Vital Records Of Salisbury, Essex Co., Ma,
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Topsfield Historical Society,
Topsfield, Mass. 1915
DEATHS - RAMSELL to YOUNGE, Surnames Missing & Negroes
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Charles F. [b. S. Berwick, Me., heart complaint, at Seabrook, N.H. P.R.1.], May 22, 1841, a. 36 y. G.R.8.
Sarah A., b. Wells, Me., w. Charles F., consumption, bur. Amesbury, d. Jan. 26, 1849, a. 22 y.
Sarah, d. Isaac and Eunice, Oct. 14, 1838.
James, drowned, Oct. 2, 1806.
Ellen [M. G.R.8.], d. George C. and Sarah A., Mar. 15, 1842, a. 6 m.
Frances R., d. Robert and Hannah E., Sept. 10, 1839.
George A. [C. G.R.8.], tanner and currier, consumption, Sept. 20, 1842, a. 26 y.
Susan, d. Robert and Hannah E., dysentery, bur. at the Mills, d. July 31, 1847, a. 4 m.
Susan Mary, b. Salisbury Mills, d. Robert and Hannah E., bur. at the Mills, d. Aug. 6, 1845, a. 2 m. 24 d.
Nabby, of Dunstable, bur. [bef. June, 1797.]. C.R.2.
----, ch. Mr., of Pelham, bur. [bef. June, 1797.]. C.R.2.
Joseph T., s. Amaziah and Sarah, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. May 11, 1849, a. 6 m. 2 d.
Abner, Jan. 24, 1740-41. N.CT.BK.
Battey, d. Jonathan and Mathew, Oct. ----, 1769.
Catharine, Sept. ----, 1845. C.R.4.
Daniel, smallpox, bur. Sept. ----, 1800. C.R.2.
David, Capt., Apr. 3, 1752. [in his 59th y. G.R.2.]
David, July 20, 1773. [July 30, in his 23d y. G.R. 2.]
Dorothy, w. Benjamin, Nov. 10, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Elisabeth, w. Jarvis, Jan. 23, 1735-6. N.CT.BK.
Hannah, wid. Jarvis, sr., Jan. 26, 1742-3. N.CT.BK.
Issacar, Jan. 9, 1742-3. N.CT.BK.
Jacob, s. Jarvis and Sarah, Nov. 7, 1758.
Jarves, Dec. 1, 1727. N.CT.BK.
Jarvis, Capt., Apr.8, 1738. N.CT.BK.
Jervis, Mar. 12, 1782.
John, Sept. 22, 1721. N.CT.BK.
Mary, w. Nathaniel, July 28, 1825.
Mathew, w. Jonathan, Oct. 20, 1769.
Meribah, Aug. 27, 1729. N.CT.BK.
Mollee, w. David, Sept. 7, 1765.
Moses, s. Benjamin and Jane, at Martinico, Oct. 24, 1762.
Nathaniel, Nov. 28, 1811.
Page, June 9, 1813, a. 69 y.
Robert, sr., ----, [1691?]
Sarah, w. David, Aug. 2, 1738. N.CT.BK.
Sarah, wid., Aug. 7, 1789.
Sarah, w. Abnor, July 9, 1807.
Sarah, d. Nathaniel, Feb. 16, 1825.
Sarah Jane, d. Nathaniel, Feb. 7, 1839.
Theophilus, Jan. 5, 1740-41. N.CT.BK.
----, w. Davis, ----, 1732. (?) G.R.2.
----, ch. Nathaniel, fits, bur. [bet. Nov. 26 and Dec. 23], 1797, a. 3 d. C.R.2.
Elizabeth, w. James, Oct. 1, 1837, a. 55 y. G.R.8.
Mary, w. Joseph E., Jan. 29, 1842, a. 52 y. G.R.2.
Samuel B., b. Dec. ----, 1821, d. Feb. ----, 1846. G.R.8.
Stephen Chapin, s. David and Elizabeth, July 13, 1826. P.R.44.
Stephen Henry, s. David and Elizabeth, Sept. 21, 1827. P.R.44.
Thomas Boardman, s. David and Elizabeth, Nov. 21, 1821. P.R.44.
ROLANSON (see also Rolenson)
[Eliz T.C.]abeth, d. Thomas [and Dorethie. CT.R.], 29: 5 m: 1655.
ROLENSON (see also Rolanson)
Samuell, s. Martha, Jan. 20, 1687. [Jan. 26, 1686. CT.R.]
Thomas, July 7, 1682.
Hester, w. John, 3: 4 m: 1647.
Frank, s. Theodore F. [and Hannah. G.R.3.], Apr. 2, 1837. [a. 5 m. G.R.3.]
ROWEL (see also Rowell)
Hannah, mother of Philip, 26: 2 m: 1731, a. 60 y. 11 d. C.R.7.
Hannah, d. Philip and Elisabeth, July 29, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Jacob, Sept. 29, 1813, a. 90 y.
Mary, d. Job and Maribah, Nov. 2, 1749.
ROWELL (see also Rowel, Rowill)
Abigail F., d. James and Serena (Flanders), Oct. 27, 1842. P.R.35.
Adah, wid. Philip, old age, bur. at the Mills, d. May 2, 1845, a. 76 y.
Ann, wid., Nov. 9, 1822.
Ann, Feb. 8, 1823.
Anna, d. James and Phebe (Jarvis), Oct. ----, 1811. P.R.35.
Anna Johnson, d. Jacob [and Polly. G.R.8.], July 28, 1823. [a. 5 y. 6 m. G.R.8.]
Edward, b. Brentwood, N.H., s. ---- Bachelder, of Brentwood, and adopted s. Edward Rowell, lung fever, bur at the Mills, d. Sept. ----, 1845, a. 11 m.
James Cyrus, s. James and Serena (Flanders), July 29, 1842. P.R.35.
Job, May 4, 1736. N.CT.BK.
John, s. Vallentine, 12: 7 m: 1649.
John, s. Vallentine [and Joannah. CT.R.], 18: 12 m: 1655.
Lydia, wid. Mark, May 1, 1835.
Mark, Aug. 6, 1818.
Mary Stevens, d. Jacob and Polly, Dec. 19, 18[33?], a. 2 y. 7 m. G.R.8.
Moses, Aug. 8, 1800.
Moses, Aug. 15, 1838.
Philip, June 8, 1838, a. 76 y.
Ruth, d. Philip and Elisabeth, Dec. 24, 1735. N.CT.BK.
Valentine, 17: 3 m: 1662.
ROWILL (see also Rowell)
Anna, w. Philip, Nov. 28, 1803.
Jacob, s. Philip and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1721. N.CT.BK.
Molley, d. Peter and Molley, Feb. 12, 1763, in her 4th m. G.R.2.
John Morse, s. Jeremiah and Betsy, scarlet fever, Jan. 29, 1842, a. 6 y. 4 m.
SABIN (see also Sabine)
Temperance, Dec. 29, 1836, a. 85 y. G.R.6.
SABINE (see also Sabin)
Emeline, d. Jedediah D. [and Betsy. G.R.6.], July 19, 1836. [a. 16 y. G.R.6.]
Anthony, drowned, 23: 2 m: 1650.
Dearborn, unm., trader, consumption, Oct. 18, 1844, a. 23 y.
Helen Augusta [b. Portsmouth, N.H. P.R.1.], d. Jeremiah and Sarah M. [teething, at Portsmouth, N.H. P.R.1.], Aug. 29, 1849, a. 6 m. 14 d. G.R.8.
John, s. John, 3: 7 m: 1641.
SARGEANT (see also Sargent)
Mary, d. Moses, Nov. 12, 1820.
SARGENT (see also Sargeant)
Adaline W. [b. Exeter, N.H. P.R.1.], d. Dea. J. A. and Betsey O. [typhoid fever, at Amesbury. P.R.1.], Dec. 4, 1841, a. 25 y. G.R.8.
Anna [w. Hiram. G.R.6.], Sept. 16, 1832. [a. 22 y. G.R.6.]
Betsey [ O., b. Amesbury. P.R.1.], w. [Dea. G.R.8.] Jonathan A., fever, Sept. 25, 1841, a. 45 y.
Elizabeth, d. William, 14: 7 m: 1641.
Elizabeth O., d. Dea. J. A. and Betsey O. [consumption. P.R.1.], Mar. 24, 1832, a. 9 m. G.R.8.
Jane E., w. Stephen, Nov. ----, 1848. C.R.5.
John M., s. Moses, Dec. 9, 1813.
Lidia, ---- [bet. 1660 and 1662.]
Loiza, d. Moses, Oct. 15, 1808.
Nathan B. [b. Amesbury. P.R.1.], s. Dea. J. A. and Betsey O. [typhoid fever. P.R.1.], Oct. 22, 1839, a. 16 y. G.R.8.
Jacob. Oct. 17, 1742. N.CT.BK.
SAWYER (see also Sayer)
Betty, [w. John, a fall. C.R.2.], Apr. 5, 1800.
Hannah, d. John and Abigail, dysentery, Oct. 11, 1846, a. 74 y.
John, Mar. 19, 1796.
Joseph William, s. Enoch and Aphia, Aug. 6, 1840.
Judith, w. [Capt. G.R.6.] George, Jan. 3, 1812.
Rosanna G., unm., b. Maine, brain fever, bur. Maine, d. at the house of True Colby, Sept. 28, 1847, a. 23 y.
SAYER (see also Sawyer)
----, s. Joseph and Dorothy, Dec. 4, 1733. N.CT.BK.
Richard, s. Samuell and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1723. N.CT.BK.
Samuell, s. Samuell and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1722. N.CT.BK.
Abigail, d. John, 7: 1 m: 1641.
Abigail, w. John, 17: 4 m: 1658.
Elizabeth, d. John, 5: 12 m: 1662.
John, [sr. N.CT.BK.], Apr. 9, 1682.
----, d. John, 23: 4 m: 1658.
Bette, w. Levi, of Minot, and d. Samuel Fellows, Sept. 30, 1805, a. 47 y. G.R.1.
SHEPARD (see also Sheperd, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard)
Alifalit, s. William, Feb. 6, 1715. N.CT.BK.
Jesse, s. Jesse and Harriet, Sept. 10, 1830, a. 2 y. 3 m. G.R.6.
Mary, wid., Feb. 2, 1717-18. N.CT.BK.
Rachel, wid., May ----, 1764.
Samuell, "sometimes of Haverhill, leate of Salisbury," June 13, 1707. N.CT.BK.
SHEPERD (see also Shepard)
Sarah, wid. Solomon, Dec. 1, 1748.
SHEPHARD (see also Shepard)
SHEPHERD (see also Shepard)
Josiah, s. William and Elizabeth, July 11, 1705. N.CT.BK.
Sarah, Nov. 18, 1835.
SHEPPARD (see also Shepard)
Israell, Apr. 23, 1742. N.CT.BK.
John, Oct. 16, 1732. N.CT.BK. [Oct. 17, in his 42d y. G.R.2.]
Solomon, July 7, 1731. N.CT.BK.
SILLY (see also Cilley)
Eleaner, w. Benoney, Jan. 27 or 28, 1735-6. N.CT.BK.
John, s. Benoney and Eleaner, Oct. 21, 1738. N.CT.BK.
John, s. John and Mary, Apr. 22, 1704. N.CT.BK.
Ann, w. Robert, Aug. 6, 1711. N.CT.BK.
Dolly, w. Jonathan, June 4, 1848, a. 91 y. G.R.2.
Elias, s. Elias and Elisabeth, Jan. 11, 1729-30. N.CT.BK.
Elias, s. Elias, May 15, 1737. N.CT.BK.
Emma Eulalia, d. John and Sarah B., dysentery, Oct. 13, 1849, a. 1 y. 3 m. 17 d.
Enoch, s. Samuel and Mary (Gove), Oct. 1, 1817. P.R.56.
Enoch [s. Col. Jonathan and Dolly (Gove). P.R.59.], Aug. 28, 1833. [Aug. 29, a. 38 y. G.R.2.]
Hannah, d. Samuel and Mary (Gove), Apr. 22, 1753. P.R.56.
Jabesh, Jan. 15, 1811, a. 25 y. G.R.4.
John [a. Col. Jonathan and Dolly (Gove). P.R.59.], Feb. 2, 1831. [a. 38 y. G.R.2.]
Jonathan [s. Samuel and Mary (Gove). P.R.56.], June 17, 1824, a. 68 y.
Joseph P., s. John and Sarah [B. G.R.4.], scarlet fever, Oct. 12, 1842, a. 3 y.
Martha, w. Jonathan W. consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Mar. 16, 1848, a. 41 y.
Mary [(Gove), w. Samuel. P.R.56.], Jan. 17, 1786. [Jan. 18, a. 68 y. G.R.2.]
Mary Ann, d. William, Apr. 26, 1815.
Mary P., d. John and Sarah [B.R.4.], scarlet fever, Oct. 11, 1842, a. 5 y. 3 m.
Miriam, wid., Sept. 28, 1838.
Nelson, s. Charles F. [and Ruthy. G.R.3.], July 9, 1811. [a. 16 m. G.R.3.]
Reuben, s. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 4, 1773. [1771. P.R.56.]
Rhoda, d. Samuell and Mary [(Gove). P.R.56.], Apr. 19, 1749.
Rhoda, d. Samuel and Mary (Gove), Apr. ----, 1754. P.R.56.
Robert, s. Robert, Sept. 10, 1735. N.CT.BK.
Robert, Serg., Dec. 8, 1738. N.CT.BK. [in his 60th y. G.R.4.]
Rufus, shipwright, consumption, Nov. 21, 1841, a. 83 y.
Samuel [s. Robert and Sarah (Gill), Oct. 25. P.R.56.], 1778. [in his 65th y. G.R.2.]
Samuel, s. [Col. P.R.59.]
Jonathan [and Dolly (Gove). P.R.59.], lost at sea, abt. Dec. ----, 1814.
Samuel, Aug. 24, 1815.
Sarah, w. Richard, July 6, 1682.
Sarah, d. Robert and Sarah, May 11, 1710. N.CT.BK.
William, Oct. 3, 1748.
William, of Deerfield [N.H. G.R.2; s. Samuel and Mary (Gove). P.R.56.], at his brother's, Col. Jonathan Smith, July 2, 1816. [in his 69th y. G.R.2.]
William, Oct. 23, 1817.
----, d. Elias, May 21, 1737. N.CT.BK.
Sarah, wid. [Capt. G.R.6.] Thomas [of Freeport, Me. G.R.6.], consumption, Aug. 11, 1845, a. 51 y.
SPITTINGF1ELD (see also Spitzenfiel)
Larance, Capt. [Lorentz Spitzenfiel, native of Michelan, Germany. G.R.3.], Feb. 6, 1804. [a. 50 y. G.R.3.]
SPITZENFIEL (see also Spittingfield)
Nicholas, native of Michelan, Germany, d. at Newburyport, bur. Jan. 23, 1795, a. 46 y. G.R.3.
Almira Melvina, d. Stephen C., inflammation of the lungs, Jan. ----, 1844, a. 1 y. 2 m.
STANILL (maybe Stantll)
----, wid. ----, of Hampton, May 29, 1724. N.CT.BK.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Easther, July 19, 1726. N.CT.BK.
STEEVENS (see also Stevens)
Benjamin [jr. G.R.1.], Feb. 23, 1709-10. N.CT.BK. [Feb. 22, in his 33d y. G.R.1.]
Dorithy, w. John, July 5, 1716. N.CT.BK.
Dorithy, d. John and Dorithy, July 20, 1716. N.CT.BK.
STEVANS (see also Stevens)
Jerimiah, Dec. 11, 1808.
Susana, d. Jeremiah and Mehetable, Feb. 25, 1779.
STEVENS (see also Steevens, Stevans)
Abigail, wid. John, July 11, 1810. [a. 57 y. G.R.3.]
Alphia, wid. Dea. John, Sept. 11, 1795.
Ann, d. Jacob and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Anna, wid. Jacob, old age, Oct. 18, 1841, a. 78 y.
Benjamin, Lt., Mar. 13, 1690. [in his 40th y. G.R.1.]
Benjamin, Apr. 20, 1766.
Benjamin, Apr. 2, 1815, a. 73 y.
Elianor, d. John and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1753.
Elisabeth, d. Jacob and Sarah, July 20, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Elisabeth, w. Capt., July 1, 1737. N.CT.BK.
Elisabeth, wid. [decline. C.R.2.], Mar. 2, 1798. [a. 98 y. C.R.2.]
Elisabeth, d. Jacob and Elisabeth O., Oct. ----, 1819, a. 8 y. G.R.3.
Elizabeth, d. John, ----, 1641.
Elizabeth, d. John, jr. and Hanah, June 19, 1674.
Elizabeth [Osgood. G.R.3.], w. Jacob, jr., Mar. 8, 1819. [a. 30 y. G.R.3.]
Hannah, wid., Feb. 27, 1711-12. N.CT.BK.
Hannah, d. Jacob and Sarah, June 29, 1716. N.CT.BK.
Hannah, wid. Jacob, Aug. 13, 1796. [a. 57 y. G.R.3.]
Hannah, w. Joseph, Jan. 19, 1814. [Jan. 20, in her 49th y. G.R.4.]
Hannah, d. Jonathan [and Mary. G.R.3.], Apr. 22, 1825. [a. 26 y. G.R.3.]
Hannah, June 7, 1839, a. 77 y.
Jacob, May 30, 1791. [a. 57 y. G.R.3.]
Jacob, Capt., at New Orleans, Feb. 20, 1829, a. 48 y. G.R.3.
Jacob, jr. [Col., s. Jonathan and Mary. G.R.3.], Aug. 27, 1834. [Aug. 28, a. 37 y. G.R.3.]
Jacob, s. Lemuel and Ruth, Nov. 18, 1839, a. 79 y.
James, s. John and Abigail, May 21, 1788, a. 4 y. G.R.3.
James, s. Samuel, Aug. 20, 1795.
James, 2d, s. John and Abigail, June ----, 1815, a. 25 y. G.R.3.
Jeremiah, Capt., Nov. 19, 1759. [Nov. 24, in his 85th y. G.R.2.]
Jerusha, wid. Jeremiah, Dec. 1, 1818. [Nov. 30, a. 70 y. P.R.3.]
Joanna, wid. Benjamin, Mar. 4, 1818. [a. 67 y. G.R. 4.]
John, sr., Feb. ----, 1688.
John, Lt., sr., Nov. 26, 1691. [in his 50th y. G.R.1.]
John, Nov. 3, 1753.
John, Dea., June 18, 1792.
John, drowned, June 26, 1800.
John, s. Jeremiah, drowned, July 27, 1800. [bur, July 26, a. 20 y. C.R.2.]
John, Ens., June 8, 1805. [a. 52 y. G.R.3.]
John, Feb. 6, 1807.
John, at Portsmouth, Oct. 19, 1836, a. 35 y. G.R.3.
Jonathan, Dea., May 3, 1771, a. 68 y. 5 m. 28 d. G.R.2.
Jonathan, s. Lemuel, Apr. 9, 1794.
Jonathan, jr. [s. Jonathan and Mary. G.R.3.], Sept. 19, 1832. [a. 30 y. G.R.3.]
Joseph, May 4, 1793.
Joseph, May 7, 1844, a. 87 y. G.R.4.
Katherine, w. John, sr., last of July, 1682.
Lemeuel, May 23, 1795.
Mary, d. Jacob and Sarah, Oct. 28, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Mehetable, w. Jeremiah, July 22, 1791.
Meriam, w. Joseph, Dec. 25, 1803. [in her 43d y. G.R.4.]
Morrill, s. Jonathan [and Mary. G.R.3.], Aug. 16, 1827, a. 21 y.
Moses, s. John, at sea, abt. Dec. 30, 1804.
Polly [Mary. G.R.3.], w. Jonathan, Oct. 14, 1833. [Oct. 15, a. 62 y. G.R.3.]
Ruth, d. Jacob [and Nancy. G.R.3.], July 16, 1803. [in her 18th y. G.R.3.]
Ruth, d. John. [and Abigail. G.R.3.], Sept. 3, 1806. [Sept. 2, a. 20 y. G.R.3.]
Ruth, wid. Lemuel, Jan. 29, 1812, a. 76 y. Apr. 25, 1811.
Samuel, jr., Oct. 10, 1815.
Samuel, ----, 1815.
Samuel, Dec. 31, 1833. [a. 66 y. G.R.3.]
Sarah, w. Maj. John, Aug. 22, 1725. N.CT.BK.
Sarah, wid., Mar. 14, 1780.
Sarah, d. John, Oct. 14, 1808. [in her 77th y. dup.]
Sarah, wid. John, Oct. 30, 1832, a. 82 y. G.R.1.
Theophilus, Mar. 1, 1729-30. N.CT.BK.
----, s. Jacob and Sarah, Oct. 26, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Dorithy, w. Joseph, Feb. 24, 1809, a. 41 y.
Hannah, wid. Joseph, consumption, Dec. 1, 1848, a. 82 y. [a. 81 y. G.R.3.]
Joseph, s. Joseph [dysentery. C.R.2.], Aug. 22, 1798. [a. 1 y. C.R.2.]
Joseph, cordwainer, dropsy, Apr. 9, 1842, a. 82 y. [a. 80 y. G.R.3.]
William, s. Joseph [dysentery. C.R.2.], Sept. 7, 1798. [a. 10 y. C.R.2.]
Anna, d. John and Johana, Aug. 25, 1711. N.CT.BK.
Anna, d. John and Joannah, Aug. 22, 1712. N.CT.BK.
Charls, s. Moses and Mary, Sept. 25, 1747.
Dorithy, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1695-6. N.CT.BK.
Elizabeth, d. John and Joannah, Aug. 11, 1731. N.CT.BK. [Aug. 12. dup.]
Hannah, d. John and Johannah, Aug. 4, 1728. N.CT.BK.
Hannah, Nov. 21, 1754.
Hannah, wid. Joseph, ----, 1767.
Joannah, d. John and Joannah, Aug. 2, 1728. N.CT.BK.
John, Dec. 10, 1686.
John, s. John and Joannah, Aug. 12, 1733. N.CT.BK.
John, Jan. 12, 1744.
Joseph, Feb. 17, 1747-8.
Joseph, Oct. 3, 1754. [1753, in his 38th y. G.R.2.]
Joseph, Capt., Aug. 21, 1821.
Lucy, d. Jonathan, May 24, 1818.
Mary [d. Lt. Joseph and Mary. G.R.2.], Nov. 7, 1754. [1753, in her 6th y. G.R.2.]
Mary, Feb. 7, 1840. C.R.5.
Mary [Miss. G.R.3.], cancer, Sept. 4, 1841, a. 61 y.
Ruth, d. Joseph and Hannah, Oct. 30, 1718. N.CT.BK.
Ruth [d. Lt. Joseph and Mary. G.R.2.], Nov. 13, 1754. [1753, in her 4th y. G.R.2.]
Ruth, w. Joseph, Mar. 16, 1814.
Samuel, s. John and Joannah, July 22, 1728. N.CT.BK. [July 24. dup.]
Samuell, s. John and Johannah, Aug. 31, 1731. N.CT.BK. [Sept. 1. dup.]
Samuell, s. John and Joannah, Apr. 22, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Sarah, wid., May 6, 1718. N.CT.BK.
Sarah, d. John and Johanna, Jan. 16, 1724-5. N.CT.BK.
Sarah, d. John and Joannah, Jan. 16, 1735. N.CT.BK.
Sarah, w. Jonathan, Feb. 22, 1826.
William, s. John and Joannah, Aug. 4, 1728. N.CT.BK.
Mary, d. Levi and Mary A., Dec. 14, 1838.
Ann [b. Cumberland, Eng. P.R.1.], w. Robert, [dropsy on the heart. P.R.1.], July 10, 1839, a. 62 y. G.R.8.
Maria [b. England. P.R.1.], w. Robert, consumption, May 28, 1842, a. 39 y. [a. 40 y. G.R.8.]
Miriam, d. Samuell and Elisabeth, at Amesbury, Sept. 14, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Alexander, at sea, ----, [recorded in 1817.]
Mary, wid. Alexander, Oct. 14, 1817. [Oct. 13, a. 30 y. G.R.2.]
Lydia, w. Roger, Oct. 19, 1811.
Roger, drowned, Aug. 8, 1807.
SWEAT (see also Swett)
----, ch. Samuel, dysentery, bur. [bet. Oct. 1 and Nov. 1.], 1798, a. 14 m. C.R.2.
SWEET (see also Swett)
Mary, d. Samuell and Elisabeth, Sept. 28, 1756.
Samuell, s. Samuell and Elisabeth, Oct. 23, 1760.
Stephen, s. Samuell and Elisabeth, July 28, 1764.
Theophilus, s. William and Anna, May 4, 1771.
SWETT (see also Sweat, Sweet)
Aaron, Feb. 12, 1815, a. 52 y. [Feb. 11, a. 53 y. G.R.3.]
Aaron [Dea. G.R.3.], Jan. 30, 1832. [a. 28 y. G.R.3.]
Abigail, w. Samuel, Feb. 13, 1795.
Abigail, wid., Dec. 13, 1802.
Anna, w. Capt. William [dropsy and consumption. C.R.2.], June 6, 1798. [June 5, a. 59 y. G.R.3; a. 64 y. C.R.2.]
Benjamin, Feb. 18, 1813.
John, s. Aaron, deceased, Nov. 13, 1821.
Molly, wid. Aaron, dropsy, Sept. 8, 1842. [a. 73 y. G.R.3.]
Moses, Dec. 3, 1831.
Nancy, w. Aaron, June 24, 1800.
Polly W., d. Aaron, Apr. 10, 1832.
Samuel, Oct. 20, 1804. [in his 71st y. G.R.6.]
Samuel, m., caulker, old age, bur. at the Mills, d. May 27, 1844, a. 83 y.
Susanna, wid., Apr. 6, 1760.
Timothy, s. Timothy and Polly, July 15, 1840.
William, jr., July 23, 1803.
William, Capt., Dec. 9, 1808.
TAPPAN (see also Toppan)
Clarissa, at Enoch Morrill's, Oct. 11, 1810.
Martha, July 4, 1717. N.CT.BK.
TAPPEN (see also Toppan)
Mary, w. James, Nov. 4, 1728, in her 23d y. G.R.2.
Elizabeth Low, May 3, 1846. C.R.5.
John, at Cape Henry, June 9, 1817.
TEWKSBURY (see also Tuxbury)
----, Mrs., apoplectic fit, bur. [bet. Jan. 7 and Feb. 11], 1798, a. 30 y. C.R.2.
THOMPSON (see also Tomson)
Hannah, Aug. ----, 1846. C.R.4.
Abigail, w. Samuell, June 4, 1731. N.CT.BK.
Hannah, w. James, suddenly, Mar. 16, 1740-41. N.CT.BK.
Mercy, w. James, Aug. 11, 1761.
----, wid., Dec. 6, 1789.
TIBBETTS (see also Tibetts)
Frederick [V. G.R.8.], s. William B. and Huldah H., bur. at the Mills, d. ---- [1846?], a. 2 y. [Oct. 30, 1845. G.R.8.]
Huldah [H. G.R.8.], b. Sandford, Me., w. William B., cholera, Sept. 9, 1849, a. 29 y.
TIBETTS (see also Tibbetts)
Sarah A., wid. Reuben [brain fever. P.R.1.], Aug. 31, 1846, a. 23 y. G.R.8.
James W., s. Alfred and Dolly, Aug. 23, 1844, a. 3 m. G.R.3.
Louisa, d. Alfred and Dolly, Apr. 2, 1837, a. 7 m. G.R.3.
TOMSON (see also Thompson)
David, s. Thomas and Lydia, May 13, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Elizabeth, w. John, Dec. 25, 1706. N.CT.BK.
John, s. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1706. N.CT.BK.
John, July 30, 1717. N.CT.BK.
Thomas, s. Thomas and Lydia, May 20, 1736. N.CT.BK.
----, d. Peter and Hannah, Apr. 2§, 1718. N.CT.BK.
TONGE (see also Tongue)
Mary, w. Steven, Apr. 24, 1700. N.CT.BK.
TONGUE (see also Tonge)
Joanna, d. Steven and Mary, July 20, 1693.
TOPPAN (see also Tappan, Tappen)
John, Dec. 26, 1723. N.CT.BK.
Ruth, wid. John, Feb. 23, 1741-2. N.CT.BK.
Elisha, July 12, 1835.
Sally W., w. [Capt. G.R.5.] Stephen W. [d. Capt. John and Abigail Dole. G.R.5.], erysipelas, June 15, 1843, a. 40 y.
James, s. Timothy and Martha, Apr. 18, 1749.
Martha, w. Timothy, Feb. 4, 1748.
Mary, wid., Feb. 14, 1767.
Abel, s. Jacob and Anne, Oct. 30, 1753. [Nov. 30, in his 3d y. G.R.2.]
Abigail, wid. Ens. Henry, Aug. 5, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Abraham, May 17, 1839. [a. 34 y. 8 m. G.R.4.]
Ann, d. John and Martha, May 24, 1713. N.CT.BK.
Ann, d. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 14, 1736-7. N.CT.BK.
Ann, w. Samuell, Nov. 16, 1742. N.CT.BK.
Anna, d. Winthrop and Dorothy, Dec. 18, 1743. N.CT.BK.
Anna, wid. Capt. William, Mar. 18, 1774.
Anna Pike, w. Samuel, Sept. 11, 1843, a. 81 y. 8 m. G.R.4.
Anne, d. Jacob and Anne, Oct. 28, 1753. [Nov. 28, in her 5th y. G.R.2.]
Anne, w. Henry, Aug. 18, 1756. [in her 48th y. G.R.2.]
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Judith, Feb. 11, 1725-6. N.CT.BK.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Mary, July ----, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Benjamin, July 4, 1748.
Benjamin, Dea., Apr. 21, 1779.
Benjamin [E. G.R.2.], unm., farmer, s. Dudley and Sarah, throat distemper, Jan. 2, 1846, a. 57 y.
Bradbury, s. William and Anna, June 4, 1737. N.CT.BK.
Daniel, s. John, jr. and Mary, Dec. 29, 1744. [Oct. 28, a. 1 y. G.R.2.]
Dorothy, w. [Capt. G.R.2.] Winthrop, Mar. 11, 1764. [in her 53d y. G.R.2.]
Dudley, Feb. 16, 1804. [1802, a. 66 y. G.R.2.]
Ebenezer, Aug. 22, 1799, in his 48th y. G.R.3.
Eleanor, wid. Lt. William, Apr. 29, 1768, in her 94th y.
Elenor, d. Dudley, Dec. 26, 1782.
Elisabeth, d. William and Anna, May 19, 17[37. T.C.]. N.CT.BK.
Ephraim [b. Seabrook, N.H., fever, at Seabrook, N.H. P.R.1.], Nov. 23, 1843, a. 44 y. G.R.8.
Ezekiel, Jan. 12, 1797. [in his 90th y. G.R. 4.]
Fanny C. [w. Ebenezer. G.R.3.], Mar. 19, 1831. [a. 20 y. G.R.3.]
Hannah, d. Abraham and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1748.
Hannah, w. Samuell, jr., July 21, 1768. [a. 39 y. 21 d. G.R.4.]
Hannah, d. Moses [and Ruth. dup.], Dec. 28, 1818.
Henery, Ens., Nov. 1, 1722. N.CT.BK.
Henry, Capt., Sept. 8, 1735. N.CT.BK.
Henry, May ----, 1778.
Henry, Mar. 12, 1826.
Isarall, s. Joseph and Keziah, Aug. 25, 1712. N.CT.BK.
Jabez, s. Jabez, jr. and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1746.
Jabez, Dea., May 22, 1749.
Jabez, s. Jabez [and Ruth. P.R.64.], Nov. 16, 1798.
Jabez [Elder, minister of the Gospel 40 years. G.R.4.], May 2, 1835. [in his 72d y. G.R.4.]
Jacob, Apr. 11, 1745.
Jacob, Aug. 31, 1766.
Jane, w. Capt. Henry, Jan. 24, 1729-30. N.CT.BK.
Jemima, d. Benjamin and Mary, Feb. 22, 1736-7. N.CT.BK.
John, s. Joseph, Dec. 13, 1677.
John, jr., Dec. 31, 1762, a. 65 y. 11 m. 12 d. G.R.4.
Joseph [jr. dup.], Serg., Dec. 22, 1718. N.CT.BK. [in his 67th y. G.R.1.]
Joseph, s. Benjamin and Mary, Oct. 27, 1745.
Joshuah, s. Henry and Abigail, Mar. 9, 1710-11. N.CT.BK.
Judath, d. William and Eleanor, June 7, 1716. N.CT.BK.
Judith, wid. Benjamin, Feb. ----, 1782.
Kezia, d. Benjamin and Mary, Dec. 14, 1731. N.CT.BK.
Lois, d. Jabez and Ruth, July 16, 1793. P.R.64.
Lois, d. Jabez and Ruth, July 30, 1803.
Marshfield, s. Jabez and Sarah, Feb. 24, 1758.
Martha, w. Dea. John, Nov. 19, 1754.
Martha, d. Jabez and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1756.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Mary, Mar. 15, 1717-18. N.CT.BK.
Mary, d. Benjamine and Mary, May 1, 1721. N.CT.BK.
Mary, d. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 21, 1736-7. N.CT.BK.
Mary, sister Moses, smallpox, Feb. 22, 1782.
Mary, wid. Henry, formerly w. Micajah Morrill [mortification. C.R.2.], Jan. 17, 1801, in her 93d y.
Mary, d. Samuel, 3d, Oct. 18, 1810.
Mary, w. Samuel, July 13, 1823. [a. 52 y. G.R.2.]
Mary, w. Samuel, July 1, 1824.
Mary, b. Seabrook, N.H., d. Moses and Dolly, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Apr.8, 1846, a. 22 y. 7 m.
Mary, d. Samuel and Mary [A. G.R.3.], canker, Sept. 9, 1848, a. 16 d.
Mary P., only d. John and Joanna, Oct. 4, 1844, a. 22 y. G.R.4.
Mercy, d. Benjamin and Mary, Jan. 31, 1736-7. N.CT.BK.
Miriam, Dec. 20, 1805, a. 22 y. G.R.4.
Moses, smallpox, Feb. ----, 1782. [Feb. 8, in his 67th y. G.R.10.]
Moses, Dec. 28, 1807. [a. 69 y. G.R.2.]
Moses, May 16, 1838, a. 20 y. G.R.4.
Newcom, s. Henry and Anna, Aug. 11, 1755.
Paul, Nov. 14, 1785, in his 20th y. G.R.4.
Ruth, d. Joseph, jr. and Keziah, Nov. 20, 1718. N.CT.BK.
Ruth, wid. Serg. Joseph, Dec. 16, 1719. N.CT.BK.
Ruth, d. John, jr. and Mary, Jan. 6, 1749. [1748, a. 13 m. G.R.2.]
Ruth, d. Henry and Anna, Nov. 4, 1754.
Ruth, w. Ebenezer, Jan. 8, 1798, in her 42d y. G.R.3.
Ruth, wid. Elder Jabez, Oct. 28, 1843, a. 80 y. G.R.4.
Samuel, s. Joseph and Jemima, June 11, 1749.
Samuel, Oct. 18, 1770.
Samuel [Dea. G.R. 4.], Nov. 11, 1815, a. 88 y. [Nov. 10, a. 87 y. G.R.4.]
Samuel, widr., farmer, old age, June 19, 1847, a. 91 y. [June 18, in his 89th y. G.R.4.]
Samuel, jr., widr., farmer, s. Dudley, old age, June 23, 1847, a. 84 y.
Samuell, s. Henry and Abigail, June 29, 1701. N.CT.BK.
Samuell, s. Henry and Abigell, Aug. 19, 1704. N.CT.BK.
Samuell, s. Dudley and Sarah, Aug. 31, 1765.
Sarah, w. Samuel, Feb. 17, 1812, a. 72 y.
Sarah, w. Dudley, July 1, 1824, a. 81 y. G.R.2.
Sarah [(Smith). G.R.2.], w. Moses, Feb. 25, 1809. [a. 68 y. G.R.2.]
Thomas, Sept. 27, 1775.
William, s. William and Anna, Mar. 17, 1725-6. N.CT.BK.
William, Lt., Mar. 18, 1733-4. N.CT.BK.
William, Capt., June 10, 1768.
William, s. Winthrop and Dorothy, Sept. 22, 1770.
William, Sept. 18, 1821. [Sept. 8, a. 45 y. G.R.2.]
William, s. Ebenezer, ----, 1837.
Winthrop, jr., Oct. 8, 1770. [in his 31st y. G.R.2.]
Winthrop, Capt., July 26, 1783.
Winthrop [s. William and Susanna (Lowell). P.R.46.], Aug. 30, 1835. [a. 32 y. G.R.3.]
----, s. Samuell and Ann, Nov. 3, 1736. N.CT.BK.
----, d. Samuell and Ann, Nov. 3, 1736. N.CT.BK.
----, ch. Jabez and Ruth, Apr. 1, 1788. P.R.64.
----, ch. stillborn, Samuel, 4th and Mary (Adams), Jan. 23, 1843. P.R.42.
Hannah [b. Amesbury. P.R.1.], wid. Moses, affection of the heart, bur. Amesbury, d. Apr. 7, 1847, a. 75 y.
Jane W[ells. G.R.8.], b. Amesbury, d. John [L. G.R.8.] and Hannah [L. G.R.8.], infantile, at Amesbury, Apr. 28, 1838, a. 9 m. 3 d. P.R.1.
Benjamin, s. Jabez and Ruth, Sept. ----, 1770.
Benjamin, s. Dea. Ebenezer, July 23, 1801.
Betsy, ----, 1827.
Charles Emerson, s. [Dea. G.R.8.] Ebenezer [and Ethelinda (Wadleigh). G.R.8; fits. P.R.1.], May 2, 1834. [a. 1 y. 8 m. 5 d. G.R.8.]
David W., s. David T. and Eleanor, infant cholera, Aug. 29, 1849, a. 1 y. 5 m.
Ebenezer, Aug. 14, 1814, a. 77 y.
Elizabeth, w. Morris, 16: 8 m: 1662.
Hannah, d. Jabez and Ruth, ----, 1770.
Hannah, wid. James, July 18, 1773, in her 75th y.
Hope, w. Ebenezer, Dec. 6, 1811.
Jabez, Mar. 6, 1781.
James, July 7, 1769, in his 73d y. [July 6. G.R.2.]
James, s. James, Nov. 15, 1820.
James, yeoman, lung fever, June 16, 1842, a. 71 y.
Joseph, June 30, 1743. N.CT.BK.
Martha, w. [Dea. C.R.2.] Ebenezer [fever. C.R.2.], Jan. 22, 1801.
Molly, w. Samuel A., Aug. 14, 1801.
Nancy, d. James, Aug. 10, 1810. [Aug. 11. dup.]
Parker, s. Moses and Johannah, May 7, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Phebe, w. Joseph, Dec. 29, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Samuel, May 3, 1840.
----, wid., Nov. 23, 1793.
TUKESBURY (see also Tuxbury)
Sarah, w. Dea. David, July 19, 1811. [a. 75 y. G.R.2.]
TUXBEARY (see also Tuxbury)
David, Jan. 1, 1813, a. 84 y.
TUXBURY (see also Tewksbury, Tukesbury, Tuxbeary)
Dorothy, w. Dea. David, Feb. 11, 1799.
Isaac, Aug. 29, 1835. C.R.4.
Nancy, ----, 1842. C.R.4.
Emery, s. Emery H. and Elizabeth A., Mar. 17, 1845, a. 5 w. G.R.6.
Emery H., Aug. 18, 1841, a. 27 y. G.R.6.
Susannah, w. James, Aug. 20, 1732. N.CT.BK.
Nancy R., b. Dracut, w. John, consumption, bur. Dracut, d. June 21, 1848, a. 23 y.
WADLEIGH (see also Wadligh)
Abigill, wid., Apr. ----, 1762.
Adams, s. Enoch, Oct. 25, 1810.
Adams, Feb. 3, 1822. [Jan. 28, in his 72d y. G.R.3.]
Benjamin, Jan. 21, 1787, in his 75th y. G.R.2.
Benjamin, s. Joseph and Anna, Nov. 16, 1795, in his 4th y. G.R.6.
Benjamin, jr., s. Benjamin, Dec. 24, 1809.
Benjamin, June 3, 1813.
Benjamin, s. Benjamin D. and Lois, Mar. 12, 1816.
Ebenezer, s. Ephraim, Jan. 8, 1810.
Eleazer J., Dec. 12, 1840. [a. 33 y. G.R.6.]
Elijah, s. Joseph, Dec. 6, 1811. [a. 31 y. G.R.3.]
Eliza, d. Pauline, Sept. 22, 1827, a. 1 y. 11 m. G.R.6.
Elizabeth, wid. [Capt. G.R.3.] Joseph, Oct. 9, 1822, a. 67 y.
Enoch, s. Ephraim and Sarah, May 30, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Enoch, s. Ephraim and Sarah, June 27, 1738. N.CT.BK.
Ephraim, July 30, 1823.
Ephraim B. [Maj. G.R.6.], s. Ephraim, Dec. 12, 1826, a. 38 y.
Hannah, w. Benjamin, Oct. 15, 1807.
Hannah, w. Phillip, Dec. 12, 1820. [a. 67 y. G.R.6.]
Henry, Aug. ----, 1842, a. 59 y. 8 m. G.R.6.
Horace, s. Eleazer J. and Sarah, July 2, 1842, a. 4 y. G.R.6.
John, s. Joseph and Abigail, Apr. 27, 1718. N.CT.BK.
John, Capt., Nov. 7, 1727. N.CT.BK.
John, Feb. 10, 1776.
Jonathan, s. Ephraim and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1735. N.CT.BK.
Joseph, Nov. 25, 1727. N.CT.BK.
Joseph, s. Capt. Joseph [and Elizabeth. G.R.3.], Sept. 26, 1790. [in his 2d y. G.R.3.]
Joseph [asthma. C.R.2.], Feb. 8, 1799. [in his 47th y. G.R.6.]
Joseph, Capt., June 21, 1808, a. 55 y.
Joseph, s. Elijah, deceased, at sea, Sept. 8, 1828.
Joseph [Dea. G.R.3.], Mar. 29, 1829. [a. 38 y. G.R.3.]
Joseph [Guest, s. Philip and Nancy. G.R.6.], Aug. 5, 1831. [a. 2 y. 21 d. G.R.6.]
Joseph W., s. Eliphalet and Elizabeth, at New Orleans, Jan. 1, 1841, a. 23 y. P.R.1.
Judith, d. Benjamin and Judith, June 1, 1760.
Judith, w. Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1769.
Lois, Jan. 28, 1832.
Lois [Mrs. G.R.1.], Oct. 12, 1838, a. 83 y. [Oct. 11, a. 82 y. G.R.1.]
Mary, w. John, June 10, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Mary, May 12, 1816, a. 96 y.
Mary, b. Newbury, w. Joseph, Jan. 26, 1846, a. 67 y.
Molly [consumption. C.R.2.], Mar. 25, 1798. [in her 55th y. G.R.6.]
Moses, Feb. 28, 1781. [a. 57 y. P.R.30.]
Moses, s. Philip [and Hannah. P.R.30.], Dec. 5, 1801. [a. 24 y. G.R.6.]
Naomi [w. Adams. G.R.3.], Sept. 27, 1832. [Sept. 20, a. 72 y. G.R.3.]
Peter, Oct. 23, 1815.
Philip, s. Moses and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1753.
Philip, Jan. 9, 1822. [a. 68 y. G.R.6.]
Philip, m., cordwainer, s. Philip and Hannah, dropsy, Sept 22, 1849, a. 55 y. [Sept. 27. P.R.30.]
Sarah, d. Moses and Sarah, May 5, 1759.
Sarah, wid., Feb. 16, 1776.
Sarah, w. Adams, May 4, 1795.
Sarah, Nov. 10, 1812.
Sarah [wid. Moses. P.R.30.], June ----, 1815, a. 90 y. [a. 88 y. P.R.30.]
Sarah A., b. Clinton, Me., w. Benjamin, consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. May 11, 1848, a. 25 y.
Sophronia, d. Peter, deceased, Jan. 26, 1825.
William, s. Joseph and Abegall, May 10, 1718. N.CT.BK.
----, s. Joseph and Ann, Apr. ----, 1718. N.CT.BK.
----, ch. Joseph and Abigail, June 15, 1724. N.CT.BK.
----, ch. John, jr. and Mary, Feb. 13, 1726-7. N.CT.BK.
----, wid. Capt. John, Nov. 21, 1727. N.CT.BK.
WADLIGH (see also Wadleigh)
Patience, d. Capt. Richard, Mar. 22, 1724-5. N.CT.BK.
Rebecca, d. Capt. Richard, Feb. 23, 1724-5. N.CT.BK.
Richard, s. Richard, June 22, 1724. N.CT.BK.
Richard, July 2, 1745.
Sarah, w. Capt. Richard, Jan. 12, 1739-40. N.CT.BK.
Hannah, w. Michael, June 18, 1803, a. 38 y. G.R.3.
John, s. Michael and Hannah, at St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 3, 1845, a. 51 y. G.R.3.
Michael, a native of Ireland, Aug. 20, 1840, a. 77 y. G.R.3.
George, s. Col. Samuel [and Nancy. G.R.1.], July 10, 1817. [a. 22 m. G.R.1.]
George, s. Col. Samuel, Aug. 12, 1820.
Nancy, w. William, Nov. 5, 1827, a. 84 y. G.R.1.
Nancy, wid. Samuel, affection of the heart, Aug. 9, 1849, a. 71 y. [a. 70 y. G.R.1.]
Sally Coffin, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Oct. 19, 1831, a. 3 y. 3 m. G.R.1.
Samuel, m., mariner, cancer in the stomach, Aug. 7, 1847, a. 76 y.
Sarah, w. William, May 28, 1765.
William, m., laborer, killed by a premature explosion blasting rocks, bur. Seabrook, N.H., d. Mar. 24, 1846.
Hannah, m., consumption, Apr. 30, 1845, a. 44 y.
Hannah, d. John, Apr. 12, 1695. N.CT.BK.
John, s. John, ----, [1691?]
John, Apr. 25, 1710. N.CT.BK.
Joseph, June 16, 1810.
Mary, wid. Joseph, Mar. 22, 1814.
Abigill, d. Daniel and Abigill, Jan. ----, 1772.
Anna, d. Daniel and Anna, consumption, July 26, 1846, a. 38 y. 9 m.
Anne, d. Stephen and Hannah, May 5, 1747.
Benjamin, s. Stephen and Hannah, May 13, 1750.
Benjamin, July 18, 1809.
Betsey F., w. Benjamin N., consumption, Dec. 15, 1844, a. 24 y. [Dec. 13. G.R.3.]
Betty, d. [Capt. G.R.2.] Stephen and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1753. [in her 18th y. G.R.2.]
Betty, w. Jonathan [consumption. C.R.2.], Apr. 29, 1800. [a. 35 y. G.R.3.]
Cyrus, unm., s. Nathaniel and Judith, fever, June 6, 1846, a. 29 y.
Daniel, Apr. 7, 1752.
Daniel, s. Daniel, jr. [and Anna. G.R.3.], Feb. 25, 1801. [a. 5 m. 14 d. G.R.3.]
Daniel, Jan. 24, 1812, a. 67 y. Sept. 15, 1811.
Daniel, m., merchant, s. Daniel and Lydia, affection of the heart, Aug. 14, 1848, a. 76 y.
Dolley, d. Rev. ----, Dec. 21, 1781.
Dorothy, d. Samuel, Aug. 5, 1793.
Elbridge Gerry, s. Moses, May 12, 1812.
Elisabeth, d. Rev. Samuel and Elisabeth, Dec. 29, 1771. [Oct. 29, in her 27th y. G.R.2.]
Elisebeth, wid. Dr. [Rev. G.R.2.] Samuel, May 28, 1804. [in her 80th y. G.R.2.]
Eliza Ann, d. Moses, July 27, 1833.
Enoch, s. Israel and Susannah, Dec. 1, 1734. N.CT.BK.
Frances, d. Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 4, 1781.
Hannah, d. Grant and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1753, a. 10 y. 6 m. G.R.2.
Israel, s. Israel and Susanna, Sept. 2, 1747.
Israel, s. Stephen and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1751.
John, Apr. 12, 1737. N.CT.BK.
John, s. Grant and Hannah, Oct. 30, 1753, a. 5 y. 4 m. G.R.2.
John, s. Stephen and Hannah, Dec. 18, 1754.
John, Nov. 13, 1807.
Jonathan, s. Jonathan [and Betsy. G.R.3.], Dec. 26, 1799. [a. 6 m. G.R.3.]
Jonathan, s. Philip. Oct. 12, 1807.
Jonathan, s. Rev. Samuel, deceased, Aug. 21, 1811. [a. 50 y. G.R.3.]
Judith [Wadleigh. G.R.3.], wid. Nathaniel, Nov. 1, 1839, a. 48 y.
Judith, w. Moses, Aug. 10, 1844, a. 72 y. G.R.3.
Laura, w. Jonathan B., Mar. 5, 1836.
Lucey, d. Rev. Samuell and Elizabeth, May 25, 1769.
Luke, at sea, July 2, 1800.
Lydia, d. Philip, Sept. 18, 1807.
Lydia, wid. Daniel, Oct. 6, 1817. [a. 72 y. G.R.3.]
Mary, w. Jonathan B., Jan. 27, 1834.
Meriam [Mary. G.R.3.], w. Enoch, Sept. 24, 1794. [in her 24th y. G.R.3.]
Moses, Feb. 8, 1816. [a. 44 y. G.R.3.]
Moses [b. Amesbury. P.R.1.], hemorrhage of the bowels, Apr. 8, 1842, a. 35 y.
Nabby, Apr. 2, 1790.
Nathanel, May 6, 1784. [in his 37th y. G.R.2.]
Nathaniel, Sept. 12, 1820. [a. 32 y. G.R.3.]
Philip, shipwright, erysipelas, June 19, 1843, a. 61 y.
Phillip, inf. s. Phillip, Jan. 25, 1818.
Ruben, drowned, Sept. 29, 1766.
Sally, d. Jonathan [and Betsey. G.R.3.], Feb. 18, 1800. [Feb. 19. G.R.3; a. 3 y. C.R.2.]
Sally [w. Isaac. G.R.6.], d. William Morrill, Nov. 6, 1807. [a. 22 y. G.R.6.]
Sally, w. Philip, May 23, 1817.
Sally, wid. [Capt. G.R.3.] Stephen, lung fever, May 11, 1848, a. 75 y.
Samuel, Rev., jr., s. Rev. Samuel, Aug. 4, 1777, in his 34th y. P.R.37.
Samuel, Rev., D. D. [Pastor of West Parish Church. C.R.2.], July 18, 1796, in his 78th y. and 55th y. of his ministry.
Samuel, jr., Sept. 2, 1819, a. 25 y.
Samuel, July 3, 1821.
Sarah, d. Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth, Apr. 17, 1770. [in her 22d y. G.R.2.]
Stephen, Capt., at sea, ----, 1814, a. 43 y. G.R.3.
Stephen Henry, s. Jonathan B. and Abby, cholera morbus, bur. Amesbury, d. Sept. 5, 1848, a. 5 y. 6 m.
Susann [consumption. C.R.2.], Dec. 29, 1799. [bur. Dec. 28, a. 17 y. C.R.2.]
Susanna, wid., Feb. 26, 1776.
Susannah, d. Moses, Apr. 14, 1801.
Susannah, d. Moses, Aug. 21, 1803.
William, s. Rev. Samuell and Elisabeth, Jan. 4, 1775.
William, ----, 1849. C.R.4.
----, s. Israel and Susannah, Apr. 3, 1737. N.CT.BK.
----, w. Andrew, Jan. 30, 1741-2. N.CT.BK.
----, w. Nathan, ----, 1767.
----, ch. En., bur. [bet. Aug. 21 and Nov. 10], 1797. C.R.2.
Anne, Mar. 19, 1743-4.
Henry, s. Elisha and Sarah, at Samuell Adams', July 12, 1738. N.CT.BK.
Anna, wid. Nathan, Dec. 8, 1813, a. 71 y.
Dolly, w. Thomas, Apr. 16, 1812.
Joseph, Feb. 23, 1808.
Mary S., Feb. 27, 1832.
Nathan, hatter, apoplexy, Mar. 4, 1844, a. 64 y.
Richard, Dea., July 12, 1672.
Samuel, May 10, 1831. [May 3, a. 47 y. G.R.8.]
Thomas, Aug. 16, 1815.
Fitch, trader, killed by being thrown from a sleigh, Jan. 22, 1844, a. 47 y.
WHEELER (see also Wheler)
Josiah, Dec. 21, 1734. N.CT.BK.
Mosis, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1705. N.CT.BK.
William, s. Josiah and Elizabeth, June 26, 1716. N.CT.BK.
John, Rev., "Pastor of ye Church of Salisbury," [2d minister in Salisbury, called from Wells, apoplectic fit. C.R.1.], Nov. 15, 1679. [in an advanced age, and 17th y. of his ministry. C.R.1.]
WHELER (see also Wheeler)
Abigail, d. Josiah and Elisabeth, Mar. 18, 1727-8. N.CT.BK.
Henry, s. Jeremiah and Patience, Feb. 13, 1727-8. N.CT.BK.
Henry, s. Jeremiah and Patience, May 17, 1736. N.CT.BK.
WHICHER (see also Whitter)
Hannah, wid. William, dropsy, Nov. 26, 1843, a. 74 y. [Nov. 24, a. 73 y. G.R.3.]
Mary, wid. Nathaniell, July 19, 1742. N.CT.BK.
William [Capt. G.R.3.], mariner, apoplexy, Aug. 30, 1842, a. 75 y. [Sept. 20. G.R.3.]
WHITCHER (see also Whitter)
Mary, w. Corp. Nathaniell, May 11, 1705. N.CT.BK.
William A., s. Robert and Sally, Aug. 12, 1839, a. 20 y. G.R.6.
Sarah, "Sister to the Revd. Mr. Webster's wife," Dec. 17, 1781.
WHITER (see also Whitter)
Nathaniell, Corp., July 18, 1722. N.CT.BK.
Rubin, Nov. 18, 1722. N.CT.BK.
Betsy, wid. Joshua, Oct. 30, 1828.
WHITTER (see also Whicher, Whitcher, Whiter, Witchier)
Sarah, d. Joseph and Martha, Dec. 29, 1748.
WHITTIER, see Whitter.
Abraham, Apr. 25, 1736. N.CT.BK.
----, w. Stephen, Nov. 17, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Samuel [s. William, very sudden. P.R.39.], Oct. 8, 1839. [a. 53 y. G.R.3.]
John, a foreigner, Jan. 21, 1839.
Catharine, d. Joseph, June 7, 1826.
Esther I., d. Joseph, July 23, 1827.
Giles, s. James and Mary, Dec. 18, 1849. G.R.8.
Joseph, May 19, 1823.
Peter, s. Joseph, Dec. 7, 1824.
Mary, servant to Thomas Bradbury, Nov. 16, 1709. N.CT.BK.
Bellshazer [Willix. CT.R.], 23: 11 m: 1650.
Mary, wid., July ----, 1675.
Sarah, at Lt. Caleb Cushing's, July 6, 1736. N.CT.BK.
Molley, July 1, 1803.
Nancy [Wells, Miss, consumption. C.R.2.], Dec. 9, 1799. [a. 29 y. C.R.2.]
Hannah O., d. Joshua [and Lydia O. P.R.9.], Mar. 7, 1837. [a. 23 y. G.R.6.]
James, m., wheelwright, b. Windham, N.H. [b. Haverhill. P.R.1.], affection of the heart, bur. at the Mills, d. June 11, 1847, a. 76 y.
Joshua, Aug. 28, 1846, a. 65 y. G.R.6.
Lorenzo, m., farmer, s. Joshua and Lydia, consumption, Apr. 6, 1846, a. 27 y. 10 m.
Lydia, w. Moses G., Sept. 3, 1844, a. 33 y. P.R.9.
Lydia Ann, d. Moses G. and Lydia, Sept. 18, 1844, a. 3 m. 10 d. P.R.9.
Lydia O., w. Joshua, Jan. 1, 1844, a. 65 y. G.R.6.
Osgood, s. Moses G. and Lydia [chickenpox. P.R.1.], Nov. 15, 1843, a. 1 y. 3 m. 10 d. G.R.8.
George Francis, s. George, Jan. 27, 1838.
Anna, Mar. 27, 1806.
Thomas, Mar. 27, 1817.
WINGATE (see also Wingit)
Jonathan, "on board of a British Prison ship at New York," ----, 1782.
WINGIT (see also Wingate)
John, s. Edmond and Elisabeth, Oct. 23, 1769.
Samuel, m., yeoman, consumption or cancer in the stomach, bur. at the Mills, d. June 25, 1847, a. 65 y.
WINSLEY (see also Winsly)
Elisabeth, Apr. 25, 1742. N.CT.BK.
Ephraim, sr., Oct. 8, 1709. N.CT.BK.
Ephraim, jr., Nov. 27, 1709. N.CT.BK.
Martha, d. Ephraim and Mary, Aug. 22, 1697. N.CT.BK.
Mary, w. Ephraim, Aug. 11, 1697. N.CT.BK.
WINSLY (see also Winsley)
Ann, wid. [Mar. T.C.] 21, 1676-7.
Elizabeth, w. Samuell, 2: 4 m: 1649.
[Martha. T.C.], d. Ephraim, ----[4. T.C.], 1677.
Samuell, 2: 4 m: 1663.
----, Mrs., bur. at Seabrook [after June, 1797.]. C.R.2.
WITCHIER (see also Whitter)
Richard, on board the prison ship, at Bermuda, ----, 1783.
Elizabeth, May ----, 1840. C.R.4.
Sukey, w. Timothy, Dec. 21, 1810.
Tryall, June 11, 1678.
Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1832.
Ellen, b. South Hampton, N.H., d. Stephen [and Sally, watery head. P.R.45.], at South Hampton, N.H., Apr. 10, 1841, a. 3 m. 2 d. P.R.1. [1842. P.R.45.]
James, s. James B. and Almira, convulsion fits, bur. South Hampton, d. Apr. 30, 1849, a. 8 d.
Nathaniel, Mar. 17, 1823.
Warren Augustus, s. John C. and Judith S., measles, bur. South Hampton, N.H., d. Mar. ----, 1847, a. 11 m.
Elizabeth, d. William, ----, 1649.
Joanna, w. Daniel, Apr. 14, 1744.
Sarah, d. William, 1: 2 m: 1641.
Sarah, d. William, 9: 1 m: 1649-50.
Sarah, w. William, 23: 2 m: 1650.
William, Rev., "Pastor of ye Church of Salisbury" [1st minister in Salisbury. C.R.1.], 28: 8 m: 1662. [in an advanced age, abt. the 20th y. of his ministry. C.R.1.]
WORTHEN (see also Worthin)
Amos, m., shipwright, b. Amesbury, s. Barnard, consumption, Sept. 15, 1845, a. 77 y.
Ann, Sept. 11, 1815, a. 67 y.
Ezekiel, Oct. 23, 1830. [a. 59 y. 6 m. G.R.3.]
Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel, May 16, 1840. [a. 34 y. G.R.6.]
Ezra [h. Ruth (Tibbets). P. B. 33.], jeweller, July 15, 1843. [a. 42 y. P.R.33.]
Ezra, s. Ezra and Ruth [(Tibbets). P.R.33.], consumption, bur. at the Mills, d. Aug. 28, 1844, a. 5 m. [Aug. 27. P.R.33.]
Herbert, s. Ezekiel [and Ruth. G.R.6.], Apr. 4, 1840. [a. 2 y. G.R.6.]
Jacob, Lt., Apr. 28, 1791.
John, Jan. 10, 1742-3. N.CT.BK.
John, Francis, s. James and Eliza, b. Feb. 28, 1838, d. Sept. 27, 1838. G.R.3.
Mary Agnes, d. Ezra and Ruth, consumption, Oct. 14, 1843, a. 1 y. 1 m. G.R.8.
Mary Ann [d. Amos and Ruth. G.R.3.], Feb. 23, 1836. [a. 31 y. 7 m. G.R.3.]
Ruth, Mar. 7, 1849, a. 51 y. G.R.3.
Sarah, wid. Lt. Jacob, Feb. 4, 1794, in her 87th y.
Stephen G., b. Sandford, Me., s. Ezra and Ruth, consumption, July 4, 1834, a. 9 m. P.R.1.
William S., s. Amos [and Ruth, at Point Peter. G.R.3.], July 18, 1811. [July 17, a. 17 y. 10 m. G.R.3.]
----, wid., at her son Samuell Fowler's, June 29, 1730. N.CT.BK.
WORTHIN (see also Worthen)
Dolly, d. Amos [and Ruth. G.R.3.], Feb. 12, 1811. [a. 15 y. 5 m. G.R.3.]
Apphia, wid. Pierce, Mar. 11, 1824.
John, s. Peirce and Anne, Apr. 23, 1750.
Perce, Feb. 24, 1756.
YOUNG (see also Younge)
Benjamin [Maj. P.R.51.], Aug. 4, 1814, a. 60 y.
Benjamin, s. Thomas [and Mary. G.R.3.], Mar. 8, 1837. [a. 3 w. G.R.3.]
Edward, June 28, 1743. N.CT.BK.
Hannah, d. Henery and Ruth, Apr. 5, 1718. N.CT.BK.
Henery, Sept. 7, 1716. N.CT.BK.
John Frasier [b. Pelham, N.H., ulcer, at Amesbury. P.R.1.], May 11, 1827, in his 38th y. G.R.8.
Judith, wid. [Maj. P.R.51.] Benjamin, Aug. 27, 1840, a. 84 y.
Mary [Mary Elizabeth. G.R.3.], w. [Capt. G.R.3.] Thomas, Apr. 13, 1839. [a. 40 y. 5 m. G.R.3.]
Sally Long, July 24, 1848. C.R.6.
Sarah, w. Capt. Benjamin, July 29, 1792.
Thomas, S. Thomas [and Mary. G.R.3.], Mar. 9, 1837. [a. 3 w. G.R.3.]
William, s. Benjamin, May 30, 1812.
----, w. Edward, Dec. 18, 1732. N.CT.BK.
YOUNGE (see also Young)
Elizabeth, d. Edward and Hanah, ---- 16, 1703. N.CT.BK.
----, David, Nov. 7, 1748.
----, ----, d. ----, "A Foundling left at the door of the house of Joshua R. Cheswell, in the night of June 14, 1845, supposed to be about 2 dys old," fits, "at the house of T. P. Morrill, Mills," Aug. 29, 1845, a. 2 m. 17 d.
Burnham, Charles, at the almshouse, Jan. 31, 1831.
Coggswell, George, at sea, of hunger and thirst, June 5, 1810.
Dowrey, Lowis, Oct. 26, 1810.
Judith, slave of Rev. Joseph Parsons, Dec. 5, 1729. N.CT.BK.
Price, George, m., drosy, at the almshouse, June 4, 1846, a. 50 y.
Sharp, William, Feb. 26, 1809.
Sharp, ----, "by a musquet ball on board the Liverpool Packet, British Privateer," ----, 1813.
Smith, Lydia, wid. Jesse, Dec. 28, 1820.
Watkins, Eliza A., d. Joseph and Annah, fall, May 13, 1848, a. 6 y. 6 m.
