Shrewsbury, Worcester Co., MA
Vital Records Of To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By Franklin P. Rice,
Trustee of the Fund. 1904.
Marriages - FAIRBANK to KNOX
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

[Fairbanks in int.], Manassah of Berlin and Abigail Howe, Nov. 5, 1785. In Berlin.
Marretta A. of West Boylston and John W. Baird, int. Oct. 14, 1848.
Sally Nurse of Grafton and Thomas Wheelock, int. Nov. 27, 1808.
Mrs. Deborah of Northborough and Benjamin Stone, A.M., Dec. 3, 1799.
Rev. Eleazar and Mrs. Sarah Biglow, int. May 18, 1781.
Hannah of Boston (d. Joseph and Betsey, a. 30) and Hamilton B. Fay of Southborough, Feb. 20, 1845.
Isaiah [Jr. in int.] and Martha Brocas, Nov. 11, 1802.
Jane and Anthony Clark, July 31, 1759.
Almira [Elmira in int.] L. and Calvin Lincoln of Holliston, Jan. 1, 1822.
Mrs. Harriet of Oakham and Levi Howe, int. Jan. 25, 1845.
Capt. Leander and Hannah Boyd, May 19, 1829.
[Capt. in int.] Leander (s. Daniel and Sally, a. 45, widr.) and Maria C. Allen, July 2, 1844.
Mary Ann and John Parker Jr. of Templeton, Sept. 4, 1823.
Sarah E. and Elijah Flagg Jr. of Westboro', int. June 23, 1836.
Mary and John Bailey of Hollis, int. Oct. 2, 1784.
Susannah of Kingensly and James Crosman Jr., resident in Shrewsbury, int. April 19, 1766.
Mrs. Hannah and Rev. Joseph Lee of Royalston, May 31, 1795.
Mary and Ephraim Temple, March 7, 1758.
Amittia and Abel Moore Goodenow, both of Boylstone, ---- ----[1789 or 1790].
Lucy of Boylston and Ephraim Lyon Jr., Nov. 17, 1799.
Nabby of Boylston and Asahel Noyes, int. Sept. 4, 1802.
Sallee and Andrew Biglow, int. Aug. 12, 1785.
FAY (see Faye)
Asa of Grafton and Mary Robins of Westborough, April 13, 1780.
Charles T. and Relief Goulding, March 22, 1812.
Deborah and Lewis Witherby Jr., Nov. 17, 1818.
Hamilton B. of Southborough (s. Artemas and Hannah, a. 24) and Hannah Fairbanks of Boston, Feb. 20, 1845.
John and Betty Noyes, March 13, 1808.
Lucy of Westborough and Joseph Nurse, int. Dec. 7, 1821.
Mary of Westburough and Edward Walker of Brookfield, Nov. ----, 1742.
Mary W. of Northboro' and Merrill Stockwell, int. April 26, 1846.
Moses of Bennington, Vt., and Mary Hagar, int. March 17, 1785.
Nancy M. and Dexter B. Hathaway of Grafton, Sept. 14, 1836.
Rebekah of Westborough and William Nurse, Dec. 12, 1723.
Sally and John Brigham, Aug. 14, 1808.
Solomon and Mary Pratt, int. July 24, 1761.
Susan of Westborough and Jonas A. Stone, int. March 12, 1820.
Susan H. of Northborough and George W. Purinton, int. March. 18, 1848.
Timothy Jr. of Northboro and Sarah Hagar, int. May 6, 1777.
FAYE (see Fay)
Gershom Jr. of Westborough and Dinah Newton, May 28, 1751.
Abigail of Reading and Ebenezer Cutler, April 27, 1726. In Reading.
Ebenezer of Boylston and Phebe R. Drury, Feb. 1, 1827.
Alonzo and Lucy Houghton, int. Sept. 22, 184[9].
John of Rutland and Ann H. Hemmenway, May 1, 1831.
John S. and Lucy Shaw of Palmer, int. Oct. 13, 1831.
Louisa and Benjamin W. Gleason of Grafton, Aug. 31, 1831.
Maria N. and Seth W. Hastings, Oct. 17, 1838.
Mary K. (d. Wyman and Mary, a. 32) and John W. Bemis of Wayland, Nov. 19, 1844.
Seth W. and Mary Ann Maynard, Jan. 1, 1829.
Seth W. and Emeline Shepard of Worcester, int. March 10, 1837.
Solomon of Hallifax, Vt., and Betty Tucker, int. Sept. 22, 1785.
Mary of Western and Joseph Stone, Dec. 31, 1788. In Warren.
George of Worcester and Sarah Norcross, int. Oct. 9, 1779.
Joseph F. and Sarah S. Smith of Peterborough, N.H., int. April 6, 1832.
Aaron and Betty Moor, int. Sept. 19, 1781.
Scuyler [Schuyler in int.] and Hannah Pratt, March 8, 1798.
FISK (see Fiske)
Daniel and Elizabeth Goddard, Nov. 2, 1743.
John of Palmer and Dolly Phelps, Dec. 4, 1838.
Moses and Lucy Bush, int. Jan. 31, 1781.
Rachel and Isaac Stone, May 3, 1765.
Sally (d. Joseph and Hannah Nourse, a. 43, wid.) and Gershom Wheelock, Jan. 6, 1848.
FISKE (see Fisk)
Elisabeth of Worcester and Joseph Nurse Jr., int. March 29, 1823.
Grace of Watertown and Benjamin Goddard, Sept. 25, 1733. In Watertown.
John of Worcester and Sally Nurse, April 11, 1827.
Almira of Leominster and Samuel W. Vilas, resident in Shrewsbury, int. May 4, 1822.
Ebenezer of Ringe, N.H., and Persis Bush, Aug. 29, 1780. In Lancaster.
Marianne B. and Hiram A. Morse of Holliston, Nov. 7, 1827.
Sarah of Leominster and Orville Lothrop, int. April 12, 1823.
Susan and Calvin R. Stone, Aug. 18, 1822.
Amazonia of Holden and Lemuel B. Hapgood, int. April 5, 1835.
Benjamin (a. 30) and Martha Hapgood, April 13, 1845.
Elijah Jr. of Westboro' and Sarah E. Fales, int. June 23, 1836.
Francis of West Boylston (a. 49, widr.) and Mary Osborn, Jan. 7, 1847.
Gershom and Hannah Keyes, Jan. 6, 1724-5.
Hannah and Eleazer Taylor, March 26, 1744.
Joseph and Mercy Sargent of Orford. N.H., int. Nov. 2, 1893 [1839.]
Jotham and Rebekah Kendal, Aug. 15, 1765.
Judith and Samuel Andrews, July 10, 1777.
Mary of Boylston and Asa Rice Jr., int. April 25, 1807.
Nancy (d. Nathaniel B. and Betsey, a. 21) and Monroe Winchester of Lancaster, June 11, 1845.
Stephen and Judith Taylor, Dec. 26, 1750.
Sullivan F. of Southborough and Mary A. Whitney, int. May 13, 1849.
John and Silence Adams of Brookfield, May 2, 1776. In Brookfield.
James S. and Hannah Phillips, int. Aug. 11, 1838.
FLINT (see Flynt)
Alvan of Dracut and Margery S. Green, Sept. 13, 1831.
Dorothy and Jonathan Adams Jr., Feb. 16, 1790.
Eleoner and Joseph Curtis of Worcester, Aug. 1, 1774.
Franklin and Harrot M. Johnson, July 3, 1841.
Dr. John and Abigail Munroe of Northborough, int. Sept. 12, 1801.
Josiah and Nancy Stone of Southborough, int. Sept. 12, 1801.
Josiah and Mary Stone, June 15, 1817.
Laura (d. Josiah) and Samuel W. Barnes, April 2, 1844.
Lucy and Ebenezer Drury, Jan. 3, 1793.
Lydia and Oliver Munroe, Feb. 2, 1794.
Mary and Zenas Stone, May 6, 1790.
Mary (d. Josiah and Nancy [Stone]) and Eli Walcott of Worcester, Dec. 25 or 26, 1828. P.R.
Nancy (d. Maj. Josiah and Nancy) and Joseph W. Mason, April 30, 1838. P.R.
Sarah and John Jenison, Feb. 26, 1799.
[Widow in int.] Elizabeth of Southborough and James Alexander, Sept. 14, 1819.
Martha and Luke Reed, Aug. 11, 1779. In Holden.
Mary of Princetown and John Bixby, int. Feb. 3, 1769.
FLYNT (see Flint)
Dr. Edward and Mrs. Mary How, Jan. 10, 1758. C.R.
Seth of Grafton and Martha Knowlton, April 2, 1826.
Almira and Ezra Kimpton of Newton, int. Oct. 15, 1831.
FORBUSH (see Furbush)
Daniel of Westboro' and Mary Parker, Jan. 20, 1748. In Westborough.
Lucy of Hardwick and Paul Knowlton, Nov. 8, 1769. In Hardwick.
Abigail and Jonathan Stone, Dec. 3, 1818.
Widow Elisabeth of Berlin and Abel Goulding, int. June 12, 1806.
Judith of Grafton and Joseph Wheelock, int. July 12, 1806.
Keziah of Tewksbury and Samuel Stone, Jan. 6, 1799. In Tewksbury.
Mrs. Polly of Boylston and Ebenezer Mann, int. Nov. 27, 1828.
Jonathan and Bathsheba Crosbey, Aug. 11, 1741.
Amasa of Lancaster and Nancy Rawson, int. Jan. 24, 1786. Africans.
Charlotte H. and William J. Cass of Cumberland, R.I., Aug. 18, 1845.
Maria N. and Theodore C. Cary, Nov. 12, 1840.
Sarah A. and Phineas H. Purinton, Oct. 27, 1842.
Joseph and Mary Bixbey, Jan. 2, 1745-6.
Martha and Jonathan Ball of Westborough, April 4, 1739.
Mary and Phinehas Bennitt, Jan. 9, 1740-1.
John of Palmer and Dolly Phelps, int. Nov. 10, 1838.
Abigail and Jason Parmenter of Neshawag, March 7, 1753.
John of Wesborough and Susanna Wilson, int. Oct. 30, 1756.
Silas of Westboro' and Mary Pratt, Feb. 24, 1761. In Westborough.
Thomas of Westboro' and Rahamah Pratt, May ----, 1762. In Westborough.
Amasa and Mary Munroe, int. June 23, 1781.
Luther of Needham (s. Ebenezer and Roxana, a. 25) and Mary F. Gates, Nov. 19, 1847.
Sally and Henry Parker, July 25, 1815.
[Forbush in int.], Cloe and Joseph Hastings Knowlton, Dec. 7, 1806.
Lot of Westborough and Eliza Baker, Feb. 5, 1812.
[Furnis in int.], Benjamin and Abigail Taylor of Sturbridge, Sept. 1, 1776. In Sturbridge.
Abigail and Joshua Stiles of Princeton, int. March 12, 1781.
Abraham and Abigail Rice of Worcester, Nov. 28, 1769. In Worcester.
Amsden of Westborough and Elisabeth Henderson, March 17, 1772.
Betsy and Lyman Plimpton, Oct. 7, 1819.
Elisha of Westborough and Abigail C. Whitney, Nov. 3, 1831.
Eunice W. and Edwin Prentiss, Feb. 28, 1831.
Jonathan and Margaret Crawford, March 10, 1757.
Martha C. of West Boylston and Luther Drury, May 5, 1822.
Thaddeas of Weston and Lydia Amsden of Westborough, May 15, 1745.
Aaron and Mary Crossman of Dorchester, Feb. 5, 1760. In Dorchester.
Abigail T. of Worcester and John F. Cary, int. May 23, 1840.
Abijah and Lydia Carruth of Northborough, int. Jan. 8, 1779.
Caroline E. and Henry Slade Jr. of Saugus, Oct. 2, 1837.
Daniel and An Newton, Dec. 15, 1743.
Ebenezer and Mary Graves, Sept. 17, 1745.
Edwin M. and Mary D. Arnold of Paxton, int. Nov. 7, 1840.
Elisabeth and Joshua Houghton of Lancaster, Nov. 27, 1746.
Esther and Isaac Peirce of Sutton, int. Jan. 8, 1779.
John and Ruth Pratt, Sept. 21, 1738.
Jonas and Rhoda Baldwin of Marlborough, N.H., int. March 14, 1833.
Joseph of Warwick and Elisebath Brewer, int. May 9, 1778.
Lydia and John Bliss, resident in Shrewsbury, July 18, 1816.
Moses and Sarah Writford, Jan. 19, 1749-50.
Nathan and Emily Chase of Sutton, int. Nov. 22, 1825.
Rachel and Ezra Hastings, int. Feb. 1, 1779.
Russell and Nabby Plimpton, Jan. 17, 1814.
Russell and Purnell Baldwin, Oct. 3, 1836.
William and Polly Cary, Nov. 30, 1815.
William H. and Hannah Derphy of Smithfield, R.I., int. Oct. 7, 1848.
Varnum and Relief M. Knowlton, int. May 7, 1847.
Hannah of Worcester and Jonathan Stone Jr., June 7, 1769.
Mary of Worcester and Erastus Tucker, int. Aug. 7, 1819.
Mary F. (d. Horatio and Fidelia, a. 19) and Luther Fuller of Needham, Nov. 19, 1847.
[Garould in int.], James H. of Keene, N.H., and Elizabeth Dean, June 26, 1827.
Sarah C. of Grafton and Stephen A. Oliver, April 8, 1840.
Lucy and Ebenezer P. Brigham, May 8, 1838.
Anna and Daniel Stone, June 9, 1790.
Aaron and Zedna Potter, now resident in Shrewsbury, April 16, 1809.
John and Elibazeth Witt, both of Brookfield, June 8, 1743.
F. Elvira of Northborough and S. Brown Crosby, int. Feb. 8, 1846.
William (s. Jonas and Maryba, a. 50, widr.) and Candace Crayton, Oct. 23, 1849.
Henry B. (s. Moses and Mary B., a. 32) and Mary Jane Sargent, June 7, 1848.
Moses of Roxbury and Mary Baldwin, int. Sept. 1, 1810.
[Grazer in int.], Joseph and Unice Newton, Oct. 15, 1744.
GLAZIER (see Gleazier)
Calvin [Calven in int.] of North Shrewsbury and Lydia Pierce of Worcester, May 18, 1780. In Worcester.
Eunice and William Raymond Jr. of Holden, April 19, 1768. In Holden.
Jacob and Mary Whitcomb of Sterling, int. June 15, 1782.
Jotham of New Braintree and Kezia Stacey, int. Nov. 2, 1773.
Levinah and Jonas Ward Jr., int. March 9, 1770.
[Widow in int.] Lydia of Lancaster and Ebenezer Pike, March 21, 1758.
Oliver and Rachel Hastings, int. March 1, 1785.
Percis and Josiah Cutting, int. June ----, 1769.
GLEASON (see Gleeson)
Benjamin W. of Grafton and Louisa Fessenden, Aug. 31, 1831.
Bezalleel of Worcester and Hephzibah Keyes, int. Oct. 13, 1758.
Caroline and Hiram De Witt of Worcester, int. Sept. 3, 1842.
Dorothy of Worcester and Eber Maynard, int. Aug. 17, 1822.
Eunice M. of Westboro and Leonard Harrington, int. May 1, 1840.
Nathan of Wardsborough, Vt., and Abigail Drury, Feb. 8, 1821.
Stephen H. of Worcester and Lucy B. Bartlett, April 26, 1831.
Simon of Oxford and Charity Bellows of Westborough, May 22, 1747.
GLEAZIER (see Glazier)
John and Sarah Temple, Oct. 21, 1765.
GLEESON (see Gleason)
[Glesen in int.], Elizabeth of Worcester and Joseph Holland, Dec. 29, 1772.
GODALE (see Goodale)
Sarah and Caleb Drury, int. Nov. 1, 1756.
Aaron of Reading, Vt., and Elisabeth Howe, Oct. 28, 1795.
Artemas and Cynthia R. Newton, June 17, 1827.
Asenath and Charles Cady, int. March 30, 1824.
Benjamin and Grace Fiske of Watertown, Sept. 25, 1733. In Watertown.
Benjamin and Hannah Williams, Nov. 14, 1769. In Charlton.
Dea. Benjamin and Mrs. Lucy Chace of Sutton, Feb. 13, 1799. In Sutton.
Benjamin Jr. and Patty Holland, Jan. 6, 1805.
Dea. Benjamin and Betsy Russell of Marlborough, Nov. 30, 1823.
Betty and James Goddard of Athol, June 24, 1767.
Daniel and Mary Willard of Grafton, Nov. 17, 1756. In Grafton.
Daniel Jr. and Mercy Puffer of Sudbury, Feb. 18, 1790. In Sudbury.
Daniel and Huldah Harwood of Windsor, Nov. 23, 1796. In Windsor.
Edward and Eunice Walker of Sutton, June 11, 1764. In Sutton.
Rev. Edward of Swanzy and Lois How, Nov. 1, 1769.
Edward Jr. and Margarett How, May 23, 1771.
Elizabeth and Daniel Fisk, Nov. 2, 1743.
Elisabeth and David Hill of Marlborough, Vt., Oct. 12, 1809.
Gardner and Sally Wheelock, int. Nov. 25, 1809.
Grace and Jasper Stone, April 17, 1755.
Grace and Mansfield Bruce of Marlborough, Vt., Sept. 24, 1805.
Hannah and Silas Heywood of Royalston, int. July 3, 1779.
James of Athol and Betty Goddard, June 24, 1767.
John D. and Sally Johnson of Westborough, int. April 18, 1830.
John D. and Zeruiah Johnson, April 24, 1834.
John D. and Louisa Bullard of Westborough, Nov. 24, 1842.
Joseph and Susanah Sherman, both of Grafton, May 19, 1796.
Luther and Betty Dakin, int. June 19, 1784.
Lydia and Levi Howe, Jan. 3, 1815.
Martha of Framingham and Daniel Newton 2d, int. March 17, 1837.
Mary and Benjamin Kimball of Brookfield, int. Feb. 16, 1774.
Mary and Henry Baldwin, Oct. 11, 1812.
Mary and Amasa Wilkinson of Templeton, June 3, 1830.
Nahum of Petersham and Sally Richardson, Feb. 1, 1801.
Nathan and Martha Nichols of Framingham, int. Nov. 21, 1772.
Parley and Sarah Crosby of Brookfield, int. Aug. 20, 1815.
Patty and Elijah Rice Jr., Nov. 26, 1807.
Mrs. Rhoda and Rev. William Goddard of Wistmoreland, Aug. 14, 1765.
Samuel and Rebecka Davis of Holden, int. May 3, 1804.
Sarah and Joseph Nichols of Framingham, int. Nov. 20, 1761.
Solomon of Marlboroug and Thankfull Bowker, int. July 22, 1758.
Sophia and Josiah Nelson, June 28, 1812.
Sophia and Samuel C. Combs of Millbury, int. Oct. 27, 1832.
Submitt [Mitty in int.] and James Puffer of Sudbury, Feb. 14, 1792.
Susan and Luther Green, Nov. 14, 1821.
Susanna and Rev. Isaac Stone of Douglas, Oct. 27, 1773.
Rev. William of Wistmoreland and Mrs. Rhoda Goddard, Aug. 14, 1765.
William and Kezia Cloyes of Framingham, June 26, 1726-7. In Framingham.
[Goldsberry in int.], Abigail and Abel Sawyer of Bolton, Oct. 27, 1785. In Bolton.
GOODALE (see Godale)
Aaron and Eunice Marshale of Holdin, int. June 27, 1767.
Elisabeth and Robert Smith of Worcester, Dec. 16, 1767.
Mary Jr. and William Brewer Jr., Nov. 22, 1764.
Miriam and Ebenezer Drury of Temple, N.H., Dec. 1, 1768.
Peter and Abigail Hinds, int. Sept. 12, 1774.
Mrs. Susan and Harris W. Bates of Troy, N.Y., June 19, 1826.
GOODANOW (see Goodenough, Goodnow)
Levi of Marlborough and Melicent Keyes, int. April 9, 1762.
[Goodenow in int.], Jonas of Prince Town and Mary Davenport, Jan. 29, 1767.
Abel Moore and Amittia Fassett, both of Boylstone, ---- ---- [1789 or 1790].
Abner and Bathsheba Henderson, int. Dec. 13, 1783.
Dorothy of Princetown and Robert Andrews Jr., int. Sept. 7, 1770.
Edward of Westminster and Lois Rice, Jan. 17, 1770.
[Goodenough in int.], Jonathan and Eunice Hastings, May 6, 1761.
Patieance and Mathew Davenport, int. June 20, 1778.
Rebeckah of Paxton and Ephraim Pratt Jr., int. Feb. 7, 1777.
Widow Submit of Grafton and Joseph S. Temple, int. May 3, 1817.
GOODNOW (see Goodenow, etc.)
Harriet E. of Princeton and Capt. Josiah Richardson, int. Oct. 7, 1843.
Lucy of Boylston and William A. Green, int. Sept. 5, 1842.
Luther of Hubbardston and Abigail Smith, April 13, 1809.
Mittee and King How, int. March 29, 1785.
Rufus E. and Mary A. Tucker, int. Nov. 25, 1837.
Sarah J. (d. Nathaniel and Lucy, a. 29) and Harrison O. Maynard, Oct. 5, 1848.
Susan A. (d. Nathaniel) and Erastus Wheelock, April 22, 1847.
Reuben of Westborough and Martha Drury, int. Aug. 24, 1764.
William and Elizabeth Pike, Nov. 8, 1759.
Ann of Westborough and Thomas Whitney, int. Feb. 24, 1753.
Daniel of Boston and Eunice Brown of Roxbury, resident in Shrewsbury, June 3, 1792.
Abel and Widow Elisabeth Foster of Berlin, int. June 12, 1806.
Mrs. Elizabeth and Jedediah Tucker, March 9, 1824.
Jonah of Grafton and Grace Knowlton, April ----, 1777. In Grafton.
Lucy and John Miller of Westminster, June 12, 1799.
Luther of Worcester and Sarah Newton, April 13, 1800.
Lydia and John Baker, Dec. 12, 1793.
Patty and Joseph Pratt, Oct. 3, 1796.
Patty and William Rice of Worcester, Sept. 22, 1799. In Lancaster.
Relief and Charles T. Fay, March 22, 1812.
Widow Sarah of Grafton and Job Cushing, May 17, 1792.
Solomon E. of Grafton and Lucy Ann Nichols, March 30, 1837.
Abigail of Sudbury and Josiah Bennet, Aug. 13, 1751. In Sudbury.
Crispus [Chrispas in int.] and Sarah Muzzy, Dec. 8, 1790.
Mary and Ebenezer Garfield, Sept. 17, 1745.
Sarah and Amos Rice of Northborough, May 8, 1766.
Jane B. of Hiram, Me. (d. William and Margaret, a. 18), and Levi Butterfield, Dec. 12, 1848.
Samuel of Westborough and Lucy Johnson, int. March 7, 1815.
Samuel and Mary M. Davenport, Feb. 9, 1824.
Samuel and Widow Martha R. Erwin, resident in Shrewsbury, Oct. 16, 1826.
Benjamin F. and Hannah M. Brigham of Westborough, int. June 15, 1833.
Charles O. and Caroline Knowlton of Holden, int. June 13, 1840.
Charles O. and Zillah M. Abbott of Holden, int. Sept. 30, 1848.
[Widow in int.] Dorcas of Berlin and Timothy Howard, Dec. 17, 1795. In Berlin.
Edward W. of Westborough and Mary Whitney, Dec. 10, 1833.
Henry A. and Deborah Brewer, Nov. 5, 1835.
Henry D. and Martha A. Hastings of Southborough, int. Sept. 9, 1848.
James S. of Grafton and Abigail M. Brigham, int. Sept. 12, 1837.
Joel and Cloe Tucker, Sept. 24, 1761.
John and Abigail Barns, April 29, 1798.
Levi and Mary Pratt, May 1, 1825.
Lucy and Joseph H. Whitney, resident in Shrewsbury, Jan. 5, 1817.
Lucy M. (d. Nathaniel Jr., a. 22) and Simeon B. Newton, Nov. 25, 1847.
Luther and Susan Goddard, Nov. 14, 1821.
Lydia of Westborough and Alpheus Brigham, Feb. 12, 1765. In Westborough.
Margery S. and Alvan Flint of Dracut, Sept. 13, 1831.
Maria C. and Almon Allen of Princeton, int. May 3, 1836.
Nathaniel and Lucy Stone, May 7, 1792.
Nathaniel Jr. and Amanda Holden, int. Jan. 14, 1847.
Samuel and Fanny Harwood, Sept. 15, 1803.
Stephen and Mrs. Sally McClure, Nov. 26, 1839.
William A. and Adaline Whipple of Boylston, int. May 3, 1836.
William A. and Lucy Goodnow of Boylston, int. Sept. 5, 1842.
L. S. of Grafton and E. S. Munroe, int. April 30, 1848.
Miriam of Grafton and Eastman Boulster, resident in Shrewsbury, int. Aug. 27, 1805.
Thankfull and Israel Allen Jr., July 26, 1768.
[Grigory in int.], Daniel and Lydia Lyon, May 13, 1790. In Grafton.
Dorothy and Jonathan Rugg, both resident in Shrewsbury, Jan. 14, 1724-5.
John of Rutland and Hephzibah Easterbrooks, int. Dec. 4, 1784.
Andrew of Lancaster and Elisabeth Hagar, int. Sept. 5, 1775.
Mary and John Adams, both of Leicester, Jan. 28, 1792.
Anna of Worcester and Alfred Miles, int. April 28, 1807.
Martha, resident in Shrewsbury, and Charles Roberds of Sutton, Nov. 27, 1744.
Joanna and William Crouch, July 3, 1729. In Woburn.
Stephen of Roxbury and Polly Miles, resident in Shrewsbury, Jan. 19, 1807.
Sarah and Thomas Crouch, March 26, 1734. C.R.
Thomas of Grafton and Sarah Sharman, Dec. 20, 1759. In Grafton.
Elizabeth of Sterling and Joseph Bigsbee, March 16, 1784. In Sterling.
Abigail and Silas Rice of Hubbardston, int. Sept. 11, 1775.
Abraham and Dolly Newton, int. May 13, 1781.
Abraham and Thankfull Newton, int. Nov. 23, 1786.
Elisabeth and Andrew Grimes of Lancaster, int. Sept. 5, 1775.
Hannah and James Alexander, int. Aug. 26, 1786.
Mary and Moses Fay of Bennington, Vt., int. March 17, 1785.
Sarah and Timothy Fay Jr. of Northboro, int. May 6, 1777.
Eunice and Zechariah Sautle of Northboro, int. March 12, 1781.
Widow Mary of Weston and Elisha Newton, Sept. 1, 1767. In Weston.
Widow Sarah of Bradford and Ross Wyman, int. March 30, 1761.
HAISTINGS (see Hastings)
Hannah and Solomon Newton, int. March 13, 1762.
John and Betty How of Lancaster, int. April 15, 1762.
Lucy and John Keyes of Wilton, Sept. 11, 1777.
Oliver of Marlborough and Dorcas Bennett, Oct. 1, 1778. In Holden.
Sarah of Arvourd and Nathan Taylor, April 10, 1744.
Warren B. and Alvina Stone of Sudbury, int. June 7, 1834.
Elijah of Grafton and Lucy Knowlton, Feb. 14, 1799.
James and Silence Parker, Oct. 12, 1811.
James M. and Sophia Rice of Northboro, int. Oct. 2, 1840.
James of Brookfield and Hannah Haven, Oct. 27, 1805.
William of Newton and Relief Baldwin, int. Oct. 3, 1778.
[Hannas in int.], Sally and Daniel Tucker Jr., Jan. 30, 1792. In Lancaster.
Abigail and John Roper of Princeton, Dec. 14, 1824.
- At house of Elijah Hapgood.
Asa and Anna Boucker, Dec. 6, 1750.
Catharine [Charlotte in int.] and Horace Abbott of Westborough, Oct. 4, 1830.
Damaris and Gideon How, Feb. 12, 1756.
Elijah and Eunice Baker, Sept. 26, 1802.
Ephraim and Elisabeth Cuningham Allen, Feb. 28, 1796.
Ephraim A. and Nancy Holmes, Nov. 5, 1845.
Eunice and Ebenezer Hartshorn of Athol, April 20, 1767.
George of Westboro' and Harriet A. Warren, March 26, 1844.
Joab and Abigail Stone, June 20, 1765.
Joab and Elizabeth Eager of Northborough, int. May 16, 1828.
Lemuel B. and Amazonia Flagg of Holden, int. April 5, 1835.
Lorenzo E. and Sarah S. Hodges of Williston, Vt., int. Jan. 27, 1840.
Lucy and Washington Hill of Spencer, Jan. 23, 1834.
Martha (d. Ephraim and Betsey, a. 46) and Benjamin Flagg, April 13, 1845.
Seth and Lydia Boucker, int. Jan. 31, 1757.
Thomas and Damaris Hutchins, Aug. 12, 1724. In Marlborough.
Abigail of Westborough and Daniel Adams, May 21, 1752. In Westborough.
Constantine of Westberough and Jemima Brigham, int. Jan. 15, 1763.
Hannah and Joseph Brigham 2d of Westboro, Feb. 5, 1807.
Simon and Betsey Smith of Lincoln, int. Jan. 23, 1808.
Eliza N. of North Brookfield and William Bartlett, int. Aug. 18, 1848.
Abigail and Micah T. Reed of North Brookfield, Sept. 16, 1834.
Abner and Sarah McFarland of Worcester, int. Feb. 5, 1819.
Arunah and Sarah Banister of Boylston, June 27, 1799. In Boylston.
Arunah Jr. and Maria C. Adams, Nov. 7, 1839.
Clarissa (d. Arunah) and Christopher C. Doty of Worcester, Dec. 11, 1843.
Elizabeth [Eliza in int.] and Samuel A. Knox, May 4, 1826.
Gideon and Harriott Howe, Jan. 1, 1828.
Harriet and Noah K. Merriam of Grafton, Nov. 11, 1834.
Patience and John Barnes of Boylston, March 18, 1834.
Patience F. and Levi Houghton of Berlin, Oct. ----, 1835.
Persis and Lucius S. Allen, Sept. 9, 1828.
Sarah and Nathan Pratt Jr., Sept. 9, 1824.
Thomas and Thankful Banister of Boylston, May 16, 1799. In Boylston.
HARRINGTON (see Herrington)
Abigail and Capt. Thomas Harrington Jr., March 16, 1817.
Adam and Lucretia Biglow, int. May 29, 1781.
Capt. Adam and Emily Lakin of Paxton, int. Dec. 15, 1828.
Adam 2d and Nancy Wesson, May 16, 1830.
Anna and Gardner Wheelock of Worcester, Dec. 31, 1818.
Antepas of Grafton and Levinah Brigham, int. June 24 [1774].
Barnard M. and Harriet Newton, int. Oct. 3, 1845.
Calvin and Anna Munroe, Dec. 9, 1830.
Caroline and Dennis G. Temple, Dec. 16, 1841.
Catharine S. and Joseph Rice, April 11, 1839.
Charles and Selena Wesson, Aug. 19, 1829.
Charles A. and Elizabeth Ann Munroe, Feb. 25, 1846.
Charlotte (d. Holloway and Charlotte, a. 18) and John Stone Jr., Aug. 10, 1849.
Charlotte L. and William Bartlett, May 12, 1836.
Daniel and Relief Smith, Dec. 22, 1788.
Daniel and Zillah Harrington, int. April 22, 1808.
Daniel 2d and Mercy Smith, April 21, 1825.
Daniel and Nancy E. Harrington, Aug. 5, 1837.
Dexter and Relief Harrington, Oct. 30, 1827.
Elbridge G. and Susan H. Harrington of Grafton, April 19, 1841. In Grafton.
Eli and Eunice G. Stow of Grafton, int. April 16, 1842.
Elijah and Mary Warren of Upton, int. Nov. 18, 1780.
Elijah Jr. and Betsey Wheelock, Jan. 17, 1810.
Emery and Fanny Townsend, int. Jan. 23, 1813.
Emery and Lucy B. Munroe, Nov. 24, 1825.
Emery and Elizabeth Robinson, both of Grafton, April 6, 1830.
Esther and Simeon Bruce, int. May 23, 1776.
Eunice and Charles Pond of Grafton, int. June 6, 1829.
George of Brookfield and Widow Sarah Whittemore, int. March 11, 1774.
Grace and Moses Newton, int. April 15, 1780.
Grace and Samuel Mahan of Northborough, int. Dec. 20, 1783.
Grace and Asa Mixer Jr., Oct. 21, 1804.
Hannah and Daniel Maynard, int. July 31, 1776.
Hannah and Dr. Silas Wheelock, Dec. 7, 1800.
Hannah and Lewis Pratt, Feb. 21, 1802.
Hannah and William S. Knowlton, Feb. 23, 1832.
Henry H. and Cornelia B. Wesson of Worcester, int. Jan. 8, 1833.
Holloway Jr. (s. Holloway and Charlotte, a. 24) and Eliza E. Temple, Feb. 10, 1848.
Isaac and Rhoda Smith, int. Dec. 2, 1809.
Isaac S. of Grafton and Maria R. Knowlton, April 24, 1839.
Jackson and Jane Carpenter, Aug. 30, 1838.
Jonathan and Katey Wyman, int. Feb. 13, 1779.
Jonathan Jr. and Sarah Pratt, int. May 27, 1783.
Jonathan and Widow Susanna Penniman of Charlton, int. Sept. 15, 1814.
Josiah and Mary Jellison Parker, Jan. 26, 1803.
Julia A. (d. Dexter and Relief, a. 20) and Fayette Maynard, May 25, 1848.
Leonard and Eunice M. Gleason of Westboro, int. May 1, 1840.
Lucretia and Martin Newton, Feb. 10, 1794. In Grafton.
Lucretia and Henry Cary, int. Oct. 19, 1811.
Luke and Sally Smith, May 6, 1815.
Lydia and Moses Livermore, both of Waltham, Sept. 17, 1783.
Maria and Levi J. Hemenway, July 30, 1840.
Martin and Lucinda Temple, June 19, 1808.
Mary and Ethan Allen of Medway, May 31, 1831.
[Widow in int.] Mary Jellison and Asahel Allen, April 9, 1805.
Mindwell of Worcester and John Ward, int. May 26, 1774.
Miriam and Rufus Wesson Jr. of Grafton, July 23, 1840.
Nancy E. and Daniel Harrington, Aug. 5, 1837.
Noah and Lois Kingsley, int. June 25, 1784.
Oliver and Eliza Wheelock, April 14, 1828.
Phebe of Grafton and Samuel Whitney Jr., int. Aug. 14, 1762.
Polly and Lewis Thayer of Northbridge, April 29, 1823.
Relief and Dexter Harrington, Oct. 30, 1827.
Rozan H. and Luther H. Temple, Dec. 15, 1842.
Sally and Darwin Knowlton, April 30, 1828.
Samuel 2d of Grafton and Elizabeth Legate, int. Oct. 21, 1834.
Sarah A. (d. Schuyler) and Elias Temple, April 3, 1844.
Schuyler and Sophia Johnson, Nov. 22, 1818.
Sibbillah of Grafton and Jonathan Newton, Sept. 25, 1765.
Susan H. of Grafton and Elbridge G. Harrington, April 19, 1841. In Grafton.
Thomas Jr. and Hannah Knowlton Jr., int. Sept. 9, 1784.
Thomas Jr. and Relief Mixer, March 3, 1805.
Thomas Jr. and Abigail Harrington, March 16, 1817.
Warren and Patty Smith, Oct. 23, 1808.
Zillah and Daniel Harrington, int. April 22, 1808.
Zipporah of Grafton and Solomon Wheeler, Aug. 26, 1771.
Daniel of Wardsborough, Vt., and Abigail Wheelock, Feb. 24, 1788.
Lemuel of Worcester and Molly Mixter, June 9, 1791. In Worcester.
Lydia and John Dandridge Bennet, both residents in Shrewsbury, int. Aug. 15, 1806.
Lydia and George Shearlock of Claramont, Vt., Aug. 14, 1809.
Martha of Lankester and Jonathan Bennett, April 14, 1736.
Noah and Phebe Butler, Feb. 22, 1757.
HARTSHORN (see Heartshorn)
Ebenezer of Athol and Eunice Hapgood, April 20, 1767.
Abagal [Abigail in int.] of Lincoln and Jonas Jones, Sept. 6, 1763. In Lincoln.
Ebenezer of Littleton and Dorathy Hubbard, Nov. 29, 1737.
Fanny and Samuel Green, Sept. 15, 1803.
[Widow Hulda in int.] Huldah of Windsor and Daniel Goddard, Nov. 23, 1796. In Windsor.
Caleb of Hampton Falls, N.H., and Elisabeth Stone, Sept. 26, 1793.
Susan G. and William B. Ide of Windor, Vt., int. March 30, 1820.
HASTINGS (see Haistings)
[Widow in int.] Abigail and Samuel Biglow, May 7, 1770.
Benjamin and Eliza M. Brigham of Worcester, April 15, 1840.
Mrs. Charity and John Stone, int. Nov. 27, 1830.
Daniel Jr. and Prissilla Keyes, Aug. 16, 1753.
Dolly J. A. and John Young, April 12, 1842.
David and Dinah Williams, May 25, 1765. In Lancaster.
Eliakim and Patience Mores, int. July 4, 1782.
Eunice and Jonathan Goodenow, May 6, 1761.
Ezra and Rachel Garfield, int. Feb. 1, 1779.
Hannah and William Knoulton, int. Aug. 24, 1764.
Harriet M. and Leander Maynard, Oct. 9, 1838.
Helen Maria of Leicester and Nathan Robbins, resident in Shrewsbury, Dec. 10, 1829.
John E. and Percis F. Eager, int. Sept. 22 [1849].
Jonas and Lucy Johnson, int. March 17, 1781.
Joseph Jr. and Katherine Joslin, Nov. 15, 1770.
Joseph and Mary Wilder of Boylston, int. Nov. 27, 1835.
Joseph E. and Amelia B. Rugg of Leominster, int. Sept. 13, 1845.
Joseph S. and Joanna Newton of Westboro', June 14, 1833. At West Cambridge.
[Widow in int.] Katharine and Joseph Whipple of Grafton, Oct. 15, 1797.
Loring and Mary A. Holden, April 19, 1838.
Lucy Ann (d. Jotham) and John Cummings, April 24, 1844.
Lydia and Elmore Cushing, int. March 5, 1783.
Marshall H. (s. Joseph and Dolly, a. 21) and Sarah S. Dalrymple, Aug. 27, 1848.
Martha A. of Southborough and Henry D. Green, int. Sept. 9, 1848.
Moses and Abigail Taylor, April 25, 1739.
Nathan and Lowis Rice of Worcester, Jan. 8, 1769. In Worcester.
Patience of Boylston and Solomon Newton Jr., int. Nov. 15, 1804.
Patty and Elijah Southgate of Leicester, Jan. 19, 1774.
Rachel and Oliver Glazier, int. March 11, 1785.
Rebecka of Warwick and Samuel Bates, int. April 30, 1803.
Ruth and John Brocas, int. Feb. 7, 1784.
Samuell and Anna Biglo, Oct. 26, 1757.
Sarah and Samuel Holland, May 9, 1745.
Seth W. and Maria N. Fessenden, Oct. 17, 1838.
Stephen and Martha Walker, June 16, 1757.
Tamar of Boylston and Luke Parker, int. July 21, 1811.
Thankful of Waltham and Elnathan Allin, May 31, 1753. In Waltham.
Dexter B. of Grafton and Nancy M. Fay, Sept. 14, 1836.
Elizabeth and Charles F. Parks, Nov. 24, 1834.
[Herthan in int.], Micah and Sarah Jones, Nov. 26, 1761.
Prudence M. of West Boylston and Otis Kittridge, int. Oct. 1, 1831.
Jedidah of Marlborough and Samuel Biglow, Nov. 25, 1729.
Mrs. Clarrissa and Rufus Porter of Worcester, Feb. 2, 1825.
Widow Dolly and Daniel Newton, April 17, 1825.
George H. and Maria P. Johnson of Worcester, int. March 6, 1838.
Gilbert Wood and Laura Brigham, April 18, 1813.
Hannah and James Hamilton of Brookfield, Oct. 27, 1805.
Mary and Harvey Nolen of Boston, Feb. 12, 1804.
Montgomery, resident in Shrewsbury, and Sophia Parker of Hopkinton, Dec. 4, 1817.
Moses and Dolly Rice, June 14, 1801.
Nancy and Caleb Lealand of Brookfield, Nov. 9, 1805.
Samuel and Sarah Brigham, June 9, 1808.
Thomas Bucklin and Clarisa Cloyes of Framingham, int. Oct. 28, 1815.
Zedekiah of Whitestown, N.Y., and Elisabeth Angier, Jan. 16, 1797.
William of Northborough and Abigail Keyes, int. Oct. 10, 1766.
HAYWARD (see Heywood)
Sarah H. of Worcester and Dennis Newton, int. Oct. 12, 1820.
Mary C. of Holden and Ward Sadler, int. March 25, 1835.
Sally of Worcester and John Stow, April 2, 1794.
Sarah of Lancaster and Vashni Hemenway, Feb. 4, 1792.
Susanna of Rutland and Nathan Wheelor, int. April 5, 1805.
[Hartshorn in int.], Lewis and Eunice How, May 27, 1790.
HEBBARD (see Hilbert)
[Hebberd in int.], Southwick of Dudley and Abigail Collar, March 21 [24 ?], 1757. In Oxford.
Elisha of Boston and Marth Johnson, April 30, 1728.
Adaline K. and Jonathan H. Nelson, int. Aug. 6, 1836.
Daniel and Abigail Wheelock, Nov. 4, 1783. In Grafton.
Eliza A. and Eudolphus T. Rand, Oct. 26, 1842.
Irena [Irene in int.] and Noah Allen, Jan. 1, 1804.
Jacob and Cloe Barrett, int. Jan. 1, 1780.
Jonas and Sarah Whitney, int. Feb. 5, 1780.
Julia A. (d. Josiah and Nancy, a. 27) and Levi M. Parker, Oct. 24, 1844.
Levi J. and Maria Harrington, July 30, 1840.
Lucy and Asahel Allen, May 8, 1800.
Lucy A. and Stillman Smith, April 23, 1826.
Martha A. and Silas Smith, April 2, 1832.
Mary of Grafton and Daniel Knowlton, int. Jan. 8, 1804.
Philip and Eunice Stone, Jan. 18, 1802.
Polly and Benjamin Miner Jr. of Bridport, Vt., Feb. 17, 1793.
Ruth and Levi Jeneson, March 28, 1789.
Samuel and Martha Salmon of Boston, int. Nov. 7, 1779.
Sarah [Sally in int.] P. and Dr. William Workman, Sept. 16, 1828.
Seth and Patty Pratt, May 27, 1800.
Capt. Seth and Sally Packard of Oakham, int. Aug. 25, 1834.
Susanna and Joseph Stratton Temple, int. Sept. 23, 1786.
Vashni and Sarah Heard of Lancaster, Feb. 4, 1792.
Virtue and Jonathan Witherby, Oct. 30, 1796.
Daniel and Mis. Elizabath Johnson Jr., Dec. 1, 1768.
Daniel Jr. and Mary Carryl, Aug. 1, 1770.
Jacob of Bridport, Vt., and Sarah Sadler of Grafton, Jan. 29, 1789. At Grafton. C.R.
[Hemenway, Widow, in int.], Lydia of Worcester and Solomon Newton, Dec. 5, 1782. In Worcester.
Silas and Molly Smith, int. May 10, 1766.
Susannah and Daniel Rand Jr., int. Feb. 14, 1767.
Ann H. and John Fessenden of Rutland, May 1831.
Bathsheba and Abner Goodenow, int. Dec. 13, 1783.
Elisabeth and Amsden Gale of Westborough, March 17, 1772.
Margeret of Lancaster and John Craford, int. March 23, 1743.
James of Templeton and Lois Beaman, int. Oct. 10, 1766.
Charles and Happy Thompson, March 3, 1780. Negroes.
Alvin and Cynthia W. Sawyer, June 20, 1838.
Joseph and Lydia Wood of Belchertown, int. Aug. 14, 1847.
Sally and Andrew H. Ward, July 2, 1809.
HERRINGTON (see Harrington)
Polly of Grafton and Martin Smith, June 29, 1794. In Grafton.
[Huston in int.], Capt. John of Novascotia and Mrs. Sarah Eager, April 14, 1761.
Mary and Eliphelet Cutting, int. March 1, 1760.
HEYWOOD (see Hayward)
Daniel and Maria Brooks of Princeton, int. Sept. 20, 1824.
Deborah and David Biglo of Worcester, March 8, 1764. In Worcester.
Elizabeth J. (d. James and Ann, a. 20) and Joshua Chamberlain Jr., Feb. 1, 1849.
Jonathan Jr. of Concord and Zeruiah Baldwin, Nov. 7, 1771.
Kezia and Bezaleel How of Martborough, int. Jan. 1, 1774.
Mary and Samuell Jenison, April 10, 1755.
Nathaniel and Mary Chamberlain of Worcester, July 1, 1793.
Marietta and Elijah Stow of Grafton, Jan. 1, 1828.
Phinehas Jr. and Kezia Snow of Westborough, Nov. 19, 1772.
Phinehas and Percis Eager of Northborough, int. Oct. 26, 1776.
Seth and Martha Temple, int. July 31, 1762.
Silas of Royalston and Hannah Goddard, int. July 3, 1779.
HIBBERT (see Hebbard)
Samuel and Mary Collar, Feb. 6, 1753.
David of Marlborough, Vt., and Elisabeth Goddard, Oct. 12, 1809.
Nathan and Mary Whipple of Westborough, int. July 10, 1772.
Otis and Eunice Moor of Bolton, int. Sept. 4, 1802.
Washington of Spencer and Lucy Hapgood, Jan. 23, 1834.
Mrs. Abigail and Josiah Broad of Holden, Dec. 27, 1743. In Holden.
Abigail and Peter Goodale, int. Sept. 12, 1774.
Benjamin and Elisabeth Temple, Oct. 18, 1747.
Benjamin and Tabatha Holland, July 1, 1766.
Mrs. Betsy of West Boylston and Dana Newton, int. Nov. 9, 1833.
Betty and Ephraim Temple, int. May 9, 1752.
Jacob and Triphena Keyes, Nov. 24, 1756.
Mary and Joshua Childs of Worcester, June 2, 1748. In Worcester.
Pamelia B. of Millbury and Courtland Newton, int. March 24, 1832.
Patty and Oliver Sawyer, int. Feb. 23, 1785.
John and Nancy Rich, int. Oct. 24, 1835.
Mrs. Mary of Brookfield and Dr. Benjamin L. Howe, int. March 23, 1822.
William P. of Brimfield and Clarinda Slocomb, Jan. 11, 1821.
Harriet of West Randolph, Vt., and Dr. Alonzo Smith, int. April 11, 1836.
Samuel and Martha A. Whitney of Westborough, int. Feb. 19, 1835.
Sarah S. of Williston, Vt., and Lorenzo E. Hapgood, int. Jan. 27, 1840.
Ephraim and Thankfull How of Worcester, Dec. 11, 1739.
George C. (a. 21) and Sarah Pratt, June 11, 1848.
Jonathan and Polly Rawson of Oxford, int. Oct. 13, 1816.
Alfred of Grafton and Lucy Ann Newton, April 19, 1838.
Amasa and Abigail Pratt, July 13, 1797.
Amanda and Nathaniel Green Jr., int. Jan. 14, 1847.
Daniel of Licester and Jemima Tucker, Aug. 20, 1766.
Daniel and Dorothy Johnson, Dec. 25, 1788.
Josiah F. of Stow (widr.) and Mary H. Maynard, Jan. 30, 1844.
Mary A. and Loring Hastings, April 19, 1838.
Sarah A. of Newfane, Vt., and John Newton, int. April 20, 1836.
Abigail and Nathan Pike, May 10, 1769.
Dr. Abraham of Walpole and Mrs. Abigail Baldwin, June 2, 1784.
Elisabeth and Francis Temple, Dec. 18, 1766.
Ephraim Jr. and Eunice Newton, int. Aug. 3, 1782.
Eunice and Abel Osgood of Rutland Destrict, Feb. 13, 1766.
Jonas and Sarah Bannester of Marlborough, Nov. 23, 1733. In Marlborough.
Joseph and Elizabeth Gleason of Worcester, Dec. 29, 1772.
Levinah and Joshua Morse, April 29, 1773.
Mara and John White, int. April 26, 1785.
Patty and Benjamin Goddard Jr., Jan. 6, 1805.
Reuben and Esther How, int. March 12, 1784.
Samuel and Sarah Hastings, May 9, 1745.
Sarah and Daniel Johnson, March 24, 1735-6.
Sarah and Luke Knowlton, July 29, 1760.
Widow Sarah and Samuel Richardson, Feb. 6, 1774.
Sarah and Hugh Mores of Lancaster, int. Feb. 17, 1775.
Tabatha and Benjamin Hinds, July 1, 1766.
Thankfull and Josiah Randal of Newfane, int. May 28, 1774.
Jemima of Westborough and John Taylor, int. May 11, 1758.
Mrs. Mary of Grafton and Stephen Sterns, int. June 5, 1839.
Nancy and Ephraim A. Hapgood, Nov. 5, 1845.
Abel and Eunice Keyes, Oct. 21, 1765.
Berzillai and Lucy Williams, int. Nov. 9, 1770.
[Widow in int.] Lois of Lancaster and Henry Rice, Nov. 26, 1778. In Princeton.
John Frink of Northborough and Abigail Rice, May 6, 1799.
Widow Thankful of Southborough and John Drury, int. July 4, 1767.
David of Lancaster and Luseby Smith, int. Sept. 13, 1777.
Abel of Putney, N.Y., and Rachel Colledge, int. Aug. 4, 1780.
Annis and Solomon Corliss, ----, [Int. April 26, 1792.]
Arethusa K. of Sterling and John Davidson Jr., int. Jan. 26, 1833.
Deliverance and John Wright, Sept. 26, 1781.
Elizabeth of Lancaster and Isaac Temple, Aug. 31, 1785. In Lancaster.
Jerusha of Lancaster and Nathaniel Bigsbey, int. Sept. ----, 1742.
Joel of Lancaster and Sarah Pearson, Feb. 25, 1761. In Lancaster.
Joshua of Lancaster and Elisabeth Garfield, Nov. 27, 1746.
Levi of Berlin and Patience F. Harlow, Oct. ----, 1835.
Lois of Lancaster and Eliphalet Whitney, int. July 13, 1776.
Lucy and Alonzo Ferrin, int. Sept. 22, 184[9].
Mary and William Middledick, May 19, 1778. In Bolton.
Mary L. (d. Jesse K. and Sarah, a. 23) and Hiram Mellen, April 15, 1849.
Molly of Lancaster and Nathaniel Whitney of New Marlborough, Jan. 21, 1771.
Orph of Lancaster and Jopah Cutting, Jan. 2, 1751. In Lancaster.
Samuel and Caroline Sawyer, Sept. 11, 1832.
Tamar of Lancaster and Jonas Whitney, Jan. 11, 1773.
HOW (see Howe)
Abraham and Anna Edmunds of Framingham, int. Aug. 18, 1785.
Amasa and Sally Pierce, int. Aug. 5, 1786.
Azubah of Westborough and Dr. Samuel Crosbey, int. Sept. 8, 1753.
Betty of Lancaster and John Haistings, int. April 15, 1762.
Bezaleel of Martborough and Kezia Heywood, int. Jan. 1, 1774.
Charlotte and Ruben Baker, int. Dec. 1, 1780.
Candace and Simeon Allen, July 20, 1772.
Daniel and Esther Clayce, June 17, 1725.
Daniel and Eunice Taylor, June 10, 1748.
Daniel of Hubbardston and Eunice Chase, int. Jan. 3, 1774.
Dolly and Leonard Wheeler of Bridport, Vt., Jan. 29, 1821.
Esther and Reuben Holland, int. March 12, 1784.
Mrs. Eunice and Marshall Newton, Aug. 13, 1751.
Eunice [Unis Howe in int.] and Lewis Heartshorn, May 27, 1790.
Gideon and Damaris Hapgood, Feb. 12, 1756.
Hannah and Eli Keyes, int. Feb. 12, 1762.
John Hapgood and Sally Smith, Sept. 23, 1787.
Jonah and Prudence Bouker, July 4, 1771.
Jotham and Priscilla Rice, Jan. 3, 1753.
Widow Kezia and Lt. Jonas Temple, int. Nov. 18, 1782.
King and Mittee Goodenow, int. March 29, 1785.
Leucretia and Artemas Wheeler, int. Aug. 2, 1777.
Lois and Rev. Edward Goddard of Swanzy, Nov. 1, 1769.
Lucy and Daniel Smith, int. Dec. 31, 1757.
Lucy and Lewis Smith, int. Nov. 9, 1782.
Margarett and Edward Goddard Jr., May 23, 1771.
Mrs. Mary and Dr. Edward Flynt, Jan. 10, 1758. C.R.
Nathan and Hepzibah Taylor, Nov. 10, 1748.
Nathan and Zillah Taylor, int. June 8, 1771.
Nathan and Mary Parker, int. Nov. 16, 1782.
Phinehas and Abigail Bennitt, March 16, 1731.
Priscilla and Joseph Knoulton Jr., int. Feb. 13, 1784.
Solomon and Rebecca Jennison, int. Jan. 31, 1784.
[Howe in int.], Submit and Edward Kingsbury of Brookfield, April 14, 1801.
Tamar of Lancaster and Ephraim Beaman, int. April 17, 1764.
Thankfull of Worcester and Ephraim Holand, Dec. 11, 1739.
Vashti and Jonathan Hubbard, int. Sept. 22, 1775.
Zillah and Jonas Temple of Boylston, March 10, 1789.
Betsy W. of Worcester and Jasper R. Baker, int. Nov. 11, 1814.
Mary and Lewis Smith Jr., int. Sept. 19, 1783.
Prudence of Worcester and Artemas Dodge Baker, int. Dec. 19, 1812.
Timothy and Anne Mixer, int. Jan. 6, 1759.
Timothy and Dorcas Green of Berlin, Dec. 17, 1795. In Berlin.
Timothy Jr. and Abigail Temple of Boylston, int. March 26, 1800.
HOWE (see How)
Aaron and Harriot Richardson, Nov. 28, 1816.
[How in int.], Abigail and Manassah Fairbank of Berlin, Nov. 5, 1785. In Berlin.
Abraham and Parney Sawyer of Lancaster, May 13, 1779. In Lancaster.
[How in int.], Alvin and Mary Willington of Worcester, April 21, 1779. In Worcester.
Almira and Eliakim Morse of Medfield, April 10, 1838.
Amasa and Betsy Allen of Princeton, int. Dec. 13, 1817.
Asa B. and Charlotte Howe, Sept. 28, 1807.
Benjamin L. of Boylston and Miriam Howe, int. April 21, 1810.
Dr. Benjamin L. and Mrs. Mary Hitchcock of Brookfield, int. March 23, 1822.
Calvin and Mary Wyman, Nov. 26, 1815.
Mrs. Candace A. and Ezra Newton of Princeton, Dec. 20, 1826.
Clarinda and Jonas H. Allen, Dec. 9, 1831.
Charlotte and Asa B. Howe, Sept. 28, 1807.
Damaris and Joseph Brooks Jenison, June 24, 1792.
Damaris and Asa Knowlton, Oct. 4, 1819.
Denis [Dennis in int.] and Betsey Bigelow, Jan. 7, 1795.
Dolly and Leonard Wheeler, formerly of Shrewsbury, Jan. 29, 1821. Now of Bridport, Vt.
Elisabeth and Aaron Goddard of Reading, Vt., Oct. 28, 1795.
Eunice and Joseph Cloyes, Sept. 24, 1797.
Frances Ann (d. Levi and Lydia, a. 22) and William S. Walker of Oakham, Nov. 5, 1846.
Gardner and Nabby Sherman, Oct. 29, 1789. In Grafton.
Harriet E. (d. Amasa) and Seth W. Howe, Jan. 18, 1844.
Harriet M. and Henry H. Mason, int. Nov. 28, 1846.
Harriet M. and Osborn Stearns, int. Dec. 4, 1847.
Harriott [Harriett in int.] and Gideon Harlow, Jan. 1, 1828.
Hepziba of Sudbury and Cyprian Keyes, Dec. Is, 1729. At Sudbury.
Jenney [Jinny in int.] and Aaron Smith Jr., May 22, 1794.
Joel of Holden and Caroline A. Maynard, int. March 26, 1844.
Jonah and Candace Allen, June 4, 1819.
Jubal of Boston and Ann J. Sumner, Nov. 17, 1830.
Levi and Lydia Goddard, Jan. 3, 1815.
Levi and Mrs. Harriet Fales of Oakham, int. Jan. 25, 1845.
Lewis of Marlborough and Ruth K. Sever, int. June 3, 1826.
Louisa and Benjamin Morse of Boylston, March 30, 1807.
Lucinda and Levi Newton, int. Aug. 19, 1810.
Lyman and Silvia Slocomb, March 25, 1802.
Miriam and Benjamin L. Howe of Boylston, int. April 20, 1810.
Needham of Marlborough and Candace Newton, June 10, 1841.
Patty and John Eager, Feb. 28, 1808.
Relief and Seth Knowlton, May 30, 1802.
Samuel I. and Sarah H. Carter of Berlin, int. March 13, 1846.
Seth W. (s. Calvin) and Harriet E. Howe Jan. 18, 1844.
Simeon [Simon How in int.] and Sarah Rice of Sterling, Sept. 28, 1784. In Sterling.
William H. (s. Calvin and Mary, a. 28) and Eliza Shaw, July 9, 1844.
Jemima and Samuel Sterns of Grafton, Aug. 19, 1752.
Dolly M. and Nathan Stone, April 4, 1843.
Dorathy and Ebenezer Harwood of Littleton, Nov. 29, 1737.
Jonathan and Vashti How, int. Sept. 22, 1775.
Peter and Phebe Brigham, both of Holden, Aug. 12, 1773.
Rebeckah C. of Hubbardston and Isaac Stone Jr., int. May 23, 1839.
Robert and Dinah Butler of Lancaster, July 12, 1780. In Lancaster.
Ashbel [Ashbil in int.] of St. Louis, Mo. (s. Josiah and Prudence, a. 33), and Sarah A. Sumner, Sept. 6, 1847.
Martha and Thomas Whipple, both of Westborough, June 17, 1755.
Joseph of Sudbury and Virtue Miles, Feb. 25, 1802.
Damaris and Thomas Hapgood, Aug. 12, 1724. In Marlborough.
Anna and Nathan Lovell of Holden, April 5, 1781. In Worcester.
[Ingalsbee in int.], Ebenezer Jr. and Pheby Esterbrooks, Nov. 20, 1779.
Charles N. of Brookfield and Nancy F. Knowlton, Oct. 1, 1834.
Lemuel and Sarah Stone, Nov. 24, 1793.
William B. of Windor, Vt., and Susan G. Haskell, int. March 30, 1820.
Dolly of Westboro' and Dr. Josiah Bond, int. May 2, 1835.
Levi of Worcester and Adeline S. Pratt, int. Oct. 8, 1842.
Rebecka, now of Shrewsbury, and Dr. Joseph Whipple, late resident in Shrewsbury, July 4, 1819.
Rebekah of Salem and Joseph Sumner Jr., int. Sept. 16, 1797.
Stephen W. and Sophia Bartlett of Northborough, int. March 18, 1832.
JENESON (see below)
Levi and Ruth Hemenway, March 28, 1789.
[Jenison in int.], Samuel Jr. and Sarah Drury of Grafton, Dec. 10, 1789.
Eunice and Stephen Keyes of Princeton, Nov. 26, 1821.
James of Southbridge and Mary Lamb, Aug. 10, 1819.
John and Sarah Flint, Feb. 26, 1799.
Joseph Brooks and Damaris Howe, June 24, 1792.
Katharine [Catharine Jennison in int.] and Asa Newton, Dec. 23, 1784. In Worcester.
Levi and Lucy Smith of Holden, int. June 20, 1830.
Samuell and Mary Heywood, April 10, 1755.
William of Worcester and Sarah Sumner, Oct. 30, 1788.
Rebecca and Solomon How, int. Jan. 31, 1784.
Benjamin Jr. of Brookfield and Serena Biglo, int. July 4, 1786.
Isaac and Thankfull Oakes, int. Jan. 27, 1786.
Dr. Zephaniah of Hardwick and Martha Eddy, Nov. 28, 1799.
Joseph of Worcester and Jemima Bozworth, July 10, 1770.
Stephen W. of Dudley and Lucy M. Chickering, int. March 16, 1840.
Elizabeth of Lancaster and John Boynton, int. June 8, 1761.
[Jewit in int.], Enoch of Templeton and Mary Moore, March 8, 1764. In Lancaster.
Esther J. and Adam Nelson, int. April 18, 1846.
Abigail of Worcester and Benjamin Eager, Aug. 18, 1737.
Adaline of Worcester and Nahum Newton, int. March 28, 1831.
Caleb and Elizabeth Briant of Sudbury, int. June 26, 1743.
Catharine and George Butters, resident in Grafton, int. April 4, 1816.
Catharine and Ethan Temple, int. Feb. 24, 1821.
Daniel and Martha Bragg, int. Jan. 10, 1778.
Daniel and Sarah Holland, March 24, 1735-6.
Dorothy and Daniel Holden, Dec. 25, 1788.
Mis. Elizabath Jr. and Daniel Hemingway, Dec. 1, 1768.
Elisabeth and John Shearman, April 12, 1815.
Elizabeth W. of Holden and Ezekiel T. Paige, int. March 8, 1834.
Harrot M. and Franklin Flint, July 3, 1841.
Issachar and Dolly Barrett of Killingsly, Ct., int. March 3, 1777.
John and Jemima Wesson, int. July 21, 1816.
John W. and Ann D. Boynton of Westborough, int. May 10, 1844.
Levynah and James Richardson of Spencer, int. Feb. 29, 1764.
Lucy and Jonas Hastings, int. March 17, 1781.
Lucy and Samuel Gray of Westborough, int. March 7, 1815.
Lucy of Hardwick and Orville Lothrop, Jan. 30, 1825.
Lydia L. of Springfield and Samuel W. Newton, int. April 12, 1837.
Maria P. of Worcester and George H. Haven, int. March 6, 1838.
Marth and Elisha Hedg of Boston, April 30, 1728.
Martha and Abner Rawson of Grafton, April 3, 1820.
[Widow in int.] Sally and Isaac Stone, July 20, 1816.
Sally of Westborough and John D. Goddard, int. April 18, 1830.
Samuel H. (s. John and Jemima, a. 21) and Juliette M. Davis, April 4, 1848.
Sarah and William Smith, Jan. 15, 1799.
Sarah E. and Joseph F. Knowlton, April 11, 1841.
Silvanus [Salvanus in int.] of Holliston and Marcy Smith, May 26, 1791.
Sophia and Schuyler Harrington, Nov. 22, 1818.
Stephen and Catharine Smith, Nov. 28, 1793.
Thomas and Elizabeth Smith, Sept. 24, 1771.
[Jonson in int.], William of Southborough and Zeruiah Bragg, Jan. 1, 1767.
William of Shoreham, Vt., and Clarisa Wyman, Oct. 29, 1839.
Zebadiah and Esther Richardson of Licester, Nov. 18, 1731.
Zeruiah [Zeruah in int.] and James Maynard, Nov. 6, 1755.
Zeruiah and John D. Goddard, April 24, 1834.
Artemas and Lucy F. Barnes of Marlboro', int. Nov. 9, 1838.
Esther of Marlborough and David Taylor, int. July 17, 1756.
Jonas and Abagal Hartwell of Lincoln, Sept. 6, 1763. In Lincoln.
Marshall S. of Greenwich and Elisabeth Belcher, Jan. 4, 1814.
Mary and John Brown, both of Leicester, June 30, 1742.
Sarah and Micah Hathern, Nov. 26, 1761.
Solomon of Charleton and Joanna Drury, int. Dec. 14, 1781.
Samuel and Clarinda M. Miller, int. Nov. 3, 1848.
Catharine of Westborough and Israel Allen, May 3, 1764. In Westborough.
Katherine [Catherine in int.] and Joseph Hastings Jr., Nov. 15, 1770.
[Josslin in int.], Mary and John Perks, Nov. 25, 1788.
Mary of Easton and Joel Cutler, int. Dec. 5, 1801.
William and Lucy Corruth of Northborough, int. Sept. 19, 1772.
KELLEY (see Kelly)
Joel and Casandri Southwick, residents in Shrewsbury, int. Sept. 27, 1807.
Isaiah and Widow Mary Murray of Salem, Jan. 10, 1745. In Salem.
KELLY (see Kelley)
Joel Jr. and Nancy W. Nichols of Northboro', int. March 7, 1835.
Thomas Henry of Boston and Hannah Pease, Feb. 9, 1796.
[Camp in int.], Abigail of Groton and David Smith, April 23, 1781. In Groton.
KENDAL (see Kindel)
Abijah of Templeton and Millesentt Miles, March 6, 1771.
[Kindale in int.], Rebekah and Jotham Flagg, Aug. 15, 1765.
Anstiss [Anstis in int.], resident in Shrewsbury, and Jonas M. Miles, Nov. 2, 1823.
Leonard I. [or J.] of Augusta, N.Y., and Olive G. Kendall, Jan. 19, 1835.
Olive G. and Leonard I. Kendall of Augusta, N.Y., Jan. 19, 1835.
Caleb and Priscilla Townsend, Dec. 8, 1773.
John of Warwick and Lucy Pratt, int. Jan. 31, 1782.
Jonathan and Elizabeth Ceaders, both from Boston, int. April 27, 1776.
Ebenezer of Leicester and Sarah Stone, Nov. 19, 1772.
Jacob of Leicester and Mary Tucker, May 23, 1773.
John (s. John and Mary, a. 27) and Harriet E. Slocomb, Sept. 20, 1848.
James and Abigail Rug, Jan. 4, 1738-9.
KEYES (see Keys)
Abigail and William Hawkins of Northborough, int. Oct. 10, 1766.
Ashley and Anna Willard, Oct. 20, 1788.
Azzubah and Henry Baldwin Jr., int. Sept. 16, 1786.
Benjamin and Lucy Meriam of Oxford, April 15, 1767. In Oxford.
Betty and Oliver Dakin of Sudbury, Nov. 16, 1749.
Betty and Calvin Newton, int. Oct. 4, 1786.
Cyprian and Hepziba Howe of Sudbury, Dec. 15, 1729. At Sudbury.
Cyprian Jr. and Martha Bush, May 27, 1756.
Ebenezer and Tamer Wheelock, July 13, 1725.
Eli and Mary Wheelock, Oct. 28, 1734.
Eli and Hannah How, int. Feb. 12, 1762.
Elias Jr. and Sarah Trull of Grafton, April 15, 1741. In Grafton.
Elisabeth [Elizabeth in int.] and Bezaleel Maynard, Feb. 28. 1754.
Elisha and Catharine Baker, int. March 7, 1757.
Elizabeth and Joshua Blanchard of Wilton, N.H., Feb. 6, 1770.
Eunice and Abel Holt, Oct. 21, 1765.
Hannah and Gershom Flagg, Jan. 6, 1724-5.
Hannah and Ebenezer Drury, int. Sept. 26, 1761.
Hephzibah and Jotham Bush, May 24, 1750.
Hephzibah and Bezalleel Gleason of Worcester, int. Oct. 13, 1758.
Hezekiah of West Boylston and Phebe Keyes, int. Feb. 14, 1823.
Huldah and Elijah Rice, Nov. 23, 1748.
Israel and Dolly Temple, int. Jan. 19, 1782.
Israel N. (s. Dennis and Sarah, a. 25) and Sarah A. Plympton, both of Worcester, Nov. 14, 1848.
John and Abigail Livermore of Westburough, Nov. 26, 1741.
John of Wilton and Lucy Hale, Sept. 11, 1777.
Jonas and Thankful Keyes, Aug. 20, 1731.
Jonathan Jr. and Sarah Taylor, Jan. 23, 1752.
Katherine and Jonathan Warren Smith, int. April 6, 1774.
Lewis and Sarah Stone, Oct. 30, 1793.
Lydia and Uriah Smith, int. Aug. 30, 1771.
Mary and Daniel Ran, Jan. 18, 1720. In Marlborough.
Mary and David Cutting, Nov. 10, 1767.
Melicent and Levi Goodanow of Marlborough, int. April 9, 1762.
Meriam and Artemas Maynard of Prince Town, int. April 10, 1762.
Olive and Jonas Temple, Nov. 22, 1756.
Oliver and Rebekah Patterson, resident in Shrewsbury, Nov. 13, 1727.
Prissilla and Daniel Hastings Jr., Aug. 16, 1753.
Persis and Ezra Beaman, June 1, 1758.
Phebe and Jonathan Mors of Grafton, Dec. 5, 1739.
Phebe and Stephen Buss of Wilton, N.H., int. June 8, 1771.
Phebe and Hezekiah Keyes of West Boylston, int. Feb. 14, 1823.
Rachel and Jonathan Barnard of Sutton, int. April 3, 1756.
Rachel and Thomas Miles, Oct. 22, 1767.
Robert and Martha Bouker, Dec. 24, 1740.
Sarah and Joshua Wilder, Dec. 21, 1731.
Simeon and Lucy Temple, Dec. 5, 1765.
Stephen of Princeton and Eunice Jenison, Nov. 26, 1821.
Tamar and Jonathan Knight of Worcester, int. Sept. 26, 1756.
Thankful and Jonas Keyes, Aug. 20, 1731.
Thankful and Silas Wetherbe of Grafton, Oct. 9, 1738. In Grafton.
[Kayes in int.], Thomas of Westminster and Mary Temple, April 15, 1765.
Timothy of Rutland and Prudence Wilder, May 1, 1755.
Titus and Esther Perham of Upton, int. May 12, 1757.
Triphena and Jacob Hinds, Nov. 24, 1756.
KEYS (see Keyes)
Simeon and Abigail Ward of Sutton, Dec. 18, 1781. In Sutton.
Benjamin and Eleanor Maynard, May 18, 1831.
Benjamin of Brookfield and Mary Goddard, int. Feb. 16, 1774.
Ephraim and Mrs. Sarah Tuttle of Littleton, Nov. 28, 1765. In Littleton.
Ezra of Newton and Almira Foot, int. Oct. 15, 1831.
KINDEL (see Kendall)
Lucy of Lanchaster and Stephen Smith, int. June 5, 1762.
Cyrus of Worcester and Anna Saphira Taynter, int. Dec. 15, 1785.
Ebenezer and Sally Whittemore of Spencer, May 9, 1797. In Spencer.
Edward of Brookfield and Submit How, April 14, 1801.
Eliza and Artemas Stone, Dec. 2, 1824.
[Widow in int.] Submit and Nymphas Pratt, May 22, 1805.
Enoch of Windsor, Ct., and Widow Sarah Maynard, int. Feb. 10, 1760.
Lois and Noah Harrington, int. June 25, 1784.
Molly and Daniel Raymond of Worcester, int. Jan. 27, 1785.
Sarah and Amos Smith of Worcester, July 26, 1785.
[Kittredge in int.], Dr. Jacob of Spencer and Anna Bellows, June 12, 1799.
Justus and Maranda E. Taylor of West Boylston, int. Sept. 18, 1830.
Samuel and Laura O. Newton, int. April 7, 1837.
Otis and Prudence M. Hathern of West Boylston, int. Oct. 1, 1831.
Daniel Jr. of Worcester and Mehitable Bancroft, Dec. 4, 1766.
Edward of Dover, N.H., and Elizabeth Nurse, Feb. 5, 1823.
[Knights in int.], Jabez and Azubah Smith of Leicester, Nov. 8, 1791. In Spencer.
Jonathan of Worcester and Tamar Keyes, int. Sept. 26, 1756.
[Knights in int.], Sally of Worcester and Abraham Munroe, April 25, 1796. In Worcester.
Abijah and Susannah Sawyer, May 29, 1808.
[Knight in int.], Isaac of Worcester and Rebecca Cree, Jan. 24, 1776. In Worcester.
Josiah and Sarah Stone, residents in Shrewsbury, Sept. 24, 1805.
KNOULTON (see Knowlton)
Abraham and Lydia Batchelor of Upton, int. Jan. 29, 1772.
Ezekiel and Anne Miles, int. Aug. 18, 1759.
Joseph Jr. and Priscilla How, int. Feb. 13, 1784.
Marjory and Joshua Biglo of Westminster, int. Feb. 2, 1764.
Martha and Thomas Drury of Temple, N.H., Sept. 11, 1769.
Nathan Jr. and Abigail Maynard, int. Dec. 20, 1781.
Rachel and Jasper Rand, int. March 12, 1783.
Sarah and Daniel Drury Jr., May 28, 1765.
Sarah and James Symonds of Templeton, Feb. 19, 1766.
Thomas and Elisabeth Batchelor of Grafton, int. Feb. 13, 1771.
William and Hannah Hastings, int. Aug. 24, 1764.
Lucius J. and Eliza A. Adams, May 13, 1841.
KNOWLTON (see Knoulton)
Abraham and Lucy Whitney of Upton, int. May 17, 1805.
Adaline R. and Simeon B. Newton of Westboro', Dec. 6, 1842. In Westborough.
Amasa and Widow Sally Peirks of Royalston, int. May 25, 1816.
Anna and Jonathan Newton, Feb. 22, 1815.
Artemas and Huldah Lyon, Feb. 1, 1798. In Grafton.
Artemas and Eveline Smith, Nov. 29, 1836.
Asa and Olive Wait, Feb. 2, 1789.
Asa and Damaris Howe, Oct. 4, 1819.
Benjamin and Harriet Newell Willis, Sept. 20, 1834.
Beulah and Jonas Baker, April 15, 1841.
Calvin and Mary C. Warren, Jan. 25, 1838.
Caroline of Holden and Charles O. Green, int. June 13, 1840.
Catharine A. and Osmyn G. Rice of Worcester, int. Jan. 2, 1848.
C. Antoinette and George H. Stebbins of Worcester, int. Nov. 23, 1848.
Charles H. (s. Asa and Damaris, a. 24) and Mary E. Noyes, Nov. 4, 1846.
Daniel and Mary Hemenway of Grafton, int. Jan. 8, 1804.
Darwin and Sally Harrington, April 30, 1828.
David and Lucy Brigham of Northborough, int. April 19, 1800.
Deborah and John Tomblen, int. July 20, 1756.
Deborah and Jabez Biglo, Oct. 5, 1761.
Dolly and Joseph P. Leland of Grafton, April 20, 1837.
Ellen S. (d. William H. and Susan, a. 20) and Elhanan C. Wheeler, Jan. 1, 1849.
Grace and Jonah Goulding of Grafton, April ----, 1777. In Grafton.
Hannah Jr. and Thomas Harrington Jr., int. Sept. 9, 1784.
Hannah W. and Gilbert Noyes, May 27, 1817.
[Mrs. in int.] Harriet N. and Philip Abbott, Nov. 17, 1839.
Jacob of Hardwick and Sarah Pratt, int. Sept. 22, 1759.
Joseph Jr. and Mary Knowlton, Sept. 21, 1749.
Joseph F. and Hulda Newton of Westborough, June 2, 1833. At Marlborough.
Joseph F. and Sarah E. Johnson, April 11, 1841.
Joseph Hastings and Cloe Furbush, Dec. 7, 1806.
Julia and Jesse Peirks, Feb. 7, 1821.
Levi and Louisa Divoll of Leominster, int. Dec. 20, 1822.
Lucy and Elijah Hall of Grafton, Feb. 14, 1799.
Luke and Sarah Holland, July 29, 1760.
Luke and Hitty Rand, Sept. 23, 1804.
Maria R. and Isaac S. Harrington of Grafton, April 24, 1839.
Margary [Margery in int.] and Zavan Perkins of Weathersfield, Vt., Feb. 18, 1810.
Mark B. and Betsy Smith, June 5, 1823.
Martha and Nathan Munroe, March 31, 1805.
Martha and Seth Follet of Grafton, April 2, 1826.
Mary and Joseph Knowlton Jr., Sept. 21, 1749.
Mary Ann B. and Jabez Newton of Westborough, int. Oct. 13, 1832.
Mary Eleanor and Lewis Brown of Worcester, April 29, 1829.
Molly and Joseph Boyden of Ward, int. Dec. 16, 1784.
Nancy F. and Charles N. Ide of Brookfield, Oct. 1, 1834.
Nancy F. and Asa Davis of Oswego, N.Y., Nov. 11, 1836.
Mrs. Olive and Lewis Smith, Feb. 3, 1826.
Paul and Lucy Forbush of Hardwick, Nov. 8, 1769. In Hardwick.
Rachel and Hezekiah Pratt of Westboro', Nov. 13, 1734. In Westborough.
Rebecca W. of Boston and Dr. Adolphus Brigham, int. May 26, 1832.
Relief M. and Varnum Gassett, int. May 7, 1847.
Robert and Elisabeth Thurston of Westborough, int. March 21, 1807.
Ruth and Isaac Cutler of Grafton, April 30, 1823.
Sarah and John White of Northborough, Oct. 28, 1798. In Grafton.
Sarah and Samuel Thurston Jr. of Westborough, June 24, 1802.
Sarah E. and Rufus H. Blood of Hopkinton, int. Oct. 29, 1846.
Seth and Relief Howe, May 30, 1802.
Susan W. and John Rice of Grafton, April 6, 1837.
Susanna and Gershom Wheelock Jr., int. Feb. 12, 1757.
Susanna and John Smith Whitney of Westboro', Feb. 25, 1794. In Grafton.
Susannah and Thomas Witherby Jr., June 5, 1800.
Thomas Jr. and Rebecka Whiting, Nov. 1, 1809.
William Jr. and Clary Smith, May 5, 1799.
William H. and Susan L. Brigham, March 31, 1828.
William S. and Hannah Harrington, Feb. 23, 1832.
William S. and Miriam Dresser of Charlton, Sept. 18, 1837.
Samuel A. and Elizabeth Harlow, May 4, 1826.