 26, 1838.
Levi and Sophia Guild of Woodstock, Conn., int. Mar. 19, 1831.
Lucinda of Dudley, and Moses Bracket Jr. of Dudley, Sept. 10, 1815.
Mary of Watertown, and Henry Fiske of New Medfield, Jan. 10, 1737, in New Medfield.
Mary of Woodstock, and Nathaniel Smith, Nov. 28, 1771.
Moses of Charlton, and Elizabeth Weld, Mar. 29, 1793.
Perley Jr. and Abigail Wallis, wid. [of] Monson, int. Jan. 9, 1818.
Rachel and Ezekiel Robbins, int. Nov. 22, 1793.
Russel and Sylva Streeter, Apr. 14, 1824. P.R.1.
Samuel and Maryan [dup. Maryann] Paul of Union, int. Sept. 22, 1783.
Sarah A. of Charlton, and Erastus Winslow of Spencer, Apr. 13, 1836. [Sarah F., C.R.1.]
Thomas and Rachel Marsh, int. Aug. 15, 1774.
STOREY (see Story)
Dille [of] Munson, and Peter Symonds, negroes, int. Feb. 18, 1798.
STORY (see Storey)
Elisha of Monson, and Polley Walley, int. Dec. 27, 1809.
Sally [int. Salley] [of] Charlton, and Job Hamant Jr., Sept. 30, 1793.
STOWELE (see Stowell)
Sarah [dup. Stole] and David Curtis, int. June 16, 1744.
STOWELL (see Stowele)
Luther [of] Woodstock, and Lucy Richardson, Mar. 12, 1796.
Maria [int. Mariah Stoel] and Judson F. Cooper, Aug. 26, 1833.
Nabby of Holland, and Lemuel Coburn, int. Jan. 9, 1805.
STREETER (see Streetor)
Alvin and ---- ----, Dec. 25, 1827. P.R.1.
Cloe [dup. Chloe] and Joshua Mason, int. Feb. 5, 1791.
Comfort and Daniell [dup. and dup. int. Daniel] Streeter of Cummingston [int. Cummington], May 6, 1783.
Daniel and Mary Jons [dup. Jones], Apr. 16, 1761.
Daniell [dup. and dup. int. Daniel] of Cummingston [int. Cummington], and Comfort Streeter, May 6, 1783.
Deliverance and Jeremiah Crosby [dup. Crosbie], Oct. 8, 1792.
Experience [int. Experence] of Charlton, and David Allen, Mar. 10, 1763, in Charlton.
Finila of Southbridge, and Joseph L. Davis of Montville, Conn., Oct. 24, 1838.
Hannah and Martin Ainsworth of Brookfield, int. Oct. 31, 1763.
John and Kezia Morse, Feb. 12, 1766. [Keziah, C.R.1.]
John and Anna Robinson [dup. Robbinson] of Charlton, int. Aug. 31, 1771.
John and Rebeckah [int. Rebecca] Fisk, Feb. 10, 1795.
Nathan and Azubah Gibbs, int. Mar. 23, 1799.
Nathaniel and Sarah Dix, Aug. 9, 1777.
Rebecah [dup. Rebeckah, int. Rebecca] and Simeon Mason, Apr. 14 [int. May 18, sic], 1780.
Rebeckah [dup. Rebecca] of Charlton, and John Blunt, Oct. 18, 1760.
Ruth and Jesse Carpenter of Wilbraham, int. Apr. 5, 1773.
Samuel [int. Streetor] of Charlton [dup. and int. of Oxford], and Joanna Morse, May 9, 1753.
Samuel [int. Jr.] and Cathsheba [Bathsheba] [int. Barsheba] Barton of Charlton, July 28, 1779, in Charlton.
Simeon M. and Oral Lyon, Sept. 7, 1823.
Sylva and Russel Stone, Apr. 14, 1824. P.R.1.
STREETOR (see Streeter)
Jeremiah and Eunice Rice, Apr. 28, 1742. [Streeter, C.R.1.]
James of Palmer, and Angline M. Fay, int. Nov. 17, 1847.
David, farmer, of Stafford, Conn., b. Stafford, and Harriet Plimpton, d. Jephthah, May 9, 1849. [Harriot, C.R.1.]
Tryphena of Union, and Aaron Allen Jr., int. Feb. 23, 1809.
STUTSON (see Stetson)
Nancy and Simeon Hooker, Jan. 9, 1810. [Studson, C.R.1.]
Hannah of Woodstock, and Isaac Upham Jr., int. Mar. 23, 1799.
Elizabeth H. of Boston, and Cyrus Merrick, int. Sept. 26, 1828.
SYMONDS (see Simmonds, Simmons, Simons)
Alice of Mansfield, and Jacob Shepherd Jr., int. Dec. 4, 1803.
Louisa of Mansfield, and Asa Robbins, int. Nov. 6, 1796.
Luther and Asenath Lamb, Jan. 19, 1806.
Peter and Dille Storey [of] Munson, negroes, int. Feb. 18, 1798.
Philena of Hardwick, and Robert Parker of Hardwick, negroes, Aug. 29, 1811.
Priscilla and Asaph Richards, May 28, 1838.
Benjamin [int. Talbert] of Killingly, and Philadelphia Jewell, Nov. 26, 1801.
TARBEL (see Tarbell, Tarbil, Tarbill)
Elijah Jr. and Sally Richardson, int. Sept. 30, 1797.
Francis [sic] [dup. and int. Frances, int. Tarbell] and Timothy Johnson, Mar. [dup. May] 7, 1792.
Sally and Jabez Harding Jr., Nov. 27, 1791.
TARBELL (see Tarbel, Tarbil, Tarbill)
Elijah Jr. and Submit Richardson, int. Feb. 25, 1799.
Huldah and Penuel Cheney, Apr. 15, 1802.
TARBIL (see Tarbel, Tarbell, Tarbill)
Elijah [dup. and dup. int. Tarbel] and Hannah Upham, Sept. 27, 1775.
Francis [sic] [dup. and dup. int. Frances Tarbell, int. Tarbill] and Silas Hooker, Apr. 13, 1769.
Jerusha [dup. and dup. int. Tarbel, int. Tarbill] and Abel Allen, May 9, 1765. [Tarbel, C.R.1.]
John [dup. and dup. int. Tarbel, int. Tarbill] Jr. and Susanna Hobbs, Dec. 9, 1779.
TARBILL (see Tarbel, Tarbell, Tarbil)
Esther [dup. and dup. int. Tarbel] and Malachi [dup. Malichi] Ewell, June 7, 1781.
John [dup. Tarbel] Jr. and Huldah Lee, int. abt. Apr. 28 [dup. Apr. 28], 1766.
Abigail, wid., and Benjamin Furnoss of Shrusbury [dup. and dup. int. Furnace of Shrewsbury, int. Furnass of Shrewsbury], Sept. 1, 1766.
Avry P. and Ann Day [of] Western, int. May 25, 1823.
David and Mary Fiske, Aug. 19, 1804.
David and Betsey Eddy of Millbury, int. Apr. 19, 1833.
Edna and Moses Plimpton [of] Southbridge, Nov. 22, 1821.
Rowland [dup. Roland, dup. int. Roland Taylor] and Abigail [dup. int. Abagail] Stacy Jr., wid., Aug. 8, 1765. [Stacey, C.R.1.]
Susanna and Judah Southgate of Leicester, May 27, 1798.
James M., 21, farmer, s. John and Susan, and Alance S. [int. Alace P.] Sanger, 20, b. Woodstock, d. Rebecca C., Aug. 7, 1849.
Maria [int. Mariah] and Shepard Whittemore, Dec. 29, 1823.
Sally and Ebenezer Barrett [dup. int. Barret], Nov. 24, 1796.
Ira of Amherst, and Lucinda Corey, May 24, 1836.
Abigail [int. Tommos, dup. int. Tommas] and Benjamin Wiser, June 25, 1767.
THOMPSON (see Thomson)
Anna, wid. [int. Anne, omits wid.], and Samuell Mitchel [int. Samuel Mitchell], Sept. 4, 1793, in Warren.
Grace of Monson, and Emerson Lumbard, int. Mar. 19, 1842.
Joel of Brimfield, and Thena Allen, June 2, 1813.
Luther of Fitchwilliam, and Melani [dup. Melanci] Shaw, int. Oct. 1, 1796.
Sarah of Brimfield, and Abraham Charles of Brimfield, May 3, 1837.
Sibbel and Eli Holbrook, int. Nov. 16, 1772.
Silas N. of Holland, and Hitte McIntier, int. Mar. 3, 1823.
THOMSON (see Thompson)
Pardon [int. Thompson] and Calista Allen, May 24, 1814.
Elisabeth K. and Franklin D. Hall of Hartford, Conn., int. Sept. 5, 1834.
Jonathan and Experience Chamberlain of Woodstock, int. Nov. 29, 1807.
Lucinda and Beman Stedman, Aug. 16, 1813.
Palmer C., Capt. [int. omits Capt.], of Southbridge, and Elisa [int. Eliza] Cheney, Jan. 1, 1835. [Eliza, C.R.1.]
Betsey T. of Enfield, and Silas W. Shumway, int. Oct. 9, 1846.
TOURTELLOTT (see Tourtelott, Turtliot)
Adaline of Union, Conn., and Dwight B. Whittemore, int. Dec. 17, 1836.
Smith [of Union, Conn.] and Elisabeth L. Perrin, int. Mar. 12, 1836.
TOURTELOTT (see Tourtellott, Turtliot)
Marcia and Smith Tourtelott of Union, Conn., int. Aug. 20, 1840.
Smith of Union, Conn., and Marcia Tourtelott, int. Aug. 20, 1840.
Sarah A. and Daniel F. Wolcott, int. Dec. 26, 1845.
TOWN (see Towne)
Benjamin Jr. and Martha Hitchcock, wid., of Brimfield, int. Jan. 3, 1774.
Eunice and Asa Dana [int. Dena], June 9, 1777.
Faustina [int. Faustana] and Dwight Morse, May 30, 1827.
Jacob [dup. Towne] of Weathersfield, and Jerusha Harding, int. July 23, 1787.
Persis and Russell [int. Rusel] Davis, Apr. 10, 1825.
Susanna [dup. and dup. int. Towne] and Josiah Hicks of Weathersfield, Vt. [dup. and dup. int. omit Vt.], Dec. 8, 1784.
TOWNE (see Town)
Elijah and Miriam Lane, Aug. 19, 1801.
Joseph and Mary Ellis, June 28, 1780.
Mary and George Bennit [dup. and dup. int. Bennet], Oct. 15, 1777.
Miriam and Luther Hitchcock of Brimfield, int. Mar. 27, 1780.
Solomon and Betsey [dup. and int. Betsy] Dix, Apr. 27, 1798.
Ruth of Brimfield, and Solomon Shumway, int. Oct. 24, 1768.
Samuel of Leicester [int. and dup. int. [of] Sutton], and Alice [int. Allis] Perry [dup. Perrey], Nov. 15, 1798.
John [int. Trussdell] of Woodstock, Conn. [int. omits Conn.], and Sophia Baylis, Sept. 4, 1808. [Trusdell, m. Sept. 1, C.R.1.]
TRUMBUL (see Trumbull)
Nathan of Monson, and Percis Pepper of Monson, Dec. 26, 1816.
TRUMBULL (see Trumbul)
Eunice and Pearly Dunton, Dec. 1, 1829.
Joel and Lomene Keep of Monson, int. Aug. 24, 1811.
Joseph of Brookfield, and Content Brayton, May 27, 1824.
Mary Ann of Brookfield, and Edward K. Pellet, int. June 13, 1845.
Edward Clark and Anna [dup. Ama, int. Aime] Pile, Sept. 30, 1794.
Edward Clark, Rev., and Lucy Davis of Charlton, int. Mar. 7, 1808.
Experience and Columbus Rice of Brookfield, Nov. 28, 1821.
Joshua [sic, John] [int. John Tumor] and Silance [int. Silence] Smith of Medfield, Dec. 10, 1750, in Medfield.
Mary and Caleb Weld Jr., Apr. 21, 1822.
Peggy and Jonas Pike of Windham, Conn., May 30, 1804.
TURTLIOT (see Tourtellott, Tourtelott)
Phebe of Southbridge, and Pearly Laflin, int. May 17, 1823.
Stephen of Seekonk, and Eliza Googgins of Oxford, June 8, 1823. C.R.1.
TWICHEL (see Twitchel, Twitchell)
Jermiah [int. Jeremiah Twichell, dup. int. Twitchel] and Rhoda Clark, Sept. 4, 1766. [Jeremiah Twitchel and Rada Clark, C.R.1.
TWITCHELL (see Twichel, Twitchell)
Otis [int Twichell] of Brookfield, and Sarah W. Morris [int. Morriss], May 7, 1834. [Twitchell, C.R.1.]
TWITCHELL (see Twichel, Twitchel)
Emmons [int. Twichell] of Brookfield, and Adaline Wight, Jan. 6, 1335. [Twitchel, C.R.1.]
Ruth of Werstom [dup. Western], and Jonathan Bond, int. Jan. 20, 1759.
Kingsley and Elisabeth Allin [dup. Elizabeth Allen], int. Apr. 12, 1793.
Mary Ann of Wales, and Benjamin H. Pierce, int. Mar. 12, 1846.
Nehemiah and Annah [dup. Anna] Marcy of Woodstock, int. Jan. 14, 1743-4.
Abigail and Ephraim Wight [int. Epherham Wite], Dec. 21, 1752.
Alonzo and Martha S. Walker, int Oct. 15, 1844. [m. Nov. 20, C.R.1.
Amarillys and Walter Shumway, int. Feb. 10, 1821.
Amos and Sarah Ann Buxton, Aug. 3, 1836.
Asa and Lydia [int. Lidah] Parce [dup. and dup. int. Pierce], Dec. 10, 1761. [Lydya Pierce, C.R.1.]
Betsy and Joel Clemmons of Charlton, Nov. 30, 1803. [Clemence, C.R.1.]
Clarissa [int. Clarisa] and Jonathan Winslow Jr. [of] Charlton, Sept. 15, 1810.
Damaris [int. Damarius] and Amos Morse of Brookfield, Apr. 26, 1804.
Ephraim Jr. of Dudley, and Elizabeth A. Bruce, Jan. 1, 1840. [of Dudley, C.R.1.]
Esther [int. Ester] and Jared Blood of Charlton, May 5, 1785.
Esther and Willard Nichold, int. Jan. 31, 1813.
Fanny and Aurea Lumbard, May 17, 1838.
George of Brookfield, and Patty Bellows, May 26, 1814.
Hannah and Elijah Tarbil [dup. and dup. int. Tarbel], Sept. 27, 1775.
Hannah and Walter Shumway, Apr. 20, 1817.
Harriet and Horace Cutting, Dec. 25, 1831.
Horace and Mary Upham, Apr. 21, 1841.
Howard of Belchertown, and Cynthia F. [int. omits F.], child, Oct 6, 1836.
Hutchins P. [int. Patten] and Susan G. [int. Gill] Pease, Mar. 28, 1818 [int. Feb. 18, 1819, sic].
Isaac [int. Uphaam] and Hephsibah [dup. and dup. int. Hepzibah, int. Hephzibah] Shapley, Oct. 10, 1769.
Isaac Jr. and Hannah Sumner of Woodstock, int. Mar. 23, 1799.
Jacob and Lucy Nichols, int. Oct. 10, 1813.
Jesse and Polly Pratt of Brookfield, Jan. 27, 1795, in Brookfield.
Jonathan Jr. and Sarah Upham, Aug. 23, 1782.
Leonard and Abigail Weld [dup. int. Wild] of Charlton, June 12, 1788, in Charlton.
Lucretia [dup. int. Lucreatia] and Willard Wood, May 1, 1792.
Lucy A. [int. omits A.], 20, d. Jacob, and Benjamin C. [int. D.] Weld, 24, carrige maker, s. Benjamin D., Oct. 26, 1847. [Benjamin D., C.R.1.]
Lucy Ann of Brimfield, and John W. Draper, int. Nov. 7, 1846. [m. Nov. 26, C.R.1.]
Lydia and William Benson, Aug. 24 [int. Nov. 5, sic], 1842.
Marcy and Benjamin [dup. int. Binjamin] Hobbs, Mar. 2, 1786.
Maria R. [int. Mariah, omits R.] and Silas M. Freeman of Sutton, Mar. 27, 1831.
Mariah of Brimfield, and Horace Allen, int. Oct. 23, 1830.
Mariah [int. Maria] T. and Henry J. Lyman of Palmer, Jan. 5, 1842. [Maria T., C.R.1.]
Marsene [int. Masena] and Robert Stanton [int. Staunton Jr.] of Monson, Dec. 6, 1810.
Mary and Horace Upham, Apr. 21, 1841.
Mary and Benjamin H. Pierce, Oct. 26, 1842.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Metilda [int. Matilda] and Ephraim Wheelock, Oct. 6, 1799.
Nathan and Rhoda Fisher of Needham, Nov. 11, 1784, in Needham.
Nathaniel and Sarah Bemus [dup. Bemis], Jan. 4, 1775.
Nathaniel and Betsey Bullard, Sept. 15, 1840, in Charlton.
Polly and Samuel Hobbs Jr., int. June 28, 1813.
Rebeckah [int. Reebecca], wid. [dup. omits wid.], and Isaac Bliss of Western, Sept. 8 [dup. Apr. 8, sic], 1798.
Ruth and Charles Dugar Jr. [of] Charlton, June 19, 1796.
Sally and William Olds Jr. of Brookfield, June 5, 1806.
Sarah and Jonathan Upham Jr., Aug. 23, 1782.
Sarah C. and Melvin Allen of Southbridge, May 2, 1830.
Thomas and Mehetable [dup. Mehetable] Newell, Feb. 14, 1794.
William Jr. and Mariah Whittemore, int. [Mar.] 19, 1842.
Williim and Mrs. Mira Howard of Brookfield, int. Aug. 4, 1847.
William H. and [Maria] Lane, int. Sept. 19, 1845.
Zeviah A. and Wyman Nichols, Sept 19, 1837. [Zerviah Alone, C.R.1.]
John W. of Brimfield, and Melenda Rice of Brookfield, Nov. 9, 1831.
Nancy C. of Cambridge, and Orrin O. Stearns, int. Aug. 21, 1837.
Adaline, 33, d. Daniel and Huldah, and Charles Nye, 35, farmer, of Dudley, b. Dudley, s. Nathan and Lydia of Dudley, Sept. 19, 1849.
Calvin Jr. of Southbridge, and Rachel R. Butterworth, Nov. 28, 1839.
Chloe of Dudley, and Joseph Barrett [int. Jr.], Mar. 3, 1799.
Henry, 23, spinner, s. Porter and Zilpah, and Emily Walcott, 20, d. Bradford and Elizabeth, June 2, 1846.
Jemima of Dudley, and Eleazer Putney of Dudley, Jan. 1, 1799.
Joseph of Dudley, and Doritny Marcy, int. Feb. 2, 1805.
Leonard of Dudley, and Adelaid [int. Adalaid] E. Sisson, Apr. 14, 1823.
Lucretia [dup. Lucretia] and Timothy Vinton of Dudley, Mar. 23, 1820 [dup. 1819, sic].
Lyman [int. Liman] of Dudley, and Lois Leach [dup. int. Leech], Sept. 28, 1794, in Dudley.
Marcus of Dudley, and Ruth C. Davis, int. May 3, 1839.
Mary S. of Cornish, N.H., and Stephen Newell Jr., int. Sept. 27, 1829.
Nancy of Cornish, Vt., and Chester Stone, int. Aug. 14, 1818.
Patty and John Cox Butterworth, July 31, 1814
Polly of Dudley, and Winthrop Dyer [int. Dyar], May 30, 1798.
Rhoda [int. Rhody] and John Howard Davis, Jan. 1, 1815.
Timothy of Dudley, and Lucretia [dup. Lucritia] Vinton, Mar. 23, 1820 [dup. 1819, sic].
Hannah of Brookfield, and Elijah Burpee, Nov. 27, 1783, in Brookfield.
Hiram and Henriette [int. Henryetta] Richardson, int. Feb. 6, 1829 [dup. [rec. after Dec. 5], 1830].
Sephronia and James H. H. Gifford, int. Sept. 27, 1832.
Thomas and Mehitable [int. Mehitabel] Grigs [dup. and dup. int. Mehetable Griggs], Oct. 26, 1781.
WALACE (see Wallace, Wallis)
Mariah L. [int. Maria Louisa Wallace] and John Coburn of Wales, Oct. 10, 1841. [Maria L. Wallace, C.R.1.]
WALCOT (see Walcott, Wilcot, Wilcott, Wolcott)
James of Woodstock, and Betty Bradford, int. Dec. 28, 1778.
WALCOTT (see Walcot, Wilcot, Wilcott, Wolcott)
Emily, 20, d. Bradford and Elizabeth, and Henry Vinton, 23, spinner, s. Porter and Zilpah, June 2, 1846.
James [int. Jr.] of Charlton, and Mrs. Lucretia Bostwick [int. wid, omits Mrs.], May 7, 1812.
Danil of Pomfrett [dup. Daniel of Pomfret], and Matilda King of Brookfield, May 17, 1780.
Gideon of Union, and Betsey Allen, int. Sept. 17, 1800.
Amanda of Milbury, and Caleb Nichols, int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Amma and Cheney [int. Cheny] Olds of Brookfield, Sept. 11, 1817.
Asa and Prudence Bond, Jan. 10, 1765.
Betsy [int. Betsey] and Amasa Burlingame, May 20, 1804.
Braddy and Sarah Blanchard, Jan. 3, 1808.
Bulah [dup. and dup. int. Beulah] and Elijah White [int. Whight], Aug. 10, 1773.
Chester and Sarah Hamant, Nov. 5, 1828.
Clarrinda mint Clarinda] and James Bachelder [int. Bachelor], Sept. 7, 1835. [Clarinda and James Bacheldor, C.R.1.]
Deborah, wid., of Brookfield, and Abner Allen, int. Oct. 15, 1803.
Edward and Eunice Bliss of Werston [dup. Western], int. Feb. 3, 1782.
Edwin and Mary Hathaway of Charlton, int. Apr. 4, 1835.
Elisabeth and Benjamin Rice of Brookfield, Nov. 27, 1834. [Elizabeth, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth and Justus Davis, Sept. 10, 1807.
Evelina and Henry Plimpton, int. Mar. 3, 1832. [Evelina Walker, d. Nathaniel, and Hervy Plimpton, m. Apr. 10, C.R.1.]
Ezekiel of Brookfield, and Chloe Works [int. Work, adds wid.], Oct. 25, 1804.
Hepzibah and Willard Allen, Apr. 4, 1789.
Horatio, widr., 65, farmer, of N. Brookfield, s. Phinehas, and Augusta Gay, wid., 53, of Brookfield, d. Joshua [Hyde] and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1848. [Augusta H. Gay of S. Brookfield, C.R.1.]
James [int. Jeames of Col. Spring, dup. int. Coldspring] and Ester Shumaway [dup. and dup. int. Esther Shumway, int. Sumaway], June 1, 1757. [Esther Shumway, C.R.1.]
James and Elects Fesenton [int. Fezenton], Nov. 29, 1842.
Jerusha and Edward Morriss Jr. of Charlton, Mar. 21, 1811.
Jerusha, wid, and William Johnson of Westborough, int. Mar. 4, 1813.
Jerusha, Mrs., and Dea. Daniel Morse [int. Lt. Daniel Marse] of Southbridge, Dec. 24, 1817.
Jesuran [dup. and dup. int. Jeshurun] of Townsend [int. Jesurun of Townshend], and Lydia [int. Liddia, dup. int. Lyddia] Holbrook, Feb. 4, 1781.
Joseph Jr. of Brookfield, and Zubah Smith of Brookfield, Mar. 23, 1798.
Julia and William Rice Jr. of Brookfield, int. Mar. 29, 1833. [m. Apr. 25, C.R.1.]
Louisa [int. adds Mrs.] and Oliver B. Wight of Waltham, Sept. 21, 1823.
Lucinda and Hezekiah Allen, Nov. 8, 1804.
Lucy and Comfort [int. Coumfort] Freeman, May 4, 1771.
Lucy H. and William R. Hemmenway of Douglass [int. Hemenway of Douglas,] Nov. 27, 1834.
Maria [int. Marsha] and Lewis Cawls, Jan. 2, 1831.
Martha S. and Alonzo Upham, int. Oct. 15, 1844. [m. Nov. 20, C.R.1.]
Mary and Samuel Richardson [int. Jr.] of Brookfield, Apr. 23, 1767.
Mary and Abiathar Lillie, Apr. 29, 1791.
Mary and Cromwell Bullard, Mar. ---- [int. Mar. 3], 1827.
Matilda of Woodstock, and Dr. Jacob Cory [dup. Corey], int. Nov. 15, 1779.
Nathaniel Jr. and Elizabeth Hooker, May 16, 1805.
Nathaniel and Hannah Bliss of Warren, int. Oct. 27, 1837.
Nathaniel [dup. and dup. int. Nathaniel Jr., int. Nathenel] and Bassmath Hammant [dup. and dup. int. Basmith Hamant, int. Basmath Hammont], Oct. 2, 1760.
Obed and Asenath Hammant [dup. and int. Hamant], Mar. 4, 1793.
Obed and Zervah [int. Zerviah] Allen, Apr. 9, 1829.
Obed and Sarah Adams of Brookfield, int. Apr. 19, 1833.
Olive and Amasa Burlingame [int. Burlingame], Apr. 15, 1802.
Parma, 19, d. Newman Jr. and Betsey, and Ephraim W. Bartlett, 23, weaver, s. Henry and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1849.
Perez and Mary Child, int. Mar. 23, 1799.
Phinehas Jr. and Lucy Allen, Sept. 10, 1801.
Sally of Woodstock, and Enoch Bacon, int. Sept. 13, 1806.
Sarah L., 25, d. Braddy and Sarah, and Charles D. Mason, widr. [int. omits widr.], 37, shoemaker, s. Elias and Matilda, Sept. 2, 1847.
Seth and Sally Fay, Oct. 16, 1834.
Violet and Eleazer Hebard Jr., Mar. 3, 1803.
Winsor of Brookfield, and Emily H. [int. omits H.] Bates, Dec. 2, 1835.
WALLACE (see Walace, Wallis)
Elizabeth of Holland, and Zenas Dunton, int. Aug. 17, 1804.
Thomas P. [int. Pownal] of Holland, and Kezia Hamant, Mar. 12, 1807. [Wallis, and Keziah Hamant, C.R.1.]
Polley and Elisha Story of Monson, int. Dec. 27, 1809.
WALLIS (see Walace, Wallace)
Abigail, wid., [of] Monson, and Perley Stone Jr., int. Jan. 9, 1818.
Freeland O. and Josephine M. Westgate, int. Sept. 6, 1845.
John of Holland, and Lucy Shumway, June 3, 1823.
Laura of Monson, and Dr. Calvin P. Fiske, int. Apr. 25, 1835. [m. Dec. 27, P.R.1.]
Rinaldo [int. Rynaldo] of Holland, and Sally Brooks, Mar. 20 [int. Apr. 20, sic], 1793, in Holland.
Sumner of Monson, and Mary Jane Devereaux [int Devereau], Apr. 2, 1834.
---- of Holland, and Dwight P. Johnson, int. May 12, 1845.
Tryphena (see Tryphena Watton).
Artemas of Charlton, and Hannah Perry, Jan. 17, 1789.
Bathsheba [int. Bathshebe, dup. int. Basheba] of Charlton, and Jonathan Perry [int. Perrey], Nov. 10, 1785, in Charlton.
Hammond and Lorinda Lathe of Charlton, int. Mar. 23, 1822.
Hezekiah of New Medfield, and Sarah Green of Leicester, Oct. 13, 1737, in Leicester.
James [dup. int. Francis] and Naomi Blunt, Jan. 12, 1758. [Wood, C.R.1.]
Ruth of Charlton, and Rufus Dodge, int. May 6, 1837.
Samuel, Capt., of Charlton, and Polly Smith, Feb. 23, 1817.
Sarah B. of Western, and Benjamin. H. Williams, int Oct. 28, 1826.
Harriet E. and Daniel Benson, int. Sept. 21, 1849.
Lois and Oliver Morse, int. Nov. 15, 1788.
WARK (see Works)
Samuel [dup. and dup. int. Work] and Sarah Doge [dup. and dup. int. Dodge] of Brookfield, Dec. 24, 1781.
Isaac and Beulah Hobbs of Brookfield, Dec. 9, 1772, in Brookfield.
Jane W., 22, d. Otis and Clementina, and Calvin [int. adds C.] Webster, 22, trader, of Concord, N.H., b. Concord, N.H., s. Josiah and Mary L. of Concord, N.H., Dec. 1, 1849. [Calvin C., Dec. 10, C.R.1.]
Maria and George Watkins, Jan. 30, 1820.
Otis [int. adds Lt.] and Clementina [int. Clementine] Watkins, Nov. 1, 1826.
Roswell and Mary Holt [int. Scott] Gibson of Hopkinton, Jan. 3, 1799, in Hopkinton.
Sally [dup. int. Worner] and Walter Morris, Nov. 18, 1798.
William L., widr. [int. omits widr.], tanner, of New London, Conn., and Harriet [int adds P.] Nichols, d. Liberty (Nickols), July 5, 1848. [Harriet P., July 5, 1847, C.R.1.]
WARREN (see Warrin, Worrian)
Molly [int. Warrin] and John Heaton [dup. and dup. int. Eaton], Dec. 19, 1776.
Philemon [dup. Philemon] and Hannah Johnson, Apr. 21, 1791.
Prudence [int. Worrin, adds Mrs.] of Weston, [dup. int. Western], and Thaddeus Bond, Apr. 11, 1745, in Weston.
Rhoda and Benoni Moon [dup. Moone] of Little Hoosuck, int. May 21, 1787.
WARRRIN (see Warren, Worrin)
John [dup. Warren] and Abigail Eaton of Ashford, int. Mar. 30, 1778.
Stephen and Mary Hooker, June 11, 1777.
David [of] S. Orange, and Nancy E. Ainsworth, May 4, 1842.
Seth Jr. of Liecester, and Susanna Rood, int. Mar. 29, 1772.
Clementina [int. Clementine] and [int. adds Lt.] Otis Warner, Nov. 1, 1826.
George and Hannah Hobbs of Brookfield, Feb. 26, 1776, in Brookfield.
George and Maria Warner, Jan. 30, 1820.
Mary Ann and Ezikiel [int. Ezekiel] Mayo, Dec. 29, 1822.
Mary Ann and Eaton Hitchcock, int. Feb. 2, 1832. [Mary Eliza, d. Capt. Watkins, m. Feb. 21, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Eliphaled [dup. and int. Eliphalet] Patee, Oct. 3, 1774.
Sephronia [int. Sophronia] and Seneca Richardson, Feb. 16, 1823. [Sophronia, d. Gardner, and Senica Richardson,C.R.1.]
Sylvester and Azubah Corey, int. Jan. 28, 1805. [Sylvesta, m. Mar. 3, C.R.1.]
Vine [of] Ashford, and Sally Alexander, July 29, 1795.
Amos and Matilda Bliss of Brimfield, int. Mar. 14, 1806.
John, Col., of Princeton, and Thankfull Sanders, wid., Aug. 27, 1801. [Mrs. Thankful, C.R.1.]
Tryphena [dup. Walton] and Thomas Smith, int. July 7, 1794.
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] "of the Union", and Richard Demon, "man Servant of the wid., Abigail Taylor," int. July 28, 1766.
Samuel [dup. and int. Weatherby] and Abigail Eddy [int. of Woodstock], Nov. 18, 1794.
James and Caroline Pease of Wilbraham, int. Mar. 9, 1839.
Abigail of Holland, and Calvin Morse, int. Dec. 15, 1805.
Abner and Lucy Pike, Dec. 12, 1810.
Asaph and Hannah Green, int. Mar 13, 1819.
Bradley of Holland, and Sibbel Allen, Apr. 10, 1794, in Holland.
Cyrus of Brookfield, and Betsey Whittemore, int. Oct. 5, 1839.
Elisha of Holland. and Polly Parker, Aug 1, 1802.
Francis and Elizabeth Pike, Dec. 23, 1804.
Oren of Brimfield, and Relief Hovey, Mar. 28, 1838.
Oren of Brookfield, and Cylenda M. Bowen, Apr. 3, 1842.
Sarah (see Sarah Webster).
Sewel of Holland, and Hannah MacNeal [dup. McNeal], int. Feb. 23, 1787.
Sophronia and Alfred Roper, Apr. 15, 1840.
Andrew and Sibbel Coburn, int. Nov. 24, 1784.
Andrew J. Jr. of Vernon, Conn., and Maria A. Smith, int. Aug. 19, 1848.
Calvin [int. adds C.], 22, trader, of Concord, N.H., b. Concord, N.H., s. Josiah and Mary L. of Concord, N.H., and Jane W. Warner, 22, d. Otis and Clementine, Dec. 1, 1849. [Calvin C., Dec. 10, C.R.1.]
Sarah [int. Webber], 22, d. William and Bathsheba, and Parker C. Hooker, 22, carpenter, s. Parker and Judith, Nov. 10, 1847. [Webber, C.R.1.]
William and Martha Harding, Nov. 9, 1820.
WEDGE (see Weedge)
Moses and Molly [int. Molley] Willington of Charlton, Jan. 31, 1793, in Charlton.
WEEDGE (see Wedge)
Thomas [dup. Wedge] of Brookfield, and Abigairl Elweel [dup. Abigail Elwell], int. Jan. 15, 1755.
WELCH (see Wellch)
Abigail and Amos Boyden, int July 10, 1789.
John of Brimfield, and Lucy Smith, int. July 21, 1780.
Aaron and Ester [dup. Esther] Deming of Pomfret, int. Mar. 15, 1756.
Abigail [dup. int. Wild] of Charlton, [and] Leonard Upham, June 12, 1788, in Charlton.
Anna and Capt. [dup. and dup. int. omit Capt.] Elias Plimpton, Apr. 28, 1791.
Anna and Jonathan Rawson, Sept. 24, 1818.
Benjamin D. [int. Welds] and Mary Park of Brookfield [int. Mrs. Mary Parks of N. Brookfield], Oct. 24, 1819.
Benjamin D. and Maranda Partridge of Holland, int. Nov. 7, 1828.
Benjamin Draper and Persis [int. Piercy] Wicker of Paxton, Feb. 18, 1794, in Paxton.
Benjamin C. [int. D.], 24, carrige maker, s. Benjamin D., and Lucy A. [int. omits A.] Upham, 20, d. Jacob, Oct. 26, 1847. [Benjamin D., C.R.1.]
Bethiah [dup. Wild] and William Moore [int. More Jr.] [of] Union, May 31, 1796.
Caleb Jr. and Mary Turner, Apr. 21, 1822.
Dorothy [dup. Dorithy] and Joseph Sabin Jr. of Dudley, int. May 5, 1759.
Elizabeth and Moses Stone of Charlton, Mar. 29, 1793.
Francis and Elizabeth Baxter, int. Apr. 5, 1844.
George, 25, farmer, s. Joshua and Cynthia, and Lucia Clemence, 25, b. Charlton, d. Dexter and Silvia, Sept. 19, 1849.
Hannah [int. of Cuntrey [dup. int. Country] Gore] and Caleb Harding [int. Hardin], Dec. 26, 1745.
Hannah and Josiah Stone of Cornish, int. Dec. 30, 1776.
Henry, 22, farmer, s. Caleb and Mary, and Mary E. [int. omits E.] Shepard, 20, d. Horatio and Mary, July 4, 1848.
John [dup. and int. of Cornish] and Deborah Plimpton [int. Jr.], Dec. 9, 1778.
Joshua and Mary Draper of Roxbury, int. Nov. 7, 1756.
Joshua and Sintha Drury [of] Charlton, int. Apr. 18, 1823.
Justus and Abigail Moor of Oakham, int. Aug. 5, 1826.
Lucy and Capt. [dup. and int. omit Capt.] Abijah Shumway, June 25, 1783.
Mahitable [int. Mehitable] of Charlton, and Benjamin Smith, Feb. 28, 1792, in Charlton.
Mary of Roxbury, and Rowland [dup. Roland] Clark Jr., int. Mar. 16, 1778.
Mary E., 20, of Holland, b. Holland, d. Willard of Holland, and Alonzo R. [int. P.] Mason, 23, farmer, s. Daniel, Feb. 23, 1847.
Mehitable (see Mahitable).
Miriam and Jabez Harding, Jan. 3, 1754.
Moses and Deborah Faulkner, July 11, 1764.
Moses Jr. and Miriam Harding, May 14, 1781.
Nancy, d. Caleb, and Benjamin Congdon [dup. Condon], yeoman, S. John dec'd, Aug. 23, 1843.
Penuel and Anna Eaton [of] Killingly, int. Dec. 1, 1800.
Sally and Robert W. Hodge of Hadley, Jan. 25, 1824.
Samuel H. and Aimy [int. Amy] Plimpton, Mar. 30, 1830. [Hamant Weld and Amy Plimpton, P.R.1.]
Sarah and Joshua Crosman [int Crosmun] of Leicester, Nov. 5, 1772.
Timothy and Sally Hammond, May 29, 1796.
Warham and Hannah Hamant, Oct. 15, 1796.
WELLCH (see Welch)
Abigail [dup. Welch], wid., of Roxbury, and Thomas Boyden, int. Sept 4, 1780.
WELLINGTON (see Willington).
Benoni and Hannah Brown, int. July 15, 1815.
Charley and Levina Sabin, July 21, 1806.
William 3d and Olive Cady of Brookline, int. Oct. 11, 1807.
David G. and Hannah N. Munroe, July 4, 1840.
Jabez H. and [int. adds M.] Louisa Phillips, Nov. 25, 1841.
Joseph E. and Elisa Ann Munroe, Oct. 20, 1835. [Eliza Ann, C.R.1.]
Joseph E. and Lucy Munroe, June 5, 1839, in Spencer.
Josephine M. and Freeland O. Wallis, int. Sept. 6, 1845.
WETHERELL (see Witherell).
Abigail of Boston, and Eleazar Wheelock, int. Nov. 5, 1815.
David of Sutton, and Eunice Marsh, int. Dec. 22, 1783.
Calvin and Abigail Hooker, Apr. 20, 1800.
Denison [dup. and dup. int. Dennison] and Jemima Davis [int. Daviss], July 7, 1784.
Eleazar and Abigail Wheeler of Boston, int. Nov. 5, 1815.
Eleazer and Polly Benson, Feb. 29 [sic], 1794.
Eli and Marcia Ann Banister, Mar. 8, 1821.
Emily B. and William R. Hill of Sutton, May 21, 1839.
Ephraim and Metilda [int. Matilda] Upham, Oct 6, 1799.
Francis and Nancy Colton, Apr. 3, 1814. [Cotton, C.R.1.]
Hiram and Fanny Corey, May 15, 1814.
Lucinda and Nathan Howard, Sept. 9, 1802.
Matilda C. and Alfred A. Dwight of Kensington, Mich., June 28, 1837.
Miriam and Joseph Dresser, Nov. 19, 1773.
Moses and Polly Hooker, Mar. 20, 1811.
Pamela and Dr. Ephraim M. Lyon, [int. June 9 [int. June 20, sic], 1816.
Ralph [int. Whelock] and Experience [int. Experaence] Denison [dup. and dup. int. Experienc Dennison], Jan. 24, 1750-1.
Ralph [int. adds Capt.] and Experience [int. Experance] Crary of Woodstock, Sept. 12, 1766.
Ralph Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Abigail Blashfield, July 7, 1784.
Tristrum S. of Southbridge, and Mary Congdon, Sept. 2 [int. Sept. 6, sic], 1828.
Amos Jr. of Northbridge, and Louisa Learned, Feb. 5, 1840.
Anginette and Solomon, W. Dorous, negroes, int. Mar. 13, 1844.
Elijah [int. Whight] and Bulah [dup. and dup. int. Beulah] Walker, Aug. 10, 1775.
Samuel, colored, laborer, s. Henry, and Sally Buckingham, d. Joshua dec'd., Apr. 30, 1844.
Thankfull and Garshom [dup. and int. Gershom] Smith of Windsor [int. of E. Winsor], Jan. 1, 1777.
William of Greenedge [dup. Greenwich], and Hanah [dup. Hannah] Rood, int. Oct. 5, 1758.
William and Marcy Dresser, Apr. 7, 1763.
Sabra [int. Sabra Whitwill, dup. and dup. int. Whitwell] of Charlton, and Rufus Robins [dup. and int Robbins], Dec. 7, 1769.
Marccy [int. Marcy] and Noah Brown of Killingly, Conn., Mar. 4, 1810.
Seba and Rocena Brown of Killingly, Conn. [int. omits Conn.] June 4, 1815.
WHITMORE (see Whittemore)
Lydia of Thompson, and Timothy Robbins, int. Mar. 22, 1793.
WHITTEMORE (see Whitmore)
Asa and Hannah Dunton, Mar. 8, 1812. [Wittemore, C.R.1.]
Betsey and Dexter Gibbs, int. Jan. 3, 1811.
Betsey and Cyrus Webber of Broolffield, int. Oct. 5, 1839.
Charlotte [int. Betsey] and Joseph C. Allen, May 26, 1822.
Danforth and Eunice Dunton, Mar. 8, 1812. [Wittemore, C.R.1.]
Dwight B. and Adaline Tourtellott of Union, Conn., int. Dec. 17, 1836.
Eliza, Mrs., and Aretus Hooker, May 1, 1839.
Harrison G., 23, farmer, s. Asa and Hannah, and Rosina Clement, 22, of Petersham, b. Petersham, d. Josiah and Ruhama, Nov. 14, 1849.
Lorenso and Louisa Woodbury of Bolton, int. Oct. 8, 1836.
Mariah and William Upham Jr., int. [Mar.] 19, 1842.
Marsena [int. Marcena Wittimore], 38, of Leicester, b. Leicester, and Laura N. Adams, 36, Apr. 18, 1849.
Relief and Samuel Dunton, Jan. 10, 1808.
Shepard and Maria [int. Mariah] Thayer, Dec. 29, 1823.
William Jr. and Lavin Blood, int. Sept. 19, 1819.
William, Capt., and Mrs. Frances Johnson, May 4, 1837.
Andrew F. of Oxford, and Mercy Hovey, Nor. 21, 1838.
WHITWELL (see Whitell).
Persis [int. Piercy] of Paxton, and Benjamin Draper Weld, Feb. 18, 1794, in Paxton.
WIGET (see Wite)
Adaline and Emmons Twitchell [int. Twichell] of Brookfield, Jan. 6, 1835. [Twitchel, C.R.1.]
Alpheus and Miriam Belknap [dup. and dup. int. Belnap] Jan. 6, 1792.
Alpheus, Capt., and Mrs. Mary H. Howe of W. Brookfield, int. Sept. 20, 1826.
Augusta and Stephen Harding, Mar. 21, 1813.
Betsey and Levins [int. Lt. Levens] Rice of Long Meadow [int. Longmeadow], Dec. 26, 1824.
Buckminster, Capt., and Sally March [int. Marsh], Sept 14, 1820.
Caroline and Abijah Prouty, Sept. 4, 1822.
Catharine and Roland Dresser, Apr. 13, 1806.
David Jr. and Susan [int. Susannah, dup. int. Susanna] Harding of Medway, Nov. 7, 1782, in Medway.
David 3d and Lucinda Marsh, Jan. 3, 1810.
David Jr., Capt. [int. omits Capt.], and Eunice T. [int. F.] Drake, Sept. 14, 1836. [Eunice F., C.R.1.]
Emeline, 28, d. David and w., and Nelson Bennett, widr. [int. omits widr.], 31, tanner, s. Rufus and Nancy, May 26, 1848. [May 26, 1847, C.R.1.]
Ephraim [int. Epherham Wite] and Abigail Upham, Dec. 21, 1752.
Evelina and Benjamin D. Hyde [int. adds Esq.] of Southbridge, Oct. 8, 1833.
Festus and Lydia Marsh, Nov. 3, 1816.
Harmony and Baxter Rice, Mar. 14, 1813.
Harriot and Phillip Crapo, May 9, 1824.
Lucinda M. and Elizur [int. Elezar] D. Cook of Springfield, Nov. 29, 1837.
Marinda and Tilly Woodward, Feb. 4, 1816.
Mercy [int. Marcy] and Albon Allen, Dec. 4, 1814. [Marcey and Alban Allen, C.R.1.]
Nancy and Aldrich Worley, Nov. 30, 1800.
Nancy H. and Doliver Johnson, Nov. 12, 1840, in Brimfield.
Oliver and Harmony Child, July 5, 1786.
Oliver B. of Waltham, and [int. adds Mrs.] Louisa Walker, Sept. 21, 1823.
Polly and Dr. Justus Keyes of Brimfield, Dec. 2, 1828.
Sally and Elisha S. Griswold, Mar. 30, 1817.
Siley and Jonas Rice, Feb. 18, 1816.
Susannah [int. Susanna] and Silas Fiske of Sullivan, N.Y., Feb. 19, 1815. [Susanna, C.R.1.]
William, 26, miller, S. Festus and Lydia M., and Sophia Janes, 26, of Brimfield, b. Holland, d. Albon and Nancy, Sept. 26, 1849.
Winthrop and Louisa Brown of Southbridge, int. Feb. 7, 1829.
Lydia Ann and Joseph F. Wilcox, int. Oct 12, 1844.
Ruby and James L. Wilcox, int. Oct 12, 1844.
WILCOT (see Walcot, Walcott, Wilcott, Wolcott)
Joseph [dup. and dup. int. Wilott, int. Willcot] and Prudence Dunton [int. Dunten], May 15, 1780.
WILCOTT (see Walcot, Walcott, Wilcot, Wolcott)
Prudence (Wiclott) [dup. Denton [sit], adds wid.] and William Sanders of Charlton, int. July 23, 1785.
James L. and Ruby Wilbur, int. Oct. 12, 1844.
Joseph F. and Lydia Ann Wilbur, int. Oct. 12, 1844.
Timothy and Abigail Guilford, wid., July 10, 1814.
Cyraha [int. Sintha] of Ware, and Jabez Nichols, Oct. 20, 1798, in Ware.
Melisa [dup. Meliza, int. Malisa] Cassandana and Elias Fiske, May 3, 1807.
Sally of Brookfield, and Edmund Nichols Jr., int. Oct. 1, 1797.
Jonathan and Lous Hucker [dup. and dup. int. Lois Hooker, int Louis Hooker], Apr. 13, 1758.
Abiel D., 30, farmer, b. Dudley, s. Rev. Abiel of Dudley, and Anna Corbin, 30, b. Woodstock, d. ---- of Woodstock, Apr. 30, 1844, in Conn.
Benjamin H. and Sarah B. Ward of Western, int. Oct. 28, 1826.
Caroline S. of Dudley, and Royal Smith, int. Nov. 14, 1828.
Charles H., 21, mule spinner, s. Joseph and Hannah, and Lovina [int. Lovira] Peebles, 18, d. James and Nancy, May 23, 1849. [Lovisa Deebles, C.R.1.]
Daniel of Charlton, and Rachel Foster, July 8, 1763.
Hannah of Ponfritt [dup. Pomfret], and Thomas Gould, int. Feb. 10, 1782.
John and Christian Simmons, wid., int. Dec. 14, 1825.
Lydia and James Baily of Greenwich, June 28, 1829.
Mary of Taunton, and Alfred Copeland, int. Aug. 29, 1808.
Molly [int. Molley] of Charlton, and Moses Wedge, Jan. 31, 1793, in Charlton.
Ezekiel of Wales, and Amma Allen, int. May 2, 1828.
Jabez and Abigail Ellis, int. Aug. 23, 1787.
John, Dr. [int. Willson], of Oxford, and Cynthy [dup. and dup. int. Sintha, int. Cinthey] Gould, Feb. 21, 1781.
Sally Wetherbee of Charlton, and Alfred Morriss, Sept. 2, 1810.
Susanna [int. Susannah Willson] of Brookfield, and Joseph Reynold [int. Reynolds], May 21, 1781.
George of Southbridge, and Betsey A. H. Parke, int. Mar. 22, 1822.
Erastus of Spencer, and Sarah A. Stone of Charlton, Apr. 13, 1836. [Sarah F., C.R.1.]
Jonathan Jr. [of] Charlton, and Clarissa [int. Clarisa] Upham, Sept. 15, 1810.
Louisa of Charlton, and Jonas Rice, int. Aug. 3, 1843.
Polly of Charlton, and Parker Hooker of Charlton, Mar. 2, 1800.
Benjamin and Abigail Thomas [int. Tommos, dup. int. Tommas], June 25, 1767.
Animas [int. Artemas] of Dudley, and Dell Louisa Fairbanks, Mar. 18, 1828.
WITS (see Wight)
Ephraham [dup. and int. Ephraim Wight] and Eunes [dup. and int. Eunice] Howard, Sept. 11, 1759.
Marshall [int. Wetherell] of Pomfret, Conn., and Roxa Carder, May 30, 1841. [Wetherell, C.R.1.]
WOLCOTT (see Walcot, Walcott, Wilcot, Wilcott)
Daniel F. and Sarah A. Tower, int. Dec. 26, 1845.
Perz Bradford and Isabella E. Foster of Monson, int. May 16, 1812.
Abigail and Aaron Elwell [dup. and dup. int. Elwell, int. Elweel], May 23, 1754.
Benjamin and Malicient Gilbert of Brookfield, Sept. 13, 1749, in Brookfield.
Betsy of Brookfield, and Alpheus Richardson, Dec. 23, 1794, in Brookfield.
Buckminster of Brookfield, and Cally Clark, Dec. 8, 1799.
David and Sarah Hill of Brookfield, May 27, 1777, in Brookfield.
David and Margeret [dup. Margaret] Dunn of Brookfield, int. Nov. 2, 1778.
Willard and Lucretia [dup. int. Lucreatia] Upham, May 1, 1792.
WOODARD (see Woodward)
Lucy Maria of Phillipston, and Henry Chickering, int. Dec. 5, 1848.
Merinda [int. adds C.], 17, d. Tilly and Merinda, and Nathan A. Stearns, 21, harness maker, of Southbridge, s. Nathan and Susan, Oct. 13, 1846. [Merinda C. Woodward, C.R.1.]
Joshua of Sutton, and Eunice Fisk, Feb. 18, 1784.
Louisa of Bolton, and Lorenso Whittemore, int. Oct. 8, 1836.
WOODWARD (see Woodard)
Caroline of Spencer, and William L. Needham of Spencer, Oct. 15, 1838.
John and Mary [int. Polly] Farrington of [torn] [Dedham] [int. of Dedham], Aug. 16, 1795 [dup. in Dedham].
Mehitabel [dup. Mehetable] and Jabez Lyon, int. Aug. 31, 1778.
Olive of Charlton, and James Dickey of Charlton, Oct. 3, 1814.
Tilly and Marinda Wight, Feb. 4, 1816.
Alfred [of] Denmark, N.Y., and Mary L. Morriss [of] Dudley, June 28, 1842. [Woolworth, and Mary L. Morris, C.R.1.]
WORKS (see Work)
Chloe [int. Work, adds wid.] and Ezekiel Walker of Brookfield, Oct. 25, 1804.
Samuel and Elisebath [dup. Elizabeth] Hooker, int. Oct. 3, 1767.
Warham [dup. Work] and Chloe Johnson, int. Mar. 28, 1794.
Aldrich and Nancy Wight, Nov. 30, 1800.
WORRIAN (see Warren, Warrin)
Lydia [dup. Warren] and Jonathan Wright, int. Oct. 16, 1786.
Alpheus and Delia Ann Moore [dup. Marcy] of Union, Conn., Sept. 13, 1827.
Alpheus, widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, farmer, s. Alpheus and Abigail, and Lucy Clark, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 20 , d. Danforth Benson and w., May 10, 1848.
Jonathan of Union, and Lydia Worrin [dup. Warren], int. Oct. 16, 1786.
Joseph M., 27, stove maker, of Boylston, s. Moody and Elizabeth, and Achsah Barrows, 21, d. Joseph and Naomy of Boylston, May 7, 1845. [Achsah P., C.R.1.]
Betsy of Woodstock, Conn., and Samuel Ellis, int. Feb. 11, 1808.
Hale and Sophronia Olds, int. Aug. 30, 1835.
James and Esther Ledoit of Woodstock Conn., int. Aug. 13, 1814.
Lucinda and Ira A. Richards, int. May 15, 1847.
----, Lucy F. and Joseph Beach, Sept 7, 1824. P.R.1.
----, ---- and Henry Fiske, Apr. 8, 1822. P.R.1.
----, ---- and Lucy Fiske, sister of [Daniel] Sept. 7, 1824. P.R.1.
----, ---- and Alvin Streeter, Dec. 25, 1827. P.R.1.
----, ---- and Eleanor Fiske, Apr. 18, 1832. P.R.1.
----, ---- and David Fiske, Oct. 28, 1834. P.R.1.
Betty, "a free woman," and Dick "servant to the wid. Abigail Taylor," July 2 or 21 [dup. July 21], 1766.
Cesor [int. Cesar] and Rose, "Servents to the wid. Abigail Taylor," July 2 or 21 [dup. July 21], 1766.
Dick, "servant to the wid. Abigail Taylor," and Betty, "a free woman," July 2 or 21 [dup. July 21], 1766.
Rose and Cesor [int. Cesar], "Servents to the wid. Abigail Taylor," July 2 or 21 [dup. July 21], 1766.