Shrewsbury, Worcester Co., MA
Vital Records Of To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By Franklin P. Rice,
Trustee of the Fund. 1904.
Marriages - SADLER to YOUNG & Unidentified
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Sarah of Grafton and Jacob Hemingway of Bridport, Vt., Jan. 29, 1789. At Grafton. C.R.
Ward and Mary C. Hazeltine of Holden, int. March 25, 1835.
Martha of Boston and Samuel Hemenway, int. Nov. 7, 1779.
Peter and Susanna Nelson, int. Sept. 10, 1784.
Thankfull N. and Joel Putnam of Worcester, int. Nov. 26, 1814.
Rebeckah of Harvard and Edmund Larkin Jr., int. March 5, 1783.
Asenath T. (d. Samuel and Phebe, a. 24) and Edwin A. Chapin of Grafton, Oct. 8, 1848.
Emory and Augusta Ann Miller, both of Lancaster, March 2, 1843.
Mary Jane (d. Samuel and Phebe, a. 29) and Henry B. Gill, June 7, 1848.
Mercy of Orford, N.H., and Joseph Flagg, int. Nov. 2, 1893 [1839].
Seth and Maria Temple, int. March 15, 1834.
Simon B. (s. Simon or Samuel and Phebe, a. 20) and Mary E, Wheelock, Oct. 15, 1848.
William R. and Lucy H. Stewart of Shirley, int. July 20, 1839.
William R. (s. Samuel and Phebe, a. 34, widr.) and Asenath M. Stewart, Dec. 18, 1849.
Zechariah of Northboro and Eunice Hager, int. March 12, 1781.
Abner and Hannah Robbins of Littleton, int. Aug. 13, 1785.
Charles H. and Emeline Stearns, int. March 14, 1845.
SAWTELL (see Sautle)
Edward and Maranda R. Bonzy of Northbridge, int. March 19, 1840.
Eunice H. of Boylston and Lewis Smith, int. March 15, 1835.
Abel of Bolton and Abigail Goldsbury, Oct. 27, 1785. In Bolton.
Abigail and Joseph P. Cary, March 9, 1817.
Amariah and Sarah Moor, both of Boylston, Feb. 18, 1794.
Austin and Susannah Temple, Aug. 29, 1816.
Calvin [Calven in int.] of Lancaster and Polly Britton, Sept. 19, 1793.
Caroline and Samuel Houghton, Sept. 11, 1832.
Cynthia W. and Alvin Henshaw, June 20, 1838.
Dennis and Susan Rider, June 25, 1820.
Elizabeth of Bolton and Isaiah Crosby, int. Aug. 16, 1823.
Jacob of Stirling and Esther Cooledge, July 4, 1782. In Lancaster.
Harriet and Joseph P. Cary, Oct. 4, 1829.
Jacob of Sterling and Esther Cooledge, July 4, 1782. In Lancaster.
Leander and Eunice S. Allen, April 15, 1834.
Mary A. and Abijah R. Leland of Sherburn, March 23, 1843.
Oliver and Patty Hinds, int. Feb. 23, 1785.
Oliver B. of Berlin and Angeline A. Baldwin, April 12, 1842.
Parney of Lancaster and Abraham Howe, May 13, 1779. In Lancaster.
Relief and Jonas Temple, Dec. 4, 1817.
Ruth P. and Joseph Temple, April 29, 1828.
Sarah and Benjamin Wilson "of a place called Gardener's farms," July 4, 1754.
Susannah [Susanna in int.] and Abijah Knights, May 29, 1808.
Tabitha and William Parker, int. Nov. 27, 1761.
[Seagers in int.], Sarah of Worcester and Jonathan Beaman, Oct. 3, 1759. In Worcester.
SEAVER (see Sever)
Asenah [Aseneth in int.] and Abner Mellen Jr. of Oxford, Aug. 24, 1800.
Abigail S. of Sutton and Samuel A. Maynard, April 4, 1839.
SEVER (see Seaver)
Ephraim and Widow Sarah Pike of Westborough, Jan. 17, 1803.
Ruth K. and Lewis Howe of Marlborough, int. June 3, 1826.
Sarah M. and Zimri Wheelock, resident in Northborough, int. June 17, 1826.
Noah of Somers, Ct., and Betsy Wilder, Nov. 27, 180[5]
SHAREMAN (see Shearman, Sherman)
John and Cloe Thayer of Bellingham, int. April ----, 1761.
Sarah and Thomas Grover of Grafton, Dec. 20, 1759. In Grafton.
Eliza (d. Solomon and Rebecca, a. 28) and William H. Howe, July 9, 1844.
John of Hassanamisco and Jean Calhoun, June 5, 1735.
Lucy of Palmer and John S. Fessenden, int. Oct. 13, 1831.
[Sharland in int.], George of Claramont, Vt., and Lydia Harris, Aug. 14, 1809.
SHEARMAN (see Shareman, Sherman)
Widow Abigail and Timothy Wheelock of Ipswich, N.H., int. July 5, 1782.
Ephraim of Westborough and Lydia Parker, int. May 21, 1812.
John and Elizabeth Johnson, April 12, 1815.
Lydia and Israel Rice of Grafton, Nov. 22, 1764.
Eliza M. and Samuel Rice Jr. of Uxbridge, int. April 4, 1825.
Emeline of Worcester and Seth W. Fessenden, int. March 10, 1837.
Samuel of Worcester and Louisa Maynard, April 7, 1842.
SHERMAN (see Shareman, Shearman)
Joseph and Sarah Perham of Sutten, Dec. 25, 1728.
Joseph Jr. and Abigail Muzzy, Feb. 4, 1766.
[Sharman in int.], Molly and Joel Drury, June 8, 1788.
Nabby and Gardner Howe, Oct. 29, 1789. In Grafton.
Nathan and Polly Stearns, Aug. 15, 1790. In Grafton.
Susanah and Joseph Goddard, both of Grafton, May 19, 1796.
Asaph of Grafton and Lucy Whitney, int. June 25, 1762.
Abijah and Bridget Smith, Sept. 21, 1800.
Alpheus Diodatus, resident in Brookfield, and Candace Maynard, June 17, 1810.
Amos of Oxford and Ruth Parker, int. March 20, 1744-5.
Elizabeth S. of Worcester and William Pratt, int. May 1, 1830.
Daniel of Westborough and Mary Mixer, Nov. 2, 1749.
James of Templeton and Sarah Knowlton, int. Jan. 30, 1766.
Henry Jr. of Saugus and Caroline E. Garfield, Oct. 2, 1837.
Calvin N. and Persis C. Warner of Holden, int. April 14, 1827.
Clarinda and William P. Hoar of Brimfield, Jan. 11, 1821.
Elisabeth and Samuel Wright of Northampton, March 27, 1823.
Emeline and James E. Munroe, July 13, 1842.
George Jr. and Lucy Bond of Boylston, int. Nov. 9, 1805.
George Jr. and Sally Eager, Oct. 13, 1817.
Hannah H. and Josiah G. Stone, Dec. 3, 1835.
Harding and Maria Morgan of Brimfield, int. Aug. 29, 1818.
Harriet and Thomas Bond of Boylston, Oct. 16, 1834.
Harriet E. (d. Philo and Relief, a. 19) and John Kerr, Sept. 20, 1848.
Lucy Ann and Jonas Wilson of Spencer, Nov. 5, 1835.
Philo and Relief Maynard, Jan. 12, 1806.
Sarah C. and Richard Russell of Scipioville, N.Y., Aug. 26, 1841.
Silvia [Sylvia in int.] and Lyman Howe, March 25, 1802.
Susanna and Gregory Mason, Nov. 16, 1797.
Aaron and Dinah Wheeler, Aug. 4, 1757.
Aaron Jr. and Jenney Howe, May 22, 1794.
Abigail and Luther Goodnow of Hubbardston, April 13, 1809.
Mrs. Abba H. and Samuel W. Newton, int. April 25, 1846.
Alice and Winsor Drury of Brookfield, int. Feb. 26, 1791.
Dr. Alonzo and Harriet Hobart of West Randolph, Vt., int. April 11, 1836.
Amos of Worcester and Sarah Kingsley, July 26, 1785.
Angeline A. [Augusta in int.] and Levi W. Wood of Townsend, Jan. 27, 1834.
Antepas and Prudence Winn, int. Sept. 14, 1784.
Asa and Elizabeth Wheeler, int. June 9, 1764.
Ashbel and Azubah Baldwin, April 23, 1805.
Asher and Anna Tucker, Oct. 19, 1791.
Azubah and Luther Noyes, April 14, 1799.
Azzubah [Azubah in int.] of Leicester and Jabez Knights, Nov. 8, 1791. In Spencer.
Betsey of Lincoln and Simon Hardy, int. Jan. 23, 1808.
Betsy and Mark B. Knowlton, June 5, 1823.
Bridget and Abijah Shumway, Sept. 21, 1800.
Catharine and Stephen Johnson, Nov. 28, 1793.
Charlotte and John Segar Peirks, int. March 20, 1814.
Clary [Clare in int.] and William Knowlton Jr., May 5, 1799.
Daniel and Lucy How, int. Dec. 31, 1757.
Daniel Jr. and Mercy Mixer, Oct. 11, 1793.
Daniel of Worcester and Alice Mixter, April 16, 1797. In Worcester.
Daniel and Widow Abigail Putnam of Sutton, int. May 14, 1803.
Daniel and Widow Olive Collar of Sutton, int. July 3, 1822.
David and Abigail Kemp of Groton, April 23, 1781. In Groton.
Eliza and John Smith, April 10, 1832.
Elisabeth and Aaron Temple, June 4, 1765.
Elizabeth and Thomas Johnson, Sept. 24, 1771.
Elizabeth S. of Boston and Henry D. Rice, int. Nov. 25, 1834.
Ephraim and Hannah Rice, Aug. 16, 1733.
Ephraim of Grafton and Sarah Bigelo, June 8, 1767.
Eunice and John Taft of Northborough, Aug. 27, 1795.
Eveline and Artemas Knowlton, Nov. 29, 1836.
Hannah and Jonas Wyman of Lancaster, May 27, 1772.
[Widow in int.] Hannah and Jedidiah Tucker, Nov. 16, 1790.
Harriot [Harriet in int.] and James Purinton, Aug. 20, 1840.
Isaac of Westmoreland, N.H., and Prudence Cutting, Nov. 20, 1783. In Holden.
Jacob and Keziah Warren of Weston, Nov. 23, 1738. In Weston.
Jarvis and Sally Norcross, April 12, 1826.
John and Annis Maynard, both of Boylston, Nov. 5, 1795.
John and Eliza Smith, April 10, 1832.
Jonah and Elizabeth Browning of Rutland, Oct. 15, 1771. In Rutland.
Jonas and Elisabeth Browning of Rutland, int. June 1, 1771.
Jonathan and Sally Noyes, Feb. 10 1793.
Jonathan Warren and Katherine Keyes, int. April 6, 1774.
Joseph and Sarah Warrin of Weston, Dec. 3, 1740.
Joseph of Boston and Dorcas Stone, Nov. 11, 1795.
Laura and Samuel Morey, Oct. 15, 1837.
Leander and Sophia Spring, int. April 9, 1846.
Lewis and Lucy How, int. Nov. 9, 1782.
Lewis Jr. and Mary Howard, int. Sept. 19, 1783.
Lewis and Mrs. Olive Knowlton, Feb. 3, 1826.
Lewis and Eunice H. Sawtell of Boylston, int. March 15, 1835.
Lucy and Nathaniel Elethorp of Bridport, Vt., Sept. 7, 1795.
Lucy and Phineas Wesson of Providence, R.I., Jan. 14, 1824.
Lucy of Holden and Levi Jenison, int. June 20, 1830.
Luseby and David Hosley of Lancaster, int. Sept. 13, 1777.
Lydia and Moses Smith, April 30, 1760.
Lydia and Daniel Ball, Sept. 18, 1778.
Marcy and Silvanus Johnson of Holliston, May 26, 1791.
Martin and Polly Herrington of Grafton, June 29, 1794. In Grafton.
Mary and Alexander Miller, Nov. 26, 1797.
Mary and Silas Wheelock Jr., int. Sept. 17, 1808.
Mehitable and Adam H. Cary, April 8, 1841.
Mercy and Daniel Harrington 2d, April 21, 1825.
Meriam of Barre and Dana Newton 2d, int. Aug. 7, 1802.
Miriam and Reuben Baker, int. Sept. 5, 1778.
Molly and Silas Hemingway, int. May 10, 1766.
Molly and Joseph Ballard of Andover, Sept. 10, 1771.
Moses and Phebe Symonds of Boxford, May 24, 1749. In Boxford.
Moses and Lydia Smith, April 30, 1760.
Nancy and Israel Arnold, March 4, 1833.
Olive and Jeremiah Pease, Feb. 10, 1830.
Pamelia and Edmund Mirick, May 24, 1821.
Patty and Warren Harrington, Oct. 23, 1808.
Relief and Daniel Harrington, Dec. 22, 1788.
Relief and Samuel Wesson of Providence, R.I., Nov. 5, 1820.
Rhoda and Isaac Harrington, int. Dec. 2, 1809.
Robert of Worcester and Elisabeth Goodale, Dec. 16, 1767.
Sally and John Hapgood How, Sept. 23, 1787.
Sally and Thaddeus Cary, int. Sept. 25, 1808.
Sally and Luke Harrington, May 6, 1815.
Salmon and Mehitabel Stearns, int. July 12, 1806.
Samuel and Nabby Pratt, int. Dec. 17, 1777.
Samuel and Widow Lydia Wesson, int. March 26, 1818.
Samuel and Lydia Mixer, April 20, 1818.
Mrs. Sarah and Timothy Brigham of Southboroug, int. March 22, 1759.
Sarah S. of Peterborough, N.H., and Joseph F. Findley, int. April 6, 1832.
Silas and Martha A. Hemenway, April 2, 1832.
Stephen and Lucy Kindel of Lanchaster, int. June 5, 1762.
Stilman and Abagail H. Bartlett, Dec. 15, 1833.
Stillman and Lucy A. Hemenway, April 23, 1826.
Thomas and Elizabeth Taintor of Marlburough, int. Feb. ----, 1744-5.
Uriah and Lydia Keyes, int. Aug. 30, 1771.
William and Sarah Johnson, Jan. 15, 1799.
Harriet E. and Rev. William Miller of Halifax, Vt., int. April 18, 1846.
Henry and Harriott Wheelock, June 6, 1824.
Kezia of Westborough and Phinehas Heywood Jr., Nov. 19, 1772.
Lucy of Paxton and Jeremiah Bond, int. Oct. 1, 1825.
Marian P. (d. Henry and Harriet, a. 20) and Lewis E. Colton, Nov. 11, 1847.
Mary A. R. and Worham D. Rand, int. Jan. 23, 1837.
Elijah of Leicester and Patty Hastings, Jan. 19, 1774.
Casandri and Joel Kelley, residents in Shrewsbury, int. Sept. 27, 1807.
Job and Esther Taylor, int. Sept. 4, 1776.
Amos ["of a place caled Watertown Farms" in int.] and Phebe Person, Oct. 11, 1759.
Sophia and Leander Smith, int. April 9, 1846.
Anna and John Powers of Lancaster, int. Nov. 19, 1774.
Kezia and Jotham Glazier of New Braintree, int. Nov. 2, 1773.
Margarett of Hopkinton and Seth Pratt, int. Jan. 17, 1772.
Widow Mary of Northborough and Daniel Drury, int. Aug. 11, 1776.
Nymphas and Martha Abbot, int. March 27, 1781.
Sarah and Lewis Eager, int. Aug. 16, 1779.
Richard of Natick and Elisabeth Winch, int. June 26, 1764.
Mary Ann and Charles A. Newton, April 2, 1833.
STEARNS (see Sterns)
Alvira and Philip Crosby of Westminster, int. June 25, 1825.
Emeline and Charles H. Sawin, int. March 14, 1845.
Mary [Marcy in int.] and John Mason of Barre, Oct. 19, 1786. In Barre.
Mehitabel and Salmon Smith, int. July 12, 1806.
Nancy of Worcester and Abner Putnam, int. Aug. 24, 1801.
Nathaniel of Paxton and Lydia Cushing, int. Oct. 9, 1774.
Osborn and Harriet M. Howe, int. Dec. 4, 1847.
[Sterns in hit], Polly and Nathan Sherman, Aug. 15, 1790. In Grafton.
George H. of Worcester and C. Antoinette Knowlton, int. Nov. 23, 1848.
John S. (s. Isaac T. and Catherine, a. 23) and Mary E. Perry, Oct. 26, 1846.
William and Elvira Temple, both resident in Shrewsbury, Jan. 8, 1834.
[Stearns in int.], Samuel of Grafton and Jemima Hoyt, Aug. 19, 1752.
Stephen and Mrs. Mary Holmes of Grafton, int. June 5, 1839.
Asenath M. (d. Jeremiah and Lucy, a. 38) and William R. Sargent, Dec. 18, 1849.
Lucy H. of Shirley and William R. Sargent, int. July 20, 1839.
Joshua of Princeton and Abigail Gale, int. March 12, 1781.
Merrill and Mary W. Fay of Northboro', int. April 26, 1846.
Hosea of Watertown and Hannah Blake, Nov. 22, 1819.
Abiel of Lancaster and Mary Br[ad?]streat (Brosted ?), Dec. 25, 1766.
Abigail [Abigal in int.] and Joab Hapgood, June 20, 1765.
Alvina of Sudbury and Warren B. Hale, int. June 7, 1834.
[Widow in int.] Anna and Dea. Ebenezer Reed of Worcester, Jan. 18, 1810.
Anna B. and Jonathan H. Drake, Jan. 1, 1824.
Anniss of Boylston and Levi Robinson of Barre, Nov. 21, 1793.
Artemas and Eliza Kingsbury, Dec. 2, 1824.
Benjamin, A.M., and Mrs. Deborah Fairbanks of Northborough, Dec. 3, 1799.
Betsey of Wendall and Josiah Norcross, int. Nov. 14, 1835.
Calvin R. and Susan Fitch, Aug. 18, 1822.
Clarisa and Samuel Maynard, Aug. 17, 1812.
Daniel and Anna Gibson, June 9, 1790.
Dorcas and Joseph Smith of Boston, Nov. 11, 1795.
[Dr. in int.] Elijah of Framingham and Elisabeth Lynd, April 4, 1765.
Elisabeth and Caleb Haskell of Hampton Falls, N.H., Sept. 26, 1793.
Eunice and Charles Bouker, May 2, 1748.
Eunice and Jonathan Nelson, March 8, 1798.
Eunice and Philip Hemenway, Jan. 18, 1802.
George C. of Muscatine, Ia. (s. Calvin R. and Susan, a. 26), and Kate M. Baldwin, Sept. 3, 1849.
Grace and Philip Crosby, Nov. 27, 1804.
Hannah and William Adams of Cambridge, June 26, 1781. C.R.
Isaac and Rachel Fisk, May 3, 1765.
Rev. Isaac of Douglas and Susanna Goddard, Oct. 27, 1773.
Isaac and Sally Johnson, July 20, 1816.
Isaac Jr. and Rebeckah C. Hubbard of Hubbardston, int. May 23, 1839.
Jasper and Grace Goddard, April 17, 1755.
John and Lucinda Drake, March 19, 1823.
John and Mrs. Charity Hastings, int. Nov. 27, 1830.
John Jr. (s. John and Lucinda, a. 23) and Charlotte Harrington, Aug. 10, 1849.
Jonas and Rachel Rice, Feb. 25, 1746-7.
Jonas of Charlton and Lucy Cushing, July 4, 1781. C.R.
Jonas of Leicester and Leucretia Baldwin, int. March 18, 1784.
Dea. Jonas and Anna Parker, Feb. 28, 1788.
Jonas and Sally Toothacker of Tewksbury, int. Dec. 1791.
Jonas A. and Susan Fay of Westborough, int. March 12, 1820.
Jonathan Jr. and Hannah Gates of Worcester, June 7, 1769.
Jonathan and Abigail Foster, Dec. 3, 1818.
Joseph and Lydia Rice, Nov. 18, 1772.
Joseph and Mary Field of Western, Dec. 31, 1788. In Warren.
Dr. Joseph of Hardwick and Patty Maynard, April 4, 1816.
Josiah and Bridget Cushing, Nov. 13, 1791.
Josiah G. and Hannah H. Slocomb, Dec. 3, 1835.
J. C. and Mary C. McFarland, int. Sept. 22, 1848.
Katy [Kata in int.] of the County Gore and Daniel Whitney, Sept. 26, 1771. In Oxford.
Lucia and Job Cushing, Feb. 20, 1752. In Framingham.
Lucy and Nathaniel Green, May 7, 1792.
Lucy and Silas Burgiss of Goshen, Dec. 21, 1803.
Lydia and Asa Parker, int. Feb. 14, 1783.
Martha and Thomas Adams of Cambridge, int. March 17, 1780.
Mary and Josiah Flint, June [1 or] 15, 1817.
Mary E. and Samuel B. Manning of Worcester, April 11, 1822.
Nancy of Southborough and Josiah Flint, int. Sept. 12, 1801.
Rev. Nathan of Yarmoth and Mrs. Mary Cushing, Oct. 17, 1765.
Nathan and Dolly M. Hubbard, April 4, 1843.
Nathaniel and Thankfull Morse, Dec. 17, 1760.
Phebe and Oliver Maynard, May 14, 1815.
Rachel and Ward Nye of Douglass, int. July 21, 1784.
Relief and Seth White of Goshen, June 4, 1800.
Widow Sally and Josiah Knights, resident in Shrewsbury, int. Sept. 5, 1805.
Samuel and Keziah Foster of Tewksbury, Jan. 6, 1799. In Tewksbury.
[Widow in Mt.] Sarah and Ebenezer Kent of Leicester, Nov. 19, 1772.
Sarah and Lewis Keyes, Oct. 30, 1793.
Sarah and Lemuel Ide, Nov. 24, 1793.
Sarah and Josiah Knights, residents in Shrewsbury, Sept. 24, 1805.
Sarah and Jason Bullard, June 8, 1823.
Thomas and Mary Rawson, int. May 26, 1781.
Zenas and Mary Flint, May 6, 1790.
Elijah of Grafton and Marietta Heywood, Jan. 1, 1828.
Eunice G. of Grafton and Eli Harrington, int. April 16, 1842.
Hanah and Beriah Ward, both of Marlbrough, Nov. 26, 1745.
[Stowe in int.], John and Sally Healey of Worcester, April 2, 1794.
Rufus of Grafton and Adeline Richardson, Nov. 27, 1822.
Sarah B. and Henry Wilson, Nov. 22, 1837.
Solomon of Marlborough and Elisabeth Taylor, Nov. 19, 1741.
Eleanor M. (d. Aaron and Eleanor, a. 22) and Charles L. Chamberlain, both of Grafton, May 28, 1846.
Lucy and John Whipple Jr., both of Grafton, May 23, 1793.
Israel of Winchester and Mary Butler, Aug. 7, 1764. C.R.
Harriot and Amos Chapin of Milford, March 10, 1807.
David and Dinah Wheeler of Marlborough, int. Nov. 18, 1769.
Mary Amney of Princeton and Edward A. Pratt, int. Feb. 28, 1827.
Ruth and John M. Nichols, int. Aug. 4, 1844.
Zenas and Betsey Earl, both of Leicester, Oct. 5, 1799.
Warren C. of Bath, N.H., and Abigail F. Lyon, Oct. 8, 1833.
[Stiles in int.], William and Eliza Ann Tucker, Sept. 6, 1838.
Ann J. and Jubal Howe of Boston, Nov. 17, 1830.
Caroline M. and Arnold L. Allen, Feb. 26, 1833.
Dorothy and George Merriam of Worcester, Dec. 22, 1796.
Edward of Roxbury and Joanna Sumner, June 10 1806.
Joanna and Edward Sumner of Roxbury, June 10 1806.
Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Lucy Williams of Pomfred, int. April 4, 1763.
Joseph Jr. and Rebekah Jeffrey of Salem, int. Sept. 16, 1797.
Lucy and Joseph Wheelor Jr. of Worcester, Jan. 13, 1793.
Rebecka of Roxbury and Dr. Samuel C. Williams, int. March 28, 1818.
Sarah and William Jenison of Worcester, Oct. 30, 1788.
Sarah A. (d. Erastus and Lovina, a. 32) and Ashbel Hurlburt of St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 6, 1847.
Seth of Paxton and Dorcas Biglo, Dec. 1, 1768.
Mrs. Rebeckah and Rev. Ebenezer Morse of Boylston, int. Jan. 1, 1790.
James of Templeton and Sarah Knoulton, Feb. 19, 1766.
Phebe of Boxford and Moses Smith, May 24, 1749. In Boxford.
James and Rachel Morse, int. March 29, 1764.
John of Northborough and Eunice Smith, Aug. 27, 1795.
Elizabeth of Boston and Cyrus Bemis, int. May 13, 1837.
TAINTOR (see Taynter)
Elizebeth of Marlburough and Thomas Smith, int. Feb. ----, 1744-5.
Abigail and Moses Hastings, April 25, 1739.
Abigail of Sturbridge and Benjamin Furnew, Sept. 1, 1776. In Sturbridge.
Abigail and George Parker, Sept. 14, 1794.
David and Hesediah Wheeler, April 8, 1746.
David and Esther Jones of Marlborough, int. July 17, 1756.
Eleazer and Hannah Flagg, March 26, 1744.
Elisabeth and Solomon Stow of Marlborough, Nov. 19, 1741.
Esther and Job Spafford, int. Sept. 4, 1776.
Eunice and Daniel How, June 10, 1748.
Hepzibah and Nathan How, Nov. 10, 1748.
Huldah and Thomas Drury of Narraganset No. 6, April 29, 1755.
John and Jemima Hollaway of Westborough, int. May 11, 1758.
Judith and Stephen Flagg, Dec. 26, 1750.
Maranda E. of West Boylston and Justus Kittredge, int. Sept. 18, 1830.
Mary and Hezekiah Rice, Jan. 9, 1739-40.
Mary of Northborough and Jotham Bush, June 28, 1781.
Molly of Worcester and Timothy Bragg, Jan. 18, 1792. In Worcester.
Nathan and Sarah Hale of Arvourd, April 10, 1744.
Sarah and Jonathan Keyes Jr., Jan. 23, 1752.
Sylvia and Franklin Nurse of Boston, May 3, 1826.
Zillah and Nathan How, int. June 8, 1771.
TAYNTER (see Taintor)
Anna Saphira and Cyrus Kingsberry of Worcester, int. Dec. 15, 1785.
Abigail of Boylston and Timothy Howard Jr., int. March 26, 1800.
Aaron and Elisabeth Smith, June 4, 1765.
Alice and Dr. Levi Rawson of Grafton, April 11, 1826.
Annah and Joshua Winchester of Marlborough, Vt., Feb. 24, 1793.
Damaris and Asa Cummings of Sutton, int. Nov. 5, 1784.
Dennis G. and Caroline Harrington, Dec. 16, 1841.
Dolly and Israel Keyes, int. Jan. 19, 1782.
Elias and Sarah A. Harrington, April 3, 1844.
Elisabeth and Benjamin Hinds, Oct. 18, 1747.
Widow Elisabeth and Ephraim Wheeler, March 22, 1769.
Eliza E. (d. Jonas and Relief, a. 18) and Holloway Harrington Jr., Feb. 10, 1848.
Elvira and William Stephenson, both resident in Shrewsbury, Jan. 8, 1834.
Ephraim and Betty Hinds, int. May 9, 1752.
Ephraim and Mary Farrow, March 7, 1758.
Ethan and Catharine Johnson, int. Feb. 24, 1821.
Eunice and Abel Osgood Jr., both of Boylston, Sept. 8, 1796.
Francis and Anna March of Sutton, Nov. 16, 1763. In Sutton.
Francis and Elisabeth Holland, Dec. 18, 1766.
Isaac and Elizabeth Houghton of Lancaster, Aug. 31, 1785. In Lancaster.
Jemima and James Mahoney of ---- Feb. 20, 1766.
Jonas and Olive Keyes, Nov. 22, 1756.
Lt. Jonas and Widow Kezia How, int. Nov. 18, 1782.
Jonas of Boylston and Zillah How, March 10, 1789.
Jonas and Relief Sawyer, Dec. 4, 1817.
Joseph and Ruth P. Sawyer, April 29, 1828.
Joseph S. and Widow Submit Goodenow of Grafton, int. May 3, 1817.
Joseph Stratton and Susanna Hemenway, int. Sept. 23, 1786.
Lucinda [Lusinda in int.] and Martin Harrington, June 19, 1808.
Lucy and Simeon Keyes, Dec. 5, 1765.
Lucy [Lucy H. in int.] and America Wheeler of Bolton, Oct. 22, 1826.
Luther H. and Rozan H. Harrington, Dec. 15, 1842.
Maria and Seth Sargent, int. March 15, 1834.
Martha and Seth Heywood, int. July 31, 1762.
Mary and Thomas Keyes of Westminster, April 15, 1765.
Mary and Benjamin Lyman of Halifax, Vt., int. Feb. 13, 1782.
Molly and Isaiah Munroe, Jan. 1, 1811.
Nancy M. and William Wellington, April 15, 1841.
Olive and John Parker, May 4, 1780.
Otis A. and Catherine A. Chaffin of West Boylston, int. Oct. 16, 1846.
Ranizel and Betty Baker, int. Dec. 30, 1791.
Richard and Rebecca Leighton of Concord, Sept. 26, 1734. In Concord.
Roswell and Betty Baker, Jan. 30, 1792.
Sarah and John Gleazier, Oct. 21, 1765.
Sarah and Benjamin Pratt, int. July 31, 1776.
Susannah and Austin Sawyer, Aug. 29, 1816.
John of Northborough and Lydia Tucker, int. March 28, 1803.
Dorcas of Worcester and Samuel Wheelock, April 16, 1754. In Worcester.
Cloe of Bellingham and John Shareman, int. April ----, 1761.
Lewis of Northbridge and Polly Harrington, April 29, 1823.
Odoarda and Hannah Morse, int. April 9, 1757.
Happy and Charles Henry, March 3, 1780. Negroes.
Zebulon and Lucy Wheeler, both of Rutland, May 27, 1765.
Jonathan and Lois Wheeler, May 5, 1773.
Elisabeth of Westborough and Robert Knowlton, int. March 21, 1807.
Widow Lois and Samuel Rawson, int. April 22, 1781.
[Thurstin in int.], Samuel Jr. of Westborough and Sarah Knowlton, June 24, 1802.
Isaac and Lois Allen, int. March 26, 1757.
John and Deborah Knowlton, int. July 20, 1756.
Isaac and Martha Newton, Sept. 20, 1721. In Marlborough.
John and Nabby Emes, int. Jan. 3, 1782.
Jemima of Westburough and Obadiah Allen, May 19, 1741.
Ruhama of Westborough and Eleazar Pratt, Jan. 15, 1728-9.
Sarah of Westborough and Elisha Newton, Dec. 26, 1728.
Sally of Tewksbury and Jonas Stone, int. Dec. 1, 1791.
[Torrey in int.], Oliver of Killingly, Ct., and Lucy Bellows, March 15, 1809.
Fanny and Emery Harrington, int. Jan. 23, 1813.
Hannah and Richard Murphy of Rutland, int. Sept. 25, 1774.
Pamelia and Dana Munroe, June 26, 1814.
Priscilla and Caleb Kendel, Dec. 8, 1773.
Zilphah [Zilpher in int.] and Jonas Rice of Ashburnham, May 10, 1779.
Sarah of Grafton and Elias Keyes Jr., April 15, 1741. In Grafton.
Anna and Asher Smith, Oct. 19, 1791.
Betty and Solomon Fessenden of Halifax, Vt., int. Sept. 22, 1785.
Caleb and Caty Billings of Northborough, May 29, 1797. In Oxford.
Cloe and Joel Green, Sept. 24, 1761.
Daniel and Rachel Noyes, int. Dec. 7, 1776.
Daniel Jr. and Sally Hannahs, Jan. 30, 1792. In Lancaster.
Eddy and Betsy Carpenter of Marlborough, Vt., int. Nov. 3, 1813.
Eliza Ann and John Brooks, int. June 25, 1837.
Eliza Ann and William Styles, Sept. 6, 1838.
Erastus and Mary Gates of Worcester, int. Aug. 7, 1819.
Jedediah and Elizabeth Lynds of Worcester, April 16, 1761. In Worcester.
Jedediah Jr. and Lucy Mixer, int. Sept. 16, 1763.
Jedidiah and Hannah Smith, Nov. 16, 1790.
Jedediah Sr. and Elisabeth Coollage of Northborough, int. Sept. 30, 1796.
Jedediah 3d and Sally Baker, Feb. 19, 1797.
Jedediah and Mrs. Elizabeth Goulding, March 9, 1824.
Jemima and Daniel Holden of Licester, Aug. 20, 1766.
Joanna and Nathan Wate of Leicester, April 25, 1765.
Joanna and Vashni Pratt of Marlborough, Vt., Sept. 30, 1798.
Lucy and Stephen Pratt, Sept. 8, 1783.
Lydia and John Tenney of Northborough, int. March 28, 1803.
Mary and Jacob Kent of Leicester, May 23, 1773.
Mary and Stephen Oliver, Dec. 2, 1798.
Mary A. and Rufus E. Goodnow, int. Nov. 25, 1837.
Noyes and Lydia Biglow, May 26, 180[5]
Olive and Samuell Wakefield, int. Sept. 22, 1775.
Sarah and Oliver Chickering, April 28, 1799.
John Jr. of Charlestown and Abigail Wheeler, int. Aug. 22, 1806.
Joseph T. of Worcester and Nancy Baker, May 21, 1826.
Mrs. Sarah of Littleton and Ephraim Kimball, Nov 28, 1765. In Littleton.
Deborah of Westford and Abner Miles, June 24, 1773.
Molly and Humphry Biglow, int. Sept. 21, 1786.
Polly and Humphrey Bigelow, Dec. 20, 1786. C.R.
Rachel and Samuel Brigham, March 1, 1775. C.R.
Russel and Betty Allen, Jan. 1, 1789.
Timothy and Polly Adams, int. Aug. 6, 1791.
Damaris of Spincer and Thomas Miles, Dec. 8, 1808.
Susan B. of Grafton and Henry Nelson, int. Jan. 16, 1841.
Samuel W., resident in Shrewsbury, and Almira Fitch of Leominster, int. May 4, 1822.
Jonathan and Tabitha Warren, both of Grafton, May 27, 1790. C.R.
WAIT (see Wate)
Nathan of Leicester and Hannah Peaks, May 20, 1773.
Olive and Asa Knowlton, Feb. 2, 1789.
Sally and Josiah Norcross Jr., int. March 16, 1820.
Samuel and Olive Tucker, int. Sept. 22, 1775.
[Wolcott in int.], Eli of Worcester and Mary Flint, Dec. 25 [or 26], 1828. P.R.
Azariah of Needham and Hannah Phillips, int. Sept. 18, 1834.
Catharine of Worcester and Shepherd Pratt, int. Nov. 7, 1801.
Edward of Brookfield and Mary Fay of Westburough, Nov. ----, 1742.
Eunice of Sutton and Edward Goddard, June 11, 1764. In Sutton.
Hezekiah and Sarah Prescott of Lancaster, Sept. 29, 1747.
Lydia and Joseph Bixby, both resident in Shrewsbury, int. Sept, 30, 1767.
Martha and Stephen Hastings, June 16, 1757.
Susan (d. Solomon and Mary) and Prentiss Lamb, Sept. 28, 1848.
William S. of Oakham (s. Rev. John and Eunice, a. 23) and Frances Ann Howe, Nov. 5, 1846.
Abagail and Simeon Keys, Dec. 18, 1781. In Sutton.
Andrew H. and Sally Henshaw, July 2, 1809.
Beriah and Hanah Stow, both of Marlbrough, Nov. 26, 1745.
Caroline and Benjamin P. Dix of Groton, Dec. 30, 1830.
Elisabeth D. [Denny in int.] and Nathan Baldwin, May 26, 1817.
Elisha and Mary Baldwin, int. April 17, 1762.
Harriot [Harriet in int.] and William Williams of Pomfret, Ct., May 13, 1817.
Ithamar and Phebe Parker, int. Nov. 17, 1778.
John and Mindwell Harrington of Worcester, int. May. 26, 1774.
John and Sally Bigelow, both of Worcester, ---- [1792 or 1793]
Jonas and Sarah Draper of Worcester, Dec. 1, 1768. In Worcester.
Jonas Jr. and Levinah Glazier, int. March 9, 1770.
Katherine and Thomas Clark of Worcester, int. March 11, 1774.
Lucretia of Westborough and Joshua Willard of Petersham, Feb. 28, 1757.
Persis and Bezaleel Eager, Feb. 26, 1735-6.
Ruth and Ebenezer Nurse, Nov. 1, 1733.
Sarah [Sally in int.] and Elijah Brigham of Westborough, Dec. 16, 1792.
Sarah Henshaw and Benjamin L. Putnam of Marietta, O., Oct. 3, 1824.
Thomas Walter and Elizabeth Denny of Leicester, int. Sept. 25, 1782.
Ann Janette and Dr. Azor R. Phelps, int. Oct. 5, 1833.
Mrs. Betsey of Sherburne and John Mason Jr., June 27, 1797. In Sherborn.
Harriot Jemima and Franklin Newell of Providence, Nov. 10, 1811.
Persis C. of Holden and Calvin N. Slocomb, int. April 14, 1827.
Caleb H. and Elizabeth H. Bartlett of Northborough, int. Aug. 17, 1832.
Elisha of New Braintree and Eunice Whipple of Grafton, May 28, 1793.
Hannah H. of Northborough and Abram Peaslee, int. Aug. 8, 1839.
Harriet A. (d. Nahum) and George Hapgood of Westboro', March 26, 1844.
Henry E. and Susannah W. Wood of Worcester, Nov. 26, 1840. In Northborough.
Joseph H. of Worcester (a. 32) and Abigail Newton, Dec. 31, 1846.
Keziah of Weston and Jacob Smith, Nov. 23, 1738. In Weston.
Manerva and Frederick F. Elliot of New England Ville (Grafton), int. March 21, 1846.
Marinda M. and Ezra Phillips Jr., int. March 18, 1847.
Mary of Upton and Elijah Harrington, int. Nov. 18, 1780.
Mary C. and Calvin Knowlton, Jan. 25, 1838.
Nathaniel C. of Springfield and Maria Parker, Dec. 6, 1825.
Tabitha and Jonathan Wadsworth, both of Grafton, May 27, 1790. C.R.
Thankful and Francis Cutting, May 1, 1750.
Willard of Grafton and Marinda Wheelock, Dec. 1, 1825.
Daniel and Hannah Bond of Waltham, Feb. 1, 1737-8. In Watertown.
Hephzibah and Hananiah Parker of Westboro', Nov. 9, 1775. In Westborough.
Sarah of Weston and Joseph Smith, Dec. 3, 1740.
Sarah and Joshua Wheelock, ---- ---- [1790]. Int. Jan. 26.
[Waite in int.], Nathan of Leicester and Joanna Tucker, April 25, 1765.
Moses of Winchester, N.H., and Hannah Butler, int. June 22, 1761.
Oliver of Leicester and Elisabath Blare of Worcester, Jan. 6, 1742-3.
Jane of Holden and John McBride, Nov. 7, 1751. In Holden.
John and Abigail Cutting, int. Dec. 4, 1781.
Priscilla and Ephraim Bennett, int. Jan. 12, 1785.
William and Nancy M. Temple, April 15, 1841.
WESSON (see Wyson)
Asa and Susanna Cummings, April 12, 1818.
Cornelia B. of Worcester and Henry H. Harrington, int. Jan. 8, 1833.
Ephraim and Lucretia Bellows, May 2, 1829.
Jemima and John Johnson, int. July 21, 1816.
Joel [Jr. in int.] of Grafton Gore and Thankful Newton, Sept. 15, 1796. In Grafton.
John of Grafton and Azubah Baker, Dec. 16, 1805.
Lydia and Daniel Mixer, int. Dec. 18, 1783.
Widow Lydia and Samuel Smith, int. March 26, 1818.
Nancy and Adam Harrington 2d, May 16, 1830.
Phineas of Providence, R.I., and Lucy Smith, Jan. 14, 1824.
Widow Rebeckah of "Worcester Gore so called" and Benjamin Baker, int. April 18, 1777.
Rebekah Colbarn and Solomon Parsons Jr. of Leicester, int. May 11, 1789.
Rufus Jr. of Grafton and Miriam Harrington, July 23, 1840.
Samuel of Providence, R.I., and Relief Smith, Nov. 5, 1820.
Selena and Charles Harrington, Aug. 19, 1829.
WETHERBE (see Witherby)
Silas of Grafton and Thankful Keyes, Oct. 9, 1738. In Grafton.
[Wetherbee in int.], Mary A. and Leonard Brewer of Boylston, Dec. 26, 1837.
George of New Braintree and Amelia Bigelow, Sept. 18, 1783. In New Braintree.
WHEELER (see Wheelor, Wheler, Whelor)
Aaron and Ruth Brittain, int. Oct. 22, 1784.
Abigail and John Tufts Jr. of Charlestown, int. Aug. 22, 1806.
America of Bolton and Lucy Temple, Oct. 22, 1826.
Artemas and Leucretia How, int. Aug. 2, 1777.
Cyrus and Lois Wheelock, May 1, 1746.
Damaris and John Barr of New Brantree, Oct. 25, 1751.
Dinah and Aaron Smith, Aug. 4, 1757.
Dinah of Marlborough and David Stratton, int. Nov. 18, 1769.
Elhanan C. (s. Ebenezer and Rhoda, a. 22) and Ellen S. Knowlton, Jan. 1, 1849.
Elizabeth and Asa Smith, int. June 9, 1764.
Ephraim and Miriam Marten, Dec. 30, 1729.
Ephraim and Widow Elisabeth Temple, March 22, 1769.
[Whelor in int.], Hesediah [Hezediah in int.] and David Taylor, April 8, 1746.
Hiram M. and Maria H. Palmer of Worcester, Oct. 18, 1840.
Hiram M. and Nancy R. ---- of Northbridge, int. April 22, 1847.
Leonard of Bridport, Vt., and Dolly How, Jan. 29, 1821.
Lois and Jonathan Thurstin, May 5, 1773.
Lucy and Zebulon Throop, both of Rutland, May 27, 1765.
Meriam and Asa Rice, int. June 11, 1763.
Persis and John Baker Jr., June 11, 1754.
Solomon and Ziporah Harrington of Grafton, Aug. 26, 1771.
WHEELOCK (see Whelock)
[Widow in int.] Abigail and Daniel Hemenway, Nov. 4, 1783. In Grafton.
Abigail and Daniel Harris of Wardsborough, Vt., Feb. 24, 1788.
Abraham and Catharine H. Pratt, Sept. 26, 1830.
Abraham and Mary E. Bradley of Smithfield, R.I., int. Sept. 7, 1839.
Anna and Ezra Phillips, Sept. 27, 1809.
Asa of Wardsborough, Vt., and Lucy Maynard, Jan. 24, 1788.
Betsey and Elijah Harrington Jr., Jan. 17, 1810.
Elisabeth and John Rice Jr., Nov. 16, 1790.
Eliza and Oliver Harrington, April 14, 1828.
Elizabeth and Israel Allin, Feb. 14, 1727-8.
Erastus (s. Gershom and Miriam, a. 29) and Susan A. Goodnow, April 22, 1847.
Gardner of Worcester and Anna Harrington, Dec. 31, 1818.
Gershom Jr. and Susanna Knowlton, int. Feb. 12, 1757.
Capt. Gershom and Widow Elizabeth Rice, int. April 27, 1764.
Gershom and Miriam Eager of Boylston, Dec. 4, 1811.
Gershom (s. Ephraim and Mary, a. 68, widr.) and Sally Fisk, Jan. 6, 1848.
Harriott and Henry Snow, June 6, 1824.
Huldah and Timothy Newton, int. Nov. 20, 1762.
Jonathan and Anna Drury, June 20, 1753.
Joseph and Judith Foster of Grafton, int. July 12, 1806.
Joshua and Sarah Warrin, [1789 or 1790]. Int. Jan. 26.
Lois and Cyrus Wheeler, May 1, 1746.
Luke M. and Rosana Bartlett of Newton, int. March 12, 1840.
Marinda and Willard Warren of Grafton, Dec. 1, 1825.
Martha and Ephraim Pratt, July 9, 1724.
Mary and Eli Keyes, Oct. 28, 1734.
Mary E. (d. Abraham and Martha, a. 17) and Simon B. Sargent, Oct. 15, 1848.
Mary E. (d. Gardner and Anna, a. 23) and Jasper S. Nelson, Oct. 31, 1848.
Nahor and Abigail Williams, Dec. 16, 1747.
Nathan S. of Grafton and Elizabeth Batherick, int. June 11, 1836.
Persis and Ezekiel Newton, Nov. 24, 1755.
Resinah [Rezinah in int.] and Abijah Drury, Feb. 22, 1792.
Sally and Gardner Goddard, int. Nov. 25, 1809.
Samuel and Huldah Rice of Westboro', Feb. 15, 1720. In Marlborough.
Samuel and Dorcas Teny of Worcester, April 16, 1754. In Worcester.
Silas and Anna Whitney, July 16, 1783. In Grafton.
Dr. Silas and Hannah Harrington, Dec. 7, 1800.
Silas Jr. and Mary Smith, int. Sept. 17, 1808.
Stephen and Leucretia Newton, Jan. 18, 1774.
Susannah [Susanna in int.] and Barlow Carpenter of Wardsborough, Vt., Feb. 6, 1803.
Tamer and Ebenezer Keyes, July 13, 1725.
Thomas and Sally Nurse Fairbank of Grafton, int. Nov. 27, 1808.
Timothy of Ipswich, N.H., and Widow Abigail Shearman, int. July 5, 1782.
Timoty and Sarah Rand, Oct. 22, 1747.
Widow Vashti and Daniel Willington of Worcester, int. May 13, 1801.
Zimri, resident in Northborough, and Sarah M. Sever, int. June 17, 1826.
Ephraim and Azubah Eager, int. Oct. 10, 1761.
[Wheeler in int.], Jacob of Petersham and Widow Huldah Maynard, March 5, 1778.
[Wheeler in int.], Jonathan of Grafton and Anna Rand, April 2, 1765.
Joseph Jr. of Worcester and Lucy Sumner, Jan. 13, 1793.
Nathan and Susanna Heard of Rutland, int. April 5, 1805.
Lidia and William Norcross, Nov. 6, 1741.
WHELOCK (see Wheelock)
Abigail and Daniel Potter of Brookfield, Oct. 14, 1745.
Rachel and Daniel Willard, both of Worcester, March 2, 1742-3.
Ziporah of Mendon and Josiah Wood of Upton, Feb. 3, 1757.
[Wheelor in int.], John and Jedidah Biglo, April 30, 1760.
Josiah and Elizabeth Bally, Feb. 28, 1743-4.
Miriam and James Eager, both of Westborough, March 13, 1744-5.
Ruth and Abishai Crossman, both of Boylston, Jan. 28, 1794.
George of New Braintree and Amelia Biglow, int. June 27, 1783.
Adaline of Boylston and William A. Green, int. May 3, 1836.
Eunice of Grafton and Elisha Warren of New Braintree, May 28, 1793.
Hannah and Humphry Biglow, Oct. 26, 1791. In Grafton.
James Jr. and Sally Merriam, both of Grafton, Nov. 27, 1792.
John Jr. and Lucy Stowe, both of Grafton, May 23, 1793.
Joseph of Grafton and Katharine Hastings, Oct. 15, 1797.
Dr. Joseph, late resident in Shrewsbury, and Rebecka Jeffrey, now of Shrewsbury, July 4, 1819.
Mary of Westborough and Nathan Hill, int. July 10, 1772.
Thomas and Martha Hugings, both of Westborough, June 17, 1755.
Mary of Sterling and Jacob Glazier, int. June 15, 1782.
John and Mara Holland, int. April 26, 1785.
John of Northborough and Sarah Knowlton, Oct. 28, 1798. In Grafton.
Joseph of Lancaster and Patience Ball of Westborough, Nov. 13, 1745.
Laura A. of Northbridge and Orison W. Brigham, int. Sept. 17, 1842.
Oliver and Betsy Chickering, both of Worcester, Sept. 11, 1827.
Seth of Goshen and Relief Stone, June 4, 1800.
Calvin and Maria Cloyes of Westborough, Sept. 17, 1820.
John Lak [Lake in int.] and Olive Wyman, Aug. 27, 1782. In Rutland.
Rebecka and Thomas Knowlton Jr., Nov. 1, 1809.
Relief and Reuben Foster Blood, Feb. 24, 1805.
Widow Abigail and Ebenezer Cutler, both of Grafton, April 19, 1779.
Abigail C. and Elisha Gale of Westborough, Nov. 3, 1831.
Amos of Worcester and Betty Parker, int. Aug. 15, 1800.
Anna and Silas Wheelock, July 16, 1783. In Grafton.
Daniel and Thankfull Allin, March 8, 1738-9.
Daniel and Katy Stone of the County Gore, Sept. 26, 1771. In Oxford.
Eliphalet and Lois Houghton of Lancaster, int. July 13, 1776.
Elisabeth [Elizabeth in int.] and Joseph Mixer Jr., April 24, 1754.
Hannah and Joseph Bellows, int. Jan. 15, 1785.
John Smith of Westboro' and Susanna Knowlton, Feb. 25, 1794. In Grafton.
Jonah of Westborough and Anna Rider, May 21, 1797. In Westborough.
Jonas and Tamar Houghton of Lancaster, Jan. 11, 1773.
Joseph H., resident in Shrewsbury, and Lucy Green, Jan. 5, 1817.
Levi and Lydia Rice of Townsed, int. Oct. 16, 1780.
Lois of Grafton and George Brown Jr., Jan. 10, 1791. In Grafton.
Lucy and Asaph Shermon of Grafton, int. June 25, 1762.
Lucy of Upton and Abraham Knowlton, int. May 17, 1805.
Lydia and Josiah Boyden, both of Worcester, April 16, 1766.
Lydia and William Brittan of Rutland, Nov. 3, 1767.
Lydia and Samuel Whitney, April 1, 1828.
Martha A. of Westborough and Samuel Hobbs, int. Feb. 19, 1835.
Martha M. of Westboro' and William D. Pierce, int. Nov. [10, 1849].
Mary and Oliver Nurse Jr., March 19, 1829.
Mary and Edward W. Green of Westborough, Dec. 10, 1833.
Mary A. and Sullivan F. Flagg of Southborough, int. May 13, 1849.
Nathaniel of New Marlborough and Molly Houghton of Lancaster, Jan. 21, 1771.
Salle and John Fisher Lyon of Grafton, int. Jan. 17, 1777.
Samuel Jr. and Phebe Harrington of Grafton, int. Aug. 14, 1762.
Samuel and Lydia Whitney, April 1, 1828.
Samuel N. of Worcester and Frances Rice, July 10, 1838.
Sarah and Nathan Banister of Brookfield, Dec. 17, 1769.
Sarah and Jonas Hemenway, int. Feb. 5, 1780.
Silas ["of No town but near Lancaster" in int.] and Jane Pearson, April 15, 1758.
Susanna and John Bellows of Southborough, Oct. 4, 1768.
Thomas and Ann Gould of Westborough, int. Feb. 24, 1753.
Timothy and Katherine Davenport, Dec. 8, 1768.
Phebe of Leicester and Ralph Earl, July 19, 1750. In Leicester.
Joel and Hannah Allen of Westborough, int. Dec. 28, 1755.
Joel and Reziner Rand, April 28, 1761.
Nathaniel and Sarah Rice, Aug. 17, 1753.
Sally of Spencer and Ebenezer Kingsbury, May 9, 1797. In Spencer.
Widow Sarah and George Harrington of Brookfield, int. March 11, 1774.
Betsy and Noah Sexton of Somers, Ct., Nov. 27, 1805.
Joshua and Sarah Keyes, Dec. 21, 1731.
Martha of Lancaster and Ebenezer Bragg, int. Oct. 10, 1810.
Mary of Boylston and Joseph Hastings, int. Nov. 27, 1835.
Prudence and Timothy Keyes of Rutland, May 1, 1755.
Reuben of Sterling and Mary Pierce, Feb. 16, 1784. In Lancaster.
Reziner, "Living Between Lancaster and Petersham in ye County of Worcester In no town," and William Bemus of Narragansett No. 2, Sept. 15, 1755.
Sally and Jonas Pollard of Bolton, June 30, 1806.
Amasa of Templeton and Mary Goddard, June 3, 1830.
Anna and Ashley Keyes, Oct. 20, 1788.
Daniel and Rachel Whelock both of Worcester, March 2, 1742-3.
Daniel and Elisabeth Bayley of Marlboro, int. Oct. 30, 1764.
Eunice of Worcester and John Bellows Jr., int. July 12, 1806.
Joshua of Petersham and Lucretia Ward of Westborough, Feb. 28, 1757.
Mary of Grafton and Daniel Goddard, Nov. 17, 1756. In Grafton.
Thomas and Elizabeth Davinport, Jan. 11, 1759.
Submit T. of West Boylston and David Barns, int. March 3, 1826.
Abigail and Nahor Wheelock, Dec. 16, 1747.
Abigil of New Ipswich, N.H., and Simon Maynard, int. March 8, 1792.
Dinah and David Hastings, May 25, 1765. In Lancaster.
Dorothy [Dorothy in int.] of Westborough and Reuben Maynard, May 22, 1745. In Westborough.
Hannah and Benjamin Goddard, Nov. 14, 1769. In Charlton.
James (s. Joseph, a. 36) and Maria Cutler, March 31, 1847.
Mrs. Lucy of Pomfred and Rev. Joseph Sumner, int. April 4, 1763.
Lucy and Berzillai Holt, int. Nov. 9, 1770.
Mary and Jonas Bennett, Jan. 10, 1773.
Dr. Samuel C. and Rebecka Sumner of Roxbury, int. March 28, 1818.
William of Pomfret, Ct., and Harriot Ward, May 13, 1817.
William and Maria Denny of Leicester, int. Nov. 1, 1826.
Daniel of Worcester and Widow Vashti Wheelock, int. May, 13, 1801.
Mary [Molly in int.] of Worcester and Alvin Howe, April 21, 1779. In Worcester.
Catherine of Sudbury and Jonathan Bennett Jr., int. March 5, 1770.
Harriet Newell and Benjamin Knowlton, Sept. 20, 1834.
Azriah of Spencer and Salley Witherby, int. Sept. 19, 1783.
Lucy of Northborough and William Rixford, int. Dec. 25, 1778.
Mary and Ashbel Baker, April 22, 1802.
Abigail and Abiel Bragg, Jan. 29, 1753.
Ann of Lancaster and Thomas Newton, [March] 29, 1727.
Benjamin "of a place called Gardener's farms" and Sarah Sawyer, July 4, 1754.
George W. and Miriam Newton, April 2, 1840.
Henry and Sarah B. Stow, Nov. 22, 1837.
Jonas of Spencer and Lucy Ann Slocomb, Nov. 5, 1835.
Samuel of Fitzwilliam and Levinah Witherby, int. Dec. 11, 1779.
Sarah of Northborough and Nathaniel Bragg, int. Nov. 28, 1770.
Sarah, resident in Shrewsbury, and Josiah Pratt, Oct. 8, 1724.
Susanna and John Frost of Wesborough, int. Oct. 30, 1756.
Susanna of Rutland and Henry Miles, Jan. 24, 1770. In Rutland.
Aaron and Ruth Winch of Framingham, int. May 17, 1773.
Elisabeth and Richard Stanford of Natick, int. June 26, 1764.
John and Keziah Lovell of Holden, Oct. 30, 1758. In Holden.
Ruth of Framingham and Aaron Winch, int. May 17, 1773.
Sarah and Edward Newton, Feb. [5 or] 7, 1760.
Silence and Ebenezer Belknap of Holden, Oct. 27, 1764. In Holden.
Anna of Grafton and Samuel Biglo Jr., int. Nov. 3, 1770.
Joshua of Marlborough, Vt., and Annah Temple, Feb. 24, 1793.
Monroe [Munro in int.] of Lancaster (s. Samuel and Sarah, a. 23) and Nancy Flagg, June 11, 1845.
Prudence and Antepas Smith, int. Sept. 14, 1784.
William and Ann Bryard of Lancaster, int. Nov. 14, 1771.
WITHERBY (see Wetherbe, Wetherby)
Elizabeth and Elijah A. Brigham, May 17, 1825.
[Witherbye in int.], John Keyes and Levinah Rand, May 3, 1768.
Jonathan and Virtue Hemenway, Oct. 30, 1796.
Levinah and Samuel Wilson of Fitzwilliam, int. Dec. 11, 1779.
Lewis Jr. and Deborah Fay, Nov. 17, 1818.
Lucy G. of Boylston and Samuel Woodburn Jr., int. Dec. 15, 1832.
Mary and Leonard Brigham, Aug. 22, 1774. C.R.
Mary and Joseph Despeau, May 1, 1796.
Patty and Benjamin Batchelor Jr. of Grafton, Feb. 21, 1793.
Relief and Nathan Crafts Jr. of Newton, Jan. 15, 1834.
Salley and Azriah Wilson of Spencer, int. Sept. 19, 1783.
Sally and Joseph Merriam 3d of Grafton, Aug. 28, 1794.
Susan R. and William G. Maynard of Worcester, Oct. 28, 1841.
Thomas Jr. and Susannah Knowlton, June 5, 1800.
Thomas and Lois M. Drury, Feb. 22, 1824.
Thomas H. and Lois M. Drury, int. Feb. 4, 1824.
Elibazeth and John Gilburt, both of Brookfield, June 8, 1743.
Josiah of Upton and Ziporah Whelock of Mendon, Feb. 3, 1757.
Levi W. of Townsend and Angeline A. Smith, Jan. 27, 1834.
Lydia of Belchertown and Joseph Henshaw, int. Aug. 14, 1847.
Stephen of Boston and Lucy Rice, Feb. 19, 1805.
Susannah W. of Worcester and Henry E. Warren, Nov. 26, 1840. In Northborough.
Samuel Jr. and Lucy G. Witherby of Boylston, int. Dec. 15, 1832.
Dr. William and Sarah P. Hemenway, Sept. 16, 1828.
WRIGHT (see Right)
Christopher of Northampton and Vesty Mason, April 20, 1831.
Edwin of Northampton and Mary H. Rogers, Feb. 8, 1837.
John and Deliverance Houghton, Sept. 26, 1781.
Moody and Betsey Barrows, March 10, 1817.
Patte of Rutland Destrict and Joshua Randal, April 17, 1767.
Samuel of Northampton and Elisabeth Slocomb, March 27, 1823.
Sarah and Moses Garfield, Jan. 19, 1749-50.
Charles D. and Mary A. Bartlett of Northborough, int. Sept. 1, 1843.
Clarisa and William Johnson of Shoreham, Vt., Oct. 29, 1839.
Jonas of Lancaster and Hannah Smith, May 27, 1772.
Katey and Jonathan Harrington, int. Feb. 13, 1779.
Mary and Calvin Howe, Nov. 26, 1815.
Olive and John Lak Whiting, Aug. 27, 1782. In Rutland.
Oliver and Hannah K. Drury, April 15, 1819.
Mrs. Patience and William Raa of Greenwich, Nov. 5, 1782.
Ross and Widow Sarah Hagit of Bradford, int. March 30, 1761.
Sarah and Thadeus Easterbrook of Rutland, Dec. 31, 1772.
Seth and Mary Brown, int. Aug. 17, 1782.
Seth [Jr. in int.] and Lucy Baker, Nov. 28, 1816.
Thomas D. and Lucinda Rogers of Stow, int. Jan. 10, 1809.
John of Rockport, Mass., and Rebecca B. Cummings, May 4, 1841.
John and Dolly J. A. Hastings, April 12, 1842.
Sarah D. and Asa C. Collier, both of Westborough, May 9, 1833.
----, Hephsibah and Charles Henry of Lancaster, int. Dec. 16, 1779. Negroes.
----, Nancy R. of Northbridge and Hiram M. Wheeler, int. April 22, 1847.