Vital Records Of South Hadley, Hampshire Co., Massachusetts
Town Records 1731-1843.
Cemetery Transcriptions 1728-1944
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

[Note:-- Some marriage records show only the name of the groom, and some do not show the date of the marriage either.]
37 - Abel [Dup: Aalington] [Sec. Dup: Attleton], both of Springfield, and Chloe Frink [Dup; Miss Chloe Frink], Dec. 30, 1804, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Abel. [VR]
25, 46 - Azariah, Capt., of So. Hadley, and Lucy Nash, of Granby, ___ __, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
47 - Calvin, both of So. Hadley, and Polly Brewster, Oct. 8, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Calvin. [VR]
24, 131 - Elizabeth, and Josiah Church, both of So. Hadley, ____ ____, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
317 - Elizabeth, of So. Hadley, and Amaziah Lyman, of Hadley, May 5, 1806, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
48 - Enos, both of So. Hadley, and Anna Smith, July 15, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Enos, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1789. [VR]
22, 53 - Justin, both of So. Hadley, and Jerusha Wait, ____ ____, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
178 - Laura, and Mason Downing, both of So. Hadley, Dec. 21, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
320 - Lucina, and Soloman Lyman, both of So. Hadley, Dec. 4, 1794, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
55, 539, 540 - Miriam, of So. Hadley, and Levi White, of Easthampton, Mar. 13, 1806, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
26, 57, 272, 273 - Naomi, of So. Hadley, and Frederick Howard, of Northampton, ____ __ __, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
11, 58 - Nathan, and Lydia White, Jan. 15, 1756. [VR]
133 - Rachel, and Zenas Church, both of So. Hadley, Nov. 28, 1799, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
501 - Sally, of So. Hadley, and Stephen Tyler, of Wilmington, VT, Jan. 21, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Aaron, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
62 - Aaron, of Granby, and Mary Hitchcock, of Ludlow, June 10, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
65 - Moses [Bayley, Intent.], both of So. Hadley, and Susanna [Susa, Intent.] Eldridge, Mar. 17, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Moses. [VR]
68 - Aaron, both of So. Hadley, and Sarah Wait, Aug. 11, 1791, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
128 - Abigail, of Ludlow, and Zera Chapin, of Springfield, June 2, 1791, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Abner, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
66, 67, 466 - Abner, of Ludlow, and Lydia Snow, of So. Hadley, Nov. 19, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
509 - Ephraim R., and Lydia Vinton, d. Simeon & Roxana (Church), May 1, 1826. [Recorded in So. Hadley, TR - OB - 316] [Vinton Genealogy P. 108] [VR]
385 - Martha, of So. Hadley, and Moses Pierce, of Dummerston, NY [Intent. Dummerston, VT], Dec. 31, 1804, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
25, 193 - Beulah, of Ludlow, and Abner Frost, of Granby, ___ __, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Aaron, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
69, 70 - Martin, of Leister [Lempster], NH, and Tirzah Judd, of So. Hadley, July 26, 1807, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - Martin. [VR]
22, 243 - Rebeckah, and Thomas Goodman, both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28, 73 - Nath[anie]l, of Westown, and Sally Graves of So. Hadley, Feb. 18, 1794, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
21, 76 - James, and Mary Crawfoot, of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
77, 365, 366 - Harriet, of So. Hadley, d. Jabez & Mary, and Chauncey Mosely, of Westfield, Sept. 28, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
506 - Mary (1st w.), and Isaac4, ___ __, ___. [His. of Ludlow P. 361] [VR]
267 - Lucy, Miss, of So. Hadley, and Mr. Elihu Hancock, of Springfield, Jan. 1, 1835, by Rev. B. Otheman of Springfield. [VR]
11, 80 - Benoni, and Mary Cooke, Nov. 24, 1757. [VR]
434 - Abigail, and John Smith, both of So. Hadley, Mar. 30, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Charles, Jr. [VR]
81 - Charles, Jr., of Wilbraham, and Dorcas Smith, of So. Hadley, June 5, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
506 - Daniel3, Rev., and Catherine Chauncey, ___ __, ___. [His. of Ludlow P. 361] [VR]
506 - Isaac4, and Mary Bliss (1st w.), ___ __, ___. [His. of Ludlow P. 361] [VR]
506 - Isaac5 (1st h.), and Sybil Miller, d. of Joseph Miller & Catherine (Ferry), Dec. 17, 1762. [His. of Ludlow P. 361] [VR]
342 - Nancy, of Wilbraham, and Chester Moody, Jan. 13, 1803. [Wilbraham VR] [VR]
506 - Sybil (Miller), wid. Isaac4, d. of: Joseph Miller & Catherine (Ferry), and Dr. Samuel Vinton (2nd h.), of So. Hadley, ___ __, 1799. [His. of Ludlow P. 361] [VR]
528, 536 - Cynthia, and Justin White, Jan. 4, 1821, at So. Hadley [Dup. by Rev. Joel Hayes]. [VR]
47 - Polly, and Calvin Alvord, both of So. Hadley, Oct. 8, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
1798 - Wright, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1798. [VR]
82, 83, 423 - Wright, of Belchertown, and Irena Smith, of Granby, Dec. 15, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
84 - Elam of Hartford, VT, and Lois White, of So. Hadley, Nov. 8, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Elam. [VR]
26, 386 - Eunice, and Adin Pierson, both of Ludlow, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
234 - Anna, of Springfield, and Calvin Goodman, of So. Hadley, Nov. ___, 1798, by Rev. Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
85, 514 - Haveland [Dup. Harveland], of Belchertown, and Nancy Wait, of So. Hadley, July 23, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Haveland. [VR]
89 - Bela, of Granby, and Clarissa Warner, of So. Hadley, Sept. 10, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Bela. [VR]
92 - Jonathan, both of So. Hadley, and Salome Wait, Nov. 28, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - Jonathan. [VR]
21, 108, 456, 457 - Mary, of Granby, and Eben[eze]r Snow, of So. Hadley , ___ __, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
24, 482 - Orinda, of So. Hadley, and David Taylor, of Granby, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
275 - Philera, and Eben[eze]r Ingram, both of So. Hadley, Jan. 18, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
21, 109 - Sam[uel]l, both of Ludlow, and Lois Chapin, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Solomon, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
110 - Solomon, of Granby, and Hannah Gideons, of So. Hadley, Feb. 2, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
167 - Hannah, and Alvin Day, both of So. Hadley, Nov. 25, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
524 - Anna, and Isaac Warriner, both of Ludlow, Apr. 19, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Veranne, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
111 - Veranus, both of Ludlow, and Mary Warriner, Apr. 1, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
382 - Anna, of Granby, and John Patrick, of So. Hadley, Mar. 7, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
236 - Betsey, and Eleazer Goodman, Jr., both of So. Hadley, Jan. 2, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
26, 556 - Lucretia, and James Woodbridge, both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Nathan, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
117 - Nathan, of Sunderland, and Sarah Russell, of Hadley, July 24, 1800, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
341 - Roxa, and Chester Moody, both of So. Hadley, Oct. 16, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
23, 120, 121 - W[illia]m, of Springfield, and Lovisa Chumaway, of Belchertown, ____ ____, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Charles, Jr., by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
123 - Charles, Jr., of Cheshire, Berkshire Co., and Clara Day, of So. Hadley, Feb. 21, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
124, 169, 170 - Climena, of So. Hadley, and Ezekiel Day, Jr., of West Springfield, Feb. 16, 1797, by Rev. Joe Hayes. [VR]
125 - Elam, both of So. Hadley, and Polly Eddy, Jan. 15,1807, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - Elam. [VR]
28 - Frederick, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
126 - Frederick, of Springfield, and Roxalany Lamb, of So. Hadley, Oct. 1, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
127 - Job, both of Ludlow, and Abi Gilligin, Jan 25, 1790. [VR]
27 - Job, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
21, 109 - Lois, and Sam[uel]l Burt, both of Ludlow, ___ ___, 1787 by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
367 - Lorinda, of Granby, and Reuben Munger, of Ludlow, Jan. 14, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
304 - Silence, of So. Hadley, and David Kindall [of West Springfield, Intent.], Mar. 19, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Zera, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
128 - Zera, of Springfield, and Abigail Barber, of Ludlow, June 2, 1791, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
506 - Catherine and Daniel3, Rev., ___ __, ___. [His. of Ludlow P. 361] [VR]
23, 120, 121 - Lovisa, of Belchertown, and W[illia]m Chandler, of Springfield, ____ ____, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
24, 131 - Josiah, both of So. Hadley, and Elizabeth Alvord, ____ ____, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
132 - Richard, both of So. Hadley, and Lucy Howard, Nov. 23, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Richard, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1790. [VR]
23, 294 - Ruth, and Amos Kellogg, both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
133 - Zenas, both of So. Hadley, and Rachel Alvord, Nov. 28, 1799, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Zenas. [VR]
CLAP, see Clapp
136, 137,138, 139, 549 - Luther, of Easthampton, and Tirzah [Sec. Dup. Jerah] White, of So. Hadley, Nov. 8, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Luther. [VR]
CLAPP, see Clap
134, 135, 324 - Levi (2nd h.), of Easthampton, and Elizabeth [Third Dup (Judd)] Merrills, wid. of Asa Merrills (1st h.), Dec. 3, 1809. [VR]
28 - Luther, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1794. [VR]
27 - Amasa, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
140, 141, 383 - Amasa, of Southampton, and Polly Patrick, of So. Hadley, Feb. 4, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
142 - Asa, both of So. Hadley. and Mary Smith, Nov. 12, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Asa, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
144, 145, 542 - Bohan, of Easthampton, and Mary White, of So. Hadley, Feb. 11, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Bohan. [VR]
262 - Clara E., of So. Hadley, b. in New Braintree, age 22, and William B. Greene, of Gloucester, b. in Leicester, s. John & Mary T., age 27, teacher Mar. 17, 1862, by Rev. John Greene, Pastor Baptist Church, North Leverett. [VR]
146, 416 - Elihu, of Easthampton, and Azabah Sikes, of So. Hadley, Oct. 27, 1808, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
11, 147 - Israel, and Mehetabeel Montague, Dec. 23, 1756. [VR]
150 - Joel, both of So. Hadley, and Kezia White, Dec. 31, 1799, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Joel. [VR]
151 - Joseph, both of So. Hadley, and Jerusha Tayler, Jan. 15, 1807, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - Joseph. [VR]
27 - Luke, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
152 - Luke, of Brookfield, VT, and Sarah Smith, of So. Hadley, Feb. 19, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
158 - William [W[illia]m, Intent.], both of So. Hadley, and Jemima Preston, July 9, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - William. [VR]
161, 162, 171 - Elizur, both of West Springfield, and Maria Dennison, Oct. 31, 1799, by Ruggles Woodbrudge, Esq. [VR]
29 - Elizur, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1799. [VR]
11, 80 - Mary [Dup. Mary Cooke], and Benoni Breston, Nov. 24, 1757 [VR]
509 - William, and Rachel Vinton, d. Simeon & Roxana (Church), May 25 1833. [Recorded in So. Hadley, TR - OB - 316] [Vinton Genealogy P. 108] [VR]
26, 164 - Daniel, Dr., both of Granby, and Ruth Eastman, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
21, 76 - Mary, of So. Hadley, and James Berry, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
167 - Alvin, both of So. Hadley, and Hannah Butts, Nov. 25, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Alvin. [VR]
123 - Clara, of So. Hadley, and Charles Chapin, Jr., of Cheshire, Berkshire Co., Feb. 21, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Ezekiel, Jr., by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1799. [VR]
124, 169, 170 - Ezekiel, Jr., of West Springfield, and Climena Chapin, of So. Hadley, Feb. 16, 1797, by Rev. Joe Hayes. [VR]
25, 530 - Hannah, and Eldad White, both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
361 - Rhoda, and Sylvester Moody, both of So. Hadley, Jan. 11, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
161, 162, 171 - Maria, and Elizur Cook, both of West Springfield, Oct. 31, 1799, by Ruggles Woodbrudge, Esq. [VR]
11, 460 - Azubah, and Josiah Snow, Jr., Dec. 8, 1757. [VR]
403 - Patty, and Thomas Raymond, both of Hadley, June 25, 1800, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
175 - James, both of So. Hadley, and Lucy Woodbridge, Sept. 26, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - James, by Rev. Joel Hayes , ___ __, 1790. [VR]
176 - John [of Pelham, Int.], and Dorcas Hillyer [Hyllier, Int.], of So. Hadley, June 23, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - John, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1794. [VR]
177 - Abner, of Rome, NY, and Emerenie [Emereneiania, d. Samuel & Tryphene, Intent.] Preston, of So. Hadley, Oct. 23, 1804, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Abner. [VR]
178 - Mason, both of So. Hadley, and Laura Alvord, Dec. 21, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Mason. [VR]
179, 423 - Reuben (2nd h.), of Goshen, and Widow Bathsheba Smith, of So. Hadley, Feb. 5, 1812, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
363 - Betsey, of Granby, and Lucas Morgan, Esqr., of West Springfield, July 9, 1794, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Joel, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
185 - Joel, of Ludlow, and Vashti Gaylord, of So. Hadley, Feb. 28, 1805, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
26, 164 - Ruth, and Dr. Daniel Cort, both of Granby, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Pliny, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
186 - Pliny, of Whitingham, VT, and Polly Pooler, of So. Hadley, Feb. 12, 1801, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
24 - Marena, and Chauncey Smith, both of So. Hadley, Nov. 29, 1804, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
125 - Polly, and Elam Chapin, both of So. Hadley, Jan. 15,1807, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
188 - Thomas, of Chester, and Polly McMaster, of So. Hadley, Jan. 18, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Thomas. [VR]
65 - Susanna [Susa, Intent.], and Moses Bailey[Bayley, Intent.], both of So. Hadley, Mar. 17, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
189 - Asa [Asa6, Int.], of Dutch Hoosuck, and Rhoda Moody, of So. Hadley, Dec. 24, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Asa. [VR]
340 - David5, and Eunice Mood (sic), d. Noah & Susanna, ___ __, ____. [VR]
559, 560 - Abigail, and Justus Wright, both of So. Hadley, June 28, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
263 - Grace E., b. at Northampton, d. David & Susan (Elder), age 23, operative, and William M. Green, both of So. Hadley, b. at West Braintree, VT, s. J. W. & A. E. (Mann), age 32, paper maker, Nov. 11, 1890. [VR]
311 - Polly (2nd w.), and Frederick Loomer (sic) [Loomis?], both of S. H. [So. Hadley], Oct. 3, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
191 - Allen, and Sarah Snow, Jan. 2, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Allen, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1798. [VR]
37 - Chloe [Dup; Miss Chloe Frink], and Abel Addington [Dup: Aalington] [Sec. Dup: Attleton], both of Springfield, Dec. 30, 1804, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
25, 193 - Abner, of Granby, and Beulah Bart, of Ludlow, ___ __, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
414 - Sarah A. Fuller, and Allen L. Seymour, bef. 1850. [VR]
195 - Solomon Lathrop, Capt. of Somers, CT, and Tamar Smith, Dec. 1, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Solomon Lathrop, Capt., by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
201 - Abigail , ___ __, 1802. [VR]
207, 557, 558 - Abigail, of So. Hadley, and Hezekiah Wright, of Easthampton, Feb. 10, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
203 - Cora M. [VR]
202 - Edward D. [VR]
208, 261 - Edward D., of So. Hadley, b. So. Hadley, s. Emery D. & Lydia, Operative, age 23, and Minnie Z. Green, b. in Watertown, NY., d. Joseph & Mary, Apr. 30, 1880, by Rev. W. S. Hooker. [VR]
201 - Edward. [VR]
201 - Emerson. [VR]
203 - Fred A. [VR]
203 - Fred R. [VR]
202 - Geo[rg]e H. [VR]
202 - George B. [VR]
202 - Henry E. [VR]
202 - Horace W. [VR]
203 - James W. [VR]
201 - Josiah, ___ __, 1805. [VR]
212, 213 - Josiah, both of So. Hadley, and Lucinda Smith, Feb. 21, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Josiah. [VR]
227 - Julia, Miss, of So. Hadley, and William Gaylord, Jr., of Granby, Nov. 16, 1832. [VR]
202 - Lewis M. [VR]
201 - Moses, ___ __, 1805. [VR]
201 - Moses, ___ __, 1805. [VR]
201 - Roxana W. [VR]
201 - Vashti, ___ __, 1805. [VR]
185 - Vashti, of So. Hadley, and Joel Eastman, of Ludlow, Feb. 28, 1805, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
202 - W[illia]m H. [VR]
203 - Will]iam] W. [VR]
227 - William, Jr., of Granby, and Miss Julia Gaylord, of So. Hadley, Nov. 16, 1832. [VR]
10, 421 - Elizabeth, and Asael Smith, Feb. 14, 1754. [VR]
21, 228, 377, 378 - Mary, of So. Hadley, and Elijah Nichols, of Belchertown, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1787. [VR]
110 - Hannah, of So. Hadley, and Solomon Butterfield, of Granby, Feb. 2, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
229 - David, of Brookfield, and Anna Wait, of So. Hadley, Sept. 11, 1799, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - David. [VR]
127 - Abi, and Job Chapin, both of Ludlow, Jan 25, 1790. [VR]
24, 232, 233 - Elijah, of Granby, and Rachel Snow, of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Calvin, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1798. [VR]
234 - Calvin, of So. Hadley, and Anna Brown of Springfield, Nov. ___, 1798, by Rev. Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
30 - Eleazer, Jr,. [VR]
236 - Eleazer, Jr., both of So. Hadley, and Betsey Catlin, Jan. 2, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
237 - Luther, both of So. Hadley, and Lucretia Wait, Nov. 27, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Luther. [VR]
238, 239 - Nathan, both of So. Hadley, and Lucy Rumrill, Jan. 3. 1799. by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Nathan, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1794. [VR]
30 - Nathan. [VR]
11, 240 - Noah, and Abial Smith, Oct. 25 1756. [VR]
22, 243 - Thomas, both of So. Hadley, and Rebeckah Bellows, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
246, 260 - Alvin [aka Gorham], both of So. Hadley, s. David & Mary, age 28, b. in Spencer, Laborer, and Mary Greene (2nd w.), age. 21, b. in Canada, d. Nelson & Kate, Nov. 17, 1884, by Rev. E. Tolen. [VR]
29 - Levi, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1794. [VR]
250, 251 - Levi, of Hatfield, and Polly Smith, of So. Hadley, Nov. 22, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Levi. [VR]
252, 422 - Lucinda [Dup. of So. Hadley) and Asher Smith [Dup. Ashur, of Canterbury, CT], ___ __, 1813 [Dup. Nov. 15, 1813, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
73 - Sally of So. Hadley, and Nath[anie]l Bemis, of Westown, Feb. 18, 1794, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
GREEIN, see Green, Greene
259, 411 - Ida [aka Green?) [Dup. Gruier, b. in Syracuse, NY, d. John & Ann, age 15], and Arthur L. Scott [Dup. b. in Salem, both of So. Hadley, s. Hugh & Monah?, machinist, age 21], Nov. 13, 1884 [Dup. by Rev. E. Tolen]. [VR]
GREEN, see Greein, Greene
10, 256 - Eliphalet, and Mercy Selden, Mar. 7, 1754. [VR]
208, 261 - Minnie Z., b. in Watertown, NY., d. Joseph & Mary, and Edward D. Gaylord, of So. Hadley, b. So. Hadley, s. Emery D. & Lydia, Operative, age 23, Apr. 30, 1880, by Rev. W. S. Hooker. [VR]
263 - William M., both of So. Hadley, b. at West Braintree, VT, s. J. W. & A. E. (Mann), age 32, paper maker, and Grace E. Everett, b. at Northampton, d. David & Susan (Elder), age 23, operative, Nov. 11, 1890. [VR]
GREENE, see Greein, Green
246, 260 - Mary (2nd w.), age. 21, b. in Canada, d. Nelson & Kate, and Alvin [aka Gorham], both of So. Hadley, s. David & Mary, age 28, b. in Spencer, Laborer, Nov. 17, 1884, by Rev. E. Tolen. [VR]
262 - William B., of Gloucester, b. in Leicester, s. John & Mary T., age 27, teacher, and Clara E. Clark, of So. Hadley, b. in New Braintree, age 22, Mar. 17, 1862, by Rev. John Greene, Pastor Baptist Church, North Leverett. [VR]
28 - Moses, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
265 - Moses, of Montague, and Eunice Preston, of So. Hadley, July 10, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
267 - Elihu, Mr., of Springfield, and Miss Lucy Brainerd, of So. Hadley, Jan. 1, 1835, by Rev. B. Otheman of Springfield. [VR]
22, 269 - Benj[ami]n, both of So. Hadley, and Rachel Pomeroy, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 331 - Sarah, and Josiah Montague, Mar. 21, 1753. [VR]
387 - Rhoda, of So. Hadley. and John Plumley, of Wilbraham, Nov. 10, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
176 - Dorcas [Hyllier, Int.], of So. Hadley, and John Donolly [of Pelham, Int.], June 23, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
271, 359 - George King, of Northampton, and Sally Moody, of So. Hadley, Dec. 30, 1813, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
62 - Mary, of Ludlow, and Aaron Ayres, of Granby, June 10, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 483 - Experience, and Ebenezer Taylor, Nov. 14, 1754. [VR]
26, 57, 272, 273 - Frederick, of Northampton, and Naomi Alvord, of So. Hadley, ___ __, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
132 - Lucy, and Richard Church, both of So. Hadley, Nov. 23, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
362 - Abigail, and Linus Morgan, Mar. 5, 1807, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
275 - Eben[eze]r, both of So. Hadley, and Philera Burr, Jan. 18, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Ebenezer. [VR]
11, 279 - Philip, and Experien Peirc, Mar. 10, 1757. [VR]
281 - Benjamin, of Granby, and Polly Snow, of So. Hadley, July 11, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Benjamin. [VR]
497 - Hannah, and Sam[uel]l Totmanm, both of Granby, Oct. 6, 1794, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
11, 436 - Catherine, and Josiah Smith, Jan 21, 1756. [VR]
284, 285, 458 - Elijah, both of So. Hadley, and Elizabeth [Betty, in Intention] Snow, May 3, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes/ [VR]
28 - Elijah, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
324, 325 - Elizabeth, of So. Hadley, and Dr. Asa Merrils (1st h.), of Shelburne, Nov. 29, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
288 - Samuel, both of So. Hadley, and Delia Wright, Nov. 23, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Samuel. [VR]
290 - Supplina [Intent. Pliny], and Jemima Pooler, Jan. 26, 1797 ,by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
69, 70 - Tirzah, of So. Hadley, and Martin Beckwith, of Lemster [Lempster], NH, July 26, 1807, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
292 - Warham, of Northampton, and Miss Charity Preston, (during year Apr. 1, 1828 - Apr. 1, 1829), by A. V. Boies, Pastor. [VR]
10, 293 - William, of Northampton, and Submit White, of So. Hadley, July 4, 1753, by Rev. John Woodbridge. [VR]
486 - Abigail, of Hadley, and Horace Taylor, of So. Hadley, Mar. 5, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
23, 294 - Amos, both of So. Hadley, and Ruth Church, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 297 - Joseph, and Dorothy Taylor, Dec. 27, 1754. [VR]
327 - Sarah, of So. Hadley, and Leonard Miller, of Ludlow, July 21, 1791, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
22, 299 - Seth, both of So. Hadley, and Naomi Parsons, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 301 - Dan, and Elinor Rocker, Jan. 6, 1755. [VR]
303, 391 - William, both of So. Hadley, and Sophia Pooler, Apr. 9, 1807, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
304 - David [of West Springfield, Intent.], and Silence Chapin, of So. Hadley, Mar. 19, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - David, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
126 - Roxalany, of So. Hadley, and Frederick Chapin, of Springfield, Oct. 1, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
399 - Lucy, of Granby, and Joshua Putnam, of Bethel, VT, Feb. 19, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
LOOMER (sic) , see Loomis
311 - Frederick [Loomis?], both of S. H. [So. Hadley], and Polly Fairfield (2nd w.), Oct. 3, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
310, 312 - Frederick [Loomis?], of Conway, and Eunice Loveland (1st w.), of So. Hadley, ___ ___ 1789 by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - Frederick. [VR]
LOOMIS, see Loomer
25, 312, 315 - Frederick [Dup. Loomer?], of Conway, and Eunice Loveland, of So. Hadley, ___ __, 1789. by Rev. Joel Hayes [VR]
314, 476, 477 - Silence, and Alpheus Strong, both of Southampton, Oct. 15, 1800, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
25, 310, 312, 315 - Eunice (1st w.), of So. Hadley, and Frederick Loomer (sic) [Loomis?], of Conway, ___ ___ 1789 by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
317 - Amaziah, of Hadley, and Elizabeth Alvord, of So. Hadley, May 5, 1806, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - Amaziah. [VR]
318 - Israel, both of So. Hadley, and Sally Moody, May 13, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Israel. [VR]
319, 462, 463 - Marcy [Dup. of Easthampton], and Josiah Snow [Sec. Dup. of So. Hadley] [First Dup. Sept. 28, 1796.] [Easthampton (CR - 103)] [VR]
320 - Soloman, both of So. Hadley, and Lucina Alvord, Dec. 4, 1794, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Solomon, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
316 - Arunah, both of So. Hadley, and Ruth Rumrill, Oct. 31, 1799, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Arunah. [VR]
28 - Hugh, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1796. [VR]
322 - Hugh, of Palmer, and Sarah Smith, of So. Hadley, Oct. 22, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
188 - Polly, of So. Hadley, and Thomas Elder, of Chester, Jan. 18, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
11, 323 - James, and Lucy Rugg, June 23, 1756. [VR]
MERRILLS, see Merrils
134, 135, 324 - Elizabeth [Third Dup (Judd)], wid. of Asa Merrills (1st h.), and Levi Clapp (2nd h.), of Easthampton, Dec. 3, 1809. [VR]
MERRILS, see Merrills
134, 135 - Asa, Dr. (1st h.), of Shelburne, and Elizabeth Judd, of So. Hadley, Nov. 29, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Asa, Dr., by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1795. [VR]
234, 417 - Catharine, and Benj[ami]n Sikes, both of Ludlow, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
326 - Frederick, both of So. Hadley, and Abigail White, Jan. 9, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Frederick. [VR]
27 - Leonard, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
327 - Leonard, of Ludlow, and Sarah Kellogg, of So. Hadley, July 21, 1791, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
506 - Sybil, d. of Joseph Miller & Catherine (Ferry), and Isaac5 (1st h.), Dec. 17, 1762. [His. of Ludlow P. 361] [VR]
22, 535 - Mabel, and Josiah White, Jr., both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
11, 330 - Abigail, and Josiah Montague, Mar. 4, 1756. [VR]
329 - Elijah, and Nabby White, of Monson, Mar. 12, 1806, by Abner Brown, J. P. [VR]
11, 330 - Josiah, and Abigail Montague, Mar. 4, 1756. [VR]
331 - Josiah, and Sarah Henry, Mar. 21, 1753. [VR]
26, 552 - Lovisa, and Joseph D. Witt, both of Granby, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
419 - Lucina, of So. Hadley, and Plyna Sikes, of Ludlow, Feb. 11, 1790. [VR]
24, 418 - Mary, of So. Hadley, and Jonathan Sikes, of Ludlow, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
11, 147 - Mehetabeel, and Israel Clark, Dec. 23, 1756. [VR]
336 - Moses, and Harriet Smith, Oct. 18, 1820. [VR]
337, 396, 397 - Peter, and Luna [Third. Dup. Lucina] Preston, d. Jonathan & Eunice, May 27, 1817 [Sec. Dup.___ __, ____] [Third. Dup. ___ __, 1817], by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
522 - Rachel, and Stephen Warner, Jr., Nov. 29, 1753. [VR]
471 - Sarah (2nd w.), and John Standley, Feb. 6, 1755. [VR]
MOOD (sic) , see Moody
340 - Eunice, d. Noah & Susanna, and David5 Elwell, ___ __, ____. [VR]
MOODY, see Mood
342 - Chester, and Nancy Brewer, of Wilbraham, Jan. 13, 1803. [Wilbraham VR] [VR]
341 - Chester, both of So. Hadley, and Roxa Catlin, Oct. 16, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Chester. [VR]
509 - Cynthia, and David Vinton, s. Simeon & Roxana (Church), ___ __, 1827. [Recorded in So. Hadley, TR - OB - 316] [Vinton Genealogy P. 108] [VR]
343, 371 - Daniel 2d, Capt., and Abigail Nash, [Dup. d. David & Elizabeth (Smith) (2nd w.)], July 2, 1789, by Noah Goodman, Esq. [VR]
27 - Daniel, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1789. [VR]
346 - Diar [Intent. Dyer, of So. Hadley], and Sally Shephard [Intent. of Wilbraham], Mar. 3, 1803. [Wilbraham VR] [VR]
352 - Electa, and Heman Moody, both of So. Hadley, Jan. 12, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
350 - Eliphaz, both of So. Hadley, and Polly Stickney, Mar. 18, 1790. [VR]
27 - Eliphaz, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
352 - Heman, both of So. Hadley, and Electa Moody, Jan. 12, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Heman. [VR]
451 - Polly, and Selah Smith, both of So. Hadley, May 20, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
432 - Rebecca, and Horace Smith, both of So. Hadley, Mar. 5, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
189 - Rhoda, of So. Hadley, and Asa [Asa6, Int.] Elwel, of Dutch Hoosuck, Dec. 24, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
318 - Sally, and Israel Lyman, both of So. Hadley, May 13, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
271, 359 - Sally, of So. Hadley, and George King Hitchcock, of Northampton, Dec. 30, 1813, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
361 - Sylvester, both of So. Hadley, and Rhoda Day, Jan. 11, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Sylvester, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1796. [VR]
362 - Linus, and Abigail Ingram, Mar. 5, 1807, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Lucas, Esq., by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
363 - Lucas, Esqr., of West Springfield, and Betsey Eastman, of Granby, July 9, 1794, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - Lucius. [VR]
77, 365, 366 - Chauncey, of Westfield, and Harriet Bingham, of So. Hadley, d. Jabez & Mary, Sept. 28, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Chauncey. [VR]
10 - Joseph, and Sarah Henry, ___ __, 1753. [VR]
10 - Rachel, and Stephen Warner, Jr., ___ __, 1753. [VR]
10 - Sarah, and John Standley, ___ __, 1755. [VR]
27 - Reuben, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1790. [VR]
367 - Reuben, of Ludlow, and Lorinda Chapin, of Granby, Jan. 14, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
343, 371 - Abigail [Dup d. David & Elizabeth (Smith) (2nd w.), and Capt. Daniel Moody 2d, July 2, 1789, by Noah Goodman, Esq. [VR]
10, 370 - David, and Elizabeth Smith (2nd w.), May ,9 1754. [VR]
532 - Dorcas, and Joel White, both of So. Hadley, Apr. 20, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
25, 46 - Lucy, of Granby, and Capt. Azariah Alvord, of So. Hadley, ___ ___ ,1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
438 - Phebe, of Granby, and Josiah Smith, of So. Hadley, July 15, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
375 - Simeon, both of So. Hadley, and Ama (sic) [Intent. Amy] White, Aug. 9, 1801, by Rev. Ruggles Woodbridge. [VR]
29 - Simeon, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
10, 376 - William, and Elizabeth Smith, Mar. 27, 1755. [VR]
21, 228, 377, 378 - Elijah, of Belchertown, and Mary Giddings, of So. Hadley, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1787. [VR]
22, 299 - Naomi, and Seth Kellogg, both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - John, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
382 - John, of So. Hadley, and Anna Caswel, of Granby, Mar. 7, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
140, 141, 383 - Polly, of So. Hadley, and Amasa Clark, of Southampton, Feb. 4, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
11, 279 - Experien, and Philip Ingram, Mar. 10, 1757. [VR]
385 - Moses, of Dummerston, NY [Intent. Dummerston, VT], and Martha Barns, of So. Hadley, Dec. 31, 1804, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Moses. [VR]
26, 386 - Adin, both of Ludlow, and Eunice Brooks, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - John, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1796. [VR]
387 - John, of Wilbraham, and Rhoda Hillyard, of So. Hadley. Nov. 10, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
450 - Hannah, and Sylvanus Smith, of Brookfield, VT, Feb. __, 1790. [VR]
22, 269 - Rachel, and Benj[ami]n Hebard, both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
388, 516, 517 - Rhoda, of Hadley, and Daniel Warner [Intent. Warren], of Williamsburg, May 2, 1793, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
290 - Jemima, and Supplina [Intent. Pliny] Judd, Jan. 26, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
186 - Polly, of So. Hadley, and Pliny Easton, of Whitingham, VT, Feb. 12, 1801, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
303, 391 - Sophia, and William Kentfield, both of So. Hadley, Apr. 9, 1807, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
292 - Charity, Miss, and Warham Judd, of Northampton, (during year Apr. 1, 1828 - Apr. 1, 1829), by A. V. Boies, Pastor. [VR]
177 - Emerenie [Emereneiania, d. Samuel & Tryphene, Intent.], of So. Hadley, and Abner Downing, of Rome, NY, Oct. 23, 1804, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
265 - Eunice, of So. Hadley, and Moses Gunn, of Montague, July 10, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
392 - Gardner, Lieut., both of So. Hadley, and Abigail Wait, Mar. 18, 1790. [VR]
27 - Gardner, Lt., by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
158 - Jemima Preston, and William [W[illia]m, Intent.]Collins, July 9, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 394 - Job, both of So. Hadley, and Darothy [Dup. Dorothy] Taylor, Mar. 16, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
25, 393 - Job, both of So. Hadley, and Ellis Rumrell, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Job. [VR]
337, 396, 397 - Luna [Third. Dup. Lucina], d. Jonathan & Eunice, and Peter, May 27, 1817 [Sec. Dup.___ __, ____] [Third. Dup. ___ __, 1817], by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
27 - Joshua, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
399 - Joshua, of Bethel, VT, and Lucy Lathrop, of Granby, Feb. 19, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
403 - Thomas, both of Hadley, and Patty Dickinson, June 25, 1800, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
29 - Thomas, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
404, 490, 491 - Lettice, and Moses Taylor, both of So. Hadley, Oct. 27, 1791, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
405, 492, 493 - Deborah, of Williamsburg, and Nathan Taylor, of So. Hadley, Feb. 26, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
406, 407, 489 - Jacob [Third Dup. Robnson], of Williamsburg, and Mary Taylor, of So. Hadley, Nov. 30, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Jacob, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1794. [VR]
30 - Jacob. [VR]
10, 301 - Elinor, and Dan Kentfield, Jan. 6, 1755. [VR]
11, 323 - Lucy, and James Mecham, June 23, 1756. [VR]
RUMRELL, see Rumrill
25, 393 - Ellis, and Job Preston, both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
RUMRILL, see Rumrell
29, 410 - Asa, both of So. Hadley, and Rhoda Smith, Dec. 15, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
238, 239 - Lucy, and Nathan Goodman, both of So. Hadley, Jan. 3. 1799. by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
316 - Ruth, and Arunah Lyon, both of So. Hadley, Oct. 31, 1799, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
17 - Sarah, of Hadley, and Nathan Catlin, of Sunderland, July 24, 1800, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
259, 411 - Arthur L. [Dup. b. in Salem, both of So. Hadley, s. Hugh & Monah?, machinist, age 21], and Ida Greein [aka Green?) [Dup. Gruier, b. in Syracuse, NY, d. John & Ann, age. 15], Nov. 13, 188 [Dup. by Rev. E. Tolen]. [VR]
56 - Mercy, and Eliphalet Green, Mar. 7, 1754. [VR]
SERANTON, see Seraton
29 - Daniel, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1794. [VR]
SERATON, see Seranton
413 - Dan[ie]l [Intent. Daniel Seranton (?Scranton)], both of So. Hadley, and Chaity Wait, Dec. 15, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
414 - Allen L., and Sarah A. Fuller, bef. 1850. [VR]
10 - Mercy, and Eliphalet Green, ___ __, 1754. [VR]
1034, 1035 - Ella, d. Mahlon C. & Evelyn (Morse), and Oscar Dwight Tucker, Feb. 19, 1885, at Westfield. [VR]
346 - Sally [Intent. of Wilbraham], and Diar [Intent. Dyer, of So. Hadley] Moody, Mar. 3, 1803. [Wilbraham VR] [VR]
146, 416 - Azabah, of So. Hadley, and Elihu Clark, of Easthampton, Oct. 27, 1808, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
23, 417 - Benj[ami]n, both of Ludlow, and Catharine Miller, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
24, 418 - Jonathan, of Ludlow, and Mary Montague, of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Plyna, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
419 - Plyna, of Ludlow, and Lucina Montague, of So. Hadley, Feb. 11, 1790. [VR]
11, 240 - Abial, and Noah Goodman, Oct. 25 1756. [VR]
48 - Anna, and Enos Alvord, both of So. Hadley, July 15, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 421 - Asael, and Elizabeth Giddings, Feb. 14, 1754. [VR]
252, 422 - Asher [Dup. Ashur, of Canterbury, CT], and Lucinda Graves, ___ __, 1813 [Dup. of So. Hadley, Nov. 15, 1813, by Rev. J. Hayes.] [VR]
179, 423 - Bathsheba, Widow, of So. Hadley, and Reuben Draper (2nd h.), of Goshen, Feb. 5, 1812, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
424 - Chauncey, both of So. Hadley, and Marena Eddy, Nov. 29, 1804, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Chauncey. [VR]
81 - Dorcas, of So. Hadley, and Charles Brewer, Jr., of Wilbraham, June 5, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
101, 369 - Elizabeth (2nd w.), and David Nash, May ,9 1754. [VR]
10, 376 - Elizabeth, and William Negus, Mar. 27, 1755. [VR]
10, 441 - Eunice, and Nathan Smith, both of So. Hadley, May 31, 1753, by Revd. Mr. John Woodbridge. [VR]
336 - Harriet, and Moses Montague, Oct. 18, 1820. [VR]
432 - Horace, both of So. Hadley, and Rebecca Moody, Mar. 5, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Horace. [VR]
82, 83, 423 - Irena, of Granby, and Wright Bridgman, of Belchertown, Dec. 15, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
434 - John, both of So. Hadley, and Abigail Brewer, Mar. 30, 1803, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - John. [VR]
23, 437 - Josiah 2d, both of So. Hadley, and Clarisa Steel, ___ ___, 1788. by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
11, 436 - Josiah, and Catherine Judd, Jan 21, 1756. [VR]
27 - Josiah, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
438 - Josiah, of So. Hadley, and Phebe Nash, of Granby, July 15, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
212, 213 - Lucinda, and Josiah Gaylord, both of So. Hadley, Feb. 21, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
142 - Mary, and Asa Clark, both of So. Hadley. Nov. 12, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 440 - Moses, and Sarah Smith, May 21, 1755. [VR]
10, 441 - Nathan, both of So. Hadley, and Eunice Smith, May 31, 1753, by Revd. Mr. John Woodbridge. [VR]
445, 562 - Phimela (1st w.), of So. Hadley, and Levi Wright, Apr. 19, 1813, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
250, 251 - Polly, of So. Hadley, and Levi Graves, of Hatfield, Nov. 22, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
410 - Rhoda, and Asa Rumrill, both of So. Hadley, Dec. 15, 1796, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
23, 502 - Sarah, and Abiathar Vinton, both of Granby, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 440 - Sarah, and Moses Smith, May 21, 1755. [VR]
152 - Sarah, of So. Hadley, and Luke Clark, of Brookfield, VT, Feb. 19, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
322 - Sarah, of So. Hadley. and Hugh McMaster, of Palmer, Oct. 22, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
451 - Selah, both of So. Hadley, and Polly Moody, May 20, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Selah, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
27 - Sylvanus, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
450 - Sylvanus, of Brookfield, VT, and Hannah Pomeroy, Feb. __, 1790. [VR]
195 - Tamar, and Capt. Solomon Lathrop Fuller, of Somers, CT, Dec. 1, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
21, 108, 456, 457 - Eben[eze]r, of So. Hadley, and Mary Burr, of Granby, ___ __, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
284, 285, 458 - Elizabeth [Betty; Inten.], and Elijah Judd, both of So. Hadley, May 3, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes/ [VR]
319, 462, 463 - Josiah [Sec. Dup. of So. Hadley], and Marcy Lyman [Dup. of Easthampton] [First Dup. Sept. 28, 1796.] [Easthampton (CR - 103)] [VR]
11, 460 - Josiah. Jr., and Azubah Dickinson, Dec. 8, 1757. [VR]
66, 67, 466 - Lydia, of So. Hadley, and Abner Barber, of Ludlow, Nov. 19, 1795, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
281 - Polly, of So. Hadley, and Benjamin Johnson, of Granby, July 11, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
24, 232, 233 - Rachel, of So. Hadley, and Elijah Goldwait, of Granby, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
191 - Sarah, and Allen Field, Jan. 2, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 471 - John, and Sarah Montague (2nd w.), Feb. 6, 1755. [VR]
23, 437 - Clarisa, and Josiah Smith 2d, both of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1788. by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
350 - Polly, and Eliphaz Moody, both of So. Hadley, Mar. 18, 1790. [VR]
21, 475 - Silas, of New Braintree, and Polly White, of Granby, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
314, 476, 477 - Alpheus, both of Southampton, and Silence Loomis Oct. 15, 1800, by Ruggles Woodbridge, Esq. [VR]
29 - Alpheus, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
553 - Martha, and Reverd. Mr. John Woodbridge, Nov. 10, 1750, in Northampton. [VR]
29 - Judd, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1799. [VR]
TAYLER, see Taylor
151 - Jerusha, and Joseph Clark, both of So. Hadley, Jan. 15, 1807, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
TAYLOR, see Tayler
24, 482 - David, of Granby, and Orinda Burr, of So. Hadley, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
394 - Dorothy and Job Preston, both of So. Hadley, Mar. 16, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 297 - Dorathy [Dup. Dorothy], and Joseph Kellogg, Dec. 27, 1754. [VR]
10, 483 - Ebenezer, and Experience Holms, Nov. 14, 1754. [VR]
486 - Horace, of So. Hadley, and Abigail Kellogg, of Hadley, Mar. 5, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Horace. [VR]
406, 40, 489 - Mary, of So. Hadley, and Jacob Robinson [Third Dup. Robnson], of Williamsburg, Nov. 30, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
404, 490, 491 - Moses, both of So. Hadley, and Lettice Richardson, Oct. 27, 1791, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
27 - Moses, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
405, 492, 493 - Nathan, of So. Hadley, and Deborah Robinson, of Williamsburg, Feb. 26, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Nathan. [VR]
494 - Silas, both of Granby, and Lydia Town, Apr. 1, 1790. [VR]
27 - Silas, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
TOTMAN, see Totmanm
28 - Sam[ue]l, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
TOTMANM, see Totman
497 - Sam[uel]l, both of Granby, and Hannah Johnson, Oct. 6, 1794, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Francis, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
498, 499, 519 - Francis, of Belchertown, and Eunice Warner, of Granby, Mar. 18, 1790. [VR]
494 - Lydia, and Silas Taylor, both of Granby, Apr. 1, 1790. [VR]
1034, 1035 - Oscar Dwight, and Ella Sheldon, d. Mahlon C. & Evelyn (Morse), Feb. 19, 1885, at Westfield. [VR]
501 - Stephen, of Wilmington, VT, and Sally Alvord, of So. Hadley, Jan. 21, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
30 - Stephen. [VR]
23, 502 - Abiathar, both of Granby, and Sarah Smith, ___ ___, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
27 - Abiathar, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1791. [VR]
509 - David, s. Simeon & Roxana (Church), and Cynthia Moody, ___ __, 1827. [Recorded in So. Hadley, TR - OB - 316] [Vinton Genealogy P. 108] [VR]
509 - Lydia, d. Simeon & Roxana (Church), and Ephraim R. Barker, May 1, 1826. [Recorded in So. Hadley, TR - OB - 316] [Vinton Genealogy P. 108] [VR]
509 - Rachel, d. Simeon & Roxana (Church), and William Cooley, May 25 1833. [Recorded in So. Hadley, TR - OB - 316] [Vinton Genealogy P. 108] [VR]
506 - Samuel, Dr. (2nd h.), of So. Hadley, and wid. Isaac4, d. Joseph Miller & Catherine (Ferry), ___ __, 1799. [His. of Ludlow P. 361] [VR]
392 - Abigail, and Lieut. Gardner Preston, both of So. Hadley, Mar. 18, 1790. [VR]
229 - Anna of So. Hadley, and David Gilbert, of Brookfield, Sept. 11, 1799, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
413 - Chaity, and Dan[ie]l Seraton [Intent. Daniel Seranton (?Scranton)], both of So. Hadley, Dec. 15, 1796, by Rev. Joel. [VR]
22, 53 - Jerusha, and Justin Alvord, both of So. Hadley, ____ ____, 1788, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
237 - Lucretia and Luther Goodman, both of So. Hadley, Nov. 27, 1800 .by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
85, 514 - Nancy, of So. Hadley, and Haveland [Dup. Harveland] Bugbee, of Belchertown, July 23, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
92 - Salome, and Jonathan Burnett, both of So. Hadley, Nov. 28, 1805, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
68 - Sarah, and Aaron Barber, both of So. Hadley, Aug. 11, 1791, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
541 - Betsey, of Wilbraham, and Luther White, Feb. 20, 1801. [Wilbraham VR] [VR]
89 - Clarissa, of So. Hadley, and Bela Burnet, of Granby, Sept. 10, 1801, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
388, 516, 517 - Daniel [Intent. Warren], of Williamsburg, and Rhoda Pomeroy, of Hadley, May 2, 1793, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]
28 - Daniel, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1793. [VR]
498, 499, 519 - Eunice, of Granby, and Francis Town, of Belchertown, Mar. 18, 1790. [VR]
520, 521, 550 - John, of Hatfield, and Caroline Whiting, of So. Hadley, Nov. 6, 1806, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - John. [VR]
10, 522 - Stephen, Jr., and Rachel Montague, Nov. 29, 1753. [VR]
524 - Isaac, both of Ludlow, and Anna Calkins, Apr. 19, 1792, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Isaac, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1792. [VR]
111 - Mary, and Veranus Calkins, both of Ludlow, Apr. 1, 1793, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
326 - Abigail, and Frederick Miller, both of So. Hadley, Jan. 9, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
375 - Ama (sic) [Intent. Amy], and Simeon Nash, both of So. Hadley, Aug. 9, 1801, by Rev. Ruggles Woodbridge. [VR]
25, 530 - Eldad, both of So. Hadley, and Hannah Day, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
532 - Joel, both of So. Hadley, and Dorcas Nash, Apr. 20, 1797, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
29 - Joel, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1800. [VR]
22, 535 - Josiah, Jr., both of So. Hadley, and Mabel Mitchell, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
528, 536 - Justin and Cynthia Brewster, Jan. 4, 1821, at So. Hadley, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
150 - Kezia, and Joel Clark, both of So. Hadley, Dec. 31, 1799, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
55, 539, 540 - Levi, of Easthampton, and Miriam Alvord, of So. Hadley, Mar. 13, 1806, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
32 - Levi. [VR]
84 - Lois, of So. Hadley, and Elam Brooks, of Hartford, VT, Nov. 8, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
541 - Luther, and Betsey Waldon, of Wilbraham, Feb. 20, 1801. [Wilbraham VR] [VR]
11, 58 - Lydia, and Nathan Alvord, Jan. 15, 1756. [VR]
144, 145, 542 - Mary, of So. Hadley, and Bohan Clark, of Easthampton, Feb. 11, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
329 - Nabby, of Monson, and Elijah Montague, Mar. 12, 1806, by Abner Brown, J. P. [VR]
21, 475 - Polly, of Granby, and Silas Stone, of New Braintree, ___ ___, 1787, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
10, 293 - Submit [Dup. of So. Hadley], and William Judd, [Dup. of Northampton, July 4, 1753], by Rev. John Woodbridge. [VR]
136, 137, 138, 139, 549 - Tirzah [Sec. Dup. Jerah], of So. Hadley, and Luther Clap, of Easthampton, Nov. 8, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
520, 521, 550 - Caroline, of So. Hadley, and John Warner, of Hatfield, Nov. 6, 1806, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
26, 552 - Joseph D., both of Granby, and Lovisa Montague, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
556 - James, both of So. Hadley, and Lucretia Catlin, ___ ___, 1789, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
553 - John, Reverd. Mr., and Martha Strong, Nov. 10, 1750, in Northampton. [VR]
175 - Lucy, and James Doan, both of So. Hadley, Sept. 26, 1790, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
26 - James, both of So. Hadley, and Lucretia Catlin, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1789. [VR]
288 - Delia, and Samuel Judd, both of So. Hadley, Nov. 23, 1800, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
207, 557, 558 - Hezekiah, of Easthampton, and Abigail Gaylord, of So. Hadley, Feb. 10, 1802, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
31 - Hezekiah. [VR]
559, 560 - Justus, both of So. Hadley, and Abigail Ely, June 28, 1798, by Rev. Joel Hayes. [VR]
28 - Justus, by Rev. Joel Hayes, ___ __, 1794. [VR]
30 - Justus. [VR]
445, 562 - Levi, and Phimela Smith (1st w.), of So. Hadley, Apr. 19, 1813, by Rev. J. Hayes. [VR]