Vital Records Of Sturbridge, To The Year 1850.
Published By The New England Historic Genealogical Society,
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund. Boston, Mass., 1906.
Marriages - CHENEY to FURNOSS
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

CHENEY (see Cheeny, Cheny)
Azubah [int. Cheny] and Benjamin Scot [dup. and dup. int. Scott, int. Scoot], Dec. 22, 1737.
Chloe and Ziba Hill, Sept. 27, 1818.
Elisa [int. Eliza] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Palmer C. Tiffany of Southbridge. Jan. 1, 1835. [Eliza. C.R.1.]
Fatime and Amasa Blanchard. int. Oct. 20. 1797.(?)
Hannah of Dudley, and Erastus Bolles, int. Dec. 28, 1812.
Joel of Dudley, and Naomi Bacheldor of Charlton. Oct. 31, 1802.
Joseph and Pricilla [dup. Priscilla] Barnum, wid., of Taunton. int. Oct. 1, 1789.
Lucy of Dudley, and Benjamin [int. Binjamin] Morse, Nov. 15. 1801.
Penuel and Huldah Tarbell, Apr. 15, 1802.
CHENY (see Cheeny, Cheney)
Hannah [int. Hanah, dup. and dup. int. Cheney] and William Janes [int of Brimfield], Dec. 22, 1757.
Mary [dup. and dup. int. Cheney] and Elijah Plimpton, July 25, 1769.
Nathan [dup. and dup. int. Cheney] and Levina [int. Levine] Shumway, July 3, 1777.
Thomas [dup. Cheney] Jr. of Dudley, and Eunice Gleson [dup. Gleason] of Charlton, May 18, 1769.
CHEVER (see Cheever)
Esther of Brookfield, and Moses Fisk, int. Mar. 8, 1811.
CHICHERING (see Chickering)
William [int. Chickering] and Harriet [int. Hariet] Adams, Nov. 27, 1836.
CHICKERING (see Chichering)
Abigail and Emery Richards, int. Mar. 8, 1828.
Calvin Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Hannah Benson, Feb. 28, 1837.
Elisa H. and Joseph Gleason, int. Dec. 5, 1834.
Hannah of Woodstock, and Solomon Rogers, int. June 15 [1745].
Henry and Lucy Maria Woodard of Phillipston, int. Dec. 5, 1848.
Patty and William Richards, July 22, 1823.
Sally and John Boyden [int. 2d], Apr. 3, 1822.
Hannah and Simeon Sibley of Leicester, Feb. 10, 1840.
Amanda and Fitz Henry Mors [int. Morse [of] Southbridge], May 4, 1831.
Amasa and Cynthia [int. Sintha] Freeman, Dec. 1, 1808.
Ann [int. adds Mrs.] and Lyman Johnson, Dec. 30, 1827.
Anna and Lyman Johnson, May 25, 1806.
Annah and Silas Coburn, Oct. 8, 1792.
Cynthia F. [int. omits F.] and Howard Upham of Belchertown, Oct. 6, 1836.
Dorothy [dup. Doritny] of Woodstock, and Benjamin Brown, int. Oct. 10, 1771.
Ebenezer and Mary Humphry, int. Aug. 9, 1773.
Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] and Jeremiah Pike, int. Feb. 21, 1774.
Hannah of Thompson, and Martin Spencer Jr., int. Mar. 20, 1794.
Harmony and Oliver Wight, July 5, 1786.
Isaac Jr. and Esther Bowdwell [int. Bowdwill, dup. int. Boydwell], Sept. 29, 1792.
Joseph and Azubah Bardwell, int. Jan. 22, 1791.
Joseph and Deborah Hincher, May 16, 1794.
Julia Ann of Manchester, Conn., and Arnold C. Brown, int. Mar. 8, 1829.
Linus and Berinthia Mason, Oct. 27, 1829. P.R.3.
Lydia and Henery, [dup. Henry] Parker of S. Brimfield, int. Nov. 10, 1771.
Mary and John Graham of S. Brimfield [int. of Brimfield], Apr. 17, 1765.
Mary and Perez Walker, int. Mar. 23, 1799.
Molley and Enoch Kingsley [int. Enock Kingsly] of Woodstock, Sept. 29, 1782.
Otis and Elizabeth Mary Rice, int. Mar. 10, 1833.
Peleg C. of Woodstock, Conn., and Abigail Bullock, Sept. 16, 1829.
Phannela [dup. Phaneala, dup. int. Phaneala] and Walter Freeman, Aug. 4, 1784.
Rufus [of] Woodstock [int. adds Conn.], and Nancy Barnum [dup. int. Barnham], Jan. 17, 1795.
Samuel Jr. and Sarah Chamberlin [int. Chamberlain] of Needham, Dec. 17, 1769, in Needham.
Sarah and Lyman Morse, May 24, 1804.
CEROUCH (see Crouch, Crowch)
Phebe of Staford [dup. Crouch of Stafford], and Jonathan Foskit, int. Mar. 27, 1750.
CHUB (see Chubb)
Elisabeth [dup. and dup. int. Elizabeth Chubb] and Daniel Hobbs, July 23, 1767. [Daniel Hebbard, C.R.1.]
Lucy [dup. Chubb] and Bartholomew Brown of Brimfield, int. Aug. 24, 1778.
Lydia [dup. and dup. int. Chubb] and Solomon Miles [int. Mighhills], Dec. 30, 1789.
Mary [dup. Chubb] of Needham, and Samuel Freeman, int. Apr. 20, 1744.
William [dup. Chubb] and Mary Shafter of Woodstock, int. May 20, 1765.
William Jr. [dup. Chubb, omits Jr.] and Anne [dup. Anna] Blanchard, int. June 10, 1790.
CHUBB (see Chub)
Molley [int. Chub] and Zebediah Abot [dup. and int. Zebadiah Abbot] of Brookfield [int. of Brimfield], Mar. 25, 1780.
Sarah [int. Chub] and Charls [dup. and int. Charles] Dugar, May 14, 1767.
CLAP (see Clapp)
Matthew [of] Charlton, and Susanna Ryant, Dec. 3, 1799.
CLAPP (see Clap)
Henry [int. Harvy Clap], farmer, of Auburn, and Eliza Mack, Mar. 4, 1848.
Aaron and Kathrin [int. Kathrine, dup. int. Cathrine] Ingraham, May 11, 1765.
Anna and John Dresser [dup. and int. Jr.] of Charlton, Mar. 23, 1769.
Anna of Brimfield, and John Morse, int. Oct. 19, 1794.
Asaph and Hannah Howard, Apr. 17, 1794.
Azubah and Michel [dup. and dup. int. Michael] Sanders, July 24, 1758. [Michel, July 25, C.R.1.]
Betty of Hampton, Conn., and Henry Goodell, int. Oct. 20, 1804.
Cally and Buckminster Wood of Brookfield, Dec. 8, 1799.
Chloe and Moses Foster, Jan. 31, 1802.
Danforth and Mary Allton [int. Marcy Altern] of Charlton, Dec. 18, 1788, in Charlton.
Dexter and Mehitable Oaks, Mar. 31, 1811.
Dolly and Lt. Jonathan Greene, Dec. 26, 1813.
Ebenezer and Chloe Plimpton, Dec. 23, 1779.
Erasmus [int. Erastmus] and Rhoda Prentice of Sutton, Oct. 19, 1799, in Sutton.
Francis Gould of Brookfield, and Huldah Rice, int. Feb. 20, 1820.
George W. [int. Washington] and Persis Gerould, Jan. 3, 1811.
Hannah and John Marsh Jr., May 7, 1774.
Hannah, wid., and [int. adds Dr.] Samuel Clark, Sept. 17, 1812.
Henry [int. Henery and Martha Bond, wid., Apr. 27, 1773.
Isaac and Ama Bixby Oct. 17, 1774.
James [int. Jr.] and Polly Shumway, Mar. 6, 1806.
Jephthah and Tamer [dup. and int. Tamar] Sanders, July 28, 1785.
Jerusha [int. Jerushua] of Medfield, and Obediah [dup. int. Obadiah] Allen, Sept. 8, 1747, in Boston.
John and Olive Craig of Charlton, int. Nov. 8, 1815.
Jonah and Esther Harding, Mar. 28, 1775.
Joseph and Sally [int. Salley] Heath, May 2, 1813.
Joseph S. and Harriet B. Bourne of New Bedford, int. Dec. 10, 1831.
Lucy and Solomon Bixby [dup. and dup. int. Bigsby], July 13, 1786.
Lucy, wid. [int. Mrs., omits wid.], 20, d. Danforth Benson and w., Alpheus Wright, widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, farmer, s. Alpheus and Abigail, May 10, 1848.
Lucy Ann, 29, d. Chester and Jerusha Ann, and Easti Brooks Bixby [int. Earl Brooks Bixsly], 21, mule spinner, s. Ezra and Delia, June 23, 1844.
Margret [dup. and dup. int. Margaret, int. Margrit] and Elijah Dix of Worthington [int. Worthington], Mar. 12, 1772 [sic, int. Feb. 22, 1773].
Mary [dup. int. of Western] and Moses Rogers, Feb. 12, 1778.
Matilda and Joseph Stedman of Charlton, Oct. 29, 1806.
Merrick, 44, farmer, s. Erasmus and Rhoda, and Lucy Benson, 23, Nov.---- [int. Nov. 15], 1845.
Miriam and Samuel Glover, Apr. 5, 1781.
Moses [dup. and int. Jr] and Luce Shumaway [dup. and dup. int. Lucy Shumway, int. Shumeway], Mar. 6, 1760.
Moses Jr. and Jemima Harding, July 5, 1786.
Moses and Hannah Robbins of Woodstock, int. May 23, 1791.
Nabby and Daniel Morse Jr., June 18, 1800.
Nathan B. and Ammarillais Gray, int. Aug. 28, 1815.
Olive of Charlton, and Marcus Ledayt, int. Mar. 22, 1822.
Phinehas and Prudence Chapin, wid., Apr. 13, 1809. [Mrs. Prudence, C.R.1.]
Rhoda and Jermiah Twichel [int. Jeremiah Twichell, dup. int. Twitchel], Sept. 4, 1766. [Rada and Jeremiah Twitchel, C.R.1.]
Rouland [dup. Roland] Jr. and Mary Weld of Roxbury, int. Mar. 26, 1778.
Rufus and Nabby [dup. Abigail] Johnson, Nov. 12, 1789.
Samuel [int. adds Dr.] and Hannah Clark, wid., Sept. 17, 1812.
Solomon [int. 2d] and Martha Plimpton, Oct. 1, 1797.
Solomon and Hannah Preston of Ashford, Apr. 10, 1806.
Waldo of Woodstock, Conn., and Sally Brown, Apr. 1, 1814.
Zeeb and Priscilla Dogge [dup. Dodge] of Woodstock, int. June 16, 1766.
Zille [dup. and int. Zillah] and Seth Hamment [dup. and int. Hamant], Sept. 28, 1759.
Benjamin of Dudley, and Esther Pratt, Aug. 21, 1792, in Dudley.
CLEMENCE (see Clemens, Clemmence, Clemmons, Clemons)
Lucia, 25, b. Charlton, d. Dexter and Silvia, and George Weld, 25, farmer, s. Joshua and Cynthia, Sept. 19, 1849.
CLEMENS (see Clemence, Clemmence, Clemmons, Clemons)
Caroline [int. Clemene] and Leavins Hooker, Feb. 23, 1825.
Hannah T. of Charlton, and Leonard Corey of Sprigfield, May 29, 1838.
Rosina, 22, of Petersham, b. Petersham, d. Josiah and Ruhama and Harrison G. Whittemore, 23, farmer, s. Asa and Hannah, Nov. 14, 1849.
---- of Holland, and Rinda M. Fuller of Holland, Aug. 16, 1838.
CLEMMENCE (see Clemence, Clemens, Clemmons, Clemons)
Calvin and Lydia Hooker, Apr. 15, 1802.
CLEMMONS (see Clemence, Clemens, Clemmence, Clemons)
Aaron [of] Charlton, and Lucreatia Hooker, int. Mar. 31, 1798.
Anna, wid., of Brookfield, and Samuel Scranton of Belcherton, June 26, 1807.
Benjamin of Charlton, and Ruth Sanders of Charlton, Feb. 26, 1800.
Joel of Charlton, and Betsy Upham, Nov. 30, 1803. [Clemence, C.R.1.]
Jonas of Charlton, and Lydia Doubty of Charlton, June 13, 1798.
CLEMONS (see Clemence, Clemens, Clemmence, Clemmons)
Luther [int. Clemmens] of Charlton, and Mercy [int. Marcy] McKinstry, Apr. 2, 1815.
COBURN (see Colburn)
Betsy [int. Bitsy] and Thomas Patten [of] Greenwich, May 29, 1796.
Betsy and Elias Mason, Dec. 20, 1807.
James and Olive Benson, int. July 11, 1789.
John of Wales, and Mariah L. Walace [int. Maria Louisa Wallace], Oct. 10, 1841. [Maria L. Wallace, C.R.1.]
Katy [int. Caty] and Lt. Jason Morse, Feb. 28, 1811.
Lemuel and Nabby Stratton of Holland, int. Jan. 9, 1805.
Lucey [int. Lucy] and John Marcy of Newtown, Sept. 12, 1805.
Sally and Jotham Howard, Jan. 24, 1799.
Sibbel and Andrew Webster, int. Nov. 24, 1784.
Silas and Annah Child, Oct. 8, 1792.
Zacheariah [dup. and int. Zechariah] and Dinah Hobbs, Aug. 7, 1765.
Samuel B. of Mendon, and Nancy [int. Mary, dup. Nancy] B. Gifford, Dec. 31, 1843.
COLBURN (see Coburn)
Benjamin [dup. and dup. int. Colman] and Eunice Dix, Mar. 22 [dup. Mar. 29], 1774.
Eunice [dup. Colman], wid., and David Allen of Hallifax, int. Sept. 22, 1783.
Samuel of W. Sprigfield, and Martha McIntire of Charlton, Oct. 12, 1800.
Anna and Josiah Draper of Brookfield, Mar. 19 [? 29], 1812.
Lydia and Enoch Corey, Apr. 29, 1810.
Anne [dup. Anna] of Charlton, and John Carpenter, int. Mar. 20, 1793.
Benjamin (see Benjamin Colburn).
COLTON (see Coulton)
George of Southbridge, and Caroline Allen of Brookfield, Sept. 16, 1834.
Nancy and Francis Wheelock, Apr. 3, 1814. [Cotton, C.R.1.]
COMMING (see Commins)
Thomas B. [int. Cummings] of Lowell, and Amy [int. Aimy] Smith, Jan. 22, 1832.
COMMINS (see Commings)
Josiah [of] Thompson, Conn., and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Sarah A. [int. L.] Newton, Mar. 19, 1843.
Asa W. and Mary Kendall of Barre, int. Oct. 15, 1815.
Charles [int. adds F.], 24, of Fitchburg, s. Andrew, and Oral [int. adds B.] Bruce, 23, d. Lyman and Lydia, June 21, 1848. [Charles F. and Oral B. Bruce, C.R.1.]
Josiah and Harriot Lyon, Jan. 4, 1814. [Harriet, C.R.1.]
Thankfull [int Thankful] and John Cutting, Mar. 4, 1813. [Thankful, C.R.1.]
Benjamin [dup. Condon], yeoman, s. John dec'd, and Nancy Weld, d. Caleb, Aug. 23, 1843.
Eliza and Lemuel L. Holmes, int. Apr. 7, 1832.
James and Pamelia Phinney of Dudley, int. Oct. 2, 1840.
Joseph of Southbridge, and Julia Moor [int. Moore], Mar. 30, 1825.
Martha B. and Zebulan Morriss of Dudley [int. Morris of Dudly], Apr. 8, 1829.
Mary and Tristrum s. Wheelock of Southbridge, Sept. 2 [int. Sept. 6, sic], 1828.
CONVARS (see Converse)
Amuel [dup. Converse] of Killingly, and Josiah Davis of Cuntrey [dup. Country] Gore, int. Apr. 13, 1745.
CONVERSE (see Convars)
Dolley [int. Dolly] and Abijah Richardson of Charlton, Apr. 7, 1807. [Dolly, C.R.1.]
Porter [int. Peter], 28, mechanick, s. Phineas and Lurinda, and Louisa Marsh, 21, d. Moses, Sept. 1, 1846.
Thomas and Abigail Fay, Nov. 3, 1737.
Welcome [int. Welcom] of Monson, and Huldah [int. Hulda] Howard, Sept. 13, 1809.
Alfred H. of Hadley, and Prudence Lyon, Nov. 20, 1834.
Elizur [int. Elezar] D. of Sprigfield, and Lucinda M. Wight, Nov. 29, 1837.
Francis E. and Sarah C. Moore, int. Mar. 31, 1846.
Susannah and Otis Mason of Southbridge, int. Feb. 28, 1835.
Francis A., shoemaker, and Rebecca [int. Rebecah C.] Sanger, Oct. 6, 1846.
John N. of Northbridge, and Betsey P. Crandol, Jan. 1, 1839.
Judson F. and Maria Stowell [int. Mariah Stoel], Aug. 26, 1833.
Alfred and Mary Williams of Taunton, int. Aug. 29, 1808.
Daniel and Mrs. Esther [int. Easther] Blodget [int. wid., omits Mrs.], Mar. 13, 1814.
CORBAN (see Corbin)
Anna and Sabin Allen of Monson, July 26, 1792.
Polley [dup. Polly] and Jacob Allen [int. Jr.], Aug. 14, 1783.
Rhoda [dup. Corbin] of Woodstock, and Simeon Lillie, int. Feb. 10, 1787.
CORBIN (see Corban)
Abigail and Amos Broughton, Dec. 3, 1772.
Anna, 30, b. Woodstock, d. ---- of Woodstock, and Abiel D. Williams, 30, farmer, b. Dudley, s. Rev. Abiel of Dudley, Apr. 30, 1844, in Conn.
Asahel [int. of Woodstock] and Jerusha Morse, Dec. 22, 1763. [Asahel of Wodstock, C.R.1.]
George and Jane E. Lawrence [int. Jane S. Larwence], Sept. 22 [1842].
Hannah, of Woodstock, and David Morse Jr., Dec. 29, 1768.
Jemima [int. of Woodstock] and Joshua Harding, Apr. 8, 1762.
Rhoda and John Ryan, Dec. 16, 1796.
Silas [int. of Woodstock] and Anna Fisk, Dec. 30, 1766.
Susanna and James Rice [of] Brookfield, int. Sept. 27, 1797.
Zerviah [int. Zeruviah] of Woodstock, and Samuel Morse, Jan. 24, 1771.
CORDER (see Carder)
Helen Maria [int. Carder], 22, d. Barnes and Deborah, and Edwin L. Sholes, 25, manufacturer, of Oxford, May 18, 1845. Carder, C.R.1.]
COREY (see Cory)
Almira and Samuel Bemis, int. Apr. 10, 1819.
Amma and Ethan Bullard of Dudley, Aug. 19, 1816.
Azubah and Sylvester Watkins, int. Jan. 28, 1805. [Sylvesta, m. Mar. 3, C.R.1.]
Betsy and Dr. Justus Keyes of Western, May 11, 1806. [Betsey, C.R.1.]
Charlotte and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Sylvanus Curtiss [int. Curtis] of Mt. Vernon, Me., Aug. 7, 1818.
David [int. Cory] and Sarah Harding, Nov. 19, 1777.
David and Abigail Adams of Spencer, Nov. 20, 1783, in Spencer.
David Jr. and Betsey B. Bowen, Sept. 21, 1820.
Enoch and Lydia Cole, Apr. 29, 1810.
Fanny and Hiram Wheelock, May 15, 1814.
Francis E. and Vernera Leonard, Apr. 25, 1831.
George V. and Martha M. Griggs of Brimfield, int. Sept. 9, 1837. [Martha T., m. Oct. 3, C.R.1.]
Hannah and Preston [int. Preston] Pond, Feb. 18, 1827.
Jacob Jr., Dr. [int. omits Dr.], and Mrs. Mary Bullock, Oct. 17, 1813.
Jemima and Isaac Boyden, May 9, 1786.
Leonard of Sprigfield, and Hannah T. Clemens of Charlton, May 29, 1838.
Louisa and William Gay, July 4, 1842.
Lucinda and Ira Thing of Amherst, May 24, 1836.
Matilda and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Elijah Morse, June 30, 1805.
Nabby and Martin Bullard of Westborough, int. Nov. 4, 1811.
Polly and Preston Pond of Holliston, Aug. 19, 1816.
Sally and Martin Bullard, Apr. 9, 1807.
Stephen (see Stephen Carey).
CORY (see Corey)
Elisabeth [dup. int. Elizabeth Corey] and Eleazer Adams of Brookfield, Jan. 12, 1769.
Hannah [dup. and dup. int. Corey] and Elijah Carpenter of Woodstock, Oct. 10, 1765. [Elizabeth Cory, C.R.1.]
Jacob [dup. Corey], Dr., and Matilda Walker of Woodstock, int. Nov. 15, 1779.
John [dup. Corey] Jr. and Mary Dogge [dup. Dodge] of Brookfield, int. Aug. 2, 1772.
COULTON (see Colton)
Molley of Monson, and Timothy Chamberlain, int. Jan. 18, 1780.
Sarah and Solomon Monroe, int. Feb. 28, 1846.
Abigail of Union, and Abner Howard, int. Nov. 10, 1798.
Polly of Union, and Justus Boyden, int. Nov. 30, 1799.
Olive of Charlton, and John Clark, int. Nov. 8, 1815.
Chloe of S. Brimfield, and Peter Faulkner, int. Dec. 10, 1768.
Betsey P. and John N. Cooper of Northbridge, Jan. 1, 1839.
Phillip and Harriot Wight, May 9, 1824.
Experience [int. Experance] of Woodstock, and [int. adds Capt.] Ralph Wheelock, Sept. 12, 1766.
Susanna of Woodstock, and Primus Morney, int. Nov. 19, 1808.
Jeremiah [dup. Crosbie] and Deliverance Streeter, Oct 8, 1792.
Saviah [dup. int. Seviah] and Elihu Sabin [of] Hardwick [int. adds Vt.], Feb. 18, 1795.
Joshua [int. Crosmun] of Leicester, and Sarah Weld, Nov. 5, 1772.
CROUCH (see Chrouch, Crowch)
Sarah of Stafford, and Ebenezer Bugbee, int. Oct. 31, 1763.
CROWCH (see Chrouch, Crouch)
Aaron [int. Crouch of Staford, dup. int. Stafford] and Hepzibah [int. Hepsabah] Mason, July 24, 1754. [Crouch, and Hephzibah Mason, C.R.1.]
John of Woodstock, and Abigail Johnston [dup. Johnson], int. Dec. 24, 1784.
CUMMINGS (see Comming, Commins).
CURTIS (see Curtiss)
David and Sarah Stowele [dup. Stole], int. June 16, 1744.
Hannah and Ezekiel Brown of Charlton, int. Sept. 3, 1803.
Jonathan [int. Curtiss] and Lucy Mason, Aug. 18, 1803. [Jonathan P. Curtis, P.R.3.]
Theodora [int. Theodorah] and Asa Bugbee of Woodstock. Conn., Nov. 2, 1809.
CURTISS (see Curtis)
Eunice [dup. int. Curtis] of the Country Gore [int. Unice Curtice of Countrey Gore], and Nehemiah Houghton, Dec. 19, 1759, in Oxford.
Sylvanus [int. Silvenus [dup. int. Silvanus] Curtis] of Brookfield, and Mary Phillips [int. Philips], Nov. 14, 1776, in Brookfield.
Sylvanus [int. Curtis] and Susanna Jinnings [int. Jennings] of Brookfield, Oct. 12, 1797.
Sylvanus, Dr. [int. Curtis, omits Dr.], of Mt. Vernon, Me., and Charlotte Corey, Aug. 7, 1818.
Lois, wid., of Stafford, Conn., and William Lumbard, Feb. 11, 1819.
Nathan and Pudence Gerould [dup. and dup. int. Jerold, int. Prudence Jerould], Apr. 6, 1780.
Althucy [int. Althusy] and Adams Drury of Charlton, Apr. 6, 1815.
Ebenezer of Shrewsbury, and Elizabeth Dunton, Feb. 7, 1785.
Horace and Harriet Upham, Dec. 25, 1831.
John and Thankfull [int. Thankful] Conant, Mar. 4, 1813. [Thankful, C.R.1.]
Prudence and Bezer Robinson, Jan. 21, 1816.
DALLIBA (see Deliba).
Robert [dup. Dalrymple] of Dudley, and Martha Peirce, int. June 18, 1790.
DAMON (see Deming, Demon)
Anne [dup. Anna] of Western, and Nathan Smith, int. Mar. 21, 1789.
Sally [dup. and int. Deming, dup. int. Demon] and William Rice of Brookfield, Mar. 27, 1788.
Asa [int. Dena] and Eunice Town, June 9, 1777.
Daniel R. of Oxford, and Caroline A. Baker of Milbury, Feb. 24, 1842.
Amisa of Douglas, and Abigail Boyden, int. May 1, 1829.
Lydia of Medway, and Ebenezer Hartshorn, July 6, 1772, in Medway.
Nathan Jr. and Elanor Buraughs of Mendon, int. July 10, 1830.
Samuel Jr., widr. [int. omits widr.], farmer, of Bellingham, and Julia Morse, d. Lyman, Apr. 18, 1849.
Lydia and Jesse Dunton Jr., Aug. 5, 1804.
Oliver G. of Southbridge, and Mary M. Ballard of Southbridge, Oct. 20, 1835.
Eunice and Andrew Blunt, int. June 9, 1759.
George and Sophia. Hitchcock of W. Brookfield, int. Apr. 23, 1812.
Hannah W. and William C. Foot of New Haven, Conn., Apr. 2, 1839.
Jemima [int. Daviss] and Denison [dup. and dup. int. Dennison] Wheelock, July 7, 1784.
John Howard and Rhoda [int. Rhody] Vinton, Jan. 1, 1815.
Joseph L. of Montville, Conn., and Finilia Streeter of Southbridge, Oct. 24, 1838.
Josiah of Cuntrey [dup. Country] Gore, and Amuel Convars [dup. Converse] of Killingly, int. Apr. 13, 1745.
Justus and Elizabeth Walker, Sept. 10, 1807.
Lucy of Charlton, and Rev. Edward Clark Turner, int. Mar. 7, 1808.
Mary Ann and George G. Hitchcock of Ware Village, June 19, 1838.
Mary S. and Luman K. Plimpton of Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1838.
Otis and Maria Putney of Southbridge, int. Jan. 28, 1842.
Russell [int. Rusel] and Persis Town, Apr. 10, 1825.
Ruth C. and Marcus Vinton of Dudley, int. May 3, 1839.
Stephen and Ester How [dup. Esther Howe], Nov. 9, 1742. [Esther, C.R.1.]
Ann [of] Western, and Avry P. Taylor, int. May 25, 1823.
James [dup. Decoyer] of Woodstock, and Jane Hatch, int. Feb. 1, 1753.
George [dup. and int. Dalliba, dup. int. Daliba] and Rhoda Sabin, wid., Apr. 14, 1795.
DEMING (see Damon, Demon)
Ester [dup. Esther] of Pomfret, and Aaron Weld, Mar. 15, 1756.
DEMON (see Damon, Deming)
Richard, "man Servant of the wid. Abigail Taylor," and Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] Way "of the Union," int. July 28, 1766.
Experience [int. Experaence, dup. and dup. int. Experienc Dennison], and Ralph Wheelock [int. Whelock], Jan. 24, 1750-1.
DERBY (see Durbey).
Mary Jane [int. Devereau] and Sumner Wallis of Monson, Apr. 2, 1834.
Leonard [of] Holland, and Miriam Howard, Aug. 4, 1796.
Sally of Charlton, and Calvin McIntire of Charlton, May 14, 1823.
Sherman C. of Madison, N.Y., and Sarah M. Shumway, int. Sept. 28, 1844. [m. Oct. 16, C.R.1.]
DICKEY (see Dicky)
James of Charlton, and Olive Woodward of Charlton, Oct. 3, 1814.
DICKY (see Dickey)
Betsey and David [int. Daniel] C. Moon, Mar. 15, 1831.
Benjamin and Hannah Saunderson [int. Sanderson, adds wid.] of Leicester, Mar. 11, 1772, in Leicester.
Betsey [int. Betsy] and Solomon Towne, Apr. 27, 1798.
David and Elisabeth [dup. int. Elizabeth] Bartholomew of Woodstock, Nov. 5, 1772.
Elijah of Worthington [int. Worthrington], and Margret [dup. and dup. int. Margaret, int. Margrit] Clark, Mar. 12, 1772 [sic., int. Feb. 22, 1773.]
Eunice and Benjamin Colburn [dup. and dup. int. Colman], Mar. 22 [dup. Mar. 29], 1774.
Hanna [dup. and int. Hannah] and Jonathan Barton of Whitingham [int. Whiteingham], Dec. 13, 1781.
Jonathan of Whitingham [int. Whiteingham], and Ame [dup. int. Ama] Marsh, Jan. 16, 1782.
Joseph [int. of the Continential [dup. int. Continental] Army] and Salley [dup. and int. Sally, dup. int. Sarah] Fisher, May 3, 1779.
Lois and James McKinstry, int. May 3, 1773.
Lydia of Whitingham, Vt., and Calvin Marsh, int. May 3, 1812.
Mehitabel [dup. and dup. int. Mehetable] and Seth Hamant [int. Hament], June 9, 1768.
Sarah and Nathaniel Streeter, Aug. 9, 1777.
Ame and Luther Fagin, int. Feb. 22, 1812.
DODGE (see Doge, Dogge)
Amanda and Joshua Gerold, Dec. 23, 1820.
Amariah and Elizabeth Janes of Brimfield, int. Mar. 16, 1794.
Clarisa and Austin F. Haward [int. Howard], Jan. 1, 1824.
Elizabeth A. and William E. Alden, int. Sept. 15, 1847. [m. Sept. 17 [sic], C.R.1.]
Levi and Kezia Ellis, Mar. 15, 1796.
Lydia and John Fairfield, Feb. 17, 1823.
Richard Jr. of New Grantham [int. adds Vt.], and Levina Ellis, Nov. 29, 1802.
Rufus and Ruth Ward of Charlton, int. May 6, 1837.
Ruth and Jeremiah Morse [dup. 2d], int. Oct. 3 [? 5] [dup. Oct. 5], 1782.
Stillman of N. Brookfield, and Sarah M. Sabin, Jan. 1, 1834.
DOGE (see Dodge, Dogge)
Sarah [dup. and dup. int. Dodge] of Brookfield, and Samuel Wark [dup. and dup. int. Work], Dec. 24, 1781.
Thomas [dup. Dodge] of Dudley, and Abigail Putney of Dudley, Feb. 23, 1779.
DOGGE (see Dodge, Doge)
Mary [dup. Dodge] of Brookfield, and John Cory [dup. Corey] Jr., int. Aug. 2, 1772.
Priscilla [dup. Dodge] of Woodstock, and Zeeb Clark, int. June 16, 1766.
Mary [int. Deulittle] and Willard Smith of Palmer, Aug. 9, 1809. [Williard, C.R.1.]
Betsy [int. Dorethy] of Framingham, and Silas Pratt, Feb. 19, 1804.
Solomon W. and Anginette White, negroes, int. Mar. 13, 1844.
DOUBTY (see Douty)
Lydia of Charlton, and Jonas Clemmons of Charlton, June 13, 1798.
DOUTY (see Doubty)
Bainbridge [int. Bambridge], 21, farmer, of Charlton, b. Charlton, s. Salem and Diana of Charlton, and Adaline L. Nichols, 21, d. Willard and Esther, Nov. 25, 1846. [Nov. 24, C.R.1.]
Roxana of Endfield, and Henry Dyer, int. [Mar.] 26, 1842.
Charles H. and Roxana M. Bruce, int. Mar. 4, 1837.
Eunice T. [int. F.] and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] David Wight Jr., Sept 14, 1836. [Eunice F., C.R.1.]
Horatio N. and Prudence Ross of Thompson, Conn., int. Sept. 1, 1830.
Horatio N., widr. [int. omits widr.], 40, manufacturer, of Holland, s. Simeon and Eunice of Holland, and Amanda Johnson, 22, d. Joel and Roxanna, Nov. 5, 1848.
Amanda of Brookfield, and Gilbert Olds of Spencer, July 4, 1816.
Diana and John Smith of Cazenovia, N.Y., int. Feb. 7, 1819. [Diana, d. Jacob, m. Mar. 2, P.R.1.]
George and Miriam [int. Meriam] Harding, Apr. 16, 1812.
Hannah and Charles Brown [of Stonington] [int. adds Conn.], July 17, 1793.
Jacob and Diana How [dup. and dup. int. Howe], Apr. 4, 1792.
John W. and Lucy Ann Upham of Brimfield, int. Nov. 7, 1846. [m. Nov. 26, C.R.1.]
Josiah of Brookfield, and Anna Cole, Mar. 19 [.? 29] 1812.
Lydia of Brookfield, and Clark Rice of Brookfield, Mar. 19 [? 29], 1812.
Lyman of Brookfield, and Mary Reed of Brookfield, Jan. 31, 1819.
Mary of Roxbury, and Joshua Weld, int Nov. 7, 1756.
Olive and Jason Gleason of Western, Mar. 9, 1789.
Olive H. and Calvin Baker of Brimfield, Jan. 17, 1839.
DRESOR (see Dresser)
Richard [dup. Dresser] and Dorothy [dup. Doritny] Marcy, Nov. 12, 1741. [Dresser, C.R.1.]
DRESSER (see Dresor)
Asa Jr. of Charlton, and Elizabeth McKinstry, Apr. 30, 1809.
Asenath of Charlton, and Comfort Harding Johnson, int. Jan. 30, 1800.
Caleb and Polly Freeman, int. Aug. 15, 1794.
Catharine and Chester Lawton, Sept. 22, 1807.
Harvey and Huldah Gibson of Hopkinton, int Dec. 9, 1809.
John [dup. and int Jr.] of Charlton, and Anna Clark, Mar. 23, 1769.
John of Charlton, and Patience Holbrook, wid., Feb. 17, 1785.
Joseph and Miriam Wheelock, Nov. 19, 1773.
Lydia and Enoch Bacon, Aug. 18, 1793, in Charlton.
Marcy and William White, Apr. 7, 1763.
Rebecca and Smith Ellis, Oct. 23, 1803.
Roland and Catharine Wight, Apr. 13, 1806.
Sally and Samuel Ellis [int. 2d], Nov. 28, 1799.
Silas of Charlton, and Polly N. Hooker, Jan. 1, 1835.
Adams of Charlton, and Althucy [int. Althusy] Cutting, Apr. 6, 1815.
Ame [int. Amey] of Charlton, and Oliver Carpenter, Apr. 11, 1811.
Sintha [of] Charlton, and Joshua Weld, int. Apr. 18, 1823.
Charles Jr. [of] Charlton, and Ruth Upham, June 19, 1796.
Charls [dup. and int. Charles] and Sarah Chubb [int Chub], May 14, 1767.
John of New Grantham, and Sally Ammidown, Jan. 5, 1801.
Margeret [dup. Margaret] of Brookfield, and David Wood, int. Nov. 2, 1778.
DUNTEN (see Dunton)
Molley [dup. Dunton, dup. int. Mary Dunton] and Joseph Ellis, May 5, 1784.
DUNTON (see Dunten)
Abner and Molley Newton, Nov. 13, 1777.
Beulah [int. Dunten] and Elijah Shumway, Oct. 6, 1784.
Deborah [int. Dunten] and Jedidiaah [dup. and dup. int. Jedediah, int. Jedidiah] Smith, Mar. 12, 1775.
Elizabeth and Ebenezer Cutting of Shrewsbury, Feb. 7, 1785.
Eunice and Danforth Whittemore, Mar. 8, 1812. [Wittemore, C.R.1.]
Fidelia and Luther Hamant, Oct. 22, 1840.
Hannah and Asa Whittemore, Mar. 8, 1812. [Wittemore, C.R.1.]
Jerusha and Edward Simpson Jr., Jan. 15, 1792.
Jesse Jr. and Lydia Davenport, Aug. 5, 1804.
Joseph [int. Dunten] and Elisabeth [dup. and dup. int. Elizabeth] Simpson, Oct. 26, 1781.
Julia and Henry Haynes Jr., Apr. 12, 1836.
Kezia and Benajah Howard, July 15, 1796.
Laura, d. Zenas and Mary, and Melvin Haynes, carrige trimmer, b. Southbridge, s. Henry of Southbridge, Apr. 16, 1845.
Levina and David Lumbard of Brimfield, int. June 1, 1823.
Lucana [int. Lucina] and Henry Haynes Jr., Apr. 26, 1842. [Lucina, C.R.1.]
Marcy [dup. and int. Mary] and Calvin Morse, Sept. 16, 1798.
Magary [dup. Margaret] and Jonathan Harwood, int. Sept. 10, 1785.
Mary (see Marcy).
Mary and Charles G. Allen, Nov. 26, 1834.
Molley [dup. int. Molly], wid., and Jesse Rice [of] Brookfield, Apr. 20, 1795.
Pearly and Eunice Trumbull, Dec. 1, 1829.
Prudence [int. Dunten] and Joseph Wilcot [dup. and dup. int. Wilcott, int. Willcot], May 15, 1780.
Samuel and Relief Whittemore, Jan. 10, 1808.
Silas and Eunice Atchison [dup. Atchinson] of Monson, int. Apr. 24, 1780.
Thomas and Joanna Blare [dup. Blair], wid., int. June 27, 1774.
Zenas and Elizabeth Wallace of Holland, int. Aug. 17, 1804.
Zenas and Mary Hamant, May 4, 1809.
Charlotee and Samuel Murdock, int. Oct. 6, 1832.
John Jr. and Lydia Broughton, Oct. 16, 1803.
Alfred A. of Kensington, Mich., and Matilda C. Wheelock, June 28, 1837.
Alfred A., widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], merchant, of Detroit, Mich., s. William dec'd., and Laura A. Morse, d. Elijah, Aug. 16, 1843.
Darius of Thompson, Conn., and Cynthia Fiske, Nov. 6, 1813.
Laura and Henry Glover of Detroit, Mich., Sept. 10, 1839.
William [int. Jr.] of Thompson, Conn., and Amaryllis Fiske, July 2, 1818. [Ammaryllis, P.R.1.]
Dorcas [int. Dorcas] and Benjamin Hide [dup. and dup. int. Hyde], Nov. 21, 1745.
Henry and Roxana Downing of Endfield, int. [Mar.] 26, 1842.
James and Mary Marcy, int. Dec. 9, 1776.
Winthrop [int. Dyar] and Polly Vinton of Dudley, May 30, 1798.
EAMES (see Ames)
Davis and Lucinda Harris, Jan. 12, 1818.
Abigail of New Braintree, and Doane Atwood, int. Sept. 13, 1822.
Abraham A. and Sarah Eaton, Feb. 14, 1842.
Abigail of Ashford, and John Warrin [dup. Warren], int. Mar. 30, 1778.
Anna [of] Killingly, and Penuel Weld, int. Dec. 1, 1800.
John (see John Heaton).
John and Lydia Scott, Jan. 28, 1779.
Sarah and Abraham A. Eastman, Feb. 14, 1842.
EDDY (see Edy)
Abigail [int. of Woodstock] and Samuel Weatherly [dup. and int. Weatherby], Nov. 18, 1794.
Betsey of Millbury, and David Taylor, int. Apr. 19, 1833.
Edmund R. of Charlton, and Betsey Stone, int. Sept. 16, 1837.
Elizabeth E. of Southbridge, and James M. Belknap, int. Nov. 11, 1844.
Josiah and Dolly Ledoyt [int. Ledoit], Apr. 2, 1815.
William and Maria [int. Marsha] Rosebrook, Dec. 29, 1824.
Samuel M. of Sprigfield, and Eliza H. Shumway, Sept. 18, 1839.
Lucy of Charlton, and Chester Bacon of Woodstock June 16, 1800.
Jacob and Hannah Marcy, Nov. 2, 1806.
Samuel Curtis of Charlton, and Mary Marcy, May 19, 1811.
EDY (see Eddy)
Patience and Jasper Marsh, int. May 31, 1784.
Sarah C. and John F. Hyde, int. Aug. 17, 1845.
Thomas [int. Ellingwood of Brimfield, dup. int. Ellinwood] and Rebecca [int. Rebaca, dup. int. Rebeckah] Livermore, Nov. 17, 1757. [Rebbecca, C.R.1.]
Thomas [int. Elliot] of Thompson, Conn., and Mrs. Eleaner [int. Eleanor] Fiske [int. wid., omits Mrs.], Nov. 18, 1821. [Eliot of Thomson, and Elaenor Fiske, wid., P.R.1.]
Abigail and Jabez Willis, int. Aug. 23, 1787.
Abner, Capt., of Dedham, and Polly Newell, May 10, 1807.
Benjamin and Comfort Baker, Feb. 27, 1760.
Jedediah and Martha Freeman, Apr. 28, 1774.
Joseph and Molley Dunten [dup. Dunton, dup. int. Mary Dunton], May 5, 1784.
Kezia and Levi Dodge, Mar. 15, 1796.
Levina and Richard Dodge Jr. of New Grantham [int. adds Vt.], Nov. 29, 1802.
Mary and Joseph Towne, June 28, 1780.
Polley [dup. Polly] and Jonathan Glezen [dup. Gleason] of Western, int. Oct. 7, 1785.
Ruben [dup. Reuben] and Sarah Martain [dup. Martin], int. Nov. 12, 1752.
Samuel and Abigail Smith of Cantebury [dup. Canterbury], int. Mar. 10, 1749-50 [dup. 1749].
Samuel [int. 2d] and Sally Dresser, Nov. 28, 1799.
Samuel and Betsy Young of Woodstock, Conn., int. Feb. 11, 1808.
Silas of Southbridge, and Susanna Marsh, wid., int. Apr. 24, 1824.
Smith and Rebecca Dresser, Oct. 23, 1803.
ELLWELL (see Elwel)
Aaron [dup. and dup. int. Elwell, int. Elweel] and Abigail Wood, May 23, 1754.
ELWEEL (see Ellwell, Elwel)
Abigairl [dup. Abigail Elwell] and Thomas Weedge [dup. Wedge] of Brookfield, int. Jan. 15, 1755.
ELWEL (see Ellwell, Elweel)
Meheteble [dup. Mehetable Elwell] and Samuel Pick [dup. John Pike], int. Feb. 5, 1757.
Alfred, Rev., of Monson, and Lucinda Newell, Jan. 25, 1814.
Francis W. [int. adds Rev.] of East Port [int. Eastport], Me., and Mary Ann H. Leonard, Aug. 31, 1829.
Malachi [dup. Malichi] and Esther Tarbill [dup. and dup. int. Tarbel], June 7, 1781.
Luther and Ame Dixon, int. Feb. 22, 1812.
FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks)
Levi of Brimfield, and Betsy Smith, June 11, 1801. [Fairbanks, and Betsey Smith, C.R.1.]
FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank)
Abel of Brimfield, and Hannah Hobbs, int. Aug. 25, 1777.
Dell Louisa and Artimas [int. Artemas] Wiswall of Dudley, Mar. 18, 1828.
James [int. Fairbank] and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Hannah Bacon, Mar. 9, 1798, in Dudley.
Parmela, wid., of Monson, and James Johnson, int. May 16, 1820.
John and Lydia Dodge, Feb. 17, 1823.
Harriet of Charlton, and Rufus Robbins, int. Apr. 1, 1816.
Joshua [int. Jr.] and Louis Bacon, Mar. 30, 1794, in Dudley.
Luther and Kezia Bacon, int. Aug. 16, 1796.
Mary [int. Polly] of [torn] [Dedham] [int. of Dedham], and John Woodward, Aug. 16, 1795 [dup. in Dedham].
Cloe [dup. and dup. int. Chloe] and David Emory Boyington [dup. David Emery Boynton, int. Boynton], Sept. 23, 1784.
Daniel and Sarah Shumaway [dup. Shumway], June 12, 1758. [Shumway, C.R.1.]
Deborah and Moses Weld, July 11, 1764.
Mary and Joseph Lumbird [dup. Lumbart] Jr. of Brimfield, int. Mar. 30, 1767.
Peter and Chloe Cram of S. Brimfield, int. Dec. 10, 1768.
Prudy and Darius Charles of Brimfield, int. Feb. 13, 1802.
Sarah [dup. int. Sally] and Capt. Holwell [int. Hollowell, dup. int. Holowill] Perrin of Holland, Jan. 23, 1817. [Capt. Hollowell, C.R.1.]
Zerviah and Pearly [dup. Pearley] Holmes, int. Sept. 20, 1792.
Abigail and Thomas Converse, Nov. 3, 1737.
Abigail and Israel Ganes [dup. and dup. int. Janes] of Brimfield, May 1, 1765. [Janes of S. Brimfield, C.R.1.]
Abigail of Brimfield, and Amariah Holbrook, int. Sept 16, 1815.
Angline M. and James Strikland of Palmer, int. Nov. 17, 1847.
Asenath and Dolphon [int. Adolphon] Gibbs, Nov. 27, 1800.
Caroline E. and Alfred G. Lamb of Palmer, int. Aug. 27, 1847.
Cyrus and Sarah Chappel, int. Dec. 7, 1778.
Cyrus Jr. and Azubah Rice of Brookfield, int. Jan. 26, 1822.
Cyrus and Bathsheba Fisk [int. Fiske], May 19, 1841. [Fiske, C.R.1.]
Ebenezer and Thankfull Hide [dup. Hyde], Sept. 19, 1739.
Ebenezer and Mary Mason, Nov. 19, 1765.
Jabez and Hannah Blodget, int. July 28, 1796.
James and Olive Rice, Apr. 17, 1816.
John [int. of Hardwick] and Mary Fisk, Jan. 12, 1758.
John and Nancy Renshaw of Brookfield, int. Oct. 9, 1817.
John and Caroline Rice of Western, int. Oct. 16, 1832.
Jonas, Dr., of Cazenovia [int. Cazanovia, N.Y.], and Rebecca [int. Rebekah] Wigglesworth Babson, Jan. 14, 1802.
Jonathan and Anna Chappel of Lebenon [dup. Lebanon], int. Nov. 24, 1768.
Levi and Abigail Gould of Brookfield, Dec. 22, 1785, in Brookfield.
Levi Jr. of Brimfield, and Anna Maria Morris, int. Mar. 25, 1817.
Martha B. of Monson, and E. F. Shaw, int. Mar. 12, 1842.
Mary Ann, 22, d. John, and William Livingston of Boston, June 11, 1843.
Noadiah of Brookfield, and Thankfull Hyde, int. Feb. 11, 1796.
Rice of Oakham, and Esther Shumway, May 24, 1821.
Sally of Brookfield, and Joshua Hyde, Dec. 11, 1794, in Brookfield.
Sally and Seth Walker, Oct. 16, 1834.
Samera and Rusel N. Hawks, int July 23, 1832.
Stephen of Hardwick, and Susen [dup. and dup. int. Susan] Fisk, July 1, 1762.
Tabitha [dup. Tabaththa] and William Marcy [dup. Fay, sic] of Hardwick, int. Oct. 19, 1744.
Jason and Sukey [dup. Sukeey] Hobbs, int. June 19, 1796.
Joshua and Louisa [dup. Louisa] Plimpton, May 3, 1794.
Nichols [int. Ferreter, dup. int Ferriter] and Louis [dup. and dup. int. Lois] Robbins, Nov. 9, 1792.
Electa [int. Fezenton] and James Walker, Nov. 29 [1842].
FIELD (see Fields)
John and Eunice Johnson, Sept. 29, 1794.
Theodore Jr. of Southbridge, and Almira Allen, Aug. 1 [int. Aug. 8, sic], 1824.
FIELDS (see Field)
Harriet J., wid., of OPIAVrn, and Lyman Johnson, int. Mar. 16, 1844.
Abiel, Rev., and Susannah C. Foster of Barre, int. Nov. 16, 1832.
Caleb and Polly Plimpton, Apr. 24, 1793.
Ebenezer, Capt. [dup. and int. omit Capt.], of Needham, and Azubah Sanders, wid., and May 6, 1776.
Rhoda of Needham, and Nathan Upham, Nov. 11, 1784, in Needham.
Salley [dup. and int. Sally dup. int. Sarah] and Joseph Dix [int of the Continential [dup. int. Continental] Army], May 3, 1779.
FISK (see Fiske)
Anna and Silas Corbin [int of Woodstock], Dec. 30, 1766.
Asa and Keziah [dup. Kezia] Badger, int. Jan. 23, 1790.
Bathsheba [int. Fiske] and Cyrus Fay, May 19, 1841. [Fiske, C.R.1.]
Bulah [dup. and int. Beulah] and Solomon Janes [int. of Brimfield], Jan. 27, 1780.
Daniel [dup. and int. add Dea.] and Jemimah [dup. and int. Jemima] Shaw, Feb. 19, 1760. [Fiske, and Jamima Shaw (second w.), P.R.1.]
Danil [dup. Daniel] and Elisabeth [dup. Elizabeth] Morse of Woodstock, int. Nov. 12, 1781. [Daniel Fiske and Elizabeth Morse, m. Dec. 26, P.R.1.]
Deliverence [dup. and int. Deliverance] and Silas Marsh, June 12, 1778.
Eunice and Joshua Woodbury [int. of Sutton], Feb. 18, 1784.
Hannah and Samuel Groves of Monson, Mar. 27, 1789.
Henry Jr. and Sarah Fisk, May 5, 1774. [Fiske, and Sarah Fiske, P.R.1.]
Jamima [dup. and int. Jemima] and Joshua Harding [int. Jr.], Feb. 6, 1783.
Jemima, wid., and Dea. [int. omits Dea.] Samuel Greene [int. Green] of Leicester, Dec. 17, 1799.
Joshua and Betsy Cheever of Brookfield, int. Aug. 27, 1800. [Fiske, m. Feb. 18, 1801, P.R.1.]
Kezia and Gershom Plimpton [int. Jr.], Sept. 13 [dup. Sept. 15], 1792.
Liddia [dup. and dup. int. Lydia] and Oliver Plimpton, Feb. 6, 1783.
Lois and Asa Bacon [of] Charlton, July 29, 1795.
Lydia (see Liddia).
Mary and John Fay [int. of Hardwick], Jan. 12, 1758.
Miriam and Salmon Hibbard, int. Nov. 20, 1790.
Moses and Esther Chever of Brookfield, int. Mar. 8, 1811.
Nathan and Abigail Lyon, Feb. 2, 1792.
Rebeckah [int. Rebecca] and John Streeter, Feb. 10, 1795.
Sally [int. adds Mrs.] and Rev. Zenas L. [int. Lockwood] Leonard, Sept 1, 1799. [Fiske, P.R.1.]
Samuel and Sally Lyon, June 18, 1801. [Fiske, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Henry Fisk Jr., May 5, 1774. [Fiske, and Henry Fiske Jr., P.R.1.]
Simeon and Mary Gould, Oct. 14, 1779.
Susanna and Samuel Newell, int. Nov. 1, 1784.
Susen [dup. and dup. int. Susan] and Stephen Fay of Hardwick, July 1, 1762.
FISKE (see Fisk)
Amaryllis and William Dwight [int. Jr.] of Thompson, Conn., July 2, 1818. [Ammaryllis, P.R.1.]
Amma [int. Fisk] and Moses Marsh, Aug. 24, 1806.
Amy and Daniel Fiske Jr., Oct. 11, 1812. [Oct. 12, P.R.1.]
Calvin P., Dr., and Laura Wallis of Monson, int. Apr. 25, 1835. [m. Dec. 27, P.R.1.]
Cynthia and Darius Dwight of Thompson, Conn., Nov. 6, 1813.
Daniel and Mrs. Deliverance Brown of Weston, Mar. 31, 1743, in Weston. [Mar. 30, P.R.1.]
Daniel Jr. and Amy Fiske, OCT. 11, 1812. [Oct. 12, P.R.1.]
Daniel S., Dr., 28, of N. Brookfield, b. Brimfield, s. Asa and Catherine, and Lovisa C. [int. E.] Glazier, 20, b. Holland, d. Sewal and Lovisa, June 19, 1849. [Lovisa E., C.R.1.]
David [int. Fisk] and Elenor [int. Elanah, dup. int. Eleanor] Jones of Charlton, Nov. 13, 1783, in Charlton. [Elean, P.R.1.]
David and ---- ----, Oct. 28, 1834. P.R.1.
Deliverance and Penuel Belnap, June 8, 1806.
Eleaner, Mrs. [int. Eleanor, wid., omits Mrs.], and Thomas Elliott [int. Elliot] of Thompson, Conn., Nov. 18, 1821. [Elaenor, wid., and Mr. Eliot of Thomson, P.R.1.]
Eleanor and ---- ----, Apr. 18, 1832. P.R.1.
Elias and Meliza [dup. Meliza, int. Malisa] Cassandana Wilder, May 3, 1807.
Elias and Persis Bond of Wilbraham, int. Sept. 20, 1818.
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] M. and Rev. [int. omits Rev.] Benjamin Manning of Brookfield, Aug. 20, 1834.
Emily and Edward A. Royce of Lee, int. Aug. 21, 1836.
Eunice B., 25, d. Asa and Catherine, and Lucius Hebard, 29, carpenter, of Brookfield, s. Eleazer and Violet, Nov. 24, 1847.
Fidelia and Gurden [int. Gurdon] R. Parkis of Killingly, Conn., Mar. 30, 1823. [Fidella [dup. Phidella] and Jorder Parkis, P.R.1.]
Harriet C. and Hosea B. Goodell of Southbridge, int. June 8, 1844. [m. July 1, P.R.1.]
Henry of New Medfield, and Mary Stone of Watertown, Jan. 10, 1737, in New Medfield.
Henry and ---- ----, Apr. 8, 1822. P.R.1.
Henry of Southbridge, and Sarah Belknap, int. Nov. 8, 1832.
Henry M., farmer, s. Daniel and Anna, and Lydia Belknap, Penuel and D., Apr. 3, 1849.
John and Mary Peck, Sept. 20, 1821. P.R.1.
Joshua M. and Mariah Benadict, Feb. 17, 1829. P.R.1.
Josiah J. [dup. Jones] and Jerusha Norton of Wrentham, May 6, 1813. P.R.1.
Julia and Samuel L. [int. Lewis] Newell of Southbridge, Dec. 19, 1819. [Julia Fisk, d. Nathan, Dec. 15, C.R.1.]
Levens M., farmer, s. Nathan [and Abigail], and Lucy Rice of Brookfield, b. Brookfield, Dec. 11, 1845. [Levens M., C.R.1.]
Lucy, sister of [Daniel], and ---- ----, Sept. 7, 1824. P.R.1.
Lucy E., 22, Asa and Catherine, and Elias Larkin, 22, tailor, of Brookfield, s. William and Bathsheba, Sept. 15, 1846. [Fisk, C.R.1.]
Mary, wid., and Eliphalet James, Feb. 21, 1793, in Holland.
Mary and David Taylor, Aug. 19, 1804.
Miliscent [int. Milicent] and John Plimpton, June 3, 1830. [Melescent [dup. Meliscent], P.R.1.]
Rebecca, 28, d. Elias and Melissa, and Samuel H. Butler, 23, farmer, of Pelham, s. Samuel and Philoma, Oct. 1, 1844.
Silas of Sullivan, N.Y., and Susannah [int. Susanna] Wight, Feb. 19, 1815. [Susanna, C.R.1.]
Simeon, Capt., and. Lydia Bugbee of Woodstock, Conn., Nov. 23, 1815.
Walter (see Walter Fitts).
Mary and Ezekiel Hovey, Mar. 30, 1802.
Walter [int. Fitch] and Elizabeth Blanchard, wid. [int. omits wid.], of Thompson, Conn., Mar. 5, 1818.
Erastus of Granby, Hampshire Co., and Almira Henry [int. Hervey], July 21, 1840.
Joseph and Mary Allien [dup. Allen], int. Nov. 11, 1758.
Loring of Brimfield, and Mary Jane Bixby of Brimfield, Sept. 29, 1847, in Brimfield. C.R.1.
Adaline of Ashford, Conn., and John G. Seaver, int. Feb. 27, 1834.
Elijah and Sarah Harding, int. Oct. 9, 1769.
Benjamin and Lidia [dup. Lydia] Bond, Aug. 20, 1761. [Benjamin of Westborough, and Lydia Bond, d. Thadeus, C.R.1.]
William C. of New Haven, Conn., and Hannah W. Davis, Apr. 2, 1839.
Polly and Amos Blanchard, int. Dec. 27, 1804.
FORBUSH (see Furbush)
Cynthia M. of Hardwick, and Chester Gore, int. Oct. 26, 1845.
Jonathan and Phebe Chrouch of Staford [dup. Crouch of Stafford], int. Mar. 27, 1750.
Alpheus and Ruth Howard of Uxbridge, int. Apr. 6, 1811.
Azubah of Werstern, and Caleb Rogers, int. Nov. 17, 1771.
Edward Jr. and Rachel Newell of Needham, Nov. 4, 1774, in Needham.
Fletcher and Lois Smith, Dec. 25, 1774.
Isabella E. of Monson, and Perz Bradford Wolcott, int. May 6, 1812.
Lois and Enoch Lewis, Jan. 14, 1810.
Mary Ann [int. adds M.] and Marsena [int. Marzena] Joslyn of Adams, June 18, 1843, in Southbridge.
Moses and Chloe Clark, Jan. 31, 1802.
Rachel and Daniel Williams of Charlton, July 8, 1763.
Remembrance and Samuel Heaton of Winchester, Feb. 21, 1775.
Sarah and Reuben Alexander of Winchester [int. Allixsander of Winchister], Oct. 3, 1764. [Ruben Allixander of Winchister, C.R.1.]
Smith and Susannah [int. Susanna] Kinsky, wid., Nov. 27, 1806.
Susannah C. of Barre, and Rev. Abiel Fisher, int. Nov. 16, 1832.
Denature C. of Southwick, and Eliza J. Aldrich, int. Feb. 26, 1839.
Stephen H. and Elizabeth A. Read, int. June 16, 1849.
Marcy and Stephen Carey, June 22, 1739. [Mercy and Stephen Corey, June 23, C.R.1.]
Benjamin F. and Selina M. Kelton, int. Sept. 19, 1845.
Augusta and Silas [int. Seth] Newcomb of Greenwich, Dec. 1, 1808. [Silas, C.R.1.]
Augusta [int. Agusta] and Holowill A. Perrin, Mar. 30, 1841. [Agusta and Halowill A. Perrin, C.R.1.]
Buelah and Walter L. Rosebrooks, int. Mar. 17, 1832. [Beulah, d. Capt. Freeman, and Walter L. Rosebrook, m. Apr. 1, C.R.1.]
Chester [of] Argoile [Argyle] [int. adds N.Y.], and Rachel Parker, Nov. 22, 1794.
Chester Jr. [int. Freman] and Betsey Hide, Nov. 26, 1818.
Clarinda and Oliver Hooker, May 14, 1796.
Comfort [int. Coumfort] and Lucy Walker, May 4, 1771.
Comfort and Mary Chamberlain of Woodstock, int. Jan. 16, 1813.
Cynthia [int. Sintha] and Amasa Child, Dec. 1, 1808.
Delia and John S. W. May of Leicester, int. Mar. 10, 1833. [m. Apr. 4, C.R.1.]
Dyer of Webster [int. of Dudley], and Mahitable [int. Mehitabel] Spencer, Apr. 3, 1832.
Florilla (see Trorilla).
Horace of Milton, and Eliza Ann Belknap, int. Nov. 30, 1832. [m. Jan. 2, 1833, C.R.1.]
Jared and Martha Marcy, Dec. 22, 1774.
Kezia [int. Keziah] and Jeremiah Shumway, Apr. 19, 1786.
Lucy and Luther Plimpton, Oct. 7, 1801.
Lucy and Chester Belknap, Apr. 22, 1827.
Martha and Jedediah Ellis, Apr. 28, 1774.
Mary, wid., and Jacob Chamberlain of Dudley, Sept. 6, 1774.
Pliny [int. Pliney] and Dilla [int. Deli] Marsh, Oct 5, 1802. [Della "(alias Deliverance)", C.R.1.]
Pliny, Capt., and Mrs. Mary Pease [int. Peas], July 1, 1840.
Polly and Caleb Dresser, int. Aug. 15, 1794.
Rachel and Silas Hodges of Woodstock, Sept. 23, 1767.
Rachel and David Johnson of Worcester, Apr. 7, 1818.
Rainy and Elijah Holbrook, May 19, 1784.
Samuel and Mary Chub [dup. Chubb] of Needham, int. Apr. 20, 1744.
Samuel and Sally Belnap, Oct. 10, 1799.
Samuell [dup. and int. Samuel] Jr. and Elisabeth Cheeny [dup. and dup. int. Elizabeth Cheney, int Cheny], Sept. 25, 1766. [Samuel and Elisabeth Cheney, C.R.1.]
Silas M. of Sutton, and Maria R. [int Mariah, omits R.] Upham, Mar. 27, 1831.
Sophia and Chester Belnap, Dec. 9, 1798.
Sophia and John Campbell [of] Townsend, Nov. 24, 1842.
Trorilla [int. Frorilla] and Bradford Baylies of Southbridge, Dec. 11, 1833. [Florilla and Bradford Bayleis, C.R.1.]
Walter and Phannela [dup. Phaneala, dup. int. Pheneala] Child, Aug. 4, 1784.
Charles and Mariel Allen, Sept. 20, 1837. [Muriel, C.R.1.]
Jesse of Southbridge, and Philenda [int. Philinda] Morse, Apr. 9, 1817.
Louisa, 21, and Warren Nichols, 27, farmer, s. Willard and Esther, Oct. 19, 1846.
Rinda M. of Holland, and ---- Clement of Holland, Aug. 16, 1838.
Wareham(Tuller) [int. Fuller] of Collinsville [int. of Canton], Conn., and Hepziba [int. Hepsibah] Stockwell, Dec. 22, 1836. [Fuller of Collingsville, Conn., C.R.1.]
FURBUSH (see Forbush)
Abigail of Brookfield, and Ira Johnson, int. Sept. ----, 1784.
Benjamin of Shrusbury [dup. and dup. int. Furnace of Shrewsbury, int. Furnass of Shrewsbury] and Abigail Taylor, wid., Sept. 1, 1766.