Vital Records Of Sturbridge, To The Year 1850.
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund. Boston, Mass., 1906.
Marriages - INGRAHAM to NYE
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Kathrin [int. Kathrine, dup. int. Cathrine] and Aaron Clark, May 11, 1765.
Rebeckah [int. Rebecah Imgraham] of Norwich, and Nathan Morse, Apr. 30 [int. June 21, sic], 1762.
Charles and Annis Bugbee [int. of Union, Conn.], Nov. 29, 1838, in Southbridge.
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth], wid., of Leicester, and Onesiphorus Pike, int. Sept. 9, 1769.
John and Sarah Harwood, May 31, 1801.
Michael and Deborah Ginks [dup. Jinks], Oct. 14, 1776.
Rachel, Indian, and Monday Hector, negro, int. June 27, 1814.
Polley [dup. Polly], wid., and Asa Houghton of S. Brimfield, int. Feb. 5, 1791.
Eliphalet and Mary Fiske, wid., Feb. 21, 1793, in Holland.
JANES (see Ganes)
Cyrus of Brimfield, and Levina Holbrook, May 7, 1791.
Dexter and Rhoda C. Pratt, Sept 17, 1839.
Eliphalet and Mary Pike, wid., int. Jan. 25, 1793.
Elizabeth of Brimfield, and Amariah Dodge, int. Mar. 16, 1794.
Hervey of Brimfield, and Sarepta Harding, Feb. 10, 1841.
Jonathan [int. Jr.] of Brimfield, and Pattee [dup. and int. Patty] Plimpton, Mar. 4, 1781.
Mary M. and Ezekiel Hovey, Nov. 28, 1839.
Solomon [int. of Brimfield] and Bulah [dup. and int Beulah] Fisk, Jan. 27, 1780.
Sophia, 26, of Brimfield, b. Holland, d. Albon and Nanch, and William Wight, 26, miller, s. Festus and Lydia M., Sept. 26, 1849.
William [int. of Brimfield] and Hannah [int. Hanah] Cheny [dup. and dup. int. Cheney], Dec. 22, 1757.
JENKS (see Ginks).
JENNINGS (see Gennings, Ginnings, Jinnings)
Abigail, wid., and Samuel Buck [of] Killingly, July 10, 1799.
Charles of Brookfield, and Nancy Johnson, Apr. 12, 1826.
JEROULD (see Gerold, Gerould).
Philadelphia and Benjamin Talbot [int. Talbert] of Killingly, Nov. 26, 1801.
Sally Ann and Ebenezer Macumber of New Salem [int. Macomber of Shutesbury], Dec. 12, 1810.
JINNINGS (see Gennings, Ginnings, Jennings)
Louis [int. Lois Jennings] of Dudley, and Seth Perry, June 28, 1774, in Dudley.
Susanna [int. Jennings] of Brookfield, and Sylvanus Curtiss [int. Curtis], Oct. 12, 1797, in Brookfield.
JOHNSON (see Johnston, Johson, Jonson)
Amanda, 22, d. Joel and Roxanna, and Horatio N. Drake, widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, manufacturer, of Holland, s. Simeon and Eunice of Holland, Nov. 5, 1848.
Anne [dup. and int. Anna], wid., and Samuel Chamberlain of Charlton, Mar. 29, 1789.
Chloe and Warham Works [dup. Work], int. Mar. 28, 1794.
Comfort Harding and Asenath Dresser of Charlton, int. Jan. 30, 1800.
David of Worcester, and Rachel Freeman, Apr. 7, 1818.
Doliver and Nancy H. Wight, Nov. 12, 1840, in Brimfield.
Dwight P., Capt., and Hannah Allen, int. Oct. 18, 1831.
Dwight P. and ---- Wallis of Holland, int. May 12, 1845.
Emeline and Darius Shaw of Brimfield, June 8, 1825.
Emerson and Frances L. Brown of Mayville, N.Y., int. Aug. 24, 1846.
Emmerson (int. Emerson] and Hannah Arnold, May 16, 1838. [Emerson, C.R.1.]
Esther and Seth Hamant, int. Apr. 12, 1799.
Eunice and John Field, Sept. 29, 1794.
Frances, Mrs., and Capt. William Whittemore, May 4, 1837.
Hannah and Philemon [dup. Philimon] Warren, Apr. 21, 1791.
Ira and Abigail Furbush of Brookfield, int. Sept. ----, 1784.
Isaac and Jemima Robbins, int. Oct. 21, 1770.
James Jr. and Hannah Harding, June 13, 1763.
James and Sarah Holbrook, wid., Sept. 25, 1774.
James and Anne [dup. int. Anna] Baker, wid., Dec. 15, 1784.
James Jr. and Ursula Belnap, Nov. 19, 1801.
James and Parmela Fairbanks, wid., of Monson, int. May 16, 1820.
James B. and Emily Lamb, Apr. 29, 1835.
Jemima, wid., and Elijah Carpenter, int. Dec. 15, 1783.
Jemima and Sylvanus Leach [dup. Leech], int. Dec. 27, 1794.
Jerusha and Asa Humphry, int. Feb. 28, 1767.
Job and Rachel Lee of Tompson [dup. Thompson], int. Jan. 27, 1771.
John and Polly Smith, Dec. 28, 1794.
Lucey [dup. and dup. int. Lucy, int. Luce] and Oliver Mason, Dec. 18, 1766. [Lucy, C.R.1. P.R.3.]
Lydia [int. Lidiah Jonson] and Benjamin [int. Binjamin] Scott, Sept. 7, 1749. [Scot, C.R.1.]
Lyman and Anna Child, May 25, 1806.
Lyman and [int. adds Mrs.] Ann Child, Dec. 30, 1827.
Lyman and Harriet J. Fields, wid., of Oakham, int. Mar. 16, 1844.
Martha of Brookfield, and Jason Allen of Brookfield, Mar. 4, 1773.
Mary and Jacob Mason, Jan. 31, 1775.
Nabby [dup. Abigail] and Rufus Clark, Nov. 12, 1789.
Nancy and Charles Jennings of Brookfield, Apr. 12, 1826.
Nancy and Noah D. Ladd, Mar. 22, 1843.
Peter B. and Sophronia Lamb, int. Mar. 24, 1833. [m. Apr. 23, C.R.1.]
Pliny and Sophia Abbee [int. Albee], May 25, 1819. [Plinny, P.R.1.]
Polly [int. adds Mrs.] and Pearly Shumway, Mar. 30, 1800.
Roxana and Charles T. Carpenter, int. Sept. 2, 1849.
Rufus of N. Brookfield, and Mrs. Sarah Boyden, Nov. 13, 1839.
Thankfull and Levins Shumway, int. July 2, 1797.
Timothy and Francis [sic] [dup. Frances] Tarbel [int. Frances Tarbell], Mar. [dup. May] 7, 1792.
Ursula and Gordis May of Canton, Conn. [int. of Woodstock], June 5, 1833.
William of Westborough, and Jerusha Walker, wid., int. Mar. 4, 1813.
William N. and Sally B. Metcalf, Feb. 28, 1842.
JOHNSTON (see Johnson, Johson, Jonson)
Abigail [dup. Johnson] and John Cumbo of Woodstock, int. Dec. 24, 1784.
JOHSON (see Johnson, Johnston, Jonson)
Comfort and Eunice Mason, int. Jan. 8, 1770.
JONES (see Jons)
Dexter and Rhoda C. Pratt, int. Aug. 24, 1839.
Elenor [int. Elanah, dup. int. Eleanor] of Charlton, and David Fiske [int. Fisk], Nov. 13, 1783, in Charlton. [Elean, P.R.1.]
Josiah and Sally Bradford, int. Mar. 29, 1784.
Phinehas of Spencer, and Hannah Phillips, Apr. 22, 1798.
JONS (see Jones)
Mary [dup. Jones] and Daniel Streeter, Apr. 16, 1761.
JONSON (see Johnson, Johnston, Johson)
Abigail [dup. Johnson] and Malachi Partradge [dup. Malichi Partridge] of Charlton, int. Nov. 10, 1758.
Susaane [dup. and dup. int. Susanna Johnson. int. Susanah Johson] and Joseph Sollis, Feb. 12, 1756. [Susannah Johnson and Joseph Sollace, C.R.1.]
Marsena [int. Marzena] of Adams, and Mary Ann [int. adds M.] Foster, June 18, 1843, in Southbridge.
Lomene of Monson, and Joel Tucker, int. Aug. 24, 1811.
Selina M. and Benjamin F. Franklin, int. Sept. 19, 1845.
Mary of Barre, and Asa W. Conant, int. Oct. 15, 1815.
KENDRICK (see Kindrick).
Delphia, Mrs., of Long Meadow, and Hezekiah Allen, int. Aug. 19, 1837.
John of Salem [int. adds Washington Co.], N.Y., and Marcy Newell, Sept. 15, 1812.
Danforth of Charlton, and Jane W. Holmes of Southbridge, Mar. 25, 1833. C.R.1.
Justus, Dr., of Western, and Betsy Corey, May 11, 1806. [Betsey, C.R.1.]
Justus, Dr., of Brimfield, and Polly Wight, Dec. 2, 1828.
Lucy of Brookfield, and Joseph Benson Jr., int. Aug. 16, 1801.
Betsey of Brookfield, and Moses Howard, int. Mar. 13, 1802.
Matilda of Brookfield, and Danil [dup. Daniel] Waldo of Pomfrett [dup. Pomfret], May 17, 1780.
KINGSBURY (see Kinsbery)
Almira of Spencer, and William Bullack, int. Mar. 25, 1826.
Phallee [int. Phalla H.], 21, d. Perez and Anna, and Othniel [int. Oathniel] O. Brown, 23, merchant, b. Holland, s. Olney and Sarah of Holland, Oct. 14, 1849. [Phallee H., C.R.1.]
Simeon, Dr., of Oxford, and [int. adds Mrs.] Nancy Morse, Apr. 9, 1800.
Sophia Field and Horace Hurlbert of Amherst, int. Sept. 1, 1844. [Hurlburd of Amhurst, m. Sept. 17, C.R.1.]
KINGSLEY (see Kinsley)
Enoch [int. Enock Kingsly] of Woodstock, and Molley Child, Sept. 29, 1782.
KINSBERY (see Kingsbury)
Olive of Leicester, and Francis D. Allen, int. Oct. 26, 1822.
KINSLEY (see Kingsley)
Susannah [int. Susanna], wid., and Smith Foster, Nov. 27, 1806.
KNAP (see Knapp)
Enoch and Mrs. Experience Marsh [int. wid., omits Mrs.], Feb. 7, 1814.
Lucy and Nathaniel M. Smith, Jan. 1, 1823.
Lydia of Spencer, and Elijah Gibbs, int. June 16, 1808.
Mary and Nathan Richardson of Brookfield, Dec. 25, 1776.
Oliver and Abigail Gail [dup. and int. Gale], Feb. 3, 1779.
KNAPP (see Knap)
Edward B. and Nancy Spencer of Southbridge, int. Oct. 16, 1827.
Adeline and Lebbeus G. Parkhurst, Aug. 13, 1838.
Rebecca [int. Rebekah, dup. int. Rebeckah] of Worcester, and Ebenezer [dup. Ebenezar] Smith, Mar. 25, 1777, in Worcester.
Seth and Vilura Shepard, Apr. 3, 1828.
Lucina [int. Lucinda] and Absalom Stockwell Jr., May 10, 1837.
Noah D. and Nancy Johnson, Mar. 22, 1843.
Clark [int. Laflen] and Elizabeth Adams, Sept. 17, 1811.
Deborah and John Goodale [int. Goodell], Dec. 19, 1811.
Pearly and Phebe Turtliot of Southbridge, int. May 17, 1823.
LAKEN (see Larkin)
Samuel [int. Lakens] of Charlton, and Hannah Hobbs, Apr. 4, 1844.
Alfred G. of Palmer, and Caroline E. Fay, int. Aug. 27, 1847.
Asenath and Luther Symonds, Jan. 19, 1806.
Augusta and Hervey Stetson of Charlton, Mar. 29, 1818.
Catherine and John Phillips Jr., Nov. 26, 1812.
Charles and Lucy Hooker, Ott. 4, 1792.
Clementina and Benjamin Porter, Apr. 7, 1822.
Emeline of Charlton, and John Smith, int. Sept. 8, 1825.
Emily and James B. Johnson, Apr. 29, 1835.
Lavinia W. and Alfred M. Merrick, May 12, 1834. [Levinia W. C.R.1.]
Lawson of Ware, and Maria C. Barnes of Ware, Aug. 13, 1848. C.R.1.
Louisa and Benjamin Bullock, Oct. 8, 1820.
Reuben of Charlton, and Persis Hooker, Dec. 30, 1788.
Samuel of Charlton, and Mary Nichols Bowen, int. Jan. 2, 1820.
Sarah, 25, d. Jared and Lavina of Cleavland, Ill., and Benjamin F. Hoyt, 28, farmer, of Cleaveland [int. Cleavland], s. Benjamin and Anna, May 5, 1845.
Sophronia and Peter B. Johnson, int. Mar. 24, 1833. [m. Apr. 23, C.R.1.]
Nancy of Western, and Joseph Holbrook, int. Dec. 5, 1830.
David Pike and Experience Clark Boyden, Sept. 28, 1795.
[Maria] and William H. Upham, int. Sept. 19, 1845.
Miriam and Elijah Towne, Aug. 19, 1801.
Otis, Rev., and Elizabeth Paine, int. June 21, 1804.
LARKIN (see Laken)
Elias, 22, tailor, of Brookfield [int. Brookfeild], s. William and Bathsheba, and Lucy E. Fiske, 22, d. Asa and Catherine, Sept. 15, 1846. [Fisk, C.R.1.]
LARNED (see Larnerd, Learned, Leonard)
Isaac Jr. [dup. Lamb] of Charlton, and Rachel Philips [dup. Phillips], int. Apr. 5, 1784.
Sarah, 30, d. Jonathan and Sarah, and Loren [int. Lorin] Badger, 32, farmer, of Holland, s. Asher and Polly of Holland, Feb. 14, 1848.
LARNERD (see Lamed, Learned, Leonard)
Charlott G. and John Q. Adams, Aug. 1, 1842, in Southbridge.
John [dup. and int. Lace, dup. int. Lacee] and Mary Geust [dup. and dup. int. Guest], wid., Nov. 6, 1766.
Edward W., 27, farmer, of Charlton, s. Zepheniah and Prudence, and Almira [int. adds L.] Smith, 20, d. John and Emeline, Nov. 3 [int. Nov. 14, sic], 1848. [Edwards W., Nov. 30, C.R.1.]
Lorinda of Charlton, and Hammond Ward, int. Mar. 23, 1822.
Deborah of Charlton, and Samuel Morse Jr., int. Apr. 6, 1807.
Daniel of Thompson, and Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] Barret, int. Mar. 28, 1794.
Jane E. [int. Jane S. Larwence] and George Corbin, Sept. 22, 1842.
Russell and Ruth E. Hapgood of W. Boylston, int. Jan. 7, 1845.
Margaret of Union, and Nathan Howard Jr., int. Dec. 21, 1801.
Chester and Catharine Dresser [int. adds wid.], Sept. 22, 1807.
Fanny and Eliab Marsh, int. May 3, 1805.
Joanna and Roswell Stoddard, Jan. 25, 1807.
Mary Ann and Charles A. Hebard, Mar. 11, 1827.
Susannah of Western, and George W. Grey of Western, Jan. 25, 1833. C.R.1.
LEACH (see Leech)
Asa and Miriam Allen, int. Sept. 8, 1787.
Betsey and Hervey Phillips, Dec. 13, 1812. [Harvey Philips, C.R.1.]
Lois [dup. int. Leech] and Lyman [int. Liman] Vinton of Dudley, Sept. 28, 1794, in Dudley.
Lydia [dup. and dup. int. Leech] and Joseph Lumbird [dup. and dup. int. Lumbart] of Brimfield, July 21, 1763. [Leach, and Joseph Lumbard, C.R.1.]
Polly and Calvian [int. Calvin] Allen, Nov. 15, 1812. [Calvin, C.R.1.]
Samul [dup. Samuel] and Rebakah [dup. Rebeckah] Harris, int. May 18, 1755.
Silence [dup. int. Leech] and Amasa Allen [int. Alton] of Charlton, Sept. 28, 1794, in Dudley.
Sylvanus [dup. Leech] and Jemima Johnson, int. Dec. 27, 1794.
Zilpah [dup. Leech, dup. int. Zillah Leech] and Thomas McLure [dup. McClure, int. Mack Clure, dup. int. McCluer], Nov. 4, 1762.
LEARNED (see Larned, Larnerd, Leonard)
Jane M. and Daniel E. Moulton, Apr. 2, 1839.
Louisa and Amos Whipple Jr. of Northbridge, Feb. 5, 1840.
LEDAYT (see Ledoit, Ledoyt)
Marcus and Olive Clark of Charlton, int. Mar. 22, 1822.
LEDOIT (see Ledayt, Ledoyt)
Esther of Woodstock, Conn., and James Young, int. Aug. 13, 1814.
LEDOYT (see Ledoit, Ledayt)
Dolly [int. Ledoit] and Josiah Eddy, Apr. 2, 1815.
Hannah and Jepthah Plimpton, May 18, 1823.
Abigail and John Morse, Sept. 14, 1761.
Eliza A. and William B. Moore, int. Mar. 31, 1846.
Huldah and John Tarbill [dup. Tarbel] Jr., int. abt. Apr. 28 [dup. Apr. 28], 1766.
Rachel of Tompson [dup. Thompson], and Job Johnson, int. Jan. 27, 1771.
Sabra [int. of Killingly] and Eliphelit [dup. and dup. int. Eliphalet, int. Elipelit] Allen, Mar. 12, 1767. [Eliphelet, C.R.1.]
Solomon and Zillah Stacy, int. May 2, 1774.
William and Almira Hobbs, int. Nov. 28, 1834.
LEECH (see Leach)
Lydia (see Lydia Hatch).
Samuel [int. Samul Lech] and Mary Simeon [dup. Marcy Simpson, dup. int. Simpson], June 20, 1749.
Clary, 23, painter, s. Charles and Abigail, and Lucia S. Bryant [int. Byant], 18, May 14, 1847.
LEONARD (see Larned, Larnerd, Learned)
Mary Ann H. and [int. adds Rev.] Francis W. Emmons of East Port [int. Eastport], Me., Aug. 31, 1829.
Sarah L. [int. omits L.] and Thomas Spooner [of] Cincinnati, O., Sept. 5 [1842].
Vernera and Francis E. Corey, Apr. 25, 1831.
Zenas L. [int. Lockwood], Rev., and [int. adds Mrs] Sally Fisk, Sept. 1, 1799. [Fiske, P.R.1.]
----, of Killingly, Conn., and Sophia Holmes of Brimfield, Mar. 28, 1837, in Brimfield.
Enoch and Lois Foster, Jan. 14, 1810.
LILLIE (see Lily)
Abiathar and Mary Walker [int. of Southwick], Apr. 29, 1791.
Abiathar and Mary Hill of Southwick, int. Oct. 9, 1791.
Simeon and Rhoda Corban [dup. Corbin] of Woodstock, int. Feb. 10, 1788.
Warren and Alma Theresa Howard, int. July 27, 1844 [Lille, m. Sept. 13, C.R.1.]
LILY (see Lillie)
Rhoda and Orren Burnet of Holland, int. Feb. 27, 1834.
Benjamin T. and Sarah Ann Hooker, int July 28, 1849.
Eli K., 28, farmer, of Warren, s. Eli and Polly of Warren, and Rosetta K. Harwood, 19, d. Asa and Amanda, May 2, 1849.
LINES (see Lynes).
Elisabah [int. Elisabath Livermor, dup. int. Elizabeth] and Eliphalet [int. Eliphelet] Allen, Feb. 8, 1753. [Elisabeth, C.R.1.]
Rebecca [int. Rebaca, dup. int. Rebeckah] and Thomas Ellenwood [int. Ellingwood of Brimfield, dup. int. Ellinwood], Nov. 17, 1757. [Rebbecca, C.R.1.]
William of Boston, and Mary Ann Fay, 22, d. John, June 11, 1845.
LOMBARD (see Lumbard, Lumbird).
William and Polly Marcy, Dec. 2, 1798.
Ebenezer [dup. and dup. int. Lovell] of Worcester, and Abigail Lyon, Mar. 14, 1765. [Lovel, C.R.1.]
LUMBARD (see Lumbird)
Almeda [int. Elmeda] and Albigence Newell of Holland, Nov. 23, 1820.
Augusta and Jasper Brown of Oxford, May 29, 1839.
Anna and Fanny Upham, May 17, 1838.
David of Brimfield, and Levin Dunton, int. June 1, 1823.
Emerson and Grace Thompson of Monson, int. [Mar.] 19, 1842.
Fitz Henry and Harriet A. Barrows, Nov. 8, 1837. [Harriet A., C.R.1.]
Joshua of W. [int. omits W.] Windsor, Vt., and Persis Smith, Feb. 25, 1816.
Maria W. of Brimfield, and Emorey L. Bates, int. Nov. 10, 1845.
Mary A. of Brimfield, and George S. Stone, int. Apr. 12, 1849.
Nathan and Delight Allen, Mar. 14, 1802. [Lombard, C.R.1.]
Nelson and Eliza Plimpton, int. Dec. 30, 1832. [m. Feb. 6, 1833, C.R.1.]
William, [int. Lumbart] of Brimfield, and Desire Allen, Jan. 15, 1799.
William and Lois Cushman, wid., of Stafford, Conn, Feb. 11, 1819.
LUMBIRD (see Lumbard)
Joseph [dup. and dup. int. Lumbart] of Brimfield, and Lydia Leach [dup. and dup. int. Leech], July 21, 1763. [Lumbard, and Lydia Leach, C.R.1.]
Joseph [dup. Lumbart] Jr. of Brimfield, and Mary Faulkner, int. Mar. 30, 1767.
Lucy [dup. Lumbart] of Brimfield, and Jonathan Gibbs, int. Mar. 25, 1776.
Thomas [dup. Lumbard] of Brimfield, and Mary Bacon, int. Mar. 6, 1780.
Henry J. of Palmer, and Mariah [int. Maria] T. Upham, Jan. 5, 1842. [Maria T., C.R.1.]
Martin D. of Brimfield, and Eliza Badger of Brimfield, Nov. 10, 1841.
George [int. Lines] of New Haven, Conn. [int. omits Conn.], and Caroline Brown, Oct. 5, 1834.
A. Smith, Rev., of Oxford, and Caroline Phillips, May 2, 1838.
Aaron and Mary Mason, Dec. 5, 1753.
Abigail and Ebenezer Lovil [dup. and dup. int. Lovell] of Worcester, Mar. 14, 1765. [Lovel, C.R.1.]
Abigail and Nathan Fisk, Feb. 2, 1792.
Abner [int. Lyion] and Elisabeth [dup. and dup. int. Elizabeth] Martin, Aug. 9 [dup. Aug. 3, sic], 1768.
Abner Jr. and Betsy Hibbard [dup. Hebart], int Apr. 13, 1793.
Amos of Webster, and Melancy W. Robinson, Apr. 5, 1842.
Ephhraim [int. Ephraim] M., Dea. [int. Dr.], and Mrs. Prudence Robison [int. Prudence Robinson, wid. Oct. 9 [int. Oct. 11, sic], 1834. [Dea. Ephraim and Mrs. Prudence Robinson, C.R.1.]
Ephraim M., Dr., and Pamela Wheelock, June 9 [int. June 20, sic], 1816.
Harriot and Josiah Conant, Jan. 4, 1814. [Harriet, C.R.1.]
Jabez of Woodstock, and Mehitabel [dup. Mehetable] Woodward, int. Aug. 31, 1778.
Jonathan of Holland, and Hannah Smith, May 2, 1802.
Jonathan Jr. and Evelina Patch of Worcester, int. Aug. 6, 1836.
Lorin and Cyntha Patch of Worcester, int. Feb. 14, 1829.
Lucy and Orren D. Batcheller [int. Batcheltor], May 17, 1818. [Orrin D., C.R.1.]
Marcilve [dup. Mercilva] of S. Brimfield, and Joseph Cheeny [dup. Cheney] Jr., int. May 7, 1764.
Oral and Simeon M. Streeter, Sept. 7, 1823.
Pattie [int. Patty] and Joseph Richardson Jr. of Brookfield, Aug. 10, 1806.
Prudence and Alfred H. Cook of Hadley, Nov. 20, 1834.
Sally and Samuel Fisk, June 18, 1801. [Fiske, C.R.1.]
Stephen of Holland, and Sally Stevens, Nov. 29, 1804.
Thomas and Achsah Richardson, Mar. 29, 1807.
Walter of Holland, and Lucretia Morse, Nov. 26, 1812.
William of Hardwick, and Tabaththa Fay, int. Oct. 19, 1744.
Eliza and Henry Clapp [int. Harvy Clap], farmer, of Auburn, Mar. 4, 1848.
MACKINSTRY (see Mckinstry, McKinstry, McKinsty)
Sarah [int. McKinstry] and Abel Bacon [int. of N. Woodstock, dup. int. of Woodstock], Sept. 19, 1773.
William [dup. and dup. int. McKinstry, int. Mackinstree] and Mary Morse [int. Mors], Jan. 31, 1750-1.
Hannah [dup. McNeal] and Sewel Webber of Holland, int. Feb. 23, 1787.
MACOMBER (see Macumber)
William of Woodstock, Conn., and Olive Brown of Charlton, Dec. 26, 1815.
William H., tanner, and Mary E. Burgess, teacher, d. Luther, Nov. 30, 1843.
MACUMBER (see Macomber)
Eleazer of New Salem [int. Macomber of Shutesbury], and Sally Ann Jewell, Dec. 12, 1810.
Levi [dup. Madden] and Sarah Rockwood, int. Feb. 7, 1796.
Philip [dup. and dup. int. Phillip Mahon] and Ruth Rion wid. [dup. Ryon, dup. int. Ryan, omits wid.] Feb. 29, 1764.
MAN (see Mann)
Esther [dup. and dup. int. Mann] of Wrentham, and Abner Plimpton, Nov. 27, 1764. [Mann, and Abner Plimton, C.R.1.]
MANN (see Man)
Ebenezer and Mary Albee of Charlton, int. Sept. 25, 1834.
Benjamin, Rev. [int. omits Rev.], of Brookfield, and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] M. Fiske, Aug. 10, 1834.
Elizabeth M. F., Mrs., and Joseph A. Brabrook of Lowell, int. Jan. 2, 1841.
Daniel of Hardwick, and Mehitable Smith, Feb. 16, 1792.
Jacob of Canaan, N.Y., and Christian Simmonds, wid., int. Aug. 26, 1822.
MARCH (see Marsh)
Sally [int. Marsh] and Capt. Buckminster Wight, Sept. 14, 1820.
Abigail and Jacob Mason, May 19, 1799.
Annah [dup. Anna] of Woodstock, and Nehemiah Underwood, int. Jan. 14, 1743-4.
Daniel and Hannah Morris, Mar. 3, 1768.
Delia Ann (see Delia Ann Moore).
Doritny and Joseph Vinton of Dudley, int. Feb. 2, 1805.
Dorothy [dup. Doritny] and Richard Dresor [dup. Dresser], Nov. 12, 1741. [Dresser, C.R.1.]
Elijah and Sarah Stacy [dup. Stacey], Feb. 19, 1754. [Elijah Morey, C.R.1.]
Elijah and Mary Hobs [dup. Hobbs], int. Apr. 21, 1783.
Hannah and Jacob Edwards, Nov. 2, 1806.
Jedediah and Mary Healy [int. Hely, dup. int. Heley] of Dudley, Dec. 1, 1748, in Dudley.
John of Newtown, and Lucey [int. Lucy] Coburn, Sept, 12, 1805.
Joseph and Nabby Shumway, Apr. 13, 1806.
Lucinda and Amos Oaks of Charlton, Feb. 22, 1815.
Martha and Geasham [dup. and dup. int. Gershom, int. Geasem] Plimpton, Mar. 2, 1758.
Martha and Jared Freeman, Dec. 22, 1774.
Mary and Meshech [int. Mecheck] Rementon [dup. and dup. int. Remington], July 9, 1755.
Mary and James Dyer, int. Dec. 9, 1776.
Mary and Samuel Curtis Edwards of Charlton, May 19, 1811.
Matilda of Charlton, and William McKinstry Jr., int. Aug. 17, 1815.
Mehitabel [dup. and dup. int. Mehetable] and Jonathan Newhall Jr. [dup. and dup. int. omit Jr.] of Leicester, May 12, 1771.
Mehitable and Dr. Charles Negus of Dudley, Oct. 20, 1814.
Miriam and Timothy Newell, Jan. 1, 1767.
Morris and Sally Morse, Oct. 25, 1807.
Polly and William Love, Dec. 2, 1798.
Prudence [int. Prudence] and William Plimpton [int. Plimton], Nov. 28, 1754 [Morey, C.R.1.]
Rhoda and Ophir Gould, Aug. 19, 1801.
Ruth, Mrs. [int. wid., omits Mrs.], and Col. Moses Healy of Dudley, June 30, 1814.
Sally and Eli Watson Bush, int. Feb. 8, 1806.
Sarah and Russell [dup. and dup. int. Russel] Smith, May 8, 1783.
Theodore [int. Thodor] and Eunice Hobbs [int. Hobbes], Dec. 29, 1778.
William [dup. Fay, sic] of Hardwick, and Tabitha [dup. Tabaththa] Fay, int. Oct. 19, 1744.
William L. [int. Learned Esq.] of Troy [int. adds Ransellear Co.], N.Y., and Dolly Newell, Sept. 27, 1812.
MARIFIELD (see Maryfield)
Ithamer [dup. and dup. int. Ithamar Maryfield] and Lucy Gerould [dup. and dup. int. Gerold], Jan. 27, 1783.
MARSH (see March)
Ame [dup. int. Ama] and Jonathan Dix of Whitingham [int. Whiteingham], Jan. 16, 1782.
Annah and Ens. [int. omits Ens.] Peter Belknap Jr., Apr. 10, 1815.
Azubah and Peter Benson of New Fane [dup. Newfane], int. July 21, 1782.
Beulah and Penuel Belnap, Sept. 29, 1801.
Calvin and Lydia Dix of Whitingham, Vt., int. May 3, 1812.
Chloe and Jacob Newell, int. May 12, 1775.
Clarissa and Timothy Allen Jr., May 14, 1812.
Dilla [int. Deli] and Pliny [int. Pliney] Freeman, Oct. 5, 1802. [Della "(alias Deliverance)", C.R.1.]
Duty and Rhoda Morse, Mar. 27, 1781.
Duty Jr. and Rhoda Hiscock, June 21, 1812, in Conn.
Eliab and Fanny Lawton, int. May 3, 1805.
Elisha and Prudence Morse, int. Dec. 7, 1787.
Elisha and Experience Morse, Oct. 8, 1799.
Eunice and David Wheeler of Sutton, int. Dec. 22, 1783.
Eunice and Nathaniel Newell, int. Dec. 3, 1790.
Experience, Mrs. [int. wid., omits Mrs.], and Enoch Knap, Feb. 7, 1814.
Hannah and David Smith, Dec. 12, 1778.
Hannah and Ziba Plimpton, Dec. 22, 1814.
Israel and Beulah Mason, May 11, 1798.
Jason of Brookfield, and Asenath Ainsworth, May 26, 1793, in Brookfield.
Jasper and Patience Edy, int. May 31, 1784.
John Jr. and Hannah Clark, May 7, 1774.
John Jr. and Levina Gibbs, int. Mar. 27, 1780.
John Jr. and Thankful Mason, Jan. 12, 1815. [Thankful, C.R.1.]
Judith and Henry Morse, Jan. 7, 1790.
Lewis W. of Southbridge and Candace Newell, Nov. 28, 1837.
Lewis W. of Southbridge, and Adeline Phillips, Oct 9, 1839.
Louisa, 21, d. Moses, and Porter [int. Peter] Converse, 28, mechanick, s. Phineas and Lurinda, Sept 1, 1846.
Lucinda and David Wight 3d, Jan. 3, 1810.
Lydia and Luke Harding, Oct. 19, 1773.
Lydia and Festus Wight, Nov. 3, 1816.
Marcy and Abner Allen, int. July 19, 1772.
Martha and Stephen Harding, int. Nov. 17, 1779.
Mary Eliza and George Allen of Brookfield, int. Apr. 12, 1844.
Melanda [int. Melenda] and Nathan Newell Harding, Dec. 22, 1805.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Molly [int. Molley] and John Plimpton, Aug. 30, 1786.
Moses and Anna Fiske [int. Amma Fisk], Aug. 24, 1806.
Perley and Hannah Gerould, June 6, 1808.
Phila [int. Phile] and Alpheus Shumway, Nov. 27, 1815. [Phile, C.R.1.]
Rachel [int. adds wid.] and Phinehas Sherman [int. Shareman] of Brimfield, Sept. 21, 1773.
Rachel and Thomas Stone, int. Aug. 15, 1774.
Rachel and William Norcross [int. Norcros], Nov. 6, 1774.
Reuben and Tryphena Harding, Mar. 2, 1779.
Sibbel [dup. int Sibbil] and Nathan Howard, Apr. ----, 1765.
Silas and Beulah Albee [int. Bulah Allby, dup. int. Alby] of Mendon, Feb. 8, 1775, in Mendon.
Silas and Deliverence [dup. and int. Deliverance] Fisk, June 12, 1778.
Silas of Southbridge, and Nabby Allen, Jan. 30, 1820.
Simeon F. and Clarinda Harwood, Dec. 1, 1830.
Sumner and Josephine Mason, Nov. 29, 1827. P.R.3.
Susanna, wid., and Silas Ellis of Southbridge, int. Apr. 24, 1824.
Thomas and Hannah Ryan, int. Mar. 26, 1797.
Thomas and Mary Blanchard, Nov. 28, 1802.
Thomas and Jerusha Adams, May 28, 1821.
Thomas and Mary Humphrey [int. Hufman], Oct. 11, 1827.
Zillah (see Zillah Morse).
MARTAIN (see Martin)
Sarah [dup. Martin] and Ruben [dup. Reuben] Ellis, int. Nov. 12, 1752.
Sarah [dup. and dup. int. Martin] and Josiah Partridge, Jan. 30, 1755. [Martin, C.R.1.]
MARTIN (see Martain)
Aaron and Olive Harding, Jan. 9, 1766.
Adam and Abigail Cheeny [dup. and dup. int. Cheney], Dec. 19, 1762. [Mortin, and Abigail Cheney, Dec. 9, C.R.1.]
Elisabeth [dup. and dup. int. Elizabeth] and Abner Lyon [int. Lyion], Aug. 9 [dup. Aug. 3, sic], 1768.
Mary and Joseph Morse Jr., Sept. 14, 1768.
MARYFIELD (see Marifield)
Mills and Mary Mason, June 14, 1789.
Kezia and Noah Mason, Dec. 9, 1736. [Kesia Masscraft, C.R.1.]
Abel and Ruth Hobbs of Dudley, Dec. 30, 1762.
Abel Jr. and Puah Mason, Nov. 26, 1797.
Abigail and Azriel [int. Azerial] Blanchard [int. of "Numbr one"], Jan. 10, 1764. [Azariah, C.R.1.]
Alonzo R. [int. P.], 23, farmer, s. Daniel, and Mary E. Weld, 20, of Holland, b. Holland, d. Willard of Holland, Feb. 23, 1847.
Berinthia and Linus Child, Oct. 27, 1829. P.R.3.
Beulah and Israel Marsh, May 11, 1798.
Cate and Seth Shaw, Apr. 4, 1781.
Charles D. of Woodstock, Conn., and Louisa Nichols of Brookfield, Dec. 22, 1836.
Charles D., widr. [int. omits widr.], 37, shoemaker, s. Elias and Matilda, and Sarah L. Walker, 25, d. Braddy and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1847.
Daniel and Thankfull Howard, Dec. 23, 1789.
Elias of Charlton, and Phebe Nichols of Charlton, Sept. 20, 1801.
Elias and Betsy Coburn, Dec. 20, 1807.
Elisabeth [dup. and dup. int. Elizabeth, int. Elezebath] and William Hatfield [int. Hadfield], Nov. 1, 1750. [Elizabeth, C.R.1.]
Ellen M. and Randolph E. Sabin, May 19, 1839.
Emily and John M. Gregory of Lowell, int. May 12, 1845. [m. June 8, P.R.1.]
Eunice and Comfort Johson, int. Jan. 8, 1770.
Hepzibah [int. Hepsabah] and Aaron Crowch [int. Crouch of Staford, dup. int. of Stafford], July 24, 1754. [Hephzibah and Aaron Crouch, C.R.1.]
Hepzibah and John Hill, Jan. 9, 1799.
Hiram and Lucy Needham, Dec. 1, 1795.
Jacob and Mary Johnson, Jan. 31, 1775.
Jacob and Abigail Marcy, May 19, 1799.
John of Dudley, and Sarah Sabin of Dudley, Apr. 20, 1773.
Jonathan [dup. and int. Jr.] and Mary Howard, Nov. 6, 1760.
Joseph and Ruth Glover, int. Jan. 9, 1761.
Josephine and Sumner Marsh, Nov. 29, 1827. P.R.3.
Joshua and Cloe [dup. Chloe] Streeter, int. Feb. 5, 1791.
Keziah of Medfield, and Joseph Baker of New Medfield, Nov. 12, 1736, in Medfield.
Lemuel and Thankfull Partridge, Sept. 18, 1786.
Lewis and Lydia Adams, Feb. 8, 1816.
Lucy and Hinsdel [dup. and dup. int. Hindsdale, int. Hinsdell] Hamant, July 14, 1785.
Lucy and Jonathan Curtis [int. Curtiss], Aug. 18, 1803. [Jonathan P. Curtis, P.R.3.]
Maria of Southbridge, and Samuel Morse, int. June 11, 1836.
Martha and Roswell Chamberlain, Jan. 9, 1799.
Mary and Aaron Lyon, Dec. 5, 1753.
Mary and Ebenezer Fay, Nov. 19, 1765.
Mary, wid., and Zechariah [int. Zechariah] Smith, June 3, 1782.
Mary and Mills Maryfield, June 14, 1789.
Moses and Susanna Morse, Jan. 1, 1799.
Nancy and Elbridge G. Harding, Nov. 22, 1821. P.R.3.
Noah and Kezia Mascraft, Dec. 9, 1736. [Kesia Masscraft, C.R.1.]
Oliver and Lucey [dup. and dup. int. Lucy, int. Luce] Johnson, Dec. 18, 1766. [Lucy, C.R.1. P.R.3.]
Oliver Jr. and Persis Sessions, Feb. 26, 1801. P.R.3.
Otis of Southbridge, and Susannah Cook, int. Feb. 28, 1835.
Puah and Abel Mason Jr., Nov. 26, 1797.
Ruggles M. [int. of Southbridge] and Lucy Hobbs, Mar. 18, 1830.
Samuel S. and Clarinda Hooker, Oct. 27, 1829. P.R.3.
Simeon and Rebecah [dup. Rebeckah, int. Rebecca] Streeter, Apr. 14 [int. May 18, sic], 1780.
Soral of Woodstock, Conn., and Ira B. Carpenter, int. May 1, 1847.
Susanna, d. Oliver, and Joseph Shaw, Apr. 5, 1787. P.R.3.
Thankfull and Lemuel Sanders of Rutland, int. Feb. 3, 1770.
Thankfull and John Marsh Jr., Jan. 12, 1818. [Thankful, C.R.1.]
Warham and Phebe Ames, int. Aug. 23, 1732 [sic, 1792] [dup. 1792].
George of Charlton, and Abigail May of Charlton, Apr. 25, 1800.
Ruth of Charlton, and Abijah Shumway, int. Oct. 17, 1823.
Abigail of Charlton, and George Mathewson of Charlton, Apr. 25, 1800.
Anne [dup. Anna] of Woodstock, and Benjamin Scot [dup. Scott], int. Apr. 3, 1780.
Gordis of Canton, Conn. [int of Woodstock], and Ursula Johnson, June 5, 1833.
Hannah and Lemuel Stedmen [int. Stedman], Nov. 23, 1819.
John S. W. of Leicester, and Delia Freeman, int. Mar. 10, 1833. [m. Apr. 4, C.R.1.]
Ezikiel [dup. Ezekiel] and Mary Ann Watkins, Dec. 29, 1822.
McCLURE (see McLure)
Selina [int. adds S.] and George Hobbs of Brookfield, Oct. 8, 1826.
Lawran "a Citizen at large methodist Preacher," and Phebe Bachelor of Charlton, Jan. 14, 1797
McCOY (see Maccoy).
Jesse of Boston, and Matild Morriss of Brookfield, June 2, 1811.
McFARLIN (see McFarling)
Daniel and Orpha L. Sholes, int. Apr. 1, 1842.
McFARLING (see McFarlin)
David and Polly Stevens, Sept. 24, 1801.
McINTIER (see McIntire, McKentier)
Deborah, wid., and Abijah Smith, int. Dec. 25, 1824.
Hitte and Silas N. Thompson of Holland, int. Mar. 3, 1823.
Jonathan and Betsey Randal, int. July 10, 1826.
McINTIRE (see McIntier, McKentier)
Calvin of Charlton, and Sally Dexter of Charlton, May 14, 1823.
Elijah of Charlton, and Jerusha Carpenter of Charlton, June 10, 1800.
Jonathan and Polly Howlet of Woodstock, int. Dec. 15, 1821.
Martha of Charlton, and Samuel Colburn of W. Sprigfield, Oct. 12, 1800.
Martha of Charlton, and John Chard of Leicester, Jan. 11, 1801.
McKENTIER (see McIntier, McIntire)
Abel of Charlton, and Hannah Mory [dup. Morey] of Charlton, June 9, 1774.
MC KINSTRY (see Mackinstry, McKinstry, McKinsty)
Amos [dup. McKinstry] and Sarah Pike of Charlton, int. Sept. 9, 1786.
McKINSTRY (see Mackinstry, Mckinstry, McKinsty)
Benjamin and Mary Howard of Brookfield, Sept 19, 1815.
Daniel of Charlton, and Rachel Brown of Charlton, Apr. 10, 1814.
Elizabeth and Joseph Obryan of Western, int. May 12, 1787.
Elizabeth and William Sanders, Sept 17, 1795.
Elizabeth and Asa Dresser Jr. of Charlton, Apr. 30, 1809.
Esther (see ---- McKinsty).
Experance [dup. and dup. int. Experience McKinstrey, int. Mackinstry] and William Hobbs, Feb. 21, 1782.
James and Lois Dix, int. May 3, 1773.
John and Keziah Batcheller [int. Bacheldor] of Charlton, Oct. 2, 1808.
Margret [int. Margaret, dup. Margaret McKinstrey] and John Gray, Dec. 23, 1793.
Mary and John Olayha [dup. and dup. int. Olaha, int. O'Layha] of Boston, June 7, 1783.
Mary of Charlton, and Amos Putney of Charlton, Oct. 17, 1799.
Mercy [int. Marcy] and Luther Clemons [int. Clemmens] of Charlton, Apr. 2, 1815.
McKINSTY (see Mackinstry, Mckinstry, McKinstry)
---- [int. Esther McKinstry] and Arittus [int. Aretus] Hooker, Sept 10, 1834.
Edwin W., 22, merchant, of Vernon, Conn., and Amelia H. Griswold, 20, Apr. 10, 1844.
McLURE (see McClure)
Thomas [dup. McClure, int. Mack Clure, dup. int. McCluer] and Zilpah Leach [dup. Leech, dup. int. Zillah Leech], Nov. 4, 1762.
McNEAL (see MacNeal).
Henry, widr. [int Henry L. Mellin, omits widr.], 26, farmer, of Brookfield, s. Jeremiah and Mary of Brookfield, and Maria L. Merrick, 23, d. Thomas and Lucy, Nov. 26, 1846. [Henry L. Mellin, C.R.1.]
Robbert [int. Robert] of Cambridge Port [int. Cambridgeport], and Lucinda Gibbs, Mar. 10, 1829.
MERITT (see Merit, Merritt)
Mercy, of Charlton, and Jason Carpenter, int. Aug. 16, 1828.
MERRICK (see Mirick)
Adaline and Nathaniel Belknap, June 11, 1833.
Alfred M. and Lavinia W. Lamb, May 12, 1834. [Lavinia W., C.R.1.]
Cyrus and Elizabeth H. Sweet of Boston, int. Sept. 26, 1828.
Lydia (see Liddia Merritt).
Maria L., 23, d. Thomas and Lucy, and Henry Mellen, widr. [int. Henry L. Mellin, omits widr.], 26, farmer, of Brookfield, s. Jeremiah and Mary of Brookfield, Nov. 26, 1846. [Henry L. Mellin, C.R.1.]
Ora and Elisha D. Allen, May 12, 1830.
Samuel D. and Nancy C. Perry of Brimfield, int. Nov. 6, 1841.
MERRIFIELD (see Marifield, Maryfield).
MERRIT (see Meritt, Merritt)
Parmelia of Charlton, and David J. Burgess, int. Sept. 28, 1807.
MERRITT (see Meritt, Merrit)
Liddia [dup. Lydia Merrick] of Charlton, and Silas Hobs [dup. Hobbs], int Aug. 9, 1787.
METCALF (see Metcalfe)
Sally B. and William N. Johnson, Feb. 28, 1842.
METCALFE (see Metcalf)
Hollis [int. Metcalf] of Bellingham and Abigail Allen, Apr. 24, 1822.
Solomon [int. Mighills] and Lydia Chub [dup. and dup. int. Chubb], Dec. 30, 1789.
James and Nancy Canterbury, int. Feb. 2, 1811.
Lucy and Abijah Brown, Dec. 17, 1794.
MIRICK (see Merrick)
Hanah [dup. Hannah Merrick] and Jabez Nichels [dup. Nichols], Jan. 4, 1742-3 [dup. 1743.] [Hannah Mireck and Jabez Nichols, C.R.1.]
MITCHEL (see Mitchell)
Samuell [int. Samuel Mitchell] and Anna [int. Anne] Thompson, wid. [int. omits wid.], Sept. 4, 1793, in Warren.
MITCHELL (see Mitchel)
Samuel [dup. Mitchel] and Anne [dup. Anna] Thompson, int. Dec. 11, 1790.
MOFFATT (see Moffit)
Elihu W. of Thompson [int. Thomson], Conn., and Luransa [dup. Luranza] L. Glazier, Mar. 31, 1844.
MOFFIT (see Moffatt)
Daniel of Brimfield, and Mary Allen, int. May 18, 1778.
Hannah (see Mary).
Mary and Josiah Holbrook of Brimfield, int. Mar. 2, 1754.
Mary [dup. and int. Hannah] and Timothy Allen, Dec. 8, 1768.
Mehitabel [dup. Mehetable] and William Hincher Jr. of Brookfield, int. Mar. 10, 1770.
Ephraim [int. Mongir] [of] Union, and Sarah [int. Sally] Robbins, Jan. 21, 1794.
MONROE (see Munroe)
Solomon and Sarah Cox, int. Feb. 28, 1846.
Benoni [dup. Moone] of Little Hoosuck, and Rhoda Warren, int. May 21, 1787.
David [int. Daniel] C. and Betsey Dicky, Mar. 15, 1831.
MOOR (see Moore)
Abigail of Oakham, and Justus Weld, int. Aug. 5, 1826.
Julia [int. Moore] and Joseph Congdon of Southbridge, Mar. 30, 1825.
MOORE (see Moor)
Delia Ann [dup. Marcy] of Union, Conn., and Alpheus Wright, Sept. 13, 1827.
Roxana, 21, d. Daniel and Lorinda, and Henry W. Sheldon, 21, manufacturer, s. Charles and Suphronia, Nov. 6, 1849.
Sarah C. and Francis E. Cook, int. Mar. 31, 1846.
William [int. More Jr.] [of] Union, and Bethiah Weld [dup. Wild], May 31, 1796.
William B. and Eliza A. Lee, int. Mar. 31, 1846.
MOREY (see Mory)
Ephraim [of] Charlton, and Abigail Boyden, wid., Jan. 21, 1797.
Polly and Chester Rice, Sept. 21, 1806.
Tirzah and Silas Adams of Brookfield, int. Feb. 8, 1812.
Benjamin of Brimfield, and Mary Babbit, int. Dec. 22, 1783.
Primus and Susanna Croads of Woodstock, int. Nov. 19, 1808.
MORRIS (see Morriss)
Anna and Stephen Pierce, Feb. 15, 1801.
Anna Maria and Levi Fay Jr. of Brimfield, int. Mar. 25, 1817.
Esther and Abner Blodget, Aug. 6, 1801.
Hannah and Daniel Marcy, Mar. 3, 1768.
Hannah and Freeman Allen, Apr. 18, 1802.
Jeanette D., d. Moses and Lucy, and Timothy Boit widr. [int. Timothy W. Boyt, omits widr.], 34, farmer, of Newton, s. John (Boyt) and Rebecca, Oct. 1, 1848. [Timothy W. Boyt, C.R.1.]
Lyman and Mary Bacon of Charlton, int. Mar. 9, 1815.
Patty and Daniel Briggs 3d of Taunton [int. Taunton], Feb. 4, 1796.
Sarah W. [int. Morriss] and Otis Twitchel [int. Twichell] of Brookfield, May 7, 1834. [Twitchell, C.R.1.]
Timothy and Augusta Shaw, May 13, 1804.
Walter and Sally Warner [dup. int. Worner], Nov. 18, 1798.
MORRISS (see Morris)
Alfred and Sally Wetherbee Wilson of Charlton, Sept. 2, 1810.
Bathiah [dup. Bethiah Morris] and David E. [dup. D. Emery] Boynton, int. Sept. 2, 1788.
Cylinda [dup. Morris] and Elisha Allen, int. Nov. 17, 1783.
Edward Jr. of Charlton, and Jerusha Walker, Mar. 21, 1811.
Mary L. [of] Dudley, and Alfred Woodworth [of] Denmark, N.Y., June 28, 1842. [Morris, and Alfred Woolworth, C.R.1.]
Matild of Brookfield, and Jesse McCurdy of Boston, June 2, 1811.
Zebulan of Dudley [int. Morris of Dudly), and Martha B. Gingdon, Apr. 8, 1829.
MORS (see Morse)
Fitz Henry [int. Morse [of] Southbridge] and Amanda Child, May 4, 1831.
MORSE (see Mors)
Abigail and Jonathan Ginnings of Brookfield, Sept. 29, 1785.
Abigail, wid., and Benjamin Gennings [dup. and int. Ginnings] of Brookfield, Nov. 5, 1786.
Alpha and Lucy Shepherd, July 2, 1800.
Amos of Brookfield, and Damaris [int. Damarius] Upham, Apr. 26, 1804.
Asa Jr. and Huldah Carpenter of Mapletown, N.Y., int. Mar. 20, 1794.
Asa and Elizabeth Hunn, wid., of Plainfield, Conn., int. Aug. 24, 1805.
Asa and Betsey Sibley, June 3, 1813.
Asa Jr. of Woodstock, and ---- Sissions of Union, abt. May 0,(?) 1824. P.R.1.
Benjamin [int. Benjamin] and Lucy Cheney of Dudley, Nov. 15, 1802.
Calvin and Marcy [dup. and int. Mary] Dunton, Sept. 16, 1798.
Calvin and Abigail Webber of Holland, int. Dec. 15, 1805.
Clarisa and William Bradford of Woodstock, Conn., Apr. 6, 1814.
Daniel and Mrs. Lois Bullard [int. wid., dup. and int. omit Mrs.] of Dedham, May 31, 1789, in Dedham.
Daniel Jr. and Nabby Clark, June 18, 1800.
Daniel Jr. and Polly [int. Polley] Morse, June 7, 1803.
Daniel, Dea. [int. Lt., omits Dea.], of Southbridge, and Mrs. Jerusha Walker, Dec. 24, 1817.
David Jr. and Hannah Corbin of Woodstock, Dec. 29, 1768.
Dwight and Faustina [int. Faustana] Town, May 30, 1827.
Dwight of Southbridge, and Eliza Anne Haywood, int. Mar. 7, 1837.
Ebenezer and Ame [dup. Ama] Harding, int. May 19, 1777.
Elijah, Dr. [int. omits Dr.], and Matilda Corey, June 30, 1805.
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] of Woodstock, and Danil [dup. Daniel] Fisk, int. Nov. 12, 1781. [Elizabeth and Daniel Fiske, m. Dec. 26, P.R.1.]
Experance [dup. Experience] and Josiah Partridge, int. Dec. 7, 1772.
Experience and Elisha Marsh, Oct. 8, 1799.
Faustina [int. Faustena] L., 18, d. Dwight and Faustina F., and Amos Holbrook, 22, farmer, b. Charlton, S. Elias and Charlotte, Sept. 3, 1846.
Henry and Judith Marsh, Jan. 7, 1790.
Henry and Lucy Hobbs, Oct 30, 1803.
Jason and Phebe Stacy, Mar. 16, 1759.
Jason Jr. and Caty [int. Cate] Plimpton, Apr. 4, 1793.
Jason, Lt., and Katy [int. Caty] Coburn, Feb. 28, 1811.
Jeminta and John Harding, int. Feb. 9, 1789.
Jeremiah [dup. 2d] and Ruth Dodge, int. Oct. 3 [? 5] [dup. Oct. 5, 1782.
Jeremiah and Miriam Barrett [dup. int. Barret], Jan. 25, 1789.
Jerusha and Asahel Corbin [int. of Woodstock], Dec. 22, 1763. [Asahel Corbin of Wodstock, C.R.1.]
Joanna and Samuel Streeter [int. Streetor] of Charlton [dup. and int. of Oxford], May 9, 1753.
John and Abigail Lee, Sept. 14 1761.
John and Anna Clark of Brimfield, int. Oct. 29, 1794.
Joseph and Sarah Stacy, Oct. 20, 1762. [Oct. 27, C.R.1.]
Joseph Jr. and Mary Martin, Sept. 14, 1768.
Julia, d. Lyman, and Samuel Darling Jr., widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, of Bellingham, Apr. 18, 1849.
Kezia and John Streeter, Feb. 22, 1766. [Keziah, C.R.1.]
Kezia and Walter Goodale [int. Goodell], Nov. 25, 1802. [Keziah and Walter Goodell, C.R.1.]
Laura A., d. Elijah, and Alfred A. Dwight, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], merchant, of Detroit, Mich., s. William dec'd, Aug. 16, 1843.
Lucretia and Walter Lyon of Holland, Nov. 26, 1812.
Lyman and Sarah Child, May 24, 1804.
Manson [Mnason(?)] and Hannah Ricnmond [of] Woodstock, int. Dec. 11, 1798.
Marianna of Southbridge, and Levingston Shumway, int. Dec. 12, 1834.
Martha and Jonathan Perry, Dec. 31, 1756.
Martha and Joel Plimpton, int. Sept. 8, 1797.
Mary [int. Mors] and William Mackinstry [dup. and dup. int. McKinstry, int. Mackinstree], Jan. 31, 1750-1.
Mnason(?) (see Manson).
Nancy [int. adds Mrs.] and Dr. Simeon Kingsbury of Oxford, Apr. 9, 1800.
Nathan and Rebeckah Ingraham [int. Rebecah Ingraham] of Norwich, Apr. 30 [int. June 21, sic], 1762.
Oliver and Lydia Howe [int. Lyddia How], May 12, 1788.
Oliver and Lois Ware, int. Nov. 15, 1788.
Parker and Betsy Hunn, int. Aug. 26, 1806.
Parker and Lucinda Bottom of Woodstock, Conn., int. Sept. 8, 1815.
Peter and Keziah Burk [dup. Kezia Buck] of Brimfield, int. Nov. 25, 1754.
Peter and Sarah Hayns [dup. Haynes] of Brimfield, int. Aug. 31, 1771.
Philenda [int. Philinda] and Jesse Fuller of Southbridge, Apr. 9, 1817.
Polly [int. Polley] and Daniel Morse Jr., June 7, 1803.
Prudence and Elisha Marsh, int. Dec. 7, 1787.
Rhoda and Duty Marsh, Mar. 27, 1781.
Sally and Morris Marcy, Oct. 25, 1807.
Samuel and Zerviah [int. Zeruviah] Corbin of Woodstock, Jan. 24, 1771.
Samuel of Athol, and Sally Hill, int. Feb. 10, 1794.
Samuel Jr. and Deborah Laughlin of Charlton, int. Apr. 6, 1807.
Samuel and Maria Mason of Southbridge, int. June 11, 1836.
Sarah and Joel Plimpton, Mar. 26, 1801.
Sarah C. of Southbridge, and Livingston Shumway, int. Oct. 10, 1840.
Susanna and Moses Mason, Jan. 1, 1799.
Thankfull and Stephen Hiscock of Ashford, Apr. 19, 1777.
Timothy and Lydia Sharpe of Willington, Conn., int. Nov. 9, 1816.
Zebediah and Mary Sabin of Pomfret, int. Dec. 28, 1771.
Zillah [int. Marsh] of Sutton, and David Benson, Nov. 25, 1779, in Douglass.
Lorenzo, 27, painter, s. Reuben and Abigail, and [int. adds Mary] Eliza Holmes, 19, d. George and Eliza, May 14, 1846.
MORY (see Morey)
Hannah [dup. Morey] of Charlton, and Abel McKentier of Charlton, June 9, 1774.
Mary, Mrs., of Windham, and Rev. Joshua Paine, int. Oct. 26, 1762.
Daniel E. and Jane M. Learned, Apr. 2, 1839.
Ephraim, Col., and Harriet N. Phillips, Nov. 26, 1840.
MUNROE (see Monroe)
Amos [int. Monroe] and Betsey F. Gifford, Nov. 29, 1838.
Elisa Ann and Joseph E. Westgate, Oct. 20, 1835. [Eliza Ann, C.R.1.]
Hannah N. and David G. Westgate, July 4, 1840.
Lucy and Joseph E. Westgate, June 5, 1839, in Spencer.
Solomon and Elvira Nichols, int. Aug. 30, 1834.
Abraham R. and Lois Snow [of] Belchertown, int. Aug. 19, 1814.
Samuel and Charlotee Durbey, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
MYRICK (see Merrick, Mirick).
Asenath and Joshua Buckingham, int. Sept. 23, 1809.
Lucy and Hiram Mason, Dec. 1, 1795.
William L. of Spencer, and Caroline Woodward of Spencer, Oct. 15, 1838.
Charles, Dr., of Dudley, and Mehitable Marcy, Oct. 20, 1814.
Lyman A. of Warren, and Eleanor M. Hogaboon, Dec. 25, 1839. [Eleanor M. Hogaboon of Warren, C.R.1.]
Silas [int. Seth] of Greenwich, and Augusta Freeman, Dec. 1, 1808. [Silas, C.R.1.]
NEWELL (see Newhall)
Albigence of Holland, and Almeda [int. Elmeda] Lumbard, Nov. 23, 1820.
Candace and Lewis W. Marsh of Southbridge, Nov. 28, 1837.
Daniel F. [int. adds Capt.] of Southbridge, and Harriet Sheddon, July 16, 1839.
Dolly and William L. [int. Learned] Marcy [int. Esq.] of Troy [int. adds Ransellear Co.], N.Y., Sept. 27, 1812.
Esther and John Savage Esq. [of] Salem [int. adds Washington Co.], N.Y., Feb. 27, 1810.
Hannah and Dr. Abram Allen of Salem, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1806.
Hariet and Chester Plimpton, int. June 11, 1836.
Isaac and Mary Bretton [dup. Broton], wid., of Woodstock, int. Sept. 6, 1772.
Isaac and Mary Ammidown [dup. Amidown] of Woodstock, int. Oct. 6, 1793.
Isaac A. of Southbridge, and Nancy Plimpton, int Oct. 25, 1817.
Jacob and Chloe Marsh, int. May 12, 1775.
John and Charaty [int. Charity] Pratt, June 4, 1810. [Charity, C.R.1.]
Lucinda and Rev. Alfred Ely of Monson, Jan. 25, 1814.
Marcy and John Kennedy of Salem [int. adds Washington Co.], N.Y., Sept. 15, 1812.
Mary and Moses Bliss of Werston [dup. and int. Western], Nov. 26, 1772.
Mary and Edward Phillips, Apr. 8, 1812.
Mary [int. adds C.], 21, d. Moses and Mary, and George F. wider, 26, mechanic, of Washington, b. Southbridge, s. Nathaniel and Lucy of N.Y., Nov. 7, 1847.
Mehitable [dup. Mehetable] and Thomas Upham, Feb. 14, 1794.
Mercy (see Marcy).
Miriam and Dr. Ephraim Allen [dup. Allin of Monson], int. Apr. 27, 1793.
Nathaniel and Eunice Marsh, int. Dec. 3, 1790.
Paulina and Foster Henshaw of Brookfield, Apr. 16, 1823.
Polly and Capt. Abner Ellis of Dedham, May 10, 1807.
Rachel of Needham, and Edward Foster Jr., Nov. 4, 1774, in Needham.
Rachel and Samuel Allen Esq. of Worcester, Mar. 21, 1821.
Rebecca [int. Rebeckah] and John Parker Reynolds of Salem, N.Y., June 24, 1808. [Rebeccah, C.R.1.]
Ruth and Nahum Smith, May 10, 1784.
Samuel and Susanna Fisk, int. Nov. 1, 1784.
Samuel L. [int. Lewis] of Southbridge, and Julia Fiske, Dec. 19, 1819. [Julia Fisk, d. Nathan, Dec. 15, C.R.1.]
Stephen and Thankfull Smith, int. Aug. 7, 1786.
Stephen and Mrs. Polly Harwood [int. wid., omits Mrs.] of Charlton, Aug. 19, 1813.
Stephen Jr. and Mary S. Vinton of Cornish, N.H., int. Sept. 27, 1829.
Susanna [int. Susannah] and Joseph Chamberlain, Jan. 16, 1766.
Thankfull and Joseph Pepper [of] Brookfield, int. Mar. 19, 1836.
Timothy and Miriam Marcy, Jan. 1, 1767.
Timothy, Lt. [int. omits Lt.], of Union, and Caroline Plimpton, July 9 [int. Aug. 17, sic], 1805.
NEWHALL (see Newell)
Hannah [int. of Leicester] and Elijah Harding, May 14, 1767, in Leicester.
Jonathan Jr. [dup. and dup. int. omit Jr.] of Leicester, and Mehitabel [dup. and dup. int. Mehetable] Marcy, May 12, 1771.
Foster and Damaris [int. Demaris] Rockwood, May 27, 1802.
Foster and Betsy Stoddard [of] Brookfield, int. Oct. 12, 1805.
John, 20, shoemaker, and Lucy Baily [int. Bailey], 20 [int. of Southbridge], Sept. 29, 1846. [Bailey, C.R.1.]
Jotham [int. Jr.] and Lydia Stoddard, July 20, 1800.
Molley and Abner Dunton, Nov. 13, 1777.
Rufus S. and Lucy Hobbs, Oct. 20, 1833.
Sarah A., Mrs. [int. Sarah L., omits Mrs.], and Josiah Commins [of] Thompson, Conn., Mar. 19, 1843.
Tabitha and Silas bridges of Brookfield, Jan. 9, 1800.
NICHELS (see Nichold, Nichols)
Jabez [dup. Nichols] and Hanah Mirick [dup. Hannah Merrick], Jan. 4, 1742-3 [dup. 1743]. [Nichols, and Hannah Mireck, C.R.1.]
NICHOLD (see Nichels, Nichols)
Willard and Esther Upham, int. Jan. 31, 1813.
NICHOLS (see Nichels, Nichold)
Adaline L., 21, d. Willard and Esther, and Bainbridge [int. Bambridge] Douty, 21, farmer, of Charlton, b. Charlton, s. Salem and Diana of Charlton, Nov. 25, 1846. [Nov. 24, C.R.1.]
Caleb and Amanda Walker of Milbury, int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Charlotte and Charles Roper, Sept 16, 1840.
Clarenda [int. Clarinda] and Edmond [int. Edmund] Nichols May 1, 1843. [Clarinda and Edmund Nichols, C.R.1.]
Cornelia of Charlton, and Merrick Nichols, int. Feb. 19, 1847.
Damon of Charlton, and Mary Nichols, Nov. 13, 1826.
Edmond [int. Edmund] and Clarenda [int. Clarinda] Nichols, May 1, 1843. [Edmund and Clarinda Nichols, C.R.1.]
Edmund Jr. and Sally Wilder of Brookfield, int. Oct. 1, 1797.
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] and Joshua Hencher [int. Hencher] of Brookfield, Mar. 26, 1792, in Brookfield.
Elizabeth, 19, housekeeper, d. Samuel, and Loren [int. Loring] Henshaw, 24, farmer, of E. [int. S.] Brookfield, s. Baxter of E. Brookfield, Apr. 24, 1844.
Elvira and Solomon Munroe, int. Aug. 30, 1834.
Harriet [int. adds P.], d. Liberty (Nichols), and William L. Warner, widr. [int. omits widr.], tanner, of New London, Conn., July 5, 1848. [Harret P., July 5, 1847, C.R.1.]
Harriot [int. Harriet] and Elliot Rice of Brookfield, Nov. 29, 1838.
Mel and Clarisa Sibley of Charlton, int. Mar. 7, 1822.
Jabez and Cyntha [int. Sintha] Wilder of Ware, Oct. 20, 1798, in Ware.
John and Clarisa Smith, Nov. 28, 1824.
Joshua and Tamar Nichols, Feb. 16, 1804.
Liberty and Patty Richardson of Woodstock, Conn., int. Apr. 6, 1822.
Louisa of Brookfield, and Charles D. Mason of Woodstock, Conn., Dec. 22, 1836.
Lucy and James Hamilton of Brookfield, May 31, 1804. [Nicols, C.R.1.]
Lucy and Jacob Upham, int. Oct. 10, 1813.
Mary and Damon Nichols of Charlton, Nov. 13, 1826.
Merrick and Cornelia Nichols of Charlton, int. Feb. 19, 1847.
Nancy and Dexter Henchaw of Brookfield, int. Apr. 25, 1835.
Persis [int. Percis] and Daniel H. [int. F.] Homes, Nov. 25, 1827.
Phebe of Charlton, and Elias Mason of Charlton, Sept. 20, 1801.
Polly and Samuel Hooker Jr., Jan. 14, 1801. [Nicols, C.R.1.]
Polly and Lewis Abbott of Brookfield, Nov. 28, 1805. [Nicols, and Lewis Abbot, C.R.1.]
Proctor and Betsey Richardson of Woodstock, Conn., int. Mar. 24, 1827.
Tamar and Joshua Nichols, Feb. 16, 1804.
Warren, 27, farmer, s. Willard and Esther, and Louisa Fuller, 21, Oct. 19, 1846.
Wyman and Zeviah A. Upham, Sept. 19, 1837. [Zerviah Alone, C.R.1.]
William [int. Norcros] and Rachel Marsh, Nov. 6, 1774.
Jerusha of Wrentham, and Josiah J. [dup. Jones] Fiske, May 6, 1813. P.R.1.
Abby of Woodstock, and Nathaniel Searle, int. Nov. 3, 1808.
Charles, 35, farmer, of Dudley, b. Dudley, s. Nathan and Lydia of Dudley, and Adaline Vinton, 33, d. Daniel and Huldah, Sept. 19, 1849.